FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1089424-3 Total Deleted Page(s) Page Page Page Page Page 135 136 137 138 139 Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Duplicate; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page 4 FD-36 (Rev. 5?22-54Date: 8/7/68 Transmit the following in . (Type in plaintext or code) Via AIRTEL (Priority) 7 MO FBI s? FROM MIAMI E3 SUBJECT: UNSUB, t\ \9 THREAT AGAINST PRESIDENT CANDIDAIE GOVERNOR RONALD GAN, - AUGUST 3, 1968 Re Buffalo teletype to Miami, 8/3/68. Enclosed for the Bureau are 12 copies of an LHM with a copy to Buffalo. LHM is being disseminated locally to Secret Ii;/ Service, U. S. Attorney and 111th M. I. Group, Miami a Orlando, Florida. Miami is not conducting any investigation in this matter in view Of the fact Governor REAGAN had already arrived and departed Miami International Airport without incident. UNREC COPY AND COPY OF FILED IN kiwi TILL.- my Iv?i?5? gap/ac. smegma; 405,193 a My ELM - 1/ . ?at: 2f 3' . . (a @612? ?le Bureau 1? 1 _ffa10 (Enc ?33 97M RonakiReagan-518 (l 105 16665)(Repcon) @317 131/3)in 13" Sent Per A proved: Aim Af? Ee%%gqent in Charge l~ UNITEDQIATES DEPARTMENT OF i FEDEEXI Miami; Florida File No. furnished to $23 Eh ll5?38 August 7, 1968 Re: UNKNOWN SUBJECT. THREAT AGAINST PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE GOVERNOR RONAID AUGUST 3, 1968 On August 3, 1968, the Buffalo Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) telephonically advised the Miami Office that the Buffalo, New York Police Department had received an anOnymous telephdne call at 9 :50 PM, wherein the caller stated, "Reagan at the .airport at ?Miami, bomb will go off and kill several hundred people. The caller then hung up. At 10:21 PM, that same day, Officer 0. R. Martin, Dade County Public Safety Department, Miami International Airport Sub?station, telephonically advised Governor Reagan had arrived at the airport eight minutes earlier and departed the airport complex without incident. The Public Safety' Department was not going to conduct a search in view of the nature of the call. . . gr~ The receipt of the above referenced threat was immediately disseminated to James M. Masterovito, U. 3. Secret Service, and Roger Herman of the M. I. Group by Special Agent J. Mc Breen of the Miami Office of the FBI. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. Ronald Reagan-519 No further investigation is I . conducted in this matter. confirms telej?? r. nic meg-p onLj: W?4?>?l93 atzg/ e: age/qw- EWOLESMRE (Rev. 5-22-54) Transmit the following in . FBI Date: 8/7/58 (Type in plaintext or code} AIRTEL AIR MAIL (P riority) . I DIRECTOR, FBI M) Ir SAC SAN FRANCISCO (175?0) 1 OJ UBJECT: . San Franc1sco, Calif. THREATS T0 PRESIDENTIAL CAN .. Enclosed herewith for the Bureau and Sacramento is one cepy each of a letter written ject to wife of Presidential candidate RONAL This 1 7/18/58 and was received from SA LARRY NEWMAN, U. 3. Secret Service, San Francisco, Calif., on 8/7/68. NEWMAN indicated that his office had received the letter a week or more prior to furnishing it to the FBI and that a review of the letter indicated no real threat had been made to Mrs. REAGAN. new .. ,1 NEWMAN stated that the letter had been furnished to his office by Secret Service Headquarters with instructions to furnish it to the FBI and that his office contemplated no additional investigation at this time. He stated that the matter had been informally discussed with AUSA JERROLD M. LADAR, San Francisco, and that AUSA LADAR had indicated he saw no violation. '1 SA NEWMAN further advised that his off' ice has an exten ive file on the subject under the name of xi 121:1 Inasmuch as there?g?gagrs to be no real or implied threat contained in the letter and since the Secret Service is already aware of the existence of this letter, no further action is contemplated by Francisco Office UACB. :15 a ?25: A copy of this communication is being furnished to Sacramento for info tion inasmuch as Governor and Mrs. ??gg??AN's cff1c1al $93 dence is in Sacramento. 2 - Sacramento San Francisco t. ?bna GNM: 10 AUG 9 1953 App ."crr Re; eag n- :a?bp?ecicl Agent in Charge etter was dated a: . x; g; W) Q) ?if:?Hl?y . 17 f. Hmm- Emcom . . . ?Ill-4?34! . . .b . ??dkx: 3WQ 43"? mm 8 i. . ?ij' (?Ill. I . . Wtcg?\\?ww k. \1 \i 355/33" yaw/R9 ~55? ?90% if - 1 up,? WANNA ix mm .1493?. ?4 ?a iv. k. . H, A x. an. .. 1-Want? ?it. 2?7 3136 b7,qu-vr - xi; ..x?mk f/ 4/ 26,41? HM ,t-f 7 [22:5, ?yw_ x41" WW I 53/ if?? 33.x? 4 4. .., M?L?vf'r?f Z4 Ronald Reagan- -522 ?ag II rim. uw? .4115Wain .. i? n. a. .4 u. ?lrv paw? ha?. ATM . . 4 Bag: 2. mwv?l?vlux? . . kgar ?KEr?n?mx?KS a in?lK EX. I \x .12. \grk ?Ki Ram ?fawn. \?Ki?f?x \lk \ixgz?lli?v 13x .., A Kg .AK ?33 ?$th \wu?t Raf! \xk/ .A?xg: a . IluulK?kal'lliA . mWauexnqu?rKn? mosma 53%-me m. i: . Egg}? - 53% - a, r-yfl . . ?5 . NC). Ii? ?f 5' ?use L/cz ?szzw-z?? ?35> Mm Ronald Reagan- 24 ?m.2.n11911.3..1..9. .. . a 31.111 3.1g? - 1- .. . . ?.1191?. . . . $3 4.3.1-5 . a 5% . \Ni ?\Il .. 19.1w9..311 . 1. ..R. f1. \H..?s?n.11nw.x F31. 1. mosma . . . . .-VV - mm. A Suva-tuna .- . .KL . . :z - - "an-.1 H4, .3. h. ?43 ?w .zm gnaw: a? . -. . Lt:- L, . ?may .19.: .1 zb? we Ronald Reagan-526 Ronald Reagan-527 .r ?a lwzf'arwh?J?fgm BL Mag-L :?uLL-lh i inun- J-w: ?Liz? it} .3. a; $2279? .957?? .W.M xi zgxm? f?W?mwwr?\?11 ?1&1 Wk 1111 11111 ?1 121 111. ?121.1% KW 11111. 11.11 V1.1 ?1111?; ?111111. 11 1 f3: :4 4/4/ 0. .9. 1151.511 131.1111. Hr? L05 gageles,_ca1ifom= Fay 1 1? '1 .5, 31%? 9r l. 1111. 1111 1111. 1111 111 1111111 1111 1111. 111 Wm Ronald Reagan-528 1 AA EDT WU A 8/8/68 LAS TC EIEECTCE (157-9760(105"15663) L. ff?,e,d UNSUB, LITTLE RUSTY THEE AT ACAIAST PRESIDENTIAL xx ?5 CAADIDATE I AT CAE AIAETEEA AA EIGHT IASTAAT, SECRET SERVICE kv/"Qr? ADVAACE UAII ADVISED TELEEHDAE CALL HAD SEEA RECEIVED BY AA AS YET MEMBER OF CAADIDATE EEACAA STAEE EACA AA ff?g?k/ IN MISSISSIPPI, FROM A MAN WHO CALLED HIEVSELA AR. IS AE HE AILL BE SDASED TDAITE. TO A EEASAA STAEE AEABER-CALLEE SAID HE AAS A COLORED EEDA MISSISSIPPI. HE SOUNDED DRUNK. HIS AGE GUESSED FROM VOICE AS FORTYFIVE FIFTYSECRET SERVICE ATIEAETIAG To TRACE 3% i 5 SEACR PD OAE HUADEED ELEVEATR A. I. . NOTIFIED. . m- A 3 - .ADAIAISTEATIVE1959 LHM EDLLCAS r?rr--$3A9$a3 THQL, EASE .1394 {1953? (Rev. 5-22-543?33? 3 I I Date: 8-5-68 I Transmit the following in I (Type in plaintexz or code) I . AIBTEL AIRMAIL (Priority) -. TO: I. DIRECTOR, FBI FROM: SAC, SAN Disco fl?5~ll) Letter Addressed to Contai Threat Against Governor ?gs? Ronald Leash mailed at Ran Diego 3 5 July 7? 1933 ,3 "153%; THREATQ TO CANDIDATES 3 be Reference is qah Diego teletype Aug met 1, ahd Ran Diego letter Augusgy?; 1968. I Enclosed for the Bureau are 11 copies of LHM. Copies of this LHM have been disseminated locally to Recret gervice, the San Diego Police Department, and the san Diego County sherit Office. the received by been-32332_ forwarded to the reauf?br dissemination to Qecret Service and for laboratorye aihatioh under separate covei. 3; CW C(?W?E?i?hjj . 7. ?mermaids rinse Bureau (ones. 11) (RM) aways/ea San Diego 0553 32102 3 macaw mo- '38 1an m, 375/333 23 spiffy we 8 1953 (5233/3333 23:03 4&3 1933968 Proved: Sent Per Special Agent in Charge Ronald Reagan-530 UNITEQ STATES DEPARTMENT OF -ICE In Reply, Please Refer to San Diego, California 7 File N01 August 5, 1968 Letter Addressed to Containing Threat Against Governor Ronald Reagan mailed at San Diego . July 7, 1958 be On August 1, 1968, Mr. John H. Hansen, Special Agent, Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, Department of Justice, State of California, made available to a Special Agent of the FBI a xerox copy of a letter written to the San Diego Evening Tribune and published July 6, 1968, and a letter to in anss3e to her letter to the editor. letter to the editor was as follows: - ?Deterrent to Dictatorship? Editor: I commend-Police Chief O. J. Road and Governor Reagann for their stand against gun legislation. The ?Bleeding Hearts? keep releasing criminals and demanding more rigid gun laws to regulate the law abiding! If they were really honest in what they propose, how about legislation making a long jail term mandatory when a gun is used in the commission of a crime? They want to condition the public to the idea that for citizens to have guns and ammunition in their homes is some how dangerous. The people of the United States present a unique menace to its aspiring dictators. Somewhere out there, there are more rifles, pistols, and shot guns than are possessed by all the armies of the earth combined! And the ?Soft on Criminals and Revolutionary Boys are going quietly out of their minds.? The only way they are going to know is to have you register them. Then and as murders and assassinations continue unabated, guess whose guns will be confiscated? rm; as,? ?may ?13.3 AOL. DATEQZL3Z9L Bi 5574980~3?% 9?05 I93 RonakiReagan-531 3'6 1 Beauties 2 . I LETTER ADDRESSED To b7C CONTAINING THREAT AGAINST GOVERNOR RONALD REAOAN NAILED AT SAN Disco JULY 7, 1968 During the recent riots in WashingtOn, D.C. police stOod by helplessly, on-orders, for hours while revolutionaries shelped themselves to the loot.' Read the report ?Guerrilla ?Warfare Advocates in the United States,? recently released by the Government Printing Office and ?Insurrection" by Susan L. Buck and see what is planned for yOu! Then you decide who is going to pretect your home and family while the "Bleeding Hearts" 'tie the hands of our police. The time to let your Congressmen and the Representatives -know you are opposed to gun registration is now. The time to elect men who will stand up for America is November 5. . X4t? l?otiormyaul?* The letter written as ollows?m I be 1337C "gRonaklReagan-SBZ 32hi.304. .24 p-I I I 049 jVL?r?w/V -- a A IJ 4 "may [111*- k? 40?.342 two IggI 11It-zI'Ro?ald 'Reag??n-533 i IL um" . .- .. . - . My .u?C . 