MAGISTRAT INKWIRENTI DR. AARON M. BUGEJA M.A. Law, LL.D. (melit) 20 ta' Lulju 2018 FL-ATTI TAL-INKJEST A EGRANTINC. Ossija jekk: l . Is-Sinjura Michelle Muscat allegatament hijiex 1-ultimate beneficial owner ta' E grant Inc.; 2. Jekk il-Prim Ministru jew membri tal-familja tieghu jew John Dalli, Keith Schembri u Conrad Mizzi ghandhomx kontijiet bankarji fil-Pilatus Bank; 3. Jekk kienux involuti f'xi transazzjonijiet finanzjarji suspettuzi fi hdan il-Pilatus Bank jew f'atti ta' korruzzjoni jew hasil ta' flus ma' persuni mill-Azerbaijan fil-Pilatus Bank. PROCES VERBAL 1 000002 L-Inkjesta Magisterjali Qabel xejn, fid-dawl ta' dak li sehh matul il-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta, inhasset il-htiega Ii ghandu jigi ccarat x'inhi inkjesta magisterjali u x'inhu 1-iskop principali warajha. Inkjesta magisterjali tinkludi u timporta fiha forma ta' "investigazzjoni", stharrig bl-ghinuna tal-esperti teknici biex: (a) qabel xejn jigi determinat il-fatt jew id-delitt allegat - ossija t-tiftix, kemm ikun possibbli, tal-verita storika - billi jigu mistharga u stabbiliti 1-effetti jew tracci li jkunu jezistu wara Ii jkun sehh il-fatt jew id-delitt. Ghalkemm it-test Malti tal-Kodici Kriminali fl- artikolu 546 jirreferi ghall-inkjesta magisterjali bhala il-"Prova talin genere", it-test Ingliz jirreferi ghaliha bhala "Investigation relating to the 'in genere"'. Ghalkemm in-nota fil-margini ma ghandhiex sahha legali, b'mod partikolari fit-test Ingliz, hija xorta wahda indikattiva tat-tifsira. (b) Stabbilita l-prova ingenere imbaghad, fil-kazijiet kongruwi, 1Magistrat Inkwirenti jghaddi biex jipprova jistabbilixxi l-prova in specie jew il-prova specifica. Din tkun diretta biex jigi mikxuf min ikun wettaq il-fatt jew id-delitt in kwistjoni biex b'hekk tkun tista' tigi ezercitata 1-azzjoni penali kontra tieghu jekk u meta jkun il-kaz. 2 ( 'r Il-prova specifika trid tigi stabbilita bil-mezz ta' dokumenti, xhieda, jew b' evidenza ohra, diretta jew indiretta skont ma jkun ilkaz. Skont il-gurisprudenza lokali, 1 il-Magistrat Inkwirenti, fil-kapacita personali professjonali tieghu, bhala parti integrali mir-rwol, funzjoni u setgha tieghu ta' Magistrat (b' differenza ta' meta jkun jippresjedi 1-Qorti ' tal-Magistrati f'kawza jew procediment kriminali) iwettaq dan kollu billi: (a) fil-kazijiet previsti mill-Ligi jinvestiga r-reatjew il-fatt rapportat lilu ( u/jew izomm access li 1-Ligi tipprevedi; (b) jaghmel ricerka ghall-verita' (storika, aktar milli wahda gudizzjarja) billi jigbor u jipprezerva 1-provi tal-in genere kollha, diretti jew indiretti, li jkunu jezistu u li 1-Magistrat jimexxielu jidentifika bhala pertinent ghall-fatt jew reat Ii jkun qieghed jinvestiga relattivi ghal dik in-notitia criminis li tkun giet raportata lilu; \ (c) biex wara li jkun gabar u prezerva dawn il-provi kollha identifikati ,. ( minnu u disponibbli fic-cirkostanzi, u cjoe jistabbilixxi jekk fuq bazi prima faciae jkunx hemm stabbilit 1-ezistenza ta' xi reat jew reati kriminalment rilevanti u persegwibbli u (d) f'kaz pozittiv jipprova jasal ghall-in specie, u cjoe jara jekk ikunx hemm sufficjenza probatorja prima faciae li - indipendentement mill-apprezzament tal-provi migbura u prizervati - tista' twassal Principalment dak deciz mill-Qorti tal-Appell Kriminali Superjuri fil-kawza Ir-Repubblika ta' Malta vs Jason Grima, tat-3 ta' Lulju 1997. 1 3 UUUUU4 biex tigi identifikata persuna Ii setghet wetqet dak jew dawk ir-reati kriminali stabiliti fl-inkjesta biex b'hekk tkun tista tigi mibdija 1azzjoni penali kontra taghha; (e) li fl-ahli.amett dak kollu li jkun irriskontra 1-Magistrat jigi migbur £'rapport imsejjah iI-Proces Verbal skont kif regolat mill-Ligi u dan il-Proces Verbal li jkollu sahli.a ta' prova f'Qorti kriminali u jista' jingieb b' evidenza fil-kors ta' kull procediment kriminali li jiskatta in bazi ghall-konkluzjonijiet milhuqa fih. Din il-funzjoni tal-Magistrat fil-vesti tieghu ta' Magistrat Inkwirenti issib diga 1-gheruq taghha lura ferm fis-snin u tirrifletti 1-posizzjoni legali kontenuta f' diversi Kodici ta' Procedura Penali ta' diversi Renji u Dukati Kontinentali. Lokalment, dan il-metodu ta' stharrig gudizzjarju kien diga jezisti, f'forma £tit differenti, fid-Diritto Municipale di Malta, Nuova Compilazione con Diverse Altre Costituzioni tal-1784, aktar komunement maghruf bhala I-Cadice de Rohan. Mill-Libra I, Capo III, Para. Vet seq ta' dan il-Codice de Rohan, wiehed jintebah li s-setghat u 1-funzjonijiet principali li ghandhom il-Magistrati Maltin tal-lum (kif regolati bil-Kodid Kriminali attwali) kienu jigu mwetqin mill-Imhallef maghruf bhala il-giudice Criminale della Gran Corte della Castellania. Dawn is-setghat kienu, u ghadhom, jinkludu s-setgha:(a) li jiddededu kawzi; (b) Ii jistruwixxu 1-provi ghall-processi kriminali; 4 ( 1 0 Uvvvu :·• ' ,..., If .) ,,.. ! l . > t t I,\ ( c) li jaghmlu inkjesti biex jistabbilixxu jekk sehli.x fatt jew delitt denunzjat jew kwerelat lilhom u f'kaz pozittiv jiddeterminaw min kien is-suspettat li wettaq il-fatt jew id-delitt biex jinbdew proceduri penali kontrih. Din hija riflessjoni tas-sistema ta' Gustizzja Inkwizitorja li kienet predominanti f' dawn il-Gzejjer fi zmien 1-0rdni ta' San Gwann u Ii kienet ukoll ispirata mill-Kodici Kontinentali Ewropej. Dan 1-Imhallef kellu poteri wiesa' biex jinvestiga u jistabbilixxi 1-verita storika, ghalkemm dak ( i.z-zmien ix-xoghol tieghu kien aktar ristrett minn dak tal-lum in kwantu kien aktar limitat fin-numru tar-reati serji li kienu jigu kommessi kif ukoll fil-kwalita ossija n-natura tar-reati li kien mehtieg li jistharreg. Ir-reati li kien jistharreg direttament kienu principalment 1-omicidji, offizi gravi fuq il-persuna u reati serji ohra, li pero ma kienux jinkludu reati sofistikati li zviluppaw fiz-zmien aktar ricenti. Dan 1-Imhallef kellu s-setgha li jordna li jitqabdu esperti biex jghlnuh fl-Investigazzjoni tieghu kif ukoll li jircievi 1 ( r-relazzjonijiet teknici taghhom. Dawn ir-relazzjonijiet ma setghux jigu impunjati mid-Difiza sakemm il-Prosekutur jkunx qabel ghal dan. F' dak il-ka.z ir-relazzjoni setghet tigi mistharga minn Periti ohra, li kienu jkunu esperti fil-materja u li skont il-prassi kellhom ikunu mahtura f'numru farradi. L-accessi fuq il-post tal-allegat reat kien jikkonducihom 1-istess Imhallef, li kien imur personalment izur ix-xena tad-delitt 5 000006 e procurera' di usare tutte le possibili diligenze tanto per verificare il corpo del delitto, di qualunque specie fosse, come rispetto alla scoperta dei delinquenti, e rnettera' tutto in chiaro ... Din is-sitwazzjoni procedurali bdiet tinbidel £tit wara li 1-Kuruna tarRenju Unit bdiet tiehu 1-kontroll shih tal-Gzejjer Maltin u tat-tmexxija taghhom. Permezz ta' Notifikazzjoni mahruga nhar 1-24 ta' Lulju 1812, il-Makkiem il-Gdid iddedda Ii jitrasferixxi certi setghat u responsabbiltajiet Ii qabel kienu ezerdtati mill-giudice Criminale della Gran Corte della Castallania u mill-Castellano lil figura guridika gdida li giet mahluqa (mhux minghajr kontroversji) u maghrufa bhala Magistrate, jew bil-Malti, Magistrat. Dan kien zmien ta' riformi kontinwi u qawwija fil-qasam Gudizzjarju Malti, xprunat minn Sir Thomas Maitland, li bil-Proklama xxii tal-ewwel (1) ta' Lulju 1814 ordna Ii 1-poteri ta' inkjesti Ii qabel kienu ezerdtati millgiudice Criminale della Gran Corte della Castallania issa kellhom jigu trasferiti lil u assunti mill-Magistrati. Din kienet dedzjoni Ii kienet tbiddel ix-xenarju gudizzjarju lokali in kwantu taht id-Dominazzjoni Britannika, il-Magistrati kienu meqjusa bhala ufficjali gudizzjarji Ii kienu gew moghtija s-setgha tat-tmexxija tal-Qrati tal-Pulizija Gudizzjarja (Court of Magistrates of Judicial Police) b'kompetenzi t' aggudikazzjoni limitati hafna kemm fil-qasam dvili kif ukoll fil-qasam kriminali meta mqabblin ma dawk moghtija lil Magistrati Maltin tal-lum. 6 Biss f' dak iz-zmien, ( ' 0uu J u 7 n H b' differenza ghall-dak Ii jigri illum il-gumata, 1-Magistrati kienu jmexxu huma 1-Pulizija Gudizzjarja u kien hemm distinzjoni bejn din il-Pulizija Gudizzjarja u I-Pulizija Ezekuttiva Ii kienet immexxija mill-Ispettur Generali taI-Puiizija. Ma±-zmien pero iI-poter tal-Magistrati fuq iI-Pulizija Gudizzjarja ckien u ma±-zmien il-kuncett ta' Puiizija Gudizzjarja tnehha mill-Ligi. Il-poteri ta' investigazzjoni gew mghoddija liI Pulizija Ezekuttiva u dan anke sa mill-Proklama I tal-10 ta' Marzu 1854 Ii biha gie fis-sehh il-KodiCi Kriminali. Biss remrmxxenza ta' dawn is-setghat Ii kienu jgawdu 1-Magistrati baqghu jezistu fit-Taqsima Ii titratta I-in genere. Il-Ligi tistabbilixxi 1-htiega ta' interazzjoni qawwija bejn il-Magistrati u 1-Pulizija, illum il-Pulizija c Ezekuttiva, u rnhux aktar Pulizija Gudizzjarja, fiI-qadi tad-doveri taghhom fl-inkjesti dwar I-in genere. 11-Magistrat ghandhom setghat Ii jassiguraw ix-xena tad-deiitt u Ii jipprizervaw I-evidenza, inkiuz Ii jahtru esperti forensid. Biss illum iIgumata, il-Magistrati ma ghadhomx aktar jistghu imexxu 1-Pulizija Gudizzjarja, ghax din ma ghadhiex tezisti. Huma jistghu jaghtu direzzjoni u ordnijiet lill-Pulizija Ezekuttiva fil-kors t'inkjesta dwar 1-in 7 ·-. :.: ·1 1.) !r. · 000008 genere. Izda 1-Korp tal-Pulizija Ezekuttiva, Ii huwa 1-unika qawwa ta:lzamma tal-ordni f'Malta, Ii hija mmexxija tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija. Bil-Kodici Kriminali vigenti il-Pulizija Ezekuttiva ghandha s-setghat generali ta' prevenzjoni, investigazzjoni u 1-prosekuzzjoni tal-azzjoni kriminali u dan id-dover jibqa' fis-sehh anke meta jkun hemm inkjesta magisterj ali. Fil-prattika prezenti il-maggoranza assoluta tal-kazijiet ta' fatti jew delitti () kriminali jigu denunzjati jew kwerelati lil Pulizija Ezekuttiva u mhux lil Magistrat. Dan peress Ii 1-Kodici Kriminali sa mill-1854 kien jipprevedi Ii denunzji jew kwereli kellhom isiru minn persuni, in primis, lil Pulizija Ezekuttiva. Biss il-hsieb guridiku li 1-Magistrat ikun involut mill-bidu nett fl-interazzjoni mal-Pulizija ma mietx bis-soppressjoni tal-Pulizija Gudizzjarja ghax 1-Artikolu 540 tal-KodiCi Kriminali ghadu jipprevedi Ii meta 1-Pulizija Ezekuttiva tkun irceviet denunzja jew kwerela, Ii fuqhom ghandhom jittiehdu proceduri, huma ghandhom jgharfu mill-aktar fis lill-Qorti tal-Magistrati jew lil magistrat, skont il-ka:l, biex jiehdu minn ghandu 1-ordnijiet mehtiega ghal dawk il-proceduri u fil-ka:lijiet kongruwi 1-Pulizija Ezekuttiva tista' tghaddi wkoll ghall-arrest ta' dik ilpersuna Ii ghandha tigi mharka. Reminixxenza ohra ta:l-zmien meta 1-Magistrati kienu jmexxu 1-Pulizija Gudizzjarja ghadha tinstab ukoll fil-Kodici Kriminali attwali fil-fatt Ii 8 ( huwa possibbli Ii ssir denunzja ta' fatt jew delitt Iii Magistrat minn persuna Ii ma tkunx uffitjal tal-Pulizija jew 1-Avukat Generali. Din hija possibilita moghtija mill-Ligi lil persuni £'Malta Ii rarament tigi rn.hadma. Iida meta jigri hekk, il-Magistrat irid isegwi proceduri spetjali qabel ma jiddededi li jvara inkjesta b'mod Ii 1-Ligi illum tezigi Ii tithaddem procedura spetjali Ii tassigura Ii ma jkunx hemm forum shopping. Matul il-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta Egrant Inc., kif wiehed jista' jara mill-atti ta' din 1inkjesta, din il-procedura spetjali kellha tigi mhaddma ghal darbtejn fuq ( zewg rikorsi differenti Ii kienu saru mill-Kap tal-Opposizzjoni ta' dak izzmien Dr. Simon Busuttil. Fil-kazijiet normali ghalhekk ikunu 1-Pulizija (fil-prassi jkun Fizzjal filgrad mhux anqas minn Spettur) Ii jinfurmaw lil Magistrat ta' fatt jew delitt Ii jkun, fil-fehma taghhom jehtieg li ghalih tinfetali. inkjesta. Imbaghad ikun jispetta lil Magistrat Ii jiddededi jekk ikunx hemm ilprerekwiziti mehtiega biex tibda inkjesta jew le skont jekk ikunx gew soddisfatti o meno d-dettami tal-artikolu 546 tal-Kodid Kriminali. Fil-kaz Ii 1-Magistrat jiddededi li ma jiftali.x inkjesta, il-Pulizija Ezekuttiva xorta wahda tibqa' obbligata Ii tinvestiga dak li jkun gie rapurtat lilha, in kwantu 1-obbligu legali generali t'investigazzjoni u prosekuzzjoni fdat filPulizija xorta jibqa' fis-sehh. F' dak il-kai ikunu 1-Pulizija Ii jiddeCiedu x' azzjoni tkun tispetta Ii tittiehed skont il-kai. 9 4JUUU1U Mill-banda 1-ohra meta 1-Magistrat jiddeCiedi li hemm lok t'inkjesta magisterjali ghax ikunu soddisfatti 1-prerekwiziti skont 1-artikolu 546 talKodiCi Kriminali, imbaghad ikun jispetta lilu li jiehu d-dedzjonijiet skont il-ka.z. Huwa jkun irid jikkordina 1-isforzi tieghu mal-Pulizija Ezekuttiva biex dawn ikunu jistghu itwetqu 1-mizuri u 1-ordnijiet li jidhirlu xierqa li jittiehdu skont il-ka.z. F' din 1-eventwalita, il-Pulizija Ezekuttiva ma jsirux Pulizija Gudizzjarja, ghax din ma ghadhiex tezisti aktar. Il-Pulizija Ezekuttiva pero tkun trid tirrispondi ghall-ordnijiet tal-Magistrat Inkwirenti u twettaqhom minghajr dewmien. Il-Pulizija Ezekuttiva ghalhekk issir 1-id il-leminija tal-Magistrat Inkwirenti. Biss ghad- differenza ta' dak li kien jigri fi zmien meta Sir Thomas Maitland kien dahhal il-figura tal-Magistrat £'Malta, it-tmexxija tal-Pulizja Ezekuttiva xorta wahda tibqa' f'idejn il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija anke f' dawn ilkaZ:ijiet. Il-Magistrat Inkwirenti tal-lum ma ghandux Pulizija Gudizzjarja li tirrispondi direttament lilu f'kollox, izda il-Ligi hija mfasla b'mod li tkun trid issir kollaborazzjoni stretta bejn il-Pulizija Ezekuttiva u 1Magistrat li jkun ordna li ssir inkjesta biex it-tnejn li huma jkunu jistghu jaqdu d-doveri rispettivi taglihom. Il-Magistrat Inkwirenti jaghti 1-ordnijiet u d-direzzjonijiet tieghu lillPulizija Ezekuttiva li jkunu qeghdin isegwu din 1-ahbar ta' fatt jew delitt (aktar 1-isfel maghrufa bhala notitia criminis), u dawn iridu jwetqu dak 10 ( 000011 ordnat mill-Magistrat, inkluz Ii jiehdu hsieb 1-aspetti logistiCi u 1-kuntatti mal-esperti mahtura biex 1-inkjesta tkun tista' ssir skont il-Ligi. Fil-prattika, fil-rnaggoranza tal-ka±ijiet, 1-ordnijiet u 1-konkluzjonijiet talMagistrat Inkwirenti jkunu soddisfacenti bizzejjed ghall-Kurnmissarju tal-Pulizija biex dan ikun jista' jagixxi skont dak ordnat mill-Magistrat Inkwirenti fil-Proces Verbal tieghu. B'hekk normalrnent jekk Magistrat fil- ( Proces Verbal tieghu jordna Ii persuna tigi mresqa 1-Qorti fuq xi akkuza li jsemmi, il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija ghandu d-dmir legali Ii jipprocedi skont dik 1-ordni tal-Magistrat. Izda peress Ii 1-Magistrat u 1-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija (minkejja 1kollaborazzjoni ta' bejniethom) jibqghu indipendenti minn xulxin, jista' jkun li 1-Kumrnissarju tal-Pulizija jkollu dubju dwar dak dekretat millMagistrat Inkwirenti fir-rigward tal-azzjoni li jkun ordna li tittiehed. F'dan il-ka±, il-Ligi tipprovdi li 1-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jista' jikkonsulta ruhu mal-Avukat Generali. F' din 1-eventwalita, id-dedzjoni tal-Avukat Generali dwar x'jigri mill-ordni tal-Magistrat tista' tkun 1istess daqskemm tista' tkun differenti in parti jew ghal kollox minn dik dekretata mill-Magistrat. Generali hija finali. Fi kwalunkwe ka:Z, id-deCizjoni tal-Avukat Fil-ka:Z li 1-Avukat Generali jaghlel li jmur kontra dak li jkun ordna fid-digriet tal-Magistrat fil-Proces Verbal tieghu fejn ikun ordna li jittiehdu proceduri kriminali kontra persuna ghal reati 11 UUUU12 partikolari, huwa ghandu jaghmel rapport bil-miktub !ill-President tarRepubblika li fih jispjega r-ragurujiet li jkunu wasluh ghal din iddecizjoni. Altrimenti, fil-qadi tad-dmirijiet "investigattivi" tieghu matul I-in genere, il-Magistrat ghandu diversi poteri li jrid juza b' ghaqal, qies u attenzjoni. Fosthom hemm is-setgha tal-arrest, qbid, dhul fi proprjeta, li jordna li jsiru testijiet, esperimenti u mizurazzjoni fuq persuni jew il-hwejjeg c" taghhom, fejn mehtieg bl-ghajnuna t'esperti. Fit-twettieq tad-doveri talinkjesti, il-Magistrati ghandhom ukoll is-setghat moghtija liI Qorti talMagistrati bhala Qorti istruttorja, u li ghalhekk jistghu jordnaw li persuni jigu ngunti bhala xiehda, jew Ii tigi prodotta dik I-evidenza li jidhrilhom xierqa, jistghu johorgu tahrikiet liI xhieda jew jarrestaw liI min jirrizultalhom Ii huwa suspettat li wettaq reati kriminali, kif ukoll li jiehdu kull mizura jew haga ohra li tinhtieg biex iI-gabra tal-provi tkun kompiuta minn kollox. Fi kwalunkwe ka.2:, dawk li jridu jwettqu I- ( ordnijiet tal-Magistrat jibqghu il- Pulizija Ezekuttiva. Kif ser ikun spjegat aktar il-quddiem il-Magistrat Inkwirenti, minkejja dawn is-setghat wiesa' li jgawdi xorta wahda jibqa' serv tad-Dritt u ma jistghax jirrombla fuq il-jeddijiet tan-nies. maghhom responsabbiltajiet Inkwirenti jezerCitahom Dawn is-setghat igorru kbar - mhux I-anqas Ii 1-Magistrat skont iI-principji 12 Kostituzzjonali u ~ I [335(3in nu;- Konvenzjonali, skont il-Kodi?i Kriminali ?-ahhar iZda mhux 1?inqas, skont il-kuxjenza. 000014 In-notitia criminis Illi permezz ta' rapport verbali tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija Lawrence Cutajar maghmul telefonikament lill-Magistrat Inkwirenti ghall-habta tal-23:15 tal-20 t' April 2017 (liema rapport gie kkonfermat permezz ta' rapport bil-miktub fis-26 t' April, 2017), il-Magistrat Inkwirenti gie nfurmat bis-segwenti : Illi illum 20 ta' April 2017, il-Kumissarju tal-Pulizija ircieva rapport minghand Dr. Edward Gatt LL.D u Dr. Pawlu Lia LL.D ghan-nom u in rapresentanza ta' 1-0norevoli Prim Ministru Dr. Joseph Muscat, fejn dawn talbu lill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jinvestiga allegazzjonijiet li saru millgurnalista Daphne Caruana Galizia fin-newsblog taghha f'artikolu intitolat "Declarations of trust in Pilatus Bank safe: Egrant Inc shares held far Michelle Muscat"; f'dan 1-imsemmi artikolu, qed jigi allegat illi s-Sinjura Michelle Muscat hija 1- Ultimate Beneficial Owner ta' Egrant Inc; u li I-Prim Ministru jew membri tal-familja tieghu jew Politically-Exposed Persons ohra (u cioe' John Dalli, Keith Schembri, u Konrad Mizzi) setghu kienu involuti f'xi forma ta' korruzzjoni, u/jew hasil ta' flus, u/jew transazjonijiet finanzjarji suspetti, provenjenti minn kontijiet ta' Politically-Exposed Persons mill-Azerbaijan, u dan tramite kontijiet fil-Pilatus Bank. Illi dawn 1-allegazzjonijiet serji jimminaw kemm 1-amministrazzjoni talpajjiz, kif wkoll 1-industrija finanzjarja ta' Malta; Illi f'dan 1-istadju 1-Pulizija qieghdha titlob lill-Magistrat Inkwerenti sabiex tiftah inkjesta halli dawn 1-allegazzjonijiet jigu investigati, anki blassistenza ta' esperti li jistghu jigu mahtura tul din 1-investigazzjoni; u sabiex jigu ippriservati u analizati d-dokumenti kollha relativi ma' din 1investigazzjoni; In sostenn ghal dan ir-rapport, il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija ezebixxa fl-atti ta' din 1-inkjesta il-kwerela maghmula lilu bil-miktub fl-istess jum u skont 14 (\ kif imsemmi fir-rapport tieghu minn fejn jirrizulta li Dr. Joseph Muscat u 1-mara tieghu Michelle Muscat kienu hassewhom aggravati minhabba allegazzjonijiet kontenuti f' artiklu ippublikat aktar kmieni fil-blog Running Commentary miktub minn Daphne Caruana Galizia u dan peress li qiesu d-diversi allegazzjonijiet kontenuti f' dan 1-artiklu bhala kalunjuzi u msejsa fuq fabbrikazzjonijiet. F' din il-kwerela huma talbu li tinZamm inkjesta: "bl-ingenere" halli jigu pprezervati 1-provi ezistenti u jaghti direzzjoni lillAvukat Generali u 1-Kumrnissarju tal-Pulizija u 1-pariri mehtiega skond illigi meta 1-istess tigi maghluqa u dan £is-sens illi; r' Il-Prim Ministru jew membri tal-farnilia tieghu jew politically exposes persons ohra setghu kienu nvoluti f'xi forma ta' korruzzjoni u/jew hasil ta' flus kif dettaljat fl-istess artkolu. Illi wara din it-telefonata, il-Magistrat Inkwirenti immedjatament mar personalment fl-Uffitju tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija fil-Kwartieri Generali tal-Pulizija 1-Floriana sabiex ikun jista' jitkellem f' dettall wiCc imb wicc mal-oghla Uffitjali tal-Korp tal-Pulizija inkarigati minn dan il( ka2. Hemmhekk, il-Magistrat Inkwirenti gie moghti aktar informazzjoni dwar 1-izviluppi li kienu sehhew matul il-jum u dik il-lejla u li allegatament kienu ghadhom qeghdin isehhu dak il-hin. Gie moghti wkoll 1- informazzjoni li aktar kmieni matul dak il-lejl, kienu deheru filmati migbura minn crew ta' NET TV li kien juri li xi persuni (aktar tard identifikati bhala c-Chairman tal-Bank Pilatus Ali Sadr Hasheminejad 15 000016 flimkien mar-Risk Manager tal-istess Bank Antonella Gauci) kienu hargu minn bieb laterali tal-UffiCini tal- Bank Pilatus fejn gew intercettati minn xi gumalisti Ii kienu fuq il-post. Gie rappurtat Ii Ali Sadr Hasheminejad kien qieghed igorr mieghu zewg bagalji Ii allegatament li fihom kien hemm dokumenti sensittivi li kienu qeghdin 11gu mahruga klandestinament mill-istess Bank ghal desintazzjoni ohra. Gie rappurtat ukoll li f' dawk is-sighat ta' bil-lejl kien ghad hemm xi nies li kienu ghadhom fl-uffitji ta' Nexia BT fejn kien ghad hemm xi dwal (' mixghula, minkejja Ii kien sar hafna hin wara 1-hinijiet tal-eghluq normali ta' dawn 1-ufficini. Il-Magistrat Inkwirenti deherlu Ii minn dak spejgat u muri lilu millPulizija kien hemm il-prerekwiziti mehtiega sabiex tinfetah inkjesta magisterjali dwar il-prova tal-in genere u ordna biex jigu mibghuta immedjatament zewg agenti tal-Pulizija mal-Uffitji tal-Bank Pilatus f'Ta' Xbiex kif ukoll mal-Ufficji ta' Nexia BT f'San Gwann u dan sabiex jigi assikurat li dawn iz-zewgt fondi jigu ssigillati u ebda persuna ma tkun tista' tidhol jew tohrog minn dawn iz-zewgt Ufficji minghajr 1-ordni talMagistrat Inkwirenti. Ordna wkoll li ssir perkwizizzjoni fuq il-persuna ta' u fir-residenza fejn kien qieghed jirrisjedi Ali Sadr Hasheminejad. 16 ( L- 11 Artiklu" Ii jifforma 1-bazi tal-kwerela u Ii 1-fatti dwarhom qeghdin iigu mistharga Kif johrog car mir-rapport tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija, 1-ba.Zi tar-rapport Ii sar minnu titnissel mis-serje t' allegazzjonijiet li saru fl-artiklu intitolat : Declarations of trust in Pilatus Bank safe: Egrant Inc shares held far Michelle Muscat pubblikat minn Daphne Caruana Galizia nhar 1-20 t'April 2017 fit-7:59pm fil-blog taghha intitolat Running Commentary. Biss irrizulta li 1-ispekulazzjonijiet dwar min kien is-sid ahhari talkumpanija Egrant Inc. kienu ilhom ghaddejjin ghal diversi xhur f' diversi artikli miktuba minn Caruana Galizia u gumalisti ohra. Izda qatt qabel 120 t' April 2017 ma kien hemm kitba speCifika u espiiCita Ii kienet tishaq Ii s-sid ahli.arija ta' din iI-kumpanija kienet iI-mara taI-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat, Michelle Muscat. Dan kien il-pem ta' dan 1-istharrig li gie mitlub mill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija fir-rapport tieghu u dan peress Ii dan 1artiklu kien jikkontjeni fih kemm 1-allegazzjoni serja li mart il-Prim \ ( Ministru Malti kienet is-sid ahhari ta' kumpanija imwaqfa fil-Panama b'mod li isimha ma jkunx jidher - u dan ghax gie allegat li 1-ishma taghha kienu mizmuma minn Mossack Fonseca bhala nominees, kif ukoll li filBank Pilatus kien hemm transazzjonijiet li kienu suspettuzi immens u li kienu jinvoivu lie-Chief of Staff tal-Prim Ministru Keith Schembri ma persuni mill-Azerbajgan. Dan minbarra 1-allegazzjoni 1-ohra li Egrant Inc kien jidher isimha mhux biss fuq id-declarations of trust imsemmija, izda wkoll fuq bank account opening forms - intizi naturalment biex jinfetah 17 000018 kont bankarju f'isem Egrant Inc mal-Bank Pilatus. It-test ta' dan 1-artiklu jaqra hekk :Declarations of trust in Pilatus Bank safe: Egrant Inc shares held for Michelle Muscat In the kitchen at the offices of Pilatus Bank in Ta' Xbiex, there is a safe in which certain files are kept, and also particular documents marked for extreme secrecy. The safe used to be in the bank CEO's office, but for some reason was moved to the kitchen. In this safe, documents are held pertaining to Russian clients of the bank, and to Maltese PEP, including John Dalli, consultant to Prime Minister Muscat, and Keith Schembri, the Prime Minister's chief of staff, both of whom have accounts with the bank in their own personal names. Dalli's account is not used much, but the Prime Minister's chief of staff uses his regularly and his statements show highly suspicious transactions involving people in Azerbaijan. This bank account is separate to the one held in the name of his once-secret Panama company, Tillgate Inc. The safe in the kitchen at Pilatus Bank also contains the documents that answer the question which the whole of Malta has been asking this past year: who owns Egrant Inc, the third company Brian Torma set up in Panama, for somebody so important that the name had to be given over Skype, rather than in an email as it was for Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri. Those documents in the Pilatus Bank kitchen-safe are declarations of trust which show that shares in Egrant Inc are held by Mossack Fonseca nominees for "Mrs Michelle Muscat". The declarations of trust were provided to the bank by Brian Torma, as a prerequisite for opening an account for Egrant Inc, for which the identity of the ultimate beneficial owner is required. Mrs Muscat's name is also given on another document held in the bank's safe: the account opening form for Egrant Inc. These documents have been scanned and uploaded to the cloud, for security purposes, by third parties so that they cannot be destroyed by the bank. 18 ·1 UVUJ. n n -: 9 U \ n. Dan 1-artiklu pero ma kienx 1-uniku wiehed li kien ippubblikat minn Caruana Galizia fil-blog taghha matul dik il-gumata ghax kien precedut minn iehor li kien intitolat US$1.017 million in single transaction from Azerbaijan-owned company to Egrant Inc. Dan peress li skont dan 1-artiklu, Michelle Muscat kienet il-benefigarja ta' hlasijiet miljunarji li allegatarnent saru lill-kumpanija Egrant Inc. f'kont bankarju li allegatarnent kien jinsab £'Dubai, minn kumpanija li kienet rapurtata li tappartjeni lil Leyla Aliyeva, bint il-President A.Zerbajgani Ilharn Aliyev minn kont li din il-kumpanija t' Aliyeva kellha fil-Bank Pilatus ta' Ta' Xbiex. It-test ta' dan 1-artiklu huwa s-segwenti : '\ ( US$1.017 million in single transaction from Azerbaijan-owned company to Egrant Inc In March last year, Al Sahra FZCO - a company incorporated in Dubai's free zone - made a single payment transaction of US$1.017 million to Egrant Inc, a company incorporated in Panama in 2013. The transaction, which was described as a "loan payment", was made from Al Sahra' s account at Pilatus Bank in Malta, to an account which Egrant Inc holds with a bank in Dubai. This was not the only "loan payment" which Egrant Inc received from Al Sahra FZCO, but it was the largest single transaction. Other "loan payments" were of around US$100,000 each and made twice a week over several weeks in January, February and March last year. 19 000020 The bank account opening form for Al Sahra FZCO at Pilatus Bank gives Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of Ilham Aliyev, ruler of Azerbaijan, as the ultimate beneficial owner of the company. Payment instructions for Al Sahra were given by Farnoush Farsian. Egrant Inc also has an account at Pilatus Bank in Malta, but the money was - significantly- not paid into that account. It was moved out of the country. The transaction was so large and raised so many questions that Pilatus Bank's US correspondent bank (it was a dollar transaction, and at the time the bank had two US correspondent banks) stopped it. After several days of negotiations, it went through. Until the payment was released, an employee at Ne:x:ia BT - which made the arrangements to set up Egrant Inc in Panama with Mossack Fonseca in 2013 - rang Pilatus Bank several times a day, every day, to check on progress and to chase it up. This website has the name of the employee, who left Ne:x:ia BT for other employment when the Panama Papers scandal broke worldwide the following month, but has not spoken to him. The Ne:x:ia BT employee who followed up on this banking transaction is the same one who submitted to Pilatus Bank the bank account opening forms for Egrant Inc and for Tillgate Inc (UBO Keith Schembri) and Hearnville Inc (UBO Konrad Mizzi), which also have accounts at Pilatus Bank in Malta. Like Egrant Inc, the other two companies have accounts at a bank in Dubai, too. Dan kien akkumpanjat minn ritratt ta' ricevuta tal-Visa Credit Card flammont ta' Eur 11014.15. Din hija 1-istess ricevuta Ii 1-gumalista Caruana Galizia kienet ippubblikat £' artiklu precedenti fl-istess blog nhar 1-14 ta' Marzu 2017 fit-3:59pm u Ii turi Ii nhar id-29 ta' Marzu 2016 fil-05:02 kien sar hlas fl-ammont imsemmi lil "Atlantis The Palm" ta' Crescent Road, The Palm, Dubai liema hlas kien sar mill-Prim Ministru ghall-kont ghas- 20 000021 servizzi ta' alloggar f' din il-lukanda wara Ii kien qatta' xi jiem fil-btajjel tal-Ghid tal-2016 f' din il-lukanda f'Dubai mal-familja tieghu. Mill-banda 1-ohra 1-artiklu Declarations of trust in Pilatus Bank safe: Egrant Inc shares held for Michelle Muscat kien akkumpanjat minn ritratt li juri lis-Sinjura Michelle Muscat fil-prezenza ta' Leyla Aliyeva, bint il-President Aierbajgani Ilham Aliyev waqt zjara li din tal-alihar kienet ghamlet £'Malta fl-2014. c \ Dawn iZ-zewgt artikli fl-istess jum kienu jibnu wiehed fuq 1-iehor u kienu jikkontjenu allegazzjonijiet li, jekk veri, kienu jfissru li mart il-Prim Ministru mhux biss kienet sid ahharija ta' kumpanija miftuha fil-Panama fejn isimha kien mohbi izda li kienet ukoll il-benefitjarja ta' ammonti ta' flejjes enormi li s-sors taghhom kien wiehed li ghalih tkun trid taghti spjegazzjoni. Ghalkemm dawn 1-artikli kienu jikkoncentraw fuq il- persuna tal-konjugi Muscat, kien hemm ukoll allegazzjonijiet ohra li -'. ( jinvolvu lill-Ministru Konrad Mizzi kif ukoll lil Keith Schembri, chief of staff tal-Prim Ministru nonche lil John Dalli, li kien Kummissarju Ewropew, u li ghal xi zmien serva ta' konsulent partikolari tal-Prim Ministru. Meta wiehed iqis li dawn iz-zewgt artikli inkitbu fl-istess jum b' distakk ta' ftit sieghat wiehed mill-iehor, kellhom effett kumulattiv Ii kien ilu 21 OUUU22 jinbena ghal diversi xhur, izda li kien il-qofol ta' crescendo fuq dawn 1allegazzjonijiet Ii kien beda matul ix-xahar t' April 2017. Irrizulta li kien 1-effett kumulattiv ta' dawn iz-zewgt artikli xprunaw lillDr. Joseph Muscat u lil martu Michelle sabiex jaghmlu 1-kwerela aktar ilfuq imsemmija. Ir-rapport, bhall-kwerela huwa car f' dak li huma 1- parametri tal-istharrig ta' din 1-inkjesta - u tjoe stharrig tal- allegazzjonijiet li jitnisslu minn dak li kien pubblikat fl-20 t' April 2017 minn Daphne Caruana Galizia fir-Running Commentary. Is-serjeta ta' dawn 1-allegazzjonijiet kienet tezisti kemm jekk 1allegazzjonijiet kienu jirrizultaw fondati u bai:ati fuq il-provi, kemm ukoll jekk dawn ma kienux. L-inkjesta ma setghet tassumi xejn u ma setghetx tiehu b'verita kemm dak pubblikat minn Caruana Galizia daqskemm ma setghetx tiehu b'verita c-cahda tal-kwerelanti. Anzi riedet tipprova tistabbilixxi liema fast dawn il-posizzjonijiet kienu 1-aktar joqorbu lejn ilverita storika mil-provi li setghu jingabru. L-inkjesta ghalhekk telqet mill-presunzjoni tal-innocenza ta' Caruana Galizia fir-rigward ta' dak li kitbet u ta' dawk il-persuni li fomewha blinformazzjoni, kif ukoll mill-prezunzjoni tal-innocenza fir-rigward ta' dawk li kienu fil-mira tal-allegazzjonijiet fil-kitbiet taghha. L-inkjesta 22 () zammet ekwidistanza bejn dawn 1-antipodi billi 1-ewwel tibda tigbor, tipprizerva u tanalizza dik 1-evidenza li kienet tezisti u li setghet tigi misjuba imbaghad wara, bl-ghajnuna tal-esperti mahtura, tghaddi biex tara fejn din 1-evidenza setghet twassal fil-qafas tar-rapport talKummissatju tal-Pulizija u Ii sawwar din 1-istess inkjesta magistetjali kif spjegat aktar il-fuq. Fi kliem semplid, din 1-inkjesta ma setghetx fuq 1allegazzjonijiet tal-artiklu tal-20 t' April 2017 tqis lill-persuni fil-mira talkitbiet kienu suspettati li wetqu reati kriminali, daqskemm ma setghetx C fuq il-kwerela u r-rapport tikkonkludi li 1-kittieba u min kien qieghed itiha 1-informazzjoni kienu in mala fede, malafami, kalunjaturi u hallieqa ta' stejjer jew dokumenti fabbrikati. Kien biss wara li dak miktub u pubblikat kien ikun verifikat bil-provi li imbaghad 1-inkjesta setghet tibda tara x' direzzjoni din tkun tista' tiehu, u rnhux qabel. Ir-rabta bejn ir-rapport u 1-kwerela Ii fuqhom hija msejsa din 1-inkjesta Magisterjali Illi t-talba ghal ftugh ta' din 1-inkjesta mill-Kummissatju tal-Pulizija saret fi sfond ta' drkostanzi partikolari hafna. Hekk kif il-Kummissatju talPulizija irdeva 1-kwerela ta' Dr. Joseph Muscat u martu Michelle, (aktar 1isfel rnaghrufa bhala "il-Kwerelanti") huwa rraporta lil Magistrat Inkwirenti u gharnel dan ir-rapport tieghu b'riferenza ghal dak li kien qieghed jigi rnitlub fil-kwerela tal-kwerelanti. 000024 Il-kwerelanti ghamlu 1-kwerela ghax hassewhom aggravati mmn allegazzjonijiet misjuba f' artiklu pubblikat fl-20 t' April 2017 minn Daphne Caruana Galizia fil-konfront taghhom. Fil-kwerela taghhom jghidu li dawn kienu allegazzjonijiet kalunjuzi u frott ta' fabbrikazzjonijiet u cahdu 1-allegazzjonijiet maghmula minn Caruana Galizia fil-konfront taghhom. Dak mistqarr mill-kwerelanti ma jistax jitqies bli.ala xi format' ammissjoni da parti taghhom li kienu involuti f'xi atti ta' korruzzjoni jew ta' li.asil ta' flus kif allegat minn Caruana Galizia; izda gli.all-kuntrarju gli.amlu talba biex jigi mistharreg kemm 1-allegazzjonijiet kif migjuba fil-konfront taghhom kienu inveritjieri ghax skonthom, kienu ba±ati () fuq allegazzjonijiet kalunjuzi u frott ta' fabbrikazzjoni. F' dan 1-isfond fattwali u in ba±i ghal din il-kwerela, il-Kummissarju talPulizija talab lill-Magistrat Inkwirenti sabiex 1-allegazzjonijiet f' dan 1artiklu, u Cjoe' li : s-Sinjura Michelle Muscat hija I-Ultimate Beneficial Owner ta' Egrant Inc; u Ii I-Prim Ministru jew membri taI-familja tieghu jew Politically-Exposed Persons ohra (u cioe' John Dalli, Keith Schembri, u Konrad Mizzi) setghu kienu invoiuti f'xi forma ta' korruzzjoni, u/jew hasiI ta' flus, u/jew transazjonijiet finanzjarji suspetti, provenjenti minn kontijiet ta' PoliticallyExposed Persons mill-Azerbaijan, u dan tramite kontijiet fil-Pilatus Bank. jigu mistli.arga permezz t'inkjesta dwar I-in genere u in sostenn dan ir-rapport tiegli.u ezebixxa wkoll il-kwerela li kien irdeva mingli.and ilKonsulenti Legali tal-kwerelanti. Din il-kwerela filwaqt li kienet qed titlob li ssir inkjesta biex 1-allegazzjonijiet dwar korruzzjoni u li.asil ta' flus kif dettaljati fl-artiklu jigu mistharga, tali talba kienet ba±ata fuq il- 24 () premessa ba±i tac-cahda rezoluta tal-kwerelanti dwar involviment taghhom f' dak Ii kien qieghed jigi allegat. 1-allegat Fis-sustanza ghalhekk dan ir-rapport kien jipprezenta xenarju partikolari hafna Ii ried jigi meqjuz b'attenzjoni partikolari. Il-Magistrat Inkwirenti kien marbut bir-rapport tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija. Izda dan ir-rapport ma setghax jitqies fl-astratt. L-effett kumulattiv tar-rapport u 1-kwerela Ii fuqu huwa msejjes kien ifisser Ii 1-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija kien qieghed jaghmel talba biex 1-allegazzjonijiet maghmula fl-artiklu ta' Caruana Galizia tal-20 f April 2017 (Ii skont il-kwerelanti kienu infondati, kalunjuzi u ba±ati fuq fabbrikazzjoni), jigu mistharga. Izda dawn 1-allegazzjonijiet Ii kellhom jigu mistharga - setghu jwaslu ghal konkluzjonijiet u effetti Ii probabbilment kienu ser ikunu, fl-aspetti 1-aktar important taghhom, dijametrikament opposti ghal xulxin u fl-istess hin it-tnejn Ii huma setghu jaghtu lok ghal xenarji Ii setghu kienu penalment rilevanti - dipendenti fuq jekk jinstabx Ii dawn 1-allegazzjonijiet kienux fondati fuq provi oggettivi jew le. -... ( B'mod aktar konkret, jekk mill-in genere kien ser jigi stabbilit Ii dawk 1allegazzjonijiet serjissimi fl-artiklu ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia kienu jirrizultaw prima faciae ba:lati fuq provi legalment ammissibbli allura dawn setghu jaghtu lok ghall-investigazzjoni u eventwali prosekuzzjoni tal-azzjoni kriminali fil-konfront tal-persuni imsemmija fl-artiklu jew min minnhom ghal xi fatti Ii setghu jitqiesu Ii jammontaw ghal reati kriminali. 25 000026 Mill-banda 1-ohra, jekk dawk 1-allegazzjonijiet serjissimi kienu jirrizultaw mhux bai:ati fuq provi legalment ammissibbli almenu sal-grad prima faciae dawn setghu ukoll jaghtu lok ghal investigazzjoni u eventwali prosekuzzjoni tal-azzjoni kriminali fil-konfront tal-persuna jew persuni li ppubblikaw u/jew fomew 1-informazzjoni li fuqhom dawn 1- allegazzjonijiet kienu bai:ati. Fiz-zewg xenarji, il-piena applikabbli ghad-delitti 1-aktar serji ipotizzabbli setghet taqbez it-tliet snin prigunerija u dan kien ifisser li 1-prerekwiziti mehtiega ghall-bidu tal-inkjesta magisterjali kienu jezistu. 26 () 11-Metodologija adottata 11-Metodologija adottata kienet specifika ghal din it-tip partikolari t'inkjesta. Kienet tehtieg li tingabar informazzjoni kemm jista' jkun malajr permezz ta' diversi xhieda okulari nonche li jingabru dokumenti kemm stampati kif ukoll digitali, kemm £'Malta kif ukoll barra minn C Malta. L-informazzjoni stampata giet migbura mill-Pulizija Ezekuttiva filwaqt li dik digitali kellha tigi migbura u prizervata minn esperti tekniCi u b'mod forensiku bl-ghajnuna tal-Pulizija Ezekuttiva. Parti mill- informazzjoni ingiebet minn barra minn Malta permezz t'ittri rogatorjali kif ukoll permezz ta' mandat t'investigazzjoni Ewropew. L-informazzjoni kollha kemm stampata kif ukoll digitali kellha imbaghad ( tigi mghoddija lil esperti tekniCi ohra sabiex ikunu jistghu jaghmlu 1analizi teknika taghhom u jirraportaw lil Magistrat Inkwirenti dwar irrizultanzi u 1-pariri teknici taghhom. Ix-xiehda kollha migbura f' dan ilkaz, hlief ghal dawk li gew migbura bil-mezz tal-ittri rogatorji gew mismugha personalment mill-Magistrat Inkwirenti. Ix-xiehda taglihom giet debitament registrata, fejn possibbli b'mezzi awdjo vizivi, izda f'kull ka.z giet traskritta u tifforma parti mill-faxxikolu tat-traskrizzjoni taxxiehda tax-xhieda u dokumenti formanti parti minn dan il-Proces Verbal. 27 f Kien mehtieg li jsir ukoll kuntatt u qsim t'informazzjoni ma' Magistrati Inkwirenti f'Malta u li kienu involuti f'inkjesti ohra li tnisslu wkoll filkors ta' din 1-inkjesta. Fil-fatt f' dan is-sens giet skambjata mhux biss informazzjoni li setghet kienet rilevanti ghalI-fini tal-inkjesti li tnissiu minn proceduri spetjali Ii saru matuI il-kors ta' din I-inkjesta, u Ii huma spejgati fiI-qosor fit-taqsima Ii titratta lilhom f' dan il-Proces Verbal; izda giet ukoll skambjata u ottjenuta evidenza Ii kienet ta' rilevanza komuni sabiex din tkun tista' tigi analizzata mill-Forensic Accountants Ii gew mahtura biex dawn ikunu jistghu iwetqu xogholhom bl-aqwa mod possibbli u bl-aktar mod komprensiv skont iI-Ligi. Saru wkoll diversi kuntatti ma' Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji barranin kif ukoll gew ezegwiti ittri rogatorji mal-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji tal-Panama u talBelgju, mandat t'investigazzjoni Ewropew mal-Germanja. Saret ukoll ittra rogatorja lill-Awtorita Gudizzjarja ta' Dubai, Ii pero sal-jum ta' meta gie pubbiikat dan il-Proces Verbal baqghet mhux imwiegba. Fuq suggerimenti tal-Forensic Accountants, sar ukoll kuntatt mal-Korp ghall-Analizi t'Informazzjoni Finanzjarja (FIAU) kif ukoll mal-Awtorita ta' Malta ghas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta' Malta ghalI-fini ta' t'informazzjoni. gbir L-inkjesta Iaqghet ukoll ix-xiehda biI-gurament ta' diversi funzjonarji ma' dawn il-Korpi. 28 c' ,. , l ..' .,. ,"'\ 0 Uu v i:rJ q Din I-inkjesta saret b'kollaborazzjoni shlha mal-Pulizija Ezekuttiva, Ii hija I-id Ii biha I-Magistrat Inkwirenti jista' jwettaq 1-ordnijiet tieghu. F' clan il-kai il-kuntatt dirett kien mat-Taqsima tal-Iskwadra kontra r-Reati EkonomiCi kapeggjata mill-Assistent Kummissarju Ian-Joseph Abdilla, 1Uffigali u 1-Agenti tieghu, kif ukoll mal-Ispettur Timothy Zammit mitTaqsima tas-Cybercrime u 1-Agenti tieghu. 11-gbir tal-informazzjoni Il-gbir tal-informazzjoni u 1-evidenza saru principalment bil-modi segwenti: 1. Dhul, perkwiZizzjoni, qbid u zamma ta' dokumenti stampati u digitali mill-Ufficini tad-Ditta Nexia BT kif ukoll tal-Bank Pilatus. W ara Ii fis-sighat bikrin tal-21 t' April 2017 tajt struzzjonijiet biex jigu ssigillati 1-Uffidni ta' Nexia BT u tal-Bank Pilatus, sad-09:00 tal-istess jum kienu gew kostitwiti skwadri tal-Pulizija, ilkoll kapeggjati minn Spetturi tal-Pulizija Ii x-xoghol taghhom kien Ii jaghrnlu perkwizizzjonijiet saru simultanji u qbid ta' dokumenti fil-Bank Pilatus u 1-Uffidni ta' Nexia BT. Matul il-perkwizizzjonijiet fl-UffiCini ta' dawn iz-zewgt operaturi, kien 29 t· ,, 000030 meqjuz ukoll Ii whud mill-allegazzjonijiet Ii kienu jolqtu lil PEP meritu tal-artikoli kienu diga ilhom li gew zvelati 1-fuq minn sena qabel u ghalhekk riedet tittiehed attenzjoni partikolari ghal postijiet kollha fejn setgha kien hemm dokumenti stampati u digitali kif ukoll ghal tracd fuq id-dokumenti infushom. Dawn I-iskwadri kienu mit-Taqsima tar-Reati Ekonomid - li keilhom jiehdu hsieb Ii jfitxu ghal dokumenti stampati u digitali u kif ukoll mit-Taqsima tas-Cybercrime li keilhom jiehdu hsieb esklussivament Ii jigbru I-informazzjoni digitali disponibbli. L-iskwadra mit-Taqsima kontra r-reati Ekonomki li marret taghmel ilperkwizizzjoni u qbid fil-Bank Pilatus kienet immexxija mill-Ispetturi Anne Marie Xuereb u Rennie Stivala. L-iskwadra 1-ohra mill-istess Taqsima li marret taghmel il-perkwizizzjoni u qbid mill-Ufficini tanNexia BT kienet immexxija mill-Ispetturi Yvonne FarrugiaJ Matthew Vella u Doriette Cuschieri. Naturalment hadu parti essenzjali 1-Agenti tal-Pulizija adetti mal-Iskwadri taghhom. L-Assistent Kummissarju Ian Joseph Abdilla wkoll kien prezenti ghaI dawn il-prekwisizzjonijiet. Minn naha tat-Taqsima tas-CybercrimeJ I-operazzjonijiet gew immexxija mill-Ispettur Timothy Zammit u mill-Agenti tal-Pulizija adetti ma din itTaqsima. Dawn hadmu taht id-direzzjoni tal-espert tekniku nominat Dr. God win Caruana. 30 Ix-xiehda ta' dawn 1-Uffitjali u Agenti tal-Pulizija tinsab inkluza f'dan ilProces Verbal. II-mod kif saret il-perkwizizzjoni kienet billi giet stabbilita lista ta' keywords li fiha kienet tinkludi 1-ismijiet ta' persuni u kumpaniji jew entitajiet kummergali li f' dak 1-istadju bikri kienu dehru rilevanti ghal din 1-inkjesta. Ghalkemm dan mhux metodu infallibbli, huwa wiehed prattiku u fattibbli meta jiqties il-volum enormi t'informazzjoni li 1perkwisizzjoni kienet riedet taffronta fir-rigward ta' dawn iz-zewgt operaturi, b'mod partikolari meta 1-Agenti tal-Pulizija riedu jaghmlu tiftix file file, karta karta ghall-informazzjoni Ii setghet kienet rilevanti. Biex jaghmlu dan riedu jkunu jafu ghal xiex riedu jfitxu. Il-lista tal-keywords originali kienet tinkludi 1-ismijiet prinCipali li ghalihom saret riferenza flartiklu meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta :1. Al Sahra FZCO 2. Tillgate Inc (ubo Keith Schembri) 3. Heamville Inc (ubo Konrad Mizzi) 4. Egrant Inc 5. Negarin London 6. Michelle Muscat nee Tanti 7. Joseph Muscat 8. Konrad Mizzi 9. Sai Mizzi Liang 10. Keith Schembri 31 000032 11. Josette Schembri Vella 12. Leyla Aliyeva 13. Ilham Aliyev 14. Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad 15. Michelle Buttigieg 16. John Dalli. Matul il-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta, zdiedu ismijiet ohra jew numri (kif jixhed il-Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew mibghut lill-Awtoritajiet Germanizi u li jifforma parti minn din 1-inkjesta) u li kienu mehtiega ghal analizi aktar wiesa' fuq il-meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta. Ezempju ckejken £' dan 1-istadju huwa r-riferenza ghal kumpanija Al Sahra FZCO. Pilatus ma nstabu ebda dokumenti f'isem din il-kumpanija. Fil-Bank Biss il- Pulizija iltaqghu ma files li kienu jgibu 1-isem Sahra FZCO u ohra Shams Al Sahra FZCO. F' dan il-ka:l, huma gabru I-files ta' dawn iz-zewgt kumpaniji, anke jekk ebda wahda minnhom ma kienet imsemmija minn Daphne Caruana Galizia £1-artiklu taghha meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta. B'hekk id-dokumenti stampati fil-files ta' Nexia BT u 1-Bank Pilatus gew setacgati wiehed wiehed mill-Pulizija li gew assenjati ghal dawn ilperkwizizzjonijiet in ba:li ghall-lista ta' keywords. Il-procedura adottata fiz-zewgt perkwizizzjonijiet, u kif tirrizulta mix-xiehda tal-Pulizija li kienu involuti, kienet li Agent tal-Pulizija munit bil-lista tal-keywords iduru file file, karta karta, u jaraw jekk jiltaqghux ma xi isem indikat jew 32 0000'33 relatat ma dawk imsemmija fil-lista tal-keywords. Meta jiltaqghu ma xi riferenza, imbaghad jinfurmaw lill-Ispettur Inkarigat biex jara safejn dan id-dokument setgha jkun rilevanti. Jekk ikun rilevanti, il-file jerga jitqieghed fiI-post minn fejn ingieb biex jigi fotografat fiI-post minn fejn ikun gie maqiugh. Imbaghad jerga jinli.areg u jsiru 1-fotokopji tal-file, b' dan li I-original jittiehed mill-Pulizija ghall-fini taI-Inkjesta fiiwaqt Ii I- kopji jigu ffirmati mill-Pulizija u mir-rapprezentant tal-Bank Piiatus jew Nexia BT, u kopja tinghatalhom ghas-sodisfazzjon taghhom. Wara il-files \ ( originali gew mehuda mill-Pulizija u eventwalment gew depozitati IQorti fejn kienu wkoll depozitati riCevuti relattivi. Dawn id-dokumenti imbaghad gew mghoddija !ill-Forensic Accountant Miroslava Milenovic ghalI-analizi eventwali taghha. 11-frott tal-analizi u r-rizuitanzi taghha sejrin jigu analizzati aktar il-quddiem. Ix-xiehda tal-persuni koilha involuti f' dawn il-perkwizizzjonijiet tifforma parti minn din 1-inkjesta. 11-volum ta' informazzjoni migbur minghand . ( Nexia BT kien jirrifletti I-fatt li din iI-perkwizizzjoni kienet maghmuia b'mod aktar wiesa' li toiqot I-informazzjoni koilha digitali li keilhom fuq is-servers u I-computers li huma msemmija fir-reiazzjonijiet ta' Dr. Godwin Caruana u 1-Ispettur Timothy Zammit. Rendikont tal-informazzjoni koilha migbura tinsab imsemmija fix-xiehda tal-UffiCjali tal-Pulizija fl-atti tal-Inkjesta nonche mir-relazzjonijiet tal-Forensic Accountants u tal-espert tekniku Dr. Godwin Caruana u I-Ispettur Timot!ty Zammit. 33 000034 Ir-relazzjoni ta' Dr. Godwin Caruana In-nomina ta' Dr. Gordon Caruana Nhar il-21 t' April 2017 Dr. Godwin Caruana, bhala espert tekniku filqasam tal-informatika gie nominat sabiex: jaghmel dak ix-xogli.ol kollu meli.tieg sabiex skont 1-arti u s-sengli.a u blaktar metodu effettiv u effikaCi fic-Cirkostanzi jigu migbura jew priZervati 1-hardware, software u kull forma ta' informazzjoni u data digitali oli.ra b'mod generali li kienet tappartjeni lil jew rikonduC:i.bbli gli.all-Bank Pilatus u lid-Ditta Nexia BT u lil kull wieli.ed mid-dirigenti, impjegati u ex-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus u d-Ditta Nexia BT relattivament gli.all-operazzjonijiet professjonali u ta' negozju rispettivi taghhom, kull fejn u gli.and min tali hardware, software u kull forma ta' informazzjoni kienu jinstabu mali..Zuna jew sitwati, inklui: jekk kienu sitwati jew miZmuma minn jew fuq faCilitajiet jew strutturi ta' terzi, u dan sabiex 1-istess jigu pri.Zervati b'mod li 1-informazzjoni digitali kollha rilevanti din 1-inkjesta misjuba gli.and il-Bank Pilatus u . d-Ditta Nexia BT u kull wieli.ed mid-dirigenti, impjegati u ex-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus u d-Ditta Nexia BT tkun tista tigi prodotta b'evidenza f'din 1inkjesta. L-espert qieghed jigi moghti 1-fakulta espressa li jkun jista' jagli.mel kuntatt mal-esperti tekniC:i. 1-oli.ra kollha mahtura f' din 1-inkjesta jew ma dawk il-persuni li 1-Magistrat Inkwirenti jidhirlu xieraq u opportun li jirriferihom u jaghmel dak 1-iskambju t'informazzjoni li jidhirlu meli.tieg ghall-ahjar istruzzjoni u twettieq tal-inkarigu tieghu. Ghal dan il-ghan gie ordnat li jirrelata provizorjament bil-fomm minn zmien ghal zmien u sussegwentement finalrnent bil-miktub billi jsemmi 1-fatti u c-Cirkostanzi kollha li fuqhom ibbaza 1-konklui:jonijiet tieghu u sabiex 1-istess espert tekniku jkun jista' jwettaq 1-inkarigu tieghu b'mod shlh u skont is-sengli.a u 1-aqwa abbilta' tieghu huwa gie moghti wkoll il-fakoltajiet kollha naxxenti mill-Artikoli 548, 650(5) u 653 tal-KodiCi Kriminali. 34 Dr. Godwin Caruana huwa I-uniku espert tekniku Maiti Ii gie mahtur biex bl-ghajnuna tat-Taqsima tas-Cybercrime, b'mod partikoiari I-Ispettur Timothy Zammit, imexxi x-xogli.oI kollu mehtieg sabiex I-informazzjoni digitali rilevanti minn Nexia BT u I-Bank Pilatus tigi mahZuna biex eventwalment tigi mghoddija lil Forensic Accountants sabiex tkun tista' tigi indexed u analizzata. 11-gbir u I-haZna tal-informazzjoni digitali ta' dawn iz-zewgt operaturi irrizuitat li kienet kumpiessa kemm minhabba n-natura tal-apparat li keilhom, kif ukoll minhabba n-natura tal-operazzjonijiet professjonali tagli.hom. FiI-kaZ tal-Bank Pilatus is-sitwazzjoni kienet aktar delikata minhabba obbligi li I-Bank kellu biex ikun jista' jzomm I-operating licence. Ghalhekk wara Ii gie stabbiiit liema kien I-apparat varju li fuqu kienet mahZuna I-informazzjoni digitali ta' dawn I-operaturi u li din kienet verament infrastruttura digitali li kienet isservi ghalI-h2lZna tal\ ( informazzjoni digitali ta' dawn iz-zewgt operaturi, kif ukoll gie stabbilit il-mod ta' kif I-informazzjoni digitali varja kienet qeghda tigi mahZuna, nonche I-apparat li fuqu kienet qeghda tigi mahZuna, saru 1-arrangamenti kollha mehtiega, wara d-debita konferma tac-chain of custody biex isir sequencing ta' dan 1-apparat u d-data rilevanti sabiex tigi prizervata u mahZuna skont 1-ahjar prattid teknid u professjonali fic-drkostanzi. 35 000036 Gie assikurat Ii 1-mod kif 1-informazzjoni digitali tigi mahZuna tkun wahda li tirrispetta r-regoli forensiCi u tassigura li din 1-istess identika informazzjoni tkun trasferita fuq mezzi elettronici li bihorn 1-istess inforrnazzjoni tkun tista' tigi analizzata b' aktar facilita. Fil-fatt dan 1ezerdzzju ta' backups u snapshots sar waqt li s-servizzi tan-Nexia BT u 1Bank Pilatus kienu operattivi. Dan setgli.a jwassal diffikultajiet teknid fir-rigward tar-rikorstruzzjoni tagli.horn. Biss rninkejja dawn iddiffikultajiet irrizulta li r-rikostruzzjoni setghet issir skont I-Option B u dan wassal biex 1-esperti Forensici Ansec IA Limited setgli.u jaghmlu xxogli.ol rneli.tieg biex jieli.du rnagli.horn fir-Renju Unit id-data digitali kollha elevata u li fuqha tibda ssir 1-analizi mill-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics. Minn nali.a 1-oli.ra, din kienet ukoll meli.tiega biex 1-esperti tal-Oracle Flexcube ikunu jistghu jaghmlu 1-analizi mehtiega dwar 1-integrita u 1-awtenticita' tas-sistema bankarja tal-Bank Pilatus ghaliex qabel ma din setghet tkun verifikata b' ezitu pozittiv, ma kienx ikun possibbli ghall-Forensic Accountant Miroslava Milenovic tibda bl-analizi tad-dokurnenti bankarji kollha rnaqbuda sa' dak il-punt. Fir-relazzjoni rniktuba tiegli.u u rnahlufa £1-4 ta' Lulju 2018 1-espert Godwin Caruana jiddeskrivi 1-operat tiegli.u bil-rnod segwenti :This report is being presented for the Courts as directed by Magistrate Dr Aaron Bugeja with respect to Case/File reference XXXX:XX. This refers to data preservation of Pilatus Bank Core Banking System and Nexia Office Automation, non-intrusively. Throughout this text: 36 (~ 0i1fl.137 u v v. • Mgr. Dr Aaron Bugej a is referenced as the inquiring Magistrate • Superintendent Ian Abdilla is referenced as the Superintendent • Inspector. Timothy Zammit is referenced as the Inspector At all times, all decisions have been taken after discussion and agreement with the above stakeholders. Subsequent to the analysis of the information made available, the following are believed to be the more salient observations and outcomes: Pilatus Bank: ' ( 1. Pilatus Bank operates an Enterprise Class core banking system which is hosted at Melita (Primary Site) and Computime (Disaster Recovery Site). 2. The Primary and Disaster Recovery site are exact replicas (see Appendix) of each other in terms of the core banking system (defined latent delay in terms of synchronization). 3. Primary (not sole) access to the core banking system is via remote desktop thin client terminals. 4. The focus of the data gathering exercise focused on the core banking system as indicated by Pilatus Bank officials and as directed. 5. A number of laptops are in use for daily office automation work and potentially to access the core banking system via remote desktop type interaction. 6. The elevation of evidence for Laptops/Desktops from all sites was performed by the Cyber Crimes Unit. ) c Nexia BT: 1. The focus of the data gathering exercise focused on the core office automation repository as indicated by Nexia BT officials and did not look into whether there are other systems in use. 2. Terminals ( PC's, Laptops etc. ) are employed for local processing and storage as well as make use of a centralized repository for storing of information. Centralized storage is however not mandated nor enforced by technical controls. 3. The centralised storage infrastructure is replicated. There were two storage elements (network attached storage devices, but NEXIA IT stated that they are exact replicas of each others). 37 000038 4. The elevation of evidence for Laptops/Desktops from all sites was performed by the Cyber Crimes Unit. 02 Key timeline/events. The following table summarizes key dates and times of the exercise from start to closure. Date Event 21/04/2017 The original, verbal arrangement to perform this assessment. Meeting at Malta Police Depot with Magistrate, Superintendent and Deputy Police Commissioner as well as D4NSIC representative 21/04/2017 Briefing at Malta Police force - scope is to non-intrusively preserve data. 21/04/2017 Pilatus Bank briefing. Advised that Core Banking System is hosted at Melita (Primary Site) and Computime (Disaster Recovery). These are exact replicas (see Appendix). Core Banking system is based on Oracle FlexiCube. Support for the application software (FlexiCube) is via third party contractor. 21/04/2017 Met with IT Manager for NEXIA BT. Sealed secondary Network Attached Storage (NAS) ( exact replica of primary ) used for centralised storage at NEXIA BT. ( see Appendix ) 21/04/2017 Melita are primary facilities/hosting provider - support for infrastructure is performed by Computime. Computime facilities are also the disaster recovery site. 21/04/2017 Instructed Computime to: 1. Perform a full system ( core banking system) backup to tape. 2. Perform a Physical to Virtual (P2V) conversion of key operating environment (Physical Server hosting core banking system). 3. Perform an operating environment, with system state and data, copy. 22/04/2017 NEXIA BT Desktop Searches as performed by CyberCrime unit Removal of storage disks on Laptops/Desktops for persons of interests disks taken under custody of CyberCrime unit Simple searches based on Windows search for keywords for rest of machines - this is beyond the scope of this assignment 38 () n Uv n :\n9 OU J. 26/04/2017 Considerations for reconstruction discussed with exercise stakeholders. Was directed to explore leasing compute elements from a local company. 28/04/2017 Contacted Blv!IT and got specs for a server, to be leased for 1500 Euros excluding of VAT - waiting for confirmation from exercise stakeholders where to deploy. 29 /04/2017 Started the drafting of the exercise report. Informed the exercise stakeholders that in order to establish whether there are any other 'parallel/hidden' systems, one needs to consider: 1. Gaining access to Layer 2 I Layer 3 network information logs. These may or may not be available. 2. Gain access to Internet Service Provider logging information. This may or may not be possible. 3. To gain insight from the day of discussion onward, logging measures need to be introduced at Layer 2/Layer 3 immediately. 4. Irrespective of the above, if a third party connectivity approach (e.g. 3G/4G Internet dongle) was employed, this use case will not be covered. 29/04/2017 Confirmed (and advised exercise stakeholders) a number of external systems and services in use at Pilatus Bank, more specifically: 1. Sharepoint Online ( & ). 2. Outlook I Web App ( & ( ). 3. CARTA ( 4. TAS Group ( It was recommended that for 1 and 2, we engage with Pilatus IT to seek and further clarifications require. It was recommended that for 3 and 4, clarification is sought with Oracle Flexcube /Financial Systems Experts or Pilatus of how these are employed. 05/05/2017 Server Delivered 12/05/2017 Copied Pilatus Virtual Machines (VM's) which were created via the P2V (Physical to Virtual) process to Server. 15/05/2017 Started Core Virtual Machines (VM's) successfully 39 18-19/05/2017 Oracle Personnel extracted data from respective data sources. 25/05/2017 Oracle Personnel extracted more data - saved data to Pen Drives provided. 29/05/2017 Handed NexiaBT Nas to Police. 01/06/2017 Mounted Nexia Network Attached Storage (NAS) at Police - all works 01/07/2017 Preservation exercise complete. 03/07/2017 B:MIT collected Server from Courts of Law. 24/7/2017 Handed External N exiaBT backup external USB HD to CyberCrime Unit. 03 Preservation Approach and Process The focus of this exercise was to preserve data whilst ensuring that there was no or minimal disruption to the respective stakeholders. There are 2 key ( not sole) stakeholders that need to be taken into consideration, namely Pilatus Bank and Nexia BT. 03.1 Pilatus Bank 03.1.1 Head office The core elements considered in this construct where Laptops and Desktops. A third element, namely the PRATh1 thin clients were not. In general, ' thin clients ' as regular PCs, but normally lack some elements such as hard drives and typically do not have extra Input I Output ports or other 'unnecessary' features ( or are disabled ). Since they do not typically have hard drives, thin clients do not have any software installed on them. Instead, they run programs and access data from a server. For this reason, thin clients must have a network connection and are sometimes referred to as "network computers" or "NCs." This was with agreement with the exercise stakeholders in the balance of relevance/time/cost and disruption. For laptops/desktops, via the Cyber Crime Unit, all storage elements where relieved from site to be analyzed off-site. A search for additional potential compute/storage devices was also performed by the Cyber Crime Unit and 40 000041 where such devices were found, these where relieved for further off-site analysis of required. 03.1.2 Melita - Primary Site Melita PLC host the primary infrastructure for the back-office operation of Pilatus Bank including the core banking System. However, they are only providing facilities - infrastructure element management is performed by Computime. Based on the exercise parameters, i.e. making sure that any decisions/operations will not interfere with the Banks operation, as well as the design of the core banking system architecture working in an activepassive setup which is fully replicated, it was decided with the exercise stakeholders that the infrastructure at the primary site will not be touched. 03.1.2 Computime- Secondary DR Site Initially, it was recommended that the DR infrastructure elements will be taken off the network for further consideration of how to best perform data preservation and information gathering. However, after consultation with the exercise stakeholders, the decision was not to take this approach because it was advised ( via Malta Financial Services Authority personnel ) that this will put the operation of the Bank at risk in terms of its operating license obligations. At this stage, the following approach was adopted,in agreement with the exercise stakeholders with respect to attempting to backup the complex banking setup. BACKUP APPROACH A. \ ( •Perform a non-intrusive backup to tape of the core back-office elements. • This was performed using Linear Tape-Open 5 technology available at Computime. • 5x3 TB tapes where employed. BACKUP APPROACH B. • Perform a virtual disk copy of the core back-office elements - see Appendix • A 3TB disk was procured - Transcend - Volume Serial Number is901 EDFDC. •Windows HyperV Hypervisor virtual disks pertaining to core back-office elements where copied to the disk. 41 + 000042 • A Physical to Virtual image of a single machine which hosts the Oracle Flexcube application/database was performed and copied to the disk as well. BACKUP APPROACH C. • An operating environment system backup of Oracle FlexCube was performed. • Backup of Windows Server System State. • Copy of storage spaces I file-system. • Operating Environment configuration specification - see Appendix - also detailed document available separately" pltsrv-dr-dbs01info.txt ". Documentation of current configuration in terms of the overall set-up was also solicited from Computime and made available. This is available separately via the docume;it "Managed Services Preventive Maintenance for Pilatus Bank ". A full list of artifacts backed up is available in a separate document" Drive E Police.pdf". 03.2 Nexia BT Nexia BT setup is based on various laptops/desktops with a centralized, redundant, network storage for storing office productivity artifacts. Local storage (Laptop etc.) is still however possible, but this was considered beyond the immediate scope of the exercise. The primary Storage Facility (IBM Storewize v3700) is backed up onto a secondary facility (Synology DS415) for recovery purposes. Extended administration of the NEXIA setup is performed by Access Point. With respect to the end user terminals (laptops etc.), in agreement with the exercise stakeholders, it was decided that for terminals of persons of interest (criteria established with exercise stakeholders), the Cyber Crime Unit will relieve the respective storage elements for off-site inspection and for the rest, a simple keyword search will be performed manually on the relevant terminals using the underlying operating system search capabilities. With respect to the centralized storage, based on the direction and acknowledgement of NEXIA IT administrators that the 2 storage elements are replicas (hourly snapshots), the secondary (backup) device was sealed and relieved from site for subsequent off-site analysis. 04 Reconstruction Options 41 (l OOOOJ3 It is imperative to clarify from the outset that the backups and snapshots where taken whilst the services where running. Specifically with respect to the Oracle Application - Flexicube - there were no software agents which enable online backup capabilities. This implies that there was no guarantee that the application can be restored and reconstructed successfully at the point of the undertaking. This was made clear from the outset to the exercise stakeholders. Having said this, three approaches for backup were undertake to try to increase the opportunity to successfully reconstruct the operating environment of Pilatus Bank. Pilatus Bank For the compute elements/terminals that were relieved of respective storage element (e.g.laptops/desktops), the reconstruction was to be based on: 1. Copying, at bit level, of the original disk to a respective copy 2. 'Encase' used to analyse the data as deemed appropriate by the exercise stakeholders For the Core Banking System, the reconstruction was to be based on: FOR BACKUP APPROACH A ( 1. A tape library compatible with the Linear Tape-Open 5 technology needs to be accessible 2. Restore the backup tapes onto a infrastructure that is compatible able to host the entire environment(Compute/Store/Network) 3. Analyze the data as deemed appropriate by the exercise stakeholders FOR BACKUP APPROACH B (ADOPTED APPROACH) - This approach was used for Oracle Experts to analyse data 1. A Vmware ESX environment that is compatible able to host the respective virtual machines 2. Copied/Loaded the respective virtual environments onto this environment 3. Started the relevant Virtual Machines and configure to ensure execution (E.g. Oracle Flexcube) 4. Analyze the data as deemed appropriate by the exercise stakeholders not performed by the undersigned as per agreement with Magistrate. 43 000044 FOR BACKUP APPROACH C 1. Install a fresh copy of Windows 2012 R2. 2. Restore the backup up of the Windows System State to this installation. 3. Copy the backup of the file systems containing the data to this installation. 4. Configure and ensure appropriate execution of relevant services (E.g. Oracle Flexcube). 5. Analyze the data as deemed appropriate by the exercise stakeholders not performed by the undersigned as per agreement with Magistrate. NEXIABT For the compute elements/terminals that were relieved of respective storage element (e.g.laptops/desktops), the reconstruction is to be based on: 1. Copying, at bit level, of the original disk to a respective copy. 2. 'Encase' used to analyse the data as deemed appropriate by the exercise stakeholders. For the centralized storage: 1. Install Veeam Backup and Replication 9.0 on an available environment. 2. Attached the replica Network Attached Storage (NAS) to an available and appropriately configured compute environment. 3. Analyzes of the data as deemed appropriate by the exercise stakeholders - not performed by the undersigned as per agreement with Magistrate. BMIT's involvement in the the reconstruction process In agreement with stakeholders, it was established to look into the possibility to procure/lease a server for attempting to reconstruct the core Pilatus Bank environment elements. This was required due to the workload/ compute/store requirements. 1. 27'th Engaged with BMIT for potential leasing of server. 2. 28'th Potential Server found. 3. Agreed with stakeholders to lease the server for 5 weeks for Eur 1500 Excluding of VAT. 4. Delivered on 5'th of May. 5. Installed and configured on the 8th of May. 6. Copy process issues - large size - USB 2.0. 44 I ~ 000045 7. Moved server to server room to kick of long copy process - Friday 12th. 8. Agreed with the stakeholders that due to size/time challenges, third party expert for the scrutiny of data will be performed on the VHDX's directly rather than running the virtual machines - this does not include the FlexCube analysis. This VM was started and Oracle Experts actually worked on the application data directly. 9. On 03/07/2017 B:MIT collected Server from Courts of Law. 05 Closure The scope of this work was to preserve data in a non-intrusive fashion . It is thus imperative to re-iterate that whilst multiple approaches where taken in an attempt to preserve data non-intrusively, there was no guarantee that any specific reconstruction will be successful for those elements which were 'backed' while in operation. However, as reported, the selected reconstruction approach, more specifically approach B, the reconstruction of the key virtualized compute elements was successful and allowed for the subsequent analysis by third parties. There was no involvement from the undersigned with respect to the forensic analysis of the data/information gathered. Dr Godwin Caruana, PHD, CITP Court Expert 06 Appendices REFOl: Confirmation of Production/Replica set-ups -- Forwarded message-From: Stephen Vella Date: 22 April 201713:58:10 Subject: Pilatus Bank backups To: Caruana Godwin MITA, at Attn: God win Caruana We hereby confirm that the backup of Pilatus data being handed over is being taken off the Pilatus DR system hosted at Computime. This DR system is an exact replica of the live system hosted at Melita Data Centre. 45 000046 Regards Ing Stephen Vella CTO Computime Technology Ltd REF02: Base backups of virtualised storage at NEXIABT -- Forwarded message--From: Earl Vella - Nexia BT< > Date: 22 April 2017 17:20:12 Subject: NAS Drive Backup To:, Hi Godwin This email is to confirm that the base backup and the various incremental backups are all located on the NAS Drive provided. Regards Earl Vella IT Manager I ITDepartment Nexia BT I The Penthouse, Suite 2, CapitalBusiness Centre, Entrance C, Triq taz-Zwejt, San Gwann SGN 3000,Malta T: +356 2163 7778 IF: +356 21634383 earl. I www NEXIA BT Snapshot Replica's Backups General setup \l REF03: Copies of Virtual Machines REF04: Physical Machine for FlexCube Systemlnfonnation System Information report written at: 04/22/17 10:06:41 System Name: PL TSRV-DR-DBSOl [System Sununary] Item Value OS Name Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Version 6.3.9600 Build 9600 Other OS Description Not Available OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation System Name PLTSRV-DR-DBSOl 46 000047 System Manufacturer HP System Model ProLiant DL360p Gen8 System Type x64-based PC System SKU 654081-B21 Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU ES-2643 0@ 3.30GHz, 3292 :Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) BIOS Version/Date HP P71, 14/11/2013 SMBIOS Version 2.8 Embedded Controller Version 1.30 BIOS Mode Legacy Platform Role Desktop Secure Boot State Unsupported PCR7 Configuration Not Available Windows Directory C: \Windows System Directory C: \Windows\ system32 Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolumel Locale United Kingdom Hardware Abstraction Layer Version= "6.3.9600.16408" User Name PILATUS\administrator Time Zone W. Europe Daylight Time Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 16.0 GB Total Physical Memory 16.0 GB Available Physical Memory 7.70 GB Total Virtual Memory 19.4 GB Available Virtual Memory 2.85 GB Page File Space 3.39 GB Page File C: \ pagefile.sys H yper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions Yes Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions Yes Hyper-V - Virtualization Enabled in Firmware Yes Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection Yes REF05: - FlexCube 2012 R2 ServerCredentials Domain: Pilatus.Local Account: Administrator Password: pa55w0rd123! With respect to the centralized storage,based on the direction and acknowledge of NEXIA IT administrators that the 2 storage elements are replicas (hourly snapshots), the secondary (backup) device was sealed and relieved from site for subsequent off-site analysis. REF06: - Nexia BT Credentials Account: administrator Password: BtAccEss2016! 47 000048 REF07: -REF Nexia Admins REF08: DR Replica confirmation REF09: - Servers and Data The following is a list of 'systems' identified at Pilatus and Nexia which where backed up in different ways. It is imperative to understand that Pilatus systems are enterprise class information systems which were copied, from the DR site (not primary - as per agreement) using 3 different approaches as indicated on the respective report sections Pilatus Bank (approximately 3 Terabytes): Virtual Disk Images ( HyperV) PLTSRV-DR-MHVOl - Physical Host PLTSRV-DR-VMMOl-VMM-33 GB -GuestVM PLTSRV-DR-VMMOl-Data- VMM-33 GB -GuestVM PLTSRV-DR-DCOl- Domain Controller-18GB - GuestVM PLTSRV-DR-AHVOl PLTSRV-FXAOl.VHDX- Oracle Flexcube Application Server-130GB - Guest VM PLTSRV-DR-BHVOl PLTSRV-APPOl-Application Server-40GB - Guest VM PLTSRV-APP02-ApplicationServer-23 GB - Guest VM PL TSRV-CRSOl- Carta Registration Server- 20GB - Guest VM PLTSRV-DR-DC02- DornainController-19 GB - Guest VM PLTSRV-DR-DF A02- Dual Factor Authentication Server- 18GB - Guest VM PLTSRV-DR-DFSOl - Distributed FileSystem Server -18 GB - Guest VM PL TSRV-DR-DFSOl- Data- Distributed File System ServerData - 420 MB GuestVM PLTSRV-RDS02-Remote DesktopServer -135 GB - Guest VM PLTSRV-DR-RHVOl PLTSRV-FXROl - Oracle Flexcube Reporting Server-137 GB - Guest VM PLTSRV-DR-DBSOl -P2V Physical to Virtual Image -Oracle Fle:xicube ( )- 320 GB PHYSICAL-ORACLE Physical Machine Windows SystemState Backup and File System copy Oracle Flexicube 48 ( ) 000049 ( )- 275 GB Ultrium Backup Set of entire lot as indicated by Computime 5xLT0-5 3 TB each - 15 TB ( OTHERS & Sharepoint Online ( )Web Site - Collaboration- No backups Outlook I Web App ( & ( Email -Online - No Backup CARTA ( -Digital Payments Platform - Need to check whether this is used interactively or in a programmatic fashion Nobackups. It was recommended that clarification is sought with Oracle Flexcube I Financial Systems Experts or Pilatus of how these are employed TAS Group ( - Electronic Payments, Capital Markets and ERP - Need to check whether this is used interactively or in a programmatic fashion - No backups - It is recommended that clarification is sought with Oracle Flexcube I Financial Systems Experts or Pilatus of how these are employed Nexia BT (approximately 5 Terabytes): Nexia SRVOOl - Windows Server File Server - 1.7 TB NexiaSRV04 - Windows Server Domain Controller - 120 GB NexiaSRV03 - MS SQL Server - 400 GB N exiaSRV02 - MS Exchange - 2.5 TB REF 010: - Admin Computime Infrastructure Management - Administrator password employed REF 011: - Veam Version at Nexia REF 100: - AtoZ invoices REF 101: - KVH Invoice Mill-banda 1-ohra minbarra Dr. Godwin Caruana, hadmet ukoll fuq ilgabra u haina tal-informazzjoni digitali it-Taqsima tas-Cybercrime talPulizija Maltija, kapeggjata mill-Ispettur Timothy Zammit. Fil-fatt din 1iskwards hadmet taht id-direzzjoni ta' Dr. Godwin Caruana u rezokont tax-xoghol ta' din it-Taqsima jinsab inkluz £'rapport prezentat mill- 49 000050 Ispettur Timothy Zarnrnit li qieghed jigi inkluz f' din il-parti tal-Proces Verbal ghall-ahjar istruzzjoni tieghu. In-nomina tal-Ispettur Timothy Zammit, bhala 1-Ispettur Inkarigat mit-Taqsima tas-Cybercrime tal-Pulizija tal-21t'April2017. L-Ispettur Timothy Zammit, bhala 1-Ispettur Inkarigat mit-Taqsima tas- Cybercrime tal-Pulizija qieghed jigi mahtur sabiex: taht id-direzzjoni u 1-ordnijiet tal-espert tekniku Dr. Godwin Caruana, jassistih £1-ezekuzzjoni tax-xoghol rnehtieg sabiex skont 1-arti u s-sengha u bl-aktar rnetodu effettiv u effikaci fic-Cirkostanzi jigu rnigbura jew priZervati I-hardware, software u kull form.a ta' informazzjoni u data digitali ohra b'rnod generali li kienet tappartjeni lil jew rikonducibbli ghall-Bank Pilatus u lid-Ditta Nexia BT u lil kull wiehed rnid-dirigenti, irnpjegati u ex-irnpjegati tal-Bank Pilatus u d-Ditta Nexia BT relattivarnent ghall-operazzjonijiet professjonali u ta' negozju rispettivi taghhorn, kull fejn u ghand min tali hardware, software u kull form.a ta' inforrnazzjoni kienu jinstabu mali.Zuna jew sitwati, inklu2 jekk kienu sitwati jew rniZrnurna rninn jew fuq facilitajiet jew strutturi ta' terzi, u dan sabiex 1-istess jigu priZervati b'rnod li 1-informazzjoni digitali kollha rilevanti ghal din 1-inkjesta misjuba ghand il-Bank Pilatus u d-Ditta Nexia BT u kull wiehed mid-dirigenti, irnpjegati u ex-irnpjegati tal-Bank Pilatus u d-Ditta Nexia BT tkun tista tigi prodotta b'evidenza f'din 1inkjesta. Ghal dan il-ghan gie ordnat li jirrelata provi.iorjarnent bilfornrn rninn zrnien ghal zmien u sussegwenternent finalment bil-rniktub billi jsemrni 1-fatti u c-Cirkostanzi kollha li fuqhorn ibbaza lkonklu2jonijiet tieghu. Mit-test tar-rapporti tal-Ispettur tal-Pulizija Timothy Zammit mitTaqsima Cibemetika tal-Pulizija Ezekuttiva li huma prodotti bhala parti minn clan il-Proces Verbal jirrizulta pass pass il-modus operandi adoperat 50 fir-rigward tal-prezervazzjoni u ha:Zna ta' hardware u software kemm minn naha tan-Nexia BT kif ukoll da parti tal-Bank Pilatus. Peress li d-data digitali migjuba minghand 1-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji Germanizi kienet tehtieg li ssir kopja taghha, 1-Ispettur Zammit gie ordnat sabiex jaghmel kopja forensika tal-external hard disk drive li giet moghtija mill-Awtoritajiet Germanizi lil din 1-inkjesta. Wara Ii saret il-kopja forensika, 1- external hard disk drive originali giet konsenjata lil rapprezentanti tal-Ansec IA Limited sabiex huma jkunu jistghu jahdmu minn fuq I-original. Il-konkluzjonijiet tal-ispettur Zammit huma misjuba £'rapport miktub u konfermat nhar il- ta' Gunju 2018 huma s-segwenti : - ' Nexia BT ( Conclusion Preservation of the data stored on all digital devices collected from Ne:x:ia BT was successful. The preserved data is contained in the CCU Evidence Disks being exhibited together with this report as per list in Pages 5 and 6 of this report. All hard disk drives and computer systems collected from Nexia BT were returned to Nexia BT after being successfully imaged by the Cyber Crime Unit, as documented in this report. Release Receipts numbered 887, 890, 891, 892, 901 and 902 were signed by Nexia BT employees confirming receipt of the items being returned to same. Copies of these receipts are attached and marked as Appendix F of this report. 51 000052 The three (3) USB sticks which were seized following an onsite preview carried out by Cyber Crime Unit personnel were also successfully imaged. These devices - marked as 'USBOl', 'USB02' and 'USB03' -were not returned to Nexia BT but are being exhibited together with this report as per list in Pages 5 and 6 of this report. It must be pointed out that Nexia BT have been provided copies of the content stored on these devices as documented in this report. Copies of the data preserved by the Cyber Crime Unit were passed on to Computer Forensic Analysts from ANSEC IA Limited (Ireland) as per the directions received from the Inquiring Magistrate. The transfer of data was carried out at the Cyber Crime Unit laboratory between the 19th and 28th July 2017. The ANSEC IA Limited representative who received the data previously preserved by the Cyber Crime Unit was Mr. Gary Edgeworth. ANSEC IA Limited representatives were at all times accompanyied by Inspector Timothy Zarrunit whilst they were at the Cyber Crime Unit laboratory. II-Bank Pilatus Conclusion Preservation of the data stored on all but two digital devices collected from Pilatus Bank Limited was successful. The preserved data is contained in the CCU Evidence Disks being exhibited together with this report as per list in Pages 5 and 6 of this report. The devices collected from Pilatus Bank Limited which were successfully imaged by the Cyber Crime Unit, as documented in this report, were returned to Pilatus Bank Limited. Release Receipts numbered 886, 888, 889, 893, 943 and 944 were signed by Pilatus Bank Limited employees confirming receipt of the items being returned to same. Copies of these receipts are attached and marked as Appendix J of this report. The two digital devices which were not successfully imaged by the Cyber Crime Unit are the devices marked as 'PC06HD01' and 'USB07'. These two items are being exhibited together with this report as per list in Pages 5 and 6 of this report. 52 Copies of the data preserved by the Cyber Crime Unit were passed on to Computer Forensic Analysts from ANSEC IA Limited (Ireland) as per the directions received from the Inquiring Magistrate. The transfer of data was carried out at the Cyber Crime Unit laboratory between the 19th and 28th July 2017. The ANSEC IA Limited representative who received the data previously preserved by the Cyber Crime Unit was Mr. Gary Edgeworth. ANSEC IA Limited representatives were at all times accompanied by Inspector Timothy Zarnrnit whilst they were at the Cyber Crime Unit laboratory. The preservation of information stored on the Office 365 and Sharepoint systems used by Pilatus Bank Limited was not possible through the authorities of the United States of America. Kopji tal-extemal hard drive provduta mill-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji tal-Germanja kontenenti informazzjoni mehuda mill-Panana Papers Cache Summary of Events On the 16th April 2018, Inspector Timothy ZAMMIT (Cyber Crime Unit) was informed by Duty Magistrate Dr. Aaron BUGEJA LL.D that the technical assistance of the Cyber Crime Unit was being sought in the processing of digital evidence in relation to an ongoing Magisterial Inquiry initiated in relation to allegations of money laundering. Inspector Zarnrnit was informed that the Cyber Crime Unit was required to create copies of the content stored an external hard disk which was in the possession of the Inquiring Magistrate. The following report outlines the digital evidence handled by the Cyber Crime Unit and the processes carried out upon same. All processes documented in this report were carried out by Inspector Timothy J. Zarnrnit at the Cyber Crime Unit laboratory. Device brought to the Cyber Crime Unit 53 Hard Disk marked as USB01 External Hard Disk Drive make Western Digital, capacity 500Gb, bearing serial number WXP1A77J4SK4 was brought to the Cyber Crime Unit by the Inquiring Magistrate, Magt. Dr. Aaron BUGEJA LL.D, on the 16th April 2018 at around 13:40hrs. This device was marked as USBOl. This item was retained at the Cyber Crime Unit for processing. All processes were carried out at the Cyber Crime Unit by Inspector Timothy Zanunit. 1) The Inquiring Magistrate directed the Cyber Crime Unit to create three (3) copies of an archive file stored onto three separate hard disk drives. The hard disk drives used to store these copies were provided by the Courts of Justice. 2) External hard disk drive marked as 'USBOl' was connected to CCU Forensic Workstation named "CCU-001" directly via the forensic workstation's USB port. 3) A new case was created within Encase Forensic Edition Version Softwarel. The device was, then, added to the case. 4) Upon viewing the content of this device, it was observed that the only data stored on the hard disk drive was a '.zip' archive file - named "" - found in the root folder of this hard disk drive. The only other files present on this device were the factory installed drivers stored on such devices. 5) The hash value of file named "" was generated through the use of EnCase Forensic Software. Technical details pertaining to this file are the following: Name Logical Size Hash Value Full Path 120,613,976,433 94bc88dd58bele814fa779c0c9e29b76 C \ 6) File named "" was copied to a CCU Evidence Hard Disk Drive, numbered "CCU-HDD-093", through the use of the copy/ paste functionality provided within Windows operating system. This process, carried out in the presence of the Inquiring Magistrate, was successfully completed on the 16th April 2018 at around 15:30hrs. 7) Upon completion of the copying process from the device marked as USB01 to CCU Evidence Disk named "CCU-HDD-093", device marked as USB01 was disconnected from the CCU Forensic Workstation. Device 54 marked as USBOl was, then, returned to the Inquiring Magistrate on the same day. 8) The contents of file named "", stored on CCU Evidence Disk named "CCU-HDD-093" were extracted to a folder stored on the same CCU Evidence Disk. This process was carried out through the use of application named "7-Zip File Manager". 9) Once this process was completed, the Inquiring Magistrate was given the opportunity of previewing the content of these files. 10) As directed by the Inquiring Magistrate, three (3) working copies of the content of file named "" had to be made onto separate hard disk drives provided for this purpose by the Courts of Justice. 11) The working copies were created by copying file named "" onto the hard disk drives provided by the Courts of Justice through the use of the copy/ paste function provided within Windows Operating System. 12) Once the file was successfully completed to each individual hard disk drive, its content was extracted onto the same hard disk drives through the use of application named "7 Zip file Manager". 13) The process of creating the three (3) working copies for the Inquiring Magistrate's perusal was successfully concluded on the 17th April 2018 at around 21:00hrs. 14) The three (3) hard disk drives containing the working copies of the content stored on USBOl were sealed in an envelope and passed on to the Inquiring Magistrate through Asst. Commissioner Ian Joseph Abdilla (Economic Crimes Unit). 15) Following instructions received from the Inquiring Magistrate, the content of CCU Evidence Disk named "CCU-HDD-093" was destroyed in order to ensure that there are no unaccounted copies of file named "" which was stored on device marked as USBOl. This process was carried out through the use of the "Wipe Drive" function provided within EnCase Forensic Software. In-nomina ta' ANSEC IA Limited Peress li din 1-informazzjoni digitali migbura minghand Nexia BT u 1Bank Pilatus riedet tigi analizzata mill-Forensic Accountants Miroslava Milenovic u mid-ditta tal-Irlanda ta' Fuq Harbinson Forensics gja Harbinson 55 000J56 Mulholland, kien hemm htiega Ii din id-data digitali estensiva mehuda tigi trasferita ghal medium li jkun jista' jittiehed b'mod forensiku barra minn Malta ghall-fini t' analizi forensika minn Harbinson Forensics. Kienu Harbinson Forensics stess Ii talbu li din id-data tigi mehuda b'mod forensiku bil-hidma ta' esperti tal-fiduga taghhom ukoll. Ghal dan ilghan gie maqbul Ii tigi nominate d-ditta ANSEC IA Limited, kumpanija registrata fl-Irlanda ta' Fuq, bin-numru tar-registrazzjoni NI 064909 bluffigu registrat f'Unit E4, Plasketts Close, Kilbegs Business Park, Antrim, County Antrim, BT41 4LY, Irlanda ta' Fuq, Renju Unit. c' B'digriet tal-11 ta' Lulju 2017 gew nominati Stephen Clarke, Gary Edgeworth, Rodger Trotter, Jeffrey Nelson u Malcolm Mc Cully gew mahtura sabiex bhala esperti teknici fil-qasam tal-informatika u operanti taht 1-isem tad-ditta ANSEC IA Limited, u 1-istess ANSEC IA Limited kumpanija registrata fl-Irlanda ta' Fuq, bin-numru tar-registrazzjoni NI 064909 bl-uffigu registrat f'Unit E4, Plasketts Close, Kilbegs Business Park, Antrim, County Antrim, BT41 4LY, Irlanda ta' Fuq, Renju Unit, jaghmlu dak ix-xoghol kollu mehtieg ta Digital Forensic Services sabiex a. 1-informazzjoni digitali kollha rnigbura u priZervata rninn Dr. Gordon Caruana u t-Taqsima tas-Cybercrime tal-Pulizija Ezekuttiva Maltija (mill-hardware, software u kull form.a ta' informazzjoni u data digitali ohra b'mod generali li kienet tappartjeni lil jew rikonduCibbli ghall-Bank Pilatus u lid-Ditta Nexia BT u lil kull wiehed mid-dirigenti, impjegati u eximpjegati tal-Bank Pilatus u d-Ditta Nexia BT relattivament ghalloperazzjonijiet professjonali u ta' negozju rispettivi taghhom, kull fejn u ghand mm tali hardware, software u kull forma ta' informazzjoni kienu jinstabu mahluna jew sitwati, inklu:l jekk kienu sitwati jew miZmuma minn jew fuq faCilitajiet jew strutturi ta' terzi) tigi b'mod forensiku trasferita u mahluna fuq hardware appozitu biex tittiehed fil-laboratorju tad-Ditta 56 (-) 000057 ANSEC IA Limited fir-Renju Unit u Ii jaghmlu dak ix-xoghol kollu mehtieg sabiex 1-istess informazzjoni digitali tkun tista' tigi prodotta f'format Ii tkun tista' tigi analizzata mill-Forensic Accountants u Forensic Analysts Harbinson Mulholland jew Harbinson Forensics jew persuna jew kwalunkwe sogeta ohra Ii maghha I-Forensic Accountants u Forensic Analysts mahtura f' din 1-inkjesta jkunu adetti u mill-Forensic Accountant Miroslava Milenovic, b. Ii jaghmlu dak ix-xoghol kollu mehtieg sabiex skont 1-arti u ssengha u bl-aktar metodu effettiv u effikaCi fic-Cirkostanzi jigu migbura jew priZervati I-hardware, software u kull forma ta' informazzjoni u data digitali ohra b'mod generali Ii kienet tappartjeni lil jew rikonducibbli ghall-Bank Pilatus u lid-Ditta Nexia BT u lil kull wiehed mid-dirigenti, impjegati u eximpjegati tal-Bank Pilatus u d-Ditta Nexia BT relattivarnent ghalloperazzjonijiet professjonali u ta' negozju rispettivi taghhom, kull fejn u ghand min tali hardware, software u kull forma ta' informazzjoni kienu jinstabu mahZuna jew sitwati, inklui: jekk kienu sitwati jew miZmuma minn jew fuq facilitajiet jew strutturi ta' terzi, u dan sabiex 1-istess jigu priZervati b'mod Ii 1-informazzjoni digitali kollha rilevanti ghal din 1-inkjesta misjuba ghand ii-Bank Pilatus u d-Ditta Nexia BT u kull wiehed mid-dirigenti, impjegati u ex-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus u d-Ditta Nexia BT tkun tista tigi prodotta b' evidenza f' din 1-inkjesta u dan skont kif ikun dirett lilhom millMagistrat Inkwirenti u dan billi kull tali informazzjoni digitali tigi b'mod forensiku trasferita u mahZuna fuq hardware appozitu biex tittiehed fillaboratorju tad-Ditta ANSEC IA Limited fir-Renju Unit u Ii jaghmlu dak ixxoghol kollu mehtieg sabiex 1-istess informazzjoni digitali tkun tista' tigi prodotta f'format Ii tkun tista' tigi analizzata mill-Forensic Accountants u Forensic Analysts Harbinson Mulholland jew Harbinson Forensics jew persuna jew kwalunkwe sogeta ohra Ii maghha I-Forensic Accountants u Forensic Analysts mahtura f' din 1-inkjesta jkunu adetti u mill-Forensic Accountant ( Miroslava Milenovic, Ii jaghrnlu dak ix-xoghol kollu mehtieg sabiex skont 1-arti u ssengha u bl-aktar metodu effettiv u effikaCi fic-cirkostanzi jigu migbura jew priZervati I-hardware, software u kull form.a ta' informazzjoni u data digitali ohra b'mod generali Ii biex tkun tista tigi prodotta b'evidenza f'din 1inkjesta kwalunkwe hardware jew software jew informazzjoni digitali ta' kwalunkwe xorta u natura Ii tista' minn zmien ghal zmien tigi moghtija lilhom mill-Magistrat Inkwirenti jew xi hadd mill-esperti mahtura jew persuna indikata lilhom mill-Magistrat Inkwirenti u dan billi kull tali informazzjoni digitali tigi b'mod forensiku trasferita u mahZuna fuq hardware appozitu biex tittiehed fil-laboratorju tad-Ditta ANSEC IA Limited fir-Renju Unit u Ii jaghmlu dak ix-xoghol kollu mehtieg sabiex 1-istess informazzjoni digitali tkun tista' tigi prodotta f'format Ii tkun tista' tigi analizzata mill-Forensic Accountants u Forensic Analysts Harbinson Mulholland jew Harbinson Forensics jew persuna jew kwalunkwe sogeta ohra c. 57 uooo58 li maghha I-Forensic Accountants u Forensic Analysts mahtura £'din 1-inkjesta jkunu adetti u mill-Forensic Accountant Miroslar.1a Milenovic. d. L-esperti qiegnedin jigu moghtija 1-fakulta espressa li jkunu jistghu jaglimlu kuntatt mal-esperti teknici 1-ohra kollha mahtura f' din 1-inkjesta jew ma dawk il-persuni li 1-Magistrat Inkwirenti jidhirlu xieraq u opportun li jirriferihom u jagfunlu dak 1-iskambju t'informazzjoni li jidhirlhom mehtieg ghall-ahjar istruzzjoni u twettieq tal-inkarigu taghhom. e. Ghal dan il-ghan 1-esperti gew ordnati li jirrelataw provi.Zorjament bilfomm minn zmien ghal zmien u sussegwenternent finalrnent bil-rniktub billi jsemmu 1-fatti u c-Cirkostanzi kollha li fuqhorn ibbazaw il-konkluZjonijiet taghhom u sabiex 1-istess esperti tekniCi jkunu jistghu iwettqu 1-inkarigu taghhom b'rnod shih u skont is-sengha u 1-aqwa abbilta' taghhom hurna gew rnoghtija wkoll il-fakoltajiet kollha naxxenti mill-Artikoli 548, 650(5) u 653 tal-Kodici Krirninali. Fil-kors tal-qadi tan-nomina taghhom, 1-esperti tekniCi adetti ma ANSEC IA Limited gabru 1-informazzjoni digitali imsemmija f' din in-nomina fl- atti ta' din 1-inkjesta. Izda fil-mori ta' din 1-inkjesta, 1-istess esperti teknici kienu wkoll gew nominati f'zewg inkjesti ohra kondotti mill-Magistrat Dr. Natasha Galea Sciberras (inkesta "Willerby") u mill-Magistrat Dr. Josette Demicoli (inkjesta "Hillman") sabiex ikunu jistghu iwetqu inkarigi simili ghal dawk maghmula fl-atti ta' din 1-inkjesta fir-rigward ta' persuni ohra. Peress illi 1-informazzjoni migbura fil-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta setghet tkun ta' utilita ghal dawn 1-inkjesti, wara li kienet saret talba appozita millMagistrati Inkwirenti rispettivi sabiex 1-informazzjoni u 1-evidenza maqbuda u analizzata fl-atti ta' din 1-inkjesta tkun tista' tigi imqeghda ghad-disposizzjoni taghhom kif ukoll li formalment tkun tifforma parti 58 c' mill-inkjesti kondotti minnhom. Din it-talba kienet giet milqugha kif jidher mir-rikorsi u d-digrieti ezibiti fl-atti ta' din 1-Inkjesta. Mill-banda 1-ohra peress Ii 1-informazzjoni migbura fil-kors ta' dawk 1inkjesti setghet tkun ta' utilita ghal din 1-inkjesta, wara Ii kienet saret talba appozita mill-Magistrat Inkwirenti lill-Magistrati Inkwirenti rispettivi flinkjesta Willerby u 1-inkjesta Hillman, sabiex 1-informazzjoni u 1-evidenza maqbuda u analizzata fl-atti ta' dawn 1-inkjesti tkun tista' tigi imqeghda ghad-disposizzjoni ta' din 1-inkjesta kif ukoll li formalment tkun tifforma parti mill-atti ta' din 1-inkjesta, kif ukoll li 1-esperti f' dawk 1-inkjesti jkunu formalment ritenuti wkoll esperti nominati f' din 1-inkjesta. Din it-talba kienet giet milqugha kif jidher mir-rikorsi u d-digrieti ezibiti £1-atti ta' din 1-Inkjesta. Dawn 1-esperti tekniCi, ipprezentaw u halfu r-relazzjoni finali taghhom permezz ta' video-conference nhar 1-4 ta' Lulju 2018 fejn ikkonkludew is\ -( segwenti : - Document Information Report for the delivery of Digital Forensic Services Ministry of Justice, Culture & Local Government, Malta Dr Aaron M Bugeja 59 DF17028 ANSEC IA Limited Mr Gary Edgeworth +44 (0)28 94483932 1.3 Disclaimer ANSEC IA Limited shall not assume any liability with respect to any matter or information referred to or contained in the document. Any person relying on the content of this document does so at their own risk, and neither the Recipient nor any party to whom the Recipient provides the document or any matter or information derived from it shall have any right or claim against ANSEC IA Limited or any of its affiliates in respect thereof. The Recipient shall treat all information in the Report as confidential. 60 0iJf1 lJn un 0 1 .~ '( I declare that this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence at any preliminary enquiry, the trial of any person or other legal proceedings, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true. I understand that my duty in providing this written report and giving evidence is to assist the Court; and that this duty overrides any obligation to the party by whom I am engaged, or the person who has paid, or is liable to pay me. I confirm that I have complied, and will continue to comply with my duty in this respect. Gary Edgeworth 61 4th July 2018 ANSEC Staff Involved The following members of ANS EC' s digital forensic staff were utilised during this process. Mr Stephen Clarke Mr Gary Edgeworth Mr Rodger Trotter Mr Jeffrey Nelson Mr Malcohn McCully Declaration of Troth ... Table of Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5 2 Forensic Acquisition Process ...................................................................................... 8 3 Data Extraction & Processing Methodology ........................................................... 16 4 Password Recovery ................................................................................................... 27 5 Summary of Data Extracted ...................................................................................... 31 62 nod,-.3 Ovu u n. 6 Appendix A - Summary of Data Acquired ............................................................. 42 / I II / .:' : ''\ ( II /I / I I / I I I / I L--- --------·- - - -·63 -- - - I I 1 Introduction 1.1 ANSEC have been instructed by Magistrate Aaron Bugeja, Maltese Ministry for Justice, Culture & Local Government in relation to an ongoing Magisterial Inquiry currently being conducted in relation to alleged money laundering. 1.2 ANS EC have been requested to obtain a forensic copy of data that has been acquired from a number computer systems by the Maltese Police Service's Cyber Crime Unit and a Court appointed expert Dr Godwin Caruana. This data had been obtained from two separate companies, which are listed in table 1.2.1 below: ("" PILATUS BANK, TA' XBIEX, MALTA . NEXIA BT, SAN GWANN, MALTA Table 1.2.1 1.3 It was proposed by ANSEC that the data would be copied to a Network Attached Storage device as this would provide a single storage location from which all subsequent processes could be run and also a degree of redundancy for the stored data. The data extracted from the device would then be processed and provided to Harbinson Mulholland for examination by their investigation team. 1.4 Mr Stephen Clark, ANSEC Digital Forensics Manager, Mr Gary Edgeworth ANSEC Senior Digital Forensic Examiner travelled to Malta on 18/07/17. They were joined Mr Rodger Trotter Senior Digital Forensic Examiner on 23/07/17. Between 19/07/17 and 29/07/17 Mr Edgeworth and Mr Trotter carried out the forensic copying process. Full details of this process are included in the remainder of this report. 1.5 Whilst in Malta it was requested that additional data from another location, shown below, was also copied. This data had previously been 64 () acquired by a Court appointed expert, Mr Keith Cutajar, and is listed in table 1.5.1 below: :MFSP, MALTA Table 1.5.1 65 000066 1.6 Mr Jeffrey Nelson, Senior Digital Forensic Examiner, ANSEC travelled to Malta on 17/01/18 and copied data that he received from Mr Keith Cutajar, Court appointed expert and PS 422 Neil G Caruana, Mobile Device Forensic Examiner. These items are the subject of a separate report prepared by Mr Nelson for Magistrate Natasha Galea Sciberras. These items are listed in table 1.6.1 below: ..' ~ . . . . -.· . - ..,._ -, ";"'" -- : ... _- ' . . - . LHDOl Image of Western Digital External Drive MB02 Extracted data from Apple iPad Mini 3G PCOl-HDOl Image of Apple MacBook Air A1369 PC03-HD01 Image of Dell Vostro 15 3000 series laptop 17 CEU 201 Extracted data from Apple Iphone 6 A1586 mobile phone 17 CEU 201A Extracted data from GoMobile Sim Card 17 CEU 202 Extracted data from Apple Iphone 7 A1778 mobile p?one 17 CEU 202A Extracted data from GoMobile Sim Card 17 CEU 203 Extracted data from Sony Xperia E5633 mobile phone 17 CEU 203A Extracted data from Etisalat Sim Card 17 CEU 203B Extracted data from Forbesfone Sim Card PC02-HD01 Dell Inspiron 910 Mini Service Tag: 28R66Hl Table l.6.l 1.7 In addition Mr Rodger Trotter and Mr Jeffrey Nelson, Senior Digital Forensic Examiner, ANSEC travelled to Malta on 25/04/18 and received a portable hard drive from Magistrate Bugeja containing files that had been acquired from the German Authorities relating to elements of the Panama Papers that were believed to be relevant to this investigation. This is listed in table 1.7.1 below. 66 Ill RDT6 - Mall:azip, Panama Papers Table 1.7.1 1.8 A summary of all data acquired is outlined at Appendix A below. 1.9 The full methodology used in the forensic acquisition process is outlined in Section 2 below. ,/ I ~-/- - - - - - - - k 67 000068 2 Forensic Acquisition Process 2.1 The examination of all items referred to in this report have been carried out in accordance with the ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence and current forensic computing standards and best practices. All records in relation to the examination of this equipment have been retained at ANSEC and are available for disclosure if required. 2.2 Data can be copied on computer systems using a number of different methods, such as drag and drop, copy and paste or even by typing commands. However in a forensic copying process, a procedure is required to give confidence that the data copied is no more or no less than when it was first taken into possession (ACPO England, Wales & Northern Ireland, Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, 2012). In this case three separate types of data were identified and were required to be copied. 2.3 Firstly, EnCase forensic image files (E01) 2, which are an exact binary copy of the data, that had been acquired from several standalone computers and storage devices by the Maltese Police Cyber Crime Unit and Court appointed experts. 2.4 Secondly, restored copies of several standalone computers created by the Maltese Police Cyber Crime Unit. This process uses Encase forensic software to acquire the data and restore an exact copy of it to a bare hard disk drive. This is often referred to as a "clone". In this case the cloned disks were acquired by ANSEC to produce forensic image files (EOl) that could be verified. 2.5 At the end of the process the files produced are also subjected to a verification process, known as hashing. This process ensures the integrity Forensic Image - An image in this context is an exact bit stream copy that is acquired from digital devices such as a hard disks other digital media. A key part of the acquisition stage is to perform a verification of the image. During the creation of the original image, a calculation is made (Cyclical Redundancy Check) on the data being copied. A value is created for each 'block' of data that make up the forensic image and a checksum is calculated to ensure that the content of each block has not changed. At the end of the process the files produced are also subjected to a verification process, known as an MD5 or SHA-I hash. This process ensures the integrity of the image files created and can be repeated at any time to verify the content has not changed. 2 68 n ;~ 1:-; 9. uuvu· ,-. rt U of the image files created and can be repeated at any time to verify the content has not changed. 2.6 Thirdly, copies of data from the large scale server systems at Pilatus had been made by a Court appointed expert, Dr Godwin Caruana. These files were in the Microsoft Hyper-V format (VHDX). In addition a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device containing Veeam virtualisation backup files (VBK & VIB) and Microsoft Exchange Email personal storage archives (PST) was seized from Nexia BT. 2.7 In order to verify the forensic copy of these files, a process was used that copies the files, calculates a hash value for the copied file and compares this to the hash value for the original file. Only if both hash values match can it be said that the copy has been verified. 2.8 This copying and verification process is shown in figure 2.8.1 below. ;_;:,, .-.~ .... - .... ;,.1) - ." .' i: ~!e~:~~~i~_ fr?iJ'.l~~?~; ~e destination ~r'Jocation ~to ~i.i~~,.~~'Jiw- ."1;i..:tii,.~ ~.:.i ~. """'\ ( r1; • ~ ~· ,f~ -.. , ... ~ •• • 'r":., •,~ . • h 1 , ., ~,.. e.g. Q68EC78 •.• - ,L -·' :· .....:. ,:· - ~- • • < , .., , ~ ·File hashed at source . ' • • ...._· --.. - ... • ~ . - ' . ' • Hash va.lues compared ! ' " Results written to log file Figure 2.8.1 69 r, (\ n. !\ i/ 0 u u v \} ' 2.9 All data from the Pilatus computers, USB devices, servers and Nexia computers and USB devices was copied from the source devices to a Synology Network Attached Storage device and verified using the methodology outlined above. 2.10 All data from the Nexia network attached storage device was copied from the source device to the Synology network attached storage and also verified by comparing the hash values on the source device with those copied to the Synology NAS. 2.11 The NAS was then conveyed by hand to ANSEC's premises, where it was placed into secure storage pending further examination of the data. Details of the data acquired was entered into ANS EC' s electronic case management system, known as LIMA. 70 nnn;~~1· O uVv; Data obtained from Pilatus Bank 2.12 The data acquired from the standalone devices at Pilatus Bank by the Maltese Police Cyber Crime Unit is listed in table 2.12.1 below with the internal Cyber Crime Unit reference number and a description of the item from which the data was acquired. All items were imaged or copied and verified by ANS EC' s Mr G Edgeworth. ~ .. . :: "' - . -.., . - -- '.., . .,. - _-: . .. . . . - . --·~: .. . ,. . . ' ' ~.. ( , , .--.--=- - . - - . . -· : .. - ,. .. ~,.:. ·~. . . . . :~ PCOl HP pro-book 450Go Imaged & Verified PC02 HP pro-desk 490 Gl MT Imaged & Verified PC03 Lenovo Think Pad E560 Imaged & Verified PC04 Dell Opti Plex 390 Copied & Verified PC05 Asus Notebook Pc X551c Imaged & Verified PC07 Dell Opti Plex 390 Imaged & Verified PC08 Apple MacBook Air Copied & Verified PC09 Apple MacBook Air Copied & Verified PClO Lenovo Think Pad E440 Copied & Verified PCll Lenovo Think Pad E540 Copied & Verified PC12 Lenovo Think Pad E450 Copied & Verified PC13 Acer Aspire El Series Copied & Verified USBOl Hitachi External Hard Disk Copied & Verified USB02 USB Stick labelled "Mehmet" Copied & Verified USB03 Samsung External Hard Disk Copied & Verified '\ ( 71 -f 000072 USB04 USB Stick branded "" Copied & Verified USBOS USB Stick branded "Paysafe" Copied & Verified USB06 Loose Hard Disk Drive Copied & Verified USBOS USB stick, colour chrome Copied & Verified USB09 USB stick branded "Equitativa" Copied & Verified USBlO USB stick branded "FIAU 2015" Copied & Verified USBll USB stick, branded ''MIA" Copied & Verified USB12 USB Stick branded "FIAU 2014" Copied & Verified ( :) Table 2.12.1 2.13 It was noted that data had not been acquired from two other items identified as PC06 - Acer Aspire X3450 laptop and USB07 - Apple iPad Mini. The hard disk from PC06 was reported as being defective. This was confirmed by ANSEC Digital Forensic Examiners who were also unable to acquire the device. 2.14 The data acquired from the server systems at Pilatus Bank by Dr Godwin Caruana is listed in table 2.14.1 below with a description of the item from which the data was acquired. All items were imaged or copied and verified by ANS EC' s Mr R Trotter. - ' -. - . . , - PLTSRV-DR-MHVOl - PLTSRV-DR-VMMOl - VMM Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-MHV01-PLTSRV-DR-VMM01- Data VMM Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-MHVOl-PLTSRV-DR-DCOl - Data VMM Copied & Verified 72 ~ . I ( . PLTSRV-DR-AHVOl - PLTSRV-FXAOl.VHDX Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-BHVOl - PLTSRV-APPOl Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-BHVOl - PLTSRV-APP02 Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-BHVOl-PLTSRV-CRSOl Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-BHVOl - PLTSRV-DR_DC02 Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-BHVOl - PLTSRV-DR-DFA02 Copied & Verified PL TSRV-DR-BHVOl - PLTSRV-DR-DFSOl Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-BHVOl - PLTSRV-DR-DFSOl Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-BHVOl- PLTSRV-RDS02 Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-RHVOl-PLTRSRV-FXROl Copied & Verified PLTSRV-DR-DBS01-P2V - Physical to Virtual Image Copied & Verified PHYSICAL ORACLE Copied & Verified Table 2.14.1 Data obtained from Nexia BT ( 2.15 The data acquired from the standalone devices at Nexia BT by the Maltese Police Cyber Crime Unit is listed in table 2.15.l below with the internal Cyber Crime Unit reference number and a description of the item from which the data was acquired. All items were imaged or copied and verified by ANS EC' s Mr G Edgeworth. PCOl HP350G2 Imaged & Verified PC02 Dell Latitude E7470 Copied & Verified 73 0000'74 PC03 Dell Vostro15 3000 Series Imaged & Verified PC04 Dell Vostro 15 3000 Series Imaged & Verified PC05 Acer Travelmate P256 Copied & Verified PC06 Dell Latitude E7450 Copied & Verified PC07 Dell Latitude E7470 Copied & Verified PC08 Dell Inspiron 17 . Copied & Verified PC09 Dell Vostro15 3000 Series Copied & Verified PClO Dell Latitude E7440 Copied & Verified PCll Dell Latitude E7470 Copied & Verified PC12 HP350G2 Copied & Verified PC13 Dell Vostro15 3000 Series Copied & Verified PC14 Dell Vostro 15 3000 Series Copied & Verified PC15 Dell Vostro 15 3000 Series Copied & Verified PC16 Acer Travel.mate P246 Copied & Verified -··- ----·----·- ----··-· - ··------ - ---···------·-··· - ·- - - ----·- ---------··----·-·· PC17 HP350G2 Copied & Verified PC18 Dell Latitude E7450 Copied & Verified PC19 Dell Latitude E7440 Copied & Verified PC20 Dell Latitude E7470 Copied & Verified PC21 Lenovo ThinkPad Edge Copied & Verified PC22 PC labelled "Amanda Darmanin Payroll" Copied & Verified USBOl USB Stick branded ''Finance Malta" Copied & Verified USB02 SanDisk Cruzer Blade Copied & Verified -·· -· ··-·· c' -- ... - --- (' ~ 74 USB03 Media Range Copied & Verified Table 2.15.1 2.16 The data acquired from the large scale server systems at NEXIA BT by Dr Godwin Caruana is listed in table 2.16.1 below with a description of the item from which the data was acquired. All items were imaged or copied and verified by ANS EC' s Mr R Trotter. - . ' : ·-~~:_..;___ ; .. :- . - . Backup - Nexia Servers Clone Copied & Verified PST Archives Copied & Verified Replicas Copied & Verified Backup - Nexia Servers Local2017-04-20T080144 Copied & Verified .~ Table 2.16.1 Data obtained from MFSP Malta \ ( 2.17 The data acquired from MFSP Malta by Mr Keith Cutajar is listed in table 2.17.1 below with a description of the item from which the data was acquired. All items were imaged or copied and verified by ANSEC' s Mr G Edgeworth. LHD01-2TB External Copied & Verified SRV01-HD01 Copied & Verified 75 0000'76 PCOl-HDOl_MatthewAcerPC Copied & Verified Table 2.17.1 2.18 The Network Attached Storage device containing the copied data was transported by Mr Edgeworth and Mr Trotter to ANS EC' s premises, where it was placed in their secure store. ANS EC' s premises are a Police Approved Secure Facility. 2.19 It was then connected to ANSEC' s forensic network. This network is a secure standalone network with no connection to any other networks, including the Internet. Having secured a forensic copy of the data it was now available for the next stage of the investigation. This included processing and extraction of the data in a format that could be examined by the Harbinson Mulholland investigation team. Data obtained January 2018 in Malta 2.20 The data acquired in January 2018 from Mr Keith Cutajar and PS 422 Neil G Caruana is listed in table 2.20.1 below with a description of the item from which the data was acquired. All items were imaged or copied and verified by ANSEC's Mr J Nelson. ;,··--;.·r-:---r .... ---· -~.- - - ' l. . ! ·--- . - '... -- . - - - . - - -- , ---,.. r- T T - - • . -- - -. . . -. ~ T'l. r - 0 • I LHDOl Image of Western Digital External Drive Copied & Verified MB02 Extracted data from Apple iPad Mini 3G Acquired & Verified PCOl-HDOl Image of Apple MacBook Air A1369 Copied & Verified PC03-HD01 Image of Dell Vostro 15 3000 series laptop Copied & Verified 17 CEU 201 Extracted data from Apple !phone 6 A1586 mobile phone Copied & Verified 17 CEU 201A Extracted data from GoMobile Sim Card Copied & Verified 76 c' "' Vt; !Ji '7 U ...:1r. 17 CEU 202 Extracted data from Apple !phone 7 A1778 mobile phone Copied & Verified 17 CEU 202A Extracted data from GoMobile Sim Card Copied & Verified 17 CEU 203 Extracted data from Sony Xperia E5633 mobile phone Copied & Verified 17 CEU 203A Extracted data from Etisalat Sim Card Copied & Verified 17 CEU 203B Extracted data from Forbesfone Sim Card Copied & Verified PC02 - HDOl Dell Inspiron 910 Mini Service Tag: 28R66Hl r,-,~ '. .,, '"'•. Acquired & Verified Table 2.20.1 2.21 The methodology used for the extraction and processing of the data is outlined at Section 3 below. ( 77 f 000078 3 Data Extraction & Processing Methodology 3.1 In the first stage of this process the EnCase EOl image1 files were loaded into EnCase forensic software and verified to ensure the integrity of the files had not been compromised during their move. 3.2 The virtual machine files that make up the bulk of the server data were mounted using the appropriate software; and once mounted the file systems were acquired to produce EnCase EOl image1 files for examination. 3.3 The first stage of the examination involved the processing of the image files. This is largely an automated process that prepares the data for initial examination by the forensic examiner. Processing involves the following: • • Recovery of deleted files and folders. Hash & Signature Analysis to identify file types and known3 files. • Expanding compound files such as ZIP, RAR and other compressed formats for examination. • Analysing and identification of protected or encrypted files. • Identification of email containers and process email for examination. • Identification of system and registry files to establish information about the operating system installed and its user accounts. 3.4 Once processed the file system was examined by the forensic examiner to identify relevant files for examination by the Harbinson Mullholland investigation team. This examination focused on the main file types required by the investigators. 3.5 In order to facilitate the examination of extracted material, ANSEC created a storage and analysis solution for the investigators. This involved the Known files are files that have been identified by their cryptographic hash function, often referred to as their "digital fingerprint". ANSEC use a database containing several million hash values for known files. These files are typically from operating systems and software packages that are widely distributed. The hash values of all files on the target system can be compared against the database of known files and; provided the content of these files have not changed, they can be considered an exact match and can be ignored during the investigation. 3 78 ( "'"r provision of a file server for the storage of data and laptop computers for subsequent analysis. All hardware was secured with full disk encryption and was installed with no Internet or external network capability. 3.6 The following paragraphs deal with the major file types extracted and the appropriate strategy for their examination. Documents 3.7 This category included user created documents in formats such as DOC, DOCX, PAGES, RTF, etc. It also included open source document formats, less common formats and legacy formats that are no longer in common use, such as Lotus Word Pro. Also included in this category were Adobe Portable Document files (PDFs). This category also included other common "office" file types such as Spreadsheets, desktop publishing and PowerPoint files. 3.8 Visual examination of these files can be carried out using the preview option built into Windows 10 where available, or by opening the file in the appropriate software package. In addition specialist viewing software known as Quick View Plus was also provided to assist with the examination. 3.9 Due to the quantity of documents to be examined, a requirement to search the material for known keywords was identified. To facilitate this DtSearch software was provided. This software creates an index within searchable file types; and allows them to be searched using keywords that can be modified using regular expressions. Instructions were provided to the Investigators in the use of this software. 3.10 It should be noted that not all content in documents can be indexed. This is most commonly encountered in PDF documents containing various elements such as text graphics, scans and photographs. In some cases it is possible to use optical character recognition (OCR) software to convert files to searchable text (see below). However some may still require manual examination. Pictures 3.11 Image and graphic file formats were examined by the forensic examiners to determine which, if any contained written material. These are normally divided into three types. Scanned documents that have been saved as a graphic file format such as }PG, TIFF, etc. Photographs of documents that have been taken using digital cameras or smartphones and screen captures taken from digital files. 79 000080 3.12 It should be noted that these files cannot be indexed as they contain pictures and not font based text. As with PDF files it may be possible to use optical character recognition (OCR) software to convert some graphics to searchable text. Ultimately some may also require manual examination. 3.13 Manual examination of pictures can be time consuming. One option to increase the speed of analysis is previewing the images as small thumbnails to exclude non-relevant files. To facilitate this Irfanview picture viewing software was provided and instruction given in its use. Multimedia Files 3.14 Multimedia files such as those containing audio and video were also examined. Files that may be relevant to the investigation were identified and extracted for examination by the investigators. Protected Files 3.15 Protected files are files that are secured by encryption and require a password to open. These files were identified and extracted for examination. In order to examine these files the investigators will need to obtain the password. 3.16 If it is not possible to obtain the password from the owner of creator of the file, attempts can be made to recover the password using software designed for this purpose. It should be noted that, depending on the complexity of the passwords used, this can be a time consuming process with no guarantee of success within a reasonable time period. The password recovery process used is outlined in Section 4 below: Email 3.17 Email messages can be divided into two main categories. Firstly, email that is stored locally on the computer or server. These emails are often stored in "containers", the most common of which are Microsoft Exchange Database (EDB), offline storage files (OST) and Personal Storage Files (PST). In addition individual email messages can often be saved in other common formats such as MSG, EML and EMLX files. 3.18 Secondly, email that is stored remotely and is only accessible when online. This is often referred to as web or cloud based email. The most common web based mail providers are Microsoft (previously known as Hotmail and Windows Live mail), Google Mail and Yahoo! Mail. In addition within many 80 business environments cloud based email solutions such as Microsoft 365 are replacing Exchange Database email solutions. 3.19 The examination of web and cloud based email will be limited to messages that have been saved locally. This may be all messages or limited to only a few messages; or indeed none at all. The forensic examiner will recover stored email messages and extract these for examination in the common MSG message format which will include any attachments. These files can also be indexed and searched. Email from exchange database files will be converted to individual PST files for each user. (' Mobile Device Backups 3.20 Another area of investigation results from the process that occurs when a user connects a smartphone or tablet device to a computer. In these cases a backup of the data stored on the mobile device may be copied to the computer. Often it is possible to examine these backup files and obtain data that existed on the mobile device. In some cases these backups will be encrypted and will require the password or PIN number to unlock them. Where present these backups will be extracted for examination by the investigation team. Internet Artifacts \ ( 3.21 One of the largest sources of files on computers are Internet artifacts. This is a broad term used to describe files and records that are stored on the system when a user goes online. There are hundreds of artifacts that can be retrieved from a user's online history. Some of the most common are web browsing artifacts (including records of terms entered into search engines), communications artifacts (such as webmail, Skype and other chat activity), file sharing and file transfer activity. 3.22 In this case Skype Chat activity was identified by the investigators as being of particular relevance. Where present, Skype artifacts have been recovered from each device and provided to the investigators for examination. 3.23 During the extraction of Skype artifacts, ANSEC forensic examiners noted a chat conversation between two employees of BT Nexia that appeared 81 + 000082 relevant to a separate ongoing investigation in Malta. This information was reported directly to Magistrate Bugeja by ANSEC's Director of Public Safety, Mr Stephen Clarke. Unallocated Clusters 3.24 The above files have been extracted from the live file system on their respective device and includes deleted files that can be recovered. This does not address the issue of what is often referred to as unallocated clusters, also known as unallocated space. 3.25 Unallocated clusters are the areas of the file system that do not currently have files allocated to them. However, they can contain the remains of deleted files that have not yet been overwritten. Due to the nature of material recovered from unallocated clusters is not always possible to attribute file names or other properties such as dates and times to them. :-) ( c' 82 3.26 Unallocated space can be examined by attempting to recover complete or partial files from it. This is a process known as data carving. This is particularly common in relation to picture and video files. Unallocated clusters can also be indexed and searched using keywords, although this will not be successful when dealing with graphic file formats. 3.27 For text based files indexing and keyword searching has the advantage that even where a complete file cannot be recovered, partial or fragments of the file may still be found. 3.28 ANSEC have indexed the unallocated clusters on all devices and have carried out keyword searches based on information provided by the investigators. No additional relevant information has been identified to date. Specialist or Bespoke Software Packages 3.29 The material extracted from the devices examined, are created by software applications commonly found in many environments and are widely used throughout the world. In this case there may be other specialist or bespoke software applications for specific requirements; for example Accountancy or Banking software. These applications require specialist examination. 3.30 It is understood that the core banking systems for Pilatus bank have been examined by Oracle experts. The data obtained has been analysed in conjunction with a forensic accountant in Malta. ( 3.31 ANSEC has identified accounting software on the BT Nexia devices known as APEX for Windows. This software was present on several laptops being run on Windows XP virtual machines. This appears to be due to the age of the software. ANSEC were able to run the software in a virtual environment but noted that the software was licensed using a dongle. In order to run the software a valid licensed dongle would be required. Statement of Uncertainty 3.32 Two areas of uncertainty have been identified in the above process. These areas relate to the creation of long file paths when data is being extracted 83 + and data that cannot be completely indexed. ANSEC have attempted to minimise the level of uncertainty by using the following processes. 3.33 Firstly, when exporting files from the email containers and copying them to removable media. An issue exits whereby files containing long file paths, i.e. over 260 characters, cannot be copied due to the limitations of the windows operating system. This results in an incomplete data set for searching. 3.34 ANSEC have developed an application that will check the data set for files where this issue is likely to arise; and truncate these files to a shorter file name with a unique reference number (URN) appended. A log file is also be created to cross reference the original file with its new file name and URN. Secondly, an issue exists in relation to indexing (see above), whereby not all content in a document can be indexed. () 3.35 ANSEC have developed an application that will read the log file produced by the indexing software dtSearch; and extract all files that could not be indexed or that were only partially indexed. These files will be presented in three folders: 1) Protected Files 2) Unreadable Files 3) Image Only PDF Files 3.36 These files have also been subjected to an optical character recognition (OCR) process to create searchable data to be indexed. This process will reduce the level of uncertainty by enabling the majority of these files to be subjected to the indexing process. However, the OCR process will not be successful with all files. ANSEC have developed an application that will compare the original data with the OCR output and identify those files that failed the OCR process. These have been extracted for manual examination. 3.37 A summary of the index search process is shown in Figure 3.37.1 below: 84 (l Non Indexed Files Indexed Files Proceed to search index using kevwords and re1mlar exnressions Can these files be subjected to an OCR process to make them suitable for an index search? ; I f.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ •••!!!!!...!!!...!!!!!!!! _~_; If no, extract files for manual examination \ ( If yes, carry out OCR process and add to index for searching Figure 3.37.1 85 . 000086 3.38 Tables 3.37.l to 3.37.4 below summarises the results of this process. Nexia Server 2017 11,914 11,429 485 Nexia Server 2016 42,421 42,220 201 Nexia Server 2015 41,407 35,784 5,603 Nexia Server 2014 26,154 23,785 2,369 Nexia Server 2013 13,895 13,867 28 Nexia Server 2012 7,376 7,365 11 Nexia Server 2011 5,557 5,552 5 Nexia Server 2010 2,912 2,908 4 Nexia Server up to 2009 3,098 3,096 2 ;l l Table 3.37.1 ~ ... .. .. ::·::'ft:=r·r'!'i.;~!..-: ""·~ .~ .. :. . .... ---·~"--~.~-- ·- -· ... - . ~~ .. ·J\~r'!'..~ ~~,,....,. . ~ ~·...:.-~~~,:. ···- _......_: ..~ .... ·---·- , - ... j .. -----· . ' Nexia PCOl Farrugia 1229 1229 0 Nexia PC02 Castagna 526 526 0 Nexia PC03 D Bugeja 224 224 0 Nexia PC04 A Bugeja 1115 1115 0 Nexia PC05 Spiteri 2106 2105 1 Nexia PC06 Alosio 554 545 9 Nexia PC07 Cann 13 13 0 Nexia PC08 R Zarnmit 136 132 4 Nexia PC09 Magri 321 320 1 Nexia PC10 Dabruskas 157 46 111 86 ( 0 JUV0 'l q :) ·:--. ·7 ! Nexia PC12 Grech 25 25 0 Nexia PC13 Doublet 60 60 0 Nexia PC14 Scerri 340 340 0 Nexia PC15 Torma 415 415 0 Nexia PC16 Anastasi 22 22 0 Nexia PC17 Pisani 18 18 0 NexiaPC18 Vella 59 59 0 Nexia PC19 Zamrnit 712 706 6 Nexia PC20 Cini 203 194 9 Nexia PC21 Muscat 2 2 0 Nexia PC22 Archives 61 61 0 Nexia USBOl-03 300 299 1 ( . ' •.·. Table 3.37.2 " :.:...~ ' . i Lr. . .. ,. . . . -.-·-·-~ . . - - - :--• -• • • • ,4 . ___ . --- ---·· :: ·' ." ' ·: • r _,, -~ 87 t Pilatus PC09&10 S Fournier 44 44 0 Pilatus PCll Gauci 25 25 0 Pilatus PC12 TZammit 1 1 0 Pilatus USBOl Gaerty 358 356 2 Pilatus USB02 Tasli 4 4 0 Pilatus USB03 Tasli 559 559 0 Pilatus USB06 LZammit 8 8 0 Pilatus USBll-12 S Fournier 3 3 0 -. :..-~--.'~- ':'. ·,.. --. -...' % )I • • • ~ . . ) ·, ;:::~· ••..·:..:.~..c.. w. ..: 1. ..- ti"'\ .. : 1 Table 3.37.3 Jan2018 Data 4 3 1 Table 3.37.4 Panama Papers Zip File 3.39 The zip file containing data from the so called Panama Papers has been provided to Harbinson Mulholland in its raw format in order that they could search it directly. Those files that could not be indexed were subjected to the OCR process outlined above to create searchable files. Files that could not be subjected to the OCR process were provided separately for manual examination. Table 3.39.1 below summarises the results of this process. 88 ('· 2,712 Table 3.39.1 i} fed?, Summary of OCR Data 3.40 Table 3.40.1 below summarises the results of the OCR process for all devices. - . :. :.:._~- . -- - ' ; .,. . ~-- ,.., . -- - . .. I 1 ' ' ~ ,; ·. .J._· _; .. :=:"".. . -• ... _·. . Nexia Devices 163,332 154,462 8,870 Pilatus Devices 17,845 17,766 79 4 3 1 32,310 29,598 2,712 Jan2018 Data Panama Papers ~;.: ~~-~-:.;·.~:· .. .. \ " {.. .. • • • : . , .....~-~~-E~ '4 £.;~_,.--=-.., ~-- ..~ . :~/s1~~ ·.> ~:~~:.k;~ ... ._-.~,:.-~~j:J!I ~~:."l~1f~~~L ,•,{:r- Table 3.40.1 / / 90 7 c" 4 Password Recovery 4.1 A number of encrypted files, that require a password to open and examine their contents, were found during the examination of these items. . , ( 4.2 Encryption is the process of encoding information in such a way that only authorised persons can gain access to it. A typical encryption scheme will involve readable information, known as plaintext, being subjected to an encryption algorithm that will generate unreadable information, known as ciphertext. With strong encryption it should only be possible to decrypt the ciphertext using the encryption key, which is usually generated from a password . 4.3 For the vast majority of users, it is not possible to break the algorithms used in strong encryption. Therefore the only practical technique is to recover the password used to encrypt the data in order to facilitate decryption and subsequent examination. 4.4 Recovering the password can be achieved using a number of different methods: • • • • ( Requesting the password from the owner or a trusted third party. Obtaining the password from other sources such as notebooks. Using password recovery software. Using Legislation or Court Orders if appropriate. 4.5 ANSEC use Passware Forensic software to attempt the recovery of passwords from encrypted files. Passware is one of the leading tools for the recovery of encrypted electronic evidence and is used by many organisations worldwide. 4.6 In this case it has been requested that password recovery software is used in an attempt to access the files. Although there are many different techniques, password recovery can be divided into two broad categories; dictionary attacks and brute-force attacks. 4.7 Dictionary attacks use a list of known words in an attempt to recover the password. Dictionaries can be provided by the software vendor or can be custom made by the forensic examiner using information available from known sources. Dictionary attacks can also use additional techniques such 91 OGOJ90 as changing between upper and lower case and reversing the order of the words. 4.8 Dictionary attacks are usually the fastest method of password recovery but rely on relatively weak passwords being used by the owner; and the quality of the information available to compile the dictionary. 4.9 Brute force attacks rely on calculating every possible combination that could be used to make up a password and checking to see if it is correct. Clearly this will take much longer than a dictionary attack and success will be dependent on the complexity of the password and the speed of the computers used. 4.10 Other more advanced techniques, such as Xieve attacks, have been developed to refine brute force attacks in an attempt to increase their chances of success. In practice most password recovery software will use a combination of attacks in an attempt to recover the password, as this can increase the chance of success. ::'\ ( 4.11 One common question in relation to password recovery is often "how long will it take". There is no standard answer to this question as many variables are involved such as the length, complexity and unpredictability of the password used. This is often referred to as the strength of the password. In addition the software and hardware used to attack the password will also have an impact on the time taken. 4.12 Passware, the manufacturer of the password recovery software used by ANSEC, state that, using an average computer system, an 8 character password, using only letters, would take around 10 hours to recover using brute-force techniques. 4.13 However, increasing the length of the password and adding other characters will greatly increase the length of time to recover the password using a brute-force attack4. For example; a password with the characters This assumes a brute-force attack where all combinations are tested and not a dictionary attack where both these passwords are likely to be included in any list of common passwords and could potentially be recovered in a few minutes. 4 92 ("'' password could be recovered within a few hours. Whereas using the characters P@ssw0rd!1234 could take months or even years. 4.14 In view of this it is unlikely that a strong password will be recovered in a reasonable time period. ANSEC forensic examiners have liaised with Harbinson & Mulholland and initially it was decided to carry out a dictionary attack to recover as many passwords as possible. This was then followed by a request by Magistrate Bugeja to the owners of certain documents for them to provide the passwords. 4.15 Finally, all passwords recovered by the password recovery software and provided by the document owners were added to the password recovery dictionary and another dictionary attack was applied to the encrypted files. 4.16 A full list of all encrypted files, including those for which passwords have been recovered have been provided to Harbinson Mulholland. In addition, where possible, the encryption has been removed from the files and plaintext copies have been provided in order that these files can be subjected to the same examination process outlined previously. 4.17 Tables 3.57.1to3.57.3 below summarises the total number of encrypted documents found and the number of passwords recovered by this process. ~ . ·-- - . _.~~-·.~7-~~--,=-~c;~-··::~~~~--~-~-~~-~·.~-~~~=-- ·- ~ ( . . - - ,, - ~ ~ . - ~ -- ~~ . . ~-. .. _.!; ... :~ - . . - --::_ r - :'.: - . . - ~ - . - ~ - -..: . - . DFSOl Pilatus server 30 7 23 RDS02 Pilatus server 43 26 17 PC04 Pilatus computer 3 0 3 PC08 Pilatus computer 5 4 1 USBOl Pilatus USB 29 4 25 Table 3.57.1 93 ilOOU~2 SVR001 Nexia BT Server 3419 1893 2082 PCOl Nexia BT computer 6 1 5 PC02 Nexia BT computer 164 117 47 PC03 Nexia BT computer 7 0 7 PC04 Nexia BT computer 3 1 2 PCOS Nexia BT computer 123 0 123 PC06 Nexia BT computer 121- 39 82 PC07 Nexia BT computer 7 5 2 PC08 Nexia BT computer 61 42 19 PC09 Nexia BT computer 16 14 2 PCU Nexia BT computer 290 238 52 PC12 Nexia BT computer 13 2 11 PC13 Nexia BT computer 93 76 17 PC14 Nexia BT computer 14 1 13 PC15 Nexia BT computer 15 7 8 PC16NeX:ia BT computer 1 1 o -~ PC17 Nexia BT computer 1 1 0 PC18 Nexia BT computer 1 0 1 PC19 Nexia BT computer 47 1 46 PC20 Nexia BT computer 3 0 3 PC21 Nexia BT computer 1 1 0 All Nexia USB devices 9 9 0 (' . Table 3.57.2 94 (\ SVROl MFSP Server HDDOl MFSP Hard Disk PCOl "MFSP computer .;! ~· ~ ' . . . -~- ' .... ~- . : ... -........:-. -· ,· -·· . I ·• .. 8 1 7 157 48 109 6 1 5 , :_ - ·: . -- ·~·~-"' - ~· ----·~" , - ! ~ ... .• . l .- . . . • ·' - ~. Table 3.57.3 ( / 95 Ji. 5 Summary of Data Extracted 5.1 '= ~-· All processed data has been provided to TI1e Harbinson Mulholland investigation teain for analysis. ,.., ...., "'-''·"M 5.2 Tables 4.1.1 to 4.4.9 below sun11narises the data extracted from each device and includes the name of the ANSEC forensic exaininer responsible for the extraction and the date on which it was delivered to Harbinson Mulholland. The data extracted has been divided into categorises that include Documents, Email Messages, Pictures, Protected Files, Phone Backups and Skype Chat. I I I I 1::> Nexia NAS Nexia Server SVR001 R Trotter 622,543 0 10311 4489 0 No 02/10/17 Nexia NAS Nexia Server SVR02 R Trotter 0 EDB* 0 0 0 No See Table Below* Nexia NAS Nexia Server SVR03 R Trotter 12,815 0 0 0 0 No 02/10/17 Nexia NAS Nexia Server SVR04 R Trotter 0 0 0 0 0 No NIA ,-......,) 96 ·--v <; ,•• ( ;;. <.. ,.,:•. c.~;:;J c:i r-..../ ,-...) I Nexia NAS I I I I I Partners EDB Brian Torma G Edgeworth 38,714 unique emails extracted from review frotn EDB & PST Archives 09/10/17 Partners EDB Karl Cini G Edgeworth 178,450 unique emails extracted from review form EDB & PST Archives 09/10/17 Partners EDB Manuel Castagna G E<;lgeworth 86,043 unique emails extracted from review form EDB & PST Archives 18/10/17 . Parh1ers EDB Tim Dambrauskas G Edgeworth 45,949 unique emails extracted from review form EDB & PST Archives 18/10/17 Partners EDB Anita Alosio G Edgeworth 113,744 unique emails extracted from review form EDB & PST Archives 07/12/17 MBD2b Luke Cann G Edgeworth 28,505 unique emails extracted from review form EDB & PST Archives 10/05/18 I I Nexia Email Archive R Trotter 0 PST* 0 0 0 No See Table Below* Table 4.4.1 ! c··· ~·~ MBD3b Caroline Dingli G Edgeworth 75,193 unique emails extracted from review form EDB & PST Archives 14/05/18 cl c;:;;;J c~.~. . -. ~ . 'b- 97 I I MBD2b Katrin Bondin Carter G Edgeworth 80,281 tmique emails extracted from review form EDB & PST Archives 14/05/18 MBD2b Gordon Cordina G Edgeworth 4,180 unique emails extracted from review form PST Archives 14/05/18 Table 4.4.2 c~ c...-:··;;:; ,. ... _ ~.,r ... 1 <::_:.;:, ~ O:J I I I I I I -i> PCOl Nexia HP350G2 R Trotter 3199 151232 PC02 Nexia Dell Latitude E7440 G Edgeworth 2958 PC03 Nexia Dell Vostro15 R Trotter PC04 Nexia Dell Vostro15 PCOS Nexia PC06 Nexia : 70 7 0 No 16/11/17 40 42 164 IOSx2 Yes 02/10/17 1980 1 19 3 0 No 16/11/17 J Nelson 4110 0 3 3 0 Yes 07/12/17 Acer Travelmate P256 R Trotter 8142 341 0 15 0 Yes 16/11/17 Dell Latitude E7450 R Trotter 5478 78 159 121 IOS& Blackberry Yes 16/11/17 ( '. ,,,/ 98 ~ ~_) ( ' , _) I I I: I I I I I I: I I· ~ PC07 Dell Latih1de E7450 R Trotter 331 4 0 7 0 Yes 16/11/17 PC08 Nexia Dell Inspiron 17 G Edgeworth 4582 24 58 61 IOSxl Yes 29/09/17 PC09 Nexia Dell Vostro15 3000 R Trotter 1482 9 549 16 0 Yes 22/11/17 PClO Nexia Dell Latitude E7440 J Nelson 1310 164421 410 0 0 Yes 29/09/17 PCll Nexia Dell Latitude E7470 R Trotter 218 3077 0 203 0 Yes PC12 Nexia HP350G2 R Trotter 1042 0 1 13 0 Yes 22/11/17 PC13 Nexia Dell Vostro 15 G Edgeworth 1218 135 93 0 Yes 22/11/17 PC14 Nexia Dell Vostro 15 G Edgeworth 1733 37339 19 14 0 Yes 29/09/17 PClS Nexia Dell Vostro 15 G Edgeworth 2052 32 17 15 0 No 29/09/17 PC16 Nexia Acer Travelmate P256 R Trotter 460 1394 0 1 0 Yes 07/12/17 Nexia i ' ! 820 22/11/17 I l <.::. c· . r•' PC17 Nexia HP3SOG2 R Trotter 490 94597 0 1 IOSxl I' No 07/12/17 c~~:::· c.::-.;..i ~~:~ C:.C'; 99 I I I I II PC18 Nexia Dell latitude E7450 J Nelson PC19 Nexia Dell Latitude E7440 G Edgeworth PC20 Nexia Dell Latitude E7470 G Edgeworth PC21 Nexia Lenovo ThinkPad Edge PC22 Nexia PC labelled "Amanda Darmanin Payroll" J Nelson 3 x USB Devices G Edgeworth USBOl-00 Nexia i 976 0 0 1 0 Yes 07/12/17 6384 19 549 47 IOSx4 Yes 29/09/17 1623 58291 77 3 0 Yes 29/09/17 I c::·,~-, I R Trotter I 288 1 0 1 0 No 07/12/17 I I I I 988 53388 6 0 IOSx2 Yes 07/12/17 1398 1937 36 9 0 No 02/10/17 VMMGuestVM R Trotter 0 0 0 0 0 No NIA VMMOl data VMMGuestVM R Trotter 0 0 0 0 0 No N/A Domain Controller R Trotter 0 0 0 0 0 No N/A -£,.. ~ "'C."'·, ~-'...... c:.::;:::. VMMOl DCOl I L'· ·, Table 4.4.3 I c::-; 100 ;-. -1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I FXAOl Application Server R Trotter APPOl Application Server R Trotter APP02 Application Server R Trotter CRSOl Carta Registration R Trotter DBSOl Oracle Flexcube DC02 .-....) 3 0 0 0 D No 09/10/2017 0 0 0 0 0 No NIA 0 0 0 0 0 No NIA 0 0 0 0 0 No NIA R Trotter 0 0 0 0 0 No NIA Domain Controller R Trotter 0 0 0 0 0 No NIA DFA02 Authentication Server R Trotter 0 0 0 0 0 No NIA DFSOl Distributed File System R Trotter 0 0 0 0 0 No NIA DFSOl Data R Trotter 64690 11550 500 19 0 No 0911012017 RDS02 Remote Desktop Server R Trotter 19152 3583 1240 31 0 No 1811012017 I 'I I ' ' Table 4.4.4 c:;::i r.;;" -~ ,.,rJ c..::-, j...o..J. c::.::i -f>- 101 I I I I I I I I I I I ~ PCOl Pilatus HP ProBook 450 GO G Edgeworth 1365 0 61 0 0 Yes 02/10/2017 PC02 Pilatus HP ProDesk 490 Gl G Edgeworth 331 29 19 0 105 Encrypted Yes 02/10/2017 PC03 Pilatus Lenovo E560 G Edgeworth 0 0 0 0 No PC04 Pilatus Dell OptiPlex 390 G Edgeworth 3530 7 9 3 0 No 02/10/2017 PCOS Pilatus Notebook PC XSSlc G Edgeworth 432 11018 184 0 0 Yes 02/10/2017 PC07 Pilatus Dell OptiPlex 390 G Edgeworth 577 6177 35 0 0 Yes 02/10/2017 PC08 Pilatus MAC Book Air G Edgeworth 1407 0 1225 5 Yes 02/10/2017 PC09 Pilatus MacBookAir G Edgeworth 0 84 0 0 IOSxl No 02/10/2017 PC10 Pilatus ThinkPad E440 G Edgeworth 0 106 170 0 IOSx 1 No 02/10/2017 PC11 Pilatus ThinkPad E540 G Edgeworth 573 0 38 0 0 No 18/10/2017 PC12 Pilatus ThinkPad T450 G Edgeworth 225 0 0 0 0 No 18/10/2017 c·, I <..:··;) 0 NIA IOSx 1 & lxENC ,_...,_ .../ 102 c;.-·~ · I- .... c;-·1 .~' ~ ~.--..:; -.._ .~ PC13 Pilatus Acer Aspire El G Edgeworth 71 0 0 0 IOS-iPod No 02/10/2017 USBOl Pilatus External HOD G Edgeworth 15179 132027 0 29 0 No 31/10/2017 USB02 Pilatus USB stick marked "Mehrnet" G Edgeworth 43 0 0 0 0 No 18/10/2017 USB03 Pilatus External HOD G Edgeworth 12694 442453 57 0 0 No 16/11/2017 G Edgeworth 9 0 0 0 0 No 18/10/2017 USB04 Pilatus USB stick marked USBOS Pilatus USB stick marked "Paysafe" G Edgeworth 0 0 0 0 0 No N/A USB06 Pilatus LooseHDD G Edgeworth 83 0 157 0 IOSxl No 02/10/2017 3 x USB Devices G Edgeworth 5 0 0 0 0 No 02/10/2017 USB sticks marked "MIA" & "FIAU G Edgeworth 53 0 0 0 0 No 02/10/2017 USB08-10 Pilatus USBll-12 Pilatus "" 2014" Table4.4.5 c.:..· <;;.,'.'J c:._;;;:. I-·",• ..-·-·· --~ ~·..;) -& 103 I~- .ti ...... c::.:::.. .. r"' '· I I I I I I I I I I I '& I PCOl Pilatus Melunet Tasli G Edgeworth 7,187 emails extracted for review ftom OST file 07/12/17 PCOl Pilatus Mark Camilleri G Edgeworth 472 emails extracted for review from OST file 07/12/17 PC04 Pilatus Armin Eckermann G Edgeworth 10,682 emails extracted for review from 2 x OST files 07/12/17 PC04 Pilatus Louis Zammit G Edgeworth 600 emails extracted for review from OST file 07/12/17 PC04 Pilatus Tatiana Zammit G Edgeworth 642 emails extracted for review from OST file 07/12/17 PClO Pilatus Claudienne Sant Fournier G Edgeworth 23,688 emails extracted for review from OST file 07/12/17 PCll Pilatus Antoniella Gauci G Edgeworth 27,254 emails extracted for review from OST file 07/12/17 PCll Pilatus Mehmet Tasli G Edgeworth 25,115 emails exh·acted for review from OST file 07/12/17 PCll Pilatus Tatiana Zamrnit G Edgeworth 7,322 emails extracted for review from OST file 07/12/17 PC12 Pilatus Tatiana Zammit G Edgeworth 10,546 emails extracted for review from OST file 07/12/17 USB06 Pilatus Claudienne Sant Fournier G Edgeworth 22,272 emails extracted for review from OST file 07/12/17 r-._I 104 !"", :_.) I c:.· ~._:.:.. r--.. r-.i) ,/ Table 4.4.6 I I I LHDOl 2 TB External HOD MMcCully 64924 2803 163738 157 0 No 02/10/2017 SRVOl MFSPServer MMcCully 322 4 513 10 0 No 31/10/2017 Acer Computer MMcCully 1832 242624 1846 6 0 No 31/10/2017 PC01 Table4.4.7 I I I ''i>- LHDOl Western Digital HDD G Edgeworth PCOI HD01 Apple Mac Book Air G Edgeworth I 0 0 0 0 33 449 ' 0 0 No 21/02/2018 0 IOSx4 No 21/02/2018 -· c:-·, (~':.;., PC02 HDOl Dell Min J Nelson I I ~:.; - 4 0 0 0 0 Yes 21/02/2018 1--..~- c.:•• ~ -~ 105 I I II I I PC03 I-:1001 Dell Vostro 15 laptop MB02 Apple iPad Mini J Nelson 43,326 12 0 0 No 21/02/2018 J Nelson Apple iPhone 6 J Nelson 17CEU 201a Go Mobile SIM card J Nelson 17CEU202 Apple iPhone 7 J Nelson 17CEU Go Mobile SIM Card J Nelson 17CEU 203 Sony Xperia Mobile 17CEU 203a 17CEU 203b 0 2,964 14,836 0 0 No 21/02/2018 6 0 76 0 0 No 21/02/2018 1 0 0 0 0 No 21/02/2018 1 111 32 0 0 No 21/02/2018 1 0 0 0 0 No 21/02/2018 • J Nelson 0 59 0 0 0 No 21/02/2018 Etisalat SIM Card J Nelson 1 0 0 0 0 No 21/02/2018 Forbesfone SIM Card J Nelson 1 0 0 0 0 No 21/02/2018 I I {JI " ') Table 4.4.8 --& ~ u 17CEU 201 202a 5 ("'"\. ..,,/ 106 ~ . c;:~ · ~· · <.:;;: ('.:::.: '"' •. i .. C" C". ,-..._./ I Western Digital RDT6 HOD R Trotter !)) Single 112 GB Zip file containing files from Panama Papers 10/04/18 Table 4.4.9 ~~----~ ~ ,,./' c::: c c: // // I-" ,,/ c: ,./ /./ ~ C::::I• ,~., ..•. '•••n• ,........... :,.., -1:> ~ 107 ... ,,,., c::.: Uv\JlVb 000106 6 Appendix A - Summary of Data Acquired 1 Pilatus Servers 15 VHDX Files & physical backup 1200 Pilatus Computers 12 laptops 5515 Pilatus USB Devices 12 USB Devices 3049 Nexia Servers N exia servers 2000 Nexia Servers PST Archives 380 Nexia Computers 22 laptops/computers 9856 Nexia USB Devices 3 USB Devices :MFSP Server Server and external storage :MFSP-Computers 1 laptop- January 2018 Data 3 laptops & 1 USB HDD January 2018 Data 4 Mobile devices & SIM cards 26 Panama Papers Data 1 zip file contained on USB HDD 112 24 - 2156 - - -- 500 2609 Table 6.1 END OF DOCUMENT 108 c" (_ ') 2. Smiegh ta' xiehda ta' diversi persuni involuti direttament Jew indirettament mal-allegazzjonijiet meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta. Minbarra 1-gbir tad-dokumenti ingabret 477 il-testimonjanza ta' persuni li tinsab kollha registrata fl-atti ta' din 1-Inkjesta. Dik ix-xiehda li kienet 1-aktar · .( tolqot il-fini ta' din 1-inkjesta giet riassunta fil-Kapitolu li jittratta 1-anal:iZi tax-xiehda. Dawk ix-xiehda li ghalkemm instemghu pero ma kienux determinanti ghall-istharrig li sar, ghalkemm ma gewx inkluzi fil-Kapitoli dwar I-analiZi tax-xiehda, ix-xiehda taghhom xorta wahda giet registrata u tinsab formanti parti minn dan il-Proces Verbal. Kien mehtieg Ii, ghall-fini ta' ekonomija ta' hin jigu kkoncentrati I-isforzi fuq dak li I-aktar kien joiqot ilmeritu ta' din I-inkjesta. c ""' Biss minbarra 1-gbir tal-informazzjoni minghand Nexia BT u I-Bank Pilatus, din I-inkjesta gabret ukoll informazzjoni ohra mis-sorsi aktar il-fuq imsemmija, fosthom ix-xhieda principali infushom - Daphne Caruana Galizia, Maria Efimova, Dr. Joseph Muscat, Michelle Muscat, Keith Schembri, Dr. Konrad Mizzi, John Dalli, Brian Torma, Karl Cini, Ali Sadr Hasheminejad, Hamidreza Ghanbari, Claude-Ann Sant Fournier, Antoniella Gauci, kif ukoll xiehda ohra bhal Pierre Portelli li fomew informazzjoni utli ghal din 1-inkjesta. Dan minbarra x-xiehda taI-Kummissarju taI-Puiizija u 1109 ogli.ola uffitjali tal-Korp, kif ukoll dawk direttament involuti £1investigazzjonijiet. Apparti hekk ingabret 1-informazzjoni migjuba millezekuzzjoni tal-ittri rogatorji, fosthom dawk mill-Panama fejn xehdu Jaqueline Alexander, Verna de Nelson, Luis Quiel kif ukoll Juergen Mossa ck, kif ukoll 1-informazzjoni 1-oli.ra kollha li tinsab inklU.Za £' dan il-Proces Verbal. Matul il-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta ingabret il-fuq minn erbgli.a mija u sebghin testimonjanza, inklU.Z ta' xiehda li xehdu aktar minn darba, uhud xehdu darba wahda filwaqt li kien hemm drabi fejn persuni issottomettew xi informazzjoni jew dokument. 11hux ix-xiehda ta' dawn ix-xhieda kollha tat informazzjoni li kienet utli din 1-inkjesta. Kien hemm xiehda li xehdu £1-atti ta' xi wieli.ed mill-li.afna rikorsi minn persuni differenti li gew prezentati matul il-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta. Hemm ohrajn li xehdu fuq aspetti inCidentali ta' din 1-inkjesta. Dan il-Proces Verbal gabar fih sunt tax-xiehda 1aktar determinanti dwar 1-aspetti 1-aktar fundamentali fir-rigward talallegazzjonijiet li huma soggetti ghal din 1-inkjesta skont ir-rapport li sar mill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija. Kull xhud li xehed gie mismugh personalment mill-Magistrat Inkwirenti u x-xiehda tieghu hija regiE?trata u traskritta u tifforma parti minn dan il-Proces Verbal. Biss mhux kull xhud foma informazzjoni li kienet rilevanti ghall-fini ta' din 1-inkjesta. Dawk ix-xiehda li kienu 1-aktar importanti u li taw verzjonijiet li direttamentjolqtu u jinCidu fuq il-meritu tal-inkjesta mhux 110 \ ( '!-. ; S: '.•,. f,., E ,~ ·'• ....• vLlvli.l U.. o·--f' J U'• •'. biss gew analizzati iZda siltiet mix-xiehda taghhom gew ukoll riprodotti f' dan il-Proces Verbal biex il-konkluzjonijiet ikunu aktar cari. Kienu ftit dawk ix-xiehda li ma gewx rintraccati minkejja t-talbiet ripetuti tal-Magistrat Inkwirenti lill-Pulizija u 1-isforzi li saru minnhom biex jinstabu. Dawn kienu Adrian Dixon minn Mossack Fonseca, u Gabriele Stucchi, Dina Stankovic, Linet Estiroti mill-Bank Pilatus. Biss 1-inkjesta kellha biZzejjed informazzjoni biex tkun tista' tmexxi 1-istharrig taghha, ghalkemm kien ikun aktar ( desiderabbli li tisma' wkoll il-verzjoni ta' dawn il-persuni. Skont il-gurisprudenza il-Magistrat Inkwirenti fl-in genere jigbor u jippriZerva 1-provi li jinstabu. F' dan il-kaz li kien jittratta accertament t' allegazzjonijiet misjuba f' artiklu miktub minn gumalista li spiCca 1-ba:Zi tar- rapport tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija, 1-ezercizzju rriZulta li kien aktar kumpless minn hekk. F' dan il-kaz il-Magistrat Inkwirenti gie adit biex jistharreg jekk dawn 1-allegazzjonijiet kienux fondati fuq provi, (u allura mitlub li jistharreg "fatti" qabel ma jasal jekk kienx hemm "delitti"). Ghalhekk il-Magistrat Inkwirenti bilfors ried li jifli x-xiehda li giet migbura u mahZuna biex ikun jista' jara jekk u sa fejn allegazzjoni kienetx fondata fuq provi jew le. Altrimenti kien ikun impossibbli ghalih jiddetermina jekk setghax ikun hemm 1-estremi ta' reat kriminali o meno ba:Zati fuq allegazzjonijiet minghajr ma tali allegazzjonijiet ikunu mgharbla dwar kemm huma sorretti minn provi o meno. Biex tifhem jekk hemmx 1-estremi 111 "~ ...: .... qt. 000i 10 u·i iiJl JI ' ~ i ·) ..1... ..... ,.,, ta' delitt trid qabel xejn tifhem u taghrbel x'inhuma 1-fatti li fuqhom 1-ahbar tal-allegat delitt ikunu bazati. Din 1-inkjesta kellha bilfors taghmel dan 1ezercizzju biex tkun tista' tasal ghall-konkluzjonijiet taghha. Minhabba n-numru kbir ta' xhieda mismugha, kellu jsir ezercizzju li bih ixxiehda tigi analizzata u 1-Magistrat Inkwirenti jislet liema minn dik ix-xiehda kienet marbuta mal-allegazzjonjiet u liema ma kienetx. Dik ix-xiehda li ma kienetx direttament marbuta mal-allegazzjonijiet jew li minnha ma hareg xejn ta' sugu ghal din 1-inkjesta, ghalkemm xorta wahda tifforma parti millatti tal-Inkjesta u 1-istess xiehda giet registrata u traskritta u giet kunsidrata mill-Magistrat Inkwirenti meta gie biex jaghmel il-konkluzjonijiet tieghu ma gietx inklU.Za fis-sunt tax-xiehda f' dan il-Proces Verbal. Dan il-Proces Verbal jigbor fih is-sustanza ta' dak li gie migbur u analizzat. 11-provi migbura huma parti mill-atti tal-inkjesta u dan il-Proces Verbal. Dan il-Proces Verbal jigbor fih is-sustanza ta' dawk il-provi ammissibbli u rilevanti ghal din 1-inkejsta li gew migbura u jitlaq mill-presuppost li, bhal Magistrat Inkwirenti, 1-qarrej ikun qara u analizza 1-evidenza kollha li kienet giet migbura fih. Ix-xiehda tax-xhieda prinCipali giet inkluza f' dan il-Proces Verbal f'sunt li jigbor is-sustanza ta' dak li qalu fl-inkjesta u dan sabiex jigi spjegat ahjar dak li instab. Qabel xejn hemm ix-xiehda tal-gurnalista Daphne Caruana Galizia, li xehdet darbtejn. Ma dawn hemm ukoll 1-artiklu meritu 112 ( '> ta' din 1-inkjesta u li jrid jigi moqri mhux biss fil-kontenut tieghu, i.Zda wkoll irid jittiehed fl-isfond ta' dak li Caruana Galizia xehdet f' din 1-inkjesta. Peress li fix-xiehda taghha Daphne Caruana Galizia qalet li hija kienet gabet 1-informazzjoni minghand Maria Efimova, u li fi kwalunkwe kaz, anke informazzjoni ohra li kienet gabet minghand terzi kienet rikunduCibbli lillistess Efimova, 1-inkjesta semghet lil Maria Efimova tixhed ghal erba' darbiet. Hemm ukoll ix-xiehda ta' Pierre Portelli, gurnalist prirninenti iehor Ii gie 1-quddiem fl-inkjesta b'informazzjoni importanti ghal aktar minn darba u kien 1-uniku wiehed fost Caruana Galizia u Efimova li foma kopji ta' dokumenti flimkien ma dikjarazzjoni tieghu. Huwa ferm interessanti Ii x-xiehda ta' dawn it-tliet persuni tinqara' flimkien u tigi mistharga wahda hdejn 1-ohra. L-effetti u 1-konsegwenzi li johorgu minn din ix-xiehda flimkien hija importanti hafna ghall-konklu:Zjonijiet ta' din 1-inkjesta. Mill-banda 1-ohra f' dan il-Proces Verbal hemm ukoll sunt tax-xhieda talkwerelanti Joseph Muscat u martu Michelle Muscat li jtennu c-cahda kategorika ghall-allegazzjonjiet li gew minnhom deskritti bhala li huma kalunjuzi u frott ta' fabbrikazzjoni. Hemm ukoll sunt tad-deposizzjoni ta' Keith Schembri, Konrad Mizzi (li xehed darbtejn), kif ukoll John Dalli, (li xehed darbtejn) fejn huma jistqarru wkoll td-dissens taghhom fuq il-parti 1kbira tal-allegazzjonijiet ta' Caruana Galizia fl-artiklu taghha fil-konfront taghhom. Din ix-xiehda hija importanti wkoll biex jigi mifhum safejn dawn 113 ' .. . : : ~ ·, -! .; I f .1. . L· .Jl.. .t u..., U... ix-xiehda jikkonfermaw parti zghira mill-allegazzjonijiet ta' Caruana Galizia u 1-istqarrijiet lilha minn Efimova u fejn huma ma jaqblux u jiChdu. Din ixxiehda trid tittiehed ukoll fl-isfond u fil-kuntest tal-kumplament tal-provi migbura u tal-analiZi tal-Forensic Accountants li dahlu f'hafna dettall dwar dan. Id-dettalji dwar 1-analiZi tal-Forensic Accountants giet maghmula separatament f'Taqsima ghaliha. F' dan is-sunt ta' xiehda deposizzjonijiet fil-Proces Verbal, gew inklU.Zi wkoll id- tad-dirigenti tal-Bank Pilatus fosthom Ali c' Sadr Hasheminejad, Hamiderza Ghanbari, u 1-kumplament tal-impjegati u ex impjegati li gew rintracgati madwar id-dinja. Peress li I-Bank Pilatus kellu numru relattivament zghir ta' dirigenti u impjegati fiZ-zmien rilevanti ghal dan il-kaz (Cjoe meta skont Efimova sehhew 1-allegazzjonijiet li kienu jinvolvu lil Bank Pilatus - bejn Jannar u Marzu tal-2016) kien allura aktar facli li 1-dawk 1-impjegati setghu ikunu involuti fl-aspetti varji taloperazzjonijiet tal-Bank u ghalhekk setghu gew f'kuntatt dirett ma xi dokumenti, struzzjonjiet, jew transazzjonijiet li Efimova semmiet firrivelazzjonijiet taghha lil Caruana Galizi kif ukoll fix-xiehda taghha. Ghalhekk f' dan il-Proces Verbal gie inklU.Z ukoll sunt tax-xiehda ta' dawn ixxhieda li turi kull wiehed u wahda minnhom x'kellu xi jghid dwar 1allegazzjonijiet maghmula minn Efimova u li kienu jinvolvu lil Bank Pilatus. Anke din ix-xiehda trid tittiehed fl-isfond tar-riZultanzi oggettivi li nsatbu 114 c' "~ :1 i i ,, ·l ULiJli...J . uvll. 3 , , . , . u· fil-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta, mhux 1-inqas 1-analli:i taI-Forensic Accountants dwar ir-records digitali u stampati tal-Bank Pilatus Ii gew analizzati. Anke dawn kienu determinanti ghall-konkluzjonijiet ta' din 1-inkjesta. Minbarra dawn xehdu wkoll id-Dirigenti kollha, 1-impjegati u I-ex impjegati tad-Ditta Nexia BT. Dawn kienu f'numru ferm oghla mill-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus. Mix-xiehda ta' dawn 1-impjegati jirri.Zulta Ii 1-maggoranza assoluta taghhom ma kellhomx x'jaqsmu maI-allegazzjonijiet, ma kienux invoiuti jew ma kienu jafu xejn dwar dawn I-allegazzjonijiet ghax qatt ma kienu hadmu ghaI xi wiehed mill-peruni invoiuti jew fuq xi parti minn dawn 1allegazzjonijiet. L-aktar Ii hareg car minn din ix-xiehda huwa Ii fir-rigward ta' dak Ii keilhom x'jaqsmu I-allegazzjonijiet meritu ta' din I-inkjesta, ilpersuna Ii kienet 1-aktar invoiuta direttament u Ii setgha kien jaf x'kien qieghed jigri u Ii setgha jforni informazzjoni kien Karl Cini. Brian Torma, minn naha tieghu, ghalkemm kien il-Managing Partner tad-Ditta jixhed Ii kien ihaili 1-affarijiet Ii kellhom x'jaqsmu maI-klijenti internazzjonali prinCipalment f'idejn Karl Cini. Mareg car Ii kienu Karl Cini u Brian Torma Ii kienu dawk Ii 1-aktar setghu jaghtu hjieI dwar jekk u safejn 1- allegazzjonijiet kienux minnhom. Michael Satariano, Ii ssemma wkoll £1allegazzjonijiet ta' Caruana Galizia jinsab inkluz fis-sunt tax-xiehda ghax anke dan forna sfond interessanti ghal dak miktub. 115 u:;Jl...&..J Mill-banda 1-ohra, 1-kumplament tal-impjegati ta' din id-Ditta jikkonfermaw li kienu konxji Ii d-Ditta Nexia BT kienet taghti servizzi t' accountancy u audit lil kumpaniji jew negozji li kienu rikonduCibbli ghal Keith Schembri jew martu Josette Schembri Vella, u dan fil-maggoranza assoluta taghhom dwar negozji jew kumpaniji lokali kif ukoll Ii Nexia BT kienet taghti diversi servizzi lil Entitajiet Pubblid u Ministeri tal-Gvern. Ix-xiehda ta' dawn 1impjegati kollha giet registrata u traskritta. Izda f' din 1-inkjesta 1-enfazi riedet issir fuq il-meritu taghha, u tjoe 1-allegazzjonijiet meritu tar-rapport tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija u b'hekk ma kienx possibbli ghal din 1-inkjesta tidhol fuq aspetti ohra li ma kienux jaqghu fil-parametri tar-rapport. Biss 1inkjesta hadet in konsiderazzjoni wkoll li matul il-kors tal-analiZi taghha, hargu diversi allegazzjonijiet ohra Ii whud minnhom kienu wkoll jinsabu taht 1-iskrutinju gudizzjarju f'inkjesti separati jew ohrajn Ii kienu ghadhom jehtiegu 1-awtorizzazzjoni biex jinbdew. F' dan il-Proces Verbal ghalhekk giet inkluza x-xiehda ta' dawk 1-impjegati Ii mix-xiehda taghhom harget informazzjoni utli ghal din 1-inkjesta. Dawk li wiegbu li ma kienux involuti jew Ii ma jafu xejn ma gewx inkluzi fis-sunt i:lda x-xiehda taglihom xorta giet registrata u traskritta u mehuda m konsiderazzjoni ghall-fini tal-konklU.Zjonijiet in kwantu 1-fatt li 1maggoranza ta' dawn 1-impjegati jixhdu Ii ma kienux jafu xejn jew ma kienux involuti ghandu sinjifikat importanti fih innifsu. 116 (' ,lJu .·, . U.i ( ; i·. 7· ~ Apparti minn hekk, f' dan il-Proces Verbal gie inkluz ukoll sunt tax-xiehda talAwdituri Esterni tal-Bank Pilatus, id-Ditta KPMG kif ukoll 1-Awdituri Intemi tal-istess Bank PriceWaterhouse Coopers li minn naha taghhom ukoll taw sfond importanti ghall-kxif tal-verita f' dan il-kaz. Inoltre giet migbura wkoll ix-xiehda ta' rapprezentant tad-Ditta Deloitte Malta li kienu ghamlu wkoll rapport dwar ir-riskju lil Bank Pilatus. '( Jigi mtenni li dawn riportati aktar 1-isfel fis-sunt tax-xiehda huma dawk ixxiehda Ii gew meqjusa bhala 1-aktar taw informazzjoni li kienet torbot malmeritu ta' din 1-inkjesta; iZda 1-konklu:Zjonijiet tal-Magistrat Inkwirenti mhix ba:Zata biss fuq ix-xiehda taghhom. 11-konklu:Zjonijiet huma milhuqa fuq 1analiZi tax-xiehda u d-dokumenti voluminu:Zi kollha migbura matul il-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta inkluz, u b'mod partikolari x-xiehda migbura permezz talittri rogatorji, dik tal-esperti tekniCi eccetra. 11-konkluzjonijiet ta' din 1inkjesta ghalhekk huma 1-gabra shiha tal-verzjonijiet u dokumenti kollha migbura nonche 1-analiZi teknika Ii saret fuqhom b'riferenza ghall-meritu tar-rapport tal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija. 3. Ezekuzzjoni t'ittri rogatorjali lejn diversi pajjizi Ii kellhom x'jaqsmu mal-allegazzjonijiet meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta. 117 + Parti minn mill-evidenza giet ottjenuta bil-mezz ta' ittri rogatorji. Matul ilkors tal-inkjesta saru diversi konsultazzjonijiet anke mal-Forensic Accountants nominati sabiex ikun stabbilit ukoll jekk u safejn kien hemm ilhtiega li informazzjoni tigi mitluba jew ottjenuta b'mod formali u dan in kwantu mhux kull biCca informazzjoni Ii tkun waslet ghand 1-inkjesta setghet kienet rilevanti ghall-fini ta' din 1-inkjesta. Dawn 1-ittri rogatorji kienu inti.Zi li: (a) jibdlu f' evidenza informazzjoni li giet ghall-attenzjoni tal-inkjesta; (b) jigu accertati certi allegazzjonijiet b'mod li jkun determinat jekk 1- allegazzjonijiet ikunux fattwali u pruvabbli jew jibqghux fir-relm talallegazzjoni; (c) isahli.u evidenza ottjenuta mill-inkjesta minn sorsi varji fosthom dokumenti digitali jew stampati elevati fil-kors tal-inkjesta nnifisha. Intbaghtu ittri rogatorji jew talbiet ghal assistenza lejn is-segwenti pajji.Zi: A. Ir-Repubblika tal-Panama; B. Ir-Renju tal-Belgju; C. L-Emirati Gharab Maghquda; u D. Ir-Repubblika tal-Germanja - fil-forma ta' Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew. E. Stati Uniti tal-Amerika 118 c' A.1. Ittra rogatorja mibghuta lill-Awtoritajiet tar-Repubblika talPanama II-Panama kienet gurisdizzjoni importanti hafna ghall-fini ta' din 1-inkjesta inkwantu kienet allegata bhala 1-gurisdizzjoni li kienet tikkostitwixxi s-sede ta' Egrant Inc (nonche Tillgate Inc u Hearnville Inc). Inoltre, dan il-pajjiZ kien rilevanti biex gew stabbiliti diversi fatti li taw dawl fuq 1-allegazzjonijiet meritu tal-inkjesta. Gew mibghuta zewgt ittri rogatorjali - wahda originali u 1-ohra supplimentari. L-ittra originali kienet intbaghtet tramite 1-Avukat Generali b'ittra datata 5 ta' Mejju 2017 filwaqt li ittra rogatorja supplimentari kienet c" giet mibghuta fit-30 t' A wissu 2017. Il-focus prinCipali tal-ittra rogatorjali originali kien ba:Zat fuq 1-allegazzjoni li 1-ismha ta' Egrant Inc kienu mizmuma minn Mossack Fonseca Nominees ghal Michelle Muscat. L-ittra rogatorja supplimentari kienet maghmula wara informazzjoni ulterjuri li giet riCevuta mill-inkjesta fejn fosthom din dahlet aktar fil-fond fir-rigward tal-allegati zewgt declarations of trust li fuqhom 119 kienet tistrieh gran parti tal-allegazzjoni maghmula minn Daphne Caruana Galizia Ii Egrant Inc. kienet proprjeta ta' Michelle Muscat bl-ishma taghha mi.Zmuma minn nominees tad-ditta Mossack Fonseca. Fil-mument meta kienet mibghuta 1-ittra rogatorja originali 1-inkjesta kien ghad ghandha informazzjoni limitata hafna u ghalhekk diversi mistoqsijiet kienu saru biex jigu stabbiliti xi fatti, Ii maz-zmien, bosta minnhom, kienu bdew jigu ccarati minn sorsi ohra u evidenza gdida Ii kienet lahqet ingabret. c' Ghalhekk certi mistoqsijiet Ii kienu dehru importanti Ii jigu mistoqsija filbidu, ma baqghux daqshekk importanti malli 1-inkjesta bdiet tistabbilixxi dejjem aktar fatti minn evidenza dejjem aktar kopjuza. Dan il-Process Verbal sejjer ikun qieghed jiffoka fuq il-konkluzjonijiet 1-aktar rilevanti u importanti Ii tnisslu minn dawn 1-ittri rogatorji ghall-fini ta' din 1-inkjesta. Id-dokumenti Ii kienu gew mehmuza mal-ittra rogatorja originali tal-5 ta' Mejju 2017 ghajr hlief ghad-dokumenti 1 sa 3, kienu mehuda mill-faxxiklu intestat f'isem il-kumpanija Egrant Inc Ii kien gie elevat mill-Ufficji tad-Ditta Nexia BT. Kien mehtieg ghalhekk Ii qabel xejn sabiex jigi stabbilit, kemm jista' jkun b' evidenza indipendenti, mhux biss 1-awtenticita ta' dawn iddokumenti, i.Zda wkoll it-tifsira ta' kull wiehed minnhom u kif kull dokument setgha jaghti daw I fuq 1-allegazzjonijiet Ii kienu qeghdin isiru. Dan b'mod partikolari fid-dawl tal-konflitt fil-verzjonijiet bejn dak Ii kien 120 ("'• qieghed jigi rapurtat mistqarr minn Brian Torma (Ii 1-kumpanija Egrant Inc kienet kumpanija tieghu), dak li kien qieghed jigi allegat fl-artikli (li Egrant Inc. proprjeta ta' Michelle Muscat) u c-cahda kategorika ta' Michelle u Joseph konjugi Muscat li huma ma kellhom xejn x'jaqsmu ma din il-kumpanija, u li qatt ma rcevew il-flejjes allegati minn Daphne Caruana Galizia fl-artiklu taghha. Minn dawn id-dokumenti misjuba fil-faxxiklu kustodit fl-UffiC:ji ta' Nexia BT giet traccjata timeline ta' parti mill-istorja ta' Egrant Inc., riflessa fiddokumenti li kienu jinstabu f' dan il-faxxiklu. Sadattant minn parti ohra taddokumenti stampati prelevati mill-Ufficini ta' Nexia BT u mill-analiZi li kienet bdiet issir mill-Forensic Accountant Miroslava Milenovic instabu wkoll id-dokumenti relattivi ghal Egrant Inc li gew indikati bhala doc. 21 sa doc. 23. Minn dawn id-dokumenti flimkien setgha johrog is-segwenti timeline : Data Dokurnent u rnaterja 4 ta' Lulju 2013 L-att tal-inkorporazzjoni ta' Egrant Inc. rninn Dubro Limited S.A. u Aliator S.A. 8 ta' Lulju 2013 Assignment of subscription ta' zewgt ishma to bearer rninn Dubro Limited S.A. u Aliator S.A. 9 ta' Lulju 2013 Minuti tal-Bord tad-Diretturi ta' Egrant Inc fejn gie issued sehern wiehed favur A TC Administrators Inc. ghal nominal value ta' mitt dollaru Arnerikan (US$100) u fejn il-President ta' Egrant Inc. Ricardo Samaniego u d-DirettriCi Yadira de Boutaud setghu jiffirrnaw u johorgu share certificates. 121 9 ta' Lulju 2013 Kopja tas-share register li kien juri li sehem wahdieni nominative bil-valur ta' mitt dollaru Amerikan (US$100) kien gie mahrug f'isern ATC Administrators Inc. bhala azzjonist ta' dan is-sehem wahdieni. 19 ta' 2013 Lulju Ittra rninghand Yakeline Perez (Vici President u Teiorier ta' Egrant Inc) lil BTI Management Limited li permezz tagliha din ikkonferrnat li Egrant Inc qatt ma gharnlet negozju, ikkontrattat jew dahlet f'obbligazzjonijiet jew li kellha d-Diretturi tagliha attivi. ICcertifikat ukoll li sa dak ii:-zrnien Egrant Inc ma kellhiex assi jew djun. 7 t'Awissu MF Legal Services fil-kwalita taghhom ta' Registered Agents ta' Egrant Inc 2013 hargu "Certificate of Incumbency" li perrnezz tieghu iccertifikaw li Egrant Inc kienet kumpanija registrata fil-Panarna, d-data tar-registrazzjoni, min huwa I-agent registrat tagliha, kernrn huwa 1-kapital awtorizzat, li Egrant Inc kienet kumpanija in good standing, nonche provdew lista tad-diretturi tagliha. t' Awissu Order Jann ghall-akkwist tal-kurnpanija Egrant Inc iffirrnata rninn Brian 8 2013 Torma nhar it-8 t' Awissu 2013 fejn I-ispecial billing address mogli.ti kien BTI Managment Limited, Suite 2, The Penthouse, Capital Business Centre, Entrance C, Triq taz-Zwejt, San Gwann, SGN3000. 9 t' A wissu A TC Administrators Inc gharnlu dikjarazzjoni li huma kienu s-sidien u kienu 2013 qeghdin ii:omrnu azzjoni wahda (hold ownership and beneficial interest in one share) f'Egrant Inc li kienu exclusively vested in favour of Brian Tanna "the client" kif ukoll li dan is-sehem jew ishrna ohra li setghu jigu issued to us fir-rigward ta' dawn 1-ishrna kienu sejrin jin:lamrnu f'kull waqt f'isirnhom upon trust for the client u ddikjaraw ukoll Ii hurna kienu lesti li jhalsu lill-klijent kull dividend u dues li ghalihom setghu ikunu intitolati bis-sahha tal-fatt li huma kienu sidien ta' dawn 1-ishrna u qablu wkoll li jezegwixxu trasferiment ta' dawn 1-ishma jew jezercitaw is-setghat tal-vot jew li jaghrnlu rninn dawn 1ishrna skont kif ikunu diretti mill-klijent. Din id-dikjarazzjoni kienet iffirrnata rninn Letitia Montoya, Yvette Rogers u Luis Quiel. 9 t' Awissu Invoice mahruga rninn Mossack Fonseca lil BTI Management Limited, 12013 ghada 9 t' Awissu 2013, indirizzata lil Karl Cini fil-indirizz BTI Managment Limited, Suite 2, The Penthouse, Capital Business Centre, Entrance C, Triq taz-Zwejt, San Gwann, SGN3000, Malta Island, Malta ghas-servizzi ordnati fl-order form tal-jum ta' qabel iffirrnata rninn Brian Torma. 12 t' A wissu BTI Management Limited harget dikjarazzjoni dwar Egrant Inc fis-sens li 2013 ladarba MF Legal Services kienu sejrin jipprovdu s-servizzi ta' directorship ghal Egrant Inc, BTI Management Limited kienet qablet li tindennizza lil MF Legal Services ghal kull claims, costs, expenses, eccetra fir-rigward ta' kull 122 ( ; membru, impjegat, persuna jew kumpanija assocjata, holding office, direttorat jew azzjonista fil-kumpanija fir-rigward ta' kull deciZjoni mehuda minn tali persuna in kormessjoni mal-amministrazzjoni jew maneggjar talkumpanija Egrant Inc. 12 t' Awissu Minuti tal-Bord tad-Diretturi ta' Egrant Inc li permezz taghhorn Brian Torma 2013 u Karl Cini, individwalrnent, gew rnoghtija prokura generali b'poteri wiesa hafna fuq il-kurnpanija Egrant Inc. 15 t' Awissu Invoice rnahruga minn Mossack Fonseca lil BTI Management Limited, fil-15 2013 t' Awissu 2013, indirizzata lil Karl Cini fil-indirizz BTI Managment Limited, Suite 2, The Penthouse, Capital Business Centre, Entrance C, Triq taz-Zwejt, San Gwann, SGN3000, Malta Island, Malta ghas-servizzi ta' power of attorney u notarizzazzjoni taghha. 15 ta' Marzu Ittra minn Brian Torma lil Mossack Fonseca Head Office li permezz taghha 2016 Torma talabhom biex jistralgaw lil kumpanija Egrant Inc. Torma talabhom jaghmlu kuntatt ma BTI Management Limited ghal dan. 19 ta' Jannar Ittra minn Brian Torma li permezz taghha reggha talab lil Mossack Fonseca 2017 sabiex jistralgaw lil kumpanija Egrant Inc. 19 ta' Jannar Prokura iffirmata rninn Brian Torma li permezz taghha Leticia Montoya, Luis 2017 Quiel u Frances Perez or any other lawyer or officer at Mossack Fonseca gew moghtija s-setgha jirraprezentaw lil Brian Torma fil-laqgha ghall-fini ta' stralc tal-kumpanija Egrant Inc. ( 15 ta' Frar 2017 Kopja tal-kuntratt li permezz tieghu quddiern in-Nutar Victor Manuel Aldana Aparicio kien deher Luis Quiel f'isern Bufete MF & Coli permezz tieghu giet prezentata r-resoluzzjoni tal-azzjonisti ta' Egrant Inc. datata 19 ta' Jannar 2017 £'11:45 fejn il-President tal-kumpanija Egrant Inc Ricardo Samaniego u Yakeline Perez bhala Segretarju tal-kumpanija Egrant Inc. (in lieu tas-segretarju 1-proprja Yadira de Boutaud) iddikjaraw li r-ragurn ta' din il-laqgha kienet 1-istralc tal-kumpanija Egrant Inc b'effett mit-terrninazzjoni ta' dik 1-istess laqgha. 16 ta' Frar 2017 Ittra mibghuta mirm Ricardo Samaniego li permezz taghha inforrna li Egrant Inc kienet giet stralC:jata. Ghalhekk inhasset il-htiega li qabel xejn jigu verifikati dawn id-dokumenti sabiex jigi stabbilit jekk kellhomx mis-sewwa. Dan beda jsir billi matul 1123 00012~ ezekuzzjoni tal-ittra rogatorja lill-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji tal-Panama, fost affarijiet ohra, certi mistoqsijiet lil persuni Ii deheru li setghu kienu direttament jew indirettament involuti fit-twaqqif u thaddim ta' Egrant Inc gew ukoll riferiti ghad-dokumenti indikati. Ghall-fini ta' kjarezza, it-test ta' din 1-ittra rogatorja qieghed jigi riprodott:- Request for Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters to the Competent judicial Authorities of the Republic of Panama in connection with the Magisterial Inquiry regarding the company Egrant Inc. incorporated in Panama and its relevant operations and transactions. Inquiring Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja LL.D., who is presently conducting the abovecaptioned inquiry regarding the Panamanian company 'Egrant Inc.' and its relevant operations, respectfully requests assistance from the competent Judicial Authorities in the Republic of Panama in relation to this same criminal investigation. This letter ofrequest is being made on an urgent basis in view of the sensitive nature of the same inquiry and also in view of the short legal time frame of sixty days in which the Inquiring Magistrate has to conclude the same Inquiry. The Inquiring Magistrate is currently investigating allegations ofa criminal nature made by local media against the Honourable Prime Minister of Malta, Dr. Joseph Muscat and other Politically Exposed Persons. These allegations concern mainly the following facts: i. that Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Prime Minister's wife and hence a 'Politically Exposed Person', is the ultimate beneficial owner of Egrant Inc, which is a company incorporated in the Republic of Panama; and ii. the back accounts of this same company, Egrant Inc., were in receipt of considerable sums of money from Al Sahra FZCO, a company belonging to Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of the President of Azerbaijan (hence another 'Politically Exposed Person'). Local media is claiming that Egrant Inc. belongs to Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Honourable Prime minister's wife, on the strength of two declarations of trust allegedly provided to 124 ( """ 000125 uUU1.23 Pilatus Bank as a prerequisite for the opening of an account for Egrant Inc. with the same Bank. These declarations of trust allegedly show that the shares in Egrant Inc., a Panamanian company are held by Mossack Fonseca as nominees for Mrs. Michelle Muscat Transcripts allegedly purporting to be the contents of these declarations of trust can be found in 'DOC.1 and DOC. 2' enclosed with this Letter of Request. With regards to the alleged transactions, it is being claimed that during the months of January, February and March 2016 there were several transactions of around US$100,000 each made twice a week over several weeks in the aforementioned months from the bank accounts of the company Al Sabra FZCO held with Pilatus Bank in Malta to bank accounts held by Egrant Inc. in Dubai. Moreover in March 2016, in the same fashion, it is being alleged that there was a single transaction of US$1.017 million from Al Sahra FZCO to Egrant Inc .. These transactions were allegedly all described as 'loan payment', as per DOC. 3. In the event that these allegations are proven, in terms of Maltese Law and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto (the Palermo Convention) they will constitute the crime of participating in a criminal organisation of at least three people and also the serious crimes of Corruption and Money Laundering, both punishable by more than four years imprisonment in terms of Maltese law. The Offences ( In view of the above, the Inquiring Magistrate is investigating this as a case of participation in a criminal organisation, corruption and money laundering in terms of Chapters 9 and 373 of the Laws of Malta. The relevant legal articles are being reproduced hereunder: Organised Crime, Article 83A of Chapter 9 (Criminal Code) of the Laws of Malta 83A. (1) Any person who - (a) promotes, constitutes, organises or finances an organization with a view to commit criminal offences liable to the punishment of imprisonment for a term of four years or more; or 125 (b) knowing or having reasonable cause to suspect the aim or general activity of the organization set up for the purpose mentioned in paragraph (a), actively takes part in the organisation's criminal activities, including but not limited to the provision of information or material means or the recruitment of new members, shall be guilty of an offence and shall liable, on conviction, to the punishment ofimprisonmentfor a term from four to nine years. (2) Any person who belongs to an organisation referred to in subarticle (1) shall for that mere fact be liable to the punishment of imprisonment for a term from two to seven years. (3) Where the number of persons in the organisation is ten or more the punishment in the preceding subarticles shall be increased form one to two degrees. (4) Where the person found guilty of an offence under this title is the director, manager, secretary or other principal officer of a body corporate or is a person having a power of representation of such a body or having an authority to take decisions on behalf of that body or having authority to exercise control within that body and the offence of which that person was found guilty was committed for the benefit, in part or in whole, of that body corporate, the said person shall for the purposes of this title be deemed to be vested with the legal representation of the same body corporate which shall be liable as follows: (a) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is the offence in subarticle (1), to the payment of a fine (multa) of not less than thirty-four thousand and nine hundred and forty euro and sixty cents (34,940.60) and not more than one hundred and sixteen thousand and four hundred and sixty-eight euro and sixty-seven cents (116,468.67); (b) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is the offence in subarticle (2), to the payment of a fine (multa) of not less than twenty-three thousand and two hundred and ninety-three euro and seventy-three cents (23,293.73) and not more than sixty-nine thousand and eight hundred and eighty-one euro and twenty cents (69,881.20); (c) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is punishable as provided in subarticle (3) of this article (i) where the offence is that provided in subarticle (1), to the punishment of a fine (multa) of not less than forty-six thousand and five hundred and eighty-seven euro and forty-seven cents (46,587.47) and not more than one million and one hundred and sixtyfour thousand and six hundred and eighty-six euro and seventy cents (1,164,686.70); (ii) where the offence is that provided in subarticle (2), to the punishment of a fine (multa) of not less than thirty-four thousand and nine hundred and forty euro and sixty cents (34,940.60) and not more than one hundred and sixteen thousand and four hundred and sixty-eight euro and sixty-seven cents (116,468.67). (5) The criminal action for an offence against the provisions of this article may be prosecuted in Malta notwithstanding that the organization of persons is based or pursues its criminal activities outside Malta. 126 ~ ( 000127 UUU125 Corruption, Articles 112, 114, 115, 118, 119 and 120 of Chapter 9 (Criminal Code) of the Laws of Malta 112. Any officer or person employed in any public administration, or any person employed by or under the Government, whether authorized or not to receive moneys or effects, either by way of salary for his own services, or on account of the Government, or of any public establishment, who shall, under colour of his office, exact that which is not allowed by law, or more than is allowed by law, or before it is due according to law, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from three months to one year. 114. Where the crimes referred to in the last two preceding articles are accompanied with circumstances which render such crimes liable also to other punishments, the higher punishment shall be applied with an increase of one degree. 115. (1) Any public officer or servant who, in connection with his office or employment, requests, receives or accepts for himself or for any other person, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage to which he is not entitled, shall, on conviction, be liable to punishment as follows: (a) where the object of the reward, promise or offer, be to induce the officer or servant to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from six months to three years; (b) where the object be to induce the officer or servant to forbear from doing what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall, for the mere acceptance of the reward, promise or offer, be imprisonment for a term from nine months to five years; (c) where, besides accepting the reward, promise, or offer, the officer or servant actually fails to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or of any other law, when the offence against the provisions of this article is committed by a person who, at the time when the offence was committed, held the office of Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, Member of the House of Representatives, Mayor or Local Councillor and the offence involved the abuse of such office, the provisions of Title VI of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to the said person or to any accomplice. 118. (1) Any member of the House of Representatives who requests, receives or accepts, for himself or for any other per son, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage given or made with the object 127 UU 01Z6 000128 of influencing him in his conduct as a member of the House shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or of any other law the provisions of Title VI of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to an offence under this article in respect of the said Member of the House of Representatives or any accomplice. 119. The punishment of perpetual general interdiction or perpetual special interdiction, or both, as the case may be, shall be added to the punishments established in the preceding articles of this sub-title when the maximum of such punishments exceeds two years' imprisonment; when the maximum of the said punishments does not exceed two years' imprisonment, then the punishment of temporary general interdiction or temporary special interdiction, or both, as the case may be, shall be added. c' 120. (1) In the cases referred to in articles 115, 116, 117 and 118, the person who bribes the public officer or servant or the member of the House of Representatives, or the person to whom any of the said articles applies in accordance with any provision under this Code or under any other law, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be an accomplice. (2) Where the public officer or servant or other person does not commit the crime, the person who attempts to induce such officer or servant or other person to commit the crime shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six months to three years: Provided that when the crime is that referred to in article 117(c), the punishment shall not exceed eighteen months imprisonment. (3) Where the member of the House of Representatives does not commit the crime, the person who attempts to induce such member to commit the crime shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six months to four years. Money Laundering, Articles 2 and 3 of Chapter 373 (Money Laundering Act) of the Laws of Malta "Money laundering" means - 128 c' 000129 (i) the conversion or transfer of property knowing or suspecting that such property is derived directly or indirectly from, or the proceeds of, criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity, for the purpose of or purposes of concealing or disguising the origin of the property or of assisting any person or persons involved or concerned in criminal activity; (ii) the concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, location, disposition, movement, rights with respect of, in or over, or ownership of property, knowing or suspecting that such property is derived directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (iii) the acquisition, possession or use of property knowing or suspecting that the same was derived or originated directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (iv) retention without reasonable excuse of property knowing or suspecting that the same was derived or originated directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (v) attempting any of the matters or activities defined in the above foregoing subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) within the meaning of article 41 of the Criminal Code; (vi) acting as an accomplice within the meaning of article 42 of the Criminal Code in respect of any of the matters or activities defined in the above foregoing sub- paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v). 3. (1) Any person committing any act of money laundering shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding two million and five hundred thousand euro (€2,500,000), or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding eighteen years, or to both such fine and imprisonment. ( _/ Assistance Requested The Inquiring Magistrate consequently respectfully requests the competent authorities of the Republic of Panama to take the following investigative actions: 1. To hear as witness a representative of the competent Companies' Regulatory Authority in Panama with the aim of providing all the documentation concerning the 129 ·) lH.1 f..10 0I)fS1 ~l 000130 incorporation and registration of the following companies including information about the relative company shareholders, subscribers, directors, company secretaries, officers vested with legal representation of the said companies and whether there were any changes in these positions from the 1st January 2013 to date: ~ Egrant Inc. a Panamanian company duly registered at Microjacket 807956, document 2421806 of the Public Registry's Mercantile Section; ~ Dubro Limited S.A, a Panamanian company duly registered at Microjacket 765891, document 2154239 of the Public Registry's Mercantile Section; ~ Aliator S.A, a Panamanian company duly registered at Microjacket 765831, document 2153822 of the Public Registry's Mercantile Section; ~ ATC Administrators Inc. (_/ To hear as witness, a representative of Mossack Fonseca, having their head office at Mossfon Building, 54th Street, Marbella, Panama, Republic of Panama with the aim of providing all the documentation in their possession concerning the company Egrant Inc. Z. The witness should be shown all documents from DOC. 4, DOC. 5, DOC. 6, DOC. 7, DOC. 8, DOC. 9, DOC.10, DOC. 11, DOC.12, DOC.13, DOC.14, DOC.15, DOC.16, DOC.17, DOC.18, DOC. 19, DOC. 20, DOC. 21, DOC. 22 and DOC. 23 and confirm whether these documents are authentic or otherwise; In the event that such documentation has been seized by the competent authorities of the Republic of Panama, the competent Maltese Judicial Authorities are hereby respectfully requesting that they are granted access to such documentation and a copy of same submitted in the proceedings of this request; 3. To hear as witness Jaqueline Alexander, bearer of the Panamanian Identity Card with number 8-729-1090, with the aim of: >- providing all information concerning Egrant Inc., including any information she may have about the structure of the company and who are the involved parties and who the Ultimate Beneficial Owner of Egrant Inc. were from incorporation (4th July 2013) to date of dissolution (15th February 2017) and information relating to activities of the said company including transactions made or received by the said company; >- confirming or otherwise the fact that she wrote and signed the text in 'DOC. 1'; ~ confirming or otherwise the contents of the said 'DOC. 1' and if possible provide any supporting documentation to this effect; >- the witness should be shown all documents from DOC. 4, DOC. 5, DOC. 6, DOC. 7, DOC. 8, DOC. 9, DOC.10, DOC.11, DOC.12, DOC.13, DOC.14, DOC.15, DOC.16, DOC.17, DOC.18, 130 DOC. 19 and DOC. 20 and, confirm whether she has any knowledge about these documents and to confirm whether she had been involved or otherwise; To hear as witness Verna de Nelson, bearer of the Panamanian Identity Card with number 8-272-518, with the aim of providing all information concerning Egrant Inc. And information relating to activities of the said company including transactions made or received by the said company; 4. );:> 5. witness should be shown all documents from DOC. 4, DOC. 5, DOC. 6, DOC. 7, DOC. 8, DOC. 9, DOC. 10, DOC. 11, DOC. 12, DOC. 13, DOC.14, DOC. 15, DOC. 16, DOC. 17, DOC. 18, DOC. 19 and DOC. 20 and, confirm whether she has any knowledge about these documents and to confirm whether she had been involved or otherwise; To hear as witnesses and in their capacity of involved parties in Egrant Inc. as directors and company officers: Ricardo Samaniego; Yadira Boutaud; Yakeline Perez; Yenny Martinez; and Hercibelle Gonzalez with the aim of: );:> providing all the information they have concerning Egrant Inc. (including information about who the Ultimate Beneficial Owners were since date of incorporation (4th July 2013) to date of dissolution (15th February 2017) and any transactions concerning the said company); );:> witness should state whether Egrant Inc. holds and/or held any financial relationship with local and international credit financial institutions and if in the affirmative, witness is kindly requested to provide details of same providing information and documentation about any bank accounts Egrant Inc. may hold (and/or have held) and about possible transactions concerning same; );:> from whom were they receiving instructions regarding Egrant Inc.; );:> providing information about any possible knowledge regarding ATC Administrators Inc. (a Panamanian Company incorporated on 16th January 2002) and any possible subscription of shares or involvement that the said company - ATC Administrators Inc. could have in Egrant Inc.; );:> to confirm or otherwise the documents enclosed to this letter ofrequestthat is from DOC. 4, DOC. 5, DOC. 6 DOC. 7, DOC. 8, DOC. 9, DOC. 10, DOC. 11, DOC. 12, DOC. 13, DOC. 14, DOC.15, DOC.16, DOC.17, DOC.18, DOC.19 and DOC. 20; 1 6. a. To hear as witnesses Leticia Montoya and Yvette Rogers as representatives of ATC Administrators Inc. and other Officers of this company in order to: providing all the information they have concerning Egrant Inc. (including information about who the Ultimate Beneficial Owners were since date of incorporation (4th July 2013) to date of dissolution (15th February 2017) and any transactions concerning the said company); 131 OllU130 000132 b. providing information and documentation about any bank accounts Egrant Inc. may hold and about possible transactions concerning Egrant Inc.; c. from whom were they receiving instructions regarding Egrant Inc.; d. to confirm or otherwise the documents enclosed to this letter ofrequestthat is from DOC. 4, DOC. 5, DOC. 6, DOC. 7, DOC. 8, DOC. 9, DOC. 10, DOC. 11, DOC. 12, DOC. 13, DOC. 14, DOC.15, DOC.16, DOC.17, DOC.18, DOC.19 and DOC. 20; 7. To hear as witnesses Diomedes Edgardo Cerrud Ayala, Public Notary of the Quinto del Circuito Notarial de Panama bearer of Panamanian identity card number 8-171-301 and the witnesses Jessica Chiu bearer of Panamanian identity card number 8-388-889 and Enma Rojas bearer of identity card number 8-741-2103 with the aim of confirming or otherwise the enclosed public deed which incorporates the company Egrantlnc marked as 'DOC. 5'; 8. To hear as witness Public Notary Josette Roquebert with the aim of confirming or otherwise the documents enclosed with this letter of request marked as 'DOC. 10'; 9. To hear as witness Yadinel Orteca, or a representative of the Public Registry of Panama with the aim of confirming the enclosed documents issued by the Public Registry marked as 'DOC. 4', 'DOC. 5', 'DOC. 9', 'DOC. 15'and 'DOC. 20'; 10. To hear as witnesses, Public Notary Victor Manuel Aldana Aparicio and Luis Alcibiades Quiel Gonzalez (bearer of identity card number 8-460-791), a lawyer at Bufete MF&Co (C-003957) with the aim of confirming the enclosed instrument of dissolution concerning Egrant Inc. ('DOC. 20') and also to provide any further information they may have and upon whose instructions did they proceed to file the said company liquidation request; Luis Alcibiades Quiel Gonzalez (bearer of identity card number 8-460-791) attorney, should also be heard as a witness in relation to the attached declaration of ultimate beneficial ownership dated 9th August 2013 marked as 'DOC. 8'; 11. To hear as witnesses Ms Leticia Montoya and Miss Francis Perez with the aim of declaring if they knew or otherwise of the enclosed proxy dated 19th January 2017 signed by Mr. Brian Tonna ('DOC. 18'), if they appeared on the public deed dealing with the liquidation of Egrant Inc. and in the event that they did not appear personally, who did appear as such in their stead; 132 c' c' 00013 3 ,U u0131 12. If Egrant Inc. holds or held any accounts in any financial institution in Panama (as per replies to Request 5) then representatives of these financial institutions should be heard as witnesses, and present the following documentation: a. the opening mandates for all these accounts, listing clearly who the ultimate beneficial owners and the signatories on these accounts were; b. the full statement of accounts from the date the accounts were opened to date; c. all supporting documentation regarding all the transactions in these accounts; d. any other relevant information, including email correspondence, instructions etc.; 13. To perform additional ancillary investigative questions/actions, which appear necessary during the execution of this Letter of Request; The competent judicial authorities of the Republic of Panama are respectfully requested to execute this letter of request with urgency and to inform the Maltese Authorities with the dates on which the letter of request will be executed since the undersigned Inquiring Magistrate and representatives of the Commissioner of Police would like to be present during the execution of the said Letter of Request; In this regard kindly note the following contact details: Inquiring Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja: e-mail - ( tel - 00356 25902450 _/ Police Superintendent Ian Abdilla: e-mail - tel - 00356 21224001 That the competent authorities of the Republic of Panama are respectfully requested to put the documents gathered in the execution of this request, as well as any documents seized or photocopies thereof, at the Maltese authorities' disposal as soon as possible. 133 00013~ The evidence may be used in any criminal prosecution or other judicial proceedings connected with the above matter. (If.firm at) Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja Inquiring Magistrate DOC. 1 Running Commentary Daphne Caruana Galizia Notebook published April 21, 2017at10.02p.m. entitled "This is the text of the two declarations of Trust which were in the kitchen-safe at Pilatus Bank"; DOC. 2 Running Commentary Daphne Caruana Galizia Notebook published April 20, 2017 at 7.59p.m. entitled "Declaration of Trust in Pilatus Bank safe: Egrant Inc shares held for Michelle Muscat"; DOC. 3 Running Commentary Daphne Caruana Galizia Notebook published April 20, 2017 at 4.41p.m. entitled "US$1.017 million in single transaction from Azerbaijan-owned company to Engrant Inc."; DOC. 4 2013; Republica de Panama-Registro Publico de Panama no. 374677 dated 07 August DOC. 5 Assignment of subscription of two shares in Egrant Inc. to bearer dated 6 July 2013 with attached copy of Public Deed Notaria Publica Quinta no. 17935 dated 4 July 2013; 134 t DOC. 6 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of Egrant Inc. dated 12 August 2013 and attached Power of Attorney by Yakueline Perez dated 12 August 2013 in favour of Brian Tanna and Karl Cini; DOC. 7 Letter to Messrs. MF Legal Services by Karl Cini dated 12 August 2013; DOC. 8 Letter by ATC Administrators Inc. to Brian Tanna dated August 9, 2013; DOC. 9 Translation from the Public Registry of Panama no. 374677 being a certificate of Good Standing by Egrant Inc. request number 13-50827 dated 8 August 2013; DOC. 10 Certificate of Incumbency by MF Legal Services dated 7 August 2013; DOC.11 Letter by Egrant Inc. to Messrs. BTI Management Limited (Malta) dated 19 July 2013; DOC. 12 Egrant Inc. share certificate dated 9 July 2013; DOC. 13 Egrant Inc. share register as at 9 July 2013; DOC. 14 Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of Egrant Inc. dated 9 July 2013; DOC. 15 Articles of Incorporation of Egrant Inc. by Jaqueline Alexander of behalf of Dubro Limited SA and Verna De Nelson on behalf Aliator SA dated 4 July 2013; DOC. 16 Letter by Riccardo Samaniego on behalf of Mossack Fonseca dated 16 February 2017; DOC. 17 Letter by Mr. Brian Tanna to the Director Mossack Fonseca dated 19 January 2017; DOC. 18 Proxy ofBrian Tanna as beneficial owner to Mossack Fonseca dated 19 January 2017; 135 000136 DOC. 19 Letter by Mr. Brian Tanna to the Director Mossack Fonseca dated 15 March 2016; DOC. 20 Republica de Panama-Notaria Octava Del Circuito De Panama no. 2377 dated 19 February 2017; DOC. 21 Invoice no. 4177709 issued by Mossack Fonseca to Egrant Inc. on the 15 August 2013; DOC. 22 Invoice no. 4177561 issued by Mossack Fonseca to Egrant Inc. on the 9 August 2013; DOC. 23 Order Form new formation purchase request to Mossack Fonseca by Brian Tanna dated 4/8/2013. Fl-istadju ta' meta saret 1-ewwel talba rogatorja 1-inkjesta kien ghad ma kellhiex informazzjoni sufficjenti dwar xi rwol setgha sewwasew kellhom ilkumpaniji Aliator S.A., Dubro Limited S.A. u ATC Administrators Inc. u b'mod partikolari ma kienx car jekk Brian Torma, Karl Cini jew Nexia BT bhala ditta jew xi kumpanija appartennti lilhom kellhomx xi involviment dirett jew indirett f' Aliator S.A., Dubro Limited S.A. u ATC Administrators Inc. Din 1-ittra rogatorja giet ezegwita mill-Awtoritajiet tar-Repubblika talPanama u r-risposti jinsabu ezibiti mal-atti ta' din 1-inkjesta u 1i ghal risposta shiha ssir riferenza ghalihom. Dawn ir-risposti jinsabu inkluzi fit-taqsima li tittratta 1-analiZi tax-xiehda importanti. 136 (:\ 000137_UUU135 A.2. Ittra rogatorja supplimentari mibghuta lill-Awtoritajiet tarRepubblika tal-Panama Minhabba zviluppi fil-kors tal-gbir tal-provi fl-inkjesta li sehhew bejn Gunju ( u Lulju 2017, fosthom il-fatt li kont ircevejt dokurnenti godda u inforrnazzjoni ohra dwar dan il-kaz, rnhux 1-anqas kopja ta' zewgt declarations of trust moghtija lili minn Pierre Portelli flimkien ma dikjarazzjoni miktuba li huwa prezentali, inhasset il-htiega li jergghu isiru sett ta' rnistoqsijiet ohra lil diversi xhieda fil-Panama u li kienu involuti f' dan il-ka:Z. Dan wassal ghattfassil u 1-ezekuzzjoni tal-ittra rogatorja supplimentari lill-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjari tal-Panama f' Awissu 2017. F' dak il-punt, kont ghadni ma rcevejtx it-twegibiet ghall-ittra rogatorjali originali, iZda xorta rajt li kien hemm lok li ( tittiehed azzjoni ulterjuri minghajr aktar telf ta' zmien. It-test ta' din 1-ittra rogatorja qieghed jigi riprodott hawnhekk ghal aktar facilita : Supplementary Requestfor Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters to the Competent judicial Authorities of the Republic ofPanama in connection with the Magisterial Inquiry regarding the company Egrant Inc incorporated in Panama and its relevant operations and transactions. Inquiring Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja LL.D., who is presently conducting the abovecaptioned inquiry regarding the Panamanian company 'Egrant Inc' and its relevant 137 000138 operations, respectfully requests further assistance from the competent Judicial Authorities in the Republic of Panama in relation to this same criminal investigation and in furtherance to the letter of request dated 5th May 2017 which was sent to the competent Judicial Authorities in the Republic of Panama. This supplementary letter of request is being made on an uq~ent basis in view of the sensitive nature of the same inquiry and also in view of the short legal time frame of sixty days in which the Inquiring Magistrate has to conclude the same Inquiry. (' Reference is hereby made to the facts as outlined in the letter of request dated 5th May 2017, wherein it was explained that the Inquiring Magistrate is currently investigating allegations of a criminal nature made by local media against the Honourable Prime Minister of Malta, Dr. Joseph Muscat and other Politically Exposed Persons. These allegations concern mainly the following facts: ii. iii. that Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Prime Minister's wife and hence a 'Politically Exposed Person', is the ultimate beneficial owner of Egrant Inc, which is a company incorporated in the Republic of Panama; and the back accounts of this same company, Egrant Inc, were in receipt of a considerable sums of money from Al Sahra FZCO, a company belonging to the Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of the President of Azerbaijan (hence another 'Politically Exposed Person'). Local media is claiming that Egrant Inc. belongs to Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Honourable Prime minister's wife, on the strength of two declarations of trust allegedly provided to Pilatus Bank as a prerequisite for the opening of an account for Egrant Inc. with the same Bank. These declarations of trust (enclosed with the present supplementary letter of request and marked 'Doc. 1') allegedly show that the shares in Egrant Inc, a Panamanian company are held by Mossack Fonseca nominees for Mrs. Michelle Muscat. With regards to the alleged transactions, it is being claimed that during the months of January, February and March 2016 there were several transactions of around US$100,000 each made twice a week over several weeks in the aforementioned months from the bank accounts of the company Al Sabra FZCO held with Pilatus Bank in Malta to bank accounts held by Egrant Inc in Dubai. Moreover in March 2016, in the same fashion, it is being alleged that there was a single transaction of US$1.017 million from Al Sahra FZCO to Egrant Inc .. These transactions were allegedly all described as 'loan payment'. 138 In the event that these allegations are proven, in terms of Maltese Law and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto (the Palermo Convention) they will constitute the crime of participating in a criminal organisation ofat least three people and also the serious crimes of Corruption and Money Laundering, both punishable by more than four years imprisonment in terms of Maltese law. During the course of the captioned inquiry the Inquiring Magistrate received the following important documents in relation to the aforementioned inquiry. i. ii. iii. iv. The first two documents, herewith enclosed and marked as 'Doc.1' are two 'declarations of trust' that are allegedly signed by Jaqueline Alexander as Director of both Dubro Limited S.A. and Alia tor S.A. These documents were received from Mr. Pierre Portelli who is a journalist and who is claiming journalistic privilege and hence is not willing to reveal the source of his information particularly with regards to the aforementioned documents. The certificate issued by the registered agent of Egrant Inc (MF Legal Services) confirming that the share register is a true and full copy of the original share Register of the Company issued on 9th July 2013, and the valid version existing on 19th January, 2017, when the company's dissolution was resolved, herewith enclosed and marked as 'Doc. 2'; The share register copy, herewith enclosed and marked as 'Doc. 3'; The declaration of Edilberto Reyes and Olga Londofio, acting on behalf of ATC Administrators Inc. certifying that ATC Administrators Inc. have always been the sole shareholder of Egrant Inc., a company registered in the Mercantile Section of the Public Registry in Panama on the 8th July 2013 by means of a Public Deed No. 17, 935 issued on 4th July 2013 by the Fifth Notary. That the beneficial interest and ownership of such share was vested in favour of Mr. Brian Tanna and no transfer of beneficial ownership was ever registered from Brian Tonna. That the company Egrant Inc. has been dissolved through a Shareholders Resolution dated 19th January 2017, duly filed at the Panamanian Public Registry at Page 807956 as of 6th April, 2017. This document is herewith enclosed and marked as 'Doc. 4'; The Offences In view of the contents of the facts as outlined in the letter of request dated 5th May 2017 and in view of this supplementary request the Inquiring Magistrate is investigating this as a case of participation in a criminal organisation, corruption and money laundering in terms of Chapters 9 and 373 of the Laws of Malta. The relevant legal articles are being reproduced hereunder: Organised Crime, Article 83A of Chapter 9 of the Laws of Malta 83A. (1) Any person who - 139 uuu138 (a) promotes, constitutes, organises or finances an organization with a view to commit criminal offences liable to the punishment of imprisonment for a term of four years or more; or (b) knowing or having reasonable cause to suspect the aim or general activity of the organization set up for the purpose mentioned in paragraph (a), actively takes part in the organisation's criminal activities, including but not limited to the provision of information or material means or the recruitment of new members, shall be guilty of an offence and shall liable, on conviction, to the punishment of imprisonment for a term from four to nine years. (2) Any person who belongs to an organisation referred to in subarticle (1) shall for that mere fact be liable to the punishment of imprisonment for a term from two to seven years. (3) Where the number of persons in the organisation is ten or more the punishment in the preceding subarticles shall be increased form one to two degrees. (4) Where the person found guilty of an offence under this title is the director, manager, secretary or other principal officer of a body corporate or is a person having a power of representation of such a body or having an authority to take decisions on behalf of that body or having authority to exercise control within that body and the offence of which that person was found guilty was committed for the benefit, in part or in whole, of that body corporate, the said person shall for the purposes of this title be deemed to be vested with the legal representation of the same body corporate which shall be liable as follows: (a) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is the offence in subarticle (1), to the payment of a fine (multa) of not less than thirty-four thousand and nine hundred and forty euro and sixty cents (34,940.60) and not more than one hundred and sixteen thousand and four hundred and sixty-eight euro and sixty-seven cents (116,468.67); (b) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is the offence in subarticle (2), to the payment of a fine (multa) of not less than twenty-three thousand and two hundred and ninety-three euro and seventy-three cents (23,293.73) and not more than sixty-nine thousand and eight hundred and eighty-one euro and twenty cents (69,881.20); (c) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is punishable as provided in subarticle (3) of this article - 140 c' 0001.41 (i) where the offence is that provided in subarticle (1), to the punishment of a fine (multa) of not less than forty-six thousand and five hundred and eighty-seven euro and forty-seven cents (46,5 87 .4 7) and not more than one million and one hundred and sixtyfour thousand and six hundred and eighty-six euro and seventy cents (1,164,686.70); (ii) where the offence is that provided in subarticle (2), to the punishment of a fine (multa) of not less than thirty-four thousand and nine hundred and forty euro and sixty cents (34,940.60) and not more than one hundred and sixteen thousand and four hundred and sixty-eight euro and sixty-seven cents (116,468.67). (5) The criminal action for an offence against the provisions of this article may be prosecuted in Malta notwithstanding that the organization of persons is based or pursues its criminal activities outside Malta. Corruption, Articles 112, 114, 115, 118, 119 and 120 of Chapter 9 of the Laws of Malta 112. Any officer or person employed in any public administration, or any person employed by or under the Government, whether authorized or not to receive moneys or effects, either by way of salary for his own services, or on account of the Government, or of any public establishment, who shall, under colour of his office, exact that which is not allowed by law, or more than is allowed by law, or before it is due according to law, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from three months to one year. 114. Where the crimes referred to in the last two preceding articles are accompanied with circumstances which render such crimes liable also to other punishments, the higher punishment shall be applied with an increase of one degree. ( 115. (1) Any public officer or servant who, in connection with his office or employment, requests, receives or accepts for himself or for any other person, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage to which he is not entitled, shall, on conviction, be liable to punishment as follows: (a) where the object of the reward, promise or offer, be to induce the officer or servant to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from six months to three years; (b) where the object be to induce the officer or servant to forbear from doing what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall, for the mere acceptance of the reward, promise or offer, be imprisonment for a term from nine months to five years; 141 (c) where, besides accepting the reward, promise, or offer, the officer or servant actually fails to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or of any other law, when the offence against the provisions of this article is committed by a person who, at the time when the offence was committed, held the office of Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, Member of the House of Representatives, Mayor or Local Councillor and the offence involved the abuse of such office, the provisions of Title VI of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to the said person or to any accomplice. 