Table of Contents 05/18/18 Chemours - GenX EPA Info Response 1………………………………..2 12/07/18 Chemours - GenX EPA Info Response 2……………………………….25 08/02/018 Chemours NJPDES Permit Modification……………………………...38 September 2018 Chemours PFAS Monitoring Report…………………………..115 October 2018 Chemours PFAS Monitoring Report……………………………..120 November 2018 Chemours PFAS Monitoring Report…………………………..125 December 2018 Chemours PFAS Monitoring Report…………………………...130 05/18/18 Chemours - GenX EPA Info Response 1 (partially redacted) Redacted on the basis that the information is not considered a government records pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1, being advisory, consultative and/or deliberative material. US EPA ??Region 2 Information Request May 13, 2018 Page 2 of '7 EPA Question 2 Was/is there any Waste GenX present at Chambers Works? if so, please provide a tabular summary of quantities of waste GenX, the speci?c location where it was/is stored, a detailed description of the storage location(s), the length (time period) of storage, and how GenX was/is disposed (including method of disposal and quantities disposed). Ch emonrs Response 2 - Yes, refer to Attachment I for details on waste generated and shipped for o?fsite disposal. EPA Question 3 We understand that GenX is currently brought to' Chambers Works for use in manufacturing operations. Please provide a tabular summary of the dates that GenX was brought to Chambers Works, along with the respective quantities. Chemoars Response 3 i The table below provides a summary of the received at Cham ers Works since the beginning of 201 5. Chemours has owned and operated the site since 5. Prior to then, the site and process was owned and operated by DuPont. Delivery Date to Quantity of HFPOH Cha?mbers Works DA (kgs) - 1/31/2015 2594.519 9/18/2015 2360.000 1/12/2016 3451.000 8/22/2016 2996.400 2/15/2017 2455.900 4/27/2017 3263.800 6/22/2017 2043 .000 2/8/2018 2728.700 2/23/2018 2729.700 EPA Question 4 Please provide the dates that GenX was first used in the manufacturing operations. Please provide these dates for pilot scale operations (if performed), for any phase?in period, and for full?scale operations. - Chemonrs Response 4' The ?rst proof of concept batch that used HFP as a raw material was conducted during the fourth quarter of 2009. The ?rst fall scale batch that used HFPO-DA as a raw material was started on December 8, 201 l. CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION Redacted on the basis that the information is not considered a government records pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1, being advisory, consultative and/ or deliberative material. US EPA Region 2 Information Request May 18, 2018 Page 4 of 7 EPA Question 8 . if not provided elsewhere in response to-these questions, please provide the specific locations at Chambers Works where GenX was/is stored and/or used, along with the quantities of GenX that were/are stored and/or used. What are the maximum quantities on site at any time in each of those speci?c locations? Chemours Response 8 is received on site and stored on Indigo Mall chemical storage pad (see quantities of brought to the site in Question 3). is moved to 1205 Building for processing. Associated waste material is stored on the J3 0 Building waste storage pad and then stored at the site permitted Chem Waste Pad prior to shipment 015? site (see Figure I attached). A summary of waste quantities are provided in Attachment 1 EPA Question 9 Please provide a full description of all Chambers Works treatment processes for GenX including air scrubbers, waste water treatment plants or processes, their collection or removal efficiencies, and any results of compliance or performance verification tests. Include the location of all sp eei?ed equipment. Chemo urs Response 9 . This information was provided in a letter to EPA Headquarters dated March 15, 2018. An excerpt of that letter prbviding information of the process at Chambers Works is provided in Attachment 2 and includes schematic of the process. he process ventilation is routed through adrum containing activated carbon which {is estimated to be 45% e?icient. All processing equipment is located within 1205 Building. Waste storage locations and wastewater conveyances are located in Figure 1. EPA Question 10 What mechanisms/pathways at Chambers Works have allowed/currently allow or potentially allow(ed) the discharge of GenX to the environment? For each mechanism/pathway, please provide the quantity of GenX that was/is currently discharged to the environment, and speci?c time frames. Is this continual? Chemo urs Response 10 Please reference Attachment 2 (EPA HQ letter) and igure 1 for our current understanding of discharges related to The additional sampling discussed in our response to question 6 will help identi?) if other potential mechanisms/pathways exist at the site. - Data sets for the wastewater sampling events conducted on February 26, 2018 and March 13, 2018 are provided in Attachment 4. EPA Question 11 For spills of GenX (since the time that GenX was ?rst brought to, used, inadvertently generated, or manufactured at Chamber Works) please provide the date, location, and quantity spilled, and describe whether and what clean?up measures were taken. Chemo urs Response 11' We are not aware of any spills of HFPO-DA at the Chambers Works site. CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION US EPA Region 2 Information Request May 18, 2018 . Page 5 of 7 EPA Question 12 - If discharge of GenX occurred/occurs via one Or more stack(s) at Chambers Works, please provide the temperature and emission rate for each Stack as well as any sampling results for GenX. Ch emours Response 12 See Attachment 2. The temperature from thestack is 15?25 degrees Celsius. EPA Question 13 Please provide a listing of all other compounds present at Chambers Works that are chemically/ structurally related to GenX. Please describe how they were/ are us ed, stored, and disposed. Ch emo Response 13 A schematic representing the associated chemistry in the supply chain is provided Attachment 3. - EPA Question 14 ?Since GenX was detected in the ef?uent of the Chamber Works wastewater treatment plant, please explain the mechanismlpathway by which GenX entered or may have entered the waste stream. Chemo urs Response 14 Chemours is currently reviewing the data presented in Figure 1, Attachment 2 and Attachment 4 an will be utilizing the data from the sampling conducted on May 4, 2018 to better understand the mechanism/pathway by which HFP may have entered the waste water stream. EPA Question 15 - Please provide the concentrations of GenX in the in?uent to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), as well as an explanation of whether operations at the-wastewater treatment plant have ever or currently result in the release of GenX into the environment. What treatment systems are in place at the Are they effective for removal of GenX and other Chemonrs Response 15 The'existing data for in the WWTP in?uent and e?luent are provided in Figure 1, Attachment 2 and Attachment 4. The two data sets .were collected when the HFPO-DA process was Operating. The third set' of samples collected on May 4, 2018 was collected when the HFPO-DA process was not in Operation and will allow us to better understand the composition of waste water input to the WT P. The site WWTP includes primary treatment (neutralization/solids removal) followed by secondary and tertiary biological treatment. The WWTP e?'ectiveness to remove has not been studied at Chambers Works. The PFAS compounds used on site are not associated with the processes at Chambers Works and we would need additional time to summarize PFAS data. To help ensure we answer your question properly, could you please provide additional detail on the information you are requesting associated with PFAS at Chambers Works. CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORNIATION US EPA - Region 2 Information Request May 18, 2013 Page 6 of 7 EPA Question 16 . Please provide a tabular summary of the results of all GenX sampling performed at Chambers Works by Chernours or any of its representatives consultants or contractors). Please include the date sampled, the location, and the concentration. Chemours Response 16 See Figure 1, Attachment 2 and Attachment 4. EPA Question 17 Please provide a tabular summary of the results of all GenX sampling performed off of Chambers Works by Chemours or any of its representatives consultants or contractors). Please include the date sampled, the location, and the concentration. Ch emoars Response 1 7 Samples were oollected?om o?-site monitoring wells (week oprril 16, 2018) at the following locations (see Figure 2): 1B BB3 1-M01B HZO-MOIA 1A SO9-M01A X1 S-MO 1A Analytical results are expected in the next 2?3 weeks and will be shared with the EPA and NJDEP at that time. In addition, sampling plans were developed to sample ??een o?lsite residential drinking water wells. The sampling was initiated on May 4, 2,018 and will take approximately 2 weeks to complete. Analytical results will be shared with the EPA and NJDEP when available. CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/ Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. ORMATION CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INF Figures LEGEND 9 sauna Lou-new macaw acumen? SHFFO-DA om Ia! mutt-M W2. Rum-Inn 14. 9- Ian than the mud who ugiL-umragms?itnr [pans par . 2? "nun-ll" :0 Mill: imagery: in? Ms (impala! Map New Jars-3f stab Piano names: 5 250 50!: 1.000 Feet 1 inch- 500 {all HEP FORMTTED run [11" 11"! ?lm IHIIET. SCALE NOT mun Fall mme FREE 522. ASCOM new Sabre Building. Suite son 4051 Dgletm Road - escri tions ?Mm DE 19713 1205 Sump A process waste sump from Building 1205. 3326 Tank A waste water tank that conveys water from the - Performance Chemicals "West" area to the Waste Water . SAM LE 0 MAP Treatment Plant. 883A Tank - A waste water tank that conveys water from production areas to the Waste Water Treatment Plant 652 GRAB - The treated ef?uent of the Waste Water Treatment CHEMOURS CHAMBERS WORKS COMPLEX . . NEW JERSEY O02 GRAB -The effluent of 662 combined with storm water and .- munuunen: Inert?contact cooling water prior to discharge into the Delaware 60554934 River. nesnt one: CANAL - Water intake from the Salem Canal. . T-MCGEE 335?? 1 3 Inn-mun FM MWEWMMR: nofi 1 tan QUIUTY CHEER UT: 035 RIVER Water intake from the Delaware River. OUTFALL 013 - Non-contact cooling water and storm water ru ischarged to the Delaware River. - - .- - ca'iaa mm-siaauxiuam LE GEE . WELL SAMPLED FOR 1700 ft TITLE: PHOJEGT NUMBER A WELLS SAMPLED FOR HFPO-DA 80554934 g: CHEMOU RS CHAMBERS WORKS FIGURE No.: DEEPWATER. NEW JERSEY 2 Sabre Suite 300 4051 Ogletown Road Newark. Delaware 19713 Phone: 302518 [-5990 CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL ?ttachmentl Waste Stream Sumary Process Chambers Works 2009?2017 BUSINESS INFORMATION- Site Waste ID I . . . Waste-Description Number Waste Stream by Year (kg) Summary from Process 2009?2017 Chambers Works (ks) I Total Amount of Waste Stream 12054-158 Sulfuric Acid Heel Sodium Bicarbonate 12054?159 Wash 12054?160 1205-1-175 1271 Acetone Waste 0 12054-161 12054?176 Water Wash 1,090 0 :1th -L 1205?l-161A pH ?r em 0W 0 1205-1?172 FED-903 Drum Heels 0 0 12054-173 Spent Carbon 0 0 0 1,648 2,315 0 3,355 0 1,437 2,906 363 0 7,249 18,251 0 1,998 3 ,337 0 182 409 3,995 2,724 1,998 1,998 1,453 2,134 35,185 27,331 5,244 29,152 0 0 5,702 5,925 3,030 3,337 182 204 3,450 4,358 32,620 3,995 318 36,615 23,329 454 1,748 All waste streams stored on the 130 [<90day) waste store All waste streams were shipped off site for treatment (in cineration/fuel substit ge area and/ or 1304 Chem waste ution) yr) permitted wast 123,501 storage pad Estimated Conc. Range of Waste Stream HFPO- DA wt.) . Estimated Estimated Amount of . 1? Typical Com: 0 per HFPO-DA (56 wt.) Waste Stream . (ks) CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION gttachment; Excerpt from letter sent to EPA Headquarters (Ms. Bethany Olson Chemical Control Division, New Chemicals Branch) on Mach 15, 2018 SUBJECT: 05 09 Response to EPA He Moyer Fax adquarters? March 1, 2018 A. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION Attachment 3 Process Chen?stry Overview Chambers Works Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION .Attachme?t 4 Wastewater Sampling Summaries .. Chambers Works THE LEADER IN ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Flu?orochemical Characterization of Water Samples Analytical Results 32281:: 3111313735 ?$52311 Identification Test/America ?@325 280-106757-1 2" 26635218 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 33 CWK-882GTANK 280?108757-2 . 293%? 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 38 A TANK 280?108757?3 3266222318 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 0.028 2804087574 2?233318 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 8.3 GRAB 280?108757?5 2? 25312318 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 5.2 280?108757-8 2?18 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 <0.010 Cm??gj?gl? 280?106757-7 323325018 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 <0.010 280?108757?8 21253318 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 <0.010 280-108757?0 2?18 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 <0.010 295E218 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 <0.010? 280?108757-11 - 3285302818 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 <0.010 28010875742 295%? 2/27/2018 3/2/2018 <0.010 HFPO-DA hexa?uoropropyiene oxide dimer acid, analyzed by method Revision 14. iess than the stated value ug/L micrograms/titer (parts per biilion) DEFINITIONS: Reporting Limit (RL) for the procedure is approximately 0.010 uglL. RESULTS ARE CALCULATED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: For sampies analyzed in duplicate: If the sampie and laboratory duplicate are greater than 5X RL, the average value is reported. It the RFD is greater than 20, the higher value is reported. It the sample or laboratory duplicate are iess than 5X RL, and the absolute difference is fess than RL, the average vatue is reported. lfthe absoiute difference is greater than the RL. the higher value is reported. Matrix Spike Recoveries: Acceptable Range: 70%?130% relative percent difference (RPD) is less than 20, the TestAmerica Sample iD Matrix Spike Recoveries 280?1 06757-6 103% SUBMITTED BY: Michelle A. Johnston, Project Manager 4955 Yarrow Street 3/5/2018 Date Arvada, CO 80002 Page 7 01:25?! 303.736.0100 THE LEADER IN ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Fluorochemical Characterization of Water Samples Analytical Results Chemours Sample TestAmerica Collection Date Sample Analysis identification Sample DatelTime Received by Date (ugIL**) identification TBStAmerica 8 260-1 07353-1 3?13? 8 311412016 412612016 <0.010 . 280?107353?2 3?2? 8 311412016 412612016 <0.010 013- 2804 07353.3 3? 11131218 311412016 412612016 <0.010 280310735344 wig/?18 311412016 412612016 13 2801107353?5 $133)? 8 311412016 412612016 13 280?107353?6 3,1111%? 311412016 412612016 0.014 230-1 07353.7 30122218 311412016 412612016 63 280?107353?8 311412016 412612016 31 ng?ig? 28021073536 3? 8 311412016 412612016 13 260?107353?10 3?1134gg18 311412016 412612016 <0.01?0 hexa?uoropropylene oxide dimer acid, analyzed by method Revision 14. less than the stated value ugfl. microgramslliter (parts per billion) DEFINITIONS: Reporting Limit (RL) for the procedure is approximately 0.010 ug/Lr RESULTS ARE CALCULATED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: For samples analyzed in duplicate: If the sample and laboratory duplicate are greater than 5X RL, the relative percent difference (RPD) is less than 20, the average value is reported. if the RPD is greater than 20, the higher value is reported. if the sample or laboratory duplicate are less than 5X RL, and the absolute difference is less than the average value is reported. If the absolute difference is greater than the RL, the higher value is reported. Matrix Spike Recoveries: Acceptable Range: 70%?130% The project required MS and Sample Duplicate could not be performed for prep batch due to insufficient sample volume. Method precision and accuracy have been verified by the acceptable low?level LCS and mid?level analyses data. BY: - '7 . 413012016 Michelle A. Johnston, Project Manager Date 4955 Yarrow Street Awada, CO 80002 Page 8 01:23?! 303.736.0100 12/07/18 Chemours - GenX EPA Info Response 2 (completely redacted) Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is con?dential. being ?l?rade Secrets and/or Proprietary (Iommercialx?l?nancial pursuant to NINA. US EPA Region 2 Information Request i Page 2 of 3 If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 856.540.2012 or You can also contact Andrew Hartten at 302.773.1289 or Respectfully, r. If} Northey I: Site Manager ()hcmours Chambers Works 2: Enclosures Con?dential Business Information US EPA Region 2 I?formation Request Page 3 of 3 cc: Benny Conetta,'USEPA Helen Dudar, NJDEP Con?dentiat Business Information Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/ or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/ Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/ Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Redacted on the basis that the information is confidential, being Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Commercial/Financial pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. 08/02/018 Chemours NJ PDES Permit Modi?cation PHIL MURPHY Governor SHEILA OLIVER Lt. Governor DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Mail Code – 401-02B Water Pollution Management Element Bureau of Surface Water Permitting P.O. Box 420 – 401 E State St Trenton, NJ 08625-0420 Phone: (609) 292-4860 / Fax: (609) 984-7938 CATHERINE R. MCCABE Commissioner EMAIL ONLY August 2, 2018 Scott T. Northey Site Environmental Manager Chemours Co. FC LLC Chambers Works 67 Canal Road Deepwater, NJ 08023 Re: Final Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action Category: B - Industrial Wastewater NJPDES Permit No. NJ0005100 Chambers Works Pennsville Twp, Salem County Dear Mr. Northey: Enclosed is a final New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) permit action identified above which has been issued in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:14A. This action modifies the following permit conditions: ● Incorporation of sampling for an additional Perfluorinated Compound, namely Hexafluoropropylene oxideDimer Acid. This compound has been added to the narrative condition at Part IV, Section G.7.a. of the permit. The language at Part IV, Section G.7.a. is revised as follows (addition shown with underline): “a. The permittee shall sample for Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) at DSN 662A on a weekly basis. The following compounds shall be sampled: C4 – Perfluorobutanoate (PFBA) C5 – Perfluoro-n-pentanoic acid (PFPeA) C6 – Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) C7 – Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) C8 – Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) C9 – Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) C10 – Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) C11 – Perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnA) C12 – Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) C13 – Perfluorotridecanoic acid (PFTriA) C14 – Perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTeA) C4-S – Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) C6-S – Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) C8-S – Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) Fncv_dsw.rtf -04/2011 New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer Recycled Paper Perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA) Hexafluoropropylene oxide-Dimer Acid The sample shall be analyzed by a New Jersey certified laboratory which can detect all the above listed PFCs, and is certified for analyzing these compounds in wastewater (NPW). A list of certified laboratories can be obtained at The permittee shall ensure that the method used provides sufficiently low detection levels. A detection level of less than any drinking water criteria would be sufficient to determine if the PFC is detected in the effluent.” This permit package contains the modified permit. Those changes that are affected by this permit action are noted as such on the Table of Contents. Questions or comments regarding the final action should be addressed to Robert Hall at (609) 292-4860. Sincerely, Susan Rosenwinkel Acting Bureau Chief Bureau of Surface Water Permitting Enclosures cc: Permit Distribution List Masterfile #: 15645; PI #: 46287 Fncv_dsw.rtf -04/2011 New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer Recycled Paper Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater FACILITY SUBMITTALS 1. GDR - General Discharge Requirements Task Description Submit a Complete Permit Renewal Application Facility Submittals Actual Due Date 10/02/2022 Page 1 of 3 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater 2. B - Industrial Wastewater Task Description Actual Due Date Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 07/26/2018 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 07/26/2018 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 10/26/2018 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 10/26/2018 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 01/26/2019 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 01/26/2019 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 04/26/2019 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 04/26/2019 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 07/26/2019 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 07/26/2019 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 10/26/2019 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 10/26/2019 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 01/26/2020 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 01/26/2020 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 04/26/2020 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 04/26/2020 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 07/26/2020 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 07/26/2020 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 10/26/2020 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 10/26/2020 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 01/26/2021 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 01/26/2021 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 04/26/2021 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 04/26/2021 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 07/26/2021 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 07/26/2021 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 10/26/2021 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 10/26/2021 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 01/26/2022 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 01/26/2022 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 04/26/2022 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 04/26/2022 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 07/26/2022 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 07/26/2022 Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 10/26/2022 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 10/26/2022 Facility Submittals Page 2 of 3 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Task Description Actual Due Date Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report 01/26/2023 Submit an Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Report 01/26/2023 Facility Submittals Page 3 of 3 CHAMBERS WORKS Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action NJPDES Permit Number: NJ0005100 Program Interest Number: 46287 Table of Contents for the Final Permit 1. Cover Letter 2. Facility Submittals (No Changes) 3. Table of Contents 4. List of Acronyms (No Changes) 5. NJPDES Permit Authorization Page (Contains changes) 6. Part I – General Requirements: NJPDES (No Changes) 7. Part II – General Requirements: Discharge Categories (No Changes) 8. Part III – Limits and Monitoring Requirements (No Changes) 9. Part IV – Specific Requirements: Narrative (Contains Changes) 10. Appendix A: Chronic Toxicity Testing Specifications for Use in the NJPDES Permit Program (No Changes) 11. Appendix B: Approved Corrosion Inhibitors, Biocides, or Additives to be Used at the Chemours Chambers Works Facility (No Changes) ftoc_dsw.rtf List of Acronym ACR AML BMP BPJ CAP CFR CV CWEA/CWA Department DGW DMR DRBC DSN DSW EDP/M EEQ ELG g/d or g/day IEC IPP kg/d or kg/day LTA MA1CD10 or 1Q10 MA7CD10 or 7Q10 MA30CD5 or 30Q5 mg/L MDL MGD MRF NPDES/NJPDES NJR PCB PMP POTW RPMF RTR RQL RWBR SIC SIU SQAR SWQS TMDL TR TRIR USEPA TSD ug/L Acute to Chronic Ratio Average Monthly Limitation Best Management Practices Best Professional Judgement Capacity Assurance Program Code of Federal Regulations Coefficient of Variation Clean Water Enforcement Act/Clean Water Act New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Discharge to Groundwater Discharge Monitoring Report Delaware River Basin Commission Discharge Serial Number Discharge to Surface Water Effective Date of the Permit/Permit Modification Existing Effluent Quality Effluent Limitation Guideline Grams per Day Interstate Environmental Commission Industrial Pretreatment Program Kilograms per Day Long Term Average Minimum average one day flow with a statistical recurrence interval of ten years Minimum average seven consecutive day flow with a statistical recurrence interval of ten years Minimum average 30 consecutive day flow with a statistical recurrence interval of five years Milligrams per Liter Maximum Daily Limitation Million Gallons per Day Monitoring Report Form National/New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System New Jersey Register Polychlorinated Biphenyls Pollutant Minimization Plan Publicly Owned Treatment Works Reasonable Potential Multiplying Factor Residuals Transfer Report Recommended Quantification Levels Reclaimed Water for Beneficial Reuse Standard Industrial Classification Code Significant Indirect User Sludge Quality Assurance Regulations Surface Water Quality Standards Total Maximum Daily Load Total Recoverable Toxicity Reduction Implementation Requirements USEPA Technical Support Document for Water Quality Based Toxics Control (EPA/505/2-90-001, March 1991) Micrograms per Liter USEPA USGS UV WCR WER WLA WWTP WQBEL United States Environmental Protection Agency United States Geological Survey Ultraviolet Wastewater Characterization Report Water Effects Ratio Wasteload Allocation Wastewater Treatment Plant Water Quality Based Effluent Limitation New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NEW JERSEY POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection hereby grants you a NJPDES permit for the facility/activity named in this document. This permit is the regulatory mechanism used by the Department to help ensure your discharge will not harm the environment. By complying with the terms and conditions specified, you are assuming an important role in protecting New Jersey’s valuable water resources. Your acceptance of this permit is an agreement to conform with all of its provisions when constructing, installing, modifying, or operating any facility for the collection, treatment, or discharge of pollutants to waters of the state. If you have any questions about this document, please feel free to contact the Department representative listed in the permit cover letter. Your cooperation in helping us protect and safeguard our state’s environment is appreciated. Permit Number: NJ0005100 Final: Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action Permittee: Chemours Co. FC LLC Chambers Works 67 Canal Road P.O. Box 9001 Deepwater, NJ 08023 Co-Permittee: Property Owner: Chemours Co. FC LLC Chambers Works 67 Canal Road P.O. Box 9001 Deepwater, NJ 08023 Location of Activity: Chambers Works Route 130 Deepwater, Salem County Authorization(s) Covered Under This Approval B - Industrial Wastewater - Renewal B - Industrial Wastewater – Minor Modification (Revision of Language at Part IV.G.6.b) B - Industrial Wastewater – Minor Modification (Revision of Part IV.G.7.a to add parameter) Issuance Date 02/22/2018 03/23/2018 Effective Date 04/01/2018 04/01/2018 Expiration Date 03/31/2023 03/31/2023 08/02/2018 09/01/2018 03/31/2023 By Authority of: Commissioner's Office ________________________________ DEP AUTHORIZATION Susan Rosenwinkel, Acting Bureau Chief Bureau of Surface Water Permitting Division of Water Quality (Terms, conditions and provisions attached hereto) Division of Water Quality fcp_sw.rtf CHAMBERS WORKS Deepwater Permit No. NJ0005100 Discharge to Surface Water Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action PART I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: NJPDES A. General Requirements of all NJPDES Permits 1. Requirements Incorporated by Reference a. The permittee shall comply with all conditions set forth in this permit and with all the applicable requirements incorporated into this permit by reference. The permittee is required to comply with the regulations, including those cited in paragraphs b. through e. following, which are in effect as of the effective date of the final permit. b. c. d. e. General Conditions Penalties for Violations Incorporation by Reference Toxic Pollutants Duty to Comply Duty to Mitigate Inspection and Entry Enforcement Action Duty to Reapply Signatory Requirements for Applications and Reports Effect of Permit/Other Laws Severability Administrative Continuation of Permits Permit Actions Reopener Clause Permit Duration and Renewal Consolidation of Permit Process Confidentiality Fee Schedule Treatment Works Approval Operation And Maintenance Need to Halt or Reduce not a Defense Proper Operation and Maintenance Monitoring And Records Monitoring Recordkeeping Signatory Requirements for Monitoring Reports Reporting Requirements Planned Changes Reporting of Monitoring Results Noncompliance Reporting Hotline/Two Hour & Twenty-four Hour Reporting Written Reporting Duty to Provide Information Schedules of Compliance Transfer GENERAL REQUIREMENTS N.J.A.C. 7:14-8.1 et seq. N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.3 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.2(a)4i N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.2(a)1 & 4 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.2(a)5 & 11 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.11(e) N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.9 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-4.2(e)3 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-4.9 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.2(a)6 & 7 & 2.9(c) N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.2 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.8 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.7(c) N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.2(a)10 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.7(a) & (b) N.J.A.C. 7:14A-15.5 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-18.2 & 2.11(g) N.J.A.C. 7:14A-3.1 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-22 & 23 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.9(b) N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.12 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.5 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.6 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.7 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.8 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.10 & 6.8(h) N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.10(c) & (d) N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.10(e) &(f) & 6.8(h) N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.11, 6.2(a)14 & 18.1 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.4 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.2(a)8 & 16.2 Page 1 of 1 Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater PART II GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: DISCHARGE CATEGORIES A. Additional Requirements Incorporated By Reference 1. Requirements for Discharges to Surface Waters a. In addition to conditions in Part I of this permit, the conditions in this section are applicable to activities at the permitted location and are incorporated by reference. The permittee is required to comply with the regulations which are in effect as of the effective date of the final permit. B. i. Surface Water Quality Standards N.J.A.C. 7:9B-1 ii. Water Quality Management Planning Regulations N.J.A.C. 7:15 General Conditions 1. Scope a. The issuance of this permit shall not be considered as a waiver of any applicable federal, state, and local rules, regulations and ordinances. 2. Permit Renewal Requirement a. Permit conditions remain in effect and enforceable until and unless the permit is modified, renewed or revoked by the Department. b. Submit a complete permit renewal application: 180 days before the Expiration Date. 3. Notification of Non-Compliance a. The permittee shall notify the Department of all non-compliance when required in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.10 by contacting the DEP HOTLINE at 1-877-WARNDEP (1-877-927-6337). b. The permittee shall submit a written report as required by N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.10 within five days. 4. Notification of Changes a. The permittee shall give written notification to the Department of any planned physical or operational alterations or additions to the permitted facility when the alteration is expected to result in a significant change in the permittee's discharge and/or residuals use or disposal practices including the cessation of discharge in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.7. b. Prior to any change in ownership, the current permittee shall comply with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:14A-16.2, pertaining to the notification of change in ownership. 5. Access to Information General Discharge Requirements Page 1 of 3 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action a. The permittee shall allow an authorized representative of the Department, upon the presentation of credentials, to enter upon a person's premises, for purposes of inspection, and to access / copy any records that must be kept under the conditions of this permit. 6. Operator Certification a. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:10A-1.1 et seq. every wastewater system not exempt pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:10A-1.1(b) requires a licensed operator. The operator of a system shall meet the Department's requirements pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:10A-1.1 and any amendments. The name of the proposed operator, where required shall be submitted to the Department at the address below, in order that his/her qualifications may be determined prior to initiating operation of the treatment works. i. Notifications shall be submitted to: NJDEP Mail Code 401-04E Bureau of Licensing and Registration Mail Code 401-04E P.O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420 (609) 984-6507. b. The permittee shall notify the Department of any changes in licensed operator within two weeks of the change. 7. Operation Restrictions a. The operation of a waste treatment or disposal facility shall at no time create: (a) a discharge, except as authorized by the Department in the manner and location specified in Part III of this permit; (b) any discharge to the waters of the state or any standing or ponded condtion for water or waste, except as specifically authorized by a valid NJPDES permit. 8. Standard Reporting Requirements – Monitoring Report Forms (MRFs) a. Monitoring Report Form (MRF) data submission shall be in accordance with the guidelines and provisions outlined in the Department’s Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) agreement with the permittee. b. MRFs shall be submitted at the frequencies identified in Part III of this permit. c. All MRFs shall be certified by the highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility. d. The highest ranking official may delegate responsibility to certify the MRFs in his or her absence. Authorizations for other individuals to certify shall be made in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:14A-4.9(b). e. Monitoring results shall be submitted in accordance with the current NJPDES Monitoring Report Form Reference Manual and any updates thereof. f. If monitoring for a parameter is not required in a monitoring period, the permittee must report “CODE=N” for that parameter. General Discharge Requirements Page 2 of 3 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action g. If, for a monitored location, there are no discharge events during an entire monitoring period, the permittee must notify the Department when submitting the monitoring results by checking the “No Discharge this monitoring period” box on the paper or electronic version of the monitoring report submittal form. 9. Standard Reporting Requirements - Electronic Submission of NJPDES Information a. Effective December 21, 2020, the below identified documents and reports, if required to be submitted by this permit, shall be electronically submitted to the NJDEP via the Department’s designated Electronic Submission Service. i. CWA 316(b) annual reports General Discharge Requirements Page 3 of 3 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater PART III LIMITS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS MONITORED LOCATION: RECEIVING STREAM: 001A SW Outfall DSN 001A STREAM CLASSIFICATION: Delaware River DISCHARGE CATEGORY(IES): Mainstem Delaware-Zone 5 B - Industrial Wastewater Location Description Effluent sampling shall take place at the sampling station DSN 001A prior to discharge through the flow weir. DSN 001A discharges at lat. 39d 41' 55" and long. 75d 30' 20". Contributing Waste Types Non-contact Cooling Water, Storm Water Runoff Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: This outfall represents overflow from B-Basin when flows are in excess of 56 million gallons per day at DSN 002A and when pumps P-3 and P-4 are run to verify operability and the keep the wood stave pipe wet. Table III - A - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Duration Of Discharge Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** HRS/MON January thru December Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant REPORT Monthly Average *** QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** MGD January thru December BOD, 5-Day (20 oC) REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY ***** ***** ***** *** *** January thru December pH January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements QL Effluent Gross Value QL Limit Limit Limit Units ***** ***** ***** ***** *** *** *** ***** ***** ***** *** *** REPORT Monthly Average *** *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 9.0 Daily Maximum *** ***** *** 6.0 Daily Minimum *** ***** *** Frequency Sample Type 1/Month Calculated Continuous Calculated MG/L 1/Month Composite SU 1/Month Grab ***** Page 1 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: This outfall represents overflow from B-Basin when flows are in excess of 56 million gallons per day at DSN 002A and when pumps P-3 and P-4 are run to verify operability and the keep the wood stave pipe wet. Table III - A - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Solids, Total Suspended Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Weekly Average *** KG/DAY January thru December Oil and Grease REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Carbon, Tot Organic (TOC) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December QL Limits And Monitoring Requirements Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** 10 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 50 Daily Maximum *** 15 Daily Maximum *** 50 Daily Maximum *** MG/L 1/Month Composite MG/L 1/Month Grab MG/L 1/Month Composite Page 2 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater MONITORED LOCATION: RECEIVING STREAM: 002A SW Outfall DSN 002A STREAM CLASSIFICATION: Delaware River DISCHARGE CATEGORY(IES): Mainstem Delaware-Zone 5 B - Industrial Wastewater Location Description Effluent sampling shall take place at the sampling station DSN 002A prior to discharge through the flow weir. DSN 002A discharges at lat. 39d 41' 53.73" and long. 75d 30' 35.33". Intake sampling shall take place at Spot 101. Contributing Waste Types CWT wastewater, Contact Cooling Water, Ground Water Treatment, Non-contact Cooling Water, OCPSF process waste, Storm Water Runoff Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - B - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant PHASE Start Date: Limit Limit Units Intake REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** MGD REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** MGD 4260 Monthly Average *** 7710 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY ***** ***** ***** *** *** QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December BOD, 5-Day (20 oC) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE End Date: Sample Point January thru December Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant January thru December pH 09/01/2018 QL Effluent Gross Value QL Limit Limit Limit Units ***** ***** ***** ***** *** *** *** ***** ***** ***** *** *** REPORT Monthly Average *** *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 9.0 Daily Maximum *** ***** *** 6.0 Daily Minimum *** ***** *** Frequency Sample Type 2/Week Calculated Continuous Metered MG/L 2/Week 24 Hour Composite SU Continuous Grab ***** Page 3 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - B - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Solids, Total Suspended PHASE Start Date: PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Intake REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Weekly Average *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Weekly Average *** KG/DAY 4496 Monthly Average *** 6744 Weekly Average *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** 1500 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 5246 Monthly Average *** 6745 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Solids, Total Suspended QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Solids, Total Suspended QL Effluent Net Value January thru December Oil and Grease QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Nitrogen, Organic Total (as N) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Nitrogen, Nitrite Total (as N) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December QL Limits And Monitoring Requirements 09/01/2018 Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 35 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Weekly Average *** REPORT Weekly Average *** REPORT Weekly Average *** 10 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 45 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** MG/L 2/Week 24 Hour Composite MG/L 2/Week 24 Hour Composite MG/L 2/Week Calculated MG/L 1/Week Grab MG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite Page 4 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - B - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Coliform, Fecal General REPORT Monthly Average *** ***** ***** ***** January thru December LC50 Stat 96hr Acu Pimephales QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** January thru December IC25 Statre 7day Chr Ceriodaphnia QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** January thru December Chlorine Produced Oxidants QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** January thru December Temperature, oC RQL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** January thru December Color (pt-co Units) QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** January thru December QL *** *** Limits And Monitoring Requirements Limit ***** *** ***** ***** ***** ***** *** 19 Report Per Minimum *** REPORT Report Per Minimum *** ***** *** ***** ***** *** ***** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Geo Avg *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Weekly Geometric *** MG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite #/100ML 1/Week Grab %EFFL 1/Quarter Composite ***** ***** *** *** %EFFL 1/Quarter Composite ***** ***** *** REPORT Monthly Average 0.02 REPORT Monthly Average *** 350 Monthly Average *** *** 0.2 Daily Maximum 0.02 38.7 Daily Maximum *** 500 Daily Maximum *** MG/L 1/Week Grab DEG.C Continuous Grab PT-CO 1/Week Grab Page 5 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - B - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Phosphorus, Total (as P) Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Fluoride, Total (as F) REPORT Monthly Average *** QL Intake 6235 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Iron, Total Recoverable 4257 Monthly Average *** QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Iron, Total Recoverable REPORT Monthly Average *** QL Effluent Net Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Iron, Total Recoverable REPORT Monthly Average *** QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Manganese, Total Recoverable REPORT Monthly Average *** ***** ***** ***** January thru December Surfactants (mbas) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements QL *** *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** KG/DAY ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** MG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Month Calculated UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite Page 6 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - B - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Limit Chromium Trivalent (as Cr) Total Recov. Effluent Gross Value ***** ***** ***** ***** January thru December Arsenic, Total Recoverable (as As) QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** QL Effluent Gross Value 15.0 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Selenium, Total Recoverable REPORT Monthly Average *** QL Effluent Gross Value 3.0 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Barium, Total Recoverable (as Ba) REPORT Monthly Average *** QL Effluent Gross Value 300 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Chromium, Hexavalent (as Cr) REPORT Monthly Average *** QL Effluent Gross Value 5.2 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Nickel, Total Recoverable 2.6 Monthly Average *** QL Intake 45 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Zinc, Total Recoverable 25 Monthly Average *** QL REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December REPORT Monthly Average *** Limits And Monitoring Requirements *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 100 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite Page 7 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - B - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Zinc, Total Recoverable PHASE Start Date: PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** 90 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** 3.0 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** 15 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 44.2 Monthly Average *** 65.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Zinc, Total Recoverable QL Effluent Net Value January thru December Cadmium, Total Recoverable QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Lead, Total Recoverable QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Chromium, Total Recoverable QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Copper, Total Recoverable QL Intake January thru December Copper, Total Recoverable QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December QL Limits And Monitoring Requirements 09/01/2018 Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week Calculated UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite Page 8 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - B - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Copper, Total Recoverable PHASE Start Date: Limit Limit Units Effluent Net Value REPORT Monthly Average *** 30 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 37.0 Monthly Average *** 77.