Proposed FY20 Budget Cuts Will Eliminate Housing and Homeless Service Programs 601 Accessed services funded $1,333,564 of housing and service supports at risk in Juneau by at risk programs in Juneau The proposed budget cuts in the Governor's FY20 amended budget will adversely impact persons and families experiencing homelessness across Alaska. Many programs are expected to close if funding is discontinued resulting in vulnerable Alaskans losing housing and essential services. The proposed budget recommends cutting nearly $11 million from four key programs. • The Homeless Assistance Program (HAP) will FY20 Governor's Amended Budget Statewide Amounts be cut from $7.8 million dollars to $950,000.  Thousands of Alaskans will lose access to homeless prevention supports (rental/utility emergency assistance), emergency shelter options, and the ability to be rapidly rehoused • in multiple communities. The Special Needs Housing Grant (SNHG) will Program FY19 FY20 Homeless Assistance Program $7,800,000 $950,000 Special Needs Housing Grant $1,700,000 $200,000 Human Services Community Matching Grant $1,387,000 $0 $861,700 $0 $11,748,700 $1,150,000 be cut from $1.7 million dollars to $200,000. Community Initiative Matching Grant Program SNHG operating dollars and housing vouchers Total provide long-term rental assistance for • seventeen successful housing programs targeting the most vulnerable homeless population. The Human Services Community Matching Grant (HSCMG) & Community Initiative Matching Grants (CIMGP) funding of $2,248,700 will be eliminated. These programs provide funding to prevent and alleviate challenges for those with serious mental or physical hardships. HSCMG, in particular, is one of the only funding streams to support operations for safety net services like basic shelter and food provision Juneau Services at Risk: • • • • • • Emergency Shelter Homeless Prevention Resources Rapid Rehousing Permanent Housing for Most Vulnerable Transitional Housing Temporary Rental Assistance Local Agencies Currently Receiving or Expected to Receive HAP, SNHG, HSCMG, or CIMGP Funding Program Total Gastineau Human Services & Glory Hall $626,068 Juneau Cooperative Christian Ministry $50,000 Juneau Housing First Collaborative $600,000 REACH $12,496 More Information: Potential Cuts to Juneau Agencies Brian Wilson Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessness $1,333,564 Proposed FY20 Budget Cuts Will Eliminate Housing and Homeless Service Programs 10,934 Alaskans accessed $10,898,700 of housing and service supports at risk in Alaska services funded by housing programs at risk of budget cuts Communities Receiving or Expected to Receive HAP, SNHG, HSCMG, or CIMGP Funding Next Fiscal Year Community At-Risk Funding Community At-Risk Funding Anchorage $4,983,919 Kodiak $263,676 Bethel $94,531 Kotzebue $50,000 Bristol Bay $50,000 Mat-Su Valley $1,487,408 Fairbanks $1,217,059 $397,433 Glennallen $70,000 Nome Southeast Alaska Communities Juneau $1,338,564 Unalakleet $30,144 Kenai Peninsula $634,082 Alaska Legal Services $264,801 $316,156 Client Details Number of Alaskans Accessing HAP & SNHG Services in 2018 By Service Type 6000 5669 5000 4000 2973 3000 2000 870 1000 809 801 659 174 47 0 Emergency Shelter Homeless Prevention Rapid Rehousing Transitional Housing Supportive Services Homeless Assistance Permanent Housing Street Outreach In 2017 and 2018, 5290 Alaskans accessed homeless prevention services… …only 3.18% of them returned to homelessness 1,541 Alaskans currently fleeing or 3,167Alaskans who accessed these were victims of domestic violence programs reported having a disabling accessed services through programs condition proposed to be cut More Information: Brian Wilson - Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessness