Script All Stnras {Stern Manager will meet with alert: assneiataa during slurs huddle and ind ividuallv with "was asaneiataa nut present an day nf ann-uuneemant] fined Hunting Thrnugltnut the year. we have all hard tn help the new realise several business nbjeetives nur Sears and Kmart brands. We have ntade strides in am tn nur member es perienees. Beth fntmats have their senres nver last year and it validates hard nur teams have at maintaining stare standards and serving nus members- At the same time, has faced ehallenges sinee the nurehase nt' substantially all at" the assets nt' Sears Hnldings in ehniarv- These ehalienges have at?l?eeted and limited the enntpanv?s strategic ehniees. This brings me in a very tnugh ennversatinn. The deeisinn has been ntade tn elnse nur state. ean assure van that tltis deeisinn is nne that was talten very serinuslv, hnwever. alier exhaustive diseussinns and weighing all the nptinns, this stare will begin the liquidatinn pineess ?ne ni' the ?rst steps will be with preparatinns t?nr a "gning nut nt?husiness? sale- A liquidating ennsultant will be arriving at the snare nn Friday. anenther 15, It] I 9. with a pure-sale stat-tin nn anember Liquidatinn will hagin nn December 2. 2019. This stare is espeeted tn remain npen until Fehruarv flint]- This. I realize. is dit?lieuit news in bear, just as it was a dit?t?ieult deeisinn tn ntalte. All nf us within the Cnmpanv reengniae that a stnre elnsing iinpaets manv penple - assneiates, managers. and their families, as weli as nut members. and nut lneal Tahin eare nl? rnentbet's enntinues in he very Until vnu are differentlv we plan In nperate business as usual with an changes tn nur established hnurs, nnlieies. nr prneedures. Our gnal is npen hnnest enntmunieatinn. Within the neat weeks a Market nr ileginnai Representative will he enntin tn nur stnte tn address nur elnsing and in answer any questinns gnu ntaj.r have. In additinn the Market nr Reginnal Representative will distribute in each nf vnu a written nntiee int?nrtning vnu nt' the stare elnsing. ?t?nu will be aslted tn sign this nntiee indicating vnu have been I want in thank vnu far all nt?vnut dedieated serviee tn this stnre and espress nur appreeiatinn nt' all at" ynur enntributinns. At this paint I will apart the ?nnr tn questinns.