OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Society Farmer Special! Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Inc. We -. DORMITORY AT NEW FBI ACADEMY. QUANTICO. VIRGINIA This is one of the new buildings at the beautiiul new FBI National Academy at Quantico. Virginia which some 500 members oi Society Chapters in the Washington and Mid-Atlantic Region will visit on Saturday. September 23. upon the invitation oi Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray (See Page 4) Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Vol. 36 September 1972 No. 9 THE Society of Former Special Agents of the: Fed- eral Bureau of Investisration, Statler-Hilton Hotel, 33 Inc. Suite rd Street and 7th Avenue, N. Y. 10001 Miss Frances Keogh. Exc cutive Secretary OFFICERS Walter E. Dence James E. Fogarty Frank L. Price . . . . . . . . . . . President Pr sident-elect . . . Secretary Dale S. Thompson . . . . . . Treasurer REGIONAL VICE Pl Burton H. Michael .. John 0. Montgomery James L. McGovern Caryl W. Garberson . . John S. Todd Robert A. Erskine Executive Corr Desmond J.Bridges RESIDENTS . . . Northeast . . id?Atlantic . . . . Southeast North Central South Central Western [mittee Villiam 0. Gray John H. Doyle A. Murphy Committee Cha rmen James 13. Hastings Chapter Gordon R. Carpenter Convention Charles Vii. Directory Sc-udder Kelvie Executive Services William 0. Gray . .. . . .. . . Foundation Edward F. Monahan Insurance Gordon A. Philips Publications Harold M. Perry Investments I'Iuirh L. Stener- Legal John D. O?Connell Francis X. Plant Copyright 1972 by Society of Special Agents of the Investigation. IncMembership Nominating evinc PUBLICATION 5mm mer Shela! Agar: a] ?u Bum lunmirarlnm. 11.. Former :dertil mean of An international magazine published for and distributed to the members and friends of the Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal . Subscription price $5 per 2nd class postage paid at Bureau of Inc. i year. lNew York, N. Y. GORDON A. PHILIPS, Editor KARL G. HASTEDT, Managing Editor EDITORIAL OF FICES P.O. Box 5456 17 Woodhampton Drive Trenton, New Jer sey 08638 LETTERS Betty and I plan a trip to Tokyo, Hong Kong and Hawaii in October. I thought there were some X-Asrents in Hone: Kong and Tokyo 'but did not ?nd any geographical listing. I know several of the fellows in Honolulu as I was once assigned there. We are thoroughly enjoying Southern Cal- ifornia climate and recreation. Betty and the three children are healthy and active. I travel frequently all over the West and sometimes back to Chicago and Detroit. Our o??ices in Denver, Portland. Los Angeles and San Francisco keep me on a busy itinerary. Russ T. Coon 3171i) Fox?eld Drive Westlakc Village, Calif. 91361 'I?hc Gerbers have moved again. Our new address is 3227 North Wood Valley Road. N.W.. Atlanta. Georgia 30327. I am president of a newly-formed company. Martin. Gerber Associaies Inc., management conu sultants. My company address is Suite 100. 241 West Wieuca Road, N.E.. Atlanta. Ga. 30342. I am happy to be in Atlanta and as- sociated with the fine Atlanta Chapter again. Marty and I are already making plans to attend the New Orleans Convention. Mel R. Gerber Jr. I worked with the late Bon Hughes Mc- Elreath (1950-63). who died June 14 in Ox- ford. Mississippi. in the Memphis FBI of?ces for several years. He was truly one of the ?nest men I've ever known compassionate. friendly. conscientious, a good husband and father. His homespun sense of humor was sincere source of delight to all who knew 1m. William H. Lawrence Swiss Pine Lake Drive Spruce Pine, North Carolina We look forward to each issue of The Grapevine and are enjoying; the magazine more than ever since it contains articles and pic- tures of Walter and Flo frequently in his role as President of the Society. (F10 and I were friends in New Orleans before marrying; our Bureau husbands. and we followed the Dcnces to the San Antonio and Miami of- ?ees.) We are hopine.? to see them and all of our other friends at New Orleans in November. My thoughts jump from joy to sadness as I recall a past convention in Denver. Col- orado. where Lois Kramer of Littleton, Col- orado, was among! the dear friends with whom we had so much fun. She and Russ later visited us here in Garden City. I am enclosing a check in her memory for the X-FBI Foundation. Mrs. Alvin A. Dewey Garden City, Kansas 67846 As a result of a ?re. I lost my Society membership card. At your earliest issue me a new one. John F. Scheich Richmond Hill. N. Y. 11419 I have not received a copy of the new Membership Directory. Would appreciate hav- ing; one mailed to 'me. James E. Bailey Sr. 5440 Braesvalley. Apt. 163 Houston. Texas 77035 Durinp: a recent trip to Costa Rica. I found former_Soeiety member Donald (continued on page 43) convenience, would you Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 ?liihnvn iliApproved For Release What to Wear at New Orleans Weather is Pleasant in November With Warm Days and Cool Evenings?Bring Comfortable Walking Shoes By Charles R. Carson The Society?s New Orleans Conven? tion will be held in the season that New Orleans calls early Fall. No- vember 8 through 11 is in the period when our Summer humidity is over but the temperatures still call for general air. conditioning. For the entire month of November the average maximum temperature is in the low 70s and the average min? imum temperature is in the low 50s. This means that you can still ex- pect to see some afternoons when the temperature will reach 80 degrees. Shirt sleeves will be comfortable on sunny days. We may have turned our heaters on at home but only to take the chill off during the night. Daytime clothing can be as informal as you want to make it. You will still see girls in shorts in the French Quarter, and it never gets cold enough here to discourage mini-skirts. There will be enough chill in the evening air to make a light wrap comfortable when out walking. All the good restaurants require men to wear coats and ties so the men have no problem with evening temperatures. Women?s slack suits are now accepted in the better restaurants. An additional light wrap might add to your night time comfort. New Orleans is very broad minded about dress. You will see all extremes of dress in the French Quarter. The Fairmont Roosevelt Hotel is within walking distance of the French Quarter and the women will have many shops, art galleries and other places of interest that they can walk to see. So be sure to bring comfort- able walking shoes. The month of November gets very little rain by New Orleans standards. Our year round average is ?ve inches a month, mostly in thunderstorms and hurricane season rains. November?s average is three and one half inches. The Summer thunderstorms are gen- erally over and the hurricane season has ended. It is delightful weather, and daylight 11 hours a day. So to use a local expression come see. We believe you will enjoy it here. Kansas City Airport Inspected By Heart of America Chapter Members of the Heart of America Chapter met at the newly-constructed Kansas City International Airport for their meeting on July 18. They inspected the many unusual features of the airport which will soon be the departure and arrival point for many world travelers. It is recognized as one of the largest and most modern airports in the world. It has one unique feature no one will be required to walk more than a few feet from his parked car to the jet ramp. Costing more than $250 million to build, the air terminal is capable of handling any now known or designed aircraft. Experts believe Kansas City will become a port of entry for the United States, thus promoting the de- velopment of the ?heartland of Amer- ica.? Members on the inspection tour were Chairman John Burge, Vice Chairman Bill Mangold, Ed Burke, Joseph Dodge, Stuart Hines, Jeff Knutson, Ed McKaskel, Barney Myers, Bob Quirk and Roger Walsh. JAMES F. T. GARNER, Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For Here's :13 typical dormitory room at the FBI Academy. Open House at FBI Academy Acting Direction 3Gray Invites 500 Society Members To Visit New $23, 000, 000 Facility at Quantico Sept. 23 Through the invitation of Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray, some 500 members of the Washington, I). C. Chapter and other Chapters in the Mid?Atlantic and New: York regions are expected to visit the Bureau?s new Academy facilities at Quantico, Vir- ginia on Saturday, September 23. The program begins at 11:15 a.m. The visitors will be3 welcomed by Assistant Director Thomas J. Jenkins, followed by a brie?dg and small guided tours of the ew facilities. There also will be a hat lunch and a ?rearms demonstrationlat the ranges across the road from Academy. The hot lunch will served in the new dining room at 213 cost of $1.40 per person. Reservations for the3 tou1 must be made by Tuesday, September 19 with Chairman Paul Ertzinger of the Washington, D. C. Chapter. He urges that they be made by3 telephone: to 202-? 363- 9203, either day or evening. It is expected that seveial of the Society?s national of?cer?s will also at- tend the visitation program. ACADEMY FOUNDED IN 1935 The new FBI National Academy has been termed a ?University in Law Enforcement.? Started in July 1935, by the late FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, the Academy has trained thousands of law enforcement of?cers from all over the United States and foreign countries. With the gradua- tion of the 89th session of the Acad- emy last June 7, 1972, the total num- ber of graduates rose to 6,134, of whom 221 are from friendly foreign countries. Of the nearly 3,300 Acad- emy-trained o?icers still active in law enforcement, about 28 percent now hold top executive positions in their respective agencies. Their training has helped bring to realization law enforcement?s greatest single asset: professional pride. The new, modern FBI Academy nestles within a ?79-acre tract of roll? ing, wooded Virginia at the Quantico Marine Corps Base. Here last June 26, the 90th Session of the FBI National Academy con- vened and the ZOO-member class be- Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Ha? at targets. gan the most intensive and complete training program that instructional experience and modern technology permit. 2,000 STUDENTS A YEAR The new FBI Academy is equipped to accommodate a number of law en? forcement training programs from basic police skills to the most s0phis- ticated applications of advanced tech- nology and innovative concepts in criminology. In addition to permitting 2,000 select of?cers a tenfold in- crease over the previous number to annually attend the 12-week FBI National Academy sessions, the cur- riculum and facilities enable another 1,000 o?icers to yearly receive special- ized courses of shorter duration. The Academy also provides for the initial training of FBI Agent person- nel as well as the specialized in? service training they periodically re? ceive throughout their careers. The Academy also will be the setting for top-level conferences and seminars related to law enforcement problems. Construction of the new Academy began in June 1969 and its total cost is approximately $25,000,000. It in- cludes an Administration Building with a gross area of 11,586 square feet; a Learning Resource Center of 24,000 square feet; a Classroom Building of 105,400 square feet; a Physical Training Center with an area of 98,956 square feet; two Dorm- FBI pistol range at Quantico. Virginia. Special Agents are hip shooting at seven yards itories with a gross area of 78,372 square feet each; a Dining Facility of 120,800 square feet and a seating capacity of 350, and an Auditorium with a seating capacity of 1,000. The Academy curriculum has been organized into ?ve instructional de- partments. These are: The Department of Management Science; the Department of Law; the Department of Behavioral Science; the Department of Forensic Science, and the Department of Education and Communication Arts. 23 CLASSROOMS The Academy has 23 classrooms, including 16 accommodating 50 stu- dents each. They have rear projec- tion screens and speaker systems con- trolled from the instructor?s leetern. There also are four identi?cation laboratories as well as 13 individual photographic darkrooms for special training in investigative photography, and two darkrooms for training in ?ngerprint identi?cation photography. Other special facilities include a mock-city classroom and a crime scene room where Special law en? forcement situations are re?created to simulate as closely as possible actual problems confronting the of?cer in investigating cases, conducting raids, making arrests and searching for evidence. (continued on page 6) Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 FBI Academy (continued from?page 5) The twin seven-sto dormitories accommodate a maxim?m of 720 stu- dents in two-room suites. Each suite houses four students, two to a room, and has a bath between each room. Another building houses a dining fa- cility, a snackbar, a sonal articles and equil barbershop, and the i1 range. THE ARMs RA Just beyond the dinil the famed FBI outc ranges where o?icers training in a wide var store for per? )men?t, a bank, ldoor ?rearms NGES 1g facility are loor ?rearms receive expert iety of defen- Approved For Tierejd seating classroom atthe FBI Academy. sive weapons under conditions and in situations similar to those they might face in the performance of their du- ties. Students enrolled in the police training programs at the Academy are provided, at no cost to them, all meals, lodging, laundry and dry- cleaning, as well as necessary equip- ment and supplies connected with their training. Selection and nomination of appli- cants to attend police training pro- grams of the Academy are made by the heads of their agencies. Any law enforcement of?cial interested in the Academy?s programs should address his inquiry to the appropriate FBI ?eld of?ce covering his territory. Meech Na Frank F. Meech (194L634), was sworn in on June 12 as interim Sher- iff of Lake County, Florida, under appointment of Governor Reubin As- kew and Circuit Judge He replaced Sheriff Troy Hall. Willis V. Mc~ Call who was suspended from of?ce following his arrest with the death of a pr the Lake County Jail. in connection isoner held in A jury on August 19 acquitted McCall of the charge. Meech formerly was manager of med Interim Sheriff in Florida safety and security of the ITT-Thomp- son Industries at South?eld, Michigan. He retired from that post and he and his wife Moraline moved to Tavares, Florida where they built a new home. He had hardly become settled when he was summoned by Judge Hall and requested to take the interim appoint? ment of Sheriff. It was understood he will serve the remainder of McCall?s unexpired term until the end of the year. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Special exercise room in the Physical Training Center at the FBI National Academy. Jenkins FBI Assistant Director; Is In Charge of Training Division Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray has announced that Inspec- tor Thomas J. Jenkinsthe Training Division, had been designated Assistant Direc? tor in Charge of the Training Di- vision to ?ll the vacancy caused by the retirement of Assistant Director Joseph Casper. Jenkins, who has served years with the FBI, is a native of Washington and is a George- town University law graduate. Gray advised that William M. Mooney, 48, who has been serving as Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Academy at Quantico, Virginia, has been named as Inspector and No. 1 man in the Training Division to re- place Jenkins. Mooney has been with the FBI since 1951 and has served in supervisory capacity at FBI Head? quarters for the past 10 years. He is a graduate of St. John?s University, received his Master?s Degree from Catholic University, and has attended the Harvard School of Business Ad- ministration. Gray further announced that John B. Hotis, 41, who holds a Doctor of the Science of Law degree from Yale University, has been placed in charge of the academic program at the new FBI Academy at Quantico and has also been designated No. 2 man of the Training Division. Inspector Hotis is a native of New York and has been a supervisory of- ?cial at FBI Headquarters since 1965. Tempe. Arizona X-Aqents Eulogize Hoover The late FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was eulogized by several Ari- zona Society members in an article in the Tempe Daily News shortly after the Bureau chief?s death. Each offered a personal recollection of his association with Mr. Hoover and lauded his leadership and high personal integrity. Among those quoted in the article were John B. Duffy (1942-63), chief of security at Arizona State Univers- ity; Judge E. W. (Mike) Halloran (1942-62), chief magistrate of the Tempe Municipal Court; Judge Rich? ard J. Hennessey (1941-51), also of the Tempe Municipal Court; George L. Sheppard (1934-45), a CPA at Tempe; and I. Gayle Shuman (1961- 63), director of housing at Arizona State University. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Constitution Week Proclaimed President Dencel EUrges All to Mark 185th Anniversary of Greatest DoEcuInent of Liberty in W?orld History Society President Walter Dence has proclaimed the period of Septem- be] 17 to 23 as lonsiEitution Week and has urged membersEof the organ- ization to pay special attention to the Constitution of the U. S. and the ad- vantages of American (Eitizenship. President Dence has! joined with the Santa Ana, California Chapter of the Daughters of the Emerican Rev- olution and with DAR Chapters throughout the countryEin urging ob- se1vance of Constitution Week. the. Elizabeth B. BrozowskjE, wife of So? ciety member William Brozowsky, of Orange, California, is Regent of the Santa Ana Chapter an Constitution Week chairman. Dence?s proclamation follows: Septembl 17, 1.972 marks the 185th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States of Amerita by the Con- stitutional Convention in 1787; and this Constitution gives us our foundation for a free, prosper- ous, and independent life for every citizen, but each generation, in its time, must work for and claim it, otherwise, through indifference and carelessness, the liberties and rights we have enjoyed may vanish; and the independence gran- ted to the American peOple to enjoy such freedom and liberty, unknown to any other country, should be honored and celebrated by appropriate cere- monies and activities during Consti- tution Week, September 17 to 23, as designated; ?Now, THEREFORE, I, Walter E. Dence, President of the Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureaulof Investigation Inc., do here- by proclaim the week of September 17-23, 1972 as Constitution Week, and urge all our members to pay special attention during that week to our Federal Constitution and the advan- tages of American Citizenship.? Nominating Committee Named at Columbus Columbus Chapter Chairman Dan? iel W. Johnson named a nominating committee to select a slate of new o?icers at the luncheon meeting held at the University Club at Columbus. Ray Cunningham is chairman, as- sisted by Donald Colasurd and How- ard Amos. Robert Kirkland wasEintroduced as a new member. Oth?rs attending were Ray Cunningham, Okey Roush, Donald Colasurd, Don Cook, Edward Hughes, Earl Merwin, Robert Jack, Howard Amos, Harold Wonnell, Clar? ence Swearingen, Knowlton Good, Jack Klise, Richard Riggs, Donald Rathbun, Ed Mason, Charles Wenner, Stan VanBuran, Stephen M. Miller and Daniel Johnson. STEPHEN M. MILLER, Secretary ebraskai Chapter New of?cers of the Nebraska Chap? ter were elected at the lunch? eon meeting on AugustES at Bishop?s Cafeteria, 1414 Douglas t, Omaha. They are: James McGreevy, Chairman; Clement B. Pedersen, Sec- Elects New Officers rotary, and Al Frie, Treasurer. Present at the meeting were A1 Frie, Robert A. Frink, Leonard P. Kurtz, Larry J. Phipps, Jack N. Wil? liams, Clement B. Pedersen, John Clark and Jim McGreevy. JIM MCGREEVY, Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 HONORED AT BOSTON L. McNamara. outgoing Boston Police Commissioner and new president oi Ogden Security inc.. is awarded cita- tion on behalf of the Greater Boston Chamber oi Commerce by former Mayor Iohn F. Collins. now president of the Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of a reception and dinner honoring Ed on the completion of 10 year's as Boston's Police CommissiOner. McNamara is a former Regional Vice President of the Northeast area of the Society. McNamara Leaves Boston Police Post to Head Ogden Security After ful?lling his second five-year term as Police Commissioner for the City of Boston, Edmund I. McNamara has become president of Ogden Se- curity Inc., a nationwide total security organization which is a subsidiary of the Ogden Corporation. Ogden Security offers a complete range of services in the security, law enforcement, and management con? sulting areas and serves business, in- dustry, institutions, government and the professions. Although the home office of Ogden Security will be in Boston, its operations will be on a national and. international scope. The company is staffed principally by Former Agents and municipal police of?cials. Ogden recently purchased the Suffolk Downs Race Track. On June 28, a reception and dinner in honor of Ed McNamara was held in the ballroom of the Statler Hilton Hotel in Boston which was attended by over 1,000 friends and well-wishers. In 1962 McNamara was the ?rst home-rule Police Commissioner ap- pointed to serve this city in more than 85 years and the ?rst ever to have prior law enforcement exper- ience, having previously served as a Special Agent in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Under his direction the Boston Police Department was re- organized following public criticism of its administration in the early 19605. A native of Boston, Commissioner McNamara attended Clinton, Mass. High School, and graduated from Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass, in 1943, where he was a member of the varsity football team. He served as a Lieutenant in the Navy during World War II. He was a PT boat commander, and won the Silver Star. After the war, he played profes? sional football for the New York Giants and the Pittsburgh Steelers before he joined the FBI in 1946. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For WAITING TO GBEET YOU AT NEW Orleans Convention Chairman Robert H. ?ainold and his Miriam have extended a special invitation to all Society members to be present tor! the great program arranged by the New Orleans Chapter for the organization's 191hlannual meeting November 8 to 12. Bob and Miriam. who directed the third annual nvention in 1956. advise that the upt:0ming meetings at the Fairmont Roosevelt Hotel will be the greatest yet with an attendance of more than 1.200. Clonventioi?i City of New Orleans Has Its EOwn Special Language To visit New OrleansiprOperly one should ?rst learn some} of the lan- guage spoken there, sa Robert R. Rainold, general chairmi of the :30- ciety Convention there bn November 8 to 11. Everyday English is spiced with a great many words which have been absorbed out of the city?s cultural heritage of French, Spanish and African in?uences. They are helpful words and some of them Bob passes along to you with their'de?nitions. Creole: Spanish coriollo, native to the locality. Descendlent bf the French or Spanish settlers of As an adjective, applied to :various local items such as food, vegetables, archi~ tecture. 5 Banquette: French bmtqaette, a low bench. A sidewalk, so called because the early wooden sidewalks were ele- vated above the muddy streets. Bayou: Choctaw Baguio, river or creek. A sluggish stream having its Approved For Release 2002/02/14 rise in the over?ow of a river or the drainage of a marsh. Beignet: French, a fritter. The square doughnuts, sans holes, served with cafe rm lait at the city?s French Market. Cafe can. last: French, coffee pre- pared with hot milk. Cafe brulot: French brulant, burn- ing, hot. A festive drink of coffee, spices, orange peel and burning brandy. Cajun: Corruption of ?Acadian.? Descendents of the early Acadian settlers of Louisiana. Mardi Gras: French, Fat Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday, last day of the Carn- ival season. Celebrated with elaborate parades and street festivities. Vieux Carre: French, old square. The original walled city of New Or? leans. The French Quarter bounded by Canal Street, North Rampart Street, Esplanade Avenue and the Mississippi River. Appr Coulthotrd' IS Killed When Bomb Wrecks His Automobile in Garage at Las Vegas G. William Coulthard (1939-45), a widely known attorney at Las Vegas, Nevada, was killed on July 25 when a bomb demolished his car shortly af- ter he left his downtown o?lce. He was 56. The explosion occurred on the third ?oor of the Bank of Nevada Building which is used as a parking garage. Coulthard had his law of?ces on the ?fth ?oor and was seen in the eleva- tor moments earlier. The force of the blast blew a hole in the concrete ?oor and damaged ?ve other cars A native of Mondale, Iowa, Mr. Coulthard obtained his law degree at the University of Iowa and was ad- mitted to the bar in that State in 1939. He served as a Special Agent of the FBI in Las Vegas from 1939 to 1945 and was admitted to the Ne? vada bar in 1946. Mr. Coulthard was an assistant city attorney in Las Vegas from 1947 to 1948, a member of the State Board of Bar Examiners from 1948 to 1951, and was a former president of the State and Clark County Bar Associa- tions. He was a State from 1951 to 1954 and served as Speaker pro-tem of the Nevada Legislature in 1953. Federal bomb experts were called in to investigate the explosion. Las Vegas police said that two to four sticks of dynamite were apparently placed beneath the vehicle. The blast G. William Coulthard destroyed nearby cars and damaged 20 others on the third ?oor of the garage. No apparent motive for the slaying could be determined, police said. Heiner on the Mend From Shooting Injury Chapter Chairman Chick Heiner presided at the meeting of the Rich- mond, Virginia Chapter on May 4 at the Bull and Bear Club in Richmond. He was in the hospital for several weeks as a result of a shooting inci- dent at the Federal Reserve Bank in Richmond. His arm is improving and he hopes to return to work in the reasonably near future. A committee was appointed to plan a Summer outing at which the wives of members will be guests. Attending the luncheon meeting were Dick Brennan, Bernard Gill, Luther Glass, Paul Hansen, Chick Heiner, Harry McCarthy, Jim Moran, Bob Powell, Ed Robbins, Pucky Smith, John Wagner and Jack Wil? moth. HARRY L. MCCARTHY, Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 A??roved For Releasi. Foundation Contributions The following reports cover receipts by the Former Agents of the FBI Foundation up to July 25, 1972, and list individual and Chapter contri- butions not previously announced dur- ing the current ?scal year of the Society. Previously Announced . $42,505.99 Individual Members of Chapters 94. Members Chicago . . . . . . 1:38.00 27 Members Minnesota 3.37.00 Memorials 20 Members t115.00 Chapter Memorials Cincinnati 22.5.00 Nashville 50.00 New Mexico :25 00 New Jersey Chapter Memorials by Individual Contributors 10 Members Arkansas .11 Members Indianapolis 02.00 12 Members South Carolina 75.00 18 Members Palm Beach .. 27.00 115 Members Southwest Florida 571.00 172.00 Summary 1,120 Members Contributed ,840. 21? 381 Chapter Members Contributed 903.00 102.: Members Contributed Memorials 3,027.50 226 Chapter Members Contributed Memorials . . 522. 00 1,920 Members 94." 1'1 11 Chapters 1, 901. 26 31 Chapters-Memorials . . . . 817.00 Outside Contributions 27 080. 00 $411, "102. 90 Foundation Contributors 1 L. D-onoe'hue, James T. Due?ea Allen F. Frei. Gordon Grantham, F'ticha?idI Hos'mny, Phillip Livingston. Ralph Li. Recor. Eu- .e'ene Wilson. Memorials Virginia Dennis, given by Mr. and Mrs. James F. Tanner. 1 Thomas I-Ieftei'nan. given! by Betty and Bob Erskine. 1 J. Edgar Iloover, given; by George Finger Jr., C. Howard Gla den. Charles H- Gray, Hue?hen G. IIalliburto Arlin E. Jones, Leonard F. Kurtz. Donald Morgan. John F. O?Connell, David K. Riankin, John Sagage, Charles B. El'childecker. Frank Towns- en . Frank Johnstone. given by Nell K. John- stone. Lois Kramer, given by Marie and Alvin Dewey. Duane Traynor. Bon H. McElreath, given by William H. Lawrence. Elmer M. Templeton, given by Mr. and Mrs. Sherard E. Callahan. James Lester Welch and Larry Joe Welch. given by Myron H. Edwin R. Woodrif?fe, given by Edward Logan Hill. Chapter Memorials J. Edgar Hoover, given by Arkansas Chap- ter members John T. Allmon, Harold W. Bruee?geman, J. R. Calhoun, Davis, Hal C. Douglas. Lindsey I-Iatchett, D. S. Hos- tetter. John H. Lupton, Dean R. Morley. John L. Pope Jr Taylor R. Roberts. Ar- thur L. Rooms J1 ., James M. Roy, John R. Russell, Douglas 0. Smith, Charles Stanley. A. E. Townsend Jr., C. Frank Williamson. Henry Woods. J. Edgar Hoover, given by Indiana Chap- ter members Geore?e Asdell, Robert Brannon, Max Bratton, Lawrence E. Brown, Charles K. Corbett, Donald Duil?ee, Thomas Everson. Allan Gillies Barton Hahn. William Harvey. Dudley Horth, Calvin Howa1d, Dixie Howell. Vern Iqul?mari, Guy Inman, Charles D. John- son, Edward Knartzer, Cieora?e Kowalezyk, Robert Lewis, Harold Miller. James Neaule, John Newby, Gene M.N011is, Robeit Keefe. Irvin K. Owen Kenneth PettiJohn. Fred Roesener, Donald Roeeis, John Smock, Art Thurston, William \Villiamson. J. Edgar Hoover. given by Cincinnati Chapter. J. Edgar Hoover, given by South Carolina Chapter members Wade H. Alley, W. Hershel Caver, Phriness E. Cox, Harold O. Fortson, Don C. Morrell, Clilford A. Meyer, S. Pettit. Walter C. Robinson, Wilmer L. Thompson. J. Edgar Hoover, given by Nashville Chap- ter. Wil't R. Jones, given by New Mexico Chapter. Oliver Kelly, given by New Jersey Chapter. James L. Ki1kland, given by Palm Beach Chapte1 membeis John W. Bellamy, IIL-ibert 13.13u1eess Jr. James Arnold Cartei. Ru? dolph F. Cassens, 'obe1t J. Conroy. Robelt 1.1 Haney, Harold I IIele?essen, 1??)le ick 11. Hope, Thomas J. Hurley .11., Pierre A. Lar- moyeux, Hue-h MacMillan, Martin A. Manley. Donald R. Morris, William L. Parker. Finis I. Parrish, Harry Stewart Jr., Douglass E. Wendel, Robert Wiseman. . Lee H. Seward, given by Southwest Florida Chapter members Allan F. Decker, Otho A. Ezell, George W. Hall, S. Herman Horton, Edward R. Kebluseh, Thomas J. McAner-ws. John M. Matter, John C. Mer'tz, William J. Miller. Ralph W. Mills. Roy D. Simpson. David C. Spingler, George H. Treadwell. Edwin R. Woodri?ie, given by Edward Lo- e?an Hill. SAC Lodtterle is Las Vegas Speaker SAC Vern Loetterle: of the Las Vegas FBI O?ice reported on latest happenings within the Bureau at the luncheon meeting of the Las Vegas Chapter at the Hotel on July 11. The next meeting of the Chapter was set for September. Members present were Duane Noyes, James Hotchkiss, Don Holland, George Gillem, Pete Wall, Frank Falvey. DON HOLLAND, Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For Release Gillen and Allen Are Elected