Number 1 inc June. l?i 1500 Libertarians to Gather In Denver, Augus 2 6-30 Tenth Anniver Celebration As many as 1500 members and sup- perrers of the Libertarian Party are ex- pertled to gather in Denver for the party's Tenth Anniversary Convention this August. Derive-r was chosen as the convention hf?CdU-H: the LP had its beginnings in the Denier area ten yearsago Colorado is a popular vacation spot. and convention Felt that Denier would be an appealing late summer location Man-,- of in? i. (t?l'litl' .rr--i-rn lhr? porn pin-ann a nit-nth during its first Jr. w-u fhuti?hasgromrlrom a flu. ?tr-rim lit-r" presidential candidate Ed Clark received over 900.000 votesin1980.u?1ile other LP candidates cumulatively garnered several million. Clark will be a featured speaker at addressing a breakfast gathering on Friday. August 23. and also speaking brie?y at several other events. Other breakfast speakers allh-e four-day gathering will include libertarran theorist David Friedman, LP Founder Dave Nolan. and Alaska State Representative Dick Randolph. who became the first elected Libertarian legislator in the nation in [973 and won re-election handily last year. Another convention highlight will be Friday-night's reception in honor of the party's three past presidential candidates and their running-mates. Featured speakers here. in addition to Clark. will be l972 standard-bearer John Hospers and 1976 nominee Roger MacBride. The previous evening. conventioneers who are so inclined will spend sometime in Central City. a picturesoue Old West gold mining town in the mountains west at Denver. Central City is a stronghold oi Libertarian support; LP candidates have regularly pulled 4% to 8% in the tow. whichhasbeen described variouslyas?he working-class Aspen" and ?Disneyland With saloons.? The outing to Central City will inciude informal gatherings with Karl Hess and Robert Anton Wilson. Yet armher popular Libertarian speaker and theorist will be honored Wednesday Wing. prior to the official start of the IL . Roach Photos. Inc. 1 Denver Hilton LPI10 Headquarters The Denver Hilton. located in the heart of busy downtown Denver. will serve as headquarters for the lConirre-ntlon. Auqu 2630. The hotel. one of the region's largest. is near the city's main ?ng district. the State Capitol, the Civic Center and the ?nancial district. Also. Denver?s major tourist attractions are within minutes or the hotel. including dteDenver Center for the Performing Arts. the Denver (1.5. Mini (wt-rere you can witness the debasement of our money!]. the Colorado State Historical Must-urn. the Denver Art Museum. the Natural History Museum. the Botanical Gardens and the Denver Zoo. The Hilton provides a variety of shops and services aswell as several excellent restaurants. lounges and pubs. Also. there's a large. outdoor heated swimming pool. so bring your swimsuits for con- vention offihours. convention. Murray Rothbard is the man: expect some vintage Rothbard anecdotes! The culmination of the Tenth Anniver- sary festivities will be the 10th Birthday Banquet on Saturday night. August 29th. This gala event will feature brief ap- pearances by many leading Libertarian personalities. filmed and taped ?ashbacks to great moments in the party's first ten s. champagne. live music. humor. and muses. Negotiation are wideruay to IMPORTANT CONVENTION REGISTRATION MATERIALS obtain a nationally-limo humorist as Master of Ceremonies [or the evening. Editor?s Note: Anyone having rm. the harmer shat-Mu. ?eas: contact Jan WEE-03) 9-39-3409. Party?s Future To Be Decided Celebrations a !or of important business will lake place at The. decrsions made at this 1.0? sI'nlrUn wril play a large part in shapingtho Litre-1.3mm Party's future. some members arr alt-'otit saying that i0r_0u d be the inn-.1 CIIJLIJI in the party litu'lrr'ry r) H: Thursday Augusl 27th and Will hour-t until mid-clan Eundov ..- .V. .. Ana" coming two years. . The greatest emphasis will be on amending the party's Constitution. By- laws Er Rules. Proposed changes Include increasing the number of voting at the nest presidential nominating convention. changing the time that convention from 1%3 to 1964. and es- tablishing tighter National Committee control over future presidential campaigns. Each oi these issues aswellas others -- has strong partisanson both sides: the debate is expected to be vigorous, Selection of party officers will also pro volre spirited contests. As ol press time. National Chair: this is the first seriously contested race for the party?s top post since 19?. Non-deiogates may observe the action on the convention "00f. or may take ad- vantage ol the many events which will be naming in parallel with ?oor proceedings. These include speeches. panels and workshops. on a wide variety of subjects. F?m' I Put; Woodrow PO Box 1557 Dorm. CO N201 moon MKBTAE FAD C0 NJ. rm PAGE TWO NEWS JUNE. l93 Dear Libertarians! You are invited to attend a Libertarian event that will be historic and memorable iotmanyyearstocome. The 10th lAnnular wry Convention theme "Here to Stay' Implle?i and the progress that has been made It is entirer approprlate that this National Convention be held where it all began. Colorado. This convention. like the first one held in Denver, has important business to do We mil be electing National Officers and members of the National Committee. It wit! be these individuals who will provide the focus for National activities for Over two years. Our governing documents may undergo substantial alterations which will shape the direction of our emphasis in- Iernally and externally. We have planned on eiicitlng and stimu? Iating convention program around the Issues of the world in which we live. There will be many opportunities for sharing ol information and education. Whether you are a newcomer. a longstanding Liber- tarian or an observci. we havi- program events that will give you something new to take home. new ideas. friendships and the memory of a griral convention at which you helped further the work or LIDi-rty. This convention paper describes part of theprogram nehaveplanned for yourcon- vention The program is representative of the diversity of individuals and ideas within the Libertarian movement. The": is mOre. Although we have very important busi- ness to conduct. are do want you to enfoy yourselves. we encourage you to come early and plan to stay after the convention. Colorado has many beautiful area: to A Special invitation tisil and l'i Lisa tut-at to: dllUll dti?d Whether you backpii- king in tllt' ll'ttJunlJIl?l?i. or (?lplUfIl?lq flit- letitt- 0i ancient cultures. Colorado lh- the plate to come. The history of thr: area I5 rich with P?Oplt? who believed in the sovermgrili? 0! the individual {Maybe you will be the 0m: to discover Gail's Gulrli'l blart planning no-ivforafumacationthati-t moiethanthe mnventlon We are looking forward to being your hosts and providing you with an ex- perience that is something special. Come to Colorado to work and play with yoiir Libenaiian colleagues. For Liberty. W- M. L. Hanson National Vice Chair Foreign Policy to Highlight Platform Update Foreign poliCy is expected to be the main topic considered for platform to vision at LP-?ltl. according to Sheldon Richman. Platform Committee Chair. be strengthened or highlighted at LPle. in light of President Reagan's foreign policy moves. especially in El Salvador. in recent months. Richman says. "The committee is not anticipating any major changes in the basic contenl ot the ?memo? date theissues ail. i'l Richmart sen thi- platform is intended to be a lirncli. fluid do: urns-Ht. not a permanent. unchanging one Other timely issues he expects to be up for revision include children's rights abortion. the Equal Rights. Amendment and nuclear weaponry. The Platform Committee will meet Tuesday and Wednesday of LP: I 0 to revise platform issues. It will then present recom- mendations to convention delegates for majority vote on Saturday. Proposals from the floor will also be considered. Your vote can mat-re a ditferenCe in what we stand for: make sure your opinion is taunted. Amendments to Constitution, By-Laws and Rules Bill White. Chair oftl-ie Constitution. By- LaIrs and Rules Committee. expects a great deal of party interest in proposed changes to the LP?sgoverningdocuments. as these changesare debated on the to convention floor. Among the changes. already proposed are: - tighter NationalCommittee controlover future presidential campaigns (iri- creased campaign accountability}. 0 convention timing {whether to hold nominating conventions the year before the election or the same year]: I membership and what constitutes membership: and II size and organisation of the National Committee. "Any other reasonable is that. name up betweennow and vention will be considered." he says. Anyone who wants to propoan may silimit proposals to any Con-trainee nembenortheycanwnte orcalltheChair at the following address: Bill White 12213? LarnelP?lace Aitoa. California 94022 4151961o?3'l?mome phone no.) Bergland to Deliver Convention Keynote Address David Bergland. National Clair of the Libertarian Party. will deliver the keynote address when the convention officially corn-esto order. Thursday. August 27a! it} am. His topic: "Where Do We Go From Here?" Bergtand will raise the questions that party members should be asking them- selves and each olhcr about the future of the LP. keeping in mind the David perspective and experience of 10 years. These questionsthen will be addressed by a panel of four prominent party "when. All LP members will want to heart hand to hear this keynote discussion which may prove to be a critical turning point for the party's success in the future. "Now that we know we're here to stay. that we can indeed influence American political thought and process. we must define more clearly the ultimate goal we want to achieve. And equally important. the rho-it effch ivc waysto reach thatgoal.' Bergland says. "If our goal is to live in a free society. than what are the things we will have to do to make it happen?" Bergland says the party's resources nub: 4:31?; Hi- Inn. fu- mi" .l rt 1 I'll Ill .H which pun-~- .tri- I'riO'il Irz-I?i1. al ttclii l'lti ultlt'h rmp- I. for li'it' l"l 1h. 