118. (1) Any member of the House of Representatives who requests, receives or accepts, for himself or for any other per son, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage given or made with the object of influencing him in his conduct as a member of the House shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or ofany other law the provisions of Title VI of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to an offence under this article in respect of the said Member of the House of Representatives or any accomplice. 119. The punishment of perpetual general interdiction or perpetual special interdiction, or both, as the case may be, shall be added to the punishments established in the preceding articles of this sub-title when the maximum of such punishments exceeds two years' imprisonment; when the maximum of the said punishments does not exceed two years' imprisonment, then the punishment of temporary general interdiction or temporary special interdiction, or both, as the case may be, shall be added. 120. (1) In the cases referred to in articles 115, 116, 117 and 118, the person who bribes the public officer or servant or the member of the House of Representatives, or the person to whom any of the said articles applies in accordance with any provision under this Code or under any other law, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be an accomplice. (2) Where the public officer or servant or other person does not commit the crime, the person who attempts to induce such officer or servant or other person to commit the crime shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six months to three years: Provided that when the crime is that referred to in article 117(c), the punishment shall not exceed eighteen months imprisonment. (3) Where the member of the House of Representatives does not commit the crime, the person who attempts to induce such member to commit the crime shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six months to four years. 142 ( 000143000141 Money Laundering, Articles 2 and 3 of Chapter 373 of the Laws of Malta "money laundering" means - (i) the conversion or transfer of property knowing or suspecting that such property is derived directly or indirectly from, or the proceeds of, criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity, for the purpose of or purposes of concealing or disguising the origin of the property or of assisting any person or persons involved or concerned in criminal activity; (ii) the concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, location, disposition, movement, rights with respect of, in or over, or ownership of property, knowing or suspecting that such property is derived directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (iii) the acquisition, possession or use of property knowing or suspecting that the same was derived or originated directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (iv) retention without reasonable excuse of property knowing or suspecting that the same was derived or originated directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (v) attempting any of the matters or activities defined in the above foregoing subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) within the meaning of article 41 of the Criminal Code; ( (vi) acting as an accomplice within the meaning of article 42 of the Criminal Code in respect ofany of the matters or activities defined in the above foregoing sub- paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v). 3. (1) Any person committing any act of money laundering shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding two million and five hundred thousand euro (€2,500,000), or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding eighteen years, or to both such fine and imprisonment. Assistance Requested 143 000144 By means of this supplementary letter of request, the Inquiring Magistrate respectfully requests the competent authorities of the Republic of Panama to take the following investigative actions: To hear as witness Jaqueline Alexander, bearer of the Panamanian identity card with number 8-729-1090, with the aim of: i. ~ confirming or otherwise the factthatshe wrote and signed the original documents shown in copy in Annex 'Doc. 1'; ~ confirming or otherwise the contents of the said Annex 'Doc. 1' and if possible to provide any supporting documentation to this effect; ~ confirming whether, and in which capacity, in August 2015 she could act and sign both on behalf of Alia tor S.A. and Dubro Limited S.A.; ~ confirming or otherwise whether Ms. Alexander was a director for Du bro Limited SA. and whether she acted in such capacity; ~ confirming or otherwise whether Ms. Alexander signed any other declarations of trust with similar format and wording; ~ to provide a specimen of her signature (for Maltese Law it is necessary to provide a minimum often signatures); to hear as witness a representative of the competent Companies' Regulatory Authority in Panama : ii. ~ ~ with the aim of and with reference to Annex 'Doc. 1' establishing whether the microjacket number for Egrant Inc. is '8079 56S' or '8079 56' and to explain what the letter 'S' is indicative of in light of the fact that the same 'S' does not transpire in the original Egrant Inc incorporation documents; with the aim of confirming or otherwise Annex 'Doc. 3' and the contents thereof; iii. to hear as witness a representative of Mossack Fonseca, having their head office at Mossfon Building, 54th Street, Marbella, Panama, Republic of Panama, with reference to Annex 1, and in light of the fact that the registered address of Egrant Inc mentioned in the two declarations forming Annex 1 is the office of Nexia BT in San Gwann, Malta and not an address in the Republic of Panama, to explain whether it is normal practice for Mossack Fonseca to use addresses other than the company address as indicated in the incorporation documents; iv. To hear as witness Josette Roquebert, Attorney at law within MF Legal Services in order to confirm or otherwise the document marked as Annex 'Doc. 2'; 144 ( n 0001ii5 Uan u v :1 v. To hear as witnesses Edilberto Reyes and Olga Londono to confirm or otherwise the document marked as Annex 'Doc. 4' signed by them on behalf of ATC Administrators Inc. and to confirm or otherwise the contents of the said document as being true; vi. To perform additional ancillary investigative questions/actions, which appear necessary during the execution of this Letter of Request; The competent judicial authorities of the Republic of Panama are respectfully requested to execute this letter ofrequest with urgency and to inform the Maltese Authorities with the dates on which the letter of request will be executed since the undersigned Inquiring Magistrate would like to be present during the execution of the said Letter of Request; In this regard kindly note the following contact details: (' Inquiring Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja: e-mail : tel: 00356 2590 2450 Assistant Police Commissioner Ian Abdilla: e-mail : tel: 00356 2122 4001 ( That the competent authorities of the Republic of Panama are respectfully requested to put the documents gathered in the execution of this request, as well as any documents seized or photocopies thereof, at the Maltese authorities' disposal as soon as possible. The evidence may be used in any criminal prosecution or other judicial proceedings connected with the above matter. Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja Inquiring Magistrate 145 1 t - •' '.l: 3· 000146 Index Doc.1 The first two documents, herewith attached and marked as 'AMB 1' are two 'declarations of trust' that are allegedly signed by Jacqueline Alexander as Director of both Dubro Limited S.A. and Aliator SA. Doc.2 The certificate issued by the registered agent of Egrant Inc (MF Legal Services) confirming that the share register is a true and full copy of the original share Register of the Company issued on 9th July 2013, and the c' valid version existing on 19th January, 2017, when the company's dissolution was resolved; Doc.3 The share register copy; Doc.4 The declaration of Edilberto Reyes and Olga Londofio, acting on behalf of ATC Administrators Inc. certifying that ATC Administrators Inc. have always been the sole shareholder of Egrant Inc., a company registered in the Mercantile Section of the Public Registry in Panama on the 8th July 2013 by means of a Public Deed No. 17, 935 issued on 4th July 2013 by the Fifth Notary. That the beneficial interest and ownership of such share was vested in favour of Mr. Brian Tanna and no transfer of beneficial ownership was ever registered from Brian Tanna. That the company Egrant Inc. has been dissolved through a Shareholders Resolution dated 19th January 2017, duly filed at the Panamanian Public Registry at Page 807956 as of 6th April, 2017. 146 (\ 0001·47 UUG1d5 L-informazzjoni ottjenuta tinsab inkluza fil-parti Ii titratta 1-analiZi taxxiehda 1-aktar importanti. B. Ittra rogatorja mibghuta lill-Awtoritajiet tar-Renju tal-Belgju L-ittra rogatrjali maghmula lill-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji tar-Renju tal-Belgju kienet tirrigwarda dik il-parti tal-artikolu ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia u Ii kienet tittratta 1-allegazzjoni Ii 1-kumpanija Al Sahra FZCO kienet fuq medda ta' tliet xhur bejn Jannar u Marzu tal-2016 ghamlet hlasijiet miljonarji millkont taghha fil-Bank Pilatus Iii Egrant Inc fil-kont bankarju ta' din ilkumpanija £'Dubai. L-artikolu ta' Caruana Galizia ma kien fih ebda riferiment la ghan-numru tal-kont bankarju Ii allegatament Egrant Inc kellha £'Dubai u anqas almenu 1-isem tal-Bank Ii fih kien hemm dan il-kont bankarju. Kien deher ghalhekk Ii jsir ezercizzju iehor f'tentattiv biex tigi ottjenuta evidenza bil-mezz tal-ittra rogatorja lejn ir-Renju tal-Belgju u 1Emirati Gharab Maghquda. Dan 1-ezercizzju kien intiZ Ii possibilment jolqot zewgt ghasafar b' gebla wahda. L-ewwelnett fl-interess tal-kompletezza ta' din 1-inkjesta billi possibilment jintefa' aktar dawl fuq jekk verament kienux saru t147 OUG146 000148 transazzjonijiet imsemmija fl-artiklu u Ii kienet xehdet dwarhom Maria Efimova. Fid-dawl tal-karenza t'informazzjoni utli disponibbli fl-artiklu firrigward tad-dettaji specifki tal-allegati transazzjonijiet bankarji, biex kemm jista' jkun jigi evitat Ii 1-ittri rogatorji jigu meqjusa bhala sajda ghal informazzjoni, aktar milli mezzi biex informazzjoni tigi kristallizzata f'evidenza, dawn 1-ittri rogatorji kellhom isiru wahda wara 1-ohra dipendenti mir-ri.Zultati Ii setghu jigu migjuba. L-ewwel ittra rogatorja intbaghtet lejn ir-Renju tal-Belgju fejn 1-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji ta' dan ir-Renju jigu mitluba sabiex isejhu lil rapprezentant ta' "Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications" (SWIFT) sabiex jixhed dwar jekk verament kienx hemm transazzjonijiet Ii gew allegati minn Maria Efimova u riportati minn Daphne Caruana Galizia. Skont Maria Efimova il-Bank Pilatus kien juza 1-mezz ta' SWIFT sabiex ikun jista' jaghmel il-pagamenti fl-esteru u safejn kienet taf hi il-pagamenti allegati minnha kienu saru bI-iSWIFT. B'hekk jekk SWIFT setghu jaghtu 1-informazzjoni dwar dawn 1-allegati pagamenti, possibilment 1-anqas kien ikun hemm ilhtiega Ii wiehed jipprova jirrikorri lejn ittri rogatorjali fl-Emirati Gharab Maghquda. Ghalhekk bl-ghajnuna tal-Eurojust desk Malti u dak Belgjan sar stharrig preliminari biex jigi analizzat kemm kienet verosimili 1-possibilita Ii tigi 148 (_) ottjenuta 1-informazzjoni mehtiega minghand SWIFT. Ghall-bidu kien hemm rispons pozittiv (kif rapurtat mill-Uffigu tal-Avukat Generali dwar dan). B'hekk saret 1-ittra rogatorjali lejn ir-Renju tal-Belgju li kienet taqra :- Request for Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters to the Competent judicial Authorities of the Kingdom of Belgium in connection with the Magisterial Inquiry regarding the company Egrant Inc incorporated in Panama and its relevant operations and transactions. Inquiring Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja LL.D., who is presently conducting the abovecaptioned inquiry regarding the Panamanian company 'Egrant Inc' and its relevant operations, respectfully requests assistance from the competent Judicial Authorities in the Kingdom ofBelgium in relation to this same criminal investigation. This letter of request is being made on an urgent basis in view of the sensitive nature of the same inquiry and also in view of the short legal time frame of sixty days in which the Inquiring Magistrate has to conclude the same Inquiry. The Inquiring Magistrate is currently investigating allegations ofa criminal nature made by local media against the Honourable Prime Minister of Malta, Dr. Joseph Muscat and other Politically Exposed Persons. These allegations concern mainly the following facts: ( iv. v. that Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Prime Minister's wife and hence a 'Politically Exposed Person', is the ultimate beneficial owner of Egrant Inc. It is established that the same Egrant Inc. is a company incorporated in the Republic of Panama with Microjacket number 2421806 of the Public Registry's Mercantile Section; and the back accounts of this same company, Egrant Inc, were in receipt of a considerable sums of money from Al Sahra FZCO, a company belonging to the Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of the President of Azerbaijan (hence another 'Politically Exposed Person'). Local media is claiming that Egrant Inc. belongs to Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Honourable Prime minister's wife, on the strength of two declarations of trust allegedly provided to Pilatus Bank as a prerequisite for the opening of an account for Egrant Inc. with the same Bank. These declarations of trust allegedly show that the shares in Egrant Inc, a Panamanian company are held by Mossack Fonseca nominees for Mrs. Michelle Muscat. 149 r. n n·1"8 u l1 •! U 000150 With regards to the alleged transactions, it is being claimed that during the months of January, February and March 2016 there were several transactions of around US$100,000 each made twice a week over several weeks in the aforementioned months from the bank accounts of the company Al Sahra FZCO held with Pilatus Bank in Malta to bank accounts held by Egrant Inc in Dubai. Moreover in March 2016, in the same fashion, it is being alleged that there was a single transaction of US$1.017 million from Al Sahra FZCO to Egrant Inc .. These transactions were allegedly all described as 'loan payment'. Preliminary investigations within Pilatus Bank gave rise to serious suspicions that such transactions, if they were ever carried out, might have been executed through other banks, possibly even outside the Maltese Jurisdiction. In this same context, it was also being alleged that two senior government officials, namely the then Minister for Energy (Konrad Mizzi) and the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff (Keith Schembri) were the UBO's of two other sister companies Hearnville Inc. (microjacket number 808074) and Tillgate Inc. (microjacket number 808516) both set up in Panama by Mossack Fonseca in July 2013 through the intermediary services of Maltese Accountants Brian Tonna and Karl Cini of firm Nexia BT. It transpired that Keith Schembri was an account holder with Pilatus Bank. ( In the event that these allegations are proven, in terms of Maltese Law they will constitute the serious crimes of organised crime; corruption and money laundering. The Offences In view of the above the Inquiring Magistrate is investigating this as a case of participation in a criminal organisation, corruption and money laundering in terms of Chapters 9 and 373 of the Laws of Malta. The relevant legal articles are being reproduced hereunder: Organised Crime, Article 83A of Chapter 9 of the Laws of Malta 83A. (1) Any person who (a) promotes, constitutes, organises or finances an organization with a view to commit criminal offences liable to the punishment of imprisonment for a term of four years or more; or 150 ( 000151 (b) knowing or having reasonable cause to suspect the aim or general activity of the organization set up for the purpose mentioned in paragraph (a), actively takes part in the organisation's criminal activities, including but not limited to the provision of information or material means or the recruitment of new members, shall be guilty of an offence and shall liable, on conviction, to the punishment of imprisonment for a term from four to nine years. (2) Any person who belongs to an organisation referred to in subarticle (1) shall for that mere fact be liable to the punishmentofimprisonmentfora term from two to seven years. (3) Where the number of persons in the organisation is ten or more the punishment in the preceding subarticles shall be increased form one to two degrees. (__,, (4) Where the person found guilty of an offence under this title is the director, manager, secretary or other principal officer of a body corporate or is a person having a power of representation of such a body or having an authority to take decisions on behalf of that body or having authority to exercise control within that body and the offence of which that person was found guilty was committed for the benefit, in part or in whole, of that body corporate, the said person shall for the purposes of this title be deemed to be vested with the legal representation of the same body corporate which shall be liable as follows: (a) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is the offence in subarticle (1), to the payment of a fine (multa) of not less than thirty-four thousand and nine hundred and forty euro and sixty cents (34,940.60) and not more than one hundred and sixteen thousand and four hundred and sixty-eight euro and sixty-seven cents (116,468.67); (b) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is the offence in sub article (2), to the payment of a fine (multa) of not less than twenty-three thousand and two hundred and ninety-three euro and seventy-three cents (23,293.73) and not more than sixty-nine thousand and eight hundred and eighty-one euro and twenty cents (69,881.20); (c) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is punishable as provided in su barticle (3) of this article (i) where the offence is that provided in subarticle (1), to the punishment of a fine (multa) of not less than forty-six thousand and five hundred and eighty-seven euro and forty-seven cents (46,587.47) and not more than one million and one hundred and sixtyfour thousand and six hundred and eighty-six euro and seventy cents (1,164,686.70); 151 000152 (ii) where the offence is that provided in subarticle (2), to the punishment of a fine (multa) of not less than thirty-four thousand and nine hundred and forty euro and sixty cents (34,940.60) and not more than one hundred and sixteen thousand and four hundred and sixty-eight euro and sixty-seven cents (116,468.67). (5) The criminal action for an offence against the provisions of this article may be prosecuted in Malta notwithstanding that the organization of persons is based or pursues its criminal activities outside Malta. Corruption, Articles 112, 114, 115, 118, 119 and 120 of Chapter 9 of the Laws of C· j Malta 112. Any officer or person employed in any public administration, or any person employed by or under the Government, whether authorized or not to receive moneys or effects, either by way of salary for his own services, or on account of the Government, or of any public establishment, who shall, under colour of his office, exact that which is not allowed by law, or more than is allowed by law, or before it is due according to law, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from three months to one year. 114. Where the crimes referred to in the last two preceding articles are accompanied with circumstances which render such crimes liable also to other punishments, the higher punishment shall be applied with an increase of one degree. 115. (1) Any public officer or servant who, in connection with his office or employment, requests, receives or accepts for himself or for any other person, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage to which he is not entitled, shall, on conviction, be liable to punishment as follows: (a) where the object of the reward, promise or offer, be to induce the officer or servant to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from six months to three years; (b) where the object be to induce the officer or servant to forbear from doing what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall, for the mere acceptance of the reward, promise or offer, be imprisonment for a term from nine months to five years; (c) where, besides accepting the reward, promise, or offer, the officer or servant actually fails to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years. 152 (_/ 00015 3'uuu151 (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or of any other law, when the offence against the provisions of this article is committed by a person who, at the time when the offence was committed, held the office of Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, Member of the House of Representatives, Mayor or Local Councillor and the offence involved the abuse of such office, the provisions of Title VI of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to the said person or to any accomplice. 118. (1) Any member of the House of Representatives who requests, receives or accepts, for himself or for any other per son, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage given or made with the object of influencing him in his conduct as a member of the House shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or of any other law the provisions of Title VI of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to an offence under this article in respect of the said Member of the House of Representatives or any accomplice. 119. The punishment of perpetual general interdiction or perpetual special interdiction, or both, as the case may be, shall be added to the punishments established in the preceding articles of this sub-title when the maximum of such punishments exceeds two years' imprisonment; when the maximum of the said punishments does not exceed two years' imprisonment, then the punishment of temporary general interdiction or temporary special interdiction, or both, as the case may be, shall be added. 120. (1) In the cases referred to in articles 115, 116, 117 and 118, the person who bribes the public officer or servant or the member of the House of Representatives, or the person to whom any of the said articles applies in accordance with any provision under this Code or under any other Jaw, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be an accomplice. ( __I (2) Where the public officer or servant or other person does not commit the crime, the person who attempts to induce such officer or servant or other person to commit the crime shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six months to three years: Provided that when the crime is that referred to in article 117 (c), the punishment shall not exceed eighteen months imprisonment. (3) Where the member of the House of Representatives does not commit the crime, the person who attempts to induce such member to commit the crime shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six months to four years. Money Laundering, Articles 2 and 3 of Chapter 373 of the Laws of Malta 153 000152 000154 "money laundering" means - (i) the conversion or transfer of property knowing or suspecting that such property is derived directly or indirectly from, or the proceeds of, criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity, for the purpose of or purposes of concealing or disguising the origin of the property or of assisting any person or persons involved or concerned in criminal activity; (ii) the concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, location, disposition, movement, rights with respect of, in or over, or ownership of property, knowing or suspecting that such property is derived directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (iii) the acquisition, possession or use of property knowing or suspecting that the same was derived or originated directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (iv) retention without reasonable excuse of property knowing or suspecting that the same was derived or originated directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (v) attempting any of the matters or activities defined in the above foregoing subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) within the meaning of article 41 of the Criminal Code; (vi) acting as an accomplice within the meaning of article 42 of the Criminal Code in respect of any of the matters or activities defined in the above foregoing sub- paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v). 3. (1) Any person committing any act of money laundering shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding two million and five hundred thousand euro (€2,500,000), or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding eighteen years, or to both such fine and imprisonment. 154 000155 000153 Assistance Requested The Inquiring Magistrate consequently respectfully requests the competent judicial authorities of the Kingdom of Belgium to take the following investigative actions: 1. To hear as witness a representative of S.W.I.F.T. SCRL (having their headquarters at Avenue Adele 1; B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgium) with the aim of providing information and documentation about all transactions carried out using the Swift system between 1st December 2015 and 30th April 2016 by reference to Egrant Inc., Hearnville Inc. and/or Tillgate Inc. appearing as ordering customers, beneficiary customers or any other remittance information originating from any financial institution or financial intermediary anywhere in the world destined to any financial institution or financial intermediary in the United Arab Emirates; or where there is any reference to the same Egrant Inc. Hearnville Inc. and/ or Tillgate Inc. in any swift message; { 2. To perform additional ancillary investigative questions/actions, which appear necessary during the execution of this Letter of Request; The competent judicial authorities of the Kingdom of Belgium are respectfully requested to execute this letter of request with urgency and to inform the Maltese Authorities with the dates on which the letter ofrequestwill be executed since, ifneeded the undersigned Inquiring Magistrate can also be present during the execution of the said Letter of Request; In this regard kindly note the following contact details: Inquiring Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja: Police Superintendent Ian Abdilla: That the competent authorities of the Kingdom of Belgium are respectfully requested to put the documents gathered in the execution of this request, as well as any documents seized or photocopies thereof, at the Maltese authorities' disposal as soon as possible. The evidence may be used in any criminal prosecution or other judicial proceedings connected with the above matter. 155 000156 Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja Inquiring Magistrate Ghalhekk kien gie wkoll mobilitat il-Eurojust Desk ta' Malta u dak tal-Belgju ghall-fini wkoll tal-ezekuzzjoni ta' din 1-ittra rogatorjali minghajr hafna dewmien, u dan grazzi ghas-servizzi tal-Uffigu tal-Avukat Generali. 11-kweziti principali kienu sabiex rapprezentanti ta' SWIFT jipprovdu informazzjoni u dokumentazzjoni dwar it-transazzjonijiet kollha Ii kienu saru tramite s-sistema SWIFT bejn 1-1 ta' Dicembru 2015 u t-30 t' April 2016 f'isem il-kumpaniji Egrant Inc, Hearnville Inc u Tillgate Inc kull fejn dawn kienu jidhru Ii huma dawk Ii jordnaw hlasijiet, beneficcjarji ta' hlasijiet kif ukoll kull informazzjoni ohra Ii setgha kellhom dwar ammonti ta' flus li dawn il-kumpaniji setghu ircevew u Ii kienu joriginaw minn kwalunkwe istituzzjoni finanzjarja jew intermedjarju finanzjarju madwar id-dinja u li kienu destinati lejn kwalunkwe istituzzjoni finanzjarja jew intermedjarju finanzjarju fl-Emirati Gharab Maghquda; jew kull fejn kien hemm riferenza lejn isem il-kumpanija Egrant Inc, Heanville Inc u/jew Tillgate Inc fi kwalunkwe messagg SWIFT. 156 ( Ir-risposta ghal din 1-ittra rogatorjali kienet giet mghoddija mill-Eurojust Desk Belga Iii dak Malti permezz t'ittra datata 13 ta' Marzu 2018. Din sussegwentement giet depozitata fl-atti tal-inkjesta mill-Avukat Generali u 1-faxxiklu kollu jifforma parti minn din 1-inkjesta. Ir-risposta moghtija minn SWIFT, bl-ilsien Franciz, debitament tradott mill-Interpretu Ufficjali Dr. Anthony Licari kienet tghid is-segwenti: Re: request 6CRI18 addressed to SWIFT Dear Ms Rousseau, We refer to your above mentioned request which we received on the date of 30 th January 2018. ., ( The company "Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications" (SWIFT) is a cooperative company governed by Belgian law and whose head quarters is established in Belgium. SWIFT provides a service of financial communication that is standardised and secured, to its clients, that is financial institutions and companies and on average transmits 25 million messages on each working day. SWIFT is not a financial institution; we do not open or hold accounts, we do not transfer funds and we do not accept funds for transfer. SWIFT is rather a provider of services for financial institutions and companies (only corporations) allowing them to transfer in a secured way confidential and personal messages. The clients of SWIFT may, for example, exchange messages regarding transactions related bank accounts of physical persons, but the latter are clients of financial institutions corresponding, but not of SWIFT. SWIFT is in no way involved in the drafting of contents of messages of its users and has no personal interest in these same messages. 157 .A 000158 Besides, SWIFT has defined detailed procedures and policies re the protection of data and security and this, so as to protect the integrity of its services and data of its clients. Apart from this, due to the very way that its seIVices of communication are conceived, there are inherent limits re the quantity of data that SWIFT messages conserves and re access of SWIFT to this data. More particularly (1) SWIFT archives the messages of its clients for a limited period of time (124 days), after which the messages are irremediably destroyed, and (2) the data of archived messages for this period are stocked in such a format that does not allow one to do research on the basis of their contents. For example, it is not possible to search in the SWIFT messages archived info such as names of beneficiaries or authors, bank account numbers or other details re the financial transaction in question wfihin the SWIFT message. c' For these reasons, we are in the impossibility of replying positively to your request Respectful regards, Patrick Krekels General Advisor Jirrizulta ghalhekk li 1-informazzjoni mitluba mill-inkjesta ma setghetx ( tigi moghtij a minn SWIFT. C. Ittra rogatorja mibghuta lill-Awtoritajiet tal-Emirati Gharab Magli.quda 158 :'\ - 000159 UUG157 In segwitu ghall-ezitu negattiv tal-ittra rogatorja mibghuta lir-Renju talBelgju, gie deci.Z li jsir tentattiv biex 1-informazzjoni tigi ottjenuta bil-mezz ta' ittri rogatorjali lejn I-Emirati Gharab Maghquda Ii I-belt ta' Dubai tifforma parti minnhom. Sadattant il-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics kienu diga gharnlu stharrig minn sorsi bankarji internazzjonali dwar parti millmeritu ta' din it-talba rogatorjali. Kien meqjus mehtieg pero Ii jsir tentattiv r biex certu risposti jinghataw b'mezzi Uffigali, minkejja li kollegi esteri li sar kuntatt maghhom u esperti f'dan il-qasam kienu wissew Ii kien ser ikun difficli li din 1-ittra rogatorja kienet sejra tigi mwiegba kemm minhabba minhabba n-nuqqas ta' dettalji suffigenti disponibbli ghall-inkjesta kif ukoll minhabba certi ligijiet ta' kunfidenzjalita' stretta renjanti fl-Emirati Gharab Maghquda f'materji simili ghal dawk meritu tal-istess ittra. 5 1v1hux mistenni minn Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji Esteri li jilqghu talba ghal ittra rogatorjali li ma tkunx cara fir-rigward x'informazzjoni trid tigi stabbilita u minghand min jew li tkun aktar ta' natura esplorativa. F' dan il-kaz gew rintraccjati 1-banek ( __, kollha Ii kienu operattivi fl-Emirati Gharab Maghquda mill-Magistrat Inkwirenti u t-talba ghall-informazzjoni minghandhom kellha ssir skont 1Irid jigi mfakkar li 1-allegazzjoni kienet issemmi biss li saru diversi pagamenti mill-kont t' Al Sahra FZCO fil-BankPilatus lejn il-kontt'Egrantincf'DubaibejnJannaru Marzu2016. La 1-isem tal-kumpanijaA1 Sahra FZCO, la 1-kont taghha, la min kien il-Bank t'Egrant Inc £'Dubai, la n-numru tal-kont ta' Egrant Inc £'Dubai, la transazzjonijiet-anke f'isem Sahra FZCO jew Shams Al Sahra FZCO ma nstabu fil-Bank Pilatus b'riferenza Egrant Inc. Biex tkompli i:i:id id-doi:a ta' diffikulta, 1-anqas Maria Efimova ma kienet C:ara dwar min kien dak il-Bank li kien is-suppost rieevitur tal-pagamenti minn Sahra FZCO lil Egrant Inc £'Dubai dan peress li ma kienetx c':erta dwar 1-isem - semmiet isem ta' bank - Bank of Baroda or Badora ii:da ma kienetx c':erta. B'hekk 1-inkjesta ma kellhiex informazzjoni suffigenti li bihom tipproc':edi permezz t'ittra rogatorja mingli.ajr ma tidher li qegli.da tagli.mel sajda ghal sejbien ta' provi minn dik il-gurisdizzjoni li gli.andha 1-fuq minn li.amsin bank kummergali - li gustament mhux ta' talba rogatorjali normali ali.seb u ara wali.da din in disamina. 5 159 0UU1~~ 000160 informazzjoni skarna li kienet disponibbli. II-Banek kummercjali misjuba operanti fil-jum li fih kienet qeghda ssir 1-ittra rogatorja u 1-ismijiet ta' dan ilBanek gew mehmuza ma Annex li hija parti minn din 1-ittra rogatorja, li ttest taghha huwa s-segwenti : - Request for Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters to the Competent Judicial Authorities of the United Arab Emirates in connection with the Magisterial Inquiry regarding the company Egrant Inc incorporated in Panama and its relevant operations and transactions. Inquiring Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja LL.D., who is presently conducting the abovecaptioned inquiry regarding the Panamanian company 'Egrant Inc' and its relevant operations, respectfully requests assistance from the competent Judicial Authorities in the United Arab Emirates in relation to this same criminal investigation. This letter of request is being made on an urgent basis in view of the sensitive nature of the same inquiry and also in view of the short legal time frame of sixty days in which the Inquiring Magistrate has to conclude the same Inquiry. The Inquiring Magistrate is currently investigating allegations of a criminal nature made by local media against the Honourable Prime Minister of Malta, Dr. Joseph Muscat and other Politically Exposed Persons. These allegations concern mainly the following facts: vi. vii. that Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Prime Minister's wife and hence a 'Politically Exposed Person', is the ultimate beneficial owner of Egrant Inc. It is established that the same Egrant Inc. is a company incorporated in the Republic of Panama with Microjacket number 807956 of the Public Registry's Mercantile Section; and the back accounts of this same company, Egrant Inc, were in receipt of a considerable sums of money from Al Sahra FZCO, a company belonging to the Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of the President of Azerbaijan (hence another 'Politically Exposed Person'). 160 000161 _uu n....+,.......u=--=._.. ;~g ____.v Local media is claiming that Egrant Inc. belongs to Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Honourable Prime minister's wife, on the strength of two declarations of trust allegedly provided to Pilatus Bank as a prerequisite for the opening of an account for Egrant Inc. with the same Bank. These declarations of trust allegedly show that the shares in Egrant Inc, a Panamanian company are held by Mossack Fonseca nominees for Mrs. Michelle Muscat. With regards to the alleged transactions, it is being claimed that during the months of January, February and March 2016 there were several transactions of around US$100,000 each made twice a week over several weeks in the aforementioned months from the bank accounts of the company Al Sahra FZCO held with Pilatus Bank in Malta to bank accounts held by Egrant Inc in Dubai. Moreover in March 2016, in the same fashion, it is being alleged that there was a single transaction of US$1.017 million from Al Sahra FZCO to Egrant Inc .. These transactions were allegedly all described as 'loan payment'. ( Preliminary investigations within Pilatus Bank gave rise to serious suspicions that such transactions, if they were ever carried out, might have been executed through other banks, possibly even outside the Maltese Jurisdiction. In this same context, it was also being alleged that two senior government officials, namely the then Minister for Energy (Konrad Mizzi) and the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff (Keith Schembri) were the UBO' s of two other sister companies Heam ville Inc. (microjacket number 808074) and Tillgate Inc. (microjacket number 808516) both set up in Panama by Mossack Fonseca in July 2013 through the intermediary services of Maltese Accountants Brian Torma and Karl Cini of firm Nexia BT. It transpired that Keith Schembri was an account holder with Pilatus Bank. In the event that these allegations are proven, in terms of Maltese Law and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto (the Palermo Convention) they will constitute the crime of participating in a criminal organisation of at least three people and also the serious crimes of Corruption and Money Laundering, both punishable by more than four years imprisonment in terms of Maltese law. The Offences 161 0001s2 In view of the above the Inquiring Magistrate is investigating this as a case of participation in a criminal organisation, corruption and money laundering in terms of Chapters 9 and 373 of the Laws of Malta. The relevant legal articles are being reproduced hereunder: Organised Crime, Article 83A of Chapter 9 of the Laws of Malta 83A. (1) Any person who (a) promotes, constitutes, organises or finances an organization with a view to commit criminal offences liable to the punishment of imprisonment for a term of four years or more; or (b) knowing or having reasonable cause to suspect the aim or general activity of the organization set up for the purpose mentioned in paragraph (a), actively takes part in the organisation's criminal activities, including but not limited to the provision of information or material means or the recruitment of new members, shall be guilty of an offence and shall liable, on conviction, to the punishment of imprisonment for a term from four to nine years. (2) Any person who belongs to an organisation referred to in subarticle (1) shall for that mere fact be liable to the punishment of imprisonment for a term from two to seven years. (3) Where the number of persons in the organisation is ten or more the punishment in the preceding subarticles shall be increased form one to two degrees. (4) Where the person found guilty of an offence under this title is the director, manager, secretary or other principal officer of a body corporate or is a person having a power of representation of such a body or having an authority to take decisions on behalf of that body or having authority to exercise control within that body and the offence of which that person was found guilty was committed for the benefit, in part or in whole, of that body corporate, the said person shall for the purposes of this title be deemed to be vested with the legal representation of the same body corporate which shall be liable as follows: 162 (' 00016 a 0001s1 (a) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is the offence in subarticle (1), to the payment of a fine (multa) of not less than thirty-four thousand and nine hundred and forty euro and sixty cents (34,940.60) and not more than one hundred and sixteen thousand and four hundred and sixty-eight euro and sixty-seven cents (116,468.67); (b) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is the offence in subarticle (2), to the payment of a fine (multa) of not less than twenty-three thousand and two hundred and ninety-three euro and seventy-three cents (23,293.73) and not more than sixty-nine thousand and eight hundred and eighty-one euro and twenty cents (69,881.20); (c) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is punishable as provided in subarti.cle (3) of this article (i) where the offence is that provided in subarticle (1), to the punishment of a fine (multa) of not less than forty-six thousand and five hundred and eighty-seven euro and forty-seven cents (46,587.47) and not more than one million and one hundred and sixty-four thousand and six hundred and eighty-six euro and seventy cents (1,164,686.70); (ii) where the offence is that provided in subarticle (2), to the punishment of a fine (multa) of not less than thirty-four thousand and nine hundred and forty euro and sixty cents (34,940.60) and not more than one hundred and sixteen thousand and four hundred and sixty-eight euro and sixty-seven cents (116,468.67). (5) The criminal action for an offence against the provisions of this article may be prosecuted in Malta notwithstanding that the organization of persons is based or pursues its criminal activities outside Malta. Corruption, Articles 112, 114, 115, 118, 119 and 120 of Chapter 9 of the Laws of Malta 112. Any officer or person employed in any public administration, or any person employed by or under the Government, whether authorized or not to receive moneys or effects, either by way of salary for his own services, or on account of the 163 Q00162 000164 Government, or of any public establishment, who shall, under colour of his office, exact that which is not allowed by law, or more than is allowed by law, or before it is due according to law, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from three months to one year. 114. Where the crimes referred to in the last two preceding articles are accompanied with circumstances which render such crimes liable also to other punishments, the higher punishment shall be applied with an increase of one degree. 115. (1) Any public officer or servant who, in connection with his office or employment, requests, receives or accepts for himself or for any other person, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage to which he is not entitled, shall, on conviction, be liable to punishment as follows: (a) where the object of the reward, promise or offer, be to induce the officer or servant to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from six months to three years; (b) where the object be to induce the officer or servant to forbear from doing what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall, for the mere acceptance of the reward, promise or offer, be imprisonment for a term from nine months to five years; (c) where, besides accepting the reward, promise, or offer, the officer or servant actually fails to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or of any other law, when the offence against the provisions of this article is committed by a person who, at the time when the offence was committed, held the office of Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, Member of the House of Representatives, Mayor or Local Councillor and the offence involved the abuse of such office, the provisions of Title V1 of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to the said person or to any accomplice. 118. (1) Any member of the House of Representatives who requests, receives or accepts, for himself or for any other per son, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage given or 164 (' 000165 made with the object of influencing him in his conduct as a member of the House shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or of any other law the provisions of Title VI of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to an offence under this article in respect of the said Member of the House of Representatives or any accomplice. 119. The punishment of perpetual general interdiction or perpetual special interdiction, or both, as the case may be, shall be added to the punishments established in the preceding articles of this sub-title when the maximum of such punishments exceeds two years' imprisonment; when the maximum of the said punishments does not exceed two years' imprisonment, then the punishment of temporary general interdiction or temporary special interdiction, or both, as the case may be, shall be added. 120. (1) In the cases referred to in articles 115, 116, 117 and 118, the person who bribes the public officer or servant or the member of the House of Representatives, or the person to whom any of the said articles applies in accordance with any provision under this Code or under any other law, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be an accomplice. (2) Where the public officer or servant or other person does not commit the crime, the person who attempts to induce such officer or servant or other person to commit the crime shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six months to three years: Provided that when the crime is that referred to in article 117(c), the punishment shall not exceed eighteen months imprisonment. (3) Where the member of the House of Representatives does not commit the crime, the person who attempts to induce such member to commit the crime shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six months to four years. Money Laundering, Articles 2 and 3 of Chapter 373 of the Laws of Malta "money laundering" means - 165 000166 (i) the conversion or transfer of property knowing or suspecting that such property is derived directly or indirectly from, or the proceeds of, criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity, for the purpose of or purposes of concealing or disguising the origin of the property or of assisting any person or persons involved or concerned in criminal activity; (ii) the concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, location, disposition, movement, rights with respect of, in or over, or ownership of property, knowing or suspecting that such property is derived directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (iii) the acquisition, possession or use of property knowing or suspecting that the same was derived or originated directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (iv) retention without reasonable excuse of property knowing or suspecting that the same was derived or originated directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (v) attempting any of the matters or activities defined in the above foregoing subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) within the meaning of article 41 of the Criminal Code; (vi) acting as an accomplice within the meaning of article 42 of the Criminal Code in respect of any of the matters or activities defined in the above foregoing subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v). 3. (1) Any person committing any act of money laundering shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding two million and five hundred thousand euro (€2,500,000), or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding eighteen years, or to both such fine and imprisonment. 166 000167 uua105 Assistance Requested The Inquiring Magistrate consequently respectfully requests the competent judicial authorities of the United Arab Emirates to take the following investigative actions: 1. To hear as witness a representative of the Banks Listed in Annex" A" with the aim of: a. providing information and docu..111entation about whether Egrant Inc. has a bank account with any one of the said Banks and if positive to provide all the relevant documentation realting to the setting up of the company, including but not limited to who are the ultimate beneficial owners, directors and signatories for this company as well as all documents and statements of account relating to any financial transactions carried out by this company; and b. In particular to testify whether Egrant Inc. or Tillgate Inc. or Heanville Inc. received any monies in any bank account the said three companies, or any one of them, might have with the respective bank, from the companies Al Sahra FZCO, Shams Al Sahra FZCO or Sahra FZCO, duly registered in the Dubai Free Zone Area, between the 1st December 2015 and 30th April 2016, originating from Pilatus Bank Limited, a bank incorporated and licensed as a banking institution in Malta, giving all remittance information, if any; c. To perform additional ancillary investigative questions/actions, which appear necessary during the execution of this Letter of Request; ( The competent judicial authorities of the United Arab Emirates are respectfully requested to execute this letter of request with urgency and to inform the Maltese Authorities with the dates on which the letter of request will be executed since, if needed the undersigned Inquiring Magistrate can also be present during the execution of the said Letter of Request; In this regard kindly note the following contact details: Inquiring Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja: Police Assistant Commissioner Ian Abdilla: That the competent authorities of the United Arab Emirates are respectfully requested to put the documents gathered in the execution of this request, as well as any 167 OU0166 000168 documents seized or photocopies thereof, at the Maltese authorities' disposal as soon as possible. The evidence may be used in any criminal prosecution or other judicial proceedings connected with the above matter. Magistrate Dr. Aaron Bugeja Inquiring Magistrate 168 000169 Annex A ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Currency House, Level 6, #601 Dubai International Financial Centre Dubai P.O. Box 506507 United Arab Emirates or ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Representative Office, Almas Tower, Unit 15 Jumeirah Lakes Towers, Dubai, PO Box 340586, UAE LGT (Middle East) Limited Unit Office 2 , Level 2, Gate Building, ( Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai, 506793, United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Trade Center Road, Bur Dubai, Next to ADCB Metro Station, Dubai-DAE Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank Deira, Near City Center, 169 '• ,, .-, ' '") 7 Utl..J.lJ '= '•: : t ;; :_ 000170 Dubai-UAE Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait Abu Baker Al Siddique Rd, Dubai- UAE Al Rafidain Bank Ground Floor, Khalid Al Bahari Building, Al Nass er Street, Al Hosn, (' Abu Dhabi - UAE Banque Misr (Banque du Caire) Khalif a St., Deena Buliding, Abu Dhabi - UAE Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait BSC Baniyas Rd, Dubai-UAE ( National Bank of Bahrain Al Otaiba Tower - Hamdan Bin Mohammed St, Abu Dhabi - UAE Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait Abu Baker Al Siddique Street, Deira, P.O.Box 1719, Dubai - UAE 170 000171 0UU1ti~ Al Hila! Bank Jurneira Beach Road, Urnrn Suqeirn, Dubai- UAE Arab African International Bank Al Mina Rd, Opp. Dubai Customs, Bur Dubai, Dubai-DAE Arab Bank for Investment and Foreign Trade (Al Masraf) Al Masraf Tower, Baniyas Street, Deira, P.0.Box: 5549, Dubai-DAE Arab Bank UAE Al Gurg Tower 3, Baniyas Street, Deira, Dubai - UAE; Or The Galleries, Downtown Jabal Ali, P.O. Box: 126443, Dubai- UAE; Or Sheikh Zayed Road Branch P.O. Box:1650 Dubai, UAE 171 000170 Bank Melli Iran Bank Melli Iran Bldg, P.O. Box: 1894,Baniyas Street, Deira, Dubai, UAE Bank of Baroda Dubai Sheikh Khalif a Bin Sayed, Trade Centre, Dubai-DAE Bank of Sharjah Al Garhoud Street, P.O. Box 27141 Dubai- UAE Or Al F alak Street, Dubai- UAE Or Dubai Media City, P.O. Box 502360 DMC 7 Dubai- UAE Or Dubai Motor City P.O. Box 478316 Dubai- UAE. Bank Saderat Iran Sheikh Sayed, 1 172 000173 ----Dubai- UAE Blom Bank France Prime Tower, Burj Khalifa Street Area, Business Bay, Dubai- UAE Calyon Bank- Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank Tower 2 Sheikh Zayed Rd, Dubai- UAE Al Khaliji France Al Maidan Tower, Al Maktoum Street, Deira, PO Box 4207, Dubai- UAE BNP Paribas Building# 1 ( Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard, Dubai- UAE HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Building #5, Emaar Square, Downtown Dubai, Dubai-UAE Citibank NA Global Markets 173 00~172 000174 Building 2, Floor 3&7, Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai-DAE Commercial Bank International PSC Financial Center Rd, Dubai-DAE ( Commercial Bank of Dubai P.S.C Commercial Bank of Dubai P.S.C. Building Al Ittihad Street, Deira Area 2668, Dubai-DAE Dubai Islamic Bank, Head Office Al Maktoom Road, Dubai-DAE Dubai Bank PJSC PO Box 65555 Dubai- DAE El Nilein Bank Off 3rd Street, Abu Dhabi, DAE Emirates NBD 174 q U!Jg; •u- 1.·i I"'!' .J. (}ft-f)i-7 5 - - - Za'abeel Rd, Near General Post Office, Dubai-DAE Emirates Islamic Bank Atrium Centre, Khalid Bin W alid Road Showroom # 6 & 7, Al Mankool, Bur Dubai Dubai-DAE ( First Gulf Bank The Dubai Mall, Downtown - Dubai - UAE Habib Bank Limited (HBL) Al Zarooni Building, Ground Floor, 27th Al Mussalla St, Naif Road, Deira, - Dubai - UAE ( Habib Bank AG Zurich Sheikh Zayed Road, 4th Interchange, Dubai-DAE Invest Bank Al Maktoum Street, Next to Al Khaleej Palace, 175 000176 Al Rigga, Dubai - UAE Janata Bank Limited la Al Maktoum RdDubai-DAE Lloyds TSB Bank PLC Al W asl Road, Jurneirah 2, ( Jurneirah, Dubai - UAE Mashreq Bank Dubai (Head Office) Al Ghurair Head Office, 6th Floor, Deira, Dubai - UAE National Bank of Abu Dhabi Bank Street, near Burjuman Centre, ( Dubai-UAE National Bank of Fujairah Shop #14, The Curve Bldg., Next to Audi Showroom Sheikh Zayed Road Al Quoz, PO Box 126565, Dubai- UAE 176 National Bank of Oman PO BOX 66106, Dubai-DAE National Bank of Ras Al-Khaimah PO Box 1531, Sultan Business Centre, Dubai- UAE National Bank of Umm Al Quwain, Road off Dubaj - Sharjah Highway, Dubai-DAE Noor Bank PJSC Dubai Mall, Lower Ground Floor, Shaikh Zayed Road, Dubai - UAE Or ( Building 1 Sheikh Zayed Road, 8th Floor Emaar Square, Business Bay Area, 8822 Dubai- UAE Sharj ah Islamic Bank 1 Sheikh Zayed Rd, Dubai-UAE 177 000178 Standard Chartered Bank Unit No.165, Dubai Mall, Lower Ground, Dubai-UAE Union National Bank Building # 33, near Dubai Creek Park, Garhoud, Dubai-UAE ( '> United Arab Bank Mall of the Emirates, Metro Footbridge, Dubai-UAE United Bank Limited Mohamed & Obaid Almulla Building, Murshid Bazaar, Al Kabeer Street, Dubai-UAE Barclays Bank First Floor, Building 6, Emaar Square, Downtown, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai-UAE Doha Bank 2 Sheikh Zayed Rd, Dubai-UAE 178 E D & F Man Investments Products Limited P.0.Box No.39085, Dubai, UAE ICICI Bank Limited Business Center Building, Office No 404, 4th Floor, Khalid Bin Al Waleed Road, Bur Dubai, Dubai-UAE ( Korea Exchange Bank P.O.Box: 14535, Dubai-DAE KEB Hana Bank Dubai Branch 2nd Floor Office 202, Block A, Concorde Complex Building, Plot 125-30, Dubai- UAE Standard Bank London Limited P.O. Box: 504904 Dubai-DAE Commercial Bank International PSC Financial Center Rd, Dubai-DAE 179 000180 Union Bancaire Privee, UBP SA Gate Precinct 5, International Financial Center, Dubai, UAE Westdeutsche Landesbank Sheikh Zayed Road, POBox: 30012 Dubai-DAE ( Kif jidher mit-test ta' din 1-ittra rogatorj ali, 1-iskop ta' din 1-ittra kien Ii jigi mismugh rapprezentant tal-Bank indikat fl-Annex "A" ma' din 1-ittra sabiex jaghti informazzjoni u dokumentazzjoni disponibbli ghalihex dwar jekk il-kumpanija Egrant Inc kellhiex kont bankarju mal-bank de quo u f'kai; pozittiv sabiex jipprovdi id-dokumentazzjoni rilevanti kollha dwar din il-kumpanija fosthom 1-istatut tal-kumpanija, min huma 1-UBO, diretturi u firmatarji ta' din il-kumpanija nonche d-dokumenti u rendikonti finanzjarji kollha Ii kellhom x'jaqsmu mat-transazzjonijiet finanzjarji Ii setghu saru minn jew lejn din il-kumpanija. Inoltre b'mod partikolari sabiex jixhed dwar jekk Egrant Inc, Tillgate Inc u Hearnville Inc ircevewx flejjes f'xi kont bankarju Ii dawn il-kumpaniji jew min minnhom setgha kellhom mal-Bank rispettiv u Ii setghu ircevew minghand il-kumpaniji Al Sahra FZCO, Shams Al Sahra FZCO jew Sahra 180 \ FZCO, bejn 1-1 ta' Dicembru 2015 u t-30 t' April 2016 u liema hlasijiet kienu joriginaw mill-Bank Pilatus, billi jipprovdi 1-informazzjoni kollha relattiva ghal dawn il-pagamenti. Sal-gumata ta' meta qieghed jigi redatt dan ii-process verbal ma kienet intbaghtet ebda twegiba ghal din 1-ittra rogatorja mill-Awtoritajiet talEmirati Gharab Maghquda. D. Ir-Repubblika tal-Germanja fil-forma ta' Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew. Fl-24 ta' Novembru 2017 kien deher 1-artiklu : Nach dem Beben fuq il-gurnal GermaniZ online Suddeutsche Zeitung. Din 1-informazzjoni li I-Federal Crime ( Office GermaniZ (BK.A) kien ottjena mill-Panama Papers setghet tkun utli ghall-inkjesta Egrant u dan peress li huwa importanti li 1-inkjesta tkun f' qaghda Ii jkollha ghad-disposizzjoni taghha kull informazzjoni li tista' tixhet dawl fuq il-meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta. L-iskop ghal dan kien Ii jkun jista' jigi konfermat jekk evidenza stampata u digitali li kienet gie migbura millufficini ta' Nexia BT setghetx tkun imsali.ha minn dan is-sors. B'hekk sar kuntatt mal-Assistent Kummissarju tal-Pulizija Ian Joseph Abdilla li 181 .-. ,., , .-. 0uVlu·0 ! ' ' r c ·- 'LJ 000182 infurmani li kienu saru kuntatti mal-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji Germanizi millAvukat Generali u mill-Magistrat Dottor Anthony Vella in konnessjoni malinkjesta magisterjali li qed tistharreg 1-omicidju ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia. Sar tentattiv biex jigi stabbilit kuntatt b'effett immedjat mal-Awtoritajiet GermaniZi sabiex ikun hemm access ghall-din 1-informazzjoni u immedjatament bdew isiru 1-arrangamenti sabiex minn nhar it-Tnejn 27 ta' Novembru 2017 jibda dan il-process. Gara pero li nhar it-28 ta' Novembru 2017 Dr. Simon Busuttil ghamel rikors li permezz tieghu ippremetta: Illi £1-24 ta' November 2017 fis-6.06pm il-gurnal influwenti u awtorevoli tedesk Suddeutsche Zeitung ippublika artiklu dwar il-Panama Papers intitolat "Nach dem Behen" (Wara t-terremot) (hawn anness bhala Dok. A), u fih inghatat 1ahbar Ii 1-Ufficju tal-Prosekutur Federali Germaniz ghadu kemm baghat jew jinsab fil-process Ii jib ghat lill-Pulizija f'Malta kull informazzjoni mill-Panama Papers Ii jikkoncemaw !ill-Malta; Illi f'dan 1-artiklu jinghad Ii 1-Ufficju tal-Prosekutur Federali fi Munich nefaq iktar minn zewg miljun euro biex xtara 1-informazzjoni kollha tal-Panama Papers migjuba mis-servers tad-ditta Mossack Fonseca tal-Panama, u parti minn din 1-informazzjoni tikkoncema lil Malta u persuni Maltin Ii· huma msemmijin fil-Panama Papers; Illi d-ditta Mossack Fonseca kienet rapprezentata fMalta mid-ditta ta' Brian Torma, Nexia BT, liema ditta kienet responsabbli biex twaqqfu u gew registrati fil-Panama kumpaniji sigrieti jumejn biss wara 1-elezzjoni generali tal-2013, wahda ghall-Ministru Konrad Mizzi, 1-ohra ghac-Chief of Staff tal-Prim Ministru, s-Sur Keith Schembri u 1-ohra ghal xi hadd iktar importanti minn 182 (~. dawn it-tnejn peress Ii isem il-benef:iccjarju kien inghata permezz ta' Skype minn Karl Cini ta' Nexia BT lil Mossack Fonseca fil-Panama; Illi matul 1-ahhar xhur is-sidien ta' Mossack Fonseca gew arrestati fil-Panama mill-Pulizija tal-Panama taht investigazzjoni fuq hasil ta' flejjes u korruzzjoni ingenti; ( 1lli din 1-informazzjoni Ii 1-gurnal Tedesk qal Ii intbaghtet jew tinsab f:il-process irnminenti Ii tintbaghat Malta ghand il-Pulizija Maltija tikkoncerna u tikkomprendi kumpaniji proprjeta ta' imwaqqfa, jew imhaddma fuq struzzjonijiet ta' Brian Tanna, Karl Cini, Adrian Dixon (cittadin mill-Panama impjegat ta' Brian Torma £'Malta), is-Sur Keith Schembri (Chief of Staff talUfficju tal-Prim Ministru), il-Ministru 1-0n. Konrad Mizzi, Malcolm Scerri, Pierre Sladden, Adrian Hillman, is-Sinjura Sai Mizzi, Cheng Chen (cittadin Ciniz detentur ta' passaport Ciniz bin-numru G32458221 involut fin-negozjati biex Shanghai Electric akkwistat 33% tal-Enemalta u x-xiri tal-power station ta' Delimara u Ii ghandu kumpanija sigrieta f:il-British Virgin Islands (Torbridge Services Inc) imwaqqfa ghalih minn Brian Torma ft-2013), Andre Micallef, Lorraine Falzon, Mathew Pace (dawn it-tlieta lkoll rapprezentanti ta' MFSP, ditta Ii tipprovdi servizzi finanzjarji), Rita Mizzi, Carmen Mizzi u Emanuel Mizzi minn Haz-Zabbar; l Illi din 1-informazzjoni tinkludi emails, dokumenti PDF, ritratti, Office documents u hafna iktar; 1lli peress Ii din 1-informazzjoni tinsab £'format digitali, ir-riskju Ii kif tasal Malta din 1-informazzjoni tkun manipulata jew imbaghbsa huwa kbir; Illi huwa impellenti Ii 1-Magistrat Inkwirenti jkollu kopja ta' dak kollu Ii 1awtoritajiet Germanizi baghtu jew ser jibghatu lill-Pulizija Maltija originanti mis-servers tal-Mossack Fonseca u biex din il-kopja tigi parti integrali mill-atti tal-Inkjesta de quo; 183 000184 Illi huwa impellenti ghas-serhan il-mohh tal-integrita tal-investigazzjoni mertu ta' din 1-inkjesta u ghar-ricerka tal-verita li 1-Magistrat Inkwirenti jkollu huwa wkoll, apparti 1-Pulizija, taht il-kontroll tieghu u ghad-disposizzjoni tieghu 1informazzjoni kollha, li hija f' amrnonti kbar hafna, u dan mill-iktar fis biex ikun evitat kull tbaghbis jew intralc tal-provi inkluzi f' din 1-informazzjoni u biex jigi evitat kull tkaxkir tas-saqajn jew aghar mill-Pulizija stante r-rifjut tal-Pulizija Maltija li jagixxu fuq rapporti mimlija evidenza, inkluz dokumentarja, talFinancial Intelligence Analysis Unit fl-ahhar xhur fil-konfront ta' Maltin msemmijin hawn fuq, inkluz ufficjali pubblici u politici involuti fkorruzzjoni u hasil ta' flus; (.. Ghaldaqstant 1-esponenti umilment jitlob lil Magistrat Inkwirenti sabiex jordna u jaghti dawk 1-ordnijiet immedjati kollha necessarji u impellenti biex kopja awtentika tal-informazzjoni mill-Panama Papers u mis-servers tal-Mossack Fonseca li 1-Pulizija Maltija irceviet jew hija fil-process li tircievi mill-Ufficju tal-Prosekutur Federali Germaniz tkun ippreservata taht 1-awtorita talMagistrat Inkwirenti u tkun inserita fl-atti tal-Inkjesta Magisterjali, u dan prevja kull talba mill-Magistrat Inkwirenti lill-Uff:icju tal-Prosekutur Federali Germaniz biex dan jipprovdi "checksum 'files" ghal kull digital file li 1awtoritajiet Germanizi baghtu jew jinsabu £ii-process li jibghatu lill-Pulizija £'Malta biex 1-integrita tal-files digitali kollha tkun ippreservata u tkun tista' tkun verifikata f:i.1-mori tal-Inkjesta, u dan dejjem taht kull provvediment iehor li 1-Magistrat Inkwirenti jrid jordna fl-ahjar amministrazzjoni tal-Gustizzja u ghar-ricerka tal-vera verita shiha. In segwitu ghal dan ir-rikors gie mismugh Dr. Simon Busuttil jixhed bilgurament. Fil-frattemp pero bil-ghan li jkun hemm kordinazzjoni ahjar talazzjoni li riedet tittiehed interament mill-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji Maltin relattivament ghall-inkjesti li kienu minnhom kondotti sar kuntatt mal-gja Magistrat Dottor Anthony Vella sabiex tigi determinata x'azzjoni kienet 184 000185 ()~ '•'" ,u. ' l.4u·u ,, . . . U·nn lahqet ittiehdet minn naha tieghu fid-dawl ta' dak imsemmi fl-artiklu Nach dem Beben bil-ghan Ii ma jigux duplikati sforzi u spejjez. It-talba ta' Dr. Busuttil kienet taqa' fil-parametri ta' dak Ii kien diga previst li jsir mill-inkjesta qabel il-prezentata tar-rikors tieghu u it-talba ta' Dr. Simon Busuttil giet milqugha. ( Ghall-bidu, sakemm sar kuntatt dirett mal-Prosekutur GermaniZ ilkomunikazzjonijiet preliminari kienu saru bil-mezz taI-email mill-Assistent Kummissarju Ian-Joseph Abdilla Ii nhar 1-1 ta' DiCembru 2017 kiteb lirrapprezentant tal-BKA Bolger Miltenberger biex jinfurmah bl-interess Ii kien hemm minn naha tal-Pulizija Maltija u 1-Magistrati Inkwirenti (Aaron Bugeja - Egrant Inc; Natasha Galea Sciberras - Schembri- Torma - Willerby; Josette Demicoli - Schembri - Hillman - et;) biex jottjenu 1-informazzjoni relattiva ( mill-Panama Papers. Fis-6 ta' DiCembru 2017 gew mghoddija d-dettalji ta' Ralph Riegel, Head of Division, International Criminal Law, European and Multilateral Co-operation in Criminal Matters fil-Federal Ministry for Justice and Consumer Protection tarRepubblika tal-Germanja u Dakinhar stess intbaghtitlu rendikont dettaljat dwar 1-informazzjoni li kienet mehtiega relattivament ghall-inkjesta Egrant 185 ~ (• : l :-~ . .. 1 UU 'J l w--.i 000186 Inc. Kont gejt infurmat li fil-kaz ta' informazzjoni mghoddija mill-BKA lil Magistrat Inkwirenti Dr. Anthony Vella, 1-Awtoritajiet GermaniZi kienu ddecidew li jimxu in bazi ghal informazzjoni spontaneja - li kienet wahda mill-opzjonijiet li kellhom taht il-Konvenzjoni ta' Palermo. Kien mahsub li 1Awtoritajiet GermaniZi setghu jipprocedu fl-inkjesta Egrant Inc in bazi ghallistess prinCipju. Fl-14 ta' Dicembru 2017 intbaghtet risposta minghand 1-Avukat Natalia Spitz li kienet tghid hekk : - IIIl - 9352E -M12 - BS 3356/2017 Dear Mr. Bugeja, Mr. Riegel informed me about your request and forwarded your request dated December 6, 2017. My name is Natalia Spitz and I am the public prosecutor, seconded to the German Federal Office of Justice which is handling with individual cases on the field of mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. So I am responsible for your case. Regarding your request below I would like kindly ask you to notice that Germany has already implemented the Directive regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters of 3 April 2014. The Maltese authorities did same as well. In the light of the above the German authorities need your request made according to the Form of the European Investigation Order as you can see in Annex A of the Directive regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters of 3 April 2014. I kindly ask you to use this form and to send your request direct to the German public prosecutor office which is responsible for executing of your request. 186 c 000187 Please note that according to German law the public prosecutor office in Wiesbaden would be responsible for executing of your request: Staatsanwaltschaft Wiesbaden Mainzer StrafSe 124 65189 Wiesbaden, GERMANY Phone: 061132610 Fax: 0611 327061600 e-mail: I hope that this explanations are useful for you. If your have further questions or need any other assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Natalia Spitz Dan kien ifisser li gnall-din it-talba 1-inkjesta kienet kostretta tipprocedi b'Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew - 1-ewwel wiehed ta' din ix-xorta li ( kien ser isir £'Malta. Dan il-modus operandi f' dan il-kaz kien differenti minn dak adottat precedentement mill-istess Awtoritajiet fil-kaz tal-inkjesta relattiva gli.all-omiCidju ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia. informazzjoni kienet mehtiega u kienet fil-pussess Stante li din 1tal-Awtoritajiet GermaniZi gie deciZ Ii r-rikjesta procedurali taghha tigi adottata. Ghalhekk sar il-Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew mingli.ajr aktar dewmien. 187 000188 Fis-27 ta' DiCembru 2017 kiteb lura Ralph Riegel li stqarr li kienu qeghdin jehtiegu li jigi mwettaq il-Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew which should make it easier for us to handle the request on a firm legal basis. Fit-twegiba mibghuta lilu 1-ghada, gie notat li 1-Magistrat Inkwirenti kien kemxejn sorpriZ b' dan il-pass mehud minnhom in kwantu fl-inkjesta kondotta millMagisrtat Vella 1-Awtoritajiet Germanizi kienu mxew bi procedura aktar semplid u diretta. Izda xorta wahda t-talba tal-Awtoritajiet GermaniZi ghal hrug ta' Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew giet sodisfatta. Fit-twegiba ( tieghu 1-ghada huwa informa li dan il-modus operandi kien mehtieg ukoll filkaz li din 1-informazzjoni li setghu jaghtu kienet tigi wzata bhala evidenza fil-Qorti. 11-Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew, li jifforma parti minn din 1-inkjestagie mibghut lill-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji GermaniZi wara li gie ffirmat millAvukat Generali Dr. Peter Grech nhar it-12 ta' Jannar 2018. ( It-talba li kienet qeghda ssir kienet sabiex 1-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji Maltin ikollhom access ghall-informazzjoni kontenuta fil-Panama Papers cache u checksum files fil-pussess tal-A wtoritajiet kompetenti Germanizi. 11-modalita' tat-tiftix kellha tkun bazata fuq sett ta' keywords u filtri numerid li kienu rilevanti ghal din 1-inkjesta u li lista taghhom giet provduta f' annex Amal- 188 00018 9 uuu1 j ·1 Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew innifsu. Dan I-annex kien jinkludi ssegwenti Annex A 1. ( ;../ Individuals: - Mus cat Joseph Muscat Michelle Tanti Michelle Muscat Etoille Ella Muscat Soleil Sophie Keith Schembri or Keith Allen Schembri Josette Schembri Vella Konrad Mizzi Liang Mizzi Sai John Dalli Karl Cini Brian Tanna Seyed Ali Sadr Hasheminejad Negarin Sadat Sadrhasheminejad or Negarin Sadr or Negarin. Sadr Hashemi Nejad Arzu Aliyeva Leyla Aliyeva Robert John Baker Farnoush Farsiar Jaqueline Jasine Alexander Parrales or Jaqueline Alexander Giselle Yajaira Ocampo Fonseca Michelle Buttigieg William Buttigieg Maria Efimova Seyed Mohsen Torabi 189 000190 2. Companies: Egrant Inc Tillgate Inc Heamville Inc Dubro Limited SA, Panama Aliator SA, Panama ATC Administrators Inc, Panama Orion Trust Haast Trust New Zealand Rotoura Trust Mossack Fonseca Pilatus Pilatus Bank Sahra Sahra FZCO AlSahra Al Sahra FZCO Shams Al Sahra Shams Al Sahra FZCO BTI Management Limited, Malta BT International Limited NEXIA BT, Malta Dubro Limited SA, Panama Alia tor Limited SA, Panama Buttardi Jewellery Colson Services Limited Colson Exir SMT Pistachio Ranch and Management LLC 3. Key words: 190 ( ( -· 000191 UG01S9 "Non-resident account" relative to Egrant, Heamville, Tillgate; "Declaration of trust"; "Declarations of trust"; "Bank account" relative to Egrant, Heamville, Tillgate; "Bearer shares" relative to Egrant, Heamville, Tillgate "Rabat, Malta" ( 4. Numerical filters: - "USD 1.017 million"; "USD 1,017,000"; II USD 100,000"; "USD 400,000" "8079565" "1610511974,, AnnexB Involved person : 1 Name: Muscat 191 000192 First name: Joseph Sex: Male Nationality : Maltese Identity card number:110274M Date of birth : 22/01/1974 Place of birth : Pieta', Malta Residence: 52, San Pawl Milqi, Burmarrad, San Pawl, Malta Languages spoken : Maltese, English, Italian ( Involved person : 2 Name: Muscat First name: Michelle nee' Tanti Sex: Female Nationality : Maltese Identity card number:260174M Date of birth : 16/05/1974 Place of birth : Rabat, Malta Residence: 52, San Pawl Milqi, Burmarrad, San Pawl, Malta Languages spoken: Maltese, English Even though not being in the main focus of this inquiry, certain facts affecting other PEPs mentioned in the said blogposts are also being investigated. The PEPs in question are : - 192 ( 0fi-0 19 3 Involved person 3 : - Name: Mizzi First name : Ko mad Sex: Male Nationality : Maltese Identity card nurnber:521577M Date of birth : 04/11/1977 Place of birth : Malta Residence: SLM301 l, Malta. (Last known) Flat 4, 46 Avril, Ix-Xatt ta' Tigne', Sliema, Languages spoken : Maltese, English Involved person 4 : - Name: Mizzi-Liang First name: Sai Sex: Female Nationality: Chinese Identity card nurnber:24625A Date of birth : 03/04/1977 Place of birth : China Residence: (Last known) Flat 4, 46 Avril, Ix-Xatt ta' Tigne', Sliema, SLM301 l, Malta. Languages spoken : Chinese, English 193 n 1 -·tl vJ ul ~ 1 000194 Involved person 5: - Name: Schembri First name: Keith (Keith-Allen) Sex: Male Nationality : Maltese Identity card number:331975M Date of birth : 26/07/1975 Place of birth : Malta Residence: Villa Abelia, Santa Marija Gardens, Unit C4, Triq ('· iZ-Zebbug, Mellieha. Languages spoken : Maltese, English Involved person 6 : - Name: Schembri-Vella First name: Josette Sex: Female Nationality : Maltese (' Identity card number:177876M Date of birth: Place of birth : Malta Residence: Villa Abelia, Santa Marija Gardens, Unit C4, Triq iZ-Zebbug, Mellieha. Languages spoken: Maltese, English 194 000195 UU0193 Involved person 7 : - Name: Dalli First name : John Sex: Male Nationality : Maltese Identity card number:851948M Date of birth : Place of birth : Malta Residence: 1400, Block 14, Portomaso, St. Julians, PTMOl Languages spoken : Maltese, English Secondary investigation Involved person 8 : - Name: Buttigieg First name: Michelle Sex: Female Nationality : Maltese Social Security no.: 068-88-4337 Date of birth : Place of birth : Malta Residence: 402 East 74th Street, #lE, New York, NY10021, United States of America. 195 UUU194 000196 Languages spoken : Maltese, English (Additional information) - telephone number 001-212-737-3944; cell 001-646-309-8398; email Ms. Buttigieg has a business enterprise called "Buttardi". The business address of Buttardi is 334 East 78 Street, New York, NY10021, United States of America. The Employer ID number is 20-5107989. Involved person 8 : Name: Sadrhasheminejad or Sadr Hasheminejad First name: Negarin or Negarin Sadat Sex: Female Nationality : Passport no.: RE011834 Date of birth: Place of birth : Residence: 7117 Natelli Woods LN, 20817 Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America Languages spoken : English Additional info : His father is Mohammad Sadr Hasheminejad, who is, or used to be chairman of the Eghtesad Novin Bank in Tehran, Iran. Legal persons involved Legal Persons involved : 1 196 000197 Name: Egrant Inc. Marbella, 54th East Street #3A, City of Panama, Registered seat: Republic of Panama, incorporated on the 9th July 2013 and dissolved on the 19th January 2017. Registration number: Microjacket number 2421806 of the Public Registry's Mercantile Section. Address (Agent): MF Legal Services, Mossfon Building, 2nd Floor, East Street, P.O. Box 0832-0886 W.T.C., Republic of Panama. Legal Persons involved : 2 Name: Tillgate Inc. Registered seat : Marbella, 54th East Street #3A, City of Panama, Republic of Panama, incorporated on the 9th July 2013. Registration number: Microjacket number 808516 of the Public Registry's Mercantile Section. Address (Agent): MF Legal Services, Mossfon Building, 2nd Floor, East Street, P.O. Box 0832-0886 W.T.C., Republic of Panama. Linked entity HAAST Trust created by means of a declaration of trust dated 22nd July 2015. The Trustee is Orion Trust (New Zealand) Limited, a company having its registered office at Bentleys Chartered Accountants, 13th Floor, DLA Piper Tower, 205, Queen Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand. Legal Persons involved : 3 Name: Hearnville Inc. Registered seat : Marbella, 54th East Street #3A, City of Panama, Republic of Panama, incorporated on the 4th July 197 000198 2013. Registration number: Microjacket number 808074 of the Public Registry's Mercantile Section. Address (Agent): MF Legal Services, Mossfon Building, 2nd Floor, East Street, P.O. Box 0832-0886 W.T.C., Republic of Panama. Linked entity Rotorua Trust created by means of a declaration of trust dated 22nd July 2015. The Trustee is Orion Trust (New Zealand) Limited, a company having its registered office at Bentleys Chartered Accountants, 13th Floor, DLA Piper Tower, 205, Queen Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand. (°" Annex C The facts giving rise for the issue of the EIO The Maltese Inquiring Magistrate is currently investigating allegations of a criminal nahrre made by local media, principally by the recently murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia against the Prime Minister of Malta, Dr. Joseph Muscat and other Politically Exposed Persons (hereinafter for ease of reference this is being referred to as the "Egrant Investigation"). Dr. Muscat himself had lodged a request for this investigation following publication of these allegations. Dr. Muscat is claiming that these allegations are totally unfounded. 198 c' 000199 The principal allegations originating from two blogposts published on the 20th April 2017 entitled: (a) "US$1.017 million in single transaction from Azerbaijan-owned company to Egrant Inc." published at 4:41pm; (b) "Declarations of trust in Pilatus Bank safe: Egrant Inc shares held for Michelle Muscat" published at 19:59, namely that - 1. that Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Prime Minister's wife and hence a 'Politically Exposed Person', is the ultimate beneficial owner of Egrant Inc., which is a company incorporated in the Republic of Panama; and IL the back accounts of this same company, Egrant Inc., were in receipt of considerable sums of money from Al Sahra FZCO, a company belonging to Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of the President of Azerbaijan (hence another 'Politically Exposed Person'). ( Ms. Galizia claimed that Egrant Inc. belongs to Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Prime Minister's wife, on the strength of two declarations of trust allegedly provided to Pilatus Bank as a prerequisite for the opening of an account for Egrant Inc. with the same Bank These declarations of trust allegedly show that the shares in Egrant Inc., a Panamanian company are held by Mossack Fonseca as nominees for Mrs. Michelle Muscat. This inquiry is also investigating the existence and authenticity of these documents. 199 000200 Ms Galizia claimed that during the months of January, February and March 2016 there were several financial transfers of around US$100,000 each made twice a week over several weeks in the aforementioned months from the bank accounts of the company Al Sahra FZCO held with Pilatus Bank in Malta to bank accounts held by Egrant Inc. in Dubai. Moreover in March 2016, in the same fashion, it is being alleged that there was a single transaction of US$1.017 million from Al Sahra FZCO to Egrant Inc .. These transactions were allegedly all described as 'loan payment'. Apart from these principal allegations that the Inquiring Magistrate was tasked to investigate, during the course of this inquiry, another blog post was posted by Galizia wherein certain serious allegations were made and that required verification. In this blogpost published on the 21st April 2017 at 00:04 entitled "US$400,000 "loan payment" to Michelle Muscat jewellery business partner from sister of Pilatus Bank owner", Galizia claimed that Mrs. Michelle Muscat, has a friend called Michelle Buttigieg, who in 2014, was appointed "Malta's tourism representative". Buttardi is a costume jewellery business that Ms. Buttigieg set up in 2003. Ms. Michelle Muscat, nee Tanti is still mentioned on the company website as the contact person for the European market. Galizia alleged that in March 2016 Ms. Buttigieg received US$400,000 from a certain Negarin Sadrhasheminejad (or Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad, who is also known by the shorter form of Negarin Sadr or a longer form as Negarin Sadat Sadr Hasheminejad). The latter has a fashion business called "Negarin London". "Negarin London" has a website wherein it is stated that the brand 200 (\ 000201 UUU199 has been established by Negarin Sadr in 2011. Negarin Sadr has a brother named Seyed Ali Sadr Hasheminejad, 36, who is the chairman and allegedly the ultimate beneficial owner of a bank registered in Malta called "Pilatus Bank", headquartered in Whitehall Mansions at Ta' Xbiex. The blogger stated that Seyed Ali Sadr Hasheminejad is Iranian, but has four passports issued to him by St Kitts & Nevis. His father is Mohammad Sadr Hasheminejad, who is, or used to be chairman of the Eghtesad Novin Bank in Tehran, Iran. The blogger also alleged that in March 2016 Pilatus Bank had received urgent instructions in order to open an account for Negarin Sadr. These instructions came late in the evening, but bank officials were instructed that this transaction could not wait until the next day. The account was immediately opened and according to the blogger a loan of US$1 million were granted there and then to Negarin Sadr for her fashion business. However then another instruction was received that is as soon as the loan was processed, approximately US$400,000 -were to be paid out from Negarin Sadr's loan account to a bank account held by "a Maltese woman who lives in New York and has a jewellery business called Buttardi". This woman, referred to by this blogger is Michelle Buttigieg. The Inquiring Magistrate heard Michelle Buttigieg, on oath who stated that she does not know Negarin Sadr and she has never ever conducted any business with her or received any monies from her. She completely rejected the claims made by the blogger. However the blogger claimed that this story was related 201 A 000202 to her by an ex-employee of Pilatus Bank. This ex-employee of Pilatus Bank testified in the records of the investigation and confirmed the story mentioned by the blogger in her blog post. In the course of the inquiry it transpired that it was true that Negarin Sadr took out a loan from Pilatus Bank. However various important details relating to this loan were different from the ones mentioned in the blog post. The Bank's records show that N egarin Sadr's bank account was opened on the 2nd February 2016. On the 3rd February 2016 Pilatus bank provided Negarin Sadr with a loan of US$ l.5 million (and not US$1 million as claimed by the blogger) for the purchase of 12.375% interest in "SMT Pistacho Ranch and Management LLC". The inquiry received information showing that as at 1st June 2015, the shareholder structure of "SMT Pistacho Ranch and Management LLC" was already as follows: Seyed Mohsen Torabi: 50.50% Hanza LLC (Pegah Sadrhasheminejad): 12.375% Altitude Capital LLC: 24.750% Negarin Sadrhasheminejad: 12.375% The investigation establised that this loan that was taken by Negarin Sadr from Pilatus Bank for the amount of US$1.5 million were remitted directly and in whole to Seyed Mohsen Torabi through correspondent bank called "Bank of Valletta plc" to Torabi's bank being "Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. WFBIUS6S:XXX, 202 c' 000203 uua20 1 San Francisco, CA, United States of America, bank account number 3675175735. Banking records show that the purpose for this remittance was the "purchase of 12.375pct interest in SMT Pistachio Ranch and Management LLC". These allegations have to be analysed further, because if proven, both the principal as well as the secondary allegations will constitute the crime of participating in a criminal organisation of at least three people and also the serious crimes of Corruption and Money Laundering, both punishable by more than four years imprisonment in terms of Maltese law. The focus of the "Egrant Inc." Inquiry is on Dr. Joseph Muscat and his wife Ms. Michelle Muscat nee Tanti and the alleged ultimate beneficial ownership of shares in Egrant Inc. held for Ms. Michelle Muscat by Mossack Fonseca nominees as well as the alleged transfers of monies as detailed above. Dawn id-dettalji kollha gew maqbula wkoll mal-Forensic Accountants. Dan il-Mandat t' Arrest Ewropew gie mwassal mid-Desk Malti tal-Eurojust liddesk GermaniZ (Prosecution) sabiex jigi mghoddi lill-Prosekutur ta' Wiesbaden. Minn dakinhar il-quddiem, ghajr hlief ghall-komunikazzjoni minn Ralph Riegel, il-kumplament tal-komunikazzjonijiet tal-Prosekutur ta' Wiesbaden ma din 1-inkjesta, minn naha GermaniZa, saru bil-GermaniZ biss. 203 000204 Fil-frattemp fuq talba tal-Awtoritajiet GermaniZi il-Mandat gie wkoll tradott ghall-ilsien GermaniZ. Fit-8 ta' Marzu 2018 giet riCevuta informazzjoni permezz ta' email millProsekutur Tanja Altmann li, tradotta ghall-ilsien IngliZ, kienet tghid hekk:- Dear Mr Bugeja, Within the framework of checking the recognition and execution of the EIO dated 12.01.2018 there are some points which I still need to clarify. For the time being only a partial recognition is possible. We know that there was a meeting of Federal Criminal Police Office Wiesbaden, already on the 29.11.2017, with a judicial representative of the Maltese authorities and a leading investigator in the murder case of the journalist Galizia, in the course of which data contents from the database of the so-called Panama Papers were handed over by a representative of the Federal Ministry for Justice and Consumer Protection. Part of the data requested in the EIO is identical with the ones contained on the data carrier, so it seems that an approval for using them for judicial purposes is in so far sufficient from our side, unless your authority does not have in hand the data carrier already handed over, since, as far as we know here, there are said to be several investigative procedures by the Maltese authorities in connection with the Panama Papers. The key words to be searched contained in the appendix of the EIO are only covered in part by the described circumstances, which might be criminally 204 000205 relevant. Some of the listed persons and companies do however have no base in Appendix C, so we cannot assess, for the time being, whether and in how far these persons or companies might be involved in a criminally relevant manner. The content of the EIO in so far does not contain the required description of the criminal offence. Further information is missing regarding the following persons or companies: -Keith Schembri -Josette Schembri Vella - Konrad Mizzi -Liang Mizzi Sai - John Dalli - Robert John Baker -Famoush Farsiar -Jaqueline Jasine Alexander Parrales or Jaqueline Alexander - Giselle Yajaira Ocampa Fonseca -Tillgate Inc. -Hearnville Inc. - Dubro Limited SA - Aliatro SAlAliator Limited SA ATC Administrators -Orion Trust - Haast Trust - Rotoura Trust - BTI Management -NexiaBT - Colson Services Limited 205 UUU2U4 000206 - Exir - Rabat, Malta -8079565 The search terms Pilatus, Mossack Fonseca, Jewellery are too indefinite for a search. Because of the large data material more concrete details are required in order to allow a more targeted search. Please let us know whether you have in hand the data carrier which was handed over and whether an approval for judiciary use would be sufficient. Regarding the key words listed above please amend and flesh out the EIO, so that this can also be recognized and executed. Din il-lista ta' keywords u numerical filters kienet giet migbura fuq pariri talForensic Accountants. Biss deher li 1-operazzjoni kienet ser tkun aktar komplikata jekk u1i.ud minnhom ma jkunux riveduti u parti mill-fatti kj arifika ta. (' Din I-email giet imwiegba b' email segwenti (fis-13:09) : Dear Madam, many thanks for your e-mail the contents of which were noted. I am also referring this matter the Office of the Attorney General (being the Competent Authority for Judicial Co-operation in criminal matters for Malta) for their comments. 206 However, I would like to make some preliminary observations. First of all I would like to express my gratitude for your help and the fact that you are considering our EIO. My role is that of a judicial investigative authority and I am indeed carrying out an inquiry in terms of the Maltese Criminal Code in relation to certain allegations made by Journalist Galizia in respect of Michelle Muscat, the wife of Dr. Joseph Muscat. I am sending an informal summary of the allegations as well as the provisions of criminal law that could form the basis for an investigation if the allegations made by journalist Caruana Galizia in relation to Michelle Muscat are found to be founded on evidence. Following your request, the summary of these allegations are going to be supplemented formally, but I decided to send them to your Office spontaneously and informally in order for you to be able to take any action you may deem necessary in furtherance to our request for cooperation even at this stage. I understand that certain keywords, like Pilatus, Mossack Fonseca, Jewellery, Rabat, Malta are too vague. These keywords may be left aside and ought not halt the process at this stage. The number 807956,S. is relevant on its own as it is the distinctive micro-jacket number for the company Egrant Inc, attributed to it only in 2014 by the Panama Public Registry after certain regulatory changes made by that Office in 2014. The letter S was not originally attributed to the company's micro-jacket number on its incorporation in July 2013. Hence any reference to this number ending with "S." in the data cache in your possession will give us a clear indication about developments taking place since 2014. It is also true that we did not supply further details to you for Robert John Baker, Famoush Farsiar, Jaqueline Jasine Alexander Parrales or Jaqueline Alexander, Giselle Yajaira Ocampa Fonseca, Dubro Limited S.A., Aliator S.A., ATC Administrators, BTI Management, Nexia BT, Colson Services Limited, 207 n":'··~··u··U uU\J~' 000208 and Exir. I shall try to see what other details can be gathered and supplied. We thought that at this stage a preliminary search could have been sufficient to see if there would have been any hits against any one of these keywords. If positive then we would carry out our assessment accordingly. But I understand that you require more precise details and parameters, which after all is right. In this spirit however, I note that in your list of persons or companies lacking further information you include the names of:a. b. c. d. e. f. Keith Schembri, Josette Schembri Vella, Konrad Mizzi, Sai Mizzi Liang and John Dalli Tillgate Inc. a Hearnville Inc. o· h. Orion Trust i. HaastTrust j. Rotorua Trust. (' Please note that as far as the physical persons are concerned, we have already supplied you their full personal details, including their dates of birth and Maltese Identity card numbers, apart from their addresses etc. As for the companies Tillgate Inc and Hearnville Inc, we have already provided to you all the details of their incorporation in Panama, including the microjacket number as well as their registered addresses and dates of incorporation. We have also provided you with the available details for Orion Trust, Haast Trust and Rotorua Trust too. All this information is contained in Annex B to the EIO. These are the most important persons in our investigation, along with Joseph Muscat, Michelle Muscat and Egrant Inc, (whose details were also likewise 208 (' 000209 Uj!J2G7 supplied to you in Annex B, and in relation to who you requested no further details). In order to avoid any misunderstanding, can you kindly indicate what further details do you require from us in relation to the list of persons or companies that you highlighted as lacking further information in order for us to be able to take immediate action and possibly to supply them to you as soon as possible. Please note that in order to expedite procedures and ease co-operation in this matter, I am prepared to follow this request not only by formal supplementary EIO, but also by visiting your Offices so as to illustrate and explain better to you the focus of our investigation. I undertand that this will also help you with your assessment in relation to our request for co-operation. While I await your kind reply to the above, I once again thank you and send you my best regards, Aaron M. Bugeja Magistrate. (_ Ma din I-email giet inkluza wkoll il-Fact sheet and criminal provisions guide li kienet taqra hekk : - The Inquiring Magistrate is currently investigating allegations of a criminal nature made by local media against the Prime Minister of Malta, Dr. Joseph Muscat and other Politically Exposed Persons. These allegations concern mainly the following facts: 209 000210 i. that Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Prime Minister's wife and hence a 'Politically Exposed Person', is the ultimate beneficial owner of Egrant Inc. It is established that the same Egrant Inc. is a company incorporated in the Republic of Panama with Microjacket number 2421806 of the Public Registry's Mercantile Section; and ii.the back accounts of this same company, Egrant Inc, were in receipt of a considerable sums of money from Al Sahra FZCO, a company belonging to the Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of the President of Azerbaijan (hence another 'Politically Exposed Person'). Local media is claiming that Egrant Inc. belongs to Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Honourable Prime minister's wife, on the strength of two declarations of trust allegedly provided to Pilatus Bank as a prerequisite for the opening of an account for Egrant Inc. with the same Bank. These declarations of trust allegedly show that the shares in Egrant Inc, a Panamanian company are held by Mossack Fonseca nominees for Mrs. Michelle Muscat. With regards to the alleged transactions, it is being claimed that during the months of January, February and March 2016 there were several transactions of around US$100,000 each made twice a week over several weeks in the aforementioned months from the bank accounts of the company Al Sahra FZCO held with Pilatus Bank in Malta to bank accounts held by Egrant Inc in Dubai. Moreover in March 2016, in the same fashion, it is being alleged that there was a single transaction of US$1.017 million from Al Sahra FZCO to Egrant Inc.. These transactions were allegedly all described as 'loan payment'. Preliminary investigations within Pilatus Bank gave rise to serious suspicions that such transactions, if they were ever carried out, might have been executed through other banks, possibly even outside the Maltese Jurisdiction. In this same context, it was also being alleged that two senior government officials, namely the then Minister for Energy (Konrad Mizzi) and the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff (Keith Schembri) were the UBO' s of two other sister companies Hearnville Inc. (microjacket number 808074) and Tillgate Inc. (microjacket number 808516) both set up in Panama by Mossack Fonseca in July 2013 through the intermediary services of Maltese Accountants Brian Torma and 210 c' Karl Cini of firm Ne:xia BT. It transpired that Keith Schembri was an account holder with Pilatus Bank. In the event that these allegations are proven, in terms of Maltese Law and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto (the Palermo Convention) they will constitute the crime of participating in a criminal organisation of at least three people and also the serious crimes of Corruption and Money Laundering, both punishable by more than four years imprisonment in terms of Maltese law. The Offences In view of the above the Inquiring Magistrate is investigating these allegations which, if founded, could lead to an investigation for participation in a criminal organisation, corruption and money laundering in terms of Chapters 9 and 373 of the Laws of Malta. The relevant legal articles are being reproduced hereunder: Organised Crime, Article 83A of Chapter 9 of the Laws of Malta 83A. (1) Any person who (a) promotes, constitutes, organises or finances an organization with a view to commit criminal offences liable to the punishment of imprisonment for a term of four years or more; or (b) knowing or having reasonable cause to suspect the aim or general activity of the organization set up for the purpose mentioned in paragraph (a), actively takes part in the organisation's criminal activities, including but not limited to the provision of information or material means or the recruitment of new members, shall be guilty of an offence and shall liable, on conviction, to the punishment of imprisonment for a term from four to nine years. 211 Ono;")-lo u ' ·' i N- (2) Any person who belongs to an organisation referred to in sub article (1) shall for that mere fact be liable to the punishment of imprisonment for a term from two to seven years. (3) Where the number of persons in the organisation is ten or more the punishment in the preceding subarticles shall be increased form one to two degrees. (4) Where the person found guilty of an offence under this title is the director, m~ager, secretary or other principal officer of a body corporate or is a person having a power of representation of such a body or having an authority to take decisions on behalf of that body or having authority to exercise control within that body and the offence of which that person was found guilty was committed for the benefit, in part or in whole, of that body corporate, the said person shall for the purposes of this title be deemed to be vested with the legal representation of the same body corporate which shall be liable as follows: (a) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is the offence in subarticle (1), to the payment of a fine (multa) of not less than thirty-four thousand and nine hundred and forty euro and sixty cents (34,940.60) and not more than one hundred and sixteen thousand and four hundred and sixtyeight euro and sixty-seven cents (116,468.67); ( (b) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is the offence in subarticle (2), to the payment of a fine (multa) of not less than twenty-three thousand and two hundred and ninety-three euro and seventy-three cents (23,293.73) and not more than sixty-nine thousand and eight hundred and eighty-one euro and twenty cents (69,881.20); (c) where the offence of which the person was found guilty is punishable as provided in subarticle (3) of this article - 212 000213 uuo211 (i) where the offence is that provided in subarticle (1 ), to the punishment of a fine (multa) of not less than forty-six thousand and five hundred and eightyseven euro and forty-seven cents (46,587.47) and not more than one million and one hundred and sixty-four thousand and six hundred and eighty-six euro and seventy cents (1,164,686.70); (ii) where the offence is that provided in subarticle (2), to the punishment of a fine (multa) of not less than thirty-four thousand and nine hundred and forty euro and sixty cents (34,940.60) and not more than one hundred and sixteen thousand and four hundred and sixty-eight euro and sixty-seven cents (116,468.67). (5) The criminal action for an offence against the provisions of this article may be prosecuted in Malta notwithstanding that the organization of persons is based or pursues its criminal activities outside Malta. Corruption, Articles 112, 114, 115, 118, 119 and 120 of Chapter 9 of the Laws of Malta --.... ( 112. Any officer or person employed in any public administration, or any person employed by or under the Government, whether authorized or not to receive moneys or effects, either by way of salary for his own services, or on account of the Government, or of any public establishment, who shall, under colour of his office, exact that which is not allowed by law, or more than is allowed by law, or before it is due according to law, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from three months to one year. 114. Where the crimes referred to in the last two preceding articles are accompanied with circumstances which render such crimes liable also to other punishments, the higher punishment shall be applied with an increase of one degree. 213 uoo212 000214 115. (1) Any public officer or servant who, in connection with his office or employment, requests, receives or accepts for himself or for any other person, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage to which he is not entitled, shall, on conviction, be liable to punishment as follows: (a) where the object of the reward, promise or offer, be to induce the officer or servant to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from six months to three years; (b) where the object be to induce the officer or servant to forbear from doing what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall, for the mere acceptance of the reward, promise or offer, be imprisonment for a term from nine months to five years; (c) where, besides accepting the reward, promise, or offer, the officer or servant actually fails to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or of any other law, when the offence against the provisions of this article is committed by a person who, at the time when the offence was committed, held the office of Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, Member of the House of Representatives, Mayor or Local Councillor and the offence involved the abuse of such office, the provisions of Title VI of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to the said person or to any accomplice. 118. (1) Any member of the House of Representatives who requests, receives or accepts, for himself or for any other per son, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage given or made with the object of influencing him in his conduct as a member of the House shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or of any other law the provisions of Title VI of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to 214 an offence under this article in respect of the said Member of the House of Representatives or any accomplice. 119. The punishment of perpetual general interdiction or perpetual special interdiction, or both, as the case may be, shall be added to the punishments established in the preceding articles of this sub-title when the maximum of such punishments exceeds two years' imprisonment; when the maximum of the said punishments does not exceed two years' imprisonment, then the punishment of temporary general interdiction or temporary special interdiction, or both, as the case may be, shall be added. 