Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Richard Michael Harrison SOQUEL Partnership $5-10 million Salud Para La Gente WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $5-10 million 366 Bay Photo Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $2-5 million 355 BFP Fire Protection SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $2-5 million 115 Dobler and Sons WATSONVILLE LLC $2-5 million 263 Encompass Community Services SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $2-5 million 450 J.J.'s Saloon and Social Club SOQUEL LLC $2-5 million 7 Lakeside Organic Gardens WATSONVILLE LLC $2-5 million 245 New Teacher Center SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $2-5 million 133 NHS Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $2-5 million 134 Rector, Wardens, Vestry of Calvary Church SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $2-5 million 6 S. Martinelli & Company WATSONVILLE Corporation $2-5 million 326 Santa Cruz Community Health Centers SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $2-5 million 151 Santa Cruz Medical Group SANTA CRUZ Corporation $2-5 million 99 Universal Audio Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $2-5 million 201 Verve LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $2-5 million 200 A Tool Shed Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $1-2 million 90 1440 OPCO SCOTTS VALLEY Non-Profit Organization $1-2 million 237 Beauty Solutions LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $1-2 million 91 Bellows Heating and Plumbing SOQUEL Corporation $1-2 million 95 Canyon View Properties Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $1-2 million 113 Central Coast Energy Services WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $1-2 million 68 Community Bridges WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $1-2 million 181 Creekside Farms Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $1-2 million 193 Dick Peixoto Company WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $1-2 million 120 Dientes Community Dental SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $1-2 million 70 Ecology Action of Santa Cruz SANTA CRUZ 0 Non-Profit Organization $1-2 million 110 Education, Training and Research Associates SCOTTS VALLEY Non-Profit Organization $1-2 million 107 Fullpower Technologies SANTA CRUZ Corporation $1-2 million 58 Georgina Bruce Kirby Prepartory School SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $1-2 million 69 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Golden State Harvesting Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $1-2 million 200 Janus of Santa Cruz SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $1-2 million 149 Lifeaid Beverage Co. SANTA CRUZ LLC $1-2 million 68 Mandel Communications CAPITOLA Corporation $1-2 million 44 Mar Vista Berry Farms WATSONVILLE Corporation $1-2 million Monte Vista Christian School WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $1-2 million 120 Mount Hermon Association Inc. MOUNT HERMON Non-Profit Organization $1-2 million 315 NUZ Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $1-2 million 80 Ontera Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $1-2 million 36 Plant Sciences Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $1-2 million 415 PV Farming Operations WATSONVILLE LLC $1-2 million 206 Radiology Medical Group of Santa Cruz SANTA CRUZ Corporation $1-2 million 87 ROI Communication SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $1-2 million 76 Santa Cruz Staffing APTOS LLC $1-2 million 105 Sea Eagle LP SANTA CRUZ Limited Liability Partnership $1-2 million 202 Seascape Resort LTD APTOS LLP $1-2 million 200 Smith & Vandiver Corp. WATSONVILLE Corporation $1-2 million 98 Tomatero Organic Farms Inc WATSONVILLE Corporation $1-2 million 99 Aaron B Morse MD Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 66 Abrite LLC SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 140 Advaita Society - Mount Madonna School WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 59 Albion Enviornmental Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 35 Allen Property Group Inc. APTOS Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 75 Allterra Enviornmental Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 36 Anatometal Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 98 Areias Systems Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 27 Art & Display Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 8 Awe Sum Organics SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 17 Balance 4 Kids SOQUEL Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 131 Bastille Networks Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 0 N/A Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Bay Quality Construction Inc. FREEDOM Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 32 Baymonte Christian School SCOTTS VALLEY Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 49 Beckmann's Bakery SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 116 Better Brands Food Products Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 32 Bio-Botanical Research WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 35 Bogard Construction Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 41 Bowman & Williams SOQUEL Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 16 BPR Properties UCSC LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $350,000 - 1 million 118 Bruce and Shane Ramey Scott SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 70 CRW Industries Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 0 Cafe Cruz Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 71 California Pajarosa WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 39 Carenet Services Inc. DBA Comforcare Senior SANTA ServicesCRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 246 Carroll & Strong Builders Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 20 Cat & Cloud Coffee SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 62 CEIBA College Prep Academy WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 78 Central Coast Wilds SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 32 Central Electric Company WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 48 Chapala Berry Farms WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 52 Christopher Taquino DPT SANTA CRUZ Sole-Proprietorship $350,000 - 1 million 5 Coastal Evergreen Company Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 45 Comunity Printers Inc. SANTA CRUZ N/A $350,000 - 1 million 33 Consolidated Drywall Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 26 Culinary Enterprises Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 136 Dakota Ultrasonics Corp. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 18 David Olson Inc. Airtech Service WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 38 Deluxe Foods of Aptos Inc. APTOS Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 79 Dermatology Surgical and Medical Group SANTA CRUZ Professional Association $350,000 - 1 million 31 Duke Empirical Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 500 Easter Seals Society for Central California APTOS Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 108 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained El Palomar Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 82 Elements Manufacturing Incorporated SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 34 Expert Semiconductor Tech Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 19 Fishwise SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million N/A Five Branches University SANTA CRUZ LLC $350,000 - 1 million 160 Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 106 Future Motion Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 50 Gateway Health Management WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 21 Gateway School SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 47 HA Rider and Sons WATSONVILLE Partnership $350,000 - 1 million 58 Happy Boy Farms WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 90 Health Projects Center SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 0 Heartmath BOULDER CREEK LLC $350,000 - 1 million N/A Heck Yeah Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 43 Housing Matters SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 49 Ibis Cycles Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 34 Island Conservation SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 29 J&C Heating/Air Conditioning SOQUEL Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 44 J&J Corp. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 70 Joe and John Hildebrand Brothers Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 48 K&D Landscaping WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 86 La Selva Farms WATSONVILLE LLC $350,000 - 1 million 120 Las Animas Concrete & Building Supply WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 39 Lewis Tree Service Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 35 Lifespan Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 97 Lilians's Italian Kitchen Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 55 Mainstream Support SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million N/A MAPS Public Benefit Corp. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 50 Mark Gilbert Enterprises SANTA CRUZ LLC $350,000 - 1 million 83 Marmi Graniti Fabrication Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 68 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount McSherry & Hudson LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $350,000 - 1 million 19 Mission Springs Camps and Conference CenterSCOTTS VALLEY Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 97 Mo Burger Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 52 Moriarty's Roofing SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 32 Multidisciplinary Associateion for Psychedelic Studies SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 25 MYNT Systems Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 21 Navco Berry Harvest Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 50 North Bay Ford SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 42 Pacific Collegiate School SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 62 Pack Fresh Processors LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $350,000 - 1 million 91 Pajarao Valley Prevention and Student Assistance WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 67 Pasatiempo Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 120 PC & Printer Connection Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 99 Precision Physical Theray & Fitness SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 49 Productops Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 0 Rebecca Donofrio SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 100 Remediation Risk Management SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 28 Roofscreen MFG Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 26 Rope Partner Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 87 Rosie Mccann's Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 90 Rossis Towing SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million N/A Sandman Glass Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 37 Santa Cruz Green Builders SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 31 Santa Cruz Montessore School APTOS Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 52 Santa Cruz Nissan SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million N/A Santa Cruz Supported Living SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 0 Santa Cruz Surgery Center SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 29 Santa Cruz Westside Electric SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 38 Scarborough Home Center Inc. BEN LOMOND Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 92 Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 81 Scarborough Lumber and Building Supply Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Jobs Retained Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Sea Breeze Farms LLC WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $350,000 - 1 million 65 Second Harvest Food Bank WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 42 Shopper's Corner Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 81 Slatter Construction SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 28 Socksmith Design Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 33 St. Francis High School Salesian College Preparatory WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 41 Staff of Life Natural Foods Market SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 117 Stagnaro Brothers Seafood Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 103 Statewide Insulation Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 61 Sun Shops SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 45 Sunset Hospitality Group Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 87 Superior Foods International WATSONVILLE LLC $350,000 - 1 million 56 T.L. Sprague & Company WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 34 Tarc Construction Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 51 The Internet Store Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 34 Totlcom Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 32 Trinity Source Group Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 18 Trowbridge Enterprises Inc. SANTA CRUZ Sole-Proprietorship $350,000 - 1 million 85 Vinvision Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 60 Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - 1 million 54 Warmboard Inc. APTOS Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 47 Warrior Media Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 39 Watsonville Auto Body Inc. FREEDOM Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 67 Watsonville Coast Produce WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 85 Watsonville Pharmacy Inc. FREEDOM Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 36 West Coast Hospitals Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 149 West End Tap & Kitchen SANTA CRUZ LLP $350,000 - 1 million 74 Whitings's Food Concessions Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 148 Wild Roots Market Inc. BEN LOMOND Corporation $350,000 - 1 million 110 Yvonne Escobar dba Yvonne Escobar SANTA CRUZ Sole-Proprietorship $350,000 - 1 million 1 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained 2ndNature Software Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 5 Star Catering WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 18 A&C Grading Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 10 A&I Olivieri LLC dba Aldo's Harbor Restaurant SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 42 A&C Partnership WATSONVILLE Partnership $150,000 - $350,000 51 Acountbl SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 ADH Technical Services Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 AIP Group SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 11 Aj's Fuel and Food Mart Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 30 Akira Unlimited Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 40 Akira World Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 42 Alexis Party Rental Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 25 All Cal Financial Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12 Annieglass Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 29 Argo Logistics Group LLC SOQUEL LLC $150,000 - $350,000 10 Arts Council Santa Cruz Council SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 22 At the Dunes WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Atchisone, Barisone & Condotti SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 16 AV Now Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Bargetto Winery SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 45 Barking Lion SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 30 Bay Area Floors & Interiors Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 49 Bay Company Books Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 43 Bay Eye Medical Group SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 23 Bay Plumbing Supply & Showroom Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Beckstrom Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 3 Bed and Biscuits Groomingdales Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 35 Bidpath Incorporated SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 BN Dealership Management Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 8 Bonavida Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 33 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Cruz County SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 21 Bruce Mechanical Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Buell Wesuits and Surf inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 8 Cafe El Palomar Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 35 Cafe Sparrow Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 28 CalFresh Farms LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 38 California Coastal Resort LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 0 California Farmlink APTOS Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 16 California Grill Peixoto LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 55 California Radiographics SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12 Camflor Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 38 Camping Unlimited for the Developmentaly Disabled BOULDER CREEK Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 10 Canyon View Capital SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Care From the Heart In Home Service Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 78 Carpo's Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 35 Catto's Graphics Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 21 Cen-Con Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 17 Christine Quesenberry Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 29 Cilantros WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 52 Ciscos Home Restoration & Construction Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 19 Clements Family Supermarket BEN LOMOND Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 43 Cloud 1 Solutions Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 10 Club Cruz Volleyball SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Clyne & HSU Medical Group Inc. FREEDOM Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Coastal Range Vineyards Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 24 Community Action Board of Santa Cruz CountyWATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 47 Community Foundation Santa Cruz Country APTOS Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 25 Community Life Services SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 26 Compagnon Incorporated SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 70 Companion Bakers LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 50 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Copacetik Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 31 Corwin & Voskoboynikov Managemetn LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 35 Court Appointed Special Advocates of Santa Cruz WATSONVILLE County Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 18 Cowles Berry Farm Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 32 Crowd Machine Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 8 Cruz Control Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Cypress Coast Fence WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 21 Cypress Outpatient Surgery Center SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 13 D.K. Bullard Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 46 Data Distributing LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 N/A David H Dunbar Construction SANTA CRUZ Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 13 David Lying & Associates SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 18 De Camara Enterprises Incorporated APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Dharmaland Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 31 Digital Nest Inc. WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 42 Diner Services Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 48 Disaster Restoration Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 10 Discretion Brewing LLC SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 18 Duncan Plumbing SANTA CRUZ Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 18 Dynamic Engineering SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 18 E John Baron DDS Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 8 East End Gastropub LP CAPITOLA LLP $150,000 - $350,000 45 Editorialist YX SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 22 Elevator Service Company of Central CalfironiaSOQUEL Inc. Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 9 Elkhorn Slough Foundation WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 28 Envision Media APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 17 Epico Systems Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 9 Extreme Measures Machining Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Eye Care Medical Group SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 10 FAAB Ventures Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 28 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Familes In Transition of Santa Cruz County WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 15 Family Service Agency of the Central Coast SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 42 Fanucci Auto Body Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Field Fresh Famrs WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 8 First Peak Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 42 First Presbyterian Church of Santa Cruz SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 33 Folger & Burt Architectural Hardware Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 9 Food Revolution Network Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 16 Four Winds Growers WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 27 G.W. Joel Construction Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Garland & Summers Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 George Yellick DDS MS Inc. SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 