National Records Center P.O. Box 648010 Lee's Summit, MO 64064-8010 April 04, 2019 NRC2018104570 Sara Creighton American Oversight 1030 15th St., NW, Ste. B255 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Sara Creighton: This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) request received in this office July 05, 2018 regarding the removal of 26 documents for Asylum Officer Training, which occurred between March and April 2017. This constitutes a rolling release of records. We have identified 62 pages that are responsive to your request. Enclosed are 21 pages released in their entirety and 41 pages released in part. We have reviewed and have determined to release all information except those portions that are exempt pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552 (b)(6) of the FOIA. Exemption (b)(6) permits the government to withhold all information about individuals in personnel, medical and similar files where the disclosure of such information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The types of documents and/or information we have withheld may consist of birth certificates, naturalization certificates, drivers’ licenses, social security numbers, home addresses, dates of birth, or various other documents and/or information belonging to a third party that are considered personal. As a result of discussion between agency personnel and a member of our staff, as a matter of administrative discretion, we are releasing computer codes found on system screen prints previously withheld under exemption b(2). There may be additional documents that contain discretionary releases of exempt information. We will identify discretionary releases within the record. These discretionary releases do not waive our ability to invoke applicable FOIA exemptions for similar or related information in the future. The enclosed record consists of the best reproducible copies available. Certain pages may contain marks that appear to be blacked-out information. Such black marks would have been present prior to our receipt of the file and are not information we have withheld under the provisions of the FOIA or PA. You have the right to file an administrative appeal within 90 days of the date of this letter. By filing an appeal, you preserve your rights under FOIA and give the agency a chance to review and reconsider your request and the agency’s decision. You may file an administrative FOIA appeal to USCIS at: USCIS FOIA/PA Appeals Office, 150 Space Center Loop, Suite 500, Lee's Summit, MO 64064-2139. Both the letter and the envelope should be clearly marked “Freedom of Information Act Appeal.” If you would like to discuss our response before filing an appeal to attempt to resolve your dispute without going through the appeals process, you may contact our FOIA Public Liaison, Jill Eggleston, for assistance at: NRC2018104570 Page 2 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services National Records Center, FOIA/PA Office P. O. Box 648010 Lee’s Summit, MO 64064-8010 Telephone: 1-800-375-5283 E-Mail: If you are unable to resolve your FOIA dispute through our FOIA Public Liaison, the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS), the Federal FOIA Ombudsman’s office, offers mediation services to help resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal Agencies. The OGIS does not have the authority to handle requests made under the Privacy Act of 1974. The contact information for OGIS is: Office of Government Information Services National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road – OGIS College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone: 202-741-5770 877-684-6448 Email: OGIS@NARA.GOV Website: OGIS.ARCHIVES.GOV The National Records Center does not process petitions, applications or any other type of benefit under the Immigration and Nationality Act. If you have questions or wish to submit documentation relating to a matter pending with the bureau, you must address these issues with your nearest District Office. All FOIA/PA related requests, including address changes, must be submitted in writing and be signed by the requester. Please include the control number listed above on all correspondence with this office. Requests may be mailed to the FOIA/PA Officer at the PO Box listed at the top of the letterhead, emailed to, or sent by fax to (816) 350-5785. You may also submit FOIA/PA related questions to our email address at Sincerely, Jill A. Eggleston Director, FOIA Operations Enclosure(s) Shirk, Georgette From: McKenzie, Patricia (Trish) Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 3:35 PM To: Levy, Jeffrey (Jeffrey) Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Finding some stuff Trish McKenzie Web Content Editor Of?ce of Citizenship and Applicant Information Services Mobile: Sent While Teleworking. From: Thomen, Graciela Sent: Friday, April 07, 2017 3:59 PM To: Crist, Gregory (Greg) Cheung, Bin?Yong (CTR) Cc: McKenzie, Patricia (Trish) Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website This is about this page: Adding Trish in case she wanted to check later. She is on training Thanks, GracielaThomen Office of Communications U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 8: 202.302.5495 graciela.m.thomen@uscis.dhsgov From: Thomen, Graciela Sent: Friday, April 07, 2017 3:41 PM To: Crist, Gregory (Greg) Cheung, Bin-Yong (CTR) Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi Greg, lam looking at the video tutorial and helping Andrea with the deletion of these files and every time I try to look behind the Asylum division training programs page, it gives me this is it because you are working on it? Someone is? Or is it for another Thanks, GracielaThomen Office of Communications U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 8: 202.302.5495 From: Thomen, Graciela Sent: FridaY, April 07, 2017 3:39 PM To: Sanchez, Andrea; McKenzie, Patricia (Trish); Drake, Raymond Suarez, Limary; Mace, Myrna Robinson, Rebecca Cc: Winstead, Allison USCIS Web Publishing Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hello Dear Team ls Drupal up? I am trying to work on this and this is the second time i get this this for real? ?t lei lELlEll I - 1' . 7 Emili'izhlaleEI The Flatten?- a 1? IE I a Secure WI 5- 13st 5 5mg? :5 ?lms BE Athentlance En L-ls'er USES: Department ref Homeland Security The HHS web mitten! is currently.r unavailable. Elm: ?st-E91113 elmultl. be back up: slim-fly. Please came heel: and check again seen. From: Sanchez, Andrea Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2017 3:49 PM To: Thomen, Graciela McKenzie, Patricia (Trish); Drake, Raymond Suarez, Limary; Mace, Myrna Robinson, Rebecca Cc: Winstead, Allison USCIS Web Publishing Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Team, can we get your help with this request of removing The process is more involved than we?d like but we don?t have a choice at this time. Greg and the team was gracious enough to record a ?how-to? session earlier today, please see the email attached to this for the steps and the link to the session. Thank you and good night. PDFs ready to be deleted: 0 Corps Values and Goals (PDF, 53 KB) (deleted by Greg during training 4/6/17) 0 Sources of Authority (PDF, 53 KB) 0 Reading Case Law (PDF, 63 KB) International Human Rights Law (PDF, 81 KB) 0 Credible Fear (PDF, 125 KB) 0 Definition of Refugee; Definition of Persecution; Eligibility Based on Past Persecution (PDF, 458 KB) it Well Founded Fear (PDF, 131 KB) 0 Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics (PDF, 348 KB) a Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence (PDF, 136 KB) 0 Bars to Asylum and Discretion (PDF, 242 KB) Interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadversarial Asylum Interview (PDF, 98 KB) 9 Interview Part2 Note-Taking (PDF, 44 KB) Interview Part 3 Eliciting Testimony (PDF, 94 KB) Interview Part 4 Inter?Cultural Communication (PDF, 74 KB) Interview Part5 Interviewing Survivors (PDF, 143 KB) 0 Interview Part 6 Working with an Interpreter (PDF, 86 KB) 0 Making an Asylum Decision (PDF, 60 KB) 0 Decision Writing Part 1 Overview and Components (PDF, 98 KB) 0 Decision Writing Part2 Legal Analysis (PDF, 90 KB) 0 One-Year Filing Deadline (PDF, 133 KB) 0 NACARA (PDF, 319 KB) Female Asylum Applicants and Gender-Related Claims (PDF, 170 KB) 0 Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations (PDF, 125 KB) 0 International Religious Freedom ACT IRF and Religious Persecution Claims (PDF, 148 KB) 0 Guidelines for Children's Asylum Claims (PDF, 229 KB) UNHCR and Concepts of International Protection (PDF, 105 KB) Andrea Sanchez Web Content Editor Office of Communications USO Citizenship and] Immigration Services Mobile: Teleworking USCIS Espa?ol - Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: USCIS English - Facebook: USCIS Twitter: Instagram: From: USCIS Web Publishing Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 11:26 AM To: Sanchez, Andrea Cc: BoniIIa Ward, Wilfride (Willie); Santoni, Jean Fernandez, Victor Winstead, Allison Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Andrea, Please see the request below to publish pages. Also further below to deiete pdfs, archiving has already been discussed and refused. Myrna Mace Electronice Media Specialist OComm Office: (520) 512-4250 Mobile: I USCIS English - Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: USCIS Espa?ol - Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:21 AM To: USCIS Web Publishing Cc: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex); PLC_Drupal; Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hello, Per the request below, I made the deletions to the Asylum Division Training Programs page and the About US - page and now Needs Your Review. Here are the DRUPAL links: Thanks PS. Please delete all links (PDFs) below from DRUPAL so that they will not be searchable. Asylum does not want to Archived them. Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272?0989 Mobile: Fax: (202) 272?1548 (bil6l From: Lafferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 9:47 AM To: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Alex, Thanks for asking, but i would prefer that the items be deleted completely, rather than archived. All of the following should be removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page: Asylum Officer Basic Training Course Lesson Modules The Asylum Officer Basic Training Course lesson modules are used to train Asylum Officers at the mandatory 5?week AOBTC. The AOBTC lesson modules were developed and are updated by the Asylum Division following a standardized procedure for US. Government training initiatives. The materials used in the course have been reviewed by a number ofsubject matter experts, including Asylum Division staff, the USCIS Office ofthe Chief Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners working with refugees and asylees. 4 The lessons are updated as the need arises to address new case law, statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These lessons are not only used for the instruction of newly-hired Asylum Officers, but are also used to articulate and communicate Asylum Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asylum cases, and the lesson modules are also used as a reference tool for Asylum Officers as they perform their duties. 0 Corps Values and Goals (PDF, 53 KB) a Sources of Authority (PDF, 53 KB) 0 Reading Case Law (PDF, 63 KB) International Human Rights Law (PDF, 81 KB) 9 Credible Fear (PDF, 125 KB) Definition of Refugee; Definition of Persecution; Eligibility Based on Past Persecution (PDF, 458 KB) 0 Well Founded Fear (PDF, 131 KB) Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics (PDF, 348 KB) 0 Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence (PDF, 136 KB) 0 Bars to Asylum and Discretion (PDF, 242 KB) 0 Interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadversarial Asylum Interview (PDF, 98 KB) 0 Interview Part2 Note-Taking (PDF, 44 KB) 0 Interview Part 3 Eliciting Testimony (PDF, 94 KB) 0 Interview Part 4 Inter-Cultural Communication (PDF, 74 KB) Interview Part5 Interviewing Survivors (PDF, 143 KB) 0 Interview Part 6 Working with an Interpreter (PDF, 86 KB) 0 Making an Asylum Decision (PDF, 60 KB) 0 Decision Writing Part 1 Overview and Components (PDF, 98 KB) a Decision Writing Part 2 Legal Analysis (PDF, 90 KB) 0 One-Year Filing Deadline (PDF, 133 KB) 0 NACARA (PDF, 319 KB) 0 Female Asylum Applicants and Gender-Related Claims (PDF, 170 KB) 0 Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations (PDF, 125 KB) 1: International Religious Freedom ACT IRF and Religious Persecution Claims (PDF, 148 KB) Guidelines for Children's Asylum Claims (PDF, 229 KB) 0 UNHCR and Concepts of International Protection (PDF, 105 KB) Also, this last sentence on the RAID Directorate page should be removed: ?Most ofthe Asylum Division?s training materials are available to the public.? I fully anticipate that the Lesson Plans are requested so often that they will end up in Electronic Reading Room. Thanks! John From: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex) Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:59 AM To: Hale, Arthur A Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Just to verify, do you want this deleted completely from the site? As an alternative, we could archive the page, so it would still be available, but it would be located in a separate section of the web and have a banner that lets users know the information is out of date and not being updated. From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 2:12 PM To: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Subject: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi Alex, Per John?s direction, we request that the information on the Asylum Division Training Programs page ofthe USCIS. website be removed as soon as is practicable, including all of the Asylum Lesson Plans on this public?facing website as well as any links to the materials currently presented there. For now, we ask that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link redirecting visitors to the RAID Training Materials page, which displays the RAID Lesson Plans. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you, Arthur Arthur Hale USCIS Asylum Division, Training Branch 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 6th Floor Washington DC 20529 (W6) Asylum Division Training Programs USCIS Page 1 of 2 I'le?iglf?ii?? Services Asylum .I'vision Training Programs The USCIS Asylum Division?s Training Section provides training on a national level as well as on a local level in the field offices. All Asylum Officers are required to attend and complete the Asylum Officer Basic Training Course (AOBTC), which is a national training course that is specific to asylum adjudications. Instructors for this course are from HQ Asylum Division and field Asylum offices, as well as non?governmental organizations, law schools, and the UNHCR. The training course includes topics such as international refugee law and the U.S. Asylum Program?s role in world-wide refugee protection, U.S. asylum law and its interpretation by the Board of Immigration Appeals and federal appellate courts, interviewing techniques, researching country of origin information, and decision?making/writing. Separate training sessions address interviewing survivors of torture, identifying possible cases of victims of trafficking, handling cases of children, and handling claims that may be specific to women. The training course also includes lessons regarding the Asylum Program?s history, organizational structure, mission, goals, and values, ethics, and an overview of the Asylum Program?s process and procedures. Other topics covered include fraud identification and evaluation techniques, and national security concerns. Supervisory Asylum Officers are also required to attend a two-week asylum-specific training that updates supervisors? knowledge of asylum-related case. law and improves their case law application skills. The training also focuses on achieving greater consistency and effectiveness in evaluating asylum officers? interviews and written work, and strengthening feedback skills, interpersonal skills, and workload management skills. The Asylum Division also requires that regulartraining be conducted in each ofthe field offices. There are up to two Quality Assurance and Training Officers in each ofthe eight field Asylum Offices. are responsible for coordinating weekly training sessions and training new Asylum Officers. are required to attend a two-week instructor training course to learn methodologies for student?centered instruction and to improve their skills as training coordinators for the field offices. The Asylum Division requires that each field Asylum Office hold a weekly training session of up to four hours. The topics are determined by the needs of the particular office and include the same variety of topics as listed above. Also, headquarters may request that training on a particular issue, such as new case law or new procedures, be conducted in all Asylum Offices. All asylum office staff are also required to attend USCIS trainings that are mandatory for USCIS employees and which are offered through the USCIS Academy. This includes the 51/2-week BASIC training required of all USCIS immigration officers. The Asylum Division also provides support and encourages staff to attend professional and/or career development training activities available to all USCIS employees through the USCIS Academy, from non-governmental organizationsand government offices 1/4/2019 7 Asylum Division Training Programs USCIS Page 2 of 2 outside the Asylum Division. Asylum Officers may also receive permission from their local office management to attended related local training classes or professional conferences sponsored by sources other than the Asylum Division or USCIS Academy. In addition, the Asylum Division has arranged for several special asylum-related professional development opportunities for its senior staff, including participation in the following: . Certificate in Refugees 8: Humanitarian Emergencies, Georgetown University, Washington, DC . SummerSchool in Forced Migration, Oxford University, Oxford, England These various training opportunities contribute to enhancing the skills, knowledge, and professionalism of the Asylum Division staff. Last Reviewed/Updated: 12/19/2016 1/4/2019 8 Worley, Jordan From: Panter, Jarrod Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 12:50 PM To: Worley, Jordan Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website For case ti RC2013104570 Jarrod Panter, Senior Government information Specialist Significant Interest Group National Records Center United States Citizenship and Immigration Service Office: 816?350-5514 From: McKenzie, Patricia (Trish) Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 1:08 PM To: Panter, Jarrod Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi Jarrod, I think this may be all from my office. This person would know much more: Arthur Hale USCIS Asylum Division, Training Branch 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 6th Floor Washington DC 20529 Tel: (7071 77747077 Cell:] I Talk to you at 3:30 my time. Thanks, 'i'risi1 McKenzie Web Content Editor Office of Citizenship and Applicant Information Services Mobile- From: Thomen, Graciela Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 5:24 PM To: USCIS Web Publishing Cc: Sanchez, Andrea; McKenzie, Patricia (Trish) Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi Myrna The PDFs should be checked tomorrow morning. In the tutorial Bin says it may need 12 hours to be out of the server for good, so perhaps it is better not to click on the links. But when you do tomorrow morning, let me know if they are not 404 yet. Thanks! Thanks, GracielaThomen Office of Communications US. Citizenship and Immigration Services a: 202.302.5495 From: USCIS Web Publishing Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 4:41 PM To: Thomen, Graciela Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Great, thank you. Myrna Mace Electronice Media Specialist I 0'0mm Office: (520) 512-4250 Mobile USCIS English Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: USCIS Espa?ol - Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: From: Thomen, Graciela Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 1:40 PM To: USCIS Web Publishing; Robinson, Rebecca Cc: Winstead, Allison Sanchez, Andrea; McKenzie, Patricia (Trish); Drake, Raymond Suarez, Limary Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi lViyrna, Last week I worked on this, so I will do those 3 that are left. Thanks, GracielaThomen Office of Communications U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 3: 202.302.5495 gracielamthomen@uscis.dhsgov From: USCIS Web Publishing Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 2:03 PM To: Thomen, Graciela Robinson, Rebecca Cc: Winstead, Allison Sanchez, Andrea; McKenzie, Patricia (Trish); Drake, Raymond Suarez, Limary Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Team, Following up on this request. I have checked each link and placed -404 next to the ones that appear to have been deleted; they open to page not found. Looks like just a few left, does this look right? PDFs ready to be deleted: 0 International Religious Freedom ACT IRF and Religious Persecution Claims (PDF, 148 KB) 0 Decision Writing Part 2 Legal Analysis (PDF, 90 KB) a Interview Part 3 Eliciting Testimony (PDF, 94 KB) PDFs appear to have been deleted. Good work. 0 Corps Values and Goals (PDF, 53 KB) (deleted by Greg during training 4/6/17) -404 Sources of Authority (PDF, 53 KB) -404 a Reading Case Law (PDF, 63 KB) -404 International Human Rights Law (PDF, 81 KB) 404 Credible Fear (PDF, 125 KB) ?404 Definition of Refugee; Definition of Persecution; Eligibility Based on Past Persecution (PDF, 458 KB) 404 0 Well Founded Fear (PDF, 131 KB) -404 0 Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics (PDF, 348 KB) ?404 Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence (PDF, 136 KB) -404 0 Bars to Asylum and Discretion (PDF, 242 KB) -404 0 Interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadversarial Asylum Interview (PDF, 98 KB) -404 0 Interview Part 2 Note-Taking (PDF, 44 KB) ?404 Interview Part 4 Inter-Cultural Communication (PDF, 74 KB) -404 0 Interview Part 5 Interviewing Survivors (PDF, 143 KB) ?404 0 Interview Part 6 Working with an Interpreter (PDF, 86 KB) -404 0 Making an Asylum Decision (PDF, 60 KB) -404 a Decision Writing Part 1 Overview and Components (PDF, 98 KB) -404 One-Year Filing Deadline (PDF, 133 KB) -404 . NACARA (PDF, 319 KB) ?404 a Female Asylum Applicants and Gender-Related Claims (PDF, 170 KB) -404 Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations (PDF, 125 KB) ?404 1: Guidelines for Children's Asylum Claims (PDF, 229 KB) -404 UNHCR and Concepts of International Protection (PDF, 105 KB) ?404 Myrna Mace Electronice Media Specialist OComm Of?ce; (520) 512-4250 i Mobile; (W5) USCIS English - Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: USCIS Espa?ol - Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: From: Thomen, Graciela Sent: Friday, April 07, 2017 12:58 PM To: Winstead, Allison Sanchez, Andrea; McKenzie, Patricia (Trish); Drake, Raymond Suarez, Limary; Mace, Myrna Robinson, Rebecca Cc: USCIS Web Publishing Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Ok. I sent the error to Greg and Bin. And other stuff for them to From: Winstead, Allison Sent: FridaY, April 07, 2017 3:48 PM To: Thomen, Graciela Sanchez, Andrea; McKenzie, Patricia (Trish); Drake, Raymond Suarez, Limary; Mace, Myrna Robinson, Rebecca Cc: USCIS Web Publishing Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website 1 I?m trying to get and it?s been churning for about 4 mins, incredibly slow Allison Winstead E-Communications Office of Communications US. Citizenship and Immigration Services 20 Mass. Ave., NW, Suite 3100 Washington, DC 20529 Office: 202-272-1298 Mobile: USCIS English Facebook: Twitter: instagram: USCIS Espa?ol -W Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Currently teleworking From: Thomen, Graciela Sent: Friday, April 07, 2017 3:39 PM To: Sanchez, Andrea; McKenzie, Patricia (Trish); Drake, Raymond Suarez, Limary; Mace, Myrna Robinson, Rebecca Cc: Winstead, Allison USCIS Web Publishing Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hello Dear Team Is Drupal up? I am trying to work on this and this is the second time I get this this for real? Igl?lil ?r Edit Mauve 33: ?rf' i5" it ?if if! The Platform 6 I Secure i 5 1 ?ip-p: Ea Goggle Ei- H?mepag?: User ale-Emir]: USHE- in Dewaritment of Homeland Security The HHS WEE: content pint?anu if; {unenlij-ir unavailable. Um: systems Shnt?cl. be back up Shortly: Please come back and check again soon. From: Sanchez, Andrea Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2017 3:49 PM To: Thomen, Graciela McKenzie, Patricia (Trish); Drake, Raymond Suarez, Limary; Mace, Myrna Robinson, Rebecca Cc: Winstead, Allison USCIS Web Publishing Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Team, can we get your help with this request of removing The process is more involved than we?d like but we don?t have a choice at this time. Greg and the team was gracious enough to record a ?how-to? session earlier today, please see the email attached to this for the steps and the link to the session. Thank you and good night. PDFs ready to be deleted: Corps Values and Goals (PDF, 53 KB) (deleted by Greg during training 4/6/17) Sources of Authority (PDF, 53 KB) a Reading Case Law (PDF, 63 KB) 0 International Human Rights Law (PDF, 81 KB) 0 Credible Fear (PDF, 125 KB) 0 Definition of Refugee; Definition of Persecution; Eligibility Based on Past Persecution (PDF, 458 KB) 0 Well Founded Fear (PDF, 131 KB) 0 Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics (PDF, 348 KB) 0 Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence (PDF, 136 KB) Bars to Asylum and Discretion (PDF, 242 KB) 0 Interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadversarial Asylum Interview (PDF, 98 KB) 0 Interview Part2 Note-Taking (PDF, 44 KB) 0 Interview Part 3 Eliciting Testimony (PDF, 94 KB) an Interview Part 4 Inter?Cultural Communication (PDF, 74 KB) 0 Interview Part5 Interviewing Survivors (PDF, 143 KB) 0 Interview Part 6 Working with an Interpreter (PDF, 86 KB) 0 Making an Asylum Decision (PDF, 60 KB) 0 Decision Writing Part 1 Overview and Components (PDF, 98 KB) Decision Writing Part2 Legal Analysis (PDF, 90 KB) One?Year Filing Deadline (PDF, 133 KB) 0 NACARA (PDF, 319 KB) Female Asylum Applicants and Gender-Related Claims (PDF, 170 KB) a Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations (PDF, 125 KB) 0 International Religious Freedom ACT IRF and Religious Persecution Claims (PDF, 148 KB) 9 Guidelines for Children's Asylum Claims (PDF, 229 KB) UNHCR and Concepts of International Protection (PDF, 105 KB) Andrea Sanchez Web Content Editor Office of Communications U95. Citizenship and Immigration Services Mobile; ITeleworking USCIS Espa?ol Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: USCIS English - Facebook: USCIS Twitter: Instagram: From: USCIS Web Publishing Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 11:26 AM To: Sanchez, Andrea Cc: Bonilla Ward, Wilfride (Willie); Santoni, Jean Fernandez, Victor Winstead, Allison Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Andrea, Please see the request below to publish pages. Also further below to delete pdfs, archiving has already been discussed and refused. Myrna Mace Electronice Media Specialist OComm Office: (520) 512-4250 Mobile: USCIS English - Facebook: Twitter: lnstagram: USCIS Espa?ol - Facebook: Twitter: lnstagram: From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:21 AM To: USCIS Web Publishing Cc: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex); PLC_Drupal; Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hello, Per the request below, I made the deletions to the Asylum Division Training Programs page and the About US RAIO page and now Needs Your Review. Here are the DRUPAL links: Thanks PS. Please delete all links (PDFs) below from DRUPAL so that they will not be searchable. Asylum does not want to Archived them. Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272?0989 Mobile: : rax; (202) 272?1548 From: Lafferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 9:47 AM To: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A 6 Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Alex, Thanks for asking, but I would prefer that the items be deleted completely, rather than archived. All of the following should be removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page: Asylum Officer Basic Training Course Lesson Modules The Asylum Officer Basic Training Course lesson modules are used to train Asylum Officers at the mandatory 5-week AOBTC. The AOBTC lesson modules were developed and are updated by the Asylum Division following a standardized procedure for US. Government training initiatives. The materials used in the course have been reviewed by a number ofsubject matter experts, including Asylum Division staff, the USCIS Office ofthe Chief Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners working with refugees and asylees. The lessons are updated as the need arises to address new case law, statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These lessons are not only used for the instruction of newly~hired Asylum Officers, but are also used to articulate and communicate Asylum Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asylum cases, and the lesson modules are also used as a reference tool for Asylum Officers as they perform their duties. 0 Corps Values and Goals (PDF, 53 KB) Sources of Authority (PDF, 53 KB) a Reading Case Law (PDF, 63 KB) 0 International Human Rights Law (PDF, 81 KB) 0 Credible Fear (PDF, 125 KB) Definition of Refugee; Definition of Persecution; Eligibility Based on Past Persecution (PDF, 458 KB) 0 Well Founded Fear (PDF, 131 KB) 9 Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics (PDF, 348 KB) a Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence (PDF, 136 KB) 0 Bars to Asylum and Discretion (PDF, 242 KB) 9 Interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadversarial Asylum Interview (PDF, 98 KB) 9 Interview Part 2 Note-Taking (PDF, 44 KB) 0 Interview Part 3 Eliciting Testimony (PDF, 94 KB) 0 Interview Part 4 Inter-Cultural Communication (PDF, 74 KB) 0 Interview Part5 Interviewing Survivors (PDF, 143 KB) 9 Interview Part 6 Working with an Interpreter (PDF, 86 KB) a Making an Asylum Decision (PDF, 60 KB) a Decision Writing Part 1 Overview and Components (PDF, 98 KB) 0 Decision Writing Part2 Legal Analysis (PDF, 90 KB) 0 One-Year Filing Deadline (PDF, 133 KB) 0 NACARA (PDF, 319 KB) 0 Female Asylum Applicants and Gender-Related Claims (PDF, 170 KB) 0 Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations (PDF, 125 KB) 0 International Religious Freedom ACT IRF and Religious Persecution Claims (PDF, 148 KB) 0 Guidelines for Children's Asylum Claims (PDF, 229 KB) 0 UNHCR and Concepts of International Protection (PDF, 105 KB) Also, this last sentence on the RAID Directorate page should be removed: "lVlost ofthe Asylum Division's training materials are available to the public.? I fully anticipate that the Lesson Plans are requested so often that they will end up in Electronic Reading Room. 7 Thanks! John From: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex) Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:59 AM To: Hale, Arthur A Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Just to verify, do you want this deleted completely from the site? As an alternative, we could archive the page, so it would still be available, but it would be located in a separate section of the web and have a banner that lets users know the information is out of date and not being updated. From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 2:12 PM To: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Subject: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi Alex, PerJohn?s direction, we request that the information on the Asylum Division Training Programs page ofthe USCIS website be removed as soon as is practicable, including all of the Asylum Lesson Plans on this public-facing website as well as any links to the materials currently presented there. For now, we ask that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link redirecting visitors to the RAID Training Materials page, which displays the RAID Lesson Plans. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you, Arthur Arthur Hale USCIS - Asylum Division, Training Branch 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 6th Floor Washington DC 20529 Tel: 202 272-0972 Cell: I Grammer, Alexandra (Alex) From: Endy, Julie A Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:17 AM To: Defensor, Michael Cc: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Stadnick, Joyce Joseph, Matthew; Gill, Lori Subject: RE: LPs on the public website Thanks for the quick response, Michael! From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:15 AM To: Endy, Julie A Cc: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Stadnick, Joyce Joseph, Matthew Subject: RE: .LPs on the public website Hi Julie, Done; please give it a few hours to cycle through. Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and international Operations Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 2720939 Mobite: : 1:ax; (202) 222548 From: Endy, Julie A Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 9:15 AM To: Defensor, Michael Cc: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Stadnick, Joyce Joseph, Matthew Subject: RE: LPs on the public website Hi Michael, I?m sorry to bother you about this again, but Lori asked us to confirm that the links to the Lesson Plans have been removed from the public site and in clicking around i found two more links to outdated Lesson Plans in a couple of random places (not listed under training materials, but linked from other sections of the RAID public site}. Would you be able to remove these links as well? 1) There is another link to the LGBTI Lesson Plan on the right-hand side of the following page under "Other USCIS Links?: 2) There is a link to a very outdated A0 BTC Lesson Plan entitled Guidelines for Children?s Asylum Claim-s at the very bottom of this page: Thank you! hope this is it, but if you happen to notice any other LP links on the public site then please go ahead and remove them as well. BesL Julie From: Detects-or, Michael Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 4:10 PM To: :Encly, Julie Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Joseph, Matthew; Stadnick, Joyce Gill, Lori Subject: RE: LPs on the public website Hi Julie, i just deleted the link; please give it a couple of hours for the browser to cycle through before the changes go public Michael R. Dete?nsor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations. Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 27241989 Mobile: :fax: (202) 272?1548 From: Endy, Julie A. Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 4:04 PM To: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Joseph, Matthew; Stadnick, Joyce Defensor, Michael Gill, Lori Subject: RE: LPs on the public website Hi Alex, Thanks to you and your team for following up on this! It looks like the large FOIA response has been posted on the Electronic Reading Room site and the RAID Training Lesson Plans have been taken down from the public website. i have one additional favor to ask you. It appears that public website stiil has a link posted to an outdated RAID Lesson Plan. If you dick on the URL below, you will see a link titled CT Guidance for Adjudicating Refugee and Asylum Claims? on the right-hand side, under ?Other Links.? The material posted at this link is an outdated yersion of?our Lesson Plan. Would it be possibie for someone on your team to have this link taken down as well? refugees Best, Julie From: Endy, Julie A Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 6:43 PM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Joseph, Matthew; Sta?dnick, Joyce Defensor, Michael Gill, Lori Subject: RE: LPs on the public website Importance: High Hi Alex, have two more follow-up questions for you about this. 1. We received a request to help draft some language for the August 11, 2017 Quarterly Asylum Stakeholder's Meeting about the availability of our training materials to the public. As part of our response, we would like to be able to provide a time frame of when these materials will be available to the public. Do you know (or can you find out} when our FOJA response to will be posted to the electronic reading room? If you find out that it?s going to be a long time, tori suggested that we might want to ask Jennifer H. to raise it with the head of FOIA and .see if we can get it done sooner. FYI, it looks like the response to two other recent FOIA requests, COW2016000870 and COW2017000273, which specifically asked for materials that mentioned FGM, has already been posted, but that response only contains a few of our current LPs. COW2016000495 was the more comprehensive one that included all of the training materials. I sent an email to the office back in May in response to their proposed FOIA release detailing additional redactions that we thought were necessary and we have not heard anything since. 2. I noticed that in addition to the releases, the Electronic Reading Room also includes links to some other sections of the USCIS public website. Under the section there is a link titled Training Materials" which links back to the outdated LPs on the public site that we plan to remove. Can you or Michael make sure that that link is also taken down when the associated flies are deleted? Thank you, Julie From: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 10:49 AM To: Endy, Julie A Cc: Joseph, Matthew; Stadnick, Joyce Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: LPs on the public website Hello Julie, This is good news because it puts closure to this issue. Michael can take care of this when he returns on Aug if that works for you. He will update the actual pages, and then will ask the Office of Communications to delete the PDFs from the online repository. From: Endy, Julie A Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 10:46 AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Joseph, Matthew; Stadnick, Joyce A Subject: LPs on the public website Hi Alex, Jennifer H. has given us the go?ahead to remove all of the remaining Lesson Plans that are currently posted on the RAID public website. Is that something you can help us with or do you know whom we can follow up with to get this page removed? We will also need to change the language below from the main RAID page: RAID Training Programs and Materials Our success depends on a well?trained workforce. With this goal in mind, RAID has developed comprehensive training programs for its officer staff. The RAID Directorate-level training branch develops materials and conducts training for all new RAID officer?s. Most of the lesson 9; lens used at the MK) Combined Training are available to the public. in addition? each RAID division has its own training. Section that: is responsible forjeb-speei?e training for their of?cers. We sheuld perhaps meet to discuss what language we want ta go here instead of the current link to the page with the Lesson Plans. Should we remove all references to the training materials on this site? Or replace the current link- with a . links to the Electrenlie Reading Room? Thanks in advance for your assistance with this. Best, Julie A. Endy DHS I Adjiudicatinns Of?cer, RAIO Training 20 Massachusetts Ave NW, Ste 3200 Washingteh, DC 20529 Ph: 20-2i272*1324 Cell: F?iu' U-.S Citizenship if; and Immigration Services Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 9:44 AM To: USCIS Web Publishing Cc: P-LC_Drupai Subject: Needs Your Review: LPs on the public website Hello, I out the accordions on the page, but was not able to delete the link to the outdated lesson that Julie mentions below. Can you delete the link? Hare is the Drupal link: thanks Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and international Doe-rations Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272-0939 Mobil-arr: (202) 272-1543 From: Endy, Julie A Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 201? 9:15 AM To: De-fensor, Michael Cc: Grammar, Alexandra (2 (Alex); Stadnick, Joyce joseph, Matthew Subject: RE: LPs on the public website Hi Michael, DHS-USCIS-18-0389-A-000021 Ii?m sorry to bother you about this again, but Lori asked us to con?rm that the links to the Lesson Plans have been removed from the RAID public site and in clicking around I found one more link to outdated Lesson Plans in a couple of random places {not listed under training materials, but linked from other-sections of the RAID public site}. Would you be able to remove this link as well? I) There is a link to a very" oUtdated ADBTC Lesson Plan entitled Guidelines for Children {hitt uIt/fiies/USClS/Humanitaria n/ ?5 Asylum Claims at the very bottom of?this page: Thank you! i hope this is it, but if 1you happen to notice any other LP links on the public site ?then please go ahead and remove them as well. Best, Julie Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:15 AM To: USCIS Web Publishing Cc: PLC_Drupal Subject: RE: Needs Your Review: LPs on the public website Thanks! Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272-0989 Mobile: IFax: (202) 272-1548 From: USCIS Web Publishing Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017' 10:09 AM To: Defensor, Michael it Cc: iPLC_Drupa Subject: RE: Needs Your Review: LPs on the public website Good morning Michael, We deleted the link and published the page. Myrna Mace Electronic Media Specialist OComm Office: (520) 512-4250 I Mobile: USCIS English- Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: USCIS Espa?el Facebeek: Twitter: lnstagram: From: ,Del'ensnr, Michael Se at: Wed nesdav, August 30, 2017 6:44 AM To: Web Publishing Cc: PLC_Drupai Subject: Needs Your Review: LPs on the public website Helle, I put the accordions on; the page, but was notable to delete the link to the outdated lessen that Julie mentians below. Can you delete the link? Here is the ?Drupal link: thanks Michael R. Def'ens-nr Communications and Dueratinnal Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Uperatians Directarate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202} 27241939 Mobile: :fax: (202) 272-15113 Frem: Eddy, Julie A Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 9:15 AM To: Defensar, Michael Cc: Grammar, Alexandra Stadnick, Jayce Joseph, Matthew Subject: RE: LPs an the public website Hi Michael, l?rn sorry to bother you about this again, but Lori asked us to confirm that the links to the Lesson Plans have been removed from the RAID public site and in clicking- around i found one more link to outdated Lesson Plans in a couple of random places (not listed under training materials, but linked from other sections of the RAID public site); Would you be able to remove this link as Well? 1} There is a link to a very" outdated AOBTC Lesson Plan entitled Guidelines for Children ?s Asylum Claims at the very bottom of this page: Thank you! i hope this is it, but if you happen to notice any other LP links on the public site then please go ahead and remove them as well. Best, Julie Grammer, Alexandra (Alex) From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017' 1:28 PM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the Public Website Hi Alex, You hate correctly identified the main issue, that most of these are seriously obsolete. This page on the public website does not accurately represent the current state ofour program. Please let me know if I can provide any additional info or background on this. Thank; Arthur Hale From: Grammar, Alexandra (Ales) Sent: Wednesday, Aprii US, 2017 1:03 PM To: Hale, Arthur Defensor, Michael Subject: FW: Asylum l.Ps on the USCIS Public Website Arthur, Hope you are doing well. The office of communications wants some background on this change. I realize that these lesson. plans are completely obsolete, so that should be enough justification. it is particularly confusing that the 2006 CF plan is posted and it completely contradicts the newest one, which has already been report-ed in the media. Is there anything else that has spurred us to make this change now? From: USCIS Web Publishing Sent: Wednesday, April 05, .201? 12:48 PM To: Defenser, Michael Cc: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); PLC_Drupal; Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the Public Website Michael, The pages have been published. The PDFs will take some time to remove and update the cache for each URL. Thanks, Rebecca M. Robinson DetailAssi nment Social Media Team Teleworkingz? From: Defensor, Michael? Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:21 AM Te: USCIS Web Publishing 10 Cc: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) PLC_Drupal;z Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley Eubject: FW: Asylum tie on the USCIS Public Website l-iel'lo, Per the request below, i made the deletions to the Asylum Division Training Programs page and the About US RAID page and now Needs Your Review. Here are the DRUPAL links: Thanks PS. Please delete all links below from DRUPAL so that they will not be searchable. Asylum does not want to Archived them. Michael R. Defenser Communications and Operatimial Readiness Branch 'ltefugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate .20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 7272-0989 Mobile-Fax: (202) 2722-1548 From: tafferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 201.? 9:47 AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A to: Roberts, Rhonda More, Elizabeth Defen-sor, Michael A Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the Public Website Ales, Thanks for asking, but I would prefer that the items be deleted completely, rather than archived. All of the following should be removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page: Asylum Officer Basic Training Course Lesson Modules The Asylum Officer Basic Training Course iesson modules are used to train Asylum Officers at the mandatory 5-week AOBTC. The AUBTC lesson modules were developed and are updated by the Asylum Division following a standardized procedure for US. Government training initiatives. The materials used in the course have been reviewed by a number of subject matter experts, including Asylum Division staff, the Office of the Chief Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners working with refugees and aSylees. The lessons are updated as the need arises to address new case aw,statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These lessons are not only used for the instruction of newly?hired Asylum Officers, but are also used to articulate and communicate Asylum Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asylum cases, and the lesson modules are also used as a reference tool for Asylum officers as they perform their duties. - Corns?dalues and Goals 53 Km 11 Sources of Authority (PDF, 53 KB) 0 Reading Case Law 63 KB) . International Human Rights Law (PDF, 81 KB) . Credible Fear (PDF, 125 KB) Definition of Refugee; Definition of Persecution; Eligibility Based on Past Persecution IPDF, 458 KB) . Well Founded Fear 131 KB) 0 Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics (PDF, 348KB) . Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence (PDF, 136 KB) . Bars to Asylum and Discretion (PDF, 242 KB) . interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadver?sarial Asylum Interview (PDF, 98 KB) . Interview Part 2 44 KB) . Interview Part 3 Elicitine Testimony IPDE 94 KB) interview Part 4 Inter?Cultural Communication IPDF, 74 KB) Interview Part5 Interviewing Survivors I PDF, 143 KB) 0 Interview Part 6 Working with an Interpreter (PDF, 86 KB) 0 Making an Asylum Decision 60 KB) a Decision Writing Part 1 Overview and Components (PDF, 98 lg) a Decision Writing Part2 Legal Analysis (PDF, 90 KB) 0 One-Year Filing Deadline (PDF, 133 KB) . NACARA KB) Female Asylum Applicants and Gender-Related Claims (PDF, 170 KB) . Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations 125 LB) . international Religious Freedom ACT IRF and Religious Persecution Claims (PDF, 148 KB) .. - Guidelines for Children's Asylum Claims (PDF, 229 KB) - UNHCR and Concepts of international Protection 105 KB) Also. this last sentence on the RAID Directorate page should be removed: ?Most of the Asylum Division?s training materials are available to the public." I fully anticipate that the Lesson Plans are requested so often that they will end up in Electronic Reading Room. Thanks! John From: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:59 AM To: Hale, Arthur A Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Just to verify, do you want this deleted completely from the site? As an alternative, we could archive the page, so it would still be available, but it would be located in a separate section of the web and have a banner that lets users know the information is out of date and not being updated. From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 2:12 PM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Laffenty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Subject: Asylum? LPs on the USCIS Public Website 12 l-li Alex, Per John?s direction, we request that the information on the Asylum Division Training Programs page of the website be removed as soon as is practicable, including all of the Asylum Lesson Plans on this publi?e?taoing website as well as any links to the materials currently presented there. For now, we aslt that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link redirecting visitors to the Training Materials page, which displays the RAID Lesson Plans. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you, Arthur Arthur Haire- USCIS - Asyium Division, Training Branch .2t3l Massachusetts Ave. NW, 6th Fioor Washington DC 20529 Tel: 202 272-0972 we Grammer, Alexandra (Alex): From: Web Publishing Sent: Tuesday, April ?is, 2017 9:47 AM Tb: Defenser, Michael Cc: Girammer, Alexandra (Alex); PLC_Drupa ; Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley Subject: - RE: Asylum LPs en the USCIS Public Website Good morning, The PDFs have been deleted. This request is complete. Thank yeti. idealist Evie?die Specialist a. ?523} 5124253 English USCiS.geui Facebeek: Twitter: i Instagram: Espar'iol - Facebdek: Twitter: i lnstagra m: Pram: USCIS Web Publishing Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2317 9:48 AM Te: Defenscir, Michael. Ce: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Michael, The pages have been ?pubiished. The PDFs will take sometime to remeve and update the cache for each URL. Thanks. Rebecca N. Robinson Social Media, E?Cemmunicatiens (betailAssi nment) Social Media Team Telewariting: From: Defenser, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:21 AM To: USCIS Web Publishing Ce: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex); PLC_Drupal; Chen, Alice BuchanIr Lesley Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hello, Per the request below, I made the deletions to the Asylum Division Training Programs page and the About US - RAID page and new Needs Your Review. Here are the DRUPAL links: 14 Thanks PS. Please delete all links. below from DRUPAL so that they will not be searchable. Asylum does not want to Archived the-m. Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate 2U allassacltusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272?0989 Mobile: Fax: (202)272?1548 From: Lafferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April I35, 201? 9:4? AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Cc: Robert's, Rhonda]; Mora, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Alex, Thanks for asking, but I would ?refer that the items be deleted completely, rather than archived. All of the following should be removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page: Asylum Officer Basic Training Course Lesson Modules The Asylum Officer Basic Training Course lesson modules are used to train Asylum Officers at the mandatory Saweek ADBTC. The AOBTC lesson modules were developed and are updated by the Asylum Division following astandardized procedure for U.S. Government training initiatives. The materials used in the course have been reviewed by a: number of subject matter experts, including Asylum Division staff, the USCIS Office of the Chief Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners working with refugees and asylees. The lessons are updated as the need arises to address new case law, statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These lessons are not only used for the instruction of newly-hired Asylum Officers, but are also used to articulate and communicate Asylum Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asylum cases, and the lesson modules are also used as a reference tool for Asylum Officers as they perform their duties. in Corps Values and Goals 53 9 Sources of Authority 53- Kai a Reading Case Law 63 KB) I: International Human Rights Law 81 KB) a Credible Fear (PDF, 1-25 KB) Definition of Refugee; Definition of Persecution; Eligibility Based on Past Persecution 458 RBI a Well Founded Fear 131 a Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics 348 a Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence 136 I: Bars to Asvlurn and Discretion 242 KB) - Interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadversarial Asylum Interview 98 an Interview Part 2 Note-Taking 4a lntenvie-w Part 3 Elicitine Testimony 94 15 . Interview Part A Inter-Cultural Communication IPDF, TA K8) . Interview Part5 Interviewing Survivors IPDF, 143 KB) 0 Interview Part 6 Working with. an Interpreter 86 KB) 0 Making an Asvlum Decision IPDF, 60 KB) a Decision Writing Part 1 Overview and Components I PDF, 93E) a Decision Writing Part 2 Legal Analvsis IPDF, 90 9 One-Year Filine Deadline 133 KB) 0 NACARA IPDF, 319 K8) in Female Asvlum Applicants and Gender~Related Claims I PDF, 170 KB) . Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations IPDF, 125 an International Religious Freedom ACT IRF and Religious Persecution Claims KB) 1? Guidelines for Children's Asvium Claims (PDF, 229 a and Concepts of International Protection (PDF, 105 KBI Also, this last sentence on the RAID Directorate page should be removed: "Most of the Asvlum Division?s trainine materials are available to the public." I fully anticipate that the Lesson Plans are requested so often that they will end up in FOIA's Electronic Reading Room. Thanks! John From: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:59 AM To: Hale, Arthur A Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defen?sor, Michael Subject: RE: Asvium LPs on the USCIS Public Website Just to. verify, do you want this deleted completelv from the site? As an alternative, we-could archive the page, so it would still be available, but it would be located in a separate section of'the web and have a banner that lets users know the information is out of date and not being updated. From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 2:12 PM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Laffertv, John Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Subject: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi Alex, Per John?s direction, we request that the information on the Asylum Division Training Programs page ofthe USCIS website be removed as soon as is practicable, including all of the Asylum Lesson Plans on this public?facing website as well as any links to the materials currently presented there. For now, we ask that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link redirecting visitors to the RAID Training Materials page, which displays the RAID Lesson Plans. If you have am}I questions, please let us know. 16 Thank vau; Arthur Arthur Hsie USCIS .. Asylum Division, Training Branch 20 Massachusetts Ave. 6th Floor Washington DC 20529 Tel: i?262) 272=0972 Ce?: 17 ?ramm_er,_Alexand3ra (Ales-t) From: Laffesttjiri John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 11:06 AM To; Defensor, Michael Grammer, Alexandra (Alex); Hale; Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Michael, This looks perfect. Thanksl'! John From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 10:25 AM To: Lafferty, John Grammer, Alexandra. (Alex); Hal-e, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda]; Mura, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi All, I have deleted the section as indicated by John {as well as the last sentence of the About Us page) from the Asylum Division Training Programs page. It will look like this once it is published: 18 .. .. . Iir ?ti-n. Mid al'izc?l ia'nb train-.mnaim Asylum Division Training Programs lull: flu, in. alum-ll ir'. ram grub! minimal :14 hm- .In line with} y?uwlun linen-Mu". llama-g: 1" Ib'u?Hdl?: vai Jamil-1'. lmal lr-n-l will 1. .I. m??lm .ur H?qla'ill'ij l-zn .Iltn-rns are: - .- 941?: In! 9 ugh-uh: ninth If, .I r- 1' Irma: Iraln Immune With?!? an .n?em .liigird-miirr'v- liar-?utter. fer int: :rrur?m air imm u- 3' "3 rlim'" li'i' int-Hm}: .11nah-trailuelralIt-luyyd' i-I'n' mu! tit-min: :z'olo-tlmn L5 Jim: Lin. and ilk: liturll Heparin-slid NL?i?iLf. 433.912.?..- Ilrl mull: min-meant; Irene turn. teat-an any. Iztlutl'ldi-m'i. and JA-iiu ?rah-1L: keratin-- liarmuni'iauw o' . . r. and Ital real-be inn-min in M-rmrr. lfxu- Jim naz-idw. GT. inr- PI 51:; 1m hittm?,? 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It,? . magi-rm. far Win:- ?-nrr. .iSf'lN'As Adi-m,- nlJ'EiiIxil?ntm .tiazzents?urr'. in" in?rm: l: nitsyrumm-a 'iml ere! it-nzifeasmnni .ruj 1-: air-1' '3p?mvnl meme. i-mninyar?. Mime-git :nr-l. 91-7 rats-my. {mm mm these-n: rum"! Aware Its. man u'mluru I'?fu: may aim wen-.4- :wnumn-n Eta-'11 1h"! In: nl?u mnnag?lu-mt In . m-n-?In?l l-?rm? Firth-awnih? 1's? ?ll-=1 :inl'i fl'Lll'lul'll army Jul-15.03131 I've-aim .Ilr i . . .?ufl?ltlja-Zri ,th? 39,71 .Lmuhn Mange-?1 Eur git-grin! Jab-Inlay.? mm: 5 hm tin-airing ll"- ?itiliimlii: 117'.? 'h'l ELIE. - ?4 tt-m?n ugn?m: lint-w m: 1"an Illur'm?ug i If: 1's" thiix hmwl-s-l?, mu: calm ultra} phylum il' Let me know if there is anything else before I ask OCOMM to publish it. Michael R. Defenser Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operatiens Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272-0989 Mobile ax: (202) From: Lafferty, John E. Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 201? 9:47 AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website 19 Alex, Thanks for asking, but I would prefer that the items be deleted completely, rather than archived. All of the following should be removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page: Asylum thicer Basic Training Course Lesson Modules The Asylum foicer Basic Training Course iesson modules are used to train Asvlum Officers at the mandatory 5~week AOBTC. The ADBTC lesson modules were deveioped and are updated bv the Asylum Division following a standardized procedure for 11.5. Government training initiatives. The rnaterials used in the course have been reviewed by a number of subject matter experts, including Asvlum Division staff, the USCIS Office of the Chief Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners working with refugees and asvlees. The lessons are updated as the need arises to address new case law, statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These lessons are not only used for the instruction of Asylum Officers, but are also used to articulate and communicate Asvlurn Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asylum cases, and the lesson modules are also used as a reference tool for Asylum Officers as thev perform their duties. is Corns Values and Goals 53 0 Sources of Authoritv 53 KB) a Reading Case Law 53 International,Human.Biehts Law IPDF, 81 FBI 0 Credible Fear IPDF, 125 or De?nition of Refugee; Definition of Persecution; Eligibilitv Based on Fast Persecution 458 Q) 1vii'ell Founded?ar KB a Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics i PDF 343 a Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence 135 Interview Part 1 Dveniiew of Nonadversarial Asvium Interview (PDF, 93 a Interview LPDF, 44 KB) .I Interview Part 3 Eliciting TestImonv IFDF, 94 Interview Part 4 in-ter-Cuitura! Communication (PDF, 7?4 KB) a Interview Part 5 Interviewin Survivors PDF 14% KB .0 Interview Part 6 Working with an Interpreter IPDF, 86 Maidne an Asvlum Decision 50 KB) a Decision Writing Part 1. Overview and Components (PDF, 98 Decision Writing Part 2. Legal Analvsis 9i] 0 One- Year Filing Deadilne (PDF, 133 NACARA 319 KB) 6 - licants and Gender- Reiateti _Clai_ms__ I Reasonable Fear of Persecution and: Torture Determinations 125 KB) International Reli ious Freed-om ACT and Religious Persecution Claims (PDF, 148 - Guidelines for Children's Asylum Ciairns 229 KB) I: LINHCR and Concepts of International Protection 105 KB) Also, this. last sentence on the RAID Directorate page should be removed: ?Most of the Asvlurn Division?s training materials are availabie to the public.? I fullv anticipate that the Lesson Plans are requested so often that they will end up in Eiectro?nic Reading Room. 20 Thanks! John From: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:59 AM To: Hale, Arthur A Cc: Lafferty, John t; Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Just to verify, do you want this deleted completely from the site? As an alternative, we could archive the page, so it would still be available, but it would be located in a separate section of the web and have a banner that lets users know the information is out of date and not being updated. From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 2:12 PM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Lafierty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Subject: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi Alex, Per John?s direction, we request that the information on the Asylum Division Training Programs page of the USCIS website be removed as soon as is practicable, including all of the Asylum Lesson Plans on this public-facing website as well as any links to the materials currently presented there. For now, we ask that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link redirecting visitors to the RAID Training Materials page, which diSplays the RAID Lesson Plans. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you, Arthur Arthur Hale USCIS Asylum Division, Training Branch 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 5th Floor Washington DC 20529 Tel: (202) 272-0972 21 Grammar. Alexandra (Alex) From: Web Publishing Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 201? 