120. (1) In the cases referred to in articles 115, 116, 117 and 118, the person who bribes the public officer or servant or the member of the House of Representatives, or the person to whom any of the said articles applies in accordance with any provision under this Code or under any other law, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be an accomplice. (2) Where the public officer or servant or other person does not commit the crime, the person who attempts to induce such officer or servant or other person to commit the crime shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six months to three years: Provided that when the crime is that referred to in article 117(c), the punishment shall not exceed eighteen months imprisonment. (3) Where the member of the House of Representatives does not commit the crime, the person who attempts to induce such member to commit the crime shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six months to four years. Money Laundering, Articles 2 and 3 of Chapter 373 of the Laws of Malta "money laundering" means - 215 000216 (i) the conversiqn or transfer of property knowing or suspecting that such property is derived directly or indirectly from, or the proceeds of, criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity, for the purpose of or purposes of concealing or disguising the origin of the property or of assisting any person or persons involved or concerned in criminal activity; (ii) the concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, location, disposition, movement, rights with respect of, in or over, or ownership of property, knowing or suspecting that such property is derived directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; :'\ ( (iii) the acquisition, possession or use of property knowing or suspecting that the same was derived or originated directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (iv) retention without reasonable excuse of property knowing or suspecting that the same was derived or originated directly or indirectly from criminal activity or from an act or acts of participation in criminal activity; (v) attempting any of the matters or activities defined in the above foregoing sub-paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) within the meaning of article 41 of the Criminal Code; (vi) acting as an accomplice within the meaning of article 42 of the Criminal Code in respect of any of the matters or activities defined in the above foregoing sub- paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v). 3. (1) Any person committing any act of money laundering shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa) not exceeding two 216 (' million and five hundred thousand euro (€2,500,000), or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding eighteen years, or to both such fine and imprisonment. Ghalhekk wara din I-email, nhar it-12 ta' Marzu 2018, dik 1-istess email kienet ukoll imwiegba lura bis-segwenti informazzjoni ulterjuri: - Further to your email of the 8th March 2018 at 11:33 and to my reply of the same date at 13:09, you wish to note the following. I can confirm that part of the documents that are relevant to the captioned investigation have been requested to Magistrate Dr. Anthony Vella who is conducting the inquiry in relation to the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia and they have been referred to me and were found to be relevant and helpful. However given that the inquiry I have been charged with specifically concentrates on various allegations made by Daphne Caruana Galizia in her various articles relating to Maltese PEP mentioned in the EIO, a more specific search in the database is being requested. Further to the facts mentioned in Annex C to the main EIO, please note that the main allegations being investigated are as follows: i. that Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the Prime Minister's wife and hence a 'Politically Exposed Person' (PEP), is the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) of Egrant Inc. a company incorporated in the Republic of Panama with Microjacket number 807956 of the Public Registry's Mercantile Section and Document number 2421806;and 11. the bank accounts of this same company, Egrant Inc, were in receipt of considerable sums of money from Al Sahra FZCO, a company belonging to the Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of the President of Azerbaijan (hence another PEP). 217 000216 000218 Daphne Caruana Galizia claimed that Egrant Inc. belongs to Mrs. Michelle Muscat, on the strength of two declarations of trust allegedly provided to Pilatus Bank in Malta as a prerequisite for the opening of an account for Egrant Inc. with the same Bank. These declarations of trust allegedly show that the shares in Egrant Inc. are held by Mossack Fonseca nominees for Mrs. Michelle Muscat. The text of her articles, which form part of the facts that are being investigated, are as follows : - US$1.017 million in single transaction from Azerbaijan-owned company to Egrant Inc In March last year (2016), Al Sahra FZCO- a company incorporated in Dubai's free zone - made a single payment transaction of US$1.017 million to Egrant Inc, a company incorporated in Panama in 2013. The transaction, which was described as a "loan payment", was made from Al Sahra' s account at Pilatus Bank in Malta, to an account which Egrant Inc holds with a bank in Dubai. This was not the only "loan payment" which Egrant Inc received from Al Sahra FZCO, but it was the largest single transaction. Other "loan payments" were of around US$100,000 each and made twice a week over several weeks in January, February and March last year (2016). The bank account opening form for Al Sahra FZCO at Pilatus Bank gives Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of Ilham Aliyev, ruler of Azerbaijan, as the ultimate beneficial owner of the company. Payment instructions for Al Sahra were given by Farnoush Farsian. Egrant Inc also has an account at Pilatus Bank in Malta, but the money was - significant!y- not paid into that account. It was moved out of the country. The transaction was so large and raised so many questions that Pilatus Bank's US correspondent bank (it was a dollar transaction, and at the time the bank had two US correspondent banks) stopped it. After several days of negotiations, it went through. 218 Until the payment was released, an employee at Nexia BT - which made the arrangements to set up Egrant Inc in Panama with Mossack Fonseca in 2013 - rang Pilatus Bank several times a day, every day, to check on progress and to chase it up. This website has the name of the employee, who left Nexia BT for other employment when the Panama Papers scandal broke worldwide the following month, but has not spoken to him. The Nexia BT employee who followed up on this banking transaction is the same one who submitted to Pilatus Bank the bank account opening forms for Egrant Inc and for Tillgate Inc (UBO Keith Schembri) and Hearnville Inc (UBO Konrad Mizzi), which also have accounts at Pilatus Bank in Malta. Like Egrant Inc, the other two companies have accounts at a bank in Dubai, too. Declarations of trust in Pilatus Bank safe: Egrant Inc shares held for Michelle Muscat In the kitchen at the offices of Pilatus Bank in Ta' Xbiex, there is a safe in which certain files are kept, and also particular documents marked for extreme secrecy. The safe used to be in the bank CEO's office, but for some reason was moved to the kitchen. In this safe, documents are held pertaining to Russian clients of the bank, and to Maltese PEPs, including John Dalli, consultant to Prime Minister Muscat, and Keith Schembri, the Prime Minister's chief of staff, both of whom have accounts with the bank in their own personal names. Dalli's account is not used much, but the Prime Minister's chief of staff uses his regularly and his statements show highly suspicious transactions involving people in Azerbaijan. This bank account is separate to the one held in the name of his once-secret Panama company, Tillgate Inc. 219 OJD218 000220 The safe in the kitchen at Pilatus Bank also contains the documents that answer the question which the whole of Malta has been asking this past year: who owns Egrant Inc, the third company Brian Torma set up in Panama, for somebody so important that the name had to be given over Skype, rather than in an email as it was for Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri. Those documents in the Pilatus Bank kitchen-safe are declarations of trust which show that shares in Egrant Inc are held by Mossack Fonseca nominees for "Mrs Michelle Muscat". The declarations of trust were provided to the bank by Brian Torma, as a prerequisite for opening an account for Egrant Inc, for which the identity of the ultimate beneficial owner is required. Mrs Muscat's name is also given on another document held in the bank's safe: the account opening form for Egrant Inc. These documents have been s~anned and uploaded to the cloud, for security purposes, by third parties so that they cannot be destroyed by the bank This is the text of the two declarations of trust which were in the kitchen-safe at Pilatus Bank The first Declaration of Trust is issued by a company called DUB RO LIMITED S.A. Dubro Limited S.A. P.O. Box 0832-0886 W.T.C. PANAMA REPUBLIC OF PANAMA DECLARATION OF TRUST The document states that Dubro Limited S.A., in its capacity as subscriber, acknowledges that it holds a share of: 220 EGRANTINC. 807956S of The Penthouse, Suite 2, Capital Business Centre, Entrance C, Triq taz-Zwejt, San Gwann, SGN3000, MALTA and that this share is being held as Nominee of and Trustee for Ms Michelle Muscat nee Tanti; Date of Birth: 16/05/1974; Place of Birth: Rabat, Malta The declaration. of trust is dated 20 August 2015 and is signed by Jaqueline Alexander as director of Dubro Limited S.A. The second Declaration of Trust is issued by a company called ALIA TOR S.A. ALIATORS.A. P.O. Box 0832-0886 W.T.C. PANAMA REPUBLIC OF PANAMA DECLARATION OF TRUST The document states that Aliator S.A., in its capacity as subscriber, acknowledges that it holds a share of: EGRANTINC. 807956S of The Penthouse, Suite 2, Capital Business Centre, Entrance C, Triq taz-Zwejt, San Gwann, SGN3000, MALTA and that this share is being held as Nominee of and Trustee for Ms Michelle Muscat nee Tanti; Date of Birth: 16/05/1974; Place of Birth: Rabat, Malta This declaration. of trust is also dated 20 August 2015 and signed by Jaqueline Alexander as director of Aliator S.A. 221 11')·)0 U, nVv;..i:.r Apart from these blog posts, Ms Galizia published another blog post on the 21st April 2017 that is also being reproduced for ease of reference. US$400,000 "loan payment" to Michelle Muscat jewellery business partner from sister of Pilatus Bank owner Seyed Ali Sadr Hasheminejad, 36, is the chairman and ultimate beneficial owner of Pilatus Bank, which is headquartered in Whitehall Mansions at Ta' Xbiex. He is Iranian, but has four passports issued to him by St Kitts & Nevis. His father is Mohammad Sadr Hasheminejad, who is chairman of the Eghtesad Navin Bank in Tehran, Iran. Seyed Ali Sadr Hasheminejad has a sister, Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad - known by the shorter form of Negarin Sadr - who has a fashion business called Negarin London. Both siblings live between London and the US. In March last year, Pilatus Bank received urgent instructions to open an account for Negarin Sadr, the chairman's sister. It was late in the evening, but bank officials were told that it couldn't wait until the next day. The account had to be opened immediately and a loan of US$1 million granted there and then to Negarin Sadr for her fashion business. ( Then another instruction came in: as soon as the loan was processed, a significant proportion of it - approximately US$400,000 - was to be paid out from Negarin Sadr's loan account to a bank account held by "a Maltese woman who lives in New York and has a jewellery business called Buttardi". The woman in question is Michelle Buttigieg and Buttardi is a costume jewellery business she set up in partnership with Michelle 222 + Muscat (formerly Tanti) in 2003. Mrs Muscat is still in business with her and is listed on the company website as the contact person for the European market. In 2014, Michelle Buttigieg was appointed "Malta's tourism representative" in the United States, on a salaried basis with perks. She has no tourism or related experience, and there was no open call for the post The government has refused to publish her contract. In this same context, it was also being alleged that two senior government officials, namely the then Minister for Energy (Konrad Mizzi) and the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff (Keith Schembri- who holds a personal bank account with Pilatus Bank Limited) were the ultimate beneficial owners of two other companies Hearn.ville Inc. (microjacket number 808074) and Tillgate Inc. (microjacket number 808516) that like Egrant Inc. were also set up in Panama by Mossack Fonseca in July 2013 through the intermediary services of Maltese Accountants Brian Torma and Karl Cini of firm Nexia BT through the firm BTI Management Limited which forms part of the Nexia BT accountancy firm and on the 22nd July 2015 Konrad Mizzi, UBO of Hearnville Inc. set up a New Zealand trust called Rotorua Trust while Keith Schembri, UBO of Tillgate Inc. set up Haast Trust. Both trusts were set up with Orion. Trust (New Zealand) Limited standing as trustee. This can also be confi,rmed in part from some of the data that you have available in the database in your possession. The original micro jacket number of Egrant Inc is 807956. However as can be seen in the text of the declaration of trust published by Daphne Caruana Galizia, the microjacket number mentio.n ed is 8079565. This number is relevant on its own as it is the distinctive micro-jacket number for Egrant Inc, attributed to it only in 2014 by the Panama Public Registry after certain regulatory changes made by that Office in 2014. The letter S was not originally attributed to the company's micro-jacket number on its incorporation on the 4th July 2013 when Egrant Inc was incorporated. Hence any reference to this number ending with"~" in the database in your possession will give us a clear indication about developments taking place since 2014. 223 . I! 0.,. ·) t) U - ...., """"''"" ] t ,. I I J' 000224 At this stage, in order to try to expedite procedures and to avoid any further complications, as much as possible, we are willing to concentrate our request for co-operation in relation to the following : 5. Individuals: - •Muscat Joseph •Muscat Michelle • Tanti Michelle (Michelle Muscat's maiden surname) •Muscat Etoille Ella (daughter of Joseph Muscat and Michelle Muscat) •Muscat Soleil Sophie (daughter of Joseph Muscat and Michelle Muscat) • Keith Schembri or Keith Allen Schembri •Josette Schembri Vella (wife of Keith Schembri) • Konrad Mizzi • Liang Mizzi Sai (wife of Konrad Mizzi) •John Dalli • Negarin Sadat Sadrhasheminejad or Negarin Sadr or Negarin Sadr Hashemi Nejad •Michelle Buttigieg 6. Companies: • Egrant Inc • Tillgate Inc •Hearnville Inc •Orion Trust (New Zealand) Limited • Haast Trust, New Zealand • Rotorua Trust, New Zealand •SahraFZCO •Al Sahra FZCO • Shams Al Sahra FZCO • Buttardi 7. Numeric Filter 11 • c' 8079565" 224 Kindly note that we supplied all pertinent details available to us in Annex B to the original request. I hope that this satisfies your query and that progress can be registered in this case. Thanks and best regards, Aaron M. Bugeja Magistrate In segwitu ghal din 1-ittra gie maqbul Ii biex ma jkunx hernm aktar dewmien fl-ezekuzzjoni ta' dan il-Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew issir zjara lillProsekutur ta' Wiesbaden. Giet maqbula d-data tat-12 u 13 t' April 2018. Fit-12 t' April 2018 saret laqgha fl-Uffigu tal-B.KA £'Wiesbaden. Prezenti ghal din il-laqgha kien hemm il-Magistrat Inkwirenti flimkien mal-Assistent Kummissarju Ian Joseph Abdilla. Minn naha Germaniza kien hemm il\ ( Prosekutur Tanja Altmann flimkien mad-Dirigent tal-B.KA £'Wiesbaden, nonche 1-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija Frauke Goldschmidt u interpretu millilsien IngliZ ghal dak GermaniZ u vice versa. Hemmhekk wara li saret presentazzjoni dwar il-mod ta' kif kienu hadmu 1-B.KA giet mghoddija extrenal hard disk drive tal-marka WD Elements bis-serial number WXP1A77J4SK4 li fiha kien hemm 1-informazzjoni li 1-B.KA kienu gabru mill- Panama Papers Cache skont il-lista ta' keywords u numerical filters Ii dehru fuq 225 , ;' !1 · ) 'l , Uu v ... "' ·,t •.t '· " ·. / •• lista li qed tigi wkoll annessa flimkien mal-faxxiklu relattiv ghal dan ilMandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew iffirmat minni u minn Tanja Altmann nhar it-12 t' April 2018. Minn naha Maltija tieghi ghaddejt lill-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji u Polizjeski Germani.Zi informazzjoni kunfidenzjali li kont ghadni kif ircevejt nhar 1-10 t' April 2018 u li kellha x'taqsam ma parti mill-Panama Papers Cache li kienet relattiva ghall-informazzjoni mehuda mis-servers ta' Mossack Fonseca fl2017. Irri.Zulta li din 1-informazzjoni kienet diga disponibbli ghall-dawn 1Awtoritajiet li wkoll ziedu ma dak li kienu ppreparaw billi ghaddew ukoll din 1-informazzjoni li kienet disponibbli ghalihom dwarhom. Sussegwentement, din 1-informazzjoni migbura in segwitu ghal dan ilMandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew kienet giet mghoddija lil rapprezentanti ta' ANSEC IA Limited sabiex ikunu jistghu jaghmlu clone ta' din 1informazzjoni biex wara li tigi pprocessata minnhom bhala IT Forensic Experts, wara 1-informazzjoni indexed u £'format li jkun jista' jigi moqri u analizzat tigi mghoddija lil Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics ghallanallii taghhom. Fil-fatt ir-rapprezentanti ta' ANSEC IA Limited Rodger Trotter u Jeffrey Nelson gew Malta u fis-26 t' April 2018 hadu din I-external hard drive biex jaghmlu I-clone taghha. L-gli.ada din giet ritornata lura u issa 226 (\ tinsab parti minn dawn 1-atti flimkien mal-faxxiklu relattiv ghall-Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew de quo. Suggeriment talba estensjoni tal-Mandat t'Investigazzjoni Ewropew mill-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji Germani.Zi - laptops u hard disk drives allegatament ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia Nhar it-18 ta' Mejju 2018 giet rkevuta email minghand il-Prosekutrki Tanja Alhnann li kienet tghid hekk : - 1190 AR 3276118 Sehr geehrter Herr Bugeja, ich bedanke mich zunachst fur Mail vom 09.05.2018. Zwischenzeitlich wurde hier weiteres mutmafSliches Beweismaterial iiber eine Anwaltskanzlei in Frankfurt am Main gewonnen, das fur Sie moglicherweise von Relevanz sein kann. Es handelt sich hierbei um die Arbeitslaptops aus dem Nachlass der ermordeten Frau Daphne Caruana Galizia, die an das BK.A iibergeben und dort sichergestellt worden sind. 227 000228 Unter Bezugnahme auf den beigefilgten Vermerk des Bundeskriminalamts Wiesbadens vom 15.05.2018 rege ich ein erganzendes Ersuchen um Ubergabe von Sicherungskopien der sichergestellten Festplatten an, damit Ihnen eine justizielle Auswertung der vorhandenen Daten errnoglicht wird. Sofern Sie Ihre Europaische Ermittlungsanordnung auf diese Sicherungskopien erweitern, konnen wir uns hinsichtlich der Modalitaten der Dbergabe noch verstandigen. r' '- Mit freundlichen Grii.fSen gez. Altmann Staatsanwfiltin gesendet von: c' Anette Rzymski Amtsinspektorin Staatsanwaltschaft Wiesbaden - Verwaltung Mainzer Str.124, 65189 Wiesbaden 228 000229 UUJ 227 Tel.: + 49 (0) 611 I 3261 6069 Fax:+ 49 (0) 611I3270 61710 1190 AR 3276/18 Dear Mr. Bugeja, I thank you first for your mail from 09 .05.2018. In the meantime, further suspected evidence about a law firm in Frankfurt am Main has been obtained that may be relevant to you. These are the work laptops from the estate of the murdered Mrs. Daphne Caruana Galizia, which were handed over to the BK.A and secured there. "\ With reference to the attached note of the Federal Criminal Investigation Office of Wiesbaden from 15.05.2018 I suggest a supplementary request for the transfer of backup copies of the seized hard disks, so that a judicial evaluation of the existing data is possible. ( If you extend your European Investigation Order to these backup copies, we can still agree on the modalities of the transfer. Best regards signed Altmann public prosecutor 229 =u=~·f·) H <¥ •. ·/ f0 • 1..r v,.., ..-i 000230 sent by: Anette Rzymski Amt~;inspektorin Staatsanwaltschaft Wiesbaden - Verwaltung Mainzer Str. 124, 65189 Wies baden Tel.: + 49 (0) 611 I 3261 6069 Fax:+ 49 (O) 611I3270 61710 From: Sent: 18 May 201811:54 To: Bugeja Aaron at Judiciary Subject: Mutual Assistance Correspondence in the Criminal Matters, EEA of the General Attorney's Office dated 12.01.2018 concerning Panama Papers Attachments: Note BKA v. 15.05.2018.pdf 1190 AR 3276/18 Dear Mr Bugeja, First, I would like to thank you for your Email dated 09.05.2018. In the meantime, here in Frankfurt am Main, further suspected evidence was obtained through a law firm that could possibly be of relevance. 230 000?. 31 ~ It is about the work laptops from the estate of the murdered Ms. Daphne Caruana Galizia, that have been handed over to the BK.A and are secured there. With reference to the attached note of the Federal Criminal Police Office Wiesbaden dated 15.052018, I request an additional request for the transfer of backup copies of the secured hard drives, so that they will provide you a judicial evaluation of the existing data. If you extend your European Investigation Order to the backup copies, we can still agree on the modalities of the transfer. Best Regards signed. Altmann Prosecutor sent from Anette Rzymski Office Inspector Public Prosecutor's Office Wiesbaden Administration Mainzer str 124, 65189 Wiesbaden Tel: +49(0) 611/3261 6069 Fax: +49(0) 611/3270 61710 ( Email Correspondence It is not allowed by the Hessian's Courts and Judicial Authorities to lodge a claim, to appeal or lodge an appeal etc. by email. On the website of the Hessian Ministry of Justice (htq.1 ://justizminis terium.hessen. de/service/ electronischer-rech tsver kehr-0) you can enquire about the electronic exchanges and the possibilities to file electronic documents. In the Ordinary Court proceedings, the online reminder is introduced. Furthermore, please use the letter post or - if permitted - Telefax Federal Criminal Police Office BAO Olet I SO 33 Wiesbaden, 231 9 ;_ .\ i \ . j .1 .·u· VJ~~- 000232 15.05.2018 Tgb.-Nr.: SO-E-008/18 Mutual Assistance correspondence in Criminal Matters with the Republic of Malta European Investigation Order of the " Office of the Attorney General " dated 12.01.2018 in connection with the so-called " Panama Papers", Reference Nr. Public Prosecutor's Office Wiesbaden: 1190 AR 3276/18 NOTE On the 17th KW the Frankfurt's Law Firm Feigen Graf contacted BKA and, on behalf of unspecified clientele announced the short-term handover of two work laptops as well as three hard disks from the estate of Ms. Daphne Caruana Galizia. By appointment, the following laptops and Data carriers were taken over and secured by the BKA on the 27.04.2018: Number Amount Description of the objects Remarks 1 1 Aspire 7530-G-754G32Bn, SN LXARGOX01093403AA82525 (Computer Acer) charging cable both hard drive slots empty; optical drive empty; No further data carriers detected in the BIOS 2 1 Aspire ES-772-7980, SIN NXMVBEK037528108A66600 (Computer Acer,) charging cable drive bay empty; optical drive empty; PC does not boot even if the power supply is connected 3 1 Model: HN-M160MBB, S/N: S2SY J9DB602776, P/N: C7132-G12A-A2LKZ (Hard disk, Samsung) 160 GB 4 1 5 1 Model: HM250HI S/N: SI RUJ90Z607041 P/N: 34972-F121-ACOVY (hard disk, Samsung) 250GB Model: WOSOOOLPVX22VOT, WD5/N: WX11A35D4L44, (hard drive, Western Digital) SOOGB 232 (' 000233 Local IT forensics made the following findings: Asservat 2, the Acer Aspire ES-772-7980 with the serial number NXMVBEK0375281 08A66600, left not "boot" even with connected power supply. Asservat 3, the Samsung hard drive with Model: HN-M160MBB, S/N: S2SY J9DB602776, P/N: C7132-G12A-A2LKZ (Hard disk, Samsung) 160 GB has a physical defect. A total of 8192 bytes are unreadable. Of the Rest of the data on the disk, but could be backed up. Miltenberger, EKHK Din I-email giet imwiegba nhar 1-24 ta' Mejju 2018, 17:26, bis-segwenti:- Dear Ms. Altmann, many thanks for your email the contents of which were noted. I did not reply earlier as I am still making a round of consultations with colleagues involved in the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder inquiry and other investigations as well as with local expert witnesses. I shall be in a position to give you a detailed reply, hopefully, by tomorrow. ( However till then, please note that Maltese Law of Criminal Procedure follows the best evidence rule. Therefore it is of utmost importance that these hard disks and computers remain in possession of the BKA for the time being and that they are not delivered back to the persons who handed them over to the BKA or to other third parties, as this could further prejudice local investigations and inquiries. I shall contact you with a more detailed reply soon. Thanks and best regards, Aaron M. Bugeja Magistrate 233 c UUU23"2 00023~ Minhabba li din 1-informazzjoni, jekk verament kienet korretta, kellha implikazzjonijiet importanti u serji fir-rigward tal-inkjesti 1-ohra pendenti, mhux 1-anqas dwar il-qtil ta' Caruana Galizia innifisha, gie infurmat ukoll id-Deputat Kummissarju tal-Pulizija Silvio Valletta, nonche 1-gja Magistrat Dr. Anthony Vella biha. L-ghada, 1-Mamis, 25 ta' Mejju 2018, 17:55, intbaghtet email lil Prosekutur Tanja Altmann fejn gew mistqarra 1-implikazzjonijiet legali li din il-proposta kellha nonche t-talbiet tal-Awtoritajiet Maltin. Dear Ms. Altmann, I thank you once again for your email of the 18th instant and for sharing this information with me in the course of the European Investigation Order currently in execution. I had to take some time to evaluate the situation not only by reference to the inquiry that I am conducting but also by reference to other investigations that are being carried out by the Malta Police as well as inquiries carried out by other Magistrates on various issues that were also the subject matter of the writings of Ms Caruana Galizia as well as the one inquiring the murder of Ms Caruana Galizia herself. Potentially, the documents in your possession may be relevant not only for my inquiry but also, and if not more so, in relation to other pending inquiries by the other Magistrates. From your last letter I understand that more than six months following the murder of Ms Caruana Galizia, two (empty) laptops and three hard drives 234 c"' (one of which was partially damaged) allegedly belonging to the late Ms Daphne Caruana Galizia, ended up in the hands of a firm of Frankfurt Lawyers (from undisclosed sources) who delivered them to the German Federal Police for a short period of time, in the state and condition described by the German Federal Police in their letter that was copied to us. This current situation described above relating to these laptops and hard drives is particularly serious. Despite various efforts that were made by the Malta Police and the Inquiring Magistrate to trace these laptops and hard disks (which resulted only in dead ends), these laptops and hard disks have been left untraced for more than six months and (as it has been reported) nobody, including family members of Ms. Caruana Galizia, claimed to know anything about their whereabouts. This despite the fact that the data contained in the original working laptops and hard drives of Ms Caruana Galizia could have constituted extremely important evidence in the inquiries conducted by the Maltese Magistrates and the Maltese Police, not least in relation to the murder, in Malta, of Ms. Caruana Galizia. This situation may have already prejudiced the probatory value of these documents as it now presents Maltese Judicial Authorities with a plethora of legal problems in relation to admitting these laptops, hard disks and the data contained therein as evidence in criminal proceedings. ( Maltese Law requires proof of an uninterrupted and untainted chain of custody of documents (including computer hardware, software and digital data). In this particular case this may have already been compromised given that there is a six month vacuum that no one can now credibly account for. It will be very difficult, if at all possible, to prove an uninterrupted and untainted chain of custody. Thesequencing of the chain of evidence was compromised as for six whole months as there was no proper identification and collection, analysis, storage, preservation, transportation and presentation of the same to the Inquiring Magistrate. Maltese Law requires clear evidence to establish who obtained the documents, who secured the documents, as well as where and when these documents were obtained and last but not least who had the effective possession and control of these documents. This is not just a formality. In such a scenario, any Defence lawyer worth his salt can easily shoot down at once these documents during the course of a trial by jury. 235 000236 Secondly, Maltese Law requires Inquiring Magistrates to collect, preserve and present evidence to the Public Prosecutor (Attorney General) in order for him to be able to make a thorough assessment whether, on the basis of legally admissible evidence, he can proceed with the exercise of the criminal action. Inquiring Magistrates are not investigators and they are not prosecutors. Without prejudice to the above, in the circumstances of this case "best evidence" (if they can be considered as such) can only be deemed to be the original laptops and hard disks in your possession, and not merely a "backup copy". Third, Maltese Law requires proof of authenticity of documents (including computer hardware, software and digital data). We must be sure that these laptops, hard disks and data really were Ms Caruana Galizia's. This analysis may still partially be carried out through interviews and also technically by Forensic IT Specialists. However it is imperative for the necessary tests and analysis to be carried out by Forensic IT Specialists on the original documents themselves in order for some degree of success to be registered in this field. Moreover, if, for argument sake, all these legal hurdles are overcome, and these documents or data contained therein or any part thereof satisfy the legal requirements above mentioned, then the original documents themselves will still be needed to form part of the record of the proceedings in order for them to be deemed to be an integral part of a criminal prosecution. You appreciate that this is a very delicate and complex scenario that already presents numerous challenges. But in order to reduce any further prejudice to these various investigations and inquiries, for the reasons abovementioned, we kindly request your Offices to hand over to us the actual original laptops and hard disks in your possession rather than "back up copies". Despite the above caveats relating to the probatory value of these documents, at this stage, we are still interested in obtaining the data contained in these documents, at least to be treated as intelligence in the course of the criminal inquiries. After due ascertainment of the data, we can still try to see whether anything from this data can lead the investigators to ascertain facts or obtain evidence from other legal sources. 236 0U/\0 237 In order to facilitate the best use possible in the circumstances and to expedite the process of analysis of these documents as detailed above, I suggest that the UK Forensic IT Specialists (appointed by me during the course of my inquiry) repair to your Offices in order that, together with your Forensic IT Specialists, they make "clones" of the hard drives in your possession. Thus while we request that the originals will be handed over to us, the BK.A will be in a position to retain one of the clones for safe keeping, while the UK Forensic IT Specialists, on our behalf, will be in a position to take possession of the original documents in order for them to make their analyses and assessments on the original documents themselves. Kindly advise if you are in agreement with the above and when this can take place in order for me to be able to make all the necessary arrangements including with the said UK Forensic IT Specialists. Furthermore, as I have advised you earlier, there are other Magisterial Inquiries underway and that may be interested in information retrieved from the documents in your possession as may be relevant to them, and as subject to the caveats mentioned above. If the original documents are handed over to me in the course of my inquiry, I would like to know whether you would find any objection if I share the data contained in the documents received with the other Magistrates conducting inquiries in relation to and following allegations published by Ms Caruana Galizia as well as the Magistrate conducting the inquiry on the murder of Ms. Caruana Galizia. I thank you for your kind attention to the above and request your expedient reply to the same. Best regards, Aaron M. Bugeja, Magistrate 237 u;~n~-·~ vJ;::Ju 000238 Nhar id-29 ta' Mejju 2018, 15:41 intbaghat reminder sabiex din I-email tigi mwiegba kemm jista' jkun malajr. It-twegiba waslet fl-4 ta' Gunju 2018 fl15:39 fejn gie mistqarr : - Sehr geehrter Herr Bugeja, leider ist es aufgrund der Komplexitat und Schwierigkeit der aufgetauchten rechtlichen Probleme nicht moglich, Thnen auf Ihre E-Mail vom 25.05.2018 sehr zeitnah eine Antwort zukommen zu lassen, da hier zunachst eine Priifung stattfinden muss, welche Beweismittel und in welchem Umfang Thnen diese im Rahmen eines Rechtshilfeverfahrens iiberlassen werden konnen. Ihr gro.15es Interesse an einer zeitnahen Erledigung ist mir natiirlich bewusst und die Bedeutung der Beweismittel die maltesischen Behorden ebenso, nichtsdestotrotz miissen hier die rechtlichen Grundlagen Ihr Ansinnen nach Aushandigung der Originale gepriift werden, das so ohne weiteres nicht erfi.illt werden kann. Da wir aber jede Moglichkeit, die maltesischen Behorden in den dortigen Ermittlungen zu linterstiitzen, nutzen wollen, versuche ich nun, diesen unterschiedlichen Interessen im Rahmen des rechtlich Moglichen gerecht zu werden. Sobald wie moglich werde ich wieder auf Sie zukommen und Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise unterbreiten. Mit freundlichen Grii.15en Tanja Altmann (Staatsanwal tin) 238 000239 From: Sent: 04 June 2018 15:39 To: Bugeja Aaron at Judiciary Subject: AW: Mutual assistance in Criminal Matters; EEA of the General Attorney's Office dated 12.01.2018 concerning Panama Papers Dear Mr Bugeja, Due to the complexity and difficulty of the arisen legal problems, unfortunately it is not possible to send you a very prompt reply to your Email dated 25.05.2018. For, an examination must first take place over here, on which evidence and to what extent this can be provided to you within the framework of a mutual assistance. Of course, I am aware of your great interest in a prompt conclusion and even the importance of evidence for the Maltese Authorities, nevertheless the legal bases for your request after the handing over of the originals must be examined here, that cannot be fulfilled so easily. ( Since we want to use every possibility, to support the Maltese Authorities in the local investigations, I now try to satisfy these different interests to the extent of legally possible. I will get back to you as soon as possible and I will submit you the further procedure. Best Regards Tanja Altmann (Prosecutor) Fis-6 ta' Gunju 2018 fil-10:55 din I-email giet imwiegba hekk: - 239 000240 Dear Ms Altmann, many thanks for your reply. I appreciate that you have noted the seriousness of the situation we have been facing all along and the delicate and urgent nature of the matters at hand. I explained to you in detail the reasons why the Maltese Magistrates and Police require the original documents. But I also understand that this may require more time for you to process this request. At this stage, time is completely against the Maltese inquiries. While retaining firm our request for the original documents, and our preliminary position in relation to the probatory value of the equipment and data in possession of the BKA, but in order to try to save some time and at least get to know what information there might be on these hard drives that could, after due authentication procedures and assessment possibly serve as information of interest to the Maltese inquiries, please advise whether at this stage you can deliver to us clones of the hard drives in possession of the BK.A. If you agree with this proposal, we would be in a position to see whether and to what extent data on the hard drives, (always subject to the caveats mentioned in my email of the 25th May), might be of interest to the different Maltese inquiries and which aspects each and every one of them might be interested to follow up in more detail possibly from separate sources that could lead to evidence in criminal inquiries. This present request is therefore being made : (a) without renouncing to the first request made on the 24th and 25th May 2018 for the original items of equipment and digital data in possession of the BKA and subject to the various caveats mentioned therein; and (b) to be treated with extreme urgency due to the short time frames involved, especially in order to secure and obtain data and information 240 000241 from other sources that might be subject to strict retention periods etc etc. I have also conferred with my colleague conducting the inquiry in relation to the murder of Ms. Caruana Galizia and he confirmed to me that in his case time is also of the essence. If you agree with this latest request, then please advise me in order to make the necessary arrangements with the inquiry's Forensic IT experts to obtain these clones as soon as possible. I await your esteemed reply. Best regards, Aaron M. Bugeja, Magistrate. Fis-7 ta' Gunju £'11:41 Altmann regghet wiegbet bis-segwenti mod: - Sehr geehrter Herr Bugeja, ( vielen Dank fur Thre E-Mails vom 06.06.2018. Im Hinblick auf die komplizierte Rechtslage mochte ich Thnen vorweg zunachst die hier bestehende Problematik in Bezug auf die beim BKA befindlichen Laptops aus dem N achlass von Frau Daphne Caruana Galizia darlegen: Die Laptops befinden sich aufgrund einer freiwilligen Dbergabe beirn Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden und sind nicht Gegenstand eines deutschen Ermittlungsverfahrens. Die hiesige Staatsanwaltschaft hat keine rechtliche 241 U·,~n"'""9 ~J~J·· Grundlage filr eine Beschlagnahrne dieser Laptops als Beweismittel, so dass die hiesige Behorde auch nicht frei dariiber verfiigen kann, da nach wie vor Rechte der Eigentiimer der Laptops bestehen. Solange in Deutschland kein Ermittlungsverfahren gefilhrt wird, im Rahmen \·(I. / - ,-_,!-"-~1 - : ,.,....,,,....,. ., . .'""'i-. . . . . . ii v'..!u;v-:s. A. 000243 Bundeskriminalarnt eine Recherche auf den Laptops durchfuhren kann. Sofern relevante Daten fur die rnaltesischen Errnittlungsverfahren gefunden werden, konnten Ihnen diese wiederurn in Form eines Datentragers i.ibergeben werden. Ich bitte urn Verstandnis, dass eine andere Vorgehensweise hier aufgrund der oben geschilderten Sach- und Rechtslage leider nicht in Betracht kornrnt. Nach Eingang Threr weiteren EEA werde ich hier einen neuen Rechtshilfevorgang einleiten. Mit freundlichen Griillen Tanja Altmann (Staatsanwaltin) From: Rechtshille@sta-, Sent: 07 June 2018 11:40 To: Bugeja Aaron at Judiciary Subject: 1190 AR 3276/18 Dear Mr Bugeja, Thank you very much for your Email dated 06.06.2018. With regard to the complicated legal situation, initially I would like to present beforehand the existing problem in relation to the laptops from the estate of Ms. Daphne Caruana Galizia located at the BKA: The laptops are situated at the Federal Criminal Police Office Wiesbaden on the basis of a voluntary transfer and are not subject of a German Investigation procedure. The local prosecution has no legal basis for a 243 f seizure of these laptops as evidence, therefore the local authority cannot freely dispose of them, as there are still rights of the owners of the laptops. As long as in Germany no investigation procedure is carried out, under which these laptops are seized, we have no authority over these laptops. It is for this reason that no transfer of laptops or hard drives is considered. Since the prosecution Wiesbaden is only involved on the grounds of the EEA of the Maltese Authorities in relation to the Panama Papers, my power cannot even go beyond. As already stated in the former email correspondence, the prosecution Wiesbaden can therefore only make them available on the grounds of a renewed rogatory letter in form of an EEA evidence, that are located in local competence. As well as in your EEA regarding the evaluation of the Panama Papers for the investigation procedures led by you, by providing precise search criteria, I request you to send us another EEA, that allows you a research in the database of the laptops by specifying the exact keywords. In this respect it must also be stated, whether and to what context the Data should be researched, that means which concrete criminal fact gives you reason for the requested researches. Here it would be distinguished between the investigation procedures led by you (Komplex Egrant I Muscat and others) and that of another investigation procedures in connection with the homicide to the detriment of Galizia, proceeded by another Magistrate. Therefore, as it happened in the past, a list with keywords or search words would make sense so that the Federal Criminal Police Office can perform a research on the laptops. If relevant Data are found for the Maltese Investigation procedures, these could be handed over again to you in form of a Data carrier. Please understand that, another procedure here cannot be taken into consideration due to the above depicted legal and factual situation. Upon receipt of another EEA, I will initiate a new legal assistance process. Best Regards Tanja Altmann 244 ----~ (_. 000245 (Prosecutor) Email Correspondence It is not allowed by the Hessian's Courts and Judicial Authorities to lodge a claim, to appeal or lodge an appeal etc. by email. On the website of the Hessian Ministry of Justice ( elech·onischer-rech tsver kehr-0) you can enquire about the electronic exchanges and the possibilities to file electronic documents. In the Ordinary Court proceedings, the online reminder is introduced. Furthermore, please use the letter post or - if permitted - Telefax ( Din I-email kienet turi li s-sitwazzjoni kienet inbidlet mill-proposta originali maghmula. Ghalhekk 1-ghada, 8 ta' Gunju 2018 intbaghtet email ohra fejn gie spjegat lilha 1-posizzjoni minn naha Maltija: - Dear Ms. Altmann, ( Kindly note that this morning I held a meeting with my other colleagues engaged on various inquiries relating to matters emerging from the Panama Papers revelations on which Ms Caruana Galizia wrote about or was involved, including the Magistrate holding the inquiry into the murder of Ms Caruana Galizia herself, Magistrate Dr. Anthony Vella. Please note that I am taking the freedom to pass on to Dr. Vella the correspondence exchanged so far, given the relevance of this subject to his inquiry, and for him to follow up the matter. I thank you for your latest reply and proposal, the contents of which were noted. I also noted the difference from the original proposal made on the 18th May 2018. 245 000246 From a Maltese Legal perspective, the position in relation to the equipment in possession of the BKA (if really belonging to Ms Caruana Galizia, a Maltese, murdered in Malta) is radically different from that obtaining in relation to the Panama Papers Cache that eventually came in possession of the BKA. It is not possible to put them on the same level and therefore adopt the same modus operandi in relation to the searches to be carried out and in relation to the analysis that will have to be made. Unlike the Panama Papers Cache, Malta has full jurisdiction to investigate the murder of Ms Caruana Galizia, a Maltese, brutally killed in Malta. The Maltese Judicial and Police Authorities had jurisdiction and legal basis to obtain and investigate her personal belongings and work equipment that could provide information and possibly leads as to who could have commissioned her killing. I presume that the position would be similar at German Law too. As I explained to you already in my email of the 25th May 2018, efforts in this sense were carried out but this equipment was not found and it was not handed over to the competent Maltese Judicial or Police Authorities involved. I presume that in a case falling within their jurisdiction German Prosecutors would also require these original documents in order to be able to investigate a murder case. ( You confirm that there is no investigation in Germany that could justify the local German Prosecutor to retain and hold on to the laptops as evidence; and that the local German Judicial Authority cannot freely dispose of them due to laptop owners' rights, and hence the reason why it is not possible for your Offices to deliver the original equipment to the Maltese Authorities. ( I do sincerely appreciate the difficulties that your Office was led into. But with due respect, your latest reply and proposal are particularly serious and disconcerting since they confront Maltese Judicial Authorities with implications that go well beyond the legal or procedural. In my email of the 25th May 2018 I have already explained to you the various legal and procedural reasons why the Maltese Authorities require the original devices and data detailing why this is not just a formality but an essential requirement. 246 Following your reply of the 4t11 June 2018, I understood that you had to follow certain procedures in order to process my request for the delivery of the original devices and data. In my email of the 61h instant, while I retained my original request firm and valid, I felt that it could have been easier for your Office to consider handing over to me "clones" of the hard drives in your possession, pending the determination of my request for the original devices and data. Your latest reply and proposal seems to close the door on this request on the grounds of lack of investigative and jurisdictional basis on the one hand and the rights of the owners of these devices and data (who submitted them on a voluntary basis). But with all due respect, the lack of jurisdictional basis and investigative grounds existed already on the 27th April 2018 when the devices and the data were delivered, and accepted by the German Police, and on the 18th May 2018 when I was first contacted on this matter. I now find it difficult to see how it could have been possible for them to establish legal basis in order : (a) for these IT devices and data to be received and kept by them; (b) for the hardware, software and the data contained therein to be inspected and analysed by local IT Specialists; and now (c) for searches to be made from data contained in these devices when there were no jurisdictional grounds or current investigative procedures in Germany that could justify the action being taken in relation to these devices and data. Please do not get me wrong, as I understand the absurd situation you have been placed in; and I do appreciate that your proposal was meant to be practical. But on the other hand please do realise that I have certain legal constraints and procedural safeguards that I cannot ignore. Accepting your latest proposal would, for all legal intents and purposes mean that the Maltese Magistrates (who are the competent Judicial Authorities having jurisdiction to investigate the murder of Ms Caruana Galizia and other crimes): 247 000248 ·u,·~i·' -11z· ,'fJJ.:.. 0 1. will be deprived of their duty and power to receive the original devices and data for their independent verification, ascertainment, authentication, assessment and analysis despite being independent and impartial European Union Judicial Authorities enjoying jurisdiction and legal basis for these devices and data; 2. despite being competent to investigate fully and independently, they are being obliged to rely on the ascertainment, authentication, assessment and analysis processes by the Agents of another State who does not have jurisdiction neither on the subject matter being investigated nor on the devices and data themselves; 3. instead they are being requested to submit a list of specific keywords and queries in their inquiries to be first assessed by the Authorities of this other State; and 4. submit themselves and their queries to searches made by the Authorities of this other State from documents and data that the competent Judicial Authorities would not have had the possibility to verify, authenticate, assess and ascertain independently in the first place. You will understand that under these circumstances I am forced to decline your latest proposal and feel duty bound to request your Office to reconsider its position mentioned in your letter of the 7th instant. I have to reiterate my requests made on the 25th May 2018 and subsequently on the 61h June 2018. While thanking you for your kind attention, I remain, Respectfully Yours, Aaron M. Bugeja, Magistrate Din I-email giet imwiegba permezz ta' email ohra datata 22 ta' Gunju 2018 taht il-firma ta' Anette Rzymski li pero kienet tikkontjeni u taghmel riferenza 248 UUU249_ . .. -;-,-b-'T Ji:·;""'.";•t.71 ~ ¥~:> ghal ittra datata 21 ta' Gunju 2018 iffirmata minn Dr. Thoma Ii kienet taqra bil-mod segwenti : - Sehr Geehrter Herr Bugeja, iche nehme bezug auf den bisher zwischen ihnen und frau altmann gefuhrten emailverkehr und das hier unter dem o. a. aktenzeichen anhangige rechtshilfeverfahren aufgrund der EEA der maltesischen behorden vom 12.01.2018 im zusammenhang mit den sog. panama papers. frau altmann hat mir den vorgang vorgelegt im Hinblick auf die noch ungeklarte weitere vorgehensweise in Bezug auf die beim BK.A befindlichen laptops aus dem nachlass der emordeten journalistin DCC. wie ihnen bereits mite-mail vom 16.05.2018 und 07.06.2018 mitgeteilt, sind strafpozessuale massnahmen im Hinblick auf die ubergebenen laptops von hiesiger Seite aus bei der bestehenden Rechtslage nicht moglich. eine ubergabe der laptops wurde daher bislang zu Recht abgelehnt. auch ich rege an, eine neue eea einzureichen, aus der Anlass und Hintergrund eines strafrechtlich relevanten Sachverhalts, der zugrunde liegende Tatvorwurf und die erbetenen Rechtshilfehandlungen hervorgehen. Gegebenenfals kame auch eine Erganzung der EEA vom 12.01.2018 in betracht. N ach Eingang der EEA wird hier uber eine Umsetzung der erbetenen massnahmen auf der grundlage der deutschen Strafprozessordnung zeitnah entsschieden werden. inhaltlich wurden ihnen mit e-mail vom 07.06.2018 bereits denkbare massnahmen un terbreitet. 249 O-G G2J8 000250 selbstverstandlich ist es uns, wie in der Vergangenheit auch bereits im Zusammenhang mit den Panama Papers erfolgreich geschehen, ein Anliegen, erbetene Rechtshilfehandlungen vorzunehmen, dies kann allerdings nur unter Beachtung der hiesigen rechtslage geschehen. Wir seher daher dem eingang einer weiteren EEA der maltesischen Behorden entegen. Mit freundlichen Grossen Dr. Thoma. Public Prosecutor Wiesbaden Senior Public Prosecutor Postal Address: Staatsanwalt, Postfach 5569, 650 Reference: 1190 AR3276/18 Mr Aaron M. Bugeja Editor: Altmann, Public Prosecutor Phone Ext: 616016 Fax:7061710 Email: Date: 21.06.2018 By email: Mutual assistance correspondence in criminal matters with the Republic of Malta. European investigation order dated 12.01.2018 in connection with the so-called Panama Papers. Dear Mr Bugeja, 250 I refer to the previous email correspondence between you and public prosecutor Ms. Altmann and the pending legal assistance proceedings, under the above stated reference, due to the EEAof the Maltese Authorities dated 12.01.2018 in connection with the so-called Panama Papers. In view of the laptops from the estate of the murdered journalist Oaphne Caruana Galizia, located at the Federal Criminal Police office, public prosecutor Ms. Altmann submitted me the file with regard to the still unclarified procedure. As already communicated to you by email dated 16.05.2018 and 07.06.2018, with regard to the handed-over laptops, criminal procedure measures in the existing legal situation are not possible from the local side. Therefore, a handing-over of the laptops was rightly rejected. I also suggest you to submit a new EEA based upon the reason and background of a criminally relevant fact, the underlying criminal charge and the requested legal assistance. If necessary, a supplement of the EEAfrom 12.01.2018 would also be considered. Upon receipt of the EEA, decisions will be taken on a promptly implementation of the requested measures on the basis of the German criminal procedure code. In view of content, possible measures were already submitted to you by email dated 07.06.2018. Of course, as it has already happened in the past, it is a matter for us of requesting successfully legal assistance in connection with the Panama Papers. However, this can only be done in compliance with the local legal situation. Therefore, we look forward to the receipt of another EEAof the Maltese Authorities. Best Regards, Dr. Thoma 251 000252 Dakinhar stess intbaghatet email lil Anette Rzymski fejn giet infurmata bissegwenti: Dear Madam, Many thanks for your e-mail the contents of which were noted. I shall assess the matter and revert back shortly. Best regards, Aaron M. Bugeja Magistrate Sadattant intbaghtet email fit-22 ta' Gunju 2018 fil-11:34 lil Magistrati li kienu qeghdin jikkondueu inkjesti li setghu kellhom interess £'din il-vertenza u tjoe 1-Magistrati Dr. Anthony Vella, Dr. Josette Demicoli, Dr. Natasha Galea Sciberras u Dr. Monica Vella fejn dawn gew infurmati b' din I-email li kienet mibghuta minn Dr. Thoma u fejn gew infurmati bis-segwenti: Gentilment nitlobkom sabiex tanalizzaw din 1-ittra u tghiduli ftit x'tahsbu. Din 1-ittra hija kwai:i replika ta' dak li kienet kitbet qablu 1-Prosekurtio Altmann. Ma jiena nara xejn gdid ghajr hlief li Dr. Thoma qieghed jikkonferma li posizzjoni li kienu diga hadu li t-trasferiment ta' dawn il-laptops u hard drives gie "rightly rejected so far''. LAwtoritajiet Germanii:i qeghdin jghidu li qeghdin ii:ommuhom f'idejhom in konnessjoni mal-"Panama Papers" investigation li hurna ghandhom miftuha. Nifhem li dan huwa minhabba li ma ghandhomx gurisdizzjoni fuq 1-omiodju ta' Caruana Galizia. Dr. Thoma jikkonferma li ma ghandhomx bai:i legali u penali biex ikunu jistghu jitrasferixxu dawn idder.iices originali lill-Awtoritajiet Maltin. Il-kwistjoni li nitlobkom tahsbu fuqha hija jekk ghandhiex issir talba ad hoc permezz ta' EIO ghal dawn il-laptaps u I-hard drives u f'kai: poi:ittiv minn min fostna. Hurna jidhru li lesti jaghtu 1-kontenut ta' dak li ghandhom skont 1-ittra tal-Prosekutrio Altmann tas-7 ta' Gunju 2018 - jigifieri billi jaghmlu s-searches hurna minn fuq dawn id-devices. Il-Prosekutrio 252 Altmann fl-email tas-7 ta' Gunju 2018 (u Ii ghaliha jaghrnel riferenza Dr. Thoma fl-email tieghu) tghid hekk: As with your EEA ·with regard to the evaluation of the Panama Papers for the preliminary investigation conducted by you by specifying exact search criteria, I also suggest that you send another EEA, which allows sufficiently precise research into the database of laptops by specifying exact keywords. In that regard, it should also be stated whether and in what context the data should be searched, ie. H. which concrete criminal facts give you cause for the requested searches. Here it would be necessary to differentiate between the preliminary investigation you are conducting (complex Egrant I Muscat and others) and the further investigation by another magistrate in relation to the homicide to the detriment of Galizia. It would therefore make sense as well as in the past done a list of keywords or keywords, due to which the Federal Criminal Police Office can carry out a search on the laptops. If relevant data for the Maltese investigation are found, they could be handed over to you again in the form of a data medium. I ask for your understanding that a different approach is unfortunately not possible here due to the factual and legal situation described above. Il-posizzjoni tieghi dwar dan diga gharniltha eara inklUZ. dwar il-htiega tad-devices originali Ii giet diga spjegajta lill-ProsekutriC:i Altmann fil-korrispondenza dettaljata precedenti tieghi Id-deC:ii:joni Ii trid tittiehed hija jekk in-natura tal-koperazzjoni li qeghdin joffru 1Awtoritajiet Gerrnani.Zi -hix legalrnent konforrni mal-Ligi procedurali Maltija o meno. Jekk intom lesti li taccettaw il-proposti li qeghdin isiru rnill-Awtoritajiet Gudizzjarji Gennani.Zi allura tistghu taghrnlulhom talba perrnezz ta' EIO skont dak li huma lesti li jaghtu hurna skont dak li qed jghidu tipperrnettilhom il-Ligi taghhom. Dan ifisser li jaghrnlu s-searches hurna fuq materjal Ii 1-Awtoritajiet Maltin kellhom gurisdizzjoni fuqu. Ghalkernm tista' tkun soluzzjoni "prattika" nitlobkom tahsbu wkoll fuq ii-precedent perikolUZ. Ii din ilprattika u prattiata' tista' tohloq. Ma nahsibx Ii ghandi ghalfejn noqghod nelabora f' din 1ittra. Zewg prosekuturi differenti diga qaluli ear li mhux ser jibghatu I-original ghax din it-talba giet "rightly rejected so far". Ladarba anke Dr. Thoma eskluda li jibghatu d-dokurnenti originali ghax ma ghandhornx bai:i legali, allura jekk isir EIO b'talba biex jibghatu dawn 1originali ghandi nifhem li (1) dan jigi mifhurn bhala affront lejhom u (2) probabbli jkun hela ta' hin ghax jekk ma ghandhomx bai:i legali biex jibghatuhom, probabbilrnent mhux ser jibdlu 1-idea bl-EIO b'talba ghall-original. Naturalrnent xejn ma ji:.ornm lil min fostkom ihoss Ii ghandu jaghrnel dan milli jaghrnlu. Biss nahseb Ii jkun aktar ghaqli Ii jkun hemm posizzjoni ko-ordinata bejn il-Magistrati Inkwirenti f' dawn il-kazijiet. 253 000254 Nitlobkom tgharfuni kemm jista' jkun malajr bil-hsibijiet taghkom u nfakkarkom Ii din ilkorrispondenza tifforma parti mill-atti tal-inkjesta. Aaron M. Bugeja Fil-frattemp, nhar il-25 ta' Gunju 2018 Dr. Anthony Vella gie elevat ghal Imhallef. L-inkjesta giet riassenjata lil Magistrat Dr. Neville Camilleri. Nhar il-11 ta' Lulju 2018 saret laqgha ohra bejn il-Magistrati Dr. Neville Camilleri, Dr. Josette Demicoli, Dr. Natasha Galea Sciberras, Dr. Monica Vella u 1Magistrat Inkwirenti fejn Dr. Demicoli u Galea Sciberras stqarrew li minn naha taghhom ma kellhomx htiega ta' dawn id-devices. Dr. Monica Vella stqarret li kienet ser tikkonsidra toroq alternattivi. Dr. Neville Camilleri kien jehtieg aktar zmien sabiex ikun jista' jiehu konji.ZZjoni tal-atti tal-inkjesta riassenjata lilu. Gie maqbul Ii 1-Magistrat Inkwirenti jaghmel kuntatt blemail ma Dr. Thoma biex jispjegalu li kien ser ikun hemm posizzjoni minn naha Maltija fi zmien qasir. Nhar it-12 ta' Lulju 2018 il-Magistrat Inkwirenti baghat e-mail lil Dr. Thoma li kienet taqra hekk : - Dear Dr. Thoma, I excuse myself for not writing earlier. 254 t 0(\ 0') . . !).... H u ""i ;.wtJ f~ , ~ : ~ ; However the Magistrate conducting the inquiry into Daphne Caruana Galizia' s murder, Dr. Anthony Vella, has since our last communication been promoted to judge of the superior courts on the 25th June 2018 and another Magistrate, Dr. Neville Camilleri was re-assigned with his inquiry. You will appreciate that this is a delicate inquiry that needs careful study, and Dr. Camilleri needs more time to be able to make his thorough assessment of the situation. ( Kindly note that your proposals need to be assessed by Magistrate Camilleri too. He has been fully briefed with the past correspondence that was exchanged between me and Ms. Tanja Altmann, as well as with your goodself. Dr. Camilleri is also being copied with this email. In the circumstances, I kindly request you to continue this correspondence with Dr. Neville Camilleri directly. While thanking you for your kind attention to the above, I remain, Yours truly Aaron M. Bugeja, Magistrate E. Talba ghall-informazzjoni minghand Awtoritajiet mill-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika Mix-xiehda migbura fil-bidu ta' din 1-inkjesta irriZulta li 1-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus kienu bdew juzaw ukoll il-programm Sharepoint u Microsoft Office 365 wara li kienu sehhew 1-allegazzjonijiet imsemmija minn Daphne Caruana Galizia u dan peress li fiZ-zminijiet ta' meta allegatament kienu saru t255 " ·') ' J .cJ V'.J;J;y .,, 000256 transazzjonijiet finanzjarji msemmija minn Caruana Galizia fl-artikli taghha 1-implimentazzjoni ta' dawn is-sistemi kienet ghadha fi stadju sperimentaliskont kif irrizulta kemm mix-xiehda ta' Louis Zammit, kif ukoll minn dik ta' Maria Efimova innifisha. Certa informazzjoni kienet mahZuna fuq is-servers u I-computers, 6 bhala miZura ta' prekawzjoni, kont tajt struzzjonijiet lil Dr. Godwin Caruana u lillIspettur Timothy Zammit sabiex jaghmlu kuntatt, tramite 1-kanali uffigali tramite I-US Department of Justice u b'mod partikolari t-24/7 Point-of Contact for Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence. Kif wiehed jista' jara mir-rapport talIspettur Timothy Zammit anness ma dan il-Proces Verbal, kienet saret 1-ewwel komunikazzjoni mal-US Department of Justice nhar it-3 ta' Mejju 2017 u dan wara li kien 1-ewwel sar kuntatt telefoniku ghal dan il-ghan. It talba kienet is-segwenti : - 1) Preservation of subscriber data for "Sharepoint" System and "E-mail services" provided by Microsoft Corporation to PILATUS BANK of Whitehall Mansions, Level 2, Ta' Xbiex Wharf, Ta' Xbiex XBX1026, Malta. According to the information available at present, these services are associated with internet domains '' AND ''. 2) Preservation of positive and negative access logs for "Sharepoint" System and "Email services" provided by Microsoft Corporation to PILATUS BANK of Whitehall Mansions, Level 2, Ta' Xbiex Wharf, Ta' Xbiex XBX1026, Malta. According to the Dwar il-proc':ess ta' prekwisizzjoni u tehld ta' hardware u software minghand il-Bank Pilatus ara rrelazzjonijiet ta' Dr. Godwin Caruana u 1-Ispettur Timothy Zammit annessi ma' dan il-Proces Verbal. 6 256 ( 000?....nJ~ 7 ;. U;. ;-. d ',• J-~ ~~ 17 ~ information available at present, these services are associated with internet domains '' AND ''. 3) Preservation of content stored within the "Sharepoint" System provided by Microsoft Corporation to PILATUS BANK of Whitehall Mansions, Level 2, Ta' Xbiex Wharf, Ta' Xbiex XBX1026, Malta. According to the information available at present, this service is associated with internet domains '' AND ''. ( ./ 4) Preservation of content stored within the mailboxes being provided through "Email Services" provided by Microsoft Corporation to PILATUS BANK of Whitehall Mansions, Level 2, Ta' Xbiex Wharf, Ta' Xbiex XBX1026, Malta. According to the information available at present, this service is associated with internet domains '' AND ''. 5) Confirmation of the exact wording to be included in the Mutual Legal Assistance Request being drawn up by the Maltese authorities in relation to the Subscriber, Traffic and Content Data being requested from Microsoft Corporation as per the above. We would be grateful if any templates available to request the abovementioned information be made available to the Maltese Authorities to facilitate the drawing up of the necessary MLA Requests. Dawn 1-Awtoritajiet kienu kkonfermaw li rcevew 1-informazzjoni u kienu ghamlu wkoll preservation request lil Microsoft Corporation (USA). IZda fit8 ta Gunju 2017, dawn 1-Awtoritajiet wiegbu li to ensure this request is fulfilled ~ in a timely manner and consistent with any rights or privileges applicable to the data, please direct your request for any Enterprise accounts to the customer. Minn naha taghha Microsoft Corporation (USA), tramite 1-US Department of Justice, ikkonfermat li any customer that users our enterprise cloud service has access to, and control over, its own data. 257 t' .\ <>J-,...,;· J' 000258 Kien hemm ukoll tentattiv biex isir kuntatt mad-Department of Justice Amerikan tramite s-servizzi taI-Avukat Generali :iZda t-twegiba kienet simili ghaI dik diga moghtija Iill-Ispettur Timothy Zammit. 4. L-operat ta' Forensic Accountants u esperti tekniCi ohra. Biex din I-inkjesta setgha jkoilha ezitu, kien mehtieg Ii jigu mahtura diversi ( / esperti. F' dan il-ka:Z, gew magnzuia esperti tekniCi barranin (ghajr hlief liI Dr. Godwin Caruana, u dan minli.abba Ii ma kienx possibbli Ii I-gbir taIinformazzjoni digitali ddum tistenna I-wasia ta' esperti barranin Ii kienet tiehu hafna zmien minli.abba ragunijiet IogistiCi) u dan sabiex, f'inkjesta dwar allegazzjonijiet b'toni politki qawwija bhaI din, jigu evitati r-riskju ta' kunflitti t'interess jew bias politiku. L-aspetti teknki kienu jvarjaw minn dawk informatici, ghaI dawk ta' kontabbilta, minn dawk t'anali.Zi forensika, ghaI dik t' anali.Zi ta' firem fuq dokumenti, minn anaI:iZi ta' software bankarju ghaI anaiiZi Iegali skont il-Ligi taI-Panama. Dawn ir-reiazzjonijiet tekniCi jghaqdu I-istampa kollha, jaghtu aktar informazzjoni Ii fuqha jkunu jistghu isiru kunsiderazzjonijiet u jsahhu dak Ii gie miksub bix-xiehda tax-xhieda okuiari. F' dan iI-kaz I-informazzjoni digitali koilha reiattiva (inkIU.Z I-e-mails) gew mehuda ghall-anali.Zi taI- 258 ~ Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics 7 filwaqt li d-dokumenti stampati gew mghoddija ghall-analiZi tal-Forensic Accountant Miroslava Milenovic. Iziewgt timijiet ta' Forensic Accountants, li ma humiex relatati ma xulxin, inghatatilhom il-fakulta li jikkomunikaw ma xulxin u jiskambjaw informazzjoni liberament sabiex ikunu jistghu ukoll jikkordinaw xogholhom ahjar. ) ( Fir-rigward tal-Bank Pilatus 1-anallii tal-Forensic Accountants saret b' enfazi fuq it-transazzjonijiet li effettivament gew effettwati mill-Bank Pilatus sa' mill-ewwel jum li beda jopera bhala Bank u Cjoe mill-ewwel transazzjoni ilquddiem sal-jum meta inbdiet 1-inkjesta. L-enfazi kienet fuq it- transazzjonijiet bankarji infushom ghaliex dawn jikkostitwixxu 1-aqwa prova jekk pagament ikunx veru gie ordnat, awtorizzat u mwettaq. Jekk pagament jew trasferiment jigi ordnat u ma jsirx ma jkunx hemm trapass ta' flus. U ghalhekk kwalunkwe dokument iehor ma jkollux dik is-sahha ta' prova daqskemm ikollha d-dokumentazzjoni li turi t-transazzjoni innifisha. Jekk it-transazzjoni ma tkunx saret jew ma tkunx giet awtorizzata ma jkunx hemm pagament jew trasferiment ta' flus. Transazzjonijiet bankarji approvati u mwetqa jridu jhallu xi forma ta' tracca digitali u/jew stampata. Fil-fatt fil-mument meta dan il-Proces Verbal kien qiegned jigi redatt 1-isem korrett tad-ditta Mir-Renju Unit li kienet nominata bnala Forensic Accountant kie jisi.mha Harbinson Forensics. Biss matul din 1-inkjesta hemm riferenzi gnaliha wkoll bnala Harbinson Mulholland. Id-ditta Harbinson Mulholland hija ditta ta' accountants u awdituri fl-Irlanda ta' Fuq u li Harbinson Forensics kienet parti minnha. Gnall-fini ta' din 1inkjesta kull riferenza li tinstab li ssir ghal Harbinson Mulholland gnandha titqies li hija riferenza gnal Harbinson Forensics. 7 259 000260 Din 1-inkjesta iffukat b'mod partikolari fuq dan 1-aspett, tenut kont tasserjeta tal-allegazzjonijiet maghmula minn Daphne Caruana Galizia flartiklu tagliha. 260 11-Kriterja Ii fuqhom issawwar ii-process ta' gbir u 1-preservazzj oni Din hija inkjesta Magisterjali immexxija mil-Ligi Kriminali, Kostituzzjonali ( u Konvenzjonali. Ghalhekk, kif dejjem jigri £'dawn il-kazijiet, ried jigi assigurat Ii 1-miZuri li kienu ser jittiehdu fil-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta, inkluz ordnijiet restrittivi jew ta' koerC:itivi, u kull interferenza ohra fl-operat jew fil-hajja tal-persuni u 1-operaturi kollha involuti : (1) jkunu proporzjonati mal-ghan legittimu li 1-inkjesta riedet tilhaq; (2) jkunu mehtiega ghall-gbir t'informazzjoni u evidenza legalment ammissibbli; u (3) jkunu maghmula b'mod adegwat fir-rigward tal-informazzjoni li tingabar, tal-mod kif tingabar, minn fejn tingabar u I-mod ta' kif tigi priZervata u miZmuma. F' dan il-kaz 1-informazzjoni kollha Ii kellha tigi migbura kienet ghal raguni jew ghal ohra, sensittiva, jew ta' natura kummercjali jew b'xi mod iehor kunfidenzjali hafna. Bhala ezempju konkret, fl-istadju inizjali tal-inkjesta, Nexia BT, il-Bank Pilatus u d-dirigenti u impjegati taghhom kienu meqjusa 261 000262 bhaia persuni Ii setghu kienu infurmati fuq il-fatti Ii setghu jirri.Zultaw millanali.Zi taI-allegazzjonijiet. Ma kienx ghad hemm I-estremi Iegali biex £' dak I-istadju I-operazzjonijiet ta' dawn i.Z-zewgt operaturi jigu mraznin jew mwaqfin u dan ghax I-allegazzjonijiet serjissimi Ii kienu qeghdin isiru riedu qabeI xejn jigu verifikati gudizjaiment - haga Ii sa dak il-punt kienet ghadha ma saretx. Biex din il-verifika setghet issir, riedet tittiehed informazzjoni minghandhom kemm jista' jkun maiajr; i.Zda milI-banda I-ohra kemm jista' jkun minghajr hsara ghall-jeddijiet taghhom, taI-persuni invoiuti u ta' terzi persuni mhux reiatati maI-meritu taI-inkjesta - u dan biex jitnaqqas ir-riskju Ii I-Istat Maiti jkun passibbli ghall-ksur tad-drittijiet taI-partijiet invoiuti. L-informazzjoni Ii I-persuni koilha invoiuti f'din I-inkjesta (il-gurnaiista Caruana Galizia, il-PEP imsemmija minnha, id-dirigenti u I-impjegati taIBank Pilatus kif ukoll tad-Ditta Nexia BT u Ii setgha keilhom fiI-pussess taghhom, inkiuz ii-hardware, software, u mkejjen ohra fejn I-informazzjoni Ii kellhom setghet kienet mahZuna jew mizmuma), kienet tista' titqies, min ghaI raguni, u min gli.aI olira, bhaia informazzjoni sensittiva hafna ghaliex kienet ta' natura kunfidenzjali, jew kummergaii jew ta' natura stataii. Linformazzjoni Ii setghet tigi ottjenuta kienet tikkoncema mhux biss informazzjoni dwar il-persuni direttament invoiuti £'din I-inkjesta, i.Zda wkoll kienet tikkoncema Iil terzi persuni Ii ma kienux invoiuti u Ii kienu kompletament estraneji. 262 ( Ittiehed ukoll in konsiderazzjoni 1-fatt Ii daqskemm il-gurnalista Caruana Galizia kellha informazzjoni gumalistika imwassla lilha minn sorsi Ii 1anonimita taghhom kienet lesta tissalvagwarda b' sahhitha kollha, millbanda 1-ohra I-PEP involuti setgha kellhom ukoll informazzjoni kunfidenzjali tal-Gvern, nonche sigrieti statali u materji sensittivi hafna ohra. II-mod ta' kif 1-informazzjoni kellha tigi migbura, ta' mnejn, meta u kif ( - kellha tigi ottjenuta u pprocessata kellu jsir b' attenzjoni partikolari. II- miZuri ta' dhul, perkwiZizzjoni, qbid, zamma, arrest, detenzjoni eccetra Ii setghu jittiehdu fil-konfront ta' dawn il-persuni kollha riedu jsiru b'mod li 1inkjesta tkun tista' timxi 1-quddiem u ma tigix imxekla minn banda iZda b'rispett lejn il-jeddijiet, inkluz dawk procedurali tal-persuni kollha involuti u terzi li m' ghandhomx x'jaqsmu mal-inkjesta, mill-banda 1-ohra. ( F' dan 1-isfond, il-gbir tal-informazzjoni f' din 1-inkjesta segwa process kontinwu ta' cost-benefit analysis Ii ha in konsiderazzjoni c-cirkostanzi kollha partikolari ta' dan il-kaz, mhux 1-anqas is-sensittivita' tal-allegazzjonijiet u s-serjeta taghhom fl-isfond pero tal-kunfidenzjalita' u segretezza talinformazzjoni kollha inkluz dik kummercjali, finanzjarja u bankarja Ii 1operaturi kienu jippossjedu. L-evidenza bdiet tingabar bicca biCca, skont dak Ii kien mehtieg minn zmien ghal zmien, minn dawk is-sorsi li dehru 1aktar Ii jistghu jirrenduha malajr, bl-anqas impatt. t 263 000264 L-ewwel zewg entitajiet Ii gew meqjusa bhala sorsi ta' prijorita ghall-gbir t'informazzjoni t'interess ghal din 1-inkjesta kienu d-Ditta Nexia BT u I-Bank Pilatus - iZ-zewgt operaturi Ii skont Caruana Galizia kienu direttament invoiuti, ghalkemm f'livell ta' parteCipazzjoni differenti. Il-miZuri mittiehda fil-konfront taghhom kienu bazati fuq il-prinCipji taI-htiega, ragonevolezza, adegwatezz u proporzjonalita imsemmija aktar il-fuq. Fil-ghodwa taI-21 t' April 2017 il-Magistrat Inkwirenti I-ewweI ghamel access fil-Bank Pilatus, filwaqt Ii wara pproceda ghal access fl-Ufficini ta' Nexia BT. Waqt Ii kien qed jaghmel I-access fil-Bank Pilatus, 1-Ufficini ta' Nexia BT il1Zammew issigillati mill-Pulizija Ii kienu ilhom hemm minn matul il-lejl fuq ordni tal-Magistrat Inkwirenti. Matul dan I-access il-Magistrat Inkwirenti spjega lid-Dirigenti ta' dawn izzewgt operaturi 1-ghan ta' din 1-inkjesta u 1-istatus legali taghhom f' dak ilpunt partikoiari taI-inkjesta, Ii kienet ghadha fiI-bidu taghha. Gie assikurat element ta' kollaborazzjoni minn naha taghhom tant Ii ghamlu disponibbli kw antita kbira t' informazzjoni digitali u miktuba ghall-fini ta' din I-inkjesta bl-anqas applikazzjoni ta' miZuri restrittivi possibbii. 264 000265 . . .[.,,_~.-.•.\,._...-.,.,. . ,,. . ,-, VJ V ~ ·JJ Ghal dan I-istess ghan saret ukoll distinzjoni bejn il-grad t' involviment ta' dawn i.Z-zewgt operaturi proporzjonata man-natura taI-allegati involvirnenti taghhom £'dawn I-allegazzjonijiet maghmula minn Caruana Galizia. Id-Ditta Nexia BT giet meqjusa bhaia s-sors t'informazzjoni primarju Cjoe dik (~ minn fejn keilha tingabar 1-aktar informazzjoni - u dan peress Ii skont Iallegazzjonijiet din id-Ditta kienet il-mohli. u I-id wara 1-istrategiji finanzjarji, kummercjali u korporativi Ii kienu jinvoivu lil PEP mira ta' dan 1-artiklu, inkiu± bl-allegati ftugh taI-kumpaniji fil-Panama, bil-ftugh tal-kontijiet bankarji, it-trasferimenti tal-flejjes mill-Bank Pilatus nonche 1-ipprocessar tad-dokumenti, iI-komunikazzjonijiet u 1-arrangamenti koilha relattivi biex jirrendu dawn I-allegati transazzjonijiet possibbli. ( "'! Il-perkwi.Zizzjoni maghmula £1-Ufficini u fil-mezzi ta' komunikazzjoni ta' Nexia BT kienet intiza li tolqot il-mezzi li fihom setgha kien hemm informazzjoni mahZuna ta' din id-Ditta u 1-Membri taghha. Dan kien gustifikat bil-fatt li skont 1-allegazzjonijiet Ii kienu saru £1-artikoli ta' Caruana Galizia din id-ditta kienet involuta f'kull aspett tat-transazzjonijiet finanzjarji u korporativi li kienu saru ghall-PEP involuti u ghaihekk proporzjonata mal-allegat involviment ta' Nexia BT fit-twettieq talallegazzjonijiet imsemmija minn Caruana Galizia. 265 Jekk dak Ii Caruana UU02titi Galizia kienet qeghda tallega setgha jigi verifikat bil-fatti, il-persuni li 1-aktar li setgha kellhom informazzjoni kienu mistennija li jkunu dawk direttament involuti fin-Nexia BT - Karl Cini u Brian Torma in primis. Ghalhekk jekk kien hemm komunikazzjonijiet li saru bejnhom u bejn Mossack Fonseca, jew bejnhom u d-Dirigenti jew impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus, kien ragonevolment mistenni li dawn kellhom jirriZultaw mill-informazzjoni mahZuna fiddokumenti miktuba u stampati taghhom kif ukoll mill-informazzjoni digitali li kellhom fuq il-computers, servers u hardward iehor fil-pussess taghhom. \ ( Ghalhekk kien mehtieg u proporzjonat li t-tiftix ghall-informazzjoni minn din id-Ditta Nexia BT ikun mill-aktar wiesa ghal kull informazzjoni u tracca li setgha kien hemm u li setghet titfa' dawl fuq kemm u safejn 1- allegazzjonijiet de quo kienu johorgu mill-provi. Nexia BT gew soggettati ghal perkwiZizzjoni generali u tiftix in ba.Zi ghal keyword list fir-records stampati u digitali, li 1-Agenti tal-Pulizija li xehdu jikkonfermaw li ghamluha file file, karta karta, ittiehdu ghadd ta' files u records £1-originali taghhom fejn kienu disponibbli u li kienu rilevanti ghal din 1-inkjesta, inklu.Z il-files talkumpaniji Egrant Inc, Tillgate Inc u Hearnville Inc. Gew mismugha 1-impjegati kollha prezenti u passati li kienu rintractjabbli. Sussegwentement, f'Settembru 2017 gie maqbul li ssir perkwiZizzjoni millMagistrat Dottor Natasha Galea Sciberras £1-inkjesta kondotta minnha (dwar allegati involvimenti ta' Brian Torma u Karl Cini £1-affari Willerby Trading Inc 266 ) ( - Keith Schembri) u giet ottenuta 1-awtorizzazzjoni biex din 1-inforrnazzjoni li tins tab f' dawn il-rnezzi, tkun tis ta' tigi uzata wkoll ghall-fini ta' din 1-inkjesta wara li 1-Magistrat Galea Sciberras kienet gharnlet qbid tal-istess rnezzi u ssottornettiethom ghall-analiZi tal-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics flatti tal-inkjesta kondotta rninnha. II-Bank Pilatus kien rneqjus bhala t-tieni sors rninfejn 1-inkjesta setghet iggib 1-inforrnazzjoni. Skont Caruana Galizia, il-Bank Pilatus kien 1-istrument li serva ta' depozitarju ta' kontijiet bankarji f' isern il-kurnpaniji Egrant Inc, Tillgate Inc u Hearnville Inc nonche whud mill-PEP involuti (hlief ghal Konrad Mizzi); li allegatarnent kien id-depozitarju tad-declarations of trust li kienu jattestaw li Michelle Muscat kienet is-sid ahharija tal-ismha £1-Egrant Inc rniZrnurna ghaliha rninn Mossack Fonseca, u rnhux 1-inqas li allegatament kien il-Bank li rninnu transitaw il-flejjes rneritu talallegazzjonijiet rnill-kont bankarju tal-kurnpanija Al Sahra FZCO lejn il-kont ta' Egrant Inc £'Dubai. Ghalhekk 1-approc adottat fil-konfront tal-Bank Pilatus kien ghalhekk immirat li jottjeni 1-informazzjoni dwar 1-involviment specifiku tieghu flallegazzjonijiet tal-Caruana Galizia meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta u li kienu johorgu prindpalment mill-artiklu meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta u cjoe li :- 267 000268 (a) I-Bank Pilatus kien allegatament intu.Za biex fih Egrant Inc, Tillgate Inc, Hearnville Inc, Keith Schembri u John Dalli jkollhom kont bankarju; (b) b'Keith Schembri u Egrant Inc ikollhom 1-involviment u transazzjonijiet ma persuni mill-AZerbajgan; (c) li sabiex infetali. il-kont bankarju t' Egrant Inc kienu gew ukoll depozitati £is-safe tiegli.u id-declarations of trust li allegatament kienu juru li Michelle Muscat kienet is-sid tal-ishma £1-Egrant Inc; (d) kien il-Bank li ntuza biex mill-kont tal-kumpanija Al Sahra FZCO mal- ( ./ istess Bank allegatament saru versamenti miljunarji diretti lejn il-kont ta' Egrant Inc £'Dubai. F' dak 1-istadju il-mizuri koerC:itivi fil-konfront ta' dan il-Bank kienu jeli.tiegu aktar attenzjoni kemm minhabba n-natura sensittiva tal-operat tal-istess Bank, 8 kif ukoll peress li 1-allegat involviment tiegli.u kien specifiku dawn 1-allegazzjonijiet imsemmija. Gie deciZ li, £' dak 1-istadju, dawn 1allegazzjonijiet jigu verifikati minn tliet sorsi prinC:ipali t'informazzjoni fi li.dan dan il-Bank, li gew meqjusa bli.ala priority areas Cjoe' (a) mix-xiehda diretta tad-Dirigenti operattivi attwali u tal-impjegati prezenti u passati rintraccabbli tal-Bank; 8 goe bank kummergali spegalizzat fil-Private Banking, kuncett ta' bank Ji kien kemxejn innovattiv ghal Malta, u Ji kien intii: ghal ultra-high net worth individuals b'informazzjoni Ji dan il-Bank kien jippossjedi kienet finanzjarjarnent u kurnrnergalrnent sensittiva hafna, 268 ( _; 000269 (b) mill-informazzjoni stampata kollha li I-Bank kellu fl-UffiCini tieghu u li kienet rilevanti ghal din 1-inkjesta maghmula in bazi tal-lista ta' keywords aktar il-fuq imsemmija; (c) mill-informazzjoni digitali li kienet tinsab fuq is-servers u I-computers, b'mod partikoiari taI-persuni fiI-karigi I-aktar gholjin tal-Bank, spetjalment il-core banking system tal-Bank inkluz is-servizzi tat-TAS Platform Ii biha jithaddem I-iSwift. c' Il-parti 1-kbira taI-informazzjoni Ii setghet issahli.ah jew ixxejjen Iallegazzjonijiet kienet mistennija Ii tohrog minn dawn is-sorsi, ghax : (a) Jekk il-kopji tad-declarations of trust kienu (jew ghadhom) jezistu filBank, dawk kellhom ikunu stampati u mahZuna f'xi safe jew filing cabinet fil-Bank Pilatus u kien mistenni Ii xi impjegati jkunu gew f'kuntatt maghhom. Caruana Galizia ma kitbitx li dawn id- dokumenti kienu mahZuna fis-sistemi digitali tal-Bank innifsu, iZda gew mahZuna fil-cloud minn terzi biex il-Bank ma jkunx jista' jeqridhom - jigifieri I-cloud ma kienx taI-Bank ghax altrimenti kien ikollu xorta kontroll fuqhom u, skont dak li kitbet, setgha jeqridhom. Anzi kitbet Ii dawn kien stampati u kienu jinsabu f'safe fiI-kcina taIBank. (b) Jekk iI-PEP jew iI-kumpaniji Tillgate Inc, Hearnville Inc u Egrant Inc keilhom kontijiet maI-Bank Pilatus, kien mistenni Ii dawn il-kontijiet 269 000270 kienu miftuhin minn xi impjegati taI-Bank Pilatus Ii imbaghad hadu hsieb Ii jirregistrawhom fiI-core banking system taI-Bank fost il-lista taIklijenti Ii tkun generata minn din is-sistema bankarja. (c) Jekk dawn kellhom kontijiet bankarji miftuha, kien mistenni li 1- impjegati tal-Bank ikun hejjew ukoll il-bank account opening forms ta' dawn il-PEP u ta' Tillgate Inc, Hearville Inc u Egrant Inc, u Ii kellhom ikunu stampati 1ew b'xi mod iehor jinstabu fir-records taI-Bank \ Pilatus. ( (d) Jekk kien hemm it-transazzjonijiet finanzjarji Ii allegatament saru mill-kont t' Al Sahra FZCO Iejn iI-kont t'Egrant Inc f'Dubai, kien mistenni Ii xi impjegati taI-Bank kienu invoiuti fix-xoghol mehtieg biex dawn it-transazzjonijiet, miijunarji fit-totalita' taghhom, ikunu gew processati u eventwaiment registrati fiI-core banking system kif ukoll fil-mezzi digitali Ii jippermettu trasferimenti ta' flejjes f'vaiuti barranin lejn Banek barranin (bhal pjattaforma ta' trasferiment taImessaggi finanzjarji bhal SWIFT messaging system) kif ukoll Ii jkun hemm uzu minn xi Correspondent Bank skont il-prattika bankarja internazzjonali; (e) Jekk kien hemm dawn il-versamenti miljunarji, dawn riedu b'xi mod ihallu tracca stampata jew digitali permezz ta' payment instructions kif ukoll dawk relattivi ghall-uzu tas-servizzi tal-Correspondent Banks. 9 Wara li bdiet 1-inkjesta irriZulta li I-Bank Pilatus kien jipprocessa pagamenti permezz ta' struzzjonijiet bilmiktub, li kienu jigu verifikati minn impjegati tal-Bank permezz ta' telefonati fuq linji telefonio riZervati u 9 270 Dawn kienu s-sorsi primarji tal-informazzjoni mill-Bank Pilatus li minnhom kellhom kellha tirri.Zulta 1-aqwa prova dwar jekk 1-allegazzjonijiet de quo kienux minnhom. Kif issemma' aktar il-fuq, 1-anali.Zi tal-Forensic Accountants iffukat b'mod partikolari fuq it-transazzjonijiet li effettivament gew effettwati mill-Bank Pilatus sa' mill-ewwel jum li beda jopera bhala Bank u cjoe mill-ewwel transazzjoni il-quddiem sal-jum meta inbdiet 1-inkjesta. Lenfa±i kienet fuq it-transazzjonijiet bankarji infushom ghaliex dawn jikkostitwixxu 1-aqwa prova jekk pagament ikunx veru gie ordnat, awtorizzat u mwettaq. Minhabba 1-kwantita enormi ta' informazzjoni li kienet qeghda tigi migbura u li riedet tigi analizzata f' dak 1-istadju gie ded.Z Ii ssir prijoritizzazzjoni dwar liema informazzjoni tkun mehuda u analizzata 1-ewwel. Sorsi t'informazzjoni sekondarja u temi li ma kienux prioritarji fil-qafas tarrapport li sawwar 1-inkjesta, kellhom jigu mehuda u analizzati jekk ikun ilkaz, wara li 1-informazzjoni migbura mis-sorsi prindpali tibda tigi pprocessata u analizzata u tibda taghti direzzjoni dwar jekk u kemm millallegazzjonijiet maghmula kienux prima faciae fondati; u f'kaz pozittiv li dawn it-telefonati verifikatotji kienu wkoll jigu registrati Apparti minn hekk irrii:ulta wkoll li skont ilprassi bankarja intemazzjonali, il-Bank Pilatus kien jaghmel ui:u minn servizzi ta' SWIFT ghattransazzjonijiet estemi tieghu kif ukoll li kellu network ta' Correspondence Banks biex ikunu jistghu isiru dawn it-trasferimenti minn klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus lejn kontijiet ta' persuni ohra ma banek madwar iddinja. 271 000272 imbaghad jittiehdu dedzjonijiet ohra jekk dawn is-sorsi t'informazzjoni ohra u sekondarja li I-Bank Pilatus setgha kellu jigux mistharga wkoll. Dan sar ghal ammont limitat t'informazzjoni li ma kienetx tolqot is-sorsi prindpali li minnhom din 1-inkjesta setghet tiehu 1-aqwa prova u li setghet ghalhekk tkun jew superfluwa jew tiehu 1-hin u r-rizorsi ghalxejn. Per ezempju, £' dak 1-istadju, ghall-fini ta' din 1-inkjesta, 1-aspett finanzjarju tal-Bank innifsu, il-process tal-hrug tal-licenza tieghu, eccetra ma kienux meqjusa bhala area ta' prijorita minhabba li kienu jmorru lil hinn millparametri tal-inkjesta. Peress li 1-impjegati kollha tal-Bank prezenti u passati rintraccabbli kienu sejrin jigu kollha mismugha bil-gurament, 1-analiZi tal-e-mail accounts kollha taghhom b'mod generali u indiskriminat, £' dak 1-istadju, gie deciZ li jkun postpost sakemm issir 1-analiZi tal-informazzjoni mehuda mill-priority areas. Wara kollox kien hemm parti sostanzjali mill-e-mails taghhom li rriZultaw diga misjuba fuq il-hardware li kien gie kkupjat. Fi kwalunkwe kaz, stante li skont 1-artiklu ta' Caruana Galizia dwar 1-allegati kontijiet bankarji u transazzjonijiet finanzjarji li qalet li kienu saru kienu jinvolvu wkoll 1involviment dirett ta' impjegati ta' Nexia BT (li wkoll gew mismugha kollha bil-gurament), jekk kien hemm struzzjonijiet li inghataw b'emails minn Nexia BT lill-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus, din 1-informazzjoni, jekk kienet 272 ~) ( 0n.; 0~'l 73 1• : • ' , , · ,, -U. i.HJ ,;:; : i tezisti, kienet mistennija Ii tkun tinstab ukoll fir-records u hardware ta' Nexia BT - ghax meta tintbaghat email din thalli tracci kemm fuq il-mezzi ta' min ikun baghta kif ukoll ta' dak Ii jkun irceviha. Ghalhekk jekk email ma tkunx giet maqbuda mis-sistema tal-Bank Pilatus, kienet mistennija li tigi maqbuda mis-sistema tan-Nexia BT. 10 Software iehor sekondatju u Ii rriZulta Ii ma kienx ghadu beda jigi mhaddem fiZ-zmien meta kienu twettqu 1-allegazzjonijiet ta' Caruana Galizia u b'hekk meta Maria Efimova kienet ghadha tandem mal-Bank Pilatus, kienu !- Microsoft Office 365 u s-Sharepoint. Mill-provi irriZulta li I-Microsoft 365 kien dak iZ-zmien ghadu fi stadju sperimentali u mix-xiehda t'Efimova rriZulta Ii fi zmienha s-Sharepoint kien ghadu mhux operattiv. Dan ifisser li dak li kienet tenniet Caruana Galizia fl-artiklu taghha ma kienx mistenni li jkun jinsab f'informazzjoni mahZuna bl-uzu ta' dan is-software ghax Efimova dak --, ( li qalet li rat ma ratux fuq informazzjoni relattiva ghal dan is-software. F' dak 1-istadju inizjali tal-inkjesta gie deciZ li t-tehid tal-informazzjoni processata b' dan is-software, li allura deher Ii beda jigi wzat wara li Efimova kienet lahqet giet imkecCija mill-Bank Pilatus, u ghalhekk wara li 1-allegazzjonijiet kienu suppost sehhew, ma jsirx b'mod generali, iZda li jigu analizzati dawk Aktar il-quddiem fl-inkjesta dan fil-fatt tant irriiulta minnu li mill-informazzjoni mehuda mill-hardware ta' Nexia BT gew ukoll rintracgati emails li kienu gew skarnbjati bejn Maria Efimova u Michael Satariano u li jifformaw ukoll parti mill-analii:i u kummenti li ghamlu dwarhom il-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics kif jirri.i:ulta wkoll mir-relazzjoni taghhom. 10 273 000274 il-files li gew uzati jew kreati b' dak is-software u li jkunu jistabu li kienu fuq il-computers tal-impjegati. 11 Dan 1-approc strategiku ma' dawn iZ-zewgt operaturi u sorsi prinCipali t' informazzjoni assikura li ngabret minghandhom 1-informazzjoni kollha primarja disponibbli fil-jum ta' meta saret il-perkwiZizzjoni u li minnha setghat tigi rikavata 1-aqwa evidenza possibbli li bl-analiZi taghha setgha jigi determinat jekk 1-allegazzjonijiet £1-artiklu kienux veritjieri u fondati fuq provi konkreti u oggettivi mis-sorsi diretti Ii kienu involuti £1-allegati twaqqif ta' kumpaniji Panamensi, ftugh ta' kontijiet bankarji mal-Bank Pilatus u trasferimenti miljunarji mill-kont t' Al Sahra FZCO fil-Bank Pilatus lejn il-kont t' Egrant Inc £'Dubai. Din 1-informazzjoni kollha tant kienet estensiva u voluminuza li I-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics jghidu li:The digital evidence made available to us over this period of around 10 months was extremely voluminous and represented over 30 terabytes of data. If printed, we estimate it would fill several Empire State buildings. Il-fatt li dawn il-programmi kienu ghadhom £i stadju sperimentali u rnhux imhadma fii-zminijiet rilevanti meta allegatament sel.ihew 1-avvenimenti miktuba minn Caruana Galizia gie konfermat aktar tard rnhux biss minn Maria Efimova iZda wkoll minn Louis Zammit, impjegat fuq 1-IT mal-Bank Pilatus, kif ukoll 1-impjegati ta' JCT Solutions Limited Ii kienu inkarigati minn xogholijiet marbuta mat-thaddim eventwali taghhom. Louis Zammit jixhed ukoll Ii 1-informazzjoni mahi:una f'dak is-software xorta wali.da kienet baqghet fuq is-server. Gli.alhekk, fi kwalunkwe kai: setghet tigi maqbuda meta gew maghmula forensic capies/virtual images tal-hardware tal-Bank Pilatus. Minkejja dan, kienet saret talba lil Microsoft Corporation mill-Pulizija Maltija tramite cl-Department of Justice tal-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika biex 1informazzjoni mahi:una fuq il-Microsoft 365 tigi priZervata, li pero 1-inkjesta giet riferita lura lejn il-Bank Pilatus. 11 274 000275 UJJ~ ,- 3 L-Analizi tal-Evidenza Ix-xhieda ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia, Maria Efimova u Pierre Portelli ) Ix-xiehda ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia ( Daphne Caruana Galizia xehdet darbtejn fl-atti ta' din 1-inkjesta. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid li hi tkelmet ma' ex impjegata tal-Bank Pilatus (li fittieni xhieda taghha rriZulta li kienet Maria Efimova) u giet murija dokumenti li kienu gew scanned. Hi qatt ma rat dawn id-dokumenti fl-original taghhom ghax dawn kienu f'safe. L-impjegata ma hadithomx mis-safe. Il-kopja li rat Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet fuq A4 paper, font normali u kien hemm C firma ta' xi hadd. Mistoqsija mill-gja Supretendent Ian Joseph Abdilla : "Dan id-dokument li inti rajt kopja tiegiiu gtial li jista' jkun zammejt jew giiaddhietlek kopja tieghu din il-persuna", Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet : "ghandi kopja iva". 275 t = ·, ,. ..1 U;l.Jo,.;;..ii" ; ••• ,-l ~ ~ ) '" 000276 Mistoqsija jekk hi kienetx qeghda f'posizzjoni li dan id-dokument tghaddih jekk jitlobha 1-Magistrat, Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet: "le ghax ma rridx hux daqs hekk ghax kieku kont ippubblikajtu, ghandi certu raguni ghaliex le." Il-firma Ii kien hemm fuq dan id-dokument kienet dik ta' Jaqueline Alexander, li kienet tahdem bhala nominee ma Mossack Fonseca. Il-kopja scanned Ii rat hi kienet tad-declarations of trust. Fuq dawn id-dokumenti ma kienx hemm il-firem ta' Michelle Muscat ghax dawn kienu declarations of trust. Daphne Caruana Galizia ikkonfermat li hija kitbet 1-Artikolu Declarations of Trust in Pilatus Bank safe : Egrant Inc shares held for Michelle Muscat. Minbarra li kitbet dan 1-artikolu hija ppubblikat ukoll traskrizzjoni ta' dawn iZ-zewgt declarations of trust li hija rat. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid Ii hija ghamlet traskrizzjoni ezatta ta' dak li kien hemm miktub. Din 1-informazzjoni li hija ppubblikat kienet mehuda mis-sors taghha li kienet 1-ex impjegata tal-Bank Pilatus (li fit-tieni xiehda Ii tat wara Caruana Galizia gie stabbilit li din 1-ex impjegata tal-Bank Pilatus kienet Maria Efimova). Din 1-impjegata kienet sabithom £is-safe li I-Bank Pilatus kellu filkcina. Dak iZ-zmien kien Marzu 2016 us-safe kien fil-kCina. Kien hemm impjegati ta' Western Union Money Transfer Ii kienu marru ghamlu xi xoghol fil-Bank Pilatus u kienu kkonfermawlha dan. Dan is-safe kien document safe 276 (\110?,...7 uu rw I U ' L I ' ,,· •• r~ vUJ,.. { ;.> bic-cavetta - ma kienx is-safe ghal cash jew gold bars. Daphne Caruana Galizia ma kienetx ratu, iZda Maria Efimova qaltilha li kien jinghalaq bic-cavetta. Ma tafx id-daqs tieghu kemm kien. Dan is-safe setgha jitressaq ghax Maria Efimova qaltilha li qabel kien fl-uffigu tas-CEO imbaghad wara kienu caqalquh. Fil-kcina ma kienx hemm CCTV camera fuq dan is-safe. 12 Mix-xiehda ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia jirriZulta li hija kienet emnet 1-istorja li fornieha biha Maria Efimova u timplika li r-raguni ghal dan kienet minhabba li meta Maria Efimova kienet qaltilha li sabet dan id-dokument rigwardanti Egrant Inc. ir-rivelazzjonijiet dwar il-Panama Papers kienu ghadhom ma gewx pubblikati minn Daphne Caruana Galizia, peress li dik 1-istorja kienet harget xit-3 t' April 2016. Meta Maria Efimova kienet qaltilha li sabet il-karti, 1-isem ta' Egrant Inc., skont Caruana Galizia kien ghadu mhux importanti. Caruana Galizia tghld li Maria Efimova ma kienetx taf li n Fix-xiehda tas-6 ta' Mejju 2017 Maria Efimova tghld li "no I don't remember if it was" Cjoe ma tiftakarx jekk k.ienx hemm CCTV camera fil-kCina. Din ma taqbil.x mar-rendikont li tat Daphne Caruana Galizia fix.xiehda taghha dwar dak li suppost qaltilha Maria Efimova fuq dil-camera. Ir-rendikont ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia 1-anqas jaqbel max-xiehda ta' Emilia Maria Vacaru li tghld li 1-kmamar kollha, minbarra !"washrooms" kellhom camera installata. Dan kien jinkludi 1-passaggi.. Dwar jekk kienx veru li I-camera fisserver room kienet giet imnehlrija, Vacaru tghld li ma kienetx taf b' dan. Dwar il-camera taf li ftit qabel ma telqet, k.ienu qasmu 1-uffigu ta' Hamidreza Ghanbarifi tnejn u likienu ghamlu extra camera biex ikun hemm camera ohra fil-kamra 1-gdida. Biss qa tt ma semghet li k.ienu nehhew xi camera minn x'imkien. Biss hi qatt ma dahlet £is-server room . Vacaru i:i:id li mhux veru li fil-Bank Pilatus kien joqghodu jitfu u jixghelu 1cameras jew jaqilghuhom u 1-ewwel darba li kienet semghhet din 1-allegazzjoni kienet meta kont stqasejtha dwarha matul 1-ei:ami taghha. L-istess jghld Louis Zammit li jikkonferma li fil-kCina kien hemm camera li kienet ilha installata i:gur minn Settembru 2015 meta dahal jahdem fil-Bank Pilatus. Fatt li jista' wkoll jigi konferma t huwa li £1-20 t' April 2017 i:gur li fil-kCina kien hemm camera minhabba 1-fatt li 1-inkjesta gabret il-footage tieghu. 277 + 000278 din kienet kumpanija fil-Panama u Maria Efimova kienet hadet il-karti ghax kienet rat 1-isem "Michelle Muscat". Maria Efimova ma kienetx marret tfittex il-karti biex tara Egrant min hu jew mhux. Daphne Caruana Galizia kitbet Ii "this document has been scanned and uploaded to the cloud" 13 u qalet Ii hija kienet qed taghmel riferenza ghall-cloud account ta' Maria Efimova u mhux tal-Bank Pilatus. 14 Maria Efimova kienet tandem il-Pilatus Bank fi zmien meta kienet saret investigazzjoni tal-Bank Pilatus mill-FIAU f'Marzu 2016. II-Head of Compliance Claude-Ann Sant Fournier staqsietha biex tghinha tahbi il-files mill-investigaturi tal-FIAU, certu files u tigbed il-karti minn certu files ohrajn u kellha c-eavetta tas-safe ghax Dr. Sant Fournier tatha c-cavetta tas-safe u qaltilha biex tmur tigbed certu files mis-safe fi Zmien 1- 13 Fil-paragrafu 293 tar-relazzjoni ta' Harbinson Forensics jinghad li The data seized does not caontain any trace, either in files or in snippets of files remaining in the "unallocated clusters" data, of these files being scanned or uploaded to the internet Our searches therefore have not found any digital records to suggest that such documents were ever in the banks possession or uploaded. Dan huwa interessanti ghax filwaqt li Maria Efimova ti&ad Ji hija ghamlet dan, xiehda ta' Pierre Portelli jirrii:ulta Ji wara li huwa kien reggha ltaqgha ma Maria Efimova, hu u Efimova kienu lali.qu intiZa Ji Efimova li tghaddilu kopja ta' dawn id-dokumenti. Din 1-inti.Za intlahqet bejniethom wara li kien intervistaha u talabha hu stess ghal dawn id-dokumenti. Maria Efimova ma kienetx qaltlu li ma setghetx titkellem fuq il-kaz ghaliex kienet miZmuma mill-Magistrat Inkwirenti milli tiZvela fatti Ji xehdet dwarhom fl-inkjesta. Jidher pero Ji dawn id-dokumenti Maria Efimova kellha access ghalihom fuq 1-iCloud taghha Ji pero, skont Pierre Portelli, riedet taccedi ghalih bl'U.Zu tal-VPN. Dwar 1-inti.Za li Efi.mova kienet lali.qet intiZa m.ieghu biex ittih kopja ta' dawn id-dokumenti, Pierre Portelli jghid Ji: 14 Later on konna qisna wasalna biex dawn id-dokurnenti tghaddihomli u fil-fatt qaltli : Mhux hawnhekk, qaltli : ghax jiena ma rridx nipprintja xejn, ma rrid ingib xejn, pero' qaltli : ejja hdejn 1-ufficcju tieghi, x' imkien vicin Paceville. Qaltli : Jien nidhol bil-VPN fuq I-I Cloud, qaltli: u nkun nista nghaddilek il-kopja. Imbaghad kelli kuntatt ftit jiern wara mir-ragel ... 278 t 0,.n 0n/ ""1 9 u·"' . ., , v .... .· ~ .. < : :. ·' ..~' "{ ft ; ~ investigazzjonijiet u meta kienet qieghda £is-safe teighaia certu suspett ghax kien hernm hafna tahwid u li fiI-fatt dak ix-xahar teiqet stess, hafna, hafna tahwid kienu qieghdin jghidulha biex tahbi files, tnehhi I-karti u hekk u bdiet tfittex £is-safe u b'hekk sabithom il-karti u din irnportanti li nghidha ghax naf illi...ghax il-head of compliance kien jisirnha Maria insejt kunjornha irnma nista' nsibha, wahda Rumena, kienet head of compliance meta I-FIAU kitbu lill-bank biex jghidu li ser jigu ghal investigazzjoni ghax taf inti jiktbu minn qabeI, tliet ijiem wara li rcevew 1-ittra I-bank she resigned, ilhead of compliance without serving her notice, qabdet u teiqet u I-bank rnhux staff enormi jigmeri, jigifieri anki fl-investigazzjoni taI-FIAU ma ghandhornx kollox ghax hbewlhom certu affarijiet.1 5 Dwar I-element tat-"tahwid" li j:inghad li kien hemm fil-Bank Pilatus jirrii:ulta li hemm veiZjonijiet konfliggenti - bosta drabi jiddependi minn m:in ikunu 1-impjegati u jekk ikunx ghadhom jahdmu I-Bank Pilatus jew inkella jkunu m'ghadhomx jahdmu mal-Bank ii:da spiceaw mill-Bank fuq nota pozittiva jew newtrali ghaI dawk li kienu spiccaw jahdmu minn mal-Bank Pilatus u spiccaw ghax tkeccew jew xort' ohra spiccaw fuq nota hai::ina. Ekmel Gil:ingir kien 1-ewweI CEO tal-Bank Pilatus u jghid li huwa kien hadem biex dan il-Bank jiZviluppa sistema bankarja perfetta. Fil-fatt jixhed li huwa ried li jaghZel 1-aqwa strutturi u sistemi bankarji disponibbli ghaI dan il-Bank meta kien ghadu fil-bidu tieghu, inkluz u b'mod partikolari il-core banking system tieghu, li huwa I-Oracle Flexcube, u li hu kien issuggerixxa lil Bord tad-Diretturi biex jigi akkwistat ghall-operazzjonijiet tal-Bank Pilatus. Biss huwa ghamel bejn is-6 ta' Dicembru 2013 u Settembru 2014 bhala CEO, ghalkemm wara li rrii:enja minn CEO baqgha bhala direttur tal-Bank Pilatus sa' Dicembru 2015. Huwa jghid li rrii:enja ghaliex ma kienx hemm impjega ti biZzejjed ghall-operazzjonijiet bankarji li kienu qeghd:in jaspiraw ghalihom u kien qieghed jara li kien hemm operational risk minhabba f' dan. Huwa jghld li kien diga qieghed jara operational risks u fraud risks lill-Board tad-Diretturi, ii:da jidher li ghaI xi raguru ma kienux emnuh. Huwa jghid li kien minhabba f'hekk li rrii:enja u li d:in kienet ukoll irraguru ghaliex Brenda Calleja Smith telqet minn hemmhekk ukoll Mill-banda 1-ohra, Philip Mercieca li kien direttur tal-Bank Pilatus kif ukoll Chairman tal-Audit Committee, jghld li 1-Bank Pilatus kien ii:omm dokumentazzjoni tajba hafna u kopju:Za u kien ukoll kritiku ghall-operat ta' Ekmel Gil:ingir. Biss m:inbarra Gil:ingir, kien hemm impjegati li jghidu li kien ikun hemm nuqqasijiet fid-dokumentazzjoni u floperazzjonijiet (bhal Denica Cebova u Kamila Anna Lis) u hemm impjegati ohra li jishqu li I-Bank Pilatus kien attent hafna fir-rigward tal-proceduri li jadotta u 1-mod kif kien iZomm id-dokumenti. Ghalmistoqsija jekk xi transazzjonijiet kienux "not properly recorded" Kamila Anna Lis tghid li "J wouldn't say not properly recorded, not properly documented". is Ahmed Tawfik Bugaighis, li ghameI anqas minn xahar jahdem maI-Bank Pilatus jghid li kien hemrn nuqqasijiet £1-organizzazzjoni strutturali tal-Bank Pilatus, possibilment dovuta ghall-fatt li dan kien Bank zghlr. Kien hemm 1-inkompetenza taI-Finance Manager ghax kien hemm kwistjonijiet fuq delegazzjoni u distribuzzjoni ta' xoghol u wkoll ghaliex lilu ma tawhx xoghoI ta Financial Analyst, iZda xoghol li gradwat novizz setgha jirrikopri. Ma kienx ear x'tip t'operazzjonijiet dan il-Bank kien :intiZ ghalihom filwaqt li 1komunikazzjoni fi hdan il-Bank bejn il-management u I-impjegati kienet :inadegwata. Is-Supetjuri ma kienux jghidu x'direzzjoni 1-Bank kien :intiZ li jiehu. M:inbarra n-nuqqasijiet fil-Finance Department ma kienx jaf jekk kienx hemm Compliance issues. Mill-banda 1-ohra Katarina Kostialova tghld li 1-processi ta' analiZi u ricerka taI-Bank Pilatus fuq kull transazzjoni li ssir huma vera stretti u jidhlu fil-fond ghal kull transazzjoni. Mhux tal-istess opinjoni kienet 279 ~ J :>:.' v,.,; • •'I ·1 • i 000280 Maria Efimova qaltilha li kienu jnehhu u jzarmaw il-cameras bl-addocc u ghalhekk kienu ghamlu safe fejn ma kienx hemm cameras u cjoe fil-kcina, kif ukoll li kienu nehhew il-cameras minn fuq is-server. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghld li 1-anqas is-CCTV cameras ma tista' tafda. ( Wara li inqarlha 1-Artikolu US$1.017 million in single transaction from Azerbaijan-owned company to Egrant Inc. Daphne Caruana Galizia qalet li xoghol Maria Efimova kien li tiehu hsieb il-payment transactions u b'hekk kienet taf dawk id-dettalji kollha. Michaela Krajcikova Ji kienet tahdem fil-Bank Pilatus bejn Gunju u Novembru 2015. Din tghld Ii kienu jqabduha taghmel xoghol li ma kienetx tifhem fih u ma kienetx taghmel xoghol ta' Office Manager kif kien suppost Ii kellha taghmel Anzi kienu jqabduha taghmelminn kollox- bosta drabi inklui: xoghol mhux ta' Office Manager. Anzi darba qabel ma kien hemm 1-ispezzjoni tal-MFSA f'Ottubru (proprjament f'Settembru) 2015 kien hemm hafna tensjoni, paniku u kulhadd kien nervu2:. I.Zda dix-xhud kellha toqghod iddur bihom u ttihom il-cafe u 1-ikel filwaqt Ii kulhadd kellu joqghod bil-bibien maghluqin, meta s-soltu kienu jkunu bil-bibien miftuhln. Darb' ohra kienu qabduha taghmel xoghol tal-Legal Department u fosthom Claude-Ann Sant Fournier kienet taghtha c-cavetta tal-file cabinet biex iggibilha something. Biss din kien gieli jkun hemm KYC forms li ma kienux ikunu ffirmati minn Claude-Ann Sant Fournier u dan mhux suppost li kien isir ghax minghajr dik il-firma il-process ta' KYC ma kienx ikun komplut. U ghalhekk qabel ma kienu ghamlu 1-ispezzjoni l-MFSA kellha toqghod tfittex dawn id-dokumenti minghajr firem u ggibhomlha biex tiffirmahhom. Gieli nnutat li kien hemm xi pagamenti li kien wierd kif kienu jghaddu. Anzi i:i:id tghid Ii fis-sajf tal-2015 kienet innutat li kien hemm persuni Libjani jew Iranjani li dwarhom Hamidreza Ghanbari with this woman from Legal Department hargu lista u li dwar dawn in-nies they were arranging some things and I am sure that, and I 1....