12 Go Presents SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 40 Godfathers Exterminator Inc. BOULDER CREEK Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 23 Grey Bears SANTA CRUZ Professional Association $150,000 - $350,000 43 Gullings Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 11 Habitat for Humanity Monterey Bay SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 23 Happy Days Children's Learning Center LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 35 Haro Kasunich and Associates Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 19 High Note LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 120 Hildebrand & Sons Trucking WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Holden, Whitelaw & Associates Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 17 Homeless Garden Project SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 29 Hornsnyder Pharmacy SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 31 Hula's Santa Cruz LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 61 Humble Sea Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Hydrologic Purification Systems SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 22 Idea Consultants Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 16 Institute of Heartmath BOULDER CREEK Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 25 Internet Marketing Optimization Systems SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 8 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Iveta Gourmet Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Ja Holdings Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 36 Jabico Enterprises Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Jacob's Heart Chidren's Cancer Support Services WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 18 Jaguar Design Studio Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 16 Jetmulch Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 25 Jewish Community Center of Santa Cruz APTOS Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 49 JJW Restaurant SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 40 Joe Callero Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 20 John A. Henrick SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 John Hope Electric Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Johnny's Harborside SANTA CRUZ Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 49 Jone L Janecki & Associates SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Journeyworks Publishing SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Juan J Valledor and Laurie K Negro SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 80 Karssli Corporation SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 37 Kelley's Service SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 39 Kiantis Pizza and Pasta Bar SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 44 Kinnetic Laboratories SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 24 KJRB Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 22 Koinonia Conference Grounds Inc. WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 21 Krok and Shen Optometrists Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 22 KT Medical Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Kuumbwa Jazz Society SANTA CRUZ Professional Association $150,000 - $350,000 9 Land Trust of Santa Cruz County SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 19 Larsens Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Last Believer Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 40 Le Toadal Fitness III Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 23 Le Toadal Fitness IV Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 30 Life Lab Science Program SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 30 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Lighthouse Windows Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 33 Lomak Property Group Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 9 M. Rodoni & Co. SANTA CRUZ Partnership $150,000 - $350,000 0 Manuel's Mexican Restaurant Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 39 Marianne's Ice Cream SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 40 Marini's at the Beach SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 46 Masheesh Taters WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 48 Mesiti-Miller Engineering Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 9 Micro X-Ray Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Monarch Independent Living Services Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 36 Monarch Services WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 38 Monterey Bay Golf Management Group Inc. APTOS LLC $150,000 - $350,000 80 Monterey Bay Refinishing Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 2 Moreland Notre Dame School WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 33 Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 14 Mountain Feed and Farm Supply BEN LOMOND LLC $150,000 - $350,000 21 National Stock Sign Co. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 13 Natural Gardens Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 18 Nava Software Support and Services Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 9 New Davenport Corporation DAVENPORT Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 38 New Life Community Services SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 33 Northwest Signs Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 17 Ocean Pacific Lodge Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 23 Oceanside Supported Living Services Inc CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 120 Olive Springs Quarry Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 8 Orchard Keepers Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 20 Outdoor World WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 30 Oxus Enterprise International SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 40 Pacific Agriculture Packaging WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Pacific Coast Berries LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 50 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Pacific Cookie Company SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 43 Pacific Edge Indoor Climbing Facility SANTA CRUZ Partnership $150,000 - $350,000 18 Pacific Wave Surf Shop SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 37 Pajaro Valley Community Health Trust WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Pajaro Valley Laser Levelling Inc WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Palapas Inc APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 70 Panther Protective Services WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 45 Parents Center Inc SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 20 Penrose Chun & Gorman LLP SANTA CRUZ Partnership $150,000 - $350,000 7 People and Food LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 18 Peoples Coffee SANTA CRUZ Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 1 Petroglyph SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 58 Premier Sports Medicine and Physical TherapySANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Provac Sales Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 10 Quilici Gadening and Landscaping Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 R.J. Fambrini & Company Inc. DAVENPORT Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 16 Ramos Ruiz