2018R00230 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY Crim. No. 19- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 18 u.s.c. § 1343 v. FRANK GILLIAM INFORMATION The defendant having waived in open court prosecution by indictment, the United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey charges: 1. At all times relevant to this Information, unless otherwise indicated: A. Defendant FRANK GILLIAM ("GILLIAM") was a resident of Atlantic City, New Jersey. GILLIAM was a member of the Board of Trustees of AC Starz Basketball Club ("AC Starz"), a non-profit organization that GILLIAM incorporated in or about 2011 to operate a youth basketball team. AC Starz was funded through fees paid by the families of youth basketball players and donations from contributors. Between in or about January 2009 until in or about December 2017, GILLIAM served as a member of the Atlantic City Council. In or about January 2018, GILLIAM became the Mayor of Atlantic City. B. AC Starz maintained a bank account at a bank in New Jersey (the "Account"). GILLIAM was a signatory on the Account, and all of the debit transactions in the Account were made with debit cards issued to GILLIAM. 2. From at least as early as in or about 2013 to in or about 2018, in Atlantic County, in the District of New Jersey, and elsewhere, defendant FRANK GILLIAM knowingly and intentionally did devise and intend to devise a scheme and artifice to defraud the contributors to AC Starz of money by means of materially false pretenses, representations and promises. 3. The object of this scheme and artifice to defraud was for GILLIAM, facilitated by the use of interstate wire transmissions, to obtain donations from AC Starz contributors under the false pretense that these funds would be used for the benefit of a youth basketball team and school supplies for underprivileged children. GILLIAM instead used these funds primarily to pay for personal expenses umelated to the team or the purchase of school supplies. 4. It was part of the scheme and artifice to defraud that, from in or about 2013 to in or about 2018: A. GILLIAM solicited donations to AC Starz from various individuals and entities, claiming that the funds wo~ld be used to support a youth basketball team and/or school supplies. During this period, GILLIAM collected approximately $87,215 in donations from contributors to AC Starz and deposited these funds into the Account. B. GILLIAM used the money in the Account for personal expenses umelated to the operation of a youth basketball team, including luxury designer clothing, expensive meals, and personal trips to various locations. 5. Onor about the dates listed below, in Atlantic County, in the District ofNew Jersey, and elsewhere, for the purpose of executing and attempting to execute this scheme and artifice to defraud, defendant FRANK GILLIAM 2 knowingly and intentionally transmitted and caused to be transmitted in interstate commerce by means of wire, radio and television communications certain writings, signs, signals, pictures, and sounds, including: Date Wire Transmission September 25, 2014 GILLIAM caused a solicitation for donations to AC Starz to be sent via facsimile from Atlantic City, New Jersey to a victim based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania GILLIAM emailed the principal of a corporate contributor to solicit a donation to AC Starz GILLIAM used a debit card associated with the Account to make a $568.31 purchase of luxury designer clothing in Tinton Falls, New Jersey that was processed through an out-ofstate server April 6, 2016 December 26, 2017 In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343. CRAI CARP NITO United States Attorney 3 jCASE NUMBER: 19- United States District Court District of New Jersey UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. FRANK GILLIAM INFORMATION FOR 18 u.s.c. § 1343 CRAIG CARPENITO UNITED STATES ATTORNEY NEWARK, NEW JERSEY Sean Farrell ASSISTANT US. ATTORNEY 973-645-6112