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.45 Monthly Average *** 0.91 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 18.0 Monthly Average *** 41.1 Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY 142 Monthly Average *** 284 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY ***** ***** ***** *** *** QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Mercury Total Recoverable QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Methylene Chloride RQL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Phenols QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Delta BHC, Total (ug/l) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December QL Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE End Date: Sample Point January thru December Antimony, Total Recoverable January thru December Cyanide, free 09/01/2018 Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 10 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Week Calculated UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Month Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite Page 9 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - B - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Beta Endosulfan January thru December Gamma BHC (lindane), PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 Sample Point Limit Limit Units Limit Effluent Gross Value ***** ***** ***** ***** *** *** ***** ***** QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Endosulfans, Total (alpha and beta) QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** January thru December QL *** *** Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE End Date: *** ***** ***** *** ***** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite Page 10 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater MONITORED LOCATION: RECEIVING STREAM: 013A DSN013A STREAM CLASSIFICATION: Delaware River DISCHARGE CATEGORY(IES): Mainstem Delaware-Zone 5 B - Industrial Wastewater Location Description Effluent sampling shall take place at the sampling station identified as DSN 013A. DSN 013A discharges at lat. 39d 41' 10" and long. 75d 30' 20". Intake sampling shall take place at Spot 101. Contributing Waste Types Non-contact Cooling Water, Storm Water Runoff Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - C - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant PHASE Start Date: PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Intake REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** MGD REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** MGD ***** ***** ***** *** *** January thru December Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December pH QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Solids, Total Suspended QL Intake January thru December QL Limits And Monitoring Requirements 09/01/2018 REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** Limit Limit Limit Units ***** ***** ***** ***** *** *** *** ***** ***** ***** *** 6.0 Daily Minimum *** *** *** 9.0 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY ***** *** ***** *** REPORT Monthly Average *** Frequency Sample Type 1/Month Calculated 1/Month Estimated SU 1/Month Grab MG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite ***** Page 11 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - C - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Solids, Total Suspended PHASE Start Date: PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY ***** ***** ***** *** *** ***** ***** *** *** ***** ***** *** *** ***** ***** January thru December Solids, Total Suspended QL Effluent Net Value January thru December Oil and Grease QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Chlorine Produced Oxidants QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Temperature, oC RQL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Carbon, Dissolved Organic (as C) QL Intake January thru December Carbon, Dissolved Organic (as C) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December QL Limits And Monitoring Requirements 09/01/2018 *** *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** ***** *** ***** ***** *** ***** ***** *** KG/DAY ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 10 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average 0.02 REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 50 Daily Maximum *** 15 Daily Maximum *** 0.2 Daily Maximum 0.02 42.8 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** MG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Month Calculated MG/L 1/Month Grab MG/L 1/Month Grab DEG.C 1/Day Grab MG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite Page 12 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that will ensure compliance with the specified Required Quantitation Level (RQL) of 0.02 mg/l. Table III - C - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Carbon, Dissolved Organic (as C) January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Limit Effluent Net Value ***** ***** ***** ***** QL *** *** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** 20 Daily Maximum *** MG/L 1/Month Calculated Page 13 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater MONITORED LOCATION: 332A Internal Outfall RECEIVING STREAM: Delaware River STREAM CLASSIFICATION: Mainstem Delaware-Zone 5 DISCHARGE CATEGORY(IES): B - Industrial Wastewater Location Description Internal Point DSN 322 includes non-contact cooling water, stormwater and groundwater. Contributing Waste Types Non-contact Cooling Water, Storm Water Runoff Requirements have not been defined for this Monitored Location. Limits And Monitoring Requirements Page 14 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater MONITORED LOCATION: RECEIVING STREAM: 662A Internal Monitoring STREAM CLASSIFICATION: Delaware River DISCHARGE CATEGORY(IES): Mainstem Delaware-Zone 5 B - Industrial Wastewater Location Description Effluent sampling shall take place at the sampling station identified as DSN 662A. Influent sampling for BOD5 percent removal shall take place at Spot 529 which is located after the primary clarifiers. Contributing Waste Types CWT wastewater, Groundwater Remediation, Non-contact Cooling Water, OCPSF process waste, Sanitary, Storm Water Runoff Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant January thru December BOD, 5-Day (20 oC) January thru December BOD, 5-Day (20 oC) January thru December BOD, 5-Day (20 oC) January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** MGD ***** ***** ***** *** *** 2063 Monthly Average *** 4428 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY ***** ***** ***** *** *** QL Raw Sew/influent QL Effluent Gross Value QL Percent Removal QL Limit Limit Limit Units ***** ***** ***** ***** *** *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 45 Monthly Average *** *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 121 Daily Maximum *** ***** ***** *** *** ***** *** ***** *** 87.5 Monthly Av Minimum *** Frequency Sample Type Continuous Metered MG/L 2/Week 24 Hour Composite MG/L 2/Week 24 Hour Composite PERCENT 2/Week Calculated Page 15 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter pH PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 Sample Point Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value ***** ***** ***** *** *** 2063 Monthly Average *** 6601 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 775 Monthly Average *** 1220 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY ***** ***** ***** *** *** ***** ***** January thru December Solids, Total Suspended QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Oil and Grease QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Nitrogen, Organic Total (as N) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Coliform, Fecal General QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December LC50 Stat 96hr Acu Pimephales QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** January thru December AL *** *** Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE End Date: Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type SU Continuous Grab MG/L 2/Week 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Week Grab *** *** 56 Monthly Average *** 38 Monthly Average *** 9.0 Daily Maximum *** 180 Daily Maximum *** 127 Daily Maximum *** 1/Week ***** ***** ***** 24 Hour Composite *** *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 200 Monthly Geo Avg *** *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 400 Weekly Geometric *** MG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite #/100ML 1/Week Grab %EFFL 1/Quarter Composite ***** ***** *** *** 6.0 Daily Minimum *** ***** *** ***** ***** *** ***** ***** ***** *** REPORT Report Per Minimum 50 Limit ***** ***** Page 16 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Parameter Sample Point Limit Limit Units Limit Carbon, Dissolved Organic (as C) Effluent Gross Value ***** ***** ***** ***** January thru December Sulfate, Total (as SO4) QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** January thru December Vanadium, Total (as V) QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY January thru December Titanium, Total (as Ti) REPORT Monthly Average *** QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY January thru December Manganese, Total Recoverable REPORT Monthly Average *** ***** ***** ***** January thru December Phenolics, Total Recoverable QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** January thru December p-Cresol QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** QL *** *** January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements *** ***** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** ***** *** ***** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 66.2 Monthly Average *** 61.8 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 205 Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 218 Daily Maximum *** 94.7 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 698 Daily Maximum *** MG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite MG/L 1/Month Grab UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite Page 17 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Limit Chromium Trivalent (as Cr) Total Recov. Effluent Gross Value ***** ***** ***** ***** January thru December Cyanide, Total (as CN) QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December Arsenic, Total (as As) REPORT Monthly Average *** QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY January thru December Barium, Total Recoverable (as Ba) REPORT Monthly Average *** ***** ***** ***** January thru December Chromium, Total (as Cr) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Cobalt, Total (as Co) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Copper, Total (as Cu) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December QL Limits And Monitoring Requirements *** ***** *** ***** *** *** *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 104 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 323 Monthly Average *** 124 Monthly Average *** 242 Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 162 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 746 Daily Maximum *** 192 Daily Maximum *** 500 Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month Grab UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite Page 18 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Parameter Sample Point Limit Limit Units Lead, Total (as Pb) Effluent Gross Value REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY January thru December Nickel, Total (as Ni) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Silver, Total (as Ag) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Zinc, Total (as Zn) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Tin, Total (as Sn) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Cadmium, Total Recoverable QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Antimony, Total Recoverable QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December QL Limits And Monitoring Requirements Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type 160 Monthly Average *** 1450 Monthly Average *** 35.1 Monthly Average *** 420 Monthly Average *** 120 Monthly Average *** 10.2 Monthly Average *** 206 Monthly Average *** 350 Daily Maximum *** 3950 Daily Maximum *** 120 Daily Maximum *** 497 Daily Maximum *** 409 Daily Maximum *** 17.2 Daily Maximum *** 249 Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite Page 19 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Mercury, Total (as Hg) Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY January thru December Acenaphthylene REPORT Monthly Average *** 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.1 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.1 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.1 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.1 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.2 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY January thru December Acenaphthene January thru December Anthracene January thru December Benzo(k)fluoranthene January thru December Benzo(a)pyrene QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Butyl benzyl phthalate QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December QL Limits And Monitoring Requirements Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type 0.739 Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Average *** REPORT Daily Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 88.7 Monthly Average *** 2.34 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 188 Daily Maximum *** UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite Page 20 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Chrysene January thru December Diethyl phthalate January thru December Dimethyl phthalate January thru December Fluoranthene January thru December Fluorene January thru December Hexachloroethane January thru December Nitrobenzene January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.1 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 2.0 Monthly Average *** 7.2 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.7 Monthly Average *** 1.7 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.9 Monthly Average *** 2.5 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.4 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.7 Monthly Average *** 1.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 1.0 Monthly Average *** 2.4 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 26.8 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 53.7 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite Page 21 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Phenanthrene January thru December Pyrene January thru December Benzo(a)anthracene January thru December 1,2-Dichlorobenzene PHASE Start Date: Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.1 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.9 Monthly Average *** 2.4 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.1 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 2.7 Monthly Average *** 5.8 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 2.4 Monthly Average *** 5.0 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 1.1 Monthly Average *** 1.6 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.5 Monthly Average *** 1.0 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December 1,3-Dichlorobenzene QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE End Date: Sample Point January thru December 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene January thru December 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 09/01/2018 QL Effluent Gross Value QL Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab Page 22 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Parameter Sample Point Limit Limit Units 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Effluent Gross Value 4.0 Monthly Average *** 10 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 9.1 Monthly Average *** 22.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.1 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 4.6 Monthly Average *** 11.8 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 1.0 Monthly Average *** 2.0 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.5 Monthly Average *** 1.0 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.7 Monthly Average *** 1.7 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY January thru December 2,6-Dinitrotoluene January thru December Naphthalene QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Di-n-butyl phthalate QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Hexachlorobenzene January thru December Hexachlorobutadiene January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 101 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 215 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite Page 23 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Acetophenone January thru December Pyridine January thru December 1,3-Dichloropropene PHASE Start Date: Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY 1.0 Monthly Average *** 1.6 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.2 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.6 Monthly Average *** 1.4 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 2.4 Monthly Average *** 7.5 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.7 Monthly Average *** 1.6 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Carbon Tetrachloride QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Chloroform January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE End Date: Sample Point January thru December 3,4 Benzofluoranthene January thru December 1,2-Dichloroethane 09/01/2018 QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type 56.2 Monthly Average *** 182 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 114 Daily Maximum *** 370 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab Page 24 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Toluene January thru December Benzene January thru December Acrylonitrile January thru December Chlorobenzene January thru December Ethylbenzene January thru December Methyl Chloride January thru December Methylene Chloride January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value 0.9 Monthly Average *** 2.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 1.3 Monthly Average *** 4.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 3.4 Monthly Average *** 8.6 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.5 Monthly Average *** 1.0 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 1.1 Monthly Average *** 3.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 3.1 Monthly Average *** 6.8 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 1.4 Monthly Average *** 3.2 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab Page 25 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Tetrachloroethylene January thru December 1,1-Dichloroethane January thru December 1,1-Dichloroethylene PHASE Start Date: PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.0 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.8 Monthly Average *** 2.1 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.6 Monthly Average *** 0.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.7 Monthly Average *** 1.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.7 Monthly Average *** 1.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 5.5 Monthly Average *** 8.2 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.7 Monthly Average *** 1.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December 1,1,1-Trichloroethane QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December 1,1,2-Trichloroethane QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December 1,2-Dichloropropane QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December 1,2-trans-Dichloroethylene QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December QL Limits And Monitoring Requirements 09/01/2018 Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab Page 26 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Vinyl Chloride January thru December Trichloroethylene January thru December Methyl ethyl ketone January thru December Acetone January thru December Chloroethane PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 Sample Point Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value 3.7 Monthly Average *** 9.6 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.7 Monthly Average *** 1.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY 3.7 Monthly Average *** 9.6 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY ***** ***** ***** QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Delta BHC, Total (ug/l) QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Beta Endosulfan QL Effluent Gross Value *** *** ***** ***** QL *** *** January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE End Date: Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 1850 Monthly Average *** 7970 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 4810 Daily Maximum *** 30200 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 2/Month Grab UG/L 2/Month Grab UG/L 1/Week Grab UG/L 1/Quarter 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite Page 27 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter Gamma BHC (lindane), PHASE Start Date: Limit Limit Units Limit Effluent Gross Value ***** ***** ***** ***** *** *** ***** ***** *** *** 1.1 Monthly Average *** 3.5 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 1.5 Monthly Average *** 2.5 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 1.4 Monthly Average *** 4.0 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 0.6 Monthly Average *** 1.3 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 2.5 Monthly Average *** 4.4 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December 2-Chlorophenol QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December 2,4-Dichlorophenol January thru December 2,4-Dimethylphenol January thru December 2,4-Dinitrophenol January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE End Date: Sample Point January thru December Endosulfans, Total (alpha and beta) January thru December 2-Nitrophenol 09/01/2018 QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL *** ***** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** UG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite Page 28 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY January thru December 4-Nitrophenol REPORT Monthly Average *** 2.6 Monthly Average *** 4.4 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 2.8 Monthly Average *** 9.9 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY 1.5 Monthly Average *** 4.1 Daily Maximum *** KG/DAY ***** ***** ***** *** *** ***** ***** January thru December 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December Phenol Single Compound QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December PFOA QL Effluent Gross Value January thru December PFNA January thru December o-Cresol January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL *** *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** ***** *** GR/DAY ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type 106 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 1080 Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Monthly Average *** 561 Monthly Average *** 155 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 3650 Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** 1920 Daily Maximum *** UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 1/Week 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite Page 29 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water DMR Reporting Requirements: Submit a Monthly DMR: Within twenty-five days after the end of every month beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP).. Comments: See Part IV.G.1 for additional pH conditions. Table III - E - 1: Surface Water DMR Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final Parameter n-Decane January thru December Carbazole January thru December N-Octadecane January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Sample Point Limit Limit Units Effluent Gross Value REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY REPORT Monthly Average *** REPORT Daily Maximum *** GR/DAY QL Effluent Gross Value QL Effluent Gross Value QL Limit ***** *** ***** *** ***** *** Limit Limit Units Frequency Sample Type 437 Monthly Average *** 276 Monthly Average *** 302 Monthly Average *** 948 Daily Maximum *** 598 Daily Maximum *** 589 Daily Maximum *** UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite UG/L 2/Month 24 Hour Composite Page 30 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water WCR - Quarterly Reporting Requirements: Submit a Quarterly WCR: within twenty-five days after the end of every quarterly monitoring period beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP). Table III - E - 2: Surface Water WCR - Quarterly Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Parameter Selenium, Total Recoverable Thallium, Total Recoverable Beryllium, Total Recoverable (as Be) Chromium, Hexavalent Tot Recoverable Benzo(b)fluoranthene (3,4-benzo) Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether Bis(2-chloroethoxy) methane Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Isophorone Sample Point Effluent Gross Value Compliance Quantity REPORT Units UG/L Sample Type 24 Hour Composite Monitoring Period January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December N-nitrosodi-npropylamine N-nitrosodimethylamine Benzo(ghi)perylene Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements Page 31 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water WCR - Quarterly Reporting Requirements: Submit a Quarterly WCR: within twenty-five days after the end of every quarterly monitoring period beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP). Table III - E - 2: Surface Water WCR - Quarterly Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Parameter Dibenzo(a,h) anthracene 2-Chloronaphthalene Sample Point Effluent Gross Value Compliance Quantity REPORT Units UG/L Sample Type 24 Hour Composite Monitoring Period January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Di-n-octyl Phthalate Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Benzidine Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Malathion Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Demeton Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Mirex Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene N-nitrosopyrrolidine Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Bromoform Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Acrolein Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Chlorodibromomethane Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L Grab January thru December Methyl Bromide Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L Grab January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements Page 32 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water WCR - Quarterly Reporting Requirements: Submit a Quarterly WCR: within twenty-five days after the end of every quarterly monitoring period beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP). Table III - E - 2: Surface Water WCR - Quarterly Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Parameter Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether (Mixed) Bromodichloromethane Sample Point Effluent Gross Value Compliance Quantity REPORT Units UG/L Sample Type Grab Monitoring Period January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L Grab January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L Grab January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L Grab January thru December Methoxychlor Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December N-Nitrosodin-butylamine Chloroethane Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L Grab January thru December Parachloro-mcresol Parathion Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol Endosulfan Sulfate Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Alpha Endosulfan Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Endrin Aldehyde Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 4,4'-DDT(p,p'-DDT) Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements Page 33 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water WCR - Quarterly Reporting Requirements: Submit a Quarterly WCR: within twenty-five days after the end of every quarterly monitoring period beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP). Table III - E - 2: Surface Water WCR - Quarterly Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final PHASE Start Date: 09/01/2018 PHASE End Date: Parameter 4,4'-DDD(p,p'-DDD) Sample Point Effluent Gross Value Compliance Quantity REPORT Units UG/L Sample Type 24 Hour Composite Monitoring Period January thru December 4,4'-DDE(p,p'-DDE) Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Aldrin Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Alpha BHC Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Beta BHC Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Chlordane Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Dieldrin Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Endrin Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Toxaphene Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Heptachlor Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Heptachlor Epoxide Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Chlorpyrifos Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether Pentachlorophenol Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Pentachlorobenzene Effluent Gross Value REPORT UG/L 24 Hour Composite January thru December Limits And Monitoring Requirements Page 34 of 35 Permit No. NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Surface Water WCR - Quarterly Reporting Requirements: Submit a Quarterly WCR: within twenty-five days after the end of every quarterly monitoring period beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP). Table III - E - 2: Surface Water WCR - Quarterly Limits and Monitoring Requirements PHASE: Final PHASE Start Date: Parameter Guthion Limits And Monitoring Requirements 09/01/2018 Sample Point Effluent Gross Value PHASE End Date: Compliance Quantity REPORT Units UG/L Sample Type 24 Hour Composite Monitoring Period January thru December Page 35 of 35 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action PART IV SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: NARRATIVE Industrial Wastewater A. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 1. Standard Monitoring Requirements a. Each analysis required by this permit shall be performed by a New Jersey Certified Laboratory that is certified to perform that analysis. b. The Permittee shall perform all water/wastewater analyses in accordance with the analytical test procedures specified in 40 CFR 136 unless other test procedures have been approved by the Department in writing or as otherwise specified in the permit. c. When more than one test procedure is approved for the analysis of a pollutant or pollutant parameter, the test procedure must be sufficiently sensitive as defined at 40 CFR 136 122.21(e)(3) and 122.44(I)(10)(IV). The permittee shall utilize analytical methods for chlorine produced oxidants (CPO) that can achieve results at or below the Required Quantitation Level (RQL) specified in Part III. If a more sensitive method is approved in 40 CFR Part 136 and a CPO value lower than the listed RQL can be achieved, then the RQL is no longer applicable and the most sensitive method must be used. If the permittee and/or contract laboratory determines that the quantitation level for CPO will not be as sensitive as the RQL specified in Part III, the permittee must submit a justification of such to the Department's Office of Quality Assurance. d. All sampling shall be conducted in accordance with the Department's Field Sampling Procedures Manual, or an alternate method approved by the Department in writing. e. All monitoring shall be conducted as specified in Part III. f. All sample frequencies expressed in Part III are minimum requirements. Any additional samples taken consistent with the monitoring and reporting requirements contained herein shall be reported on the Monitoring Report Forms. g. Annual and semi-annual wastewater testing shall be conducted in a different quarter of each year so that tests are conducted in each of the four permit quarters of the permit cycle. Testing may be conducted during any month of the permit quarters. h. Monitoring for Wastewater Characterization Report parameters shall be conducted concurrently with the Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) monitoring, when feasible. i. Flow shall be measured using a flow meter at DSN 001A, DSN 002A, and DSN 662A; and an estimate at DSN 013A (based on the amount of effluent flow from cooling water equipment via pump readings). Intake flow at Spot 101 shall be estimated. The flows from P-5 and P-6 shall be monitored individually, while the flow from B-Basin By-Pass pumps shall be measured by flowmeter 4042FG. These flows shall be added together to report the flow leaving DSN 002A. Industrial Wastewater Page 1 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater j. Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action Net limitations shall be calculated by using the following formula: [(gross effluent concentration) *(gross effluent flow) - (intake concentration) *(intake flow)] / [gross effluent flow]. Intake concentrations shall be measured at Spot 101. Another location may be acceptable for purposes of representative intake samples but must be approved by the Department in writing. Flow measurements for Spot 101 shall be monitored at a location that is representative of intake flow. Net limitations apply for TSS and Net monitoring applies for Copper, Iron, and Zinc at DSN 002A. k. Monitoring for temperature shall only be conducted when cooling water is discharged during the monitoring period. B. RECORDKEEPING 1. Standard Recordkeeping Requirements a. The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including 1) all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation (if applicable), 2) copies of all reports required by this NJPDES permit, 3) all data used to complete the application for a NJPDES permit, and 4) monitoring information required by the permit related to the permittee's residual use and/or disposal practices, for a period of at least 5 years, or longer as required by N.J.A.C. 7:14A-20, from the date of the sample, measurement, report, application or record. b. Records of monitoring information shall include 1) the date, locations, and time of sampling or measurements, 2) the individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements, 3) the date(s) the analyses were performed, 4) the individual(s) who performed the analyses, 5) the analytical techniques or methods used, and 6) the results of such analyses. C. REPORTING 1. D. Please see Part II, Section B, Standard Reporting Requirements SUBMITTALS 1. Standard Submittal Requirements a. The permittee shall amend the Operation & Maintenance Manual whenever there is a change in the treatment works design, construction, operations or maintenance which substantially changes the treatment works operations and maintenance procedures. 2. Delaware River Basin PCB Requirements a. On December 15, 2003, the U.S. EPA, Regions 2 and 3, adopted a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for PCBs for Zones 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the tidal Delaware River. On December 15, 2006, the U.S. EPA, Regions 2 and 3, adopted a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for PCBs for Zone 6 (Delaware Bay). The TMDLs require the facilities identified as discharging PCBs to these zones of the Delaware River or to the tidal portions of tributaries to these zones to conduct monitoring for 209 PCB congeners, and prepare and implement a PCB Pollutant Minimization Plan (PMP). Industrial Wastewater Page 2 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action b. Subsequent monitoring required by DRBC in 2005 confirmed the presence of PCBs and indicated that the facility was part of the group of 36 dischargers contributing to 99% cumulative loading from all point sources. Therefore, the permittee shall collect two 24-hour composite samples annually during a dry weather flow at both DSN 002A and DSN 662A. c. All sample analyses shall be performed using EPA Method 1668A, Revision A: Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in Water, Soil, Sediment, and Tissue by HRGC/HRMS. EPA-821-R-00-002, December 1999 as supplemented or amended, and results for all 209 PCB congeners shall be reported. Project-specific, sample collection protocols, analytical procedures, and reporting requirements at shall be followed. Monitoring information, sample data, and reports associated with PCB monitoring shall be submitted to the Department and DRBC in the form of two compact discs in the format referenced at d. In accordance with the U.S. EPA Regions 2 and 3 Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for PCBs for Zones 2-5 of the Tidal Delaware River, the permittee submitted a Pollutant Minimization Plan (PMP) for PCBs which was approved on July 6, 2008. The permittee shall continue to comply with the requirements of Section 4.30.9 of DRBC's Water Quality Regulations. Therefore, the permittee shall:. i. Continue to implement the PMP to achieve PCB loading reduction goals, and; ii. Submit an Annual Report on the yearly anniversary of the commencement of the PMP to DRBC consistent with the guidance specified at e. The PCB data shall be submitted to the DRBC only. The PMP Annual Reports shall be submitted to the following:. i. E. Delaware River Basin Commission Modeling, Monitoring & Assessment Branch P.O. Box 7360 West Trenton, NJ 08628 FACILITY MANAGEMENT 1. Discharge Requirements a. The permittee shall discharge at the location(s) specified in PART III of this permit. b. The permittee shall not discharge foam or cause foaming of the receiving water that: 1) Forms objectionable deposits on the receiving water, 2) Forms floating masses producing a nuisance, or 3) Interferes with a designated use of the waterbody. c. The permittee's discharge shall not produce objectionable color or odor in the receiving stream. d. The discharge shall not exhibit a visible sheen. e. The Permittee is authorized to use the corrosion inhibitors, biocides, and other cooling water additives listed in Appendix B of the permit. 2. Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) a. The permittee shall comply with the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) "Water Quality Regulations.". Industrial Wastewater Page 3 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action b. The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) 20-day Carbonaceous Biochemical (first-stage) Oxygen Demand (CBOD 20) wasteload allocation of 6364 kilograms per day as a monthly average value, (equivalent to the monthly average BOD5 mass effluent limit, in Part III) shall not be exceeded. The CBOD 20 effluent value may be calculated by multiplying the measured effluent CBOD5 by a CBOD 20/CBOD5 mass ratio of 1.5 developed for this discharge by DRBC. 3. Applicability of Discharge Limitations and Effective Dates a. Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Form Requirements i. The final effluent limitations and monitoring conditions contained in PART III for DSN 001A, DSN 002A, DSN662A, and DSN 013A apply for the full term of this permit action. b. Wastewater Characterization Report (WCR) Form Requirements i. 4. The final effluent monitoring conditions contained in PART III for DSN 662A apply for the full term of this permit action. Operation, Maintenance and Emergency conditions a. The permittee shall operate and maintain treatment works and facilities which are installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit as specified in the Operation & Maintenance Manual. b. The permittee shall develop emergency procedures to ensure effective operation of the treatment works under emergency conditions in accordance with NJAC 7:14A-6.12(d). 5. Toxicity Testing Requirements - Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity (DSN 002A and DSN 662A) a. The permittee shall conduct toxicity tests on its wastewater discharge in accordance with the provisions in this section. Such testing will determine if appropriately selected effluent concentrations adversely affect the test species. b. Acute toxicity tests shall be conducted using the test species and method identified in Part III of this permit. c. Part III of this permit contains an Action Level (AL) for acute Whole Effluent Toxicity for DSN 662A. Toxicity Reduction and Implementation Requirements may be triggered based on exceedences of this Action Level. See the Toxicity Reduction and Implementation Requirements section below for more details. d. Any test that does not meet the specifications of N.J.A.C. 7:18, laboratory certification regulations, must be repeated within 30 days of the completion of the initial test. The repeat test shall not replace subsequent testing required in Part III. e. The permittee shall resubmit an Acute Methodology Questionnaire within 60 days of any change in laboratory. f. Submit an acute whole effluent toxicity test report: within twenty-five days after the end of every quarterly monitoring period beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP) for DSN 002A and 662A. The permittee shall submit toxicity test results on appropriate forms. (Activity #: DSW160001 - Effective: 4/1/2018) g. Test reports shall be submitted to: Industrial Wastewater Page 4 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater i. 6. Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 401-02B Division of Water Quality Bureau of Surface Water Permitting 401 East State Street P.O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420 Toxicity Testing Requirements - Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity (DSN 002A Only) a. The permittee shall conduct toxicity tests on its wastewater discharge in accordance with the provisions in this section. Such testing will determine if appropriately selected effluent concentrations adversely affect the test species. b. Chronic toxicity tests shall be conducted using the test species and method identified in Part III of this permit. c. Any test that does not meet the specifications contained in the Department's "Chronic Toxicity Testing Specifications for Use in the NJPDES Program" document must be repeated within 30 days of the completion of the initial test. The repeat test shall not replace subsequent testing required in Part III. d. IC25 - Inhibition Concentration - Concentration of effluent which has an inhibitory effect on 25% of the test organisms for the monitored effect, as compared to the control (expressed as percent effluent). e. Test results shall be expressed as the IC25 for each test endpoint. Where a chronic toxicity testing endpoint yields IC25's from more than one test endpoint, the most sensitive endpoint will be used to evaluate effluent toxicity. f. When reporting to the DRBC, sample results shall be expressed as No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC). g. The permittee shall resubmit a Chronic Methodology Questionnaire within 60 days of any change in laboratory. h. Submit a chronic whole effluent toxicity test report: within twenty-five days after the end of every quarterly monitoring period beginning from the effective date of the permit (EDP). The permittee shall submit toxicity test results on appropriate forms. (Activity #: DSW160001 - Effective: 4/1/2018) i. Test reports shall be submitted to: i. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Mail Code 401-02B Division of Water Quality Bureau of Surface Water Permitting 401 East State Street P.O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420. ii. Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) P. O. Box 7360 West Trenton, New Jersey 08628 Industrial Wastewater Page 5 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater 7. Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action Toxicity Reduction Implementation Requirements (TRIR) a. The permittee shall initiate a tiered toxicity investigation if two out of six consecutive WET tests demonstrate that the effluent does not comply or will not comply with the toxicity limit or action level specified in Part III of this permit. i. If the exceedence of the toxicity limit or action level is directly caused by a documented facility upset, or other unusual event which has been identified and appropriately remedied by the permittee, the toxicity test data collected during the event may be eliminated when determining the need for initiating a TRIR upon written Department approval. b. The permittee shall begin toxicity characterization within 30 days of the end of the monitoring period when the second toxicity test exceeds the toxicity limits or action levels in Part III. The monitoring frequency for toxicity testing shall be increased to monthly. Up to 12 additional tests may be required. i. The permittee may return to the toxicity testing frequency specified in Part III if four consecutive toxicity tests conducted during the Toxicity Characterization do not exceed the toxicity limit or action level. ii. If two out of any six consecutive, acceptable tests again exceed the toxicity limit or action level in Part III, the permittee shall repeat the Toxicity Reduction Implementation Requirements. c. The permittee shall initiate a preliminary toxicity identification (PTI) upon the third exceedence of the toxicity limit or action level specified in Part III during toxicity characterization. i. The permittee may return to the monitoring frequency specified in PART III while conducting the PTI. If more frequent WET testing is performed during the PTI, the permittee shall submit all biomonitoring reports to the DEP and report the results for the most sensitive species on the DMR. ii. As appropriate, the PTI shall include: (1) treatment plant performance evaluation, (2) pretreatment program information, (3) evaluation of ammonia and chlorine produced oxidants levels and their effect on the toxicity of the discharge, (4) evaluation of chemical use and processes at the facility, and (5) an evaluation of incidental facility procedures such as floor washing, and chemical spill disposal which may contribute to effluent toxicity. iii. If the permittee demonstrates that the cause of toxicity is the chlorine added for disinfection or the ammonia concentration in the effluent and the chlorine and/or ammonia concentrations are below the established water quality based effluent limitation for chlorine and/or ammonia, the permittee shall identify the procedures to be used in future toxicity tests to account for chlorine and/or ammonia toxicity in their preliminary toxicity identification report. iv. The permittee shall submit a Preliminary Toxicity Identification Notification within 15 months of triggering TRIR. This notification shall include a determination that the permittee intends to demonstrate compliance OR plans to initiate a CTI. d. The permittee must demonstrate compliance with the WET limitation or action level in four consecutive WET tests to satisfy the requirements of the Toxicity Reduction Investigation Requirements. After successful completion, the permittee may return to the WET monitoring frequency specified in PART III. Industrial Wastewater Page 6 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action e. The permittee shall initiate a Comprehensive Toxicity Investigation (CTI) if the PTI does not identify the cause of toxicity and a demonstration of consistent compliance with the toxicity limit or action level in Part III can not be made. i. The permittee shall develop a project study plan identifying the party or parties responsible for conducting the comprehensive evaluation, establish a schedule for completing the study, and a description of the technical approach to be utilized. ii. If the permittee determines that the PTI has failed to demonstrate consistent compliance with the toxicity limit or action level in Part III , a Comprehensive Toxicity Investigation Workplan must be prepared and submitted within 90 days. iii. The permittee shall summarize the data collected and the actions taken in CTI Quarterly Reports. The reports shall be submitted within 30 calendar days after the end of each quarter. iv. The permittee shall submit a Final CTI Report 90 calendar days after the last quarterly report. The final CTI report shall include the corrective actions identified to reduce toxicity and a schedule for implementing these corrective actions. f. Upon receipt of written approval from the Department of the corrective action schedule, the permittee shall implement those corrective actions consistent with that schedule. i. The permittee shall satisfy the requirements of the Toxicity Reduction Implementation Requirements and return to the original toxicity monitoring frequency after corrective actions are implemented and the permittee demonstrates consistent compliance with the toxicity limit or action level in Part III in four consecutive toxicity tests. ii. If the implemented corrective measures do not result in consistent compliance with the toxicity limit or action level in Part III, the permittee shall submit a plan for resuming the CTI. iii. Documents regarding Toxicity Investigations shall be sent to the following: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Mail Code401-02B Division of Water Quality Bureau of Surface Water Permitting 401 East State Street P.O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420. F. CONDITIONS FOR MODIFICATION 1. Notification requirements a. The permittee may request a minor modification for a reduction in monitoring frequency for a non-limited parameter when four consecutive test results of "not detected" have occurred using a sufficiently sensitive quantification level as defined at 40 CFR 136, 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3), and 40 CFR 122.44(i)(1)(iv). 2. Causes for modification Industrial Wastewater Page 7 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action a. The Department may modify or revoke and reissue any permit to incorporate 1) any applicable effluent standard or any effluent limitation, including any effluent standards or effluent limitations to control the discharge of toxic pollutants or pollutant parameters such as acute or chronic whole effluent toxicity and chemical specific toxic parameters, 2) toxicity reduction requirements, or 3) the implementation of a TMDL or watershed management plan adopted in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:15-7. b. The permittee may request a minor modification to eliminate the monitoring requirements associated with a discharge authorized by this permit when the discharge ceases due to changes at the facility. G. Custom Requirement 1. pH Requirement a. DSN 002A and 662A - pH shall be measured as a gross value and shall be within the range of 6.0 to 9.0 standard units 99% of the time on a monthly basis. The total time during which pH may be outside the specified range may not exceed an aggregate of 7 hours and 26 minutes in any calendar month and no individual excursion from the specified range shall exceed 60 minutes. Any discharge outside the specified range shall be subject to the notification requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.10. 2. Additional Whole Effluent Toxicity Sampling a. The required acute WET testing of the Chemours effluent shall be accompanied by measurements of conductivity for both the Delaware River intake water as well as the treated effluent. If it is determined that an elevated level of acute toxicity in the effluent can be attributed to conductivity levels of 4000 umhos/cm or greater in the river intake water, the test result shall be deemed invalid for compliance purposes, unless it is determined that the test result is attributable to operations at the facility. Where an acute WET test result for the Chemours effluent exceeds LC50 > 50% when conductivity of the Delaware River intake water equals or exceeds 4,000 umhos/cm, Chemours shall provide data for that test showing the level of conductivity in both the intake water and the effluent, and provide an analysis of other effluents or operating data for use in evaluating whether the elevated effluent acute toxicity is attributable to the conductivity of the intake water or to plant processes. 3. Centralized Waste Treatment Certification and Equivalent Treatment Determination a. In accordance with 40 CFR 437.41(b), once a year the permittee shall submit a periodic certification statement as defined at 40 CFR 437.41(b). Such reports are due at the effective date of the permit (EDP) + 1 year, EDP + 2 years, EDP + 3 years, EDP + 4 years and EDP + 5 years. If the permit continues in effect past the expiration date pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-2.8, such certification statement must continue to be submitted at EDP + 6 years and every year thereafter. This certification statement shall be sent to: NJDEP Bureau of Surface Water Permitting Mailcode: 401-02B P.O. Box 0420, 401 East State Street Trenton, NJ 08625-0420. Industrial Wastewater Page 8 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater 4. Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action In-Plant Limits for Cyanide a. As per the Centralized Waste Treatment Effluent Limitation Guideline at 40 CFR Part 437.42(b)(2), in-plant limitations of 178 mg/L as a monthly average and 500 mg/L as a daily maximum apply to metal-bearing wastewater containing cyanide. 5. Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Outfall HC 01 a. The permittee shall use Best Management Practices" in the Barricade Area and surrounding areas to insure there is no exposure of source materials that can be picked up by stormwater runoff and discharged via Outfall HC01 to Henby Creek. 6. Standard DRBC Conditions a. Except as otherwise authorized by this permit, if the permittee seeks relief from any limitation based upon a Delaware River Basin Commission water quality standard or minimum treatment requirement, the permittee shall apply for approval from the Delaware River Basin Commission Executive Director and the Department for a permit revision. b. Under Section 2.3.5.A.18 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, facilities such as the Chambers Works Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (IWTP) that utilize an average of 50,000 gpd or more of their treatment capacity for wastewater from out-of-basin sources are subject to project review under Section 3.8 of the Compact. Chambers Works formerly received approximately 100,000 gpd of out-of-basin commercial waste. The acceptance of out-of-Basin wastes for treatment at the IWTP was approved by the DRBC in Dockets Nos. D-1988-085-1, D-1988-085-2 and D-1988-85-3. Accordingly, Chambers Works is authorized by DRBC to accept greater than 50,000 gpd of out-of-Basin wastes. c. Based upon the written recommendation of the DRBC staff, when the discharge is operated in accordance with the provisions and conditions established by this permit, then with respect to effluent quality and stream quality objectives, the project does not substantially impair or conflict with the Commission’s Comprehensive Plan. 7. Perfluorinated Compound (PFC) Sampling for DSN 662A Industrial Wastewater Page 9 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action a. The permittee shall sample for Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) at DSN 662A on a weekly basis. The following compounds shall be sampled: C4 – Perfluorobutanoate (PFBA) C5 – Perfluoro-n-pentanoic acid (PFPeA) C6 – Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) C7 – Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) C8 – Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) C9 – Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) C10 – Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) C11 – Perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnA) C12 – Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) C13 – Perfluorotridecanoic acid (PFTriA) C14 – Perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTeA) C4-S – Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) C6-S – Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) C8-S – Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) Perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA) Hexafluoropropylene oxide-Dimer Acid The sample shall be analyzed by a New Jersey certified laboratory which can detect all the above listed PFCs, and is certified for analyzing these compounds in wastewater (NPW). A list of certified laboratories can be obtained at The permittee shall ensure that the method used provides sufficiently low detection levels. A detection level of less than any drinking water criteria would be sufficient to determine if the PFC is detected in the effluent. i. The sample data shall be submitted to the Department 25 days after each month and shall include all sample results. The sample data shall be sent to the following addresses: NJDEP Bureau of Surface Water Permitting Mail Code 401-02B P.O. Box 420 Trenton, NJ 08625-0420 Department of Environmental Protection Sit Remediation & Waste Management Program Bureau of Case Management Mail Code 401-05F P. O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420. 8. Section 316(b) Requirements a. Source Water Physical Data - 40 CFR 122.21(r)(2) requires the following for industrial facilities:. Industrial Wastewater Page 10 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action i. A narrative description and scaled drawings showing the physical configuration of all source water bodies used by your facility, including areal dimensions, depths, salinity and temperature regimes, and other documentation that supports your determination of the water body type where each cooling water intake structure is located;. ii. Identification and characterization of the source waterbody's hydrological and geomorphological features, as well as the methods you used to conduct any physical studies to determine your intake's area of influence within the waterbody and the results of such studies; and. iii. Locational maps. iv. The Department has determined that the requirements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(2) have been satisfied by the March 1, 2016 submission. b. Cooling Water Intake Structure Data – 40 CFR 122.21(r)(3) requires the following:. i. A narrative description of the configuration of each of your cooling water intake structures and where it is located in the water body and in the water column;. ii. Latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds for each of your cooling water intake structures;. iii. A narrative description of the operation of each of your cooling water intake structures, including design intake flows, daily hours of operation, number of days of the year in operation and seasonal changes, if applicable;. iv. A flow distribution and water balance diagram that includes all sources of water to the facility, recirculating flows, and discharges; and. v. Engineering drawings of the cooling water intake structure. vi. The Department has determined that the requirements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(3) have been satisfied by the March 1, 2016 submission. c. Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data – 40 CFR 122.21(r)(4) requires the following:. i. A list of the data in paragraphs (r)(4)(ii) through (vi) of this section that are not available and efforts made to identify sources of the data;. ii. A list of species (or relevant taxa) for all life stages and their relative abundance in the vicinity of the cooling water intake structure;. iii. Identification of the species and life stages that would be most susceptible to impingement and entrainment. Species evaluated should include the forage base as well as those most important in terms of significance to commercial and recreational fisheries;. iv. Identification and evaluation of the primary period of reproduction, larval recruitment, and period of peak abundance for relevant taxa;. v. Data representative of the seasonal and daily activities (e.g., feeding and water column migration) of biological organisms in the vicinity of the cooling water intake structure;. vi. Identification of all threatened, endangered, and other protected species that might be susceptible to impingement and entrainment at your cooling water intake structures;. Industrial Wastewater Page 11 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action vii. Documentation of any public participation or consultation with Federal or State agencies undertaken in development of the plan; and. viii. If you supplement the information requested in paragraph (r)(4)(i) of this section with data collected using field studies, supporting documentation for the Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization must include a description of all methods and quality assurance procedures for sampling, and data analysis including a description of the study area; taxonomic identification of sampled and evaluated biological assemblages (including all life stages of fish and shellfish); and sampling and data analysis methods. The sampling and/or data analysis methods you use must be appropriate for a quantitative survey and based on consideration of methods used in other biological studies performed within the same source water body. The study area should include, at a minimum, the area of influence of the cooling water intake structure. ix. In the case of the owner or operator of an existing facility or new unit at an existing facility, the Source Water Baseline Biological Characterization Data is the information in paragraphs (r)(4)(i) through (xii) of this section. x. For the owner or operator of an existing facility, identification of protective measures and stabilization activities that have been implemented, and a description of how these measures and activities affected the baseline water condition in the vicinity of the intake. xi. For the owner or operator of an existing facility, a list of fragile species, as defined at 40 CFR 125.92(m), at the facility. The applicant need only identify those species not already identified as fragile at 40 CFR 125.92(m). New units at an existing facility are not required to resubmit this information if the cooling water withdrawals for the operation of the new unit are from an existing intake. xii. For the owner or operator of an existing facility that has obtained incidental take exemption or authorization for its cooling water intake structure(s) from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service, any information submitted in order to obtain that exemption or authorization may be used to satisfy the permit application information requirement of paragraph 40 CFR 125.95(f) if included in the application. xiii. The Department has determined that the requirements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(4) have been satisfied by the March 1, 2016 submission. d. Cooling Water System Data – 40 CFR 122.21(r)(5) requires the following:. i. A narrative description of the operation of the cooling water system and its relationship to cooling water intake structures; the proportion of the design intake flow that is used in the system; the number of days of the year the cooling water system is in operation and seasonal changes in the operation of the system, if applicable; the proportion of design intake flow for contact cooling, non-contact cooling, and process uses; a distribution of water reuse to include cooling water reused as process water, process water reused for cooling, and the use of gray water for cooling; a description of reductions in total water withdrawals including cooling water intake flow reductions already achieved through minimized process water withdrawals; a description of any cooling water that is used in a manufacturing process either before or after it is used for cooling, including other recycled process water flows; the proportion of the source waterbody withdrawn (on a monthly basis);. ii. Design and engineering calculations prepared by a qualified professional and supporting data to support the description required by paragraph (r)(5)(i) of this section; and. Industrial Wastewater Page 12 of 13 CHAMBERS WORKS, Deepwater Permit No.NJ0005100 DSW180002 Surface Water Minor Mod Permit Action iii. Description of existing impingement and entrainment technologies or operational measures and a summary of their performance, including but not limited to reductions in impingement mortality and entrainment due to intake location and reductions in total water withdrawals and usage. iv. The requirements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(5) have been satisfied by the March 1, 2016 submission. e. Chosen Method(s) of Compliance with Impingement Mortality Standard – submit the following information in accordance with 40 CFR 122.21(r)(6):. f. i. The owner or operator of the facility must identify the chosen compliance method for the entire facility; alternatively, the applicant must identify the chosen compliance method for each cooling water intake structure at its facility. The applicant must identify any intake structure for which a BTA determination for Impingement Mortality under 40 CFR 125.94 (c)(11) or (12) is requested. In addition, the owner or operator that chooses to comply via 40 CFR 125.94 (c)(5) or (6) must also submit an impingement technology performance optimization study. ii. The Department has determined that the requirements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(6) have been satisfied by the March 1, 2016 and the July 27, 2017 submissions. Entrainment Performance Studies – 40 CFR 122.21(r)(7) requires the following:. i. The owner or operator of an existing facility must submit any previously conducted studies or studies obtained from other facilities addressing technology efficacy, through-facility entrainment survival, and other entrainment studies. Any such submittals must include a description of each study, together with underlying data, and a summary of any conclusions or results. Any studies conducted at other locations must include an explanation as to why the data from their locations are relevant and representative of conditions at your facility. In the case of studies more than 10 years old, the applicant must explain why the data are still relevant and representative of conditions at the facility and explain how the data should be interpreted using the definition of entrainment at 40 CFR 125.92(h). ii. The Department has determined that the requirements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(7) have been satisfied by the March 1, 2016 submission as no historic entrainment performance studies have been conducted. g. Operational Status – 40 CFR 122.21(r)(8) requires a description of the operational status of each generating, production, or process unit that uses cooling water as follows:. i. For process units at your facility that use cooling water other than for power production or steam generation, if you intend to use reductions in flow or changes in operations to meet the requirements of 40 CFR 125.94(c), descriptions of individual production processes and product lines, operating status including age of each line, seasonal operation, including any extended or unusual outages that significantly affect current data for flow, impingement, entrainment, or other factors, any major upgrades completed within the last 15 years, and plans or schedules for decommissioning or replacement of process units or production processes and product lines;. ii. For all manufacturing facilities, descriptions of current and future production schedules; and. iii. Descriptions of plans or schedules for any new units planned within the next 5 years. iv. The Department has determined that the requirements of 40 CFR 122.21(r)(8) have been satisfied by the March 1, 2016 submission. Industrial Wastewater Page 13 of 13 APPENDIX A-DSW Page 1 of 13 APPENDIX A: CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR USE IN THE NJPDES PERMIT PROGRAM Version 3.0 May 2017 APPENDIX A-DSW Page 2 of 13 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE II. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. B. C. D. E. F. Laboratory Safety and Glassware Test Concentrations / Replicates Dilution Water Effluent Sample Collection Physical Chemical Measurements Statistics III. TEST ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA IV. STANDARD REFERENCE TOXICANT TESTING A. B. C. D. E. F. Initial Testing Requirements Subsequent Testing Requirements Changing an Established Reference Toxicant Control Charts Unacceptable SRT Results Annual Submittals V. TEST CANCELLATION / RESCHEDULING EVENTS VI. REPORTING VII. METHODS SPECIFICATIONS A. B. C. D. Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas), Larval Survival and Growth Test, method 1000.0 Ceriodaphnia dubia, Survival and Reproduction Test, method 1002.0 Algal, (Selenastrum capricornutum), Growth Test, method 1003.0 Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus), Larval Survival and Growth Test, method 1005.0 E. Inland Silverside (Menidia beryllina), Larval Survival and Growth Test, method 1006.0 F. Mysidopsis bahia, Survival, Growth, and Fecundity Test, method 1007.0 VIII. REFERENCES Notice: Mention of trade names or commercial products do not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. APPENDIX A-DSW Page 3 of 13 I. AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE These methods specifications for the conduct of whole effluent chronic toxicity testing are established under the authority of the NJPDES permitting program, N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.5(a)2 and 40 CFR 136, for discharges to waters of the State. The methods referenced herein are included by reference in 40 CFR 136, Table 1.A. and, therefore, constitute approved methods for chronic toxicity testing. The information contained herein serves to clarify testing requirements and outline and implement the interlaboratory Standard Reference Toxicant Program until specific chronic requirements are incorporated into the laboratory certification regulations under N.J.A.C. 7:18. As such these methods are intended to be used to determine compliance with discharge permits issued under the authority of the NJPDES permit program. Tests are to be conducted in accordance with the general conditions and method specifications (test organism specific) contained in this document. All other conditions and specifications can be found in 40 CFR 136 and USEPA methodologies. Until a subchapter on chronic toxicity testing within the regulations governing the certification of laboratories and environmental measurements (N.J.A.C. 7:18) becomes effective, tests shall be conducted in conformance with the methodologies as designated herein and contained in 40 CFR 136. The laboratory performing the testing shall possess certification for the applicable chronic methodologies incorporated by reference through the laboratory certification program established under N.J.A.C. 7:18, as required by N.J.A.C. 7:9B-1.5(c)5. These methods are incorporated into discharge permits as enforceable permit conditions. Each discharge permit will specify in Parts III&IV of the permit, the test species specific methods from this document that will be required under the terms of the discharge permit. Although the test species specific methods for each permit are determined on a case-by-case basis, the purpose of this methods document is to assure consistency among dischargers and to provide certified laboratories with information on the universe of tests to be utilized so that they can make the necessary preparations, including completing the required Standard Reference Toxicant testing. Please note that these methodologies are required for compliance testing only. Facilities and/or laboratories conducting testing under the requirements of a Toxicity Identification Evaluation or for informational purposes are not bound by these methods. This document constitutes the fifth version of the NJDEP's interim chronic methodologies. This version contains no significant changes to the test methods themselves. APPENDIX A-DSW Page 4 of 13 II. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. LABORATORY SAFETY, GLASSWARE, ETC. All safety procedures, glassware cleaning procedures, etc., shall be in conformance with 40 CFR 136 and USEPA's "Short Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms," "Short Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms" and N.J.A.C. 7:18. B. TEST CONCENTRATIONS / REPLICATES All testing is to be performed with a minimum of five effluent concentrations plus a dilution water control. A second reference water control is optional when a dilution water other than culture water is used. The use of both a 0.5 or 0.75 dilution factor is acceptable for the selection of test concentrations. The Department recommends the use of the 5 standard dilutions plus a dilution water control to cover the entire range of effluent test concentrations e.g. 0%, 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The number of replicates used in the test must, at a minimum, satisfy the specifications of the applicable methods contained herein. Increased data sensitivity can be obtained by increasing the number of replicates equally among test concentrations and thus an increased number of replicates is acceptable. Further, the use of nonparametric statistical analysis requires a minimum of four replicates per test concentration. If the data for any particular test is not conducive to parametric analyses and if less than four replicates were included, the test may not be considered acceptable for compliance purposes. The use of single concentration tests consisting of the permit limitation as a concentration and a control is not permitted for compliance purposes, but may be used by a permittee in the conduct of a Toxicity Investigation Evaluation (TIE) or for information gathering purposes. Such a test would be considered a "pass" if there was no significant difference in test results, using hypothesis testing methods. C. DILUTION WATER 1. Marine and Estuarine Waters A high quality natural water, such as the Manasquan River Inlet is strongly recommended as the dilution water source for chronic toxicity testing with marine and estuarine organisms. The use of the receiving water as the dilution water source is not required. Saline waters prepared with hypersaline brine and deionized water may also be used as dilution water. Hypersaline brines shall be prepared from a high quality natural seawater and shall not exceed a concentration of 100 ppt. The type of dilution water for a permittee may not be changed without the prior approval of the Department. The standard test salinity shall be 25 ppt. Since most effluents are freshwater based, in most cases it will be necessary to adjust the salinity of the test concentrations to the standard test salinity. 2. Fresh Waters A high quality natural water, such as Round Valley Reservoir (if access is allowed) or Lake Hopatcong, is recommended as the dilution water source for chronic toxicity testing with freshwater organisms. It is not required to perform the toxicity testing with the receiving water as dilution water. Tests performed with reconstituted water or up to 20% Diluted Mineral Water (DMW) as dilution water is acceptable. For testing with Ceriodaphnia dubia, the addition of 5 µg/l selenium (2 µg/l selenium with natural water) and 1 µg/l vitamin B12 is recommended (Keating and Dagbusan, 1984: Keating, 1985 and 1988). The source of a dilution water for a permittee may not be changed without the prior approval of the Department through the completion of a Whole APPENDIX A-DSW Page 5 of 13 Effluent toxicity testing methodology questionnaire. Reconstituted water and DMW should be prepared with Millipore Super QR or equivalent, meet the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:18-6 and should be aerated a minimum of 24 hrs prior to use, but not supersaturated. D. EFFLUENT SAMPLE COLLECTION Effluent samples shall be representative of the discharge being regulated. For each discharge serial number (DSN), the effluent sampling location shall be the same as that specified in the NJPDES permit for other sampling parameters unless an alternate sampling point is specified in the NJPDES discharge permit. For continuous discharges, effluent sampling shall consist of 24 hour composite samples consisting either of equal volumes taken once every hour or of a flow-proportionate composite sample, unless otherwise approved by the Department. Unless otherwise specified, three samples shall be collected as specified above, preferably one every other day. The first sample should be used for test initiation and the first renewal. The second sample for the next two renewals. The third sample should be used for the final three renewals. For the Selenastrum test, a single sample shall be collected not more than 24 hours prior to test initiation. In no case, shall more than 36 hours’ elapse between collection and first use of the sample. It is acceptable to collect samples more frequently for chronic WET testing and if samples are collected daily for acute toxicity testing conducted concurrently, available samples may be used to renew the test solutions as appropriate. For all other types of discharges, effluent sampling shall be conducted according to specifications contained within the discharge permit, methodology questionnaire, or as otherwise specified by the Department. The use of grab samples or other special sampling procedures may be approved by the Department based on time of occurrence and duration of intermittent discharge events. If a municipal discharger has concerns that the concentrations of ammonia and/or chlorine in an effluent are adequate to cause violations of the permit limit for chronic toxicity testing, the permittee should conduct analyses, as specified in USEPA's toxicity investigation methods documents, to illustrate the relationship between chronic effluent toxicity and chlorine and/or ammonia as applicable. This data may then be submitted to the Department as justification for a request to use modified test procedures, which account for ammonia and/or chlorine toxicity, in future chronic toxicity tests. The Department may, where adequate justification exists, permit the adjustment of these pollutants in the effluent sample if discharge limits for these pollutants are contained in the NJPDES permit and those permit limitations are adequate for the protection of water quality. Any proposed modified test procedures to adjust effluent chlorine and/or ammonia shall be approved by the Department prior to use of those test procedures for any compliance testing. Except for filtration through a 2 mm or larger screen or an adjustment to the standard test salinity, no other adjustments to the effluent sample shall be made without prior written approval by the Department. When a laboratory adjusts a freshwater effluent salinity and the pH of the test concentration changes more than 0.5 pH units from the initial pH, the laboratory shall readjust the pH of the test concentration to within 0.5 pH units of the original test concentration. Aeration of samples prior to test start shall be minimized where possible and samples shall not be aerated where adequate saturation exists to maintain dissolved oxygen. E. PHYSICAL CHEMICAL MEASUREMENTS At a minimum, the physical chemical measurements shall be as follows unless more stringent criteria is required by the method: • pH and dissolved oxygen shall be measured at the beginning and end of each 24 hour exposure period, in at least one chamber, of each test concentration and the control. In order to ensure that measurements for these parameters are representative of the test concentrations during the test, measurements for these parameters should be taken in an additional replicate chamber for such concentrations which contains no test organisms, but is subject to the same test conditions. APPENDIX A-DSW Page 6 of 13 • Temperature shall either be monitored continuously, measured daily in at least two locations in the environmental control system, or measured at the beginning and end of each 24 hr exposure period in at least one replicate for each treatment. • Salinity shall be measured in all salt water tests at the beginning and end of each 24 hour exposure period, in at least one replicate for each treatment. • For all freshwater tests, alkalinity, hardness and conductivity shall be measured in each new sample (100% effluent) and control. • When natural salt water is used; nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia shall be measured in the control before each renewal in the mysid test only. • For samples of discharges where concentrations of ammonia and/or chlorine are known or are suspected to be sufficient to cause toxicity, it is recommended that the concentrations of these pollutants be determined and submitted with the standardized report form. The laboratory is advised to consult with the permittee to determine if these parameters should be measured in the effluent. Where such measurements are deemed appropriate, measurements shall be conducted at the beginning of each 24 hour exposure period. Also, since a rise in the test pH can affect the toxicity of ammonia in the effluent, analysis of ammonia during the test may be appropriate if a rise in pH is accompanied by a significant increase in mortality. F. STATISTICS Special attention should be given to the omission and inclusion of a given replicate in the analysis of mysid fecundity data (USEPA 1994, p. 275) and Ceriodaphnia reproduction data (USEPA 1994, page 174). Determination of acceptability criteria and average individual dry weight for the growth endpoints must follow the specifications in the applicable documents (e.g., p.84 for saltwater methods document.) Use of nonparametric statistical analyses requires a minimum of four replicates per test concentration. If the data for any particular test are not conducive to parametric analyses and if less than four replicates were included, the test may not be acceptable to the Department. For point estimate techniques, statistical analysis must follow the protocol contained in the approved testing method. The linear interpolation estimate ICp values and not the bootstrap mean ICp, shall be reported for permit compliance purposes. The ICp value reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report shall be rounded off as specified in the Department's “NJPDES Monitoring Report Form Reference Manual", updated December 2007, and available on the web at for further information. If the result reported by the ICp method is greater than 100% effluent, the test result is reported as ">100%" If separate IC25's can be calculated from multiple test endpoints, for example a reproductive and/or growth endpoint and a survival endpoint, the lowest IC25 value expressed in units of "% effluent" will be used to determine permit compliance and should, therefore, be reported as the IC25 value for the test. If the IC25 value for growth and/or reproduction is not lower than that for survival, the IC25 value reported for the test shall be as survival. For saltwater tests, where additional controls are used in a test (i.e. brine and/or artificial sea salt control), a T-test shall be used to determine if there is a significant difference between the original test control and the additional controls. If there is a significant difference between any of the controls, the test may be deemed unacceptable and if so, will not be used for permit compliance. APPENDIX A-DSW Page 7 of 13 III. TEST ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA Any test that does not meet the test acceptability criteria of the chronic toxicity method will not be used by the Department for any purpose and must be repeated as soon as practicable, with freshly collected samples. 1. Tests must be performed by a laboratory approved for the conduct of chronic toxicity tests and certified for chronic toxicity testing under N.J.A.C. 7:18. 2. Test results may be rejected due to inappropriate sampling, including the use of less than three effluent samples in a test and/or use of procedures not specified in a permit or methodology questionnaire, use of frozen samples, not refrigerating samples upon collection, or unapproved pretreatment of an effluent sample. 3. Controls shall meet, at a minimum, the applicable performance criteria specified in the Table 2.0 and in the individual method specifications contained herein. 4. Acceptable and applicable Standard Reference Toxicant Data must be available for the test. 5. No unapproved deviations from the applicable test methodology may be present. 6. When using hypothesis testing techniques, a deviation from the dose response as explained in the statistical portion of this document shall not be present in the data. 7. If more stringent criteria are required within the chronic toxicity test method or rule, the more stringent criteria must be met. CONTROL PERFORMANCE Table 2.0: TEST ORGANISM Pimephales promelas Ceriodaphnia dubia Selenastrum capricornutum Cyprinodon variegatus Menidia beryllina Mysidopsis bahia MINIMUM SURVIVAL 80% MINIMUM WEIGHT GAIN 0.25 mg avg MINIMUM FECUNDITY/ REPRODUCTION N/A 80% N/A Average of >15 young per surviving female Density >2x105cells/ml 80% N/A Variability in controls not to exceed 20%. 0.60 mg (unpreserved) avg 0.50 mg (preserved) avg 0.50 mg (unpreserved) avg 0.43 mg (preserved) avg 0.20 mg per mysid avg N/A 80% 80% N/A egg production by 50% of control females if fecundity is used as an endpoint. THE DETERMINATION OF A TEST AS UNACCEPTABLE DOES NOT RELIEVE THE FACILITY FROM MONITORING FOR THAT MONITORING PERIOD APPENDIX A-DSW Page 8 of 13 IV. STANDARD REFERENCE TOXICANT TESTING All chronic testing shall be accompanied by testing with a Standard Reference Toxicant (SRT) as a part of each laboratory's internal quality control program. Such a testing program must be consistent with the quality assurance/quality control protocols described in the USEPA chronic testing manuals. Laboratories may utilize the reference toxicant of their choice and toxicants such as cadmium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium dodecyl sulfate and copper sulfate are all acceptable. However, Potassium chloride has been chosen by several laboratories and is recommended by the Department. The concentration of the reference toxicant shall be verified by chemical analysis in the low and high test concentrations once each year or every 12 tests, whichever is less. It is not necessary to run SRT tests, for all species using the same SRT. A. INITIAL STANDARD REFERENCE TOXICANT (SRT) TESTING REQUIREMENTS At a minimum, this testing shall include an initial series of at least five SRT tests for each test species method. Acceptable SRT testing for chronic toxicity shall be performed utilizing the short term chronic toxicity test methods as specified herein. Reference toxicant tests utilizing acute toxicity testing methods, or any method other than those contained in this document are not acceptable. The laboratory should forward results of the initial SRT testing, including control charts, the name of the reference toxicant utilized, the supplier and appropriate chemical analysis of the toxicant to the Department’s laboratory certification program prior to obtaining certification for chronic toxicity testing. Certification for the applicable chronic toxicity method must be obtained prior to the conduct of any chronic toxicity testing for compliance purposes. B. SUBSEQUENT SRT TESTING REQUIREMENTS After receiving the initial approval from the Department to conduct chronic toxicity tests for compliance purposes, subsequent SRT testing shall be conducted as follows: 1. Where organisms used in testing are cultured at the testing laboratory, SRT testing must be conducted at least once per month for each species/method. 2. Where the laboratory purchases organisms for the conduct of chronic toxicity testing for the test organism in question, the testing laboratory must conduct a concurrent SRT per lot of organisms, unless the supplier provides at least the most recent five monthly SRT’s using the same toxicant and control conditions. SRT data provided by the supplier for each lot of organisms purchased is acceptable as long as the SRT test result falls within the control limits of the control chart established by the supplier for that organism. The laboratory using purchased organisms is responsible for the results of any compliance tests they perform. 3. A testing laboratory purchasing organisms from a supplier laboratory must still perform SRT testing on a monthly basis at a minimum, for each species they test with, in order to adequately document their own interlaboratory precision. 4. If a testing laboratory purchasing organisms elects not to use the SRT data from a "supplier laboratory" or such data is unavailable or where organisms are purchased from another organism supplier, the testing laboratory must conduct SRT testing on each lot of organisms purchased. 5. If a testing laboratory conducts testing for a species/method less frequently than monthly, then an SRT shall be run concurrent with the toxicity test. NOTE: Based on these requirements, SRT data are considered applicable to a compliance test when the SRT test results are acceptable and the SRT test is conducted within 30 days of the compliance test, for the test species and SRT in question. Therefore, it is not necessary for an approved laboratory to run an SRT test every month if the laboratory is not conducting compliance tests for a particular species. APPENDIX A-DSW Page 9 of 13 C. CHANGING OF AN ESTABLISHED REFERENCE TOXICANT The SRT used for any species by a laboratory may be changed at any time provided that the following conditions have been satisfied: 1. A series of at least three reference toxicant tests are conducted with the new reference toxicant and the results of those tests are identified as satisfactory, in writing, by the Department. 2. Laboratories must continue using the already approved SRT in their ongoing QA/QC program, until such time as the letter referenced above, is received by the laboratory. D. CONTROL CHARTS Control charts shall be established from SRT test results in accordance with the procedures outlined in the USEPA methods documents. Control charts shall be constructed using IC25's using the following methods: 1. The upper and lower control limits shall be calculated by determining +/- two standard deviations above and below the mean. 2. SRT test results which exhibit an IC25 that is greater than the highest concentration tested or less than the lowest concentration tested (i.e. a definitive endpoint cannot be determined), shall not be used to establish control charts. 3. SRT tests which do not meet the acceptability criteria for a specific species shall not be used to establish control charts. 4. All values used in the control charts should be as nominal concentrations. However, the control charts shall be accompanied by a chart tabulating the test results as measured concentrations. 5. An outlier (i.e. values which fall outside the upper and lower control limits) should be included on the control chart unless it is determined that the outlier was caused by factors not directly related to the test organisms (e.g., test concentration preparation) as the source of variability would not be directly applicable to effluent tests. In such case, the result and explanation shall be reported to the Department within 30 days of the completion of the SRT test. The control chart established for the initial series of SRT data submitted will be used by the laboratory and the Department to determine outliers from SRT test results reported in the "NJPDES Biomonitoring Report Form Chronic Toxicity Test" submitted by the permittees for the test species. These initial control limits will remain unchanged until twenty SRT tests have been completed by the laboratory. The following procedures shall be used for continually updating control charts after twenty acceptable SRT tests have been completed: 1. Once a laboratory has completed twenty acceptable SRT tests for a test species, the upper and lower control limits shall be recalculated with those twenty values. 2. For each successive SRT test conducted after these first twenty tests, a moving average shall be calculated and the control limits reevaluated using the last twenty consecutive test results. 3. The upper and lower control limits shall be reported on the "NJPDES Biomonitoring Report Form Chronic Toxicity Tests" along with the SRT test result. APPENDIX A-DSW Page 10 of 13 E. UNACCEPTABLE SRT TEST RESULTS If a laboratory produces any SRT test results which are outside the established upper and lower control limits for a test species at a frequency greater than one test in any twenty tests, the laboratory shall investigate sources of variability, take corrective actions to reduce identified sources of variability, and perform an additional SRT during the same month. The Department may not accept or may require repeat testing for any toxicity testing that may have been affected by such an occurrence. If a laboratory produces two consecutive SRT test results or three out of any twenty test results which are outside the established upper and lower limits for a specific test species, the laboratory shall cease to conduct chronic toxicity tests for compliance purposes for that test species until the reason(s) for the outliers have been resolved. Approval to resume testing may be contingent upon the laboratory producing SRT test results within the established upper and lower control limits for that test species in two consecutive SRT tests. If one or both of those test results again fall outside the established control levels, the laboratory is unapproved for that test species until five consecutive test results within the established upper and lower control limits are submitted and approved by the Department. F. ANNUAL SUBMITTALS The Department may request, at any time, any information which is essential in the evaluation of SRT results and/or compliance data. APPENDIX A-DSW Page 11 of 13 V. TEST CANCELLATION / RESCHEDULING EVENTS A lab may become aware of QA problems during or immediately following a test that will prevent data from being submitted or a lab may be unable to complete a tests due to sample collection or shipping problems. If for any reason a chronic toxicity test is initiated and then prematurely ended by the laboratory the laboratory shall submit the form entitled "Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing Test Cancellation / Rescheduling Event Form" contained herein. This form shall be used to detail the reason for prematurely ending the test. This completed form and any applicable raw data sheets shall be submitted to the biomonitoring program at the address below within 30 days of the cessation of the test. Tests are considered to be initiated once test organisms have been added to all test chambers. Submission of this form does not relieve the facility from monitoring for that monitoring period. VI. REPORTING The report form entitled "NJPDES Biomonitoring Report Form - Chronic Toxicity Tests" should be used to report the results of all NJPDES chronic compliance biomonitoring tests. Laboratory facsimiles are acceptable but must contain all information included on any recent revisions of the form by the Department. Statistical printouts and raw data sheets (including chain of custody documents) for all endpoints analyzed shall be included with the report submitted to the Department. All chronic toxicity test report forms shall be submitted to the following address: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Water Pollution Management Element Bureau of Surface Water Permitting Division of Water Quality Biomonitoring Program Mail Code – 401-02B PO Box 420 Trenton, NJ 08625-0420 In addition, the results of all chronic toxicity tests conducted must be reported on the DMR form under the appropriate parameter code in the monitoring period in which the test was conducted. VII. METHOD SPECIFICATIONS The following method specifications shall be followed as specified in the NJPDES permit. Any changes to these methods will not be considered acceptable unless they are approved in writing by the Department, prior to their use. A. B. C. D. E. F. Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas), Larval Survival and Growth Test, method 1000.0 Ceriodaphnia dubia, Survival and Reproduction Test, method 1002.0 Algal, (Selenastrum capricornutum), Growth Test, method 1003.0 Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus), Larval Survival and Growth Test, method 1005.0 Inland Silverside (Menidia beryllina), Larval Survival and Growth Test, method 1006.0 Mysidopsis bahia, Survival, Growth, and Fecundity Test, method 1007.0 APPENDIX A-DSW Page 12 of 13 VIII. REFERENCES 1. NJPDES Monitoring Report Form Reference Manual October 2007 2. USEPA. 2002. Short Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms. EPA-821-R-02-014. October 2002. Third Edition. 3. USEPA. 2002. Short Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms. EPA-821-R-02-013. October 2002. Fourth Edition. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Water Pollution Management Element Bureau of Surface Water Permitting Division of Water Quality Biomonitoring Program Mail Code – 401-02B PO Box 420 Trenton, NJ 08625-0420 CHRONIC WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY TESTING TEST CANCELLATION / RESCHEDULING EVENT FORM THIS FORM IS TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT DIRECTLY BY THE LABORATORY CONDUCTING CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTS WHENEVER A CHRONIC TOXICITY TEST IS PREMATURELY ENDED FOR ANY REASON NJPDES No.: FACILITY NAME: ________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ LOCATION: __________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT: _________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________ CANCELLATION EVENT: LABORATORY NAME / NUMBER: CONTACT: TEST START DATE: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _____/______/______ TEST END DATE: _____/_____/_____ REASON FOR CANCELLATION: _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ When is retest scheduled to be performed? EFFLUENT SAMPLING: SAMPLING POINT / DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLING SITE: ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAMPLING INITIATED: DATE: ____/____/____ TIME: ___________ SAMPLING ENDED: DATE: ____/____/____ TIME: ___________ NUMBER OF EFFLUENT SAMPLES COLLECTED: SAMPLE TYPE (GRAB/COMPOSITE): ____________________ ___________________________________ RECEIVED IN LAB BY/FROM: __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ METHOD OF SHIPMENT: _______________________________________________________________________ (ALL APPLICABLE RAW DATA SHEETS MUST BE ATTACHED) c: Permittees authorized agent. APPENDIX B Approved Corrosion Inhibitors, Biocides, or Additives to be Used at Chemours Chambers Works Facility (date approved by Department if known) 1 GE Hypersperse MDC775– membrane deposit control – 8/24/2015 2 GE Inhibitor AZ8104– water-based corrosion inhibitor – 8/24/2015 3 GE Gengard GN8141– corrosion inhibitor – 8/24/2015 4 Chemtreat CN135 – sulfamic acid-based water treatment equipment cleaner – 8/24/2015 5 Chemtreat ML5101 – scale inhibitor for landfill leachate – 6/8/2015 6 Chemtreat P873L – flocculent for wastewater treatment – 6/8/2015 7 Chemtreat P812A – flocculent for drinking water treatment – 6/8/2015 8 Chemtreat P880L – flocculent for wastewater treatment – 6/8/2015 9 Millsperse 813 – scale inhibitor for landfill leachate – 6/8/2015 10 ChemTreat CL4635 – 12/30/2014 11 ChemTreat CL4428 – 12/30/2014 12 GE Power & Water product Solus AP25 – 12/5/2014 13 Ashland Advantage 831 – 9/17/2014 14 Solenis Advantage NF1038 – 9/17/2014 15 Solenis Advantage NF2177 – 9/17/2014 16 ChemTreat CL-49 (previously approved) 17 ChemTreat BL-1253 – 6/6/2013 18 ChemTreat BL-1770 – 6/6/2013 19 GE/Betz Spectrus NX1100 – 6/6/2013 20 GE/Betz Spectrus BD1501 – 6/6/2013 21 GE/Betz Kleen MCT103 – 6/6/2013 22 GE/Betz Kleen MCT107 – 6/6/2013 23 GE/Betz Depositrol PY5206 – 6/6/2013 24 GE/Betz Solisep MPT 134 – 6/6/2013 25 GE/Betz Hypersperse MDC150 – 6/6/2013 26 Sodium Hypochlorite – 6/6/2013 27 Morton Solar salt – 6/6/2013 28 Chemtreat BL-1559 – 5/25/2012 29 Chemtreat CL-4891 – 5/25/2012 30 Chemtreat CT-708 – 5/25/2012 31 Chemtreat C-2189T – 5/25/2012 32 Chemtreat CL-4125 – 5/25/2012 33 Chemtreat BL-1283 – 5/25/2012 34 BIOCHEK 430 35 Kathon™LX Microbiocide 36 Acticide MBS 37 Spectrus OX103 38 GE/Betz Spectrus NX1100 39 Chemtreat C-2189T 40 CL206 41 Chemtreat CL49 42 HTH (Calcium hypochlorite) 43 Aluminum sulfate 44 Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate 45 GE Betz ContinuumAE230 Corrosion Inhibitor 46 Gengard GN8106 47 Optisperse AP0300 48 Chemtreat CL4432 49 CT62 50 CT904 51 CT709 52 P817E 53 BL1260 54 RL9004 55 RL124 56 RL1500 57 RL2106 58 CL206 59 RL120 60 Chemtreat CL4428 61 Chemtreat CL241 62 Chemtreat P822L 63 CORTROL OS5300 64 Solenis (formerly Ashland) ED7250 65 Solenis (formerly Ashland) ED750 66 Hychem Hyperfloc CE 2041 67 Hychem Hyperfloc AE 843 68 Hychem Hyperfloc CP 781 September 2018 Chemours PFAS Monitoring Report The Chemours Company Fluoroproducts 67 Canal Road, P. O. Box 9001 Chambers Works - Pedersen Building Deepwater, NJ 08023 Chemours October 24, 2018 If? Certi?ed Mail Return Receipt Requested #7 0150640000294653510 . tuiti? ll EMIMWTN 11 Dlrector, Chemical ControlD1v1s10n I: i [571, US Environmental Protection Agency Of?ce of Pollution Prevention and Toxics EPA East Room 4146 1201 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington,? DC 20460 RE: EPA HQ OPPT 2003 0012 Chemours Chambers Works NJPDES Permit No. NJ0005100 PFOA Data Submittal Outfall DSN662 Weekly Grab Samples September 2018 Sample Data Dear Chemical Control Division: Attached please ?nd summaries of PFOA, PFNA, and additional analytical results for the Chemours Chambers Works weekly grab samples taken at internal outfall DSN662A in September 2018. In accordance with the renewed site NJPDES permit (NJ 0005 100, effective April 1, 7 2018), these results are provided to NJ DEP on a basis (PFOA and PFNA are, also provided via the electronic discharge monitoring report, DMR). The enclosures include two paper and two electronic copies of the analytical results from this monitoring period. 1Q all . or ez Area Manhger Secure Environmental Treatment Chemours Chambers Works UGB/clc Enclosures Copy to: Document Control Of?ce US Environmental Protection Agency Of?ce of Pollution Prevention and Toxics EPA East Room 6428 1200 Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460 Ms. Heather Genievich NJDEP Division of Water Quality Bureau of Surface Water Permitting Mail Code 401-02B 401 E. State Street PO. Box 420 Trenton, NJ 08625?0420 Department of Environmental Protection Site Remediation Waste Management Program Bureau. of Case Management Mail Code 401-05F P. O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625?0420 Chemours Chambers Works 662 Grab Data - September 2018 Specific Method CAS Number Analyte Result Quali Un?s ?er Limit Repo? sTo D?u?on Sampled Analyzed 13252-13-6 15000 ng/L 120 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM 13252?13?6 8000 ng/l. 130 MRL 100.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/19/18 12:16 PM 13252?13-6 HFPO-DA 14000 ng/L 120 MRL 100.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:18 PM 13252?13?6 HFPO-DA 25000 ng/L 120 MRL 100.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:14 AM 375-73-5 Per?uorabutanesu?onkzadd(PFBS) 0.041 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/17/18 9:54 PM 375?73?5 Perfluorobutanesulfanic acid (PFBS) 0.076 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/17/18 10:01 PM 375?73?5 Perfluorobutanesulfanic acid (PFBS) 0.15 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:25 PM 375-73?5 Perfluorabutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) 0.055 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 375?22?4 Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) 4.9 ug/L I 0.028 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM DA 375?22-4 Perfluorobutanoic acid PFBA) 4.7 ug/L I 0.030 MRL 100.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/19/18 12:16 PM 375?22?4 Perfluorabutanoic acid PFBA) 7.3 ug/L 0.028 MRL 100.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:18 PM DA 375-22-4 Perfluorobutanoic acid PFBA) 3.8 ug/L 0.029 MRL 100.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:14 AM 335-76-2 Perfluorodecanoic acid PFDA) 0.66 ug/L 0.025 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM 335?76-2 Perfluorodecanoic acid PFDA) 0.60 ug/L I 0.027 MRL 100.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/19/18 12:16 PM 335?76-2 Perfluorodecanoic acid PFDA) 0.65 ug/L 0.025 MRL 100.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:18 PM imam 335-76-2 Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 0.74 ug/L 0.0026 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 307-55-1 Perfluorododecanoic acid 0.055 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/17/18 9:54 PM 307?55-1 Perfluorododecanoic acid 0.052 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/17/18 10:01 PM 307-55-1 Perfluorododecanoic acid 0.046 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:25 PM DA 307-55-1 Perfluorododecanoic acid 0.064 ug/L 0.0046 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 375?85-9 Perfluoroheptanoic acid 3.4 ug/L I 0.020 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM 375~85-9 Perfluoroheptanoic acid 4.2 ug/L I 0.022 MRL 100.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/19/18 12:16 PM 375?85?9 Perfluoroheptanoic acid 3.7 ug/L 0.020 MRL 100.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:18 PM DA 375?85-9 Perfluoroheptanoic acid 3.2 ug/L 0.0021 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 355-46?4 Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid 0.019 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/17/18 9:54 PM 355-46-4 Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid 0.013 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/17/18 10:01 PM 355?46-4 Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid 0.046 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:25 PM 355-46-4 Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid 0.0077 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 307-24-4 Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHXA) 23 ug/L 0.047 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM 307-24?4 Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHXA 35 ug/L 0.050 MRL 100.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/19/18 12:16 PM DA 307-24?4 32 ug/L 0.047 MRL 100.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:18 PM 307-24-4 Perfluorohexanoic acid Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHXA) 17 ug/L 0.048 MRL 100.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:14 AM 375?95-1 Perfluorononanoic acid PFNA) 0.30 ug/L 0.022 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM 375?95?1 0.40 ug/L 0.023 MRL 100.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/19/18 12:16 PM 375-95?1 Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 0.50 ug/L 0.022 MRL 100.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:18 PM DA 375-95?1 Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 0.34 ug/L 0.0022 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 754-91-6 PerfluorooctanesuIfonamide (PFOSA) <0.028 ug/L 0.028 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM i Lab results by Test America Sacramento, NJ Certification Page 1 of 2 Chemours Chambers Works 562 Grab Data - September 2018 Quali Units fier Specific Method Report CAS Number Result Limit 5 To Dilution Analyte Sampled Analyzed DA 754?91?6 Perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA) <0.0020 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/17/18 10:01 PM 754?91-6 Perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA) <0.028 ug/L 0.028 MRL 100.0- 9/17/13? 9:50 AM - 10/18/18 8:18 PM DA 754-91-6 Perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA) <0.0029 ug/L 0.0029 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 1763-23-1 Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid PFOS) <0.044 ug/Lv, I 0.044 MRL 100.0- AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM 1763-23-1 0.010 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/17/18 10:01 PM 1763?23-1 Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid PFOS) 0.027 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10? 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:25 PM DA 1763-23-1 Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid PFOS) 0.015 ug/L 0.0045 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 335?67?1 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 3.6? ug/L I 0.069 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM 335?67?1 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 4.2 ug/L I 0.073 MRL 100.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/19/18 12:16 PM 335-67-1 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 6.1 ug/L 0.069 MRL 100.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM =10/18/18 8:18 PM PFCTIDA 335?67?1 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 4.5 ug/L 0.071 MRL 100.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:14 AM 2706?90?3 Perfluoropentanoic acid 3.6 ug/L 0.040 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM DA 2706?90?3 Perfluoropentanoic acid 4.6 ug/L I 0.042 MRL 100.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/19/18 12:16 PM 2706?90?3 Perfluoropentaynoic acid 5.2 ug/L 0.040 MRL 100.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:18 PM DA 2706-90-3 Perfluoropentanoic acid 3.3 ug/L 0.0041 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 376?06-7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid <0.024 ug/L I 0.024 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM 376-06-7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid 0.0071 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/17/18 10:01 PM 376-06?7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid 0.0069 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:25 PM 376?06?7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid 0.0082 ug/L 0.0024 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 72629-94?8 Perfluorotridecanoic acid <0.11 ug/L 0.11 MRL 100.0 9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM 726 29-94?8 Perfluorotridecanoic acid 0.0069 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/17/18 10:01 PM DA 72629?94?8 Perfluorotridecanoic acid 0.0051 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 9/17/18 9:50 AM 10/18/18 8:25 PM DA 726 29-94-8 Perfluorotridecanoic acid <0.011 ug/L 0.011 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM 2058-94-8 Perfluoroundecanoic acid <0.089 ug/L I 0.089 MRL 100.0 .9/4/18 10:40 AM 10/19/18 12:09 PM 2058?94?8 Perfluoroundecanoic acid <0.095 ug/L 0.095 MRL 100.0 9/10/18 9:30 AM 10/19/18 12:16 PM DA 2058-94?8 Perfluoroundecanoic acid <0.089 ug/t 0.089 MRL 100.0 9/17/18 10/18/18 8:18 PM DA 2058?94-8 Perfluoroundecanoic acid 0.067 ug/L 0.0091 MRL 10.0 9/24/18 8:45 AM 10/12/18 1:21 AM Lab results by Test America Sacramento, NJ Certification #04005. i Page 2 of 2 October 2018 Chemours PFAS Monitoring Report The Chemours Company Fluoroproducts 6? Canal Road, P. O. Box 9001 Chambers Works - Pedersen Building Deepwater, NJ 08023 ?ecalven November 20, 2018 Certi?ed Mail Return Receipt Requested NOV 2 6 23. 1?8 #70150640000294657365 BY: Director, Chemical Control Division US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics EPA East Room 4146 1201 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460 RE: EPA HQ OPPT 2003 0012 Chemours Chambers Works NJPDES Permit No. NJ 0005100 PFOA Data Submittal Outfall DSN662 Weekly Grab Samples October 2018 Sample Data Dear Chemical Control Division: Attached please find summaries of PF 0A, PFNA, and additional PFC analytical results for the Chemours Chambers Works weekly grab samples taken at internal outfall DSN662A in October 2018. In accordance with the renewed site NJPDES permit (NJ 0005100, effective April 1, 2018), these results are provided to NJDEP on a basis (PFOA and PFNA are also provided via the electronic discharge monitoring report, DMR). The enclosures include two paper and two electronic copies of the analytical results from this monitoring period. Uriel G. Boh 'qu Area Manager Secure Environmental Treatment Chemours Chambers Works UGB/clc Enclosures Copy to: Document Control Of?ce US Environmental Protection Agency Of?ce of Pollution Prevention and oxics EPA East Room 6428 1200 Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460 if Ms. Heather Genievich NJDEP Division of Water Quality Bureau of Surface Water Permitting Mail Code 401-02B 401 E. State Street PO. Box 420 Trenton, NJ 08625?0420 Department of Environmental Protection Site Remediation Waste Management Program Bureau of Case Management Mail Code P. O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420 Chemours Chambers Works 662 Grab Data - October 2018 Qual Units ifier ug/L IH5 Specific Method DA Repo? s'ro MRL MRL Reporting I (Detection) Limit 0.12 0.13 CAS Number 13252-1346 13252?13-6 13252-13?6 Analyte HFPO-DA Resuk 7.4 27 DHL?ion 100:0" 100.0 Sampled .310/1/18 9:30 AM 10/8/18 9:00 AM Analyzed '11/16/18 6:29 PM 11/16/18 6:37 PM 32 ug/L H. ug/L' 100.0 -11/16/18 6:44 PM 13 252-13-6 HFPO-DA 24 ug/L 0.15 MRL 100.0 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/17/18 6:17 PM PFCHIDA 13 25 2?13?6' 12 ug/L 0.12 I MRL 100:0" 10/29/18 9:22 AM '11/16/18 6:52 PM 375-73-5 Per?uorobutanesu?onkzadd(PFBS) 0.099 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 5.0 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 7:00 PM DA 375?73?5 - Perfiuorob'utanesulfo'n'ic acid (PFBS) 0.17 ug/L? 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/8/18 9:00 AM 11/12/1?8? 10:11 PM DA 375?73-5 Per?uorobutanesu?onkzadd(PFBS) 0.096 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/15/18 8:34 AM 11/12/18 10:19 PM 375-73?5 Perfluorob'utanesalfonic acid (PFBS) 0.051 ug/L' 0.0020 MRL 1.0 ,"10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/5/18 10:25 PM DA 37573-5 0.080 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/16/18 7:22 PM 375-2 2-4 6.5 ug/L2 I 0.029 MRL 100.0 . - 9:30 AM 11/16/18 6:29 PM DA 375-22~4 3.2 ug/L 0.029 MRL 100.0 10/8/18 9:00 AM 11/16/18 6:37 PM 375422-4 Per?uorobutanokzadd(PFBA) 6.2 'ug/L 0.033 100.0- 10/15/18'834 AM 11/16/18 6:44 PM DA 375-22-4 Per?uorobutanokzadd(PFBA) 6.8 ug/L 0.034 MRL 100.0 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/17/18 6:17 PM 375-224 I Per?uorobutanok:add PFBA) 3.3? ug/L 0.029 MRL 100.0 ?10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/16/18 6:52 PM 335-76-2 1.0 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 5.0 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 7:00 PM 335-76?2 PErfluOrodecanoic acid (PFDA 0.63 y: 0.026 MRL 100.01 10/8/18 11/16/18'637 PM 335-76-2 0.54 ug/L 0.029 MRL 100.0 10/15/18 8:34 AM 11/16/18 6:44 PM PFCHIDA - 335?76-2 Perfluorodecanoic acid 0.54 ug/L 0.0301 MRL . 10010 AM. 11/17/18 6:17 PM DA 335-76-2 Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 0.48 ug/L 0.025 MRL 10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/16/18 6:52 PM 307-55-1 PerHUOrododECanOHiadd(PFDOA); 0.074 ug/L - I 0.0023 100.0 5.0 AM ?11/16/18 7:00 PM 307-55-1 0.069 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/8/18 9:00 AM 11/12/18 10:11 PM 307-?55-1 Per?uorododecanokzadd(PFboAiT' 0:060 0.0020. 1.0 "'10/15/18'834 AM 11/12/18 10:19 PM DA 307-55-1 Per?uorododecanokzadd(PFDoA) 0.081 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/5/18 10:25 PM 307-55?19' 0083'- ug/L A '10/ 29/18 30:22 AM . 11/16/18 7:22 PM 375-85?9 Perfluoroheptanoicacid 3.2 ug/L I MRL 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 6:29 PM 37585-9 2.37 .. .ug/L i.I MRL 1. PM DA 375-85-9 2.7 ug/L MRL 10/15/18 8:34 AM 11/16/18 6:44 PM PFCMI DA 375-85494 P6Efl00?0?eptanoit 66:8 5.42%. ??g/List - MRL. AM 6:17 PM DA 375-85?9 Per?uoroheptanokzadd(PFHpA) 2.0 ug/L MRL 10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/16/18 6:52 PM - 0.013 0.00207 - PM 355-46-4 0.012 ug/L 0.0020 10/8/18 9:00 AM 11/12/18 10:11 PM - "35514644 - 0'2'0'02?0' If 10715718181348; 10519 PM DA 355-46-4 0.0085 ug/L- 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/5/18 10:25 PM 355-4644. -. 0.008325331- i 1'1/41'6/18r'7z22 PM DA 307?24-4 Per?uorohexanohzadd(PFHxA) 14 .984 I 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 6:29 PM FCHI 307924321 - 07811810500'101'01" .- "1171' 67.186237 PM DA 30124?4 Per?uarohexanok28dd(PFHxA) 29 ug/L 10/15/18 8:34 AM 11/16/18 6:44 PM 307?24-4 . 19 AM .11/1-7/18 6:17 PM 307-24-4 18 ug/L 10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/16/18 6:52 PM Lab results by Test America Sacramento, NJ Cert/fr'cation #04005. Page1.of2 Chemours Chambers Works 662 Grab Data - October 2018 Specific Method CAS Number Analvte Resuh Units Qua] ifier Reporting 375-9541 Per?uorononanokzadd(PFNA) 0.43 ug/L' (petection) Limit Repon sTo Dilution Sampled Anawzed 0.0020 MRL 5.0 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 7:00 PM DA 375-95-1 0.32 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/8/18 9:00 AM 11/12/18 10:11 PM DA 375-9541 Pe?hmwononanmcacmiPFNA) 0.28 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/15/18 8:34 AM '11/12/18 10:19 PM 375?95-1 Per?uorononanokzadd(PFNA) 0.28 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/5/18 10:25 PM 375-95-1 0.23 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/29/18 9 :22 AM 11/16/18 7:22 PM DA 754-91-6 Per?uorood?nesu?onan?de(PFOSA) <0.0020 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 5.0 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 7:00 PM DA 754~91~6 <0.0020 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/8/18 9:00 AM 11/12/18 10:11 PM PFqu DA 754-91-6 <0.0020 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/15/18 8:34 AM 11/12/18 10:19 PM 754-916 Pedhmwoodanesu?onan?de(PFOSA) <0.0020 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/5/13 10:25 PM DA 754-91-6 Per?uoroodanesu?onan?de[PFOSA) <00020 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/16/18 7:22 PM 1763-23-1 Per?uorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) 0.016 ug/L 0.0022 MRL 5.0 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 7:00 PM 1763?23-1 Perfluorooct-anesulfonic acid (PFOS) 0.014 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/8/18 9:00 AM 11/12/18 10:11 PM 1763-23-1 Per?uoroodanesu?onk2add(PFOS) 0.013 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/15/18 8:34 AM 11/12/18 10:19 PM DA 1763?23-1 0.010 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/5/18 10:25 PM DA 1763-23?1 Perfiuorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) 0.010 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/?16/18?722 PM A DA 335?67-1 Perfluorooctanoic acid 4.7 ug/L 0.070 MRL 100.0 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 6:29 PM DA 335-67?1 Perfiuorooctanoic acid (PFOA) '42 ug/L I 0.071 MRL 100.0 10/8/18 9:00 AM 11/16/18 6 :37 PM 335-67?1 Per?uorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 5.2 ug/L 0.081 MRL 100.0 10/15/18 8:34 AM 11/16/18 6:44 PM 335-67-1 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 3.4 ug/L 0.082 MRL 100.0 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/17/18 6:17 PM DA 335-67?1 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 3.0 ug/L 0.070 MRL 100.0 10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/16/18 6:52 PM 2706-90-3 Perfluoropentanoic acid 3.2 ug/L I 0.041 MRL- 100.0 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 6:29 PM 2706?903 Per?uoropentanokzadd(PFPeA) 2.7 ug/L 0.041 MRL 100.0 10/8/18 9:00 AM 11/16/18 6:37 PM 2706-90-3 3.6 ug/L 0.047 MRL 100.0 10/15/18 8:34 AM 11/16/18 6:44 PM I 2706-90?3 4.8 ug/L 0.047 MRL 100.0 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/17/18 6:17 PM DA 2706?90?3 2.9 ug/L 0.040 MRL 100.0 '10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/16/18 6:52 PM 376-06-7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid 0.0080 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 5.0 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 7:00 PM PFCHI DA 376-063 PerfluorOtetradecanoic acid 0.0092 ug/L . I 0.0020 - MRL 1.0 -10/8/18 9:00 AM 11/16/18 7:07 PM DA 376-06?7 0.0088 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/15/18 8:34 AM 11/12/18 10:19 PM 376-06-7 Per?uorotenadecan0h23dd(PFTeA) 0.013 ug/L 0.0020- MRL 1.0 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/5/1810:25 PM DA 376-0657 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid 0.013 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/16/18 7:22 PM DA 72629-94-8- 0.0065 ug/L I 0.0054 MRL 5.0 - 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 7:00 PM 72629?94?8 Per?uorot?decan0k23dd(PFTdA) 0.011 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/8/18 9:00 AM PM 72629-94?8 'Per?ubrot?decanokzadd(PFT?A) 0.010 ug/L 0.0020- MRL 1.0 PM DA 72629-94?8 Per?uorot?decanok3add PFTHA) 0.010 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/5/18 10:25 PM 72629-94?8 Perfl'uorotr'idecanoi'c acid 0.013 ug/L 0.0020. :.10/29/18 9:22 AM .