President Trump’s job performance rating increased 7 percentage points since August DEC. 2019 APPROVE 61% NOT SURE 1% DISAPPROVE 38% n=500 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2017 2018 Q: In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president? 2019 Approve Disapprove 2019 President Trump has a higher approval rating among West Virginia voters than the nation as a whole 61% 53% 38% Approve Disapprove 45% Q: In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president? Not1% sure Approve Disapprove Not2% sure Oct. 2019 n=800 More than half of West Virginia voters believe there is not enough evidence for Congress to impeach Donald Trump 39% There is not enough evidence for Congress to hold an impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump and he should finish his term as president Congress should hold an impeachment inquiry to determine if there is enough evidence to see if he should be removed from office 54% 31% Based on what you have seen, read or heard about President Trump’s call and actions related to his discussion with the Ukrainian president, which of the following best describes you? 14% n=500 There is enough evidence for Congress to impeach Donald Trump and remove him from office now. 24% 25% n=800 West Virginia voters are more likely to believe that Donald Trump should not be impeached than Americans overall National Survey (Oct. 2019) West Virginia 59% 46% 49% 34% 7% 5% n=500 Not impeach Donald Trump and he should remain in office n=800 Not impeach Donald Trump and he should remain in office And, based upon what you know today would you say Congress should….