April 9, 2020 Rainey Mancini, Senior Vice President Eleanor F. Powell, Vice President Investor Relations, The Estée Lauder Companies 767 5th Avenue New York, NY 10153 Dear Ms. Mancini and Ms. Powell: Campaign for Accountability, a nonprofit watchdog organization, writes to respectfully inform Estée Lauder that its brand is being misused by an anti-abortion and anti-birth control group called Obria Medical Clinics of Southern California, likely without the company’s consent and in conflict with the stated interests of Estée Lauder’s top investors. Obria is a network of approximately 35 crisis pregnancy centers that do not offer contraception, including condoms, beyond fertility awareness and oppose abortion without exception. Estée Lauder employee Vicki Smith, a La Mer regional training director,1 chairs Obria’s Board of Directors. Ms. Smith is listed on Obria’s “About Us” webpage as “Vicki Smith Estée Lauder Former Education Director Board Chair.”2 It also appears that Ms. Smith has used her Estée Lauder email address, vismith@estee.com, to conduct Obria business,3 implying the company sponsors and/or supports Obria’s work. Estée Lauder should be aware that its name and brand is being misused in this way. Obria seeks to create a façade of respectability, behind which it shames women and limits their reproductive healthcare options. An apparent connection with a well-regarded company lends legitimacy and credibility to Obria’s highly controversial and racially charged policies and practices. However, that apparent association goes both ways. The Estée Lauder affiliation listed on Obria’s website and the company’s domain name used in the organization’s official communications suggest Estée Lauder’s approval of Obria’s efforts to oppose birth control and limit women’s reproductive freedom. Four of Estée Lauder’s top shareholders are Vanguard Group Inc., Blackrock Inc., FMR LLC, and State Street Corp,4 each of which is committed to advancing gender equity through their investments. Increased access to birth control is fundamental to achieving gender parity, and apparent support for an anti-birth control organization like Obria could negatively affect these funds’ estimation of Estée Lauder’s alignment with their ideals and discourage their continued investment in the company. Estée Lauder should disavow any apparent association with Obria by demanding Obria remove the Estée Lauder name from its “About Us” webpage and that the organization cease referring to the company in any further publications or communications. Sincerely, Alice Huling, Counsel https://www.linkedin.com/in/vicki-smith-86b05173/. https://omcsocal.org/aboutus. 3 https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6834133-Emailw-VickiSmith.html 4 https://www.elcompanies.com/en/investors/stock-information/ownership-profile 1 2 611 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E. #337 • Washington, D.C. 20003 • (202) 780-5750 campaignforaccountability.org