70/ 50077: Dim in . u' Cy . LETTER ADDRESSED VCONTAINING THREAT RONALD REAGAN MAILED AT SAN DIEGO JULY 7, 1968 Mr; Hansen advised that 701 South 32nd street, is a nonexistent address. Chester Miller, Secret Service, qan Diego, was personally advised of the content of the two letters quoted above at 4: 57oF. M. on august 1, 1968. Copies of the above letter_were made available to the Ran Diego Police Department and the San Diego County- Sheriff's OffiCe on August 2, 1968. a a This document contains neither recommendations nor cenclusiOns of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. RonakIReagan-535 X30459 (Rev. 7-17-68) it?. Gov. Rona fonnia as pu 1c a nounced that he will campaign for Rich- ard Nixon. But close ?riecnds Tolson r? DeLooch . . Mohr Merry-(yo-Round Bish ?A'd d' eagan to man Ell/lie . .. . 33?. . Dr? on for two, ballots, and indicatedl "Did the bakers know for Gale 1 Ii that if after that Reagan was whom the cake was being Rosen i I no la . a serious candidate he barked?? asked the security 11' 9 men? Rhodes, would plump for Rea- don?t think so,? replied Tovel ga-n on the third ballot. Stofbelrg. Trotter of Reagan say he won?t. Maybe he?ll make a few speeches in California; but unless his pres- ent mood changes, that?ll be all. Inside reason is that rela- tions between Reagan and Nixon, two Californian-s repre- senting the conservative wing of the GOP, were not cordial in Miami Beach. At times they tended toward the vitriolic. In the first place, Reagan was convinced that Nixon was behind the movement which rounded up around 700,000 sig- natures demanding that he be recalled. Reagan figured that'Nixorn had inSpired this as a means of embarrassing him just prior to the Miami Beach convention. Second, a a 11 really thought/he had a chance to get the nomination. He was vastly encouraged at first by Southern delegates, and took himself quite "seriously. One of those in whom he c'onfided was Gov. James Rhodes of Ohio, to whom he offered the position of Vice President on the Reagan ticket. Rhodes, a skilled poli? ticiva'n who plays his cards close to his chest, would not cammiit himself. He did prom- Nixon was worried over the fact that Reagan picked up the story printed in this column that Nixon advisers had rec- ommended Sen. Ed Brooke, the Massachusetts Negro, to be Vice President. Reagan forces copied the column and made sure it was delivered to every Southern delegation.' The whole Reagan move- ment frightened Nixon. .The two men left Miami Beach publicly cooperative but pri- vately not friends. Bombs for Agnew? How many bombs can be hidden in a birthday cake? bath the question which up- arently worried Richard Nix- on?s strict security men at the Eden Roc hotel last week in Miami Beach. The question as raised when Sam S?tof- berg, a' Baltimore business- sent a birthday cake fes- tooned with elephants to the hotel suite of Gov. Spiro Agnew, congratulating him on his nomination to be Vice President. Shortly after the cake was sent up to Agnew?s sullte, tofberg got a telephone call rem the security men want- There were other questions. In all it took 20 minutes to get the cake delivered to Gov. Agnew. Questions and Answers Dan Moore, Jr., Cleve-l land Heights, Ohio?No Vice President of the United States in this century has differed with his chief in the White House with the possible exeep- tion of Charles G. Dawes, Vice President under Cool~ idge. On March 10, 1925, Dawes was late in getting up to the Senate to break a tie vote on the con?rmation of Charles B. Warren to be Attorney,Gen- oral. The vote was 40 to 40, and if Dawes had been present he could have voted with Cool? idge. There was speculation at that time that Dawes was pur- posely late because he was at odds with the Chief Executive. This is the only pub ,zed case of a difference bet?Wee-n the President and Vice Presi- dent ~in this century. Critics who assert Vice President Humphrey should differ with LBJ over Vietnam forget this. Vice President Nixon was most obsequious toward Presi? 1 ing to know where the cake ise Reagan that he would hold as baked. Stofberg told them. Jlu'g ..O_i_iio delegation intact All. manor. 63 mg cm 3:313.- (?5:193 i 13 6 5%?8 m? sit/WE NOT RECORDED )8?er -- 2' fRo'?ald Reagan-536 dent Eisenhower, even after Ivke, asked at a press confer-u %mnc lelat Nixon had?- - ed to the Ra?-fiance?s- tic-n, hesitate-d and said he could not answer. He said he would need some time to think 1t over. Norman Beach Poolesvill Md._Contrary th some 1-: ports, Rep. Charles Mathias of Maryland was not for Rocke? feller because of any financial offers to support Mathias?s {campaign Mathias felt that ?Gov. Rockefeller-?5 position and exerience on? urban and Negro problems made him a better presidential candidate. It was difficult for Mathias to take this position, in view of Gov. Agnew?s staunch cham- pionship of Richard but the decision was one of 0 not 1? Egg! 59g- tr?u?o} ?1Tele. Room c: limes I Ligda Tarler, Mic, Senate voted on the poultry inepection bill on July 29, one day before our "column of July 30. Hence the apparent error in reporting that the Holland amendment, which would have weakened poultry inspection, was still an issue. The Holland amendment was defeated overwhelmingly by the Senate one day before the column was published. 1968, Bell-McClure Syndicate, Inc. Drew Pearson will predict whether LBJ will change his and run again, on radio station WTOP at 9:40 morning. My #9 ?e Washington Post Times Herald The Washington Daily News The Evening Star (Washington) The Sunday Star (Washington) Daily News (New York) Sunday News (New York) New York Post The New York Times The Sun (Baltimore) The Daily World The New Leader The Wall Street Journal The National Observer People?s World Examiner (Washington) met-1 53.3% i. 7 j. Date .. 1L W43, it?, . . I FBI Date: 8/8/68 Transmit the follow' in 1% (Type in plaintext or code) REGISTERED MAIL (P ribrity) DIRECTOR, FBI (151?9760) . Mir TON CGNTAI :11in AC, MIAMI (105?16665) (P) .5 gum; . UNSUB, Aka "Little Rusty"; THREAT AGAINST SIDENTIAL CANDIDATE EDNAL Remytel 8/8/68. Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are 11 copies of LHM, dated as above, captioned SUBJECT, Also Known As "Little Rusty"; THREAT AGAINST PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE RONALD REAGAN. Since Secret Service is handling this matter, Miam1 is conducting no further investigation. . of; 4 a? Copies of the LHM are being disseminated locally to the Secret Service (Miami and Miami Beach Advance Unit); 111th I. Group 6agaiiando and Group Operations, Miami Beach), and SI 031 Disrict, Robins HEB, 6a., and Bureau (Enc-ll (RM) 50 1 Jackson 2 - Miami (1 - 105?16665 355" [696; (1 l75j'Newt)? A 15. 1-2-1: Maia: ?12: .r-gsi: y" I. (6) "r fif?z?z?h?rr - 41" Ronald Reagan-537 6 ,ve "wt1211/ - ?1 ?11 $.51 . STATES DEPARTMENT OF 11.1w FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Miami, Florida In Reply. Please Refer to Angus; 3 1968 File No. 105~16665 UNKNOWN SUBJECT, Akee Known As "Little Euetys" THREAT AGAINST PRESEDEETKAL CANDIDATE RONALD REAGEE At 1:19 August 8, 1968, Secret Service Advance Unit Miami Beech, Florida, advised a telephone cell had been received by an as yet unknown member of candidate staff, from en we own town in Mississippi, from 'e men who called himself LITTLE The caller stated "Mr is :nnocent We don' need REAGAN anymoreo He will be bombed tonight. According to a REAGAN staff member, the caller said he was a colored man from Mississippi? He eeunded drunk. .His age was gpessed from his voice as 45 to 50. Secret Service was attempting to trace the call. All local and Federal agencies were advised PROPERTY OF FBI - This document containe neithe; recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI It is the property 0: the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it.end iEscontente'ame not to be distributed outside your agency. alts [7(4331335593393 EM 403 [7?3 R0naklReagan-538 3? my, in. Mr. Tomb- . DeLoach?.. . . . Mohr- . Bishop__- FM am I . Casper I. mm arm . sscnon\ . OOID 1968 Miss Holmes..? FBI LOS ANG. I Miss Gandrm RRED 10-8-68 NLB I FBI HASH DC 12:42 AM TO DIREC R, AND SACRAMENTO FROM LOS (115-0) THREAT AGAINST LIFE OF GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN, YORBA LINDA, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER SEVENTH SIXTY THREATS - MISCELLANEOUS. AT ELEVEN FORTY THO PM, OQJOBER LOS ANGELES OFFICE, FBI, SEVENTH, SIXTY EIGHT, RECEIVED PHONE CALL FROM I PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA, NNO ADVISED AS FOLLOWS: HAD BEEN DRINKING NIIN UNSUB SINCE EARLIER THIS QESC UNREG COPY FILED IN .2 EVENING IN THE YORBA LINDA INN BAR, YORBA LINDA, CALIF. DURING CONVERSATION, UNSUB MENTIONED I?m HERE BECAUSE REAGAN NILL BE REAGAN $5 XDAZY ?5 HERE IONORRON AND IONORRON NILL STATED IRANSIENI SUI DID NOT SAY WHERE FROM. UNSUB DID NOT ELABORATE 0N ABOVE STATEMENT REGARDING ?ud DID NOT FURNISH ANY FURTHER INFO EXCEPT T0 REAGAN AND DESCRIBE UNSUB AS WHITE MALE, DARK WAVY HAIR, THIRTY ngE YEARS, MEDIUM BUILD, PROMINENT NOSE BROKEN AND TURNED TO RIGHT, HEARING BLACK AND WHITE CHECKED SPORT COAT, UNABLE TO DESCR BE ANY FURTHER. 9N CA [25" I: Reagan- -539 55:3 PAGE TWO LA 175-0 LT. BARNEY MCKOVN, VATCR COMMANDER, ORANGE COUNTY 50, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA, ADVISED OF ABOVE INFO BY SA JAMES G. KEENAN AND u.s. SECRET SERVICE, LOS ANGELES BEING ADVISED FOR THEIR INFO. STATED-NE DID NOT HAVE ANY INFORMATION THAT GOVERNOR REAGAN DUE IN ORANGE COUNTY AREA NITRIN COMING NEEKS. STATED VODLD DISPATCH PATROL UNIT TO CHECK MATTER CDT IMMEDIATELY. SACRAMENTO ADVISE GOVERNOR OFFICE OF POSSIBLE THREAT AGAINST LIFE. END SVM FBI WASH DC Ronald Reagan-540 sac, has Angolan Io/sxsa 1 ix 0 ?3353!? 633M (.4 I Bhact??ki 23 1 Mr. Schutz mans; maxi: mum m3 at ammon- nonm ?mm, mm. mm, 10/7/68 1 1mm .- rims laurtel 10/8/68. As you If. tiara, Governar Ronald Itnsan is no longar considernd a Presidential candidntn undar the statutory prot?ctiou a! tn: 3. 3. Saerut Garviau. As in? dicated in roioum nonunieation, hmm, the still has the responsibility under agreement with Secret Enrica to advise that ?may hon an I last}. and qutors level of any thrants against tan life of Gowernar luagan. Inch threat am In weighed independently and Burma noti?ad by appropriate communication. In ?very in.