InnovationI Trade and Economic Relations The Parties shall enhance and expand their cooperation in innmation, trade and economic relations, so that the dividends of peace are felt across their societies, Recognizing that the principle of the free and unimpeded flow of goods and services should guide their relations, as well as the potential for diversi?cation of bilateral trade opportunities, the Parties shall cooperate in order to enable favorable conditions for trade, and the reduction of trade barriers. Science, Tech-101m and Peaceful Uses of Outgr-Snace The Parties acknowledge the important role of science, technology and innovation in the growth of multiple key sectors and shall strengthen joint action and mutual cooperation in scienti?c and technological advancement. This shall include furthering scienti?c cooperation and exchange, including between scientists, research and academic institutions, pursuing the establishment of joint research and development centers, and exploring the possibility of joint funding of research and scienti?c projects in select ?elds of mutual interest. The Parties further express their common interest in establishing and developing mutually bene?cial cooperation in the ?eld of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, in a manner consistent with each Party?s respective applicable national laws and international obligations. Such cooperation may include implementation of joint. programs, projects and activities in the ?elds of science, space exploration, space related technologies and education, exchange of experts, infoimation and best practices, and the promotion of cooperation between their respective space industries. Environment The Parties acknowledge the importance ofprotecting, presenting and improving the environment, and shall promote environmental innovation for the sustainable development of the region and beyond. The Parties shall endeavor to cooperate to develop environmental protection strategies on priority issues, including on biodiversity conservation, marine environment protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation, and on the possible establishment of a center for developing pioneering solutions to climate challenges in arid and semi-arid environments, Telecommunications and Post The Parties recogni 71: the necessity of mutually bene?cial cooperation for the continued development of telecommunications, information technologies and postal services. They take note of the establishment between them of direct communications services, including telephone lines, and agree to promote, in accordance with relevant international conventions and regulations, direct postal exchange, submarine cables and e?commerce solutions, as well as utilize available satellite systems, ?ber optical communication, and broadcasting services. The Parties will strive to develop frameworks for innovation in including advanced ?xed and wireless communications, collaboration on SG networks, smart cities, and use of ICT solutions to foster innovation and the creation of best services.