Brothers Inc SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 30 Rare Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 21 Reber Construction Co Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Renee's Garden LLC FELTON LLC $150,000 - $350,000 24 Rigoberto Renteria WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 25 Rioqueenie SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 39 Riva Fish House SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 45 Riverside Lighting Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Romero Institute SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 15 Rosenthal Plumbing SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 RV's Computers Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 S.S.A. Landscape Architects SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 9 Sacred Soul Ascension LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 5 Safe at Home Senior Care Services CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 55 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Santa Cruz Bible Church SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 Santa Cruz Children's Dental Group SANTA CRUZ Partnership $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 53 Santa Cruz Dental Group SANTA CRUZ Partnership $150,000 - $350,000 18 Santa Cruz Diner Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 56 Santa Cruz Garden Liquor and Deli Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 34 Santa Cruz Guitar Corporation SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 22 Santa Cruz SPCA and Humane Society SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 17 Santa Cruz Underground & Paving Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 21 Santa Cruz Waldorf School Association Inc. SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 0 Santee Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Saturn Cafe Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 SC Westside Animal Hospital Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Schmitz Woodworks Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 SCM Plumbing Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 7 Scott's Body Shop SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12 Scotts Valley Magnetics SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 24 Second Generation Furniture Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 30 SG RDM Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 19 Shakespeare Play On SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 5 Shoreline Property Mangement SANTA CRUZ Corporation 29 $150,000 - $350,000 0 Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native SANTAAmericans CRUZ in Science Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 13 Sockshop & Shoe Company SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 27 Specialized Auto $ Fleet Services Inc. FREEDOM Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 n/A Specialized Auto Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Spoorenberg Inc dba Big O Tires SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 18 SSL LC SCOTTS VALLEY LLC $150,000 - $350,000 8 Sterling Pacific Lending Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Steve's Union Service SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Streetlight Records LTD SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 39 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Suda de Volta Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Sun Bright Growers WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 23 Sun Valley Berries LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 50 Sun-Land Garden Products WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 24 Super Bantam LLC SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 31 Superior Foods Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 7 Surf City Wine Co. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 25 Surgical Associates of Monterey Bay SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 19 Sushi Garden Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 20 SVVC Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 13 Synergy Clothing Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 13 TB J&M Coroporation SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 57 TEJ LLC SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 18 Testorff Construction Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 23 Thaila Ramanujam MD SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12 The Bagelry Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 63 The Builders Collective SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 20 The Foot Doctors of Santa Cruz County WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 6 The Glass Jar SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 37 The Museum of Art and History SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 20 The Red Wheel Barrel Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 46 The Skyight Place Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 13 The Spa & Sauna Co of California SANTA CRUZ LLC $150,000 - $350,000 17 The Vajrayana Foundation WATSONVILLE Professional Association $150,000 - $350,000 25 Third Eye Pinecones Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Tierra Resource Consultants LLC SANTA CRUZ Partnership $150,000 - $350,000 Timberworks Building Contractors SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Tino's Plumbing Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Tom Mathews Construction SANTA CRUZ Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 15 Tom Ralston Concrete Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 22 12 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Torchio Nursery Company Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 16 Touched by Angels Home Caregiving Inc APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 30 Triad Electric Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Trick or Treat Studios Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 42 Trilogy Care Homes inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 47 Trotter Masonry Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 27 Trufocus Corporations WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Tru Construction Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 21 Twig Education SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 25 Twisselman Enterprises SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A United Way of Santa Cruz County CAPITOLA Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 22 Usually Hip Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 60 V's Demolition Incorporated SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Valleyheights Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 38 Vestacare Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 9 Vinolus Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Walnut Ave Family & Women's Center SANTA CRUZ Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 33 Walnut Avenue Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 20 Wardell Industries SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Warehouse Direct Interior Inc SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 18 Watsonville Surgeons Group LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 12 Wavestaff Inc APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 9 Weber Hayes & Associates WATSONVILLE Employee Stock Ownership