SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA - COUNTY OF FRESNO Civil Department Entered by: Non-Limited - I I TITLE 0.F CASE: _ City of Fresno vs. Fresno Building Healthy Communities Case Number: LAW‘AND MOTION MINUTE ORDER Hearing Date: September 5, 2019 Department: 503 Court Clerk: M. Duarte 19CECGOO422 Hearing Type: From Chambers Judge: Kimberly A. Gaab ' > Reporter: Not Reported - Appearing Parties: _ _ Plaintiff: No Appearances Counsel: Defendant: Counsel: , Off Calendar [ ] [ ]Contin'ued to [ ] Submitted on points and authorities with/without'argument. [ ] Upon [ ]Mo_tion [ ]Taken undef advisement [ ] No and filing of points is granted [ [ ] Pursuant to at‘ _ Dept'.‘_ for _ [ ] Matter and denied ih pért. argument pursuant becomes to Local the order of the court. No [ ]Motion is denied Rule 2.2.6 and CRC 3.1308(a)(1). further order necessary. is and CCP section 1019. 5(a), no further order as the order of the court. Service by the clerk will constitute Is necessary ‘ The minute order adopting the notice of the order. [ ] See attabhed copy.of the [ ] Judgment debtor_ sworn and examined. [ ] Tentative Ruling. _ ]with/with'outprejudice. [ CRC 3. 1312(a) tentative ruling serves argued and submitted. is authorities. ]in part party requested oral ]Tentative'ruling _ 1Setfor [ [ [X] No Appearances Judgment debtor failed to appear. Bench warrant issued in the amount of $ - _ ' JUDGMENT: ~ r [ ]Money damages [ ]Claim of exemption Principal $_ ]Default [ lnterest$___ [ ] granted entered inthe amountof: Total Attorney fees ]denied. Court orders withholdings modified to ]Other Costs [ $_ [ _' $_ $_ $_ per FURTHER, COURT ORDERS: ]Monies held by levying officerto be [ ]released tojudgmentcreditor. ]returned tojudgmentdebtor. $_ to be released tojudgment creditor and balance returned tojudgment debtor. notified. ]Levying Officer County of ]Writto issue [ [ [X] Other. The matter having been under advisement, the court now rules as follows: See attached Order After [ [ '[ I ] { r Hearing. . I CV-14b R0348 Il___l..L.._. r..— ‘ LAW AND MOTION MINUTE ORDER . . Order Afler Hearing City of Fresno Re: Fresno Building Healthy Communities v. Superior Cour’r Cose No. 19CECGOO422 Augus’r 14, 2019 (Dep’r. 503) Hearing Do’re: V Motion: Intervener Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Judgment on The Pleadings ' Association's Motion for ‘ Ruling: The mo’rion forjudgmenf on The pleadings by ln’rervener Howard Association ("Intervener") is gron’red,_wi’rhou’r leave To amend. Jarvis Taxpayer Explanation: concerns Measure P, ’rhe "Fresno Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Tax," o ballot ini’ria’rive on ’rhe November 6, 201 8 Consolidated Statewide General Election ballot Tho’r proposed ’ro authorize ’rhe City of Fresno ’ro collecT o 3/8 percen’r soles 0nd use ’rox. The ini’ricn‘ive received 52.1 7 percent affirmative vo’res dnd wcs declared foiled on December 12, 201 8 by ’rhe Fresno City Council for no’r having obtained Two—‘rhirds vo’rer approval. Defendant Fresno Building Healthy Communities (“FBHC”), ’rhe proponent of Measure P, argues ’rhot only o simple mojori’ry wos needed ’ro approve The measure. ln’rervener now moves forjudgmen’r on The pleadings, contending That Two-Thirds vote was indeed required. This ac’rion The California Supreme Court explained The principles when 0nd construing consfifu’rioncl provisions ’rho’r courts ore To follow s’ro’ru’res: We start by oscribing ’ro words Their ordinary meaning, while Taking account 0nd of related provisions constitutional scheme. 0nd ’rhe structure of The relevom‘ s’ro’rufory Angeles County Bd. of Supervisors (Los v. 39 COLS’th 282, 293; Bighorn—Desen‘ View Wafer Agency v. Verji! (2006) 39 Col.4’rh 205, 212 If The provisions' intended .) purpose nonetheless remains opaque, we moy consider extrinsic sources, such os cm initio’rive's bcllo’r materials. (Larkin [v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd. (2015) 62 CGIATh 152,] 158 Moreover, when construing .) inh‘ion‘ives, we generally presume elec’rors ore aware of existing low. (In re Lance W. (1985) 37 Col.3d 873, 890, fn. Finally, we apply .) Superior Court (201 6) . . . . . . 