- stance, appropriate letterhead 3min should be prepared for dissemination imlly and at headquarters to B. 3. Secret Barrie-m. Accardingly, you should submit an: in this in- stance and be so guided in the future. 1 Sacramento (Into) 1F fk'mim 91 53W (95? MAILED :23 OCT 8 - 1958 COMM-FBI 3v: 1 3 3 00m '31. 41L UNITE Ronald Reagan 541 561.1111 1 W1 51-2): Transmit the foilowing 1.: A-L?fr?. {j 1 .i .A {Sar?rafz?iltCa . L38 Aim/Le; a Bishop 1 n4 r? A ..- . .P, All?? M. . - ?0 (?1333M ?1,5 gr:- at. 5: 1'3ny . .I?u 31351:: 1-: r! mac-J'REITMr. Tele. Miss Miss Gandym .. . - -I. Y, DeLoach--__ Mohr--. 11?; shop uI i ahan Conrad. Fe} a Rossenwlt? Sun Evan AT IWFORMATION CONTAINED UNCLASSIFIED 1? EJ- Tc mg (7.5mm 35 34> 1 fora/93 1 ?n .LJL-I a! Li? Elna .. :1.?ng {Is i1 .1 :3 L54nad 5cm; 5 A . a ?1511! E: I.) I. (33.106 J.- ru- 14?, CI, 3 53:11.11 A 21:1! .4 A: '5 List19.94.11Ir? Appruvcdz Specie}. Ageant in- Charge 34.; ?kw. UNIQD STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Los Angeles, California In Re ly, Please Refer to me 150- October ll, 1968 ?1341; INFORMATION 0 4 11353,, ?73? its may Br E??gz?jg? UNKNOWN THREAT AGAINST THE LIFE OF GOVERNOR RONALD REAGNN YORBA LINDA, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 7, 1968 ea At llzh2 PM, October 7, 1968, _ ; riacentia, California, telephonically advised the os nge es Office of the FBI of a threat against the life be of Governor Ronald Reagan. b7e explained that he had been drinking with an unknown male, during the evening of October 7, 1968, at the Yorba Linda Inn Bar, Yorba Linda, California. During a conversation, the unknown male stated "I'm here because Reagan will be here tomorrow and tomorrow will be Reagan's last day." Nothing further, regarding Governor Reagan, was mentioned by the unknown male. 35 that the unknown male admitted he was a transient;' urnished no information regarding his residence. the unknown male as white, 35 years old, medium build, and a prominent nose which appeared to have been broken. stated the unknown male wore a black and white chec e: sport coat. Lieutenant Barney McKown, Orange County Sheriff's Office, Santa Ana, California, was advised of the above information at PM on October 7, 1968, by Special Agent James G. Keenan.? Lieutenant McKown advised that he had no indication that Governor Reagan planned to visit Orange County in the near future. Special Agent Leon J. GOpadze, Secret Service, Los Angeles was advised of the above information, at 9:30 AM on October 8, 1968, by Special Agent Melvin L. Flohr, Los Angeles Office of the FBI. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. Ronald Reagan_543 NO further investigation is being fiducted in this matter. we a 32.2% ?7 Tolson a! 53! MAKEDIO OCT 241958 I 75W 1! DeLocch Mohr Bishop Casper Callahan Conrad Felt Gale Rosen a Su llivun Tove! ?55; Trotter Tele. Room 0 Holmes Gundy sac, Sacramento 10/24/68 _Director, EBI Fig} 3mm Ir. mmarms. mom cerium JJ 5 Director 13.951312!) Washington errw er egg; Governor Renal . MiC35: A 5., - 3.2? p- w?-(3.31.352 2/3? 42?1" ?1 How" . i 3 Ronald ReagarI I .. A -. . 31,334 .1119- PI. L- .. 3A h. ?l a. .H 7 W??wf ?lthy 4 1 0- WM JUN: iv MOMS: t- 'Jl?i mt. (mun "r I by. .di-u. mama Mu 1mm; WY 1 {a??liw f/Japhwl ?Cy I I r- 1?1 (f (KILLS C. JWLJ 4- 65' MC. (haw: [fl Q/m 7955 ?j alw?f?o faii?t?waw" 5 Lam? . (W ?i'dhilw . . I .- .M u. --.. .-L. I . . A .7 ..-A - A- V: . ?:54 as?? f: . .zrz- swarm T'I'nx?? . I 4':er 2? ALL INFORMATION Lam" IS UNCLASSIFIED Emc?: mum u. 8 $1 gm .55; 5549 any . an" .m Emmi 01:: ms my): . IS .1550 NFOR rW? iR?J.11!!nulgll. I K: A . CABLEGRAM TO LEGAT HONG KONG :if; ?3 FROM DIRECTOR FBI 73W 7 {Wu .5509 as A3 a- 3 VISIT 0F GOVERNOR REAGAN To HONG KONG AND MANILA, SEPTEMBER ONE NINE SIX NINE. STATE DEPARTMENT ADVISED GOVERNOR RONALD EEAGAN HAS BEEN DEEIGNATED AS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE To INAEGURATE THE U.S. CULTURAL CENTER IN MANILA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. HIS ITINERARY IS AS FOLLOWS: SEPTEMBER FIVE - SEPTEMBER ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM AND HONG SEPTEMBER NINE SEPTEMBER ELEVEN MIDWAY AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. INSURE ANY INFORMATION RECEIVED INDICATING A THREAT TO PHYSICALLY HARM OR EMBARRASS GOVERNOR REAGAN IS GIVEN IMMEDIATE LOCAL To STATE DEPARTMENT, SECRET ?Bishop ?33; 53mm REC a see note, page 7? i, i l, Foreigi?nEIN sop Hnit ?ro te Ehru ?o?r review) 6:353? BPMfave! ale Room Ronald Reagan-626 Tolson DeLoach Mohr ?olmes 5g (Emma TELETYPE UNIT hm . '69 CABLEGRAM T0 HONG KONG RE: VISIT 0F GOVERNOR REAGAN TO HDHG KONG AND MANILA, SEPTEMBER 1969 SUCH INFORMATION SHOULD ALSO BE ruminant) 1'0 In: BUREAU BY CABLE IN FORM SUITABLE FOR DISSEMINATIOH. INCLUDING OF PERSONS T0 WHOM DISSEMINATION MADE WITH ADMINISTRATIVE.DAIAI IN THE LAST PARAGRAPH. NOTE: Above information received from Bert Bennington, Acting Chief, Division of Protective Security, State Department via Bureau liaison. RonaklReagan-627 1" ?7 - - Mr. Mur?l!? 9/4/69 TELETYPE COOS. GENT lbylA TELEI EJE 3'9. TO SAC HONOLULU 1 .w i Ear; SACRAMENTO VMV EA SR-zm 554qu ED FROM DIRECTOR FBI 93 ?5 45,193 VISIT 0F GOVERNOR REAGAN TO HONG KONG AND MANILA, SEPTEMBER ONE NINE NINE. STATE DEPARTMENT ADVISED GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN HAS uhp? BEEN DESIGNATED AS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE T0 INAUGURATE. U.s. CULTURAL CENTER IN MANILA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. HIS ITINERARY IS AS FOLLOWS: SEPTEMBER FIVE - SEPTEMBER SEVEN ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM, AND HONG. SEPTEMBER NINE SEPTEMBER ELEVEN MIDWAY AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. RECIPIENTS INSURE ANY INFORMATION RECEIVED INDICATING A THREAT TO PHYSICALLY HARM OR EMEARRASS GOVERNOR REAGAN IS GIVEN IMMEDIATE DOCAL DISSEMINATION TO STATE DEPARTMENT, SECRET SERVICE AND OTHER LOCAL AUTHORITIES. SUCH INFORMATION SHOULD ALSO BE FURNISHED BUREAU BY TELETYPE IN FORM SUITABLE Tolson DeLoOch Mohr Bishop Casper Callahan Conrad FOR DISSEMINATION INCLUDING IDENTITEESOF PERSONS T0 WHOM 4;}Jj Felt Gale BPM: mea. 3 ?7 ."Emusw? 3,4 ?01518n -- ?g ?f?v -. 1" gg?e??s Erf if." .5. ?g Pf 3? girls Ronald Reagan-628 I MAIL TELETYPE UNIT I TELETYPE T0 SAC HONOLULU SACRAMENTO RE: VISIT OF GOVERNOR REAGAN TO AND MANILA, SEPTEMBER, 1969 DISSEMINAIION WAS MADE WITH IN THE LAST PARAGRAPH. NOTE: AboVe information received from Bert Bennington, Acting Chief, Division of Protective Security, State Department, via Bureau liaison. R0naklReagan-629 . 11;; f, if ?25* EfrrEx"; 5-: M. . P311. (1 ?war. -. .. If? 4? 'er" .: 1-11 La". s: . I PM 3 ft?; ?1 - I wanna. u" HT wsm" af?hua'g All! I . bunTEEa1: CONTAINED -. .I I Ah?. Aw 3? r: - 37;, mm TSUECLASSTETED I I Bir?smgdig; 3-115. . m. EE E5 SID EMT-E .. .YW-L?m?y?wm. . -: - 1332 NITEL 9w35w72 GKF . . - (yrwx IE, ACTTEG DTEECTOE (DOMESTIC DIUTSION) . A. 3; 319:? 5:29 . II 5 'Ig?md I EEOE SEE H. - Age; EST TEEVerna)? Pam/E ET THIRTY-SIX Fame: SEPTEMBER NINE TEE E: CUSTOMS CALIEonwiag ABUISED THAT BERING THE WEEK OF NINETEEN SEVEHTY WHOSE DESCRIPTION ES SET FORTH HEREAFTER, MADE THE FOLLOWING A PHILOSOPHY CLASS AT IMPERIAL VALLEY EL CALIFORNIA: RONNIE BABY OR TRICKY DICK NEXON GE- EHERE I CAN GET NEAR THEM5 THEY ARE DEAD. I MISH THEY .r YWOQ Ch i Eauw cm-zE Emu-:1. THEY FEE-THEE STATED THAT HE EANTED To- an T3 PAEE, FLORIDA, BUT wAs THAT IF EC GOVERN w; gum?M, EDT HE AND A FEW OTHERS COULD EECTTEY THE EED 513453.:- MEEUER STATED THAT HE INFGR HIE WHICH 3TB FILED 1972 E. . 63': ?Fr-mlng 3. - Mme-rm w? GE TWO SD CARE EEAVER ADVISED THAT HE BELIEVES TO BE CAPABLE OF CARRYIEG OUT HES THREAT AND BELIEVES HEM TO OWN A if IWQSMUCH AS HAS MADE SEVERAL REFERENCES T0 SUCH WE APSE.) 03E TEN SEPTEMBER NINETEEN BARBAWA FINN, SECRETARY, [1.80 SECRET SAN DIESOA CALIFORNIAA WAS ADVTSED BY THOMAS J. SPECML AGENT WITH FBI, OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND AT ONE SI SERVICE AGENT KEEFE wAs ADVISED BY SUMMERS OF THE IMPEWIAL LAW ENFORCEMENT RECORDS REVEAL N0 INFORMATIUN WITH CAPTAIN RICHARD RAMIREZQ IMPERIAL COUNTY OFFICES, EL CENTRO, WAS ADVISED OF THE THREAT BY SPECIAL AGENT SUMMERS AT ONE TWENTY P. No SEPTEMBER TWENTY-FIVE, SEVENTY T1110. 35 DES As 0 o: MALE ADULT DATE CF famEnl 9 EBEEH IFIVE FEET TEN INCHES, EEC CEE HEADEED POUNDS, suwn?nwn AFMCTE awnmm warn - EECIAL SECURITY ACCOUNT NUMBER ,17' END PACE IWO- - rmwumn.w.w Ro?n'ald Reagan-631 . i . PAGE THREE SD 174- my CALEXICO, CALIFORNIA. OCUPATION: STUDENT ,bg IMPERIAL VALLEY CGLLEGE, EL CENTR09 CALIFORNIA. . b?c ADMINISTBAIIVII MAKES REFERENCE TO INDIVIDUAL POSSIBLY T0 RONALD REAGAN, IT IS SUGGESTED SACRAMENTO CONTACT AUTHORITIESO N0 LHM IS BEING SUBMITTED. EM) FBI WA RDR Ronald Reagan?632 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET l089424-3 Total Deleted Page(s) 2 6 Page 60 bl; Page 61 bl; Page 65 bl; Page 67 bl; Page 166 Referral/Direct; Page 167 Referral/Direct; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page FD-36 ?(a?em 5-22-64) . FBI Date: 8/28/69 Transmit the following in {Tprem plaintext or- code) \Via AIRTEL . AIR MAIL (I?riority) TO DIRECTOR, FBI ALL INVOFIMATTON CONTAINED . Pi?" (".5133 . 1mm . . SAC, SACRAMENTO (175-15) Jrl?t SUBJECT: BERNARD H. BELL THREAT AGAINST THE.GOVERNOR 0F CALIFORNIA . Re Sacramento airtel to the Bureau 6/25/69. a; Enclosed for the Bureau are five (5) copies of an LHM dated and captioned as above. The information in enclosed LHM was received on August 28, 1969, from CHARLES E. CASEY, Assistant Director, State of California, Department of Corrections, Sacramento, California. 