-new that some of these have the companies which were still doing payments for, so I wold not understand how is it possible if I am seeing even;where, I mean the news that this was not supposed to be done. Apparti minn hekk tghid ukoll li kien hemm KYC forms li ma kienux ikunu iffirmati minn Claude-Ann Sant Fournier meta dan ma kienx suppost ghax minghajr dik il-firma I-process tal-KYC ma jkunx komplut. 280 (_. ~ Maria Efimova kienet taf bl-ismijiet ta' Egrant, Tillgate, Hearnville eccetra ghax kienet moghtija lista ta' xi ghaxar ismijiet ta' kumpaniji u ta' nies li kellhom jinghataw trattament specjali. Meta kienu jidhlu u johorgu pagamenti lil dawn il-kumpaniji jew nies, hija riedet tghid mill-ewwel lilClaude-Ann Sant Fournier u kellha taghtihom attenzjoni specjali. Fuq il-lista ta' Maria Efimova kien hemm Egrant, Tillgate, Hearnville kif ukoll Al Sahra. Maria Efimova ma writhiex statements taghhom ghax "ma tistax turini statements gtiax statements il-bank hux" .16 Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid Ii hija irceviet din 1-informazzjoni b'mod verbali u hija stra:het fuq din 1-informazzjoni moghtija lilha minn Maria Efimova. Mistoqsija mill-gja Supretendent Ian Joseph Abdilla : "id-dokumenti Sinjura ohra apparti din id-declaration of trust, din il-persuna ghaddietlek?" Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet "bank account opening forms". Skont Daphne Caruana Galizia, Maria Efimova kienet fil-pussess ta' zewg declarations of trust kif ukoll zewg bank account opening forms u "the other bank account opening form l-otira ta' Al Sahra FZCO". Biss hareg mix-xiehda ta' Emilia Maria Vacaru li statements kienu jsiru ghal diversi klijenti b'mod manwali. Anzi Maria Efimova kienet mitluba tkompli taghmilhom wara li telqet Emilia Maria Vacaru, iida Maria Efimova irrifjutat taghmel dan. Dawn 1-istatements ghalhekk setghu kienu faC:ilment fil-pussess ta' Maria Efimova, u b'hekk kien ghal kollox possibbli li jigu kkupjati jew jigu scanned. 16 281 t ~.-.n,...· · u .. ., U vu t-.J u ... :_ ~ ' " 1 1 i 000282 Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid li hija ma ratx il-client's list jew client's register jew ledger. Hi kienet rat zewg bank account opening forms. Dawn kienu ta' Al Sahra FZCO u 1-oltra kienet ta' Egrant Inc. 17 Minbarra dawn id-dokumenti Maria Efimova ma ghaddithiliex jew urietha dokumenti oltrajn. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid li hija saret taf dwar il-kontijiet ta' John Dalli () u Keith Schembri mhux minghand Maria Efimova iZda minghand sors iehor jigifieri mhux mill-Bank stess. 18 Maria Efimova ma kienetx taf dwar John Dalli ghax meta ccekjat maghha Maria Efimova qalet li hija kienet taf biss dwar dawk li kienet tiehu hsieb hi. 19 Maria Efimova qaltilha li Keith Daphne Caruana Galizia tghld Ji kienet rat dawn il-bank account opening fonns ta' Al Sahra FZCO u Egran t Inc. Biss gi.e stabbilit mill-provi u dokumenti migbura nonche mill-analli:i tal-Forensic Accountants Ji Al Sahra FZCO ma tirriZultax Ji kienet klijenta tal-Bank Pilatus. U 1-anqas instabu dokumenti jew bank account opening fonns ghal Egrant Inc fil-Bank Pilatus jew imkien iehor. Fi kwalunkwe kai: Maria Efimova tghld Ji hi kienet rat il-bank account openingfonn ta' Sahra FZCO, ii:da mhux t'Al Sahra FZCO. Maria Efimova tghld Ji hija ma kellhiex kopja ta' dawn id-dokumenti, ghalkemm tghid li rathom fil-Pilatus Bank. 17 18 Minbarra impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus, nies ohra li mill-inkjesta irrii:ulta Ji kienu jafu b'dawn il-kontijiet kienu 1-impjegati tal-FIAU u tal-MFSA Ji kienu involuti £1-ispezzjonijiet Ji kienu ghamlu lil Bank, nonche 1Awdituri intemi u esterni tal-Bank Pilatus. Mix-xiehda migbura jirrii:ulta Ji John Dalli kellu kont mal-Bank Pilatus. Dal-kont infetah fl-2014 u gie maghluq fl-2015. Hamidreza Ghanbari kien ir-relationship manager ghal John Dalli u kien hu Ji fetahlu 1kont. L-uniCi transazzjonijiet li kien hemm fih kienu dawk biex jithalsu 1-ispejjei: tal-kont bankarju ghax ma kienx qed jigi wi:at u waqgha donnant account. Harnidreza Ghanbari jghid Ji jidhirlu li John Dalli kien gab il-flus minghand 1-HSBC u wara li thaslu 1-ispejjei: bankarji ghalqulu 1-kont. L-opening balance tieghu kien i:ero, baghat madwar elfejn euro. Wara l-fees gew offset. Il-closing balance tieghu kien i:ero wara hrug ta' cheque ghal sebghin euro. L-amrnont ta' flus Ji ghadda mill-Bank Pilatus fil-kai: ta' John Dalli kien wiehed i:ghir hafna. Dan kien kont personali ghal John Dalli. Arienne Gaerty wkoll tikkonferma Ji John Dalli kellu kont mal-Bank Pilatus ghalkemm hi tiftakar Ji dan kien maghluq. Mehmet Tasli jghid Ji dan 19 282 J I () Schembri kellu kont f'isem Tillgate Inc., izda ma writhiex dokumenti dwar Tillgate Inc. 20 Sa fejn kienet taf Daphne Caruana Galizia, Konrad Mizzi ma kellux kont f'ismu personali mal-Bank Pilatus. 21 L-informazzjoni kontenuta fl-Artiklu tal-US$1.017 million transfer kienet giet moghtija lil Daphne Caruana Galizia minn Maria Efimova. Mistoqsija mill-gja Supretendent Abdilla jekk Maria Efimova kienetx urietha xi statements jew xi swift transfers Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet li Maria Efimova ma setghetx turiha swift transfers. Fuq kumment li ghamel il-gja Supretendent Abdilla li Maria Efimova setghet urietha print out taghhom Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet li ma kienetx taf li sar Swift transfer, hi qalet li tahseb li kien bank to bank. Skont Daphne Caruana Galizia mhux necessarjament isir bl-i swift. 22 kien kont kurrenti u ftit li xejn gie ui:at Mix-xiehda migbura, inklui: dik tal-Awdituri tal-Bank, nonche d-dokumenti bankatji infushom, il-lista tal-klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus, mit-transazzjonijiet tal-Oracle Flexcube kif ukoll mix-xiehda ta' Hamidreza Ghanbari jirriiulta li ma kien hemm ebda tali kont bankjatju miftuh mal-Bank Pilatus f'isem Tillgate Inc. 20 Dan id-dettall gie wkoll konferma t minn Hamidreza Ghanbari fix-xiehda tieghu. Apparti minn hekk ma jirrii:ultax li Konrad Mizzi kellu xi kont bankarju ghax ma jidherx fil-lista tal-klijenti u transazzjonijiet talBank Pilatus. 21 22 Skont Maria Efimova, dan mhux minnu u hi ma qalitx hekk : Ins: You said that the Bank could not be involved. It could be a direct payment. Of course the Bank is involved. I mean if the money are leaving Pilatus Bank and going to another Bank, Wit: and it is USD it is swift, we don't have any other, Ins: So it always has to be in swift form? f 283 000284 Wit: Yes, it had to be. Brenda Calleja Smith tghid li sa mill-bidu nett tal-operazzjonijiet tal-Bank Pilatus, il-core banking syste:m kien mixtri u kien il-Flexcube tal-Oracle. Dan kien inxtara bli.ala package u kien gie implimentat minn Facilization, kumpanija mill-Albanija. Tiftakar ukoll li sa dak iZ-i:mien kienu nstallaw ukoll is-sistema TAS . Ekmel Gilingir jghid li fi i:mienu i:gur li dan ma setghax isir ghaliex kienu ghamlu protocoI li bih il-pagamenti kienu jigu pprocessati bil-Flexcube u I-messagg swift ried jigi wkoll awtorizzat mit-TAS u b'hekk ried ikun hemm kemm il-Flexcube kif ukoll it-TAS ui:atiflirnkien biex messagg swift ikun jista' jghaddib'mod validu. I.i:id jghid Ii The Court : But let us take the worst-case scenario. Let us take the worst-case scenario, and I am not referring to your time. And I am not necessarily referring to Pilatus to be clear. But if one were to affect a payment by-passing the S·wift system, how would one go about it? The Witness: By-passing Swift system? No, it is impossible. The Court : Impossible. The Witness: I thought that we were only talking about core banking system. The Court : Core banking system. The Witness : No it is impossible. The Court: You would have to pass through Swi.ft just the same. The Witness : Of course. I mean you can send for instance, I am exagerating, you can send an instruction like a normal company to your correspondent bank, but they never execute your transaction. They definitely ask Swift message. I mean it is impossible. The Court : And probably the higher the amount, The Witness : Exactly! The Court: The stricter the controls would be. The Witness: I mean I am not exagerating, I believe even for one thousand euro (€1,000) they nobody does this transaction because I mean it is direct alert I mean, you are using Swift, you have Swift connection to send instructions by Swift you should have a key between those two banks. Without key you cannot send authenticated message. You have this key as well but we are not sending your instruction by Swift you are sending by fax let me say, and it is impossible I mean even perhaps my example is a bit exagerated I mean. Emilia Maria Vacaru tghid Ii 1-pagamenti fil-Bank Pilatus kienu dejjem processati tramite I-core banking system taI-Pilatus, goe Flexcube. Hi qatt ma ingli.atat struzzjonijiet biex teffettwa pagamenti tramite persuni oli.ra jew kumpaniji oli.ra jew banek ohra. Hija kienet tibghat email lill-Operations Department sabiex dawn ikunu jistghu jipprocessaw il-pagamenti huma u ma kienet struzzjonijiet lil ebda persuna oli.ra. IlLegal Department u Hamidreza Ghanbari kienu dejjem jigu cc'd b'dawn 1-istruzzjonijiet ghall-pagamenti. Mistoqsija dwar jekk kienx hemm pagamenti lil persuni mill-Bank Pilatus lil Banek ohra mhux tramite Swift hi tghld Ii hi ma tafx Ii qatt sar dan. Kienu jui:aw biss Flexcube u I-payment instructions kienu jigu processati minnu u jghaddu tramite swift. Kollox kien jgli.addi mill-Flex cube. Kienet ticcekkja Ii 1-klijenti ghandhom flus fil-bank u jekk id-dettaiji taI-i swift kienux korretti. Imbaghad kienet tgli.addi kollox lillOperations Department. Hi kienet tivverifika I-Flexcube biex tara li kellhom flus fil-kont. Hi qatt ma tiftakar jew rat transazzjoni bankatja maghmula mill-Pilatus Bank Ii kienet saretmhux tramite Flexcube u swift. Dan peress li kien ikun hemm I-Intermediate Bank Ii jkun jehtieg dan 1-i swift code. 284 Ix-xiehda ta' Hamidreza Ghanbari hija C:ara Ii kull transazzjoni bankarju fil-Bank Pilatus kienet tghaddi mis-sistema tal-Oracle Flexcube u tigi wkoll u.i:ata I-portal TAS nonche Ii jigu wkoll invoiuti I-Correspondent Banks reiattivi ghaI-dawn it-transazzjonijiet Bankarji. Luis Felipe Rivera minn naha tieghu spjega dettaljatament kif is-sistema Bankarja taI-Bank Pilatus hija formulata u baZ:ata fuq Flexcube bhaia core banking system maghquda mas-servizz ta t-TAS ghall-Swift. Spjega w koll il-fea tures Ii huma inbuilt fissistema biex jigi evitat frodi - bil-htiega obbligatorja ta' aktar minn persuna wahda li jkollha access ghaIamministrazzjoni tas-sistema, kif ukoll fit-twettieq tat-transazzjonijiet. Jikkonferma wkoll li 1-Flexcube hija wahda mill-aqwa sistemi bankarji ei:istenti fis-suq. Fil-fatt ii:id li dan is-software huwa m:ibni b'tali mod li ma tistax thassar informazzjoni minn fuqu u £1-istess waqt ma thallix tracca. Ghandhom protezzjoni addizjonali jisimha Advanced Security provduta mill-Oracle li permei:i: taghha hemm sistema t'awditjar u logs ghaI kull attivita. Dawn I-attivitajiet taI-Bank Pilatus ikunu wkoll suggetti ghaI awditjar kontinwu kemm mill-internal auditors kif ukoll mill-external auditors. Parti mix-xoghol li jaghmlu 1-awdituri huwa technical audit b'mod li jaraw il-logs u jaghmlu review ta' dak li jkunu sabu fit-transazzjonijiet bankarji. Fi kwalunkwe kai:, il-pagamenti minn kontijiet ta' klijenti lil terzi xorta wahda jrid ikollhom numru IBAN ghaliex aitrimenti ma jkunx jista' jsir il-pagament u dan in-numru taI-benefiqarju wkoll ikun registrat fuq il-Flexcube. Luis Felipe Rivera jsemmi wkoll li 1-BIP - Business Infonnation Publisher huwa reporting tool Ii jiggenera rapporti mill-Flexcube. Il-Flexcube jinqasam fi tnejn-1-0racle database li juiaw I-Operations Department ghattransazzjonijiet bankarji u Flexcube Direct Banking- Ii hija pjattaforma digitali Ii biha 1-klijenti jkunu jistghu jaraw il-bilanc':i fil-kontijiet taghhom nonche t-transazzjonijiet Ii jkunu, ghalkemm ma jistghux juiawh biex jaghmlu transazzjonijiet mill-internet. Meta kont jigi debitat, it-transazzjoni bilfors trid tigi inserita fil-Flexcube ii:da mbaghad jista jigi generat rapport mill-BIP u tinhareg debit advice f'pfd file - simili ghall-procedura ta' hrug ta' ricevuta ta' ATM. ( Ghalkemm Luis Felipe Rivera jsemmi I-possibilita ta' bank to bank transfer fir-rigward tan-Nostro account talPilatus Bank ma banek ohra li ghandhom Con·espondent Bank relationships mill-analii:i maghmula millForensic Accountant Miroslava Milenovic, ma jirrii:ultax li ammonti ekwivalenti ghaI dawk imsemmija minn Daphne Caruana Galizia £1-artiklu taghha gew pprocessati min-Nostro account tal-Bank Pilatus. Dan ifisser li 1-possibilita li saru pagamenti diretti mill-Bank Pilatus bis-sistema bank to bank kif deskritt minn Luis Felipe Rivera fir-rigward tal-allegati trasferimenti msemmija minn Caruana Galizia u Maria Efimova ma ssibx sostenn fil-provi migbura. Verijoni simili inghatat ukoll minn Kamila Ann Lis li kienet wahda mill-ewweI impjegati taI-Bank inkarigata mill-effettwar tal-hlasijiet permezz taI-Flexcube, li kien il-core banking system u t-transazzjonijiet u d-dettalji tal-kontijiet kienu jini:ammu fih "as per the nonnal banking operations". Sakemm damet tandem hemmhekk minbarra Fiexcube il-Bank Pilatus ma kienx ihaddem programm iehor ghall-effettwar talpagamenti. Mistoqsija minni: Inquiring Magistrate: so let me put it bluntly was there a way of evading Flex Cube while performing banking transactions at the same time? Kamila Anna Lis: I honestly don't think so, I don't think so. Let's not forget that every thing that is going through swift goes to another bank no so it has to be both. Inquiring Magistrate: it has to be both. Kamila Anna Lis: I can't imagine having a swift plat form without this being connected. 285 ~ ;~ ') \.' tJ U.VJ~ 0~t - I 000286 L-impjegat Ii Daphne Caruana Galizia ssemmi fl-artiklu Ii kien "the Nexia BT employee who followed up his banking transaction is the same one who submitted to Pilatus Bank the bank account opening forms for Egrant Inc" kien Michael Sa tariano. 23 Inquiring Magistrate: or else for example another programme running parallel to Flex Cube? Kamila Anna Lis: ( could be. Inquiring Magistrate: but did you ever encounter such a programme during the days you were working for Pilatus there? Kamila Anna Lis: no all the time I worked there, I operate Flex Cube, the current system, swift plat form and the online banking of Pilatus which is a part of Flex Cube itself. Ahmed Tawfik Bugaighis, Ii mix-xiehda tieghu jidher Ii ftit kien soddisfatt bl-espetjenza qasira tieghu malBank Pilatus jghid Ii I-core banking system tal-Bank Pilatus kienet il-Flexcube Ii kienet interphased mat-TAS Swift u jghid Ii ma kienx konxju tal-fatt Ii I-Bank kien juia programmi ohra Ii bihom jei:egwixxi pagamenti lil terzi: Nothing that I am aware of, and there should not be because Flex cube is a core banking system and every transaction should be recoreded through the core banking system at the end. Otherwise it would show as a missig leg, as a discrepancy. Mistoqsi ntinni jekk kienx konsapevoli ta' xi mezz biex il-Bank Pilatus ikun jista' jagrunel pagamenti billi jaqbei: l-iSwift jew Flexcube, ix-xhud wiegeb fin-negattiv. Adrian Galea li huwa dak responsabbli mill-iSwift payments fl-Operations Department sa minn Gunju 2016, jikkonferma Ii l-Flexcube hija I-core banking system tal-Bank Pilatus Ii hija kollegata ma TAS Swift. Id-dettalji tal-pagamenti, kemm incoming kif ukoll outgoing, inklui: ukoll internal payments bejn kontijiet ta' klijenti filBank Pilatus innifsu jridu 1-ewwel jghaddumill-Flexcube. Outgoing paymentsjghaddu awtomatikamentmitTAS Swift. Biss meta jkunu internal payments bejn kontijiet ta' klijenti fi hdan il-Bank Pilatus innisfu ttransazzjonijiet jigu inseriti fil-Flexcube, ii:da ma jghaddux mit-TAS - ghalkemm xorta wahda r-rapporti jigu generatimill-BIP. II-Bank Pilatus qatt ma pprocessa pagamenti Ii jghaddu minn TAS Swift ii:da mhux ukoll mill-Flexcube. Anke safejn taf Sue Lana Hedley il-Bank Pilatus ma ghandux programm jew software iehor ghajr hlief Flexcube u TAS sabiex isiru pagamenti minn kontijiet ta' klijenti jew tal-Bank lil terzi Makhabbat Ellul, Ii kienet tahdem bhala Specialist tat-Treasury fl-Operations Department bejn Novembru 2015 u d-29 ta' Marzu 2016 tghid Ii 1-Bank Pilatus kien jei:egwixxi 1-pagamenti tieghu bl-Oracle u ma kellux sistema ohra biex biha jei:egwixxi pagementi. Ghalkemm ma kienetx hi Ii tuia l-iSwift, taf li 1-pagamenti kienu jigu mbaghad processati mill-iSwift. 23 Mill-provi irrii:ulta Ii ma kienx possibbli Ii kien Miehael Satariano in kwantu dan kien spicca jahdem minn man-Nexia BT; filwaqt Ii ma kienx ghadu jahdem man-Nexia BT meta giet imwaqfa l-Egrant Inc filPanama. Gie stabbilit Ii kien Karl Cini dak Ii kien ha hsieb it-twaqqif ta' Egrant Inc tramite s-servizzi ta' 286 ( Saritilha riferenza wkoll ghall-artiklu US$400,000 uloan payment" to Michelle Muscat jewellery business partner from sister of Pilatus Bank owner Daphne Caruana Galizia tikkonferma li 1-informazzjoni dwar dan 1artiklu kienet gabitha minghand Maria Efimova, iZda din ma kienetx urietha dokumenti in sostenn ghal dak mistqarr minnha. Maria Efimova kienet qaltilha 1-isem ta' Buttardi, :i.Zda ma kienetx qaltilha bl-isem ta' Michelle Buttigieg. Fil-fatt Maria Efimova kienet semmitilha "a Maltese woman who lives in New York with a company called Buttardi, hi qaltli l-isem tal-jewellery business Buttardi mhux ta' Michelle Buttigieg". 24 Daphne Caruana Galizia ma Mossack Fonseca fil-Panama. Interessanti pero li I-Forensic Accountants Habrinson Forensics jirrimarkaw li bejn Frar u Marzu 2016 kien hemm skambju ta' korrispondenza b'email bejn Michael Satariano u Maria Efimova, fejn fiha Satariano kien jidher ferrn urtat bis-servizz li kien qieghed jingha ta mill-Bank Pilatus firrigward ta' i:ewg klijenti li jidher li ma ghandhomx x'jaqsmu mal-persuni involuti f'dan il-kai: - Exiat Holdings Limited u Privilege Limited ghal i:ewg klijenti riferiti bhala Corrado u Fiore rispettivament. F' din il-korrispondenza Satariano jilmenta hafna minhabba I-element ta' dewmien biex jinqeda mill-Bank Pilatus. II-Forensic Accountants jghidu 1-istorja ta' Efimova fir-rigward ta' Egrant Inc kienet taqa' fil-pattern ta' din il-korrispondenza u taqbel ma' 1-istotja pubblikata minn Caruana Galizia b'riferenza ghal dak fejn gie msemmi Michael Satariano kieku f'din il-korrispondenza email, 1-isem ta' Exiat Holdings Limited jigi mibdul b' dak t'Egrant Inc. u 1-kunjom Corrado jigi mibdul b'Muscat! Jigilieri pari minn narrativa tal-istorja rakkonta ta minn Efimova kienet taqbel ma kai: ta' klijenti ohra tan-Nexia BT li kienu jridu jui:aw is-servizzi tal-Bank Pilatus - ii:da li ma kellhiex x'taqsam mal-Egrant Inc jew ma Michelle Muscat Analii:i tal-arkivju tal-artikli fir-Running Commentary li kienu jittrattaw is-suggett "Buttardi", turi li 1ewwel artiklu li Daphne Caruana Galizia kitbet dwar dan is-suggett kien imur lura ghat-22 u 23 ta' Jannar 2012, fejn Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet diga ppubblikat informazzjoni dwar dan in-negozju kif ukoll irrabta bejn Michelle Muscat u Michelle Buttigieg. Artikli pubblikati wara, fis-7 t' Awissu 2012 kif ukoll tliet snin wara fl-1 ta' Marzu 2015 kif ukoll fit-23 t' A wissu 2015 jkomplu jaghtu dettalji dwar min kien hemm wara 1-isem "Buttardi" u r-rabta bejn Muscat u Buttigieg f'dan 1-isfond, inklui: il-kunjom ta' xebba ta' Michelle Muscat, cioe Tanti. Imbaghad wara dan 1-ahhar artiklu tat-23 t'Awissu 2015 Daphne Caruana Galizia ippublikat 1-Artiklu intitolat US$400,000 "loan payment" to Michelle Muscat jewellery business partner from sister of Pilatus Bank owner fil-21 t' April 2017. L-informazzjoni dwar Buttardi ghalhekk kienet ilha snin pubblikata minn Caruana Galizia stess u kienet kontenuta £1-arkivju tar-Running Commentary u li setgha jidhol fih min irid biex jara 1-istejjer li kienet tikteb u tippubblika Daphne Caruana Galizia. 24 287 000288 staqsietx kif dan it-trasferiment ta' US$400,000 sar - jekk hux bank to bank jew mod iehor. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid li ma staqsithiex ghax dak iZzmien "ma kontx qed nieim interess f'dawn l-affarijiet, ma kontx intiza Ji swift". Mistoqsija minni jekk Maria Efimova qaltilhiex forsi jekk dan il-pagament kienx sar per ezempju lil xi hadd iehor f'isem Michelle Buttigieg, Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet li ma kienetx taf. Biss Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid li Maria Efimova semmiet li kien hemm paniku kbir u li dan ir-request biex jinfetah il-kont lil oht iC-Chairman Ali Sadr kien forma ta' abbu.Z u "goes against all banking practice" ghax Ali Sadr cemplilhom "biex jifthu kont malajr imbaghad joiwrgu loan mill-ewwel u jaghtu nofsu u dan kollu process isir hekk qishom piggy bank taghhom jigifieri". Daphne Caruana Galizia tikkonferma li Maria Efimova qaltilha li dawn lUS$400,000 kienu parti mill-miljun dollaru Amerikan li kienu inghataw b' self lil Negarin Sadr. Mistoqsija minni jekk kienux apparti, jigifieri over and above il-miljun dollaru Amerikan Daphne Caruana Galizia twiegeb "it was part of the one million". Hi tghid li milli tista' tifhem hi, is-self sar lil Negarin preciZ biex il-flus jghaddu lil Michelle Buttigieg u mhux ghax Negarin kellha bzonn dawn il-flejjes u dan peress li Negarin Sadrhasheminejad hija bint 288 ( ) 000289 multi miljunarju u ma ghandhiex bzonn self mill-bank. Biss Maria Efimova ma taghthiex informazzjoni ohra dwar dan is-self. 25 Maria Efimova ma taghthiex informazzjoni dwar min kienu 1-klijenti Russi li kellu I-Bank Pilatus. 26 ( Skont Daphne Caruana Galizia, Maria Efimova ma kienetx taf min kienet Egrant Inc. Maria Efimova "dawn id-dokumenti liadithom u kkupjathom f'Marzu jigifieri qabel l-Egrant sar famuz". Tghid li f'Marzu (2016) hadd ma kien ghadu jaf b' dak 1-isem. Il-motivazzjoni ta' Maria Efimova biex tikkopja dawk iddokumenti kienet li Maria Efimova bdiet tibza li ser tigi frejmjata mill-Bank stess u dan peress li kienu tefghu hafna files fuqha meta gew tal-FIAU. Meta telqet il-kollega taghha il-Head of Compliance kienu qalulha biex issib irkaptu ghal dawk il-files. Kien hemm hafna firem neqsin, kien hemm hafna ittri li ( kienu neqsin, u bdew iZommu lil Maria Efimova responsabbli u hi hasset li ma setghetx tkun hi responsabbli ghal dawn in-nuqqasijiet. Dan peress li hafna minn dawn in-nuqqasijiet kienu dovuti ghal fatt li ma kienetx ghadha 25 Gie stabbilit mill-provi li verament kien ingli.ata self lil Negarin Sadr Hashemi Nejad, li tigi oli.t icChainnan tal-Bank Pilatus Ali Sadr Hasheminejad. Ii:da 1-ammont misluf ma kienx dak imsemmi minn Caruana Galizia. Dan is-self gie rintracgat fil-kotba tal-Bank Pilatus, kien moghti fi Frar 2016 u gie pprocessat fi i:mien qasir li.afna, pero kien jammonta miljun u nofs dollaru Arnerikan (US$1,500,000) u tli.allas fi tranche wali.danija. Dwar dan is-suggett ser nidli.ol £' aktar dettall aktar il-quddiem. 26 Maria Efimova irrifjutat li tagli.ti 1-ismijiet tal-klijenti Russi anke fil-kors tax-xiehda tagli.ha fl-inkjesta. 289 t , u·. , , , ~ ·) .~ \) 000290 tiJi-.i\..iO tahdem mal-Bank dak i.Z-zmien. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid Ii tal-Pilatus kienu geghlu lil Maria Efimova biex tiffirma fuq karta in bjank. Maria Efimova bdiet tibza Ii I-Bank Pilatus setghu ipoggu 1-firma tagliha fuq xi dokumenti u tigi ffrejmata. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid Ii Maria Efimova qaltilha Ii : Imbaghad bdejt nib:la, qaltli u meta kelli cans immur gos-safe, staqsewni biex niehu 1files, bdejt infittix halli nara x'serinsib u qaltli rajt 1-isem Muscatu hi ma hijiex Maltija, rajt 1-isem Muscat, gharaftu bhala kunjom ii-Prim Ministru ghax ovvja Ii ma kienetx taf Ii Muscat kunjom komuni u hadthom dawn i..Z-zewgt dokumenti ikkupjajthom b'hekk hargu mis-safe u dak Ii kien il-motivazzjoni taghha u fil-fatt hi ilhom ghandha issa sirt naf bihom jiena, wara sena u ftit, ehe. Hi speci kkupjathom bhala insurance ghax bdiet tibza Ii tista' tkun framed, ehe u dik kienet il-motivazzjoni ghax ovvja hawn hafna domandi fl-press allura qed tghid hargu s-sena 1-ohra, ghalfejn :lammejthom u jien ma nistax nirrispondi, ma nistax nghid dawn 1-affarijiet fil-pubbliku imma hi kienet qed tibza minnhom hi kienet qed tib:Za' Ii ha tigi framed f'nofs 1-FIAU investigation ghax il-kollega taghha telqet lampa stampa. 27 Fit-tieni deposizzjoni tagliha nhar il-31 ta' Mejju 2017, Daphne Caruana Galizia ikkonfemat li meta kienet qed titkellem fuq is-sors taghha matul 1ewwel deposizzjoni taghha hija kienet qed tirreferi ghal Maria Efimova, Ii sadattant kienet xehdet fit-28 t' April 2017. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid Ii Maria Efimova giet tixhed minn jeddha. Mistoqsija jekk Daphne Caruana Maria Efimova konsistentement tiC:had li ghamlet dan kollu, li hadet kopji jew li hadet xi ritratti jew scans ta' dokumenti bankarji! 27 290 c' .n.. . '91 -iiu u 0!.. 0n .i, .j Galizia f' dan 1-istadju kellhiex dokumenti li hija setghet tghaddi lill-inkjesta, hija wiegbet: Le, jien ma ghanclix id-dokumenti jien rajthom irnma ma hurniex fil-pussess tieghi u qa tt ma kienu fil-pussess tieghi fil-fa tt, jigifieri in-nies hekk qeghda nghiclilhom li meta jsaqsuni ghaliex ma tippublikahornx nghiclilhom ok kieku xtaqt, irnma na nistax ghax ma ghandix. Konfrontata bil-fatt li fix-xiehda tas-27 t' April 2017, ghall-mistoqsija tas(' Supretendent Abdilla jekk hija kienetx zammet kopja ta' dawn id-dokumenti li hija rat kopja taghhom jew inkella kienux gew mghoddija kopji lilha missors taghha, hija kienet wiegbet "ghandi kopja iva", Daphne Caruana Galizia issa wiegbet : Ehe, jien li xtaqt infi.sser li naf fejn qieghdin mhux ghancli fil-pussess tieghi, u f' dak 1istadju ma' stajtx niccara i.Zjed dwar il-whistleblower ghax hadd ma kien jafha, jigifieri jien kelli access ghalihom imrna ma kienux fil-pussess tieghi, fil-fatt biex naghrnel ittranscript kelli bzonnhom. (\ Mistoqsija minni jekk dak kienx ifisser li kienu ghand u fil-pussess ta' Maria Efimova, Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet li kienu fil-pussess ta' Maria Efimova (whistleblower). IZzid tghid li Maria Efimova ghandha 1-i scans u Daphne Caruana Galizia rat print out u mhux digital copy taghhom. Izda min ikollu digital copy jista' dejjem jipprintjaha. Daphne Caruana Galizia tippreciZa li dak li hi rat kienu "soft copies jigifieri printouts". Hi ma setghetx tghid kienux photocopies jew kopji stampati wara li kienu gew scanned 291 n ) :=:-9 ti ,..,, ;j ______,,. 000292 digitalment. Biss kienet Maria Efimova Ii urithom lilha. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid Ii Maria Efimova ghandha 1-kopji: u biex nibda mill-bidu xi hadd iehor uri.homli 1-ewwel darba ... Maria Efirnova, qaltli li ghandha 1-kopji taglihorn irnma jien rajthorn ghand xi haddiehor..qaltli Ii gabhorn rninghandha. Jiena ma gietx ghandi dirett. 28 Mistoqsija jekk is-sors pero ta' din 1-informazzjoni kienetx Maria Efimova, Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet: Iva, s-sors iva 100 percent dak zgur, is-sors II tal-informazzjoni kienet Efimova". Inoltre Daphne Caruana Galizia ttenni Ii 1-persuna 1-ohra Ii rathom minghandha kienet qaltilha Ii kienet hadithom minghand Maria Efimova. Fil-fatt tghid hekk: Maria Efimova mill-banda 1-ohra fix-xiehda taghha tghid bil-kontra u Cjoe li 1-ewwel kienet kelmet lil Daphne Caruana Galizia imbaghad kienet kelmet lil Pierre Portelli wara Ji sa fejn kienet taf hi kienet Daphne Caruana Galizia li ghaddiet id-dettalji taghha lil Pierre Portelli Maria Efimova tghid Ii hi ma ghaddietx informazzjoni dwar din 1-istotja lil media ohra - ghalkemm darba qalet Ii kienet kelmet lil xi hbieb taghha dwar 1-istotja u darb' ohra qalet li kienet kelmet lir-ragel taghha dwar din 1-istorja u lil hadd izjed. Maria Efimova tirribadb<.xi Ii hi qatt ma wriet dokumenti lil Daphne Caruana Galizia i.i:da Ii kienet Daphne Caruana Galizia li wrietha i:-zewg declarations of trust- sa mill-ewwel laqgha Ii kellhom bejniethom f'Marzu 2017 u Ii kienet jew qabel jew wara 1-Ghid (Ii £i kwalunkwe kaZ £1-2017, 1-Ghid kien jahbat fis-16 t' April 2017 u mhux f'Marzu). Interessanti wkoll hawnhekk li skont Caruana Galizia, il-persuna 1-ohra Ii minghandha kienet ukoll rat dawn id-declarations of trust tirreferi ghaliha fil-maskil u mhux fil-femminil - qaltli Li gabham minghandha. Jigifieri anke s-sors 1-iehor li ma giex i:velat miim Caruana Galizia, Ii jidher Ii kien rageL ukoll qal lil Caruana Galizia li huwa d-declarations of trust kien gabhom minghand Maria Efimova. L-unika persuna Ii 1-inkjesta setghet tidentifi.ka Ii kienet rat dawn id-declarations of trust, minbarra Efimova u Caruana Galizia kien Pierre Portelli. Portelli fix-xiehda tieghu jghid Ii huwa kien lahaq inti.i:a ma Efimova Ii din ittih kopja tag:hhom billi ggibhom mill-iCloud account taghha wara Ji taccedi bilVPN, pero Portelli jghid li din qatt ma ta thomlu. Fi kwalunkwe kaz il-verzjoni t'Efimova u Caruana Galizia dwar min kellu dawn id-dokumenti hija dijametrikament opposta . 25 292 Daphne Caruana Galizia: Xi hadtiehor kien ... Magistrat Inkwirenti: Lilek urik dan id-dokument persuna ohra? Daphne Caruana Galizia: Ehe. Magistrat lnkwirenti : Illi lilek qaltlek li kienet hadithom mighand Efimova. Daphne Caruana Galizia : Iva. Biss Daphne Caruana Galizia regghet tenniet li hija kopji ta' dawn 1-i scans ma kellhiex u qa tt ma kellha hlief biex taghmel it-traskrizzjonijiet. \ ( U mistoqsija mill-gja Supretendent Abdilla jekk dawn il-kopji kienetx ghaddhiethom lura lil min tahomlha, Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet "iva". Daphne Caruana Galizia tenniet ukoll li hija qatt ma kellha fil-pussess taghha il-bank account opening forms. 29 F'dan il-kaz Maria Efimova kienet qaltilha dwarhom. Meta giet mistoqsija dwar il-bank account opening forms ta' Al Sahra u jekk minbarra Ii semghet lil Maria Efimova tghidilha dwarhom, kienetx rat xi haga bil-miktub dwar id-dokumenti, Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid li: \. ( ma nistax nahlef, imma ma nistax nahlef... ghax fi.1-fatt jiena kelli din id-domanda ghax meta bdejt infittex fuq I-internet ghax rajthom malajr ma nistax nahlef u meta bdejt infittex fuq I-internet dwar Al Sahra sibt hafna informazzjoni dwar Shams Al Sahra u fi.1-fatt jiena assumejt Ii kienu 1-istess u meta saqsejta qaltli le kienet Al Sahra Fix-xiehda precedenti ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia, meta mistoqsija mill-gja Supretendent Ian Joseph Abdilla : "id-do/...-umenti Sinjura ohra apparti din id-declaration of trust, din il-persuna ghaddietlek?" Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet "bank account opening forms". Fuq domanda tal-gja Supretendent Ian Joseph Abd.illa wiegbet li Efirnova kienet urietha il-bank account opening form ta' Al Sahra. Skont Daphne Caruana Galizia, Maria Efirnova kienet fil-pussess ta' zewg declarations of trust kif ukoll zewg bank account opening forms u "the other bank account opening form l-ohra ta' Al Sahra FZCO". Fit-ti.eni xiehda taghha issa qalet li Maria Efimova qaltilha dwarhom. 19 293 b I 000294 zgur, u mbaghad meta staqsejtha i.Zjed vicin wara hafn.a gimghat jigifieri dwar Al Sahra hi qaltli le niftakar li kien hemm xi tentattivi biex din il-kumpanija Shams Al Sahra jitfhu kont hemmhekk imma jien sal frattemp kont tlaqt, u fil-fatt ghandu jkun Shams Al Sahra infethet wara li telqet hi xi April xi haga hekk. 30 Meta mistoqsija jekk meta ghamlet riferenza ghall-fatt li d-dokumenti gew uploaded fil-cloud minn terzi kienetx qed tirreferi ghal Maria Efimova, Daphne Caruana Galizia wiegbet li fil-fatt kien ghalhekk li hija assumiet li huma self scans u mhux fotokopji ghax bilfors li riedu jkunu digitali biex tkun () tista' taghmel upload taglihom. Kien dan li wassalha tassumi li ma kienux fotokopji "imma printouts minn xi pdffile jew xi haga hekk" .31 Fit-tieletxiehda tagliha Maria Efimova terga tghid lihi qattma ratisern il-kumpanija Al Sahraumistoqsija speC:ifikament li Daphne Caruana Galizia ssemmi espliC:itament 1-isem tal-kumpanija bhala Al Sahra Maria Efimova tghid li "I don 't knou.1 may be it was a confusion because they had also Shams Al Sahra". Jigilieri anke hawnhekk dawn ii-i:ewgt xiehda mhux jaqblu fil-veri:jonijiet taghhom. Li hareg mill-provi huwa li Al Sahra FZCO ma kienetx tei:isti bhala klijenta tal-Bank Pilatus u ma kellhiex kont rna dan il-Bank. I.Zda Caruana Galizia tinsisti li meta staqsiet lil Efimova dwar il-fa tt li ma kienetx Al Sahra, Caruana Galizia tghid "meta saqsejta qaltli le kienet Al Sahra zgur". Din hija veri:joni inkwetanti ghax bla dubju ta' xejn hareg li Maria Efimova kienet taf li Al Sahra ma kienetx tei:isti tant li xehdet dan rnatul 1-inkjesta u d-dokumenti bankarji kienu jixhdu dan. Daphne Caruana Galizia, ta' gumalista investigattiva kienet intebhet li kien hemrn xi haga li ma kienetx qeghda ddoqqilha dwar din il-kumpanija li dwarha ma sabet xejn. U meta staqsiet speC:ifikament lil Maria Efimova dwarha din assigurata li kienet Al Sahra! Il-mistoqsija legittima hija, ghaliex jekk Caruana Galizia kienet qed tghid il-verita, Maria Efimova deliberatament assiguratha li 1-isem tal-kumpanija in kwistjoni kienet Al Sahra u mhux Sahra jew Shams Al Sahra? u allura ghaliex qaltilha haga b'ohra u iddepistat lil Caruana Galizia? Jekk Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet qeghda tghid il-verita, dan ikun ifisser li Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet qeghda temrnen lil Maria Efimova f' dak li Maria Efimova kienet qeghda tghidilha; filwaqt li Maria Efimova kienet qeghda taghtiha informazzjoni hai:ina deliberatament. 30 Maria Efimova mill-banda 1-ohra tirnad kategorikament li hija qatt ghamlet kopji jew hadet ritratti ta' dawn id-dokurnenti, ghalkemrn tghid li rathom, inklui: il-bank account opening form ta' Sahra FZCO (u ghalhekk mhux t'Al Sahra FZCO kif Caruana Galizia tghid li Efimova qaltilha). 31 294 ( ) Daphne Caruana Galizia ikkonfermat li s-sors tal-informazzjoni wara 1allegazzjonijiet imsemmija fl-artiklu US$1.017 million in single transaction from Azerbaijan-owned company to Egrant Inc. kienet Maria Efimova. Mistoqsija dwar dak li kienet qalet jekk it-transazzjonijiet kienux maghmula minn swift u jekk gietx murija xi dokumenti ta' swift transfers, Daphne Caruana Galizia qalet li hi kienet strahet fuq li qalet Maria Efimova. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid li kienet Maria Efimova li qaltilha li kienu bank to bank transfer. 32 Daphne Caruana Galizia tghld li Maria Efimova kellha suspett li: Ghandhom xi arrangement xi bank it-Turkija, ghax hi kienet ghamlet hafna t-Turkija li kienu jghaddu t-transactions minn hemm u nahseb hi bdiet tissuspetta li ghandhom, arrangament ma' bank it-Turkija li jibghat il-flus f'bank wiehed u jerga jibghatu ma nafx imma jiena ma nifhimx bi.Zzejjed, ma nistax nghinkom. 33 Mix-xiehda ta' Maria Efimova jinii:ulta Ii mhux veru Ii kienet qalet dan Ii qed ti.stqarr Daphne Caruana Galizia. Fil-fatt il-gja Supretendent Abdilla ghamel mistoqsija specifika dwar dan (meta hu kien taht 1impressjoni li din 1-istqarrija ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet ghamlitha Maria Efimova). Minn naha taghha Maria Efimova twiegeb Ii din 1-istqarrija hi ma ghamlithiex u tghld hekk: 32 Ins: Can I ask you something, you said that it would not necessary be the bank involved. You said time ago, when we were asking you, you said that it could be a direct payment. Wit No, I didn't say this. Ins: You said that the Bank could not be involved. It could be a direct payment. Wit Of course the Bank is involved. I mean if the money are leaving Pilatus Bank and going to another Bank, and it is USD it is swift, we don't have any other, Ins: So it always has to be in swift form? Wit. Yes, it had to be. Mehmet Ugurluoglu, Ii jahdem fil-Front Office mal-Bank Pilatus sa' minn Ottubru 2016 jghld Ii 1-Bank Pilatus ma kellux Uffigu fit-Turkija . 33 Michaela Krajcikova li kienet tandem Office Manager bejn Gunju u Novembru 2015 tghld li dik Ii kienet 1assistenta personali ta' Ali Sadr, goe Linet Estiroti., dak iZ-i:mien kienet importanti hafna u li kienet baqghet 295 f Kienet Maria Efimova Ii kienet qaltilha Ii kien Michael Satariano dak 1impjegat Ii kien issemma' £1-artiklu tal-US$1.017 million, ghalkemm ftit wara tghid Ii ma kienetx tiftakar. 34 tandem remotament mit-Turkija ghall-Bank Pilatus. Tgliid Ji kienet minn taI-bidu nett tandem maI-Bank Pilatus u ku1l meta kien ikollhom xi probiema jew diffikuita kienu jcempiu lilha. Kienet tandem sieghat twaI hafna u tibghat hafna e-mails. Biss wara li kienet spiC:C:at tandem maI-Bank Pilatus dix-xhud kienet saret taf Ji Linet Estiroti kienet spiccat tandem maI-Bank Pilatus jew keccewha u ma kienetx setghet tifhem ghaliex kienu ghamlulha hekk meta kienet tandem dawk is-sieghat kollha. Emilia Maria Vacaru tiftakar Ji kien hemm wanda jisimha Linet Estiroti li kienet tandem mal-Pilatus. Hi qatt ma ltaqgliet maghha pero. Estiroti kienet tandem mid-dar fit-Turkija. Meta Vacaru kienet trainee, kienet iccempillha u taghtiha 1-pariri xi trid taghmel biex tiftah kontijiet tal-bank. Taf li qabeI Estiroti kienet tandem fuq ftugh ta' kontijiet tal-bank, pero ma tafx jekk kienetx taghmel attivitajiet ohra. Taf li kienet tandem ghal mad war ghaxar snin ma Ali Sadr. Fil-bidu meta kienet bdiet tandem Vacaru ma Pilatus Bank, Estiroti kienet baqghet tipprocessa pagarnenti ghalPilatus Bank. Pero wara I-Bank ghaddew 1-ipprocessar tal-payment instructions lil Vacaru. Biss wara ghalkemm kien ghaddewlha I-payment instructions, hi kienet tirreferihom lura I-Bank £'Malta. Peress li ma kienet £'Malta hi ma kienetx f'qaghda li twettaq il-payment instructions. Emilia Maria Vacaru ii:i:id tghid li I-process tal-pagament kien kollu jigi registrat bil-miktub u tramite e-mazl. Wara li 1-pagamenti kienu jigu pprocessati kienu jintbaghtu lil Operations Department u dawn kienu jei:egwixxu I-pagamenti tramite l-Flexcube. Sa fejn taf hi I-Bank kellu biss il-Flexcube li bih setghu jsiru transazzjonijiet bankatji u ma kienx hemm xi sistema bankarja ohra. Sa fejn tafhi I-Bank dejjem kien jui:a 1-i swift gha t-transazzjonijiet u pa gamenti li kienu jsiru. L-i swift kien ikun imsemmi fuq il-paymen t request farms. Hurna kienu dejjem jivverifikaw Ji 1-i swift code kien ikun korrett sabiex il-pagament kien jista' jsir. Fir-raba' xiehda taghha Maria Efirnova tghid li verament kienet semmiet lil Michael Satariano lil Daphne Caruana Galizia, ii:da Maria Efirnova semmietu £is-sens li huwa kien wiehed mill-impjegati tan-Nexia BT li 1-aktar kien igib klijenti lill-Bank Pilatus u rnhux ghaliex kien b'xi mod involut fit-transazzjoni bankatja msemrnija rninn Daphne Caruana Galizia fl-artikolu taghha. Ghal darb' ohra meta Maria Efirnova giet konfrontata bil-fatt li Daphne Caruana Galizia kitbet xi haga differenti minn dak Ji kienet xehdet Maria Efimova fir-raba' xiehda taghha, Maria Efimova qalet Ji dan setglia kien dovut ghall-fatt Ji Daphne Caruana Galizia regghet hawdet dak Ji Maria Efirnova kienet qaltilha. Maria Efimova tgliid hekk: - 34 Court: Excuse me I have to repeat the question. Now going back is it true that an employee from Nexia BT called Pilatus Bank several times a day in relation to this transaction that did not go through between Sahra and Egrant? Witness: Now I remember telling to Mrs. Caruana Galizia that Michael Satariano was calling me many times in relation ·with - at some account openings, they were introduced to the bank and the bank was delaying to open the accounts. So I remember such situation the he was calling literally like every hour, did you open, did you open, did you open. Maybe she confused, I don't know. Court: Well she had to say that she understood you right or wrong. but was Mr. Satariano calling you in relation to this transaction that did not go through? 296 000297 Daphne Caruana Galizia ssostni li 1-informazzjoni li Egrant, Tillgate u Hearnville kellhom kontijiet il-Pilatus kienet taghthielha Maria Efimova. 35 Linformazzjoni relattiva ghall-artiklu dwar is-self ta' Negarin Sadr u 1-allegat hlas lil Buttardi kienet ukoll Maria Efimova li taghthielha. \ ( Witness: No. Court: No. Witness: No. Court: Or did Mr. Satariano speak to you about Egrant? Witness: To me no. Court: No. Witness: No he never spoke to me about Egrant. 35 Ebda kont bankarju f'isem dawn il-kumpaniji jew bank account opening forms jew dokumenti ohra relattivi ghal dawn il-kumpaniji ma nstabu fir-records stampati jew digitali jew fil-core systrni talBank Pila tus. 297 11-kitbiet ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia dwar Egrant Inc. fir-Running Commentary u t-triq Ii waslitha tippubblika tal-artiklu meritu ta' din 1inkjesta Kornponent ewlieni fil-kitbiet ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia u li jidher li kienet ibbazat hafna rnill-konkluzjonijiet taghha fil-kwisjoni Egrant Inc kienet tistrieh fuq arnrnont enorrni t'inforrnazzjoni Ii jirriZulta li kienet ipprocessat Daphne Caruana Galizia rninn hafna sorsi diversi. Bhala gumalista hi kienet hielsa li tigbor bicCiet t'informazzjoni partikolari u wara tigborhom flirnkien u titrasformahorn f'kitba, skont dak li kienet ternrnen Ii kienet il-verita. Biss il-rnod kif tigi processata 1-inforrnazzjoni mill-gurnalista huwa differenti minn dawk li jrid jaghmel il-rnagistrat. Il-magistrat jirCievi inforrnazzjoni u rninnha jrid jislet, skont regoli ben preciZi, dik Ii rnill-istess informazzjoni tikkostitwixxi evidenza diretta u dik Ii hi evidenza indiretta jew cirkostanzjali legalrnent arnrnissibbli. 36 ••L-interpretazzjoni tal-evidenza indiretta jew C:irkostanzjalihija spjegata b'mod car fis-sentenza ll-Pulizija vs. Abderrah Berrad et fejn il-prinC:ipji regolatorji u li johorgu mill-gurisprudenza Maltija gew sintetizzati hekk: Huwa minnu wkoll kif rapportat aktar 'I fuq Ii fl-Artikolu 638(2) tal-Kap. 9 i.x-xhieda ta' xhud wiehed biss, jekk emnut minn min ghandu jiggudika fuq il-fatt hija bizzejjed biex taghmel prova shiha u kompluta minn kollox, daqs kemm kieku 1-fatt gie ppruvat minn zewg xhieda jew aktar. Ghalhekk jispetta lill-Qorti tara liema hija 1aktar xhieda kredibbli u vero simili fic-cirkostanzi u clan a bazi tal-possibilita'. Huwa veru wkoll li 1-Qorti ghandha tqis provi cirkostanzjali jew indizzjarji sabiex tara jekk hemmx irbit bejn 1imputat u 1-allegat reat. Dan qed jinghad ghaliex ghalkemm huwa veru Ii fil-kamp penali 1-provi ndizzjarji hafna drabi huma aktar importanti mill-provi diretti, pero' hu veru wkoll li provi ndizzjarji jridu jigu ezaminati b'aktar attenzjoni sabiex il-gudikant jaccerta ruhu Ii huma univoci. 298 Fil-fatt il-Qorti ha'A'llhekk taghmel referenza ghall-sentenza moghtija mill-Qorti tal-Appell Kriminali fil-hmistax (15) ta' Gunju, 1998 fil-kawza fl-ismijiet 'Il-Pulizija vs Joseph Lee Borg', fejn kien gie ritenut li provi jew indizzji cirkostanzjali ghandhom ikunu univoci, doe' mhux ambigwi. Ghandhom ikunu ndizzji evidenti li jorbtu Iillakkuzat mar-reat u hadd iktar, anzi 1-akkuzat biss, li hu 1-hati u 1-provi li jigu imressqa, ikunu kompatibbli rnalpresunzjoni tal-innocenza tieghu. Illi ghalhekk huwa rnportanti fl-isfond ta' dan il-kaz li jigi ppruvat li kien 1-imputat biss li ghamel dak Ii gie akkuzat bih u ghalhekk il-Qorti sejra tikkonsidra kwalunkwe prova possibilrnent cirkostanzj ali li tista' tor bot lillimputat b'mod univoku bir-reati addebitati lilu. Fil-fatt kif gie ritenut fis-sentenza rnoghtija mill-Qorti tal-Appell Kriminali fissitta (6) ta' Mejju, 1961 fil-kawza flismijiet 'Il-Pulizija vs Carmelo Busuttil', "Il-prova ndizzjatja ta" spiss hija 1-ahjar prova talvolta hija tali li tipprova fatt bi precizjoni matematika." Illi huwa veru li fil-kamp penali, il-provi ndizzjarji hafna drabi hum a aktar importanti mill-provi diretti. Hu veru wkoll li 1-provi ndizzjarji jridu jigu ezaminati b'aktar attenzjoni sabiex wiehed jaccerta ruhu li huma univoci. ( Archbold fil-ktieb tieghu Criminal Parctice (1997 edition para 10-3) b'referenza ghal dak li qal Lord Normand filkaz Teper vs R (1952) jghid: "Circumstantial evidence is receivable in Criminal as well as in Civil cases; and indeed, the necessity of admitting such evidence is more obvious in the former than in the latter; for in criminal cases, the possibility of proving the matter charged by the direct and positive testimony of eye witnesses or by conclusive documents much more than in civil cases; and where such testimony is not available. The Jury is permitted to infer the facts proved other facts necessary to complete the elements of guilt or establish innocence. It must always be narrowly examined, if only because evidence of this kind may be fabricated to cast suspicion on another... It is also necessary before drawing the inference of the acrused's guilt from cirrumstantial evidence to be sure taht there is no other coexisting cirrumstance which would weaken or destroy the inference." Illi din hija ezattament il-posizzjoni hawn Malta, kif fil-fatt giet konfermata b'sentenza rnoghtija mill-Qorti talAppell Kriminali nhar d-disgha ta' Jannar, 1998 fil-kawza fl-isrnijiet 'Il-Pulizija vs Emanuel Seisun'. Din il-Qorti thoss u tghid li provi cirkostanzjali huma bhal katina li tintrabat minn tarf ghal tarf, b'sensiela ta' ghoqiedi li jaqblu ma' xulxin u li flimkien iwasslu fl-istess direzzjoni. Il-Qorti hija rinfaccjata b'zewg versjonijiet ta' kif sehhet il-grajja..... ( Ghalhekk rn'hemmx dubju li 1-Qorti hija rinfaccjata b'zewg verzjonijiet dijametrikament opposti ghal xulxin ghalkemm inghad sa minn dan 1-istadju bikri tas-sentenza jidher li 1-imputati li gew investigati a tempo vegine tal-investigazzjoni baqghu konsistenti fil-verzjoni tal-fatti taghhorn sa meta xehdu 1-Qorti viva voce rninn jeddhom hames snin wara !-incident. Illi ghalhekk rn'hernmx dubju Ii kollox jiddependi fuq il-kredibilita · tax-xhieda u dan billi bhala gudikant il-Qorti ghandha tqies 1-imgieba, il-kondotta u 1-karattru tax-xhieda, tal-fatt jekk ix-xhieda ghandhiex mis-sewwa jew hiex kostanti u ta' fatturi ohra tax-xhieda tieghu u jekk i.x-xhieda hiex imsahha minn xhieda ohra u tac-cirkostanzi kollha tal-kaz u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu 637 tal-Kap. 9 tal-Ligijiet ta' Malta .... Huwa minnu, kif gie allegat rnid-difiza, Ii jekk il-Qorti hija rinfaccjata b'zewg verzjonijiet konflingenti ghandha tillibera, stante li tali konflitt ghandu jmur a beneficcju tal-imputat, pero' huwa veru wkoll kif gie deciz rnill-Qorti tal-Appell Kriminali fid-dsatax ta' Mejju, 1997 fil-kawza fl-ismijiet 'Il-Pulizija vs Graham Charles Ducker': "It is true that conflicting evidence per se does not necessarily mean that whoever has to judge may not come to a conclusion of guilt. Whoever has to judge may, after consideration of all circumstances of the case, dismiss one version and accept as true the opposing one." Huwa 1-oneru tal-Prosekuzzjoni Ii tressaq 1-ahjar provi sabiex tikkon vinci lill-Qorti Ii 1-akkuzi ad debitati lill-imputat h uma veri u d an ghaliex kif jghid il-Manzini fil-ktieb tiegh u Diritto Penale Vol IIl Kap IV pagna 234, Edizione 1890:- "II cosi' detto onero della prova, cioe' il carico di fomire, spetta a chi acrusa - onus probandi inrumbit qui osservit". 299 f 000300 Il-kitbiet ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia juru Ii bla dubju hi kienet tirCievi informazzjoni minn sorsi varji, kemm lokali kif ukoll minn barra minn Malta, hafna minn liema informazzjoni ma kienetx disponibbli pubblikament; u xi drabi anke meli.uda minn sorsi Ii huma, jew Ii skont ilLigi kienu kunfidenzjali u sahansitra segretati, Banek, Dipartimenti Govemattivi u Ministeri, Awtoritajiet Pubblici oli.ra 1-FIAU, jew inkella x-xogli.ol li kien qiegli.ed isir mill-ICIJ. Jidher Ii min kien itiha 1-informazzjoni ma kienx iqis il-limitu u 1-konfini bejn id-dover Ii jigu mli.arsa 1-vinkoli ta' ( · kunfidenzjalita u segretezza fir-rigward tal-informazzjoni kunfidenzjali u sigrieta u dik Ii mhix; u bejn dik mogli.tija legalment u dik Ii ma kienetx. Ilgurnalista kienet tircievi informazzjoni minn kullimkien u tipprocessaha, minkejja kollox. Daphne Caruana Galizia bdiet tikteb b'mod inekwivokabbli dwar 1-Egrant Inc. sa minn April 2016 b' serje ta' artikli dwar min setgha kien is-sid ahli.ari { t' Egrant Inc fuq perjodu Ii jmur oltre sena sli.iha. Il-kitba tagli.ha turi Ii Daphne Caruana Galizia, menu gli.all-bidu, ma kellhiex 1-ideat tagli.ha cari dwar min setgli.a kien is-sid ta' din il-kumpanija. Ghalkemm sa mill-bidu nett hi wriet is-suspetti tagli.ha Ii din il-kumpanija kienet, b'xi mod jew ieli.or tappartjeni jew rikonduCibbli Iii Joseph Muscat, 1-incertezza tagli.ha 300 000301 ~uGJ,ZJ~ dwar dan kienet giet mistqarra f' artiklu pubblikat minnha fit-13 ta' Mejju 2016 £'23:43 f' artiklu intitolat Though he's lying low, don't forget John Dalli: The third Panama company, Egrant Inc, set up by Brian Tanna and Karl Cini of Nexia BT alongside Konrad Mizzi's Heamville Inc and Keith Schembri's Tillgate Inc, is not necessarily Joseph Muscat's. I think it is more likely to be John Dalli's. No details of Egrant Inc are available in the Panama Papers because none were sent by email. The documents in the Panama Papers, for the other two, are all either emails or documents sent by email attachment. If it wasn't in an email, then it isn't there. What we do have is an email in which Nexia BT says it will give details of Egrant Inc's intended ultimate beneficial owner via Skype call. '( This, to me, doesn't sound like the Prime Minister. It sounds like Dalli. Don't ask me why I think that- pure instinct. Muscat, Mizzi and Schembri operate as a tight unit. If Torma was going to Skype for Muscat, then he would have Skyped for Mizzi and Schembri too. Whoever Egrant Inc was for, the Skype call wasn't because he was more important. It was because he was different - with them, but separate, and also older and with a very long record in covering his tracks and protecting himself with a firewall of secrecy. Also, Dalli is known not to trust even his collaborators implicitly, which is why his henchmen are his daughters. Dan fil-fatt kien ukoll gie msemmi minn John Dalli fix-xiehda tieghu, fejn wara li huwa cahad dak miktub, sahansitra ddenunzja lil Daphne Caruana ( Galizia bhala li kienet terrorista minhabba 1-kitbiet taghha. Biss f?t wara 1pubblikazzjoni ta' dan 1-artiklu Daphne Caruana Galizia regghet lura ghannarrativa originali taghha dwar il-prezunt sid ahhari ta' Egrant Inc. Ii skontha kien Joseph Muscat. JirriZulta wkoll mill-kitbiet taghha Ii dik 1-ezitazzjoni u incertezza Ii kienet qeghda turi sa' madwar Ottubru 2016 bdiet tnin sew kif rifless fil-kitbiet taghha wara Ottubru 2016, fejn Daphne Caruana Galizia 301 + u Of\010? 'i:.r ,...i bdiet tikteb b' mod aktar assertiv d war il-prezunt sid ahli.ari t' Egrant Inc. bhala li huwa Joseph Muscat. Wiehed mill-ewwel artikli fejn Daphne Caruana Galizia bdiet tohloq ir-rabta bejn Egrant Inc u Joseph Muscat gie pubblikat fl-lOt' April 2016 fil- 10:42am intitolat Australian Financial Review reveals existence of third linked set- up called Egrant "without personal details". Is it the Prime Minister's? (~ F' dan 1-artiklu Daphne Caruana Galizia tinterroga z-zmien meta intbaghtu 1-ewwel emails minn Karl Cini lil kollegi tieghu f'Mossack Fonseca (liema emails gew mistharga wkoll matul il-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta u jifformaw parti mir-relazzjoni taI-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics) u stqarret: This fresh evidence indicates that Egrant may well be the Prime Minister's own setup. The timing of the emails and the confidence with which Nexia BT wrote to Mossack Fonseca just five days after Muscat became prime minister constitutes nearirrefutable evidence that setting up the Panama companies and New Zealand trusts were not ad hoc decisions taken due to temptation by graft that cropped up along the way, but that they got into power precisely to be able to make secret money out of it. It is now also impossible, given the timings, for the Prime Minister to behave as though he is not part of it and that they acted without his knowledge (he has never even actually said that). Minn qari tal-email datat 14 ta' Marzu 2013 mibghut minn Karl Cini lil Luis Quiel pero, Karl Cini ma jsemmix Ii ried iwaqqaf Panama companies and New Zealand Trusts Cjoe fil-plural, izda jsemmi "a Panama company and possibly a trust" Cjoe £is-singular. Jigifieri f' dak 1-istadju t-twaqqif tat-Trust jidher li 302 t kienet ghadha fir-relm tal-possibilita - idea. Biss dejjem jitkellem fis- singular. Dan jirri.Zul ta wkoll minn emails sussegwenti mibgli.u ta minn Kar I Cini lil Cristina Rios fejn fil-25 ta' Marzu 2013 Cini jibghat sensiela t' emails intitolati "RE: transfer of companies" fejn terga tissemma' 1-"Panama company and possibly a trust" dejjem £is-singular. Biss hawnhekk Daphne Caruana Galizia tagli.Zel Ii tirreferi ghalihom fil-plural u mhux £is-singular - u dan meta mill-provi ma hemmx x'jindika Ii f' dak 1-istadju inizzjali kien hemm il(../ hsieb Ii jigu mwaqfin tliet kumpaniji fil-Panama. L-liZu indiskriminat u kostanti ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia ghar-riferenza ta' kumpaniji fil-Panama (aktar milli kumpanija wahda kif juru 1-provi), huwa rifless ukoll fl-artiklu pubblikat fl-10 t' April 2016 fis-12:36 pm intito lat Their very first act ofgovernment was to set up Panama companies for graft. Pero kif jirrimarkaw il-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics f' dak 1istadju inizjali tar-relazzjoni ta' shubija bejn Nexia BT u Mossack Fonseca mhux facli li jigi determinat, bi provi u mhux kongetturi jew suspetti, min ezattament kien qiegli.ed jirreferi Karl Cini f'dawk I-emails tiegli.u aktar il-fuq imsemmija. Gie pruvat soddisfacentement li f'Marzu 2013 Egrant Inc kienet ghadha mhix inkorporata; daqs kemm ma kienux 1-anqas gli.adhom inkorporati 1-kumpaniji Tillgate Inc. u Hearn.ville Inc. Almenu mill-emails ta' 303 UUU302 000304 Karl Cini ma jirriZultax li kien hemm il-hsieb ghat-twaqqif ta' tliet kumpaniji £' dak 1-istadju. Li hu car minn dawn I-emails hu li Karl Cini kellu klijent f'mohhu li kien interessat f'kumpanija fil-Panama u (possibilment) fi Trust (minghajr ma tissemma' gurisdizzjoni ghaliha) u li 1-UBO ghaliha ma kienetx Nexia BT u li kien ser ikellem lil Luis Quiel tramite Skype biex jaghtih aktar dettalji. 37 ( ./ IrriZulta wkoll pruvat soddisfacentement li din mhix 1-unika okkazjoni fejn Karl Cini kien jikkomunika ma impjegati ta' Mossack Fonseca tramite Skype. Dan johrog car ukoll minn emails ohrajn li gew analizzati fil-kors ta' din 1inkjesta, fosthom dik precedenti tal-14 ta' Marzu 2013 intitolata "panama company and trust" mibghuta lil Luis Quiel f'l:36:19PM (UTC) fejn jghidlu : Hi Luis I need you to send me a formation document pack for a company in Panama and possibly a trust. If you have time today give me a call on skype for a general update and to talk about this. thanks. Karl Cini Kjarament dawn kien jitkelmu bl-i Skype meta kien ikun hemm bzonn u kemm fuq affarijiet ta' natura generika kif ukoll ta' natura specifika. Mhux maghruf il-kontenut ta' dawn il-konversazzjonijiet x'kien ikun. L-uniku hjiel kien johrog minn emails sussegwenti 1-konversazzjoni fejn jew issir xi 3; It wz11 be an individual and i wz11 speak to Luis on skype to give him more details. 304 1 000305 riferenza ghal dak li jkun gie diskuss verbalment jew fir-rigward ta' x1 azzjoni li tkun ittiehdet b'riferenza ghal tali konversazzjonijiet. Kif gie muri mill-emails ohra li gew analizzati fil-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta u li jifformaw parti minnha, il-kuntest tal-email tal-25 ta' Marzu 2013 u dawk li jsegwuha isir dak ta' "RE: transfer of companies" kif tixhed 1-intestatura ta' din \ ( I-email. Dan jidher ukoll minn email mibghuta minn Karl Cini datata 15 t' April 2013 taht 1-istess intestatura fejn Karl Cini jippressa lil Mossack Fonseca ghal azzjoni biex dawn jipprovdu d-diretturi u 1-azzjonisti fil-forma nominee kemm jista' jkun malajr. Ma din I-email Karl Cini jehmez kopja taccertificate of incorporation ta dawn il-kumpaniji li huwa jirreferi ghalihom u li kienu Colson, Lester u Selson li huma rikonduCibbli ghal Keith Schembri, Adrian Hillman u Malcolm Scerri. 38 -, { Biss Daphne Caruana Galizia tirreferi ghall-parti mill-email tal-21 ta' Marzu 2013 fil-11:39:33 mibghut minn Karl Cini lil Luis Quiel intitolat "transfer of companies" fejn Cini jghid lil Quiel : "I remind you about my email of the 14th March. When you can please send me details for setting up a panama company and possibly a trust" u tinterpretah bhala li qed jaghmel riferenza ghal Egrant Inc. minghajr ma tispjega kif waslet ghal din il-konklu:ljoni meta din I-email ma 38 Ara 1-paragrafu 144 tar-relazzjoni tal-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics. 305 f 000306 kienetx email li kienet tittratta biss it-twaqqif ta' kumpanija Panamense u possibilment Trust in abstracto iZda trid tinqara' fil-kuntest tal- konversazzjoni "RE: transfer of companies" li ssegwi. Ghal xi raguni Daphne Caruana Galizia qisha tinjora li fil-kumplament tal-email tal-21 ta' Marzu 2013, Karl Cini jkompli jtenni li : I also have 3 companies which are registered in the BVI and managed by Mossack Fonseca in BVI. These are companies of our clients but were set up by another person in Malta, through Mossack Fonseca. From now on I need to be the person of contact for these companies (I attach the certificate of incorporation for each of them) and in addition I need that for each company a director and a nominee shareholder is appointed. Can you please assist and let me know what you need to effect this change. Regards. F' dak 1-istadju din il-korrispondenza turi li Karl Cini kellu interess prindpali kemm fit-"transfer of companies" u fl-istess kuntest jitkellem ukoll fuq ittwaqqif ta' a panama company and possibly a trust. Ghal xi raguni Daphne Caruana Galizia ma tippublikax din is-silta dwar it-tliet kumpaniji fil-BVI. Cristina Rios imbaghad wiegbet ghal din I-email ta' Karl Cini fit-22 ta' Marzu 2013 fl-2259 (u Luis Quiel gie kkumpjat biha) dwar 1-istess suggett ta' "transfer of companies" u tibghatlu email dettaljata dwar x'dokumenti kienu mehtiega li jigu mibghuta lilhom biex it-talba ta' Cini tigi milqugha. Cini wiegeb ghal din I-email ta' Cristina Rios bl-email tieghu tal-25 ta' Marzu 2013 fis-0618 (u Luis Quiel gie kkumpjat biha). Qallha: 306 ( } Dear Cristina All is well thanks. Hope same with you and Luis. I presume the information and documents you sent me relate to the setup of the new company in Panama and for the Trust. We will prepare the requested information but the UBO will not be Nexia BT. It will be an individual and i will speak to Luis on skype to give him more details. 39 In respect of the transfer of the 3 companies I mentioned below and for which I attached the initial documentation, what would you require to make the transfer? As indicated that I need that: • The current directors are replaced with a nominee director of your choice, The service of Nominee Directors have an annual cost US$450 • • The shareholding is transferred to Mossfon as a nominee shareholding, still retaining the current UBOs (for which you already have the information as the companies are already set up) The service of nominee shareholders have an annual cost of US$600.00 All future correspondence in respect of these companies is directed to me We need authorization of our client in records to proceed with the change of administration process, in the meantime we require the due diligence for NEXIA BT. I also need to set up a new BVI Company for a client of ours. Please send me the necessary forms. Regards Karl Cini I \, _./ L-artikli ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia juru li hi ghamlet 1-interpretazzjoni taghha tal-kontenut ta' dawn I-emails minhabba li Cini jsemmi li: Ta' min jinnota wkoll li fil-cache ta' emails sottomessi lil din 1-inkjesta £1-ewwel rikors magtunul minn Dr. Simon BusuttiL huwa jipprezenta din I-email :i.i:da jirr:i.i:ulta li dik li kienet prezentata kienet tirriproduci biss din 1-email sa' din is-silta . 11-kumplament tal-email giet maqtugha barra mill-kopja tal-email li foma Dr. Simon Busuttil Dan jidher fid-dokumenti li jifformaw parti mir-rikors imsemrni li jifformaw parti millatti ta' din 1-inkjesta. 39 307 .•. ~ ! ! :. . ~ . ~ ; s n >i-s·· vn Uvvs) u 000308 I presume the information and documents you sent me relate to the set up of the new company in Panama and for the Trust. We will prepare the requested information but the UBO will not be Nexia BT. It will be an individual and I will speak to Luis on skype to give him more details. Biss ghal darb' ohra Daphne Caruana Galizia thalli barra dik il-parti li jirreferi ghat-twaqqif tal-BVI company il-gdida. Il-kitba ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia turi li r-ragunament taghha kien li galadarba: (a) Cini ma zvelax 1-isem tal-UBO bl-email, (haga Ii aktar tard Cini jirriZulta Ii ghamel £1-2015 fil-konfront ta' Komad Mizzi u Keith Schembri), (b) Li skont 1-interpretazzjoni tal-kliem ta' Karl Cini fl-email tieghu tal25 ta' Marzu 2013 huwa kien sejjer jaghti d-dettalji tal-UBO ghal din il-kumpanija tramite Skype lil Luis Quiel - u b'hekk jevita li jhalli paper trail bl-isem ta' dan 1-UBO, (c) Li dan 1-UBO kien ser ikun individwu, (d) U ladarba individwu ma kienetx ser tkun Nexia BT (ergo Brian Torma), Allura dan kien ifisser li dik il-persuna li Karl Cini kien qieghed jirreferi ghaliha sa minn dak 1-istadju hekk bikri ma kien hadd hlief Joseph Muscat minhabba Ii : 308 l _j (i) Joseph Muscat kien aktar importanti mmn Keith Schembri u Konrad Mizzi; u (ii) Alu and saying that the third company would also be "for an individual" but that the details would be given over Skype. There is another point that needs to be made: if this certificate were not another lie and forgery - just like the bank documents which Nexia BT forged on a letterhead for a Maltese bank branch that no longer existed, when restructuring companies in the British Virgin Islands for Adrian Hillman and Keith Schembri - Tanna and Muscat would have whipped it out of their hat a year ago, and not now when they are cornered by the PANA Committee. r We have come to a pretty pass here in Malta when our Prime Minister uses a certificate from a criminal organisation, signed by a man implicated in forging documents for a bank investigation in the Caribbean, and transmitted to the media by a corrupt accountant, to attempt to salvage what is left of his reputation Wara li kienet ippubblikat dawn 1-artikli kollha fi zmien qasir, Daphne Caruana Galizia waqfet tikteb stejjer fuq Egrant Inc fuq il-blog Running Commentary ghal aktar minn xahar. Minn qari ta' dawn 1-artikli kollha flimkien jirriZulta li Daphne Caruana I Galizia kienet ibba2:at il-konklU.Zjonijiet taghha dwar min kien is-sid ahli.ari tal-Egrant Inc fuq siltiet mill-Panama Papers cache (prinCipalment I-emails ta' Karl Cini lil Luis Quiel u Cristina Rios mibghuta fl-14 ta' Marzu, 21 ta' Marzu u 25 ta' Marzu 2013) fejn torbot it-talba ta' Karl Cini ghal kumpanija filPanama u possiblrnent Trust bhala Ii kienet ir-riferenza ghal Egrant Inc minkejja li kif ins tab fil-provi ma kienx hemm evidenza diretta jew evidenza cirkostanzjali inekwivoka Ii fuqha setghet issir din il-konkluzjoni. 335 (' '' ~vVuuL.J: f ! ! _:1 ~ ,1 U _) 000336 Daphne Caruana Galizia tikkonkludi dan in bazi ghall-argument li ma setghax ikun mod iehor galadarba Karl Cini ma kienx lest li jiZvela 1-identita tal-UBO ta' din il-kumpanija hlief bi Skype. Biss kif intqal aktar il-fuq, ghalkemrn huwa minnu li Karl Cini ma zvelax 1-identita tal-UBO fl-emails tieghu, mill-banda 1-ohra Daphne Caruana Galizia jidher li injorat il-kuntest li dak id-diskors kien qieghed jigi miktub fih, fosthom, li dik ilkorrispondenza kienet qeghda ssir fil-kuntest ta' kumpaniji li fihom kellhom interess Keith Schembri, Adrian Hillman u Malcolm Scerri. Tigbed il-konkluzjoni li Egrant Inc kienet bilfors tappartjeni lilJoseph Muscat minhabba 1-mod kif Joseph Muscat agixxa meta hija kienet zvelat 1i Keith Schembri u Konrad Mizzi kienu s-sidien ahharija ta' kumpaniji fil-Panama u Ii dawn gew wara imwahda fi Trust fi New Zealand - u Cjoe billi ma illicenzjhomx. Tghid dan ukoll ghaliex kienet konvinta li dawn it-tliet persuni kienu qeghdin jahdmu bhala triade - cjoe' jikkollaboraw strettament ma xulxin ghall-avvanzament finanzjarju taghhom personali minn kuntratti u opri pubbliCi tramite xibka ta' kumpaniji sigrieti kostitwiti fil-Panama u mohbija fi Trusts fi New Zealand jew mad war id-dinja. t 336 0fl -0·-3-3 7.. - vf i : ~ : U' ' 4 l '1 ') . <.} •.~\ 0. LJ ' ' ~..; F' dak 1-istadju dawk jidhru li kienu 1-provi u 1-argumenti li in bazi taglihom Daphne Caruana Galizia kellha dik il-konvinzjoni soda li Egrant Inc kienet tappartjeni lil Joseph Muscat. Sadak il-punt kellha dak li forsi setghet qieset bhala evidenza Cirkostanzjali li fuqha bbazat il-konvinzjonijiet tagliha. Ma kellhiex dik 1-evidenza diretta u dokumentarja li biha setghet turi inkonfutabbilment li Egrant Inc kienet tappartjeni lill-Joseph Muscat u li in bazi taghha setghet tikkonkludi din 1-istorja definittivament. Meta, wara r aktar minn xahar regghet giet lura bi stejjer ohra dwar min kien il-veru sid ahhari tal-kumpanija Egrant Inc, kienet lesta li teskala b'mod drammatiku din 1-istorja taghha li waslet ghall-artiklu tal-20 t' April 2017. Fl-artiklu intitolat Egrant Inc: hiding in plain sight ippublikat nhar il-15 t' April 2017 £'11:36 Daphne Caruana Galizia kitbet: - Easter is not a good time for the Prime Minister, his chief of staff and Konrad Mizzi. By yet another series of serendipitous flukes, this website has discovered who owns the third company in Panama, Egrant Inc - which was, incidentally, put into dissolution a few days ago, indicating that another company may have been set up to replace it. This website also has information on several movements of very large sums of money from the bank account of a company owned by politically exposed persons (PEPs) in Azerbaijan to bank accounts held by Egrant Inc, Heamville Inc (ultimate beneficial owner: Konrad Mizzi, the Minister Within The Office of the Prime Minister) and Tillgate Inc (UBO: Keith Schembri, the Prime Minister's chief of staff). A Maltese bank, set up after 2013, was used to move the money. 337 000338 The full story will be reported next week, because several people who are unreachable over the Easter weekend have still to be contacted for comment. Dan 1-artiklu kien akkumpanjat minn ritratt ta' mart Dr. Joseph Muscat, Michelle Muscat bil-qeghda flimkien ma Leyla Aliyeva. F' artiklu pubblikat 1-ghada 16 t' April 2017 fis-01:32 imsejjah Doubly topical this weekend Daphne Caruana Galizia kitbet li : ( From a reader: Fl-ahhar kellu jkun Pilatus li sallabhom il-hallelin ta' Kastilja. (translated: Finally it had to be Pilatus to crucify the thieves in (auberge de) Castille). Meanwhile, here's the Prime Minister two months ago, denying that Egrant Inc is his, almost a year after we found out about it. The day before, Brian Torma of Nexia BT issued a press statementclaimingthatEgrant Inc is a "shelf company" which Nexia BT owns. It took them almost a year to come up with this. Fis-17 t' April 2017 fis-01:17 ippublikat 1-artiklu And then they wonder why people don't believe them fejn gew :inkluzi zewg video clips ta' Joseph Muscat, wiehed rilaxxat f'Ottubru 2016 u 1-iehor fi Frar 2017 u ziedet: This was on 26 October. The Prime Mmister runs away from a journalist who asks him who owns Egrant Inc. While diving into his car, he says like a recalcitrant teenager: How should I know. 338 (. 00033J _-H_.._,.......,. . : ,-.-.•- _...,.....1 Vu· ', jJ Ji Al< .' ., . i.J 1.i Dak li Daphne Caruana Galizia ma mexxilhiex issib £is-servers u folders ta' Mossack Fonseca tramite I-Panama Papers leaks, xehdet li kienet sabithom ghand Maria Efimova. Mill-banda 1-ohra, munita b' din 1-informazzjoni Daphne Caruana Galizia ma ghamlitx denunzja formali lill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jew lil magistrat inkwirenti ghar-raguni Ii as if a journalist should ever do any such thing. Fil-21 t' April 2017 fl-22:02 ippublikat artiklu bl-isem This is the text of the two declarations of trust which were in the kitchen safe at Pilatus Bank. Daphne Caruana Galizia emnet f' dawn id-declarations of trust u gha.Zlet Ii tiddefendi dawn id-declarations of trust u dak Ii ghaliha kienu jirraprezentaw. F' artiklu pubblikat £'23:55 imsemmi : Joseph Muscat has challenged the document on the basis of the address Daphne Caruana Galizia stqarret Ii ( I'm watching Xarabank. The Prime Minister has said that the text of the documents which I uploaded is 'fake' because Egrant Inc is a Panama company and its address is given as San Gwann. It's he who is false: he knows full well that the San Gwann office address is that of Nexia BT, and at the time also Mossack Fonseca Malta. The address given for Egrant Inc is at Brian Tonna's office. Brian Tanna is the one who made the arrangements for the company, and it is perfectly normal for lawyers and accountants to have client companies use their office address. Incidentally, the Prime Minister is totally out of control and looks like he is going to snap. Really unpleasant character. No wonder he gets along so well with Keith Schembri. 349 ) 000350 And I see he is back to being unable to speak my name: the Labour disease called "We can't say Mrs Caruana Galizia". What unpleasant people: setting up companies in Panama to cheat and defraud, and then getting all outraged as they stand on the moral high ground. We really have got to whip them off into the sunset - or a prison cell. Skont dokumenti awtentikati fl-atti ta' din 1-inkjesta jirriZulta li r-registered address t' Egrant Inc huwa Mossfon Building, 3A, 54th Street, Marbella, Panama, Republic of Panama u mhux dak ta' San Gwann £'Malta li huwa 1- (- indirizz ta' Nexia BT. Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet taf dan il-fatt ghaliex 1-indirizz registrat ta' Egrant Inc. kien jinstab pubblikat f'wiehed mill-artikli pubblikati minnha f' April 2016 meta ghamlet riferenza ghal Dato Capital data dwar Egrant Inc u li ghalih ipprovdiet ukoll link. Daphne Caruana Galizia tiddefendi 1-korrettezza tal-indirizz t'Egrant Inc fuq id-declarations of trust f' artiklu pubblikat fi-22 t' April 2017 f'12:25am intitolat : Muscat said the document is false because Egrant Inc's address is San Gwann not Panama. Hawnhekk hija tipprovdi 1-evidenza li 1-indirizz t' Egrant Inc huwa f'San Gwann billi ippostjat screenshot mehud mill-website tal-ICIJ li jindika 1indirizz t'Egrant Inc bhala: 350 ( '-. 000351 . _ . !rG 1mbi1r • -t 21.55 4~..: ·'' ,, ., .• , n UUUJ~~ C· lilortsl"~ ICU "' • .J ..1 'l, ·~ r r-; • t ·.~ ., :: 1:1 • ~... .. ,:. ' ' -• • • • ,'' ,_ ·i:: -.. . ·. ' r • r I J I .,·... ·~ ( C'!)NffECTION$. G __./ OO•·· Dak huwa 1-indirizz li gie uzat fuq id-declarations of trust. Post 1-affarijiet interessanti fuq dawn id-declarations of trust kien hemm ir-riferenza tant inu.Zwali ghal Malta bhala Malta Island Malta. Dan 1-indirizz inu:Zwali instab minn din 1-inkjesta li kien ( __/ (a) accessibbli kemm fuq open source websites, (b) kif ukoll fil-ewwel zewgt invoices li Mossa ck Fonseca kienet baghtet lil BTI Management Limited fid-9 t' Awissu 2013 u 1-15 t' August 2013 b'relazzjoni ghas-servizzi inizzjali rezi fit-twaqqif tal-Egrant Inc. Din 1-inkjesta stabbiliet ukoll li dawn id-declarations of trust ma kienux normalment jintuzaw minn Mossack Fonseca fil-Panama. Stabbiliet li dawn ma kienux jinstabu fil-file t'Egrant Inc fl-Ufficju ta' Mossack Fonseca. 351 000352 L-artiklu successiv, pubblikat minn Daphne Caruana Galizia fis-13:18 Point 1 : The safe in the kitchen. The documents were taken in March last year iqajjem aktar mistoqsijiet fir-rigward ta' ghaliex u meta dawn id-declarations . of trust kienu gew kontraffatti. Din 1-inkjesta stabbiliet li f'xi stadju bejn Ottubru 2015 u April 2016 kien (j hemm xi filing cabinet li ghal xi zmien kien mahlun fil-kcina tal-Bank Pilatus. Biss ix-xiehda tal-impjegati tal-Bank ma kienetx unanimi dwar dan u hemm verZjonijiet konfliggenti dwaru. Izda gie pruvat soddisfacentement li kien hemm safe jew filing cabinet li kienu jissakru u li fih kienu jitqieghdu dokumenti importanti inkluz dwar PEP kif kienet xehdet Maria Efimova. Daphne Caruana Galizia iZzid : Saviour Balzan of Malta Today tweeted yesterday evening that there is no safe in the kitchen at Pilatus Bank, and he can confirm this. First off, we have to ask what Balzan was doing in the kitchen at that particular bank, but until he tells us, we shouldn't reach any conclusions. They may have invited him in to take a look for journalistic purposes because of this story. There may well be no safe in the kitchen at Pilatus Bank now, when Balzan got a look at the room, but he seems to have reached the unwise conclusion that because the documents reached the press now then they were also taken from the safe now. They were not. The documents that were taken from Pilatus Bank, the text of which I published in transcript yesterday evening, were taken. from the bank in. 352 \_; March last year when this website had begun to break the stories about Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri and their companies in Panama. At that point, nobody except the government-level co-conspirators directly involved knew about Egran.t Inc, the third company, because that information emerged from the world wide publication of the Panama Papers in. the first week of April. When the documents were taken, they were taken not because of the significance of the name of Egran.t Inc, which back then would have been just another offshore company registered to the San Gwann offices of Brian Tonna/Nexia BT/Mossack Fonseca Malta. They were taken because of the significance of Mrs Muscat's name. And when they were taken, more than a year ago, the safe was in the kitchen and- as I have reported already - had been moved from the CEO's office. If Saviour Balzan didn't find it in the kitchen 13 months later, it is quite obvious that it was moved out again. The Labour Party and its trolls like to mock me for having been trained as an archaeologist rather than studying journalism at the university. But the advantages of having trained for four years in that rigorous discipline, which shape the mind to focus first on the timeline and to avoid routes along arguments from silence and arguments from the absence of evidence, are clear. And the Labour Party's official media are now clutching at straws and reporting on Saviour Balzan's tweet. If anything, they should have taken the initiative of asking to see the bank's kitchen for themselves, and Balzan should have asked whether the safe was ever, at any point, in the kitchen. This is a massive story, and instinct - a woman's natural instinct and my professional instinct - tells me that we have only just begun to uncover the tip of a giant iceberg of corruption and Azerbaijan/Malta sleaze and moneylaundering, that it is not straightforward, and that one or two of the coconspirators - Torma, Schembri, Muscat and Mizzi- may even be cheating and defrauding, possibly even blackmailing, each other. We who work in the independent media need to remember at times of great crisis like this - and make no mistake, this is a crisis - that we are all on the 353 i·:~1~-)--~> ,. ' ·U. ; J ; \} <.JV N 000354 same side and that corrupt politicians are on the other side. It is our job and our duty to go after them and not after each other. Hawnhekk Daphne Caruana Galizia tikteb Ii dawn id-dokumenti kienu gew "taken" mill-Bank Pilatus f'Marzu 2016. Biss kemm mix-xiehda tagliha, kemm minn dik t'Efimova kif ukoll fil-kitbiet precedenti taghha Daphne Caruana Galizia qatt ma qalet qabel Ii dawn id-dokumenti gew taken. Lanqas Maria Efimova ma tixhed dan. Apparti mit-tifsira tal-kelma taken u dak Ii riedet tfisser biha Daphne Caruana Galizia, hi zzid Ii d-declarations of trust kienu "taken" mill-Bank Pilatus f'Marzu 2016. F'Marzu 2016 irriZulta Ii Daphne Caruana Galizia ma kienetx bdiet tikteb fuq Egrant Inc, iZda hija kienet diga bdiet tikteb fuq informazzjoni Ii kienet sabet fil-Panana Papers dwar Keith Schembri u Konrad Mizzi. F'Marzu 2016, Maria Efimova kienet ghadha tandem fil-Bank Pilatus. Daphne Caruana Galizia tghid Ii hi kienet emnet dak Ii qaltilha Maria Efimova minli.abba Ii f' dak iZ-zmien hadd ma kien ghadu jaf b' Egrant Inc. stante Ii hi bdiet tikteb fuq Egrant Inc f' April 2016. Biss Maria Efimova (Ii skont Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet is-sors tagliha dwar 1-istorja tal-Bank Pilatus mija fil-mija), tghid Ii hi la li.adet dawn id- declarations of trust jew bank account opening forms t' Egrant Inc, la kkopjathom 354 ( 000355 F· i ; u 1-anqas hadet ritratt taghhom. Maria Efimova tghid li hi biss rat id- declarations of trust fil-Bank Pilatus u kienet Daphne Caruana Galizia li wrietha kopja ta' dawn id-dokumenti meta kienet tiltaqa' maghha - bilmaqlub ta' dak Ii' xehdet Daphne Caruana Galizia - li tghid li kienet Maria Efimova li kienet urietha dawn id-dokumenti u li kienu fil-pussess ta' Maria Efimova u mhux taghha. r AlJ ;v._ 1 ri 000358 u B'hekk id-datazzjoni u 1-kollokazzjoni taghha ghal dawn id-declarations of trust f' Awissu 2015 isiru sinjifikattivi immens ghaliex jissuplimentaw dak li mill-Panama Papers Cache fil-fatt ma nstabx - u cjoe attivita minn Nexia BT biex jinfetah jew jinfethu kontijiet bankarju ghal Egrant Inc. x'imkien madwar id-dinja fl-istess perjodu li kienu qeghdin isiru tentattivi ghal ftugh ta' kontijiet bankarji barra minn Malta ghal Tillgate Inc. u Hearnville Inc. Apparti minn hekk din id-data kienet tirrendi dawn id-declarations of trust ferm aktar kredibbli ghax tqeghdhom f'kuntest storiku u cirkostanzjali ( ) partikolari hafna. Biss 1-allegazzjoni fiha nnifisha li dawn id-declarations of trust datati 20 t' Awissu 2015 li allegatament gew depozitati fil-Bank Pilatus minn Brian Tanna f' Awissu 2015, meta 1-anqas Maria Efimova u hadd mill-impjegati talBank Pilatus ma kkonferma dan, jitfa' dawl ulterjuri fuq 1-isfond tar-raguni ghaliex gew mahluqa dawn id-declarations of trust u dan ghaliex ikompli juri li min holoq dawn id-declarations of trust kien jaf ezattament x'kien qieghed jigri u dak Ii gie zvelat fil-Panama Papers. Biss mix-xiehda mismugha u migbura, inkluz mill-Awdituri interni PWC u dawk esterni KPMG tal-Bank Pilatus, u b'mod partikolari mir-records stampati u digitali tal-Bank Pilatus Ii gew analizzati miZ-zewg timijiet ta' 358 ( ... Forensic Accountants mahtura fil-kors ta' din 1-inkjesta din 1-allegazzjoni ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia ma tistax titqies pruvata. Mill-banda 1-ohra xorta wahda jibqa' 1-interrogattiv dwar kemm kienet tkun verosimili din 1-ghazla li jinfetah kont bankarju mal-Bank Pilatus £'Malta ghal Egrant Inc li skont Efimova kienet rat dokumenti li juru li kienet rikonducibbli ghall-Prim Ministru Ma1ti, meta 1-informazzjoni migbura mill- Panama Papers Cache kienet turi li ghal Tillgate Inc u Hearnville Inc kienu qeghdin isiru sforzi minn Karl Cini biex jinfethu kontijiet bankarji barra minn Malta. Jew kemm kien ghaqli li Egrant Inc tircievi hlasijiet minn klijent tal-Bank Pilatus minn kont fil-Bank Pilatus li jigi pprocessat b'mod li jghaddi minn US Correspondence Banks u bl-U.Zu tas-servizz ta' Swift- b'mod li tithalla tracca fil-perkors ta' dawn it-trasferimenti - aktar u aktar meta skont Maria Efimova tixhed li fl-istess Bank kien hemm dikjarazzjonijiet li juru bi preciZjoni min kien is-sid ahhari ta' din il-kumpanija - Michelle Muscat. U ghalhekk kont bankarju f'isem Egrant Inc u trasferimenti miljunarji ghal din il-kumpanija taht ghajnejn 1-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus, uhud barranin, uhud Maltin, kif ukoll taht 1-iskrutinju ta' impjegati ohra adetti mad-Ditti talAwdituri u tal-Awtoritajiet regolatorji Maltin, MFSA, FIAU eccetra li kienu jzuru dan il-Bank ta' spiss. F'pajjiZ zghir bhal Malta, polarizzat ghall-ahhar, mhux facli li tali sigrieti jinZammu, fit-tul ghax mhux kull persuna li tahdem £'dawn 1-istituzzjonijiet kienet ser tkun lesta li tghatti jew tahbi nuqqasijiet 359 000360 jew sahansitra illegalitajiet kommessi minn PolitiCi; aktar u aktar jekk ma jkunux tal-istess fehma politika taghhom. Ma dawn 1-Awtoritajiet bhal MFSA, FIAU, Banek kummercjali bhal Bank of Valletta, Ditti t' Awdituri bhal KPMG, PWC, Deloitte Malta eccetra hemm nies tad-demm u 1-laham li huma impjegati u jahdmu maghhom li kienu jzuru perjodikament lil Bank Pilatus. U dawn in-nies mhux kollha huma tal-istess fehma. Dawn il-punti qeghdin jigu maghmula £' dan 1-istadju biex ix-xiehda ta' Maria Efimova titqieghed ukoll fil-kuntest proprju taghha. Fit-28 t' April 2017 fis-18:32 Daphne Caruana Galizia ppubblikat 1-artiklu BREAKING/Pilatus Bank whistleblower testifies before . .. inquiring magistrate. L-importanza ta' dan 1-artiklu tistrieh fuq il-fatt li Daphne Caruana Galizia tistqarr li (dik li wara gie skopert li kienet) Maria Efimova has been the source of most of this website's reports about the activities of that bank and its clients, including the documents related to Egrant Inc and Michelle Muscat. Dan fil-fatt Daphne Caruana Galizia stqarrithu bil-gurament taghha £1-atti tal-inkjesta. IZzid hekk: The former employee of Pilatus Bank who has been the source of most of this website's reports about the activities of that bank and its clients, including the documents related to Egrant Inc and Michelle Muscat, has volunteered herself for testimony before the inquiring magistrate. She was not asked to do so, not by myself and not by the inquiring magistrate, who was unaware of her identity as I had not disclosed it during my testimony yesterday. 360 (~ -· · ·· · ) Ooo .J~~r,· u ~U LH:i 0 J B -------- ---·-....--. She has been reading everything that has been written about the escalating scandal, and all the to-and-fro debates, denials and threats of libel by those involved. This morning I received a message from her saying that she was in Valletta, and that she had gone to court and asked to be allowed to testify, but was told by clerks - who did not realise the significance of the person - that she would have to file a formal application. She did not wish to do this. I sent a message to the inquiring magistrate's clerk, who rang back within minutes to give her an appointment for 3pm. She spent three hours with the inquiring magistrate, and left court shortly after 6pm. I am reporting this fact with her permission. The proceedings of the inquiry are held behind closed doors, and those who testify are bound over not to discuss them. IrriZulta lill-inkjesta li pero Maria Efimova mhux talli zammet mal-obbligu impost fuqha li ma titkellimx ma terzi fuq dak li kienet xehdet fl-atti talinkjesta talli procediet li taghti video-interview lil Pierre Portelli nonche stqarrijiet pubblid lil gurnalisti lokali u barranin dwar dak li kienet xehdet fl-inkjesta Egrant Inc. Ix-Xiehda ta' Maria Efimova Maria Efimova tghid Ii hija dahlet tahdem mal-Bank Pilatus mit-18 ta' Jannar 2016 u damet sat-28 ta' Marzu 2016, (jigifieri xahrejn u ghaxart ijiem). Bejn it-18 ta' Jannar 2016 u 1-24 ta' Frar 2016 kienet 1-assistent personali ta' Ali 361 000362 Sadr. 41 Tghid li ma gietx Malta biex tigi impjegata mal-Bank Pilatus. Hi kienet giet Malta f'DiCembru 2015 flimkien ma zewgha u wara kienet baghtet CV taghha lill-Bank Pilatus u dawn baghtu ghaliha ghal interview. Fil-fatt 1-ewwel kien zewgha li mar ifittex xoghol mal-Bank Pilatus. Zewgha kien gej minn recruitment agency ghax kien qieghed ifittex xoghol ma Bank. Maria Efimova tghid li kienet tassisti lil Customer Service Officer Emilia Vacaru 42 u kienet tghinha taghmel payment instructions ghal klijenti tal-Bank. Kienet taghmel ukoll xoghol segretarjali u tal-ufficju u kienet qeghda tiehu hsieb 1-organizzazzjoni ta' safra li 1-impjegati kellhom jaghmlu fi Frar 2016 lejn il-Germanja. Testwalment, tghld hekk : Yes, for the period from 18/01 till the 24/02, my duties were to assist, to be personal assistant to the Chairman of the Bank, Mr. Said Ali Sa ......., and as well, I was assisting the Customer Service Officer, shall I say the name? Court: Yes please. Wit: That time it was Emilia Maria Vaccaro. I was.assisting her with presiding of payment instructions, for clients of the Bank. As well, I was performing some secretarial duties, managing office duties, organizing meetings, organizing a trip. We had a trip from 19thtill 21•1 ofFebruary, to Germany, where the Bank went. I was in charge of organizing this trip. And Miss Emilia Maria Vaccaro resigned on the 24th of February, so I was asked to undertake her responsibilities in the Customer Service Officer to process payment Kemm Maria Efimova kif ukoll Hamidreza Ghanbari jgli.idu li Maria Efimova kienet dali.let il-Bank Pilatus bhala intern. 41 Din fil-fatt jisimha Emilia Maria Vacaru, hfja ta' nisel Rumen, u Daphne Caruana Galizia fix-xiehda tagli.ha tirreferi gli.aliha bhala Maria, tfajla Rumena u Ii kienet Head of Compliance. Fil-fatt Efimova ma tghldx li kienet Head of Compliance iZda Customer Seruice Officer. Fix-xiehda tagli.ha Vacaru li hija kienet tandem bli.ala Associate fis-Sales Department tal-Pilatus u kienet tipprocessa pagamenti tal-klijenti u tiftali. kontijiet lil klijenti. Is-superjuri diretti tagli.ha kienu Hamidreza Ghanbari u Claude-Ann Sant Fournier. 4z 362 (/ 000363 instructions to board new clients to do filing for customer files. The CEO of the Bank, Mr........, he resigned. He called me to his office and he said that from now on, I will be responsible for this job. I asked him: "Will I be getting an official notification?", according to my contract, if my responsibilities were changed, the Bank had to give me a proper notification. And he told me: "No, because it will be unofficial till the Bank will find another employee for this position." So from this day, I started to do all the job related to customer service.43 Emilia Maria Vacaru irriZenjat fl-24 ta' Frar 2016. 44 Minn dakinhar hija bdiet tagruneI xoghoI ta' Customer Service Officer inkiuz Ii teffetwa I-pagamenti taIklijenti, onboarding u filing ghaI klijenti. Is-CEO taI-Bank, Ii sadattant irriZenja, kien qallha Ii dawn id-doveri kienu temporanji u Ii kienu ser idahlu Iil xi hadd iehor, iZda sadattant ma tawhiex notifikazzjoni uffitjali ta' din ilbidia fid-doveri skont il-kuntratt. Maria Efimova tghid Ii Emilia Maria Vacaru kienet qaitilha Ii I-Bank kien irCieva notifika minghand I-FIAU ghaI monitoring u li s-CEO Hamidreza ( Ghanbari kien qaI liI Vacaru biex tagrunel xi xoghoI qabeI il-monitoring Ii Emilia Maria Vacaru pero ma riedetx tagrunel. Ghalhekk iddeCidiet Ii tirriZenja. Maria Efimova tghid Ii dan qalitulha Emilia Maria Vacaru stess. 45 43 Ghal aktar dettalji fuq 1-operat ta' Maria Efimova, ara wkoll it-Taqsima "Other Matters" fir-relazzjoni tal-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics. 44 Ghalkemrn verament li Vacaru rriienjat fi Frar, ma ssemmix id-data, mentri Efimova taglimel dan. Dwar ir-ri.Zenja tagliha mill-Bank Pilatus, Emilia Maria Vacaru tghid li dak li qalet fuqha Maria Efimova fir-rigward tar-ragunijiet ghaliex hi rriienjat mill-Pilatus Bank ma kienux veri. Emilia Maria Vacaru ttenni li r-raguni tar-rii:enja taghha mill-Pilatus kienet ta' natura personali hafna. Hi qatt ma kienet semghet b' din 45 363 Maria Efimova giet imkecdja mill-Bank Pilatus fid-29 ta' Marzu 2016. Hamidreza Ghanbari u Luis Rivera sejhulha £ii-Conference Room u tawha envelope u qalulha li kienu qeghdin itemmulha 1-impjieg u li rieduha titlaq mill-Bank immedjatament. Staqsiethom ghar-rigward tal-hlasijiet taghha ghax kienu ghadhom ma halsuha xejn sa dakinhar. Staqsiethom ukoll dwar in-notice taghha. Kienu qishom aggressivi u haduha fl-uffitju fejn kienet tandem u qalulha biex tiftah il-basket taghha biex jaraw jekk kellhiex xi haga tal-Bank. Qalulha biex titlaq immedjatament. Hi telqet. Tawha ittra li kienet tghld li temmewlha 1-impjieg; pero ma tawhiex ir-raguni. Hi kellha kuntratt tal-impjieg, i.Zda kienet ghadha fil-perjodu tal-probation. I.Zda hija tenniet li riedu jtuha n-notice period. Hi hasbet x' setghet kienet ir-raguni ghat-tkecCija, pero ma kienetx certa. 1-ittra ta' notifika li qed tissemma' fix-xiehda ta' Maria Efimova u hija sorprii:a hafna li isimha gie msemmi b'dan il-mod. F'nofs Jannar 2016 Emilia Maria Vacaru kienet tagli.t ir-rii:enja verbalrnent lil Hamidreza Ghanbari ii:da dan ma riedx jac':c':etta r-rii:enja taghha. Ir-raguru kienet li kellha 1-pennanent residence visa Kanadiza fuq il-passaport taghha li kienet ser tiskadi u riedet tiddec':iedi jekk kienetx ser tmur il-Kanada jew inkella thalliha hemm. Dik kienet ir-raguru ghaliex riedet titlaq mill-Bank u minn Malta. Kienet ilha names snin tistenna biex tottjeni I-visa u giet Malta sakemm tistenna 1-karti jigu rrangati Ghalkemm tat irrii:enja verbali taghha f'Jannar 2016, Hamidreza Ghanbari m'accettahiex u kkonvinc':iha biex tibqa minhabba li kienu short staffed u li ma kienx il-mument biex titlaq lil Bank. lddec':idiet li tibqa ftit iehor. Iida mad war nofs Frar 2016 iddec':idiet li tirrii:enja bil-miktub. Ma riedetx tiehu r-riskju li title£ il-pennanent resident visa ghall-Kanada li kellha. Hi ma kienetx qed tara li kellha futur fil-Bank gli.aliex 1-ambjent kien kompetittiv hafna u hi kienet thoss li ma kienx jaqbel mal-aspettattivi ghall-hajja tagli.ha. Dik kienet irraguru li telqet. Mhux veru li hija kienet mogli.tija xi ittra jew li kienet giet mitluba tagli.mel xi haga minn Hamidreza Ghanbari jew li kellha taghmel xi xogli.ol kif qalet Maria Efimova fix-xiehda tagli.ha. 364 c' L-FIAU bdew jaghmlu spezzjoni fil-Bank Pilatus mill-15 ta' Marzu 2016 u damu madwar gimgha. 46 Hi kienet qeghda tassisti lil tal-FJAU - iggibilhom il-files, taghmlilhom il-kafe etc. Fit-tieni gimgha li kienu hemmhekk, Hamidreza Ghanbari sejhilha fl-ufficju tieghu u sejjah ukoll lil Compliance Officer. Qalulha li kien hemm xi files ta' xi klijenti li ma kienux mimlija kif suppost u peress li kienet hi li kienet qeghda taghmel ix-xoghol ta' Customer Service Officer kien dover taghha li timlihom sew dawk il-files ghax altrimenti ( il-Bank kien ser ikollu problema mal-FIAU. Urewha files ta' corporate clients tal-Bank li 1-UBO taghhom kienu PEP. IZda dawn il-files kienu miftuha fl2015 meta Maria Efimova kienet ghadha mhix impjegata mal-Pilatus. Hi qaltilhom li ma kienetx responsabbli dawn in-nuqqasijiet li kienu sehli.ew qabel. IZda dawn qalulha li issa ladarba kienet Customer Officer kienu issa jaqgli.u taht ir-responsabbilta' taghha u jekk ma kienetx ser tirranga dawn il-files huma kienu ser jghidu lill-FIAU li dawn in-nuqqasijiet kienu li.tija taghha u kienet ser tidli.ol f'inkwiet kbir. ( Maria Efimova qaltilhom li ma kienetx ser tagli.mel dak ix-xoghol li riduha tagli.mel. 47 Din id-data hija korretta gnaliex gie konfermat mill-provi li l-onsite visit fil-Bank Pilatus kienet bejn il-15 ta' Marzu 2016 u t-22 ta' Marzu 2016. Jidher Ii Maria Efimova i:ammet record tajjeb ta' c':erti dati. Biss, huwa stramb kif meta giet ghall-materji 1-aktar sensittivi u importanti ta' din 1-inkjesta, Maria Efimova tghld li ma kellhiex informazzjoni jew ma haditx kopji tad-dokumenti 1-aktar pertinenti ghal din 1-inkjesta. Dan minkejja li Daphne Caruana Galizia tixhed bil-maqlub ta' dak li qalet Maria Efimova fis-sens li Daphne Caruana Galizia tishaq li Maria Efimova kellha fil-pussess taghha d-dokumenti. li huma fil-bai:i ta' din 1inkjesta. 46 Arienne Gaerty tghid li meta kienu gnamlu 1-ispezzjoni l-FIAU f'Marzu 2016, Maria Efimova kienet ghadha tandem maghha fil-Front Office. 47 365 000366 Dawn ii-files kienu ta' Sahra FZCO (UBO Leyla Aliyeva) u Akce Holdings (UBO Heydarov). Kienu qeghdin jilmentaw Ii kien hemm xi firem neqsin minn fuq xi payment instructions u fuq account opening forms. Hamidreza Ghanbari u I-Compliance Officer qalulha Ii riedet issolvi din il-problema immedjatament. Hi qaltilhom Ii ma kellhiex kuntatt maghhom. Qalulha Ii dik kienet problema taghha. Maria Efimova cemplet lie-Chairman u qaltlu b' dak Ii gara Ii kienu qeghdin jippruvaw jitfghu ir-responsabbilta' fuqha c' ghal nuqqasijiet Ii kienu saru minn ta' qabilha. Sadr qallha Ii kien ser jara x'inhi s-sitwazzjoni. Inzertaw kienu I-holidays tal-Ghid u I-Bank kien maghluq ghal erba' jew hamest ijiem shah. Meta reggha fetah kien id-29 ta' Marzu 2016. Dakinhar keccewha. Il-maggor parti tad-dokumenti tal-klijenti kienu jkunu fl-Operations Department. Kien hemm hanging files. Kien hemm files ta' klijenti u account numbers. Fil-kcina kien hemm safe tal-metall, mhux imwahhal mal-art jew ilhajt, Ii kien kbir u gholi madwar it-tul taghha. Hi ma kellhiex access ghalih pero kien jissakkar b' cavetta. Claude-Ann Sant Fournier kienet responsabbli minn dan is-safe u kellha c-cavetta u meta ma kienetx tkun hemm kienet thalli c-cavetta ma Hamidreza Ghanbari. 48 Ekmel Gilingir, Ji kien 1-ewwel CEO tal-Bank Pilatus jghid li huwa kien xtara safe li kien second hand u li dak ii-zmien kien jin:Zamm fl-istationery room, ghalkemm ma kienx ghad hemm heavy duty metal cabinet. 48 366 (' Hamidreza Ghanbari jikkonferma Ii kien hemm safe li fih kienu jahinu I-cash u kien jissakkar b'i:ewg passcodes differenti ghand zewg persuni differenti u kien jinsab fl-IT room. Biss hemm filing cabinets kullimkien. Kien hemm ukoll filing cabinet kbir iehor li kien jissakkar u li ghamel xi zmien fil-kC:ina u li fih kienu jigu mahi:una dokumenti relattivi ghal PEP kemm barranin kif ukoll Maltin. Dan il-filing cabinet ftit irnien wara kien ittiehed fi store room. Mehmet Tasli jikkonferma Ii dal-filing cabinet gie mmexxi lejn 1istorage room, iZda ma jiftakarx Ii qatt kien fil-kcina. Denica Cebova ID instab li meta ssir open source search fuq Al Sahra FZCO kienu jitilghu registrati Shams Al Sahra FZCO u Sahra FZCO, i.Zda mhux Al Sahra FZCO, ghalkemm fil-UAE hemm diversi kumpaniji li jgibu 1-isem ta' Al Sahra f'xi forma jew ohra li ma kienetx pero FZCO. Daphne Caruana Galizia tinsisti li Maria Efimova qaltilha li 1-isem tal-kumpanija kienAl Sahra FZCO u anzi Daphne Caruana Galizia insistiet ma' Maria Efimova biex tikkonfermalha dan ghax meta Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet qeghda tfittex fuq Al Sahra ma bdiet issib xejn dwarha, i.Zda bdiet issib hafna fuq Shams Al Sahra. Mentri meta xehdet Maria Efimova kienet C:ara li hi kienet irreferiet lil Daphne Caruana Galizia ghall-kumpanija bl-isem ta' Sahra FZCO u mhux Al Sahra FZCO li tghid li qatt ma kienet semghet biha qabel Maria Efimova titfa' din id-diskrepanza dwar 1-isem fuq Daphne Caruana Galizia fissens li Efimova qalet li Daphne Caruana Galizia setghet thawdet minhabba li kien hemm kemm Shams Al Sahra FZCO kif ukoll Sahra FZCO registrati u ghalhekk thawdet bejn dawn ii;-zewgt ismijiet. Mehmet Tasli wkoll jidher li dawn 1-ismijiet hawduh xi ftit ghax jghid li "precisely I cannot remember but Al Shamz Sahra or Shamz Al Sahra, but these combinations yes". Hu ma jafx b'Al Sahra FZCO u ma jiftakarx li kien hemm xi bdil fl-isem minn Al Sahra ghal Sahra u kieku kien hemm din il-bidla, din xorta wahda kienet tibqa' registrata fis-sistema bankarja. Li din il-bidla kienet tibqa' registrata fis-sistema, hija konfermata wkoll minn diversi impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus li jhadmu l-Flexcube ghal xi raguni jew ohra. 392 (' ( ----~-- --- Meta staqsejtha jekk meta kienet ghadha tahdem mal-Bank Pilatus kellux isem ta' klijent Tillgate wiegbet Ii kienet tiftakar Ii kien hemm xi transazzjonijiet ghaliex Sahra kienet transacting ma Tillgate : but it was obviously not internal payments. I mean not from Pilatus Bank account. It was outside. Because they were different forms of instructions. Ghalkemm issemmi Ii kienu different form of instructions ma spjegatx xi tfisser ( biha. Qalet Ii dan kien loan agreement u kienet involuta Denica Cebova. 79 Kienet Tillgate li kienet hadet is-self minghand Sahra u Sahra halset lil Tillgate. Dan kien mill-kont ta' Sahra fil-Pilatus Bank u Sahra kienet tinnegozja f' dollari Amerikani. Izda f' dan il-kaz qalet Ii kienet fi Sterlina. Il-kont ta' Till gate kien £'Dubai ma xi bank £'Dubai :iZda ma tiftakarx ismu. Dan suppost li sar bejn Frar u Marzu 2016. Din kienet transazzjoni diretta bejn Sahra u Tillgate ma kienetx mghoddija tramite persuni ohra "It should be corresponding bank but Pilatus had it's corresponding Bank''. II-flus jghaddu ( mill-Correspondent Bank u 1-beneficjatju jibqa' 1-istess. Dan kien pagament dirett bejn il-kont ta' Sahra fil-Pilatus u mar direttament fil-kont ta' Tillgate f'Dubai. 80 79 Fix-xiehda taghha Denica Cebova ma kkonfermatx din it-transazzjoni allegata rninn Maria Efimova. Din it-transazzjoni diretta bejn il-kont ta' Sahra FZCO jew Shams Al Sahra FZCO ma tirriZultax rnillinformazzjoni ottjenuta minn fuq Flexcube u analizzata mill-Forensic Accountants. Harnidreza Ghanbari jghid li ma kienx hemm tali transazzjonijiet. Mistoqsi dwar jekk hux konxju ta' xi hadd minn dawn 1erbgha li u±a s-servizzi tal-Bank Pilatus fu-rigward ta' negozju ma xi wiehed mill-PEP Maltin li semmejtu aktar il-fuq huwa wiegeb "Absolutely not". 80 393 000394 Dwar il-mod ta' kif saret din it-transazzjoni bankarja jinghad hekk : Ins: Can I ask you something, you said that it would not necessary be the bank involved. You said time ago, when we were asking you, you said that it could be a direct payment. Wit: No, I didn't say this. Ins: You said that the Bank could not be involved. It could be a direct payment. Wit: Of course the Bank is involved. I mean if the money are leaving Pilatus Bank and going to another Bank, and it is USD it is swift, we don't have any other, Ins: So it always has to be in swift form? Wit: Yes, it had to be.s1 Mehmet Tasli jghid li I-Bank Pilatus ma kienx involut f' clan in-negozju. Ii:da I-Bank gieli kien jipprocessa pagamenti intemi "When it comes facilitating if you mean if customer A and customer B, in regard they are moving the funds and they are making transfer, we do payments, the transfers" bejn klijenti tal-istess Bank li jkollhom kontijiet miftuhin mieghu u dawn il-pagamenti kienu jkunu ghal servizzi re.i:i bejn 1-istess klijenti jew inkella ghal loans. Mehmet Tasli jghid li jkunu tal-Business Department u I-Compliance Department li jkunu involuti fit-talba u fit-twettieq ta' din ir-rikjesta. Dan ifisser li I-Bank Pilatus fil-fatt jipprocessa pagamenti intemi bejn kontijiet ta' klijenti tieghu innifsu kif ukoll pagamenti estemi minn kont ta' klijent fil-Bank Pilatus lil kont ta' terz f'Bank iehor jew band' ohra. Dan li jghid Mehmet Tasli huwa wkoll konfermat minn Adrian Galea li jtenni li kienu jsiru pagamenti intemi bejn klijenti li kien ikollhom kont fil-Bank Pilatus u dawn kienu jitqiesu bhala pagamenti intemi u li ma kienux jigu registrati fis-sistema TAS. Ir-raguru ghal dawn it-trasferimenti minn kont ta' klijent ghal kont ta' klijent iehor kienu jkunu differenti - e.i:empju Ali Sadr gieli ghamel trasferimenti mill-kont talkumpanija Alpene lil xi kont intern iehor bhala famz1y support. Ir-raguru ghaliex ikun sar pagament jinghatalhom mill-Front Office. Makhabbat Ellul, kollega ta' Mehmet Tasli fl-Operations Department tghid li I-loans Ii kien jaghti I-Bank Pilatus kienu jkunu bejn il-Bank u 1-klijenti tieghu biss u dawn kienu dejjem jigu pprocessati tramite l-Flexcube. Hawnhekk ghalhekk Maria Efimova hija kategorika li din it-transazzjoni saret mill-Bank Pilatus tramite s-sistema bankarja tal-Bank Pilatus. B'hekk Maria Efimova teskludi kemm Ii din it-transazzjoni saret tramite 1-kont ta' xi terz jew li saret b'xi mod barra mill-Bank Pilatus. Anzi tinsisti li I-Bank Pilatus kien involut f' din it-transazzjoni u li kien hemm 1-u.i:u ta' Correspondent Bank u li t-transazzjonjiet kienu bi Swift. Biss fir-raba' xiehda taghha rnistoqsija jekk tali pagamenti kienux isiru bl-iSwift, Maria Efimova tghid li clan ma kienetx taf tghidu ghax ma kienx parti mix-xoghol taghha. TI-payment instructions kienu jkunu stampati kienet tghaddihom lill-Operations Department u mbaghad ma kienetx tkun taf x'kienu jaghmlu bihom. Firraba xiehda taghha Maria Efimova tghid li hija qatt ma kienet rat swift transfer documentation, ghax qatt ma s1 394 ( 000395 kienet involuta fl-Operations Department. Huwa stramb kif dik ic-certezza Ii kellha dwar il-mod kif isiru 1pagamenti battietfir-raba' deposizzjoni taghha. Skont Louis Zammit pero, Maria Efimova kienet involuta fil-maggoranza tal-klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus u kienet ukoll involuta fl-istruzzjonijiet ghall-pagamenti ta' hafna klijenti. Fil-fatt jghid ukoll li hija gieli kienet tirc':ievi kopja tal-iswift fuq pagamenti li tkun segwiet hi stess. Louis Zammit jghid hekk : Swift, tohrog I-Swift copy jibghatuha lil Maria, I-Swift copy cioe' jibghatuha I-front office pero jekk tkun baghatitha Maria hafna drabi tiffolov.iaha Maria ma' 1-klijent is-swift copy u t:ibghat I-swift copy Ii 1-pagarnent sar Maria jew who ever lil klijent. Arienne Gaerty tikkonferma li Maria Efimova kienet involuta fix-xoghol tal-Front Office. Tant hu hekk li Gaerty tghid li Maria Efimova kienet taghmel it-transactions dak :i.2:-i:mien li dahlet tandem hi mal-Bank Pilatus kif u.koll kienet Efimova li kienet bdiet taghmlilha training li1 Gaerty. Ghalhekk dak li qalet fir-raba' deposizzjoni taghha Ii qatt ma rat Swift copy documentation ukoll mhix dikjarazzjoni pac':ifika. Hamidreza Ghanbari jghid Ii hu kien dak Ii kien jiehu hsieb il-kont ta' Keith Schembri u jaf li mal-Bank Pilatus ma kienx hemm kont f'isem Tillgate Inc u 1-anqas ma kien hemm ebda tali transazzjoni mill-kont ta' Sahra FZCO li1 Tillgate Inc. Biss huwa wkoll jikkonferma li 1-operazzjonijiet bankarji tal-Bank Pilatus isiru tramite I-Oracle Flexcube u 1-iSwift messaging jghaddu mill-portal TAS. Wara dawn it-transazzjonijiet jghaddu wkoll mill-Correspondent Banks tal-Bank Pilatus, Ii ghall-US Dollar dak ii:-i:mien kienu prinapalment Bank of Valletta pk u aktar ricenti DZ Bank. Fuq dan il-punt jidher Ii Hamidreza Ghanbari u Maria Efimova qeghdin jaqblu. Hamidreza Ghanbari :i.Zid li I-Bank Pilatus ma kienx jaccetta li jsiru struzzjonijiet bankarji bl-i SJ..