pre~trial Ja: a I alternat We 0 1 3 probation deferred prosecut Ion CorrectiveSo/utions The Natien?s Trusted Administra?er eff a?eede? Programs COMPREHENSNE SOLUTEONS We adminisfer Offender Programs for every sfage of fhe criminal jusfice process from pre?charge fo posf senfencing. EXTENSEVE ADMENISTMTIVE SERVICES Eligible case screening and case referral processing a Dafa enl?ry and elecfronic case filing Case Managemenf a Offender comm unicafion a Communify Resource referrals a Courf fine collecfion and dislaursemenf Preparofion of courf paperwork a IAL SERVICES DEFERRED PROSECUTION BRer RANGE OF ELEGEBLE OFFENSES PROBATION a Drug (possession, use, paraphernalia) 3 Driving {suspended license, no license, Thefl ALTERNATIVE Alcohol {illegal use, drunk in public, el'c.) a Properly Crimes {frespass vandalism) a Assaulf a General misdemeanors a Low level felonies REDUCE CA 55/; 0,4 as Programs adminisfered by CorrecfiveSolufions are meaningful alfernafives lo prosecufion and incarceraflon fhal hold offenders accounlalale for fheir offenses. Addil?ionally, every CorrecfiveSolufions adminisfered program confains a rehabilifafive componenl in fine form of cognifive behavioral change counseling and classes, Some of me offender condifions monifored include: a Face io face meefings a Drug and alcohol fesfing a Pesfifufion, fines and fees as Comm unify Service Offender Educafion rs Vicl'im lmpacl' Panel Elecl'ronic lvioniioring curfew and home i lnferacfive Joumaling defenflon) BCP BatesSBZ QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS CorrecfiveSoluTions hires professionals wilh educafion and Training in The fields of criminal jusTice, social work, and relafed fields To provide qualify inferacfion wiTh offenders. CorrecfiveSolufions? core managemenl? and operafions Team has over 25 years of experience developing and adminisfering offender programs for prosecuTors, courTs, and probafion. CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS CorrecfiveSoluTions develops every program based on The unique objecfives and desired ouTcomes of each clienf. Decades of experience, a sfrong Technology infrasfrucfure,'sufficienf human and capifal resources and adminisfrafive experfise give CorrecTiveSolufions The capabilily To deliver cus? Tomized offender programs designed specifically for The needs of your office. Not a One-Size Fits All Soiutien Each program developed and admml'stered to your speci?cations. CONTROL AND TRANSPARENCY Your office esfablishes The paramefers and requiremenfs for each program and always mainfains The confrol To change program condifions of any Time. You and your sfaff are provided 24/7 online access To all case files and They confain a record of every acfion Taken on each case. For added Transparency, CorrecfiveSaluTions provides a comprehensive series of reporfs To deliver precisely The operafions defails Thar are a prioriTy fo your office. TECHNOLOGY ANS EQUIPMENT CorrecfiveSolUTions' ufilizes sTafe of The arT Technology ThaT in Turn allows our sfaff To focus on effecfive and efficienf inferacfions wiTh offenders. When elecTronic moniToring is required, Correcl?iveSoluTions uses only The lafesf and mosf currenf equipmenf models To ensure offender ac" counTaloiliTy and public safefy. Courses LIVE ONLINE CLASSES FOR OFFENDERS For years, CorrectiveSolutions has provided LIVE INTERACTIVE WEBINARS to deliver dynamic offender education in many of our full service diversion programs. NOW, we are offering these very successful webinars as a standalone offering under the name CS Courses. Available classes include: Anger Management (adult and juvenile) Minors in Possession Petty Theft (adult and juvenile) a Community Accountability (adult) - Sexting inappropriate behavior (juvenile) - Financial Accountability (adult) LIVE OFFENDER CS Ceurses are easy to use. No contracts, no setmup. Just give the web address to the defendant together with the email address where you want CS Courses to send the confirmation email upon completion. That?s it! For more information, contact: Karen Boyd (800) 376-89 8 :vgegwr?r'r?a Wags-My; nx-wm-m- BCP Bate5334 EA CorrectiveSo/utions Presents CS Courses .CS Courses is CorrectiveSolutions? latest service offeringto prosecutors and courts; LIVE evidence-based online classes for offenders. LEVE FACILITATION ALL of CS Courses classes are taught live, not just a prerecorded video or "read and test? static content class. CURRICULUM BehaVioral modification programming accompanied by interactive jou rnaling for maXimum effectiveness. HIGHLY QUALEFIED INSTRUCTORS Class instructors possess advanced degrees and have group facilitator experience. ENCREASED MONETORED PARtacwm'ioN Participant-activity is monitored throughout the class to ensure they are constantly engaged and actively participating. BCP Bate5335 7: am am 1 e? You are required to complete the class(es) marked below as ordered by the court, a condition of a plea agreement, a condition of a diversion or a deferred prosecution, or a condition of your probation. CS Courses are live classes that you complete online. CLASS LISTING ANGER MANAGEMENT - 125 MINORS IN POSSESSIONW 125 PETTY THEFT 75 RELATIONSHIPS AND COMMUNICATION - 125 (juvenile sexting) [are] To enroll go to: to?: 1, i . STEP STEP 2 STEP 3 Select class Enter email Make payment and address; ifrE?qUimd- complete checkout. (*See below) Completion Will be After cheekou"t,"the work? sent directly to this address book and webinar class link wil be mailed to you nun-nu if the referring attorney, or your probation of?cer wishes to receive an emailed copy of your completion notice, the contact name and email address Will be provided below. Include this information in the secondary emaii ?eld when purchasing your class. if the information below is blank, you can skip the secondary email address when registering for your class. For attorney probation use only, Name of referring attorney or probation of?cer: Email address: BCP Bates336 Nearly70% of?t??ens sext . CORRECTIVESOLUTIONS HAS A MEANINGFUL DIVERSION T0 CHARGING TEENS AS SEX OFFENDERS. Courses Relationships Communications Class CS Courses Relationships and Communications class for iuveniles is a 4~hour, offender funded class that addresses sexting in a way that holds teens accountable for their offense, without the long-term consequences of a criminal record. Speci?cally developed to address appropriate boundaries, the dangerous side oi the tetemet end the rami?catiehs ot? Ehtorrhetioh shared err sociai medie, the ctess topics include: 9 Peer Pressure Employment and dropout stats 9 Healthy and Unhealthy relationships Inappropriate use of technology Communication skills (passive, aggressive, Why is sextihg serious assertive) Elements of communication (talking, listening, 9 Social Media and communication body language) BCP Bate3337 JUVENILE sextne cuss eiations?ips and gammuniea?on CS Courses new program is a truly innovative approach for addressingjuveniles accused of sexting crimes: The CS Courses Relationships and Communication LIVE webinar class: 9 CONNECTS with teens in a Waythey arecomfortable interacting; LIVE online webina? classes EDUCATES minors on the consequences of a criminal record; loss of student loans, reduced employment opportunities 0 EMPOWERS minors to make better decisions in the future; cognitive behavioral change strategies EVIDENCE-BASED CURRICULUM The class utilizes cognitive behavioral modi?cation programming accompanied by age appropriate interactive journals for. maximum impact and effectiveness. The structure of the class is designed to engage participants and encourage honest self ?reflection, without the embarrassment of sitting next to a peer. LIVE MONITORED PARTICIPATION- Highly quali?ed instructors teach the class via the internet in a format juveniles prefer to communicate. The dynamic for? mat requires participants to be actively involved throughout the entire class with live chats, poll questions, pass phrases and quizzes. Participation is monitored by a class facilitator AP CorrectiveSo/utions Contact us today for more information: . 755*9182 AP Correct veSqutions PROGRAM FOR UNDER-AGE DRINKING 3 ?-Two(2) hour online sessions on consecutive Friday evenings Evidence-based curriculum; highly interactive Live instruction; monitored participation we drug reiateci efienses? i (23 Courses new program is a truiy innovative approach to addressing minors accused oi aicoho The CS Courses Minors in Possession Program: DISRUPTS the offender's pattern of behavior; classes are held on 3 consecutive Friday evenings CONNECTS with minors in a way they are comfortable interacting; LIVE online webinar classes EDUCATES minors on the consequences of a criminal record; loss of student loans, reduced employment opportunities ?00? EMPOWERS minors to make better decisions in the future; cognitive behavioral change strategies CS Courses prides itself on utilizing evidence?based curriculum for the most effective and life changing results. Our Lil/E webinars incorporate a curricula developed to speci?cally address the root causes of drug and alcohol offenses for minors. "cm roman: mm on; CindyWise,RegionaIVice President - (877) 236-996l A Message from Richard H. Schmack, State?s Attorney As your State?s Attorney, I?m always concerned about the negative impact of bad checks passed to local businesses. Millions of dollars are lost every year by merchants as a result of this ongoing . . . problem. Bad checks affect everyone in terms of higher consumer costs that must be passed on to offset losses, and increased taxes to cover the additional costs for law enforcement and prosecution. i In an effort to combat this problem, I have organized the Bad Check Restitution Program to assist local merchants with bad check losses. The primary goal of the program is to obtain full restitution for the victim Without adding to the ?nancial burden of the criminal justice system. First?time bad check offenders are given the opportunity to avoid criminal prosecution by attending a mandatory intervention class, in addition to paying restitution. All of this is accomplished without any cost to the taxpayers. Your interest and participation in this special program will benefit all law?abiding citizens and help your business improve its bottom line! Sincerely, DeKalb Cit-u State?s Attorney DeKalb County State?s Attorney Bad Check Restitution Program The program works Bad check reports are easy to ?le, and follow-up action is prompt. Upon recovery, 100% of the face value of the check is returned to the victim. There is no minimum dollar restriction on a bad check. Offenders must complete an educational class at their expense. The program operates at n_o cost to the . county or taxpayers. DeKalb County State?s Attorney Bad Check Restitution Program P.O. Box 69 Sycamore, IL 60178-0069 (postal address only) Questions or have a check to ?le? ?or call 1-877-295-4764 Brochure not printed at taxpayer expense. RiCh-ard Hi?Schmack State?s Attorney Bad Check titution Program 0 ffice of the State?s Attorney DeKaib County, IL 9 CheckAcce-gstan?e Ti 99 ed Institute a check acceptance policy. ale. I DeKalb- County State?s Attorney posted policy for your employees and custorneili Bad can reduce yoUr losses; Accept checks written only with today?s date. A Ch?Ck is for this if: Fost?dated checks are civil matters and are not 0 The amount is no more than $2,000.00 (or accepted injthe DeKalb County-gState?s Atrorhey multiple checks do not exceed this There Bad Cheek Restitution Program. are no minimum dollar restrictions. Trust your If something doesn?t seem 9 The CheCk was ?355in in DCKalb county fight, ask questions Or ask mother 50m 3f deposited in a- bank in exchange for goods or payment. You are not obligated to accept a chei Semces and ?735 91363111116d ?goal? at the time Of 0 A ?Courtesy Notice? was sent to the check writer allowing 7 days to make check good. A photo LD. number (driver?s license or state identi?cation card) was recorded at the time of transaction. acceptance. A . John and iane Doe A 5 5 5 5 100 123 Fair Lane . Smastown, ST1234S 23 AA 55/11/sz Date Friend/r Earhart Pa to lite order of One tram/real and 00/100 as BANK as k8: i_ A check is INELIGIBLE if: a It is post-dated. 0 Both parties knew there were insuf?cient funds at the time of transaction. Memo 1234567891234 100 it is a two?party, stop payment, payroll, or rent check. Check Screening The identity of the check writer is unknown. 1 0 There is no amount, date, or signature on the Make sure that the address is a street address, not check. just a PO. Box number. Write down the street . . address if there is only a PO. BOX add} a The numeric and written amounts on check do ess? not match. provided. Ask for and write down a phone number. if the a The Cheek has HOE been Procassed by a bank phone number is provided on the check. verifv mix With at 162m seven days bat-ween eaCh prOC- that it is corxect essing, unless the account has been closed. 9 The check involves an ?extension of credit? or was payment on an account. 9 The check writer has ?led a bankruptcy. Note the check?s date. Post dated checks are not acceptable. Be wary of new accounts with low check nurnbe rs. Make sure that the written and ?gure amounts match. Checks ineligible for the DeKalb County State?s Attorney Bad Check Restitution Program may be pursued through Small Claims Court process or by a private collection agency. Observe the writer?s signature and make sure the signature matches the one on the LD. The Program, 1. Make personal contact with the check writer. If you are unsuccessful, send a courtesy notice. The check writer has 7 days to respond and remit payment. If you do not hear from the check writer or receive payment, contact the Bad Check Restitution Program at 1-877-295-4764 or visit our website for a crime report at Fill out the crime report, keep copies and attach originals or legal copies of all checks and noti?cation documents, such as return receipts and bank notices, and mail to the address below. If you do not receive restitution within 90 days, contact the DeKalb County State?s Attorney Bad Check Restitution Program. DeKalb County State?s Attorney Bad Check Restitution Program HO. Box. 69 Sycamore, IL 60178?0069 (postal address only) Questions or have a check to ?le? or call 1-877-2954764 BCP Bates342 0 BCP Bate5343 momma aon gag 9 9mm; macaw/snag woamm EWEWESEHESEQ ESVQ Ea SESSVEE GESVQEEQNEGME Mamnwwag 5% "a swamag mmwwag ll 7/19 535i3?g?? ?Mgunwwoo new, go Jeqwew Sulpgqo Mm Bugwooeq 04. Wed :3 ?ugpg/xmd ?elqmunooao ploq 40w, suompuoo 4o e?um?epgm 0 wweoaa BCP Bate3344 BCP BatesB45 4mm. ?2533 \a . mmeOmm wmw>m $0th. BCP Bate8346 CONBWEONS: gamut-{ions CONDITIONS: a smooth program 3 month program A _r 4month program CONOITIONS: 4-6 month program v? Generoi diversion progroms; brood ronge of offenses, or crime specific programs eg. inefi, driving, drog/oicohoi Provisions for indigen?i offende Ail progroms corn we pusiomrzed to meei The unique needs of yourjurisdiciion '13? {erme?iveSo omens BCP Bate3347 :2 SAN ?i?i'lsi?ouuw SUPPORT AND EDUCATION \s?s?s?s CorrectiueSoiutroris 3'9? Defend rat-not reqUired?to-?enteraplea Locai program office in San Bernardino County C?i?Wii?iQi??S: Complete a Diversion Plan Conference (offender assessment) Complete an intake