JSD SMART START 2020 Public Forum/Q and A July 6th 5:00 - 6:30 DEED/DHSS RISK LEVELS Where do we start? ❏ 7 weeks and counting ❏ Green and Yellow are risk levels that both require social distancing and other mitigation strategies per DEED and DHSS guidelines ❏ Currently Juneau would be considered in Yellow ❏ We anticipate that being the case in August ❏ Whether we are in Yellow or Green, school will start in a hybrid/blended model Highlights from survey: over 700 responses ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ That was hard! Consistency: communications; expectations; platforms VARIED requests: from no in person, to blended, to “back to normal” Mask opinions vary More rigor Support for scheduling siblings, etc. How can we support students on IEPs differently Lessons learned; guidance given ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Centers for Disease Control (CDC) DEED/DHSS Schools opening in Europe successfully have done so incrementally alongside robust control measures ❏ Bottom line: distancing, masks, hygiene, disinfection, & symptom-free environment Different levels, different challenges Elementary: ❏ ❏ Social distancing more difficult More likely to show symptoms Secondary: ❏ ❏ ❏ More mixing More students (larger schools) Challenging to balance the groups due to schedules Elementary: 4 half days vs 2 full days ❏ Elementary students are likely to have lost the most academic growth during the mandated distance delivery last spring ❏ Elementary students have the greatest needs for routine and structure ❏ 4 half days allows for 4 contacts a week with face to face time with teachers and peers Elementary: 4 half days vs 2 full days ❏ 2 full days would mean students going either 5 consecutive days without contact or days between contacts making routine and structure almost non existent ❏ We believe we will be able to introduce full days for students with IEPs from the beginning, adding more students to full days in incremental steps Elementary ❏ Teachers will focus on essential standards ❏ Face to face instruction will focus on core academics ❏ Specialist time will be supported through home learning ❏ Grow into Wednesdays Middle school and high school ❏ Two groups: ❏ Two choices: AB (Mon/Tues) and AB (Thurs/Fri) or AA (Mon/Tues) and BB (Thurs/Fri) ❏ Students will be graded on their work ❏ Teachers will focus on essential standards ❏ Grow into Wednesdays A and B Wednesdays--why no students? ❏ Cleaning learning and common spaces ❏ Training for teachers and staff ❏ Time for teachers to prepare blended learning lessons Blended learning…preparation ❏ 1 to 1 Device Plan ❏ Teachers working this summer: programs and strategies ❏ August 17 - 21 additional preparation of learning spaces and staff training in blended learning platforms/content ❏ Wednesday planning time ❏ Connectivity--exploring options Flexibility ❏ We will do our best to accommodate specific needs on days/sessions. ❏ As we proceed and get we into a position to add time, or need to change, we will give as much notice as possible. ❏ RALLY is a work in progress Transportation ❏ Physical distancing ❏ Additional cleaning routines ❏ Drivers wearing mask while loading ❏ Attendants will wear mask ❏ Student masks? ❏ Parents encouraged to transport Food service ❏ Work in Progress ❏ Grab and Go meals for off days ❏ Hot meals? ❏ Cafeteria staging ❏ Social distancing Mitigation efforts ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Screening Symptom Free environment Masks/Shields: staff and students Hand washing Hand sanitizer Less mixing Minimizing visitors/Volunteers Parents pick students up outside Entrances--spreading out the coming and going What to do if you are not comfortable sending your child to school at all? ❏ JSD Homebridge Program ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ 2 HS in person class option Allotment $ No reduction to allotment if two in person classes are taken Funding Impacts Unknowns...at this point ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ MS and HS Activities After school programming Mask requirements for students Travel quarantines ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Students/Families Staff RALLY Other Childcare options Changing local/state mandates Changing guidance/science BalancE: Go slow to go fast