1? The Governor' 5 Office was not contacted as Mr. CASEY advised the Governor' 3 Office of the contents of the letter. . i Information was furnished to Mrs. OPHELIA M. CHAVEZ Administrative Aide to STEPHEN A. BYRNE, Special Agent in I . Charge, U. S. Secret Service, Sacramento, in his absence. Mrs. CHAVEZ stated th this same communication had been re? ceived from Mr. CAS%;pby U. S. Secret Service, Sacramento, this date. .ICEEJ REC- 73 ?Egg? fig-?C 2 Bureau (?nals. - :a?ramenw ~99 aka 1 SEP 4 1969 8 (44714.21 Wt" (3) RonaklReagan?633 as eaei?i?sta? st Special Agent in Charge he ,m UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ianeply. Please Refer to Sacramento California i No. August 28, 1969 BERNARD II, mam THE. oovcmr 35:. canoes By letter dated August 26, 1969, Mr. Unarles E. Casey, Assistant Director, State of California, Hepartment of Corrections, Sacramento, California, advised that he ha? received the following communication a?oressed to California Governor Ronald Reagan by one Bernard H. Bell, an inmate at the Vacaville Medical Facility, Vacaville, California: St. . 3- ?wee-{3y WIN - - Ma semeoa?ii?s .. . $05] at, Ronald Reagan-634 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the prooerty of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be cistributcc out- side your agency. TO FROM SUBJECT: OPTIONAL FORM NO. IO MAY 1962 EDITION GSA FPMI 101- -ll. 6 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI SAC, (RUC) OF GOVERNOR REAGAN T0 HONG KONG AND MANILA, SEPTEMBER, 1969 INFORMATION CONCERNING 1 .u . m- - Wm?l?? Re Bureau teletype, 9/4/69. DATE: 9/10/69 During the period of Governor REAGAN's visit to Honolulu, September 5~7, 1969, no information concerning any threat to physically harm or any activity which would tend to embarrass Governor REAGAN was received by the Honolulu Office. No demonstrations were conducted by any New Left groups in Hawaii during this period. Bureau 1 - Sacramento (info) 1 - Honolulu ?i?cissi 3P7 4 . 1215/12); Esme ??MgJ/a, a" I?igi? fJ/?f' 6 16/1959 Ronald Reagan-635 Zgigg Bu} . Saving: Band: Regularly an the Payroll Saving: Plan 5010-10'- 02 .. 5.44L 2-616 . . .1 2c A4142 1.44 2/ 26/ Jr 49(7/5 'Cl'lr'?i?r) .2 (L .In' CC 2:7 2/41: 6/2 5.25, {217;} acaczcw?wg, 2%.sz cog/~42 is. {26" If Jiq/ 7,60% 5.714., /r ?1 . . [.7154 72622, g, ?air/poi: It .2/(2/6/56 24-42 /c/~/266 22/7 I 75" 5/ 631,6. 51/76 664 0?32 2/ ii/AL L/rcf? 2,4,5? I (?26 ?an, 63/? \2 1 I Li. rI/ f/ww-oi, {072/ (Mg71/635 I. :25: I CV I, /2 . (246' I L26, Ronialld Reagan-636 =7 2 2 ?7 (7562C I L) r5,? - a (l-lQ-Gl) #1339434?; . . .2 .. - 1:222: 232222221212322222: 222 32212222222122 2:21:22: 2:21? 3222:2222: 2E2: 21221232122122: nara ?E??3m??ms .9. l. . '7 Ronald Reagan" 63?7? gision Domestic Intelligence INFORMATIVE NOTE Date 10 2,7_ 69 Attached pertains to California Gover nor Ronald Reagan's trip to Grea Britain on November 2- 6, 1969. British authorities have received information there may be demonstrations conc his visit which could lead to violence Governor Reagan but noted information received from British authorities cannot be used by him as a request for pro- We are preparing instructions to have this informationrelayed to Governor 2 is? BEHIUIED FEBH: I CIHAT I I: L313 3 I I CELT I GUIDE VIA TELETYPE ERIE 9L: 5; 29632 STATE 189 EI 2 24- DEFERRED 16-27- 69 12" Em. Room Mr: alters Mr ,1 Miss Miss Gandy T0 DI Enron FROM LEGAT LONDON 524 as FOLLOWS i237}? nus-mum 019OCT 311959 ff?? END PAGE 0 NE .. 2 {325939923 .L (w v? ii) 2 j?gaqg. Ln :72 Ronald 3335?}: 322 Egan-638 R. BELO. 223? End ?3 Bashing: i PAGE TWO EMBASSY HAS BEEN INFORMED BY DEPARTMENT OF STATE REEHN WILL BE HERE NOVEMBER TO 51x NEXT. TO DATE ND KNOWN PUBLICITY HERE RE VISIT OR 5 PROPOSED DEMONSTRATIONS. BUREAU MAY DESIRE TO ALERT REGAN NOTE ALSO IF HE TRAVELS WITH OWN PHYSICAL SECURITY FORCE THEY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO CARRY FIREARMS INTO BRITAIN WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL WHICH IN THE PAST ONLY BEEN GRANTED To HEADS 0F EMBASSY HERE HAS NO RESPONSI Km?mw HIS PHYSICAL PROTECTION BUT SECURITY OFFICER HAS BEEN ADVISED. RECEIVED 11-44 AM JTJ MXS Ronald Reagan-639 60. MR. SULLIVAN FBI BECLASSIEIEMTEUN EEPIVIED FRQH: AUTEJHATIC BEE LESSIFIEETIUH EQUIBE USHEDBE Ut 1889424?2 a? EX x04 1 Airtel .853 14 To: SAC, Sacramento (Enclosure) From: Director, FBI 55?% RWALD REAGAN, GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA INFOBMT 1m CONCERNING 10?30-69 F. Enclosed wraith is on gory of meat, London, cablugrmn dated 16?3749 regarding;- Sovurner hagan' as proposed 5: sol f-explanatory. 4/ (4) . . DeLoach . Walters . Mohr . . CaSpBr . . Conrad?..- . Felt- . . Rosen Mr. 51 Mr. Mr. Trotter? Tale. Room Miss Miss Gandy, MAILED 23. OCT 3 0 1969 COMM-FBI 9! 710 f4 MAR. ROOM 433/ travel to Great Britain, 1?0qu 2~6,1969,wh1ch is B. Griffith 31113 to have the information contained in this to the attontion of Gowrnor Reagan. EECEPT a 3 OPTIONAL FORM M0. Io MAY EDITION GSA FPMR (41 cm) 101-1? UNITED STATES emom n'd um TO I DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: 11/3/69 SAC, SACRAMENTO SUBJECT: RONALD REAGAN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA INFORMATION CONCERNING ReBuairtel, 10/30/69. Mr. TED BAIER, Special Assistant, Legal Affairs Section, Governor's Office, State of California, was advised on ll/3/69, of contents of Legat, London cable- gram which was enclosed with reairtel. Mr. BAIER advised that he would bring this information to the attention of approPriate officials immediately. 1'331?: ,1 Vi; I) ah??hu 40$, 15? 1&5; 83> Ronald Reagan-641 ?5 6' 44 1 Bureau (RM) 1 - Sacramento TPGzepg ?Ohm 393 I a Ba} U. Saving: Band: Regularly on the Payroll Saving: (41m: 1 4-22 (Rev. 1-22-60) Federal Bureau of stigation Reco?rds Br . l:l Name Searching Unit - Room 6527 l::lSe?vice Unit? Room 6524 Forward to File Review Attention [22' Return to 3" Type of References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search) All References (Subversive (S: Nonsubversive) Subversive References Only l:l.Nonsubv sive References Only Main ?agg? References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of EExact Name Only (On the Nose) Buildup Variations Birthdate Place Address Localities Searcher Date Initials FILE NUMBER SERIAL 4-22 (Rev. 1-22-50) r. Federal Bureau of tigatipn s- Recofds Err.s ?AliK?1?4?45743?, :3 Name Searching Unit - Room 6527 S?gryi?ce?Unit 7 Room 6524 Forward to Attention eturn to . . Supervigg? (9&Eool?x?lE3?fi3; Type of References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search) All References (Subversive Nonsubversive) Subversive References Only l:l blonsubversive References Only Main References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of Elana Name Only (On the Nose) Buildup Variations Birthdate Place Address Localities Searcher Date Initials Prod. FILE NUMBER SERIAL ona I eagan-- 4?22 (Rev. 1-22?60) - Federal Bureau of?I tigation - Records Bra? l:l_Narne Searching Unit - Room 6527 .. .eLviicedllnitu?j Room 6524? Forward to File Review Attention - Return to ?Supervisor Type of References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search) All References (Subversive Nonsubversive} Subversive References Only :3 Nonsubv lye/References Only Main Lb References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of Exact Name Only (On the Nose) l:l Buildup E: Variations Subject Birthdate ace Address Localities Searcher Date Initials Prod. FILE NUMBER SERIAL NR 'ona - Reagan-.1 4-22 (Rev. 1-22?60) Federal Bureau of 1" stigation 9 Records Name SearchingiUn?it ;__Room 6527 Unit Room Forward to File Review Attention Return to Supervisor Roo'rn Ext. Type of References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search) All References (Subversive Nonsubversive) Subversive References Only I: Nonsubversive References Only References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of CZExact Name Only (On the Nose) l:l Buildup l:l Variations Birthdate (S: Place Address Localities Searcher Date Initials Prod. FILE NUMBER SERIAL 25-590463 Runald R-uaan-645 'hv?l'z 6 //75 4-22 (Rev. 1-22-60) .- Federal Bureau of stigat-ion Records Br W,1g_ ?:[IName Searching Unit .2 Room 6527 Eijeryice Unit Room 6524 -F'orward to File Review Eagttention Return to Type of References.Requested: . Regular Request (Analytical Search) All References (Subversive (Sc Nonsubversive) Subversive References Only anubver ?ve/References Only L. References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of El Exact Name Only (On the Nose) Buildup E: Variations . upervrsor Roam Ext. Subjec Birthda ace Address Localities Searcher Date Initials Prod. FILE NUMBER SERIAL x: 4-22 (Rev. 1-22-60) Federal Bureau of stigation Records Br APR 3 4. rem 19? Name Searching Unit :300m 6527 -Servic.erni;t - Forward to File Review LZ)j?tention Return to . . Supervisor Type of References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search) All References (Subversive Nonsubversive) Subversive References Only D'Nonsub e?rsivg References Only -Main 4% References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of El Exact Name Only (On the Nose) Buildup Variations Birthdate 6: Place Address Localities Searcher Date Initials Prod. FILE NUMBER SERIAL Np Ronald Reagan-647 4-22 (Rev. 1-22-60) Federal Bureau of l? tigation .. Recofds Br 14 1970 19? Name Searchinggnit 7 Room 6527 E'Se?r?vice Unit'- Roomkl?j?5y24 P?e?rw?fa to File Review Attention Return to Supervisor Room Ext. Type of References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search) All References (Subversive (Sc Nonsubversive) Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only Main JEL References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of :Exact Name Only (On the Nose) Buildup Variations Subject Birthdate 8: Place Address Localities Searcher R#w Date Initials Prod. FILE NUMBER SERIAL NR . $15032 nf Glalifnrma RONALD REAGAN GOVERNOR Rf? October 28, The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover 8 OFFICE SACRAMENTO 953:4 5% 1969 ?f1? 4936 30th Place Washington, D. C. 20008 Dear Mr. Hoover: At the request of Mr. George E. Allen, we are . Tolson.?..4C . . Mr. .1'1 111mm-..? ?Tr. Com 1?51?. Mr. .. 1 Mr. ?x Mr. Sunburn" A Mr. :1 - Mr. Tele. Miss Ii 312121-..