12:48 PM To: Defensor, Michael Ce: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex): Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the Public Website Michael, The pages have been published. The PDFS will take some time to remove and update the cache for each URL. Thanke Rebecca N. Robinson Social Media, E?Communications lDetailAssi nmentl Social Media Team Teleworkingl I From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:21 AM To: Web Publishing Cc: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); PLC_Drupal; Chen, Alice Enchan, Lesley .L Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hello, Per the request below, I- made the deletions to the Asylum Division Training, Programs page and the About US - RAID page and now Needs Your Review. Here are the DRUPAL links: Thanks PS. Please delete all links below from DRUPAL so that they will not be searchable. Asylum does not want ?te Archived them. Michael R. Defensor Communicatimts and Operatienel Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and InternationalOperations Directo rate 20 Maseachusette Avenue, NW, Wee-bin .ton, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272-0989 Mobile? Fax: (202) 272-1548 1 22 From: Larferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 12017 9:47 AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A to: Roberts, Rhonda J: More, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael A Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Alex, Thanks for asking, but I would prefer that the items be deleted completely, rather than archived. All of the following shouid he removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page: Asylum thicer Basic Training Course Lesson Modules The Asylum Officer Basic Training Course? less-on modules are used to train Asylum Officers at the mandatory Seweek ADBTC. The ADBTC lesson modules were developed and are updated by the Asylum Division following a standardized procedure for U..S. Government training initiatives. The materials used in the course have been reviewed by a number of subject matter experts, including Asylum Division staff, the USCIS Office of the Chief Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners working with refugees and asylees. "The lessons are updated as the need arises to address new case law, statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These lessons are not only used for the instruction of newly-hired Asyiurn Officers, but are also used to articulate and communicate Asylum Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asylum cases, and the lesson modules are also used as a reference tool for Asylum Officers as they perform their duties. - Corps Values and Goals 53 KBI Sources of AuthoritviPD-F, 53 a iigdj?lg Case Law (PDF, 63 a international Human Riehts Law 81 . Credible FeariPDF 125 Persecution Based on Fast Persecution PDF #58 KB in Well Founded Fear .131 KBI Menus and the Five Protected Characteristics__ PDF 3.48 Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence .136 Bars to Asylumand Discretion (PDF, 242 a interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadvers?arial Asylum Interview (PDF, 98 KB) a interview Part 2 NotesTaking (PDF, 44 KB) a interview Part 3 Eliciting Testimony IPDF, 94 KB.) - InterviewPart 4 Inter-Cultural Communication 74 KBI interview Part 5- _lrtterviewin Survivors PDF 143 KB - Interview Partr?iWorking with an Interpreter (PDF, 86 Making an Asylum DecisioniPDF, 60 KB) a Decision Writing Part 1 Overview and Components 98 KBI a Decision Writing Part '2 Legal Analysis 90 a 319 mi Fernaie As lum A licants and Gender-Reinted Claims PDF 170 - Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Ueterminatidns (PDF, 125 - International Religious Freedom ACT IAF and Religious Persecution Claims (PDF, 1473 KB) 9? Guidelines for Children?s Asvlurn Claims I PDF, 229 0 and Concepts of international Protection (PDF, 105 KB) Also, this last sentence on the RAID Directorate page should be removed: 2 23 ?Most of'the ,Asvlurn Division?s training materials are available to the public." I fully anticipate that. the Lesson Plans are requested so often that they will end up in FOIA's Electronic Reading Room. Thanks! John From: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:59 AM To: Hale, Arthur A CC: Laffenty, John Roberts, Rhonda More, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public WebSite Just to verify, do you want thisdeleted completely from the site? As an alternative, we could archive the page, so it would still be available, but it would be located in a separate section of the web and have a banner that lets users know the information is out of date and not being updated. From: l-iale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 2:12 PM To: Grammar, Alexandra (max) Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Subject: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi Alex, Per John?s direction, we request that the information on the Asylum Division Training Programs page of the USCIS website he removed as soon as is practicable, including all of the Asylum Lesson Plans on this public-facing website as well as any links to the materials currently presemed there. For now, we ask that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link. redirecting visitors to the RAID Training Materials base, which dispiavs the RAID lesson Plans. If you: have ani,r questions, please let us. know. Thank you, Arthur Arthur Hale USCIS - Asylum Division, Training Branch 20? Massachusetts Ave. NW, 6th Floor Washington DC 20529 Tel: (202) 272-0972 24 Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) From: Grammar, Alexandra {Alex} Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 201? 1:03 PM To: Hale, Arthur A: Defensor, Michael Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Arthur, Hope you are doing well. The office of communications wants some background on this change. I realize ?that these lesson plans are completely" obsolete, so that should be enough justi?cation. It is particularly confusing that. the 200.6 CF plan isposted and it completely,r contradicts the newest one, which has already been reported in the media. is there anything else that has spurred us to make this change now? From: USCIS Web Publishing Sent: Wednesday, April 05., 2017 12:48 PM To: Defensor, Michael Co; Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); PLC_Drupal; Chen,- Alice Buchan, Lesley L. Subject: RE: Asylum iLPs on the USCIS Public Website Michael, The pages have been published. The PDFs will take some time to remove and update the cache for each URL. Thanks Rebecca N. Robinson Social Media, E- Communications (DetailAssignmeotl Social Media Team Teleworking:(b Rebecca. Robinson2@uscis. dhs. eon From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 201? 8:21 AM To: USCIS Web Publishing. Co: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); PL-C _Drupal'; Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley L. Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hello, Per the request below, I made the deletions to the Asylum Division Training Programs page and: the About US - RAID page and now Needs Your Retriew. Here are the DRUPAL links: 25 Thanks PS. Please delete all links below from DRUPAL so that they will not be searchable. Asylum does not want to Archived them. Michael R. Defeneor and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate 2U h'lassachusetts Avenue, NW Washin . ton DC 20529 Phone: (202) mousse Mobile?Fax; (202} 272-1548 From: Lafferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 9:47 AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Go: Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Alex, Thanks for asking, but I would prefer that the items be deleted completely, rather than archived. All of?the following should be removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page; Asylum Officer Basic Training Course Lesson Module-s The Asyium Officer Basic Training Course lesson modules are used to train Asylum Officers at the mandatory Snweek AOBTC. The AOBTC lesson modules were developed and are updated by the Asylum Division following-a standardized procedure for Government training initiatives. The materials used in the course have been reviewed by a number of subject matter experts, including Asylum Division staff, the USCIS Office of the Chief Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners working vvith refugees and asylees. The iessons are updated as the need arises to address new case law, statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These lessons are not only used for the instruction of newly-hired Asylum Officers, but are also used to articulate and communicate Asylum Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asylum cases, and the lesson modules are also used as a reference tool for Asylum Officers as they perform their duties. a Corps Value-sand Goals 5.3 KB) - Sources of Authority (PUP, 53 KB) at Reading Case Law? 63 0 International Human Rights Law 31 0 Credible Fear IPDF, 125 KB) Definition of Rain ee*__Definition of Persecution? Eli Based on Past Persecution PDF 458 as Well Founded Fear 131 Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics (PDF, 3218 Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence 136 KBI a Bars to Asylum and Discretion 2:512 9 Interview Part 1 Overview of, Nonadversarial Asylum Interview (PDF, 98 - Interview Part 2 Note-Taking I PDF, 4:1 KB) 0 Interview Part 3 Elicitina Testimony (PDF, 94 interview Part 4 Inter-Cultural Communication PDF 7d KB Interview Part 5 Interviewin Survivors in Interview Part 6 Working with an interpreter 86 2 26 a Making an Asvlum Decision 60 Decision Writine Part 1 Overview and Components '98 KB) a Decision Writing Part 2 Legal AnalySis (PDF, 90 . Dnew?Year Filine Deadline PDF. 133 a NACARA 319 or Female Asylum Applicants and Gender-Related Claims 170 KB) a Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations 125 - international Religious Freedom ACT RF and Religious Persecution Claims (PDF, 148 Guidelines for Children's Asylum Claims (PDF, 229 UNHCR and Concepts of International Protettion PDF, 105 KB) Also, this. last sentence on the RAID Directorate page should be removed: ?Most of the Asvlum Division's training materials are available to the public." I fully anticipate that the Lesson. Plans are requested so often that they wiil end up in Electronic Reading Room. Thanks! John From: Grammar, AleXandra (Alex) Sept: Wednesday, April 05, 2017' 8:59 AM To: Hale, Arthur A Co: lLal??erty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Just to verify, do you want this deleted completely from the site? As an alternative, we could archive the page, so it Woo-id still be available, but it would be located in a separate section of the web and have a banner that lets users know the information is out of date and not being updated. From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, April 04, Ztilii 2:12 PM To: Grammar", Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Subject: Asylum LPs on the Public Website Hi Alex, Per John?s direction, we request that the information on the Asylum Division Training Programs page of the USCIS website be removed as soon as is practicable, including all of the Asylum Lesson Plans on this public?facing website as well as any links to the materials currently presented there. For new, we ask that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link redirecting visitors to the RAID Trainine Materials page, which displays the RAID Lesson Plans. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you, 27 Arthur Arthur Hale USCIS a Asyfum Division, Training Branch 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 6th Finer Washington DC 20529 7'51?: 202 272-09?2 Cam 28 Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) From: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 i?zii AM To: Lafferty, John Hale, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Will do .iohn - Michael?s got this one. He will work with OCOMM today on it. From: Lafferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 201? 9:47 AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Aiex); Hale, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS- Public Website Alex, Thanks for asking, but I would prefer that the items be deleted completely, rather than archived. All of the following should be removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page: Asylum Df?cer Basic Training Course Lesson Modules The Asylum Officer Basic Training Course lesson modules are used to train Asylum Officers at the mandatory 5-week ADBTC. The A0 BTC lesson modules were developed and are updated by the Asylum Division followings standardized procedure for US, Government training initiatives. The materials used in the course have been reviewed by a number of subject matter experts, including Asylum Division staff, the USCIS Office of the Chief Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners workingwith refugees and asylees. The iessons are updated as the need arises to address new case law, statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These iessons are not only used for the instruction of newly?hired Asylum Officers, but are also used to articulate and communicate Asylum Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asylum cases, and the lesson modules are also used as a reference tool for Asylum Officers as they perform their duties Cor 5 Values and Gdals PDF 53 KB - Sources of Authoritvr a Reading Case Law (POP, 63 international Human Rights Law 8717 Credible Fear 125 KB: Definition of Plato eev Definition of Persecution Eli. ibilit Based on Past Persecution PDF 45-8 KB a Wall Founded Fear 131 . Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics 343 KB a Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence 136 Bars to As turn and Discretion PDF 242 KB Interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadversarial Asylum Interview 98 a interview Part 2 Note-Taking (PDF, ?14 KB) - Interview Hart 3 Elicitine Testimony (PDF, 94 KB) 6 interview Part 4 lnter-Cuitural Communication (PEP, 74 0 interview Part 5 lntewiewing Survivors (PDF, .143 KB) a interview Part 6.Workine with an interpreter (PM, 86 a Making an Asylum?Decision 60 29 a Decision Writine Part 1 Overview and Components a Decision Writing Part 2 Legal Analvsis 90 Dne-ir'ear lFiline Deadline (PDF, 133 . nacaan inor, 319 - Female Asvlum Applicants and ,GenderrReiated Claims 17ft) Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations PDF 125 KB a International Reli . . 0 Guidelines for Children's nsvium Claims 229 KB) UMHCR and Conce ts of international Protection. (PDF, 105 Also, this last sentence on the Rare Directorate page should be removed: "Most ofthe Asvlum Division's trainine: materiais are available to the pa blic.? 1 Fully anticipate that the Lesson Plans are requested so often that they will end up in FOln?s Electronic Reading Room. Thanks! John From: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 201? 8:59 AM To: Hale, Arthur A Ce: Latterty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mura?, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs one the USCIS Public Website Just to verify, do you want this deleted completelv from the site? As an alternative, we could archive the page, so it would still be available, but it would be located in a separate section of the web and have a banner that lets users know the information is out of date and not being updated, From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, .Aprii 04, 2:01? 2:12 PM To: Grern?mer, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: La?terty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Subject: Asylum iLPs on the Public Website I-li Alex, Per .lohn's direction we request that the information on the Asvlurn Division Training Programs page of the USCIS website be removed as soon as is practicable including all ofthe Asylum Lesson Pians on this pubiic?facing website as well as any links to the materials currently presented there. ov humanitarian refu ees-as turn as lum as[lumadivision?trainin - ro rams For now, we ask that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link redirecting visitors to the RAID Training Materials base, which: displavs the RAID Lesson Plans. if you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you, Arthur 30 Arthur Haie USCIS Asyium Division, Training Branch 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 6th Finer washingtun DC 20529 Tei: 9-H, Cali: 31 Grammar; Alexandra (Alex) From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 10:54 AM To: Left-arty, John Cc: Hale, Arthur Grammar, Alexandra [Ale-x); Mara, Elizabeth Roberts, Rhonda] Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website FYI Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and international Operations Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202-) 272-0989 MobilelZIFax; (312)272-1548- From: USCIS Web Publishing Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 9:47 AM To: Defensor, Michael Co: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); PLC_Drupal,; Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley Subject: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Good morning, The PDFs have been deleted. This request is complete. Thank you. learns Matte Eur: iinotiir-r 3;H?;?i?til?3i ?oor-rim ?it ant-ease Mobile; English USCng?ovE Facebook: i Twitter: instagrain: USEIS Espa?oi Facebook: Twitter: i li-istagram: From: USCES Web Publishing Sent: Wednesday, April [15, 201.? 9:48 AM To: Defensor, Michael Co: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); PLC_Drupal,: Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the Public Website Michael, The pages have been published. The will take some time to remove and update the cache For each URL. Thanka Rebecca M. Robinson Social Media, .E-Communicat'ions DetailA-ssi nment} Social Media Team [Teleworking Rebecca.Robinsonz@uscisdhseov 32 From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:21 AM To: USCIS Web Publishing Cc: Grammer, Alexandra (Alex); PLC_Drupal; Chen, Alice Buchan, Lesley Subject: FW: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hello, Per the request below, i made the deletions to the Asylum Division Training Programs page and the About page and now Needs Your Review. Here are the DRUPAL links: Thanks PS. Please delete all links (PDFs) below from DRUPAL so that they will not be searchable. Asylum does not want to Archived them. Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW WashiILton DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272?0989 Mobile?Fax: (202) 272-1548 From: Lafferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 9:47 AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Alex, Thanks for asking, but I would prefer that the items be deleted completely, rather than archived. All of the following should be removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page: Asylum Officer Basic Training Course Lesson Modules The Asylum Officer Basic Training Course lesson modules are used to train Asylum Officers at the mandatory 5-week AOBTC. The AOBTC lesson modules were developed and are updated by the Asylum Division following a standardized procedure for U.S. Government training initiatives. The materials used in the course have been reviewed by a number of subject matter experts, including Asylum Division staff, the USCIS Office of the Chief Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners working with refugees and asylees. The lessons are updated as the need arises to address new case law, statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These lessons are not only used for the instruction of newly?hired Asylum Officers, but are also used to articulate and 2 33 communicate Asylum Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asvlum cases, and the lesson modules are also used as a reference tool for Asylum Officers as thev perform their duties. . Corns Values and Goals 53 In Sources of Authoritv (PDF, 53 . Rea-dine Case Law 63 0 international Human Rights Law 81 9 Credible Fear IPDIF, 125 KB) . Definition of Refugee; Definition of Persecution; Eliei'bilitv Based on Past Persecution 358 KB) Well Founded Fear 131 Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics IPQF, 348 - Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence (PDF, 136 - Bars in Asviurn and Discretion 242 a interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadversarial Asvlum Interview (PDF, '38 or Interview Part 2 Note-Taking (PDF, 44 0 Interview Part 3 Elicitine? Testimonv 94 Interview Part ?1 Inter-Cultural Communication to a interview Part 5 Interviewing Survivors (PDF, 1:13, Kg} 0 interview Part 6 Working with an Interorete?r (PDF, 86 i. Making an Asvlum Decision 60 gecision Writine Part 1 Overview and Corn nonents 98 KB) a Decision Writing Part 2 Leeal Anaivsis IPDF, 90 One-Year Filing Deadline 133 KB) . mace-lenient. 3.19 . Femaleesvlum Applicants and GenderuRelategd Claims 7170 Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations FDE _125 KB 1? International Religious Freedom. ACT IRF and Religious Persecution Claims 1:218 in Guidelines for Children's As lum Claims PDF 229 KB a UNHCR and Concepts of international Protection (PDF, 105 Also, this last sentence on the RAID Directorate page should be removed: ?Most of the As. lum Division?s trainin - materials are available to the public.? fullv anticipate that the Lesson Plans are requested so often that they will end up in Electronic Reading Room. Thanks! John From: Grommet, Alexandra (Ales) Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 201? 8:59 AM To: Hale, Arthur A Go: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda]; More, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum We on the USCIS Public Website Just to verify, do you want this deleted completely from the site? As an aiternative, we could archive the page, so it would still be ava?ilabie, but it would be located in a separate, section of the web and have a? banner that lets users know the information is out of date and: not being updated. 34 From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, April 26d? 2: 12 PM Te: Grammar! Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda More, Eiizabeth Subject: Asylum. on the USCIS Public Website Hi Alex, PerJolhn?s direction, we request that the information on the Asylum Division Training Programs page of the USCIS website be removed as soon as is practicable, including all of the Asylum Lesson Pilans on this public-facing website as well as any links to the materials currently presented there. reiu ees-as lum as lum as lam?divisionjtrainin - ro rams For now, we ask that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link redirecting visitors to the RAIO Training Materials uses. which displays the Lesson Pians. If you: have any questions, please let us know. Thank you, Arthur Arthur Haie USCIS Asyium Division, Training Eranch 20 Massachusetts Ave. i?lii?lr?r 6th Floor Washington DC 20529 Tet: (202) 272-0972 Celt. Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) From: Defensor, Michael Sent: . Wednesday, April 05, 2017 11:21 AM To: USCIS Web Publishing Cc: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Chen, Alice Burch-an, Lesley Subject: FW: Asylum on the Public Website Hello, Per the request below, I made the deletions to the Asylum Division Training Programs page and the About US RAIO page and now Needs Your Review. Here are the DRUPAL links: s: edituscis. ov node 41951 draft Thanks PS. Please delete all links (PDFs) below from DRUPAL so that they will not be searchable. Asylum does not want to Archived them. Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and international Operations Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washin ton, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272-0989 Mobile?ax: (202) 272-1548 From: Lafferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 9:47 AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mara, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Alex, Thanks for asking, but I would prefer that the items be deleted completely, rather than archived. All of the following should be removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page: Asylum Officer Basic Training Course Lesson Modules The Asylum Officer Basic Training Course lesson modules are used to train Asylum Officers at the mandatory 5-week A0 BTC. The AOBTC lesson modules were developed and are Updated by the Asylum Division following a standardized procedure for U.S. Government training initiatives. The materials used in the course have been reviewed by a number of subject 1 36 matter experts, including Asvium Division staff, the USCIS Office of the Chief-Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners working with refugees and asviees. The lessons are updated asthe need arises to address new case law, statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These lessons are not only used for the instruction of Asylum Officers, but are also used to articulate and communicate Asylum Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asylum cases, and the lesson modules are aiso used as a reference tool for Asvlum Officers as-thev perform their duties. Corns Values andGoals 53 Sources of a Credible Fear (PDF, 125 itoafraifiiestirljibilt Based On Past Persecution FEE 6 Well Founded Fear 131 . Nexus and the Five Protected Characteristics 3418 a Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence 136 6 Bars to Asvlum and Discretion 242 - Interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadversarial As tum interview PDF 98 KB . Interview Part 2 Note-Taking I PDF-, 44 . Interview Part 3 Elicitine? Testimonv 94 in Interview Part 4 inter-Cultural Communication (PDF, 741 a Interview Part 5 Interviewing Survivors IPDF, 143 6 Interview Part 6 Workine with an Interpreter . Making an AvaUm Decision I PDF. 50 a Decision Writing Part 1 Overview and Components 98 a Decision Writine Part 2 Leeal Analvsis I PDF. 90 KB) 4 One-Year Filing Deadline 133 9 NACARA 319 a Female Asvlum Aoolioants and Gender?Related Claims 170 9 Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations 125 is international Religious Freedom ACT IRF and Religious Persecution Claims 143 1- Guidelines for Children's Asvlum Claims 229 a UNHCR and Concepts of International Protection 105 Aiso, this last sentence on the RAID Directorate page should be removed: ?Most of the Asvlum Division?s training materials are available to the public.? I fuilv anticipate that the Lesson Plans are requested so often that they will end up in Eiectronic Reading Room. Thanksi John From: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Sent: wednesdav, April 05, 2017 8:59 AM To: Hale, Arthur A Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website 37 Just to verify, do you want this deleted completely from the site? As an alternative, we could archive the page, so it would still be available, but it would be located in a separate section of the web and. have a banner that lets users know the information is out of date and not being updated. From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 2:12 PM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex)- Cc: Lattertyi John Roberts, Rhonda More, Elizabeth Subject: Asylum LPs on the U-SCIS Public Website Hi Ales, Per John?s direction, we request that the information on the Asylum Division Training Programs page of the USCES website be removed as soon. as is practicable, including all of the Asylum Lesson Plans on this public-facing website as well as any links to the materials currently presented there. For now,.we ask that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link redirecting visitors to the RAID Trainin Materials a e- which displays the RAID Lesson Plans. if you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you, Arthur Arthur Hale USCIS Asylum Division, Training Branch 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 6th Floor Washington DC 20529 TEE..- 'l Cell: 38 Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 11:08 AM To: Lafferty, John Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mura, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the 0506 Public Website I will ask OCOMM to publish Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272-0989 Mobile::ax: (202.) 277-1548 From: Lafferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 11:06 AM To: Defensor, Michael Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Michael, This looks perfect. ThanksH John From: Defensor, Michael Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 10:25 AM To: Lafferty, John Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Hi All, I have deleted the section as indicated byJohn (as well as the last sentence of the About Us RAID page} from the Asylum Division Training Programs page. it will look like this once it is published: Ilz??fi?iL'uiJliI I up11* Michael R. Defensor Communicationa and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate 2t} Massachusetts-.3 Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272-0989 Mobiiez :fax: (202) 272-1548 From: La?erty, John Sent: Wednesday, April {15, 2017 9:47 AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Ce: Roberts, Rhonda Mara, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Aeyiurn LPs on the USCIS Public Website fliri' ?ng Asylum 'L?iivision Training Programs l-"ui Ii"- ?wlnn [Ira-norm [hill-?Ili-qf 'M?tTI'i?i !Lur-mi: .I I'ulfll?Il'Jl lu?w'l a: .I law-:5 In [in {fix I if; c'-'Tip' 1? . E: IJ with," U. .1 ml 1 ll'Jll'ul'lj'cliu'. 'n Isa! Imuo'mlza? fir-In Inl'n [lumen um 3 ,r .'n'nm-il ?nlnririlraimfr {rm 'v hawk, rtr'n?. the {hurting nil-gut 91' MM If?? 153,5 :amtt-tlrorrj?fi .m?ni in?l?ir: ?rim-i! angina-TH.- fill. 11?. and [11m ?l'pamtt- 11.. turner-arm: oirulmr. Hug ham. is Menu r11 trait-.iru' . Max:311: him} Is: il ?mi tannin m?a'wu'l. 55:1: Jim teem; "ire Mt-?lmiac -, .m-ila-?n .rrv-rn Pitt}? Hm", ?n-?m?u?la?l lumen-el- Ili". l'ri'ri'h": 'n'll .e-?rlm .ls?l 1:61" .u'url mini in" Hm? ril?i? i'li'frh al'u?a M-L?eu m: In": Mir-rear. PM: raw-it ?If?'f'l?ll' n; that may. a! Hm he again .1: cm ir'u' ?lm: in: .'ul maul: '1 I'ill'il'?i'h? 1' If ll?nh'l'. ,1 My ,Iul?. irrO'L-I'r11rII-TIIin-i n: mare e, I'hs- 39.1.: :ml hallm- mule :1 {ml Tfr- I i} r3711 my. If; If]: I ?It t't'a?Aln a N. (F. nice-ii; Tun-r. m; :t-?utrr-n?. are] or.? $3.11. 11 r- in: all-Jar] imam-i: mum; .J- Stat'zi la: :tu?uhl Ll'iilI?Fl?tl that: Lair-e1 and E-i .1 -. the A111 Jul ml $5le .: {25? up It: [mil 'um? L'm learnt?. arr lir?lluirrul 711?1?} by l-?ir I'n?vrl'ue' 'Ju- II'nl?Iui .Im: '?ltladv the ?harm" Ala-L Iran: a. farm law rare. gamed-JIM, lw :l ir all I un?h?l?l 5-11 ru-LI I?k?l?d-ll: i=3; Ital? .m [or li?irlj?l viva-?nger. iltk'ifi r1: nth-ma Il'r: act-w E?r?rh?' tau-1.! . fr? I'll!" 1:35 we aim "-wa :ul'i'l In of .I Mi amt-?n l: arm-an JIM-airman?: mam? .Ir-;f antennae-d, will? '1 .ma-u cle'rviopm-nl :m J: Hum-?- .'iuus all l?f-IJ?: v7.1 :Il-zuyvra Ilt'augh ll'ni'i?u ar'rr.? rln'r. {mm nan ll?t'a' urn fauna-in. In il-lEnr-I'. F. . a In .?ittvniied li'u'a" unarmmhu :hm th- I'lnmr?nl u?.I.r il?E-?i .ltlriiru?ar. Rattan: manna! .l?yllih'r'n '11 :p?ilhi?l- [in?ll-Jul '1 ?wrap. i I art-Tn malt-1., ll Emmi." ,?m?nl'rg ii; in re: 1344' are: ma 21' Let me know if there is anything else before I ask OCOMM to publish it . 40 Alex, Thanks for asking, but I would prefer that the items be deleted completelv, rather than archived. All of the following should be removed from the Asylum Division Training Programs page: Asylum Officer Basic Training Course Lesson Modules The Asylum Officer Basic Training Course lesson modules are used to train Asvium Officers at the mandatorv? 5-week ADBTC. The lesson modules were developed and are updated bv the Asviurn Division following a standardized procedure for US. Government training initiatives. The materials used in the course have been reviewed by a number ofsubject matter experts, including Asvlum Division staff, the USCIS Office of the Chief Counsel, law professors, immigration attorneys in private practice, and practitioners working with refugees and asvlees. The lessons are updated as the need arises to address new case law, statutory requirements, and procedural directives. These lessons are not onlv used for the instruction of Asylum Officers, but are also used to articulate and communicate Asylum Division guidance on the substantive adjudication of asvlum cases, and the lesson modules are also used as a reference tool? for Asylum officers as they perform their duties. in Corns Values and Goals 53 KB) Sources of Authoritv (PDF, 53 a Reading Case Law (PDF, 63 0 international Human Riehts Law 81 6 Credible Fear 125 KM a Definition of Refugee; Definition of Persecution; Based on Past Persecution 458 KB) I Well Founded fear 131 - Menus and the Five ProteCted iCharacteristics 348 ital - Burden of Proof Standards of Proof Evidence 136 K3) in Bars to esvlum and Discretion (PDF, 242. ItBi . Interview Part 1 Overview of Nonadversarial Asvlum Interview 93 KB.) . interview Part 2 NotewTaking not, 44 an Interview Part 3 Eliciting TestimonviPDF, 94 in Interview Part 4 Inter-Cultural Communication (Poe, KB) . Interview Part 5 Interviewing Survivors (FDF, 143 Kid} in Interview Part 6 Working with an Interpreter 36 KB) I Making anAsvium Decision 60 KB) 9 Decision Writing Part 1 Overview and Components 98 KM in Decision Writing Part 2 Legal Analvsis 90 One?Year Filing Deadline 133 KB) a 319 a Female Asvlum Applicants and Genderaiielat?ed =Clai?ms 17D K3) in Reasonable Fear of Persecution and Torture Determinations (PM, 125 in international Religious Freedom ACT IRF and Religious PerseCutio-n Claims PDF, 143 KB) Guidelines for Children's Asvlum Claims 229 he} a UNHCH and Concepts of international Protection (PDF, 105 Also, this. last sentence on the RAID Directorate page should be removed: ?Most of the asylum Division's training materials are available to the public." I fullv anticipate that the Lesson Pia us are requested so often that they will end up in Electronic Reading Room. 41 Thanksi iohn From: Grammar, Alexandra (Max) scent: l.i'liednesday, April 05, 2017 8:59 AM To: Hate, Arthur A Cc: Laffeity, John Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Defensor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website lost to verify, do you we at ?this deleted completely from the site? its an alternatiye, we could archiye the page, so it would still be available, but it would be located in a separate section ofthe web and ham a banner that lets users know the information is out of date and not being updated. From: Hale, Arthur A Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 2:12 PM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex) Cc: Lafferty, John Roberts, Rhonda Mora, Elizabeth Subject: Asylum LPs ion the USCIS Public Website Hi Max, Per John?s direction, we request that the information on the Asylum Diyision Training Programs page of the website be removed as soon as is practicable, including all of the Asylum Lesson Plans on. this public-facing website as well as any links to the materials currently presented there. For now, we ask that the body of the page be replaced with a simple message and link redirecting visitors to the Hello Training Materials page. which displays the RAID Lesson Plans. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you, Arthur Arthur Haie USCIS Asyium Division, Training Branch 20 Massachusetts Aye. NW, 6th Fioor Washington DC 20529 Tei: (202) 272-0972 Ceii: I 42 Grammar. Alexandra (Alex) From: Sent: To: Ce: Subject: Hi All, Defensor, Michael Wednesday, April 05. 20117 10:25 AM Lafferty, John Grammar. Alexandra (Alex): Hale, Arthur A Roberts, Rhonda Mural, Elizabeth RE: Asylum LPs on the Public Website I have deleted the section as indicated by John (as well as the last sentence of the About Us a page} from the Asylum Division Training Programs page. It will look like this once it is published: I I?ll! r. ll? .ln-I 5 ?n?i?U iwl I Ni.? 'r ll il321.5131 I 1- (J Asylum DlUlSlo Tra I Programs l-?lu? ?35135 BIT. short ham-'31; firms-?l [af?l?rldi'? ll WI at 'nrll :91 .I :etn-zd?. if. wl Inl?m livid trawl-Lilo Min-m: .m:i 53am ngL-rnma- l-R?l?sliihalur?laua a l' El?m' min-mi.- :e 3m 15w. [saw-Ion we Th'i F-?yium ?.h-ll .H MH- grunt-awn In! hm ?lial!? no: me ?ill? ll.l1r'1lth" Inhalr'd?ugt?nyll' 1.1 triage-wins. Ll}. A-qlum Trill?u- rail-[Joni [am am}. {Iii-1n: I'loh'JJTd [I?ll?i?l?hl?-l' n'a?pu'al'. .lr-J Elwin}: Hunt's I'llx'w-rmr-E {ulnar new. ulna-mm lure: tenulrlwol on; .1 mils-Wm: tin. and int-?113: :r sea-W 13; :r wens .l?lliev. anon oi torture Isin?u?ar'i; nl mhln'. ti? :ralh: hing. hars?img: Haiti's-n and 3mm imrw. nus} L-r- ugwesr'n ll;- wm'mn. law .iinu lesions Winning; l-?Ia-qial? I, hum-L 2.11.] ?sq-eh urn? and .m ca?vl?nil'n'crf?w ri'I-ni" ?ns-M?s" luau-111 and it-LI?ii-?l' IiL'Ji'I'l-l'i" ?4alarm-WriteAaylum Men; was rm: ma asylum speci?n? ?gramme: aura-Iarmwm' Jar-r.- I *h tam?. rI?- .w?rm: 4m: ?ripen-H. Illr name's-m ?peeing? an 134:3 ?new?: .ll-n lunl?w". i-?amnT-I ?Iii! ear-TA, ("fag ?3 sluzil'y. Hair-nu" ?Mil Ii ~Ji :93. .II HMII -. ?'?ilnm Hannah ?mourn: la? n'n?nluflu'al 1.: lull?fl?n-I limi- Ill llnu'm w: Riga, I5.- I .1 ?61343.11 .31 I: i it?ll. is? Ilirw'alhn'nltr?i} 9.1113": Fell-HI- *Amfmh'n Elihfli?ll: ?we {will [ll?l- I. It? I- {maul .3 Hum u?n My "rum nlrl: {anal-ell.- "Nrrl m-rihsaclolrelgna lo: amour-l undue-rd and lo "nuns-.5? :ln-I' alutl 3, .1-. miss?. We iIr-is?. ol?wz [he Ely-tam .1 wwki'ralowing-linunsannef-up Is film {mum Inn lust ..Ifl' l?llt-lrrlimi-ul b; if!" ni-Hlue.? Privy. . HUI-lisp 5.31mi ?nu-:5 nl regime-:59. Essa-1,2 41mm?, ?lm: run a from". m: .: 1 22:4". new saw law HM. dorm, II: all hurl-Jr: i'il. furq-J-resl .I-?ur "mu-cleans la: am mad. .hlv-?rlv. NM 11:. ww?L EARN hash": ah?- :Ihs'a? Hump-EH rm .1E'l- :?Jalu-z?nmml af?rm-When! l1 in all Liv. .n?t?l :ura's-i'l ulna?. in ll'u-rlf- :1 ll" in? ml .?aon . Aw? rm Hitters rm i also ?rmr 1m in nil!? .-- If: mean-?1 Fillet-MT l-fu'n' of: whim-c-s-l'lai real?m-n: syn-issd?-? iv,- luff-""1. 'll?i? lineal-r. or ill-.i l1 {in-{Yarn E: Em steers! r. it .nyhuns uh [pp-gulrppIz-njr? um). ln'al 'l 5. m-Ilti?' 1-I-ul'. 1-19" I: :11"qu thI rrfn'il Flt-Ian? n'rtJ. n: Ii avaring [Humour-ii 'h?iat?lmgtuu, {31 hangar. I burst.? .1i l7 Fig" 11.1: ll {Ii-"m ii: I out?! mlr? If} l?l Mirth? 231551. ?Humid-51m?, .mr: [uni-n licl'ihl' Earl-um Him-.513? 1.1.11" 1.494 43 Let me know if there is anything else before I ask OCOMM to publish it Michael R. Defensor Communications and Operational Readiness Branch Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations Directorate 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washin ?rton, DC 20529 Phone: (202) 272?0989 (202) 2724543 From: Lafferty, John Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2917 9:47 AM To: Grammar, Alexandra (Alex); Hale, Arthur A Cc: Roberts, Rhonda Mu-ra, Elizabeth Defernsor, Michael Subject: RE: Asylum LPs on the USCIS Public Website Ale-x, Thani