'll? ii'ii'hr-lt' vie-Floral I r-iidl'iij Hm, ..J lacy 'itIUI'l II-?lli br- zilic'litci 1-.i continur tr) blanket the ballot or to concentrate to List1 ?r?me people elected Also. the party needs to look at criteria for potential electoral Carnpaigns. Party growth also willbeamalor topic to be discussed. Strategies for growth. recruitment and expansion of financial support must be addressed. as well as the question ofbeing selective about potential members Some tough questions need answers. Be there. ?Grand Celebration? Planned For 10th Anniversary Banquet Ten years old and still growing strong! ?that better reason for a celebration . . . and what a celebration it will be! The Tenth Birthday Banquet on Satur- day night is sure to be the highlight of l0. Attractions will include live music. diampagne. a giant birthday cake. an audiovisual review of the Libertarian Party's first decade. and more. Rather than featuring any one speaker airclusively. the evening's festivities will include brief appearances by a number of the individuals who have helped matte the it is. I Among those who are being invited to it are the following: will.? presidential nominee a ling-time party stalwart and a favorite at Ibertarian audiences around the nation. Forrmr Hatiorial Chairman Ed Crane. who served as Communications Director of the Clark carapaign and is now presi- the Cato Institute. ?Emmet National Director Chris l-Ioeker. now publisher of Ram; renowned torhisquick witandll?li? Mint. mditallo?tanmm'?mh regarded by many as "the conscience at the party." Everybody-'5 favorite. the dynamic Dick Randolph. whose achievements as the nation's lirsl elected Libertarian legislator are an inspiration to freedom-lovers eve . "PhiIOsOphical godfather" Murray ROW. whose droll anecdotes are legendary in Libertarian circles. A nationally-known humorist has been invited to be Master of Ceremonies for the occasion: negotiations are still in progress yet. But whoever the Emcee turns out to be. you can expect nun-terms surprises and humorous interludes throughout the evening. Overall. it will be an esperience not lobe missed an event that is sot-eta be tallied about for years to cm. are there! Jan Prince at (303) 959.3409. Why Are We Here? This is the first of two special editions of Contention News. designed to give you all the intan'nation you need lot the forthcoming national convention in August. Takes locket the exciting line-up of events we have in store for you. Then use the coupons in the center spread to register for this great lOth Anniversary gathering. Don't miss the July 4 pre- registration deadline: register now.- and save up to $45! Movie Showings Thurs. 6 Fri. Nite At The Hilton those economrminded souls who - - - not -- hibe'l'tuaday trill-w tit-.1? Ian-ti?. winner-ii uiu- lrii 'rl ll'l-lf' Um both titr'ri? will be lull lt-nqlh mot-ii". .ir thr- Denver Hillnii.brt1ur hlin spur lail\ irii the hunt-lit of i Chaici- ul ?1ch has not yet been final wed; possrh?allL-g lf'lt lth' "11? following Unix .1 lili?sunrx'nw about a latte-d NASA mission to Mar? and attendant goi. ernrnent covcrups litt' {irriiua Man. a starkly Randian science-lichen tlial madc- Ila det?ul in August pl 19? thi- camr? month that the LP had its beginnings Libertarian reviewer John Pachak said that ter-ira Man "completely outclasscs other 5? films. with their day after-tomorrow urgency. and dares to see through Ihe mask of human complexity." Harry's War. a current drama about a man who takes on the IRS after it abuses him; said to be explicitly libertarian. In addition to the main feature shavin each night. there will be additional. shorter films. Thus: under consideration inch-Id! the Academy Award-winning Karl Hus: Toward Liberty. and Stan Freberg?s humorous Federd Buiget Rm. The films mentioned here are tentath choices only: comments and suggestions are welcome. We want this to be you vmtlon. It you would like to put in your recommandations or comment on the possibilities we've mnticmed here please write to Dave Nolan. do the Lf?iW Convention Committee. STAFF Contributing Linda Barth. Ruth Barnett. Paul Grim. M.L. Dl?trid F. Nolan. LPin Cmtentlan News is a special edition new published by 1D (Ith Services. Inc. of advertising by this publication does not impiy endorse- "W'tl Non-runes- of the productsar Services offered. JUNE. 1981 OCOHVEHTION NEWS PAGE THREE Trek to the Richest Square Mile on Earth It's more than appropriate. the LP outing to Central City. Colorado on Thursday night of the convention. Because Central City was once the gold capital at the world after John Gregory made his strike in 1859. Central became known as "the richest square mile on earth." Over a halt? a billion dollars in precious metals poured from these hills. about 20 miles west of Denver. Enough to set a hard currency aduoeate's heart aflutter. I You can still pan for goldtwellepecks of it anyway} in Clear Creek which meanders alongside the road from Denver to Central City. But most of the treasures you'll ?nd nostradlays lliefi'n the unique architectural an cu tura erin City 0' central- 9,5 that await you in the Thanks to "gold fever." Central City has a rich. colorful past and present. In the late 19th Century. thousands of people clamored to the town. Oi the twenty sur- rounding mining and towns. it becamethe centerolbusiness.cultureand art with a population of over 40.000 people. They Came from allover the world to invest and mine. The Cornish. Irish and Welsh came with their skills of hard rock it i- vy? Strolling along the streets 01' Central is a step back In time to a city when: the spirit an" the Old West "van. Libertarian travelers to Central City will have the of encountering one of the most interesting intellecls of our time and maybe of anytime. Robert Anton Wilson. Visionary. humorist. novelist. play: wright. poet. popular science writer. liber: tai ian philosopher Robert Anton Wilson is a man of many parts. One of the founders of the Institute for the Study of Human Future. Robert Anton Wilson is alsoadirector ofthe Prometheus Society, a Maryland-based lobby group . J. Robert Anton Wilson engaged in promoting the scientific search for immortality. An active member 0? ?1'5 L5 Society. a group of scientists who are determined to send out the first Spaccvcity. Dr. Wilson is vitally conCerned With humanity's new frontier. A former associate editor at magazine. he edited "Playboy Forum Wlson to Spea in Central City mining and love of music and art. Their intricate Victorian architecture stands today as a monument to the hearty miners and pioneers. Central became a city of wealth and poverty. of hope and despair. of culture and vulgarity. It's still here, the glOry that was gold. Central City is a rear Century mountain mining town. not just a ticky-tacky instant frontiertown replica. Today. Central City is a National Historic Landmark. Its wealth of culture and entertainment offers something for inst about everyone. YOU can take a walk from one side of the city to the other and hear every form of American music imaginable opera. classical. country- western. honky-tonk or rock. The entire gamut is here every Summer and through- out the year. Plus. the tciwn boasts of more barsand anyothertown its size on earth. The opera house. built in 1873. is now the stage of the internationally famOus summer festival which features the finest in opera and theatre. Such greatsas Lillian Gish. Julie Harris. Mae West. Helen Hayes and Beverly Sills have performed in these exquisite sUrroundings. wherein libertarian ideas were preached in witty and entertaining style. "Playboy Forum" was the first platform to reach 4.6 million readers a month with arguments that all victimless crime laws should be abolished. first to attack the draft in mass media. first to speak out in favor of legalized abortion. He left Playboy 10 years ago to launch a career as full-time writer of boot-ts. In a series of books. Robert Anton Wilson has developed the story of the Illuminati, a conspiracy as old as time it self. as a vehicle to amuse and enlighten. His best-selling books. The Tnlogy (with Robert J. Shea) and Casmtt? Trigger have delighted readers the world over. Dr. Wilson's wort-ts have been published in Sweden. France. Germany. Switzerland. Japan and throughout the English speaking world. His illumiriatus trilogy was adapted asa lD-hOur sciencevliction rock epic and has been performed in England, Germany. the Netherlands and the US. Allofhisnowlsarepartofone longepic detailing the history of ideas. revolutions and conspiracies within the time frame 1600-2000 AI). He started with the years 193076 in illuminate. jumped ahead to 1948-37 in Schrodiriger's Cat. then did 1390-1914 in Masks ofthe Illuminati, He is Currently working on The Naked Goddess and Crescendo. two historical novels (17'60 1330} dealing with ancestors of the characters in earlier published novels. Robert Anton Wilson holds a in and frequently. addresses futurist and libertarian gatherings. Meet this man. regarded by some as we of the world's leading consciousness at the LP's informal gathering at Central City. Editor?s note: Rumor has it that there be Some kind of spontaneous gathering underthename Camp liltinuhatus in the hills Visit the restored Teller House. once said to be the most elegant hotel this side ofthe Mississippi and home of the Face on the Barroom Floor. It was here that Presi- dent Grant al lghted from his carriage onto a street paved with silver bricks. See the Victorian grandeur of the archi- tecture, gold mines. art galleries. museums. antique shops. bawdy saloons and arts and crafts shops. And there?s ex- cellent late-night dining at many restaurants featuring various cuisines. The sights of Central City, coupled informal gatherings with Karl Hess and Robert Anton Wilson. will make Thursday night a real affair to remember Be sore to bring a sweater or Jacket Even in the dog days of August. tempera- tures can dip to the 405 in the mountains when the sun goes down. Er Assoc. ofC'ot'orao?o, August 3 I Septemberl {95.1 to bridge the gap between the i0 Con- tention and the World Science Fiction Con- tention which will be held in Denver the week following to. No further details are known. The Central Clty Opera House opened In March 1873. built at a cost of The money no raised by the miners themselves. who would ascend. still muddy. from the late in the mlneo. to their own reserved balcony. so not to endanger ladles? skirts. PAGE FOUR Bureaucracy is - arisidt-rr-il one of Krnri Ir 3 '5 tap . and mail order 5? Hamlin \llttiWk \Ill?t. I?Iri'. t"ir:ir::. also a hutmr slit?, in l"th int-illirnl the It?detal trail: it 'h diction-r alum-.1 ht?. thnrurtt, um? I his-1'11 li.? "has Sugarman 5 ttigtuiiu} tolr- ii?r hint-4m r.ttii tyranny- u'l'atn I'll-Ill! LP 10 Jilt? it lttu'Hlde?t'Il arid (truth-ua i-I .Jht-"r Ljrijup int. . a .3. man ordm rampant, started his ltuhll'lt?H?n lltr~ C?t t-vr-m- If] tit-"i i1tle more than a pen Il'l hand Jf'it?l \i'mt- ulrun tm din-ct itiir Ill-Ind. pIutltit tins small I luv-Purim, trim new rap-uh. to t?wtm?l'lr?? it - mum spurt- cute in ti, lli- Il'liltl-tt'lr'-I 1hr- wnilda i-iiLlii?t tJILulato-r later he I'l?ff'ditied "-14 lix' litltiltl witlt elt-tlnuii- l .il .51 tum. l'iurillriicilarmi and And in?. men rt laser ht. .tn'i . ?I-iuu- aw"- -n hundreds nor-i Ht- nuts 'ttit' and gives iJLlual xiv-Lila ht?ll?H lr'i. Ittlt?