1 'independenfjudgment when construing 57 Cal.A’rh 401, (California (Uplond).) 416 . . . .) Cannabis Coalition . . 1 provisions. (Wesfern States . . . . constitutional Petroleum Assn. v. 0nd statutory Board of Equalization (201 3) — v. City of Upland (201 7) 3 Col.5fh 924, 933—934 The favor or cour’r whenever Iimi’r ’rhe is about The scope of The narrowly consTrue provisions To “resolve doub’rs possible, 0nd exercise of That power." Proposition 13 Ar’ricle XIII / Ar’ricle XIII A was added prevent subversion of (Id. o’r p. 936, ci’ro’rions ini’rio’rive Tho’r power in its would burden omified.) A, Section 4 ’ro ’rhe s’ro’re Consfifufion in 1978 by Proposifion 13. To by ensuring Tho’r los’r property ’rox property Tax simply be bockfilled wi’rh o’rher new ’roxes, article Xlll A, section 4 prohibited coum‘ies, ci’ries, 0nd special dis’rric’rs from enocfing any special 10x without 0 Two—Thirds vo’re of The elec’roro’re. (Apartment Ass’n of Los AngeIes Coum‘y, Inc. v. City revenue could limi’ro’rions i’rs no’r of Los Angeles (2001) 24 Col.4’rh 830, 836.) The California Supreme Cour’r noted, in Kennedy Wholesale, Inc. v. State Bd. of Equalization (1 991) 53 Col.3d 245, Tho’r article XIII A, sec’rion 4's ’rwo—Thirds vo’re requirement “demons’rro'res, unambiguously, Tho’r The voTers knew how To impose o supermajori’ry vo’ring requirement Upon Themselves when Tho’r is who’r ’rhey won’red To do." (Id. o’r p. 252.) Arficle XIII A, section 4 was referenced in con’rros’r To article XIII A, sec’rion 3: “Thon‘ The voters expressly odop’red such o requirement in secTion 4 strongly sugges’rs That They did no‘r do so implicitly in section 3.” (lbid., emphasis in original.) Ah‘adeno Bloodgood (1 987) 192 Col.App.3d 585, o property 10x was approved by o m0jori1y of vo’rers, bu’r The Los To raise money for The library Angeles Coum‘y Confroller declined To implement The ’rox based on The supermojori’ry requirement of or’ricle XIII A, section 4. The Coun‘ of Appeal held Tho’r The Two-thirds voTe requirement applied To The initiative, nofing Tho? The voters' obili’ry ’ro approve o parcel 10x wos dependen’r on The district's authority under s’rofe low ’ro levy 0 parcel Tax. (Id. o’r p. 589.) AIfadena Library wos cited wi’rh approval by The California Supreme Cour’r in Som‘o Clara County Local Transportation Authority v. Guordino (1 995) Col.4Th 220, where described ’rhe Altadeno ini’riofive as ”o proposal To impose 0 In Library Dist. v. dis’rric’r 1 1 i’r special fox for library purposes [which] obtained o majority but approval required by ProposiTion 13." (Id. o’r p. 258.) Under Proposition 13 0nd Alfadena Through ini’riofive, local Prooosifion 218 voters mus’r vo’re / Ar’ricle XIII in no’r The Two—Thirds vo’rer order ’ro impose o special 10x fovor by o supermojorh‘y. Library, in C, Section 2, Subdivision (d) Article XIII C, secTion 2, subdivision (d) of The California Cons’ri’ru’rion (adopted in 1996 as por’r of Proposi’rion 2] 8) provides: "No loco! government moy impose, exTend, or increase ony special Tax unless 0nd until ’rho’r Tax is submi’r’red ’ro ’rhe electorate 0nd approved by o Two—Thirds vo’re." “Proposition 218 should be ‘Iiberally construed 1‘0 effecTuo’re its purposes of limifing local government revenue 0nd enhancing Taxpayer consem‘.‘ [CiToTion.]” (Bay Area Cellular Telephone Co. v. City of Union City (2008) 162 . Col.App.4’rh 686, 698—699, emphasis Unifed Wafer Conservafion . . see olso Cify of San Buenovem‘uro 3 COLSTh 191 1204.) in original; Disf. (201 7) 1 v. , Liberally construing Proposiflon 21 8 To effecfuofe ifs purposes of “limiting local governmen’r revenue 0nd enhancing Taxpayer consent" necessitates applying The 2 enhanced Taxpayer consent, i.e., o ’rwo-‘rhirds vote for oll special Taxes. Relying on The 201 7 Colifornid Supreme Cour? decision in Upland, FBHC argues ’rho’r only o simple majority is needed ’ro approve a special ’rox enacted by vo’rer constructionxrequiring initiative. Upland involved 0 vo’rer initiative permit medical marijuana dispensories ’ro pcy on annual $75,000 licensing 0nd inspection fee. o’r pp. 931 -932.) The California Cannabis Coalition collected (Upland, supra, 3 Col.5’rh signatures from 15 percent of ’rhe ci’ry's voters 0nd requested a special elec’rion ’ro consider ’rhe ini’rio’rive pursuant to Elections Code section 9214. (Ibid.) Because Proposition 218 requires local governments ’ro presen’r general Tax proposals o’r general 0nd fo require each dispensary To C, § 2(b)), 0nd concluding ’rho’r The $75,000 fee a general 10x, The ci’ry council determined ’rho’r The inifiofive could n01 be c1 special election. (Id. o’r p. 932.) The California Cannabis Coalition filed o election for location candidates cons’ri’ru’red (orf. XIII on in writ of mondo’re alleging Tho’r ’rhe ch‘y violo’red hold 0 special election on The ini’rio’rive. (Ibid.) vo’red Elections Code section 921 4 by failing ’ro Terms, or’ricle XIII C, The California Supreme Court mode clear Tho’r “[b]y section 2 only applies fo actions Token by o ”local government.” (Id. 01 p. 936.) “[T]he common unders’ronding of loco! government does not readily lend itself fo include The electorate, instead generally referring ’ro o localify‘s governing body, public officials, 0nd bureaucracy." (Id. 01 p. 937.) Referring ’ro The bollo’r pamphlet, The Cour’r no’red ’rho’r “construing local government os on en’ri’ry dis’rinc’r from The public is consistent not only with how The Term is used in the provision's Text, bu’r also wi’rh how i1 is used in h‘s interpretation findings 0nd declarations." (Id. o’r p. 938.) The Court found suppon‘ for i’rs i’rs 0nd ’rho’r “These materials indicate bo’rh governmen’r' cs if is commonly understood 0nd That the provision's intended purpose did n01 include limiting vo’rers' "power To raise Taxes by s’rofu’rory ini’riofive." (Id. c’r pp. 940-941 .) in Proposition 218's findings That or’ricle X . . declarations, noting C employs The ’rerm ‘Iocol . Because The Upland Cour’r concluded Tho? vo’rers were no’r The “local government" for purposes of the election Timing requirement applicable ’ro general foxes under Proposition 8 (or’ricle XIII C, sec’rion 2, subdivision (b)), FBHC contends ’rho’r vo’rers also ore n01 The “local government" for purposes of The ’rwo—Thirds vo’re requirement applicable ’ro special Taxes in article XIII C, secfion 2, subdivision (d). However, Upland is confined ’ro ifs limited holding concerning fhe election do’re for on ini’riofive. The Court specifically addressed ’rhe Third sentence of article Xlll C, section 2, subdivision (b), which reads, in relevant pcr’r: “The election required by This subdivision shall be consolidated with a regularly scheduled general election for members of ’rhe governing body of The local government, excep’r in cases of emergency declared by 0 unanimous vote of ’rhe governing body." This provision does no’r concern The vote required for o Tax. Rofhei, i1 applies when the governing body of o Iocol government is scheduling The election. The Cour’r stated: "[W]e conclude Tho’r ’rhe requirement in L article XIII C, section 2, subdivision (b)—mondofing That general foxes be submitted ’ro The voters of a regularly scheduled general election—opplies only ’ro local governments 0nd no’r ’ro ’rhe electorate's initiative power (Upland, supra, 3 Col.5’rh o’r p. 943.) . . . . IT is The well-sefiled That “[G]n appellate decision is n01 ou’rhority for everything said opinion bu’r only 'for The poin’rs oc’ruolly involved 0nd oc’ruolly decided.‘ in cour’r's [Ci’rofion.]" (Sonfisos v. Goodin (1998) 17 Col.4’rh 599, 620.) Language in on opinion only “in The ligh’r of The foc’rs 0nd ’rhe issue Then before The court be undersfood . 