and exit meeting with a RISE Case Manager Attend the Community Accountability Class Complete a crime specific interactive journal (reviewed with case manager at exit appointment) Complete 4~24 hours of community service Pay victim restitution (if applicable) Pay program fees (indigent fund established for fee assistance) Complete all conditions within 4 months BCP Bate3348 UVE ligtemcrivs a Classes es ca cendition er in addition to another sanction a Qualified instructors 2 instructors eecn closs: teacher and facilitator Advanced degrees in sociol work or related field Evidence-based cerriceium a Classes for juven'z?ies arse eduits a More accountability then traditional classroom live ciesses I LWE iiusmumow PARTICIPANT Authentication ef participant (text cede sent at start of class} Poss phrases lnteroctive chots Poll questions Quizzes All activities must be completed for class credit 3 Ciesses for a breed mege cf offenses Sexiing Minors in Possession (alcohol and drug} Aeger Menogemeet Substance Aiouse Theft ?ersecstee Seigiiees Community Accountobility (Lite skills; vcrlues behaviors) Driving offenses Bullying Domestic violence ?zw ?w?Qwa L, 33%: 9E3 9.329 E?mgg 3%ng gig BCP Bates349 Bate5350 Descriprron r'fProsecuro-r receives propose! commi?rmer? from oroseouror Prosecufor ?noiizes on progrom crh?erio CS generofes con?mcr for execu?on CS provides le?ers and forms fo proseouror for approve! '35 CS receives 01! approved documems and forms from ?ne prosecuror. CS programs the CS Case Management system with f: specific program- requiremenfs from CS oose coordinators and operorions sfoff CS coordirroies wi?rh proseou?ror program iounch (framing attorneys, Enformo?on in courtroom ere.) ii?Progrom s?rorr?s ?orre?rveSo/urrorrs Timing 50y} Day 10 Dory 14 Doy18 Dory Dory 45-60 BCP Bates351 or PROGRAM REFERRAL PROCESS A. CON ADMINISTRATWE SUPPORT {feted Ere ?at-nearing i. CS emptoyee tn office scrubs each docket for applicabte offenses based on DA criteria. Screens for suitability based on DA criterta. 2. Referral forms are prepped by CS employee and ready for court. 3. Judge or ADA otters diversion at pre? trial hearing. 4. CS employee eteotronioatly transmits referrers to CS central operations to enter lnto CS case management system. 4 team-{needs assessment} ttend PCtass on re :Cotnrnanity Service (242 hours) [a starting- {it appticable) :Pa foetal? insurance {if appticabie) CS Emptoyee at DAO Centrat Operations Case Management by phone 33> PROGRAMS yet Charged With crime. . dd tweed-With ?tme- atvemo?. cases referred directly ta'dlversion' ?end Drug Treatment class (it . SantaCtara County Sonoma County _jPre+tile"Ijtve on 9?55 "Defers dant_,oharged Diversion - Defendant required talenterjjagoiity plea, 1. DA offers diversion in Court. Once plea accepted, court system generates repart to CS. 1. Deputy DA reviews cases for etigibility. 2. Eligible cases are transmitted electronically from DAG case management system to CS. 2. ALthorized CS representative retrieves case data from EJS. 3. Eligible cases are loaded into CS Case 3. CS enters all case lntormatton into CS Management system. case management system. -Compiete financial Assessment 1 4 - -Attena-CAP3Closs' A it ere-eserrng: ammuan Serytoe (whom; - I .y - 5 sweeten . 3' ??ay '15: .E JU Melina-f. . enactmentslemurs 3y regs-mm irreparable) Urns Centrat Operations - Case Management by - I phone CS Central Operations Locat office. Case managers have face to face meetings with defendants. 