-ype u ghandhom process dettaljat ta' kif isiru transazzjonijiet. Kemm Louis Zammit, Arienne Gaerty kif ukoll Mehmet Tasli jixhdu li kull transazzjoni bankarja li jezegwixxi I-Bank Pilatus issir bil-mezz taI-Flexcube u TAS u I-Bank Pilatus ma gliandu ebda sistema bankatja olira apparti dawn. Louis Zammit huwa wkoll ear fil-fatt Ii huwa li kien jahdem fl-IT Ii kien jaqa' fl-Operations Department qatt ma kien ra jew sema' b'Tillgate Inc, Hearnvt11e Inc jew Egrant Inc fil-Bank Pilatus. Mill-banda 1-olira huwa identifika li kien hemm il-kumpanija Willerby u li kellha transazzjonijiet. L-anqas ma ra dokumenti dwar Joseph Muscat jew Michelle Muscat fil-Bank Pilatus. Biss jikkonferma li Keith Schembri kellu kont personali u credit card mal-Bank Pilatus filwaqt li ma kien qatt ra xejn f'isern martu Josette Schembri Vella, jew inkella f' isem Konrad Mizzi jew Sai Mizzi Liang. Jigifieri fejn kien hemm evidenza ta' PEP Malti, dan qalha. Adrian Galea li jahdem fl-Operations Department u li xogholu huwa dak li jaglimel 1-iSwift payments, kemm incoming kif ukoll outgoing jghid li 1-pagamenti tal-Bank Pilatus isiru billi 1-ewwel jigu inseriti fil-Flexcube u dan il-programm huwa linked ma TAS u wara li ghaddi ghal TAS hemm imbagliad verifiki li jridu jsiru ma check list qabel ma pagament johrog mill-Bank. Hu jagixxi billi jdalilial 1-inforrnazzjoni fil-Flexcube bhala inputter u 1-pagament ma johrogx qabel ma jigi verifikat minn checker. Din tkun persuna olira Ii tkun at second level u tiddependi mit-tip ta' pagament Ii jkun. Il-pagamenti fil-Bank Pilatus jghaddu kollha millFlexcube u wara jghaddu minn TAS. II-Bank Pilatus m' ghandux sistema olira Ii perrnezz taghha jistghu jigu pprocessati pagamenti mis-sistema Bankarja. Minn nalia tieghu hu qatt ma ra pagamenti jsiru mod iehor mill-Bank Pila tus ghajr hlief tramite Flexcu"be u TAS. L-anqas ma inghata struzzjonijiet biex isiru pagamenti bi procedura jew sistema differenti minn din. Ii:id hekk Il-Qorti: Le. All right. Jigifieri apparti 1-Flexcube u t-TAS, li ghidtli Ii jahdmu flimkien, ii-bank ma ghandux xi sistema ohra ta' kif jaffettwa pagarnent:i tal-klijenti, hux hekk? Xhud : Le, ma ghandux. 395 0003-96 Wara li rat id-declarations of trust, hi rragunat li kellha titlaq minn dak il-Bank kemm jista' jkun malajr. Talbet lil Claude-Ann Sant Fournier ghall-hlas talpaga taghha ghax kienet ghadha ma thalsitx paga sa minn Jannar. Ma kienux halsuha ghax gabu sku.Za li ma kellhiex residenza Maltija u karta talidentita Maltija u b'hekk qalulha li ma setghux iqeghduha fuq il-payroll taghhom u kellhom jistennew sakemm tinhargilha 1-ID card Maltija. Mill- ETC qalulha li ladarba hija miZzewga lil Cittadin tal-EU, hi setghet tahdem ( Malta. Zewgha hu Grieg. Talbet lil Claude-Ann Sant Fournier ghall-hlas tal-paga u din wegbitha li kienet ser tkellirnha aktar tard. Katarina Kostialova tikkonferma wkoll Ji kull transazzjoni li tigi approvata mil-Legal and Compliance Department tghaddi lill-Operations Department u meta tigi ezegwita, din tghacl,di mill-Flexcube u eventwalment tghaddi mill-Correspondent Banks. II-Finance Manager Tatiana Zammit ukoll tikkonferma li kull transazzjoni finanzjarja Ji ssir fil-Bank Pila tus trid tghaddi mis-sistema bankarja tagliha nonche jsir ui:u tas-sistema Swift. Meta giet pressata dwar jekk setghux isiru pagamenti barra minn Malta tramite I-Bank Pilatus minghajr ma jghaddu mis-sistema Swift, Tatiana Zammit tenniet li I do not see any other way to do it to be honest, because there isn't any other way to process a payment abroad without Swift. Ghalkemm ma kienetx tandem fl-Operations Departmentu ghalhekk ma kienetx taf jekk kienx hemm il-possibilita li I-Bank Pilatus jaghti struzzjonijiet li banek ohra biex jezegwixxi transazzjoni b' email, hi tghid Ji 1-uniku mod kif jista' jsir pagament minghajr ma jkun involut I-iSwift huwa permezz ta' hlas kontanti. Hi zzid pero li £i kwalunkwe kai:, il-kontijiet taI-Bank iridu jigu bilangati u b'hekk xorta jrid ikun hemm tracca ta' kull transazzjoni li ssir ghaliex aitrimenti I-kotba ma jigux bilangati. Sandro Charles Grech jaghti wkoll rendikont ta' dak kollu li minn naha tad-Dipartiment tal-Finanzi jui:aw mill-Flexcube, inklui: pagamenti li jsiru ghall-beneficgu talBank Pilatus £1-operat tieghu ukoll u dejjem bil-Flexcube. TaI-istess fehma hija Ishwarija Subramanyan Ji tiehu hsieb ir-reconc11iations bejn il-Finance Department u I-Operations Department. Din tikkonferma Ji I-Bank Pilatus ghandu I-Flexcube core banking system u TAS u I-pagamenti kollha Ji jsiru jridu jghaddu minn dawn iZ-zewgt sistemi u tramite I-Correspondent Banks. Marcon Cumbo wkoll tghid li hi kull ma li I-Bank Pilatus ghandu biex jigu pprocessati pagamenti huma I-Flex cube, Swift u BIP. 396 ( 000397 Dwar jekk il-Bank Pilatus kellux kont ta' Hearnville ukoll, Maria Efimova tghid Ii darba I-Compliance Officer Denica Cebova baghtitilha messagg "Look for this transaction with Hernville. Do we have a loan agreement signed? Or how it went?". 82 Biss hi kienet ghadha ma taghmilx transazzjonijiet peress li kienet ghadha bhal Personal Assistant. B'hekk Maria Efimova staqsiet lil Denica Cebova ghaliex kienet qeghda tistaqsiha dwar dan? Ma tiftakarx min kienet il-kumpanija Ii tat is-self lil Hearnville iZda ma tahsibx Ii kienet Sahra. It was l some other Company. Kienu qeghdin ifitxu jekk kienx hemm self iffirmat. 83 82Hamidreza Ghanbari jeskludi li Konrad Mizzi jew Heamville Inc kienu klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus. Mistoqsija m:inni jekk kienetx tiftakar 1-isem tal-kumpaniji Heamvz1le Incjew Egrant Inc, Denica Cebova tirrispondi fin- ( negattiv ghat-tnejn Ii huma. Domenique Camilleri ukoll tikkonferma li qattma rat record bankarju, inklui mill-lista tal-klijenti 1-isem ta' Egrant Inc., Tz1lgate Inc. jew Heam ville Inc.; Katarina Kostialova u Avila Ravelo Nielsen Libyeth jghidu 1-istess. Domenique Camilleri tikkonferma li kienet rat il-KYC fonns ghallkumpanija WillerbiJ Trading Inc. Lana Sue Hedley li bdiet tandem mal-Bank Pilatus £'April 2016, mistoqsija dwarjekk qattx semghetjew ipprocessat xi pagamenti f'isem il-kumpaniji Tz1lgate Inc, Heamville Inc u Egrant Inc, wiegbet li qatt ma kienet rat dokumenti fil-Bank Pilatus jew semghet lil xi hadd jirreferi ghalihom, ghajr hlief fuq 1-ahbarijiet. Inoltre The Court: Or else perhaps the names of Mrs Michelle Muscat for example? Or Joseph Muscat? Have you ever received any, or have you ever seen any document purporting to be made on their behalf? The witness: No. The Court: No. The witness : I have been here two (2) years and I did not even know who they were until this came up. I have never seen that name on a document. I answer the phone a lot, and I have never taken a call from anybody with that name. Dan jikkuntrasta bil-qawwi dak li jidher li ghamlet Maria Efimova Ii f'anqas minn tliet xhur f'Malta kienet saret taf hafna dettalji dwar ix-xena politika Maltija. Mill-analli:i tal-Forensic Accountants ma rriZultax 1-anqas Ii Konrad Mizzi jew Heamville qatt kellhom kont jew servizzi fil-Bank Pilatus. 83 397 000398 Maria Efimova baghtet messagg lil Claude-Ann Sant Fournier li kienet ghadha bil-maternity leave u qaltilha:Look, your employee is asking if we have signed loan agreement and the transaction was already released. How can it be? You have supporting document for you to release the transaction. That was I remember. Dwar Denica Cebova qalet hekk:yes because not about Egrant, for Till Gate and Hem ville she sent me a message that the loan agreement wasn't signed but the transaction has been proceeded and then I called Claudienne and said look she is sending me such a message. (' Mistoqsija minni jekk kienetx fiZikament rat bank account opening form ghal Hearnville jew loan agreement jew bank statement, wiegbet : I saw one time loan agreement. I think it was all for Bernville or for Tillgate, I don't remember. But two of these Companies. And this agreement was in the bathroom ....Yes. I went to the bathroom and I found it, it was like paper like that, and I opened it like this to see what is it. And I saw the name, but Bernville or Tillgate, I don't remember, but obviously one of them ....Yes, I saw the document and I saw that this loan agreement, saying loan agreement and then I went to Claud Anne, because for me she was the only person who could forget this in the bathroom. First of all this was a ladies bathroom, I mean I excluded everyone who can prepare this loan agreement and I asked her: "Is it yours? And she said: "Yes, yes. Thank you." And she took it.84 Dwar dan is-self Ii skont Maria Efimova kien isir bejn il-klijenti ta' Pilatus, Denica Cebova Ii ma tafx dwarhom. Denica Cebova kienet tiehu hsieb il-kuntratti tas-self mill-Bank Pilatus lil klijenti tieghu. Dwar xogholha, Denica Cebova tghid hekk : 84 Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: not exactly what I have been doing in Macedonia but here yes, I have prepared Ali Sadr I have mentioned a loan agreement and also I was reviewing some of the agreements between bank and third parties. Inquiring Magistrate: now when you refer to loan agreements, what sort of loan agreements are you referring to? 398 ( 000399 Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: loans given by the bank. Inquiring Magistrate: given by the bank? Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: yes. Inquiring Magistrate: to customers? Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: yes. Inquiring Magistrate: were you very busy ·with this work, how many loans did you work upon between October, 2015, October you told me you started ... ? Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: yes. Inquiring Magistrate: October 15 and February, '16? Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: I don't remember the exact number but I believe there were five or six. Inquiring Magistrate: five or six. Ok basically October, November, December, January, February basically almost one per month? Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: one per month. There was no such ... Inquiring Magistrate: some times you had two and some times you had nothing? Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: some times I had two or three per month and some times nothing. Inquiring Magistrate: understandable. Now one other thing, given that you worked for compliance and you were also engaged on drafting of loan contracts, do you know whether in Pilatus Bank, it was only Pilatus who used to grant loans to clients? Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: I don't know. Inquiring Magistrate: you don't know so you don't know if clients or customers between them used to give loans to each other? Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: no, I wouldn't know that Inquiring Magistrate: you wouldn't know that. Who do you think would be in a position to know that operations? Denica Cebova Radovanovikj: Hamidresa GambarL Dan ifisser 1i 1-allegazzjoni ta' Maria Efimova dwar self maghmul bejn klijenti infushom ma giex konfermat minn Denica Cebova, 1-istess wahda Ii Maria Efimova tghid kienet liadet lisieb dan il-kuntratt ta' self. Glialkemm Denica Cebova tgliid li hija kienet semgliet bil-kumpanija Tillgate, hija ma setglietx tiftakar f'liema kuntest setghet semgliet jew iltaqgliet ma din il-kumpanija. Fir-rigward ta' Hearnvz1le u Egrant, Denica Cebova kienet aktar kategorika fir-risposta tagliha Ii qatt ma semghet bihom jew liadmet fuqhom. Mill-banda 1-ohra, Emilia Maria Vacaru tgliid li Tillgate company doesn't sound Jamz1iar to me u i:i:id 1i ma kienetx tiftakar transazzjonijiet bejn Tillgate u Al Sahra. L-anqas 1-isem tal-kumpanija Hearnville ma kien familjari ghaliha. Adrian Galea Ii huwa responsabbli mill-pagamenti tramite 1-Flexcube u t-TAS mhux konxju tal-fatt jekk il-Bank Pilatus kienx jinvolvi lilu nnifsu fl-arrangamenti biex isir il-ftehim ta' trasferimenti bejn il-klijenti jew li jaglitu drafting tal-loan agreement bejn il-klijenti infushom. Biss ii:id li bosta payment instructions kienu jigu mill-Front Office indikati bliala loan payment jew shareholder's loan, ii:da hu qatt ma staqsa glialiex ikun hemm dak 1-iskop imnii:i:el. Katarina Kostialova, Senior Lawyer sa minn Frar 2017, tgliid li ghalkemm liadmet fuq xi kuntratti jew abozzi ta' kuntratti ta' self, ma kienetx taf bi prattika fejn klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus jaghtu self lil xulxin billi jui:aw 399 000:100 Dwar Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad, Maria Efimova taf Ii din tigi oht Ali Sadr. Hi kienet klijenta taI-Pilatus u Maria Efimova ppreparatilha I-bank account opening form. Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad kellha personal account u I-Bank kien taha self dakinhar stess. 85 Is-self sar fi Frar 2016 stess ghax Emilia Maria is-servizzi tal-Bank Pilatus. Hi hadmet biss fuq kuntratt standard bejn il-Bank u 1-klijenti tieghu. Domenique Camilleri, Compliance Officer, tikkonferma li gieli rat pagamenti interni bejn klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus li jsejhu 1-pagamenti bhala loan payment. Hi dahlet tandem mal-Bank Pilatus £i Frar 2017 u ma kienetx. taf kemm kienet illia ghaddejja din il-prattika. Avila Rovelo Nielsen Libyeth ukoll qatt ma rat xi kuntratti ta' dan it-tip fil-Bank Pilatus. Arienne Gaerty wkoll tghid li ghalkemm ma tafx jekk il-Bank jipprovdix servizz ta' drafting ta' loans lil klijenti tieghu, hi i:gur qatt ma qalet lil klijenti tal-Bank li setghu jiktbulhom il-kuntratt. Hi gieli kitbet payment instructions ghan-nom tal-klijent, b'mod partikolari fil-bidu tar-relazzjoni mal-Bank, ii:da wara xorta kienet tibghat il-payment instructions ghall-verifika u firma da parti tal-klijent. ( - L-anqas Sharonjit Kaur Agimal, li kienet tandem fil-Compliance Department ukoll, bejn Frar u Marzu 2017 qatt ma rat prattiC:i fejn impjegati tal-Bank kienu jabozzaw kuntratti ta' self bejn klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus. Hamidreza Ghanbari jikkonferma li kien inghata dan is-self u li 1-istruzzjonijiet setghu dahlu tard minhabba differenza fil-hin bejn Malta u California. Dan is-self kien ser ikun asset backed u kellu jkun ghallakkwit t'interessi fi proprjeta immobiljari fejn jitkabru I-pistachios £'California. Huwa jiggustifika dan billi jghid li dan is-self kien gie pprocessat mhux mill-Credit Committee, ghax kien self lil related person u b'hekk ried jghaddi permezz ta' rei:oluzzjoni tal-Bord tad-Diretturi D:in ir-rii:oluzzjoni ma kienetx. iffirmata minn Ali Sadr u malli ghaddiet is-self kien gie pprocessat immedjatament. II-Bank Pilatus ma kienx jaghti hafna kuntratti ta' self. Ii:da peress li kienu ghamlu kuntratt ta' self li kien jipprotegi 1-interessi tal-Bank, kif ukoll minhabba li I-Bank kien adotta sistema spedita ta' kif jipprocessa s-self bai:ata fuq komunikazzjoni robusta mar-relationship manager rispettiv, dawn il-kuntratti kienu jsiru hafna aktar malajr minn banek ohra. Ghalkemm ghall-bidu qal li 1-ammont kien ta' miljun dollaru Amerikan, wara kkorega ruhu u qal li kien ta' miljun u nofs dollari Amerikani u li gew imhalsin direttament £'one single payment lill-bejjiegh talPistachio Farm - Mohsen Torabi - SMT. Ta' dan kellhom il-konferma mill-iSwift ukoll. Minbarra dan isself, Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad ma kienet hadet ebda self iehor. 85 Mid-dokumenti bankarji tal-Bank Pilatus jirrii:ulta li 1-kont f'isem Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad infetah nhar it-2 ta' Frar 2016 u kien igib in-numru bankarju 101654. Mill-banda 1-ohra mill-istess dokumenti jirrii:ulta li s-self li inghata li Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad kien inghata nhar it-3 ta' Frar 2016 bil-book date ikun 1-4 ta' Frar 2016, liema kont kien igib :in-numru 00110TA160350001. Dawn id-dokumenti ma jikkonfermawx dak li tghid Maria Efimova fir-raba' xiehda tagl.iha li 1-kont bankarju f'isem Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad infetah fl-istess jum li inghatalha s-self mill-Bank Pilatus, ghalkemm jista' jinghad li s-self ingha ta 1-ghada li nfetah il-kont bankatju tagl.iha mal-Bank Pila tus. 400 ( ~ 000401 Anke r-raguni ghaliex dan is-self gie moghti kif deskritt fid-dokumenti bankatji huwa differenti minn dak mistqarr minn Maria Efimova. Maria Efimova tghld Ii dan is-self kien inghata lil Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad bhala loan for future business needs in konnessjoni man-negozju taghha fil-qasam talgojjellerija u moda taht 1-isem ta' Negarin London. Mill-banda 1-ohra mir-relazzjoni tal-Forensic Accountant Miroslava Milenovic j:irrii:ulta li minn dokumenti stampati tal-Bank Pilatus analizzati minnha kien jidher Ii dan is-self kien inghata lil Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad kien thallas b'dan il-mod: a. The loan has been paid to the account held in Wells Fargo Bank NA, San Francisco, USA (bank code: WFBTIJS65), same bank Ali Sadr for EXIR LLC b. The intermediary bank which participated in the transaction between Pilatus Bank and Wells Fargo Bank NA was Bank of Valletta Based on seized documents, in Box 9 Folder ZA, a document stating that Pilatus bank has provided to Negarin Sadat a loan in the amount ofUS$ l.5 million on 3•d February 2016 forthepurchase of 12,375% interest in "SMT Pistacho Ranch and Management LLC This loan was granted just a day after opening the account in Pilatus bank". Maria Efimova tghld Ii kienet rat stramb il-fatt li Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad kienet fethet kont bankatju f'isimha personali imbaghad kienet ser tiehu self Ii I-business plan tie gnu kien juri Ii das-self kien sejjer ghallfini tan-negozju taghha fil-qasam tal-gojjellerija u moda taghha. Qalet Ii din holqitlha xi £tit tal-konfuzjoni f'mohhha. Biss Maria Efimova tghld Ii hi ma kienetx tiftakar x'kien fih il-kuntratt tas-self. Taghlaq billi tghid Ii : "But I remember that she got a loan and immediately she was preceding some transactions and one of transactions was for that US je-u.iellery business." Dan in-negozju suppost kien rikonducibbli lil Michelle Buttigieg. Michelle Buttiegieg xehdet £1-atti ta' din 1-inkjesta fis-16 ta' Mejju 2017 u filwaqt Ii kkonfermat Ii verament kienet tmexxi negozju bid-ditta "Buttardi", Ii kienet tirrisjedi fi New York, kif ukoll li kienet ilha b'din idditta sa mill-2002. Tghld li din ma ghandhiex store u dan huwa aktar hobby ghaliha. Murija printout talwebsite Ii kienet tinsab open source ikkonfermat Ii dan kien taghha u li kien maghmul minn .Zewgha. Mistoqsija dwar 1-indirizz indikat fuq il-website tghld li dak kien 1-indirizz tar-residenza taghha. Tghld li Buttardi bhala ditta kienet imwaqfa minnha u mhux ma Michelle Muscat IZ.Zid hekk: Michelle jigifieri is mentioned here as well, 1-ewwel darba li ghamilna because we were already friends u urejtha 1-affarijiet tieghi u qaltli mela issa we get together, we invite some friends, show it to my friends jigifieri u gnamilna xi couple of suareys (sic! soirees), we called them, every Summer when we come here basically couple of woman, gieli Iden ikun hemm ghoxrin, gieli kien ikun hemm harnsa u ghoxrin u gieli tletin and we sell a few jigifieri anki VAT receipts, I would say the pieces are not very expensive so by the end of the Suarey (sic! soiree), may be it was up to three hundred I four hundred pounds in total. Michelle was put on the web site as my Maltese contact biex jekk xi nadd ikun irid xi haga taf inti fis-Sajf niltaqa' maghhom, a month after some body's mum has her birthday, they call her isma' Michelle tista' taghrnli!na wahda bhal dik, Michelle contacts me, I sent it to her, she delivers to the people, she takes the money, my mother lives here u taghtiha I-flus. I mean that was what it was. That is what it is. This hasn't happened with Michelle for a while because with their lives they became busy, jiena I became busy on the side and we never did any thing else in Malta I guess for the last, it has to be ma nafx six years or so, we ... any thing in Malta Magistrat Inkwerenti: issa hemm hekk qieghda mnizzla jidhirl~ iccekja naqra I-wording, gnax mill-memorja, Michelle Muscat qieghda indikata bhala European sales representative? Michelle Buttigieg: European Sales representative yes because basically she is here but we didn't do any business any where else but Malta jigifieri in Europe. It was you know, le jigifieri that is what it is imma. 401 000402 Vacaru kienet ghadha hemm u kienu jahdmu flimkien. 86 Ma tiftakarx ezatt kemm kien is-self, ghalkemm tahseb li kien miljun dollaru Amerikan Michelle Buttigieg tghld Ii hi ma kienetx taf min hi Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad qabel qrat pubblikat minn Daphne Caruana Galizia intitolat US$400,000 "loan payment" to Michelle jewellery business partner from sister of Pilatus Bank owner pubblikat fil-21 t' April 2017 £'12:04. kellha kuntatti ma Negarin Sadr fuq negozju. Ti&ad li qatt irceviet xi flus minghand Sadrhasheminejad, aktar u aktar US$400,000. 1-artiklu Muscat Qatt ma Negarin Magistrat Inkwerenti: zgur mhux forsi kien hemm xi bicca negozju ma' din il-mara jew xi kumpanija taghha, nerga' nghidlek Ii taghmel negozju ma' hemm xejn hazin? Michelle Buttigieg: lanqas xejn, pero ma nafhiex ma kienx hemm nothing. I mean in-negozju ta' Buttardi, these few necklaces that are being sold during the year has nothing to this calibre, I mean it is astonishing to hear 400, 000 xi hadd ma nafux. (~ Magistrat Inkwerenti: u lanqas forsi jiena naf xi ftehim jew xi kuntratt ma' xi kumpanija mill-Amerika jew inkella minn x'irnkien mill-EwTopa ghax din ghandha 1-hanut taghha Londra? Michelle Buttigieg: don't even know. Again jiena 1-business tieghi lanqas hu, it is a few necklaces, it has nothing to do with that Magistrat Inkwerenti: alright. Michelle Buttigieg: lanqas ghandi account jghid Buttardi per ezempju. Magistrat Inkwerenti: jekk ghandek xi dokumenti li tista' turi Sinjura ... ? Michelle Buttigieg: ghandi profit and loss for the last two years, I brought them with me because for me that is beyond my imagination. Magistrat Inkwerenti: jekk joghgbok mela jekk ghandek xi dokumenti gibhom daqs xejn, gibhom daqs xejn. Michelle Buttigieg: Dik what is under Buttardi Profit and Loss business for 2015 and 2016 u tara kemm dahlu fissena, kemm hallast taxxa fuqhom and that is it so, so over here you ·will see 2015, it shows you the expenses u gross five thousand Dollars, 5 7u 2016, three thousand eight hundred. That is a New York Official document. Magistrat Inkwerenti: alright, urihom daqs xejn lil Ispettur u lis-Supretendent. Michelle Buttigieg: it is signed by our accountant jigifieri it' s. 86 Dwar 1-istorja tas-self ta' Negarin Sadr, Emilia Maria Vacaru tghld li darba minnhom tiftakar li kien filghaxija u kienu ircevew struzzjonijiet sabiex imexxu 1-karti ta' self u li kienu damu hafna biex ipprocessaw dawn il-karti Temmen Ii kien fil-bidu tal-2016, Jannar jew bidu ta' Frar 2016. Tiftakar li kien ghal madwar miljun (ma tghldx il-valuta). Ladarba s-self kien gie approvat Emilia Maria Vacaru ma kienetx taf x' ghamel il-Bank fir-rigward ta' dan is-self u lil min inghata. Ma kienetx taf x'kien ir-raguni tassel£. Hi ma kienetx involuta fid-dettalji ta' dan is-self ghaliex hi kull ma ghamlet kien li stampat il-karti ta' dan is-self. Pero ma kienetx involuta fl-ipprocessar tas-self. Mistoqsija jekk flus minn das-self jew parti minnu kienux indirizza ti lil xi persuna fl-Amerika, tghid li ma tiftakarx dan. Ma taf:x jekk dan is-self kienx maqsum fi tnejn jew mod iehor. Mehmet Tasli jghid Ii transazzjoni ma tistax tigi maqsuma fit-TAS. Jekk wiehed ikun irid jaqsam pagament dan irid isir f'zewg entries differenti u separati u mhux fi transazzjoni wahda maqsuma fi tnejn. Mehmet 402 ( 00.0403 (US$1,000,000). Maria Efimova tghid li jista' jkun Ii kien aktar minn miljun dollaru Amerikan, i.Zda ma kienx zewg jew tliet miljuni ghax hi tiftakar li 1ammont kien jibda' bin-numru wiehed. Dan kien self ghal negozju : It was a business plan. Because Miss Negarin Sadr Hashminigad, she is a fashion designer, she has a brand Negarin London, because when we opening her account, me and my collegue, we googled, because we were curious ... Emilia Vaccar. She was still there. The customer service officer. Yes and we saw the brand, the clothes, everything and also it was a business plan.87 Biss ma kienetx taf x' tip ta' business kien dan ghax ma qratx kollox peress Ii kienet mghaggla ghax Ali Sadr kien qieghed iCempel kull nofs siegha jistaqsi jekk il-kont kienx infetah u x'kienu qeghdin jaghmlu. Kien qieghed jippressahom biex jifthu 1-kont. Peress li Negarin tikteb kunjomha b'mod shih Sadrhasheminejad, Maria Efimova kienet qeghda tiktbu ha.Zin ghax hasbet li kienet tiktbu bhal Ali Sadr. B'hekk kien qieghed jghajjat magliha ghax riedha tiftah il-kont bl-isem korrett. Hu ma kienx baghtilhom dokumenti tagliha i.Zda tahom id-dettalji biss u b'hekk ma setghetx tivverifika kunjomha. Tasli jghid Ji fil-Bank Pilatus qatt ma kien hemm transazzjonijiet Ji gew maqsuma b'dan il-mod Ji jigu maqsuma fi tnejn. Apparti minn hekk transazzjoni tista' tithassar mit-TAS jekk tkun ghadha rnhux awtorizzata. Ladarba transazzjoni tkun awtorizzata, din ma tistax tithassar minn fuq it-TAS. 87 Dwar1-isem Buttardi Emilia Maria Vacaru tghid li dan 1-isem ma kienx familjari maghha. Emilia Maria Vacaru giet mistoqsija jekk hux veru Ji Maria Efimova u hi kienu qeghdin j:iizuffjettaw bl-isem Buttardi u jqabluh ma Trussardi (fil-kuntest tal-allegazzjoni Ji kien hemm self lil Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad u li thalset mara Maltija minn New York li kellha negozju bl-isem Buttardi) u Emilia Maria Vacaru qalet li ma tiftakarx dan isehh. 403 000-104 Mistoqsija ghaliex Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad hadet is-self hlja wiegbet: "It was a business plan for her business, in the fashion." Mistoqsija min kien ilbeneficjarju ta' dan is-self, Maria Efimova qalet li dan is-self kien gie "credited to her account ... in Pilatus Bank". Mistoqsija jekk kienetx ghamlet xi hlasijiet b' dan il-Ioan hlja wiegbet hekk:Yes, I remember it was immediately a payment transaction to her to another account. And I remember because it was mentioned in the business plan, in her business plan that she will be cooperating with one brand for jewellery.88 Maria Efimova tghid Ii Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad kellha kont wiehed ghalkemm " ... maybe different currencies. Maybe she had one in USD, in Dubai currency. But I mean as a relationship it was one." Mistoqsija min kien il-beneficjarju ta' dan is-self, hlja tghid hekk: - ( So it was mentioned in the business plan, the name of the Company. The brand. So we were making fun of it because it was like Trussardi but not Trussardi but Bruttardi, Badrtardi, something like this. But very similar with Trussardi. And after my collegue who was Maltese, she came and she said that it is a woman from, she is Maltese but she is living in the US and she has her jewellery and she took it from her name, so she Fir-raba' xiehda taghha Maria Efimova tghid Ii 1-allegat trasferiment ta' USD400,000 kien wiehed millpayment intructions Ii kienu dalilu ma dak is-self. Maria Efimova tgliid hekk : - 88 I saw the payment instruction because it came altogether with other account opening form for Miss Negarin Sadr and other, I don't remember what you said, because they were several payment instructions not only one. But the one you are mentioning Ali Sadr I said before, because we are making fun of it, that's why I remember. Dan qalitu minkejja li fl-evvwel xiehda tagliha hija ma semmiet xejn dwar dawn 1-allegati payment instructions 1-ohra Ii skontha kienu dalilu glial dan is-self. 404 ./ 000405 OJj,103 took part of her surname and put in the brand. So she was explaining all this and you know we were mal. ME - Yes, hello. CB-Hi Maria, Carlo here. ME - Hello Carlo, how are you doing? CB-Fine thank you. Can you hear me? ME-Yes. CB - Ok. Great Much much better than last time. So Maria, I am coming to record a little bit two or three key points of the story, of your story and why basically Daphne was killed. ME - while working in Pilatus Bank I bump on politically exposed persons (PEP) from Malta. from Azerbaijan, from Russia. As for other nationalities who were not PEP they were some citizens of United Arab Emirates as well as Iran and Turkey. I would say ninety (nine zero) percent of outgoing transaction were for Dubai On the 29 of March 2016 I have been given a termination note with immediate effect. So that was my last day, there. Before to testify before European Committee I have prepared a report to the European Central Bank about shortcomings in compliance and the money laundering I was witnessing in Pilatus Bank. I first contact Ms Caruana Galizia around six months after my dismissal from the Bank. Daphne was investigating. She got some other sources as well. She was coming back to me for some clarifications from my experience in the Bank. We have discussed Egrant Company and account of this company in Pilatus Bank because it was related to PEP in Malta. In declarations of trust for this company as well as in account opening form for this company Ms Muscat was mentioned as sole and ultimate beneficiary. I don't think Daphne was feared. I was really worried about her and I was suggesting that she should not stay in Malta while revealing and publishing all this information. But Daphne was so shocked with information she received from me. She was just very eager to reveal. I was telling her that she should be very careful because I saw car-bomb in the light of day with my own eyes. And I told her "you should be aware" and she told me "ok what can they do to me .. will they put bomb in my car as well?''. In October sixteen, two thousand seventeen, even I wasn't in Malta, I was still following her blog. I remember that I read her last article that she posted at around two thirty pm and then in two, three hours I saw an announcement in Russian news and I immediately proceed to Maltese local news and I saw that she has been killed. Mirm hawn jirriZulta Ji skont Efimova, 1-ewwel kuntatt li ghamlet ma Caruana Galizia kien ghal habta ta' Settembru jew Ottubru 2016 u mhuz Marzu 2017. 410 000411 U·~·;l ··i ; '...) iJ •J:. .• ,; ! 5 " Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: in your house, well Ms. Caruana Galizia testified here, she didn't mention you and in fact we asked her to contact you and you decided to come over, she said that her source gave her a copy, showed her and gave her a copy of four documents, these were the declaration of trusts, and declaration of trusts. Inquiring Magistrate: two. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: and two opening bank mandates, have you gave these four documents yourself to her? Maria Efimova: no, no I didn't. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: do you know perhaps who could have given Ms. Caruana Galizia these documents or have you referred her to? r Maria Efimova: no I didn't refer her, I was mentioning some colleagues of mine but I never said this one can give you some thing or no but as far as I know, many employees of the bank, they have been fired when I was in the bank before I joined the bank, other colleagues of mine were telling me a lot of dreading stories of people treated very bad way in this bank so one of them probably could do it. Inquiring Magistrate: ok. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: so you were not the person who gave these? Maria Efimova: no. so if I show you part of an article that was published Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: on the 21 st of April, 2017at10.02 in the evening where there is an abstract from the declaration of trusts, do you recognise this article, do you recognise this text? Maria Efimova: yes the text is similar ... when it says its capacity subscriber it was as I said the Spanish word subscriber and how do you call it. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: brackets? Maria Efimova: brackets yes. It was in the Spanish ... Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: remember these? Dubro Limited S. A. and Aliator S. A. do you 93 Fit-tieni xiehda tagliha Maria Efimova qalet li 1-intervista ma Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet ghamlitha fid-dar ta' Maria Efimova ftit wara 1-Ghld tal-2017, ghalkemm qabelma Maria Efimova giet tixhed fil-Qorti. Fit-tielet xiehda taghha Maria Efimova tghid li 1-ewwel laqgha li kellha ma Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet f'Marzu 2017 jew qabel jew wara 1-Ghld u damet mad war saghtejn. L-Ghid tal-2017 gie celebrat fis-16 t' April u mhux f'Marzu. Matul din 1-ewwel laqgha, Maria Efimova tghld li Daphne Caruana Galizia urietha dokumenti. 411 oar• ~. ~ • lj ' ' i' ·.I ..l UUJ:i.l u 000412 Maria Efimova: I remember that I saw the declarations first I thought that it is the same paper printed two times because the text was very similar but after I saw that the names of the companies that issued the declarations they were different. I think they were these names yes. Inquiring Magistrate: ehe. Ok but the declarations were like those? Maria Efimova: the text yes, it was not much text like I remember it was like two lines - declaration of trust, the text of the trust and one signature, one director was signing. Inquiring Magistrate: one signature? Maria Efimova: ehe. Inquiring Magistrate: and there were the details of the company? Maria Efimova: yes it was addressed to the name of the company, number, address, yes, yes, yes. Inquiring Magistrate: ehe. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: have you ever seen Ms. Michelle Muscat at the bank? Maria Efimova: no. I cannot recall here. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: Prime Minister Joseph Muscat ? Maria Efimova: no. Inquiring Magistrate: Conrad Mizzi? Maria Efimova: No. Inside the premises of the bank, no. Inquiring Magistrate: John Dalli, do you know who John Dalli is? Maria Efimova: No. Inquiring Magistrate: do you know if John Dalli haves an account? Maria Efimova: I don't know, I cannot recall. I remember this Brian Tonna's partner Karl Cini, he also had one I think, I recall the name Cini. Inquiring Magistrate: Karl Cini had an account? Maria Efimova: I think so but again I cannot say 100 % sure. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: so you are 100 % sure that you have never took a copy of these documents that Ms. Caruana Galizia is saying? Maria Efimova: no I didn't. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: them for our investigation? because for us it is very, very important that we have 412 ( Maria Efimova: yes, yes. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: Inquiring Magistrate: a copy of them. but you don't have copies you said? Maria Efimova: no I don't have copies. 94 Ziedet tghid ukoll li Ali Sadr kellu erba' passaporti u zewgt dati tat-twelid differenti. Dawn setghu jigu verifikati minn open source sites bhal Companies .[ House tal-Ingilterra. 95 It-tieni xiehda ta' Maria Efimova Maria Efimova xehdet ukoll nhar it-tnejn (2) ta' Mejju 2017. Ikkonfermat li wara li kienet xehdet fil-kors tal-inkjesta magisterjali kienet irrilaxxjat zewgt intervisti: lil gurnal The Malta Independent tat-30 t' April 2017 fejn kienetfront page u wahda lil Daphne Caruana Galizia "Pilatus Bank Whistleblower speaks out". Hija ghamlet ukoll video interview ma Pierre Portelli. It-test ta' dan 1- Fit-tielet xiehda taghha, Maria Efimova minbarra li tirrepeti li hi qatt ma wriet id-dikjarazzjonijiet lil Daphne Caruana Galizia iida kienet Daphne Caruana Galizia li wriethomlha Maria Efimova zzid tghid li Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet staqsietha wkoll jekk dawn kienux "fake or can be proved as authentic ones". Maria Efimova tghid li Daphne Caruana Galizia ma kienetx certa jekk kienux origmali jew genwini : "because we were talking on the subject again so she was just ashng me if I knaw, if I know if these documents can be fake or can be proved as authentic ones". 94 Dan il-kumment ta' Maria Efimova juri wkoll li ghandha eerta gharfien kif taghmel tiftix £' siti spegalizzati ghal informazzjoni speCifika fir-rigward t'individwi partikolari. Apparti minn hekk il-fatt li skont Pierre Portelli kienet ukoll qaltlu li setghet taccedi ghall-iCloud billi taccedi mill-VPN, juri wkoll livell sofistikat t'gharfien ta' thaddim tal-internet. 95 413 000414 artiklu huwa wkoll formanti parti minn din 1-inkjesta. Maria Efimova tghid li text tal-interview li sar ma kienx gie moqri lilha, ghalkemm hija qrat 1artiklu. Tghid hekk: Maria Efimova: yes I would like to comment that this interview states that I scanned the documents, that I opened the safe with the key and I scanned the document and I put them on the cloud I think but this I didn't say and I didn't do. Inquiring Magistrate: this you didn't say and you didn't do? Maria Efimova: yes. Inquiring Magistrate: written this? so who came up with this? So it was the journalist who has Maria Efimova: the journalist wrote this yes. Inquiring Magistrate: the journalist did? Maria Efimova: yes. Inquiring Magistrate: now and she did so without you having said those words, that is what you are saying? Maria Efimova: yes .... Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: so on page 2 of this article, under the title in red, I quickly scanned those documents and return them and the paragraph reads like this -I quickly scanned those documents and returned them to the safe, I don't know why I did it what was at the back of my mind except that I knew I wanted to have something in hand in case they tried to frame me as responsibly for their irregular PEP files. Maria Efi.mova: so this paragraph hasn't been said by me. Inquiring Magistrate: you didn't say so? Maria Efimova: no. Inquiring Magistrate: ok. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: recording you? was the interviewer writing down or was she Maria Efi.mova: no she was writing down. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: documents? so the obvious question is - do you have these 414 ( 1 Maria Efimova: which documents? Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: mentioned four documents last time - the two declarations of trusts ok and two opening bank mandates, that you saw in the cabinet, in the safe? Inquiring Magistrate: let's call it safe. Maria Efimova: in the safe I saw trust declarations. The account opening forms were not in the safe, they were in the file with the other account opening forms. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: them? ok so these trust documents, do you have a copy of Maria Efimova: no I don't. ( Inquiring Magistrate: and you never scanned them? Maria Efimova: no I never scanned them. Inquiring Magistrate: not even took a photo of it? Maria Efimova: no. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: ok you never had a copy in your possession? Maria Efimova: no. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: in the cloud, in your purse, in your, any where? Maria Efimova: no I didn't have a copy in my ... Inquiring Magistrate: journalist? so who, are you saying that that part is invented by the Maria Efimova: no when she was interviewing me, she showed me those documents so she had the copies. I saw them but who gave it to her I don't know. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: so she showed you these documents? Maria Efimova: yes she showed me the trust declarations. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: where they signed? Maria Efimova: yes, yes. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: where these the same documents you saw? Maria Efimova: the trust declarations yes. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: did she also show you the bank opening forms? 415 n ·; 1 v 1 J v · ..l : .1 ...i.. ~i: 000416 Maria Efi.rnova: no she didn't. She only showed me two trust declarations. Inquiring Magistrate: so she showed you the two trust declarations? Maria Efi.rnova: yes .... Inquiring Magistrate: but you didn't give her these documents? Maria Efi.rnova: no I didn't. Su pr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: bank? and never where they in your possession outside the Maria Efi.rnova: no. I didn't have them. Efimova tghld li Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet ghamlet din 1-intervista fiddar ta' Maria Efimova ftit wara 1-Ghid; i.Zda qabel ma giet tixhed il-Qorti. Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet cemplitilha wara li xehdet fil-Qorti u qaltilha li issa I-Bank setgha jipprova jattakka 1-kredibbilta' taghha. Maria Efimova ma kienetx giet intervistata mill-gdid wara li kienet xehdet il-Qorti jew irrilaxxjat intervista ohra gdida lil Daphne Caruana Galizia qabel din ippubblikat dak 1-artiklu fil-gurnal The Malta Independent. Maria Efimova q alet li kienet qra t 1-artiklu u kienet taf li jum q ab el ma xehdet Maria Efimova, u Cjoe f'jum il-Mamis, Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet xehdet £1-inkjesta. Maria Efimova qrat fuq il-gazzetta li Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet xehdet. L-ghada giet il-Qorti u staqsiet Hr-reception jekk setghetx tixhed u 1-ufficjal qallha biex tkellem lill-Avukat u taghmel rikors. Minn hemm ghamlet kuntatt ma' Daphne Caruana Galizia ghax xtaqet li ma 416 1 n 00~ ·' 17. 1U~ J' ~ J~l!J .• · ' ..., U tkellimx lill-Avukat minhabba li kienet imhasba ghal ragunijiet ta' sigurta. Xtaqet tkun taf jekk kienx hemm mezz iehor kif tista' tixhed. Il-Gimgha imbaghad giet tixhed hi. Wara li spiCcat tixhed, Daphne Caruana Galizia baghtitilha messagg tistaqsiha jekk kienetx lesta. r Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: yes, let's take just some of them, there was, let's take part of this article under the title - list of special companies on page 2, I was also given a list of companies may be eight or ten names and told that these were to be given special attention for payment transactions and for any thing to do with them, I would have to speak to Claudenne Sant Fournier, the Executive Director, the companies included Willerby Inc, Till gate Inc, Hem ville Inc, Egrant Inc and Al Sahra FZCO, I knew that Al Sahra Inc belonged to the daughter of the President of Azerbajgan Lyla Alyeva because I had seen the bank account opening form but I didn't know who the other companies belonged to at that stage. Further down there is also another reference - these payments of hundreds of thousands of Dollars from Al Sahra FZCO always marked as loan payments where made, where not made to their accounts at Pilatus Bank but to accounts they held at a bank in Dubai. Is this your text? Inquiring Magistrate: did you say this? Maria Efimova: not regarding the company Al Sahra, it was company Sahra, not Al Sahra. Inquiring Magistrate: Al Sahra and Superintendent mentioned some companies in particular did you give her, the names of these companies? four Maria Efimova: I don't remember now how it came, she was asking me, she was giving me the name of this company and asking if I saw transactions with this company so yes, I said yes. I saw. Inquiring Magistrate: she told you for example did you see Hem Ville, did you see Till gate, was it Egrant, wasn't this, that or the other? Maria Efimova: yes. Inquiring Magistrate: and you said, yes, yes and yes. So it wasn't you who told her from your memory, she suggested those names to you and you told her yes? Maria Efimova: honestly now I don't remember who brought it first, may be it was me, I am not sure. Inquiring Magistrate: ok, but definitely Al Sahra wasn't you? 417 . u.JJ·.±lv ' .. \-; i~ 000418 Maria Efimova: a? Inquiring Magistrate: Al Sahra wasn't you? Maria Efimova: Al Sahra no, I never saw. Inquiring Magistrate: because you never mentioned Al Sahra? Maria Efimova: only Sahra. Inquiring Magistrate: only Sahra? Maria Efimova: yes. Inquiring Magistrate: but there she mentions Al Sahra so who gave Al Sahra to her? Maria Efimova: I don't know may be it was a confusion because they had also Shams AlSahra. Inquiring Magistrate: and you never saw Al Sahra? Maria Efimova: Al Sahra no. Gew nutati diversi divergenzi bejn ir-rakkont pubblikat minn Daphne Caruana Galizia, kemm fl-artiklu tar-Running Commentary, kif ukoll dak fuq il-Malta Independent, kif ukoll dak li kienet xehdet dwaru Daphen Caruana Galizia dwar dak li qalet li rrakontatilha Maria Efimova, ma dak li fil-fatt Maria Efimova kienet xehdet dwaru. Mistoqsija dwar dan il-punt, Maria Efimova tghld hekk when you read this article and there are some mistakes Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: or some inaccuracies in particular to that paragraph that says that you scanned the documents? Maria Efimova: ehe. did you contact the paper, did you contact Daphne Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: Caruana Galizia to correct that mistake? Maria Efimova: that is why I was giving another interview to the same paper but in person like video interview, I wanted to correct some discrepancies. 418 1 ( 000J.19 Hv·J= ~ tf:i;j n ' -~ ·7 l ~ Imbaghad irrakkontat ukoll 1-episodju relattiv gli.all-kumpanija Silverlake allegatament tat-tifel tal-President tal-Angola. Anke hawn qalet li kien hemm differenza bejn dak miktub fl-artiklu u dak li selih. Hi qalet hekk:yes, the difference with the article is that when I joined the bank, the account for that company Silver lake if I remember correct, it was already opened because bank. Silver Lake I think, Silver Lake some thing or investments or holding some thing like that so when I started to perform customer service duties, the account has already been opened, it wasn't me who was preparing the account opening form for that company, it has been opened however the ladies from the Portuguese company they have contacted me and I was arranging a meeting for them to come so in that meeting when they came to the bank, it was me Hamedresa Gambari and two ladies, I don't remember the name of the corporate service provider from Portugal unfortunately so they came, if I remember correct Silver Lake and they told us look part of the company, some shares they have been sold from this company to the son of Angola, son of the President of Angola but it is not for his PEP activities let's say, he is a singer, he is a famous singer so he needs this company for his singing, for his business yes, singing business and they brought us all the transfer, all the documents and ... transfer of shares, it was resolutions from the Directors of this company and they said there is nothing to be afraid off because he is a singer and his business is clear and they left and after I told to Mr. Gambari, I told him look such a trick they did, they opened an account just for the usual company and after, because as I remember the account has been opened early 2016, they opened an account and now they put PEP inside and they should have immediately closed this company, it is very dangerous for the bank and he told me no, it is not your business, I will deal with it, just go and do your job. r Maria Efimova qalet li f' dak iZ-zmien hija kienet intern u li kienet ghadha fuq probation. 96 Mistoqsija kif kienu jafdawha daqshekk hija wiegbet: first of all I was really surprised they entrusted me with the duties of the customer services officer, me being an executive assistant at the first place .... yes they trusted me % Il-fatt li hija kienet ghadha intern huwa wkoll konfermat mix-xiehda ta' Hamidraza Ghanbari. 419 000420 but as far as I know very few employees were staying in the bank for long, most of the employees were staying like three I four months and after they resigned or have been fired, so at the moment I have been untrusted those customer service duties, one person has been fired and another has resigned so obviously the bank I think didn't have sources so they didn't have much choice, who would for example then they took another person for this position to under take this customer services duties she was actually for actually, she is Maltese so at least I knew some thing about the job and she was like totally." 97 Ix-xiehda ta' Sharonjit Kaur Agimal hija interessanti ghax tghld ei:attament hil-maqluh ta' dak li qalet Maria Efimova. Agimal tghid li fil-Bank Pilatus kienet tiddomina regola li kull impjegat kien ikun moghti informazzjoni on a need to know basis. Anzi i:i:id li fis-sitt xhur Ii damet tandem malBank Pilatus ftit Ii xejn kienet tara s-Senior Management jaqsam informazzjoni mal-impjegati ta' tahthom. Ghalkemm kellha access ghal files fil-Front Office hi kienet tara hiss dawk Ii kienet tandem fuqhom u xejn aktar. Dwar 1-allegazzjoni li kien hemm xi impjegat Ii inghata c-Cwievet tas-sefe Agimal tghid li kienet rat dan is-safe darha wahda hiss meta kienu qeghdin ifitxuftle partikolari u kien gie xi hadd mill-Compliance Department hiC-ewievet u hadd ma kien halliha tmiss dawn icCwievet - hi li kienet tandem fil-Front Office. Kienu tal-Compliance Department li harsu fis-safe u hi qaghdet warajhom u ma setghetx 1-anqas tara x'hemm fil-cabinet. We do not have easy access to keys, tghld. L-anqas meta kienet tandem mal-Compliance Department ma kellha access ghal dan is-safe: 97 The Court: So if I give you a scenario where you would have the safe open, ·with files accessible to employees who could be coming and going in the room where the safe is housed, do you see that... without any supervision mind you The Witness: Would it be possible? Honestly The Court : Do you see that as a probable scenario? The Witness: No. Not at all. Because for a start the safe is not kept with anybody. And it is locked at all times. So if a senior member of staff out Compliance or Legal go into it they have the key, they open it and they dose it behind them. They would not just leave it open. I personally could not imagine that as a scenario at all. I said I worked in Compliance as well and there is no, I had a supervisor that was technically a supervisor that was above me. So if something did need to come out of the safe it would not be anyway, it would be her. And no I could not, honestly I could not see that as the safe being opened unsupervised, and somebody being able to wander in and out, ·-really not going in and out as they pleased. I genuinely cannot see that as a scenario. Mill-handa 1-ohra Michaela Krajcikova tghid li meta 1-MFSA kienu ghamlu 1-ispezzjoni f'Ottuhru 2015 (sic! f'Settembru 2015) :The Witness: As I said I was never supposed to be involved. I was only taking part in some, like filling the holes if I can say like that. So as there was no person to confirm the phone call it would be me to confirm it either because I am in the room at the moment or there is nobody else so they call me to do so. Or doing KYCs and papers like this I would be called to do them because there is either a panic in the bank or the lawyer was just too busy. She used to give me the key of the file cabinet and tell me to bring her something or stay in the room and organize certain documents. Once before we had MFSA visit, they have spent over a week in the bank, it was horrible moments. Everybody was panicking, everybody was nervous. A lot of tension would be around in the bank. And that was really bad for me because I had to host them. I had to make sure that everybody is in his office with doors closed which normally we used to have the doors open. Kitchen closed. Everything closed. I had to serve them food. I had to wake up early before my working time and go and shop for some food and refreshments for them and organinze these things, make sure that they always have fresh coffee and water. It was a little bit uncomfortable. And then everybody was so tense that one time I left out for my lunch break to a place close by and when I came back Mr Sadr shouted at 420 \. Maria Efimova tghld Ii kienet hi stess Ii rreferiet lil Daphne Caruana Galizia dwar il-kumpanija "Akce" u mhux bil-maqlub. Maria Efimova tenniet Ii Brian Torma kien ikun ta' spiss il-Bank - xi darba fil-gimgha u anke aktar minn hekk. II-mod kif kien igib ruhu kien qisu 1( Bank kien tieghu. Ali Sadr kellu attitudni differenti ma Brian Torma qisu mhux Ali Sadr kien is-sid, i.Zda Brian Torma. 98 me a lot that I allow myself to leave for a lunch break when MFSA is there. He would jsut demolish me for leaving for lunch ...... .! really do not know what was the reason. I can just understand that when some authorities come and check in your working place. either it is a bank or some other place of work. you want everything to be organized and in order which I am sure it was not, the Doctor of Law employed in the bank, I am not sure if I can mention the name, was very disorganised with her paperwork which came so strange to me. I imagine lawyers as organised people, they are handling important documents and they should be organised. They were not at all. So every time something like this was supposed to happen she was really angry, nervous, uncomfortable. That is why it happened that she used to give tasks to people which were not supposed to be doing these tasks. Everybody had handful of work and she would need to rush up some things and so she needed help from me. Mix-xiehda ta' Brenda Calleja Smith jirrii:ulta li ma tul ii:-zmien li damet tandem mal-Bank Pila tus, jigifieri bejn Jannar u Awissu tal-2014 hi qatt ma kienet rat lil Brian Torma .fil-Bank Pilatus. Dak ii:-zmien kienu madwar erba' minn nies jahdmu f'dan il-Bank u g.halhekk kienet haga fa& tara min ikun dahal fil-Bank g.hal xi laqg.ha. Apparti minn hekk, sa Awissu 20141-uniku Malti li taf li dahal g.hal meeting mad-Direzzjoni tal-Bank kien John Dalli Sa' Awissu 2014 ma kienx hemm klijenti li kellhom rabta mal-.Ai:erbajgan. Inoltre Keith Schembri kien g.hadu mhux klijent tal-Bank Pilatus sa' Awissu 2014. Dan jidher li gie konfermat ukoll minn Ekmel Gilingir li g.hal perjodu Dicembru 2013 sa Settembru 2014 kien is-CEO tal-Bank Pilatus. Dan jaqbel ukoll ma emails li I-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics sabu fil-hardware ta' Nexia BT fejn f'konversazzjoni bl-email bejn Brian Torma u Karl Cini li saret f'Ottubru 2014 jirrii:ulta li Brian Torma kien qieg.hed jippressa lil Karl Cini biex jipprova jag.hti servizz tajjeb u effigenti lil Bank Pilatus ghaliex dan ghalihom setg.ha jkun sors ta' negozju tajjeb. Dan juri li f'dak 1-istadju, ir-relazzjoni kummergali bejn ilBank Pilatus u Nexia BT kienet g.hadha fil-bidu taghha - u jekk xejn kienet turi kemm Brian Torma xtaq li jaqta fi.gura taiba biex ikun jista' jgib aktar negozju lejn id-ditta F' din il-korrispondenza jidher car li din kienet intii:a biex Nexia BT tintroduci s-servizzi tag.hha lil dan il-Bank li kien ghadu fil-bidu taloperazzjonijiet F' dak 1-istadju xejn fil-provi ma jindika li Brian Torma kien qieg.hed jiehu attitudni ta' padronanza fuq dan il-Bank ma Ali Sadr. Jekk xejn juri li kien qieg.hed jipprova jag.hti stampa poi:ittiva tad-Ditta tieghu bit-tama li jigbed negozju minn dan il-Bank lejha. 96 { ':....- 421 000422 Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: then there is another part about Mr. Tonna as well and this deals with a property which Mr. Tonna had, this was not covered in our last, when you testified the first time, this paragraph goes like this, another time, I was asked to scan an offer for a real estate agent, for a mansion house in London priced at around 17 million sterling with plans and pictures of the rooms, the offer was addressed to Willerby Inc, Willerby Trading Inc, I remember it because Mr. Gambari made me scan it again and again until it was perfect. The payments for this mansion were processed through Willerby Trading Inc, I remember the first payment was of five million sterling and there was an agreement for instalments on the rest. What can you tell us about this? Maria Efimova: yes I remember the agreement, they asked me it was evening quite late, I was about to go home but Mr. Sadr called me and he said I should take some brochures, brochure document from Mr. Gambari scan it and sent to him, to his email so Mr. Sadr told me to go to Mr. Gambari, Mr. Sadr wasn't in the office, Mr. Gambari was and he told me to go to Mr. Gambari and take his brochure from him, make a scan and sent him a copy so what I did, I made the scan and I sent him an email and he called back shouting that it was not proper scan and it wasn't very well done because it was binded, it was very difficult for me to scan it I couldn't open it properly and he told me to re scan it and when I finished my colleague Maria Vacaro, she told me take this payment instruction to the operations department and tell them to do it now and the payment instructions was related to this offer, it was offer or proposal for an acquisition of some thing like that and I took this instruction to the payment department. Maria Efimova tghid li hija rat il-payment instruction, iZda mhux il-pagament effettiv ghax ma kienetx fl-Operations Department. Mistoqsija kif jista' jkun li dak li qed tghid hu minnu meta la d-depozitu tal-hames miljun Lira Sterlina u 1-anqas il-pagamenti tal-intalments ma kienu jidhru fuq I-account tal- Willerby,99 hi tghid li: because they were discussing them how they will buy so much sterlings, they were discussing some thing about money market, it is a big amount, they shall acquire those Din 1-informazzjoni kienet waslet mingliand il-Forensic Accountant Miroslcroa Mz1enovic waqt li kienet qeghda taghrnel 1-analli:i ta t-transazzjonijiet Bankarji fil-Bank Pilatus. 99 422 sterlings to ... the transaction .... un forhrnately I cannot explain it because I am not a technician and I cannot now go to the system of the bank and see what is going on there, how can I explain. Mistoqsija kif kienet baqghet tiftakar dawn id-dettaiji kollha minn fost Iammont ta' klijenti u transazzjonijiet Ii kellu I-Bank, hija qaiet Ii baqghet tiftakar ghax kienet distressed hafna Ii fit-20:00 keilha tibqa taghmeI I-i scans tad-dokumenti biex ikunu perfetti u b'hekk baqghet tiftakar. (_ Meta mistoqsija fuq is-safe iZ-zghir hija qaiet Ii ma kienetx taf Ii kien hemm dan is-safe iz-zghlr, iZda kienet iltaqghet ma Makhabat ElluI u din kienet qaltilha lil Maria Efimova Ii kien hemm is-safe iz-zghlr. Claude-Ann Sant Fournier kienet f'relazzjoni tajba maghha u Efimova kienet anke zzommilha I-baby meta kien ikoilha xi meeting mas-CEO. Sant Fournier ( kienet tirrabja u tghajjat ma xi impjegati, ghalkemm mhux maghha. CiaudeAnn Sant Fournier kienet titkellem regoiarment ma' Hamidreza Ghanbari u ma tiftakarx Ii kien hemm xi kunflitti bejniethom. Maria Efimova tghid Ii ma Denica Cebova kellha reiazzjoni ta' kollegi u meta spiCcat milI-Piiatus ma baqghux hbieb. Wara Ii spiCcaw pero: 423 ) 000124 we met, one time we met, when she found another job, she came and we met with Maria Vacaro and her and we went for lunch and she was also sending me some messages like that I remember regarding some thing in regard of children. Mistoqsija ulterjorment dwar id-dokumenti: Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: ok so in the video that Pierre Portelli took that you specifically said that you did not scan the document? Maria Efirnova: he was asking me if I scanned them, if I putted them to the cloud, if I did it, he was asking me like three or four times but I told him no, I know that the documents exist but I didn't scan them. Inquiring Magistrate: you play the document. We have just seen the interview that was released by you to journalist Pierre Portelli of the Malta Independent, first of all do you confirm that the person being interviewed is yourself? Maria Efirnova: yes I confirm. Inquiring Magistrate: interview? do you confirm the content of what was said during the Maria Efirnova: yes. It-tielet xiehda ta' Maria Efimova Maria Efimova regghet xehdet fil-5 ta' Mejju 2017. Hi tibda biex tghid hekk:I remembered the fact that Maria Emilia Vacaro was my colleague at the ~e I was working in the bank, she was mentioning that the statements are prepared manually, one time she was complaining that it takes her by the end of the month to prepare monthly statements for the clients, it takes her like three to four hours to prepare statements because the IT officers were downloading some information from the bank system but the statement was not ready so she was doing some manipulation to actually prepare statements in pdf format and then sent to the client so this was the first that I wanted to mention and also ... she said it was her monthly routine by the end 424 (--- of the month, she was staying longer hours in order to prepare those statements because they were sending statements to all the clients in all like banks are sending statements. I wanted to mention that I didn't mention yet it is about Turkish, office in Turkey, office of the bank in Turkey ... Yes, I don't know if it was an official representative office or branch or some thing else but it was a lady who was working for the bank but she was based in Turkey and she was also doing some QYC (sic! KYC) Forms, she was also preparing some account openings and she, clients were contacting her as well as us, I mean as well as customers service officer in the bank based in Malta, clients were contacting her as well. I just know the name of the woman, I heard her name was mentioned several times in the bank and I saw some emails for example when I was performing customer service duties some clients were sending to me and when putting her in the copy so I could see her email address in the cc ....Linet Estiroti.100 Maria Efimova tghid li hi kelmet lill-Estiroti darba wahda fuq it-telefon u qatt ma ratha personalment. Darba Ali Sadr kien ried xi agreement u kien Emilia Maria Vacaru tikkonferma Ii tiftakar Ii kien hemm wahda jisimha Linet Estiroti Ii kienet tahdem mal-Pilatus. Hi qatt ma ltaqgnet magliha ghax Estiroti kienet tahdem mid-dar fit-Turkija. Meta Emilia Maria Vacaru kienet trainee, kienet ic':c':empillha u taghtiha 1-pariri xi trid taglimel biex tiftah kontijiet talbank. Taf Ii qabel Estiroti kienet tandem fuq ftugh ta' kontijiet tal-bank, pero ma tafx jekk kienetx taglimel attivitajiet ohra. Taf Ii kienet tandem gnal madwar gnaxar snin ma Ali Sadr. Meta Emilia Maria Vacaru kienet bdiet tandem ma Pilatus Bank, Estiroti kienet baqgnet tipproc':essa pagamenti ghal Pilatus Bank. Pero wara I-Bank gnaddew 1-ipprocessar tal-payment instructions lil Emilia Maria Vacaru. Kien hemm habta fejn il-Bank kien baqa' jibghat payment instructions lil Estiroti, ii:da din kienet tirreferihom lura 1Pilatus Bank £'Malta. Peress Ii Estiroti ma kienetx f'Malta, hi ma kienetx f'qaghda Ii twettaq il-payment instructions. Emilia Maria Vacaru tispjega li 1-proc':edura gnall-ipproc':essar tal-pagamenti kienet wahda dettaljata u rigida Ii kienet dejjem tigi segwita mill-Bank. 100 (_ Brenda Calleja Smith u Mehmet Tasli jikkonfermaw Ii Estiroti kienet 1-assistent personali t' Ali Sadr kemm qabel kif ukoll wara Ii fetali. il-Bank Pilatus. Mehmet Tasli ma kienx jaf pero sakemm kienet baqghet f'kuntatt ma Ali Sadr wara. Luis Felipe Rivera mill-banda 1-ohra jghid Ii Linet Estiroti kienet tahdem ma Pilatus Capital Limited, Ii kienet tipprovdi Front Office Relationship Management u ma kienetx direttament impjegata mal-Bank Pilatus. 425 irreferiha ghand Estiroti. Maria Efimova kienet rat email li kienet middomain ta' Altitude Capital LLC u mhux minn fuq il-Pilatus Bank. Maria Efimova tghid li Hamidreza Ghanbari kien ukoll irrefera ghal ufficju fit-Turkija in konnessjoni mal-gbir ta' cards ghall-Bank minn hemmhekk biex jiffrankaw it-taxxa minhabba li huwa non-EU product. (' L-ewwel laqgha li Maria Efimova tghid li kellha ma Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet f'Marzu 2017 jew qabel jew wara 1-Ghid u damet madwar saghtejn. Matul din il-laqgha, Daphne Caruana Galizia urietha dokumenti. Inquiring Magistrate: so how could she show you the documents during your first meeting when she didn't know what you are going to talk about? Maria Efirnova: may be she already had them. Mistoqsija ghaliex, wara laqgha twila ta' saghtejn kellhom jergghu jiltaqghu darbtejn jew tlieta ohra, Maria Efimova wiegbet li Daphne Caruana Galizia riedet li jkollha dettalji ohra peress li kienet qeghda taghmel ir-riCerki taghha ibbazati fuq dak li kienet qaltilha Maria Efimova biex tivverifika dak li kienet qaltilha u wara riedet tikkjarifika xi dettalji ohra. 101 Dan il-fatt jista' jitqies konfermat mix-xiehda ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia Ii tghld Ii hija pruvat tivverifika d war 1-isem tal-kumpanija Al Sahra in kwan tu bdiet issib hafna informazzjoni dwar il-kumpanija Shams Al Sahra, i.Zda mhux dwar il-kumpanija Al Sahra. Mid-dokumenti bankarji tal-Bank Pilatus ma tirri.Zultax Ii qatt kienet registrata 1-kumpanija Al Sahra. 101 426 ( Oou .i ?"'i ±~i Dawn il-laqghat Ii saru wara hadu madwar siegha kull darba u Caruana Galizia dejjem urietha 1-istess dokumenti cjoe' - it-trust declarations. Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet staqsietha wkoll jekk dawn id-dokumenti kienux fake or can be proved as authentic ones. Daphne Caruana Galizia ma kienetx certa jekk kienux originali (genwini) jew le. Daphne Caruana Galizia qatt ma wrietha dokumenti ohrajn apparti dawn i.Z-zewgt declarations of trust u Efimova zzid Ii b' mod partikolari Caruana Galizia qatt ma wrietha I-bank account opening forms. Daphne Caruana Galizia qatt ma qalet lil Maria Efimova minn fejn kienet gabet dawn id- declarations of trust. Daphne Caruana Galizia qatt ma offritilha xi flus jew remunerazzjoni. Minbarra ma Daphne Caruana Galizia hija tkelmet ukoll ma xi hbieb taghha dwar din 1-istorja, ghalkemm ma tkelmitx ma membri ( taI-media ohra dwarha. Inquiring Magistrate: so let me ask you another question to have my ideas clear. Now I want to clarify this point, when Mrs. Caruana Galizia informed us about your willingness to testify, she wrote the following, that your intent to contact us that she has an important witness who wishes to volunteer herself for the inquiry, she came to Court this morning and was told that she would have to file a formal application in order to testify, this witness is my source says Caruana Galizia and requires privacy from the press, please inform the Inquiring Magistrate and instruct me is to how she should proceed, now my question is very simple, we respected this of course as you know till this very day and this is what we are going to do, however it seems that from the tum of events, you didn't really seek privacy from the press because soon afterwards Mrs. Caruana Galizia immediately upon exiting the Court put up on her running commentary the fact that you had testified, then all of a sudden we find 427 000428 another article on the Malta Independent of last Sunday and more than that an interview live with Pierre Portelli of the Malta Independent on TV so much so that there were people who seem to have recognised you as well, so I was asking my self, is this the form of privacy from the press that you are seeking. Something is not really on Madam? Maria Efimova: yes. Inquiring Magistrate: you understand that and it is I think fair and logical for investigators to ask these questions? Maria Efimova: yes and as I previously said when we met last Monday, that after an article in the Independent I wanted to give an interview and actually talk out myself because my words were interpretated not in the way I told them so I wanted actually to speak so every body will be seeing ok, ok not seeing my face but seeing me speaking and I wanted to answer some questions myself because when I see articles in newspapers, they are not exactly what I was telling and what came to my knowledge, that is why I didn't find another way to speak myself how else would I do it only speaking by my self in front of the camera. (" Hi ma kienetx tkelmet mal-Avukat taghha dwar 1-intervista li hija rrilaxxjat lil Pierre Portelli qabel ma ghamlitha ghax 1-avukat kien ma jiflahx. Ippressata tghid ghaliex marret fuq it-TV hija qalet li kienet ser tinkixef xorta wahda. II-Bank kienu jafu min hi. 11-haddiema 1-ohra li kien hemm ma kienux jafu ezattament x'kien qieghed jigri fil-Bank ... ...yes they are not with them but those people Maria Emilia Vacaro before she joined the bank she was working in a restaurant as a waiter, she doesn't have any knowledge of EMA, QIC (sic! KYC), CFT prevention ... I was the only one who really know some thing about compliance procedure so they knew that Emilia Maria Vacaro would not come up with all this information because she didn't understand it. 102 Mistoqsija jekk hi qattx kienet impjegata f'xi ristorant, Vacaru tghid li : "no I hcrve never worked or been employed in a restautrant or bar or any close". Mal-Pilatus Bank, din kienet 1-ewwel esperjenza taghha tandem ma Bank. Hija ma kellhiex esperjenza bankarja precedenti. Iida hi qatt ma hadmet bhala waitress. Kienet tandem mal-iSmart Supermarket bejn Awissu u Dicembru 2014. F'Marzu 2015 bdiet tandem bhala segretarja mad-ditta legali "Dingli and Dingli" u baqghet tahdem hemm sakemm bdiet tahdem ma' Pila tus 102 428 ( 000429 'u ~~;;~:~I Konfrontata bl-istqarrija guramentata ta' Claude-Ann Sant Fournier, meta qalet li ma kienet taf xejn dwar 1-allegazzjonijiet li kienet qeghda taghmel Maria Efimova, Efimova qalet li : of course she knew. She was the one signing for the account openings, of course she knew I mean but she is in the management, she is one of the Directors as well and as I said apart from the management. ( J Mistoqsija ghalhekk jekk Claude-Ann Sant Fournier kienetx qeghda tigdeb, Maria Efimova wiegbet li ma kienetx taf x'kienet qeghda taghmel ClaudeAnn Sant Fournier. Maria Efimova tghld li Emilia Maria Vacaru kienet tipprepara 1-i statements of account tal-klijenti kollha manwalment. Emilia Maria Vacaru telqet xi 1-24 Bank. Hi qatt ma had.met ta' waitress la f'Malta u 1-anqas fir-Rumanija . Hi kienet tahdem f'ditta t'avukati fir-Rumanija wkoll. Fi kwalunkwe kai:, din id-deskrizzjoni ta' Maria Efimova moghtija minnha stess, qajla taqbel mar-rwol ta' intern Ii qalet Ii kellha mal-Pilatus Bank. Emilia Maria Vacaru tghid Ii kien hemm diversi persuni Ii kienu junior bhalha u kien hemm ohrajn Ii damu ferm inqas minnha - bhal Maria Efimova, Ii damet xahrejn u nofs, Ii Maria Efimova kienet impjegata bhala Segretarja, li 1-posizzjoni taghha ma kienetx bhala Uffigal tal-Bank. Maria Efimova qatt ma kienet impjegata bhala parti mis-Sales Department. Safejn taf hi, Emilia Maria Vacaru kienet junior minhabba Ii ma kellhiex esperjenza precedenti fil-qasam bankarju. Biss tghid li qalulha Ii Maria Efimova kellha xi esperjenza bankarja precedenti f'Cipru. Kien ghalhekk Ii talbuha tghin lil Emilia Maria Vacaru. Taf ukoll li Maria Efimova kienet tahdem fl-Irlanda ghal Google ghal perjodu qasir ta' i:mien imbaghad gew Malta. Maria Efimova qaltilha li ddeadew li jigu hawn Malta, pero Emilia Maria Vacaru ma kienetx tafx il-motiv. 429 000430 jew 25 ta' Frar u ghalhekk halliet ammont ta' statements li kienu ghadhom iridu jsiru. Kienu qabdu lil Maria Efimova biex taghmilhom hi. Maria Efimova ma riedetx taghmilhom hi ghax kellha biZzejjed x' taghmel u ma riedetx toqghod xi sitt sieghat bilqeghda taghmel dan ix-xoghol. Kienet kelmet lil Hamidreza Ghanbari u spiCca ghamilhom Louis Zammit dawn I- istatements of account ta' Frar. Ghalkemm taf Ii kienu jsiru f'pdf format, hi spiccat qatt ma ghamlithom ghax kienet irrifjutat. 103 (_) Emilia Maria Vacaru tghid li verament kienet taghmel statements of account manwalment, billi jaghmluhom manwalment f'word u jigu saved fpdf files £'folders. Imbaghad jintbaghtu £'generic email. Listatements kienu jigu genera ti fil-Flexcube ghal kull klijent. Ii:da Hamidreza Ghanbari kien ta lista ta' klijenti li riedet tibghatilhom statement. Kienet tidhol fil-Flexcube u tiggenera 1-i statements hekk. Maria Efimova donnha riedet taghti x'tifhem li 1-fatt li fehmet li s-Supretendent Abdilla ried jghid li "the transactions which I mentioned before are not reflected in the statements'' setgha kien dovut ghall-fatt li dawn kienu qed jigu preparati manwalment. Ii:da mix-xiehda ta' Emilia Maria Vacaru ji.rriZulta li l-istatements xorta wahda kienu jigu generati mill-Flexcube u ma kienux isiru b'mod li jinqabei il-Flexcube jew li tigi inserita informazzjoni li ma tkunx mehuda mill-Flexcube. Ergo d-dettalji ta' dawn ir-rendikonti kienu jingiebu millFlexcube u jkunu qed jirriflettu transazzjonijiet registra ti fuq Flex cube. Emilia Maria Vacaru tghid ukoll li 1Bank Pilatus kien qieghed jahdem biex dan il-process jigi awtomatizzat. Apparti dan mhux il-klijenti kollha kienu jiraevu statements :i.Zda kienu biss dawk li kien jordna Hamidreza Ghanbari li kienu jsirulhom statements manwalment. Minhabba li dan kien jinvolvi certu ammont ta' xoghoL dawn kienu jdumu £tit biex jigu processati. Luis Felipe Rivera jghid li huwa ma kienx jaf li Emilia Maria Vacaru kienet imqabda taghmel dawn l-istatements in kwantu hi kienet tandem fil-Front Office - ghalkemm jghid li jista' jkun li bhala standard process dan ir-rapport tas-securities setgha kien jigi mghoddi fil-Front Office biex imbaghad jintbaghat lil klijenti minn persuni bhal Emilia Maria Vacaru. Rivera ma jiftakarhiex taghmel dawn listatements. Li jista' jkun li gara hu li jaghmlu statements generati mis-sistema imbaghad jirrangawhom manwalment tweeked by the bank to make it look nicer.. 103 Brenda Calleja Smith tikkonferma wkoll li l-istatements of account ma kienux isiru manwalment Dawn kienu jigu ggenerati mis-sistema Flex cube. Mehmet Tasli wkoll jghid Ii statements of account ma kienux isiru manwalment. Dawn kienu jigu genera ti mis-sistema. L-investment statements kienu jsiru manwalment pero ghax ma kienx hemm connection bejn Flexcube u I-markets. Dawn I-investment statements kien jaghmilhom hu stess £1-2016. Dawn 1-istatements ma kienetx taghmilhom Emilia Maria Vacaru. Ma kienx jaf pero jekk Emilia Maria Vacaru kienetx imqabda speC:ifikament biex taghmel statements of account manwalment ghax hi kienet tandem fil-Front Office. Mehmet Tasli ma kienx jahdem fil-Front Office. Luis Felipe Rivera jaqbel perfettament ma dak li qal Mehmet Tasli dwar il-preparazzjoni manwali tal-istatements relattivi ghassecurities, u li ma kienux isiru statements of account manwalment ghall-fini tal-kontijiet bankarji Arienne Gaerty tikkonferma li Maria Efimova gieli rrifjutat li taghmel certu xoghol li kienu jqabduha taghmel Hi ssemmi episodju iehor fejn kienu gew moghtija stuzzjonijiet li jassistu lill-Compliance Department fit-thejjija 430 000431 u~ ~·.~.~9 Mistoqsija jekk kienetx taghmel pagamenti u tipprocessa pagamenti, Maria Efimova wiegbet Ii ma kienetx, ghalkemm kienet tiehu payment instructions minghand klijenti. Hi kienet tiftakar Ii kienet tuza 1-Flexcube. Biss Maria Efimova ma kienetx tu.Za t-TAS ghall-pagamenti Ii jridu jghaddu bl-iswift. Hi kienet tuza 1-Flexcube biex tivverifika I-payment instructions u biex tivverifika 1-bilanCi tal-klijenti. Kien hemm zewg programmi pero hi tiftakar il-Flexcube. Fil-programm 1-iehor Ii nsiet ismu kienu jiCcekjaw il-firem Ii jkunu jaqblu mal-ispecimen signature. Maria Efimova tghid ukoll Ii f' dak iZzmien kienu qeghdin jippruvaw jibdew juzaw Sharepoint. Maria Efimova tiftakar Ii kienet iltaqghet ukoll ma persuna minn Facilisation. Din kienet mara u tiftakar Ii haditha £ii-Conference Room. Louis Zammit kien qallha Ii Facilisation kienu ser jaghtuhom training fuq kif ihadmu I-Oracle ~ Flexcube u kif jaghmlu updates. Maria Efimova pero ma kienetx involuta f' dan it-training u dan ghax ma kienux staqsewha biex tipparteCipa. tal-jurisdiction reports u ghalkemm kienet tahdem fil-Front Office ukoll, Maria Efimova rrifjutat Ii taghmiJhom. Makhabbat Ellul, Ii kienet tahdem Operations Department ma Mehmet Tasli bejn Novembru 2015 u Marzu 2016 tghid li statements kienu jigu stampati mis-sistema. La Emilia Maria Vacaru u 1-anqas Dina Stankovich ma qatt qalulha li kienu jaglimlu statements manwalment. Sarah Buzzerio, Ii kienett tandem flimkien ma' Emilia Maria Vacaru fil-Front Office bejn Frar u Marzu 2016 tghid Ii qatt ma rat lil Emilia Maria Vacaru taghmel statements of account manwalment, ghalkemm qalet ukoll li Vacaru kienet tpoggi warajha u ghalhekk jista' jkun li ma kienetx tara x'inhi taglimel Vacaru 1-hin kollu. 431 •• . t ';4. :. \ U ·•...t·. !v· ·.~ .1;;;'-.J 000432 Inoltre, Efimova zzid li :Maria Efimova: some thing that I remembered. One time when Mr. Gambari was absent from the office and my office was just next door and I knew that he was not in the bank and so I heard some noises in his room so I opened the door to see why and it was fax coming, he had like printer, scanner, fax and the pages were falling down and I just picked up the pages and I put them so the noise was from the fax, but I don't remember what it was but I saw the name on the fax, Tatiana and Strarurg was mentioned, Straturg Group or just Straturg so I just put the papers there and then left and after one minute Claude - Anne Sant Fournier came and she took those papers, yes, I don't know if it is relevant or not. Supr. Ian Joseph Abdilla: who is Tatiana Zammit? Maria Efimova: as far as I know Tatiana Zammit was working with Pilatus Bank in 14 for several months because Claude -Anne was mentioning her quite often, I think they are friends or some thing. I mean they are friends apart from the job. They are meeting each other so after some body told me that she used to work in this bank in Pilatus Bank, then some body told me that she is working for Yanu Credit Bank some Turkish bank here in Malta and as far as I know now she is back to Pilatus Bank.104 Dwar dan il-punt, Ekmel Gilingir jghid li qabel ma huwa dahal jahdem mal-Bank Pilatus f'Dicembru 2013, huwa kien ghamel tiftix tieghu fuq Ali Sadr li ma kienx ghadu jafu personalment Gilingir jixhed li huwa kien sab li Ali Sadr kellu kumpanija fit-Turkija li kienet involuta fil-kostruzzjoni u li kien jisimha Straturk Construction Limited u Ali Sadr kien ghalaqha ftit .i:mien wara li 1-Bank Pilatus kien ottjena 1-licenza biex jopera minn Malta. Donnu minn kliemu Gilingir kien ikkonvinca ruhu li Ali Sadr kien finanzjarjament sod bi.i:.i:ejjed li jmur jahdem fil-Bank Pilatus wara li kien ra li din il-kumpanija kellha kapital ta' hamsin miljun Lira Torka u rraguna li allura dawn kienu strong people. Meta kien dahal jahdem hu mal-Bank Pilatus f'DiCembru 2013 sa' Settembru 2014 il-Bank Pilatus ma kellux PEP barranin, inklu.i: mill-A.i:erbajgan. Biss kellhom klijenti mit-Turkija u minn Dubai kif ukoll kellhom "U Group" li kienu fethu madwar hmistax ilkont kumpaniji taghhom b'interessi Russi. Dak i.i:-.i:mien hu ma kellux kuntatti ma' Brian Tonna jew Karl Cini 104 432 000433 Ir-raba' xiehda ta' Maria Efimova darba li xehdet Maria Efimova £'din 1-inkjesta kien fit-13 ta' Gunju 2017. Hi bdiet tghid li 1-ewwel ma ltaqghet kien ma Daphne Caruana Galizia u mhux ma Pierre Portelli. Ma Pierre Portelli iltaqghet wara. L-ewwel Ii rrakkuntat 1-istorja tal-Egrant Inc. kienet lil Daphne Caruana Galizia u wara ( lil Pierre Portelli. Dwar 1-istqarrijiet taghha fuq il-bank account opening forms _/ u d-declarations of trust hija kienet tkelmet ukoll ma' zewgha. Ma tiftakarx Ii kelmet lil xi hadd iehor dwar dan. 105 Tghid Ii tiftakar li kien hemm xi gurnalisti li ghamlu kuntatt telefoniku maghha pero ma kienetx qed tiltaqa' maghhom. Izda imbaghad bdew hergin 1-istejjer dwar il-kunflitt Ii ghandha mal-Bank Pilatus u 1-kaz taghha minhabba nuqqas ta' hlas ta' paga. Ma tiftakarx jekk il-gurnalisti kienux qeghdin jistaqsuha dwar id-declarations of trust. Il-gurnalisti kienu bdew jikkuntatjawha wara Ii hija kienet xehdet flinkjesta u ghalhekk ma bdietx tkellimhom ghax issa kienet qed tippartedpa fl-inkjesta. Safejn taf Maria Efimova, kienet Daphne Caruana Galizia Ii tat id-dettalji taghha lil Pierre Portelli. Maria Efimova tirribadixxi Ii ma haditx scanned copy tad-declarations of trust jew tal-bank account opening forms. Hi kienet biss rathom fil-Bank Pilatus. Id- Fit-tielet :xiehda taghha, Maria Efimova k.ienet qalet li minbarra ma Daphne Caruana Galizia hija kienet tkelmet ukoll ma xi hbieb taghha dwar din 1-istorja. 10s 433 Ci f\ f• , •'1 ..; UL~ ~,J -l :J;; 000434 declarations of trust rathom fis-safe filwaqt li I-bank account opening forms rathom "between the client's files". Hi ma zammitx hard jew soft copy taghhom. B'hekk tghid li hi la wriet u 1-anqas tat kopja tagli.hom lil Pierre Portelli jew lil Daphne Caruana Galizia. Meta kienet qed titkellem ma Daphne Caruana Galizia din kienet urietha hard copies tad-declarations of trust i:lda ma kienetx Maria Efimova li taghtha dawk il-kopji u ghalhekk il-kopja li kellha Daphne Caruana Galizia ma kienetx gabitha minghandha. 106 (j Mistoqsija jekk Daphne Caruana Galizia kienetx urieha kopja tal-bank account opening forms, Maria Efimova tghid li ma writhomlhiex u 1-anqas Pierre Portelli ma wrihomlha. Anzi Pierre Portelli kien qieghed jistaqsiha jekk kienux fil-pussess taghha u jekk setghetx tghaddilu dawn iddokumenti, i:lda Maria Efimova qaltlu li ma kienux fil-pussess taghha. Daphne Caruana Galizia qatt ma qaltilha minn fejn kienet gabet dawn iddokumenti; kienet qaltilha li kienu gew moghtija lilha izda ma qaltilhiex minghand min. Maria Efimova tghid li hi ma tafx minn fejn kienu ghamlu t-traskrizzjoni tad- declarations of trust. Zgur li ma kienx minhabba li Maria Efimova wriet xi dokumenti lil Caruana Galizia ghax hi ma wriet lil hadd dawn id-dokumenti 106 Dan huwa ezatt bil-rnaqlub ta' dak li xehdet Daphne Caruana Galizia. 434 ghax hi la kellha kopji digitali u 1-anqas stampati. Meta kienet ghadha tandem mal-Bank Pilatus hi ma kienetx hadet kopji minn hemm. Court: And therefore you did not upload, save these documents or scanned copies of them on the Cloud? Witness: No. Court: Or on the bank's share point? By that time that I was working in the bank the share point Witness: wasn't yet in use. Court: Operative. Witness: They were just developing it, so I couldn't do it. Mistoqsija jekk minbarra dawn id-dikjarazzjonijiet u 1-formoli ghall-ftugh ta' kont bankarju kienetx ukoll rat il-pagamenti bejn Sahra u Egrant, Maria Efimova twiegeb li kienet tiftakar li kienet rat ii-payment instructions iZda ma kienetx hadet kopja ta' dawn id-dokumenti. 107 Tghid li hi ma kellha ebda kopja ta' transazzjonijiet tal-Bank. Louis Zammit li kien jahdem fl-IT u li kien jaqa' taht I-Operations Department dwar 1-allegati trasferimenti ta' flus minn Al Sahra FZCO lejn Egrant Inc, jghid li din it-tranzazzjoni qatt ma raha jew sema' biha. Ghalkemm kienu jsiru transazzjonijiet kbar lejn Dubai ghax is-CEO kellu hafna kuntatti u klijenti £'Dubai din it-transazzjoni qatt ma kien sema' biha. L-istess jghidu 1-impjegati tal-Bank 1-ohra involuti, nonche rrecords bankarji tal-Bank Pilatus analizzatmill-Awdituri KPMG u b'mod aktarindipendenti mill-Forensic Accountants f'din 1-inkjesta. Anzi hawnhekk tidher inkonsistenza ohra bejn 1-ewwel deposizzjoni ta' Efi.mova u dik misjuba fir-raba' testimonjanza taghha. Fl-ewwel deposizzjoni tghid li t-transazzjoni bejn Sahra FZCO u Egrant Inc kienet taf biha ghax semghetha f'konversazzjoni bejn Ali Sadr u Brian Torma, liema konversazzjoni kienet imqanqla. Anzi speCifi.kament mistoqsija dwar jekk kienetx rat xi transazzjonijiet, xi statements dwar pagamenti bejn Sahra u Egrant, kienet wiegbet No, about Egrant I only remember this conversation they heard (had?) - suppost bejn Brian Tonna u Ali Sadr u ma ssemmi li rat ebda payment instructions. Hija fu-raba' testimonjanza taghha li il-parti fejn qalet li kienet rat ii-payment instructions ta' din it-transazzjoni wkoll. 107 435 000436 Court: Ok. But how come that these transactions catch your attention back in March 2016? Witness: Because these companies, they were in a list of companies to be given special attention and as I mentioned before if one transaction it was a problem because it was stopped or something, so that's why I remember. And apart from all the transactions from Sahra or to Sahra or incoming payments were given a very special attention and it should be executed urgently. Court: Now how come you made the connection with the Prime Minister's wife back then when actually nobody was suspecting that Egrant was allegedly owned by Mrs. Muscat. Witness: I saw the surname. Obviously by that time I knew the surname of the current Prime Minister of Malta and of course in Malta there are many people with such a surname but I would, I had a doubt taking into consideration other political exposed persons who were connected to the bank they had accounts or transacting. I made like conclusion that it should be somehow related to him and after that I saw the name of the company because I was curious what is this company owned by this person. So it was this surname that caught my attention not the company name, because by that time company name didn't tell me anything. Court: So the surname Muscat caught your attention because it happened to be the same surname of the Prime Minister or because you saw something which stated that this account belongs to a PEP? Witness: No by that time I wasn't paying attention on Egrant in particular. I saw transacting with Sahra but Sahra was transacting with other companies as well. So the surname caught my attention not the company. Court: Ok, but did you know that Muscat was a PEP from the bank files or was it Sahra that was indicated as a PEP ultimate beneficial owner? Witness: No Sahra wasn't indicated as PEP. I was reviewing the account opening form of Sahra before I saw those declarations in the very beginning when I have joined the bank, and I saw the name of Leyla Aliyeva account opening form and of course I make two plus two I know who is she. Court: She was not mentioned as a PEP Leyla Aliyeva? Witness: No she was not mentioned as PEP. No she was mentioned as far as I remember one of the directors, there were three (3) or four (4) 436 (_) t and as UBO, but the file didn't have enhanced due diligence. It was simple account opening form QIC (sic! KYC).1os Court: Ok. Now you said that when it came to the transfer between Sahra and Egrant you saw the payment instructions. Do you remember who signed for those payment instructions? Witness: From Sahra, I think, but I cannot say for sure, I think it was a person named Farnoush Farsiar, but I'm not sure because she was signing for several other companies as well, I think it was her because she was one of the directors, but I'm not sure. 109 Mistoqsija jekk tiftakarx li fuq id-declarations of trust (Ii skontha gew murija lilha minn Daphne Caruana Galizia) kienx hemm il-firma ta' Jaqueline Alexander, Maria Efimova tghld li hija tiftakar li kienet kien hemm il-firma ta' Jaqueline Alexander "I recognised that name because I know about Panama Papers. She was very common signatory form many companies." 110 Mill-analli:i tad-dokumenti bankarji maghmula mill-Forensic Accountants, nonche mix-xiehda ta' Hamidreza Ghanbari u Claude-Ann Sant Fournier jirrii:ulta li 1-UBO ta' Sahra FZCO huma Leyla Aliyeva y ohtha Arzu Aliyeva. Jekk verament Maria Efimova kelllia taghti attenzjoni spegali lit-transazzjon*et ta' din il-kumpanija, hija alkwantu stramba kif ma kienetx taf li 1-UBO ta' din il-kumpanija Ii kellha ttiha a ttenzjoni spegali ma kienetx Leyla Aliyeva biss, kif qalet Maria Efimova, :iZda Ii ohtha Arzu Aliyeva kienet wkoll UBO ta' Sahra FZCO flimkien ma' Leyla Aliyeva. Dan juri li probabbilment Maria Efimova ma kienetx rat id-dokurnenti kollha ta' Sahra FZCO Ii kien hemm fil-Bank Pilatus ghal din il-kumpanija ghax altrimenti kienet suppost tintebah, bhal ma ghamlu 1-Awdituri KPMG u I-Forensic Accountants, Ii 1-UBO ta' Sahra FZCO ma kienetx biss Leyla Aliyeva :iZda oh ta Arzu wkoll. 106 Mill-analli:i tal-payment instructions maghmula mill-Forensic Accountant Miroslava Milenovic fir-rigward tal-kumpanija Sahra FZCO u Shams Al Sahra FZCO jirr:iZulta Ii dawn kienu jigu ezegwiti minn Farnoush Farsiar u minn Robert Baker flimkien. Maria Efimova ssemrni biss lil Farnoush Farsiar u thalli barra lil Robert Baker. Dan iwassal ghal dubju kemm verament Efimova kienet rat dawn ii-payment instructions kollha ta' Sahra FZCO ghax kieku kienet tintebah Ii dejjem kien jehtieg firma tat-tnejn Ii huma u mhux ta' wiehed minnhom biss. 109 Pero fl-ewwel xiehda taghha tat-28 t' April 2017 Efimova kienet qalet Ii ma kienetx tiftakar 1-isem tassubscribers. Mentri issa mhux biss ftakret 1-isern ta' Jaqueline Alexander, ii:da wkoll il-fatt Ii kienet tiffirma ha£n.a dokumenti f'isem il-kumpaniji Dubro Limited S.A. u Aliator SA. Pero fil-kuntest ta' din 1-inkjesta huwa aktar sinjifikattiv il-kumment taghha Ii I recognised that name because I know about Panama Papers. Efimova hawnhekk turi kjarament Ii kienet midhla tal-Panama Papers u allura, per konsegwenza talinformazzjoni Ii kienet tinsab fuqhorn open source. 110 437 000438 Mistoqsija jekk kienx hemm ukoll 1-isem ta' Verna De Nelson, Maria Efimova tghld li ma kienux iffirmati rninn Verna De Nelson u li kienu iffirmati biss minn Jaqueline Alexander ghax kien hemm biss firma wahda fuq kull karta. Tiftakar li dawn id-dokumenti kienu tnejn - wahda mahruga ghallkurnpanija Aliator S.A. u 1-ohra ghall-kurnpanija Dubro S.A. izda t-tnejn kienu ffirrnati biss rninn Jaqueline Alexander. Ghalkemm ma tiftakarx ilkapadta taghha sew, jidhrilha li ffirmat fil-kapacita taghha ta' direttur. _( Dawn id-dikjarazzjonijiet ma kienux qishom "share certificate .. It was like a proper declaration of trust. I mean they usually have different layout. It wasn't company, two companies, it was each or one, one for Dubro and one for Aliator." Mistoqsija jekk hi kienetx "in charge among other things of these lists of accounts, of a specific list of accounts", Maria Efimova twiegeb li "It wasn't that I was in charge; it was like general instruction to all the people who participated in transaction processing including compliance, because someone just gave me a print out of an email where those companies there listed." Mistoqsija jekk matul il-perjodu li damet tahdem il-Bank Pilatus kienetx rat aktar declarations of trust minbarra Egrant Inc Maria Efimova tghid li meta giha c-cans li tara d-dokumenti li kienu £is-safe, £' dak il-folder rat id- declarations of trust ghal Egrant Inc. Biss kien hemm dikjarazzjonijiet ohra u dokumenti ta' kumpaniji ohra "so yes I saw some other declarations as well. But 438 C 000439 I don't remember if they were copies or originals". Izda minbarra dik t'Egrant Inc ma kienetx tiftakar ismijiet ta' kumpaniji ohra. Mistoqsija ghalhekk kif kienet kapaCi li tidentifika lil dawk ta' Egrant Inc b'mod partikolari Maria Efirnova qalet li dawn kienu fil-wicc. ( / Witness: It was when I opened the folder it was a very beginning, the first or second this transparent plastic file where we put the pages, so and because I didn't have much time obviously and it would be weird if I was staying there looking through the documents, so I just saw the surname and it made me like great impression, yes, and I've read the declaration and after I just listed the whole folder, I just saw some other trust declarations and other corporate documents like share certificates or something and I left. Court: Now was that the only time when you saw these documents or did you have access to the safe on other occasions? Witness: No it was the only occasion that I ... Court: So it was only on that occasion that you visited, you saw this folder? Witness: Ehe, ehe, yes. Court: And yet you remember quite vividly on that occasion all the details relating to this particular declaration of trust for Egrant? Witness: I remember because those companies Dubro and Aliator from my previous experience I saw them quite often. Court: Ok. Witness: Because they are very common subscribers who are incorporating in other companies in Panama. So it wasn't like something unknown. I already heard about them as well as of Jacqueline Alexander that she is signing for seven thousand companies or something, so that's why I remember. Court: Ok now by any chance do you remember perhaps any other person who used to sign a lot these declarations of trust from Mossack Fonseca, apart from Jacqueline Alexander? Witness: Yes, yes. I don't remember the names. Court: Ok. Witness: But they were like seven or six for each company for Dubro and Alia tor and I remember they were pretty much the same. I mean the same sort of directors from each company. Why I remember this Jacqueline Alexander because usually from Panama they had like Spanish - their names and surnames were of Spanish style and she was 439 / 000440 a one who was sounding like French, so you know the name itself is very like clutching attention, so that's why I remember her. Mistoqsija jekk qattx rat dokumenti iffirmati minn Verna de Nelson, Maria Efimova tghid li qatt ma rat xejn fil-Bank Pilatus ghalkemm jista' jkun li kienet rat xi dokumenti iffirmati minn De Nelson f'xi xoghol precedenti taghha. 111 Mistoqsija jekk meta kienet fil-Bank Pilatus kienetx qatt semghet x1 konversazzjonijiet bejn kollegi taghha dwar it-transazzjonijiet specifici bejn Sahra FZCO u Egrant Inc: Witness: Yes I heard sometimes, by the time I wasn't yet responsible for transaction payment and it was Maria Vacaru who was processing them I could hear her speaking on the phone and mentioning those companies to Mehmet Tasli who was working in operations. So yes I can recall someone mentioning those companies names in relation with the payments. Court: So those companies' names you mean Sahra and Egrant. Witness: Sahra and Egrant yes.112 Mistoqsija jekk minbarra dawn il-pagamenti kienet tiftakar jekk tali hlasijiet kienux isiru bl-iSwift tghid li dan ma kienetx taf tghidu ghax ma kienx parti 111 Hawnhekk Maria Efimova tikkonfenna li hija kellha gharfien mhux hiss tal-Panarna Papers, :i.Zda wkoll li kellha gnarfien tal-modus operandi ta' Mossack Fonseca mirm esperjenza ta' xoghol prec':edenti taghha. Hija dahlet tandem mal-Bank Pilatus f'Jannar 2016, u gnalhekk xhur qabel ma Panama Papers kienu gew pubblikati. Mill-banda 1-onra jekk Maria Efimova qeghda tghld is-sewwa, allura dan juri li fix-xoghol prec':edenti taghha hija diga kellha gnarfien ta' kif Mossack Fonseca joperaw. Mill-banda 1-onra kemm Mehmet Tasli kif ukoll Emilia Maria Vacaru ma jik.konfermawx din 1allegazzjoni maghmula minn Efimova. 112 440 c mix-xoghol taghha. II-payment instructions kienu jkunu stampati. Hi kienet tghaddi I-payment instructions lill-Operations Department u mbaghad ma kienetx taf x'kienu jaghmlu bihom. Hi qatt ma kienet tkun involuta fI- Operations Department. Ma kienetx tiftakar jekk xi klijenti kienux jitolbu 1i" swift copy, swift confirmation but I don't remember if someone sent me by e mail swift copy and I forwarded to the client. I cannot say if it was or wasn't". Maria Efimova tghid Ii hi qatt ma rat swift transfer documentation ghax qatt ma ( kienet involuta fl-Operations Department. 113 Ma kienetx taf jekk il-Bank Pila tus kellux xi mezz iehor Ii bih jezegwixxi pagamenti. Taf li kien hemm il-Bloomberg, iZda dan ma kienux isiru pagamenti bih u dan U.Zat kien ghal "exchanges only". Dwar il-problema Ii ma setghux jghaddu flus minhabba 1-US Correspondence Banks tghid li kienet semghet konversazzjoni. Ali Sadr kien cemplilha biex m Mill-banda 1-ohra, Louis Zammit jixhed li Maria Efimova kienet involuta fil-maggoranza tal-klijenti talBank Pilatus u kienet ukoll involuta fl-istruzzjonijiet ghall-pagamenti ta' hafna klijenti. Fil-fatt jghid ukoll li hija gieli kienet tircievi kopja tal-iswift fuq pagamenti li tkun segwiet hi stess. Louis Zammit jghid hekk:Swift, tohrog !-Swift copy jibghatuha lil Maria, !-Swift copy doe' jibghatuha !-front office pero jekk tkun baghatitha Maria hafna drabi tiffolowjaha Maria ma' 1-klijent is-swift copy u tibghat !-swift copy Ii 1-pagament sar Maria jew who ever lil klijent. Minn naha taghha Arienne Gaerty tikkonferma li Maria Efimova kienet involuta fix-xoghol tal-Front Office u Gaerty tghld li Maria Efimova kienet taghmel it-transactions dak ii-i:mien li dahlet tahdem hi mal-Bank Pilatus kif ukoll kienet Efimova li kienet bdiet taghmlilha training lil Gaerty. Arienne Gaerty ssotni li dak ii-i:mien 1-uffigu t'Efimova kien fil-Front Office li kienet il-kamra ei:att mal-Uffigu tas-CEO u kien fl-uffigu flimkien u kien hemm ukoll administrator li kienet tagixxi ta' receptionist. Gaerty ttenni li hi kienet iltaqghet m'Efimova biss fil-Front Office u meta Efimova telqet mill-Bank Pilatus, Gaerty spiceat wahedha. Gaerty tghid li ma kienetx taf li anke Efimova kienet trainee u tghid li kienet taraha kunfidenti hafna. Mill-banda 1-ohra meta Maria Efimova xehdet, hija ma qalitx espressament li kienet tahdem mal-Front Office, ghalkemm qalet li kienet tahdem mal-Compliance Officer kif ukoll li kienet tara payment instructions. Biss ma qalitx li kienet fl-istess Uffigu ma Arienne Gaerty fil-Front Office. 441 -) tqabdu ma Mehmet Tasli jew ma Hamidreza Ghanbari dwar din ittransazzjoni u kien beda jcempel ghal aktar minn darba. Ma tafx jekk kienx qieghed icempel mill-USA jew mit-Turkija. Peress li I-Bank mhux kbir, hi setghet tisma' bhal ghajjat gej mill-Operations Department. Ma setghetx tghid jekk qalux US Correspondent Bank jew semmewx xi bank partikolari. Jista' jkun Ii I-Bank Pilatus kellu US Correspondent Bank jew setgha kellu tnejn. Ma kientx certa dwar dan. Il-konversazzjoni bejniethom kienet dwar dan ilpagament u din it-telefonata sehhet ghall-habta tal-hamsa ta' filghaxija. ( Kienet impressjonata b' din il-haga peress Ii safejn kienet taf, il-pagamenti swift kienu jezegwuhom filghodu u mhux wara nofsinhar u hi bdiet tehwden x'kienu sejrin jaghmlu minhabba dan il-pagament stante Ii kien diga tard wara nofsinhar. Hi setghet tisma' dak li kien qieghed jinghad ghax ii- partitions ma kienux jizolaw il-hsejjes u allura kulhadd kien jisma' xi jkun qed jintqal. Maria Efimova tghid Ii hija saret taf bit-transazzjoni bejn Sahra FZCO u ( :;:...- Egrant Inc :Witness: But not from them, it was mostly from operational department because now them recalling even if Mr. Sadr was talking with Mr. Ghanbari they would speak in Farsino than in English because I think they both know it. So I should heard his next call passed to Mehmet or to .... regarding this transaction, because clearly if I understand the conversation was in English, so probably not from Mr. Ghanbari. Court: Ok, however do you know at which Dubai bank were these transactions made? Witness: I cannot say for sure. I don't remember. I can be confusing with banks, but I think it could be Bank of Baroda. 442 Court: Bank of ? Witness: Baroda or Badora. The one which is Indian but has office in Dubai. But again I'm not sure, I just can recall the name of the bank, but I don't know if it was for this particular. Court: But are you sure that this transaction was executed in favour of Egrant in its account held with a Dubai based bank? Witness: Yes I'm sure that I saw the name of the beneficiary and it was Egrant Inc. And I recall the bank details in Dubai. Court: In Dubai? Witness: Yes, it was mentioning some FZCO and usually this abbreviation means for Dubai. Court: For Dubai? Witness: Yes, this I remember but the name of the bank no . Court: But it was a Dubai based bank? Witness: Yes, yes. Court: It was? Witness: Ehe, ehe. Court: It was not simply that Sahra is a Dubai free zone company? No it wasn't the address of Sahra because I think in payment Witness: instructions the clients are not stating their address just the name and account number. Court: But could it be that the FZCO connection that you make relates to the name of Sahra and not in relation the bank of Egrant? No I'm recalling the bank details, these abbreviations and the Witness: bank details of the beneficiary not Sahra. Sahra is also FZCO but it was in the details of the beneficiary bank. Court: Of the beneficiary bank FZCO? Witness: Yes, yes. Court: Right. So this bank therefore I'm understanding that was a free zone company bank? Witness: I don't know if it was ... Court: If it is FZCO? Witness: I don't know if it was related because you know they have address for example ...., it means the area. Court: The area. Witness: It's not only abbreviation of the company.114 (. / Kif rimarkat aktar il-fuq, Maria Efimova i:iedet dettalji dwar 1-allegazzjoni li saru transazzjonijiet mirm Sahra FZCO ghal Egrant Inc mill-ewwel deposizzjoni il-quddiem. Fl-ewwel deposizzjoni tghid li ttransazzjoni bejn Sahra FZCO u Egrant Inc kienet semghetha f'konversazzjoni bejn Ali Sadr u Brian Tonna, 114 443 Dwar ir-rwol ta' Michael Satariano, Maria Efimova tghld li huwa minnu li hija kienet semmietu ma' Daphne Caruana Galizia; i.Zda mhux bhala dak 1impjegat ta' Nexia BT li kien qieghed icempel ripetutament lill-Bank Pilatus jinsisti biex din it-transazzjoni tigri tghaddi i.Zda kienet semmietu fil-kuntest li kien dak 1-impjegat minn Nexia BT li kien igib klijenti lejn il-Bank Pilatus u kien jibghat id-dokumenti ghall-Bank account opening form u kien joqghod jigri warajha jew wara 1-kollega taghha biex jifthu dawn il-kontijiet. Konfrontata bil-fatt li Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet irrapurtat li Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet qalet li dak 1-impjegat li kien qaghad jigri wara 1-Bank Pilatus sabiex jara li din it-transazzjoni tghaddi, Maria Efimova qalet li: Now I remember telling to Mrs. Caruana Galizia that Michael Satariano was calling me many times in relation with - at some account openings, they were introduced to the bank and the bank was delaying to open the accounts. So I remember such situation the he was calling literally like every hour, did you open, did you open, did you open. Maybe she confused, I don't know. liema konversazzjoni kienet imqanqla. Anzi speC:ifikament mistoqsija dwar jekk kienetx rat xi transazzjonijiet, xi statements dwar pagamenti bejn Sahra u Egrant, kienet wiegbet No, about Egrant I only remember this conversation thei; heard (had?) - suppost bejn Brian Torma u Ali Sadr. Aktar tard fix-xiehda taghha tghid Ii kienet il-konversazzjoni dwar dawn it-transazzjonijiet bejn Emilia Maria Vacaru u Mehmet Tasli. F'din ir-raba' deposizzjoni taghha, Efimova li 1-konversazzjoni li dwar ittransazzjonijiet bejn Sahra FZCO u Egrant Inc kienet bejn Ali Sadr u Mehmet Tasli. I.i.da din :i.Z-i:ieda tinqabad f'kontradizzjoni bejn dak Ii xehdet fl-ewwel deposizzjoni taghha dak Ii qalet fir-raba' deposizzjoni meta issa qalet li kienet rat 1-isem tal-benefigarju tat-transazzjoni (wiehed jassumi fil-payment instrnctions, ghalkemm dan ma tghidux ghax tghid hiss) Yes I'm sure that I saw the name of the beneficiary and it was Egrant Inc. Biss fl-ewwel deposizzjoni taghha, meta giet speC:ifikament mistoqsija dwar jekk kienetx rat xi transazzjonijiet, xi statements dwar pagamenti bejn Sahra FZCO u Egrant Inc, kienet wiegbet No, about Egrant I only remember this conversation they heard (had?) - li f'dak 1-istadju suppost kienet saret bejn Brian Torma u Ali Sadr. 444 (/ Court: Well she had to say that she understood you right or wrong, but was Mr. Satariano calling you in relation to this transaction that did not go through? Witness: No. Court: No. Witness: No. Court: Or did Mr. Satariano speak to you about Egrant? Witness: To me no. Court: No. Witness: No he never spoke to me about Egrant. Court: Ok, so here it also says that Egrant, Tilgate and Hearnville, all had accounts with Pilatus Bank. Is that true? Witness: I saw account opening forms at least. Court: Account opening forms? Yes. Witness: Court: For the three of them? Witness: Yes. Court: But you don't know if they have opened an account? No I don't know. Because usually it was when account it was Witness: opened it was a number on the first page like written with a pencil which account it is the CIF, the last six digit of the account. 