Note: Our intent was to publish the list during the recent Lenten season. However, due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the provincial council discerned it was in the best interest of the Province and our institutions to postpone the announcement to a more prudent time. The decision was later made to publish this list in June 2020. March 31, 2020 Dear Friends in Christ, For decades, despicable and evil acts of abuse committed by clergy and vowed religious of the Catholic Church dwelled in the shadows. Hidden and ignored by church members and leaders, these abhorrent sins festered, stifling the light of our Church. The actions of some have wounded victims, sparked righteous outrage, and severely damaged the trust of the faithful. The failure to shed light on sexual abuse in recent decades demands a contrite and transparent response from Church leadership. Today, in a spirit of sorrow and accountability, and with a sincere desire for reconciliation and healing, we are confronting the darkness of these sins. To those who have survived sexual abuse at the hands of a member of the Society of Mary, we profoundly regret and apologize for the serious harm you have suffered. We apologize for the betrayal and pain you and your family have endured. Words will never heal your wounds, but we pray that our actions today will help bring you some solace. The Marianist Province of the United States is ashamed and deeply regretful that some among its members have been guilty of sexual abuse of a minor. Abusive behavior is a betrayal of our religious vocation and has no place in our ministries. All entrusted to our care should be safe. After a careful review of more than 2,500 member personnel files, we are now disclosing names of those Marianist priests and brothers, living and deceased, found to have sexually abused a minor since 1950 in the United States. All living Marianists who have been found to have sexually abused a minor have been placed on a safety plan and permanently removed from public ministry. The list can be found at In publishing this list, we hope and pray that survivors will be validated in their experiences, and that our commitment to transparency will help rebuild trust. We regret the suffering we may have caused both in previously not releasing these names and in doing so now. We also realize that some will be deeply troubled to find the name of a brother they knew personally and for whom they may have fond memories and deep respect. In the past two decades, the Province has taken significant measures to ensure a safe environment for those with whom we minister. Our policies and procedures are designed to provide the necessary safeguards for those entrusted to our care and prevent future abuse. We encourage any survivors of sexual abuse by a Marianist to report it to civil authorities and/or our Pastoral Assistance Coordinator at: or 314-285-2322. We recognize that strong policies, and even publishing this list, cannot undo the anguish inflicted on victims, survivors, and their families. We believe that this is an important step on a long journey towards healing. Because Christ admonished his followers to do penance (Mt. 11; Lk 13) for our sins and the sins of others, the priests and brothers of the Marianist Province of the United States have undertaken special penances during this Lenten season, in accordance with the traditions of our faith. We are also praying fervently and invite you to join us as we invoke our patron, the Blessed Virgin Mary, under her titles of Queen of Peace and Mother of Mercy. I offer my most heartfelt apology for the transgressions committed by Marianist priests and brothers. We pray that those in need of healing will find peace, and that this evil will never again darken the light of God’s church. Sincerely Yours in Christ, Fr. Oscar Vasquez, SM Provincial