MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE FRESNO JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE COUNTY OF FRESNO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA WAR RANT AR EST filioazhe?s THE PEOPLE OF STATE CALIFORNIA, To any Peace Officer of said State: . Complaint on oath having been this day laid before me that crime/s, to-wit: PC 242 has/have been committed, and accusing Defendant ROderlc?k George Plper thereof, you are therefore commanded forthwith to arrest the above named Defendant and bring him/her before me as Judge of the Municipal Court, at the Courthouse,jvin the City of Fresno, in said County of Fresno; or, in case of my absence or inability to act, before the nearest or most accessible magistrate in said County of Fresno. The Defendant is .to be admitted to bailDated in the City 9f Fresno, County of Fresno, State of California, this day of /4 W1 ,19 gig - (SEAL) Wg?M-v-?y Judge of the Municipal Court of the._Fr._esno.Judicial District County of Fresno, State of California IF BAIL IS POSTED, RETURN WARRANT OF COURT. FMc-so4 (Remit/7?3) ss?au1!M Bu!?U!eldw03 RETURN OF FR EOFFICER I HEREBY CERTIFY, That .I received the-within Warrant on: ., 19 19 and served the said warrantbyarresting {the within-named Defendant?oni {andbringing?hihj/her into: Court, I. this 19 and booking him/her at the Jail, .. (PLEASE STRIKE OUT INAPPROPRIATE LINE) Chief of Pbiicle,?City ofFresno By- a RETURN OF PEACE OFFICER ill RE BY ACERTI F'Yki'hat I received the within? Warrant ?on 519 a'nd'se'rved the said Warrant by arresting the within-named Defendant on and bringing him/her into _Court,- this and booking hirn/her at the Jail, -. a, (PLEASE STRIKE LINE) - 119?: W. .i mill} Sheriff 8i adv By a Deputy Sheriff {5.3 i i xas I IQPOW 5,1}aq s' JleH- n. anew Ed: aoeg . . I 9 Ju?epdepa :10 uondiao'sag IITH KIIOH T8 I @410 IHECIOH ,Lb aides-d aqi News" ousau Emma Drama whoaj-lealmnwmun-i am,- . sam?eaa?umsm?unsm 'auepu?a?iea 6 ma 'lel?ld - .1430 4,0 ssaJppV SaAa - 1.2 4? 127de I l\ S- 9572?) 'HONvamcisu/ii 55 i9" ??966293#dda. MUNICIPAL COURT, CONSOLIDATED FRESNO JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF FRESNO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Plaintiff, COMPLAINT CRIMINAL Us. WIT . RODERICK GEORGE PIPER . . .. DOB: 4~17-54 Case No.1032k6 5 1006 D.A. No. 86MO7393 Defendant(s). Personally appeared before me on April 11, 1986, NASH LARA of Fresno, California, who first being duly sworn, complains and alleges, in the County of Fresno, State of California: UIOLATION OF SECTION 242 OF THE PENAL CODE, a misdemeanor. The said defendant, on or about February 13, 1986, did willfully and unlawfully use force and violence upon the person of NASH LARA. All of which is contrary to the form force, and effect of the Statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the people of the State of California. Subscribed and sworn to before me on April 11, 1986 Wax/T Mm LJD: ub Attest: 6 66 66; JUDGE OF THE COURT 0031537 003148 9L-QQL2 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO FILED FRESNO COUNTY l' 1100 VAN NESS AVENUE, 9. 0. BOX 1628 I 06/28/93 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93717 I BY SYSTEM I NASH LARA I vs I RONDY RODDY PIPER CLK - CASE NUMBER: ORDER OF STATUTORY DISMISSAL 0F ENTIRE ACTION ON COURTS MOTION I FCOSD 0360939?3 THIS MATTER CAME ON FOR HEARING ON 06/25/93 AND NO OPPOSITION BEING MADE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED ON THE COURTS MOTION THAT, PURSUANT TO CCP 583.360, THE ENTIRE ACTION IS DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE FOR FAILURE TO BRING THE MATTER TO TRIAL WITHIN FIVE YEARS AFTER THE ACTION WAS COMMENCED AGAINST THE DEFENDANT. DATE: 06/28/93 SIGNATURE: A DNAYNE REYES JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ORDER OF STATUTORY DISMISSAL OF ENTIRE ACTION ON COURTS MOTION FILED DOOR 99999 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO FRESNO COUNTY 1100 VAN NESS p. O. Box 1628 I 06/28/93 I FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93717 I BY SYSTEM NASH LARA I I vs I I ROWDY RODDY PIPER I CLK I I I I CASE NUMBER: OF SERVICE BY NAIL 0F NOTICE OF ORDER TO I I FPSOD 0360939-3 I 1. I AM OVER THE AGE OF 18, NOT A PARTY TO THIS CAUSE AND A RESIDENT OF OR EMPLOYED IN THE COUNTY WHERE THE MAILING OCCURRED. 2. MY RESIDENCE OR BUSINESS ADDRESS IS: FRESNO COUNTY COURTHOUSE, ROOM 402 1100 VAN NESS FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93721 3. I SERVED THE FOLLOWING NOTICE: YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT ON THE OWN MOTION PURSUANT TO CCP 583.360 ON 06/25/93 AN ORDER OF DISMISSAL WAS ENTERED AND THIS ACTION HAS BEEN DISMISSED WITHOUT PREDJUDICE FOR FAILURE TO BRING THE MATTER TO TRIAL WITHIN FIVE YEARS AFTER THE ACTION WAS COMMENCED AGAINST THE DEFENDANT. DATED: 06/28/93 DWAYNE KEYES, JUDGE 4. I DEPOSITED THE NOTICE IN THE UNITED STATES ON A POSTCARD WITH POSTAGE FULLY PREPAID, AS FOLLOWS A. DATE OF DEPOSIT JUNE 28, 1993 B. PLACE OF DEPOSIT (CITY AND STATE): FRESNO, CALIFORNIA C. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON SERVED AS SHOWN ON THE POSTCARD LARRY LEE 2033 S. COURT ST. VISALIA CA 93277 I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY 0F PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOINGCISPTRUE AND CORRECT. DATE: JUNE 28, 1993 /?Ls-r'k? I I a? SIGNATURE: TYPE OR PRINT NAME: PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL OF NOTICE OF ORDER TO DISMISS FILED DOOR 9999i SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO FRESNO COUNTY 1100 VAN NESS AVENUE, P. 0. BOX 1628 I 06/01/93 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93717 BY SYSTEM NASH LARA I I vs I I ROIIDY RODDY PIPER I CLK I I I I CASE NUMBER: IPROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL 0F COURTS MOTION TO DISMISS ACTION I I I 90mm 0360939-3 I 1. I AM OVER THE AGE OF 18, NOT A PARTY TO THIS CAUSE AND A RESIDENT OF OR EMPLOYED IN THE COUNTY WHERE THE MAILING OCCURRED. 2. MY RESIDENCE OR BUSINESS ADDRESS IS: FRESNO COUNTY ROOM 402 1100 VAN NESS FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93721 3. I SERVED THE FOLLOWING NOTICE: YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT ON THE OWN MOTION PURSUANT TO CCP 583.360 ON 06/25/93 AT 09:30 AM DEPT: 01 THIS ACTION WILL BE DISMISSED WITHOUT PREDJUDICE FOR FAILURE TO BRING THE MATTER TO TRIAL WITHIN FIVE YEARS AFTER THE ACTION WAS COMMENCED AGAINST THE DEFENDANT. ANY OPPOSITION PAPERS MUST BE FILED NO LATER THAN 06/18/93. DATED: 06/01/93 DWAYNE KEYES, JUDGE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE TELEPHONE (209] 488-2839 4. I DEPOSITED THE NOTICE IN THE UNITED STATES MAIL, ON A POSTCARD WITH POSTAGE FULLY PREPAID, AS FOLLOWS A. DATE OF DEPOSIT JUNE 01, 1993 B. PLACE OF DEPOSIT (CITY AND STATE): FRESNO, CALIFORNIA C. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON SERVED AS SHOWN ON THE POSTCARD LARRY LEE 2033 S. COURT ST. VISALIA CA 93277 DATE: JUNE 01, 1993 I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY 0F PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA GOING IS RUE AND CORRECT. I 4 . M. - bi; SIGNATURE: TYPE DR PRINT NAME: PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL OF COURTS MOTION TO DISMISS ACTION ATTORNEY on man WITHOUT ATTORNEY (rigid; so ADDRESS): FOR counruse ONLY LARRY M. 077140 (209) 627?2080 Attorney at Law Post Office Box 908 Visalia, California 93279 ATTORNEY FOR (NAME): NASH LARA . insert name of court. judicial district or branch court. if any. and post office and street address: 7; i SUPERIOR COURT OF CAEIPORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO i 7? 1 i .. if: 1100 Van Ness Avenue Ls; Post Office Box 1628 .. if? Fusesno, California 93717 10 1987 PLAINTIFF: ?$555. if? r, HaQ?H?g?k? 1., . :22? NASH LARA MW DEFENDANT: 5?55" RODDY PIPER, TITAN SPORIS, and 5939322: 5.2.1 [19 DOES 1 TO as. 1' - CASE NUMBER: injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death [3 MOTOR VEHICLE (specify): [:JPropett'y Damage Wrongful Death 36 9 $3 3 3 @Pemonal inlury Other Damages (specify): Exemplary . .. 1. This pleading. including attachments and exhibits. consists of the following number of pages: 5 2. a. Each plaintiff named above is a competent adult SIMMONS ISSUED. [3 Except plaintiff (name): a corporation qualified to do business in California an unincorporated entity (describe): a public entity (describe): a minor [3 an adult for whom a guardian or conservator Of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed I: other (specify): other (specify): Except plaintiff (name): Cja corporation qualified to do business in California [San unincorporated entity (describe): public entity (describe): [:ja minor an adult [3 for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed other (specify): other (specify): b. Plaintiff (name): is doing business under the fictitiou$ name of (Specify): and has complied with the fictitious business name laws. c. Information about additional plaintiffs who are not-competent adults is shown in Complaint? Form Approved cby the i It ??423,3323a?y 3:523? Personal Injury, Property Damage, 019,2 Rule 932.1(1) Wrongful Death CCP 425.12 982.1(1) - CASE NUMBER. UIIVQII Illhh. NASH LARA RODDY PIPER, et al. injury. Property Damage, Wrongful Death 3. a. Each defendant named above is a natural person a] Except defendant (name): Titan Sports DExcept defendant (name): [29 a business organization. form unknown [3 a corporation [3 an'unincorporated entity (describe): a public entity (describe): other (specify): Except a business organization. form unknown [3 a corporation a business organization, form unknown a corporation [3 an unincorporated entity (describe): a public entity (describe): other (specify): [3 Except defendant (name): business organization. form unknown a corporation [3 an unincorporated entity (describe): an unincorporated entity (describe): a public entity (describe): [33 public entity (describe): [3 other (specify): other (specify): b. The true names and capacities of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plaintiff. c. information about additional defendants who are not natural persons is contained in Complaint? Attachment 3c. d. Defendants who are Joined pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 382 are (names): 4. Plaintiff is required to comply with a claims statute. and a. plaintiff has complied with applicable claims statutes, or b. [j plaintiff is excused from complying because (specify): 5. This court is the proper court because we; at least one defendant now resides in its jurisdictional area. the principal place of business of a corporation or unincorporated association is in its jurisdictional area. injury to person or damage to personal property occurred in its jurisdictional area. [3 other (specify): 6. $3 The following paragraphs of this complaint are alleged on Information and belief (specify paragraph numbers) Paragraph 3 (Continued) Page two A SHORT TITLE: NASH LARA V. RODDY PIPER, et a1. 7. 8. 10. 11. CASE NUMBER: injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death (Continued) Page three The damages claimed for wrongful death and the relationships of plaintiff to the deceased are listed in Complaint?Attachment 7 [:as follows: Plaintiff has suffered wage loss loss of use of property hospital and medical expenses general damage I: property damage loss of earning capacity I: other damage (Specify): . Relief sought in this complaint is within the jurisdiction of this court. PLAINTIFF PRAYS For judgment for costs of suit; for such relief as is fair, just, and equitable; and for compensatory damages (Superior Court) according to proof. (Municipal and Justice Court) in the amount of Exemplary damages according to proof. Prejudgment interest The following causes of action are attached and the statements above apply to each one or more causes of action attached.) Motor Vehicle General Negligence 5Q Intentional Tort Products Liability Premises Liability Other (specify): name) L4 Attorney a? .Law. . . (4?7 0?64 .. (Si/9? . aattire of plaintiff Or attorney) (Each complaint must have ?o a: .4 .Rula 989 Damage. .Pag'eithree SHORT TITLE CASE NUMBER: NASH LARA V. .RODDY PIPER, et al. CAUSE OF Negligence Page 4 (number ATTACHMENT TO ?XlComplaint [i eross-Complainl (Use a separate cause of action form tor each cause of action.) Form Approved by the Plainlill (name): NASH LARA alleges that defendant (name). RODDY PIPER, TITAN SPORTS, and Does 1 lo 10 was the legal (proximate) cause of damages to plainlitfi By the following acts or omissions to act. delendanl negligently caused the damage lo plaintiff on (date): February 13, 1986 at (place): 2820 Tulare Street, Fresno, California (description of reasons for liability): Defendants and each of them negligently and carelessly conducted themselves so that they contacted plaintiff's body, or caused plaintiff's body to be contacted, and plaintiff to be knocked to the ground. Each defendant was at all times herein mention, the agent, employee, and/ or servant of the remaining defendants and acting in the course and scope of said agency, employment and/or service. Judicial Council of Calilornia E?eclive Januaty?l, 1982 A a Inf- A ?vl?nn -- A CASE NUMBER: NASH LARAV PIPER, et al. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTEON?Enten?onal Tort Page (number) ATTACHMENT TO [EComplaint DCross-Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) lT-1. Plaintiff (name): NASH LARA alleges that defendant (name): PIPER, TITAN SPORTS, and [3 Does to was the legal (proximate) cause of damages to plaintiff. By the following acts or omissions to act, defendant intentionally caused the damage to plaintiff onfdate): February 13, 1986 at (place): 2820 Tulare Street, Fresno, California (description of reasons for liability): Defendants and each of them, intentionally assaulted and battered plaintiff, striking him about the head and torso. Each defendant was at all times herein mentioned, the agent, employee and/or servant of the remaining defendants and acting in the course and scope of said agency, employment and/or service. . Form Approved by theGo?i'fi?rile?