115 Mistoqsija x'kienet il-procedura biex jinfetah kont bankarju fil-Bank Pilatus, Maria Efimova tghid Ii Nexia BT kienu dawk Ii kienu jintroducu 1-klijenti m Fir-rigward tal-parti tal-istqarrija Ii fiha ssemma' Michael Satariano, gie diga rimarkat li I-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics rintracgaw emails data ti Frar u Marzu 2016 bejn Michael Satariano u I-Bank Pilatus - b'uhud mill-emails ikunu indirizzati ill u mwiegba minn Maria E~ova u Ii kienu relattivi ghal klijenti ohra Ii Efimova stess tikkonferma Ii ma ghandhomx x'jaqsmu mal-PEP jew kumpaniji meritu ghallallegazzjonijiet f'din 1-inkjesta. Hawnhekk hawn diskrepanza ohra bejn dak li issa qeghdha tixhed Maria Efimova ghal dak li kienet kitbet Daphne Caruana Galizia u fir-rigward tal-fatt Ii Caruana Galizia kienet stqarret li 1-informazzjoni dwar 1-involviment ta' Michael Satariano fit-trasferimenti bejn Sahra FZCO u Egrant Inc u 1-problemi li nqalghu biex il-pagament ikun jista' jghaddi kienet gabitha minghand Maria Efimova. Hawnhekk ghal darb'ohra, Efimova qeghda tixhed bil-kontra ta' dak Ii kitbet u xehdet Daphne Caruana Galizia. Arienne Gaerty, kollega ta' Maria Efimova tghld li hi qatt ma kienet kelmet ill Michael Satariano minn Nexia BT, ghalkemm tikkonferma Ii gieli kienet kelmet lil Karl Cini jew lil Katya Torma jew ill Manwel Castagna jew biex ituhom xi dokumentazzjoni jew biex jawtorizzaw xi pagamenti. 445 lill-Bank Pilatus u Nexia BT kienu jibghat I-bank account opening forms diga mimlija, inklilZ ii-questionnaire dwar il-KYC kif ukoll id-dokumenti li jmorru maghhom bhal passaporti eccetra. Kienet responsabbilta' taghha u talimpjegata precedenti li timla 1-KYC form. Wara li jkunu mlewhom jghaddu kollox !ill-Compliance Department sabiex dawn japprovaw id-dokumenti u wara dawn jghaddu lill-Operations Department sabiex dawn jifthu 1-kont. Mistoqsija meta Maria Efimova kienet rat dawn il-bank account opening forms ta' Egrant Inc., Tillgate Inc. u Hearnville Inc. tghid li tahseb li kienet rathom f'Marzu 2016 u kienet rathom f'batch flimkien ma ohrajn "because it was a question about one account opening pending, so I was reviewing documents which in this like, painting batch. So I saw those forms as well between the other ones". Dawn il-bank account opening forms ma kienux fis-safe. 116 Dwar is-self ta' Negarin Sadr qalet hekk: Court: Now, Mrs. Caruana Galizia also mentions another transaction relating to a loan payment of USD 400,000 made from Negarin Sadr to a woman, Maltese woman who lives in New York and has a jewellery business called Buttardi. Now again did you see any payment instructions in relation to these 400,000? Witness: I saw the payment instruction because it came altogether with other account opening form for Miss Negarin Sadr and other, I don't remember what you said, because they were several payment Apparti li hadd mill-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus ma kkonferma din 1-allegazzjoni ta' Maria Efimova, u 1anqas ir-records bankarji starnpa ti jew digitali analizzati ma taw hjiel dwar dawn id-dokumenti; u 1-anqas 1-Awdituri KPMG u I-Forensic Accountants ma sabu xejn li jindika li qatt kien hernrn tentattiv biex dawn ilkurnpaniji jifthu kont bankarju rnal-Bank Pilatus. 116 446 ( ../ ( ../ instructions not only one. But the one you are mentioning as I said before, because you are making fun of it, that's why I remember. Court: Now but did Mrs. or Miss Negarin Sadr, did she not have a bank account already with Pilatus? Witness: No it was we were opening account for her that day. Court: So on the same day that she took out the loan ... Witness: Yes, yes, yes. Court: She opened a bank account on the same day? Witness: Yes. Court: Now do you have, do you remember exactly what this transaction of Mrs or Miss Negarin Sadr was all about, how it came about? Ok you described that it was Mr. Ali Sadr's sister and that everything had to be carried out immediately. Can you give me a little bit mar particular de.tails about this transaction? What it related to, what the loan was meant for, how the payment was carried out, whether it was a split payment, whether it was a single transaction, how was it? Yes I remember that together with account opening form it was Witness: kind of business plan, some it was named business plan describing activities fashion designer in London. She has a company, a brand at least, I remember Negarin in London called, so it was saying that she is taking a loan from the bank to future business needs. And I remember it was like I was asking myself why is she opening personal account and not - obviously she had a company for her brand. It's not a personal account and if it's personal account why business plan on her business but anyway it was a bit confusing. And I remember that she was granted a loan the same day. I don't remember loan agreement, probably I wasn't in charge of the loan agreement between the bank and yourself because I don't remember the actual loan agreement document. But I remember that she got a loan and immediately she was preceding some transactions and one of transactions was for that US jewellery business. Ghalkemm kienet 1-assistent personali t' Ali Sadr, dan qatt ma qallha xejn dwar is-self li kienet ser tiehu Negarin Sadr-1-anqas ghall-liema skop kienet ser tiehu dan is-self. Maria Efimova tirrepeti li I-payment instructions li kienu 447 ·.i iJ:. 0 Ui:L•' V(i~.'0 2 dahlu flimkien mas-self kienu jghidu li riedu jithalsu dawn l-US$400,000. Izzid hekkWitness: Yes I saw the payment instructions. Court: And do you know whether they were affected by swift transfer? Witness: I don't know, but why I remember this transaction as well because it was a procedure in the bank we had to call actual client to confirm transaction and I remember that we were calling her and she was in US, it was like early in the morning and she didn't pick up the phone and the Mr. Sadr was calling us - did you proceed and I was telling him we cannot reach your sister, she is not answering the authorised mobile number given and probably he was calling her and after she picked up and we confirmed transaction. So, but again I don't ... Court: But this was late in the evening, no? Witness: Around 7:00. Court: 7:00 in the evening. Witness: Ehe. Court: So basically if it was in California it was around 11:00 in the morning? Witness: I don't remember. I just remember she was not picking up and we made the conclusion maybe she's still sleeping because of the time difference. And as far as I know at least she wasn't registered in California, she was from Washington, Maryland. Court: Maryland? Witness: I think yes. Court: Not California? Witness: No. Court: I was assuming it was California - I don't know why? Witness: But Mr. Sadr as well he is in Washington. Court: In Mary land. In Maryland, I think it is the state for Washington, sorry I don't Witness: know that I know little geography but Maryland for sure that state not California. Court: Maryland not California. Witness: Ehe. Court: Yes and in so far as the remaining, because, here it seems that the loan was for one million US Dollars, so 400,000 of them were paid out therefore to this Maltese woman in New York and what about the remaining 600,000 then? 448 Witness: I remember there were other transactions but I don't remember for whom. Court: For whom or for what ok. And again I'm assuming that you have no copies of these transactions? Witness: No. Court: And I understand that you are sure that you didn't give any copies to Mr. Portelli or Mrs. Caruana Galizia of any of these documents? Witness: I'm sure no, I'm sure I didn't give any of these documents. c Rapport tal-mo bile phone ta' Maria Efimova Gie wkoll analizzat ir-rapport li Maria Efimova stess halliet fl-atti tal-inkjesta rigwardanti 1-analiZi Ii sar fuq ii-mobile phone Ii hija kienet tuZa waqt Ii kienet tahdem mal-Bank Pilatus. Din ir-relazzjoni kienet giet ipprezentata mill-espert tekniku Dottor Stephen Farrugia Sacco u li kopja digitali taghha qeghda tigi mehmuza fil-kawza fl-ismijiet The Police vs Maria Efimova Ii tinsab pendenti quddiem il-Qorti tal-Magistrati (Malta) bhala Qorti ta' c __./ Gudikatura Kriminali presjeduta mill-Magistrat Dottor Caroline Farrugia Frendo. Jirrizulta minn dan ir-rapport li dan il-mobile phone kien jikkonsisti fis-segwenti : Common information Alias Apple iPhone Ss Retail name Apple iPhone Ss 449 .·... , _ . :i :; v u ~ v ~ u· . -J. : :.:t~ Manufacturer Apple Internal name iPhone6,2 Platform iOS IMEi 358761058995114 Software revision 9.3 Boot loader iBoot-2817.40.106 Jailbreak No Activation State Activated Product version 9.3 Build version 13E233 Baseband version 6.02.00 ( ./ SIM cards history: SIM card Details SIMO ICCID: 8935677014521379950 Phone number: +35677099991 Last detected (UTC): 07/12/2015 07:02:51 SIM 1 I ICCID: 8935677014521325045 Phone number: +35677977920 450 t--/ t j . + :. , _ ..... .. ; u~~i) ~Ul Last detected (UTC): 20/09/2016 06:02:09 SIM2 ICCID: 8935601201207345816 Phone number: +35699204383 Last detected (UTC): 30/03/2016 17:42:46 ( _/ Fl-analiZi ta' dan il-mobile phone Dr. Farrugia Sacco hareg ukoll diversi ritratti li kienu jinsabu fih, uhud minnhom kjarament attribwibbli ghal Maria Efimova in kwantu tidher hi fihom. Hemm ritratti ohra li prezumibbilment juru membri tal-familja taghha kif ukoll xi karti li huma marbuta mal-iskola tat-tfal ta' Maria Efimova. Jirri.Zulta ukoll ritratt ta' dokument li jidher li kien intbaghat lilha permezz ta' WhatsApp minn Ali Sadr Hasheminejad. Izda ma jirriZultaw ebda ritratti ta' dokumenti li jistghu jigu marbuta mal-meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta. _J 451 L L-ewwel xiehda ta' Pierre Portelli Pierre Portelli, Content Director ta' The Malta Independent xehed 1-ewwel darba nhar il-5 ta' Mejju 2017. Huwa kien ipprezenta rikors dakinhar stess fejn talab udjenza biex ikun jista' jaghti xi dettalji li jistghu jkunu rilevanti ghall-inkjesta Egrant. (_/ Pierre Portelli stqarr li kien resaq lejh persuna fil-kapaCita tieghu ta' gurnalist biex jghaddilu xi informazzjoni u wrieh dokument li kien rapport maghmul mill-FIAU u li ntbaghat forma ta' ittra lie-Chairman tal-Bank Pilatus fl-2016 wara li kienet saret investigazzjoni intema fil-Bank. Ir-rapport gie riprodott fil-gazzetta The Malta Independent tal-5 ta' Mejju 2017 (ghalkemm hemm xi affarijiet nieqsa minnu). Is-sors qallu li ma setghax jaghtih dan ir-rapport ghax kien fih certi security features u b'hekk kienu jigi identifikat min kien qieghed jillikjah. Malla lil Pierre Portelli jaghmel transkrizzjoni kelma G b'kelma tieghu. Dil-persuna provdietlu soft copy u ha' 1-hin biex ivverifika b'kelma dak li hemm fir-rapport u dak li kellu f'idejh. Sa hemm hekk kienet biss ghal fini taghhom li bhala The Malta Indipendent jaghmlu 1-istorja. Ma deciZjoni jekk jiZvelax li dan huwa rapport tal-FIAU. Bhala 1-persuna inkarigat f'The Malta Independent li jiehu 1-ahhar deciZjonijiet editorjali ghax 452 I I <:'! ) Direttur tal-Kontenut, hu ddecieda illi jinghad li dan kien rapport tal-FJAU ghaliex fil-media kien hemm dig a' hints t' affarijiet li jinsabu £' dan ir-rapport pero qatt ma kellhom il-piZ ta' min ghamel ir-rapport. Kien hemm zewg ragunijiet ghaliex hass li kellu jigi quddiem il-Magistrat Inkwirenti b' dan id-dokument. ( L-ewwel nies dahalli s-suspett u 1-inkwiet illi il-Bank Pilatus illi qal fil-media apertament, anzi rrid inzid illi insista biex jghld dawn id-dikjarazzjonijiet ghax gara hu wara I-media houses biex jaghti d-dikjarazzjonijiet, qal illi kkoopera kompletamen t ta' 1-Magistrat, mieghek jigifieri £'din 1-inkjesta. Jiena dahalli s-suspett li forsi din 1ittra li rceva c-Chainnan bi t-twissijiet ta' 1-FIAU ma gietx mghoddija lilek, jista' jkun li jien zbaljat pero ma ridtx niehu s-sogru u i¢eherli li biex inti taghmel il-hldma tieghek, inti ghandu jkollok dak li ghandi jien. It-tieni punt ghaliex dan is-suspett kompla jikber fija huwa rilatat ma' xi haga li grat nhar il-Madd illi ghadda. Nhar il-Madd illi ghadda, il-gazzetta The Malta Independent on Sunday ippubblikat rakkont ta' 1-persuna li inti ltqajt maghha li hija I-Whistle blower, jiena kelli imbaghad 1-opportunita' li niltaqa' maghha t-Tnejn u wara li hareg dak ir-rapport u wara li ovvjament ghamel ir-rounds tieghu Malta kollha nahseb li qratu wara nofs in-nhar sar kuntatt bl-email mill-bank maghna, ma' The Malta Indipendent 1-ewwel mhux mieghl imma imbaghad spiCca ghandi u tkellimt jien f'isem il-gazzetta biex ahna mmorru urgentement wara nofs in-nhar gewwa 1-bank ghaliex qalulna iridu juruna dokumenti sensittivi bil-kundizzjoni illi la niehdu ritratti, la niehdu video u lanqas nistaqsu mistoqsijiet, pero ma kienx hemm il-kundizzjoni li minn dak li naraw ma nirrapurtawx. Jiena ma qbiltx ma dawn ilkundizzjonijiet u ghamilt kundizzjonijiet ohra 1il bank fosthom anki li niehu 1-avukat mieghi u dawn ma gablux u waqfet hemm hekk 1-istorja b'semplici email issa 1gimgha d-diehla naraw jekk niltaqghux. Sussegwentement nara f'media ohra jigifieri fit-Times u fil-Malta Today, rapporti illi dawn intalbu jmorru fil-bank u hemm hekk intwerew CCIV footage ta' 1-ex impjegata ta' 1-bank tinghata xi flus f'xi envelope u wkoll xi smses minn xi mobile. Jiena jidhirli li bank setju u mbaghad ukoll wara li qrajt dan zgur tlift il-fiducja f'kemm hu bank serju, jidhirli li ma ghandux jaghmel dawn 1-affarijiet illi jcempel lil media biex juriha filmati ta' ex impjegata, ma jidhirlix li dawn huma metodi u allura 1-fiducja tieghl fil-bank illurn hija kwa2:i zero u hassejt illi jien ma naghmilx biss xogholi ta' gurnalist u nippubblika dak li ghandi hawn hekk 453 J • .. i ,.. J J v ·i J -~ ~t pero nghaddilek ukoll it-test kollu issa jekk dan diga' ghandek ma gara xejn, jigrneri tkun, inkun gejt ghal xejn. Pierre Portelli jzid jghid li r-rapport kien jindika car illi l-FIAU ghamlet investigazzjoni dettaljata spedfikatament fuq kif il-Bank Pilatus jittratta 1- PEP li ghandhom kontijiet fil-Bank Pilatus. Fl-istess rapport hemm enfazi fuq zewg istanzi fejn innota illi 1-ewwel transazzjoni ta' miljun u mbaghad kien hemm tran:lazzjoni ta' nofs miljun pressapoco ghax hemm hamsin elf ( euro differenza fejn tindika li dawn huma zewg transazzjonijiet li ghaddew f'kontijiet, f'kumpaniji ta' PEP u l-FIAU kienu ghamlu enfazi fuqhom. Jinghad li 1-PEP huma kemm Ma'i.tin u nies fl-AZerbajgan. Hemm bosta riferenzi rilevanti ghall-fini tal-Inkjesta Egrant jigifieri 1-ammont tal-miljun, il-perjodu ta' zmien Ii anki semmiet il-whistleblower, 1-AZerbajgan fih innifsu, il-Bank Pilatus. 117 Dan huwa dettall sinjifikanti Hawnhekk ix-xhud qieghed jirreferi gli.all-ittra mibgli.uta mill-FIAU lillBank Pilatus nhar is-16 ta' Mejju 2016. Minn nali.a tal-Bank Pilatus jirriZulta mix-xiehda ta' Hamidreza Ghanbari li ma fehmux ei:attament dawk ii-i:ewgt paragrafi ghall-liema transazzjonijiet bankarji kienu qegli.din jirreferu minli.abba Ii fl-ittra tal-FIAU il-paragrafi rilevanti ma kienux jindikaw liema transazzjonijiet kienu qeghdin jirreferu gli.alihom 1-FIAU. Tant hu hekk li meta xehed Hamidreza Ghanbari huwa ei:ebixxa kemm dokumenti relattivi ghal transazzjoni li kienet tirreferi trasferiment maghmul minn Mirk General Trading UC lil Sahra FZCO f'Dinari tal-Emirati Gharab Magli.qud~ (AED) f'ammonti li kienu pressapoco jammontaw madwar miljun dollaru Amerikan, kif ukoll ei:ebixxa dokumenti li jirrelataw ghal transazzjonijiet li kienu saru bejn Mirk General Trading LLC u TKH Investments Limited, Mirk General Trading LLC u NH Investments Limited, kif ukoll Frater LLC lil Hereti Holdings Limited Ii setghu b'xi mod jaqblu ma' dak rnistqarr £1-ittra tal-FIAU. Din 1-allegazzjoni giet ukoll mistharga, darba darbtejn - inklU.Z wara Ii kien sar rikors minn Jonathan Ferris. L-analiZi tax-xiehda fuq dawn il-proceduri spegali tinstab inklU.Za aktar il-quddiem f'dan il-Proces Verbal . Mill-banda 1-ohra 1-impjegati tal-FIAU li ghamlu 1analiZi fil-Bank Pilatus u C:joe Martina Scalpello u Sarah Gauci jaghmluha eara, anke grazzi ghan-notamenti mehuda minnhom ei:ibiti fl-atti li fir-rigward ta' dawk ii-i:ewgt paragrafi (indikati wkoll minn Pierre Portelli) gli.alkemm ma jidhlrx mill-kliem miktub £1-ittra tal-FIAU lil Bank Pilatus tas-16 ta' Mejju 2016, huma kienu qiegli.din jikkoncentraw fuq it-transazzjonijiet bejn Mirk General Trading LLC u TKH Investments 117 454 ( ':../ It-tieni xiehda ta' Pierre Portelli It-tieni darba li xehed Pierre Portelli kien fit-13 ta' Gunju 2017. Din ix-xiehda kienet issegwi programm li deher fuq TVM nhar 1-1 ta' Gunju 2017 filprogramm televiziv "XTRA". Kien hemm xi punti li inhass li kellhom jigu ( ccarati mieghu in segwitu ghall-dak il-programm. F' dak il-programm, Pierre Portelli kien ghamel stqarrija li kienet tghld hekk : Jien 1-uniku wiehed fostkom kollha li d-dokumenti lira' 1-magistrat tal-whistle blower rajthom ukoll. Jien rajthom ukoll. Jien pero u nista' nghidielhek jekk tahseb li hi scoop hudha bhala scoop, jiena ma stajtx nippubblika dawk iddokumenti bhal ma jistax jippubblikom haddiehor il-ghaliex il-persuna involuta, il-whistleblower, hija ta' nazzjonalita russa marret ghand 1ambaxxata russa biex tiehu 1-pariri u wissiewha li jekk ma timxix ma dak li qallha 1-magistrat mhux sejrin jghinuha .. biex inkunu cari ghaliex dawn ma hargux. ( .../ Limited u NH Investments Limited kif ukoll fuq dik ta' bejn Frater LLC u Hereti Holdings Limited - u mhux daqstant fuq dik ta' bejn Mirk General Trading LLC u Sahra FZCO. Mill-banda 1-ohra 1-istess riferenza ghall-dawk ii:-i:ewgt paragrafi kienet saret wkoll minn Jonathan Ferris fix-x.iehda tieghu ta' Jannar 2018. Hemmhekk Jonathan Ferris jghid li 1-FIAU kellu informazzjoni li dak il-paragrafu kien qieghed jirreferi ghat-transazzjoni ta' Sahra FZCO u li skont Ferris 1-FIAU kienu jafu li din it-transazzjoni kienet dik li saret biex tithallas Michelle Buttigieg fi New York. Skont Ferris, ghalhekk il-pagament li kien sar lil Michelle Buttigieg ma kellux x'jaqsam mal-istorja tas-self minn Negarin Sadr ta' miljun dollaru Amerikan li minnhom US$400,000 thalsu direttament lil Michelle Buttigieg - kif ippubblikat minn Daphne Caruana Galizia fuq 1-informazzjoni moghtija lilha minn Maria Efimova; ii:da Ferris sostna li Michelle Buttigieg kienet thalset minn Sahra FZCO grazzi ghal din it-transazzjoni li kienet imsemmija fir-rapport tal-FIAU. Kemm mix-x.iehda tad-dirigenti prei:enti u passati tal-FIAU, kif ukoll mill-analii:i li saret mill-Forensic Accountant Miroslava Milenovic kemm fuq id-dokumenti tal-Bank Pilatus kif ukoll minn dawk tal-FIAU, ebda tali transazzjoni allegata minn Ferris jew minn Caruana Galizia jew Maria Efimova ma jirrii:ultaw li saru mill-Bank Pilatus. Huwa interessanti pero f'dan il-kuntest li kemm Pierre Portelli kif ukoll Jonathan Ferris jaghmlu riferenza ghal din 1-ittra tal-FIAU tas-16 ta' Mejju 2016 u b'mod partikolari ghall-dawn ii:i:ewgt paragrafi specifiC:i bhala dawk li qajmulhom suspetti li kienu ghaddejjin transazzjonijiet sinistri millBank Pilatus li kienu jinvolvu xi rabta mal-allegazzjonijiet maghmula minn Caruana Galizia. 455 Mistoqsi x'inhuma d-dokumenti li Pierre Portelli qal li kien ra' tal- "whistleblower", Pierre Portelli jghid li: Xhud: Jiena rajt dokumenti illi fl-opinjoni tieghi Ii ma hijiex ta' espert, huma declaration of trust rnilli spjegawli, illi ntqal lili dan hu x'intwera lillMagistrat, x' intwera qaluli, lill-Magistrat.118 Portelli qal li dawn intwerewlu minn fuq Ipad. Hu biss ra kopja digitali. Ma riedx jiZvela min urihomlu ghaliex inkella jikxef is-sors tieghu. Qorti : Irnrna jiddispjacini ha jkolli nistaqsijielek. Xhud : Le nifhem li inti tistaqsihieli irnma din hija r-risposta tieghi. Qorti : Kwistjoni ta' irnportanza u ta' relevanza u importanza nazzjonali u jkolli nistaqsihielek, jigifieri ara naqra 1-pozizzjoni tieghek x' ser tkun ghax at this stage saret deterrninanti. Jien 1-informazzjoni li ghandi li 1inforrnazzjoni li ghandek inti gejja rninn ghand Mariia Efimova. Jigifieri llum il-gurnata d-dettali ta' Mariia Efimova jiena ma nistax naghmel disclosure taghhom. Jigifieri rninn dak milli stajt nifhem mill-artiklu tieghek, mill-intervent tieghek dik id-dettaji ttiehdu rninn ghand ilwhistleblower jigifieri issa qed tghid Ii ttiehdu rninn ghand sors iehor. Xhud: Le, le jiena la qed nghid li hadthom rninn ghand sors iehor u lanqas nikkonferrna Ii hadthom rninn ghand din il-persuna Ii qed issernrni inti. Jiena semplicirnent kont qed naghmel dak 1-intervent biex nispjega filkonsapolovezza tieghi ghalfejn wasalt ghal konkluzjoni Ii dawn ma jigux ippublikati. Jiena lis-sinjura Ii semmejt inti tlabtha, meta ntervistajtha kont u jidhirli Ii ghidtulek dan il-kliem meta tajt ix-xhieda tieghi 1-ewwel darba, tlabtha biex tghaddili kopji ta' dawn id-dokumenti u hi baqghet tghidli Ii le ma tistax tghaddihornli. F'mument iehor, ma niftakarx ezatt il-precizjoni tal-gurnata qaltli illi hi nghatat il-parir rnill-Ambaxxata Russa, anke ghaliex kien hemm intendere at one point illi din ukoll se tghaddili dawn id-dokumenti, kien hemm intendere illi 1-Ambaxxata Russa meta marret ghandha qalulha: inti obdi x' qallek il-Magistrat u lili ns Hawnhekk Pierre Portelli jitkellem fil-plural - jindika li meta huwa gie muri dawn id-dokumenti kien hemrn aktar minn persuna wahda prei:enti. 456 ( _/ gieghelitni nifhem hu li 1-Magistrat £' dan il-kaz inti ghidtilha biex ma tohrogx xejn minn go 1- inkjesta u din qaltli : Qaluli obdi lill-Magistrat inkella ahna mhux sejrin nghinhuk bhala Ambaxxata Russa u allura ddokumenti baqghet ma tathomlix, ma ghaddithomlix. 119 Qorti : Effettivament jidher illi qajla obdiet 1-ordni tieghi din, ghaliex il-Hadd ta' wara li giet tixhed hawnhekk, jew il- Hadd jew it-Tnejn, giet ippublikata 1-intervista li ghamilt inti maghha, jigifieri fejn riedet tkellmet din. Xhud : Il-Hadd giet ippublikata rakkont fuq il-Malta Indipendent li kitbet ilgurnalista Dephnie Caruana Galizia, pero' jien ma kontx naf li inti ghidtilha taghtix intervisti. Jigifieri jien setghet qaltli le ma rridx nigi f' dan 1-istadju. Qorti : Le jien mhux qed nghid lilek. Jien qed nghid mihabba li jidher li hi minn naha taghha minkejja 1-ordni li tajtha jidher illi xorta wahda ghamlet din 1-intervista. Xhud : Nista' nghidlek taht gurament illi lili qatt ma qaltli illi nghatat struzzjonijiet biex ma taghmilx intervisti u din li qed nghidlek ta' 1Ambaxxata Russa grat wara, jigifieri wara 1- intervista mhux qabel 1intervista. Qorti : Mela ta' 1-Ambaxxata Russa grat wara 1-intervista? Xhud : Ehe, iva. Qorti : W ara 1-intervista. Xhud: Ghax jien waqt 1-intervista kont qieghed nitlobha d-dokumetni. Qorti: L-intervista maghha meta ghamiltha? Xhud : Jien ghamiltha, ara s-Sunday ta' wara dehret dik it-transcript, kien hemm numru ta' kummenti fuq is-social media jew anke fuq il-portal ta' 1-Indipendent li fih intqal - imma din mhux hi qed titkellem, din hija 1gurnalista qed tinterpreta dak li qalet hi, jiena ghamilt ir-request through Daphne Caruana Galizia ghax hi kellha kuntatt maghha li din idealment titkellem hi. Ahna kellna programm jismu Indepth. Hi giet lura through Daphne Caruana Galizia u qaltli mhix lesta tigi geW-Wa studio. Imbaghad Daphne Caruana Galizia nahseb iddejqet tkun di mezzo u ghaddietli n119 Meta Pierre Portelli beda jirreferi ghall-"whistleblower" huwa kien qieghed jirreferi ghal Maria Efimova . Jekk verament Pierre Portelli kien gab id-dokumenti minghand persuna Ii mhix il-"whistleblower'', allura ma kellux ghalfejn ihabbelrasu mill-problemi li 1-"whistleblower'' setgha jkollha mal-Ambaxxata russa ghax fi kwalunkwe ka2:, kieku ma kienetx hi li ghaddiethomlu, ma kienx ikollha ghalfejn tinkwieta. Mill-banda 1-ohra jekk Pierre Portelli kien intwera' dawn id-dokumenti minn Maria Efimova, allura hemmhekk setgha verament ikollu 1-preokkupazzjoni Ii jekk jikxef id-dokumenti, Efimova setghet tigi minghajr protezzjoni tal-Ambaxxata russa skont kif qal Aktar il-quddiem, pero, fix- xiehda tieghu Pierre Portelli jghid li dawn id-dokumenti kienet ghaddiethomlu persuna ohra li kienet gabithom minghand is-" sors". 457 f numru taghha, jiena kkuntattjatha u meta tlabtha biex tigi riedet assigurazzjoni u ghidtilha : Le ma gara xejn nigu ahna u nghattulek ilwicc u 1-vuci. Fuq il-vuci qaltli : Le m' ghandix problema. Mort id-dar taghha jiena flimkien ma' cameraman u ssettjajna x-xena. Kien hemm irragel taghha illi wkoll tkellem mieghi u hu kien persuna li jidher, ma rridx nuza terminu zbaljat, imma kien exited. Kont se nghidlek agitat imma kien exited u deher li rrabjat ukoll. Baqa' jsemmi 1-kwistjoni talpassaport li hadulha 1-passaport u ma setghetx tmur. Hemmhekk jiena ghmilt it-talba, isma dawn id-dokumenti iridu johorgu, ma tistax tibqa' ma tohroghomx. Hi qaltli illi d-dokumenti mhux qeghdin ghandha dak il-hin u qaltli nerga nikkuntattjaha.120 Qorti: Jigifieri qaltlek li mhux qeghdin ghandha dak il-hin? Xhud : Qaltli li mhux qeghdin ghandha dak il-hin. Qaltli li mhux qeghdin hawnhekk. Later on konna qisna wasalna biex dawn id-dokumenti tghaddihomli u fil-fatt qaltli : Mhux hawnhekk, qaltli : ghax jiena ma rridx nipprintja xejn, ma rrid ingib xejn, pero' qaltli : ejja hdejn 1-ufficcju tieghi, x' imkien vicin Paceville. Qaltli: Jien nidhol bil-VPN fuq 1-I Cloud, qaltli : u nkun nista nghaddilek il-kopja. Imbaghad kelli kuntatt ftit jiem wara mir-ragel ... Qorti: Din dejjem Efimova? Xhud : Iva li ghadha kif kienet u harget. Qorti : Sorry? (../ Anl u~i0·1-~u Michelle Muscat: ehe u hi wiegbet hekk hi I am here at the New York Yoga journal for four day event surrounded by ... Malta is on the top agenda here and getting good work done, this ... is trying to break us but we won't let her, keep working guys I say imbaghad jiena ghidtilhom watching xarabank, I am watching it ir-ragel tagi1ha, what a load of crap, were is the proof, the paper trail, bank safe cannot provide proof ... insomma araw l-ne-r..0s, il-PBS b'ritratt tiegiiek u tiegiii, I didn't see photo where is it jigifieri dan huwa x'jismu, ha nara. Magistrat Inkwerenti: dak qed taqra mill-whats up inti Sinjura? Michelle Muscat: incredible. what crap this moment is hillarious, unbelievable, Michelle Buttigieg ma semmitlhiex qatt li rciviet xi flejjes jew erba mitt elf dollaru Amerkian. Michelle Buttigieg qaltilha "This is a load of crap". Michelle Muscat tahseb li probabbilment Michelle Buttigieg u William Buttigieg qraw 1-istorja tal-erba mitt elf dollaru Amerikan ghax wiegbet b' dak il-mod. Michelle Muscat iZzid li hi qatt ma laqqghat flimkien lil Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad u lil Michelle Buttigieg u ma setghetx taghraf kif dawn setghu jafu lil xulxin: kif dawn jistghu jkunu jafu b'xulxin jigifieri din jien, x'jisimha Sadr jiena din lanqas jien qatt ma kellimtha jigifieri jekk jien kellimtha jekk forsi konna ejja nghidu with a lot of immagination, ejja nghidu £' dan it-tieg fejn konna ahna u kien hemm il-familja kollha u kien hemm Mal tin ohra, ejja nghidu li kien hernm xi hadd ha xi ritratt jiena johdilha b'idha li ma nafx jezistix ghax. Magistrat Inkwerenti: qed tassumi. Michelle Muscat: ghax il-persuna li kien £' dan it-tieg huwa xi hadd li jinnanifesta fil-Partit Nazzjonalista jigifieri ejja nassumu li ahna qieghdin in the wedding line u dan ahna hadna b'idejhom jew xi haga, jiena ejja nghidu li jiena hadt b'idejn din xi darba £' dan it-tieg, that was it, we never ever talked or spoke. Magistrat Inkwerenti: ma' din ma' Negarin Sadr? 486 l__j C- • ' ' ' I tl.J:.J·:! ·· . .l ...... \,, ii Michelle Muscat: ma' din Sadr ahseb u ara kemm din Negarin Sadr taf b'Michelle Buttigieg Ii toqghod New York. Din ghalija hija xi haga a good plot for a drama. Misotqsija jekk lil Leyla Aliyeva kif tafha, f'liema kuntest tafha u jekk kellhiex xi relazzjoni maghha, ta' li.biberija, ta' negozju, ta' sli.ubija Michelle Muscat tghld li hija ma Leyla Aliyeva darba wali.da f' okkazjoni fejn Leyla Aliyeva kienet giet mistiedna Malta mill-President George Abela biex ~ tigi tinawgura exhibition in aid of Community Chest Fund. Din kienet exhibition mill-fotografu rinomat Resa, u kien qed jikkoordina din I-event Tony Cassar mal-Ufficcju tal-President. Fil-kapaCita taghha ta' Spouse of the Prime Minister, Michelle Muscat kienet mistiedna biex tattendi ghal din 1attivita'. Peress li Leyla Aliyeva kienet ha toqgli.od lejl £'Malta kienu staqsewha biex hi tiehu hsiebha waqt li tkun £'Malta. B'hekk kienet marret il-Palazz tal-President, il-Belt fejn kienet lil Leyla Aliyeva flimkien mal-President George Abela u 1-Ministru Evarest Bartolo. Leyla Aliyeva (' din I-exhibition li kienet fuq in-natura u fuq 1-ambjent. __J Wara telgli.u fuq fejn kien hemm attivita fil-kamra ta' fuq fejn tkellem ilPresident, tkellmet Leyla Alyeva u tkellem il-Ministru Evarest Bartolo. Wara ospitathom gewwa 1-Palazz tal-Girgenti fejn kien hemm Leyla Alyeva, Resa 1-fotografu u Tony Cassar li kien 1-intermedjarju biex jistidinhom jagli.mlu din 1-attivita'. Hi ma Leyla Aliyeva dakinnhar 487 ~~ : ! ( '. : - \) v;.,•J~J;..,_·J biss. Leyla Aliyeva lilhom qatt ma tathom xejn, lanqas courtesy gift. Resa taf Ii kellu xi ktieb, kien ha jib ghat xi ktieb. Leyla Aliyeva lanqas titkellem hafna bl-ingliz. Michelle Muscat tghid Ii ma kellha ebda forma ta' negozju ma Leyla Aliyeva, qatt ma marret 1-AZerbajgan u qatt ma kellha interessi ta' negozju ma persuna fl-Azerbajgan. Michelle Muscat issostni Ii r-ritratt Ii wriet Daphne (; 1 Caruana Galizia fil-blog taghha kien mehud fil-Palazz tal-Girgenti meta tlaqghet ma Leyla Aliyeva hemmhekk u kien hemm ukoll 1-istaff tad-DOI maghha kif ukoll membri tal-pubbliku. Ir-ritratti kollha Ii ghandha huma pubbliCi u hadithom minn fuq id-DOI. Kieku jkun hemm xi haga x'tahbi ma tiehux gurnalisti u fotografi mieghek- qalet Michelle Muscat. 488 Ix-xiehda tal-PEP 1-ohra imsemmija £1-artiklu Ix-Xiehda ta' Keith Schembri: Keith Schembri xehed fit-22 t' April 2017 u jikkonferma li huwa ghandu kont .( personali mal-Bank Pilatus. Dan huwa kont normali, mhux cert hux current account iZda zgur huwa kont ta' depozitu u jahseb li fethu fl-2015. Hu ma ghamel ebda transazzjoni ma persuni mill-Azerbajgan. Qal hekk: Keith Schembri: zgur li le, la jiena personali, la t-Tilgate u lanqas 1-ebda wahda rnill-kumpaniji li jiena shareholder fihorn u la jien u lanqas il-farnilja tieghi, hadd qatt ma gharnel negozju ma' 1-Azerbajgan. Fil-kont tieghu kien hemm zewg depoziti. Fih ghandu mitt elf euro. Dan huwa wiehed mill-kontijiet li huwa ghandu ma' erba' banek, fosthom HSBC, [ BOV u Banif. Wara li rCieva depoziti ta' hamsin elf euro il-wiehed qatt ma uzah aktar. Dawn il-flus la huma direttament u 1-anqas indirettament rikondudbbli ghal negozju ma persuni mill-AZerbajgan. Ghalkemm Keith Schembri ikkonferma li huwa kien 1-UBO ta' Tillgate Inc, Keith Schembri sahaq li din ma kellhiex kontijiet bankarji la ma Pilatus u 1ebda kont fid-dinja. Tillgate Inc qatt ma kellha kontijiet bankarji. 489 Dwar 1-origini ta' Tillgate Inc u r-raguni ghaliex kienet giet imwaqfa, Keith Schembri jghid hekk : Keith Schembri: jiena qabel clli.alt f' dan il-job li ghandi ovvjament kif kulhadd jaf ghandi n-negozju tieghl tajjeb u ddecidejt zewg affarijiet - wahda li nikkonsolida 1-istruttura ta' 1-grupp tieghl tajjeb, fil-grupp jiena 99 % shareholder u I-papa tieghi ghandu 1 %, il-holding group taghna hija tinvesti f'hafna kumpaniji ohra, hafna imma within the group one, two hadt parir u qaluli isma' ... the company ibda hu hsieb 1assets tieghek u ta' 1-familja tieghek personali u gejt moghti parir li niftah trust hawn Malta, ftaht trust ma' I-Bank of Valletta, Malta kollha taf issa. Magistrat Inkwerenti: dan meta kien? Keith Schembri: wara 1-elezzjoni ghax qabel 1-elezzjoni ma kellhiex ghal fejn, le mhux ma kellhiex ghal fejn naghmilha, xorta kelli ghal fejn naghmel dawn 1affarijiet irnma qatt ma hsibt li kelli naghmilhom daqs hekk malajr. Just biex naghtik zewg ideat ghal fejn u forsi ha nkun naqra personali, jiena rniZZewweg u ghandi zewgt itfal, tajjeb, il-mara tieghl ha jkolli nsernrniha sena iZghar rninni and she went through a very terrible experience meta kellha sentejn, two years tilfet lil missierha fi spluzjoni gewwa barriera hawn Malta, they had to emigrate, she couldn't take it any more, her family, her mum and they went to Canada, sa kemm kienu 1-Kanada, it was a very well off family and ma kien hemm xejn kif suppost testment and so on and so forth, they wiped all the wealth li kellhom huma, tajjeb, u 1-mara dejjem tghldli isma' I don't want to go through that again so let's, jigri x'jigri I want to have every thing black on white ghat tfal taghna, it was one of the reasons, the second reason was li jiena ghandi zewgt itfal - wahda thirteen u wahda eleven u 1-pariri ta' min hu finnegozju u li hu akbar rninni and I always look up to them kien isma' qabel jidhlu two girls, irgiel, boyfriends what ever make sure you get your house in order ghax imbaghad jibda' jinqala' 1-glied, I-trust, u 1-iskop ta' I-trust hija li 1-ewwel bdejt blaffarijiet tieghi personali and then kont ha nibda' ndahhal il-kumpaniji mill-holding by the trust. Magistrat Inkwerenti: din li qed tghld ta' I-Bank of Valletta? Keith Schembri: Bank of Valletta irnbaghad f'daqqa wahda bdejtnisma', isma' the opposition party they know that you have a trust and so on and so forth u bdejt nghid isma' ghal ewwel ma taghtix kaz, one, two, three irnbaghad meta bdiet hlerga fil-media, jiena kont ktibt ittra lie-Chairman, lil Joe Cassar White at that point in time fejn tlabtu, ktibtha jien fuq pariri legali, isma' Sur Chairman, jiena ghandi dawn 1- 490 (~ affarijiet, dawn il-licks Ii issa qed johorgu fi.1-media, inti marbut b'konfidanzjalita', these are my personal assets, John irrispondini c-Chairman qalli qed nifhem, qalli ha nibdew investigazzjoni, qalli imma tifhem Ii hawn hafna nies right, Ii ghandhom access ghal dawn il-kontijiet allura jiena ghal kemm naghmel investigazzjoni I cannot tell you black on white that that cannot happen, jiena hadt parir legali. Magistrat Inkwerenti: kien qed jirreferi ghal impjegati ta' I-bank qed nifhem hux? Keith Schembri: ghal impjegati ta' I-bank, jiena hadt parir legali u nghidha hand on heart anka kieku ma tkunx fil-posizzjoni tieghi kont infittex Iii bank ghax jiena li c-Chairman ma jaghtinix garanzija Ii trust tajjeb f'ismi u f'isem il-familja tieghi ma jistax jaghtini garanzija Ii ma jistax jidhol ... u jarah, this goes against banking right, one, kellimt lil Prim Ministru u ghidtlu Prime, ghidtlu I have this situation, I have two options, one Ii nfittex lil bank imma jekk ha naghmel hekk, kieku jien Cittadin normali Ii ma hiniex because of the position I hold ma nistax inqis ruhi hekk jew two I let it go by u qisu qatt ma gara xejn pero I had to take advice, jien ma hiniex komdu bit trust il-Bank of Valletta for two reasons, one Ii grali hekk biex nghid kollox u two ghal fatt Ii I-Bank of Valletta kif nahseb jaf kulhadd, they will be closing the trust, not closing them passing them to other companies Ii whatever Ii qed jittenderjaw biex jehduhom so I took advice I said I need the trust, ir-raguni ghal fejn jien kont ser naghmel trust kienet hemm u tibqa' hemm jigifieri Ii eventwalment nibda ncaqlaq il-kumpaniji tieghi go t-trust, tibqa' hemm so I need to find another jurisdiction fejn jien nista' niftah trust and I was given the advice minn numru ta' nies Ii kemm lokali u kemm avukati barranin Ii I had two jurisdictions mainly - one is Singapore and one is New Zealand both OCD countries and both sharing the same law that we have and I opted to go for New Zealand, that was the reason why I opened my trust in New Zealand, the ... company was because the New Zealand trust according to their laws, they always have to put tista' titfa' flus what ever imma tista' titfa' assets in the company so I was given a very good advice ma tistax tirrikordja imma hawn hekk in inverted commas, to the easiest way temporarily is to open a Panamensi Company right and I went for it, I could have not done it, kelli strutturi ohra Ii nista' nagh±el Ii naghmilha imma peress Ii kont qed nara temporanja ftaht dik, I could have gone for taking one of my companies and putting it immediately in the New Zealand trust jigifieri jiena stajt naqbad I-assets kollha Ii ghandi fit-trust ta' I-Bank of Valletta and eventually I put them in the New Zealand trust, qed ti.fhem, ma stajtx naghmilha imma, for two reasons, one I had to find the right structure for it, two ma kellhiex hin u ma kellhiex mohhi hemm biex naghmilha so I didn't put in it enough thought that is the reason. Magistrat Inkwerenti: u jigifieri din il-kumpanija, il-Panamensi ta' I-Panama jigifieri ghamilt lilha minhabba Ii kienet 1-iktar wahda facli ghalik biex tkun tista'? 491 Keith Schembri: I was given the advice ... Fonseca were the people Ii kienu mqabbdin biex jifthu t-trust tieghi right, they said that this is the easiest fast temporary thing that we can do. Magistrat Inkwerenti: u allura 1-istruttura li inti hemm hekk kont qed ti.stabbilixxi kienet wali.da temporanja fil-hsieb illi tohloq haga iktar duratura? Keith Schembri: yes, jigifieri jiena eventwalment ... Bank of Valletta u nitfghu fit-trust ta' New Zealand, it is something, ma kienetx ta' pjaC:ir tieghi li naghmilha ghax jiena cittadin Malti, dejjem hdirnt hawn Malta, dejjem haddimt in-nies hawn Malta, tajjeb u hassejtni li ma ghandhiex ghal fejn ninqala' rninn dak li dejjem xtaqt naghmel Ii nuza bank, Malta hafna iktar facli rnilli nuza trust barra rninn Malta, tghidli rnhux xorta in this day and age, iva u le jigilieri jigifieri xtaqt bqajt hawn irnma sa llum ghadni nhossni rnhux komdu li nhalli I-assets tieghi finanzjarji hawn Malta kif gew 1affarijiet. ... iktar ragurujiet. ( -~ Magistrat Inkwerenti: issa jigifieri din il-kumpanija allura it-Tilgate. Tillgate Inc. ghalhekk giet miftuha bis-servizzi ta' Mossack Fonseca li kienet giet trasferita fit-Trust fin-New Zealand. Din kienet intiza bli.ala kumpanija temporanja. F'Malta huwa ma jagli.mel negozju minhabba li I-post huwa limitat fil-potenzjal tiegli.u. Keith Schembri qal li huwa qatt ma kellu xogli.ol mal-Gvern u dejjem kellu xogli.ol mal-privat fil-kumpaniji tieghu. Ilkumpaniji ) ~ghu kienu jesportaw. Hu minn naha tiegli.u hareg mid- direzzjoni tal-kumpaniji tieghu u ried lid-Diretturi 1-godda li jsibu swieq barranin. L-idea tiegli.u kienet li jaqbad wahda mill-kumpaniji Maltin u kollha eventwalment imorru fit-Trust tan-New Zealand u jaghmlu negozju huma minn dik il-gurisdizzjoni. 492 (/ Ghall-mistoqsija jekk allura Tillgate Inc ghamilthiex aktar minn haga ohra minli.abba regulatory requirements fi New Zealand Keith Schembri wiegeb Ii dan kien ta' bil-fors, ghax ma setax ikun hemm Trust minghajr ma jkollha asset. Tillgate Inc qatt ma ntuzat bhala commercial vehicle, ghax din qatt ma kellha kont bankarju u 1-anqas ghamlet negozju. Din il-kumpanija giet awditjata u ghandu consolidated audited accounts. Tillgate Inc infethet ghalih u ghall-uzu tieghu. Biss kienet akkwistata off the shelf ghalkemm ma kellhiex S kont bankarju. Meta huwa akkwistaha ra Ii din kienet clean, ghax jekk ma tkunx clean hadd ma jkun iridha. Din ma kellhiex kont bankarju u dan kollu gie awditjat. Keith Schembri jghld Ii huwa ghandu wiehed u erbghln sena u lil Brian Torma ilu jafu sa minn mindu kellu dsatax il-sena. Kien I-accountant u 1awditur sa minn meta kien fetah 1-ewwel kumpanija tieghu sal-lum. B'hekk ghandhom relazzjoni kummercjali ta' tnejn u ghoxrin sena u Brian Torma ghadu involut fil-kumpaniji tieghu mija fil-mija bhala Nexia BT. Mistoqsi jekk meta tkellem ma Brian Torma dwar 1-istrutturi Ii huwa ried jaghmel kienx ukoll tkellem ma Brian Torma dwar xi strutturi Ii kien interessat jaghmel haddiehor, Keith Schembri wiegeb fin-negattiv. Magistrat Inkwerenti: jigifieri li inti tkellirnt ma' Brian Tonna u Brian Torma ghldtlu isma' ha naghmilhielek cara u tonda jiena naf illi Conrad Mizzi bi hsiebu jaghmel hekk 493 i• f~ .·..-.~ ~·;' •.....:.: '-• !' ·t·'. - u nixtieq naghmel bhalu jew gie jghidlek isma' Conrad Mizzi bi hsiebu jaghmel hekk tridx naghmillek bhalu? Keith Schembri: zgur li le. Magistrat Inkwerenti: jigifi.eri inti fi.r-rigward ta' din 1-istruttura li qed tghid, kienet struttura li inti tkellimt mieghu u hu tak il-parir tailor made ghal htigijiet tieghek? Keith Schembri: jiena ili nafdah 22 years, jiena dejjem hekk nahdem jigifieri jekk ghandi bi:onn parir legali imur ghand avukat jigifieri jiena naf my Forte jigifieri jekk ghandi bi:onn parir legali irnmur ghand avukat u jekk ghandi bzonn parir fuq struttura immur ghand 1-awdituri tieghi jigifieri ma hiniex kompetendi bii:Zejjed biex nghidu li ftaht trust jigifi.eri and there was 1-avukati taghhom biex jaraw 1-istruttura u mbaghad eventwalment 1-istruttura fethitha 1-exhibitee (sic! Nexia BT) mill-bidu sa 1ahhar. Magistrat Inkwerenti: ehe. Relattivament ghal dak li kien jinteressa lilek? Keith Schembri: yes, yes. Mistoqsi jekk rninn naha tieghu meta ghamel din 1-istruttura kienx qieghed jaghmilha specifikament ghal dak in-negozju li huwa kellu diga' fis-sehh, Keith Schembri wiegeb : Keith Schembri: u hassejtni ovvja komdu li naghmilha mieghi ghax clan jaf 1ins and outs ta' n-negozju tieghi mill-bidu sa 1-ahhar jigifieri I mean b'telefonata wahda jaf ei:att fejn inkun irrid immur qed tifhem, that is the reason why jigifieri u jghid le, taghmilx hekk jigifieri ... Fil-Bank Pilatus huwa kien mar darba biex jiffirma sabiex jiftah il-"kontijiet". Mistoqsi jekk kienx klijent regolari mal-Bank Pilatus Ii jmur ta' spiss, huwa wiegeb : - 494 ( ) Keith Schembri: ifhirnni ilium il-banek kollha, I mean kull bank account li ghandi, qabel jien kont nahdem il-bank ghamilt tlett snin il-Bank of Valletta u it changed so much jigifieri ilium ma ghandekx ghal fejn tmur go bank biex taghmel transaction u ma' 1-Pilatus qatt ma gharnilt transaction just money coming in, two transactions. Mistoqsi jekk kienx ghamel xi pagament ghal xi klijenti tieghu jghid Ii ma jiftakar:x sew u ried jivverifika ghax darba kellu jhallas xi kont ta' xi ghaxart elef euro lill-Avukati tieghu u ma kienx cert jekk hallashomx mill-BOV jew ( HSBC. Jidhirlu li 1-kont bankarju Ii ghandu mal-Bank Pilatus ghadu mhux mrmsus. Dwar Daphne Caruana Galizia, Keith Schembri li: ( Keith Schembri: it can be on the record or it can be off the record, inti staqsejtni fuq 1-artikolista I think il-persuna holqitli hafna inkwiet fil-hajja personali tieghi, filhajja jigifieri familjari tieghi jigifieri dan kulhadd jaf jiena kelli problemi ta' sahha, ivvintat kundizzjoni, gennet lil familja tieghi kollha kont tlajt I-America for treatment, tat id-data ta' meta ha mmut minghajr ma ... I am living proof ta' 1-gideb kollu taghha, qed tifhem, I think it is not right jigifieri d-data protection commissioner gieghelha tnehhi minn fuq is-site taghha that I have an inoperable tumour, this was on the 27th of March, trid thallas € 2,500 and€ 250 a day biex tnehhiha dak 1-artiklu ... u 1-artiklu ghadu hemm qed tifhem, mhux ghax irrid nippika I don't mind pero she has crossed the limit li jien fl-aghar mumenti ta' hajti lanqas jghadduli minn mohhi jigifieri jien kont nista' nghid qieghed ... clinic 1-Amerika going for a Pad scan, nistenna nofs siegha u nara kumment make cancer bring him dawn ma ghandi 1-ebda rispett, ma nafx nobghod pero ma ghandi 1-ebda rispett ghal nies hekk u nahseb li qieghed hawn ilium nirrispondi ghal montatura, ... jigifieri naf kemm ilha tigdeb gimgha, gimgha, sena, sena u nofs fuqi u jiena kont gharnilt promise lili nnifsi li lil din ma nillibellahhiex, ilgirngha li ghaddiet, illum x'inhu, is-Sibt, il-gimgha ftahtilha zewg libelli, it can't go on like this jigifieri hemm differenza bejn opinjonijiet suggettivi fuq persuna imrna mbaghad meta tibda going fil-farnilja li jkolli t-tifla ta' t-tlettax il-sena tigi fuqi u tghidli Daddy, l-iskola qed jgliidu li 'ha tmut u ma nafx x'ha nirrispondiha, I feel hurt li 495 .-f llum qieghed hawn nirrispondi allegazzjonijiet hekk, mhux minn naha taghkom, in tom sewwa qed taghrnlu jigifieri jiena ... biex nifthuha din 1-inkjesta magistetjali but I mean this has gone, I have never seen any thing like it, never jigifieri in my life jigifieri not even abroad, hadd ma ghamilhorn dawn 1-affarijiet jigifieri li llurn qed niddiskutu blog hekk, nahseb huwa nuqqas ta' rispett lejn il-pajjiz taghna. Ix-Xiehda ta' Konrad Mizzi ( Komad Mizzi xehed fit-22 t' April 2017. Mistoqsi jekk kellux xi relazzjoni bankarja jew kont bankarju mal-Bank Pilatus £'Malta jew barra minn Malta, Komad Mizzi wieged fin-negattiv kemm ghalih kif ukoll ghall-familja tieghu. Lil Brian Torma jafu bhala Service Provider, hadem mieghu kemm ilu fil-Gvern, u tahom hafna pariri fuq suggetti varji. Komad Mizzi zviluppa relazzjoni mieghu ma tul iZ-zmien u ha wkoll servizzi minghandu ghal financial planning tieghu ukoll. ( Mistoqsi jekk fost dan il-financial planning tieghu iffurmax xi kumpanija tramite s-servizzi ta' Brian Torma jew id-ditta tieghu Komad Mizzi wiegeb li ma ddiljajx fuq din il-kwistjoni ma' Brian Tonna direttament, iZda tramite d-ditt tieghu u 1-impjegati tieghu. Komad Mizzi jghid li jiena prattikament kont issetjajt a family trust and an underlying company we had acquired in 2015 which was settled into the trust. Izid hekk : - 496 Magistrat Inkwerenti: mela spjega daqs xejn 1-istruttura li inti ghamilt f'hiex kienet tikkonsisti u x'pariri inghatajt u ghaliex inghatajt dak il-parir naturalment? Conrad Mizzi: jiena ovvjament minn naha tieghl kont poggejt flimkien ma' I-advisers taghna x'options kien hemm ta' family planning, family estate planning, halli ma tinftihemx mod iehor. Magistrat Inkwerenti: nassigurak li korrettament fhimtek, kompli. Conrad Mizzi: from my perspective, jiena 1-mara tieghi tghix in-naha 1-ohra tad-clinja, tghlx fie-Cina, jiena nghix post iehor, ghexna 1-Ingilterra, ghandna dar barra minn Malta, il-karriera tieghl hija an international carrier ha nkun onest mieghek jigifieri I might do other things after Politics as well u hassejna li xtaqna struttura which reflects our needs, u poggejt bil-qieghda with an exhibitee and they had suggested li a trust would be the best way to protect biex nghid hekk your assets u investments over time, li it can last a life time u ssetjajna trust in New Zealand. Magistrat Inkwerenti: meta kien li qed tghld dan? Conrad Mizzi: this was I believe in 2015. Magistrat Inkwerenti: 2015? Conrad Mizzi: yes, 2015 yes correct. As part of that structure tawni 1-parir li kellna b:Zonn an underlining company which assets can be held within that company u prattikament li gara huwa li I acquired in 2015 a shell company from the Service provider u din is-shell company imbaghad kienet ma' 1-ewwel within a few days settled into the trust jigifi.eri ma baqghetx tieghl. S Mistoqsi jekk dan 1-ezercizzju bdiex jaghmlu fl-2015, Komad Mizzi xehed li kien bdieh fl-2015. Mistoqsi jekk kienx tkellem ma' Nexia BT dwar dan issuggett fl-2015, Komad Mizzi ikkonferma li kellimhom fl-2015. Mistoqsi jekk hux qabel, huwa rega rrepeta li kellimhom fl-2015, ghalkemm ma kienx cert fir-rigward tax-xahar meta kien. 497 Mistoqsi jekk I-argument b'relazzjoni mal-family estate planning li jiehu ddirezzjoni ta' twaqqif ta' Trust kienx gie 1-ewwel, huwa qal il-family trust kienet giet 1-ewwel. Mistoqsi jekk ma Nexia BT kienx tkellem maghhom fuq family trust, Konrad Mizzi wiegeb li hekk kien. Fl-2015 huwa kien diga jokkupa kariga ministerjali u f' dak 1-istadju huwa ma kellux negozju jew attivita kummercjali ghaddejja. ( _) Fl-2015 huwa flimkien ma irnpjegat ta' Nexia BT qaghdu bilqeghda tkelmu fuq estate planning u qalulu li 1-ahjar ghazla kienet li jaglimel Trust u hu minn naha tieghu tahom direzzjoni. Il-parir li jwaqqaf Trust kienet giet mogli.tija lilu minn Nexia BT, inklu:Z il-gurisdizzjonijiet fejn setgli.a jiftah dik 1istruttura. Huwa kien jidhirlu li kien tkellem ma Karl Cini. Meta tkellem ma Karl Cini huwa qallu x'kien jixtieq. Lilu qallu lit-Trust fin-New Zealand kienet gurisdizzjoni komuni u li kienu firmatarji ta' konvenzjoni u affarijiet hekk. Mistoqsi jekk kienx hemm xi raguni gli.aliex ma ghazilx li jaglimel Trust £'Malta, Konrad Mizzi qal li ghalkemm ma tantx hawn hafna kumpaniji li jaglimluhom, dawk il-kumpaniji li jaghmluhom kien kollha qed jahdem maghhom regolari mill-aspett ta' Gvern. Izda altru minn hekk jiena obviously gnandi an international family ukoll u xi naga li kienet maqbula ovvjament ma' l- 498 p;, ·: . • V" v'' ·Z'.; ~ ~l ..... t.I r:J mara tieghi ukoll. Eventwahnent ghazlu Ii jimxu mal-parir Ii tahom Karl Cini u ghamlu Trust fi New Zealand jisimha "Rotorua". Mistoqsi allura apparti t-Trust fin-New Zealand, x'kienet 1-istorja talkumpanija Hearnville Inc., Konrad Mizzi jghid hekk : - ( j Conrad Mizzi: Herveling (sic! Hearnville Inc) hija kumpanija, essentially jiena kont inghatajt il-parir again same thing from Nexia li within the trust ghandek bzonn an underlying company biex izomm fiha 1-assi u 1-intenzjoni taghna kienet ovvjament li kien ser ikollna 1-investimenti tieghi futuri fiha din il-kumpanija, kif ukoll kelli proprjeta Londra li tigi rnikrija li kienet ser tidhol fiha ukoll. Jaf Ii biex twaqfu 1-kumpanija u t-Trust kien hemm diversi kumpaniji involuti u Ii huwa kien iffirma t-Trust documents. Conrad Mizzi: u I-acquisition of the company in the first instance biss, ha nispjegalek ghal fejn, ghax inti once li taghmel trust, inti jkun hemrn appointed trustees, rninn dak il-mument 'il quddiem inti ma tmexxi xejn aktar inti jigifieri everything is in the hand of the trustees, il-kumpanija iffirmajt biss meta inxtrat ilkumpanija. Magistrat Inkwerenti: issa jekk tippermettieli, meta qed tirreferi ghal kurnpanija issa ghal liema kumpanija qed tirreferi? Conrad Mizzi: il-kumpanija hija Herveling (sic! Heamville Inc) li hija rregistrata in Panama. Magistrat Inkwerenti: li dik hija registered in Panama. Mela din il-kumpanija li giet registered in Panama again min tak I-advice biex tigi set up in Panama? Conrad Mizzi: Nexia suggested it to me so kienet shelf company li kienet ghandhom diga', my understanding li s-Service Providers ikollliom a number of shelf companies, li gara kienet li. Magistrat Inkwerenti: skuzani kienet ghandhom diga', ghand Nexia? 499 Conrad Mizzi: yes. Magistrat Inkwerenti: jew inkella ghand xi? Conrad Mizzi: ghand Nexia. Magistrat Inkwerenti: ghand Nexia jigifieri sa fejn taf inti. Conrad Mizzi: I am not even sure, lanqas jiena cert rnija fil-rnija. Magistrat Inkwerenti: ghal hekk qed nghidlek, jigifieri sa fejn taf inti? Conrad Mizzi: ehe sa fejn naf jiena. Magistrat Inkwerenti: pero inti taf zgur li through Nexia li inti gharnilt dan il? Conrad Mizzi: correct. Magistrat Inkwerenti: issa and it was on Nexia's advice li inti qed nifhem mort ghal din il-kumpanija li ghidtli li jisimha ... ? Conrad Mizzi: Yes. Magistrat Inkwerenti: u allura inti hemm hekk id-dokumenti li ffirmajt fir-rigward ta' din il-kumpanija kienu, ta' 1-kumpanija issa rnhux ta' t-trust? Ta' 1-kumpanija inti ffirmajthom id-dokumenti jew inkella hadd iehor? Conrad Mizzi: my understanding was li jiena ftit li xejn iffirmajt kumpaniji, probabbilment u I need to verify probabbilment meta saret I-acquisition 1-ewwel darba. Magistrat Inkwerenti: alright. Conrad Mizzi: ghax ovvjament meta saret I-acquisition 1-ewwel giet transfered fuq isrni imbaghad min hernm hekk after a few days it was settled into the trust jigifi.eri jiena kull ma i:arnrnejt I-ownership tagliha for a few days or a few weeks, after which it was settled into the trust u giet proprjeta' ta' t-trust. Magistrat Inkwerenti: imbaghad allura qed nifhem illi il-hsieb kien illi I-assets illi inti gnandek Malta, barra, where ever. Conrad Mizzi: u li jkollok throughout your life. Magistrat Inkwerenti: ikunu imbaghad eventwalment gestiti, managed rninn din ilkumpanija jew rnit-trust? the over all ... management rnit-trust ghax it-trustees hurna Conrad Mizzi: responsabbli ta' kollox. Magistrat Inkwerenti: ta' kollox? 500 Conrad Mizzi: il-kumpanija hija simply a vehicle within the trust jigifieri ttrustees are responsable for everything. Magistrat Inkwerenti: issa din il-kumpanija jew din it-trust jigifieri kemm irRotoruwa ghidtli hux hekk? Conrad Mizzi: ehe u Bernville. Magistrat Inkwerenti: u Bernville. Dawn il-kumpaniji qatt kellhom xi kont bankarju ma' 1-Pilatus bank Malta jew barra? Conrad Mizzi: it-trust u 1-kurnpanija qatt ma kellhom kont bankarju la ma' Pilatus la Malta u lanqas barra u lanqas ma 1-ebda bank iehor jigifieri jekk induru ddinja mhux ser insibu imkien li hemrn kont miftuh jew kien hemrn qatt kont miftuh fuq din il-kurnpanija u t-trust. Magistrat Inkwerenti: qatt kien hemm transazzjonijiet finanzjarji li jaffettwaw ilBemville jew inkella what ever jigifieri mhux qed nillimitak ghal Pilatus issa? Conrad Mizzi: none what so ever u to validate for this obviously jiena qabbadt an independent audit li kien il-Crohoret in New Zealand li gharnlu audit ta' 1-grupp kollu, kemrn ta' t-trust u kemm ta' 1-kumpanija li vverifikaw u ovvjament hargu 1-opinjoni based on all the information, kell.hom sufficient information biex jiccertifikaw I-audited statements u ppubblikajthom ukoll. Magistrat Inkwerenti: jigifieri anke biex inkunu earl, jigifieri anke ma' banek ohra oltre mill-Pilatus, la 1-Bemville u lanqas ir-Rotoruwa ma kellhorn kont? Conrad Mizzi: correct. Magistrat Inkwerenti: issa gie ukoll f'xi wiehed minnhom rninn dawn ir-rapporti li kien hernrn illi, inti semmejtli it-2015 bhala d-data ta' meta bdejt taghmel din is-set up? Conrad Mizzi: yes. Mistoqsi dwar il-fatt li kien hemm rapport iehor Ii jghid li dak Ii spjega filfatt sar ferm qabel, Konrad Mizzi jghld Ii kienet Daphne Caruana Galizia Ii dejjem sostniet Ii ftit wara 1-elezzjoni huma kienu hadu over dawn ilkumpaniji, iZda huwa tenna Ii : 501 IL '. • • .. ~; ..) UGJvVj~ jiena minn naha tiegli.i the first time which this company was acquired in terms of hadt overship tagli.ha, din is-shelf company kienet proptju fit-2015. It is verifyable by documentation and all which has been published u kienet ukoll. Mistoqsi mid-Deputat Kummissarju Silvio Valletta jekk huwa fil-kariga tieghu ta' Ministru kellux xi negozju mal-Azerbajgan, Konrad Mizzi stqarr li huwa sar Ministru f'Marzu tal-2013 u: Conrad Mizzi: yes, le il-kumpanija Hemville u ir-Rotoruwa trust qatt ma kelllia transactions jigifieri ma' hadd u wisq aktar qatt ma kelllia transactions ma' nies mill-Azerbajgan jew anki rilatati rnill-Azerbajgan halli nkunu very specifically, very specifici jigifieri I-answer to the question is an outright no, kien hernm rnistoqsija fuq jekk iltqajtx ma' 1-Farnilja Alyev. ( J __, Magistrat Inkwerenti: mela dika fir-rigward, semmejtli fir-rigward ta' Rotoruwa u Hemville, issa inti personali Conrad Mizzi? Conrad Mizzi: le. Magistrat Inkwerenti: jigifieri inti personali ma kellekx deals jew negozju ma' xi kumpanija jew persuna f' Azerbajgan jew mill-Azerbajgan? Conrad Mizzi: le, le q att ma kelli. Magistrat Inkwerenti: lanqas kellek transferirnenti ta' flus inti personali jew? Conrad Mizzi: far from it. (_) Magistrat Inkwerenti: jew persuna jew entitajiet jew kumpaniji rnill-Azerbajgan? Conrad Mizzi: la rnill-Azerbajgan u lanqas rilatati ma' 1-Azerbajgan. Fir-rigward tas-sitwazzjoni tieghu bhala Ministru ghall-Energija, Konrad Mizzi jghid hekk : Conrad Mizzi: vis a vie ir-relationship taghna bhala Gvem b'mod partikolari fl-Energy Sector kien hernrn zewg dimensjonijiet ta' relations ma' 1-Azerbajgan, Sokar trading registered in Geneva kienet parti mill-konsorzju ta' I-electro gass li rebhet it- 502 t t , • I • • V;.;J JUJ tender ta' I-power station. Dan it-tender intrebah kien hemm 18 bids ghal dan ittender, intrebah rnill-kumpanija with the best price essentially, ... technology, ma kienux wahedhom kienu ukoll, kien hemm diversi kumpaniji Maltin u ohrajn barranin fosthom is-Siemens fil-konsorzju, huma they have 33 % of that company u !European commission ukoll gharnlet review ta' I-process intern vis a vie state aid u anki ta' procurements u kkonfermat li I-procurement sar in a fair and transparent manner jigifieri on that line obviously ser ikolli from time to time meetings with Sokar or Sokar trading bhala laqghat ta' kortesija u anki laqghat tekniCi ukoll. That is number one. On a political level, kien hemm obviously visits to Azerbajgan, wahda minnhom fil-fatt mama ma' I-Prim Ministru fejn kien hemm meeting ukoll ma' !President, ii-meeting ma' I-President kien irrapurtat fil-media u hemm ir-ritratti tieghu fejn attendejt jiena ukoll u dik kienet 1-unika inkontru li jiena qatt kelli with a member of the Alyev Family biex nghid hekk in a meeting which is documented u that was it essentially. F'danil-meetingjienanahseb lanqas tkellimtfil-fatt. You know I was simply accumpanying the Prime Minister to this meeting. Magistrat Inkwerenti: jigifieri inti minn naha tieghek qatt ma rcevejt xi flus minn naha ta' dawn il-persuni? Conrad Mizzi: le qatt. Magistrat Inkwerenti: Alyev jew xi persuna ohra mill-Azerbajgan, qed inkun wiesgha u generali apposta biex 1-affarijiet ikunu earl? Conrad Mizzi: yes ha nkun kategoriku, jiena qatt ma rcevejt, la jiena u la 1Familja tieghi qatt ma rceviet flus minghand xi hadd mill-Azerbajgan jew relatat ma' 1-Azerbajgan so ... Magistrat Inkwerenti: fil-fatt kontha nistaqsik ukoll fir-rigward ta' s-Sinjura sa fejn taf inti, jekk is-Sinjura tieghek qattx kellha hi personali jew xi interess f'xi negozju illi kien jolqot 1-Azerbajgan jew xi membru ta' 1-Familja Azera ta' 1-Alyev? Conrad Mizzi: qatt, qatt, qatt u Sai qatt ma kienet mieghi fl-ebda meetings li kelli flimkien ma' 1-Gvem. Assistent Kummissarju Silvio Valletta:l-ahhar mistoqsija Sur Magistrat. Magistrat Inkwerenti: of course. Assistent Kummissarju Silvio Valletta:nghid sew li s-Sokar, I-agreement li sar dak gie mitfuh fuq il-mejda ta' 1-kamra fil-Parlament? Ippubblikajtuhom? Il-Gvem ippubblikahom dawn jigifieri? 503 Conrad Mizzi: alina 1-kuntratti ta' I-Electro gas gew sottomessi ghar review ta' 1-Kummissjoni Ewropeja u 1-kuntratti rilatati ma' I-Electro gas transaction kienu ppubblikati ukoll halli nkunu fair ukoll without the commercial considerations. AssistentKummissarju Silvio Valletta:mhux hekk. Conrad Mizzi: il-Kuntratti ta' I-Electro gas inghataw lil European Commission u kif ukoll lil National Audit office obviously mhux the ... version, the full version inghataw f' dan ir-rigward u kien hemm sa fejn naf jien ... ippubblikat ukoll. Mistoqsi fir-rigward tad-dokumenti meta dawn in-negozjati ghar-rigward ta' dan is-set up saru, jekk hux ferm kmieni fil-legislatura o meno, Konrad Mizzi qal hekk : Conrad Mizzi: fil-fatt I reinstate it u ghidtha publically kemm il-darba jigmeri the company was acquired u anki settled into the trust in 2015, 2013 qatt ma kelli u lanqas kelli 1-hsieb li nissettja trust ... jigifieri it wasn't in my thinking at the time jigifieri far from it jigifieri it is a state of fact. Obviously and I can get the documents to substantiate that. Magistrat Inkwerenti: ehe in the mean time, inti semmejtli li la t-trust u lanqas ilkumpanija hawn il-Hemville ma kellhom bank account pero deher ukoll illi kien hemm xi tentattiv biex jigi ottjenut xi bank account dan minn x'imkien, din x'inhi din 1-istorja? Conrad Mizzi: is-service provider kellu I-mandates Ii jaghmel enquires fuq bank accounts, to set the bank accounts for the trust and for the underlined company, saru nurnru ta' enquires ma' different banks pero minn naha tieghi qatt ma ffirmajt ilbank opening forms u qatt ma tajt go ahead open the accounts u fil-fatt no bank opening forms were actually signed jigifieri kontijiet qatt ma infethu. Magistrat Inkwerenti: jigifieri sa hemm hekk illi waslu dawn jigifieri Ii din ilkumpanija, kienet fuq il-kumpanija jew fuq it-trust? Conrad Mizzi: it-tnejn Ii huma. Magistrat Inkwerenti: fuq it-tnejn Ii hurna illi jkollhom bank account kien hemm ilproposal? 504 ( "j f ·~ . • .l . u ..,JJU~ Conrad Mizzi: yes, kien hemm I-enquires of course yes pero anka flengagement ghandek li huma ma kellhomx per ezempju power of attorney to open the accounts or to sign. Magistrat Inkwerenti: ghax din li kont ha nistaqsi, jiena fil-bidu staqsejtek jekk kemm il-darba inti dawn id-dokumenti ffirmajthomx inti, inti personali jew inkella qabbadtx lil xi hadd iehor? Conrad Mizzi: jiena prattikament qatt ma ffirmajt, in-Nexia kellhom obviously certu rights li jaghmlu I-opening ta' t-trust u jiehdu hsieb iddokumentation. Magistrat Inkwerenti: ghal hekk qed nistaqsik ghax normalment ikollhom certu? Conrad Mizzi: pero ma kellhomx il-rnandat to open bank accounts jigilieri kienet restricted jigilieri to making enquiries u sa hernrn waqfu fi.1-fatt. Magistrat Inkwerenti: u eventwalment imbaghad ma kienx hemm bank accounts illi gew rniftuha la ma' 1-Pilatus u lanqas ma hadd? Conrad Mizzi: ukoll, hija likwidata. imkien fid-dinja u 1-kurnpanija Hemville issa giet likwidata Magistrat Inkwerenti: u meta beda I-liquidation process? Conrad Mizzi: in January, there is the documentation As well I believe on the 21 st or on the 22nd of January. Magistrat Inkwerenti: li beda I-process jew li giet liquidated? Conrad Mizzi: iltaqa' s-shareholders meeting jghidulu ... ovvjament iddiretturi u ddikjarawha liquidated imbaghad tmur il-cornpany registry imbaghad hemm il-process sa kemm kollox jigi published. Magistrat Inkwerenti: pero dan qed nifhem illi at the end of it inti hadt id-decizjoni li tigi likwidata din? Conrad Mizzi: jiena kont gharniltha cara pubblikarnent li filwaqt li ma sar xejn illegali, filwaqt li gharniltha with good intentions, politically the whole thing was, I shouldn't have done it, from a political point of view, not from a legal point of view, ha nkun onest rnieghek, from a Professional point of view and everything else, jigifieri my intention was ... iddikjarajtha £id-declaration of assets ukoll jigifieri 1-Prim Ministru kien jaf li kien hemrn a trust and an underlining company u kont spjegajtlu r-ragunijiet qabel ma harget fil-media u qabel ma gara xejn rninn dan pero x'hin rajt the public segment towards it ghidt jiena I have been delivering, I have been working 505 day and night to make a change for the country and I don't want to leave, ma rrid inhalli xejn li jista' jimmina 1-kredibilita' futura taghna, la tieghl u lanqas ta' 1-Gvem, daqs tant tlabt an independent audit, kif tlesta I-audit ippubblikajt 1audit ukoll iddeCidejt li at that point stajt nillikwida 1-kumpanija. Magistrat Inkwerenti: li li.a nitolbok ukoll li tipprezenta kopja ta' dan I-audit. Conrad Mizzi: sure of course. Kwantu gli.all-allegazzjonijiet li kienu qed isiru fuqu minn Daphne Caruana Galizia qal is-segwenti : - ( _,/ Conrad Mizzi: 1-istess persuna, il-blogger li.a nkun car, Mrs Caruana Galizia li gli.amlet dawn I-allegations foloz fil-konfront tieglii u ta' li.add ieli.or ukoll, kienet gli.amlet allegazzjonijiet foloz ukoll fuq il-familja tiegli.i, kienet qalet li jiena prattikament gli.andi relazzjoni ma' xi li.add fl-ufficcju tieglii, obviously it-tfal tieglii huma pero xorta wahda jidhlu fuq il-Bing u jagli.mlu s-searches tagli.hom u every thing else u jistaqsuk fuqhom so it did create a lot of unnecessary family stress, jiena, we coped with that, kont gli.arnilt libell, kif kont gli.amilt libelli fuq 1-affarijiet 1oli.ra ukoll pero obviously I am a politician, I feel that I should be subjected to scrutiny pero meta tidli.ol on personal lifes inhoss li it was grossly unfair and it created a lot of stress kemm gli.alija, kemm mama, kemm Sai, ghat tfal and it was unfair vis a vie towards us as a family as well and obviously I did want to raise that matter I really welcome this inquest taf kif it is a fact based inquest which shed light on the truth which is what we are after. ( _) It-tieni xiehda ta' Konrad Mizzi Ix-xhud : Iva. Hawnhekk ghandi ittra li kont iffirmajt jiena lil MF Legal and Co, jigifieri nahseb lil Mossack Fonseca essentially fejn iddikjarajt li qed naqbel li huma jkunu registered agents ghall-kumpanija Heamville u tajthom ukoll indemnety lilhom jigifieri indemnification u dik kienet datata sixteenth (16th) June two thousand and fifteen (2015). Ovvjament jien ma bghatthiex lilhom, ikun tahieli Nexia, inkun iffirmajtha u ghaddejtha lil Nexia. 506 Il-Qorti: All right. U hawnhek.k dak id-dokument qieghed jigi immarkat bhala Dokurnent ... Ix-xhud : Hawnhekk ghandi declaration minghand 1-ATC administrators li essentially huma, x'jghidulha 1-kelma dak? il-fiduciaries, they hold the company on behalf of the beneficial owner fejn qed jiddikjaraw li jiena I undertook the ownership of the company ta' Heamville Inc. u iffirmata mit-tlett attorney u zewg nassumi zewg diretturi taghhom, issa, u din hija iddatata second (2nd) July twenty fifteen (2015), pero tajjeb li nigbidlek daqsxejn 1attenzjoni li f' din 1-ittra hemm zewg dati riferuti, nahseb bi zball, wahda second (2nd) July twenty fifteen (2015), u 1-ohra at the bottom second (2nd) of June twenty fifteen (2015). It's inconsequential per se ghax ma taghrnilx differenza pero jien qed nassumi it is the second (2nd) of July. Il-Qorti: All right. U dik 1-ittra minn min hija maghmula? Ix-xhud: Dik 1-ittra hija minn ATC administrators jigifieri n-nominee companies tal-Mossack Fonseca li jzornmu x-shares on your behalf. U jiena tinsiex, jiena 1-kumpanija hadt over in twenty fifteen (2015). And I kept it only for a few weeks, we acquired it biex nissetiljawha go trust. Jigifieri dik kienet 1ewwel step fejn we took over. Il-Qorti : Dokurnent immarkat KM2. Ix-xhud : Dan ma tlabtulix per se pero kien ghandi allura I might as well intihielkom ukoll din 1-ittra. Din ittra li kont tlabt jiena meta kelli hafna media questions fuq !-issue kont tlabt lill-ATC Administrators ituni declaration ta' meta hadt over il-kurnpanija jiena u ghal kemm zmien zammejtha. U hawnhekk huma qed jghidu li essentially we took over on the second (2nd) June nikkwotaw minn dak id-dokument u Ii zarnrnew il-kurnpanija on my behelf up to the twenty-first (21st) of July twenty fifteen (2015). Il-Qorti : Dak id-dokurnent KM:3. Ix-xhud : Din 1-istess Mr Magistrate, ma tlabthilix per se inti pero Ii kont tlabtha u kont, this is simply a declaration in February twenty sixteen (2016) Ii 1kumpanija Hearnville Inc. qatt ma trejdjat mid-diretturi u qatt ma kellha bank accounts in its name. Later on to be confirmed by the audit imma la qieghda ghandi I might as well intihielkom ukoll. Qorti : Dokurnent KM4. Supt. Abdilla: Dawn ircevejthom in that format? Jigifieri tipo scan email jew ghandek il- - I 507 Ix-xhud : Ikun ghaddieli kopja taghhom Karl Cini. Jien komunikazzjonijiet rnal-Mossack kwazi qatt ma kelli direttament. The only interface Ii kelli, halli nkun preciz, kien meta wara Ii nqala' kollox ridt issir audit u hemrnhekk cernpil t lit-trustees u insistejt Ii jaghmlu audit kemm jista' jkun malajr. Obviously at the time kien hemm hafna issues min-naha tal-Mossack, allura to get through to them it was very very difficult. Pero. Qorti : Pero, jigifieri 1-interrnedjarju bejnek u bejn Mossack Fonseca kien Karl Cini, Ix-xhud : Correct. Qorti : Jew Brian Tanna, min kien? Ix-xhud: Qorti : Karl Cini. (_/ Karl Cini. Ix-xhud: Karl Cini, in all fairness, yes, yes. Gieli semmejtlu xi haga lil Brian, ha nghidlek kollox, pero Karl Cini was handling, Qorti : Li kien jiehu hsieb 1-affarijiet day-to-day, the day-to-day organization of it. Yes. Subsequently hawnhekk ghandi I-minutes tal-board of directors Ix-xhud : ta' Heamville Inc. tat-twenty-first (21st) of July twenty fifteen (2015) fejn qed jaqblu d-diretturi li jigi transferred ix-shares mill-ATC Administrators ghal gottrust il-gdida Ii kienet se tigi krejata. Jigifieri I think this helps as well, tispjega the flow. Qorti : Dokurnent KMS. Ix-xhud : Subsequently, the day after, 22nd of July kien hemm id-declaration of trust ta' Heamville Inc. fejn Heam ville Inc. giet parti rnir-Roturua Trust. Ilkumpanija Orian New Zeland Limited kienet tagixxi bhala t-trustees essentially. U hawnhekk I can submit the declaration of trust u fuq wara hernm ukoll ixshare certificate fejn Heamville Inc. giet proprjeta ma baqax proprjeta ta' ATC Administrators imrna ghadda to Orion Trust as trustee of Roturua Trust. Qorti : Dokurnent KM6. Ix-xhud : Qorti: Ix-xhud: Is-share certificate qieghed - Qieghed stapled. Ma nafx triduhx two separate documents jew le; it's up to you. Qorti: Issa niehdu hsieb. Mela declaration of trust. Ix-share certificate ha nhallih separat, ahjar ilrnn separat. 508 Supt. Abdilla : Jew hallih hekk. Qorti : Dokument KM6. Ix-xhud : The next document is the middle, jigifieri I-audit. L-audit huwa ta' trust u I-consolidated statements jigifieri tinkludi 1-Heamville Inc. ukoll, iffirmata 1-ewwel mid-diretturi, imbaghad ic-certifikat ghamilt il- ... in New Zealand li huma kienu I-auditors fejn qed jikkonfermaw li 1-kumpanija u t-trust ma trejdjawx, ma kellhomx bank accounts essentially, u Ii kienet fuq family trust Ii kienet irregistrata ... Qorti : Jigifieri I-audit, biex inkun qed nifhem sewwa, I-audit sar minn audit firm fi New Zealand, ( Ix-xhud : Qorti : illi gharnlu I-audit kemm tat-trust, Ix-xhud : Iva. Qorti : Kif ukoll tal-kumpanija, ta' Heamville. Ix-xhud: trust. Qorti : Parti mit-trust. Ix-xhud : Qorti: Iva. Huma gharnlu consolidated, ghax il-kumpanija saret parti mit- Parti mit-trust. Dokument KM7. Ix-xhud : The last document huma, again, ghaddihuli Nexia, huwa ddissolution through the Panama courts, hawn bl-Ispanjol imma mbaghad hawn verzjoni bl-Ingliz gewwa ukoll. Qorti: Ah jar, ghax 1-Ispanjol tieghi daqsxejn, Ix-xhud : Imma bl-Ingliz hawnhekk hemm minutes of meeting of shareholders of Heamville Inc. fejn qed jghid li hemm meeting tax-shareholders was held on the 21st of January at 11.45 u qed jaqblu d-diretturi li it is completely dissolved. Imbaghad fuq wara hemm is-certification tar-registru tal-company register li kien, li qed jghid li dan id-dokument gie prezentat in February, imbaghad kien officially dissolved, kienet officially published in April. Fil-fatt ghalhekk nahseb illi ... ikkwotat illi gie dissolved in April u mhux qabel ghaliex obviously kienet published, id-date of publication, allura huma fl.okQorti: Flak raw id-data ta' meta kienet giet dissolved, raw meta kienet giet published id-dissolution. Dak id-dokument huwa KM8. 509 v :._, \.I. '-', .l.- 'v' ' [, • ~ j, Ix-xhud: The English version is a bit further down. Ix-xiehda ta' I ohn Dalli John Dalli xehed 1-ewwel darba nhar it-22 t' April 2017. Mistoqsi dwar jekk ghandux jew kellux relazzjoni kummercjali jew xi kontijiet bankarji mal- ( Bank Pilatus hawn Malta jew barra minn Malta John Dalli jikkonferma Ii huwa kellu kont kurrenti, u kien iddepozita fih elf euro u fil-fatt qatt ma saru transazzjonijiet fih tant Ii kiluhomli dawn il-one thousand euros bank charges jigifieri u l-kont inghalaq issa zmien ilu. Id-data preciZa meta fetah dan il-kont ma kienx jiftakarha pero zgur Ii ma kienx Ministru u ma kellu 1-ebda funzjoni pubblika. Dan il-kont kien inghalaq xi tlett snin ilu. Huwa stqarr Ii dan kien johrog mill-istatements talBank Pilatus u hu ma kellux problema Ii 1-inkjesta tkun tista tivverifika dan. John Dalli sahaq Ii huwa ma kienx konsulent tal-Prirn Ministru izda Ii I-Prim Ministru, fuq talba tal-Ministru tas-Sahha kien talbu biex jaghmel studju kif jista' jigi riorganizzat 1-isptar Mater Dei - haga tal-poplu kollu u ta ' l-ebda partit 510 ( l 0. • 1 I ~· # -· ~ • I u :_•JJ..i..i politiku - u huwa accetta dak 1-inkarigu u ghamel rapport li spiccah fit-2013. Minn dak in-nhar lil hawn qatt ma kellu relazzjoni ohra mal-Gvern. John Dalli jirreferi ghal Daphne Caruana Galizia bhala terrorista u jghid : Irrid ngliid ukoll Sur Magistrat, u gibtha hawn ukoll il-cutting. F'Mejju, ta' 1-2016 1-istess terrorista jiena hekk insejhilha lil din tajjeb, kienet qalet Ii din il-kumpanija Egrant kienet tieghi tajjeb, ghandha gut feeling qalet kemm ismi ma jidhirx fil-Panama papers, min jaf kemm tpecpcet din biex tipprova ssib ismi tajjeb, imma din tieghi kienet din skont hi. gli.andha dan id-dokument tagli.ha imbaghad tibda' tipprova tikkonnettja, skuzi ftit, ma' din ta' I-Bahamas ghax jiena kont mort u salt gideb illi kienu qed ixerdu dak iz-zmien, tajjeb, imma din tigdeb fuq kuThadd, li jfettilha tiktbu din, tajjeb, u dan huwa kaz, fil-fatt irrid ngliidlek ukoll illi jiena sitt xhur ilu ghamilt rikors lil Pulizija, applikazzjoni 1il Pulizija ghal haressment issa xebbatni dawn is-snin kollha tigdeb kontrija kontinwament u tivvinta kull haga u f'sitt xhur ghandhom ma ttiehdu 1-ebda passi kontriha din, tajjeb u 1-Pulizija jghiduli li qed i.Zommuhom xi hadd mill-Attorney General u jiena nixtieq inkun naf min qed jipprotegiha mill-Attorney General lil din, tajjeb, jiena naf min ghandu influwenza kbira mill-Attorney General biex inkun qed nghid kollox. Issa interessanti wkoll tkun taf dawn huma kollha affarijiet marbutin wahda ma' ohra tajjeb illi f'Mejju, ta' 1-2016 u huwa meta 1-Kummissjoni Ewropeja nehliiet 1-immunita' lil Giovanni Kesler, il-bniedem Ii ghamel ir-rapport fuqi biex ikun jista' jigi interrogat mill-Pulizija wara Ii 1-Pulizija kienu ilhom tlett snin jiggieldu ma' 1-Kummissjoni biex jilliftjawlu 1-immunita' u dan dejjem insista li le, ma jridx joqghod interrogazzjoni ta' 1-Pulizija tant huma onesti u sinciera dawn. f' April illiftjawlu 1-immunita' u din hija konfoffa wahda ma' Giovanni Kesler biex lili tavvelini f' dan il-pajjiz u anka barra mill-pajjiz hekk ngliidilha terrorista lil din il-bniedma jien u tui::a kollox, dina qed isemmi hemm hekk Ii jiena ridt naghmel xi trust il-Bahamas Ii hija gidba kompletament tajjeb ta' nies mixtrija minnhom dawn, dawn kollha nies mixtrija minnhom li jiena ghandi dokumentazzjoni ukoll kif biddlu d- 511 diskors taghhom ok rninn ±mien ghal iehor. Jigifieri dan qed nghidulek kollu dan biex inti jkollok back ground ta' din il-mara illi milli jidher donnu issa kif titkellem hi tinfetah il-Qorti u ttella' n-nies il-Qorti, ma nistax nifhem kif din qed tiddeterrnina issa, tajjeb, min jittella' 1-Qorti jew le. Jiena vera kelli, kont ftaht kif ghedtlek kont il-Pilatus Bank tajjeb, it was a normal current account gdid, ridt nara daqs xejn kif joperaw dawna jiena u qatt ma operajtu fir-realta'. Minbarra dak id-depozitu t'elf euro John Dalli ma kien ghamel ebda depozitu jew transazzjonijiet ohra. Huwa jiftakar li darba kien attenda business lunch mad-dirigenti tal-Bank Pilatus altrimenti dejjem il-Bank Pilatus iltaqa' maglihom. Ma kienx jaf min kien il-persuna li ltaqghet mieghu mill-Bank Pilatus ghalkemm jidhirlu li kien jismu Madi. John Dalli jichad li kien involut f'xi kumpanija jew f'xi negozju li ghandhom xi kontijiet ma' dan il-Pilatus bank la Malta u barra. John Dalli insista li kien qieghed isir uzu minn dokumenti misruqa u talab li jittiehdu passi:kontra min qed juza dawn id-dokumenti rnisruqa, din anka dan, jiena sa fejn naf jien kont ghaddejt ligijiet jien fil-Parlarnent Sur Magistrat, fejn ghidt illi I-bank u I-banking transactions hurna kollha kunfidenzjali jigifieri dik illigi issa, Daphne Caruana Galizia ghandha 1-irnmunita li tista' tiksirha x'hin trid? Jiena ghandi kont il-bank bhala Cittadin ghandi kont il-bank, jiena ghandu jkun hernm xi hadd, hu min hu li joqghod jghid jiena x'kontijiet ghandi I-bank? 512 (' Xhieda tad-Dirigenti u impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus Ix-xhieda ta' Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad S Ali Sadr Hasheminejad xehed fl-24 t' April 2017 u qal li huwa c-Chairman talBank Pilatus. Il-licenzja tal-Pilatus Bank giet moghtija f'Jannar jew Frar 2014. F'Mejju 2017 Pilatus Bank inghata licenzja jiftah branch f'Londra. Huwa 1- UBO ta' Pilatus Bank pk. Dan hu Bank li joffri personal banking u mhux retail banking u huwa mahsub li jigbed nies tal-flus (high net-worth individuals) biex ·jiggustifika li jkun hemm customer relationship manager maghhom. Hu stazzjonat Washington DC. Jigi Malta meta jkun hemm bzonn. Huwa jzomm 1-indipendenza tieghu mill-operat tal-Bank li huwa fdat lil management team professjonali. Biex tkun klijent tal-bank irid ikollok kont maghhom. Irid ikun hemm account opening form. Huwa ma ghandux involviment dirett fl-operat ta' kuljum tal-bank. Huwa jiCcerja I-Credit Committee. L-operat ta' kuljum huwa mmexxi mis-CEO, COO, Legal and Compliance Manager, Risk Manager, IT 513 manager etc. II-Bord tad-Diretturi huwa maghmuI minn tmienja minn nies. Uhud minnhom jiCcerjaw kumitati ohra bhaI Risk Committee jew Audit Committee. Ir-Relationship Managers imorru huma jiltaqghu maI-klijenti. Xi darba jew ohra jrid ikunhemm Iaqgha wiCc imb wiCc maI-klijent, ghalkemm mhux bil-fors meta jinfetah il-kont bankarju. L-istruzzjonijiet ghaI transazzjonijiet dejjem isiru bil-kitba. Hemm process \ 1 twil t' awtentikazzjoni qabeI ma tigi processata transazzjoni. Meta ma jkunx hemm il-firma originali jkun hemm call back fuq Iinja teiefonika indikata fuq I-account opening form, liema konversazzjoni u struzzjonijiet ikunu recorded. Dan isir biex jigi verifika tu accertat Ii I-ordni ghall-pagament tkun verament harget minn dak I-account holder. Egrant Inc, Tillgate Inc u Hearneville Inc qatt ma kienu klijenti taI-Bank Pilatus jew suggetti ta' transazzjonijiet mill-Bank Pilatus. II-Bank Pilatus ghandu AML policy dwar kif isir jaf min huma 1-UBO's. Ikunu jridu dokumenti li juru min huwa I-UBO. Biss jezistu xenarji fejn persuna tkun qed tidher Ii hi UBO izda fil-verita tkun qed tagixxi bhala nominee (jew prestanome) ghaI haddiehor. Hemmhekk il-Bank ma jkollux wisq kontroll. IZda jkun irid xorta jara min huma d-diretturi jew il-firmatarji u jkun irid dokumentazzjoni Ii turi dan. Irid ikollhom il-kopja tal-passaport taI-UBO u jrid ikoilhom ukoll I-ispecimen signature fuq I-account opening form. 514 ( j II-Bank ghandu safe fejn jinZammu I-flus kontanti (petty cash) fil-kamrin fejn hemm is-CCTV. 11-kamrin infetah b'card spetjali. Dan is-safe ghandu second authentication. Originarjament verament kien hemm cabinets jinghalqu biCcwievet fil-kcina li kienu jahZnu dokumenti fihom. Meta bnew il-board room, trasferew il-cabinets u I-old fax machine fiha. Qabel pero kien hemm cabinets mal-Bank kollu. Jista' jkun li xi ±mien kien hemm cabinet tal-metall fil-kcina; iZda dan il-cabinet qatt ma kien is-safe tal-Bank. II-Bank ma jahdimx b'hafna cash u ju±a I-petty cash fil-kaz li xi klijenti jkollhom bzonn xi ftit cash meta jkunu Malta ghal btala jew business. Altrimenti fil-kcina ma hemmx safe. Jista' jkun li xi hadd mill-haddiema irrefera ghal xi filin cabinet bhala safe. Izda ebda cabinet fil-kcina ma qatt gie u±at bhala safe. Huwa minnu li jzommu dokumenti bhal min huma 1-UBO's S separati minn dokumenti ohra "day to day staff (sic! stuff)" f'cabinet tal-azzar. Mhux kulhadd jista' jaqbad u jmur jiftah dan il-cabinet 1-anqas. L-account opening forms u dokumenti relatati ma jkunux miZmuma £is-safe fejn hemm il-flus. Ikunu pero mizmuma ma dokumenti ohraf'cabinets apposta. Dawk li jkunu PEP' s ikunu f' cabinets li jkollhom access ghalihom certi im pjega ti u jkunu miZmuma flocked cabinets. 515 :·. . • . •' •• c~ U """' ""',J ..LU Hemm diversi audits li jsiru perjodikament u li jinvoivu 1il Bank. KPMG jaghmiu I-external audit; PWC jaghmiu I-internal audit; Deioitte risk partner. KPMG ghamiulhom review dwar il-proceduri ta' kif isir I-on.boarding ta' PEP. II-Bank kien ghadda minn spezzjoni taI-FIAU dwar dan is-suggett fejn kienu sabu xi nuqqasijiet. Huwa kien taiab liI KPMG u liI Camilleri Preziosi sabiex jaghmiuiu review taI-proceduri interni. W ara kienu tawh zewg rapporti u kien ghadda wkoll ittra lill-FIAU. Dan kollu sehh minhabba nuqqas t'esperjenza taI-Uffitjaii li kienu intbaghtu jaghmiu I-ispezzjoni li ma kellhomx esperjenza fiI-private banking. II-Bank ghandu zewg PEP Maitin - John Dalli u Keith Schembri (personal accounts it-tnejn li huma). Izda hadd minn Joseph Muscat, Michelle Muscat Komad Mizzi, Sai Mizzi Liang ma ghandu kont jew approcjaw IiI Bank biex jifthu kont. Komad Mizzi "never stepped foot in the Bank". Kwantu ghaI Brian Torma jaf li dan ghandu account "Willerby", li pero gie maghluq. Lil Brian Torma jafu mhux biss sotjalment iZda jafu ghaI fil-bidu jiftakar li kellu konversazzjoni mieghu meta I-Bank kien qieghed jigi mwaqqaf - iZda qatt ma qabdu liiu ghax huwa qabbad liI KPMG, PWC u Deloitte. II-law firm taI-Bank hija Camilleri Preziosi. 516 (_) Ma jafx b'retention policy partikolari fir-rigward tad-dokumenti bankarji. Izda tenna Ii jekk persuna tiftah kont mal-Pilatus id-dokumenti taghha jibqghu hemm. Jekk ikun hemm bzorm jixtru storage facility. Ma ghandhomx Russian client base jew klijenti Russi fil-plural. Jista' jkun Ii kellhom xi klijent privat Russu. Ghandhom klijentela mill-Azerbajgan pero hadd minn dawn il-klijenti ma kellhom transazzjonijiet mal-kont ta' Keith Schembri sa minn meta infetah. Qatt ma kien hemm kont miftuh f'isem Tillgate Inc. Egrant Inc qatt ma kellha kont mal-Bank Pilatus jew xi relazzjoni ohra. Huwa sar jaf b' dak 1-isem meta hareg fil-medja. Brian Torma qatt ma kelmu jew ( avviCinah fuq Egrant Inc jew fuq il-UBO's taghha jew ghal Joseph Muscat . .;/ jew Michelle Muscat personalment. Il-Bank Pilatus qatt ma kellu dokumenti Ii ghandhom x'jaqsmu mal-Egrant Inc. jew declarations of trust skont kif imsemmi fl-artiklu. Brian Tanna kien avviCina lil Bank Pilatus biex jiftah il-Willerby account. Issa jekk Brian Torma iddikjara Ii huwa 1-UBO huwa kien mehtieg jipprezenta I- 517 passaport tieghu. Jista' jkun li Brian Torma jew Nexia jagixxu bhala nominees ghal terzi persuni. F' dak il-kaz ikunu jridu jiddikjaraw min ser ikun 1-UBO u jipprezentaw il-kopja tal-passaport tal-UBO. Jekk ma jsemmix li qed jagixxi bhala nominee, allura jigi meqjU.Z li kien huwa personali 1-UBO. Dan ma jeskludix li jsir handshake arrangement bejnu u bejn terz. II-Bank huwa suggett ghal diversi audits u inspections u ghalhekk dawk li ( / jaghmlu dawn 1-ezercizzji jkollhom access ghall-informazzjoni tal-Bank inkluz dwar UBO u PEP inklU.Z Maltin u I-client's list. Meta jaghmlu inspections dawn ma jmorrux jifthu I-cabinets jew il-kxaxen jew jaghmlu raid fid-dokumenti tal-Bank, sakemm ma jkunx hemm ordni ta' Qorti. Ikunu jistghu jitolbu u jaraw I-account opening forms, KYC documents, CV etc. Lil Joseph Muscat jafu xi ftit xhur wara li sar Prim Ministru "because we were in the licensing process and the license was granted and it was a good event for me to request to go and meet and introduce myself'. Kien ukoll stiednu ghat-tieg tieghu. Maseb li tkun okkazjoni eccellenti biex ipoggi isem Malta fuq ilmappa. Kien hemm hafna nies influwenti fin-negozju fosthom is-CEO talCoca Cola. 518 (_ -y Missieru kien Chairman ta' Bank fl-Iran, pero ma ghadux. Ftit ghandu kuntatt mieghu. Meta kienu ghadhom zghar ommu kienet hadet lilu u liz- zewgt hutu bniet lejn 1-Amerika. Ohtu hi Negarin Sadr u ghandha negozju tal-moda Negarin London. Jahseb Ii ghandha kumpanija Negarin London Limited. Verament Ii ohtu kienet hadet self mill-Bank Pilatus. Huwa kien ghamel investiment £'Pistachio farm £1-Amerika. Huwa ha interess f'Lamur Holdings Ii ghandha 1200 ettaru ta' art £'California li fihom hemm pistachio's ( u lewz ghal dawn 1-ahhar disa' snin. Dawn jipprodueu I-pistachio's u ghalhekk din hija intrapriZa. Hu issuggerixxa dan 1-investiment lil Negarin ukoll u qallha taghmel kuntatt mal-Bank Pilatus biex tiehu self minghajr pero ma jindahal hu. II-Bank ihallas direttament il-prezz lis-sid. II-loan gie approvat u ttiehed. Hija kienet xtrat interess fit-titolu ghal kumpanija Ii tipproduCi I-pistachio's. M' eskludiex Ii 1-ghagla msemmija £1-artiklu kienet dovuta ghall-fatt Ii Negarin thalli kollox ghall-ahhar. Apparti minn hekk sehhet tard bil-lejl minhabba Ii hemm differenza ta' disa' sieghat bejn Malta u California. Ma kienx involut £1-ipprocessar ta' dan il-loan, u ma jafx kemm dam zmien biex jigi pprocessat. Jaf Ii sselfet miljun u hames mitt elf Doll~ru Amerikan (US$1.5 million). Hu ma kienx parti mill-Credit Committee. Ma hemmx hin specifiku Ii fih self jista' jigi approvat u mahdum. Loan jista' jigi approvat f'nofs siegha - jiddependi mill-asset, collateral u kif ser thallas lura - dan 519 huwa parti mill-commercial banking risk. Sa fejn jaf hu din halset (il-prezz) f' daqqa (u mhux fi transazzjoni maqsuma fi tnejn). Ivverifika m'ohtu u din qaltlu li ma tafx mm hi Michelle Buttigieg. Assolutament mhux veru li ohtu halset lil Buttigieg jew li parti mill-loan li hadet marret biex tithallas dik il-mara skont kif imsemmi fl-artiklu jew x'imkien iehor : "never, with full confidence, never" ma kien hemm xi ( trasferiment iehor apparti dak lejn sid il-pistachio interest - altrimenti kien ikunjaf hu. II-Bank Pilatus ghandu bhala correspondent bank ghal Dollari Amerikani (US$) lil BOY u lil WGZ Bank li sar DZ Bank. Ebda transazzjoni f'US$ ma ssehh sakemm ma tghaddix mill-erba' Banek prinCiali Amerikani : Citibank, Bank of New York Mellon, JP Morgan Chase, HSBC. ( II-mod kif jinhadem il-loan jiddependi mit-tip ta' kuntratt li jsir mal-klijent. II-Bank Pilatus ma jaghtux loans ghal aktar minn hames snin halli jillimitaw ir-riskju ta' rati t'interessi li jkunu fissi jew baxxi. B'hekk wara 5 snin ikunu jistghu jaghtu loans b'kundizzjonijiet differenti. Jaghtu hafna loans fejn ilkapital jithallas fl-ahhar, iZda 1-klijent ihallas 1-imghax regolarment ezempju quarterly. Ma jridux li 1-klijent jigi b' dahru mal-hajt jew ifalli. II-collateral 520 ihalluh ghall-ahhar ghax huma ma jkunux iridu li joqghodu jintilfu fuq kif ser jirkupraw flushom mill-collateral ghax dan jigi jiswa hafna flus. II-Banek jaghmlu I-flus meta n-negozju tal-klijent jikber u mhux meta jfalli. F'parti mix-xiehda tieghu, gie mistoqsi jekk hax loan hu wkoll ghall-fini talakkwist ta sehemu mill-pistachio ranch, iZda din il-mistoqsija dar maghha u ( ma wiegibhiex b'mod car kif ghamel ghal mistoqsijiet ohra. Pero Ali Sadr jghid li hu ghandu 24.7% £1-interess ta' SMT (li semma' li kienet tmexxi l- Pistachio Ranch) u ohtu Negarin ghandha 12.375% u ghalhekk bejniethom ghandhom 38%. Certu Mohsen Torabi jzomm il-kumplament tal-ishma ghax ma bieghx kollox. Ohtu 1-ohra ghandha 12.375%. B'hekk 1-ahwa bejniethom ghandhom 49.5% minn dan 1-interess f'SMT. Dan peress li jekk 1-interess fil-kumpanija jaqbez il-50% 1-istruttura tal-kumpanija jkollu jinbidel u Mohsen Torabi ma riedx li dan isehh. II-Bank Pilatus ma ghandux klijent jismu Al Sahra FZCO; iZda hemm klijent jismu Sahra FZCO. Hemm ukoll Shams Al Sahra FZCO u t-tnejn li huma ghandhom UBO mill-Azerbajgan. Sahra FZCO hija tal-ahwa Aliyev u Shams Al Sahra FZCO hija tal-ahwa Heydarov. Ebda wahda minn dawn il- kumpaniji ma ghamlet talba lil Bank Pilatus sabiex isir il-pagament lil Egrant Inc. skont kif imsemmi £1-artiklu. Hu qatt ma ltaqa' ma dawn il-UBO's li 521 i L . . : : l: ,,\ ""' :~: ~ 1.) . ,; •) j~ huma pero jaf li huma PEP. Kien is-CEO Hamidreza Ghanbari li gabhom bhala klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus. II-Bank Pilatus qatt ma kellu jew irCieva bank account opening forms ghal Egrant Inc, Tillgate Inc jew Hearnville Inc. Hu qatt ma ra jew gie konsultat fuq share certificates tal-Egrant Inc. Ikkonsulta mal-impjegati tal-Bank (li huma madwar ghoxrin) u hadd minnhom ma ra jew gie konsultat dwar dawn is- (. share certificates tal-Egrant Inc. Qatt ma kien hemm pagamenti skont kif imsemmija fl-artiklu u kieku kien hemm ikunu jridu jidhru fl-accounts tal-Bank u fil-core banking system tieghu. Dawn 1-istruzzjonijiet ghat-transazzjonijiet ikunu jridu jigu mghoddija millBank Pilatus lill-US Correspondent Bank tieghu - per ezempju BOV jew DZ Bank, imbaghad dawn jigu registrati lil Banek Amerikani bhal JP Morgan Chase li wara jghaddihom lil per ezempju Citibank biex jigu mghoddija lil Bank £'Dubai u f' din 1-operazzjoni dejjem ikun hemm 1-istess SWIFT number rekordjat. Din hija maghrufa bhala U-turn transaction u I-US$ transactions iridu jghaddu minn dan il-process. 522 ( i :. J - ·" ') v_tt,,~·J;'-..JLJ Id-dokumenti bhal account opening forms ikunu stampati u miZmuma I-Bank, ghalkemm kienu ghamlu wkoll process t'automation biex ma joqghodux jigru ghall-karti. F' din iZ-zjara f'Malta huwa huwa kien telaq minn Washington DC u wasal Malta fl-20 t' April 2017 minn Frankfurt ghal habta tal-11:30 am. Rikeb ecabs ~ u baqa' sejjer direttament 1-uffitju minhabba li kellu board meeting 1-ghada fil-ghodu. Id-driver niZzillu 1-bagalji I-Bank. Chairman's statement u I-audit financials. Huwa kellu jirrevedi c- Huwa dejjem igorr 1-istess bagalji mieghu ghal madwar ghaxar snin. Din hija bagalja kannella li fiha jgorr hwejgu u 1-ohra sewda li hija aktar lap-top case. Meta jigi Malta huwa joqghod Qui-Si-Sana u jitlob lis-CEO biex joqghod mieghu ghal gurnata jew tnejn. S Dakinhar huwa mar fil-Board room u qaghad jahdem fuq ic-Chairman's report hemmhekk. Huwa ma ghandux uffitju u juza I-Board room. L-ufficju kien hemm Luis Rivera u Antoniella Gauci u n-nies tas-soltu. Is-CEO inzerta kien California iZur xi habib tieghu li kien qieghed imut. jipparteCipa ghall-Board meeting tramite Skype. 523 Biss kellu Ghall-habta tat-tmienja ta' filghaxija tela wiehed mis-security guards u qallhom li kien hemm xi nies bil-cameras barra 1-uffitju li kienu qeghdin jiffilmjaw. Il-binja fiha wkoll xi harnes arnbaxxati u ma setghux jiehdu video jew ritratti gewwa 1-binja. Is-security qallhom biex jitilqu. Kienu saru aktar mit-20:00 fejn dan gie lura u qallhorn li 1-gurnalisti ma kienux ser jitilqu. Luis Rivera qallu biex jitlaq bil-karozza tieghu li kienet ipparkjata fil-garage. Sadr qallu biex imur u dan telaq. Baqa' hemm sa xid-21:00 u mieghu kien ghad hernm xi hames impjegati nisa - Tatiana, Claude-arm, Antoniella u Domenique. Claude-arm tkelmet mas-security u dan qallha li kien ahjar jekk johorgu millbieb tal-genb. Claude-arm qablet u n-nisa 1-ohra ma riedux li jkunu ffastidjati u huwa qabel ma din 1-ideja. U hekk ghamlu. Kien hernm kwistjoni fuq is-security ghall-eghluq tal-Bank u b'hekk taw iC-cwievet lis- security biex isakkar hu imbaghad jigbru c-cwievet minghandu. L-ewwel harget kienet Tatiana u warajha Claude-arm. Hu hareg ukoll ma Antoniella, li kienet ipparkjat il-karozza taghha band' ohra. Huwa segwa lil Antoniella li kienet ser ittih lift. Biss din thawdet fejn kienet ipparkjat il-karozza u ghalhekk kellhorn ifitxuha i.Zda hadu triq itwal biex jaslu ghall-karozza minhabba li nsiet fejn ipparkjatha. 524 "' u. J 0 J .:.iJ ; ~ :. F' dak il-mument huwa ra 1-gurnalist u kellu idea ghaliex kienu hemm iZda dawn riedu certu informazzjoni specifika. Kien jaf li kienu saru certu allegazzjonijiet fuq certu blog i.Zda hu ma setgha la jikkonferma u 1-anqas jichad dik 1-informazzjoni. Fl-opinjoni tieghu dak pubblikat kien fake news ghax il-Bank qatt ma kellu dawk it-tliet kontijiet ta' Egrant Inc, Tillgate Inc jew Hearnville Inc u qatt ma kien hemm trasferimenti ta' flus lejn dawn ilkumpaniji. \/ Bhala rapprezentant tal-Bank huwa ma riedx jaghti informazzjoni lil dawn il-gurnalisti dwar materja li tolqot lil klijenti ghax jekk iwiegeb mistoqsija jkollu jwiegeb ghal kollox. Pero 1-gurnalist kien interessat fil-bagalji li kellu. Dawn kienu 1-bagalji li kellu mieghu millairport u li kienu affarijiet personali tieghu. 130 130 Wiehed rnill-aspetti li din 1-inkjesta stharget hija 1-allegazzjoni li fil-lejl tal-20 t'April 2017 Ali Sadr inqabad ruereg rnill-bieb tal-genb tal-Bank Pilatus b'zewg bagalji tqal mimlija dokumenti li huwa kien ha bil-mohbi mill-Bank Pilatus u li huwa deher igorr il-barra mill-Bank fil-filmati mxandra minn NET 1V. Din 1-inkjesta gabret ix-:xiehda mhux hiss tal-istess Ali Sadr Hasheminejad u tal-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus, fosthom Antoniella Gaud, ir-Risk Manager li kienet ruerga mieghu u li giet ukoll immortalata fil-video clip migbuda mill-crew ta' NET TV, iZda wkoll gabret ix-:xiehda tal-istess gurnalisti u I-cameramen kollha li kienu involuti. Ix-xiehda taghhom, inklU.Z kopji tal-filmati relattivi tifforma parti minn din 1-inkjesta. Ali Sadr Hasheminjad u 1-maggor parti tal-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus li kienu xoghol dakinhar tal-20 t' April 2017 ikkonfermaw li Ali Sadr kien ghadu kif wasal Malta minn barra . Ali Sadr jiCliad li huwa hataf u hareg klandestinament dokumenti importanti relatati mal-meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta mill-Bank Pilatus dakinhar tal20 t'April2017. Minbarra Sadr u 1-impjegati tal-Bank Pilatus, din 1-inkjesta semghet ukoll bil-gurament lir-rapprezentant tal-linja tal-ajru Deutsche Lufthansa A.G. Dr. Andrew Chetcuti Ganado, li ezebixxa dokumenti li kienu jirrigwardaw it-titjira bin-numru 1276 lejn Malta minn Frankfurt fil-Germanja opera ta mill-Lufthansa. Dr. Andrew Oi.etcuti Ganado, xehed li mill-uffigu tal-Germanja baghtulu b'mod digitali (u li huwa starnpa u ezebixxa £1-atti tal-inkjesta) id-dettalji li jindikaw li Ali Sadr kien fuq 1-ajruplan mat-titjira 1276 minn Frankfurt lejn Malta, inklU.Z is-seat number li kien prenota taht 1-isem Sadr Hashemi Nejad Ali. Dan jikkonferma li Ali Sadr kien passiggier u gie boarded fuq dik it-titjira lejn Malta. Mal-wasla tieghu £'Malta clan kellu jghaddi mill-Ajruport Intemazzjonali ta' Malta. Ghalhekk 1-inkjesta gabret ukollix-xiehda tal-Pulizija li gabru wkoll footage mill-Ajruport Intemazzjonali ta' Malta fir-rigward 525 •• ': \ J U Li·..,; • .J 1 .• t ,:.,,U ta' persuni dehlin f'Malta nhar 1-20 t' April 2017 minn dan 1-ajruport c':joe PC196 Dion Agius kif ukoll PC967 Adrian Vella li xehdu u ezebew ukoll stills u CD li juri persuna li kienet tidher li hi Ali Sadr diehel bilbagalji tieghu mill-airport. B'mod partikolari minn din ix-xiehda ta' PC 196 Dion Agius jirrii:ulta illi nhar il-hamsa u ghoxrin (25) ta' April tal-2017 hu u PC 967 Adrian Vella kienu rcevew struzzjonijiet minghand il-gja Supretendent Ian Abdilla biex jirraportaw gewwa 1-Ajruport Intemazzjonali ta' Malta sabiex jigbor xi filmat tas-CCTV cameras li fihom kien jidher Ali Sadr Hasheminejad. Huwa qalilhom biex jiehdu aktar struzzjonijiet minghand 1-Ispettur Matthew Vella fejn minn naha tieghu hu kien ghaddielhom kopja talboarding pass Ii fiha kien fiha 1-informazzjoni tal-.flight li kien gie bih Ali Sadr Hasheminejad, kif ukoll kien qalilhom biex ikellmu lil certu Simon Grima li huwa s-Senior Administrator tas-Security tal-Airport Security. Minn naha taghltom huma rraportaw gewwa 1-ajruport fejn hemmhekk iltaqaw ma' dan Simon Grima. Huwa kien stabilixxa li din ii-flight kienet nii:let u hattet il-passigieri fuq Bay 1 u kienet illendjat fil-hdax u erbgha u tletin minuta (11 :34) u rreferijhom ghand certu Ivan Saliba li kien s-security li jiehu hsieb :ihaddem is-sistema tas-CCTV fil-Control Room tas-Security tal-airport. TI-flight kien nhar 1-ghoxrin (20) ta' April u 1flight number kien LH1276 li kien minn Frankfurt lejn Malta tal-Lufthansa. ( J Ghalkemm ghall-bidu ma setghux jidentifikaw lil Ali Sadr, irrizulta li 1-passiggieri kienu dahlu minn Transit Area 1. Dan irrizulta wara li kienu marru 1-ghada 1-ajruport, u kellimu lil Patrick Murgo, fejn milluffictju tieghu bdew jaraw il-filmati kienu aktar earl. Minn hemmhekk raw lil-passiggier li huwa kien Ali Sadr dahal minn Transit Area 1. Huma talbuhom jaghmlulhom kopja ta' dawn il-filmati u kif ukoll ghaddewlhom tliet CDs bl-istills, li mbaghad huma ghaddewhom lis-Supretendent Ian Abdilla u gew ezibiti fl-atti tal-inkejsta markati bhala Dokumenti DAL L-ajruplan hatt il-passiggieri f'nofsinhar neqsin ghoxrin (11:40). 11-filmat jigbed bejn nofsinhar neqsin ghoxrin u nofsinhar neqsin hamsa. Ali Sadr deher diehel fuq diversi cameras. Wahda minnhom b'IP partikolari deher bejn nofsinhar neqsin seba' minuti (11:53) u nofsinhar neqsin sitt minuti (11:54) Ali Sadr jidher diehel minn got-Transit Area. PC196 jghld li Ali Sadr deher li kellu 1-bagalji li kienu hand luggage - Kellu hand luggage li kienu jidhru qishom zewg bagalji fuq xulxin ahna milli stajna naraw fu.q il-filmat. Pero ma Jdenux cari li stajna, ..... [q]isu ghandu wahda kulur u 1-ohra kulur iehor fuq xulxin kienu. Biss 1-inkjesta riedet tara wkoll jekk dak li qal Ali Sadr setghax jigi konfermat ukoll mill-filmati tas-CCTV tal-Bank Pilatus sabiex jigu rintracc':jati 1-movimenti ta' Ali Sadr minn meta dahal f'dak 1-uffitju sakemm hareg. Ghalhekk gew mahtura PS1147 Anthony Fenech, PS1341 Ryan Buttigieg u PS836 Joseph Vella biex jiehdu 1-apparat tas-CCTV u jipprezervaw il1ootage kollu ta' dak il-jum u 1-lejl tal-Bank Pilatus kollu. Filfatt minn din ix-xiehda jirrii:ulta mix-xiehda ta' PS1147 Antoine Fenech li: Qed nipprezenta rapport koogunt maz-zewg kollegi tleghi Ii huma PS 836 Joseph Vella u PC 1342 Ryan Buttigieg rigward inkejsta gewwa I-Bank Pilatus, Whitehall Mansions, Triq Ta' Xbiex., Ta' Xb1ex.. Gejoa oominati ohar il-wiehed u ghoxrin (21) ta' April biex. niehdu kopja tas-cctv footage Ii kieo hemm gcwwa Piltaus Bank. Pilatus Bank mino gewwa kieo sorveljat kwazi kullimkieo miobarra zewg kmamar zghar Ii wahda mmnhom kienet krtcheoette zghira u 1-ohra hija t-toilet Il-bqija kullimkieo kieo ikkaverjat bis-sistema tas-cctvs. Kienet sistema mwahhla ta· digital video recorder sixteen (16) channel, Ii kellha b'kollox. tlettax. (13)-il channel iostallati, t!ieta (3) minohom ma kieowc:. Hadoa r-ritratti oecessarji ta' qabel ma bdejoa oaghmlu 1-verifikazzjonijiet taghna. Rajoa d-diskrepanza tal-hio x.'kieoet u mhaghad gie deciz sabiex. isir download ta' hio partikolari Ii kien - ha osib ir-rapport ha okuo cert-1-ghox.nn (20) ta' April tal-elfejo u sbatax. (2017) mill-hdax. ta' filghodu (I I :OOam) sal-wiehed u (21) ta" April sal-erbgha ta" filghodu (4:00am), hio tad-DVR. Id-decizjooi ttiehdet matul illejl peress Ii I-bank riedujkuou cert1 h ma Jaeo hemm hadd h dahal Jura I-bank bil-lejl peress Ii kieo hemm aoke x.i nies barra jew il-hio kollu josservaw. Id-download Ii saret qeghda tigi prezcotata ma' ciao ir-rapport forma ta' DVDs, Intl.I channel ghalih. L-istess download gie stabbilit ma' Mag1strat Iokwereotl dak il-hio sabiex. tioghata kopja lill-Pilatus Bank peress Ii kieou qeghdio taht 1-iokjesta Qed mpprezeota rapport aooess1 d-DVDs tad-Download u kif ukoll DVR Ii gie estratt qudcliemoa mit-technic1ao imqabbad mill-b.-umpanija ta" Pilatus Bank. Ahoa d-DVR baqa' dejjem taht il-koosenja taghha u qeghdio nipprez.eotawh kif gie ssigtllat dak 11-hin stess 526 \; l- ~ Qorti: Jigifieri d-DVR huwa 1-istess DVR Ii kellhom installat fil-premiscs taghhom il-Pilatus Bank, qed nifbem sew? Prosit ld-DVR kicn installat tis-server room. ls-server room tidher ukoll minn camera partikolari. Dtjjcm tk-un Xhud: maghluqa imma min jiftah u jaghlaq il-bieb jindika x'hemm u x'ma hemmx. Fis-server room ukoll kien bemm is-safe. Qom: Mela, clan ii-, Supt. Abdilla : Inti clan il-filmat inti rajtu pcrsonalment? Xhud: ll-filmat ikkonfermajt x'bemm u x'ma hcmmx bhala downloads. Id-downloads Ii saru Jindika pcrsuna partikolari diehel ii-bank u wkoll jispicca 1-istess pcrsuna, hafaa wara jispicca jigifieri, wara Ii 1-impjegati kollha tal-bank hargu mill-istess stabbilimcnt. Supt Abdilla: Xhud: Gie identifikat bhala CEO. 130 Supt Abdilla: ( / Ok. Dan il-persuna tafmin bu inti? Is-CEO. Kellu xi baga mieghujekkjoghgbok dakinhar Ii inti rajtu? Xhud: Ebe, kellu bagalja, carrying luggage zghira. ll-Qorti: Inti cert Ii clan buwa s-CEO? Xhud: Dan gie idcntifikat mis-COO tal-bank Ii qalilna "Dak buwa s-CEO." Supt Abdilla : Xhud: 'il barra. All right Din il-bagalja inti rajtha? Tidher mal-pcrsuna diebel fcjn jibqa' diehel go kamra board room, iva. U mill-board room hicrga biex Jobrog Supt Abdilla: Ok Il-Qorti: Jigifieri din il-bagalja ddahlet fil-board room? Xhud: Mill-istess persuna Ii dahal biha iva. ll-Qorti: Issa, u mill-filmat Ii rajtu intom stajtu tinnutaw din il-bagalja x'sar minnha? Uzaha clan il-bagalja? Caqlaqha 1bagalja? Fetahha 1-bagalja? Hadha minn kamra ghall-ohra? X' ghamel biha? Halliha bemm? Xhud: Il-bagalja, kif dahal fil-bank, mill-memorja nista' nitkellcm, pero bemm kollox fil-filmati, il-bagalja kif dahal fil-bank baqa' diebel !ii-boardroom, tpoggiet taht camera, tidher scwwa Ii qeghda taht camera ghax ghollielba I-handle taghha u pogga 1-glekk maghha, b'bekk nafu Ii hija 1-istess bagalja. Qatt ma ntmesset minn bemmhekk hliefmill-istess CEO. Dan bareg xi affarijiet tieghu personali biex jiccargja I-mobile, jekk mbux sejJer zball, kif ukoll b1To u notepads Ii 1-istess haga regghu gew, poggihom fposthom bu qabel ma telaq mill-bank Il-bagalja ma bemmx sekondi nieqsin mill-filmat Il-filmati Ii beIDID prezentati bemm ii-bin kollu coverage taghha. Anke xhin beda hiereg mmn gol-bank, baqghet tidher sakemm hareg mil-bank. ( !1-Qorti: Deber hjiftahha ujqieghed xi haga go fiha din il-bagalja? Xhud: jikleb - L-istess, fl-opinjoni tieghi buma 1-istess dokumenti Ii hareg blL Id-dokumenti buma notepad isfur feJn beda !1-Qorti: X'rajtujaghmel? X'rajtujobrog u x'rajtujdahhal? Milli tiftakar. j Xhud: Milli nista' niftakar, in-notamcnti ta' dawk ma hadthomx. Johrog notepad isfar A4 stze sort ot; biro, jikteb xi notamenti. K1en bemm anke n-nies Ii dahlu J"kellmuh u bargu fil-board room. Is-sinjur deber jitkellem u jikkomunika fuq ittelepbones kifukoll fuq rnternet,jaghmel xi xogbol ovvjament lijien ma nkunx nafx'inhu Il-Qorti: Fuq il-kompjuter. Xhud: Pero 1-bagalja regghet intmesset xhin pogga 1-affarijiet Ii hareg bu stess bu nghalqet u telaq biha 'I barra. Supt. Abdilla : Zewg mistoqsijiet zghar. Tafjekk apparti n-notepad tefghax xi dokumenti fil-bagal1a? Xhud: Kien bemm pcrsuna fhin partikolari Ii gabet xi kartajew tnejn, imma kemm just intefghu fuq il-mejda u ma tantx taw kasbom, nghidlek i 1-verita. Le, ma nistghax nghidlek jekk tefghax dawk il-karti wkoll. Supt. Abdilla : Ghal Ii jista' jl..'llD, inti ghidt ii-cameras jaqbdu wkoll is-safe tis-server room Xhud: Fis-server room is-safe kienet qeghda mal-art. Hemm camera tal-kuritur Ii taghti ghall-bieb ta' fejn k.ien hemm is-server room. 527 •o ..i .._Iv J 1•-# I I Supt Abdilla : Xhud: Taf jekk din il-kamra matul dak il-perjodu infethitx? Le, ma nafx.. Supt Abdilla : Ma tafx.. Ghal Iijista' jk'llll, kien hemm kamra obra Ii tigi bieb ma' bieb mal-board room on the left, tigi qisba store, tigi qisha fejn izommu l-A4 papers u affarijiet hekk, u hemm xi cabinets. Din tinqabad gbandba camera, jekk inti tiftakar? Xhud: Mela, jekk naghmel referenza gbar-rapport ink"llll nista · ngbidlek Iiema huma I-cameras. Ha naghmel rererenza gbal pagna tnejn (2) tar-rapport Ii pprezentajt II-cameras Ii huma nstallati jagbtu I-views ta' dawn il-postijiet partikolari. Channel I tagbti view tal-waiting area u I-main corridor. Channel 2 tal-Office for Risk Manager. Channel 3 tal-Of!ice for CEO. Channel 4 tal-inside corridor and entrance. Channel 5 tal-inside corridor and entrance. Channel 6 tal-Meeting room. Channel 7 tal-lnside corridor. Channel 8 tal-Legal Office. Channel 9 Board room. Channel I 0 tal-Finance. Channel 11 talMeeting room. Channel 12 no video, jigifieri ma kienx installat Channel 13 tal-Kitchen fejn kien hemm il-kzina principali. Channel 14 tal-Operations Office. le-Channels 15 u 16 ma kienux installati, ma kienx hemm cameras imdabhlin. Int gbal liema camera qed tirreferi please? Il-Qorti: Kurzita zgbira please. F il-kcina, Xhud: Fil-main Jatchen? Il•Qorti: Fil-main kitchen. ( ./ Xhud: Kien hemm zewg kcejjen. Kcina Main Kitchen fejn bniedem seta' jsib fridge, m.1crowave, perojekk ma hiniex sejjer zball ma kienx hemm sink. U s-sink kien qiegbed go kitchenette zgbira fil-kuritur Ii tagbo gbas-server room. F'dik hemmbekk ma kienx hemm coverage ta' camera. Peri> 1-entratura tidher mill-cameras tal-kuritur. II-Qorti: Pero fil-kcina 1-kbira allura hemm camera? Xbud: Iva Dile hija camera number 13 u minnha jidber hiereg 1-impjegati us-security tal-istess Whitehall Mansions minn fejn gbaddibom. PS1147 Antoine Fenech reggha xehed nhar it-12 ta' Mejju 2017 fejn fuq inkari.ku tal-Magistrat Inkwirenti huwa kien irraporta lura u jixhed Ii ii-cameras huma sinkronizzati bejniethom ghalkemm hemm diskrepanza ta' siegha u xi ghaxar minuti bejn ir-real time u 1-hin registrat fuq is-CCTV. Trid tiZdied siegha u ftit sekondi ghar-real time. Bejn camera u ohra jista' jkun hemm overlapping qasir Ii juri kontinwita u sinkronizzazzjoni. IT-clip tibda channel 1 £1-20 t' April 2017. Il-hin fuq il-camera huwa 1143. Fuq dan il-clip jidher Ali Sadr jasal bil-bagalja tiela' mill-lift u ghadu ma dahalx fil-Bank fis-siegha neqsin kwart. Fuq Channel 5 Ali Sadrjidher diehelil-bank £'11:43:20 sa 11:44:29. F'11:44:28 sa 11:44:37 Ali Sadrjimxi ghall-uffic':ju. Mk-channel 1jispicC:a11:44:37 jibda c-channel 9 bil-hin 11:44:35. Hemm two micro seconds (2ms) Ii ma tidhirx il-bagalja sakemm tiehu over il-camera number 9 i.Zda Ali Sadr jibqa' jidher. Channel 9 huwa I-Boardroom. Il-bagalja qeghda taht il-camera. Ali Sadr jgholli I-handle tal-bagalja u jpoggi 1-glekk mieghu. Hemmhekk huwa indikattiv Ii 1-bagalja hija 1-istess wahda ghax ghalkemm ma tidhirx il-bagalja kompluta qed tidher il-forma fejn kienet qeghda 1-bagalja. Il-bagalja titlaq minn dak 1-uffic':ju fit-20:14:39 (trid i.Zi:id siegha u ftit sekondi). Bejn 11:43:35 u 20:14:39 il-bagalja ma tidherx hierga mill-Boardroom. Mic-channel 9, il-bagalja harget mill-Boardroom fit-20:14:40 u tinqabad minn channel 1. F'dak il-hin jidher agitazzjoni fil-Bank u kien hemrn movimenti ta' nies jimxu 'l quddiem u lura. Il-hin reali jigi 21:15 - 21:30. Dak il-hin 1-impjegati li kien ghad fadal fil-Bank jidhru li ma hargux mill-bieb prinCipali tal-Bank. Jidher Ii hemm Security Guard tal-Whitehall Mansions. Is-Security Guard jidher jidderiegi lill-impjegati biex jghaddu minn bieb laterali. 