-" Miss gum 131!) aw :32 Ss?mzm enclosing a copy of Governor Reagan?s Eisenhower College address. Ybur'interest is deeply appreciated. Sincerely, Paul Beck Press Secretary Enclosure Air Mail Ronald Reagan-649 65?? m: . "Wt? 0W 7 Ware; A 4 . RARKS BY GOVERNOR RONALD Raglan Eisenhower College Fund Raising Dinner Washington, D. C., October 14, 1969 The memory of a man we hold in high esteem and for whom we have a great personal warmth and affection has brought us all together here tonight. At the groundbreaking for Eisenhower College, Bob Hepe called the school a living monument to a monumental man. He said the General believed that education was something more than one of freedom's blessings--?education was of the mind to searCh for, and find, a better way of life for all mankind. And, the General's great and good friend, Winston Churchill, said: "The destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits, not animals. There is something going on in time and spacee?and beyond time and space-?which, whether we like it or not, spells beauty." How apprOPriate these words are to this man we could refer to as President or General, but who is enshrined in all of our hearts, and so many millions more, as just "Ike." His lifetime was devoted to duty. In expressing his pride in this college he said we must, all of us, have a sharper understanding of how we are to exercise the rights of citizenship, and to discharge its duties. He was trained in the science of war. But, he called it "man's greatest stupidity.? And his dream for all mankind was a world at peace. Fonhrinom s9 ?i?h?iu ES UNCLASSJ ML D.) NE .34 an C1 RonaklReagan-650 465.21% I I l, . Still, he knew that his craft and his profession were absolutely necessary in this world. For there is a price on peace, and some? times that price is more than free men can pay. There is also one with us here tonight [Ehe presideng7 who knows the weight of duty. He too knows that the price for an immediate peace could well be a thousand years of darkness for generations yet unborn. There are parades held today in our streets in the name of peace. But, some who march in those parades carry the flag of a nation that has killed almost 40,000 of our young men. We have a right to suspect that at least some who organized those parades are less concerned with peace than they are with the welfare of the enemy. Many of our universities who should be committed to learning and free inquiry will close down classes in what is called a "Vietnam Moratorium Day", and it is correctly named because there will be a moratorium on free discussion. There will be no legitimate debate of the alternatives facing this nation. The decision has already been reached by the National Vietnam Day Committee. Those responsible for the safety and the security of this nation and it's who have access to the facts and the simply be told what their course shall be by the self?annointed. And young Americans, living today, will die on some tomorrow because the enemy planned his strategy so as to add fuel to the demonstrations in American streets where he hopes to win that which he cannot win in the rice paddies and the jungles of Vietnam. Ronald Reagan?651 1? If I sound too harsh, it's because I know no other way to talk about those who would lend comfort and aid to the enemy. Those who protest would have the game without the name. But today, no less than the Premier in Hanoi, Than van Dong, made it plain that he does receive comfort and aid from this planned protest. His letter has been made public by the government in Hanoi. It is addressed to his 'dear American friends' and it is full of praise and gratitude for their efforts. It expresses the hope that together, with those friends in America, they can go forward to total victory.? He signs it 'affectionately yours'. Those entrusted with the awasome responsibility of the leader- ship of our nation deserve not only our support, but our rejection of those in our midst who would arrogantly kibitz in a game where they haven't even seen the cards with which the game is played. They would like to attempt brain?surgery. But, they have gone only so far as to read the directions on an aspirin bottle. I know it is something of a cliche to draw a parallel between the rise and fall of Rome and the course of our own Republic. Certainly this is true in academic circles. And yet, the parallel is there in such detail that it is eerie. Dr. Robert Straus-Hauppe recently published a series of articles based on the observations of a number of historians; Spengler, DeReincourt, Ferraro, Gibbons and some others. RonaklReagan-652 -3- He told how Rome had known a pioneer beginning not unlike our own pioneer heritage, and then entered into two centuries of greatness reaching its pinnacle in the second of those centuries, going into the decline and collapse in the third. Yet, the signs of decay were becoming apparent in the latter years of that second century. It is written that there were vast increases in the number of the idle rich, and the idle poor. The latter were put on?a permanent dole, a welfare system not unlike our own. As this system became permanent, the recipients of public largesse increased in number. They organized into a political bloc with sizeable power. They were not hesitant about making their demands known. Nor was the government hesitant about agreeing to their demands.,.and with ever increasing frequency. Would-be emperors catered to them. The great, solid middle class--Rome's strength than as ours is today--was taxed more and more to support a bureacracy that kept growing larger, and ever more powerful. Surtaxes were imposed upon incomes to meet emergencies. The government engaged in deficit spending. The Denarius, a silver coin similar to our half dollar began to lose it's silvery hue. It took on a cepper color as the government reduced the silver content. Even then, Gresham's law was at work, because the real silver coin soon disappeared. It went into hiding. Military service was an obligation highly honored by the Romans. Indeed, a foreigner could win Roman citizenship simply by volunteering for service in the legions of Rome. But, with increasing affluence and Opulence, the young men of Rome began avoiding this service, finding excuses to remain in the soft and sordid life of the city. -4- Ronald Reagan-653 They took to using cosmetics and wearing feminine-like hairdo's and garments, until it became difficult, the historians tell us, to tell the sexes apart. Among the teachers and scholars was a group called the Cynics whose number let their hair and beards grow, and who wore slovenly clothes, and professed indifference to goods as they heaped scorn on what they called "middle class values." I'm still talking about Rome. The morals declined. It became unsafe to walk in the or the city streets. Rioting was commonplace and sometimes whole sections of towns and cities were burned. And, all the time, the twin diseases of confiscatory taxation and creeping inflation were waiting to deliver the death blow. Then finally, all these forces overcame the energy and ambition of the middle class. - Rome fell. We are now approaching the end of our second century. It's been pointed out that the days of a democracy are numbered once the belly takes command of the head. When the less affluent feel an urge to break a commandment and begin to covet that which their more affluent neighbors possess they are tempted to use their votes to obtain instant satisfaction. Then equal opportunity at the starting line becomes an extended guarantee of at least a tie at the finish of the race. Under the euphemism "the greatest good for the greatest number," we destroy a system which for two centuries has accomplished just that. The greatest good for the greatest number. RonakiReagan-654 -5- 6 Demonstrations to force colleges to divorce themselves from participating in the defense of the nation take place. We?ve known riots in our streets. We no longer walk the or the city streets without fear. The jungle seems to be closing in on this little plot we have been trying to civilize for 5,000 years and all of us, I know, are disturbed at the virus that has infected the campus. No doubt we could all t0p each other with frightening and unbelievable stories. One day on one of our campuses I listened to a tape recording of a so-called student meeting where they were planning a campus disruption. Explicit directions were given on how to start fires in college buildings. Subsequently, there were 50 fires started in those buildings in one day. Continuing to listen, they outlined where the pickets would go and how they would parade and what they would do and how they would take over the college. We actually heard a voice say: ?If, in the process, it becomes neceSsary to kill, you will kill." We were gripped with an overwhelming sense of unreality. Unreality that it is happening at all. But, even more frightening is how close we have come to accepting it as a normal way of life. Dr. Spock's babies have grown up, which is probably more than we can say for the doctor. I confess I liked him better when his concerns were pablum and potty training. In my state, two young people lie with mangled hands and sightless eyes. One 20-year?old girl was picking up the mail delivery in a college administration office when the bomb exploded. The other was a 19-year?old boy. RonaklReagan-655 -6- . . a I In the dark early morning hours, he was planting a bomb in a campus building when it exploded prematurely.. The bomb was a symbol of his rage and his hatred. We wonder, when and how did this all begin? i It began the first time someone old enough to know better declared it is no crime to break a law in the name of social protest. It started with those who proclaimed, in the name of academic freedom, that the campus was a sanctuary, immune to the laws and rules that govern the rest of us. It began with those who, in the name of change and progress, decided we could scrap all the time tested wisdom man has accumulated in his climb from the swamp to the stars. Simply call its constricting tradition and morality the dead hand of the past, and wipe out the discipline as no longer binding upon us. Saint Thomas Aquinas warns teachers that they must never dig a ditch in front of a student that they fail to fill in. To cleverly raise doubts, and ever seek, but never to find, is to discuss freely all sides of a question without values and, thus, to insure the creation of a generation of uninformed and talkative minds. 1 Our obligation is to help our young peeple find truth and find identity and a goal. I have talked to those already in rebellion, already with a torch and the club in their hands. Admittedly, they are a tiny few. A very few in number on all of our campuses. Ronald Reagan-656 I: a' . . . - But, there is a ferment on our campuses inVOlving the great majority. They have complaints, and their complaints are legitimate. They want to invest their energy and their idealism in causes they can believe in. They refuse to become numbers in a computer. They want more than a four-year ride on an assembly line in some kind of a diploma mill. They want a re-ordering of the priorities. The United States Department of Education, in taking a survey on 68 campuses, and questioning 7,500 professors, found this answer to the question: "What is the obligation of a University?" The professors said: ?To protect the academic freedom of the faculty.? What has happened to teaching? It is time for all of us, especially those in charge of the institutions of learning, to revise and review the bidding. Shouldn't the doctrine 'publish or perish', and even research, follow in the order of importance the need to teach our young people? It is possible that even among the most radical protestors, there are those who have in reality been crying out for help. And, it is all the more poignant because the cries have gone unheard and unheeded. One day I participated in a lecture series in a large mid- western university. It was opened to the public. There were about 4,000 adults on the main floor of the auditorium of the field house. There were more than 10,000 students all the way to the ceiling in the tiers of seats around the great oval. During a question and answer period one question came to me and I don't remember exactly what it was about. But, the questioner expressed concern that our young people were rebelling against the moral standards and the principles we have tried to teach them all of their lives. RonaklReagan-657 -3- 1 .. - 'v m. . ""In my answer I expr.sed a belief that they we.?t so muchgrebelling against the standards and the principles. They were rebelling because they dOn't believe that we are living up to those standards and principles. There was a second of silence, and then 10,000 young peeple came to their feet with a roar I shall never forget. Have they lost faith in the rules, or have they lost faith in us? Do they doubt our willingness to practice what we preach? Has there been a quiet drifting erosion of our moral commitments? Where were we when God was expelled from the classroom? How often do they see us dismiss wrong-doing in public life with this sort of easy tolerance--?well that?s just politics"? The halls of government are the very temples of freedom and we should so consider them. What about us when the youngster comes home from the football field and tells us, with great pride, how he learned to get away with holding--without being caught?~on a. bloat. How many times have they been in a car with us and seen us look over our shoulder, then fudge on a stoP-light because there wasn't any policeman in sight? As the country person once said, "The fellow who left the gate Open is only more guilty than the one who saw it Open and didn't close it." Is it possible that much of what frightens and disturbs us actually started with us? RonaklReagan-658 -9- I . a - With such a gradual and silent erosion of our own moral code, no government at any level and for any price can afford the police necessary to insure our freedom unless the overwhelming majority of us are guided by an inner personal code of morality-~a code that makes us act when we are alone, the same as we do when the eyes of the crowd are upon us. Some years ago, when Bud Wilkinson had those great national championship teams out in Oklahoma, toward the close of the season he took one of those great teams to play a very mediocre Texas- Christian team. That day, TCU rose to the heights as some times a beaten team will. In the closing seconds a receiver dived into the end zone to make a shoestring catch of what would have been the winning touchdown against the national champions. There was a huge upset in view. The crowd was going wild. But down in the end zone the kid stood over to the referee, and said: "No sir, it touched the ground before I caught it." Now, what was your reaction? Was your first wait a going too far? The referee didn't see it! He should have kept his mouth shut! Or, should he? Someday, he may represent you in a statehouse, or in Congress or in the White House, And what then? Do you want him to keep his mouth shut if no one is looking? Do you want him to base his decisions on political expediency? Or, do you want him to base those decisions on the same kind of inner moral conviction that made him tell the truth to the referee without being asked? And, who will teach theme-by word and deed--that kind of morality if it isn?t us? Ronald Reagan-659 -10- . .1 On the deck of the tiny Arabella off the coast of Massachusetts, in 1630, John Winthr0p gathered a little band of pilgrims together. He told them of the life they would have in this land that they had not yet seen. He said: "We shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through all the world.? For you who have considered, "What can I do?? in this time of crisis in our world, I would suggest supporting Eisenhower College, and making it as a city upon a hill. Without such schools, this shining dream of Winthrop may well become a taste of ashes in our mouths. These schools--like Eisenhower College-?are educational whet- stones, serving to hone the educational process, helping to improve the public tax-supported system, keeping it competitive in the drive for excellence. By their very competition, they help preserve the freedom of public institutions from political interference and guarantee a measure of academic freedom the public institutions could never attain by themselves. General Eisenhower commended those who gave of their time and substance to bring this college into being. and to keep it alive. He knew that institutions such as Eisenhower College are essential to America. They provide leadership out of all preportion to their size. America will be needing them more and more in the days ahead. Ladies and gentlemen of the world of commerce and industry and the professions, you can make no greater investment in freedom than by your contributions to independent schools and colleges, such as isenhower College . Ronald Reagan-660 -11- I dare to hepe that one day the federal government will grant tax~credits--not deductions, but tax credits-~for a portion of the tuition fees made by parents sending their sons and daughters to such colleges. I even dare to hepe that they will explore the possibility of extending federal aid, not through more bureacracy, but by creating tax credits for contributions to such schools and Colleges, if we are to win the battle that is being fought today in the minds and hearts of our young people. I pray that you will keep alive this dream of a man named Ike who left us these words: ?We believe individual liberty, rooted in human dignity, is man's greatest treasure; that men, given free expression, will prefer freedom and self?dependence to dictatorship and collectivism.? And then he reminded us that freedom from fear, injustice and oppression will be ours only in the measure that men who value such freedom are ready to sustain its possession and defend it against every threat from within or without. The college bearing his name is pledged to the preservation of his ideals, and the country he loved so much. I think we can do nothing less than to see that it becomes as a city upon a hill. RonaklReagan-661 -12- 4 .- . Mr. Paul heck Press Secretary .Qaljifornia Governor's Office Sacramento, California 95814 Dear Mr. Beck: On November 5th I received the copyr of the address by Governor Reagan which you so thoughtfully sent to me and want to express my appreciation. I am indeed pleased to have it. I ma swarm 311166137137 yours, IS UNCLASSIFIED ?:52ng J. Edgar Hoover as MAILED 24 4 1 (9-7 2. $69 edB sei?i?taiita Pl {radiated identifiable regarding Mr. Beck. NOTE: Bufiles reflect nothing Correspondents List and is Mr. George E. Allen is on the Special we 1, known to the Director on a first-name basis. Governor Reagan's remarks Riff were made at a fund-raising dinner for the Eisenhower College Fund. He 1 (3) made favorable comments regardingthe late General Eisenhower; denounces Vietnam Moratorium Day and (L, DeLooch r? draws a parallel between the rise and fall of Rome and 232:2?, A .i the course of our own Republic. Callahan - I, .1 -.- . Conrad Felt Gale Flo sen Sulliv'pn Tuvel..__ 5. (346$ f, a? 1mg AA A 63?2Ronald e?qan'kg??z MAIL ROOM: TELETYPE Tele. Room Holmes dy . Mr. Tolson__..- Mr. DaLoaeL? - Mr. I - Mr. Molar .I Mr. Bishop-..? ?19 Mr. Casper Mr. Felt. . A Mr. Gale- . 3 .. Mr. Rose}: NR 916 LA PLAIN Mr . Sulhvan? ALL INFORMATION commune Mr. . Soyars-..? QPCROPM NI 5?19-79 FMK 33133)} ?16.30Tait? WEE ., I I: 3 SACRAMENTO . aig?lp?ym' .9 FROM LOS ANGELES (lag-AER) 2 foi?flfa . DEMONSTRATION FOLLOWING APPEARANCE OF. GOVERNOR RONALDTREAGAN AT SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, MARCH EIGHTEEN INFORMATION NCERNI G. 9* LUNCHEON, RESTAURANTE DEL PASEO, ARRIVING UNDER TIGHT SECURITY I A PRECAUTION, AT APPROXIMATELY ELEVEN THIRTY A.N., MARCH LAST. REAGAN MET BY ESTIMATED TWO HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED AND T;7wmeM? FIFTY HIPPIE-TYPE DEMONSTRATORS PROTESTING POLICY 1 IN ORDERLY MANNER. FOLLOWING DEPARTURE AT APPROXIMATELY TWO THIRTY P.N., AN ESTIMATED ONE HUNDRED DEMONSTRATORS REFUSED T0 DISPERSE, AND BRIEF SPORADIC INSTANCES OCCURRED. COMBINED LOCAL AUTHORITIES MADE FIFTEEN ARRESTS FOR MISDEMEANOR, REFUSAL TO DISPERSE TYPE VIOLATIONS. CONFRONTATION OCCURRED ADJACENT TO RESTARUANT IN AREA OF BANK OF AMERICA, MAIN BRANCH, AND SECURITY PACIFIC FIRST NATIONAL BRANCH, SUININ H) TOTAL OF THREE WINDOWS BROKEN. NO Know PHYSICAL INJURIES RESULTED. ORDER APPROXWATELY THRE FIFTEEN P. M., MARCH EIGHTEEN L3 {1 MAR 26 1970 4 END PAGE 9N {Eud?zggig ,9 5 copy 5mg 5? 7970 Ronald Reaga'rT?BEB ?5?s PAGE TWO LA LAST. SUBJECTS APPEARED LOCAL COURT TODAY. AMONG ARRESTED CONTROVERSIAL UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA BARBARA cucss) I IWHO, TOGETHER WITH TWO OTHERS, WERE ARRESTED FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT EXHIBITING DISASSEMBLED SHOTGUN BARREL TO PUBLIC VIEW PRIOR TO ARRIVAL.I IA BLACK STUDENTS UNION MEMBER AT UCSB, ARRESTED FOR FAILURE TO DISPERSE. USA, AND ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH MIG, SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, ADVISED. ADMINISTRATIVE. FOREGOING FOR INFORMATION OF BUREAU, NO LETTERHEAD MEMORANDUM BEING SUBMITTED. END RM FBI NASH DC TKS SK Ronald Reagan-664 SSE latch - I I If? Mr. ?.Mr. Callahan I I .. ., . MI. Conrad 3-12-79 CLP Mr. Mr. Gale Ii I I. 3 Mr. Rosen 375 Mr. Sullivan i Mr. Tavel Hm I Mr.Soyars Tele. Room I Miss Holmes . Miss Candy DEMONSTRATION IN COESECIIOM SITH CALIFORSL VISIT TO SAN JOSE9 CALIFORNIA OM MARCH AG OR CAIEIZED BY SI BITS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY- ., It It RADICAL MOTION MOVEMENT9 SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE, SAN JOSEQ 3" Ig 3. 0d 9 .5. 5?1}?le 0 gaff-I I ?I1r?y%w . :W?rgc ?In: 3S: RSI - 233; . if, Ssmux?aa?i?ig> DATE LEAFLETS CIRCULA TED ON THE CAMPUS If? saw JOSE 33:7 COLLEGE ASD SAN JOSE STATE SAN Josgg g7 . Ia I CALLING FOR A RALLY IN PROTESI RONALD VISIT TO .Ia-o?t THE LEAFLET STATES THAT RALLY WILL BE HELD AT ST, JAMES. PARKS, JOSE AI 035E MARCH Lu I maxim,- THEN A HARM FR ?1 1hr: PARK 10 u. 1.: FELICE BUILDING CIVIC CENTER9 SAN JOSE9 SHERE gg REAGAS IS TO SPEAK, DEDICATING 2118 BUILDIS GIAT ISO Lye) 433/:2/953 *3 THIRTY PS9 EAECH SE NTYO ow MARCH TEN SSDED STEERISG COHETIIEE OF STUDESTS FOR A SOCIETQY SAN JOSE STATE OLL LESE SET ASD MADE PLANS f0 m. HOLD A AT 5T0 JAMES PARK ON APCH THIRTEES9 SEVENTY IS - ?w OF VISIT IO SA JOS PLANS CA LL FOR TC ??9021 ALONG SIDEMALKS FF OM JAMES PARK TO THE ughEND PAGE . LIAAL. I LIFTS . ., L) 5 mun: 2A: 3' Ronald Reagan 665 . . . A .309 -. Tu . PAGE TWO POLICE BUILDING9 CIV CENTER, WHERE THEY WILL TPE BUILDING CHANTING SLOGANS AND DISPLAYING POSTERS PRSTESTING REAGANS APPEARANCEG PLANS ARE TO ARPIVE AS P?ru?? MAKES HIS APPEARANCE TO DEUICATE THE N0 VIOLENCE OR OP TRAFFIC IS PLANNEDO ADNIEISIRAIIVE: UTILIZED AREI SAN JOSE CITY COLLEGE AND ESTABLI SNLD SOURCEI SON JOSE STATE COLLEGE9I . SAN FRANCISCO FOLLON AND REPORTO LNN TO i? ?0 FOLLON ., END REC @599 N139 N11 JDR FBI WASH DC rs- . Ronald Reagan-666 .53 DEPARK NIENT OF THE TR- .OURY ?3 3 UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE v33; ?3 1 OFFICE or WASHINGTON, 20226 .5 - .1 LU I (I Bates January 5, 1970 BY LEE-1380233 L. de Freese L- 3 LTC Tyler H. Fletcher Of?ce of the Provost Marshal General 3 1533.031 3 JAMES J. ROWLEY DIRECTOR ttached is a letter from] \3 . ciated November 24, 1069. This letter with 131,3 attachments is provided for your information. - 13 333 Our Los Andeles of?ce is investigating and will notify the . locaLLos--?Angeles authorities regarding the threat against 4-3 ?3 - Governor Reagan. . $33 ?3'3 .3 32:3; 3 1; . ".355 3 ~331.935 . J. if? _d Cg} rg?f? Ed (3 3 1 1133131? ?413;, "53:1,,:11 :33 3su3ctuxsarw'm ?1 U. . - a. 3.33:. Li; 3.3.3133on WI BY SW . - 11:1 >1 'Copy of Letter 51m I Id 6R 667 ona ea an.- 3 7/ i . 17777777! 7.17101! - 7'77- UEJCLASSIFIE 7:71 BY H73 Ronald Reagan-668 Tifk 7119}ng . . . . . r11.11u . ..1. u) 1C 111. 1.1 a 1U. 1.11 .wk...11.11. 14rim. .IV ?by ark. 1. .. . 11.1U 31v AU 1TJ1 1.11.11.. .. . .1 1.11.. 51.. I . . 1 11.r1? . MC 0 A11. 0 L1. .111...1 .11. 0.. ..-. .1.11 1.3. J. .....11. I 11W . .11. 1 . .1.. .1 1r 2 ..1. 1 .. ..1 11. .1. .71 .111.1. .111.11111.. 9 ...11.. .111. 1 TL 0 .1711 .1) mi CC .11? wk .111 .1 \11 41A . .19 11.1. .. . 1111 .11. 1Q 1 1.1. 1.1.. .11. r\ 11 .1. . .1 .1111\\ mm ..1 M. .111.? m1.111111 ..1. .36 out .. mm .11. 0,.1111. 1 . 1. 1.11. 3.11.1. .111. C. 11111111 .19 ..1. 1.1.. .1. .111. .1 11 1.. I . ..J .11.. .1.. ..v...1. 1.11. i . .11, J. . - . .1 a1. ..1u D. an. ..1. . 1C .11.. at 11v 011. 1.. . .. . 1 11.. 8. .111.. .11. .10 .11 LN .11. v1? .11.1l_ 1 111 . 1 .111.11..1.HU .11. 11111.1. .11.. . 1. .11. .11 10 1.11.11. ?11. 1TH. .11. .113.1.. 0 1.1.. 111.11.11..1 .13..1. .111 1 . \wH. .1. .1. r1. .11? . pr? 9 Ar 5.11., 3r. 1.. . .. . 1...1 .1.. ...11. 01. 10 .b .1. L11. U. .11.11.....11.. 11 .1 .11c.1111 ..1. .1 . .11. 1 . .11. 1 .1. a .11..1. ?.111 . 3 ..1 . .1. .11..1. 11. 9 r111.. 1.1. l. . . 0 111? :11 ?wig . 7.11.11? n. .11.. a: .111.11. .1, 1.1.1.. .1 r. ?.15 11.113.11.. ..L a 1 W1. 11.. 1: . 1w 1111 Tu . \2 ..s. .L nu TU ?rim ND a in OD Gar .1n1.. (1 . H1 11.1} .11 .11.11VII- .Iv ill; .1111.1?in ..I. 1 1. . r\ 1 .11..J, 1.1" .11? ..C. 111 . 1 s1) 11. .111 ..1. . . . .111.1.. ..1. 1.1. .. . 111a ?1.11. .1. A) 11.1.11.. ..1 1 . 11. 11.111 ..r1 ?.11 .k 1 c. 1..111 . 1.. . a .1. r1?: r1?111. .1r11.. 1J. ac . -.1. .O a .. ..1. 1.011.. .5. .10 5. .3 .111.1111'1111111111111-1111111113111111 . . . 4 I). .1.- 1..1l . 11.11.11. .1 1 ..11 11111.1..1 1 1 . 1' av. 5 2-64?1?21 I .. - A. the followmq 1n 1 in plaintex: or code) .. I ff? 1 Via AIRTEL . AIR MAIL 2x}. A . . a (P riarity} DIRECTOR, FBI 9' A ALL CGHTAIW _3 IFIED SAC, SACRAMENTO (100- 2525) (CNW 11115 A: DEMONSTRATION AG HST .AAREARANQR 0F 41? ., CALIFWK 1 1970'? IS - MISC. :44" Enclosed for the Bureau are eight copies of a LEM in captioned matter. Onecopy each of the LEM is disseminated to Secret Service; Sacramento; 115th Miliuar Intelligence Group, Sacramento; l9th District, OSI, Travis Air Force Base; and California. No further action in this matter is anticipated by the Sacra- mento Office. Aeso/ REC) 3 /9 7?2 .7 FORW. c93u? BY 37%/ I 15?. CS 4:6 SF. 7.1585279" r1 AGENCY: A081 0N1. 031, SEC. RAO c120 I . HOW QRWAPD: (wt/5 . f; Gnu?u.- :1 APR 7-93.19Z0 7:1A'1fb 1 I 8) I - Sacramento (1 - 100- 2525) RESEAR, CTION . (1 - 100- 1852 - Student Agltatlo?n'sf; GRB: jam - . Ronald Reagan-670 2 1 3937A Sent Speciumge nt in Charge UNIQED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer to 2020 Street ~?k5h Sacramento, California 95814 - L, ?more: April 7, 1970 mitt (DEM 4051/93 DEMONSTRATION AGAINST APPEARANCE OF GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA April 6, 1970 Copies of this memorandum are being disseminated to Secret Service, Sacramento and to local Military Intelli- gence Agencies of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. On April 7, 1970, Sergeant Ivan Nybert, Intelli- gence Unit, Fresno Police Department, Fresno, California, advised as follows: On the evening of April 6, 1970, Governor Ronald Reagan made a scheduled appearance at the Las Vegas Room of the Hacienda Motel, Clinton Avenue and Highway 99, Fresno, California. At about 7 p.m. a group of 50 to 60 males and females, principally of Mexican-American extraction, ranging in ages from about 18 to 30, entered the Hacienda Motel Lobby and proceeded to the entrance of the Las Vegas Room and began creating a disturbance by chanting "Viva La Raza? and various Obscenities. The chief Security Officer for the motel asked the crowd to leave the premises but they refused and the intensity of the chanting increased as Fresno police reinforcements arrived. One individual, later identi? fied asl spit on a police officer and as he was being apprehended, the crowd began throwing rocks and bottles. Several windows were broken but there were no injuries. A Fresno Police Sergeant declared the crowd and area an unlawful assembly and ordered dispersal several times This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed out- Side your agency. [one a We x/ {gnsr or; RonakIReagan-671 .. .. RE: DEMONSTRATION AGAINST APPEARANCE OF GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN with the aid of a I?bullhornJ' The crowd still refused to dis erse and six ring leaders of the group, including then arrested. One of the six, I was observed throwing a rock at a police officer. The crowd then dispersed. At about this same time, another Fresno Police Sergeant observed three individuals on the Clinton Avenue overpass over Highway 99 just south of the Hacienda Motel. Upon checking the area after the three individuals had left,the sergeant found three ?Molotov cocktails." The three bottles had been filled with what appeared to be gasoline and a detergent and rag wicks were affixed in the top of the bottles. There was no evidence to indicate any ?Molotov? had been thrown in the vicinity of the Haci- enda Motel. The six individuals arrested and charged with trespassing and unlawful assembly in connection with the above des ibed disturbance are as follows: :fg .l I IMexican, birth winhite, male, da birth I u%k I I IMexican, male, date of birthI I Eh??moi Mexican, male, age 37; I Mexican, male, age 24; Maxican, male, date of birth RonaklReagan-672 RE: DEMONSTRATION AGAINST APPEARANCE OF GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN 0:13;? H: . One] IMex1can, male, age 25- 30, 355 a part- ~time instructor at Fresno State College, Fresno, is ?vgg/f?llz being sought as a suspect ring leader in this disturbance. \q Two of the six arrested are students at Fresno State College. RonakiReagan-673 . ?uw - FEDERAE a my or Int: got? '3 Oat: COMMUNICATIONS SECTION Mr. Mr. JUN 2?1970 M: I f. . WTELETYPE A 1" N112 NR EE2 LA PLAIN . .U - - Mr. . 