Plan $150,000 - $350,000 11 Whitlow Concrete CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 20 Workbench SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 10 Zachary's Restaurant Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 27 Zameen Inc. SANTA CRUZ Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 30 Monterey Mushrooms Inc WATSONVILLE Corporation $5-10 million Alta Vista Farms WATSONVILLE LLP $2 - $5 million Del Mar Food Products Corp WATSONVILLE Corporation $2 - $5 million 0 N/A Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Elyxir Distributing LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $2 - $5 million N/A Ortega Berry Farms WATSONVILLE LLC $2 - $5 million 425 Sierra Farms LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $2 - $5 million 0 72 Hour LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $1 - $2 million 66 A&I Transport Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $1 - $2 million California Giant Berry Farms WATSONVILLE Corporation $1 - $2 million J.E. Farms Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $1 - $2 million 122 La Rosa Tortilla Factory Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $1 - $2 million 160 Premier Refrigerated Transport LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $1 - $2 million 0 Royal Oaks Farms LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $1 - $2 million Sambrailo Packaging WATSONVILLE Corporation $1 - $2 million 177 Schmid Thermal Systems Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $1 - $2 million 85 Spawn Mate Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $1 - $2 million 0 Vasvision Berry Farms LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $1 - $2 million 0 Willoughby Farms Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $1 - $2 million 110 A&I Express Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 0 AG Land Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 100 Applied Motion Products Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 33 Applied Survey Research WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $350,000 - $1 million 25 California Strawberry Commission WATSONVILLE Trust $350,000 - $1 million 34 Central Electric Company WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 18 Coast Cooling Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 47 Crown Nursery WATSONVILLE LLC $350,000 - $1 million N/A D'La Clmena Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 48 Del Mar Seafoods WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 0 E A and T Farms WATSONVILLE Partnership $350,000 - $1 million 117 Elecraft Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million N/A Fitz Fresh Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 67 Georg Diaz Ranch Alitos LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $350,000 - $1 million 334 Greenhouse System USA WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 64 0 N/A N/A Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Holzman and Daw Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million Horizon Berry Farms Inc WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million N/A Hydra-Point Plant Grower Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million N/A Island Stone North America Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 33 Jose Luis Melgoza-Zamora dba J&J Berry Farms WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $350,000 - $1 million 10 Kitayama Brothers Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 89 Maggiora Bros Drilling Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 63 Mas Mac Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 210 Mas Mac Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 81 Montalvo Farms LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $350,000 - $1 million 88 Oliveira Plastering Lathing & Drywall WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 40 Optronic Technologies Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 35 Pacific Rim Fisheries Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 14 Pacifico Berry Farms WATSONVILLE Partnership $350,000 - $1 million 57 Rancho Royal Oaks LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $350,000 - $1 million N/A Sakai Farms LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $350,000 - $1 million 315 SR Automotive Holdings Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 28 Sumano's Bakery WATSONVILLE LLC $350,000 - $1 million 56 Suncrest Nurseries WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million N/A The Grunsky Law Firm WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 27 The VPS Companies Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 47 7-11 Store WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 26 7-11 Store WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 26 Ace Hardware of Watsonville WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 65 Aggrigator Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Aggrigator Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Berg-Weiss Enterprise Inc. WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 15 Boyer WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 25 Classico Design and Marketing WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 26 Coastal Manufacturing Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 16 45 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Continental Floral CA LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Crywest Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 33 Eagle Tech MFG Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Earth Sea & Sky Vacations Inc WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12 Elite Construction Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 26 Faurot Ranch LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 0 Festival Farms LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 36 Gauntlet Enterprises Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 24 GB Tank Line Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Haven of Hope Inc. WATSONVILLE Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 0 Hean 'N Home Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 31 Imura Japanese Restaurant WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 32 Jackel Enterprises Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Kemper Refrigeration INc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 La Princesa Market 14 Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 45 La Princesa Market 5 Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 40 Large's Metal Fabrication WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12 Max Builders Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 21 Miguel A Ramos dba Ramos Farms WATSONVILLE Self-Employed Individual $150,000 - $350,000 40 Monterey Bay Transport Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Monterey Structural Steel WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 MSB Technology Corp. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Organic Berries LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 31 Pacific Crest Engineering Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Phenix Wine Distributors LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Pinnacle Healtcare Medical Group-Watsonville FREEDOM Inc. Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 26 Placencia Farms WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 0 Plazita Medical Clinic Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 18 Pulse Shower Spas Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 16 R&26; A Uyematsu LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 73 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Selden & Son WATSONVILLE Partnership $150,000 - $350,000 13 Shinta Kawahara Company WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 32 Six Seconds WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 11 The Golden Sheaf Bread Company Inc. WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 31 Tubular Flow Inc. dba Preferred Plumbing WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 3 Urias Farms WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 N/A WCAF LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 33 WCDJR LLC WATSONVILLE LLC $150,000 - $350,000 0 West Lake Brokers Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 11 Westek Electronics Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 20 WJH Corporation Inc. WATSONVILLE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12 Wysiwyg Farms WATSONVILLE Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 30 First Alarm APTOS Corporation $2 - $5 million 150 Twin Lakes Baptist Church APTOS Non-Profit Organization $1 - $2 million 381 Aptos Hotel Management LLC APTOS LLC $350,000 - $1 million 102 Cabinet Brokers Installation Inc. APTOS Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 20 Elnighticare Inc. APTOS Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 77 Essential Behavioral Support Inc. APTOS Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 71 Ship Smart Inc. APTOS Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 20 The Maynard Group Inc APTOS Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 32 Beverly Fabrics Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 10 Chase & Arnold Inc APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 16 Equity Marketing Solutions LLC APTOS LLC $150,000 - $350,000 9 Glaum Egg Ranch APTOS Partnership $150,000 - $350,000 21 Globe Consultants Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Jeffrey Talmadge Construction Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 16 Kenneth D Zotti APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 22 Motion Express APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 28 One Source Employment Solutions LLC APTOS LLC $150,000 - $350,000 49 Patrick Scheufler APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 14 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained SAR Asset Management Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 10 Taylor Online Marketing.Com Inc. APTOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 3 Unified Building Maintenance APTOS Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 40 Threshold Enterprises LTD SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $5-10 million R.W. Garcia Co. Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $1 - $2 million Bellavista Landscape Services Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 68 Canepa Group Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 45 Clements Family Market Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - $1 million N/A Tanzle Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 27 Tapemation Machining Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 25 Waterflow Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $350,000 - $1 million N/A G. Rau Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 8 Ja-Co Machine Works LLC SCOTTS VALLEY LLC $150,000 - $350,000 21 Jia Tellas Corp SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 45 Kinspiration SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Lutz Network & Power Group LLC SCOTTS VALLEY LLC $150,000 - $350,000 13 Motessori Community School SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 21 Nannette Benedict DDS SCOTTS VALLEY Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 19 Scotts Valley Cycle Sport LLC dba The BI SCOTTS VALLEY LLC $150,000 - $350,000 30 Steeped Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 19 TR Engineering Inc. SCOTTS VALLEY Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Alberi Plastering Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 27 Cappo Management XXIII Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 78 Design Octaves SOQUEL Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 53 Preferred Strategies SOQUEL Corporation $350,000 - $1 million N/A Advanced Blend & Shade Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 Central Coast Landscape and Maintenance SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Drummond Masonry Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 17 Equiptec Mechanical Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12 Extraview Corporation SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 10 N/A 201 0 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Kennolyn Camps SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 150 Merge4 MFG Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 10 Pet Pals Discount Pet Supplies Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 22 SLO Partners Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12 Systems Studies Inc. SOQUEL Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Roaring Camp Inc. FELTON Corporation $350,000 - $1 million Carrington Stone Masons Inc. FELTON Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Engagedin FELTON Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 11 Inc. FELTON Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 7 Inovonics Inc. FELTON Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Jerp Inc. FELTON Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 SPK & Associates FELTON LLC $150,000 - $350,000 15 Greene & Company Inc. BOULDER CREEK Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 14 Legion Industries BOULDER CREEK Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 43 Zaremba Hardware LLC BOULDER CREEK LLC $150,000 - $350,000 0 Flew the Coop Inc. LA SELVA BEACH Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 0 Body Lines LLC FREEDOM LLC $150,000 - $350,000 9 Central Coast Endoscopy Center FREEDOM Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 11 Maripa Ranch LLC FREEDOM LLC $150,000 - $350,000 N/A Dawn Hansen dba Learn CORRALITOS Sole-Proprietorship $150,000 - $350,000 14 Images Everywhere Inc. CORRALITOS 133 Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 202 Salesian Sisters - Mary Help of Christians Youth CORRALITOS Center Inc. Non-Profit Organization $150,000 - $350,000 15 Terry F. Haskin DDS Inc. CORRALITOS Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12 Capitola Gayle's CAPITOLA Corporation $1 - $2 million 80 HPT Motors LLC CAPITOLA LLC $1 - $2 million 125 Capitola RJL Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $350,000 - $1 million 75 HPS Motors LLC CAPITOLA LLC $350,000 - $1 million 56 Daddario Roofing Co Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Donald R. Hardy Agency CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 0 Fuse Architects CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 11 Recipient City Business Type Loan Amount Jobs Retained Kar Master LLC CAPITOLA LLC $150,000 - $350,000 35 Noland Builders Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 15 Santa Adairius LLC CAPITOLA LLC $150,000 - $350,000 0 Tracy's Nails CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 38 Western Limited Inc. CAPITOLA Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 22 Chestnut Identity Apparel Inc. BROOKDALE Corporation $150,000 - $350,000 12