PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD Documentation Release 0.1 May, 2017 Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. About Palantir Mission Control Logging In Frequently Asked Questions Palantir Contact and Support Cheat Sheet: Sample Workflows for Mission Creation, Evaluation and Crime Briefings a. Situational Awareness Tab: Create a mission b. Missions and Evaluate Missions Tabs: Evaluate a mission c. CSOC Tab: Review cross border violent crimes d. Compstat and Laser Tabs: Prepare for Compstat 6. User Manual: Features Descriptions Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD 1. About Palantir Mission Control: Palantir Mission Control is a mission creation, analysis, and reporting platform that quickly uncovers historic and recent crime trends for daily or weekly mission planning using a historic calendar tool, daily crime alerting system, and a mission planning and crime insights map. This platform can be used to create missions for patrol, metro and laser zones within a division or across division boundaries. Palantir Mission Control, located at , is a separate, analytical tool from the Palantir Crimeco Dashboard, located at The Palantir Crimeco Dashboard can be used for long term crime analysis and alerting. The Situational Awareness page in Palantir Mission Control provides a close look at repeated historic crime due to a holiday or significant date. Custom dates, such as gang retaliation days or the last day of school, can be entered in the calendar. Selecting a date on the calendar pops open a historic crime map that shows the previous two years’ crimes on that same date. Crime Goal Alerts allow captains to identify daily and weekly crime problems so that they can prepare targeted, efficient missions by crime type and shift. The Crime Map and Mission Creation tools allow users to geographically identify recent crimes by type, MO codes, and shift for a selected date range. Crime details can be viewed for each individual crime or in the aggregate. Cross area gang, gun and violent crimes can be analyzed to create missions that span division boundaries in the CSOC tool. Selected crimes can be exported into the Palantir Investigative Workspace for deeper analysis to uncover criminal networks. The Mission Reporting and Evaluation tool will enable a division to assess whether a mission was completed and understand its impact through a detailed comparison of police presence, crime, and officer productivity using AVL, DPS, and crime data. Dosage is automatically aggregated and calculated for the selected mission area, including laser zones (in the Laser tab), to compare against crimes in those areas for any given time range. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD 2. Logging in To log into Palantir Mission Control, please use the following steps: 1. Make sure you are connected to LAPD’s network/internet. You can connect via your landline in your office (ex: your LAPD desktop will automatically be connected), or through a VPN if you are remote accessing in (ex: if you are trying to log in from home or not in the office). a. Here is how you can get a VPN for remote, non-office, access: i. Download Sonic Wall ii. Open the app once it is downloaded iii. For the network address, type in: iv. User name and password should be your serial number and LAN password. v. If you continue to have trouble, please contact LAPD ITB for help. 2. Open up Google Chrome. You must open Palantir Mission Control in Google Chrome; The dashboard will not show up in Internet Explorer. 3. In the URL (or 4. Your user name is 5. Your password is address field, not the search field), type in: . . Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD 3. Frequently Asked Questions 1. I am having trouble logging in, what am I doing wrong? a. Answer: Are you using Google Chrome? Remember, the dashboard will not work on any other browser. b. Answer: Is your password up to date? If not, please contact LAPD ITB for support and password resetting. c. Answer: If you are remote (e.g. home) and not in the office at LAPD, are you VPN’d into LAPD’s network? If not, you will need to download Sonic Wall/Aventail and work with ITB to set up your remote login. This is a security measure to protect LAPD’s data. d. Answer: Have you typed in the correct URL/address into the URL line of Google Chrome? If not, you will receive the below error: Note: you can “Bookmark” (or “Favorite”) the link for easy access later by clicking on the “star” in the upper right hand corner of the address line (see below). Once you click on the “star”, a pop up screen will allow you to “Name” the URL. Once you do that, click “Done”. Now you can easily access the link which will show up as a tab below the address line in Google Chrome. e. Answer: Are you allowed access to LAPD’s data? If so, and you are not able to access the dashboard, you may not have been granted permission. Please contact the Palantir support team (see, next section) for access. 2. Will this be available on iPad? a. Answer: Palantir Mission Control will be configured for iPad release after the desktop roll-out and training are conducted. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD 3. How is this different than the Palantir Crimeco Dashboard? Are they connected in any way? a. Answer: The Palantir Crimeco Dashboard, used every Monday during the Chief’s Crime Briefing, is a high level, crime alerting tool that allows for fast, top-down analysis of weekly crime. The scope of the crime analysis is on a weekly basis and allows for trend analysis based on short, medium, and long term crime changes (represented through Crimeco). Palantir Mission Control is a day-to-day crime analysis platform that is intended to facilitate better crime insight generation, dosage and productivity recording, for mission planning and evaluation. You can easily access the Palantir Crimeco Dashboard from Palantir Mission Control by going to the Compstat tab. 4. What kind of analysis should I do in the Palantir Workspace versus Palantir Mission Control? a. Answer: Palantir Mission Control allows areas to drill down into key crimes, victims’ patterns, suspect patterns, and weapons to conduct patrol and metro mission planning. The Palantir Workspace takes those specific crimes and patterns that are uncovered in Palantir Mission Control and can generate deeper analysis on the underlying causes, criminal networks, and related vehicle, crime, and suspect information. Both tools are meant to be used together in order to generate the most analytical insight into what is causing crime in a specific area and how to best resource against those crimes. 5. Who will have access to Palantir Mission Control? a. Answer: During the initial roll-out, May – June 2017, access to the Palantir Mission Control will be granted on a per-Area basis, as selected by the command staff. For now, we suggest granting access to Operational Leadership, Command staff, Watch Commanders reporting to the captains, LT’s, SGT’s and CAD analysts that facilitate the captains in mission planning and evaluation. This may change in the future depending on demand from captains. Please email Jocelyn Rivero and/or Pan Pan Fan to grant specific staff access. 6. Who can create missions in Palantir Mission Control? a. Answer: Users with access to Palantir Mission Control can create missions. Missions can be deleted at any time. 7. How do I select and filter? How do I de-select what I’ve previously selected? a. Answer: In this application, whether you’re using the map or a bar chart, you can select any highlighted shape file or bar to filter the information. To deselect what you have already selected, just click on a space next to the map or bar chart. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD 8. How many missions can I have at any given time? a. Answer: You can create up to as many missions as needed for any given time. Though, we suggest that unused missions be deleted for organizational purposes and a better user interface. 9. How do you delete a mission in Palantir Mission Control? a. Answer: either the Mission History Page or the Mission Report (see below). Mission History Page: 10. How do you reuse a mission in Palantir Mission Control? a. Answer: the “Clone Mission” button allows missions to be reused automatically for any selectable time period. 11. Can I edit my mission? a. Answer: Yes, editing can be done at any stage of the mission: creation or even during the mission. This means that successful missions can be tweaked for future use by just making small edits to the instructions, shift focus, or mission boundaries. The “Edit Mission” button on the Mission allow for editing. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD 12. How long does it take for dosage to be calculated once I have created a mission? a. Answer: Dosage for any given shift takes about 4 hours to aggregate. This is because the AVL data pipelines have to run from LAPD’s database into Palantir’s integrated platform after the shift is done. 13. Where does crime data come from? How long does it take for crime data to be updated? What if a change is made in the crime narrative or record? Is that updated in the dashboard? a. Answer: Both the Palantir Crimeco Dashboard and Palantir Mission Control pull crime data directly from CCAD. The pipeline usually takes about 1-2 hours to run from CCAD into the Palantir integrated platform. 14. Where does the productivity data come from? a. Answer: Productivity data is integrated from CAMS (arrests) and AFDR (stops that include the number of citations and FIs), AFIS and TISI for detailed narrative of citations and FIs for exporting into the Palantir Investigative Workspace (note, the tables with these narratives will be delayed given the delay in entering dat). 15. Where does dosage data come from? a. Answer: dosage data for laser zones, patrol and metro mission currently come from AVL. AVL data on a current mission will be updated every 4-5 hours. 16. How do I share my mission? a. Answer: Missions can be shared via printing or via an email link. Once a mission is created, an option to print the mission will appear. Clicking “yes” will open up a new tab that allows for easy printing for distribution to watch commanders and patrol. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. QPalantir PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT 4. Palantir Contact and Support For questions about Palantir Mission Control andi?or the Palantir Crimeco Dashboard, please feel free to contact: For questions about the Palantir Investigative Workspace (see below}. please reach out to LAPD's John Warren. 9 Palantir a 4 WEB 31 For questions about the Palantir Crimeco Dashboard (see below) and uses for Compstati alsesepentee LAPDTS Campstat team . ?vi i. m: Elhr PART I CRIMEED I VIOLENT PROPERIT - I All I. no Eopvright (it) 201? Palantir Technologies Inc ThiS doctiment contains proprietary. and trade secret information of F'alantir Technologies Inc and should not be distributed Without the prior written approval of Patantnr Technologies Inc Palantir PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPO 5. Getting Started: Cheat Sheet and Sample Workftows Create a mission 0 Create a mission from the DP Calendar tool based on known crime spikes from previous years: .MISSIUN CONTROL arty.? 5b DP CALENDAR TOOL ALL PART I CRIME FOR on u: -- 5113:2017 a? ("um .pallu? {Au SELECT AREA Volley Bureau 0201? All FIHI Add Sq- 'unl Eat-r. spike. May Day crime spike in DVB. Additional resources can be deployed here to address crime 0 Create a mission based on the Crime Alerts tool and Crime Map: "55:42-11 [0111131 .Iv lr?q fluiaJn's uu-u 50button to Copyright 201'? Patantir'l'echnologues Inc. dowment contains proprietary, confidential. and trade secret information ot Total violent crime in 77th is in the orange (approaching its goal). so let's dig into the focus a mission on addressing the violent crime. Select the "View on Map" automatically populate map below. Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc Select a dot to view a map of the crimes for previous years. Crimes can be filtered in drop down for Part1. violent and property. QPalantir PALANTIR MISSION .MISSIDN CONTROL CONTROL AT LAPD SELECT AREA 77th Street IZrurn Mat-or '3 [.M-ti WW ?5 tam-sun CRIME one RANGE guano.? cnme TYPES I SHIFTS PATROLABILITY . . PN'mabnr scrim-mod A9 A. . m. I har'nw" H0 CODES *an Ilm- 93m .m55' isn- ?noaa Ilwz .4 Select ?1 rum uum . 0mm "street" to View I - - l. outside - 5mm? crimes .- "91'nl"u1'I?Irn In." ans-Ind I'll-t: Date range and crime types are automatically populated by the filters in the Crime Alerts Tool. but any of the filters on this map can be used to adjust idate. crime type. shift. patrolabilityi. Filter the table below and see the crimes highlight in yellow by Type in an M0 Lode, such as "shots fired" to filter by MD codes. clicking on the purple bars. Selecting each crime on the map will turn them red and will also filter the table below the map. Copyright 201'? PalantirTechnologues Inc. document contains proprietary, confidential. and trade secret information ot Palantrr Technotogies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc QPalantir PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPO .MISSION CONTROL SELECT AREA 77nh5trm . CHA. Ahi?i?it?fw?} Trill?ww?2k? Typo Rn Non-1w- HIM h. A. M'm Export selected crimes in Table to the Palantir workspace to dig Filter the table below and see the crimes highlight in Into criminal yellow by clicking on the purple bars to review the network. narratives and location of the crimes. Selecting each crime on the map will turn them red and will also filter the table below the map for ease of use during crime meetings. This workflow was modeled off of the daily and weekly crime status meetings, allowing areas to quickly evaluate and discuss crimes that occurred. Crimes can also be searched for in the "Search Box" on the upper left corner of the Crime Table. Copyright 201'? Palantir'l'echnologues Inc. dowment contains proprietary, confidential. and trade secret information o! Palantrr Technotogies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc QPalantir PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD CREATE HEW FUSSIUI who hummus-on Hart?? 5 2017-05?00 In! Wsmmamwh mm .- an r1; I. Elma; mm 'Imun *smw 'Imenrau 69mm 9mm? ?uauw ?lm-rm Cam Select Mission Type: Selecting "Patrol" allows you to select RD's for the geographic boundary of mission. Crime Filter dates allow you to see what crime pattern the mission is based on. Other fields to fill out include Mission dates. name and instructions ("notes?i. CHEATS usw mssmu mm mm? wmm- Hanan-um cunvmoswow?nn mm smou? mm 1- Selecting a non-am .5 5. metro mummu?hw, - a; missmn allows for alums; 6mm custom box BIuImi Eli-mm drawing by selecting the "square" 0mm; Dom-rm alumni shaded box *ourw ?mnm' inthe map 0mm: a! mum: lino-um and dragging the box to coverthe mission area. FM Suit NI i-Mv? PM EM Elf-0&2" tan-M Copyright 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary. confidential. and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. Q. Palantir PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPO .HISSIUN CONTROL at ?nun-H's. It?s. 'Ic. SEARCH FOR A HI ICTWE OH ALL ISSIDHS hum- Oll- (ii) Evaluate a mission Search for all missions related to a specific RD by clicking on the '5 RD in the map. To unselect. click on a part of the map outside the division. Search for a mission based on key word to see any relevant missions from the past that can be re?used. Take a look at a successful mission. indicated by the percent crime decrease for immediate (during mission). 7 days after. and 28 days after compared to the 7days before the mission. MISSION REPORT Ell-I sun Oa- ?ca Ga mean. 25?? Eli. C-Q Datum [Ilium-l HDU 15C: RIPE ROBE Hull Hutu. AN: "hurl. 1253 17y] Fatvnl lMpoIlrn tank! (?Cw lmmodmlu Darn 3?32"! CHM 2.1mm; Winn.? Select "Violent Crime Suppression" as seen above for crime reduction and evaluate it. Review the map of crimes, arrests. Fls. citations and stops along with 96 crime reduction. Scroll down the page to see dosage and productivity details. Every crime. arrest. citation. FI. and stop can be exported into the Palantir Workspace for crime network analysis, including chronic offenders. Copyright 201'? PalantirTechnologues Inc. document contains proprietary, confidential. and trade secret information 0! Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc QPaIantir PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD Analyze violent crimes across division border .mssmu CONTROL an - I-1dlf?3?l. Cc.'l'lf SELECT a me an?: '5 ?mm m" (1) Select a date range to filter the crimes on the map. r; Select the filters on the legend to the left to spot trends based on area map layers or gang map layers (note: the gang map layers were made in house by the bureaus in 2016 and will be updated as they are ready}. Different crimes can also be selected. Here, the purple and green dots represent gang and violent crimes, as coded by the MD codes. Select the actual physical map to filter the table for crimes below. ?m table are filtered by Hh? It. hill! hin- lm the. map above 00 mm: Once the crimes . are listed, select ma'mu mu ?shown amassmumma?" the box and Click sum Minnow ?Export to ?mm? Workspace" to open up the Palantir iv'a'ouo mun-o ammo? "m5? lnyesti atiye i mu ?1 Sauna mm wmmums .- . workspace. which 0M has Integrated over 20 datasets. . ?ill? new was ?uncut ?inmamnu tantra. h?thE. immeota-umm WWNUTHEMWH HAS 5,me 'r'rml warm-a mum ?gla'? mucu- wm'l?m" grim tum-i WDVIHSIWST UNA. 'ul 'an 9 Provo? 2 in: Copyright it) 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary. confidential. and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. QPalantir PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPO liv) Prepare for Compstat for mission evaluation and laser zones .MISSIUH CONTROL SELECT AREA Minion . lwl?l?f?? ?W?sl?i'i 931 I250: mi. .hl? Ni? 11 mm?: mus-25 MISSIONS: 2017-02-25 TO 2017-03-25 31-0- 3? ?w Previous four weeks Red 3. White chart will be displayed to rewew top crime issues. Link to Palantir Crimeoo Dashboard also available. All missions that were active WI.- Within-Inn Venn-I molt-I Janna. 201! :12) tan-u- 2: undo-Inn? olw Hun-n22? 01H ?Melitta! 23 mun-1:33; manna-rain IYLHAI In! 29?7-03-23 EM on; 2917-03-27 W: 5 dm cm BURG. GT4 BTW THEFT. A55 ROBE IDMHI: 19M. 1911.19"! Hm Focul on Foam-ll Candor for 211 I. Footnuts Sylmar Pa rt in during the time period as displayed in Red 8; White are laved out. Click on the mission to have the mission report populate below. RD WIS cum-Chm. 1 Day: )0 Days I 53 3% I 21 8% Select the "eve" icon that pops when when hovered at the upper right hand corner of the mission box to go to the Mission Evaluation page to review in more detail. 0 View Copyright (D 201?? Palantir Technologies Inc. dooument contains proprietary. confidential. and trade secret information of Palant?rr Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc QPalantir PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD .HISSION CONTROL IINL, SELECT AREA Rampart SELECT TIHE RANGE AND AREAIS). f7. 30'? C. ?0 ?l .1 Ill-1 Sqlh'k' Eur-l1 hum-?u FDR RMPLASSRI . "out Purl?I h- -- - .. My 9710.?. My 8 haul-lulu manna-man AVL PRESENCE BREAKDOWN av; Illi- Chin-p ?u Laser zone analysis for crimes and dosage are automatically calculated per area using the map and date toggle. To select all laser zones in the area. clickthe blue button "Select All Zones in the Area" I i I la?lr-D 'll-v ?rd'r'l r?l CRIMES BREAKDOWN BY CRIME TVPE om om r. nil'yi PRINT REPORT It'. PERIOD ENDING. ::11 - AREA ?ung-l" Dav?bv?dav AVL data for the selected date range and laser zone is available comparing the hours to average. minimum and maximum over the same date range {see horizontal IinesI.Click on the blue or pink bars to drill down further in the table. A table is presented for even more granular review. A Crime chart with breakdown by crime type and DR number is also available for analysis of laser zone Print two different types of charts. Select the date of interest. and the report for the previous 28 davs will be printed. Copyright 201'? Palantir Technologies Inc. This dowment contains proprietary. confidential. and trade secret information of Palantrr Technotogies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc QPalantir PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPO 6. Feature Descriptions and User Manual CONTROL SELECT His-nun i: at. mum-e ?ui - v; ?nal-hum DP CALENDAR TUDL ALL PART I CRIME FDR -3- Daily-non .2015 4 (hI' Pictured Above: The DP Calendar Tool allows Areas to select a daily crime view of All Part Violent. or Property crime for any given Area or Bureau. The arrows to the right and left on the calendar can be selected to allow views of future dates. Ntl?' KIWI- Copyright (D 201'? Palantir Technologies Inc This document contains proprietary. confidential. and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed Without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD Pictured Above: By selecting any given day on the DP Calendar Tool, a map of the previous two years’ crimes, along with the current year’s crimes, pops up. This allows Area Captains and analysts to identify cyclical, seasonal patterns in crime spikes. The green dots represent crimes from 2015; the blue represent crimes from 2016; and the red represents crimes from the current If a significant event, such as a gang retaliation day, is identified, the DP Calendar Tool allows custom “Significant Dates/Holidays” to be added and saved to the calendar. To do this, select “Add Significant Event” and fill in the name of the event and date and hit “Save”. This allows the Area to be prepared year after year for any significant events that may be known to cause crime spikes. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD (i) Situational Awareness – Crime Alerts Tool Picture Above: The Crime Alerts Tool, located below the DP Calendar tool, alerts Captains when the Area’s daily crime rate (broken down by violent, property, all part 1, or by each crime type) will cause the Area to exceed its weekly crime goal for that crime type for the current week, last week or the last 4 weeks. A “Red” crime alert (ex: total violence, agg above) indicates that the Area is accumulating that crime type at a rate that will exceed the crime goal. The crime goal is calculated to match the goals in the Red & White 2.0 chart (99% of the previous years’ goals). An “Orange” crime alert (ex: burg above) indicates that the Area is accumulating that crime type at a rate within 20% of the crime goal. A “Green” crime alert indicates the area is below the crime goal. These crimes are also broken down by the shifts during which they occurred. You can select each crime type button and select “current week”, “last week” or “last 4 weeks” to see the crime breakdown. (ii) Situational Awareness – Crime Map and Insights Histogram Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD Pictured Above: From here, the Captain or Analyst can automatically add all the crimes from the Crime Alerting Tool to the Crime Map. Or, the Captain can manually use the selector buttons on the map to select options for viewing the crimes. For example, the Crime Map has options to display crimes by Date Range, Crime Types, Shifts, Premise and MO Code. The Crime Map can also display the RD numbers on the map and includes labeled anchor points and laser zones, as identified by the Area. This allows Area Captains to drive insights on whether specific types of crimes appear to be connected to anchor points, or if laser zones should be moved due to new crime clusters that emerge. Captains can also select “Patrolability” filters, such as indoor versus outdoor crimes by filtering for where the crimes occurred: street, business, residential or other. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD Pictured Above and Below: A drop down menu to the right of the Crime Map, the Insights Histogram, has the option to highlight crime patterns based on Weapon used, Property taken, Premise, MO code, Victim, Suspect or Narrative key word. Once selected, a histogram (pictured below the drop down) populates with crime patterns based on the selected category. Selecting any one of the histograms will highlight (in yellow) the crimes on the crime map that includes this MO code (see below). Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD Pictured Above: In addition to the Crime Map and Insights Histograms, a table below includes all the details of the selected crimes, such as the narrative and DR number for further investigation. This is especially useful during mission planning meetings, CSOC meetings, and roll call briefings/conference calls where the crimes are discussed in detail. Selected any crime on the Map or Insights Histogram will filter the table below. Key words that are selected in the Insights Histogram are highlighted in yellow. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD (iii) Situational Awareness – Mission Creation Tool Pictured Above: Missions can be created by selecting the “Create Mission” button on the upper right hand corner of the page. This opens up a Mission Map with the filtered crimes from the Crime Map. To create a mission, the user must identify a Mission Name, State/End Date, Shift Focus, Crime Type Focus, and select the Mission RDs. By clicking on the “Create New Mission” button on the bottom of the Mission Map, the new mission will now be saved and can have the option to be printed for dissemination. Various mission types can be created based on patrol or metro missions. To create a patrol mission, RDs of interest must be selected. To create a metro mission, use the drop down to select the mission type. A box will appear on the upper left hand corner of the map. Use the square to create a custom box around the streets of interest (see below). Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD (iv) Missions – Active Missions, Historic Missions, and Laser Zones Pictured Above and Below: Once the mission is saved, the user is taken to the Active and Mission History Page. All current or active missions are displayed at the top of the page. Past missions can be searched for by name, RD, crime type, shift or date. A table displays all historic missions once a search is conducted, filtering for missions that matched the search criteria. These missions can be closed, deleted, or edited for future use. They also have a crime change percentage attached to them showing whether crime increased during (“immediate”), 7 days after, or 28 days after the mission, compared to the 7 days before. A green percentage indicates crime decrease (and therefore successful missions) while a red percentage indicates crime increase. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD (v) Mission Evaluation – Mission Reports Pictured Above: By selecting a mission in the Mission History Table, the user is taken to the Mission Evaluation of that mission. This Mission Evaluation page includes a Mission Report (see above) that includes the summary details of that mission, the crime change, and displays the crimes along with the arrests, FIs, stops, and citations of that mission. For the first time, crime effects, officer activity, and crime are displayed automatically in one place so that the viewer can take an analytical and holistic view of the mission. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD (vi) Mission Evaluation – Mission Reports, Dosage Pictured Above: In addition to the Mission Report, dosage is also recorded for that mission. This shows the total number of AVL hours, broken down into three broad categories of Presence, Other and Unknown, during the mission period (in grey) for each day (blue histogram). The days are selectable for further breakdown by RD, Hours, Call Sign and Status Code. For the first time, Captains can now automatically identify whether the mission was completed or not and drill down into details on mission hours and cars. Given that the AVL data is updated every few hours to show this information, they can now take immediate action in instructing patrol to spend more or fewer hours in the mission area based on viewing the dosage and crimes. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD (vii) Mission Evaluation – Mission Reports, Crime Effectiveness & Office Activity Pictured Above and Below: Charts and tables detailing the crimes, arrests, FIs. stops and citations are also integrated and displayed for the Mission Evaluation. The mission dates are highlighted in grey and each histogram bar, representing a single day, can be selected for detailed breakdowns. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD (viii) CSOC – Violent Crimes with Gang Maps Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD Pictured Above: The CSOC tool displays all violent crimes across the city. Specifically, crimes with gang and gun MO codes can be selected and displayed. Several map layers allow for different crime drill downs. This can include selecting by geographic Area, Gang Territory, or Laser Zone. Once the map layer is selected, the map will display the new crime information using the selected map layer. Selecting any one layer on the map itself will drill down and populate the table to the right with DR number, MO code, weapon used, and territory (either Area, Gang, or Laser zone). Each crime can be selected in order to be exported as objects in the Palantir Investigative Space. By selecting the green “Export” button (pictured below), the Palantir Workspace will automatically load and open, displaying the crime objects on the Graph View. (ix) COMPSTAT– Red & White, Mission Reports for an Extraction Period Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc. PALANTIR MISSION CONTROL AT LAPD Pictured Above: A COMPSTAT preparation tab is also available for Captains to prepare for COMPSTAT. This page allows Captains to view the Red & White Chart to see which crimes are the most problematic for any given extraction period. All missions created for that extraction period are also displayed. By selecting any one of those missions, Captains can now review and discuss in detail what actions they have taken to mitigate and fight crime. Copyright © 2017 Palantir Technologies Inc. This document contains proprietary, confidential, and trade secret information of Palantir Technologies Inc. and should not be distributed without the prior written approval of Palantir Technologies Inc.