(CFA-4 Schedule A-2) CONTRIBUTIONS BY CORPORATIONS Itemized Contributions and Other Receipts REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) INSTRUCTIONS: LIST ONLY CONTRIBUTIONS BY CORPORATIONS ON THIS SCHEDULE. Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document contributions and receipts totaled on ITEM 15a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative contributions from corporations OVER $100 per contributor, within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative receipts, (such as loan proceeds and repayments, refunds, rebates, returns of deposit, proceeds from sales, interest or other income) OVER $100 per contributor, within a calendar year, MUST be FILE NUMBER itemized on this schedule (over $200 if regular party committee). Page 1 Of 5 FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) PERIOD RECEIVED BY Contributions: . . ID'reCt 03/25/2011 South Bend Orthopaedic ASSOCiates El In-Kind (describe) 53 8 8 0 Carmichael Drive South Bend, IN 46635 $250.00 $250.00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael MISC. (specify) Schmuhl FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) PERIOD RECEIVED BY Contributions: . Direct L.L. Low Assoc1ates, Inc 03/23/2011 Ken Low El 'n-K'nd (describe) 2 0 Ironwood Drive South Bend, IN 46615 $100-0? $100-00 Other Recelpts Interest Loan Michael MISC. (specify) Schmuhl FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) PERIOD RECEIVED BY Contributions: . ID'reCt 03/23/2011 Central Files Inc El In-Kind (describeSouth Bend, IN 46634 $250.00 $350_00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael Misc. (specify) Schmuhl SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE A $600.00 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE A ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY (Enter total on ITEM 15a of the Summary Sheet) $5,816.00 (CFA-4 Schedule A-2) CONTRIBUTIONS BY CORPORATIONS Itemized Contributions and Other Receipts REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) INSTRUCTIONS: LIST ONLY CONTRIBUTIONS BY CORPORATIONS ON THIS SCHEDULE. Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document contributions and receipts totaled on ITEM 15a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative contributions from corporations OVER $100 per contributor, within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative receipts, (such as loan proceeds and repayments, refunds, rebates, returns of deposit, proceeds from sales, interest or other income) OVER $100 per contributor, within a calendar year, MUST be FILE NUMBER itemized on this schedule (over $200 if regular party committee). Page 2 Of 5 FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) RECEIVED BY Contributions: . ID'reCt 04/01/2011 Peer les 5 Midwest Inc El In-Kind (describe) 55860 Russell Industrial Parkway Mishawaka, IN 46545 $500.00 $500.00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael MISC. (specify) Schmuhl FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) PERIOD RECEIVED BY Contributions: . ID'reCt 03/23/2011 Central Files Inc El In-Kind (describeSouth Bend, IN 46634 $100.00 $350.00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael MISC. (specify) Schmuhl FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) PERIOD RECEIVED BY Contributions: . . Direct Bob Frame Plumbing and Heating, 03/14/2011 INC In-Kmd (describe) 5707 US 31 South South Bend, IN 46614 3400-00 $400.00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael Misc. (specify) Schmuhl SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE A $1 1 000 - 00 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE A ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $5 8 16 - 00 (Enter total on ITEM 15a of the Summary Sheet) REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES (CFA-4 Schedule A-2) OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE CONTRIBUTIONS BY CORPORATIONS State Form 4606 Itemized Contributions and Other Receipts Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) INSTRUCTIONS: LIST ONLY CONTRIBUTIONS BY CORPORATIONS ON THIS SCHEDULE. Please type or print legibly IN FILE NUMBER BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document contributions and receipts totaled on ITEM 15a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative contributions from corporations OVER $100 per contributor, within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative receipts, (such as loan proceeds and repayments, refunds, rebates, returns of deposit, proceeds from sales, interest or other income) OVER $100 per contributor, within a calendar year, MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200 if regular party committee). Page 3 Of 5 FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION 0R COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, City, state, ZIP code) PERIOD RECEIVED BY Contributions: . Direct Cullar Assoc:I.ates, PC . 03/18/2011 2 9 Main Street CI '"'Kmd (descr/be) Suite 200 South Bend, IN 46601 $500-00 $500-00 Other ReceIpts Interest Loan Michael MISC. (specify) Schmuhl FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, City, state, ZIP code) PERIOD RECEIVED BY Contributions: . DD'reCt 03/25/2011 Indlana Beer In-Kind (describe) 3707 W. Lathrop St. Catering South Bend, IN 46628 $841.00 $841.00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael MISC. (specify) Schmuhl FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, City, state, ZIP code) PERIOD RECEIVED BY Contributions: ID'reCt 03/21/2011 Charles Hayes Inc El In-Kind (describe) 814 Marietta Street South Bend, IN 46601 $500.00 $500.00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael Misc. (specify) Schmuhl SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE A ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $5 8 16- 00 (Enter total on ITEM 15a of the Summary Sheet) REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES (CFA-4 Schedule A-2) OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE CONTRIBUTIONS BY CORPORATIONS State Form 4606 Itemized Contributions and Other Receipts Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) INSTRUCTIONS: LIST ONLY CONTRIBUTIONS BY CORPORATIONS ON THIS SCHEDULE. Please type or print legibly IN FILE NUMBER BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document contributions and receipts totaled on ITEM 15a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative contributions from corporations OVER $100 per contributor, within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative receipts, (such as loan proceeds and repayments, refunds, rebates, returns of deposit, proceeds from sales, interest or other income) OVER $100 per contributor, within a calendar year, MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200 if regular party committee). Page 4 Of 5 FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, City, state, ZIP code) RECEIVED BY Contributions: ID'reCt 02/17/2011 P02 20 Truck Center Inc El In-Kind (describe) 3001 East 15th Place Gary, IN 46403 $500.00 $500.00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael MISC. (specify) Schmuhl FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, City, state, ZIP code) RECEIVED BY Contributions: DD'reCt 03/25/2011 The Bar at South Bend Inc . In-Kind (describe) 1705 S. Bend Ave. Catering South Bend, IN 46637 $400.00 $400.00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael MISC. (specify) Schmuhl FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, City, state, ZIP code) RECEIVED BY Contributions: . ID'reCt 03/31/2011 Enzyme Research Laboratorles El In-Kind (describe) 1 8 0 1 Commerce Drive South Bend, IN 46628 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael Misc. (specify) Schmuhl SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE A $1 I 900 - 00 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE A ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $5 8 16- 00 (Enter total on ITEM 15a of the Summary Sheet) REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES (CFA-4 Schedule A-2) OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE CONTRIBUTIONS BY CORPORATIONS State Form 4606 Itemized Contributions and Other Receipts Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) INSTRUCTIONS: LIST ONLY CONTRIBUTIONS BY CORPORATIONS ON THIS SCHEDULE. Please type or print Iegibly IN FILE NUMBER BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document contributions and receipts totaled on ITEM 15a Of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative contributions from corporations OVER $100 per contributor, within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative receipts, (such as loan proceeds and repayments, refunds, rebates, returns of deposit, proceeds from sales, interest or other income) OVER $100 per contributor, within a calendar year, MUST be itemized on this schedule over $200 if re ular art committee. Page 5 Of 5 FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, City, state, ZIP code) RECEIVED BY Contributions: . ID'reCt 04/07/2011 . . Simpson Company Inc El ln-Kind (describe) 3406 Enterprise Ave Valparaiso, IN 46383 $250.00 $250_00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael MISC. (specify) Schmuhl FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE PERIOD YEAR-TO-DATE RECEIVED BY (street, number, City, state, ZIP code) Contributions: IDireCt 03/31/2011 Bob Frame Plumbing and Heating, El ln-KInd (describe) INC 5707 US 31 South South Bend, IN 46614 $125~00 $525-00 Other ReceIptS Interest Loan Michael MISC. (specify) Schmuhl FULL NAME AND OCCUPATION FULL MAILING TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION OR COLUMN A COLUMN DATE RECEIVED ADDRESS OTHER RECEIPT AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE (street, number, City, state, ZIP code) RECEIVED BY Contributions: . ID'reCt 04/07/2011 Northern Electric Company Inc El ln-Kind (describe) 1 6 North Hill Street South Bend, IN 46617 $100.00 $100.00 Other Receipts Interest Loan Michael Misc. (specify) Schmuhl SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE A $475 - 00 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE A ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $5 8 16- 00 (Enter total on ITEM 15a of the Summary Sheet) REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FILE NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule Page 1 of 13 OCCUPATION COLUMN A AMOUNT THIS PERIOD COLUMN CUMULATIVE YEA R-TO-DATE NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS TYPE OF EXENDITURE and PURPOSE (be specific) DATE OF OFFICE SOUGHT (if EXPENDITURE applicable) (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) Code 0 Indiana Direct ln-Kind Democratic Party Payment of Debt 115 El Returned Contribution $11 403 . 47 $15, 345 . 74 02/03/2011 Washington Street Other Suite 1165 Purpose Payroll Indianapolis, IN Merc an Irect n- In Code 0 I Services Payment of Debt 1 Western : Returned Contribution $153.90 $494.54 03/03/2011 Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD Other 2 1740 Purpose Service Fee on Ben Irect n- In Code 0 355 th .0 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $44.00 $3 780.98 04/04/2011 South Bend, IN Situmed Contribution I er Purpose Stamps Code 0 Main Street Row, Direct ln-Kind LLC Payment of Debt 21533 Golden : Returned Contribution $1,850.00 $5,550.00 03/01/2011 Maple Court South Bend, IN : Other 4662 8 Purpose Office Space Code Vicki McIntire Retired Direct ln-Kind 1233 Erskine Payment of Debt Manor Hill - - $80.00 $619.09 03/31/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution 4 6 6 1 4 Other Purpose Event Code 0 Merchant Direct ln-Kind Services Payment of Debt 1 Western : Returned Contribution $32.70 $66.51 01/03/2011 Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD Other 2 7 4 0 Purpose Service Fee SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $13 564-07 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES 0F SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 682 . (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE (CFA-4 Schedule B) State Form 4606 EXPENDITURES Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in FILE NUMBER completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule page 2 Of 1 8 OCCUPATION NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS TYPE OF EXENDITURE and COLUMN A COLUMN AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE DATE OF EXPENDITURE OFFICE SOUGHT if - - (street, number, CIty, state, ZIP code) applicable) PURPOSE (be specmc) PERIOD YE AR-TO-D ATE Code Indiana Beer Direct ln-Kind St- - - $841.00 $841.00 03/25/2011 South Bend, IN Returned ContributIon Purpose Catering Code Peter Kohut Direct ln-Kind 22:21: JOhnr IN DRetumed Contribution $420.00 $420.00 02/16/2011 Other Purpose Event 0 Merchant Direct ln-Kind Code Services Payment of Debt Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD Other 2 7 4 0 Purpose Fee Martin 5 Super Direct ln-Kind Code Market LEC Payment of Debt 7355 Heritage : Returned Contribution $300.00 $700.00 04/04/2011 Square Drive Granger, IN Other 46530 Purpose Catering Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct ln-Kind 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $300.00 $2 778.85 03/28/2011 South Bend, IN ContrIbutIon I er Purpose Bulk Mail Stamps Code South Bend Direct ln-Kind Chocolate Payment of Debt company - - $106.96 $106.96 04/01/2011 122 South Returned ContrIbutIon Michigan Other South Bend, IN Purpose Door Prize 4 6 6 SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $1 I 939 - 86 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 682 (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FILE NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in schedule completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this Page 3 of 18 OCCUPATION NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OFFICE SOUGHT _f TYPE OF EXENDITURE and A?g?m?fr?ls DATE OF (street, number, oity, state, ZIP code) applicable) PURPOSE (be specmc) PERIOD YE AR-TO-D ATE EXPENDITURE Code 0 Main Street Row, Direct ln-Kind LLC Payment of Debt 21533 Golden Returned Contribution $04/01/2011 Maple Court South Bend, IN Other 46628 Purpose Office Space Code 0 Staples Direct ln-Kind Rd - - $59.13 $59.13 01/26/2011 South Bend, IN Ziturned Contribution er Purpose Office Supplies Code 0 Merchant Direct ln-Kind Services Payment of Debt 1 Western Returned Contribution $7 10 $66 51 01/03/2011 Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD Other 2 7 4 0 Purpose Fee Code Bruce BonDurant Direct ln-Kind 122 5- Mill 513' : PaymentofDebt M?gizwaka, IN Returned Contribution $32 35 $64 70 03/16/2011 Other Purpose Event expenses Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct In-Kind 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $58.65 $3 736.98 04/03/2011 South Bend, IN CR)::urned Contribution I er Purpose Bulk Mailing Code Fred Ferlic Direct ln-Kind 830 Oak Ridge Dr Payment of Debt Sonth Bend: IN : Returned Contribution $315.00 $315.00 03/13/2011 Other Purpose Event expenses SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $2 I 322 - 23 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 682 (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES schedule INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this FILE NUMBER Page 4 of 18 NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) OCCUPATION OFFICE SOUGHT (if applicable) TYPE OF EXENDITURE and PURPOSE (be specific) COLUMN A AMOUNT THIS PERIOD COLUMN CUMULATIVE YEA R-TO-DATE DATE OF EXPENDITURE Code Jody Sue Freid Media/Enter Direct ln-Kind 132 Stratford tainment CI payment of Debt Place - - $490.00 $1 036.99 03/27/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Purpose Catering Code Peter Kohut Direct ln-Kind 22:21: JOhnr IN : Returned Contribution $320.00 $740.00 03/18/2011 Other Purpose Event Code A Fast Signs Direct ln-Kind Ave - - $3 948.30 $3 948.30 03/04/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution I I Purpose Yard Signs Code Vicki McIntire Retired Direct ln-Kind 1233 Erskine Payment of Debt Manor Hill - - $200.00 $282.90 03/24/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Purpose Event Code 0 Merchant Direct In-Kind Services Payment of Debt Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD Other 2 1 7 4 0 Purpose Interchange Code Matthew Burgess Direct ln-Kind 170 8 Newton Payment of Debt Stre?t NW #105 : Returned Contribution $515.00 $515.00 03/30/2011 Washington, DC Purpose Event SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $5 I 737 - 32 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 532 (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FILE NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule Page 5 of 13 OCCUPATION COLUMN A AMOUNT THIS PERIOD COLUMN CUMULATIVE YEA R-TO-DATE NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS TYPE OF EXENDITURE and PURPOSE (be specific) DATE OF OFFICE SOUGHT (if EXPENDITURE applicable) (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct In-Kind 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $1 000.00 $1 000.00 01/27/2011 South Bend, IN ng?urned Contribution I I er Purpose Bulk Mail Stamps Code Julia Chismar Direct ln-Kind South Bendr IN - - $9.00 $18.00 03/16/2011 Eifrturned Contribution er Purpose Event expenses 0 Jessica Tucker Direct ln-Kind Code 6737 Thousand Payment of Debt Oaks Dr- El Returned Contribution $04/07/2011 Indianapolis, IN 462 14 Other Purpose Consultant Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct ln-Kind 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $28.00 $1 598.85 02/22/2011 South Bend, IN giturned Contribution I er Purpose 6 months PO Box Code Vicki McIntire Retired Direct ln-Kind 123 3 Erskine Payment of Debt Manor Hill - - $7.44 $290.34 03/26/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Purpose Event Code 0 Direct In-Kind PO BOX 8 100 Payment of Debt Aurora: IL 60507 : Returned Contribution $70.63 $270.09 03/08/2011 Other Purpose Phone SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $3 I 1 15 - 07 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 582 (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FILE NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule Page 5 of 13 OCCUPATION COLUMN A AMOUNT THIS COLUMN NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS CUMULATIVE TYPE OF EXENDITURE and PURPOSE (be specific) DATE OF OFFICE SOUGHT (if EXPENDITURE (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) applicable) PERIOD YEA R-TO- DATE Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct In-Kind 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $528.00 $2 478.85 03/15/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution I Other Purpose Stamps Code The Bar at South Direct ln-Kind Bend, Inc - Payment of Debt 1:705 5- Bend : Returned Contribution $400.00 $400.00 03/25/2011 Ve . South Bend, IN : Other 4 6 6 3 7 Purpose Catering Code 0 Merchant Direct ln-Kind Services Payment of Debt 1 WeStern : Returned Contribution $395.70 $1,192.06 04/04/2011 Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD Other 2 1740 Purpose Service Fee Code 0 The Feldman Direct ln-Kind Group, Inc Payment of Debt :08 8th Street El Returned Contribution $03/29/2011 Washington, DC Other 2 0 0 3 Purpose Survey Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct In-Kind 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $8.80 $1 482.68 01/31/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution I Other Purpose stamps Code 0 Peter Buttigieg Consultant Direct ln-Kind 107 North Payment of Debt Shore Dr- - - $1 804.00 $1 804.00 03/30/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution I I 466 17 Other Purpose Travel SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $19 I 336 - 50 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 532 . (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FILE NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule Page 7 of 13 OCCUPATION COLUMN A AMOUNT THIS PERIOD COLUMN CUMULATIVE YEA R-TO-DATE NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS TYPE OF EXENDITURE and PURPOSE (be specific) DATE OF OFFICE SOUGHT (if EXPENDITURE applicable) (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct In-Kind 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $88.00 $3 912.98 04/07/2011 South Bend, IN ng?urned Contribution er Purpose Stamps Code 0 Indiana Direct ln-Kind Democratic Party El payment of Debt Washington Street Other Suite 1165 Purpose Payroll Indianapolis, IN Code Vicki McIntire Retired Direct ln-Kind 1233 Erskine Payment of Debt Manor Hill - - $32.62 $32.62 03/21/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Purpose Event Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct ln-Kind 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $44.00 $1 598.85 02/22/2011 South Bend, IN giturned Contribution I er Purpose Stamps Code Christopher Direct ln-Kind Ripple . Payment of Debt Apt Chicago, IL Other 60642?7299 Purpose catering Code A The Biz Magazine Direct ln-Kind Street - - $350.00 $350.00 03/17/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Purpose Advertising SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $12 I 693 01 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 532 (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FILE NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule Page 8 of 13 OCCUPATION COLUMN A AMOUNT THIS PERIOD COLUMN CUMULATIVE YEA R-TO-DATE NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS TYPE OF EXENDITURE and PURPOSE (be specific) DATE OF OFFICE SOUGHT (if EXPENDITURE applicable) (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) Code 0 Merchant Direct ln-Kind Services Payment of Debt Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD Other 2 7 4 0 Purpose Fee 0 USPS South Bend Direct ln-Kind Code 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $899.48 $3 678.33 03/29/2011 South Bend, IN Ziturned Contribution I er Purpose Bulk Mailing USPS South Bend Direct ln-Kind Code 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $473.88 $1 482.68 01/31/2011 South Bend, IN Situmed Contribution I er Purpose Bulk Mailing Code A Senior Life Direct ln-Kind 134 Main St - Payment of Debt GOShenr IN 45525 : Returned Contribution $364.00 $364.00 04/01/2011 Other Purpose Advertising Code 0 Roos Direct ln-Kind 2 0 1 Peas hway Payment of Debt :22? Bendr IN : Returned Contribution $349.00 $349.00 03/30/2011 7 Other Purpose Travel Code Martha Kline Direct ln-Kind 1 13 W- North Payment of Debt Shore Drive - - $280.61 $280.61 02/27/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Purpose Event expenses SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $2 I 404 27 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 682 (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FILE NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule Page 9 of 13 OCCUPATION COLUMN A AMOUNT THIS PERIOD COLUMN CUMULATIVE YEA R-TO-DATE NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS TYPE OF EXENDITURE and PURPOSE (be specific) DATE OF OFFICE SOUGHT (if EXPENDITURE applicable) (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) Code A Burkhart Direct ln-Kind 1335 Mishawaka Payment of Debt Avenue - - $8 591.71 $8 591.71 02/28/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Other Purpose Billboards