098:6 00g? my mg s. z. BCP Bates352 ?mm??w Solutions Jurisdictions BCP Bat95353 BCP Bates354 FENDER PROGRAM Adminis?rm?oz?w of wide~rohge of condi?ons fho?r hold offehdgers oocoun?roble, whiie providing both To becoming low abiding member of Their communi?ry. I RESNRCE REFERRALS QFFENBER . . wag Ewemee?mse CMSSES {eweb?weSo/miobs ?g ?9?:ch Rasmunow RECOVERY me stauaswgm GPS HOME CASE MANAGEMEM i RANDOM Bauer/mama TESHNG BCP Bate5355 FFENDER ROGRAMS THAT ENTERSECT EVERY STAGE OF CRIMENAL JUSTICE PROCESS ALTERNATIVE Qmm??i?w Sofaim?s BCP Bates356 Smenth pragram CONDITQONS: 445 month program CONDITIONS: I 4 month program . - I I Diversmn Plan Conference awash" Plan conference as?essment). with .cdmmanity aesau'rce Referr v/ General diversion progroms: brood range of offenses, or crime speci?c programs e.g. fhe?, driving, dreg/olcohoi v? Provisions for offenders v/ AH progroms con we eusfomized To mee1L The unique needs of yourjurisdic?on ?owee?ves?o?am?eos 3 AN a Di NW REHABILITATION, INTERVENTION, SUPPORT AND :3 .. Defendant to enter a plea Local program office in San Bernardino County C?him?i?iaii?z a Diversion Plan Conference (offender assessment) Complete an intake and exit meeting with a RISE Case Manager Attend the Community Accountability Ciass C?mplete a crime specific interactive journal (reviewed with case manager or exit appointment) Complete 4-24 hours of community service Pay victim restitution (if applicable) Pay program fees (indigent fund established for fee assistance} Complete all conditions within 4 months Coii?ectiveSo/utions BCP Bate3357 BCP Bates358 LEVE Classes as a cendifien or Err oddifion fo anofher sancfion Qualified insfrucfors 2 insfrucfors egcn closs; feocher and focilifofor Advanced degrees in social work or relofed field A Evidence-based curriculum a Classes for juveniles and odulfs a More gccounl?obilify ?Efren frodi?onel classroom live classes Luvs msmucnow CIPANT 1N STRU CTOR Aufhenficolion of porficiponf (fexf code senf 0f sforf of class} Poss phrases lnferocllve chofs Poll quesfions Quizzes All ocfiyifles musf be complefed for class creollf Classes for a breed range of offenses Minors in Possession (alcohol oncl drug} Anger Monogemerrf Subsfonce Abuse Theff Jim Eerrecf?sjeSemrfons Communify Accounfobilify (Life skills; volues behoviors] Driving offenses Bullying Domesfic violence Sam 28 $8.039 232mm 33%: Gaga gig 953mm mg?mm??mmef?ozm wm?mn?xm wmam?cmg mm m? 2 E. mm WE BCP Bates359 Description receives proposoi Verbai commitment tiom prosecutor Prosecutor finalizes program criteria CS generates contract for execution CS provides letters and forms to prosecutor for approves! CS receives all opproved documents and forms from the prosecutor. CS progroms the CS Case Management system with specific program requirements -: CS. trains CS case coordinators and operations staff if CS coordinates with prosecutor program launch (training attorneys, information in courtroom etc.) Program starts ?orsocttisieSoiatroos Timing Day 45-68 BCP Bates-3360 1? [?53 COREECWESOLUHONS 2'1d Prosecutorial District Santa Clara County Senoma County TYPEOF PROGRAM 1 7 plea. 1. DA offers diversion Sn Court. Once plea 1. Deputy DA reviews cases for accepted, caurt system generates report to based on DA criteria. Screens for CS suitability based on DA criteria. 2. Eligible cases are electronically from DAO case management system to CS. 2. Referrai forms are prepared by CS empioyee and ready for cjaurt. 2. Authorized CS representa?ve retrieves case data from US. 1. REFERRAL PROCESS 3. Judge or ADA offers all trial hearing. version at pre 3. Eligible cases are loaded into CS Case 3. CS enters all case lnfarmatlo-n into CS Management system. case management system. 4. CS employee electronically transmits referrals to CS centrai opetatians to enter into CS case management system. A, -: 1 . Attend A5 Dmg?Treat. entclassll A - A: .- I Ox R?g?tq??mg .ppywa?yi 4.55955, I - - A Central Oa'era?ans - Case Maeagement by phone CS Employee at DAO CS Central Operations SUPPORT Central Operations - Case Management by phone Local of?ce. Case managers have face to face meetings with defendants. {esseesweSalaaens BCP Bates361