New O?icers of Fidelifaets At a meeting of the board of di- rectors of Fidelifacts Inc., the inter- national network owned and operated by former Agents and Society mem- bers, which franchises quali?ed in- vestigators to use the name Fideli- facts, Vincent Gillen of New York and West Hempstead, L. I., was elected president, and Charles B. A1- len of Boston and Norwood, Massa? chusetts, was elected treasurer. Allen operates the Fidelifacts franchise in Boston, and Gillen the franchise in the metropolitan New York area. Gillen announced that ?ve new franchises were awarded within the past several months and that nego- tiations are pending with several quali?ed investigators in various parts of the world. He said that there are still some metropolitan areas where there is a real need for a Fi? delifacts type franchise of?ce opera- tion and that the Executive Director of Fidelifacts Inc. will be glad to receive inquiries from Society mem- bers and other quali?ed investigators at 152 Ivy Street, West Hempstead, New York 11552. Springfield Urged to Support Foundation: Chapter to Attend Football Game Sept. 23 Chairman Duane L. Traynor gave a report on the North Central Rea gional Conference held at Minneapolis at the meeting of the Spring?eld, Illinois Chapter on July 10 at the Elks Club. He pointed out that the Chapter is delinquent in not support- ing the Former Agents of the FBI Foundation to the extent that it should. He urged all members to con- tribute to the Foundation each year. After discussion, it was decided to omit the Chapter picnic this year. Gene Irvin reported that he has re- served 20 tickets for the Illini- Southern California football game on September 23. It will be preceded by a luncheon in the Colonial Room of the Illini Union Building. Attending the meeting were R. C. Anderson, Harold Bruniga, William K. Cavanagh, Manley Hawks, Clem Hood, Richard N. Hosteny, Eugene Irvin, Clarence S. Nold, Kuno R. Schroeder, John F. Tharp, Duane L. Traynor and guest Jim Moreland. JOHN F. TIIARP, Secretary Arthur C. Larson of Omaha is Married To Mrs. E. V. Kadell in Arkansas Rites Arthur C. Larson (1941-65), of 318 South 51st Avenue, Omaha, Ne- braska, and Mrs. E. V. Kadell of Hardy, Arkansas, a former resident of Omaha, were married on August 1. The ceremony was performed at St. Michael?s Church, West Memphis, Arkansas by the Rev. Alvin Trublow- ski. The bride was attended by her daughter, Mrs. Charles Berrey of Allentown, Pa. as matron of honor. John A. Larson of Canoga Park, California, was best man for his father. Larson is vice president of the es- tate and trust division of the Omaha National Bank, and chairman of the Omaha?Douglas ounty Committee for Justice. During his FBI career, he served at one time as an admin~ istrative assistant on the staff of the late FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 4-9 Approved For Membersh In the new Directory undei ings you changed my employ Inspector to Private Investig the name of the Alabama Pharmacy. Under the af?liat aphahetical list- ment from Drug *ator, leaving off State Board of ing listings, you left. out the name of the, Alabama State Board of Pharmacy or show af?liated with the State Boa derstand this since I have so since I have been a memb the business address of the now been changed from 1300 Mobile. to Secretary, P. 0. man, Alabama. 35055. Dudley F. Pee Birmingham, A My position at Bristol La cusc, N. Y. is Security Oi?? orator, as listed in the new Directory. of corrections, would you ple Peter G. Roth If you are going? ing me as being rd. I can't un? nt in no changes er. Incidentally, State Board has Arlington Street, Drawer P, Cull- er .labama boratories, Syra- 2er, not Oil Op? 1972 Membership to print a list ase handle mine. r. It was good to get the L972 Membership Directory. Naturally, the first thing I did as I?m sure everyone else did, was to look myself up. My listing in lthe alphabetical section 1s perfect but in the geographical section the whole Short I-Iil has been omitted. The last about 12 X-Agents here. Al cluded in the af?liation sec sultant or Management Con N. J. L. Piepe 14 Midhurst Short Hills, My name was omitted in section of the new Membersi der Chattanooga. Tennessee. this listing: to be very helr arry B. Mur Chattanooga II Service 2018 Hickory I Chattanooga, Having just received my 10 bership Directory, I was sor not re?ect my present. pos published over 18 months as vine. For your records my is 8000 12th Avenue South, Florida 33707. My title i s, N. J. section Directory showed so I was not in- tion under Con- :ultant. oad 3w Jersey 07078 the geographical ip Directory un- I have found ful in the past. doc vestigative Valley Road ennessee 37421 nit-awaited Mem- to note it did Ltion which you 0 in The Grape- correct residence St. Petershurg, 5 Administrator, Public Safety Agency. . P. Morgan Jr. I recently received my copy of the Mom- bership Directory and ?nd that I have not been included in the Geographical listings. I am not the only one leftlout of this sec- tion. A casual check revealed that several friends of mine in Florida were also left out, namely: John Mertz Warren Marshall of Altamon ard Millen of A'ltamontc Sp Blaine of Umatilla, and Will of Punta Gorda: S. Springs; Rich- 'ring?s; James V. iam W. Wood of Venice. After a two-year wait, it would seem that the publisher should have produced a more accurate Directory for George F. Mes 1616 Bunker I us. Inie: I-iill Drive Sun City Center, Fla. 38570 I, have nothing but hard luck in the geo- graphical section of the Membership Direc- tory. In the 1970 Directory I was listed under both Tucson and Tuscgon. There is no Tuscon. It's spelled Tucson. However, in the 1972 Directory geographical section you have dropped me completely but I do see lip Directory Addenda that you have two Tucson listings, with only one member in the second one. I do think such errors and mistakes can be avoided. have not been receiving The Grapevine nor did I receive a copy of the new Mem- bership Directory. I looked at another mem- ber?s copy of the Directory and on page 97 my name, occupation and address is correct except that I live in Port Republic, Maryland, not Missouri as the Directory has printed it. Also, am not listed in the geographic or af?liation sections at all. Albert Jerome McGrath Strathimoor Hall Port Republic, Maryland The alphabetical section of the new Dircc. tory lists me as Attorney-Counselor. I Would be happy if my occupation were just that but I should be listed as Retired. I am not listed at all in the geographical section un- der St. Petershurg, Florida or St. Petersburg Beach. I sent in my correct occupation to New York City but the correction was not made. Kyle M. McPhail St. Petershurg, Florida 33736 I have been a member for over two years but I looked in vain for my name in the 1972 Membership Directory. George G. McKenna (1941-68) Chairman, Police Science Dept. State University yof New York Farmingdale, New York The new Membership Directory on page 97 has a grave error in my address. It lists my address as Port Washington, N. Y. and my occupation as assistant dean and director of admissions at ?Gordham? University Law School, Detective Bureau, 1321 West Newton, New York, Massachusetts 10023. I am not listed at all in the stoographical section. For your information my correct listing should read as follows: Thomas L. McEnaney (1950- 70), 83 Fairway Drive, West Newton, Massa- chusetts 02165: business, Detective Bureau, Newton, Mass. Police Department. Thomas L. McEnaney My name is not included in the geograph? ical section of the new Directory. Stephen L. Halpin Hurricane Hill Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 In the geographical listing of the new Membership Directory my name is omitted on page 187 under ?West Virginia?Charles- ton.? As far as I am concerned, this is the most important place for inclusion. I am at a loss to understand the omission. Robert G. Kelly 1601 Itianawha Valley Building Charleston, West Virginia 25322 I notice that the Membership Directory Committee has incorrectly listed my address. Please correct your records so that the next Directory will show my address as follows: Residence, 423 Bellan?io Terrace, Los Angelcs, California 90049; Business, 445 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1700, Los Angeles, Calif. 90017: Attorney at Law. Earl Hightower Please refer to page 184 of the geographical section of the new Directory. My name does not appear with other X-A?gents living in Muskogee, Oklahoma. If you do publish amended pages or supplements as you have Approved For Release 2002/02/14 NEWARK FBI SOFTBALL TEAMmParr-y D. Sorensen at Salt Lake City sent in this photo of the softball team of the Newark, New Jersey FBI Office taken in the Summer of 1944. He identi?es SAC S. K. McKee in the center of the second row but has not listed the names of others on the team. Can anyone else supply the complete list oi team members? in the past, I would certainly appreciate a correction. It may be that you may want to publish this in The Grapevine. The Di- rectory has in the past proven most. valuable to me inasmuch as I have con?ned my in- vestigative work to a very selective and special category. I served in the Bureau for nearly 30 years, much of that time in the Fingerprint and Identi?cation Division. Much of my work has come unsolicited from X- Ag?ents who have referred to the Directory and learn I am located in Eastern Oklahoma. Robert 0. French 706 Edmond Street Muskogee. Oklahoma 74401 I have just received the new Membership Directory and note that contrary to the information I sent, they have used an old listing which is entirely wrong. My residence is 1445 Second Street, New Orleans, Louisi? ana 70130, and my business is Foley Judell Beck Bewley and Landwehr. Attorneys at Law, Suite 2313. 225 Baronne Street, New Orleans, La. 70112. When you put out a supplement to the Directory, I would ftp- preciate seeing that the above information is used. Harold B. Judcll I am disappointed that my name and classi?cation have been omitted under the geographical listing: of the new Membership Directory. This is detrimental to me in that X-Ae?ents desirinp; to contact an investigator in the Salinas area will not have access to the information that there is an X-Aeent here. I hope that I will be included in the geographical portion of the Directory in the next issue. Jack Hughes General Investigative of California 749 College Drive Salinas, California 93901 Service I note my listing on page 17 of the new Membership Directory merely lists me as a member. was formerly identi?ed as an Attorney at Law, and see no advantage in this new listing other than the fact that my of?ce address is indicated. Please attend to a correction to include my professional identity in future issues. Richard E. Burke 950 Highway 35 Middletown, New Jersey 07748 The arrival of the new Directory called my attention to the fact that I had not given you my new of?ce address which is 1515 Doctors Court, VVatertown, Wisconsin. We have been in the new of?ce for a year and a half and outside my six windows. 10 feet from my chair, I can observe a family of aophers. a rabbit and a wren, all of which give me a perfect environment. Bernard J. Traeger I was neglect?f'ul in updating my listing in the Directory. My position title has changed and is new President. National Business In- vestments Inc., and Assistant to the President of Denny?s Restaurants Inc. John H. Grant 4056 Skyline Drive Carlsbad. California 92008 My af?liation as shown in the new Di- rectory is: Sowell and Harden, 2550 Bank of Georgia Building, Atlanta. Georgia 30303. The correct af?liation is Alexander Grant Com- pany, same address. Our ?rm of Sowell 8r. Harden merged into the Grant Company on September 1. 1968. Waldo Sowell It is my understanding that a supplement to the Directory is being prepared to correct mistakes in listings. (continued on page 16) Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For Releas .. Membership Directory Addenda (continued from I My listing is incorrect a business addresses. That of Avenue," should be eliminat eliminate ?Director of Sec National Committee, W'ashin have not been connected wit )age 15) it shows two ?420 Lexington ed. Also, please rity. Republican ,gton. D. the Committee this year and do not interd to be in the future. John J. Hagan 86 Beach Roar Massapequa, ew York 11758 I?m listed on page 46 of the Directory, but my business is not with Standard Oil of Ohio. I?m self employed and I own and operate my own public accou ntine? of?ce. The former Directory indicated my correct business connection and employment. G. A. Ferber 981 Poli Street Ventura. Califc rnia Please note a change of dress from 402 Trustco Bu my business ad- llding, Honolulu. to 006 Financial Plaza of tl'e Paci?c, Hono- lulu, Hawaii 96813. J. Harold Hughes The Directory does not list me as a mem- ber in either of the listing" w? alphabetical or State, Is there any reason for this? It was my understanding; that of address was submitted to unless a chance the Society, the previous listing; would be used. William H. 6 West Druid Atlanta. Georg I received the 1972 Mom haley Hills Dr., N.E. a 30329 ership Directory and was very sorry to note that my name and the city of Pocatello, Idaho were deleted from the geographical listire?. This listing has been valuable to me as beinr.? a private investigator I have had numerous referrals from Society members and it was obvious they had checked the geographical section for someone who could be of though I am semi-retired I assistance. Even am available to render assistance to Society members who have matters in this area could use my services. J. Eugene Chairman Montana-Idaho in which they :ib Chapter I received the new Membership Directory. Please correct my residence Sycamore St. ew Orleans, address to 7321 Louisiana 70118. Milton R. Kaa I like the new Directory but was disap- pointed to discover my namt missing in the geographical section. L. (Jack) Meunier Beach. In the next edition 01? the rectory, my address should ?euth Carolina 'Memsership Di- be listed as fol- lows: Residence, P. 0. Bot: 425, Goodsell Hill Road, Georgetown, Co Business. John Bartlett I nnecticut 06729: nvestments, 200 Park Avenue, Suite 256, York, 10017. John R. Eartle There is no geographical tt Jr. llisting for the City of Santa Rosa under the State of Cali? fornia. Merle R. Adams and William B. Dillon both reside in Santa :Rosa, a city of over 50,000 population. This i omission makes it dif?cult for a member to' identify an X- Approved For Release 2002/02/14 Agent in the Santa Rosa area who may be called upon for assistance. Santa Rosa is the county seat of Sonoma County. I hope this emission will be corrected. William B. Dillon 2400 Yul-ups. Avenue Santa Rosa. California My listing in the new Membership Directory is incorrect. It should read as follows: Robert E. Cook, Residence, 2500 East Wood Place, Shorewood. Wisconsin 53211; Business, Cook Franks S.C., 660 East Mason Street, Mil- waukee. Wis. 53202. Robert E. Cook My business address is improperly listed in the new Membership Directory. It should read: McDonnell Douglas Electronics Com- pany. Box 426, St. Charles. Missouri 63301. In the new Directory it is listed as Con- ductron Corporation, Conductron, Missouri. Conductron Corporation was purchased by McDonnell Douglas in April 1971 and its mailing address is St. Charles, and not Con- duetron. Me. John N. Kennedy Please correct your records to show my residence address as 13 Washington Square North, New York, N. Y. 10003. The addreSs was listed incorrectly in the 1972 Member- ship Directory. Theodore G. I retired in 1969. my name was omitted in the 1970 Directory. so I was quite disap- pointed to ?nd that I had not been listed in the Geographical section of the new Moms bun-ship Directory. I am in business. self-employed. from my residence, and I am sure I so indicated this to the Society when I joined. I have learned, to my dismay, that failure to be listed, both alphabetically and geographically, has cost me considerable business From other members. Notably, at Atlanta last year, a member told me that he had referred a lucrative piece of business in New Hampshire to a Massachu- setts agency because no one was listed in the Directory who did investigative work; that. is, in New Hampshire. You may state that the Directory is for personal use only, or is a personal directory; yet. the listing only of those in business in the Geographical section. makes it, in my opinion, a business directory. I hope some way can be found to correct this emission. Samuel T. Roedell 5 Grand View Avenue Concord. New Hampshire 03301 The information 1 submitted in late Oc? tober. 1971 concerning a change in employ- ment did not make the 1972 Membership Di? rectory. My residenee address was listed at 27501 Rainbow Ridge Road, Parkville. Palos Verdes Peninsula. California 90274. The word Parkville should be deleted. My business af?liation is: Ernest W. Hahn Inc., 2311 W. El Segundo Boulevard, Hawthorne, California 90250. My position is that of Project Co- ordinator of the Development Division. Jack 0. Spencer Effective August 28, my home address was changed to 4200 Ravenhurst Circle. Glen Arm. Maryland 21057. There is no change in the information pertaining to my business af?lia- tion. Kent C. Hauver Area Manager Wackenhut Corporation a i? in 10 Photo from New Orleans Tourist Commission THE CHARM OF NEW delicate iron laceworl-c on buildings in the French Quarter helps to give New Orleans its charming atmosphere. The city is famous ior its unique Creole cuisine. Dixieland Iazz which is played in dozens of night clubs on Bourbon Street. and for antebellum homes of the pro-Civil War period. After reviewing the new 1972 Directory, and ?nding that I (and Dave Mass) had been eliminated from those residing on St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, I decided to move. lilidqthe compilers of the Directory anticipate is. Imagine my chagrin to discover that my choice for a. new location, Hilton Head Is- land,? is not even listed in the South Car- olina division of the geographical section! Obviously my attempt to escape obscurity failed. I am certain, without consulting them. that other distinguished members of the Society residing on Hilton Head Island (Al Means and Zack VanLandinghaml subscribe to my netition that future issues of the Directory recognize the existence of this beautiful, rapidly-developing community. Since Hilton Head does attract a growing number of Society members, especially the golfers, it will be a service to them to provide the in? formation that former associates reside there. Please note my change of address on the en- closed form. Alvin C. Schlenker P. O. Box 5577 Hilton Head, S. C. 29928 I was omitted entirely from the 1970 Di- rectory. This year in the alphabetical sec- tion I am listed as residing in Waldosta. Ga. instead 01" Valdosta, Ga. and I am omitted entirely from the Geographical Section. Maybe you don't realize how serious this error is but since this has occurred 1_ have not received any request for investigative work. Harry M. Davis 406 Gornto Road Valdosta, Georgia 31601 To correct the information in the new Di- rectory, please list my residence at 6225 29th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida, and my business address as P. 0. Box 18303, Tampa, Florida, and my title as vice pres- ident and manager of branches of Melton, Allen Williams Inc. This is a mortgage banking ?rm, Leo M. Nagle Williams Back in Dallas Nashville Chapter member Ira Wil- liams advises that he has left his position as director of the Metro Ad- ministration of Justice Planning Agency and has returned to his for- mer home base, Dallas, Texas. There he will once again become an active member of the Dallas Chapter. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 A?woved For San Francisco and Palo Alto Hold Combined Dinner Meeting A combined meeting of the Palo Alto and San Francisco Chapters was held May 18 at Rickey?s Hyatt House at Palo Alto. Dick Romanski, ?Vice Chairman of the San Francisco Chapter, gave a report of the non-denominational me? morial service for J. Edgar Hoover at St. Mary?s Cathedral in San Fran. cisco on May 10 at which Palo Alto Chapter member Alan Belmont, for- mer Assistant to the Director, de? livered the eulogy. Palo Alto member Dick Wright showed two interesting ?lms. The ?rst was entitled, ?The Dragon Wagon,? which depicted a new vehicle Lockheed Missiles and Space Com- pany is producing, kn )wn as ?The Twister.? The Second ?lm was on National Security and was entitled, ?The Quiet War.? Both ?lms were greatly en- joyed by the audience. Present were Evelyn and Fred Lillian and Dan Bryan, Billy Charlton, Jean and Tom Conry, Bertha and Eddie Dornlas, Elsie and Bill Hurley, Dorothy and Irv Klein- man, Beverly and Matt Lightbody, Nan and Don Maier, MaryBeth and Don Morris, Marshall Mowrey, Bar- bara and Tom Murray, Betty and Ray Quinn, Jeanne and Bob Rock? well, Carmel and Dick Romanski, Phil Schiederma?yer, and Hal Wel? born, and Dick Wright. Guests were Kay and Ed Waters, guests of Mary Beth and Don Morris, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murray, parents of Tom Murray, who were visiting from New York. ROBERT A. HEDDEN, Secretary San Diego Hosts Golf Tourney For 3 So. California Chapters The San Diego Chapter held its second annual golf tourney at the Coronado Golf Course on July 1. Taking part also were members of the Orange County and Los Angeles Chapters, along with SAC Rex Shro- der and Special Agents Don Slattum, Henry Tenorio and Jack of the San Diego FBI of?ce. i Low gross was won by Shroder and Moose Marron won low net. An awards dinner was held at the Mexican Village wherefeach partic- ipant received a prize. iShroder, who recently was transferred from to San Diego was welcomed by Chap- ter members. Ed Furbush, general chairman for the 1973 Society Con- vention in San Diego, spoke on plans for that meeting. Attendees were Paul Swinford, Bill Fields, Ken Lasky, C. Darwin Mar- ron, Paul Zimmer, and the following who attended with their wives: Rush Glick, Ed Furbush, John Wallace, Larry Mitchell, Marshall Houts, Chuck Potter, Bob Pugh, Bill Assmus, Hy Callister, Ed Dooley, Jack Norris, Jim Bunker, Ken Jensen, Frank Price, Ray Suran, Buck Torrens. ED DOOLEY, Secretary Finley Now Retired Francis Finley (1941'66), of 5315 Deran Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, writes that on August !1 he retired from his position as executive direc? tor of the Memphis and Shelby County Bar Association. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Farmer in New Home William 0. Farmer (1941-48), re- ports that he is now residing at 823 Brook?eld Avenue, Wichita, Kansas 67206. His law o?ice is now at Suite 830, 200 West Douglas Street, Wich- ita. AT SAN DIEGO GOLF Buck Torrens, Marshall Houls. Bill Fields. 2. Rush Glick. 3. Rex Shroder. Chairman HY Callisler. Moose Matron. Ed Dooley. 4. John Wallace. Iack Norris, Don Slaltum. Henry Tenorio. 5. Rush Glick. Bob Pugh. Paul Swiniord. lack 6. Chuck Potter. Ken Lasky. Bill Assmus. Paul Zlmmer. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For Boos Directing lJ-Lnniversary Observance Oi Peninsular Title Insurance Company 3. H. Boos (195054? president of Peninsular Title Insura as Company, with executive of?ces at 17 SE. Third Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is directing Peninsular?s ebservance of its 10th anniversary. Peninsular Title has gency repre- sentation not only in lFlorida, but also in Georgia, Nor th Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi and the Commonwealt? of Puerto Rico. i A member of the MclVIillen Group, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Peninsular Life Insurance Company of Jacksonville, the ?rm; began opera- tions in January 1962 Jacksonville Peninsular Title has been accepted by major investors, sucli as Gulf Life Insurance Company, Prudential Life Insurance Company, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Northwestern Mu- tual Life Insurance Ciompany, and the Federal National Mortgage As- sociation. assets :are approach- I. H. Boos ing $5 million as the ?rm begins its second decade. The Fort Lauderdale staff, in ad? dition to Boos (1950?54), includes two other X?Agents, B. L. Damron (1929?54), and Robert K. Lewis (1950?71). Traveling Priors on Trip to Mideast and India The traveling Leon Pr Beach, Florida are on th Dr. Prior, who is a Dade County College, 2 Dione, two years ago and several months laf months in South Afric countries on the Africai In a note dated May headquarters, they rcpor then in India. ?We are successful travel study advised. ?Have been on ?ve weeks in Morocco, key, Iran and the pasi India. We learned of Mr. Hoover three or f01 it occurred when we ari rekesh after having beer in the Atlas Mountain days. His death is a sad iors of Miami road again! professor at and his wife, ere in Russia er spent six a and other i continent. 26 to Society ted they were saving a very leave,? they the road for Tunis, Tur- 10 days in the death of 11' days after "ived at Mar- I out of touch 5 for several and grievous loss to all of us and the people of the: U. S. Both of us felt great sor- row upon receiving the news of his passing. We leave here tomorrow for Ceylon.? NOTE FROM POLKINHORN In a letter to the Grapevine which appeared in the February 1972 issue, Winston C. Ingman of Seattle, Wash? ington reported the 30th reunion din- ner in Honolulu on December 7, 1971 of the Honolulu FBI personnel on duty at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack. He listed John H. Polkinhorn as being now deceased. Polkinhorn (1937-62), of Washing- ton, D. C., wants it known that the reports of his demise are greatly ex? aggerated and that he fully intends to be present at the group?s 40th re? union. He regrets not having been able to attend last December?s gather- ing of the clan to join in the dinner program. Approved For ReleaS?ipe 2002/02/14 AT CLEVELAND CHAPTER Cleveland Chapter members were snapped at a dinner meeting at the Brown Derby restaurant :21 Independence. Ohio. 1. Chairman lack Barren greeting Mike O'Mulley. 2. George Hauer. I. Robert Wilson. 3. Ed Jones. Jim DeGarno. Paul Thompson, Vince Napoli. 4. William Kobusia, Iohn Ballard. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 ABBroved For 00357R000900030014- 9 New Jersey X-rAgent Appointed Assistant ostmaster' General Leonard B. Farrell of Mountainside, New Jensey, has been appointed as Assistant Postmaster General of the United'States Postal Service. Farrell, who is 49, will head the Labor Relations Department of the Postal Service. For thei past 21 years he has been involved !in industrial and employe relations viork with var? ious companies, such as Continental Can Company, the Rubetoid Company, General Analine Film Corporation, and most recently with the W. R. Grace Company as vice president and director of industrial relations. A native of San. Jose, California, he studied at the University of Santa Clara, Stanford University and grad- uated from San Jose State College. He interrupted his college career to serve for four years in the Army in World War II and was an officer in a parachute unit in the Paci?c thea- ter of operations. Pending establishment of a resi? dance in the Washington, D. C. area, Farrell?s family is residing for the Summer at their home at Watchung, N. J., near Mountainside. He and his wife Natalie have three children. Daughter Elizabeth, 19, is a student at Susquehanna University; Mary Jane, 16, is a high school junior, and son Charles graduated from Duke University last May and is now a career trainee at the Citizens Southern Bank in Atlanta, Georgia. Davidson in New Iob Lloyd W. Davidson Jr. (1941-44), advises that he is new president of Northern Minerals Inc., 220 Otero Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501. Oklahoma City Elects Officers, Arranges for Statewide: Meeting New of?cers of the Oklahoma City Chapter were elected at a meeting July 31 at Glen?s Hickory Inn. They are: Lee 0. Teague, Chairman; John J. Flanagan, Vice Chairman; Jeff B. Laird, Secretary, and Leo E. Kuyken- dall, Treasurer. lt was announced that a State-wide meeting of Oklahoma X-Agents with their wives will be held from October 6 to 8 at the Arrowhead State Lodge at Lake Eufaula. i Guests at the meeting were Robert L. Harvey, recently retired from the Oklahoma City FBI of?ce; Chester J. Willard of Lawton, and Weldon Da- v1s, director of the Alcohol Beverage Control Board of Oklahoma. Members present were Fred Bull- ard, Spot Gentry, Weldon Carmichael, Warren Long, Lee Teague, Jim Laird, John Lill, John Rice, Jack Flanagan, Earl Goerke, Bill Pansze, Leo Kuy- kendall, Wayne Turpin, Judge Byron E. McFall and Norman Bagwell. JOHN J. FLANAGAN, Secretary Acers Companiy Moves Maurice W. Acers $934.47), ad- vises that his company, iAcers Invest- ment Company, is now situated at 1311 Commodore Perry Building, Austin, Texas 78701. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Chapter Spring?eld, Illinois Chapter Secre? tary John F. Tharp is reminding all members of the group that annual dues of $5 are now due and payable to Treasurer Clarence Nold. NEW JERSEY LOTTERY Batch (1935-42). Executive Director of the New Jersey State Lottery. addresses a crowd oi spectators during a weekly drawing at the New Jersey Lottery at the Sussex County Farm 6. Horse Show at Branchville. He's standing on the platform of the Lottery Showmobile on which the drawing equipment ts installed. Batch. (1 tormer mayor of Millburn. N. J.. directed the organization oi the New Jersey Lottery which became the ?rst 50-cent weekly lottery in the U. S. and the most successful. He is president oi the National Association of State Lotteries and has been called for expert testimony by several State Legislatures planning to start similar lotteries. In its ?rst year the New Jersey Lottery raised more than $69,000,000 for State aid to education and institutions. All State Lotteries now operating are patterned atter the New Jersey lormat. Another Society member. William A. Carmody (1942-48). of Collingswood. N. J.. is Batch's Deputy Director tor Operations and Security. Georgia Ladies' Group Meets In Atlanta The ladies? group of the Georgia Chapter, met July 13 at the Ramada Inn, Atlanta, for bridge and luncheon. Hostesses for the month were Mrs. Donald Clegg and Mrs. Edgar Jones. in attendance were: Mrs. Vernon Osborne, Mrs. Richard Har? rison, Mrs. Ted Sanders, Mrs. Samuel Beyhan, Mrs. Donald Clegg, Mrs. George Tidwell, Mrs. Frank ohn- stone, Mrs. Howard Gladden, Mrs. Stephen Janas, Mrs. Don Tackitt, Mrs. Edgar Jones, Mrs. Ralph Childs, Mrs. Harold Price, Mrs. Earl Fuoss. The Ladies? Group held its August 10 luncheon and bridge at the Peach- tree House. ?On to New Orleans? was the theme of the meeting and favors made by the New Orleans delegation and brought to the Atlanta Conven- tion last October were worn by those attending. Hostesses for the month were Mrs. Vernon Osborne and Mrs. Frank Johnstone. Attendees were: Mrs. Theodore Sanders, Mrs. Donald Clegg, Mrs. C. Howard Gladden, Mrs. Frank John- stone, Mrs. Vernon Osborne, Mrs. Richard Harrison, Mrs. Nat Johnson, Mrs. Edgar Jones, Mrs. Brooke Blake and Mrs. Harold Price. LOLA PRICE, Chairman Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For 7 Danielle Collins Winner of Ohio Contest Anc'l' 1s Among Top 8' 1n National Awards Danielle Collins, dauighter of Mr. and Stan J. Collins (1938-40), 751?. Dunwoodie Drivei, Cincinnati, Ohio, a senior at Anderson High School, was recently inamed Miss Ohio DECA and placed among the top eight in national competition at Los Angeles. .DECA stands for Distributive Ede ucation Clubs America, a nationwide program of public school instruction that teaches marketing, management and merchandising to high school stu- dents. Over 750,000 students partici- pate in classroom instruction which is combined with on-the-job training. Competition is set up on local, State and national level competed against some to achieve this victory. 