Giuliani 1 message Cast-tie. Hebert J- Sat, Apr 21. 2313 at 3:5? PM Te: Michael Cohen Client Cemrnuni'icatien Privileged with Rudy. 1 itery Very Positive ?i?eu are 'liJved'. it yeu want in cal me twill give you the details- I laid him everything you aslied me In and he said they knew that There was never a dpuht and they are in put earner. Rudy said this ccmmunicatien channel must he maintained- He called it crucial and hated hew reassured they were that they had snrrieene like me Rudy has tinewn far as many years in this rate. Sleep well tonight . yeu have friehds in high places. Bel: RE. Seine very positive cemments aheut yeu lrem the chse. Rudy npted new that followed my chat with him .tasl night. Sent them my I'Pad twit- STATEMEHT 0F CUHFIDEHTIALITY The contained in this electronic message and any attachments In this message are intended far the exclusive use at the addressee{s} and may contain cen?dential er privileged infen'natipn It yeu are net the intended recipient, please netity us irrunediately by email re i te sender er la ne tp Davideff Hutcher is Citron up a: destmir an mini-es its message and any attachments IRS In accerctance with Inten'ial Revenue Service Circular 230. we inferrn ycu that any discussicin at a iedeml taint issue ccntained in this cemmunicatipn [including any attachments} is net intended er wnlten Is he used. and it cannet he used, by any recipient for the purpose pi avoiding penalties that may he impesed en the recipient under United States iederal tax laws. er {ii} premeting. marketing er recciinmending te antither party any taint?related matters addressed herein ii