Council for a Competitive Economy , 410 Ftcet Sueet . S .E . •Wash!ngton . D .C . 20008 •(2oz) b4487as 3199 , BOARD oF D@ELTO2S ~W. W43< Q 1 ssmanc Cu~ fv • ~MGIw~ Ja.mneFnevy,J•. l.etmwJ .~. Nwncc~..n. The Council for a Competitive Economy supports passage of the - TOBACCO DEREGULBTION hMEfIDME!.T which will be offered during debate on the 1981 Farm Bill scheduled to come to the House . floorr in October . ~ D6io~w Cap~ .um x. .u The Dm .J A Gsa h..Nm Mmm 8~~4ffiP .loc . ~ F.W.UWmd J'vmCU~ GlHadliO&W..IOC . Tvr current government tobacco program restricts the number of acres which can be'planted in tobacco and also provides for a price support scheme,-using tax dollars to buy up any tobacco not sold in comm e rcial markets . . ' 91mt~oe.pT .n FmmeuCO ..Joc . 1~..un .numua..J=: van~, me w~ x,yaan ~. F: Smecw ~.vem NrcaC~ NwM1 Catlw N4'ertD.6ephap The restrictions on production, through an allocation system, create very inflated monopoly rents . While a free acre of land for com or soybean may cost the farmers on the average $60, the rent for a tobacco allotment acre is about $1,0001 With 1 million acres of tobacco in production, the excess , cost to the industry of this government franchise is about $900 million a year . The loan price support system is also wreaking havoc with the tobacco industry F.eFLat~C ~tlwcLic vo-g• o, .av a aaa Gn~nlffimuwtec . Nmee. Wmum4L. F.etlm, ' Cwar'f~as W.. ~ : Wr®.e leaeE .InL .m.c .umo. Ezavun C~os 0 Fn<. .uac~.~m Nt xw AvNVN.k.n . n~ B.ntbdci . W ..1.~ vo-pm D.M 9. PWiu P,¢wmt P.aem sCo. .ix. mew . shpEmASm . . The current price support level is about twice as high as the world market . Because of this government intervention, $1 billion of tobacco surpluses, .financed by tax dollars, is accumulating in warehouses . Recently, tobacco groups called for imposition of a quota on the rapidly increasing quantity of less expensive imported tobacco . The ITC eventually recomnendedd no quota be imposed . . All of these problems now being experienced by the tobacco industry could be resolved by a free market, as the amendment would provide for . The cost of production would be cut by one-third, exports would increase and 'vnports would decrease . The government would no longer have to finance large surpluses and a savings of about $100 million would result . The Council urges your support for the TOBACCO DEREGULATION - FOWVeay~P eummtlve AMENIDMENT . PoWpM .SWm fi.ri t Oz]e8am5mnl .loe Fbtl . MvXn S m ~ i.a.eealx. Richard W . Wilcke Wss•mv .mw.a President RWN/sel Pubilsu af Cuapclitlou Source: