Lock on Citv School District t. smiley. Superintendent or School- May 2019 Dear Parent/Guardian, . red that the Much to our dismay, acts 0' vlolence in schools to incur in our Country. Please be BSSU itne preven'a Luckport Clty School District contrnuesto make school seturltv a priority, In fact, some a seculilv measures taken to date include the hardening oi school building entrances, the assignment or arms km guards In several schools and an increase In the number a! members Wha are counselors, Wold policy and behavior intervention specialists. in doing so] the Board oi Education has also developed and edema 5685 (available ior you to read on the website) related to stnoolsecurity and privacy ln January 1019, the Raptor Management System was implemented throughout the District as an added security measure. system checks in all visitors to buildings and is proving to be an eriettive security measure. Beginning lune 3, 2019, the Lockpon City School District move iorward with the initial implementation phase at the Aegis laclal recognition system. the componenls oi the Aegis system, which were approved by the New Vork State Educallon beoanment in November 2017, have been iully installed. the general purpose oi the initial implementation phase is to reilne the operation oi the system including necessary adjustments to cameras throughout all school buildings, training sufl members assigned to the district wide camera room located at Locitport High School, and engaging In dialogue with local law eniorcement agencies, The system will be iully implemented on September a, 2019. the Locltport City School District soard oi Education is commuted to continually reviewing school security plans and measures to better ensure the saiety or all people. Please remember to immediately report you see, hear, or read that is suspicious to law enlorcement or school personnel. In addltion, please monltor your social medln "counts. The reverse slde 0! this letter contains frequently asked questions about the Aegis system, along with rasponses tome questions. Continue to be safe and vigilant, and thank you ioryour ongoing support and cooperation with keeping mckport City Sehool District a sale place to work] learn, and Slncerelv, Michelle 1. Bradley superintendent 0! Schools Web-am Allpum-o-rl-m some mum-tormen- "semiannual-try moon-mils Aegis Security System Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1. What is the Aegis system? A. Aegis is an object and facial recognition technology system. Facial recognition is not new and is being used currently in airports, casinos, retail stores, and even on your phone and social media. The purpose in the Lockport City School District is to detect and characterize intrusions by people in critical areas. The Aegis system makes it possible to monitor perimeters and into school buildings. The shape matching system enhances school security by comparing facial or object characteristics in our buildings against objects like guns or people determined to not be allowed in our school buildings, alerting school personnel if a match is found. 2. Who will the Aegis system track? A. The Aegis system will track individuals only if in one of the identi?ed categories including level 2 or 3 sex offenders, students who have been suspended from school, staff who have been suspended and/or are on administrative leave, any persons that have been notified that they may not be present on District property, anyone prohibited from entry to District property by court order presented to the District, or anyone believed to pose a threat based on credible information presented to the District. Aegis will not generate information on or record the movements of any other district students, staff or visitors. 3. How does the Aegis system make our schools safer? A. Aegis is an early warning system that informs staff of threats including guns or individuals who have been identified as not allowed in our buildings as defined in District policy. Just as the Raptor system screens visitors to the building entering through approved entry ways, Aegis has the ability to extend that screening to every door and throughout buildings to identify people or Buns. Early detection of a threat to our schools allows for a quicker and more effective response. 4. What happens when a match is identi?ed? A. When a match is identified by Aegis it automatically generates an alert with images for school staff to confirm or reject the match. If rejected, the match is discarded. If a match for a gun is confirmed, police notification is automatically initiated and the school is automatically placed in lockdown. All other match con?rmations generate an immediate and appr0priate response by the administrative team. 5. What personal information is stored by the Aegis system? A. Aegis does not collect or store any information including all personally identi?able information until a match is made and confirmed and then only a record of the match is logged in the system. 6. How will the District ensure that privacy is protected? A- City School District Policy 5685 establishes a range of privacy protections related to the Aegis system. The information databases are secured and accessible by trained administrators with security privileges. All management of alerts is maintained by trained District employees. The database is periodically audited and updated to ensure its accuracy. The only personally identifiable information generated and maintained in the system is for those individuals set forth in the categories of level 2 or 3 sex offenders, students who have been suspended from school, staff who have been suspended and/or are on administrative leave, any persons that have been notified that they may not be present on District property, anyone prohibited from entry to District property by court order presented to the District, or anyone believed to pose a threat based on credible information presented to the District. Finally, the District is con?dent that the operation of the Aegis system complies with all applicable privacy laws. 7- HOW long will images be stored on the District systems? A- Video footage is maintained for 60 days at which time it is erased from the storage server as defined in Policy 5685. Images in the Aegis database are added to the database as described in Policy 5685 and are maintained as long as a perceived threat exists. Maintenance of the Aegis database is regularly checked and the removal of images is determined by the Superintendent also described in Policy 5685. ?Pride in Our Past; Faith in Our Future? We believe: people can learn. Schools create conditions for success: academically, socially, emotionally, physically and aesthetically.TeachIng and learning are the shared responsibility of home, school and community.0ur mission is to assure comprehensive learning for all so that each person will be 'a lifelong learner.