\ l-J ltr-Ir?t (llhl'f?t \tt'tf'tfd ir'li "ugh .3 concept Lallr-tt 'suc Hr:- muhe hdsdiscovered sis mitt t-Ha- Whenever he follows I?x'a lUIt'rw NEWS Crusader Sugarman to Tell of Personal Battle with these truths hr surges-Jul. whens-tel ht- doe-int ht: ldil's Hl?s book iv? ft?rtt'x rit?fenlli. was hi, Contempordlh ?uvh': Int Sugurirmii U?ull'lti hl', Lumept of gut tunes to fight the FTC His tumble began In Jonudw Ul It'll?) when thich Joseph Sugarmnn major mummy. tlu- L_hl[ min Att?d [0.131 tr. J'lt? mullr'r?: lht? Jf?rl?h Um - ullt? "1 ,?tiptiirt-I .ll'.l .att- l'l trutihinq "'Ijll tiriJi.-r~ innit-1t ml? Jr [Ml-Incl fly - l?ll'l In w- 'ifil'v-dtu ll sl'ippt?tl H- f- in :Ittlw l?il?, II1U5I be imtilii-il -tl'l lt-L'nludi'? t?.er a. Ix But Ill -.lI'LIdI.'l.l 1-: Iii": JSGA 5 i-i'rn< Iron O'l the 3G Am rule sugarmun mic-rut In that, i iratiirm-is lot at?. drill-mp". i tin-2.1? til late shipments lint llit-I the r_illi:r and sub FKJl'Tldt?d "it till" [It?ll \lttf unit-nits u-ltm-rl habit to settle thr- use they tompured the dtlions Ir: a bully pulliriq out .1 gun .Jntt ll um t?luril I ll blow Liner-tapsan But i ithertl?mn arceplthe penalty and ream-no bud publicity. ilr't itlI?J tit lull? bath Hr- rt BIO-A Knee L:nrlcitterim it throuqh full page arts In hundreds of and news thr- ad'u he motivated thousand:- at people to write their and protest the powers olthe rampaiqn. pas-led legislation rurhirtq tltr'l It . the: tl'at' rcuu'wt?t?l by the 1C who. claims. Is prepanng It} launrh .3 vendetta against JEEP. bE?Luuw of the attack in.- made against Them Come hear the Iatesl rim lhf' hatllc-diitlwhatnne man buredut r.ttit tyranny Mm g4 garrimamrwg mg (/22 mfrz?mmw ?-lea.n Wadllt't Highland?ew York mifycm?: . Whether you hau- Imly rust discovered 11' 54.1- i libertarianism's history or you want . ,rhl- ix-oplp It writ r'rs.? ll .nn. um .i tic-dutiful truth tln' may it I'Jtl tllt? I'l and political Ireettum IN now I available on the wtet tum ul .tpplit tints [or the Cato hummer herninars' - in Holitical Econumy pl Twenty lectures and pertinent reading 1 materials in murmurs. foreign I attain-1nd history.I highlight the program 1 Room. board. and m. reation are also Included It all adds up In a learning expe- rience more rewarding and in lat-t mine tun than a smaller: and lur .1 lrartiutt at ustpl mutton costs Aslal'lt and Harriet Nicholas 0! Glendale. Calilnrnia. .1 said nt last year?s conference. "The program as a whole is even greater Ir than the sum iil its parts? A week spent in that company. truth sta? and students. cannot but utturm the mind and uplitt the spirit" Cato will return In ut Its most popular seminar srle's in I'Jtll An eastern cunterence be held at pawn-strut- Dartmouth l'tiltegt: July -I It A western conterrnu: nill be held at ?tkam Univer- arty. August s? 15 The cusl Inc rather cunlerence is tirin 5235 And trim are student. the is even less 195 pays tor There an- even a few travel scholarships available. Send today to: lunher information and application fon?ris. Don't miss this unique opportunity tr:- ttring your own tint: on Itberty to tile if: Please send me the Seminar brochure and application form. I4. - it 5- .r Phone I Send to: Summer Seminars Deptlti Cato Institute. 747 Front 5L. Sari Fraiu'isrro. Cutiturnia 94111 or phone l-?IlSt 433-4316 JUNE. 198] Kart Hess: on Living in Freedom Karl Hess has been rolled Americas drtip nut II Mid but why at hm Ltenrng ttith Ha'l Hess in Central Cu}- on Tl'imbdal, ot LP 10 Karl 9b05 with a (tear of the 198.05. Ont t' a part at the establish- mr-nr later a Lommunity ist. Today he (?hdt?r?lplolt?s indiududt liberties. Ht; a popular Libertarian speaker. uniting righl and It?ll wing pUlIhcal concepts utth equal parts 0 common sense and wt? ?i Inimr?r Goldwater gpe-urhwiiter and hitun I rird qliuslwriter. he traded his suburban DC home. and three piece suit to: a west Vrrginia homestead and He cur renttr. is a sell employ rr-l weldei Karl Hen A film on Hess: lite and philosophies. Kart Hess Toward Liberty, won the Atademy Award this year for Best Documentary Short Subject. The film details his views on politics. history and technology; he talks of a social philosophy called Appropriate Technology. and distusses the value at selfreliance. the importance ofteilowship. and the dangem ofbigness Some ot the things he says In his him are- "Writing for Goldwater and being a member of the 0.5. at the same llme ?5 very interesting don't think of socier as some big thing. Socrety is people toga-that making culture and that happens at a neighbor hood let-elI "Betore building our house lthought that the mast delimit- instrument I could handle nasaneiqhtmundstedgehsmmer . but it shouts pm that most people can study a law basrc printiplm Hess also is. author of Dear Amcnco a book that tells. "how commonsense mermans can create a demon-aw. manage their 01m alfairs. sus tam a wonderful standard of living-and en- ist "1 peace with nature and the wOrld He and hiswite thereselalong with Bob Kephart. publish a newsletter calltd Survival He say-5.. Fl sosunrl'val nevirsletter but not one at the hunkcr-in-a- bunker sorts. Optimistic and Skill- centered Vein,- middle-class Md Libertarian Deduct Convention Expenses from Your Taxes The I ibr-rldrian Health Association and Ihe rIJrian Lauryn r5. Association hold business amt eduuat tonal meel ""353! Participants these sessions c5" latte- comer-Iran expenses as a la! de ducliun. All good contributors {however rflu?: tan? in "It" IRS talu- notc' as Mg. 3r [ht ale! :an ind Low sus- ten Illtd enrol in-a- and in and .ngsat ns can at de- reluc- 198] Reception for Past Presidential .. candidates %9 1 we owe hd'o't all thrL-g pa? prewar "met sum? 3' lhl.? real UI tht- I?mt, My I- ntial candidates amt l' Hos . II ILL residenlro Jah? will: thhan Roger ?retaliate. Daurl Betqland. Ed Clorhond Dent] Koch t'hel, cocktail party ante discussion. thorl spt?t?th?- and WEI . ol thew Inomcluals still be honored and qwen .1 loin-n of Our esteem on gtoltlude ol ultohavebro Libertarian Partvto pf pt U9 1972 ?46m MM Numismatic Rarities. Ltd. is pleased to announce a of no more than 1.000 one?ounce silver coins In honor of the Tenth Anniversary ofthe Libertarian Party The face of the carrles a Statue of Liberti- design 0n the reverse Is an inscription the mm as .in if} commemomtive and .1 fDrtIhL'JtInTt Ct! silver cnntenl These (0th ?wtll be available at the Tenth Annl?e'vtm'lrtr' In Denver Price w1ll be per com rhap? higher. It the Cost of silver increase-H ntnri- rotutllt' than expectrd ?mu n?tt'tt. tt'ht'rvt: up tu law.- I tun-u advance. .It a guarantor-ti pru 1' Lil only 512 :0 .IptL-t?r. John Hospers Turtle Nathan 1976 oolnsto you aftertheevent: then I ?5 .- -- shipping charge of $2.50 per coin for this some, which effectively offsets the advance order discount. There can be no guarantee as to how much these will appreciate In the future simply note that most experts form-lee buhstanlially higher Silver prices in comlng years. We Inull also point out that Hospers-Nathan 19172 Campaign buttons {3,000 issued! now sell for up to one hundred ?me: their original price. there :5 a market in Libertarian collectibles These coins are offered on a first-served basis To guarantee yourself access to . this limited edition numisrnatic rarity. send in the coupon below . IMPORTANT NOTE: Coin orders are being pmessecl through the LP- 10 convention headquarters] for accounting purposes [15% of the receipts from sale of these coins goes to Checks must be made out to RARITIES, however. Do not combine your coin order with your convention registration! NUMISMATIC MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE c. Liberta nan Com-enliven T0 RARITIES 10-? Chunk" Slreet Dense r, CO RUIN- Here is my check for . One Ounce Commemoralwes If] lwill pick up My mintsl at the conventmn Encla sad is $12 per coln. tota1$__ . I: Please stop my to me after the Enclosed Is 525 per coin. toul Ed Clark David Koch . .. PAGE SIX NEWS 10 CONVENTION David Friedman Starting oil the round of breakfast speakers at LPHD will be David Friedman. noted authority on Iiberta rian economics. Thursday morning Friedman will provide an overview of libertarian economic theory. He is the author of Machinery of Freedvn: Guideto a Enrica! Capital-ism. a popular exposition on libertarianlsm. and has been a libertarian activist since his teens. Friedman began his career with a back- ground iri thescienti?c disciplines. He is a 1965 graduate at Harvard University in chemistry and physics; he holds a degree in physics from the University of Chicago and has done post-doctoral work in physics at Columbia University. He spent three years at the University of in post-doctoral study oi economics. He has served as assistant professor of economics at Virginia Poly- technic Institute. and is currently professor of economics at UCLA. He has authored popular and protes- sional articles on Iiberlarianisrn. law. economics. economic history. transpor- tation and a wide variety of other subjects. He has delivered speeches on libel- tarianism throughout the (LS. and in Australia, England and Iceland Thursday morning is your chance to hear one of the best and the brightest economists around Definitely worth setting your alarm early lor breakfast with David Friedman. Ed Clark Ed Clark has been active in the Liber JUNE. l93] been a Libertarian Party. Clark attended the ?rst convention In Denver in 1972 and Is now returning tothe orthe up as. the featured speaker tor Fridays breakfast. After the IQTZ Denver convention cram returned to New York and formed the Libertarian Party there. A job as lean] counsel tor Allantic Richlieid prcimpted a move to California where Clark, his wife Alicia and their son Heddv still live. in ran asthe LP candidate for governor of Calilornia and received nearly 5.5% of the vote, making him the balance of pewter between the Democrat and he sought and won the Libertarian Pan, nomination tor President of the United States. Clark and his running mate, David Koch. were on the ballot in all 50 ?are; the District of Columbia and Guam. They received over 900.000 votes rtationwide_ In addition to Friday's breakiast speech, Clark will also be participating in the Past Presidential ReceptiOn on Friday evening, tariari Party nearly as long as there has An KNOWLEDGE on ,and?nt betterthan infatuation: today. [liter-tn." beara?onot andl?itprotec?ttont' govemrrient?s traudiierl Meyer: Talmudic-Wattles;de "'le outprm?ecrel?vemewsohttons topeople's probiemstite the 0! federal gmntabnysar (J'tavez's union). an elective comrnuricator o! Ibertarian ideas. And hal-pdceotterturaadetsotthh todlytorjust ?napalm?505$ torjim?m.eadiandewymon?t. metmapecilul-pitoenleathlt Name ?mm-mull: El 12mm 312.00 Dame-atqu CI Baldwin Barbara. 093103 [JP-?mamas El Chargemycredlcud DVISA El MaltrCIHrge h?lb?? ExpiDate 6001 Murray Rothbard Murray Rothbard. one at the most be- loved Figures in the libertarian I'nOvement. will entertain LP convention-goers with anecdotes and Mining: on his longtime involvement in the movement, An in- formal evening with Murray Rothbard will be held Wednud'ay night For our two decades. Rothbard has um?etsbest r; uniimn lrnatiu- r'il't ornn me thew-11v. Matt. I i "nun-lg uni] Halt' Among his other maior works are i-?tiumr and Market: Gout-mth and the Economy. America's Great Depression and. most recent. For a New Liberty. Dr. Rothbard writes and lectures widely on subjects dealing with political Hurray ?otilla-rd economy. international relations and temperary social issues. In addition to being a consultant to research and educa- tional organizations. he has contributed easays to various symposiums and M5 authored numerous pamphlets. Hi5 articles have appeared In a broad trum of professional journals and popular magazines. He has also been editor or contributing editor of a variety oi publications. in- eluding Left and Right, The Fora-n. The individualist. Ream. tartan Mu: and my. Since tQG-?hehas servedasprotessor oi anatomic: at the Polytechnic Institute of He also has worked as seath and writer at Cato Institute. JUNE. 198] Randolph Iransrnits enthusiasm and wherever he speaks. He will or lire teaturr-ii spenht?r at Saturday 5 breakfast. Randolph l?t the Libertarian to rlf?t It'd in .i lugrstaruru- and in 1930 won reelection to the Masha House oi Representatives. He was instrurnental in passing Iegrslatron to repeal the state personal income tart. Randolph is also a leader in the Tundra Rebellion. a Noni-tern companion to the Sagebrush Rebellion Emerling and The Archimedes Principle jmonths-r lam breaking news slot-v, we hatt- lust It?arrtt'il lhol Michael erlng. tht?Il?lt?l} r?tarurr?tgl "I'Ifl'ltbt'l. are: tn cps-ilk tut l'he- ArlJt-IHI-v-clrn Emerting wll'ltel?lhonti'il Principle can he applied to tedwtelogv internal and external to increase the results of our political labor. He will also tell hot. to apply leverage to liberty shouting 110v. unt- specfh can do the Wilt DI [ill-5 art:- dollar 1hr work Ol and Hm workshops on Il'll'y have They're guaranteed to provoke Excite- ment and spark thought. Be sure Iocheclt schedules in the nest CDI'ltlc'nitt-tl NI uln ?pECIlli: llml?. dale and place ol tall-t. 1Want to Advertise In the Next Issue of Convention News? Another edrtron or LPHEJ Cont-moon Hiram is botnq pirporc-d [at distributron ill the conterttron Irl Dent-er. Planned unrertls inc lode updated tnl'or rnatrurtort merits and Inter stews lthertatlans. in; hiding Notional (hair candidates. I?v-ue? sun' to l"P rec-Ll and Lt ?trim. Ithurt do no tun. Mo's Is 1.qu lh'sl. Irr If'Jl sur?ntunltdit: urrh rrtr- It: If?? alter mater. and rah-q. on. who will be present .al Lib 2U Press run ibbuv bi.- to all Colorado Libertarians. as well as to convention partictpants To resettr- Ruth Bennett. c-?tJ ll" lU. incil ?streel. CO spam: war-Italians. url'h pay- rni'rtl, must be rt?t?c-ttr?t?l by July 24. ad material must be re- ceived no later than August Ho err captions Vite will do type-Jellth and art- mark and bull ill at our cost plus 26% ii rcquesled .Ad rates are as iollows. 50% discount to who placed ads in the June 55i.l.l(.i FULL col-int $200.03 HALF PAGE132 col in] I 25.00 GTHPAGtti?col-tn} 75.00 40.00 NEWS BREAKFAST SPEAKERS Dick Randolph limping the Western pert oi the US A: the "Lo-nt- Ltbertarran? the Alaska 5161c house. Randolph has had the ear oi the medta. He was ullen thr: unsctenct: ol the lcril?rlolurc out pOsttIorts taken by Demon. Irll. =incl RL'pul'Ill I an loaders Ilt ~. {1:151 cluehurL ilill'll'l?l In thr- llousv hv anullrt-t [dridt'l tt-LlrL-at'rtlallvu. Kurt artrting Ir?r to his breahlu-J Hpe'u ll Honur?riph will be avatlalrlr- lot pointer-a on and hovt Itr rip-emit: in litt- almo-Jpltur? ul .1 legislature 0? your morning Duck Randolph ?JIt-uid enough and enthus-osm to lusl vou through lhl: lmrI-qtn'i Erratum-1t eventnti' Dave Nolan Everything has to begin somewhere; the Libertarian Party began in Dave Nolan's living room during the summer of DIs-maycd at the violations of civil liber- ties and the erasron oi economic irccdorrl under Hilton. .a handlul ell Colorado libertarians began dist: the Idea ol starting a new party. A meeting was set Ior mid July to expiore the idea In earnest At the meeltng, no firm con- were tea-third. Ihc parittlpa?ls agreed to lhrnit it Over and IHOHVEM a month later. Thedalechoscniorlhe secondmet-I-ng wasAugust I5. l9? which turned out to be lhe day Hit-on went on It?lt?HSIOl'l to announce- h? wage ire-tw- and the demoneraratron oi the dollar E'Iol raged by Hilton-J ?loluru hair-iv bdittl dram". ll'w had come In start "It: ?rst party! Dost?- Nolan hl'l lit-d as lln-l l' It." ltrs! year of t- uquIturIut arid mm 1511' [Jdrli' til-d :n their hr- hm. on tin llbt'rlarlon .?utinrnil innit-roles, t~r-I lr?rr .t 1-3.0 tit-(tr hiatus. lrr-rn lrlr? l9rl HI: was the first ultlru ?r in and ur rc-ntlv as chairman r! ll'lr- part-r. -. f; Publtt stint-its Al Sunday 5 liatt- w? oltr-r some obveruatrons on the trot-rtc-ron Party 5 progress durrnq its Ir wars and some on what accomplish during cur neat decode talit offers a rare opportunity to learn the thinking behind the iormatron and growth oi America's third-largest political part1.- - ham-null in an open society. Forthcoming Essays by John Goodman by M. . Bradford II [)7511 LE Let literature of Liberty No time to read? 6 Govenuncnt and the Medical Marketplace The Foreign Policy of Nun-Interventionism by Duct-recite American Litcraturc on Liberty Ludwig von and the Austrian School by Murrut' Literature of Libert a review of contemporary liberal thought 0.. Plcasc enter my in: ivrs 536 Address keep you abreast of current re- search in the social sciences, the humanities, law and philoso- phy, by monitoring over 400 intcmationsl journals. Literature of Liberty provides you with readable abstracts so you can decide whether or not to pursue an article. Each issue also includes a bibliographical essay addressing relevant questions of freedom CitviStath'th Master Chargcr?uhsa up. date Send order to Literature of Drive, Parlt, California 9-1015. IHI {Hlorwt?fm'i? ?Jul l1 7 LPIIO CONVENTION SCHEDULE awmm - Ania.- a A dbl?littl- mvry: 2:110: .23.. .. .. .. ?wk-1 ??it O.- -11 yaw-1 a- W?MM-llr- H-- ranwra a: and-I: H-.. wm??wn? lull- rad law-II: mnman?uer-u-m. Wu.? nan-w 11' 'Mn?quvmn ,?ml obi-h 3 h?wmuhr?mrlO?W hn?Iwm-auxw rur-o-t (nu-Inn ll," m" ..- ?twat?mn- mama-cu; a. ?mm- Many-M ?mun?wwrm u?Registratlon lnfommtion If; a: I . '?wnmm lit-until .I?u 31w .h ?lm-thus I ?on? MKWn-??wwhpowit: wagrr-??r? 9-. lib-.mp1 I - I Wm a Inf-'musKLIGAII mm - .ou ?-Inmvr)nl] a. "Hartma- .. . .-- Hum-huf-I-v .. u. .. . ?1'1!!le tutu m- rum . -- a ?Ht. -. .. ?Hm Wr??ru'uanMuir}. .. flu-1??, th'l? I .Iwm: I grac- I ?wan-m ij' ?11. kWh-"human I'd: . - ?5 3011-5 nil-'01 Hotel Registration Form Registration Form 1 1 Exhibitor 5 F0 up! 1 Min-mmqh??nw unm? - ?won't?, ?(Hm - ?0 manuimum. Ham I ?a u. rap. '1 I ?nun I a - ?mu! - mun Tums-n nun-arr. ?w ml ?mm 'nm Tatum - hon-unwit-uIEu1 hub. [uh-u a. - - - mil-"1? m? Tm? ?doom: . - - . - 5-w- Ia us: sum m; ?mdw?u SURE to - - - - u. bud-on 311? HILL - - - - rimming snafu-usanwtzum (MM m" b. I. llm?lg' I - "la-m 'Itin-WWI? - inn-mun tum-u - 2 3 PAGE TEH An exciting variety of panel discunlons on Libertarian theory and punk: are scheduled during day sessions Thursday lhrnugh Sunday a! Yorr'll definitely wanl to set aside Iome tlme to ilaten In on dlacusalone cl Issues OCOHVEHTIOH NEWS PANELS PROBE THE Panel - Reagan's First Six. Months Lessons of 1930 Gold. Paper 5 War Defense and Foreign Point-.- Rewurcc Deitlome-nt Moderator Bill Burt red kisser Warriright Dawson Jetl Hummel? J. D. Hit-Intel JUNE. 1931 ISSUES Participants Joan Kennedy Taylor Sheldon Rithmdi?l. John Hosper5. David Friedman Chris Hocker_ Tonie Nathan. Dave Waller. Bill Eveis. Daud Koch Howard Kati. Dan Fun. Run Paul. Ken Gerbino Earl Hair-rial. Ron Paul {it-m Gucnonc.J1m Glennie important to you. We've put Charles Koch lagelher an impressive list of speakers?part]! theoreticiansand activists a: well as outside expert: to bring you the but. lowm yet for political and personal ideology. Check the LPrio Convention Schedule {center spread;- to at: when your [Ivorlte luuea will be discusSed. We anticipate tome changes will be made In speaker. and scheduling. but here's tenta- [lire chart at panels and particll The Draft lorr- Palmer pants. Alicia Clark. Vernon Brown. Dir-Salami. Tate Edl?l Minority Outreach Dar-id Bergland ti. r-ndr, Vic Llro?, Nathan. Buru- Malaria. Imam lairOll oi I 'hurtarlan Sharon furninnlg. Hen Panning. Bt'ib Smnh. Larry Boone. John Baden m. ironmenl Gale Norton Davrd Henderson. Bonnie Kaplan. Jeft Friedman Bob Poole. Bill Burt. Murray Feldstein Christine Dorfla' Local Problems. Libertarian Solutions Ruth Bennett Libertarian Perspective: {in Team Palmer Bill Eve's. Chiidlr ti Bi Central America Michael Gross-berg To Br: AnnDUriced Curil Liberties .9 a . AMMactom in- If a. In?, depthiookataomeof 3.1.. .r I. Wirybluesupfor Gold, Paper 1 l-?S no Lninfiti'l'ntt? that me 19m {It-MortI . a tin-Io of gold tom standards for thernostpari. wasan maul pie-am: Hm tall :1 (Oincrderice that lhe 20m Century combines wart. pap-er who lell'ICS In fret-darn must work diligently Sit-und money. fully redeemable. Nothing else it. com patible with the humanitarian goals 01 peace and premium!? These words. from Congressman Ron Paul 5 position paper advocating America's return to the gold standard. sum up the basrc loo": for ciur thOught-provokrnq panel. 'Gold, Paper and War Government abuse-5 Its power to Isaac paper menu). continually debasing Our currency in the 6? years Sinu- the aboli- Iion oi thi: gold standard. the Consumer Price Index has risen 625% And inflation continues to climb at more and more wrihlcsa paper money is Pl'll'ilcd and pumped Into il?ir economy What can be done to prm't-nl the cit-basement Oi our medium oi exchange? Come hear our panel oi hard money dutlrriirlies otter Iheir solution; on how a return to Ihe gold standard can bring bath pear:- and prosperity ?gum-?it Datum)?. a longtime libcr larmn attILuL is a finance counselor in mm of lorergn banking. In and tax liau-ns Te?a'i Origin-asman Ron Paul is an and F?leilc proponent of instituting a sound. [) I1er bar-Li. in [he Priiu-iples (If Freedom ?P'ld ?t'rJW?m?blr dollar Series: ?nu-?aid Katz. author or nu, pap? and rht' L??mw:grn_ i5 Edna; itiml ruilu Iltl'll nl Punt-r ln lit ll . ltll ?r l-{nggi- In Ilu' I1tlr- Ruggrruruulrn Iln' . . . . I rim-strum lam ll Ill I In lirhl Elli Hr liriirilir Ill ?minim Gum and a genial ll? t"l?l? 'llh?I [-nrrliri-Il l .il bl. I lr'1 I'drlor oi Mum'u News. - I I. - mum-u. . Ill" ?J-Iiill' to tilt tilrir'l i 5i?. r. Dan Pm: Hard New: mullri .niil ln- and uh.? muxl In i-nnrii' Illt? mutual Ill and Hit Bug. ah well as This Lobbyist Rl'prll'f. a private nemalotler on monelary and ecoritirnil: mailers. He Is. a political straleqml tor the ?tmrricdn Economic I Council and aIre-gular speaker at hard monev economic conlerencea I Kc In: ltrnimiri- I'iililiiaimih the Inhalrman dndmund? 01 hm?. Ami-nun Economic Council. edilm I I and publisher oi Ken Corn. Ilrr Illtt?lkl? Ur?? men?rannomrc financial and ?ilt'iilii . . . --J 'm?lmen? news'encr? and hnancul columnist fer PSA magazine He is also an miernalimal Investment and economic adwsor. "nui- Ppm?yi ?mil Hi: Ili'f?f It! ?11-1 ?41? lHi: mill 51.00 urlli iilIlt'I ?pr-Hahn" Sin?. Ji'r" $9.00 Imili June. 1981 Defense and Foreign Policy what is the proper libertarian response .0 the sci-called Soviet threatJ What role mama nuclear weapons play in foreign policy? Can the U.S. Justify Expendltures on ABM and MK missile systems? and other areas to develop libertarian perspectives on to tough national de?nite questions. The panel Will also exarnine how current biparlisan fort-lng policy actually en- dangers national security. And it will address whether disarmament should be unilateral bilateral. or not at all. Hrmeralar Jeff Hummel and pal-whats Ron Paul and Earl Rational will pimide in- triguing into line- pouibimies [or a radically dillelent and successful US. approaCh to foreign policy and national defense Larl Rational is professor of inter- national reiatiom at the GeorgetO-wn uniycrsity School ol Foreign Service and [corner oilicial in the Ciliice of the Secretary at Defense Hr: is a well known writer and adv-tor on American foreign licy and international alfairs Ron Paul. MD . lorr?nerly a practicing physician. is HOW a Hcpublicain congress- man Irorn Texas A solidescribcd "l00?2?ii non tntewentionist.' hetakesalittertarian stance on defense and foreign policy issues. Resource Development ..1. D. Webster. a Terms oil man. wilt lead this disrussion on the critical question of resource development in the US. The federal government is pushing forced development at energy resources lcoal. crude oil. natural gas. and oil shale) on state and local communities. thereby taking cannot or development away from communities and the private sector. \p?'ldl'lt. the the ledgwhoclaim developmentandhencmlandtle. than allowlng the tree market to deliilelop or" resources. the government is calling the shots. encouraging uneconomic 'il'i- vestments and irrational development of Libertarians are speaking cut against leoerol control, to the example of deregulation of cmdeorl and natural gas. The economic message has gone out private industry does a much job oi developing energy resources than dOes government. Other topics Io be considered by the panel will include abolition of the US. poi-ernment's Fuels Corpor- ation; effects ol the Energy Mobilization Board it enacted: the Strategic Petroleum Reserve; stockpiling at other strategic minerals: and sale at federal water prolecls Energy and water are keys to our future. Arm yourself with the [acts by hearing panelists who are experts in the field. Glennie is a petroleum geologist with Coastal Oil and Gas Corporation in Dem-er. Eugene Guccioneiseditor oi Coat Mining and Wig. former editor of ?tting Engmeering. and a frequent lecturer on energy issues. Charles Koch is presi- dE?l and chairman of the board of Koch Industries. inc. an oil and gas exploration. transportation and refining firm In Wichita. Kansas. Local Problems, Libertarian Solutions Polite. crime in the streets and victim- lesa crime-s be main areasoflocosl?or this discussioo grow. Other local Fablerris to be covered include time pro- tection: public utilities; education: building codes. and street. road and sewer Ruth Bennett. Colorado LP offiee manager and former candidate for Colorado House of litepresetstaut-etc1 will "nitrate this panel. Participants will be 30b Poole. Murray Feldstetn. Christine Bonn and am Burt {author of the booklet LPIIDCOHVEHTIOH NEWS Association of Libertarian Feminists Panel The Association of Libertarian Feminists. an organization not af?liated with the LP. will sponsor this session on feminist issues. Discussion begin with a loolt at the history of libertarian feminism a lang and honorable tradition that dates back to the l9lh Century. Then. participants will enamrne current issues and problems with spectal emphaSis on action and outreach in addition to theory. Among those issues are. abortion. protective labor legislation and other job discrimination laws. censorship of pornography. and the relevance of libertarian feminism to men. Sharon Presley. national coordinator for ALF and libertarian activist for years. will be moerator Panelists will be Wendy McElroy. Torrie Nathan and Bruce Majors. McElroy. a specialist in the history of libertarian- feminism. is a fellow of the Center for Libertarian Studies Torrie Nathan. ALF President, is the only woman in the US. ever to receive an electoral vote. Bruce Mailers is iormer chair of the Washington. DC LP. Minority Outreach Minorityinyolvement in theLPhaab-een minimal in the past. The 1 discuss-ion group on minority outreach intends toaait why this is so. Among other questions to be raised are: Should the LP be trying to recruit minorities? How would significant mi- nority involvement change the party? What do we have to offer the other parties don'tj How are we perceived by minorities? Are we wrists" Davld Bergland. LP National Chair and practicing attorney tram Newport Beach. California, wilt moderate panel which includes the following participants AliciaCIarr-t a native ofMemro and wife of Ed Clark. 1%0 LP presidential candi date. She was instrumental in translating material for the Clark campaign into Spanish: she also appeared on a number of Spanish radio and Lalit shows and was interviewed by Spanish language news- papers throughriul the US. in behalf of the Clark campaign and the Priscilla Dir-Salami. president and Owner of El (amino Real Enterprises. a minority bookstcire and publishing business. Etc-Salazar. a chicane activist. lorned La Raza Unida in 1968 and wrote the platlorm for that party Earl Smith. sellernployed public rela- tions consultantand WEI LPcandidalelor mayor at Los Angeles. PAGEELEVEN Libertarian Perspectives on Central America We've read a lot aboiut ICiiarilral America in the news lately particularly Guatemala. Nicaragua and t-J Salvador But there's a story tit-hind the story of intervention in Central America that you won?t get irom your newspaper This panel will investigate the inside gory Moderator Tom Palmer. Ll?tC Cot?- municaliorrs Director. and a panel of scholars on Latin American politics. will look at haw Libertarians should approach politics. ship, with our Third World neighbors to the mulh. What is the real make-up of the ruling junta in El Saltador? Ari: Spaniards really "terminating the Indians in How can peasants who are demanding rights to land ownership malic- use of litter tarian Who owns most of the land in Central Tlr'nely questions we need answers to, especially new when the Reagan ad ministration has decided to intervene in various Latin American situations. Vernon Brown. ctr-founder of Concepts citijerty. Inc deSignedto promote libertarianism 1n minority communities. Penlield lalc. Eleni-er attorney and TV personality and former mayor of Baulder. Colorado Ctht-m on page Not Just Anyone 3. \tt?v - -. xi i talkit"; - Earl C. on the Reagan foreign Roy A. Childs on El Salvador. . . loan Kennedy Taylor on the pitfalls of constitutional tax resistance. . on political trends and the new national demographics. . . these are just a few ol'thc timely articles itch-c If'you?rc jusr: one of the ?ock. The Libertarian Review may not be liar you. But if you?d rather soar independently into new ways of Making at political issues. [hcn you?ll appreciate the exciting collocriort of analysis, comm: nrary. features. and reviews brought to you each month 53' many of the leading thinkers in the fast-gmwing printed in recent issues of LR. libertarian Don?t miss the non one. Sutton-35? new! - I. magazine. Sign me up ford-ii.- next twelve issues For only siren. El I also want a rat?s mbacriptia't to Update, newsletter of events inside tilt ?ml moiren'icrtr, for only moo. El My check. payable to ?Libertarian Rcm' is enclosed. El Charge my [1 MasterCard El Visa aw Nada-r REVIEW moGSuunm WD.C.M i PAGETW EL inconven rlon news JUNE- ?93' Ax. 1 David Bergland PAN ELISTS Larry Dodge Tom Palmer 'Rori'Paul Gale Horton 10 Workshops This magazine is Emphasize too left to be right, How to organize a campaign. haw to write a speech. how Io get on the ballot. how to recruit volunteers . . . these and dozens of other functional hownto's will be and too right to be left. StardlyatLWIOrim hum?. .. .r particular uric! 11'; llk?'ih't?l pan} members who'll get a chance lo see and hear how a lew experienced politicos do it And even old pros may benefit from in- You think wc'rc kidding? l.l cil u? ?rhc best (ifhfl'lL? right wing rags. Hut Satin: mists we?re loft}! unga? formative sharing of campaign techniques 2mg Mavbr; (3901-91.; Hig? desrgned to get Libertarian candidates . . .L elected to of?ce. gm? ?l the Bil-m1? (?lobe g'ot .. .. .. Take a look at the variety of workshops at the real truth. "iR Rum? he? ?a ha? l? Chm? 1h (?murma'oasm? [As we go to press. specr?c times have magazmc bl? not yet been determined for individual ti?: he ??rmed his readcrs? [hill-{t2 you laugh at forc?nal schedgle in the "Th?sc guys Wm ?og my- OUTEHSPACE rhclatcst blunders ofthc cm. It?ll ?up ?we? body. we?re a You"; Um,? 113:1 make you cri.r about the latest IRS How to Orolnlze I Campaign magazine with new ideas . - scheme to pilfcr your paycheck. lt ll once you've decided to run for (mu: 1 what arethe initialsteps you'll need to take and they don always 5? make you your tee th 1n outrage to get started? well with mph. whose over the real reasons we re losmg the &tting Campaign Goals ?The first and I A - most important step in any campaign. has fallen Into a rut. war on cauLLr? rm 6 ?Fm Goals will determine how all resources. in? scratch your head thoughtfully as it cluding the Candidates' limit? money and . volunteer efforts. are used. Goals also takcsa hard look at the claims and determine tone and mm, of a? mine" about Soviet militaryr . . I Writing a Budget Once you ve set capability. lfyou rc ready for 50mc your goals, you should know how much ori in 'n . money yOu need and how you will be 5. . kl ?3 {You reread}, at tht' world spending it. Haw is your money best we live 1you rr: ready for Li?? Y. allocated? Let our panelists help you with some guidelines [or budget planning. DEVeloping an Activity Chart After goals are set. you must decide how and when to achieve [hem A good campaign rarelg.r deviates significantly from the 111 a crazy world, maximum efficiency. - Establishing and Using a Stet-ring Com- sendme theneatt yearofINQUfRonr 315.00. mm? This '9 the small inner Circ'e 0f 50% of'fthe regular new?tand price. Camp-6'9" thal develop the general strategy and direction the campaign should take. Make-up of the - Hrs? EMMY Nanu? sterling committee can have important a 52.: a? VISA Sim-l g?ggtlons. so it needs to be carefully hiss? MasterCard Setting Up a Finance Cornmittee A key part of any serious Campaign is Amman: at ?nding fund ralsers and usmg them gm? ZIP the" 1'Iliamil?num advantage. ?r'ciur finance Expmuon MC committee _rnag,r mean the difference be- Plcasc return to. hut 747 From tween. 3 senou's campaign and a learning man-?um? jun Francisrn. {Lilli?um? 9-H ll ?erc'se' Ir Continuedan page i3 JUNE :951 LPll? Campaign How-To's ("onttnucd from page 12 Promotional Matertals Many voters will see only your brochure A welldone prolesstooal hand out will otten determth whether or not you gel an Individual! Irote. Also. you need to know. uhethet to can SidEr other taro-nigh promos sur as yard signs. bumper stickers and buttons The Role ol the Candidlte. the Chair. and the Camp-Ian Manager lunrtlon. a! we" areas or interact-on In a suecesstul Lampargn. their rules must be clealty DDrit muss opporrtuntty to hear Ed Clark. Ed Crane and others corri- ment on lhe proper roles and luncttons for coch ol these pastions Preelncu'mat?cl Anetrete and Nothing should be done until a pre- done Our works,th show you whet? all your resouftes tpenple. money. time] must be allocated to be Ellective. U-Gnrbellirig I5 l'he Single most tm portrait imi- any candidate or campaign volunlr'rts can spend thelt time Let our peopn- shart- a few trade secrets on maria-Hing you. Jinn Fetter ol Texas on precinct maltsis. Gate Horton of Colorado em Dave Horst at New York on doorbelling. be sharing their experiences In these important areas Campalgn Scheduling. Developing Community Cont-eta. Answeran This session can help you Item how lo develop priorities among events. whether or not to accept an intri- Tat-on. what you need to know before you 90. and how to followI up on engagemenls This sesston will also ptowde you with insights on how to develop community 3.43 that (an get invitations to speak to the Extent that you have tlrne mai'ahle 3-. will also cotter how. to prepare l0r a speaking engagement and explain U'te role of advance worli. It"l a (arnpaugrt appearance successful. Finally panel will (on strict the area 0' (andioate surrey-s and questionnaires lib-?uid reply. hon you {an use them Nut advantage. etc.j. Medla Development ?fth-u. to the media and .Idlf'l'r: I?r'i Fir-Jier El?neridi ?all (It? 3t, Ian-"j L'tl Glennle Sharon Presley ION NLWH Eugene Gueelone Howard Hat: 1.. . 1 Earl Raven al Sheldon Richman PAGE THIHT Fl 'I?onle Nathan Earl Smith ENCOURAGING AND SUPPORTING LIBERTY THROUGH SCHOLARSHIP, THE CORNERETONE OF A. FREE SOCIETY The Institute Humane exists to suppo rt and advanr l' the work nl ?rt hours h? 113'? freedom, or publicly opposing the ads ant t' at lism. You can help build this cornerstone, .m too am help advance freedom or app-use th advance papers, and publtt by helping supportuur seminars. onlerer?tt es, rewarth spun-aired by your Membership You arer Lanterns-{l .ihnul art-mm my, the .turn-nt trot-don't You are ahead?: Part 0? support-i. Il?ll'll' um t'll'l with I'1'lt than lust tall. titans. with the Me melee-a discount on selected Institute pu hltcuicuns. This year?s lealurred plight:- tritter?s Savings price. are listed below. And through our publications. you?ll be more laminar with the ideas and argu ments ppvu fling the the fr?' 50? IEW- Many Member? iind Institute puhllt. atiuns to be a good sow: ot maIErI-tl for Ihelr penana! tons'erull?ns or writing. (3de arguments and supporting data alt-cm! point. or change a mind. So please support the Institute. Advanre the study ol the tree 5th li't'tr .snmetrmes iust the argument or tatt to 3 Individuals. And take advantage or the Member 5 disc uunt on btJItlks INSTITUTE EOE STUDIES AND MEMBERS BOOK ORDER FORM u; m- -in- m? "up Enclosed is [Throne-t. ear lee; 5 It! Student I 550 Sustaining .3 52'? Regular In addition. lnuulrl Ilhtj Heise- send me the totlnm n3 It'll" at the 50s. ntemhets' discount WATIDN ?Hume: mu ENE {1:1 J?il?cs (EMS-JFK. cost tM-L?h?il WPL mourns rt: tron-mm: 5, . three wet-In Ittr dl?l1'tl'n nl Imuronlt-t Hair I he: I. pay ablt- In Humane 51udln Ml timlnhutiunt- if? hbl't' FUR University uh l'?ut' Menltt Part. A [e1'tl 5-2464 l?mardl? lrggitr President - Tull]. Pill I Quih'l'll! ml i? 5 bl.? {Ii-sees ?Duh $399- il?mt 1min Slum: We. t. wort-button - tom tnctosw . the urnetstone at a soc-ow of tree . - 20th ANNIVERSARY YEAR ?Av - . - PAGE FOURTEEN DOWNTOWN DENVER l_l LJ :l-F . . I Lpflo campaign How.To?5 Tom Palmer from the Clark can'tpaign. and others. Conlmuedil'rom page coverage you get. Understanding the various kinds of media and how to work with each will make the difference be tween being taken seriously or not, The workshop participants here witl be Sandy Burns from Ohio. Ed Crane and Fund Raising There are many specialired areas of fund raising. including personal solici- tatiOns. direct mail and many others. These different areas require individual ETHICS or LIBERTY a new work by Murray N. Rothbard available in December. l98] You may reserve hardback copy of this seminal new work by returning the order form to: Institute for Humane Studies "77 University Drive Menlo Park. CA 94025 'fn'l?aiviaresunuim JEMI others-1y mm tattle lubsollsi-ilbeswlahmhh .?dl?ule-Fh .ch?s? nan-.- aa-a-a-sa-aauaH-ru-u luv-"inr- NEWS sales techniques you need to know about. Also. learn about list generation and follow-up and special fund raising events you can hold to build campaign coffers. tielun tears How and where to find volunteers: hour to organize and use them to maximum ad- vantage: and. very important. how to motivate them and show appreciation to your volunteers wit have not only short- term ramifications. but also long?range rami?cations for other campaigns and for the LP itself. Researching: The Issues and the Opposition How and where to find the kind of inter- mation you need to address the issues during your campaign is vital to success It is also important to know the oppo- srlion -- hisiher in hisl'hcr party. pontionson specific issues. basesol support and weakness inside and Outside the district. We hope to have David Boat and Jay Hilgartner from the lClark campaign to err- plilin haw the campaign managed its research efforts We will also be inviting Bob Poole and others to discuss other aspects of this topic. Speeches The spoken word differs from the writ? ten word. Learn how to write speeches of different of time on different sub- as well as effective technique: for delivering a speech. Also. there are wific techniques you need to know if you're speaking for the radio. Jeff Riggenbach, Les Antman. David Boa: and other experienced speech writers will be invited to offer their campaign eit- periences on this frequently overlooked. but crucially important topic. Advertising Unless you target your advertising to specific media and audience. you're stealing your money. This workshop rirll.I mic types of advertising. includl Iciiut'ltt i. Mi nd'q fif?tfll?d amt time di'il l-it dd piat'l?ml'l'tl Campaign .idi-t-itisirii; Chris Hockcr [publisher of Libertarian Dave Nolan (LP co-iounder and Denver adver- tising expert] and Others will be available for this event. Dealing with the Federal Election Commission and Stats Equivalents Get the Information you need to know to deal with the election bureaucracy. This sessiOn covers procedural requirements National Convention FUTURE OF LIBERTARIANISM ON ing year! Plan now to attend: Students for a Libertarian Society New York City, August 14-16 SPEAKERS MOVIES WORKSHOPS I PARTIES NEWYORK CITYTOUR AGREAT DEBATE DECIDETHE SLS has enjoyed unprecedented growth since the election and stands poised on the brink of becoming a molar force on the campus political scene. Meet hundreds of other libertarian students and help lay plans for the SL3 Fall Offensive as we begin our third and most promis- Writa now for more information. Supercheap rates and July 1! Name: Address: City: Phone: State: Zip: Send to: SL8. 2262 Hall PI. NW, Washington, DC or call: {202) 965-6991 piease be sure to notify us in advance of any addressi'phone changeJUNE. l98l aid hair to protest election hassles. Jule Herbert of the Clark campaignand BillBurt.eii-Hatl0nsl Direc. tor. will cover this obnoxious. obscene. but mavoidabletoplc. Candiihta Development ls blanketing the ballot with Libertarian candidates an effective way to use your resources? Does it enhance your credl to help you decide. Also how to target selective districts where you'll get a better than average chance for election on the basis of voting patterns and constitu- encies. And haw to Incaie, screen and coach potential candidates. Organising Ballot Drives We'll cover how to be elfective at ballot drives: getting your candidate on the ballot: meeting the specified number of names on petitions: getting numbers of voters to register. Hoist they did It In Alaska The successful election of two Liber- tarians to the Alaska legislature is an eit- cellent case history to study. Judy Clark lid Bruce Boyd. Alaska LP campaign organizers. will share the lessons they learned which might be applicable in other states. Newsletters Editors of successful state party news- letters will describe essential elements of producing a, newsletter. including re- cruiting writers. editing. type and print prOductiOI't. distribution and advertising. Producing a Libertarian Conuntlori One of the greatest annual oppor- tunities for state parties to gain new members. discuss theory. train members ltentlan. Uritullundtut?v . viOusir-asonisalackof knowledge hndel Fortise an how to produce a successlul convention We are Inullnq some of the libertarian movement's most successful and experienced convention producers to Iemplore this vital topic. Among those we hope to have on hand are Rulh Bennett Jack and Carol Sanders (Cali- fornia State Convention Michael and Barbara Hestler State Conven. tions l9?9. 1980 and and Eric Gar- risiLPHationalConventIon l977l. Written reports on past conventions will be made available to workshop participants. Panels Probe the issues Continued from page i l' Environment Libertarian methods for prolccling the environment will be the primary concern of the LPilCl environmental panel. The group will look at the feasibility of pro- tecting the enwronrnent through es tabl ishment of private property rights and study Current developments in govern ment regulation of the environment. Free market disincentives for pollution will also be brought out. Environmental ptotectlon through individual property rights litigation versus environmental pro tcclion through regulation will be debated. Gale Horton. senior staff attorney for the Mountain States Legal Foundation. will serve as moderator. She has been involved in several environmental and natural resource cases. including uranium milling and coal strip mining Panelist Ken fanning. a strong sup porter of the Sagebrush Rebellion. is the second Libertarian to be elected to Alaska's legislature Bob Smith. auther of faith Retain-es: Private Dinners-?up vs Public Haste. is a Congressional consultant. Speechwriter and Libertarian environmentalist. Additional panelists will be Larry Dodge and John Baden. environmentale from big sky cauritry in Martians. Justus: IOCOHVEHTIOH NEWS PAGE Our government has become a monster. Its policies of ever-increas- ing taxation. regulation, and in?ation have crippled our economy and given us ten-cent dollars. Every aspect of our personal lives is subject to its constant scrutiny and intervention; the new Omnibus Crime Bill in Congress. would make its police-state powers all but ComplefE. Its constant interventions in the affairs of peoples around the world have earned . us massive ill-will and - magnified the risk of war. And now, once again, there is talk ofconscripting young Americans to fight and die in foreign lands. Responsibility for these conditions lies with the politicians Republican and Democrat alike who have controlled our destiny for too long. But now. there's a new party. The Libertarian Par ty. We?re dedicated to re? storing the American Dream. By radically reducing the size and power of gov- 7? ernment. and setting people free to live as they choose. so long as they respect the same right of others. we stand freemarket economy, I and :1 non- interventionist foreign policy. And our opposition to conscription for any,r purpose is total. If that sounds like what you?ve been looking for. we invite you to join the hundreds of candidates and thousands of individual members who are working to build a real alternative in American politics. The Libertarian Party. 2300 Wisconsin Avenue, NW. Washington. DC 20007. 5 PEACE. PROSPERIIX FREEDOM THE 1mm mm for uni libertiesra- - 1. 1 . 1 JUNE.1981 Reception for Past Presidential Candidates to meet some of the real ht-ii'ies ol the lemtoriari Parlt will ?capers Tami)? esiRenlml andldates and Ihelr Vice Presidrnlidl mdlt?: John m? a? Id cm. Oiivl Mat'BiIde. David Beigland.EdC arh.and Dawdl?toch lhey is em or rnlcirr?rtdl ktait paw. stile discussion. short speeches. and special Prewnlaltlom Each Ol thi-w nndiulduels will bl.? honored and a token ol our esteem You won'l want to miss lhi'ssp-L't'lal tributeto peoplewho have brciu lit the Libertarian Party to national signi?cance 9 1972 John Hspers Tonie Nathan 1976 Roger 1980 "7 David Bergland David Kath Ed Clark IOCOHVEHTIOH NEWS a I. -. gm? ?ame Numismatic Rarities, Ltd. is pleased to announce a. limited minting of no more than 1,000 one-ounce srlver coins in honor of the Tenth Anniversary of the Libertarian Party The face of the toms carries a Statue of Liberty design. On the reverse is an inscription identifying the coin as .?in commemorative and a certification of silver content. These coins Will be available at the Tenth Anniversary Convention in Denver. Price Will be 525 per corn perhaps higher. if the cost of silver Increase- more rapidly than expected You may res-emu up to five advance. .it .i guard-Heed price of only $22 30 apiece, i- ii- - u- - coins to you after the event; there is a handling and shipping charge of $2.50 per coin for this service. which effectively offsets the advance order discount. There can be no guarantee as to how much these coins will apprecmte in the future. We Will note that most experts foresee substantially? higher silver prices in coming years. W'e Will also point out that Hospers-Natlian 197'2 campaign buttons [3.000 issued} now sell for up to one hundred times their original price; there is a market for Libertarian collectibles. These coins are offered on a first-come. first-served basis. To guarantee yourself access to this limited edition numismatic rarity. Send in the coupon below. IMPORTANT NOTE: Coin orders are being processed through the convention headquarters, for accounting purPoSes (15% of the receipts from sale of these coins goes to Checks must be made out to NUMISMATIC RARITIES. however. Do not combine your coin order with your convention registration! ES MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE Clo Libertarian Convention TO NUMISMATIC EARITIES Ill-ll Cherokee Street Denver. CO 80204 Here is my check for . LPIID One Ounce Silver Cornmernoralives El 1 will pick up my cointsi at the convention. Enclosed is $22 50 per coin; total 5 Cl Please ship my counts:- to me after the convention. Enclosed 525 percotn; total morass . STATE . PAGE FI?t??f: Numismatic Rarities, Ltd. is pleased limited minting of no more than 1.000 once . silver coins in honor of the Tenth AnnI-V?sa -. .1 . Libertarian Party. 1? Offlle deg-ihifESZ?he toms carries a Statue of Libert the cg?. (i rgverse IS an inscription identifying - . 3.15 an 10 Commemorative and a cert'?catm? Of Silver content. A These coms Will be available at the Tenth nniversary Convention in Denver. Price will be $25 per coin perhaps higher, if the cost of silver increases more rapidly than expected. You may reserve up to five coins in advance. however, at a guaranteed price of only $22.50 apiecewill be waiting for you at the convention. If you are not attending the convention. we will send your coins to you after the event; there is a handling and shipping charge of $2.50 per coin for this service. which effectively offsets the advance order discount. There can be no guarantee as to how much these coins will appreciate in the future. We will simply note that most experts foresee substantially higher silver prices in coming years. We will also point out that Hospers-Nathan 1972 campaign buttons (3.000 issued) now sell for up to one hundred times their original price; there is a market for Libertarian collectibles. These coins are offered on a first-come. first-served basis. To guarantee yourself access to this limited edition numismatic rarity. send in the coupon below. IMPORTANT NOTE: Coin orders are being processed through the LPIIO convention headquarters. for accounting purposes (15% of the receipts from sale of these coins goes to LPIIO). Checks must be made out to NUMISMATIC RARITIES. however. Do not combine your coin order with your convention registration! LPIIOCCIIWHEWS I?l Mi?l Pm!" Convention Highlights I121 0 CONVENTION SCHEDULE 1cm: Vin-?Dova rum-?r Naturalism-ouch 1 menu?unm? mark-unm? I mend-mum why-Mi.