De1qa?rt'm?nt of Law, Criminal Bi'?sibn 3-111 KI 51.1311110520. Anchu'ragu. AK 9.950! 911111111: (9117.) 269?6300 1:121:19071 269-63231 DOB: NO.: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE-STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ANCHORAGE STATE ALASKA, Plaintiff? V51 BAKINMIICHELL SCHILMILLER. ATN: .1 121627213 DENALI- DAKOTA BREHMER D1 03/09/200.? 7611-8816119 .1 17293895 MCINTOSH (Wm/2003 1117235721 CALEB ALLEN RUSSELL LEYLAND DOB: '1 111 01?1999 MV AK 1177293904. JANE DOE 06022019 ATN: 112162761 Suit? Dun}; 1?19??;wa JEN-I Diz'nrrii '?rriwm Skye {1?11}?ch 3111:1111! Mc?tfumsfg. {7:11:31} .4317: 'u'xyirmig?. 930:7 713861? June {Jnc 011022019, 3.4111490592111711, Mm 05(32201?9, Page . 1' 11f? u: 5 6, AK 99 Department of Divisigm Pinon-7c; (907)269?6309 iuwanphm'agcdamt??aluskughv ?10 St" Suite 529. Anchur ., .1 JOHN 1060212019 ATN: I 12162752 De'fenda'ntg.. No.- (Dz?iririlMitahe-ll Schi'lm'illief) Na, (?Danali Dakota Skye Brehmez?) (Kayden Bryan N0: (Caleb Allen Russeli?Leyland) No. 19-059mm (Jane Doc-06022019,) N0. (1011111306 06022019} BAIL MEMORANDUM ?3 certify gluis doeuuwm and its attachments (in not .cunmimhu H) mum of 1:1 ?nial-of .1 saga; o'ff'unxe lis?tt?i'jnv AS 12.61.14!) or residential): busiimsg. uninhqr'ai vic?m ?lriznp'ss'td-nnf i: i5. me 'pl'acc .5111 :1 .L-i-imt: tu? a?ui a ul' ?nml disclusum the. information was arderczt by the mun, l. . The State of Alaska, th?mugh- Assistant Di's-triC-i Att?i?ney Patrick J. MCKayi I13, files-This bail memorandum to the court in setting and.?condi?t?i?ons. of release in an. arrest warrant for Def?ndant: Darin Sch?ilmillm? in the matter; FACTS This matterjinvo?l?es the planning-21nd gpr?ameditzited murder of 19'4ycgat?701d Hoffinan b-?y 2'1 group (if after'bain'g ?7"catfi?shed" and saliCite?d by 21- 'yearaold? Darin .Schilm?iller of New Sans-bury, Indiana. Based in interviews: and a review of internet communications investigator-3. d?terminsd,. D?fiandan't Danali Brahma? AKA ?Angel? met and beg-an an online with a ?man? going by the? name (if ?Tyler? from ?Kansas Within the fpaSt sever-21"] months. ?Tyler" phdto?gz-?aph of another? young 1112113 __purp0rting the phatograph {u be 0f himsalf?. ?Tyler? 3130 convi?ncedBLehmer that he was a ?r g_.Mi {a .M N- 1? 9- 0596 5C8 - Dc?fmf? .I Jukr'l'i?n Et'i?fmmr. ibh?V- 1 72367? Kay-((81: Bryn? ML'Iizrnsir. . Cain-f1 'A'Haiu 945765513 Jana me 06.022019. Mm Due. mozzvm, [711,138 .. 2 . pf? D'Epartment of Law, Criminal Division 311th St. Suilc 520; Anchorage.- 99501 thnaitaeti "2.692633% Fast: {907' Easy-.632 .1 lawanehora IIJ This practice- of" assuming; a take identity{ to engage in online relationships is 'a practice "commonly referred to as hi'ca?tfi sh The investigation(further established that unhekno'wnst' EU Ere-timer at the time, ?Tyler" is actually Darin Schilmiller of'New Salisbury, Ihdiana. He does-net "look" like the young man he portrayed himself'to look like, he is not a millionaire?nd he litres-in Indiana. IntervieWs and reCoveredoe-ll phone eiridenc'e? reveals that during the cont-Se- of- and B'rehmer?s relationship, and several weeks hefhre Hoffman?s: murder,-: the two began discussing a plan to rape and murder someone in Alaska. Sch-ilmiller offered Brehmer nine or more million dollars to. carry out the murder and to "have phtitographs antlfor. videos; of the murder sent to him. Br-ehmer agreed to; commit a murder for him. Statements from at] six defendants indie-ate that Brelmierxtheh selieited four friends, including 19+year~ijldCaleh Lear-and, ioeyear old and two other juveniles t'o- ass-ist- her in planning and carrying out the murder at. direction.