ROCIC SPECIAL RESEARCH REPORT /'0 \ ; Regional Organized Crime Information Center Special Research Report • ANTIFA ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - """'· ROCIC ~l ANTI FA/ANTI-ANTI FA J:f&MTIN& IN TME srRlll!liillllliii ROCIC Publications © 2017 R ecent political events have thrust opposing groups ofextremists to the forefront, ofparticular concern to law enforcement since their tactics often lead to violence, bodily harm, property destruction and attacks against police. These groups go way beyond any peaceful demonstrators or protesters; in fact, they often convert peaceful, lawful protest into violent confrontations. On Sat., April 8, 2017, a small group of protesters identifying as the Alt-Right gathered in front of the White House to vocally oppose the bombing of Syria by American military forces. Counterprotesters began an equally vocal, but peaceful, shouting match with the group, which was led by the well-known white supremacist Richard Spencer. Members of Antifa, one wearing a red mask, moved in quickly, hitting members of a film crew with a rolled up banner and shouting, "No Nazis, no KKK, no fascist USN' Other Antifa carried communist flags and signs that read "the future is feminist:' Antifa (short for anti-fascist) is an alliance between anarchists and communists to confront and defeat fascists and white supremacists by whatever means necessary. Scuffling ensued between the two groups, requiring the police to create a barrier to keep the two groups apart. Obscenities were hurled between the groups of protesters. "F-ck you, Nazi" evoked the response, "Get a job, Commie!" On Inauguration Day in Washington, D.C., Antifas infiltrated peaceful protests to inflict violence, destruct property, and erect barricades to disrupt flow of traffic. On Feb. 1, 2017, approximately 150 Antifas practicing black bloc tactics stormed police barricades in Berkeley, Calif., launched fireworks and torched a portable police spotlight as they successfully disrupted a campus speech by Alt- 1 Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement 2018-IALI-00007-000208 /'0 \ ; Regional Organized Crime Information Center Special Research Report • ANTIFA ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - """'· ROCIC ~l HIS IS \./AR Demonstrators in Berkeley. California. Right celebrity Milo Yiannopoulos. Speeches by white supremacist Spencer at Texas A&M on Dec. 6, 2016 and at Auburn (Ala.) University on April 18, 2017 were met by hundreds of protestors, including Antifa supporters. Three people were arrested in Auburn, where police required masked protesters to remove their masks under a state law originally enacted to prevent Ku Klux Klan members from hiding their identities. At Texas A&M police in riot gear forceably removed a mob of protestors from the student union. Two arrests were made. A separate "silent protest" was also held in the school's Rudder Plaza. One protester, a college student, told the local press: "Last time Nazis took over in the world there wasn't all this love and hugs that got rid of them, it was the communists. It was the anti-fascist fighters:' Antifa (short for anti-fascist) is an alliance between anarchists and communists to confront and defeat fascists and white supremacists by whatever means necessary. It is the most aggressive and militant response to the 2016 national elections. The Antifas claim they are opposed to fascism in all its White Nationalist and Supremacist Richard Spencer 2 Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement 2018-IALI-00007-000209 /'0 \ ; Regional Organized Crime Information Center Special Research Report • ANTIFA ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - """'· ROCIC ~l • . I . ~ . ~ ----- ·j ,•. ,;.·, ' !J. ~ . --j w - Demonstrators in BerkeIey. California. , forms - sexism, racism, homophobia, government corruption, and Islamophobia. As organizers from anti-fascist research and news site Antifa NYC told leftist The Nation magazine: '½.ntifa combines radical left-wing and anarchist politics, revulsion at racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, and Islamophobes, with the international anti-fascist culture of taking the streets and physically confronting the brownshirts of white supremacy, whoever they may be'.' This Antifa coalition has existed for as long as fascism has - the Italian Arditi del Popolo (People's Squads) rose to fight Mussolini in 1921, even when the Socialist and Communist Parties refused to support them. In 1924, anarchist lumberjacks allied with the Industrial Workers of the World waged a "drawn battle" with a Ku Klux Klan recruitment drive in Greenville, Maine. Antifas have been opposing and counter-protesting white supremacist and neo-Nazi extremists for years, sometimes resulting in violence and attacks on police, but the presidential campaign and election of 2016 ramped up the rhetoric and the purposefulness of the socalled Antifas, who now see the object of their scorn occupying the highest level of government. Much of the confrontations are carried out over Internet chat sites and social media. A popular meme online is to "bash the fash (fascist):' Opposing the Antifa are the Anti-Antifa, a loose collection of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, Ku Klux Klanners, white identity groups, and a group called the Alt-Right. The AltRight is short for alternative right-wing. Basically, Alt-Right refers to extreme right-wingers who reject traditional conservatism in favor of a white or European national identity hostile to nonwhites and Jews in particular. In foreign policy and relations, they tend to be isolationists. One 3 Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement 2018-IALI-00007-000210 /'0 \ ; Regional Organized Crime Information Center Special Research Report • ANTIFA ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - """'· ROCIC ~l IIJJ ~ :. ' •. ~, - . I ' . . . . .