- Nth-Illin? manna-m mwlu 5.1: man-Iv In? my all mm 'l'l'l'll numr a hwy-no 9.1 mm an deab emu L?s-erme Canal?Ital m? ?mu l? "my-up ummn rem-mm! not" 1mm. Jug-nu? magma". '11!?th loll-lulu um pup-Ill! luv??our! 1w minding-Ivy m??m lumbar. mulcny mf Registration Information nm.mmwuwu nede human-inn: BI. mgr-u Mmlwemo vial-dun ?1.?th tun-latch we muman Snak- gum-ww- In-unrm Mleud on m: a! me mmuu NH. mm: ll" ml)! 10 JULY .135 WEIWAID Wilmll?'l?fl?w nup- allnv- ?gunm- Iu'In-qhmm m. fur-n! mu. menu-Inna metal an: chi-uwa the hut mm -.. ,au Ln: u- hum-ea mums-1 numb. run Imam-n to cw ?am pm: n-rI-rnv DELEGATE ml '0 In. Ipl-n-v and um -: "ennui-wr- FD Mal-wind yum lhII I?lhl'. [I'll-u: l3 .u?p ImJum-t the Bun-In! um ml [concur hr) uuwh n: mun-van nm ?MIIW?m?I?ml?o?l??' ?ma-o rum-cm- Ina-?aw? PRICES HIM Nula-M 5-. wwumm.mha I'lmll?t pikelogul?lld?h quslnimch Null HAL Mb ?00* lb AKEHSE OHWG WLACH WITH-R imp?, or man 512 EKCH ANN-H kin!? DAM l' .. ?50 120 NIH. mm Hummk?u "0 mm MQMHIIM mexmbm?umm? H5 u; Hotel Registration Form murmur-Inhal- Hilda-dirk amen-em com Am Arman- untran- _FuiN-m: Lulu-n: _rniHv-Ir__ mn- a, su- . mud-mm?: In oltJ-ecom palm urge you In molt: you. magnum-m ISF. "[173 Ir ?a m' may? I m: rug-um a nu wattle. run! Mun-albumin? m. Ipnt?umm Flu-n. Registration Form hl?lbmm'ld Muir m- "and I Tnul Fully-ch? ?0mm wrung: "mm hm rung. luomh? . MIN . totally-cm M.- . (In, mm-Imths?ol Fwd-Ilium; Mir-(d Em Iowan-mu: HOTLL (yd-Ml" . roan My Er i?l. (M ?Wllule 12.. Church ?lka ChvidAmn-ndodlu rhuuruuw- - Vega-I'll" sum-Inc moul- ?Wenonah rumpus "ii-?1 Tum-o" mach?nuns!? Den-?mom murmur-elem? 23? Exhibitor?s Form nan-:49? Lynn-curmuqu Ion?1W3.? Mm mm . lwwIlm-b-I . . human-?MINI! - .. . (yaw . . Hm con-e nm H-n- ha Souk-r9- Wuc_. mumm- Defense and Foreign Policy What in the proper libertarian ration? to the so-called Soviet threat? Whar- ml! should nuclear weapons play in foreign policy? Can the 0.5. justify expenditures on ABM and MK missile syleMS? Panel istswill explore theseandother areas to develop libertarian perspectives 0" sotutions in tough naticmal defense quoslicms. I 'l'he'panel will also examine how current bipartisan foreign polity,r actually en? dangers national security. And it will address whether disarmament should be unilateral. bilateral. or not at all. Moderator Jeif Hummel and panelists Ron Paul and Earl Ravenal will provide in- irrgurng insights into the possrbilities fora dilierenl and successful . . approach to forei rir nationaldeiense 9 poll? and Earl Ravenal is professor oi inter national relairons at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and former official rn the Oltice oi the Secretary of Defense. He is a well writer and advisor on American foreign poircy and intErnational affairs. Ron Paul. MD. formerly a practicing physician. is now a Republican congress man lrorn Texas. A sell described non rnterventionrsl.' he takesa libertarian stance on defense and foreign policy issues. Resource DeveloPment J. D. Webster. a Texasoil man. will lead this discussion on the critical question oi resource dEirclOpmenl in the 0.5. The iederal government is pushing forced development of energy resOurces (coal. crude oil. natural gas. and oil shaie] on state and local communities. thereby taking control oi development away from communities and the private sector claim Ownership to east expanses Di lancl. are dictating policy [or oil shale development. and. hence land use Rather than allowing ihe free market to develop Dul' FESDUTCE's. the government Is calling the shots. encouraging uneconomic in- vestments and irrational development of remorccs Libertarians are speaking out against tile?regulation oi crude oil and natural gas. The economic message has gane Out private industry does a much bi?lle' 0' developing energy rcsomces than does Other topics to be considered by the Panel will Include abolition oi the 0.5. governments Fuels Corpor- alirm. effects of the Energy Mobilization B?atd If enacted. the Strategic Petroleum Ease-rive. stockpiling of other strait-11k minerals: and sale oi federal water Pl'Djects. Enemy and water are keystoom luturc- ?'Wn yourself with the [acts by Mating Pl?elists who are ear pens to the lield. Glennie is a petroleum 930lle ?ll-h Coastal lClil arid Gas Corporation in Denver. Eugene Guccione is editor of Coal Mining and Prone-sung. former editor of ?him; Engineering. and a frequent loch-"El 0" energy issues. Charles Koch is 9?5" and chairman of the board of Koch Indu-iries. Inc. . an oil and garerploration. transportation and relining firm ll" Wichita. Kansas. Local Problems. Libertarian Solutions Police. crime in the streets and view?- lE? crimes will be onto focus for this LPHO discussion gram Ruble-11s to be cow-rod include lit! lection: public utilities: cdtt?lmni Hing codes: and sheet. road and sewer ten-rm. Ruth Bum Colorado LP Of?te "a former candidate for Colorado of REPfesentaiive-A. will ?nder? Participants will be Bolt M, Feldneim Christine hi! on Burl Ill-mini oi the booklet the nan-II ll Association of Libertarian Feminists Panel The Association of Libertarian Feminists, an organization not affiliated with the LP, will sponsor this session on lieminist issues. Discussion will begin with a look at the history of libertarian feminism a long and honorable tradition that dates back to the Century Then. participants will examine current issues and problems with specral emphasis on action and Outreach in addition to theory. Among those issues are: abortion. protective labor legislation and other job discrimination laws? censorship of pornography. and the relevance of libertarian feminism to men. Sharon Presley. natiOnal coordinrtor lor ALF and libertarian activist lo- years. will be moderator. Panelists will be Wendy McElroy. Tonie Nathan and Bruce Majors. McElroy. a specialist rn the history of libertarian feminism. is a leliow oi the Center for Libertarian Studies Tonle Nathan. ALF President. is the only woman in the ever to receive an electoral vote. Bruce Majors is lormer chair of the Washington, DC. LP. LPJIDCOHVEHHDH NEWS Minority Outreach in the LP hast-ten minimal in the past. The iOdiscussion group on minority outreacn intends to aslt why this is so. Arming other questions to be raised are: Should the LP be trying to recruit minorities? How would significh mi- nority involvement charge the party? What do we have to oiler minorities that the other parties don?t? Hour are we perceived by minorities? Are we racists? David Bergland. LP National Chair and practicing attorney from Hewport Beach. Calilornia. will moderate this panel which includes the following participants: Alina Clark. a nativeol Mexico and unit oi Ed Clarl-r. 1980 LP presidential candi- date. She was instrumental in translating material for the Clark campaign into Spanish.shealsoappeared on anumberol Spanish radio and TV tallii shaws and was intervrerr ed by Spanish language news- papers throughoul the ILLS in behali oi the Clark campaign and the LP. Priscilla DeSalarar. president and Owner of El Camino Real Enterprises. a minority bookstore and publishing busrness. DeSalazar. a chicane activist. joined La RazatJnidarn lib?andwrote the platiorm for that party. Earl self-employed public rela- tions consultant and roar LPcandidateior mayor of Los Angeles. Libertarian Perspectives on Central America we?ve read a lot about Central America in the news lately particularly Guatemala. Nicaragua and El Salvador. But there?s a story behindthe story of US. inieirvention in Centrai America that you won?t get from your newspaper. This panel will investigate the inside story. Moderator Torn Palmer. LHC Corn- munications Director. and a part-cl Di scholars on Latin American politics. will look at how Libertarians should approaCh politics. especially the issue of land owner- ship. with our Third World neighbors to the south. What is the real maIte-up oi the ruling junta in El Salvador? Are Spaniards really eaterminating the Indians in How can peasants who are demanding land ownershipmalte use of liber- tarian principles? Who owns most of the land in Central America? Timely questions we need answers to. especially now when the Reagan ad- ministration has decided to intervene in various Lot in American situations. Vernon Brown, cor-Founder of Concepts of Liberty. Inc an organrzation designed to promote Iibertarianisrn In minority communities. Penfield Tate. Denver attorney and TV personality and former mayor of Boulder. Colorado. Continued on page libertarian movement. I Nuns--. If you?re just our: of the ?ock. The Libertarian Review may not be for you. But ii'yuti?d rather soar independently into new ways of looking at political issues. then you?ll appreciate the exciting coUcction of analysis. commentary: features and reviews brought to you each month by many of the leading thinkers in the fast-gmwing Arum Hunter Cutout this coupon and send it to: LIBERTAMAN IEVIBW ow Strut. SE Washington, DJC. 143001 - . War 1' pp? .. -5uir__ Earl C. Rat?cnal on the Reagan ?ircign pnlict' . . . Rot: A. Childs on El Salvador. . . ]t:I.1n Taylor on the pitfalls of constitutional rail. resistance . . . Riggenhch Ol't [militical trends and the new national demographics. . . these are jusr a few of the timely articles rt-e?t-c printed in recent issues of LR. Don?t miss the next one. Subscribe now! - YE 0 Th: Ulrmirim Review sounds like my kind of magnate, Sign me up For thii: next issues Eur only 55.00. I also want a year's subscription to Update. newsletter urn-vents insick- the libertarian. movement, for only $3.00. El My check. payable to ?Libcrtarurn Review: ts El Charge my El MasterCard El Visa