-. Statements. and cell. phone evidence Further indicates that at some point during May 2019 or early-June 2019, the group assembled and discussed a plan to carry. murder, The defendants stated that. they agreed that? each member yet the group would receive Substantial shares of money for their part of the-planning. and execution of the murder. Hoffman, Who was .aliegedl'y?best friends" with by the group _as the murder victim. 'CalebLeyIand' provided _Brehmer and McIntosh his vehicle togpijck up Hoffman on June 2,2019, and carryout the murder. Act-zording to multiple statements and other corroborating -_phySicaI' eVi-denc'e, Brehmer drove McIntosh and Hoffman Out to Thunderbird Fall'sunder the guise of going one hike 'on June "2019. The three of them Went off?trail. and followed a-path a-l'ongthe. bank ofithe. Eklutna-Ri'ver; The grottp stopped at Clearing Ffman"3 hands and feet. Were bUil'l?ld with duct tape. 13th tape-was also wrapped] around .her head, covering her simi- r. eta-tn Miriam-a _aa..m._aessca Unit-rim Sh?t?t' Bijwu Mariam-a RAN-muss; Chief: illicit Russell Leyl'ttrt'rl'. Jaw a ,t-Lrauhammer; Pttg'r'? - 3 qy'i' Department-oils?; Criminal Division .1 it} Suite 520; Antitoraeci Mi 995(31 Phone: (so? ass?seen .Fax?: (all? i 269-632 1-- go if lawnnehoragcdeo (esteem wmme'comlucco-eoucnme'com4 month. Hoffman was shot one time in ?the back ofthe? head-by with; Breh'mer'is gun. then-put into the River. Digital evidence and statements show Brehmer was communicating with and sending'.'videos andfor"photographs of the events surrounding the. SchilmillEr at his directive throughout the duration- of the. extent. There: is at this time that Hoffman was sexually assaulted. After the murder, some of Hoffman?s clothing, her cell bagi?purse . were destroyed by and Brejhrne'r. Digital evidence shows Bi?ehmer texted Hoffman?s. family- indicating Hoffman had been .drOpp?e-d Off at Polar Bear Park in Anchot?age; Brehmer-a?lso deleted.her'eonversations with S'chilm'illei.? from her cell. phone. On- Jiune 20:19, Brehmer" and Were interviewed at "the Anchorage Police Department.- McIntosh ?was arrested- for Murder in the First Degree after confessing to shooting il?I'offman? in.-the: head. Brehmer admitted McIntosh shot Hoffman in the head. and initially denied havingany prior- knowledge that the homicide was going to occur, stating- Melntosh took. the-gen froth her hand. After further iiwesti'gat'iio'n, 'li'ncludin'g a Shape-hat video. in which Brehmer appears to Confess, Breh'mer' was reni-nterviiewed by detectives at the Anchorage 'Police Department on June 7? 2019-. Brehmer- ultimately admitted to being solicited by S-e'hilmiiler to commit and. that. the murder was planned once she realized she had been catfishe'd by S'ch'ilmiller. .On June 8. 2019. detectives interviewed Calf?h Leyiand, Leyland. admitted to knowing that ?Tyler?lhad- offered'to give Breh?m?er? nine million dolla?rs'to kill Hoffman. He further admitted they all agreed Hoffman would be the victim and that he lent his ear t0 Hoffman: after being told they. were: gong to pick. up ".HOffman and kill 'hetz- Leyland indiCaied he was g'oi_'11g for his role. Schiljmiller'was cdnt'act?ed by federal agents and Indiana state police on June 9, 20l9. He admitted to. being ?Tyler? and catfi?shing "?A11'gel?i. He told police he knew Sinai lg. pat-m Min-heft stilt-imam: Denim K'tft'l'utft?i! Bryn}: graham-s. ssh-screams} tee Catch am Dim ?1602 2m.- .swaeeswaea .I'r'ifm Ho? 9. i-"tN-i Page 4 Hf?" Depa rt-rnent' of Law. Criminal Division 3 i (J lift.- 5 .-sa111:-. 2tl.-A11choraae. 1. Phone: 1907'} 269?6301} F3111 2691632! (I iaWanchora edau Hoffman was best. friends with Bi'ehmer. Hel?urther admitted to telling Breh?mer to?lti?ll Hoffman and that he and Birehmer had been planning a murder for three weeks. Setti'hni'ller stated that hefz'ehiase- Hoffman as He i511formed.ihvestigators that Brehmer had been communicating. with him. throughout the 11.1111'de1' and was sending him Snap'c'hat photographs and videos of Hoffman tied up and of the. body afterward. He- adrnit-ted to convincing Brehmer that. he was a millionaire and that he would pay her millions of dollars- to kill Hoffman. Schilmiller further --'ad'mitte'd he. and Brehmer discussed minidering' another pers?dn after Hoffman, but that the. plan Was ultimately abandoned. 'Soh'ilmilier 't'1'11'ther admitted to attempting to blackmail B'rehmm' after- the. homici'de into raping} people. Schilmill'er was arre-Sted by? federal agents for a-di'fferent 111atte?r- and is in custody in indiana. BAIL INFORMATION The undersigned is. not aware of any prior criminal Convictions for 51111111111111?. Sehilmf'iller is currently charged with. Production of Visual Depictions of Minors Engaged in Sexually EXpliei-t Conduct and Attempted. Receipt of Visual DepiCtie.njs_. Engaged in sexually Explicit Conduct in United States District-(301111. Distribt of Alaska 'i?or conduct that occurred-- the day after Hoffman" s? murder. CONCLUSION In determining an appropriate. amount. for hail. the Court. must consider the. fol 10111 i ng' fac tors": and cii'e-11111stances- of the offense charged; weight-of the 'eVide-nce against the. person; the: nature and ties and relationships; the person?s employment status and history; the length and-character o'f past andsp'reSent residence; the pei's'oa'.'s record :of convictions. including convictions. outside of the state; (7) the person's record of appearance at court proceedings;- '5'11111 1'3?111'1'111'121'1111?111'1i RAN 19059131311319 0111111113111'1111115'1'1'1'1 19373 ~31:11 1'9 {11i1111 1119111 111111-1111 1'11 1111111! l-N- '19 1'11111 01111195922919 H19 19- 059939611? 11911119111 9159323919 1'9? 9.59670? 1911,1111- ?1 111 .Departmentei' Law. Criminal Divisinn in. s: 31.,Suitl 20. Aneh'tataae- AK 9950} L.- 5" Faxf Erie-ear] 5.. e?dae @aiasltu.aiw [r a; lawtineh?(ST-assets te-rhe person to meet the person?s reputation, character, _and..1nenta] condition; (1-0) theeflieet of the any threats made te the Victim. and the. danger that the person peSee to thevieti n1; theseenditiejns' el? released hy'the pretrial services Officer? (12) the?pe-rSDn?s pretrial. risk aSSesSI?I?ie-at (1.3) any'ether facts that are: relevant to the person?s appearance er the person?s danger to: the? victim, other persons, or "the eemmuriity.? An arrest warrant. should be issued, in an. amount that will pretest the-community from 'Seh' The State requests the eeurt issue a $500,000. eashenly performan'ee arrest warrant, plus require elee'treniie house-arrest monitoring by the. Department of Corrections, premtrial enforcement divisien and 1?10 Contaet with his defendants; The State also requests Selii'imiller be prehibited' hem pes?se'ssin'g or accessing any devices that haste-.internetcapability. This Would help ensure. Sehihniiler is not a danger to is :ene 01" the primary actors in Ms. Hoffman?s murder.- The State?is case against. Schilmiiler, ine'luding- by all his c.0? defendants, is incredibly strong. Further, his .ae-tiO'ns. and {lemmas made after the hemieide "indicate he is} an"alignin'gjdangeif the community. Alaska Statute. 12.30.01 5mm Darin Mirth?? .?fr'hifmi?rir; Drft'tuii'fiuk'iim Skye .i-iN-?f Kegyrr?en JAN: {@0155} If}? L'uhn?i Alien Russ-3H I June Dav [353223 .59. .{af'iN- I - Jn'hu ?ue 0649220.} 9. tiriN? Fur-e - 6 Further, that court should also Set an appmpi'i'ate amount of bail to ensure will appear at all hearings-in this case..Schilmiller is charged with multiple unclassified- felan-ie-s and Facas. a maximum term of imprisonment of 9-9 years; on each. count-This significantly incraasas his risk of ?ight. In addition, Schilntiller-jltas:1:10. known ties to. Alaska and .130 reasnn to stay in Alaska slinuld habail nut.Th'us; the Stats requests .a bond in addition, in the. aaneure-?fareiicatl cash performanca liinn'cl. Dated at this; 142?? day 2019'. Suiln 5:0. Anch?tnfaac,_ Department 91' Law, Criminal Division 3-10 5.1.. Phnna: I aim 2694-6300". Pita: 1269-6321 .gtw ot?mum??-gmm Sane Din?? Mtft'h'cg?g? St?hfhumg'i: ,fxlN-f Diwali Salami Skit'il- Barnum?. - I kill-earn Malawi-a Caleb-ri?e? amt-rt: Jame .aam-m?asamcr?' ,fnlm- Diet: 0602-2019. .E?l N- I wage - - in? KEVIN G.- CLAR KS ON ATTORNEY GENERAL y: y'wjizi?g Assistant. District Attornay Alaska. Bar No. '1 21 10?8 Departmenf 8f Law, Criminal Division 3 10-18258a Suita?l??nchorage, AK 9.956? Fax: 269-6321 Email: mmwm'mmwm. STATE OFALASKA, Plaintiff, VS: DARINZ MITCHELL SCHILMILLER Ema/19193" .. 112162743 DIWALI-DAKOTA DOB-2 1m?' 48? AK- ATN: 117293.895 KAYDEN BRYAN MCIN-TOSH 1172-15721 CALEB ALLEN RUSSELL LEYLAND - 11/10/1999 .ATN: 117293-904 JANE. DOE 00.02.2019 .IMNO: ATN: 1121.62.76} JOHN DOE 00.02.2019- Na; ATN: ?112162752 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OR THE STATE OF. ALASKA- THIRD IUDICIAL: D1 STRICT AT ANCHORAGE DEpIIr't-ment of Law, I3 I0 K331. SuiteISIZ'II?nohorage, 993.01 Phone: 26963 00 Fax: 26963.2- I Email: lewa?ChoragedaoIQalasicIatgov A. Defendants. No. (Darin Mitchell Soh'ilmi'ller) No, (Denali Dakota Skye No. (Ka'yclenj Bryan McIntosh) No. 3AN- 19-0-5768CR (Caleb Allen Russell Ley'iand) No 19- OSQTUCR (Jane- Doe 06022019) NU. 130006022019) INDICTMEN-T I .pertify tIIis and its .do not contain the (I) of II vieIinI of II II listed in AS- 12. (Ii. .140 residence address-or telephone number 'IrictiIu oI'Io'r' IIitlies's to unless it is IidIIress pl 00' II or an address or transcript of I: LouI't proceeding and disciosure the. information was ordered the court T-lIe I'oIEowiug counts charge II crime involving DOMESTIC :15 1116011193 in AS i3; 66. 990: NONE. 1 AS I . Ioocax'IxA) ms 1 1,16110 I Murder In Th'eF'irs't Degree Darin. Mitchell Seh'ilmiller - 00-1, Denali Dakota- Skye B-reluner - McIntosh - 00.1, CalebAlien Russell '.Ley:land.- 001.. 06022019 - 001, John Doe. 06022019 - .001 -- AS. 11.31.1211 C-o'nsp'iraoy to 'Co'mii'tit. Murder The First Degree Dario Mi?tehell Sehihni?ller - 0'02, Denali Dakota Skye Breiimer Bryan McIntosh 003, Celeb Allen Russell Leylend: 06022019 --. 002, John Doe 0602-20 l9 005 Count 111 AS .41 AS 11.31.110 Solicitation 'to Commit Murder The First Degree"- DIu-in Mitchell - 0.03, Denali Dal-Iota Skye B-I?Ehmef-~ 006 Count IV I 1.16.110. MuI'der In The Second Degtee? Der-in Mitchell Sehilmillei - 004 Denali Dakota Skye 004 Ksyden BI-yen McIntosh- 004 Celeb Allen Russell Leyland? 003. lane Doe 06022019- 003. John Doe 06022019- 0.03. 3mm v. 05966CR- Dena? Duke-'6: Skye 1'9? 05225CR KoydeII'ZBIgwn Iirl'chito'sglr. 321197! 9-19.56! {II-?en Russell Jane Doe 0602201?932103-1?9 05.920630 Doe 06022039 179639629? Page 2 of 9 .. @aiaskagov C231 ARI-99501 Email; lawaneheraeedao Department of Di'irji?nn Phone: (907) 269-6300 Fax: (9107) 269:6321? ?ame-mug Gaunt AS 1 AS 11.16.1101 Murder In Th e. Second Degree- DarinMit?ChelI 'S'ehilmi-ller .. 005, De'nali'Dakota' Skye Brehmer McIntosh - 00.5, Caieb Allen Russell Leylan'd 0:04, Jane. Doe 0602-2019 - 004, 1131111D0e 06022019 ~004' count V1 - AS Tampering With Physical Evidence Denali. Dakota- Skye'Brehm'er 002' Count v.11 AS TampEf?iagWith? Physical Evidence Kayden Bryan McIntosh - 002- Cciunt AS 1 1.56.6 1 [Kt-0(1) Tampering With Phyeiea'l Evidence- Kay?de?n rya?n _McIt?1_t0_sh - 006 Count AS 11 Tampering. With Bliysieal. Evidence Kayde-n Bryan .Melntesh .Count'X. AS. Tampering With Physical Evidence Kayden Bryan McIntosh .- 003; THE: GRAND, JURY CHARGES: COWT That-in the Third JUdie'ia'l 'of'A'laska, 011-01' about him-21 2019, at 'O'r near DARIN MITCHELL SCHILMILLER, DENALI DAKOTA SKYE KAYDEN BRYAN CALEB ALLEN RUSSELL LEYLAND. JANE DOE 06022019, and JOHN DOE 06.022019, as {principles or accomplices, intentionally caused the death 10f 'I4I'Qf1'fni'an. Indictmenl State: Darin Dak?i'a? She: Erskine?. I 9- .Kayden 3 1'3er rash. 3AM I 91056 NCR- Caleb-riffs}: L'eye?mid. 3/11?" I 96536861? Jane Doe {15(32201?9; .3HN- 7061'? John Doe Page .3 9159 Department of Law, Criminal Division 311} St?! Suite 520.,An6h orage, AK 99501 Phone: (907') 269-6306 Email: nJ. All of whichls an Unclassi?ed Felony offense being contrary to and in violation of AS AS 11.16.] 1.0- and against the peace and? dignity of-the. State. ofAlaska. COUNT II: That in'the Third Judicial DiStriet', State of Alaska, beginning. in ova-bout- the month of May 2019, and continuing through June 2-019,_ at or near Anchorage and elsewhere, DARIN MITCHELL DAKOTA SKYE BRYAN CALEB ALLEN RUSSELL JANE. DOE 06022019,- DOE 060220119, with intent to promote or facilitate; the offense of murder in. the ?rst degree, knowingly agreed with one or-more other persons. to engage-in of cause the performance of reorder in the ?rSt degree, and one of more persons engaged-in the eon's'p?i'racy. knowingly committed one or more of the. following overt acts-i111 the furtherance of the conspiracy: communicated. toestab?li'sh a plan to. cause the death of a person in Alaska; assembled and discussed a plan to causethe death ofa person in?las?ka-g. .3). selected Hof?nahj as the victim; selected the location at I-loffoian was tob'e killed; agreed to pay-money :andfor be paid money for an'dr?or causing the death of Hoffman; 6) provided a vehicle 'te'be used for transporting Hoffman to thelocation at Which she was. to be killed; Hoffman to the loe'ation at which she Was to he killed; 8) doet taped I?loffman's; feet: hands; and mouth; 9) provided a. gun to be used for. the murder of Hoffman; 10.) Hoffman in the'back ofhei' head; '11) dispoSed of Hoffman's body puttingit'lntoth'e Eklutha River; Indictment . Stare Des-rift Mitchell Sehiimille? 31111149659666}? Donal! Dakota Saga! 31-55mm: ?gle?yl? l' 9, Noyden 35165} 9656! . Cafes. Allah Russell Leg-fend, 3-:th 19735 Jade Doe 96.922019; John Doe 6613220! 9. Page 3 in" it AK 9950} Department of Law, criminal Phone: 269?6300 Fax: 26963231 Email: lawanchoragedao@aiaska;goti 4' 1.2) photographed and Video-recorded events-at the killing lecation?; transmitted photographs and video recordings surrounding the death event to persons-not physically presentat the-killing- location; .14) communicatedduring- the events of the kii'li-ng 'I-?loffman with persons not physiCaily present at the killing lecatio'n; 15') destroyed, mutilated, altered, suppressed, concealed, or removed the firearm used to cause; the death destroyed, mutilated, altered, suppressed, concealed, or removed H-of?nanis clothing following the killing other; destroyed, mutilated, altered, suppressed, concealed, or removed Hoffman?s the killing of her;- 18) destroyed, mutilated, altered,- _'Suppres'sed, Concealed, or Hoftina'n?s cell phone? following the. killings-other; .19) destroyed, mutilated, suppressed, concealed, or removed communications with. each other regarding:- t'h'ej. planning and. execution of the murder of I'Iofiinan; 20') communicated- after the killing? with family member-s of Hoffman regarding Whereaboms and. (rendition; .an'dfo'r 21) made false statements to police officers after the killing regarding the whereabouts and condition Hoffman. All of which is an. UhclaSS-i?ed Felony offense being contrary to and in violation of AS. and against the peace and dignity 'of'th'e State of Alaska, indictment .. Store Mitchell Dr?im?iI-Shre Bi'?imigif, Koydcn Hiyan?tch??sh, _.Cafei1 area Russet! Jone Bot:- {9-05 99'0le John Doe (360220? 9, Page 5 of 9 Department of?Law, criminal Division Suite 9950! Phone: (-903.269-6300 Fax: (907)269-6321 Email: A crocoawojtnoedm COUNT In: That in the Third Judicial District, State. of Alaska, beginning in-or about May'2019, and continuing. through June. 201-9, at or near Anchorage, DARIN MITCHELL SCHILMILLER and DENALI DAKOTA with in?tent?_to cause another- to engage in? conduct that constitutes a crime, the defendants.-isolicited that person to intentionally Cause the death ofanother p'erson. All of which is an Unelassi?ech-lony- offense. being contrary to andin violation ofAS: 11.31.110-and against "the peace and dignity of the {State ofAlask-a. COUNT IV: That in the Third J'u'diC?ial District, State eta-Alaska, on Uriah-out June'Q, 2.01- at or near Anchor-age, MITCHELL DAKGITA SKYE KAYDEN BRYAN MCINTOSH, CALEB ALLEN RUSSELLJLEYLAND, JANE DOE 060220.19, DOE 06022019,. as, principles or accomplices, with intent to Cacao serious physicalinjury to another person or knowing that ?the conduct. was substantially cert-ain'to cause death or scrious physictil injury to a?n?other' person-,3 caused the death- of? Hoffman, All of'which is an ?Unclassi?ed Felony offense" being contrary to. and-in violation of AS '1 1.41.1 AS. 11.16.110 and against the peace and dignity of the State of Alaska: That in the Third Judicial District, State 'of-Alaska, on or about June 2, or near A-nChoragc, DARIN MITCHELL SCHILMILLER, DENALI SKYE BREHMER, KAYDEN BRYAN Morn-Tomi, CAL as ALLEN RUSSELL LEYLAND, JANE DOE 06022019, and JOHN DOE 06022019,. as? principles or Indietnjicni . Smite Mikhail: Sci: ifmih?cr, 3'21 9-0596 Li Detroit Humid Skye Hickman 33% {9-05 Knydeu .Meimosh. 3AN-i9-?j ti I i CR Cafe!) are? Russel! 3AM- Jana 'Doc- 06022019, .32: N41 9.059 sacs John?Doe 069220} Pager? of!) Department of Law, Criminal Disision 3.1-0 520,Anchorage,A-K 995.01. .Phone': (907) 269-5300 Fax: (907) seams-321 Em' ail: i aWancnorag'Ed ao@alaskat gov knowingly engaged in conduct that resulted in the death of I-?lof?nan. under circumstances merit-fasting an extreme: indifference to ?the value of huinan All" of which is an. Unclassi?ed being contrary to and in violation of AS, 2? AS 11.16.110 and against the peace -a-ncl dignity of the State of Alaska. COUNT V1: That-in the Third Judicial District, Alaska, ongor betWeen June 2,2019, and June 4, 2019, at or near- Anehorage, DENA-LI DAKOTA BREHMER altered, 'supp'res'Sed, Concealed, or removed physical evidence, with intent to impair its Verity-- er availability in an of?cial proceeding or a criminal investigation; to-wit: cell phone communications with Darin S'ehil-miller AKA ?Tyler?, All of Whieh is ,acclass Felony offenSeixbeing Contrary to. and in violation o'fA'S and against the peace and dignity- of the State. of Alaska. COUNT VII: That'in thle'Th'ird Judicial District, State ofAlaska, on or- betWeen Jone 2019,. and. June-.4, 2019, at or near Anchorage, KAYDEN BRYAN destroyed, inutiiated, altered, suppressed, Concealed, or' removed physical evidence, with intent to impair its verity-or availability in an official preceeding or a criminal inveS'i'igati'on'; to? wit: the-?rearin-med to. shoot Hoffman. All ofwhich is 'ae'la'ss C'Fel?ony? offensebeing contrary to and. in Violation l" 1 and against the. peace and di gnity of the State of Alaska. Indieimcni Stale?.- .Dm'in Affircheif Scirihnii?i?er, 3aleI9~?59titiCR She:- Brahman .7251? it Keynes anal-w McIntosh, ICR- Caleb aria: Rims-eff Leg-jihad. Jane? dorm. Doc 9602201'9, 3:1'Nri 963C Page 7 of? Department of Law, '_Crin1_'ina_l Division Suite Ali-9.9591 Phone: (907) 26976300. Fax: {907) 2269:5321 Email gov ?amen-ImeAGcomalcam-LmMA (30 um That in the Third" Judicial Dietrich, State: of Alaska, enor between- 9., and June 4, 201-9, at or near Anchorage, KAYDEN BRYAN destroyed,? mutilated, altered, suppressed, .eeneealed, er. removed physical -_evidence, with intent to. impair its verity or availability in an ef?eial proceeding or a criminal investigation;- to, Wit: Hoffman's clothing. All Qf?Whieh is a'cla'ss 2C ce??tr?ary it) and in violation. of AS and against-the peace and dignity of the State- e'i" Alaska.- COUNT IX: That in the Third Judicial District, on or bet-ween June 2, 2019, and June 4, 2019, at er- near Anchorage, KAYDEN BRYAN MCINTOSH mutilated, altered, Suppressed, ?can-ceaied, or removed physical evidence, with intent to impair its verity or availability in an? of?cial. proceeding or a criminal inVeStigatit-in, to wit: "Hef?nan's ceil phone, All of 1which is a-elass Felony offense being contrary to and in violation of AS and against 'the.peace anddignit}! efthe- Stateef Alaska, COUNT X: That in the Third Judicial District, State cfAl'a'sika, on or between Jamel, 20.19,. and .Tune- 4., 2.019, at or near. Anchorage, BRYAN destroyed, mutilated, altered, suppressed, Cancealed, er- reniUVed physical. evidence, with intent to impair 'it-?s verity or availability in an Of?cial prcc'eedin'g. er a Criminal investigation; to wit: bag/purSe. Indiclment .Su'me 3v. Dara: 94359660}; Dakam 'Saiiye T325133. Kayne? Balm; catch was Leyiimd', JA mace Jane Doe. 06022919. SAN?massages Jain; Doe 061%.? Safh?ni 9;de Page 8 of [1 3.10 .K. St, Suite. 52.0,Anchorage, AK 99.50] DEpartment of Law1 Criminal Division Phone: 2139;153:003 Emai?: All Of which is a class Felony, offense being contrary- to and 'in Violation ofA-S' and against the dignity of'the-Statc OfA'laska. 1411? clay at Anchorage; Alaska}. A true bill. .rwl} Mi if A: A i??rsnd Juiy Foreperson .1..- 1 McKay Assistant Disti mt Alaska-Bar NO. 121-1078 WITNESSES EXAMINED BEFORE Ro?nald Hanb'ack Nicola- Virginia. 'DEtective-Brendan LEE: Luke- Smith Norma'nThomp'sm Indictment Stare-1*. Bdrm, Arffic'heu?! jglN-f'9-95 966CR 'Dena? Dakota Skye ?rehmer. K?yd'en Big/m:- McIntosh. 3.411?- Catch Ah?w Russ?h? HJFISSGR __Ju_ne- Doe- FP- John Doe 05.96713 Paige 9- qf-9 Exempt from Certif. INTHE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE-STATE OF ALASKA. AT ANCHORAGE (ISsuing Court) .I STATE OF ALASKA MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE . 1 Plaintiff. .vs; Darin Mitchell Schil'miller I Defendant. ST: 1 3AN-19-05966CR 3:121; 2- ATN: 112162743 3 - Address: I ARREST WARRANT To Any Peace Of?cer Or Other Authorized Person; "You 1111: commanded to arrest the defendant and bring the defendant: be?fdre the nearest ayaiiable judicial of?cer without unnecessary delay to answer to a charging the defendant With violation of .Co:untI AS Count II AS 11. 41. 11.31.120 (statute er ordinance) Conspiracy T0 Commit Murde1_ 1 Count AS. 11 .41 11.31.1111 . .. . (effe__nse) LICUFH v. To Cemmit M-utt'det 1 Count IV AS 11 11-. .16. 110 Murdel 2 Ac; If- 1491310 {Ha?f??rl Lahh?a'?'xwi 11 1(1ng The defendant may not be rel ased until the court I Is sel: wet {153. 111.1 we! 1.1.1. 11111113110111 1131111111an 0f 11113' 1- a 11.1,: 12-15114-1149361? {16/14/2019 ?Ame, LAMA-A 1211.11 LL ?3 Effective Date Judge Deputy (E e'rk Kordered 0n the retord?? 31110 :1 ?mm by 31193 6739?}! A. Miller Type or PrintJudge?s. Name Agency Issued to: 1:1 AST APD Agency Location: Anchorage RETURN Original warrant must be returned ta issuing caur?t liefe'det'the top ef'this form. original warrant received by AST Police Dept. on . I cer?hfy that State Trooper or Peace Of?Cer .1 Badge executed this warrant by arreshng the defendant? In AIaska', on (date) at: (time) ,The defendant was was not served ?With a? copy of the Warrant; RetuIrn Date Signature .0fPe?ac-e Of?cer Typeor Print=Name Badge No, ANCH (waxes) erim. A. 4 ?31 9. ARREST WARRANT Admin. Bulletin 80