- 1-1/16/18 7:22 PM PFCHI DA 2058~94~8 Per?uoroundecanok:add 0.090 ug/L 0.0046 MRL 5.0 10/1/18 9:30 AM 11/16/18 7:00 PM PFCHIDA 2058-94-8 PerfonroUhdecanDic acid 0.081 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 1.0' 10/8/18 9:00 '11/12/18 10:11 PM DA 2058?94-8 0.058 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/15/18 8:34 AM 11/12/18 10:19 PM 2058-94?8 0.068 ug/L 0.0020": MRL 1.0 '10/22/18 9:05 AM 11/5/18 10:25 PM Lab results by Test America Sacramento, NJ Certification #04005. DA _l 2058-94-8 Per?uoroundecan002add(PFUnA} Perfluoroundecanoic acid 0.068 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 10/29/18 9:22 AM 11/16/18 7:22 PM Page 2 of2 November 2018 Chemours PFAS Monitoring Report i The Chemours Company Fluoroproducts 67 Canal Road, P. O. Box 9001 Chambers Works - Pedersen Building Deepwater, NJ 08023 January 28, 2019 Certi?ed Mail Return Receipt Requested #70150640000294654678 Director, Chemical Control Division US Environmental Protection Agency 3) 0 2019 Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics EPA East - - Room 4146 1201 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460 RE: EPA HQ OPPT 2003 0012 Chemours Chambers Works NJPDES Permit No. NJ 0005100 PFOA Data Submittal Outfall DSN662 Weekly Grab Samples November 2018 Sample Data REVISION Dear Chemical Control Division: Attached please find a revised summary of PFC analytical results for the Chemours Chambers Works weekly grab samples taken at internal outfall DSN662A in November 2018. Our certi?ed contract lab, Test America, missed including the data in their originally reported data set. The attached table now includes the data along with our previously submitted PFC data set. In accordance with the renewed site NJPDES permit (N 0005100, effective April 1, 2018), these results are provided to NJDEP on a basis (PFOA and PFNA are also provided via the electronic discharge monitoring report, DMR). The enclosures include two paper and two electronic copies of the analytical results from this monitoring period. Chemours Chambers Works UGB/clc Enclosures Copy to: Document Control Of?ce US Environmental Protection Agency Of?ce of Pollution Prevention and Toxics EPA East Room 6428 1200 Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460 Ms. Heather Genievich NJDEP Division of Water Quality Bureau of Surface Water Permitting Mail Code 401?0213 40] E. State Street PO. Box 420 Trenton, NJ 08625-0420 Department of Environmental Protection Site Remediation 85 Waste Management Program Bureau of Case Management Mail Code P. O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625?0420 Chemours Chambers Works 662 Grab Data - November 2018 REVISION: Test America has revised their November 2018 report to include the HFPO-DA data that was missed in their original report to us. ii Reporting Specific 5 Quali (Detection) Reports Method Number Analyte Result Units fier Limit To Dilution Sampled Analyzed 13252-13-6 - HFPO-DA 34 ug/L 0.12 MRL 1000 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/15/18 5:06 PM 13252-13-6 HFPO-DA 8.8 ug/l. 0.13 MRL 1000 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/15/18 5:14 PM 13252?13-6 HFPO-DA 16 ug/L 0.12 MRL 100.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/15/18 5:21 PM 13252-13-6 11 ug?. 0.12 MRL 100.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:29 PM 375-73-5 Perfluorobutanesuifonic acid (PFBS) 0.046 ug/L 0.0020 MRL :10 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/9/18 12:46 AM DA 375?73-5 Perfiuorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) 0.046 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 3 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/9/18 12:53 AM 375-73?5 Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) 0.053 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/9/18 1:00 AM I 2375-73-5 Perflaorabutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) 0.087 ug/L 0.0020 MRL iI100 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM '375-22-4 Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) 2.9 ug/L 0.029 MRL 100.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/15/18 5:06 PM 375-22?4 Perfluorobutanoic acid 2.5 ug/L 0.030 MRL 100.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/15/18 5:14 PM 375-22-4 iPer?uorobutanoic acid (PFBA) "3.4 ug/L 0.028 MRL 1000 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/15/18 5:21 PM EJ DA 375-22-4 Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) 3.7 ug/L 0.029 MRL 100.0 A AM 12/15/18 5:29 PM DA 335?76-2 Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 0.43 ug/L 0.026 MRL 100.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/15/18 5:06 .335-76?2 Per?uorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 0.43 ug/L 0.026 MRL 100.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/15/18 5:14 PM DA 335-76-2 Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 0.40 ug/L 0.025 MRL 100.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/15/18 5:21 PM 335-76?2 .Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 0.37 ug/L 0.0026 MRL 10.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM DA 307?55-1 Perfluorododecanoic acid 0.070 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/9/18 12:46 AM P_Fc_l DA 307-55?1 Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDOA) 0.056 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/9/18 12:53 AM 307?55-1 Perfluorododecanoic acid 0.054 ug/L 0.0020 MRL i1.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/9/18 307?55-1 'Perfluorododecanoic acid 0.086 ug/l._ 0.0045 MRL 10.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM DA 375-85-9 Perfluoroheptanoic acid 1.5 ug/L 0.021 MRL 100.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/15/18 5:06 PM 375-85-9 Per?uoroheptanaic acid 1.8 ug/L 0.021 MRL 100.0 __11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/15/18 5:14 PM 375?85?9 Perfluoroheptanoic acid 1.5 ug/L 0.020 MRL 100.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/15/18 5:21 PM I 375-85?9 Perfluoroheptanoic acid _5.8 ug/L 0.021 MRL 100.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:29 PM DA 355-46-4 Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid f<0.0020 ug/L 0.0020 MRL '10 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/9/18 12:46 AM 355-46?4 Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid 0.016 \ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/9/18 12:53 AM 355-46-4 Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid 0.013 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/9/18 1:00 AM 355-46-4 Per?uorohexanesulfonic acid_(_PfoS) '<0.0020 ag/L . 0.0020 MRL !_10.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM I 307?24?4 Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHXA) 15 ?ug/L 0.048 MRL 100.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/15/18 55:06 PM 307-24-4 Per?uorohexanoic acid (PFHXA) 12 ug/L 0.049 MRL :1000 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/15/18 5:14 PM 307-24-4 Perfluorahexanoic acid (PFHXA) 16 ug/L 0.047 MRL E1000 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/15/18 5:21 PM ELI DA 307-24-4 Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHXA) 15 ug/L 0.048 MRL [100.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:29 PM 375-95-1 lPerfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) i023 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 51.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/9/18 12:46 AM Lab resaits by Test America Sacramento, NJ Certi?cation #04005. Page 1 0f 2 Chemours Chambers Works 662 Grab Data - November 2018 REVISION: Test America has revised their November 2018 report to include the HFPO-DA data that was missed in their original report to us. lReporting Specific Quali r(Detection) Reports lMethod CAS Number Analyte Result Units fier Limit To Dilution Sampled Analyzed 375-95-1 Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 0.26 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/9/18 12:53 AM 375-95?1 Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 0.22 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/9/18 1:00 AM 375-95-1 Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 0.18 ug/L 0.0022 MRL 10.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM 7134-91?6 Perfluorooctanesuifonamide (PFOSA) ?<0.0020 ug/L 0.0020 MRL :10 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/9/18 12:46 AM DA 754-91?6 PerfluorooctanesuIfonamide (PFOSA) l<0.0020 'ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/9/18 12:53 AM 754-91-6 Perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA) i<0.0020 ug/L 0.0020 MRL }1.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/9/18 1:00 AM 754-91-6 Perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA) <0.0029 ug/L 0.0029 MRL l10.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM 1763-23?1 :Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) .<0.044 ug/L 0.044 MRL 2100.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/15/18 5:06 PM WIJDA 1763-23?1 Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) 0.017 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 . 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/9/18 12:53 AM 1763-23?1 Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) 0.013 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 1.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/9/18 1:00 AM iic_lDA 1763-23?1 Per?uorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) 0.016 .ug/L 0.0045 MRL 10.0 _11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM 335?67-1 Perfluorooctanoic aCid 2.6 ug/L 0.070 MRL 100.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/15/18 5:06 PM i ECJDA _335-67?1 Perfluorooc?canoic acid (PFOA) 3.6 ug/L 0.072 100.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/15/18 5:14 335-67-1 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 3.0 ug/L 0.069 MRL 1100.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/15/18 5:21 335?67-1_ Per?uorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 1.9 ug/L 0.0070 MRL 110.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM ECJ DA 2706?90-3 Perfluorapentanoic acid 2.7 'ug/L 0.040 MRL 1100.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/15/18 5:06 PM EJDA 2706-90?3 Per?uoropentanoic acid 2.7 ug/L 0.041 a MRL '.100.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/15/18 5:14 PM i DA ,2706-90-3 iPer?uoropentanoic acid 2.7 ug/L 0.040 MRL 5100.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/15/18 5:21 PM 2706-90?3 lPerfluoropentanoic acid 3.0 ug/L 0.0040 MRL 1.10.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM - ?g DA 376-06-7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid <0.024 ug/L 0.024 MRL i100.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/15/18 5:06 PM 2. 376?06-7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid 0.0086 ug/L 0.0020 MRL l1.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/9/18 12:53 AM i 376?06-7 .-Per?uorotetradecanoic acid ug/L 0.024 MRL if100.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/15/18 5:21 PM Egg DA 376-06?7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid 0.017 ug/L .00024 MRL l10.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/_18 5:36 PM 72629-94?8 .Perfluorotridecanoic acid 0.0093 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/9/18 12:46 AM 72629-94-8 :Per?ucrotridecanoic acid 0.0078 ug/L 0.0020 MRL l1.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/9/18 12:53 AM :PPc_i DA 72629?94-8 Perfluorotridecanoic acid 0.0067 ug/L 0.0020 MRL i1.0 11/19/18 9:28 AM 12/9/181:00 AM ?41m 72629?94?8 IPer?uorotridecanaic acid i<0.011 ug/l. 0.011 IMRL 10.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM lPFc_i0A 2058-94?8 lPerquoroundecanoic acid <0.091 ug/L 0.091 9100.0 11/5/18 8:42 AM 12/15/18 5:06 PM i 2058-948 'Per?aoroundecanoic acid <0.093 ug/L 0.093 100.0 11/12/18 9:11 AM 12/15/18 5:14?u DA Perfluoroundecanoic acid <0.089 ug/L 0.089 MRL Q1000 11/19/18 9:28 AM I 12/15/18 5:21 PM l2058-94?8 'lPerfluoroundecanoic acid I0.054 _ug/L 0.0091 110.0 11/26/18 9:22 AM 12/15/18 5:36 PM Lab results by Test America Sacramento, NJ Certi?cation #04005. Page 2 01?2 December 2018 Chemours PFAS Monitoring Report The Chemours Company Chemours Fluoroproducts 6? Canal Road, P. O. Box 9001 Chambers Works - Pedersen Building Deepwater, NJ 08023 January 23, 2019 I . Certi?ed Mail Return Receipt Requested #70150640000294653893 Director, Chemical Control Division 9 US Environmental Protection Agency Of?ce of Pollution Prevention and Toxics EPA East Room 4146 1201 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460 RE: EPA HQ OPPT 2003 0012 Chemours Chambers Works NJPDES Permit No. NJ0005100 PFOA Data Submittal Outfall DSN662 Weekly Grab Samples December 2018 Sample Data Dear Chemical Control Division: Attached please ?nd summaries of PFOA, PFNA, and additional PFC analytical results for the Chemours Chambers Works weekly grab samples taken at internal outfall DSN662A in December 2018. In accordance with the renewed site NJPDES permit (NJ 0005100, effective April 1, 2018), these results are provided to NJDEP on a basis (PFOA and PFNA are also provided via the electronic discharge monitoring report, DMR). The enclosures include two paper and two electronic copies of the analytical results from this monitoring period. Area Manager Secure Environmental Treatment Chemours Chambers Works UGB/clc Enclosures Copy to: Document Control Of?ce US Environmental Protection Agency Of?ce of Pollution Prevention and Toxics EPA East Room 6428 1200 Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460 Ms. Heather Genievich NJDEP Division of Water Quality Bureau of Surface Water Permitting Mail Code 401 E. State Street PO. BOX 420 Trenton, NJ 08625-0420 Department of Environmental Protection Site Remediation Waste Management Program Bureau of Case Management Mail Code 401-05F P. O. Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625?0420 Chemours Chambers Works 662 Grab Data - December 2018 iSped?c in?ethod CAS Number Analyte Resuh Unhs Quali ?er Repor?ng (Detection) Limit Reports To D?u?on Sampled Analyzed DA 13252-13-6 HFPO-DA 10 u8/L - 0.12 MRL 100.0 12/3/1?8- 9 :04 AM 1/9/19-828 PM DA .. 13 252-13-6 HFPO-DA 5.4 ug/L 0.13 MRL 100.0 12/10/18 9:25 AM DA 113252?136 HFPO-DA 7.4 ug/L 0.12 MRL 100.0 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 8:36 PM i 1/9/19 8:43 PM '13252-13-6 HFPO-DA 4.9 ug/L 0.13 MRL 100.0 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 8:51 PM DA 13252-13-6 7.5 ug/L 0.12 MRL 100.0 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 8:58 PM DA 375-73-5 0.049 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 10.0 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/9/19 9:06 PM 375-73-5 0.045 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 10.0 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/19 9:36 PM DA 375-73-5 Per?uorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS 0.061 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10.0 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 9:43 PM 35940.4 375-73-5 Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS 0.13 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10.0 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 9:51 PM DA 375-73-5 Per?uorobu?canesulfonic acid (PFBS 0.096 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10.0 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 9:58 PM i 375-22-4 4.8 ug/L I 0.028 MRL 100.0 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/9/19 8:28 PM 375?22-4 1;PerflLiorobcitanoic acid PFBA) 6.3 ug/L I 0.030 MRL 100.0 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/19 8:36 PM 375-22-4 2.6 ug/L 0.029 MRL 100.0 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 8:43 PM DA 375-22-4 iPerfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) iPer?uorobutanokzadd(PFBA) 2.6 ug/L 0.0030 MRL 10.0 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 9:51 PM 375?22?4 ?Per?uorobutanok2add(PFBA) 2.6 ug/L 0.0029 MRL 10.0 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/199r58 PM DA 335-76u2 \Per?uorodecanokzadd(PFDA) 0.35 ug/L 0.0025 MRL 10.0 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/9/19 9:06 PM 335-76-2 0.41 ug/L I 0.0027 MRL 10.0 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/19 9:36 PM 335?76?2 Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA 0.39 ug/L 0.0026 MRL 10.0 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 9:43 335-76-2 Perfluorodecanoic acid 0.53 ug/L 0.0026 MRL 10.0 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 9:51 PM i DA 335-76?2 EPer?uorodecanokzadd(PFDA) 0.54 ug/L 0.0026 MRL 10.0 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 9:58 PM 307-55-1 iPerfluorododecanoic acid 0.060 ug/L 0.0045 MRL 10.0 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/9/19 9_:06 PM I 307-55-1 iPer?uorododecanokzadd(PFDo 0.070 ug/L I 0.0047 MRL 10.0 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/19 9:36 PM 307-55-1 0.067 ug/L 0.0046 MRL 10.0 12/17/18 8:50 AM 307-554 A) Perfluorododecanoic acid Per?uorododecanokzadd(PFDoA) 0.064 ug/L 0.0047 MRL 10.0 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 9:43 PM 1/9/19 9:51 PM 307?55-1 0.075 ug/L 0.0046 MRL 10.0 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 9:58 PM 375?85?9 Per?uoroheptanokzadd(PFHpA) 2.3 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10.0 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/9/19 9:06 PM: 375?85?9 Perfluoroheptanoic acid 7.1 ug/L I 0.022 MRL 100.0 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/19 8:36 PM 375-85-9 Per?uoroheptanokradd 1.8 ug/L 0.0021 MRL 10.0 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 9:43 PM i 375-85-9 Perfluoroheptanoic acid 1.9 ug/L 0.0021 MRL 10.0 12/24/18 8:55 AM 375?85~9 Per?uoroheptanoic acid 1.9 ug/L 0.0021 MRL 10.0 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 9:51 PM 1/9/19 9:58 PM 355?46?4 0.031 ug/L I 0.0020 MRL 10.0 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/9/19 9:06 PM 355-46-4 Perfiuorohexanesuifonic acid <0.0020 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10.0 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/19 9:36 PM i 355-46-4 0.010 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10.0 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 9:43 PM i 355?46-4 Perfluorohexanesuifonic acid 0.016 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 10.0 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 9:51 PM 355-46-4 Perfiuorohexanesulfonic acid Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid 0.031 ug/L 0.0020 MRL 210.0 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 9:58 PM 307-24-4 Perfiuorohexanoic acid (PFHXA) 17 lug/L 10.047 MRL H.090 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/_9_/19 Lab resuits by Test America Sacramento, NJ Certification #04005. Page1_of3 Chemours Chambers Works 662 Grab Data - December 2018 Reporting I Specific Quali (Detection) Reports i Method CAS Number Analyte fier Sampled Analyzed .. 1 733,6 PM 307-24-4 Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHXA) 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 8:43 PM i 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 8:58 PM ?11 I: 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/19 9:36 PM . 197199343 PM 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 9:51 PM -. 179719958 PM 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/9/19 9:06 PM PM 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 9:43 PM PM 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 9:58 PM .1/9/19 9:06 PM 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/19 9:36 PM - PM 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 9:51 PM - - 1/9/19 9:58 PM 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/9/19 9:06 PM - 1/9/19 9:36 PM 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 9:43 PM A-M- 2 179/19 951 PM 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 8:58 PM -- .- PM 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/19 8:36 PM PM 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 9:51 PM '1-2731?71?8?193-1044 {ii/971959158 PM 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/9/19 9:06 PM PM 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 9:43 PM 4112/24/11828555114671 PM 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 9:58 PM PM. 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/19 9:36 PM 307-24?4 Perfiuorohexanoic acid (PFHXA 375-95-1 Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 375395"- 1? 7; . P?-Tiflti?fri 507450." 'Cf'a??i?a?'ri 375-95-1 Perfiuoranonanoic acid (PPNA) 754-91?6 Perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA) <0.0028 - 75-4?9116 754-91-6 PerfluorooctanesuIfonamide (PFOSA) <0.0029 '9 75449146 {20?0?0731 754?91-6 Perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PPOSA) <0.0029 1763-234 .f 1763-23-1 Per?uorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) . 1763-23?1 Perfiuorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) 1763-23-1 335-67-1 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) DA 335467?13 - - 335-67?1 Perfiuorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 0.0071 05007.37."- .PFCHI 335-67-1 . - 335-67?1 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA DA . 2706-9053 PerfIdorb?pen'tan'csicfa'cid- 2706-90-3 Perfluoropentanoic acid 0A 2706-90-3 .3- 2706-90?3 Per?uoropentanoic acid 27.064903 P'e'rfi'Lidrope'nt?a'noic 376-06-7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid PPc_ioA 376-06-7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid 37:6:0?6i7. . if? 376?06-7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid DA- ECJDA 72629-94-8 Per?uorotridecanoic acid 0.0042 Lab resuits by Test America Sacramento, NJ Certification #04005. Page 2 of 3 Chemours Chambers Works 662 Grab Data - December 2018 Reporting Specific Quali (Detection) Reports Method Number Analyte Result Units fier Limit To Dilution Sampled Analyzed 72629-94-8 Perfluorotridecanoic acid <0.011 ug/L 0.011 MRL 10.0 12/17/18 8:50 AM .1/9/{19 9:43 PM DA 72629-94?8 Perfluorotridecanoic acid <0.011 ug/L 0.011 MRL 10.0 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 9:51 PM DA 72629-94-8 Perfluorotridecanoic acid <0.011 ug/L 0.011 MRL 10.0 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 9:58 PM 2058-94?8 Per?uoroundecanoic acid 0.044 ug/L 0.0089 MRL 10.0 12/3/18 9:04 AM 1/9/19 9:06 PM 2058-94-8 Perfluoroundecanoic acid 0.050 ug/L 0.0095 MRL 10.0 12/10/18 9:25 AM 1/9/199z36 PM 2058-94-8 Perfluoroundecanoic acid 0.049 ug/L 0.0091 MRL 10.0 12/17/18 8:50 AM 1/9/19 9:43 PM 2058-94-8 Perfluoroundecanoic acid 0.045 ug/L 0.0094 MRL 10.0 12/24/18 8:55 AM 1/9/19 9:51 PM 2058?94?8 gPer?uoroundecanoicacid 0.046 ug/L 0.0091 MRL 10.0 12/31/18 9:10 AM 1/9/19 9:58 PM I I Lab resw?ts by Test America Socram ento, NJ Certi?cation #04005. 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