3 and Danielle 2,000 students She competed in the job interview category and was tested on Distributive Education and etiquette knowledge. She also had to model and be questioned by three judges from the business community. She was further honored in being named DECA Student cf the Year at her high school. The International Sales and Mar? keting Executives provide Speakers for DECA classes and Stan serves as Danielle Collins a speaker and coordinator in the Cin- cinnati Chapter. Danielle was guest of honor at their May meeting. She graduated on June 6 and is to attend Ohio State University to pursue a course in art and fashion design. Winning seems to be a family tra- dition as Stan?s lovely wife, Suzanne, was Miss Great Lakes and a former Powers model. New Mexico Chapter Has Annual Steak Fry At Maxwell Estate' 1n Manzano Mountains In a sylvan. setting high in the Manzano Mountains about 25 miles out of Albuquerque, the New Mexico Chapter held its annual steak fry on July 1 at the country estate of Chair? man and Mrs. Jerry Maxwell. Chairman Maxwell presided over a short business meeting at which Gor? don Albers was elected as the new Chairman. John Mulhei?n was elected Vice Chairman, and George Buldain as Secretary- Treasurer; John Todd, South Central Vice Piresident, was named of?cial Chapter delegate to the Society Convention at New Orleans. Dave Gilmore will continue as X- FBI Foundation representative. A contribution is beinig made to the Foundation by the Chapter as a me- morial to Wirt R. Jones who died re? cently: Present at the outing were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Aibers and their niece from West Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. George Buldain and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. Arthur Byrnes, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dorris, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Maxwell and son Jerry Jr. with his Wife and two-month-old daughter; Mr. and Mrs. John Mulhern, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Scudder, John Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Troy and guest Rita Wo? mack, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roberts. JOHN J. MULHERN, Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For Release SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CHAPTER POLICE AWARDw?Chcrirman Otho A. Ezell of the Scuthwest Florida Chapter presents a $25 check to Cape Coral Police Lieutenant Jim Carroll for having the best grades in the latest Southwest Florida Police Training School. Looking on is Cape Coral Police Chief Iirn White. Cape Coral Home of 'Easy? Ezell Scene Oi Southwest Florida Pre-Dinner Party Members and wives of the South- west Florida Chapter met for a cock? tail party at the Cape Coral home of Margaret and Otho Ezell on June 2. ?Easy? Ezell?s sparkling swimming pool and 34-foot twin inboard cruiser riding at anchor at his dock on the waterway the broad Calloosahat- chie added a festive atmosphere to the occasion. Later the group adjourned to the Nautilus Inn for dinner and a quar? terly business meeting. Chairman Ezell gave a detailed report of the Southeastern Regional Conference held at Knoxville. The Secretary was authorized to contact delinquent Chap- ter members in an effort to bolster the treasury for continuing philan? thropic activities. The Chapter approved an award of $25 to Lieutenant Jim Carroll of the Cape Coral Police Department as top student in the current session of the Southwest Florida Police Training School. It also contributed a substan? tial sum to the X-FBI Foundation as a memorial to Lee H. Seward, a char- ter member of the Society, who died at Punta Gorda, Florida on May 24. Ed chlusek volunteered to arrange for the next meeting at Naples, Flor- ida on September 8. Roy Simpson was named chairman of the nominating committee to present a slate of new of?cers. Attendees were Mr. and Mrs. Allan F. Decker, Mr. and Mrs. Otho A. Ezell, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S. Herman Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Keblusek, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McAndrews, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Matter, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mertz, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Simp- son, Mr. and Mrs. David C. Spingler and George H. Treadwell. JOHN C. MERTZ. Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 AWoved For Ebby and Maurice Acers They Fight Litter 1n Texas lVIaurice Ebby; Acers Head Da?llas State Campaigns To Make Them Most Beautiful in Nation Society member Maulrice W. Acers (1934-47), and his wife, Ebby Halli- day Acers, were the ubjects of an interesting feature article in the .Dal- las Morning News recently. Maurice has just beeh elected pures- ident of the Beautify :Texas Council and Ebby is president of A Beautiful Clean Dallas (ABCD), [both organiza- tions being dedicated to! anti litter and beauti?cation projects! ABCD was formed four years ago by the Greater Dallas Planning Council and serves as the coordinating agency for the clean-up activities in IDallas County. i IThe agency has been responsible for Dallas receiving awards from the National Civic Improvement Award Contest, the Keep .Ameifrica Beautiful Awards Program and the Governor? Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Community Achievement Award Con- test. Maurice heads a council which comprises 170 organizations, bus? inesses, governmental agencies and in? dividuals throughout Texas. Its im- mediate project is to get rid of high- way litter which costs the State $4 million annually to clean up. ?We want to make Texas the clean- est, most beautiful State in the na- tion,? says Maurice. HEADS Tor REALTY FIRM Both Ebby and Maurice are busy in their own right with private bus- iness interests. Ebby heads her own business known as Ebby Halliday Realtors. She began as a one-woman of?ce in 1945 and now has nearly 150 associates in ?ve of?ces. Maurice says Approved For Release Richmond Chapter Plans Social Meeting The Richmond Chapter held a luncheon meeting at Byram?s Restau? rant on July 6. It was decided to omit the regular September meeting and arrange instead a dinner party at which wives of members will be guests. Roy Davis and Ed Robbins are making the arrangements. A nominating committee was ap- pointed by Chairman Chick Heiner. It is composed of Parker Brown, Paul Hansen and Jack Simmons. Attendees were Parker Brown, Roy Davis, Bernard Gill Jr., Luther Glass, Paul Hansen, Chick Heiner, Walt May, Harry McCarthy, Jim Mont- gomery, Jim Moran, Walter Parker, Bob Powell, Jack Simmons and Pucky Smith. HARRY MCCARTHY, Secretary THEY FIGHT LITTER her ?rm is ?the largest residential real estate ?rm in the Southwest, the ?rm with the largest real estate sales volume in the country and the largest individual, independent residential real estate ?rm in the world.? Ebby has served as president of the Women?s Council of the National As- sociation of Real Estate Boards and is now on the executive committee of the NAREB, a position held by only one other woman. She also was a director of the Dallas Board of Real- tors and the Texas Real Estate As- sociation and has been named the Dallas and Texas Realtor of the Year. OFFICES IN THREE CITIES Maurice is an attorney and bus- inessman with Of?ces in Austin, Beau- mont and Dallas. His investment company is based in Austin, and his soft drink bottling plant, his beer distributing company and his trucking company are in Beaumont. He is a graduate of Southern Methodist University and the University of Texas Law School and has done graduate work at Har- vard. DISTRICT GOVERNOR OF ROTARY A past District Governor of Rotary International, Acers served as execu? tive secretary to Governor Allan Shi? vers and served ?ve years as a mem- ber of the Texas Employment Com- mission. He was president of both the Texas United Fund and the Texas Social Welfare Association which merged to form the Texas United Community Services. He also is chair- man of the board of the Southwest Research Institute located in San An- tonio. Ebby is a past president Of the North Dallas Chamber Of Commerce and is now a member of the Dallas Park and Recreation Board and pres- ident of the Dallas Council on A1- coholism. Also, she is regional chair- man of the Advisory Council for the Small Business Administration and recently became a member of the De- fense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services. DALLAS HOME Since their marriage seven years ago Ebby and Maurice have kept an apartment in Beaumont, the pent- house of the Commodore Perry Hotel in Austin and a house in Dallas. Their Dallas home is frequently referred to by friends as ?Dallas? most fabulous one-bedroom home.? When they re- modeled the place, the Acers took out all of the existing second??oor bed- rooms but one in order to make room for a pair of extensive dressing rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Acers are active in Central Christian Church and Man- rice has served as a lay preacher at many Christian churches. HAS Two DAUGHTERS Maurice?s youngest daughter Penny lives in Austin where she is ?nishing work on her master?s degree in psy- chology at the University of Texas. Another daughter, Patty, is now Mrs. Allen Trosclair of San Rafael, Cali- fornia. Maurice and Ebby spend consider? able time commuting between homes, business appointments, speaking en- gagements, civic activities and visit? ing with family and friends. Both put major conventions and events on the calendar two or three years in advance. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Ap?toved For Release (iihituariva Roswell E. Smith Roswell a Smith (1934 -- 46), of rF14 Cumberland Road, Atlanta, Geoirgia, died un- expectedly at his on August 12, after suffering a heart attack. He 66 years of Born in Blakely, Georgia, he re? schodl education in 'I?ifton, Georgia. He graduated from Emory University ini1927 with an AB. degree and froth Emory Uni? versity Law School id 1929 with an LLB. degree. He waia member of the Phi Delta Theta i raternity and the Law School Honor Society. Af- terwards he worked in: the Legal. De- partment of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company for over a year prior to joining the FBI in 1934. During his FBI career, Mr. Smith served in the Jacksonville, Charlotte and Louisville offices, was a Super- visor on the Theft From Interstate Shipment desk in Washington where he lectured to many New Agent classes during the war, and was later SAC of the Atlanta and Miami of- ? He resigned from the FBI in 1946 to become Director of Secuiity for Rich?s Inc., Atlanta, and for 25 years until his retirement in 1971, was a recognized authority through? out the United States' in the ?eld of Retail Security. As sdch, he was in demand as an outstandling speaker in the security ?eld. He was a member of the Haygood Methodist Church, Atlanta, where he had served on the Boarfd of Stewards and had been active in lwork with the Boy Scouts of Americai He had only recently returned from a trip to Ir e- land, Scotland and England with his wife, Mary. In addition to his wife, Mr. H. E. Smith ceived his high Smith Approved For Releasie 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 is survived by a daughter, Betsy (Mrs. William D.) Jones of Spring- field, Ky.; a son, Roswell E. Smith Jr. of Illinois, and three grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted August 14 at the Patterson Spring Hill Chapel in Atlanta with the Revs. Malone Dodson and James J. Sneed of?ciating. Burial was at Crestlawn in Atlanta. Roswell was an active member of the Georgia Chapter of the Society. G. Christopher Callan G. Christopher Callan (1934-60), of 7038 Mango Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida, died July 20 at his home after a long illness. He was 64. Born in Washington, D. 0., Mr. Callan graduated from Georgetown University in 1930 and from George- town University Law School in 1934. Appointed a Special Agent of the FBI that same year, he had assign- ments in the Philadelphia, Boston, Newark and Cleveland of?ces. In 1940 he took an administrative post at Bureau headquarters at Washington. During World War II he directed enforcement of the Selective Service Act and following the war he was in charge of security investigations of thousands of employee of the Atomic Energy Commission. During the Truman and Eisen- hower administrations, Mr. Callan was in charge of the special inquiry section of the FBI which adminis- tered investigations requested by the President of appointees to principal positions in the government. Mr. Callan is survived by four sons, David of Vero Beach, Florida; Joseph and Robert of St. Petersburg, and Dennis of Lexington, Kentucky; a sis- ter, Mrs. Claude Replogle of St. Petersburg; a brother, William of Dunedin, Florida, and three grand- children. William J. Panttaja William J. Panttaja (1947-58), of 63 Columbia Road, Milton, Masaachu- setts, died August 4 at Carney Hos- pital, Boston, after a brief illness. He was 55. Mr. Panttaja was New England regional manager for the Interna- tional Accounting Society. A native of Astoria, Oregon, he was graduated from Fresno State College and the University of South- ern California. He taught school in California and later at a junior high school in Newton, Mass. shortly be- fore joining the FBI as a Special Agent in 1947. He was assigned to FBI of?ces in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Boston where he worked on the famed Brink?s robbery case. When he retired he was attached to the Los Angeles of?ce. Before taking his position with the International Accounting Society, he was regional manager for LaSalle Institute. Mr. Panttaja was a veteran of World War II and served as a Navy pilot. Later he was executive of?cer at Otis Air Force BaSe in Massachu- setts. He was a member of the Boston Chapter of the Society and the Neigh- borhood Club of Quincy. Mr. Panttaja is survived by his wife, Mrs. Eleanor O?Connor Pant? taja, and four children, William A., Richard S., Carolyn J. and Elisabeth H., all of Milton. Funeral services were held August 8 and burial was in the Milton Ceme- tery. Walter A. Winter Walter A. Winter (1936-69), of 10 North Lake Shore Drive, Glenwood, Minnesota, a widely known attorney, died July 25 at the age of 6'7. He was a 1930 graduate of the University of Minnesota Law School and practiced law in Browns Valley from 1930 until 1936 when he was appointed a Special Agent of the Fed? eral Bureau of Investigation. (continued on page 30) Approved For Release Hugh H. Hinderaker Hugh H. Hinder? aker (1941 45), died Sunday, July 30, as the result of a boating accident on Lake Winne- bago, Wisconsin. He was 58. At the time of his death, he lived at 801 E. New York Avenue, Osh- kosh, Wisconsin, he was H. H. Hinderaker owner-manager of the Manpower Inc. franchise of?ce of Oshkosh, Fond du Lac and the towns of Neenah and Menasha. A native of Radcliffe, Iowa, he graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1940. Following Bur- service in the Boston and New York City o?ices, he became publisher of the Lake Country Reporter, Hart- land, Wis., until 1959; then was on the staff of the West Allis, Wis, Star for two years before moving to the Manpower situation at Oshkosh. A member of the Winnebago County Board at the time of his death, he was also a member of the Oshkosh Public Library board of directors and chairman of the Ambassadors group of the Oshkosh Area Chamber of Commerce. A former president of the Oshkosh Chapter, American Field Service, he was a Lakeshore Kiwanis Club member and a Council member of his church, St. Andrew?s Lutheran. During his membership in the Wis? consin Press Association, he was re- Sponsible for the development and purchase of land for the Associa? tion?s Demonstration Forest located near Eagle River, Wis. He is survived by his wife Miriam, three sons, Philip of Janesville, Wis, Paul of Madison, Wis, and James, at home, and a sister, Mrs. DeLoris Hill of Red Wing, Minn. Funeral services were held August 3 at St. Andrew?s Lutheran Church, Oshkosh. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Apfl?loued For Release Members of New Mexico Chapter Relate 'll'heir Recollections of I. Edgar Hoover A minute of silent prayer was ob- served at the meeting of the New Mexico Chapter on May 2 at the ban- quet room of Wyatt?s Cafeteria in the Coronado Shopping Center at Albu- querque. Members also joined in tell- ing of their recollections of the late FBI Director whose death was an- nounced shortly before the meeting began. A contribution to the Boys Clubs of America was made by the Chapter in memory of Mr. Hocver. Jerry Maxwell gave an interesting account of his 15-day visit to the Holy Land and showed a number of pictures of Jerusalem. Plans were announced for a picnic and steak fry to be held 21 miles outside of Albuquerque on June 24. Present were Charlie Winstead, George Buldain, Matt Doyle, George Franklin, Jim Lyons, Jerry Maxwell, John Mulhern, E. L. (Doc) Rollins, Gene Scudder and Percy Wyly JOHN J. MULHERN, Secretary Last Thursday of Month Luncheon The regular Last Thursday in the Month luncheon of the Washington, D. C. Chapter was held Hogate?s Waterfront Deepite the Summer on July 2:7 at estaurant. vacations the attendance totaled. 68, including a goodly number of new members. Fol- lowing custom, there were no Speeches, no introductions nothing but good fellowship and an afternoon where many lingered over refreshments to recall past and present happenings. ALEXANDER W. NEALE, Secretary @hituarira Walter A. Winter (continued from page 29) Mr. Winter served in W'ashington, D. C., the Bureau at Kansas City, Little Rock, Arkansas, Louisville, Kentucky, Aberdeen, SouLll Dakota, and St. Paul, Minnesota. In 1939 he accepted an appoint- ment as assistant superintendent of the Minnesota State Crime Bureau in St. Paul and left. that position in 1942 to go to Glenwm law. Mr. Winter practice 1953 when Philip E. R0 and the ?rm name Vt Rolig until January 1, Rolig died. James F. the ?rm in 1967 and was Winter Nelson. N. Claeson joined the ?rm now operates um )d to practice alone until lig joined him as Winter 1967 when Mr. Nelson joined he ?rm name In 1972 John ?rm and the ier the name of Winter, Nelson ?3 laeson. Mr. Winter is survived by his wife, Helen; six children, William, Helen, Brian L. Love Brian L. Love, 23, son of Society member and Mrs. Warren L. Love of 3607 North Peary Street, Arlington, Virginia, died accidentally in Geneva, Switzerland on June 12. He had been playing basketball for the past year and a half for the cities of Geneva and Neuchatel, Switzerland, and also worked and studied at the University of Neuchatel. Earlier, he had at? tended the University of South Car? olina where he also played basketball. Brian is survived, in addition to his parents, by three sisters, Mrs. Sharon Love Smith, Sheila and Man- reen, and two brothers, Michael and Kevin, all of Arlington. A Mass of the Resurrection was offered at St. Agnes Catholic Church, Arlington, on June 19. Burial was at Washington National Cemetery. Brian?s father is Treasurer of the Washington, D. (1. Chapter of the So- ciety. Mrs. Vincent (Diane) Setten, Marian, Paul, and Debby, and by two grand- children. Approved For Releas?e 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For Release CAPTAIN BOSTON Ward Boston Ir. (1950-51) and members of his family along with Vice Admiral I. I. LeBourgeois (right). listen to the citation being read prior to the award of the Joint Service Commendation Medal to Captain Boston. Left to right. Anne Margaret Boston. a nurse at the George Washington University Hospital: Ward Boston a student at the College of William and Mary: Geo?rey D. Boston. a student at Mount Vernon. Virginia: Mrs. Emma C. Boston. Captain Boston and Vice Admiral LeBourgeois. Captain Boston Receives Commendation Medal Captain Ward Boston Jr. (1950- 51), Director of Legal Affairs at Su- preme Allied Command Atlantic head- quarters at Norfolk, Virginia, re- ceived the Joint Service Commenda- tion Medal at exercises held at SACLANT headquarters in July. The medal was presented to him by Vice Admiral J. J. LeBourgeois, U. S. Navy, who is Chief of Staff of SACLANT. Captain Boston has now reported to the staff of Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, Chief of Naval Material, at Wash? ington, D. C. The Commendation Medal was pre- scnted to him for meritorious service in the performance of his duties as Director of Legal Affairs to the Su- preme Allied Commander Atlantic during the period from July 1970 to June 1972. Attending the presentation cere- monies were Captain Boston?s wife Emma, his daughter Anne Margaret, and sons Ward and Geoffrey. Captain Boston has served in nu- merous top Naval posts in his Navy career, including assignments in Cali? fornia, Rhode Island and Italy. Robertson Has New Iob in Australia W. James Robertson (1942-46), who was senior vice president of the Wells Fargo Bank at Los Angeles, writes that he is now managing director of Martin Corporation Limited at Gold Fields House, 1 Alfred Street, Syd- ney Cove, N.S.W., Australia. His home address there is 1 Londsay Ave- nue, Darling Point, N.S.W., Australia. He advises that Wells Fargo Bank, his employer for the past 25 years, is a shareholder in Martin Corpora- tion, an Australian merchant bank. Robertson will have a three-year tour of duty ?down under.? He asks So? ciety headquarters to make sure that he receives the Grapevine and the new Membership Directory. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Apigroved For Relea$:e 00357R000900030014- 9 Fred and Evel?gn Are Hosts At P?oolside Picnic of Palo Alto Chapter The Palo Alto Chapt?er held its thiid annual poolside ba1bec11e at the home of Chapter Vice Chairman Fred Arm? strong in Menlo Park California on July 16. (Jo-hosts for the event were Fred?s charming wife Evelyn and daughter Nancy. A number of the members enjoyed the swimming pool while the less athletically inclined in- dulged in tall tales ans] small talk at Poolside. Two large barbecues saw full time service and steaks, together with all the trimmings, were in abundance. Liquid refreshments were supplied by the host who, rumor has it, virtually asmired his unopposed nomination for Chapter Chairman at the annual meeta mg. i Those in attendance were Eddie and Bertha Dornlas, Lois and ?Moosa? Marron and daughter Charlene, Carol and John Norton, Martha and Lloyd Bowser, Elizabeth and Hal Hoblitt, Barbara and Murray Shea, Myrna Mr. and Mrs. and Harry Shaw and Harry?s dad Harry Sr., Millie and Ted Cruise, Sharon and Bob Hedden, Evelyn and Fred and daughter Nancy. ROBERT W. HEDDEN, Secretary Peoria Chapter Names Horn as Delegate Wives of members were guests at a social and business meeting of the Peoria Chapter on June 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mare Sharpe. Sharpe gave a detailed report of the North Central Regional Meeting held at Minneapolis in May. Joe Horn was elected as the Ch: pter delegate to the Society?s Natio ial Convention in New Orleans. Members present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Holtzman, Mr. and Mrs. Marc Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCluggage, Mr. and Mrs. John Roys- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Errion, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horn and Mr. and Mrs. Don Morgan. WILLIAM P. FITZPATRICK, Secretary New Seated by Toledo Chapter Thomas Schoenhofei, the new Chair,man and Joseph A. Dianda, the new Secretary, began their duties at the luncheon meeting of the Toledo, Ohio Chapter at the '[E?udor Inn on May Schoenhofer commended Gene Mm Kenna for his excellent work as Chai1man during the pi evious yea1. Prior to the meeting,i a moment of silent prayer was observed in mem- ory of J. Edgar Hoover, the late Di? rector of the FBI. Introduced to the group was the new Senior Resident Agent of the Toledo FBI, Bob Bradner. Attending also was Special Agent Illiary Rob- inette. Members present were Judge Allen Andrew, Ralph S. Boggs, Richard Colasurd, Joseph Dianda, Gene Mc- Kenna, John Manton, Bill Starner, Frank Tom Schoenhofer and Red Brichetto. ossrn A. DIANDA, Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For Release AT PALO ALTO CHAPTER PICNIC??Pictured at the poolside barbecue of the Palo Alto Chapter are: 1. Harry Shaw Sr.. Harry Shaw Ir" Bob and Sharon Hedden. Myrna Shaw. 2. Barbara Murray. Hal Hoblil. Marlha Bowser and Tom Murray. Baltimore Votes Gift to Foundation Nineteen members and a guest as- sembled for the luncheon meeting of the Baltimore Chapter at the Gov- ernor?s Club in Baltimore on April 26. The Chapter voted to send a gift to the X-FBI Foundation in memory of James V. Sullivan, assistant ex- ecutive secretary of the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions. Arrangements were made for the Chapter?s Day at the Races on May 6 at the Pimlico Track in Baltimore. Present were James E. Barrett, Lawrence W. Bowe, Charles E. Browne, Roy Cromwell, Maurice D. duBois, Henry C. Freimuth, J. Carl- ton Gartner, Kent Hauver, Louis A. Hogan, Timothy J. Hynes Jr., Mar? vin H. Kaberle, Theodore Malinow- ski, Bernard Norton, Robert Norton, J. Stanley Rotz, Lawrence Samilyon, Richard G. Sullivan, Francis J. Walsh and guest Charles Arbogast. J. STANLEY Rorz, Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 Apa?oved For Release U. Circuit Iudge G'roodwin' 1s Speaker Ati Dinner Meeting of Oregon Chapter A dinner meetingiwith wives as guests was held by Oregon Chap? te1 on May 13 at the ibeautiful Edge- watel Count1y Club Situated on the Columbia River on outskirts of A social hop1 was followed by a prime rib of beef dinnei. Westem Regional iVice Piesident Robeit A. Erskine of iHonolulu joined with the group and the work of the National Society The guest speake1 iwas Judge Al- fred T. Goodwin of the U. S. Ci1cuit Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, at San Francisco. He was accompanied by his wife Ma1y.Judg'e Goodwin ple- viously se1ved in O1e'gon as a State Circuit Court Judgei an Associate Justice of the Oregon State Supleme Court, as a U. S. District Cou1t Judge, and was recently appointed to the U. S. Ciicuit Cohrt be11ch..He spoke amusingly of this statements of judges in early anti recent court opinions. Following dinner there was dancing in the club ballroom. In addition to Judge and Mrs. Goodwin and Vice President Erskine, guests included SAC Julius L. Matt- son and his wife Beth, Special Agent Thomas J. Dugan and his wife Mary, Special Agent Ralph P. Himmelsbach and his wife Gayle, Chief of Detec? tives Myron A. Warren and his wife Maxine, X-Agent George E. and Sue Juba, X-Ag?ent Paul G. and Judy Nolte. X-Agent Donald B. and Mary Joe Purkerson. Members and wives present were Elvin and Pauline Barton, Julius and Helen Bernard, Harold and Maxine Brack, Stuart and Gloria Cameron, Leonard and Helen Frank, William and Dorothy Martin, Peter and El- eanor Meaney, Thomas and Bea Nancy, Howard and Dorothy Patter- son, Gerald and Leslie Rees, Ralph and Laura Shepherd, Ronald and Ruth Sherk, Francis and Charlyne Smith. FRANCHS J. SMITH, Secretary Sacrameiito Has Hot Night at the Races The Sacramento Chapter held a ?Night at the Races? at the Cal Expo Raceway on July 14. A prime rib dinner was seived at the Gold Me- dallion Room locatedi at the upper level of the grandstand. The ninth race was sponsored by the Sacramento Cha?ter of X-FBI Agents. Those in attendance: were Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wells, roid G. Robin- son, Richard E. Crow, James F. Tan- ner, Wendell Watts,i Paul Fuller, Howa1d Haskins, William C. Tower, Milton Kerlan, E. Ray Mille1,Clar- ence Newton, Robert Ryan, John Wil- liams, Alf R. Stavig, recently-retired SAC of the Sacramento ?eld of?ce of the Judge and Mrs. John Hauck, Mr. and Mrs. Renzo Del Pero, Mr. and Mrs. John White of Yuba City, and Judge and Mrs. Norman Sullivan of Stockton. A Fall event is being planned at Yuba City which gives promise of a cooler atmosphere than the 113 de- gree temperature on the date of the racing event at Sacramento. R. STAVIG, Secretary Thornton With Burlingame Travel Bureau Robert E. Thornton has been named vice preisident of the Burlingame Travel Bureau, on the San Francisco peninsula, at 1842 El Camino Real, Burlingaine, California. Being a part of the travel industry Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 is no novelty to Thornton, who spent of his 28 years with the Bureau on assignments outside the continental United States; in Central and South America as well as in Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Approved For Release Beach Scene of Meeting For North Carolina Members and Wives The North Carolina Chapter reports that its meeting at Beach was attended by 48 members and wives. Chairman Bill Gibson named Carmen Stuart, Jim Book and John Gold to the nominating committee to select a slate of new of?cers. The South Carolina Chapter has in- vited the North Carolina Chapter to meet with it on October 7 at Beach. Clifford A. Meyer of Colum- bia, S. C. is in charge of reservations. Present at the meeting were: Austin and Peggy McDonald, Henry and Anne Martin, Art and Linda DonaldSOn, Howard and Janie Richardson, Bill and Sue Gibson, R0- land and Helen Smith and daughter Sharon, Rufus and Mattie Belle Pow- ell, Joe and Dottie Iseman, Ray and Dottie Davidson, Chris and Mary Moran, Arch and Sue Schoch, Buddy and Ann Don and Alice Stahl, Bud Maupin, Jim and Anne Booker, Herman and Lee Tickel, Car- men and Elsie Stuart, Burt and Jerry Wiand. Also Basil and Louise Pettit of the South Carolina. Chapter, and FBI Agents Dave and Singia Watson and Crawford and Jan Williams of the Wilmington FBI Of?ce. HENRY N. MARTIN, Secretary Michigan Chapter Members at 'Shoot Out' And Steak Dinner at Washtenaw Gun Club A ?Shoot Out? and a delicious steak dinner cooked over charcoal ?res was enjoyed by members of the Michigan Chapter at the Washtenaw Gun Club on July 21. The members tried their hand at shooting the again after a lay-off of a few years. Most of them did very well with their high handi- caps. We suspect that a few misses might have been stretched to the near- est line for counting but it was all in good sportsmanship. Chairman Leo Shirley planned the affair and his lovely wife, Lucille Shirley, did a magni?cent job in pre- paring and directing the cooking of those excellent steaks. The Shirleys are to be complimented for this out- standing affair. Attendees at the picnic were: Bar? ron and Helen Conklin, Ted and Joan Stacy, Marce and Connie Phillips, Charles and Mildred Ghent, Leo and Lucille Shirley, Russ and Amy Vail, William and Janice Blackburn, Wil- liam and Eileen Lamb, A1 and Vir- ginia Kurtz, Lee and Ellen Curran, Clark and Alice Diggins, Richard and Hortie Senter, Eugene and Mary Cal- der, Bob and Virginia Smith. MARCEL C. PHILLIPS, Secretary Iuergens in New Post With Wackenhut Fred W. Juergens (1951?55), has been named manager of operations for the Wackenhut Corporation. He was area manager in Detroit, Mich., for Wackenhut prior to his promo- tion and transfer to the company?s executive headquarters in Coral Gables, Fla. As a Former Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, he served in FBI of?ces in Buffalo, New York, Detroit and Newark. Upon leaving the Bureau, he be?. came an assistant professor at the School of Police Administration and Public Safety at Michigan State Uni- versity. He then entered the ?eld of private Security and investigations in Detroit. Fred and his wife and family are now residing at 3609 Monserrate Ave- nue, Coral Gables 33134. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Ap??oved For Releas .e Shortleyr Forms Own Company After 21 Years With US. Agencies The long and distinguished govern- ment career of Robert L. (1947-51), came to a Shortley close with his resignation on June 30. At the time of his departure, Shortley was serv- ing as Director, Inspections and In? vestigations Staff, Agency for Inter- national Development, Department of State, 3. held for over six years. United States post which he Born in Pittsburgh, he earned a de- gree of Bachelor of Srience in Public Administration, i e, Soho )1 Georgetown of Foreign University, Washington, D. C.., and also attended the Georgetown Univel Inaw- I rsity School of A Marine Lieutenant during World War II, he entered new Agents train- ing as a Special Agent with the FBI in 1947.. After serving ?ces, he resigned from in several of- the Bureau in 1951 to become a member of the staff of the U. S. Senate Committee on Agriculture and later joined the staff of the U. S. Senate Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections. After joining AID served in a number in 1953, he of responsible positions including", for three years, that of Special Assista nt to the Dep- uty Administrator responsible for 10- cating, interviewing agency executives for senior positions in Was and abroad. and selecting assignment to hington, D. C., Shortley left government to Set up the ?rm Interspec I[nc., based inspection and company, which will I sional and independent vestigative and researt industry, law ?rms, agencies, foundations, tional organizations. ienced personnel drawn of investigatory discipl provides discreet and a Washington? investigative rovide profes~ inspection, in- services for governmental and interna- Using exper- from a variety ines, Interspec expert review and counSeling service both in the United States and abro ad. Shortley, a past Chairman of the Washington, D. C. Chapter, has re- Hobert L. Shoriley mained active in the Society and is currently serving on the Executive Board for the Chapter. In addition, he is a member of the Federal Law Enforcement Association and the In? ternational Club of Washington, D. C. He is married to the former Miss Maiselle Dolan of Fair?eld, Connecti- cut. They reside in Alexandria, Vir? ginia. Nebraslka Chapter The luncheon meeting of the Nebraska Chapter was held at Bishop?s Cafe on July 11. Chairman Leonard Kurtz appointed Larry Phipps, Wade Knapp and Bob Frink as a nominating committee to select a slate of new of?cers. JIM MCGREEVY, Secretary McDermott Promoted Thomas C. McDermott (1962-65), has been promoted to the position of director of industrial relations for E. R. Squibb Sons Inc. at its new Princeton, New Jersey headquarters. He now is residing at 12 Gloucester Court, East Brunswick, N. J. Approved For Releade 2002/02/14 Approved For MEMPHIS CHAPTER to right. Hugo Winterrowd. Chuck Walker, Mal Price and Bill Overman attended the dinner at the home of Bob Iensen at 6909 Trow- bridge Cover. Memphis. which followed the golf tournament held at the Windyke Golf 6: Country Club. Memphis Chapter at Golf Tournament Members of the Memphis Chapter- took part in a golf tournament at the Windyke Golf Country Club on May 4. A special guest was SAC Joe Baker of the Memphis FBI Of?ce. That evening wives joined the golfers for a dinner at the home of Bob Jensen. The Chapter voted a contribution of $25 to the Former Agents of the FBI Foundation as a memorial to J. Edgar Hoover. At the next quarterly meeting of the Chapter on July 14 at Cooper?s Cafeteria in Memphis, the Chapter voted 9. $15 contribution to the Foun? dation in memory of Bon H. McEl? reath of Oxford, Mississippi. Mahlon Price and Francis Finley were named to nominate a slate of new of?cers. Another golf tournament in Septem- ber was planned. C. B. WALKER, Secretary Fennie Promoted by Iohn Hancock Insurance J. Edgar Fennie (1952?54), of 7401 East Calle Cabo, Tucson, Arizona, has been appointed brokerage manager for Arizona by the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. His offices are at 234-3 East Broadway, Tucson. He is a graduate of the University of Scranton and did graduate work at Boston College. A member of the Southern Arizona Association of Life Underwriters and the Tucson Chap- ter of the American Society of Life Underwriters, Fennie also is active in the Tucson Chapter of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI. Freimuth is Professor at Loyola College Dr. Henry C. Freimuth (1939-44), toxicologist in the of?ce of the Chief Medical Examiner of the Maryland Department of Post Mortem Exam- iners, advises that he is retiring: from his position as of October 1 following 28 years of service. He reports that on September 1. he took up the position of Professor of Chemistry at Loyola College in Balti- more. Dr. Freimuth is an active member of the Baltimore Chapter and various professional groups. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 App??yed For Release Edward Braridt Is Appointed As Director Of Consumer Marketing of AMP Division Edward A. Brandt (1950 has been named Director; Consumer Man keting of sMarketing Division. In making this announcement, Roy C. Reeves, AMF Vice President of Mar? keting, stated that lB-?lrandt will be re- sponsible for assisting in the market- ing' of all AMF recreation products which includes such Well known brand names as ?Head, ?Harley-Davidson,? ?Alcort,? ?Voit,? ?B?en Hogan and ?Skamper.? The Marketing Division of AMF is located at new world head- quarters in White Plains. Brandt joined AMF in 1959 as a marketing specialist! In 1960, he was made Manager of Trade Relations and in 1969 was named as Director, Market Development? Planning. He was graduated?from West Vir- ginia University in 1950 with :1 Doc? tor of JuriSprudence idegree. Prior to joining AMF, Brandt was Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation. Mr. and Mrs. Bran'dt and their ?ve Edward A. Brand! children live at Irvington, N. Y. AMF is a world wide producer of industrial and leisure time products. Erskine Visits? Northern Nevada Chapter: Harold Andersen Elected as New Chairman Western Regional Vice President Robert A. Erskine of Honolulu paid an o?icial visit to the Northern Ne- vada Chapter at a meeting at the Golden Dragon at Carson City on August 3. Bob discussed the activities of the National Society and urged support of the Former Agents of the FBI Foundation and attendance at the New Orleans Convention in No? vember. New Chapter o?icegrs were elected as follows: Harold E. Andersen, Chairman; Donald V. Wier, Vice Chairman; L. James; McGee, Secre- tary-T1easurer; Clayton D. Phillips Foundation represantative, and Car- rol T. Nevin, Executive Service Com- mittee representative. The Chapter?s attention was called to the fact that former member, Ken- neth Brown, has moved to Bakers- ?eld, California, and Harold Andersen has retired as head of the Investiga- tive Division of the Nevada Gaming- Control Board. He has accepted em- ployment as special assistant to the general manager of the Sahara Tahoe Hotel at Stateline, Nevada. Ander? sen?s new address is P. 0. Box 1668: Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448. Attendees at the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Andersen, Joseph L. Sheeketski, Mr. and Mrs. Carrol T. Nevin, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton D. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. L. James Mc? Gee and Regional Vice President Er- skine. L. JAMES MCGEE, Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For . . l. - .i i BROADWATER BEACH HOTEL SETTING FOR POST CONVENTION the imposing front entrance of the Broadwater Beach Hotel and Golf Club at Biloxi. Missis- sippi which will host the post convention vacation for Society members iollowing the New Orleans Convention. The Broadwater Beach Hotel iaces the Gull of Mexico and has three golf courses. a Lanai swimming pool and a Garden pool. tennis. shui?iieboard. volley ball and basketball. Other sports are The Broadwater is a luxury spot for those who want real diversion and relaxation. Lalime New Chairman of Buffalo Chapter: Annual Picnic Held at Al Newman's Home The annual picnic of the Buffalo, N. Y. Chapter was held at A1 New- man?s home at Silver Creek, N. Y. on June 11. Members and their wives and families had a fun day playing golf, swimming, eating, drinking, etc. Late in the afternoon new of?cers were elected as follows: Chairman. James Lalime; Vice Chairman, Pat Glennon; Secretary? Treasurer, Harry Manicas. FBI Special Agents Don Hartnett and Francis Jenkins and their wives were guests. Chapter members and wives present were Mr. and Mrs. James Denzel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gannon, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lacey, Mr. and Mrs. James Lalime, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Manicas, Mr. and Mrs. John Roche and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shecdy. Chairman Lalime called a special luncheon meeting of the Chapter on July ?7 to arrange a program for the coming year. A ?get acquainted? meeting was planned for September, a Christmas party in December, a golf tournament in the Spring and the annual family picnic for June. The regular luncheon meeting date was changed to the ?rst Friday of each month at 12 :30 p.111.- at the Depot Lounge Restaurant in Buffalo. Present were Everett Adolf, Pat Glennon, Paul Hulub, James Lalime, Harry Manicas and John Roche. HARRY E. MANICAS, Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Apprilgupd For Releas Paul Dewey. .e Son oil Society Member. Wins Rotary Fellowship For Study in England Paul D. Dewey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. Dewey (1940-45), Garden City, Kan- sals, has been aWarded a 1973-73 Educational Awaid from the Rotary International. Foun? daltion and will be leaving soon for the University of Exeter, Exeter, England, where he Paul Dewey will do graduate work in English literature. Included in the aw ard is round trip transportation, registration, tuition, laboratory and other school fees, books and educational supplies, room and board, and limited educational travel for one schoolyear. Paul graduated from the Univers? ity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, last Spring where he received a B. A. in English literature and political science. He graduated with distinc? tion and as a member of Phi Beta Kappa Society He is also a member of Delta Upsilon Fraternity, and on the basis of scholarship and leader- ship was accepted into the Sachem Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa In addition to scholastic achieve- ments, he has served on the Student Committee of Kansas Relays, Union 0pe1ating Committee, Homecoming Committee, and in his senior year was vice president of the Student Union Activities. He was also in the Karate Club. For the past two years, Paul was the Newsweek campus correspondent at K. U. Upon returning to the United States from Exeter, he plans to at- tend law school. Siler Elected Director of Association Of Executive Recruiting Consultants John W. Siler (19 0- 52), has been elected to a two ye!r term on the board of directms ofl the Association of Executive Rec1uiting Consultants. Siler is president of John W. Siler Associates, a management consultant and executive searchl ?rm headquar? tered in Milwaukee. Siler joined the FBI as a Special Agent in 1940, and served in the Se- attle, San Franci5c0,; Cleveland and Milwaukee of?ces. . The Siler ?rm, established in 1965, is one of only 22 acc?edited members of the Association of Executive Re? cruiting Consultants, 11 group of ?rms meeting the highest standards of ex? cellence in the consulting ?eld. Siler?s company also maintains an of?ce in the Minneapolis-St. Piaul area. The manager of this office is Frank T. Grassy, also a formerESpecial Agent. John W. Siler Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Dr. Magee. Former FBI Laboratory Chief. Is Director of Virginia Forensic Agency Dr. J. William Magee (1939- 65), well known to many Agents as a long-time mainstay of the FBI Lab- oratory, continues as Director of the Northern Virginia Forensic Labora- tory, following its consolidation into the Forensic Laboratory System of the State of Virginia on July 1972. Dr. Magee was responsible for ob- taining Law Enforcement Assistance Administration approval and grants (Federal and State) which made pos- sibie the creation of this regional lab- oratory, in March 1971. Initially serv~ ing all law enforcement agencies in four counties in Northern Virginia, the Laboratory now serves 14 North- ern Virginia counties and inclusive cities. Located at 2714 Dorr Avenue, Merri?eld, Virginia, the Laboratory is equipped with sophisticated equip- ment and located in a modern facility. Nevertheless, Dr. Magee believes that personnel have a higher priority than the physical plant. To this end, he ?rst engaged the services of two pre? eminent chemists, Dr. Eugene Reich? enbecher and Dr. Paul B. Ferrara, both with outstanding academic back- grounds and records of achievement in private industry. Today the Lab- oratory employs four chemists, a doc- ument examiner, and a laboratory aid, Dr. I. William Maqee in addition to the director and his administrative staff. A native of Mississippi, Dr. Magee received his M.S. degree from the University of Mississippi and his from the University of Texas in 1938. After his retirement from the FBI in 1965, he opened his own private laboratory to serve as a con? sultant in chemistry and industrial security ?elds, an endeavor he con- tinues to operate. Central New York Announces Schedule Of Meetings For Remainder of Year A business luncheon meeting of the Central New York Chapter was held July 12 at the Hotel Syracuse, at Syracuse, N. Y. Chairman Bill Mc- Kay reported on his attendance at the Northeast Regional Conference at Al- bany in the Spring. He discussed ac- tivities of the various Chapters in the Northeast Region, the Membership Di? rectory and the Former Agents of the FBI Foundation. Plans were announced for a golf outing for X-Agents and wives hosted by Jack Clifford in August at Hamil- ton, N. Y., and for the September meeting at the Cavalry Club with Bill McKay as host. An October meeting is also sched? uled with Phil Britt as host at the Bellevue Club. The last event of 1972 will be a Christmas program. Attending the luncheon were Bill McKay, Phil Britt, John Mahoney, Peter Roth, Jack Clifford, Howard Baird, Bill Pinkel, Jerry O?Brien and Bill Reynolds. WILLIAM W. PINKEL, Secretary Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For Releas Aosta ce President Trust Of icer of Puerto Rico Bank By c. Howarleladden Chairman of Georgia Chapter Prominent among Society members currently residing in Puerto Rico is Raymond L. Acosta (1954?58), who is vice president and trust of?cer of Banco Credito, one of the largest banking organizations in the Carib? bean area. The bank has 38 branches in Puerto Rico and Ray directs. During his Bureau career, Ray served in the San Diego, Washington, D. C. and Miami offices. When he re- signed from the he became As? sistant United States Attorney in Puerto Rico and held that post until 1961. Now 46 years of age, Acosta has an impressive background of experience in law and bankingi. A native of New York City, he was graduated from high school in Teaneck, N. J. and from Princeton! University in 1948. He received his law degree from the Rutgers University School of Law in Newark ini 1951. He prac- ticed law in Hackens'ack, N. J. until he was appointed a Special Agent of the FBI in 1954. Ray served in thel Navy for four years during Worldl War II as a radio operator {He served in Scotland, England and Wales and was in the Normandy Invasion on June 6,1944. Later he attended the Naval Officer School Eunder the 12 pr.ogram After resigning as iAssistant U. S. Atto1ney in 1961, Aicosta practiced law in San Juan for five years under the ?rm name of Igaravidez Acosta. From 1966 to 1967 hie was manager of the Real Estate iDepartment of IBEC Housing Com any in Puerto Rico and in 1967' was named to his present post of vice! president. and trust o?icer of Bando Credito.. He completed courses in lmanagement of commercial and corporate real estate with the American Management As- sociation; real estate nancing at the University of Puerto iRico, and com- pleted the executive triaining program Raymond L. Acosta in trust administration and opera- tions at the Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, New York City. Ray is licensed to practice law in the U. S. Supreme Court, the New Jersey Supreme Court, the Federal District Court of New Jersey, the United States Tax Court, the Federal District Court and the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico, and the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals (First Circuit). He is a member of Delta Theta Phi law fraternity, the Bergen County, N. J. Bar Association, Fed- eral Bar Association, the Rotary Club of San Juan, Society of Financial Anaiysts of Puerto Rico, and the So- ciety of Former Special Agents of the FBI. In addition, Ray is a member of numerous civic and governmental groups in Puerto Rico, including the Mayor?s Citizens Advisory Council of San Juan, and the Beauti?cation and Clean-Up Campaign of Puerto Rico. Ray and his wife and three chil- dren reside at Km. 4, Carr 186, E1 Verde Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, on the outskirts of San Juan. He hopes to attend the Society?s 19th annual Convention at New Orleans in No- vember. 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Approved For Release LETTERS (continued from page 2) Johnson hi.din;..r out in the hills. Don ex- pressed a strong interest in rejoining the Society. Would you please send an applica-: tion form for membership to him to the following address: Donald R. Johnson, Apart- ado 5440, San Jose, Costa Rica. I was very pleased to receive the new Mem- bership Directory. Emmett L. Myers Regional Security Of?cer American Embassy Balboa, Canal Zone Will you kindly change your records to re?ect that I retired from the United States Foreign Service in August 1971 and that I am now residing with my family in Mexico. Douglas B. O'Connell Calle 25 No. 527 Col. Aleala Martin Merida. Yuc., Mexico I am grateful to Stanley Rotz for arrang- inp; for me to receive the June and July issues of The Grapevine. However, I do not have a May issue. Could this be sent to me? Mrs. James V. Sullivan 1812 Thornbury Road Baltimore, Maryland I couldn't stand retirement, so after I moved down here to Colonial Beach, Virginia, I took out a local license to practice law and am having a ball. Also, I have been appointed Town Attorney and that alone keeps me on the jump. Only trouble is that it interferes with my ?shing. I have to prosecute all cases in Corporation Court and handle any appeals from same in the Circuit Court at the county seat. Lots of fun. Next time they put out a Directory, change my ?business" to ?Attorney at Law." Am going to try awfully hard to attend the Convention, but at this time I don't know whether the other attorneys in town to handle the town's court cases while I am acne. LeRoy H. (Cap) Barnard 201 Irvine Avenue Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443 I have just moved from San Marino to San Clemente and my address is new 800 Camino de Los Mares, San Clemente, Cali- fornia 92672. I am semi-retired and continue to work for Republic Corporation at Century City two days a Week. Donald V. Gibbs Barnes at New Home 'John V. Barnes (1942-66), advises that he is now residing at Bella Vista, Arkansas 72712. Moves at Cedar Rapids John J. Bryant advised that he has moved from Des Moines to 3630 White Oak Road, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Joins Tahoe Hotel Sta?? Harold E. Andersen Harold E. Andersen (1927-43), of Carson City, Nevada, retired as chief of investigations of the Ne- vada Gaming Control Board on June 15. He is now serving as special assistant to Monty D. general manager of the Sahara Tahoe Hotel, at Stateline, Nevada. Los Angeles Presents Hoover Memorial Gift The Los Angeles Chapter has con- tributed $50 to the Boys Clubs of America, 771 First Avenue, New York City, as a memorial to J. Edgar Hoo- ver. The late FBI Director was a mem- ber of the national board of the Boys Clubs and was deeply interested in promoting projects to serve the young people of the nation. Poole at New Home William P. Poole (1942-70), a se- curity consultant, reports he is now located at 40202 Santa Teresa Com- mon, Fremont, California 94538. Approved For Release 00357R000900030014-9 Society of; Former Special Agents of the 1* ederal Bureau of Investigation, 1110. BALANCE SHEET Sept-ember 30, 1971 Assets Cash $34,104 Receivables and deposits 616 Cmnmeiciai paper, CIT Financial Ceiporation note, at cost (5.125% dueilO- 26- 71) 15,000 Ma1ketable secuiities, iat cost (market value $10, 700) (Note Prepaid expense 125 M. iscellaneous i 104 $65,098 Liabilities, Deferred Income and Fund. Balance Liabilities: i Accounts payable (including 713 due to Foundation) 9,066 Taxes payable . . . .i 9,604 Deferred income: Insurance company allowance 1,250 Dues and initiation ?fees 34,203 35,453 Fund balance: September 30, 1971 20,041 $65,098 Statement of Income, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances Income Dues Initiation fees . . . Interest Dividends Excess of convention 1eceipts ever expenses . . Miscellaneous - Total income Expenses General and administrative Grapevine - Directory Executive Committee meetings Regional meetings Chapter meetings .5 Nominating Committee meeting: Total expenses Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 Years Ended September 30, 1970 and 1971 1970 3 78,306 2,370 3,337 352 1,422 107 35,944 38,501 28,3 52 113,246 11,003 17,271 2,900 1,316 $112,589 1971 81,920 2,590 2,339 415 4,578 134 91,976 37,231 33,017 1,500 10,571 18,807 1,712 1,098 $103,936 Approved For Release Excess of expenses over income $(26,645) $(11,960) Fund balance at beginning of year 58,6461 32,001 Fund balance at end of year 32,001 20,041 1Includes $1,800 reimbursement from insurance company received in 1970 for prior periods. (See accompanying notes) Notes to Financial Statements September 30, 1971 Note 1?Marketable securities Marketable securities represent the investment of a part of excess National Convention receipts and are to be used to defray the cost of future national convention losses, if any. Note 2?Farnitnrc, ?xtures and leasehold improvements It is the policy of the Society to charge the cost of furniture, ?xtures and leasehold improvements to expense rather than to capitalize these costs. Ex- penditures for such items for the years ended September 30, 1970 and 1971 totaled $698. This amount is included in general and administrative expenses in the accompanying ?nancial statements for ?scal year 1971. Detailed General and Administrative and Grapevine Expenses Years Ended September 30, 1970 and 1971 1970 1971 General and Administrative Expenses: Salaries $15,402 $17,646 Payroll taxes 581 678 Employee bene?t plans 2,047 2,087 Rent 3,827 4,115 Printing, mailing and postage 12,132 9,462 Telephone and telegraph 1,714 1,955 Insurance 97 887 Of?ce supplies and expense 1,468 1,057 Auditing 1,200 Memorials and gifts 314 815 Miscellaneous 319 379 $39,101 $39,081 Less reimbursement from insurance company 600 1,850 Total $38,501 $37,231 Grapevine Expenses: Printing . $19,709 $22,538 Editorial 5,200 6,000 Mailing and postage 2,438 2,757 Convention travel 344 1,345 Miscellaneous 661 377 Total $28,352 $33,017 (continued on page 46) Approved For Release 2002/02/14 Apffroved For Release Former Agents ?of the F.B.I. Foundation BALANCE SHEET September 30, 1971 Assets Cash (including $4,038 in savings account and $25,000 in certi?cate of deposit) 35,980 Receivables (including; $2,713 due from Society) 3,761 1 Marketable Securities} at cost (market value $122,300) 105,272 $145,013 De?erred Income and Fund Balance I Deferred income?-c0ntributions 2,268 - Fund balance, September 30, 1971 142,745 $145,013 Statement of thanges in Fund Balance Years Ended September 30, 1970 and 1971 1970 1971 Fund balance at beginning of year $109,732 $128,251 Cash received: Contributions . . . . 25,589 19,946 Interest . . . . . . . . . . 3,183 1,950 Dividends - 1,665 4,034 Sale of Plaques 31,590 26,206 Pro?t or (Loss) on sale of securities . .. 98 (3,766) . Lost bond coupons (601) Funds available $141,420 $150,090 Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . .L 10,760 6,435 Expenses: . Travel 805 797 Printing, mailing and o?ice expenses 1,604 2,409 113 910 $128,251 $142,745 Auditing Committee: Charles A. Severs, Dale S. Thompson, Frederic D. Vechery gaudy Melinda/.1 in Me Name. (continued from back cover) the International Association of Chiefs of Police and 5the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI. He currently serves ;on the U. S. Chamber of Commerce panel on crime prevention. He is a deacon in the Presbyterian Church. Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 He received a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Kan- sas in 1952. Barton and his wife, Mary Jean, and their teenage daughters, Laura and Melinda, live in South Russell, a suburb of Cleveland. Approved For Release East Tennessee to Elect New Officers A business meeting of the East Tennessee Chapter was held at the City Club at Knoxville on July 11 with Chairman Stacy Kinlaw presid- ing. He welcomed a prospective new member, Jim Rike, who recently re- tired from the Knoxville FBI Of?ce. The Chairman named John Gill, Bud Mann and Charles McNabb as a committee to nominatea slate of new of?cers. It was voted to send a letter of thanks to Harry Nacey, president of the Hamilton National Bank at Knox- ville, for the reception given to dele- gates who attended the Southeast Re- gional Conference in April. The next meeting will be held in September at the Bays Mountain Country Club. Attendees were Morris Best, Dexter Christenberry, Joe Fleming, John Gill, Everett Ingram, Stacy Kinlaw, R. T. Mann, Charlie McNabb, John Parker, Jim Rike, John Ruggles and W. D. Swanner. WILL D. SWANNER, Secretary Martin Retires From Post With Gulf Oil Alvin R. Martin (1940-44), a vice president of Gulf Oil Company, has retired from that post after many years of service that covered opera- tions in the U. 3., Europe and the Middle East and Africa. A native of Houston, Martin joined Gulf?s Law Department in 1946. He holds an LL.B. degree from the Uni? versity of Texas. In 1967 he was elected vice president and director of Gulf Eastern, and in 1968 became president of Gulf Oil Company Eastern Hemisphere. _Martin transferred to Pittsburgh in 1969 as coordinator for Middle East and African affairs, and was elected vice president for concessions and government agreements in 1970. Society Members Have Ietliner Reunion Three Society members, Bob Dore, Vince Gillen, and A. E. (Bud) Lar- sen met unexpectedly a few weeks ago While trying to locate their seats on a jetliner leaving LaGuardia Air- port, New York, for Chicago. They were able to sit together.? During the trip it developed that they had more than membership in the Society in common. Gillen had been Chairman of the Nominating Committee the year that Bob Dore was elected President. Bud Larsen was a member of that Nominating Committee. Larsen was subsequently elected Treasurer of the Society. Larsen was on his way to Chicago in connection with his work at REA Express. Dore and Gillen continued to Kansas City, Dore to see his radio station representative and Gillen to confer with a prospective Fidelifacts franchisee. Washington Chapter at Dinner Theater The Washington, D. C. Chapter sponsored a night at the Garland Din- ner Theater in Columbia, Maryland on July 28. Eighty-six X-Agents and their wives attended including neigh- bor John Montgomery, Regional Vice President from Baltimore, and Mrs. Montgomery. Although ?Anniversary Waltz? was to have been presented, an unexpected unavailability of the cast on the night scheduled, prompted a substitution of ?Goodbye Charlie.? PAUL ERTZINGER, Chairman Approved For Release 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-00357R000900030014-9 2002/02/14 CIA-RDP82-005 Statler-Hilton Hotel, 33rd Street 7th Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10001 2nd class postage PAID at New York, N. Y. STATINTL PRINTED IN Ewmc TOWNSHIP. NEW JERSEY. U.S.A. BY TRENTON Co. Intelligence Corps. City, o. David L. Bu ion tion for ?ve years and served two years in the S. Army Counter Sade/{q Mam Me New David L. Burton Vice Plesident and! General Manager of ITT Security Sexviccs, Cleveland Ohio Appointment of David L. Burton (195.4- 59), as vice president and general manager of ITT Security Services, Cleveland, Ohio, or. division of ITT Service Industries Cor- poration, has been announced by Edwin M. Roth, president and chief executive o?icer. Burton will direct I TT Security Services? expansion in the protection and guard'serv- ices ?eld. Other divisions or a?liatcs of ITT Service Industries, a subsidiary of In? ternational Telephone and Telegraph Cor- poration, o?er par/ting, building mainten? ance and transportation services. Burton formerly had been executive vice president and a director of Burns Interna? tional Security Service. With a long back- ground in investigation, security and law enforcement, Mr. Burton was a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investiga- He also was director of security for both Western Electric Com- pany in New York and- Western Auto Supply Company in Kansas Burton is a member of the American Society for Industrial Security, (continued on page 46) Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA- RDP82- 00357R000900030014- 9