·• : •i · ' ' ' . -·.. . ' ~·~ C"! - 4 "1 == ... ~ :.:. ,,, . -~ \ of the basic tenets of Alt-Right politics is to label traditional conservatives as emasculated or effeminate. See page 9 for a detailed explanation of Alt-Right groups. So it's the anarchists versus the nationalists, the communists versus the Nazis, the left-wing extremists versus the right-wing extremists, and the confrontations are becoming more violent and destructive. ''American anti-fascists have been fighting a mostly quiet conflict with domestic Nazis at punk rock venues and small white-nationalist gatherings for decades, but, as fascists have snuck their collective jackboot into the curved door of the Oval Office, the struggle has reached the mainstream;' according to an article in Pacific Standard magazine. The colors, signs, and symbols of Antifa and Anti-Antifa (see pages 5-6 and 10-15) are similar and sometimes based on the other side's, which can lead to confusion if details are not scrutinized. The anarchists wave a black flag, while the communists prefer the red flag. Antifas combine the two. Antifas and Anti-Antifas each try to use social (Continued on Page 7) 4 Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement 2018-IALI-00007-000211 /'0 \ ; Regional Organized Crime Information Center Special Research Report • ANTIFA ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - """'· ROCIC ~l Antifa-Left Wing Anarchists TRAUMA DEATH BLUNT VIOLENT ~ f LOSS OF FREEDOM VILIFICATION OF MINORITIES INCREASED MILITARISM FLUSH THEM IMMEDIATELY INGEST CHILDREN PETS NE\fEI~ F ,1s1::1s1s STIIEET~ •- KEEP CALM FIGHT FASCISM! SAN GABRIEL VALLEY ANTI - REPRESSION COMMITTEE 5 Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement 2018-IALI-00007-000212 /'0 \ ; Regional Organized Crime Information Center Special Research Report • ANTIFA ~ - - - - - - - - - - - """'· ROCIC ~l ,\NTl·,\NTIF ,\ Anti-Antifa-Right Wing Anarchists LOVE YOUR NATION Hrl\TE ANTIFA ANTI-ANTI FA.NET 6 Dissemination Restricted to Law Enforcement 2018-IALI-00007-000213 /'0 \ ; Regional Organized Crime Information Center Special Research Report • ANTIFA ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - """'· ROCIC ~l offensive (Molotov cocktails), or both (a placard that can double as a shield). A person with a megaphone told the group the route they'd be marching, and they set off toward campus, many carrying banners and flags and projectiles. Along the way, they chanted, "No borders, no nations, f-ck deportation:' About one thousand protesters shouted "Shut it down" at the student union, site of the Yiannopoulos speech, when the black bloc arrived. The Antifas quickly and efficiently stormed the multi-layered police barricades that kept the crowd away from the entrances of student union. Sequined pink flags were revealed to be mounted on fireworks, which were launched at the building. Others smashed windows with the disassembled police barricades. A portable police spotlight was toppled, graffitied, and eventually torched. They clashed with the police and Yiannopoulos supporters. They set fires, threw Molotov cocktails and smashed windows. One of them pepper-sprayed a woman as a reporter interviewed her. Off campus, they vandalized shops and halted traffic. At around 9 pm, the university canceled the event, but the demonstrations continued for several hours, until those dressed in black slipped into the night. Campus police made just one arrest. The Antifas attack storefronts and clash with police in a "hit and run" style, wrote University ofSan Francisco associate professor Jeffrey Paris. There is no formal network of people and no set principles, just a belief that demonstrating peacefully doesn't accomplish nearly as much as a flash of rage. The German press coined the term black bloc in the 1980s, when activists in that country demonstrated for squatters' rights and other causes. In 1987, the New York Times described a German black bloc as "a radical and embittered fringe" that burned cars, smashed windows and hurled bottles and firecrackers. Activists went on to use the black bloc strategy in Canada, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland and, during the Arab Spring, in Egypt. In the early 1990s, it appeared in the United States during protests against the Gulf War, and in 1999 it gained traction during the famous World Trade Organization conference in Seattle, when activists used sledgehammers, eggs filled with glass- (Continued from Page 4) media to their advantage. During an on-camera interview at the inauguration, Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer was punched in the face by an Antifa agitator and the resulting Antifa propaganda video went viral, with a video game created for virtual punchers. The "Good Night White Pride" mantra stems from a 1998 incident in Ann Arbor, Mich. in which an 18-year-old anti-racist kicked a KKK protester in the head, a violent moment caught by a news photographer. The photo has been used in logos, posters, banners, and other Antifa graphics. Both sides also participate in