Code 0 Elliot Magers Direct ln-Kind 3 15 Bentley Payment of Debt Lane - - $2 000.00 $2 000.00 04/08/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution I I 4 6 6 5 Other Purpose Consultant Code Vicki McIntire Retired Direct ln-Kind 1233 Erskine Payment of Debt Manor Hill - - $24.08 $56.70 03/22/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution 466 14 Other Purpose Event Code Wests ide Direct ln-Kind Democratic And Payment of Debt ClUb : Returned Contribution $1,000.00 $1,000.00 02/23/2011 617 South Warren Street Other South Bend, IN Purpose Dyngus Day 4 6 6 9 Tickets Code Elephant Direct In-Kind Castle Pub 5: Payment of Debt Restaurant - - $236.60 $236.60 03/04/2011 185 Wabash Returned Contribution Chicago, IL Other 6 0 6 1 Purpose event Code 0 Cricket Ring Direct ln-Kind Ring Wireless Payment of Debt 811 : Returned Contribution $162.00 $162.00 02/17/2011 Ave Mishawaka, IN Other 46545 Purpose Cell Phones SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $12 014-39 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 682 . (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE (CFA-4 Schedule B) State Form 4606 EXPENDITURES Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule Page 1 0 of 18 OCCUPATION NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OFFICE SOUGHT _f TYPE OF EXENDITURE and A?g?m?i?is DATE OF (street, number, my, state, ZIP code) applicable) PURPOSE (be speCIfIC) PERIOD YE AR-TO-D ATE EXPENDITURE Code 0 Cricket Ring Direct ln-Kind Ring Wireless Payment of Debt :11 : Returned Contribution $68.00 $571.00 03/18/2011 ve Mishawaka, IN Other 4 6545 Purpose Cell Phones Pre Pay Code 0 Direct ln-Kind PO Box 8 100 Payment of Debt Aurora, IL 60507 : Returned Contribution $70.63 $340.72 04/05/2011 Other Purpose Phone Code Jody Sue Freid Media/Enter Direct ln-Kind 1 132 Stratford tainment El payment of Debt Place - - $383.00 $546.99 02/20/2011 South Bend, IN Returned ContrIbutlon 4 6 6 1 4 Other Purpose Catering Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct ln-Kind 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $44.17 $1 526.85 02/03/2011 South Bend, IN giturned ContrIbutIon I er Purpose stamps Code A Mack Crounce Direct ln-Kind Group, LLC Payment of Debt 2001 : Returned Contribution $2,326.00 $2,326.00 03/01/2011 Beauregard St Suite 42 Other Alexandria, VA Purl)ose walk piece 223 1 Code 0 Salsa Labs Direct ln-Kind Accounts Payment of Debt Receivable El Returned Contribution $100 .00 $100 .00 02/28/2011 1700 Connecticut Ave Other Washington DC Purl)ose Database 2 0 0 9 SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $2 I 991 - 30 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 532 . (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FILE NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule Page 11 of 13 OCCUPATION COLUMN A AMOUNT THIS PERIOD COLUMN CUMULATIVE YEA R-TO-DATE NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS TYPE OF EXENDITURE and PURPOSE (be specific) DATE OF OFFICE SOUGHT (if EXPENDITURE applicable) (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) Code A Mack Crounce Direct ln-Kind Group, LLC Payment of Debt 2001 Returned Contribution $04/08/2011 Beauregard St Suite 42 0 Other Alexandria VA Purpose Mail 223 1 Code 0 Direct In-Kind PO BOX 8 100 Payment of Debt Aurorar IL 50507 : Returned Contribution $199.46 $199.46 02/03/2011 Other Purpose Phone Code 0 NGP Software Direct ln-Kind Inc . Payment of Debt 1225 Street: : Returned Contribution $930.00 $930.00 02/24/2011 NW Washington, DC Other 2 0 0 5 Purpose Operating Expenditure Code Vicki McIntire Retired Direct ln-Kind 1233 Erskine Payment of Debt Manor Hill - - $26.20 $282.90 03/24/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Purpose Event Code 0 Cricket Ring Direct In-Kind Ring Wireless Payment of Debt 811 MlelnleY : Returned Contribution $243.00 $405.00 02/22/2011 Ave Mishawaka, IN Other 46545 Purpose Cell Phones Pre Pay Code 0 Cricket Ring Direct ln-Kind Ring Wireless Payment of Debt 811 MlelnleY : Returned Contribution $98.00 $571.00 03/18/2011 Ave Mishawaka, IN Other 4 6545 Purpose Cell Phones Pre Pay SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $6 I 304 60 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 682 (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES schedule INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this FILE NUMBER Page 12 of 13 NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) OCCUPATION TYPE OF EXENDITURE and OFFICE SOUGHT (if PURPOSE (be specific) applicable) COLUMN A AMOUNT THIS PERIOD COLUMN CUMULATIVE YEA R-TO-DATE DATE OF EXPENDITURE Code 0 Vicki McIntire Retired Direct ln-Kind 1233 Erskine Payment of Debt