11movimenti ta' jdejh is-Security Guard juri li jindika minn fejn ghandhom johorgu. A differenza ta' dak li sehli. matul il-jum, fil-ghaxija 1-impjegati dehru agitati. Sa 20:18:10 jidher Ali Sadr hiereg. Bejn dawn i.Z-i:ewg clips hemm four microseconds (4ms) Ii huma blind bejn 20:15:34 sa 20:15:38. Dawk se jkunu rekuperati, ghalkemrn ma tidhirx il-bagalja jidher xort:a imrna 1- 528 ( '_,) ;..; _ I : '-' - Hu baqa' se]Jer dritt mill-airport u ma qaghdx jiehu waqfa biex jaghti ezempju lill-haddiema tal-Bank. Kien hemm hafna xoghol li ried isir qabel individwu. Channel 4 mit 20:16:35. Dan huwa 1-kuritur uk.oll. TI-clip ta' qabel spiCC:at 20:18:10 u din il-clip tibda minn 20:16:35 sa 20:19:00. Hemmhekk hemm zewg sekondi li huma overlapping minn clip ghallohra. Next clip tibda minn 20:18:57 ta' diannel 7. Hemm sekonda overlapping. Dan uk.oll huwa kuritur. Channel 13 tibda 1-clip £i 20:19:01 fejn spiccat il-clip 1-ohra sa 20:19:26. ( ../ Channel 13 hija 1-main kitchen fejn hemmhekk hemm fire exit u setghu johorgu ghat-tarag tal-genb talWhitehall Mansions. Minn hernmhekk 'il quddiem ma deher:x li Ali Sadr kien aktar fil-bank. Il-hin reali jigi d-21:20 u 21:30. F'channel number 9 hemm clip tibda 12:40 fejn il-bagalja tidher bil-glekk fuqha. Ali Sadr jidherjohrog tablet, notepad u biro. Tul il-filrnat ta' channel 9 dak in-notepad jidher li nqatghu xi karti minnu pero ma ntrema xejn. Jigifieri minn wiehed issa jidhru tlieta jew erb gha karti. Peron-notepad ghandu kulur partikolari, jibqa' jintgharaf. Fil-15:38 tidher mara (MLRO) dahlet b'karti f'idejha. II-clip tibqa' ghaddejja sa' 15:51. L-istess mara tidher tohrog bil-karti u ma hallietx karti warajha. B'referenza ghall-clip 17:45 intmesset il-bagalja u hareg charger tal-mobile. F'l8:24, channel 9, jidhol ragel (Luis Rivera) u jghaddi karta jew tnejn lil Ali Sadr fejn din il-karta tintefa' fil-genb tal-mejda u tibqa' hemmhekk ghal hin twil, u li qisu Ali Sadr ma ghamilx u:lu minnha. Beda jsir hafna movimenti minn 19:15 'il quddiem - fejn bdew jidhlu impjegati, u hin minnhom bdew jidhru li kienu agitati. Fil-clip 19:29 il-quddiem hin reali jigi 20:30 - 20:45 -jidher li £i 20:11 Ali Sadr jigbor 1affarijiet li kien hemm fuq il-mejda, fosthom in-notepad, biro, charger, mobile u jippakkja 1-bagalja u johrog mill-uffiqu. Huwa hareg fit-20:14:39. Il-Magistrat Inkwirenti ra dan il-footage fejn jidher Ali Sadr diehel £1-UffiC:ini tal-Bank Pilatus ghal aktar minn darba, u anke darba minnhom fil-prezenta tal-Forensic Accountants Harbinson Forensics, fiZ-Zjara maghmula £1-Uffigi taghhom f'Jannar 2018. Mill-hin kollu tal-Jootage mehud minn imkien ma jirriZulta li dakinhar tal-20 t' April2017 Ali Sadrhataf jew klandestinamentharegxi ammont ta' dokumenti jew oggetti ohra mill-Bank Pilatus. L-aktar li jista' jinghad huwa li apparti dawk 1-oggetti Ii kien hareg mill-bagalja tieghu u li meta gie biex jitlaq reggha lura, kien hemm xi karta jew tnejn li kien newwillu Luis Felipe Rivera f'18:24 (hin reali xi 19:24), channel 9, u li Ali Sadr ftit li xejn hares lejha u ta' kasha u ma ghamilx u:lu minnha. Minn din 1-evidenza jigi konklu:l li dakinhar tal-20 t'April 2017, fil-jum meta Daphne Caruana Galizia ghamlet 1-allegazzjonijiet meritu ta' din 1-inkjesta, mhux minnu dak li gie rapurtat minn diversi mezzi taxxandir li Ali ·Sadr, Chairman tal-Bank Pilatus kien hareg ghadd kbir ta' dokumenti bil-mohbi mill-Bank Pilatus u li kien hbiehom u garrhom fil-baga~i li huwa kien qieghed igorr u li dehru fil-filrnati ta' NET TV. Jekk qatt xi hadd hareg dokumenti minn dak il-bank dakinhar, zgur ma kienx Ali Sadr kif gie allegat. 529 ! ci v·..), ...- .J il-Board Meeting tal-ghada. Huwa kien ser isiefer lura Londra 1-Gimgha filghaxija. Dawk li kienu jafu bil-wasla tieghu, apparti 1-haddiema tal-Bank kienu l-KPMG u xi hadd mir-regolaturi li kienu involuti. Huma riedu jissottomettu l-ICAB - dokument dettaljat hafna dwar 1-operat tal-Bank salahhar t' April 2017. Sadr jiChad li huwa hareg mieghu xi dokumenti li juru min kien il-UBO ta' Egrant Inc jew xi financial statements jew banking documents ta Egrant Inc., Hernville Inc., Tillgate Inc., Joseph Muscat, Michelle Muscat, Keith Schembri, Komad Mizzi, John Dalli u Michelle Buttigieg mill-Bank Pilatus dakinhar tal-20 t' April 2017 fil-ghaxija. Dak li ha mieghu kien id-draft tac-Chairman's statement u d-Director's re-port li kellu jigi pprezentat 1-ghada fil-Board Meeting u li kien fihom madwar names faccati. Ix-xhieda ta' Hamidresa Ghanbari Beda jahdem mal-Bank Pilatus f'DiCembru 2014 bhala Head of Private Banking Business Development u f'DiCembru 2015 gie mahtur CEO u jiehu hsieb in- 530 ( I .· ."\ V'-rJJui_ negozju tal-Bank Pilatus. Hu studja fl-International University ta' Ginevra flIsvizzera u ghandu Bachelor of Business Administration m.inn hem.mhekk u Masters of Business Administration in Global Banking and Finance m.iilBirmingham Business School 1-Ingilterra. Huwa Bankier professjonali u beda fl-2005 man-National Bank of Dubai, 1-ikbar bank fl-Emirati Gharab Maghquda. ( 11-mudell tal-Pilatus Bank huwa dak Ii jghaqqad private banking m.a commercial banking ghal high net worth individuals. A differenza tal-Banek Svizzeri, il-Bank Pilatus kien jipprovdi commercial banking ukoll. Is-sid talBank Pilatus huwa Ali Sadr, tram.ite 1-kumpanija Alpine, li ghandha 1-ishma ta' Pilatus Holding Ii ghandha 1-ishma ta' Pilatus Bank plc. II-Bank ghandu Sales Department li jittratta direttam.ent mal-klijenti tramite 1(~ Front Office. Ghandhom. dedicated relationship managers ghal kull klijent u jiehu hsieb il-bzonnijiet tal-klijent. Hem.m il-Finance Department ghall- accounts u treasury activities tal-Bank; Legal and Compliance jiehdu hsieb il-Iat legali u onboarding ta' klijenti; I-Operations Department jiehu hsieb Ioperazzjonijiet bankarji u I-IT u s-COO jiehu hsieb dan il-qasam. Ricentem.ent waqfu r-Risk Department u Deloitte Malta hum.a r-risk partners tagli.hom fir-risk management. 531 L-Awdituri esterni huma KPMG Malta. PWC Malta huma I-internal auditors. Deloitte Malta huma r-risk partners. Camilleri Preziosi huma 1-Avukati. Egrant Inc mhix klijenta tal-Bank Pilatus. II-core banking system tal-Bank Pilatus huwa Flexcube tal-Oracle. Minn dan il- c programm tista' tiggenera clients list u ghandek audit trail ghall-kontijiet miftuhin u maghluqin. Il-Flexcube jiggenera kuntratt meta jinfetah kont. Dan jibqa' registrat fuq il-programm anke wara li jinghalaq il-kont. Huma diga kienu pprovdew lill-Ispetturi tal-Pulizija on site bi clients' list. Biex isir trasferiment ta' flus mill-Bank Pilatus, il-klijent irid ikollu kont miftuh mal-Bank Pilatus. Pero beneficjarji ta' flus minn klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus ma jkollhomx kont fil-Bank Pilatus. Kull pagament mill-Bank Pilatus jghaddi minn Swift li ghandu sanctions tool Ii tivverifika li kull transazzjoni tkun cleared ghall-fini ta' sanzjonijiet tal-EU, UN jew US. 111-tux ser ikun hemm indikazzjoni kompluta tal-benefitjarji kollha fil-client base ghax dawn mhux bilfors ikollhom kont ma' Pilatus. Jekk il-beneficjarju ikun irid jircievi flus fil-Bank Pilatus, huwa jrid ikollu wkoll kont bankarju miftuh mal-Bank 532 ( . Pilatus. Dawk it-transazzjonijiet kollha ta' hrug u dhul ta' flus Ii jinvolvu lil Pilatus jigu registrati fl-i Swift MT103. II-Bank Pilatus ma jipprovdix online banking facility- ghajr hlief read-only fejn klijenti jaraw il-bilanCi u 1-movimenti fil-kontijiet; i.Zda I-Bank Pilatus ghandu live monitoring ta' transazzjonijiet bankarji- haga unika £'Malta. Dan ( ifisser li klijent ma jistax jibghat flejjes barra I-Bank mill-online platform. Kull _ ,, transazzjoni trid tghaddi tramite r-Relationship Manager u tigi verifikata milI- Compliance Department tramite dokumentazzjoni. Dan ihalli audit trail ghal kull transazzjoni. II-Bank Pilatus joffri multiple currency accounts fl-Euro, USD, GBP etc. II-major Correspondent Bank tal-Bank Pilatus huwa Societe' Generale fi Franza, DZ Bank fil-Germanja u Banek ohra, bhal BOV. TI-Bank Pilatus ma jistax jib ghat flejjes ~ £'Banek ohra jekk mhux tramite Correspondent Banks ghax jehtiegu Ii jkollhom clearing banks. Huma ghandhom money market partners minhabba ragunijiet regolatorji fejn ii-Banek iridu jqeghdu flushom ma banek differenti sal-ammont tal-kapital tal-bank. II-Bank Pilatus ma jistax ikollu aktar minn 11,000,000 ma' xi wiehed mill-Correspondent Banks. B'hekk transazzjoni Ii tibda mill-Bank Pilatus trid tghaddi tramite I-Correspondent Bank tal-Bank Pilatus u wara din tghaddi ghand il-Correspondent Bank tal-beneficjarju u minn hemm tghaddi fl-ahhar ghand il-Bank tal-beneficjarju. II-Bank Pilatus 533 , . 1 l.; ·-· ~- .j :) -.t ghandu ghazia ghand liema Correspondent Bank imur. Huma ghandhom Nostro Account fiiwaqt Ii I-Correspondent Banks isejhuiu Vostro Account. IlBank Pilatus ma jistax iZomm aktar mill-Own Funds mal-Correspondent Bank tieghu. Imbaghad ghandhom Money Market Placement u regoli ghall-Forex Settlement (jumejn) jew Security settlement (erbat ijiem). Ghall-fini ta' settlement ihalluhom li jkollhom aktar mill-Own Funds. Meta klijent jitlob li jibghat flus ezempju GBP, iI-Bank Pilatus jara min joffri s-servizz ta' Correspondent Bank ghall-GBP liiu, f' daI kai, ezempju Societe Generaie u c .../ jghldu liI Societe Generale li jridu jibghatu dawn iI-flus liI Bank fir-Rejnu Unit. Societe Generaie tara min ikun il-Correspondent Bank ghaI dak il-Bank fir-Renju Unit, ezempju Barclays Bank. Societe Generale jibghatu I-flus liI Barclays Bank u mbaghad Barclays Bank jibghatu I-flus IiI Bank destinatarju. II-Bank Pilatus m' ghandux klijent bl-isem Al Sahra FZCO izda ghandu klijenti bI-isem Sahra FZCO jew Shams Al Sahra FZCO. GhaI Sahra FZCO I- UBO huma 1-ahwa Leyla u Arzu Aliyeva u huma shab nofs b'nofs fl-ismha ta' din il-kumpanija. Dawn huma wlied iI-President tal-Azerbajgan. Firrigward ta' Shams Al Sahra FZCO 1-UBO huma 1-ahwa Tale u Nijat Heidarov u dawn huma wlied il-Minister of Emergency Situations in Azerbaijan, Mr Kamaladdin Heydarov. 534 /XJ ( 'j• Mistoqsi dwar jekk mill-kotba tal-Bank Pilatus kienx hemm hlasijiet li saru skont 1-artikli ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia, Hamidreza Ghanbari jghid hekk: The witness: We, so to the best of my knowledge, we have provided the account statement of Sahra. There are payments to companies in Dubai, but there is no payment to the alleged Egrant Inc, because the companies incorporated in Dubai obviously they have payments to Dubai based companies but not to Egrant. And we have given the full statement and the audit trail is there. ( . ./ Mistoqsi jekk qattx kien hemm pagamenti li saru mill-kontijiet ta' Sahra FZCO jew Shams Al Sahra FZCO fil-Bank Pilatus lil Egrant Inc, Hamidreza Ghanbari qal li ma kien hemm ebda tali transazzjoni ghax din it-transazzjoni ma kienetx tezisti. Mistoqsi jghid jekk jafx min hi "Farnoush Farsian", Hamidreza Ghanbari jghid li din hija Farnoush FarsiCl! u hija wahda mill-authorised signatories ta' ~ Sahra FZCO. Hemm tliet authorised signatories ghalkemm il-firem ta' tnejn minnhom ikunu biZ.Zejjed. Mistoqsi jekk hawn Malta hawnx minn dawn ilfirmatarji, jghid li wiehed minnhom huwa Ross Hederington u li ghamlu Investment Services Firm mal-MFSA. Hamidresa Ghanbari jghid li ma jistax jeskludi Ii kien hemm transazzjonijiet ta' mitt elf dollaru Amerikan kif allega t minn Daphne Caruana Galizia iZda 535 mhux lil Egrant Inc. ghax hu qatt ma ra dawn it-transazzjonijiet. Rigward il-cash li jkollhom fil-Bank Pilatus, Hamidreza Ghanbari jghid li qabel kienu jgibu I-cash taghhom mill-BOV i.Zda riCenti bdew igibuhom millBank Centrali ta' Malta. Ikollhom ammont ta' madwar mitt elf li jkunu fis- safe biex jekk jigi xi klijent ikollhom minn fejn itih xi haga cash. Imbaghad ikollhom ukoll il-petty cash taghhom. L-operazzjonijiet tal-Bank Pilatus huma differenti minn banek ohra filqasam retail banking. Anke 1-mod kif imexxu I-private banking taghhom huwa mudell differenti £is-sens li jipprovdu cash withdrawals lil klijenti taghhom jekk ikunu jehtiegu. Imbaghad ghandhom policy ta' relationship managers u anke s-CEO Ii jkunu disponibbli erbgha u ghoxrin siegha kuljum. Mistoqsi min huma r-relationship managers ta' Sahra FZCO u Shams Al Sahra FZCO qal li dawn huma PEP u ghalhekk ghandhom "several relationship managers that they take care of the day to day normal banking activities". Izda bhala internal controls, kien hu li jzomm kuntatt ma' dawn 1-individwi. Hu kien il-punt ta' kuntatt u jkellimhom u jaghti 1-istruzzjonijiet lin-nies tieghu. Min ikun responsabbli mit-transazzjoni meta tidhol rikjesta jipprocessaha u hu jkun ikkopjat. Imbaghad dik it-transazzjoni tghaddi ghal il-Compliance 536 Department, Ii japprovaw il-pagament. Wara din tghaddi ghand I-Operations Department li hemmhekk tghaddi minghand marker u checker li jridu janalizzawha huma wkoll. Jekk 1-ammont ikun jaqbez hames mitt elf, imbaghad irid ikun releaser Ii jrid jghaddi ghand is-COO. Ghal kull transazzjoni li tkun saret irid ikun hemm audit trail. ( Ghal transazzjonijiet fid-Dinari tal-Emirati Gharab Maghquda (AED) huma j kienu juzaw lil Societe Generale bhala Correspondent Bank. Fil-pre.Zent kellhom lil DZ Bank u sa 1-ahllar ta' Lulju jew Awissu 2016 kellhom lil BOV bhala USD Clearing Bank. F'Marzu 2016 kellhom kemm BOV kif ukoll DZ Bank li dak iZ-zmien kien jismu WGZ Bank. Huwa normali li Correspondent Bank iwaqqaf certi transazzjonijiet u Ii dawn jistaqsu mistoqsijiet fir-rigward tat-transazzjonijiet jew tal-klijent. '\ ~ II-Bank Pilatus ghandu live monitoring system u ghalhekk jista' jiehu azzjoni immedjata. Jista' jkun ghalhekk li matul dak il-perjodu kien hemm xi transazzjonijiet Ii m' ghaddewx minhabba mistoqsijiet ta' Correspondence Banks. Il-qasam regolatorju ilium inbidel hafna u jehtiegu KYCC - know your customer's clients. Gieli jircievu swift enquiries, gieli email enquiries u huma dejjem ikollhom log taghhorn u b'hekk ikun hemm audit trail. Jekk il-query tigi via swift, huma jwiegbuha via swift ukoll; mentri jekk tkun bl-email, huma jwiegbu bl-email. Dawn il-logs jinZammu ghaliex il-queries iqumu wara li 537 f~ ~l ;~ v ... ~·~~) :J J :) ;] tkun saret it-transazzjoni mill-Bank. Huwa Luis Rivera is-COO li jzomm dawn il-logs. Meta jkun hemm pagamenti li jkunu jridu jsiru ghal Dubai, il-Banek Amerikani jkunu involuti wkoll fir-rigward ta' kwalunkwe pagament li jkun sar f' dollari Amerikani. F' dan il-kaz tkun trid tghaddi minn US Clearing Bank, bhal JP Morgan Chase, Bank of New York, Citibank. II-Bank Pilatus { __) m' ghandux Correspondent Bank Amerikan dirett u jrid jghaddi minn BOV jew DZ Bank skont il-kaz. Meta jkun hemm transazzjoni f'Dollari Amerikani u jU.Zaw il-BOV, il-BOV kienu jiddebitaw il-kont lill-Bank Pilatus. 11-BOV imbaghad ikun irid jghaddi minn xi wiehed mill-Banek Amerikani fi New York biex il-hlas jigi cleared. Wara I-Bank Amerikan li jaghmel il-clearance jibghat il-flejjes lil Bank ta' min ikun il-beneficjarju tat-transazzjoni. Nexia BT jafhom bhala li huma Corporate Service Providers £'Malta u gieli rreferew klijenti lil Bank Pilatus u li ghal uhud minnhom fethulhom kontijiet bankarji corporate. Hamidreza Ghanbari kien jikkuntatja lil Karl Cini. Jaf min hu Brian Torma u gieli ltaqa' mieghu. Ghalkemm jaf li gieli kien hemm skambju t'emails ma' impjegati ta' Nexia BT, huwa ma kienx f'qaghda li jaghti ismijiet t' im pjegati. Peress li N exia BT huma corporate service provider u jagixxu bhala corporate directors ghal xi whud mill-kumpaniji, huma awtorizzati li jaghmlu transazzjonijiet bankarji u b'hekk huwa cert li gieli 538 \.__, tkelmu mar-relationship manager. Biss ma jikkonfermax jekk hu gielix ha telefonati diretti minghandhom. Tillgate Inc ma ghandhiex kontijiet bankarji fil-Bank Pilatus. Keith Schembri ghandu kont personali bhala individual account holder. In kwantu huwa PEP lokali, kien Hamidreza Ghanbari stess li jiddilja mieghu. 11-kont ta' Keith ( Schembri mhux attiv hafna - kien hemm xi transazzjonijiet iZda mhux hafna. Dawn it-transazzjonijiet huma wkoll dokumentati. Hearnville Inc m'ghandhiex kont mal-Bank Pilatus u 1-anqas Konrad Mizzi. Konrad Mizzi u Keith Schembri mhux diretturi jew nominee ta xi kumpanija li ghandha kont mal-Bank Pilatus. Meta persuna tigi biex tiftah kont mal-Bank Pilatus jimlew u jiffirmaw bank account opening form. W ara dan jibdew il-process tal-onboarding. II-bank ~ account opening form hija dokument estensiv. Fl-ewwel parti taghha jkun hemm id-dettalji li jidentifikaw 1-UBO. F'kaz ta' kont personali huma jistaqsu lil persuna jekk tkunx 1-UBO tal-kont. F'kaz ta' kont ghal kumpanija jaraw mix-share certificates jekk hix struttura nominee f'liema ka:Z ikunu jehtiegu trust declaration. Huma jiddeterminaw 1-identifikazzjoni tal-UBO billi jehtiegu kopja ta' ritratt tal-passaport, kopja tal-passaport, kif ukoll kont ta' xi servizz li ma jkunx eqdem minn tliet xhur. Ghal kumpaniji ghandhom lista aktar estensiva in kwantu jehtiegu I-memorandum u l-articles of 539 association, management account, audited financials Gekk il-kumpaniji jkunu obbligati Ii jzommuhom) u annual returns. Imbaghad jghaddu biex jaraw minn fejn gej is-sors taI-gid taI-klijent prospettiv. Dan huwa I-on.boarding process Ii jigi maghmuI mill-Compliance Department. Jistaqsu Iin-nies dwar Iassi taghhom u jridu jinghataw dokumentazzjoni biex tissostanzja dak ) allegat, fosthom bl-accounts awditjati. II-Bank Pilatus ghandu lista standard li tigi mibghuta lill-klijenti. Imbaghad ikun jispetta !ill-Compliance Department biex jiddeCiedu x' dokumenti ohra jkunu jridu. Hemmhekk ikun hemm komunikazzjoni robusta bejn il-Front Office u 1-klijent. Imbaghad jaraw Ii I-klijent ma jkunx milqut minn xi sanzjoni u b'hekk jivverifikaw tramite d-Dow Jones, Ii tkun wahda mill-ewwel affarijiet Ii jaghmlu biex jivverifikaw persuna. Fil-Bank Pilatus hemm kcina u kitchenette. II-Bank verament ghandu safe wiehed. F'Marzu 2016 ma kellhomx hliefu. Fih kienu jqeghdu I-cash u dan jissakkar b'codes Ii jkunu fiI-pussess ta' zewg persuni differenti. Dan is-safe jinsab fl-IT room. Fil-bidu dan is-safe kien fiI-kamra "Exostat" Ii hija I-kamra hdejn I-Operations Department. Peress li I-impjegati taI-Bank zdiedu minn hamsa ghaI ghoxrin, il-floor plan taI-ufficju kien jinbidel kwazi kull sena. Ilkamra Exostat kienet uzata bhala storage room. Issa qed ju:Zawha bhala meeting room jew ahjar I-audit room ghax madwar sittin jew sebghin fil-mija taI-hin tieghu huwa dedikat ghal meetings maI-awdituri PWC. Hemmhekk 540 isir ukoll l-internal audit da parti ta' KPMG. Deloitte kienu qeghdin jaghmlu wkoll ir-risk exercise. Fiha jzornmu 1-ixkafef, printers, karti eccetra. Wara li krejaw spazju hdejn is-sala tal-meetings, li fih ghamlu l-IT room u poggew is- safe fih. Dan is-safe qatt ma kien fil-kamra tas-CEO. Dan is-safe qatt ma kien imqieghed fil-kcina jew fil-kitchenette. Safejn jaf hu dan is-safe ma kienx imsammar jew imwahhal mal-art. F' dan is-safe kienu jzommu I-cash talBank. ( L-informazzjoni tal-klijenti kienu jzommuha f' cabinets apposta li jinsabu mqasmin mal-bank kollu. Dan peress li 1-bank iZomm hafna dokumenti. Iddokumenti dwar it-transazzjonijiet, kif ukoll il-bank account opening forms ikunu fil-Front Office. Id-dokumenti dwar KYC, onboarding, ongoing monitoring eccetra jkunu fil-Compliance Department. It-treasury documents u !management documents ikunu fl-Operations Department. Id-dokumenti talklijenti jkunu kollha msakrin. Izda huwa s-safe li ghandu zewg passcodes. Biex jinfetah dan is-safe 1-ewwel persuna trid iddahhal il-passcodes taghha imbaghad it-tieni persuna trid iddahhal il-passcodes taghha immedjatament wara. F' dan is-safe qatt ma kienu jzornmu dokumenti 1-anqas ta' dawk li humaPEP. 541 Ghandhom file cabinet kbir li fih iZommu dokumentazzjoni relattiva ghal PEP barranin u Maltin. Dan il-file cabinet ghandu lock u kien hemm zmien fejn kien fil-kcina, hdejn il-bieb, imbaghad bidlulu postu ghall-istorage room. Safejn jaf hu ma kellhomx portfolio ta' klijenti Russi. Huma kien rcevew prospetti minghand persuni Russi iZda ma kellhomx tali klijenti fl-2016. M'ghandhomx PEP Russi, ghalkemm ghandhom lista t'ismijiet ta' persuni ( PEP Russi li m' accettawhomx. John Dalli kellu kont mal-Bank Pilatus. Dal-kont infetah fl-2014 u gie maghluq fl-2015. Hamidreza Ghanbari kien ir-relationship manager ghal John Dalli u kien hu li fetahlu 1-kont. L-unici transazzjonijiet li kien hemm fih kienu dawk biex jithalsu 1-ispejjez tal-kont bankarju ghax ma kienx qed jigi wzat u waqgha dormant account. Jidhirlu li kien gab il-flus minghand 1-HSBC u wara li thaslu 1-ispejjez bankarji ghalqulu 1-kont. L-opening balance tieghu kien zero, baghat madwar elfejn euro. Wara 1-fees gew offset. II-closing balance tieghu kien zero wara hrug ta' cheque ghal sebghin euro. L-ammont ta' flus li ghadda mill-Bank Pilatus fil-kai ta' John Dalli kien wiehed zghir hafna. Dan kien kont personali ghal John Dalli. 542 ( • • ~- of tJ '..,: ;; J ·..::. ~ Mhux minnu Ii 1-kont ta' Keith Schembri kien attiv hafna u li kien hemm highly suspicious transactions ma persuni mill-Azerbajgan. Fuq medda ta' sentejn ma kienx hemm aktar minn hmistax il-transazzjoni u fihom ma kien hemm ebda involviment ta' persuni Azeri. Safejn kien jiftakar f' dan il-kont kien hemm biss depoziti u ma jiftakarx Ii kien hemm xi hrug. Kellhom talba minghand Keith Schembri biex tinhariglu executive card u harguhielu. Din il-card tigi ttoppjata u jidhirlu Ii din kienet 1-unika internal ongoing jew debit ( entry fil-kont ta' Keith Schembri. L-aktar ammont ta' flus li dahlu f' dan ilkont kien madwar mitt elf euro Ii saru f'madwar hames depoziti. Mistoqsi jekk jiftakarx kienx hemm transazzjonijiet oli.ra minn persuni minn partijiet tad-dinja oli.ra Ii mhux AZeri li kienu jinvolvu dan il-kont ta' Keith Schembri, Hamidreza Ghanbari qal Ii jiftakar li kellhom zewg internal transfers u zewg external transactions Ii pero zgur ma kienux jinvolvu elementi AZeri- la persuni u 1-anqas interessi. Safejn jaf hu Tillgate Inc. qatt ma kienet ( involuta f'xi transazzjoni mal-Bank Pilatus. Hu qatt ma ra dokumenti Ii ghandhom x'jaqsmu ma Egrant Inc. Safejn jaf hu Egrant Inc qatt ma uzat is-servizzi tal-Bank Pilatus jew kienet involuta f'xi transazzjoni finanzjarja li tinvolvi lil dan il-Bank. Hu qatt ma ra d- declarations of trust li semmew Maria Efimova u Daphne Caruana Galizia. Safejn jaf hu hadd mill-haddiema tal-Bank Pilatus ma raw dawn id543 dokumenti. Dokumenti ta' tali importanza (magnitude) kienu jkunu s-senior management Ii jittrattaw maghhom. Zgur li hadd mis-senior managment ma qatt raw dawn id-dokumenti. Dan ghaliex meta jkun hemm high risk client, irid ikun is-senior management Ii jawtorizza tali onboarding. Minn naha tieghu ma jafx: Ii Egrant Inc qatt issottomettiet xi bank account opening form mal-Bank Pilatus jew Ii qatt ghamlu xi talba biex jigi miftuh kont fil-Bank Pilatus. ( Mistoqsi dwar mm ikollu access ghal dokumenti ta' din il-manjitudni, Hamidreza Ghanbari qal Ii 1-unid nies Ii jkollhom access ghalihom huma hu, I-Head of Compliance u r-Risk Manager u r-Relationship Managers Ii jkunu rcevewhom. Hamidreza Ghanbari ma jistax jifhem min huma dawn it-third parties Ii jissemmew £1-artiklu ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia. Biss dawn jistghu ikunu u jinkludu PWC, KPMG, MFSA, FIAU Ii meta jmorru jaghmlu viZta, dawn jistaqsu ghad-dokumenti u I-Bank jipprovdihomlhom. c Fil-kors tal-konversazzjonijiet taghhom 1-impjegati kienu juzaw iI- WhatsApp. Huma jaghmlu wkoll interviews permezz ta' Skype ghal impjegati prospettivi barranin. Biss ma jaghmlux transazzjonijiet bankarji bI-iSkype. II-Bank Pilatus ghandhom il-proceduri taghhom ta' kif jipprocessaw pagamenti. Ghandhom electronic indemnity form Ii 1-klijenti jridu jimlew. L- 544 istruzzjonijiet ghall-pagamenti jehduhom permezz taI-emails. Wara li jircievu I-email, jawtentikaw dawk I-istruzzjonijiet. Impjegat icempel lillklijent minn fuq Iinja teiefonika Ii tkun registrata u ghandhom procedura t'identifikazzjoni doppja. 11-persuna Ii tiddalja n-numru ma tkunx I-istess persuna Ii tkellem lil klijent. Dan biex jevitaw Ii jkun hemm teiefonati foioz. Tkun it-tieni persuna Ii tawtentika I-pagament. Darba jkun sar iI-process ta' verifika tat-transazzjoni, I-istruzzjonijiet ghall-hlasijiet jghaddu ghand il--,.. ( Compliance Department bid-dokumenti Ii jsostnu dik it-transazzjoni. W ara jaghmiu call backs. Biss huma ma jirCievux struzzjonijiet ghaI-transazzjonijiet bankarji bI-iSkype. Meta I-Bank jigi biex jaghti self, ikun hemm Credit Committee li jirCievi dik ittaiba ghas-self u hemm diversi stadji biex jigi moghti self. Huma jaghtu "Lombard Loans which are like securities backed or deposits backed or asset backed". Mhux normali li jaghtu self minghajr collateral. ( 11-kwalita taI-collateral taghmilha aktar facli ghalihom li jaghtu self. B'hekk ghandhom wahda milloghia capital adequacy ratio £'Malta. Ir-Regoiatur jistipoia 8%, filwaqt li I- MFSA tistabbiliha ghaI 12%. Huma joperaw ghaI madwar 13% u fuqhom. U ma joperax oghla minn 16% huwa dovut ghall-fatt Ii huma jridu jiehdu 20% exposure. Ghandhom limiti kemm jistghu jaghtu self Ii huwa stabbilit mir-Regoiatur. Hemm ratios differenti. Jispjega kif jahdmu dawn ir-ratios. 545 II-loan portfolio taghhom huwa short to medium term. Huma ma ghandhomx mortgage business u b'hekk is-self taghhom huwa ghal perjodi qosra. Dawn is-self jghaddu minn credit assessment Ii jsir minn Credit Committee u jekk dawn ikunu soddisfatti imbaghad jigi approvat. Iz-zmien biex jigi awtorizzat self jiddependi minn kaz ghal ka:Z. Huma jkollhom credit proposal u jiddiskutu 1-parametri tas-self. II-Bank Pilatus ma jircevix hafna talbiet ghal self. Fil-fa tt kull ma kellhom self kif xi disa' jew tnax il-self minn mindu bdew joperaw. Ghalhekk ii-capital adequacy ratios tal-Bank Pilatus huma gholjin. II-Credit Committee huwa kompost minn Hamidreza Ghanbari, Ali Sadr u Claude-Ann Sant Fournier. Fil-kaz tas-self Iii Negarin Sadr, peress Ii skont ii-Credit Charter u r-regoli taI- MFSA hi tigi related party, is-self ma setghax jigi approvat mill-Credit Committee iZda mill-Bord tad-Diretturi u c-Chairman ma jkollux vot innifsu. B'hekk meta r-rizoluzzjoni ta' dan is-self ghaddiet din ma kienetx iffirmata mic-Chairman. Negarin Sadr Hasheminejad ghandha kont mal-Bank Pilatus. · Verament Ii inghatat self mill-Bank Pilatus u Ii ghandha negozju tal-moda f'Londra. Fir-rigward ta' dan is-self jiftakar Ii kien Frar jew Marzu 2016 u kienu rcevew talba sabiex ikun jista' jigi akkwistat pistachio farm £'California. Il-collateral 546 ( ghal dan is-self kellu jkun proprjeta immobiljari £'California. Din il-credit proposal kienet sottomessa lill-Board tad-Diretturi u mxew skont il-procedura ghall-self Ii jkun asset backed. Is-self gie maqbul u moghti. Ghandhom audit trail ta' din it-transazzjoni inklU.Z 1-istima tal-assi nfushom fl-USA. Dan isself kien gie approvat dakinhar stess. Ghandhom sistema li hija very agile system bazata fuq il-principju ta' komunikazzjoni robusta mar-relationship manager rispettiv. Is-sistema ta' self fil-Bank Pilatus hija wahda spedita (' hafna f'kull kaz. Ghandhom dokument Ii huwa standard u Ii huwa robust u Ii jiehu hsieb li jassigura 1-interessi tal-Bank meta jinghata self. U peress li ma ghandhomx hafna kaiijiet ta' self jaffordjaw jghagglu I-process iktar. Jista' jkun Ii t-talba ghas-self saret matul il-hinijiet ta' filghaxija jew il-lejl minhabba Ii hemm differenza ta' 9 sighat fil-hin bejn Malta u California. 11Bank generalment jibqa' miftuh sa tard ukoll. ( Supt Abdilla: Do you remember if it was a for a million-dollar ($1,000,000) loan? The Witness: recollection. The amount was of one million ($1,000,000) to the best of my Supt Abdilla: If I tell you that it was one point five ($1.Sm). One point five million ($1.Sm) yes because there was another loan of The Witness: one million ($1m) Supt Abdilla: How much was it one million ($1m) or one point five ($1.Sm)? The Witness: One point five, one point five ($1.5) I think. Supt Abdilla: So the other one you were referring to? The Witness: There is another loan that we sanctioned for one million, one point 547 one million euro (€1.lm) so I was just mixing them up. Supt Abdilla: To her as well? The Witness: No, no, not to her. To another client, to another client. So, I think it was the loan amount one point five ($1.Sm). Again, we have all the documents so itThe Court: It can be crossed checked - The Witness: It was last year so I can double check that for you. Supt Abdilla: So, was this loan granted in full? So the actual payment was given out in one whole lot? The Witness: Yes, yes, to the seller of the interest of the pistachio farm. The Court: Ok. So, it was a lump sum. If it was one point five million ($1.Sm), one point five million ($15m) were wired. ( The Witness: Yes, one single payment went to the seller of the interest of the pistachio farm. Now because here it says that, apart from that it was opened The Court: immediately, it refers to one million dollar ($Im) and given to Negarin Sadr for her fashion business, whereas you are saying that it related to add interest in this pistachio farm. Two thing do not really tally there it seems. However, it adds that another instruction came in because As soon as the loan was processed a significant proportion of it, approximately four hundred thousand US dollars ($400,000) was to be paid out from N egarin Sadr loan account to a bank held by a Maltese woman who loves in New York and has a jewellery business called Buttardi. So, you confirm that only one payment was made and this payment was executed in the name of this seller of this interest in the pistachio farm. The Witness: Yes, yes. We have the Swift confirmations as well. The Court: Do you recall the name of this person? The Witness: ... Senturabi, SNT because the land is his initials SNT, so ... Senturabi, but then again we have the full audit trail of that that you can see the loan sanctioning process, the loan agreement that was signed between the bank and the client, and the Swift confirmation of the proceeds of the loan, how they were sent. So, I think it is best, we already provided that to the Inspectors. If you want to see that I think that is The Court: But a part from this loan, I mean Negarin Sadr did not have or did not apply, or did not receive another loan from Pilatus Bank. 548 ( ~ . . ~ --· . ,, t_,:'-L0J..Jt:t} The Witness: No, no. The Court: So this is the only loan that she had. The Witness: This is the only loan, yes, yes. Absolutely. The Court: Yes, and what about Michelle Buttigieg? Do you have Michelle Buttigieg as a client of your bank? The Witness: No. The Court: Did you have any past or present commercial banking relationship with Michelle Buttigieg? ( The Witness: No. Supt Abdilla: Ever heard of a business by the name of Buttardi? The Witness: Me no, personally no. I have no idea. Supt Abdilla: The chairman took a similar loan like his sister on this same ... ? The Witness: Altitude, is a legal entity in the States for the same land, yes, to buy a similar interest. The Court: Now, so let me see this. In so far as - The witness: So Altitude is one point five, this one was one point five for twelve point something percent. It is coming back to my memory. Supt. Abdilla: In fact they have twelve percent divided by two percent divided by two and then they have another twenty-fourThe witness: Altitulde has twenty-four percent and then - Supt. Abdilla: For a total of forty-nine point five percent. The witness: It says one point five. Michelle Muscat mhix klijenta tal-Bank Pilatus u m' ghandhiex kontijiet bankarji mieghu. L-anqas Michelle Buttigieg. L-anqas Joseph Muscat, Konrad Mizzi, Sai Mizzi Liang u Josette Schembri Vella. Brian Tanna u Karl Cini m' ghandhomx kontijiet bankarji personali mal-Bank Pilatus i.Zda huma 549 corporate services directors, jigifieri Brian Torma ghandu corporate account Ii tieghu kien UBO iZda li illum huwa maghluq. Dan kien ta' Willerby Trading Inc. Hamidreza Ghanbari jghld li Leyla Aliyeva u Arzu Aliyeva huma wlied ilPresident tal-Azerbajgan. Tale Heidarov u Nijat Heidarov huma wlied il- Minister for Emergency Situations. Dawn ghandhom kontijiet corporate u mhux personali. Kien introducihom hu lil Bank Pilatus ghax kienu klijenti tieghu qabel meta kien jahdem fl-Emirates National Bank ta' Dubai. Ilu jafhom sa' mill-2009. Mistoqsi dwar due diligence li ghamel fil-konfront taghhom jixhed li 1-Bank Pilatus ghandhom process ta' due diligence li huwa robust fissens li jimxu mal-ligijiet lokali u dawk tal-FIAU implementing procedures u I- AML policy and procedures. Huma ghandhom dokumenti li jinkludu awditjar ufinancials mill-bigfour-fil-fatt Ernst and Young jaghmlulhom I-audit tal-assi taghhom. Dawn qatt ma gew il-Bank Pilatus, iZda hu kien iltaqa' maghhom f'Londra, f'Baku u £'Dubai. II-Bank Pilatus iZomm face to face interaction mal- PEP u ghalhekk jiltaqghu mal-klijenti wkoll u jzommu log ta' dan sabiex jekk relationship manager jigrilu xi haga min jigi f'loku jkun jista' jsegwi. IlHeidarovs ghandhom kumpaniji Maltin. L-Aliyevs ma jidhirlux li ghandhom. Mistoqsi dwar jekk hux konxju ta' xi hadd minn dawn 1-erbgha li uza s550 ( J '· J ~ • t._•..;Jj.i_ servizzi tal-Bank Pilatus fir-rigward ta' negozju ma xi wiehed mill-PEP Maltin Ii semmejtu aktar il-fuq huwa wiegeb "Absolutely not". Hamidreza Ghanbari jiChad Ii Jose Eduardo Paolino dos Santos it-tifel taddittatur tal-Angola huwa klijent tal-Bank Pilatus. Hamidreza Ghanbari jghid 1i huma gew mitkelma minn corporate service provider u fethu kont fil- ( Bank Pilatus, izda I-audit trail qeghda hemm u turi min hu wara din ilkumpanija Maltija. Kollox kien regolari. Wara ftit xhur gew xi avukati PortugiZi fil-Bank Pilatus Ii nfurmawhom Ii kien hemm share transfer t1 ammont ta' shares Ii waslu sabiex jigi mibdul 1-UBO u Ii ghalhekk kien hemm sid gdid. Kienu ltaqghu maghhom Hamidreza Ghanbari u I-intern Ii kienet tahdem maghhom dak iZ-zmien, Maria Efimova. Meta informawhom 1i kien hemm UBO gdid, Hamidreza Ghanbari informahom Ii ried isir process ta' due diligence mill-gdid u ghamlu hekk. II-Compliance Department ma kienux kuntenti bil-kwalita tad-dokumenti Ii kienu gabulhom u rrifjutaw li jaccettaw lil dan is-sid il-gdid. Il-kont gie maghluq. Ghalkemm il-holding company u trading company originali Maltin kienet giet imwaqfa minn Nexia BT, 1-Avukati kienu Portugi.Zi Ii jghixu 1-Izvizzera. Ma jiftakarx min kien 1- UBO, iZda jghid Ii kien jiftakar Ii kien PEP wara Ii kienu ghamlu tiftix fuq idDow Jones. Maria Efimova kienet 1-unika persuna Ii kienet mieghu HI-meeting meta 1-avukati Portugi.Zi qalu Ii 1-UBO kien PEP. Ghalhekk issuspetta Ii 1persuna wara dik 1-istorja Ii kienet giet pubblikata minn Caruana Galizia 551 kienet Maria Efimova. Kien hemrn kaz kriminali kontra Maria Efirnova miftuh mill-Bank Pilatus £'Malta ghal frodi Ii ghadu pendenti quddiem il-Magistrat Dottor Donatella Frendo Dimech u prosegwit rnill-Ispetturi tal-Pulizija Jonathan Ferris u Lara Butters. Dr. Joseph Giglio qieghed jirraprezenta lil Bank Pilatus. ( Mistoqsi dwar il-fatt Ii kien hemm compliance inspection. minn naha taI-FIAU fl-2016 Harnidreza Ghanbari jghid Ii kellhom spezzjoni milI-MFSA f'Settembru 2015 war a Ii kienu ilhom mad war sena joperaw. Din kienet full-on inspection. Mir-rapport taghhom kien "It is very clear with their findings and it was a very good report". Mistoqsi jekk kienx rapport favorevoli, Hamidreza Ghanbari jghid Ii I-FIAU ( .;.. ma kienux fehrnu 1-mudell bankarju taghhom u ghalhekk kellhom iqabbdu lil KPMG u lil Camilleri Preziosi biex jghinuhom u wara Ii ssottornettewlhom ir-rapporti taghhom, ikkonkludew Ii I-Bank kien compliant wara Ii kienu regghu gharnlu spezzjoni ohra. Dan ir-rapport inhareg f'Setternbru 2016. Hamidreza Ghanbari reggha xehed fid-9 ta' Mejju 2017 fl-atti tar-rikors ta' 552 Pierre Portelli relattiv ghall-siltiet mill-Compliance Report tal-FIAU u kien gab mieghu kopja tal-ittra mibghuta lil Bank Pilatus fis-17 ta' Mejju 2016. Din kienet tirrelata on-site inspection li kienet saret mill-FIAU bejn il-15 ta' Marzu u t-22 ta' Marzu 2016. L-ewwel kienu baghtu zewg spetturi juniors. Kellhom 1-fuq minn 20 sena u wahda minnhom kienet anke ghamlet interview malBank Pilatus iZda ma gietx ingaggata. Dawn ma kienux fehmu 1-mudell ta' negozju tal-Bank Pilatus. II-Bank provda lil dawn I-audited financials fir( rigward tas-source of wealth mahruga mill-Big Four. Dawn ma fehmux dawn I-audited financials li kien jikkonsisti f'mijiet ta' pagru u ma kienux jafu x' inhuma dividend distribution. II-Bank Pilatus qabbad lir-Risk Department tal-KPMG u ghamlu studju dwar 1-AML procedures li wrew li ma kien hemm ebda nuqqasijiet. Fl-istess waqt qabdu lid-ditta Camilleri Preziosi sabiex jaghmlu rapport parallel. Wara li ( tlestew dawn ir-rapporti, il-Bank Pilatus reggha ghamel risposta lill-FIAU b'riferenza ghal dak li kienu sabu KPMG u Camilleri Preziosi. II-Bank Pilatus kien irdeva t-tieni ittra li kienet tghid li minhabba li deher Ii setgha kien hemm xi misunderstanding bejn 1-uffiCjali li ghamlu 1-ezami u I-Bank, riedu li jergghu jaghmlu spezzjoni ohra. Kienu ghamlu wkoll laqghat ma Alfred Zammit, Deputy Director tal-FIAU sabiex jaraw li jkun hemm xi hadd senior biex jissorvelja s-sitwazzjoni. Kien hemm ukoll laqghet mal-MLRO. Fis-26 ta' Settembru 2016 1-FIAU imbaghad hargu ittra ohra li kienet tghid li wara 553 li rrevedew il-posizzjoni u d-dokumentazzjoni moghtija lill-kumitat u raw x'kienu n-nuqqasijiet identifikati issa dawn dehru li gew solvuti u ghalhekk il-kwistjonijiet sollevati fl-ittra tas-17 ta' Mejju 2016 kieu solvuti. 11-kwistjoni kollha kienet li huma ma kienux qeghdin jifhmu kif il-Bank kien qieghed jiddokumenta t-transazzjonijiet tieghu. F'Novembru 2016 il-Bank Pilatus talab lil PWC sabiex jaghmel AML audit ( fuqhom, u dan peress huma jaghmlu dawn 1-istudji b'mod regolari. Dawn ukoll innotaw il-fatt li I-Bank Pilatus jaghmel live monitoring tattransazzjonijiet bankarji tieghu haga li r-retail banks ma jaghmlux. L-internal audit ma kienx sab nuqqasijiet konsistenti- hdax low risk findings. Fir-rapport taI-FIAU hemm indikazzjoni ghal transazzjonijiet Ii ma humiex specifikati u fir-risposta tal-Bank Pilatus lill-FIAU huma kienu talbuhom sabiex ikunu specifki. Fir-rigward tat-transazzjonijiet imsemmija fil- Compliance Report tal-FIAU tas-17 ta' Mejju 2016 Hamidreza Ghanbari jghid hekk: The Court: Thank you. Now, in relation to these alleged transactions that I mentioned in bullet number 1 and bullet number 2, here it says that in one particulat bank account, the equivalent of approximately one million (1,000,000) was transferred into an account classified as high risk from a bank account of a third party. Here the report does not really mention names. It does not mention countries. It does not mention companies. It just leaves the issue and deals with the issue in very vague terms. Can you please explain what this particular transaction relates to? 554 ( ., U_·J0~J ( Witness: Yes, Your Honour, as you mentioned the FIAU report does not specify the transaction and in our reply to the FIAU we again ask the regulatory body to be specific, but from what they have said and from what they have seen, one of the transactions that we thought that they are referring to given the amount and given that they mentioned it is an Azeri PEP, it is the payment that Sahra FZCO received from their property manager company in Dubai which is three point six million (3.6m) durhams which is approximately, with the rate at the time should come around one million (1,000,000), in which we have provided the documents. And what I want to clarify is the Swift part that it is mentioned that for incoming payments, when we say Swift sanction screening or Swift screening tool, they did not even understand that, because they never worked in a bank. So they do not have any undestanding·of Swift, how Swift works. So when we said that ok these they get screened into Swift, they just again vaguely said Swift programme, so you have the Swift payment platform and they you have Swift screening, sanction screening that screens all the payments with the sanctions list, ... sanction list, EU sanction list, anything, anything that for Swift it is ... For us it is like global, that they have the screening tool. Now the documentary evidence on that it is first of all it is in the platform that we use. But again it is in the Swift itself, but you have to be able to read the Swift fields. If you do not read the Swift fields then they are like ok they have done the screening but there is no documentary evidence.No, the documentary evidence A is in the Swift sanction screen, the platform that we have with Compliance Level 1, Compliance Level 2 that we have. And it is in the Swift itself in the field of the Swift that you see screening information 'A Ok' meaning automatically release, that they did not find anythingrong with this payment and then it was released and booked in our sytem. But you have to be able to go through so each fields this means something, so you have the ordering customer, you have the beneficiary, you have the intermediary bank, you have the bics. So anything that we send and we receive it is unique to this bic PLTSMTMT. But you have to be able to read that when you say that ok they said Swift programme is there but there is no documentary evidence, if you have seen this and you are like ok this is just a payment confirmation you do not pay attention Field 433, screening information 'A ok' meaning automatically released, then we have a problem. Supt. Abdilla : That is because what you have already mentioned previously in your previous testimony is that the Swift screening process is an automatic system whereby each payment is screened through a list of sources, like the UN sanction list, the EU sanction list, the US sanction list. And this process is done, so just one clarification, so this process is done automatically by Swift upon the process. It is not in that one week which you said that every incoming transaction you have one week whereby you check the transaction yourself. Witness: No, no, this is every single incoming automatically. Every single 555 ' . - ' l U~- ~·,JJU incoming payments that come to the bank goes through a Swift sanction screening tool. Every single, so The Court: Every transaction generates that report there. Witness: Exactly. So you have to go to TAS. TAS is the protal, so we create a contract in our core banking system Oracle Flexcube that gets pushed to TAS, then from TAS goes to sanction screening first, because Swift does not want to get hit by a payment that is related to a designated person if that person is on any black list. So it goes there. If it is ok then it release on the other end as well. When it comes they want to make sure, they want to make sure the banks, they want to safeguard themselves, they use that tool that is provided. This is the screening tool, not the execution. The execution it goes to TAS for every single dime, whether it is one euro (€1) or twenty million euro (€20,000,000) it goes through TAS and you can go and see every single and outcoming that is tied to our big number. Supt. Abdilla : This sanction screening is provided by Swift directly? Witness: By Swift, by Swift. Supt. Abdilla: And is this automatic to all banks? Or you chose to take this maybe add-on from Swift? Witness : No, no, you have to subscribe to it. It is a subscription. I do not know, I mean I talk on behalf of Pilatus, all the banks I do not know but I think that everybody in their right mind they use it to safeguard themselves. The Court : Ok. Supt. Abdilla: So do you have the transactions themselves? Witness: So I have the statements, Ibroughtthe statements. Ibroughtthe Swift with the screening information, Field 433, so these are the true is these are the ones proviously that they provided. So this is th, when we archive them it changes. So this is from the archive, ok it condenses it, so I do not know. But this it the actual one that we have. So these are the supporting documents fro the rental that they received, because the UBOs they have properties. These are the lists of tenenats with the amounts that they received. So, and also my logs are here as well. And also we have also sample title deed as well for the villas, that it belongs to the UBOs with this. And this is the account statement again. Now the other one Your Honour, if you allow me to continue, Supt. Abdilla: Can I ask you something please? Witness : Yes. 556 ( Supt. Abdilla: You highlighted two transactions. Witness: Yes. Supt. Abidlla : What if I tell you that there were three transactions? Witness: This is, again as I said, becuase they did not specify, we think they referred to this third party with the amounnt. There are more transactions from the same party because that party is property manager of that company. Supt. Abdilla: So technically that one million (lm) that is referred Witness: ( We think it is that one with the date. But they are not specifying. The Court: So when you received that report about that one million (lm) they did not discuss with you about this particular one million transactions? Witness: With me no, they did not discuss it. The Court: So you just technicaly had to guess because it could be any two (2) transactions from, any other transaction from any other PEP for that amount. Why have you specifically selected think that it is from Sahra FZCO they they are talking about there. I believe that they are not the only PEP you have, right? Witness : No, no, no, but what they are saying is that, if you read, what we thought they are referring to, because they said the same third party provided transfers to the PEP accounts. So Merk is the property Manager of these two relationships, the two Azeri PEP. So if you read the report, the report says that the same third party, because they do not receive from third parties. The third party, well what we thought they were referring to is their property manager that they recieved these funds. Supt. Abdilla : Ok. Witness: Because if you read the report that I put for you they are saying that it is appoximately one milliom (1,000,000) then the same party sends same third party. "This third party made a number of other significant deposits to The Court : different bank accounts pertaining to companies owned by the same UBOs." So Witness: Same PEP. So we have thatin thatthe same company Merk they made payments to other, they distributed rental incomes to other PEP accounts. That is why our mind went there, but again FIAU is to confirm that. The Court: Well I guess they would be in a position to confirm that at least. Witness: that. But from the trend that we saw we thought ok they are referring to 557 ; • ! • ~. _. ~ ·. ) u _.;,;J ._• v The Court: Ok, probably they are referring to that transaction. Ok. Supt. Abdilla : I think that they may be referring to some other three (3) transactions because ok it is today's rate of exchange, but I do not beleive that in two (2) years the rate of exchange changed much. But these two transactions together make up five point four million (5.4m) Emirati dirhan and that would make it one point four seven million dollars ($1.47m). So most probably they are referring, The Court: (€1,000,000)' Here it says 'equivalent of approximately one million euro Witness: So the three point six (3.6) should come around one million USD ($1,000,000) so because the rate is pegged, so it is three point six seven (3.673). So that is around one million USD ($1,000,000) which they put probably approximately one million euro (€1,000,000). So essentially these statement of accounts and the supporting The Court: documents that you are exlubitng relate to what you think are the transactions that the FIAU had in mind when they drew up this report. Now this has to be verified eventually by the Police with FIAU. Perhaps we would have to come back to this again. Now in relation to the second payment, the five zero five thousand euro (€505,000). Witness : So, for that, again since they did not specify, we believe or we think that they were referring to a loan payment between one of our clients with his friend, that they actually entered into a verbal agrement that for our client to advance funds to his friend. And then they had an assignment that the client assigned it to one of his legal entities. So we again in our letter we said we believe you are referring to this, which again I brought supporting doucuments that we have the contract which refers to the verbal agreement, because that is why the verbal agreement, we thought that the handshake is referring to the verbal agreement. That if two friends that have been together since college, he advanced money to him. Obviously they had a verbal agreement. Once he assigned it to his corporate, to one of his corporate entities, then they have the loan agreement with the source of funds that actually this was relating to purchase of a property. So he gave him money for him to buy a property in the States and then he sold that property and then he settled his debt. So I brought the settlement statement, the loan agreement and based on the supporting documents for the loan agreement. So I will give you this and then there is another thing here that I want to show regarding the screening as well, that, so we have again 'A Ok' which automatically released. This is again 'A Ok' automatically released. Then we have FPO. FPO means false positive. Sometimes the system flags the street name or something. But then you go, by you I mean the Compliance that is the Department which is responsible for that. They go and they check that Ok it is not against the 558 ( sanction list, it is a false positive. So I brought these as well and I can leave it to you. Supt. Abdilla: So a false positive would have to be released let us say manually. Witness: Manually. They have to go and check that soemthing is in the Swift sanction screening. Then you have to go and check that if there is, if it is a valid flag or no it is a false positive. It picked up a street name or whatever that it picked up. Then you have Supt. Abdilla : Or a person with the same name for example Witness: Yes, with the same name or anything. I mean it is a false positive. So then the system quotes it as a false positive. ( Supt. Abdilla : And in that case, in case of a false positive, would you log that in TAS for a Swift to have a record that it was manually released as a false positive. Witness: Yes, yes, there is. There is, because it goes to Compliance level 1, and then they have to go and they have to look into it. Supt. Abdilla: Yes but the result, the end result of this manual exercise by Compliance would it then be reflected in the TAS? So like if the TAS through Swift, through the screening process would give you this person might be that person, and you check and you say listen this is a person which has the same name of a person which is in the UN sanction list, would you have to tick something? Would you have to write something for Swift to have some piece of mind that the bank has checked and there is a record and the bank checked withing the Swift system? Witness: That I think is best if you checked with the Compliance Team, because for the segregation of duties obviously I do not have access to that. So how they do that I am not the right person to answer that. ( The Court : So, however, in so far as these transactions are concerned, this is Hereti Hodlings Limited. So one is Sahra and this is Hereti Holdings Limited. Supt. Abdilla: Can we know for those two persons who are the UBO's? Witness: For Sahra it is Mrs Arzu Aliyeva and Mrs Leyla Aliyeva, jointly fifty fifty. Hereti's, to the best of my recollection is owned only by Mr Nijad Heydarov solely. So he is the shareholder. Mr Nijad Hejdarov. The Court: So these payments that were mentioned here do not relate to any maltese PEP. They relate only to Azeri PEP. Am I right? Witness: Yes Your Honour. Supt. Abdilla : And as far as you are aware and as we have already asked you this 559 question a million times, all transactions, the bank processes pass through Swift. Witness: Yes. Absolutely. TAS, goes to TAS and then Swift yes., every dingle time. Even when we pay for our own services, if Swift subscription for example, Blomberg subscription, every single dime is recorded. The Court: Ok. And whenever you use TAS I presume that you use it concurrently with Flexcube. Witness : Absolutely. And then you have for every transaction you have maker and checker that who actually made the contract, who checked the contract. And then if it is based on the grids that we have above, if I recall correctly, five hundred thosuand (500,000) it goes to the CEO. So then you need, you have a releaser. So you have basically the ID of the person who has done this as well. The Court: exmample? Ok. And there is no way that you can buy by-pass Flexcube for Witness: Absolutely not. The Court: And make payments through TAS or any other platform apart from Witness: Any payment that you make is recorded in TAS. You cannot by-pass. If it is an electronic transfer that is number one. Number two is that I have to go through a correpsondent abnk. I cannot send money directly anywhere in the world. Even if I want to send money to HSBC Malta I have to go through a correspondent bank. So I have Nostro accounts that they call Vostro accounts and every single dime that has to be sent it has to be debited. The same way, think of it as this, that you have an account, if you want to make a payment you have to go through your bank. So a bank who wants to make a payment has to go through his correspondent. So it is recorded there and then it that Swift you see which correpsondent was used. So I mentioned ourBIC. Then you see the BIC of Societe Generale. You see the BIC of BOV. You have the list, we have provided the list of our correspondents and all of that. So you can see which correspondent was used. The Court: Do you have the list of correspondent banks? You do. Ok. Supt. Abdilla : Your Honour, I believe it was marked and marked all over again. The Court: correct. Just for Mr Gambari to go through them and check whether they are Witness: Oh yes. There is Bank of Valletta, DZ Bank, Supt. Abdilla : The ones marked in light pink? Witness: Yes, correpsondent money markets. Yes, some of them they do not 560 ( ( !. ' • ~ f-• ..... v clear money, so even it is easier because the ones that they clear money it is less than the actual money market Supt. Abdilla : Just confirm, some other witness, apart from marking the correspondent banks, because this list has correspondence, investment and counterparts, for the correspondence banks he marked them with a 'No' and even marked for which currency you use them. ( Witness: The other think is best if you provide me with the list, so we can actually provide you with the list that ok these ... So the main ones are Bank of Valletta, Societe Generale and DZ. USDs only DZ now. Since inception it was BOV and WGZ. Then WGZ they stopped, actually we had at the beginning we had I think there was Turkish bank that was doing that but immediately they stopped because with USd there is so much sensitivity that everything has to go to New York. Forget about my correspondent in Germany, my correspondent has to go to New York, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of New York, Mellon, Citi Bank, these are the usual suspects. So every single USD transaction has to go to New York, get cleared from New York, go to the beneficiary. So they call this a U-tum transaction because you make a U. And this point, this guy here the banks in New York. So I cannot make any payment without going to my correspondent. Then my correspondent has to go to their joint clearing house. So the clearing business is pretty much a monopoly of a handful of banks, the big banks, the major banks, especially when it comes to USD. Supt. Abdilla : Can you explain to us a little bit the BIP? Witness : Yes. Supt. Abdilla : How is it used in your bank? BIP is a reporting tool, so we issue reports, client lists, any report that Witness : we want to extract from Flexcube they issue BIP reports. So incoming funds, outgoing funds, list of clients, all of that. Supt. Abdilla : Is it an add-on to Flexcube? Or is it a different stand-alone system? Witness : No, no, it is, as far as I know, but again the CEO is, when it comes to the details, is better than me. But it is a reporting tool that we extract reports, BIP reports. Supt. Abdilla: Yes, but is it like TAS, where you have this third company providing the interphase with Swift? Or is it an add-on that could be, that you could buy through Witness: No, no, it is part of Oracle Flexcube. So it is just generating reports. Supt. Abdilla : It is part of Flexcube. 561 .• \ ~ .. ...; ...,· • .l Witness: It generates reports for us, to the best of my knowledge. Supt. Abdilla : As far as you know who decided in your bank to opt for Flexcube? And why? And who decided to opt for TAS rather than any other system and why if you know? Witness: Again, as far as I know at the beginning when the bank in the set-up process after receiving the license obviously the CEO at that time with the Board, with the supervision of the Board, they, I believe that they received various quotations. If I recall correctly and then Oracle Flexcube was the best and the most expensive at the time, core banking system. So they decided that ok if we want to do this let us just do it, let us have the infrastructure ready from day one, let us go for something ... we are not going to use it today, today we do not use it the way big banks they really ... to its capacity, but we said that ok as in a new bank let us have something that is the best in the market. And now BOV when they migrated to Oracle Flexcube so now their core banking system, Oracle came here, they signed a contract and now BOV is migrating from whatever their core banking system was to Flexcube, because again it was like the best so let us go with the best again. ( Supt. Abdilla: And forTAS? Witness : The same, TAS is, as far as I know is because we do have, it allows us to connect with Swift because we do not have that much of volume. So it does not make sense for us to be directly connected to Swift. Again these decisions were made prior me becoming the CEO. Bu tis it possible to use TAS to effect payments that would not, in such The Court: a way that the transactions would not be recorded in Flexcube? Is it possible? Any you create, that again I think you have to refer that the CEO Witness: because when it comes to technicality he is better experienced than me. But every single payment, every single dime has to go through TAS which then go to Swift. From Flexcube you cannot make a payment. From Flexcube itself The Court : (_ You can despatch an order for payment. Witness: You create a contract but you cannot make a payment. It has to be released to TAS because TAS connects you to Swift and then from Swift you go on. The Court : So, but can you by-pass Flexcube in such a way as to effect a payment directly through TAS without it being recorded on Flexcube? Perhaps this is theoretical, but I would like to have a Witness: That I do not know. If again it is a fraud question if you can by-pass, if again if you by-pass Flexcube it is one thing, but you have to go to TAS. So if you 562 .b ! made a payment it is recorded in TASno matter what. And then you can go and check TAS. From Flexcube you cannot. Supt. Abdilla : So technically you cannot by-pass the correspondent bank? Witness: No. And you cannot by-pass TAS. You need the two. You need the means to actually send it. So if you somehow defraud Flexcube Supt. Abdilla : It is not a question of defraud, it is a question of like for example if one day your Flexcube for some reason or another is down, and you need to send an urgent payment just the same, whether it would be possible to process that payment in TAS and then afterwards when the system is up and running again you record that transfer back on Flexcube? ( ( Witness: That I do not know that, I cannot answer that. What I answer is that any payment, asingle payment again going back whether it is one euro (€1) or hundred million euro (€100m) has to go through TAS, it is recorded in TAS, it is searchable in TAS, you can go to TAS, you can search it, and then when it is created and it goes to Swift sends the message to correspondent banks. So it is impossible for the bank to make a payment withoutTAS, without debiting its Nostro accounts with any bank that you can see in the Swift, that is Sociere Generale, whoever that we have a relationship with, DZ Bank, Societe General, BOV and all of that. So I have to go as an individual if I want to make my rent I have to go to my bank and then make that payment. In this they debit my Nostro account that I have, ok five million (Sm), ten million (lOm) whatever that I have. They grab that, they debit that, they send it to the correspondent bank of the beneficiary bank and then the beneficiary bank receives the payment. The Court: However, in your bank, apart from TAS, do you have any other programme or platform through which you can effect payments? Witness : No. The Court: No. So it is just TAS. Witness: TAS. The Court: So it is Flexcube plus TAS. Witness: Flexcube you create accounts and then you push it to TAS goes to Swift sanction screening. And then TAS, from TAS creates the message to Swift and then from Swift it goes out. The Court: I think that was clear. Anything else from Mr Gambari please. Supt. Abdilla : That is all. 563 .' v : 1oo.• "' ·: .... i J ;,} ·.t The Court: Thank you so much. Ix-xiehda ta' Luis Felipe Rivera Luis Felipe Rivera huwa ban.kier bi professjoni u jahdem maI-Bank Pilatus bhaia Chief Operating Officer. Kien beda bhaia Chief Information Officer My official start with the bank was as Chief Information Officer. So I was involved in implementing the Core Banking Systems, configuration of systems, internet banking for clients and I grew into Chief Operating Officer overseeing and implementing processes for the bank, cross-functional processes from processing of the payments to openening of accounts, to implementing the systems to support those activites and effecting better internal controls, risk management as well as, I also operate as part of an Executive Director on the Board having intimate, I guess, access in support about the operational systems with the bank. The Court: ( Ok. How long have you been working for this bank? Witness: Three (3) years. I mean this is our fourth (4) year operating. It is less than three (3) years technically, cause I had to have a PQ approved, but I did do consulting in the beginning during the initial set-up of the bank while my professional qualification was being approved by the l'v1FSA. I Huwa akkademikament kwalifikat bhaia Bachelor fl-Engineering u ghandu Masters fir-Real Estate Development and Finance. Ilu jahdem ma Ali Sadr minn zmien Ii kienu jistudjaw flimkien u ghamiu I-Masters flimkien. Kien ghameI zmien jahdem bhaia IT management consultant ghaI British Petroleum CIO fiI- Gulf of Mexico. Dan wara Ii huwa tghallern wahdu jhaddem IT systems izda imbaghad attenda korsijiet u ottjena certifikati ghaI project management, 564 t . u· ..? systems architecture eccetra. Mistoqsi jispjega sistemi Ii juza I-Bank Pilatus ghall-fini tal-operazzjonijiet bankarji tieghu, Luis Felipe Rivera jghid hekk Witness : So I guess high-level architect to the bank as operation support systems, and then the core banking system. Core banking system is our accounting system of records, it is where we mantain balances, manage accounts, post accounting GLs, revaluations of the regulatory stuff that we have to do, keep track of balances, what manages the whole process of the core banking system. We affect the payment from there, we open an account there, the actual client accounts are connected to Swift are all originating from that system. And then in addition to supplement that you have supporting documentation and internal document which we manage through other operational systems. Supt. Abdilla : So about the core banking system can you tell us what type of system you use if you were involved in the purchase of it? Whether it is an off the shelf system? Whether it is tailor-made for you? Witness: So this is one of the top three to five, it depends on who you look at and who is selling it, core banking systems in the world, significant investement in the beginning, but it is a core banking system meant for scalability developed by CitiBank Salt Oracle from the ground up architected with validation and all the things that you really need in place to make sure that that scent isn't off, all the validation that goes on in the back and in the database and all that. At its core it is structured with the concept of the Fori principle which is no one thing can be done in the system without another person doing it to prevent internal fraud to prevent me, I do not even have super-admin access. That does not exist in our core banking system except for one user, and that user is locked away for emergency situations in the safe with a code that I do not know . Half a code is know by somebody else and the other half is known by the Head of Legal. And the key to IT room is held by somebody else. So that user, and that user still cannot make a straight-through payment by itself. That is just in the core banking system. I do not want to go too far in the technical piece. I think I already mentioned that we use a Swift service bureau, we have sanctioned screening releases that we have to do as well. So at a minimum there are two people I need to do anything in the core banking system. If I am going to change a password, if I want to add a new type of fund transfer product, if I am going to move a label, it takes two people to first make the change, and then another person to review the change depending on the activity, they will re-key certain values to affect the payment or just authorise the change. Supt. Abdilla : So the system I believe is called, 565 , - ,~JJJ Witness: Oracle FlexCube. Supt. Abdilla : FlexCube. Witness: Yes. We are whirling on 12.02 which was the latest flavour in end of two thousand thirteen (2013) or early two thousand fourteen (2014) . Supt. Abdilla: You were saying that it is effectively an off the shelf, right? Witness: Off the shelf product that is sold directly to banks. So. Supt. Abdilla : And you were telling me also last time that we were speaking that this is a system that is even Bank of Valletta will be operating, Witness: So Bank of Valletta they operate, they built their core banking piecemeal throughout their years of operating and they actually awarded a giant contract to Oracle to move fully to Oracle Flexcube. This is the system that we are using. Supt. Abdilla : Can you tell us who the agent for it is? Witness: Gerard Mahoney, he is the, I guess, the product, in our account, manager with Oracle Supt. Abdilla : No, not from your bank. Witness: Oh, sorry. Supt. Abdilla : If we had to go to who supplies that Oracle directly? Witness: Oracle you can buy it directly from Oracle or through a partner. Supt. Abdilla : Ok. Witness : We purchased directly with Oracle. Supt. Abdilla: Ok. From the States? Witness: No, no, from Oracle, their representative office in Milan I think. Supt. Abdilla : In Milan. Witness: Yes. Supt. Abdilla : Ok. So effectively Swift system is integrated in it? Or is it patched in it? Witness: So high-level Swift is kind of like an address book of all the banks globally in a network. It is like an address book with a network kind of tied in, so, in three ways. So when you make a payment you need to connect to that network, I can 566 ?~ . - . : _- 7 u ·c connect Flexcube directly through a very expensive, technical connection which I, that is our business is not IT, we want to focus on banking. So we use use a Swift service bureau called Tas, and this service bureau they provide that technical connection into Swift alliance and they mantain that, because they change role books and XML requirements, all those kind of things very frequently. So to minimise my investement in having to re-change my production systems we integrate once with this Tas, we send them one file format, they take that message, they translate it into Swift message format which is ... filed 56A, it is the originating instituition, 56B is the address first line, second line. So they have structure, a common structure, they take our core banking system, you literally key in who is the beneficiary, who is the remittor, the amount, the debit, the credit, all that stuff. You save those to another person, they review it, they re-key in some values. They authorise the payment. It goes to this gateway. That gateway transforms that message into Swift language effectively. Tas from there, somebody goes there is level 1, level 2, and level 3 review. If it originates from the core banking system it goes to level 3 review and released by a Compliance officer just to mitigate internal fraud. So if someone did, if two people decided to corraborate internally in the Operations Department, that payment would have to be released by somebody in Complinace who is looking at instruction that we follwed all the internal checklist that we have, that we have done call-backs as a kind of sanity checks, also to make sure that it is not internal collaboration. So you release it from there after which it goes through a screening tool called Swift Sanction screening, where we screen a hundred plus (100+) sanction list globally. That payment when it goes out has hits the sanctions screening tool. We have a very high threshold set on it. So a lot of them get a false positive grabbed, but for us we use that also as an additional sixth, or seventh or eighth I principle if you say to make sure that the payment is a good clean payment. And all of this kind of comes from our more conservative model to make sure that we are treating our clients with our most, I think, respect, and making sure that they are not sending payments that they should not be sending, and that we treat their payments, that we check the payments and complied all our international regulatory requirements. So that is screening all check lists, EU lists, US lists, Black lists that we can set for certain people. And from that it gets released into Swift, that payment then hits a correspondent of ours. They screen the payment, then they make the payment from that to the beneficiares' correspondent ultimately, unless there is FX involved, which it goes through probably in another couple of two banks depending on who is doing clearing for what currency, and then that payment ultimately lands into beneficiaries account, after having been screened probably anywhere from four to five, to six, seven times depending on the currency. 567 ~· ;) J 0 i Fil-bidu kienu jzommu 1-informazzjoni bhal email eccetra fuq plain file server maqsuminf)olders. Wara minhabba li zdiedu 1-ammont t'impjegati dahlu ssistema Sharepoint Document and Management System. We have migrated to what is called Sharepoint and Document Management System, and over this year have been implementing further controls to our bank to better manage and digitaze kind of the banking compliance piece of it. So we have, at the bank we have a concept called Responsible Innovation where we feel that we should not be competing with Fintech firms for like making the payment faster. For us what is slowing a payment down is the compliance piece of it. So my, I guess, internal kind of goal is to build an internal process, give the tools to my compliance team so that they have access to KYC data, that I have the right risk rules and things like that. So if the payment if above a certain treshold it always goes through two or three levels of compliance. So that system we are in the process of implementing to improve our existing very manual process which is a little onerous, but for us it gives us the peace of mind that we are doing clean payments. So, and that, full cards on the table, all the transactions that you are reviewing at the bank you will see a cover list where it will show copied instruction from the client, what date and time, two people do call backs on our payments to make sure that it was not a fake payment that somebody just emailed using their email account. So we call them on an electronic indemnity number, that it is meant through the Compliance, that we have documented the purpose of the transaction, that we have the supporting documents, that we have run the name checks both from, we have done up-dated name check on our client as well as those who are receiving those funds. We do those checks both, Compliance does the compliance checks at the end of the day Operations is given to execute. So, my team takes that for sanity, they review, they make sure that, you know, that Compliance officers have signed off on it, they the recording was made, that there are funds in the account, and all those kind of operational checks. And then we go through our maker checker process to actually execute the payment. Qeghdin jizviluppaw mobile app jisirnha ARCS li hija mezz aktar sikur ghalbiex il-klijenti jaghmlu kuntatt mal-Bank Pilatus minflok jkomplu jirrikorru ghall-email, peress li I-email mhux mezz sikur ghal skarnbju t'informazzjoni kunfidenzjali. Din is-sistema tkun encrypted. Din imbaghad 568 ( ( tkun uzata bhaia parti mill-Cloud Services. Inoitre biex ikompiu jnaqsu rriskju ta' serq ta' data sensittiva taI-klijenti taghhom trasferew I-emails taghhom fuq Office 365 u dan peress li I-IT setup taI-Microsoft huwa eccellenti. Ghandhom tliet disaster recovery sites differenti fl-EU u ghalhekk din hija data centre tajba hafna ghall-iskopijiet taghhom. ~ Minn naha tieghu Luis Felipe Rivera ftit Ii xejn ikollu kuntatt mal-klijenti. Hu mhux relationship manager. Ghalkemm huwa jkun jaf min huma I-klijenti taI-Bank Pilatus u jkun ukoll kopjat bil-korrispondenza taI-klijenti jew pagamenti iZda hu ma jkunx jaf min huma 1-klijenti ghax ma jkollux kuntatt maghhom. Dan ix-xhud jikkonferma Ii huwa jaf min hi Negarin Sadr, kif ukoll jaf Ii Keith Schembri kien klijent purament minhabba I-FIAU report. S Huwa kkonferma Ii Joseph Muscat u Michelle Muscat u 1-familja taghhom huwa qatt ma ra xejn dwarhom fil-Bank Pilatus. Luis Felipe Rivera qal Ii huwa litteralment impossibbii Ii xi hadd ihassar informazzjoni minn fuq il-Flexcube minghajr ma tithalla tracca. Dan minhabba 1-mod ta' kif dan is-software huwa arkitettat Ii ma jippermetti xejn milli jisparixxi minn fuq is-sistema. 569 Witness: No, so deletion is the wrong word. So nothing disappears in a core banking system. There account is either active or closed. So if I open an account for a client and I no longer want them as a client, I do not delete them, right. Supt. Abdilla : But technically can they? Witness : No, no, you cannot delete them. I mean you can delete them if you take my database and throw it in the ocean. But I mean, you can go and you can hack in there and try to delete a record, but the system, we also have an additional protection called Advanced Security, that Oracle provides that audits and logs every activity. I remember I kind of made an intial fuss about opening the envelopes because when you open those envelopes and I show you the password I know I have to shut all my systems down, reset the password and restting the password that is the system password, it is the password that I use for the core banking to communicate with the core database. So that process I have done it once and it was ... Advanced Security ... , in order to even better encrypt and provide other third outside access for my core banking in case I had some hacking attempt. So they even if they got my database the would not be able to decrypt it. You would have to use Flexcube to read that data. I mean natively, and this is something that happened, that came up on site when initially "Can I have a snapshot of your system?" I mean I called my applications support and kind of laughed, becuase it is like even though you do not have encryption, encryption at rest enabled on your database it is incredibly hard to read the data because of all the validation and the way that they put the data in the system. So going back to what I was saying, this system is architected in the way that any modifications are traceable in an audit log, and with this new tool we have implemented it provides even further ... So now my applications ... even if he ever logs in, even just to look at something it is there. If he tries to write something it is there, if he tries to delete something it is there . And part of, half of my job is being auditor as a bank, both by external auditors, internal auditors, MFSA as they did their first on site inspection. Part of that is a technical audit where they log in and they review logs, they make sure that I am doing a regular review of these logs, and that I have the proper controls and checks in place so that these kind of things do not happen. ( _/ Mistoqsi dwar 1-allegazzjoni tad-declarations of trust li kienu jinstabu fil-Bank Pilatus, ix-xhud wiegeb li klijent qabel xejn irid jimla account opening form li tkun analizzata internarnent, scanned u uploaded £id-document management. 570 t Imbaghad jghaddu biex ju2:aw dan id-dokument meta jigu biex jifthu account fuq il-core banking system. Jekk dan id-dokument kien jezisti, ried ikun ukoll registrat fuq is-sistema bankarja taglihom. Jekk ma jkunx fil-core banking system imbaghad ma jkunx jista' jigi rifless fil-balance sheet ... I do not have the money to pay from or to, or like there is no, our system is the one place where you kind of originate everything. You have to have an account number, you have to have an IBAN, my system keeps track of IBANs. So if my system does not create an IBAN for that account the money does not get there, the money cannot; it is like me giving an address, you know you have House 10, House 12, House 15, and I tell you that I want to send it to House 11 which does not exist. Effectively if I do not give you an IBAN money never gets to an account. So the only way you generate that IBAN is throught the system and the system has a specific algorithm with check digits and all sorts of things that is mandated by Swift and the Swift Bureau who issues these structured IBANs with your Swift code like PLTSMTMT which is ours, which is in part of that IBAN. So if you want to make a ... payment or a Swift payment or any kind of payment you need that IBAN, and without my system you cannot generate that IBAN and you cannot pay another bank without an IBAN, you know. I can send now, I can for treasury management purposes send money to a bank, but that is a completely different Swift message, that is a Swift 200 message, where that is a bank to bank message. In fact my Nostra accounts that I hold with Societe Generale and DZ and other of my correspondents when I have say ten million here and am about to break, I receive a large incoming and regulatory-wise I'am not allowed to exceed eleven million, so if it goes over eleven million I have to take the overage and move it to another Nostra account that I am holding with another bank. And that is sent through a 200 message, and they do not use IBAN specifically because you give IBANs to customers' accounts only, with very very very very slim exceptions for like Master card settlement payments. But as MT 103 requires an IBAN, I mean my correspondents will reject the payment if I put the address in 52B instead of 52C. I mean it is that structured of a format. Supt. Abdilla : I know because I used to work at the bank and even if you mistakenly change an I to an E, or else you remove a space, immediately the payment gets rejected or returned. 571 1.J :_. _• •j Witness : Now, so we do, so basically what Operations kind of initial responsibility is taking hard document like an account opening, creating a client number and then creating a current account and assign them to that number. If we want to make a payment they send us a hard copy or we scan that, and once it has gone through the Compliance process and there have been the signatures and the validations, the call backs everything, we receive a completed package, we review it for completeness, and we have to key that into the core banking system. There is no take this and just make a payment with it. Just you need a system to connect to Swift. And to connect to Swift you have to have security tokens and certificates installed on your machine because they do not just take any message. I cannot go to my iphone and make a Swift payment, you know, Swift has to physically provision me a token that only works on this machine and that this machine once it is initialized, it takes my hardware that is on there and it creates a special key and it says "1bis is your key." If you take the hard drive out you cannot use this key. Supt. Abdilla: You cannot even sometimes change a machine, a computer because it is faulty, without informing and going throughWitness: that. Exactly. There is a whole change management process I guess behind Mistoqsi fir-rigward tas-safe fil-Bank Pilatus, Luis Felipe Rivera jghid li 1Bank Pilatus ghandu safe li qieghed £1-IT room. Dan is-safe huwa zghir, ghandu kodki spetjali u 1-IT room innifisha ghandha access kontrollat minnu u minn nies tal-IT, filwaqt li dawk li ghandhom il-kodiCi huma 1-Head of Legal u 1-Head of Operations jew I-Operations Supervisor. Dak huwa 1-uniku safe li jaf bih dan ix-xhud. It-tieni deposizzjoni ta' Luis Felipe Rivera 572 \. / I Luis Felipe Rivera qal Ii I-BIP huwa Business Information Publisher u huwa application Ii hija mahsuba biss biex tipproduci rapporti direttament middatabase tal-Flexcube u biha ma tistax taghmel jew tipprocessa pagamenti. BIP huwa biss reporting tool. BIP huwa separat mill-Oracle Flexcube. ( II-Flexcube huwa maqsum f'zewg partijiet - il-parti Ii hija I-Oracle database u Ii tigi wzata mill-Operations Department sabiex ikun jista jsir keying in ta' data, pagamenti, u I-accounting entries kollha. Imbaghad hernm il-Flexcube direct banking li huwa forma t'internet banking site fejn il-klijenti jkunu jistghu jaraw il-biland tal-kontijiet taghhom u t-transazzjonijiet Ii jkunu ghamlu direttament mill-internet. Biss huma ma jistghux jaghmlu transazzjonijiet mill-Flexcube direct banking. Mistoqsi dwar jekk BIP jistax ikun uzat ukoll biex jigu generati debit advices minn kont ta' klijent fil-Bank Pilatus ghal kont ta' klijent iehor fil-Bank Pilatus Luis Felipe Rivera stqarr Ii meta kont jigi debitat, dan dejjem irid isir fil-Flexcube sabiex it-transazzjoni tkun registrata fuq il-kont tal-klijent partikolari. Biss imbaghad jintuza I-BIP biex tigi prodotta d-debit advice permezz ta' PDF file Ii jista' jigi stampat u moghti lill-klijent. 573 Mistoqsi dwar jekk kienx minnu li I-istatements tal-kontijiet kienux jigu maghmula manwalment ghal certi klijenti, Rivera jghid Ii hu ma jafx li dawn kienu jsiru hekk u hu qatt ma ghamel din il-procedura jew ra lil xi hadd jaghmilha. Mill-banda 1-ohra ghas-securities, is-sitwazzjoni kienet differenti in kwantu I-BIP mhux konness maI-interactive brokers account. investimenti simili huwa minnu Ii jsiru statements manwali. Ghall- Ikunu tal- Operations Department li jaghmlu dawn I-istatements manwalment u dawn kien jaghmilhom Mehmet Tasli. Hu jar aha ftit stramba li dawn 1-istatements kienu jsiru manwalment; iZda fi kwalunkwe kciZ jekk dawn saru riedu jkunu almenu saved jew fl-email tal-klijent jew £ii-folder tal-klijent. Luis Felipe Rivera jghid Ii Linet Estiroti kienet tandem ma Pilatus Capital Limited u mhux mal-Bank Pilatus. Pilatus Capital kienet uiata bhala Front Office Relationship Management. Hamidreza Ghanbari jaf dwarha. Ix-xiehda ta' Brenda Calleja Smith Brenda Calleja Smith dahlet tahdem mal-Bank Pilatus bhala Accountant, Finance and Compliance bejn id-29 ta' Jannar 2014u1-14 t'Awissu 2014. Dak iZ-zmien kienu jmexxu I-Bank Pilatus Ali Sadr (bhala Chairman) u Ekmel 574 ( / ~ . . l; ·-' J Cilingir (bhala CEO). Kienu ghadhom 4 persuni biss. Kienu kwazi pre- operations. Brenda Calleja Smith kienet hadet hsieb il-kuntatti mal-MFSA u mal-VAT Department sabiex il-Bank Pilatus setgha jibda' jopera. Dwar illicenzja li kienet moghtija lil Bank Pilatus, tghld hekk - ( __/ Le, set-up fil-fatt kienet licenzja moghtija lil non-banking group, jigifieri dan kien individwu Ii kien miljunatju, sa fejn naf jien, u Ii kellu kumpanija Asset Management go Switzerland. Pero banking background zgur Ii ma kienx hemm. Issa wiehed jghid, kif tghid, jekk Malta hijiex f'pozizzjoni Ii taghti licenzji lil, jiena jidhirli li issa rrivedew dik il-policy bhala MFSA u ma ghadhiex tohrog licenzji lill-kumpaniji jew individwi, jew anke kumpaniji ghax inti sahansitra jista' jkollok kumpanija multi-national, imma jekk ma hijiex a banking group m'ghadnekx dal il-qafas, qed tifhem, so ... Jien jidhirli li issa dik il-policy bidluha. Ma nistax nghid li minhabba 1-Pilatus ghaliex hawn banek ohra li kienu fethu u ma kellhomx banking group background jigifieri. II-Bank Pilatus kellu holding company jisimha Pilatus Holding Limited. Ali Sadr kien 1-UBO. Ali Sadr kellu kumpanija 1-Isvizzera u kellu klijenti tieghu hemmhekk u tahseb li dawn gew onboarded mal-Bank Pilatus meta fetah. Dak i.Z-zmien ir-Relationship Managers kienu ghadhom mhux impjegati mal-Bank ( Pilatus, u probabbilrnent kellhom xi rabta mal-kumpanija li Ali Sadr kellu flIsvizzera. Hi ma kienetx taf min hu Brian Torma u fl-2014 qatt ma kienet ratu fil-Bank Pilatus. Tiftakar li John Dalli kien dahal ghal xi meeting. II-core banking system kienet Flexcube, sistema di.Zenjata mill-Oracle u kienet diga lesta u kienu gew Facilisation mill-Albanija biex jinstallawha. Ma tafx min ghazel dik is-sistema. Pero kien hemm is-CEO li kien ingaggaha li kien 575 .~ . J i J ·' . u . .' J .J. J ~ . diga beda jahdem fuqha. Flexcube mhix accounting system u ghaihekk hi riedet sistema biex tahdem I-accounts Ii kienet Banking Reporting Solutions, biex tirraporta kull xahar Iir-Regoiatur, !is-Central Bank u I-MFSA flimkien ir-returns bhalma huma l-BR06 u CRD4. Izzid hekk U sakernm kont hernm jien din is-sistema qatt ma giet approvata. Allura jien kont qed naghmel hafna mix-xoghol manwali u hassejt Ii ghandi nirrizenja ghax ma kellix, ilmanpower tieghi mhux bizzejjed to fulfill my obbligations vis-a-vis regulatori. Biss 1-obbligi statutorji taghha xorta qdiethom. Dak iZ-zmien ftit kien hemm klijenti u transazzjonijiet : kellna xi bonds tal-Gvem u xi treasury bills u hekk. Konna qeghdin nirrekordjaw kellhom lilhom bhala assets. Jigifieri principatjament dawk kienu bhala assets. U !interest accrued taghhom u hekk. Is-suppliers u x-xiri, accruals u pre-payments. Brenda Calleja Smith tghid Ii I-Bank Pilatus kien prova jiehu lil Deutsche Bank bhala Correspondent Bank pero dan m' accettax. L-anqas I-APS u I-HSBC m'accettaw Ii jifthu kont lil Bank Pilatus. Biss il-Bank of Valletta accetta Ii joqghod Correspondent Bank. Dak iZ-zmien il-klijenti kienu kollha barranin u kellhom tnejn mit-Turkija .. " ghax huma kellhom close ties ma Turkey wkoll ...Jigifieri jien kont qed nassumi li l-client base kienet se tkun aktar mit-Turkija jiena". 576 ( .. / Brenda Calleja Smith tikkonferma Ii Linet Estiroti kienet Tarka u kienet tahdem bhala assistent personali t' Ali Sadr u kienet tiehu hsieb il-bookings ghall-ivjaggar u I-hotels tieghu. Ali Sadr kien jigi ghall-gharrieda u ma kienx hemm strategija. Sakemm kienet ghadha tahdem fil-Bank Pilatus, I-online system ma kienetx ghadha tahdem. Ghalhekk meta klijent kien ikollu bzonn statement kienu johorguhielu mis-sistema u ma jaghmluhiex manwalment. .(,,, ___ Sakemm damet tahdem hemmhekk, ma kienx hemm klijenti Ii kellhom rabta mal-Azerbajgan. Keith Schembri ma kienx klijent tal-Bank Pilatus. Egrant Inc. ma kienetx klijent tal-Bank u qatt ma rat transazzjonijiet taghha. Il- klijenti Ii kien hemm kienu sidien ta' multinazzjonali Torok iZda ma kienux PEP. Ix-xhieda ta' Claude-Ann Sant Fournier ( J Claude-Ann Sant Fournier hija Head of Legal Compliance Officer MLRO talBank Pila tus. Ilha hemm minn A wissu 2014. Bhala Compliance Officer u MLRO hi tara Ii 1-impjegati jkunu trenjati mill-inqas darba fis-sena. Jekk tinbidel il-ligi jew jekk 1-FIAU tohrog xi guidance gdida tara Ii 1-impjegati jkunu mgharfa biha. Hi tiehu hsieb AML u CFT training. Tassigura Ii kull impjegat gdid ikun jaf I-AML u CMT policy tal-Bank. Wara dan 1-impjegat 577 jiffirma dikjarazzjoni li jkunu jafu Ii 1-MLRO tis ta' tkellimhom d war suspetti Ii jista' jkun hemm ta' hasil ta' flus. Fil-prattika trid toqghod aktar attenta ghax mhux kulhadd jifhem mill-ewwel. Bhala parti mix-xoghol taghha £ii-Compliance Department taghmel analiZi tattransazzjonijiet tal-klijenti. Il-procedura adottata mill-Bank Pilatus filkonfront ta' High Net Worth Client hija partikolari in kwantu dawn ikollhom {./ transazzjonijiet ta' valur gholi hafna iZda mhux ta' kuljum. Huwa ghalhekk possibbli li jkollok rendikont tat-transazzjonijiet aktar faCli. Il-kontijiet taghhom ikun partikolari bhal investimenti, jew progetti, jew ii-fees talavukati, jew il1ees taI-Big 4 firms, eccetra. Qabel johrog il-pagament, ii-Bank Pilatus janalizza t-transazzjoni Ii jkun mitlub jaghmel ghan-nom tal-klijent, u jitolbu lill-klijent jispjegalhom, bosta drabi b' dokumentazzjoni sabiex isostni din it-transazzjoni. Ezempju - jekk ( _/ klijenti jghid Ii jrid jaghmel pagament lil Nu tar, huma jitolbuh il-kuntratt talakkwist, biex ikollhom konferma li 1-proprjeta tkun veru tezisti. Ir-rikjesta ghal pagament tidhol fil-Front Office, is-Sales Department, ghax dawk huma Relationship Managers Ii jitkellmu mal-klijenti. Dak il-pagament jigi dokumentat u wara jghaddi fid-Dipartiment taghha. Claude-Ann Sant Fournier ghandha nies jahdmu maghha Ii xogholhom huwa Ii jaghrblu 1pagament sabiex jaraw min se jibghat ii-flus, min se jirdevi I-flus, 1-ammont 578 f kernm hu u r-raguni ghaliex ikun se jsir dan il-pagament. Jaghmlu wkoll Dow Jones u Google search fuq il-partijiet u jaraw li d-dokument li jkun gie provdut biex isostni t-transazzjoni ikun jaghmel sens. Fil-Compliance Department ghandha zewg avukati li janalizzaw il-kuntratti. Hemm ukoll persuna trenjata fil-Compliance. Meta jkunu komdi bil-pagament, jiffirmaw il-konferma taghhom u javzaw il-Front Office li 1-pagament ikun jista' jsir. Il- ( _) Front Office jghaddu d-dokumenti !ill-Operations Department li jaghmlu keying in tad-dettalji tat-transazzjoni. F' dak 1-istadju ikun hemm maker u checker. II-maker huwa dak li jdahhal id-dettalji u c-checker huwa dak li jivverifikahom. Minn hemm il-pagament jigi rila:xxjat mis-sistema bankarja tramite Swift message. II-Bank Pilatus xtara wkoll Swift Sanction Screening monitoring tool, Ii hija screening system Ii taqra dak Ii huwa mnizzel filmessagg u jaghmel matching ma' sanction list jew embargo list. Jekk ikun ilkaz, is-sistema tohloq notifika Level 1 sabiex jaraw jekk hemmx a postive S match jew biex jaraw jekk huwiex a false positive. Imbaghad minn hemmhekk jekk jirrilijsja Level 1 jew jiddiklajnja Level 1 dejjem irid imur ghand ii-Level 2 li huwa I-Compliance Department. 11-Compliance Department jara jekk jaqbilx, jekk hemmx match jew jekk kienx false postitive. Jekk ikun false positive huma jirrila:xxjaw il-pagament huma jassumu responsabbilta Ii ma jkunx real hit kontra lista ta' sanzjonijiet u 1-pagament jitlaq mill-bank. Hemmhekk jibda t-tragitt tieghu barra 1-Bank. 579 \,~ ~ t... j -- v' II-hlasijiet li jsiru Iejn il-kontijiet taI-Bank minn barra I-Bank jigifieri I- incoming transactions ma jsirx real time. Dawn isiru b'mod manwali kull nhar ta' Tnejn jew Tlieta fejn huma jaghmlu rendikont tal-incoming transactions kollha taI-gimgha ta' qabel. Hemmhekk jarawx'pagamenti jkunu dahlu, min baghat il-flus, ghand min dahlu, u r-raguni moghtija. Jekk ma tkunx inghata raguni F'kaz liema raguni ma tkunx giet moghtija fuq il-messagg li jkun dahel minn Bank iehor, II-Compliance Department jitoibu HI-Front Office biex jikkuntattjaw lill-klijent u jistaqsuh ghaliex intbaghtu I-flus minghand din ilpersuna. Jekk jaraw li jkun hemm htiega li jigi sostnut b' dokument, jitoibu li jigi prodott dan id-dokument sabiex isostni t-transazzjoni li tkun dahlet ukoll. Meta jkun hemm PEP li jkun irid isir klijent taI-Bank Pilatus, dan irid jottjeni I-approvazzjoni tas-Senior Manegement. F' dan iI-kciZ, II-Bank Piiatus :iZidu dokument maghruf fiI-bidu kien 'Annex 5' u wara bidiuha ghaI 'Annex 11', ghalkemm baqa' essenzjalment 1-istess dokument. Fih jiddokumentaw 1isem, il-kunjom, il-gurnata tat-twelid, jekk ghandux ismijiet ohra, ghaliex gie identifikat bhaia PEP, x'riCerka tkun saret fuqu, u x'inhuma I-assessments talBank Pilatus dwaru. Ghalkemm qeghdin jaghmlu transazzjonijiet qed in real time fiI-kaz ta' PEP jaghzlu li nharsu lejn dak il-kont b'mod aktar ta' spiss minn klijenti ohrajn. Jekk klijenti normali jharsu Iejhom darba £' sena jew tmintax iI-xahar, fil-kaz ta' PEP "jekk hu gej minn certu pajjiz, ghaliex li ahna 580 ( ) .. L~~-· 0-.l. ~ nistghu nikkunsidraw bhala bank bhala high risk, forsi nixtiequ nibdew inharsu lejh sakemm, you know, insiru aktar familjari mieghu ", kull tlett xhur inharsu lejh mill-bidu sal-ahhar. Jivverifikaw ghandhomx id-dokumenti kollha dwaru, jaraw jekk ikunx mehtieg jigbri xi dokument addizzjonali, jaraw il-bank statement u t-transazzjonijiet kollha illi jkun ghamel £' dak il-perjodu. B'hekk ikollha stampa ahjar taI-attivita taI-PEP haili jekk ikun hemm suspett isir aktar facli li tarah ghax tkun tista' tara wkoll pattern. ( Ghal Bank Pilatus, PEP ifisser a natural person who has a prominent public function. Huma jikkunsidraw PEP kemm jekk Maltin kif ukoll persuni mhux Maltin li ghandhom funzjoni pubblika prominenti. Dawn jinkludu wkoll membri tal-familja taghhom u lil uliedhom kif ukoll lill-genituri taghhom, ahwa u anke zijiet. Ghandhom klijent barrani Ii huwa PEP ghax tigi zija ta' PEP. Malta ftit ghandhom PEP. Il-mudell tal-Bank Pilatus huwa wiehed private banking u I-pool ta' klijenti lokali mhux sufficjenti ghall-Bank. ( Claude-Ann Sant Fournier ipprezentat lista taI-kiijenti taI-Bank Pilatus li tigi generata mis-sistema bankarja taI-Bank u tigi stampata mill-Operations Department. Hija immarkat bil-highlighter rosa dawk li huma I- Correspondent Bank relationships Ii ghandu I-Bank Pilatus u I-Counter-parties li huma investimenti Ii jaghmeI il-Bank bhaI ma Interactive Brokers biex ikun jista; jaqdi r-rwoI tieghu. Immarkat bil-highlighter biu dawk in-nies Ii huma 581 ~ ,, . v :. .• '-'. ' ·i 0 - ··oJ jew li kienu impjegati mal-Bank Pilatus u li nfetnilhom kont. U mmarkat blisfar dawk li huma PEP accounts. Immarkat bir-roza dawk li huma company in formation accounts cjoe account li jinfetan mill-Bank sabiex persuna illi tixtieq tiftan kumpanija mar-Registry of Companies ta' Malta jkollha bzonn tiddepozita x-share capital. Dan ma jkunx functioning account gnax il- kumpanija tkun gnadha ma gietx imwaqfa. Il-kont ikun fih biss 1-ammont ta' paid up share capital biex turi lir-Registru tal-Kumpaniji Ii s-share capital gie depozitat. Wara li I-Bank Pilatus ikun soddisfatt Ii 1-kumpanija tkun giet (' imwaqfa imbagnad tibda process normali ta' onboarding tal-klijent. II-flus li jkunu gew depozitati jistgnu jerggnu imorru lura gnand min iddepozitahom u ma jistgnux jgnaddu gnand terzi persuni. Egrant Inc ma tidhirx fuq il-lista tal-klijenti tal-Bank. Meta Claude-Ann Sant Fournier dahlet tandem mal-Bank f' Awwissu 2014 daret il-bank account opening forms u KYC forms Ii kienu danlu qabel ma bdiet tandem mal-Bank, biex inkun taf il-client base Ii riedet tissorvelja. Egrant Inc ma kienetx fosthom. Minn mindu bdiet tagdem hi mal-Bank Pilatus, Egrant Inc ma kienetx klijent u lanqas saret klijenta tal-Bank Pilatus. Il-kumpanija Al Sahra ma tidhirx fuq il-lista tal-klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus. Hemm Sahra FZCO u Shams Al Sahra FZCO Ii huma klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus u gnandhom kontijiet mal-Bank Pilatus. Sahra FZCO gnandha kont f'Dinar 582 + (.._ .. ... , u ~~JJ=:3 tal-Emirati Gharab (AED) li huwa attiv, wiehed f'Euro li mhux attiv, wiehed f'GBP li mhux attiv u wiehed USD li huwa attiv. Mistoqsija dwar it-transazzjonijiet ta' Sahra FZCO u 1-fatt li 1-kont taghha gie miftuh b' AED 58,000,000 Claude-Ann Sant Fournier qalet li kull kont ma jigix miftuh malajr. Qabel jinfetah kont isir hafna xoghol. Il-klijent jimla' ( bank account opening form u r-relationship manager irid jimla KYC form li fiha jkun hemm id-dettalji tal-klijent fosthom 1-isem u d-dettalji tal-kumpanija : x'jisimha uffiCjalment il-kumpanija, min huma d-diretturi, jekk hemmx xi hadd li ghandu prokura, min hu x-shareholder, min hu 1-UBO, is-source of wealth tal-UBO, is-source of funds minn fejn · se jkunu gejjin il-flus. IlCompliance Department janalizzaw 1-informazzjoni li tkun migbura mirRelationship Manager. II-Compliance Department mhux dejjem inkunu sodisfatti mill-ewwel u jkun hemm drabi meta tehtieg li jgibulha aktar informazzjoni. Peress li hi avukat, tirreferi ma' Antoniella Gauci li ghandha esperjenza kbira f' dan il-kamp tal-anal:iZi tal-financials. Flimkien janalizzaw 1-informazzjoni finanzjarja li tigi provduta mill-applikant, u jaslu ghallkonkluzjoni jekk dak li jkun qed jallega jkunx sostanzjat bid-dokumenti ezibiti. Fil-kaz ta' Sahra FZCO 1-ewwel transazzjoni li tidher fl-AED account, juri li 1ammont huwa dahal minn Yassat Gloria Hotel. Huma analizzaw 1583 applikanti ta' Sahra FZCO, u 1-UBO ta' dik il-kumpanija, u kienu jafu li huma nies li ghandhom certu kapital. Dawn riedu jdahhlu fil-kont ta' Sahra FZCO I-flus li kienu se jkunu qed jirCievu minn Yassat Gloria Hotel. B'hekk ma kienux sorpri.Zi bl-ammont ta' flus involut. Huma talbuhom id-dokumenti biex juru li Yassat Gloria Hotel hija proprjeta taghhom, inkluz I-audited finanacial statements. F' dawn il-financials kien hemm miktub min huwa s-sid tal-Yassat Gloria Hotel. Meta kienu sodisfatti bil-provenjenza ta' dawk ilflejjes fethulhom il-kont. Claude-Ann Sant Fournier qalet li meta raw min ( huma s-sidien ta' Yassat Gloria Hotel raw li kienu diga klijenti tal-Bank Pilatus u kienu diga gharbluhom qabel. Biss mhux dejjem il-flus ikunu dividends. Tghid ukoll li gieli I-flus ikunu gejjin minn servizz li jkun gie rez. Hi taghmel tfittxija u tipprova tistabilixxi x'attivita ghandha dik il-kumpanija, x'servizz kien li nghatalha, jekk dan is-servizz li nghatalha jaghmilx sens. Qabel jaghmlu wkoll ricerki biex jaraw illi 1-kumpaniji li jkunu qed jaghmlu transazzjonijiet hemmx informazzjoni illi forsi tista' turi li hemm xi haga mhux f'postha. Fil-kaz ta' Sahra FZCO hemm indikata 1-kumpanija Merk bhala li tghaddilha xi flejjes. Merk hija kumpanija illi tiehu hsieb xi proprjetajiet gewwa Dubai u tigbor u tqassam il-kirjiet ta' dawn il-proprjetajiet. Jidher li Sahra FZCO 584 ( i; ! . ~ . ., .· . v ,_• J J kienet irceviet il-flus minghand Yassat Gloria Hotel u Merk f' AED iZda mbaghad kwazi immedjatament hargithom billi kkonvertiethom f'USD ghax 1-AED mhix valuta konvenjenti. Claude-Ann Sant Fournier tghld li 1-UBO ta' Sahra FZCO huma Arzu Aliyeva u Leyla Aliyeva u Sahra FZCO ghandha erba' kontijiet mal-Bank ( Pilatus. IZda dawn huma UBO ta' kumpaniji ohra li ghandhom kontijiet mal-Bank Pilatus bhal Da Vinci, Picasso, pero ma kienetx mija fil-mija certa. Apparti minn dawn hemm zija minn naha ta' ommhom u zija minn naha ta' missierhom li fethu kontijiet bankarji mal-Bank Pilatus, iZda li huma kontijiet personali. Shams Al Sahra ghandha kont AED li huwa attiv mid-9 ta' Frar 2017, kont EUR li mhux attiv, kont GBP li mhux attiv u kont USD li mhux attiv. Kemm kumpaniji tal-ahwa Aliyev kif ukoll kumpaniji tal-ahwa Heidarov ghandhom self mal-Bank Pilatus. Dan is-self inghata wara li ghamlu "assessment tal-loan ghal xhiex qed jigi mitlub u nitkellmu mal-klij