3 . . is ’ro (Ginns v. Savage (1964) 61 Cal.2d 520, 524 fn. 2.) And “[c]oses ore not authority for propositions n01 decided.” (Sino Century Development Limited v. Farley (2012) 21 1 Col.App.4Th 688, 696; Mochodo v. Superior CourT (2007) 148 Cal.AppATh 875, 881 issue presented in the ins’ron’r case was never reached by ’rhe Upland Court. .) The The Two—Thirds vo’re requirement is not placed on The “local government." proposed special Taxes mus’r be “submi’r’red ’ro The electorate," which mus’r approve ’rhe proposals by o ’rwo—Thirds vo’re. Since local government does no’r approve special ’rox proposals, is erroneous To conclude Tho’r The ’rwo—Thirds vo’re requirement in or’ricle XIII C, section 2, subdivision (d) applies only ’ro o “(local government." Once The ini’riofive is submitted ’ro ’rhe voters, is incumbem‘ Upon ’ro ’rhe vo’rers To approve by C1 Rather, i’r i’r i’r Two—Thirds vote, or otherwise reject i1. (See Elec. Code, § 921 5.) The Upland Court, in fact, distinguished The election do’re requirement (which only applies ’ro local governments in scheduling elections) from ’rhe ’rwo—Thirds vote requirement Tho’r applies To vo’rers: I we Kennedy Wholesale, 53 Col.3d 01 page 252, 279 intended purpose includes imposing requirements on vo’rers, evidence of such 0 purpose is clear. In on‘icle Xl C, section 2, subdivision (d), for example, The enoctors adopted o requiremen’r providing ThoT, before c: local government can impose, extend, or increase ony special ’rox, voters must approve The 10x by o frwo—Thirds vote. That consfi’rUTes o higher vofe requirement Than would otherwise apply. ([Elec. Code,] § 921 7 [providing for a majority vote].) That 1h_e vo’rers explicitly imposed o procedural two—fhirds vote requirement on Themselves in or’ricle XIII C, s‘ec’rion 2, subdivision (d) is evidencefrho’r ’rhey did n01 implicitly impose o procedural Timing requirement in subdivision [A]s observed when on in . . . , ini’riofive's (b). (Upland, supra, 3 COLSTh In ’rhe o’r p. 943, obove—referenced emphasis added.) provision, The Cour’r refers To Elections Code section ond which provides Tho? such initiatives appears Tho’r The Cour’r was referring ’ro s’ro’red ’rho’r, under or’ricle XIII C, sec’rion 2, subdivision (d), voters initiatives, ’rhen, when mus’r approve special Taxes “by o Two—Thirds vo’re" 0nd such “consfi’ru’res o higher vo’re requirement ’rhon would otherwise opply” pursuant To Elections Code section 921 7. (Ibid.) The Two—Thirds vote requirement applies ’ro oll special 10x proposals, regardless of The proponent of ’rhe proposal. 921 7, pass o s’rcx’rufe wi’rh specific To local voter initiafives, o simple majority vo’re. Thus, i’r i’r , [following ’rhe Th0? Legislative Analyst's Office likewise concluded That increase Taxes mus’r secure The some vote of The Upland decision, The “[c]i’rizen initiatives electoroTe—mojority vo’re for general foxes and Two-‘rhirds vo’re for special Toxes—os Those placed on ’rhe bollo’r by local governing bodies.“ (Intervener's Request for Judicial No’rice, Ex. l, p. 1.) Accordingly, Intervener's motion fdrjudgmen’r on The pleadings is granted, wi’rhouT leave To amend. All requests forjudiciol no’rice ore granted, wi’rh The exception of Intervener's Exhibit Rulinglssued By: 2. /7Q¢ll//f/M/y/4fl/ (Jud d6) on q/W/fi /<§(D 1e) FOR COURTUSEONLY SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA - COUNTY 0F FRESNO Civil Department, Central Division 1130 "0" Street 93724-0002 Fresno, California (559) 457-2000 TITLE 0F CASE: . City of Fresno vs. Fresno Building Healthy Communities CLERK'S CERTIFICATE 0F MAILING I certify that am I Cfing'Eggfi‘zz not a party to this cause and that a true copy of the: > Minute‘ Order from was placed i'n Chamber with Order After Hearing a sealed envelope and placed for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown below am readily familiar with this court’spractice for collecting and processing following our ordinary business practice. Correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service with postage fully prepaid. .W it is deposited ' Place of mailing: 93724-0002 Fresno,Célifornia ' 7 0n Date: 09/05/2019 Clerk, . by M M. Duane KristiM Costa Fresno City Attorney's Office - Timothy A. . Bittle 921 Eleventh Street, Sulite 1201 Sacramento, CA 95814 ' 2600 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 , Deborah B. Caplan Olson Hagel & Fishburn LLP 555 Capitol Mall, Suite Sacramento, ’D 400 CA 95814 Clerk's Certificate of Mailing Additional TGN-06b R08-06 Address Page Attached CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING '.Deputy _