Manor Hill - - $80.00 $619.09 03/31/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Purpose Event Code A South Bend Direct ln-Kind Chocolate Payment of Debt 122 South Michigan Other South Bend, IN Purpose Catering 4 6 6 0 1 Code 0 Merchant Direct ln-Kind Services Payment of Debt Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD Other 2 7 4 0 Purpose Interchange Code Martin 5 Super Direct ln-Kind Market LDC Payment of Debt 7355 Heritage : Returned Contribution $400.00 $400.00 03/27/2011 Square Drive Granger, IN Other 46530 Purpose Catering Code 0 Source Bank Direct ln-Kind 100 North Payment of Debt Michigan - - $20.00 $40.00 03/01/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Purpose wire transfer fee Code 0 Staples Direct In-Kind Rd - - $64.15 $123.28 03/22/2011 South Bend, IN Returned Contribution Other Purpose Office Supplies SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $696 48 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 682 (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE (CFA-4 Schedule B) State Form 4606 EXPENDITURES Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in FILE NUMBER completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule Page 1 3 of 18 OCCUPATION NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS TYPE OF EXENDITURE and COLUMN A COLUMN AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE DATE OF EXPENDITURE OFFICE SOUGHT if - - (street, number, olty, state, ZIP code) applicable) PURPOSE (be specmc) PERIOD YE AR-TO-D ATE Code 0 Source Bank Direct ln-Kind 100 North Payment of Debt Michigan - - $20.00 $110.00 04/08/2011 South Bend, IN Returned ContributIon Purpose Outgoing Wire Fee Code 0 U-verse SM) Direct ln-Kind PO BOX 50 14 Payment of Debt Other Purpose Internet Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct ln-Kind 424 Michigan Payment of Debt St - - $132.00 $1 730.85 02/24/2011 South Bend, IN Returned ContrIbutIon I Other Purpose Stamps Code Sam Hensley Direct ln-Kind 22:11:21 Bend, IN Returned Contribution $44 30 $44 30 03/25/2011 Other Purpose Event Code 0 Bruce BonDurant Direct ln-Kind 122 5- Mill St. : Payment of Debt IN Returned Contribution $32 35 $64 70 03/16/2011 Other Purpose Event expenses Code A South Bend Direct ln-Kind Chocolate Payment of Debt Company - - $88.53 $209.71 04/05/2011 122 South Returned ContrIbutIon Michigan Other South Bend, IN Purpose Catering 4 6 6 0 SUBTOTAL OF THIS PAGE OF SCHEDULE $461 - 13 TOTAL OF ALL PAGES OF SCHEDULE ON THE LAST PAGE ONLY $102 I 532 (Enter total on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet) 7 6 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF A POLITICAL COMMITTEE State Form 4606 Indiana Election Committee (IC 3-9-5-14) INSTRUCTIONS: Please type or print legibly IN BLACK INK all information on this schedule. For assistance in FILE NUMBER completing this schedule, see instructions on the reverse side. This schedule is used to document expenditures totaled on ITEM 17a of the Summary Sheet. All cumulative expenses paid to individuals, businesses, labor organizations, and other entities OVER $100 per recipient within a calendar year MUST be itemized on this schedule (over $200, if regular party committee). All cumulative expenses, including in-kind, regardless of amount paid to political committees, (such as transfer-out from candidate, legislative caucus, political action, or regular party committee) MUST be itemized on this schedule page 14 Of 18 (CFA-4 Schedule B) ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES OCCUPATION COLUMN A COLUMN AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE YEA R-TO-DATE NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS (street, number, city, state, ZIP code) TYPE OF EXENDITURE and PURPOSE (be specific) DATE OF EXPENDITURE OFFICE SOUGHT (if applicable) PERIOD Code 0 Deluxe For Direct ln-Kind Business Payment of Debt PO Box 1186 : Returned Contribution $39.39 $39.39 02/07/2011 LancasterOther Purpose Checks Code 0 Merchant Direct In-Kind Services Payment of Debt 1 weStern : Returned Contribution $29.00 $220.42 02/03/2011 Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD Other 2 1740 Purpose Service Fee In iana Irect n- In Code 0 d' I D. I Democratic Party payment of Debt 115 : ReturnedContribution $3,942.27 $3,942.27 01/24/2011 Washington Street Other Suite 1165 Purpose Payroll Indianapolis, IN Code A Overgaard Direct ln-Kind Artc raft Payment of Debt Printers . . : Returned Contribution $1,189.31 $1,189.31 02/03/2011 2213 S. Michigan Street Other South Bend, IN Purpose Printing 4 662 4 Code 0 USPS South Bend Direct In-Kind 424 Michigan Payment Of Debt St - - $220.00 $1 950.85 03/03/2011 South Bend, IN CR)