4:43 PM URGENT 6-27?79 FMK -E .L.HH 22ft?. To . Tale. 34mm, Mi SS 3 NEN YORK . . FROM LOS ANGELES 2 NR. EN, $33813 1m THREAT AGAINST L) CALIFOR. GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN DASH PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT. 136 1070 THIS DATE, AT ELEVEN FOURTEEN AM, SERGEANT C. B. RUSSELL, LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT (LAPD), INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, TELEPHONICALLY ADVISED THAT LAPD DETECTIVE HEADQUARTERS DIVISION RECEIVED THIS DATE, INFORMATION FROM ANONYMOUS INFORMER STATING SUBJECTS PLANNED ASSASENATION OF GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN DURING HIS PRESENT VISIT LOS ANGELES. f3\ 1 SUBJECTS ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND HAVE BEEN IN LOS ANGELES FOR APPROXIMATELY TWO WEEKS, FROM NEW YORK, DESCRIBED AS MALE, CAUCASIAN, THIRTY FIVE, FIVE FOOT NINE, ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE POUNDS, BROWN FEMALE, CAUCASIAN, TWENTY FIVE TO TWENTY SEVEN, BLOND RUSSELL STATES NO RECORD EITHER SUBJECT LAPD CRIMINAL OR HAIR. INTELLIGENCE FILES. CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, LAPD PRESENTLY - . t: :1 HAS SUBJECTS UNDER SURVEILLANCE. 3533, END PAGE ONE >j Ronald Reaga?367?F Emu?3 PAGE TWO LA LOS ANGELES INDICES NEGATIVE. SPECIAL AGENT LEON SDPADEZ, SECRET SERVICE, LOS ANGELES NOTIFIED BY SA TIMOTHY 6. MC COLLUM, FBI LOS ANGELES AT ELEVEN TWENTY FOUR AM TODAY. SERSEANI RUSSELL ADVISED CALIFORNIA STATE PDLICE NOTIFIED. Aw Sma?> SHES-K INDI CES . END EBR FBI WASH DC If any infoymatioq is d?ve10pcd iadi ati a a possib?e of title eighteeq sertiox 049 save: fi ome Code p?easr notify the fBi immediately. (30- MR. SULLIVAN Ronald Reagan-675 .113 93:15 {Haunts-2:154) . 1; )2 11a Transmit the following 1:1 BEST AVAILABLE COPY: 1 1 Dafe: {3/13 2- plaimcxi or code} (Prwrity) O: DERETTGR, PHOENIX 1.1.. - 1-. .1 I. rmh??: OE UNIIEM ?11113 ?uu1111?. .1 ?5 1 TE.CTI 3 Km EDEJT (MW ALL INFORMATION comgm .I 'h "1 vi ?walr?? 1-5' IS UNCLASSIFI 1mg NATE By . 1 -11 . 1- 119131119. 911.111.111.113; 403/73 VLI Re PK Leletype t9 Bureau, Gated Buyemu :ietyp? t0 ??w131h dated - ?TnLULLN DUNE1GAN auv1ser U1 p. beefc1 331v169 -. ?.11 1 . 1 1 . ?a1ge ananOOQ Queenix, $311332.1. ~35: -: A -- 21?s "3 IEELS on 0/10/50 at 6:1bea U. S. usage; 8911118 Agen1 ?amhb NA G11141 - - . 1 1 - - 1' ?a ?1?31? . 1:112, re Bur 243$ 1L1111311oa 1h11 631 15 111:; investi gatiu. 5.111 114: 11.11%? :11} 3% 11:3. 1 1: Special Agent in the Bureau are 0/11/17?; :1 . 2 {32" 11M RECORDED I ORIGINAL FILED EN ?.411? 17/639 wa/? - [@5110 CV Lu Egg 112a?~# d; 751% ..11 Afi- ?0 /,&nc3 . Ronald Reagan- -676 1. 1 11.1. ?2 Sent .1. E1: at - 1.1-1-1 11.1.11 1.-. ha -1 U. PREVTING OFFUJE. 196$} - . . 3 - 3 7-3ms-i?d?cwUNITED STATES DEFARTATENT OF TUSTICE - FEDERAL QUINVESTIG.LTION In Reply, Please Refer to . P110911 13-; Ar j, 1210 1'18 . ?9 June 12, 1970 IS- UNCLASSIFIED 931352! - . 3.155 1W, I I . b6 405,533 Zackhein; ib7C June in; iemJ Vaid, Tucson, irizene, advised that onel Liescribed' Us white ale American, date of hi: Megaies, Arizona, on June 2, 19?0, requested commitment to the above hospital for his self?diagnosed parenoic tendencies, and ?he on June 10, 1970, in a 1nc1e_nanner tiescr ined'to-her threats against the President of the Uziited States, RICHARD M. CaliiesLnia Governor MEAGUM ?and . JLCQUELZNE . 7 . . I interviewed and advised Mnet he is a P113. O'raduate from the University of x?rizona ans since the snmtier of 1?67 he has traveled extensively around tile country studying-the Mannie?staoent activnts be while nt?anotinb to set up dia eg;ne to coan rehend their? b7c estrazig ment Ironi contemporary society. I Istated that in Dece mbei of 9a?, exec -t unknown, onel Ia Tu-e on, iszona, *es ident Leate gene was then attending San Francisco State UanCP?l'" majoring in the Social Sciences and living at an address and IStreets, San Francisco, 'steted to hi.1?the on contribu ion he co ould personeily Anne to save tiie country WOlJld be to assnsinate Presieent tnet: Inns extreruely anti? eaten i. _,Li ha? the type Pi persenzii.it by te Carl W. ant snm: i a Reterend "er, unknown address, Hills, ISantnI E?Tb?i? 2? iia, as acenaint nces cf [who new {3-2 ?naiyxn - 1:15:44 gilt; Jaw?xm 1G V3. Ronald Reagan-677 by}; Macaw 3" 39:2/96 F. 1' Owii?FV??"w v9 - Bernard Zackheim; - b7c be av.are of] Iviolent that I Imother, first name unknown, works for the ITucson, Arizona. further related that in September of 1969 ZACKHEIM, age about 70, 9790 O'Connell Road, San Selaastopol, California, north of San Francisco, several times stated he wished to assasinate Governor REAGGM of bg California for reasons unknown. - - stated that in September of 1969 while he was visiting onel Ia real estate' broker in Ann Arbor, MichiganJ Istated to him that .in tne summer or spring 01 1967 when JACQUELINE BOUVIER ONASSIS was visiting Acapulco, Mexico, he almost shot at? her witt a rif1e because of his extreme dislike of the Kennedy" family. adVised onel Ia convicted nar- hcotics user, presentl in a state prison in northern Michigan, is a friend of and may be able to substantiate statements which made. described as follows: Height 6' Weight? 163 pounds or Hair - Brown-grey, shoulder - length; beard; mustache Characteristics Admits to expenmentation - with LSD in 1966 Arrests None - be Selective Service No. his Parents Prescott, Arizona. explained -nat his delay in not reporting _the above intermation sooner is attributed to his rexusal. to believe that any of the three above individuals would? ?wbe RonaktReagan+678 mw? lected thatl [enrolled ?arnard Zackheim; be I seriously carry out suCh threats. advised that the reason why he committed himself to?the hospital is. beca11se he fears for his life as the knowledge he has above ?makes it dangerous for him I Ihas advised has been. ?diagnosed as a paranoia?schizophrenic and will be committed in the near future to the Arizona State Hospital, Phoenix,gb6 Arizona. b7c On June 10, 1970, at 6:35 PM, U. S. Secret Service Agent.in Charge Sherwood Anderson advised of the above at Phoenix and indicated intention to On June 10, 1970, IClerk, Reg istrar's Office, University of Arizona (UA), Tucsony 1r- izona, advised that a review of the universit 's records I Ion Januar 30 1956 as a transfer from the I received his Bachelor of Arts degree in with high distinction on May 29, 1963; received his Master of Arts degree in from UA on June 1, 1966; and re his Doctorate degree of PhiloSOphy; major on May 31,1967. ?This document contains neither reCommendations nor onclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is ?loane to your agency: it and its contents are not to be? 'distributed outside your agency. .. 1 Renal-d 'Reag?an767x9 I 32. ??63 (law . . . . - 3":Date: far IMMEDIATE The message This-T :0 lows by coded teletype: EQHRGENT TEEIT IT ALL ON LINE OFFTC 51/ TCA PRESIDENT THE VICE PRESEENT . WHITE HOUSE ROOM STT. ST TS 6? mz/Jm ?9 ?5?ch CJSS CTEHAR 0T - OR, CTA AGENCY :2 LET I: AND NATIONAL CENTER THE ARMY -. . 1 . OF THE TIT: FORCE EENCODED S- TST SERVICE (FED) if: ATTORNEY GENERAL (BY NI ESSENGER) ?351/ ,1 - NOT RECORDED - 2:83 JUN 221970 i? FILES TETRECTORT I ff: ?if? WT Taft-Era I A1313 INFORMATION ?Tn?n'i? -553, STE-154112 . .. SERETN IS UNCLASSIFIEHJ $349.? 51?? ??17 - . ?7 .- ?L?ibf y. 5 . .. - message 021 next page.) . 76/! . . "1111?: . .: aspnf/J/d? ?20 - - ME- Per Approved Ronald Reagan-680 (CJU 291w 2, I .. . THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STR3ESR 3? 733 ?333 PROTECTION OF PRESIDENT (CALIFORRIR ALL INFORMATION CONTAIN . HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED 1mmR??g?mL__Rx?gg?ubs?hg??; - 405;! 5 IPROTECTIOR 0R THE PRESIDENT (JACQUELINE BOLEVGR GERASSIS) a TUCSON, RRIZORR, RDVBIS RR R.LESR RR SIR Two TR TR: RROUR FOR TENDENCIESR GR JUNE IR LUCIE DESCRIBED To gb? PRESIDENT OF THE RRITED STATES, RLW RONALD-REAGAN, AND MRS. $3333ENTERUIERED ARD HT IS A RR.R. FROM THE UNEVERSITY 0R anaid Reagan-6.81 . ;i SINCE 0E SIXTVE VEE NE3EESLTRAVELED EXTENSIVELE ?a EED TEE COUNTRY STUDYING TEE ETPPIE-ETUDEET ACTIVISTS NEIL 3 TENPTENG TO SE1 UP DIALOGUE TO COMPREHEND ESTRANGNENT . in?; EEOE CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY. ,E'i THAT EE BER 0E EXACT DATE ONE A TUCSON, ARIZONA RESIDENT, WHO s?iw ETT TEEDTEG SEN-FEANCISCO STATE EN CTEE cEs AND LIVING ET EN UNKNOWN ADDRESS AT Ts SAN FRANCISCO STATED To HIM ONLY HE COULD PERSONALLY MAKE TO SAVE THE COUNTRY WOULD a. . EE TE ENSASENATE PEESIDEWE EIXOTE MTI- ESEEBLISHNENT AND HAD ENE EYPE OF TE OUT SUCH IDENTTFIED A MINISTER, UNKNOWN ADDRESS, WOODLAND HILLS, b6 a? I b7c . EETMTHEQ AND CALTEQEETA AS ACQUAINTEECESEGE WHO NEY BE VIGLENT PERSONALITY. INDICATED THAT ME UNKNOWN, WORKS FOR IN TUCSON, ARIZONE.. FURTHER RELEIEN IN SEPTEMBER 0? SIXTYNINE ENENE ZECNHEIN, AGE NINE-SEVEN NINE ZERO 1 A f: .u NFL) IRS RRSERCHE 9 ADMITS R0 1 '22PAGE THREE RORDL SAN SERRST TOROLL CALIFORRTA, NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO 9 TIMES ST ATED HE WISHED TO A SSASINATE GOVERNOR REAGAN OE - CALTRORRTR FOR REASONS uwxraoww. EUHTH EH STATED 1N.SEE1EMBER 0F WHERE HE ORRI IA REAL ESTATE BROKER To RIR THAT IN THE SUMMER CR JACOUELENE 9RASSTs was UISITL ACEDHIPO RR. F: AL SHOT RT RTTR BECAUSE OF HTS 0R TRR ADVISED ORE COR NRRCOTTCS us ERR A STATE PRISON ABLESIX FEET, ONE POUNDS, BROWN-GREY pg: ,m . . RTTR Ls\ EN SERVICE RIPARENTS .PRESCOTT, 3RRTC NEGATIVE IAND SUBJECTS DELAY IR NOT REPORTING THE RBOVE SOGNER IS To REFUSAL T0 BEL TR L. 0R CTS ROULR SERIOUSLY 5dr; ERR EAQE i 1 -'s. g?r? . . - ..-RoRch?ngeaganR683g ., 13 Lu?, . 535).; 5 2g" w. - . L.-. - m1?; f1?? a 44.1.24TSOT FOR TIT. 'l TTs ADVISED BEEN. TS TTL- EE IT TT I 0T DATE, TT SIX THIRTYFIVE s. SECRET SERVICE STETT GOD OF THE ABOVE, AT PTOT.TTX T0 0F Ib? - -b7c TT TJT TTD RE I In!) 1/ XI 1 out?? my? -- . L1H) I A 4/ i i 1a.! \5 h. kg {The TT TT AT i?gha ENTnyihL P1 2: [ngI 3% 0) a (I33 TToiq 4 I AT 3 f?mc ZACKTEJ n~ TTLL SUTTIT g? . I ELQ z-rq: 1 WE mation is. developed 10 Iat::go possible ?islaticn JT tle 18 Section 1751, Um ST 0 B, pleas? notify the FBI - .Alpf', . .., T. - g; . . WUMCATIONSSE NON. . .- . 57 BOSTON (157-654"In. 112' P113M's-ans. zinc-mum61.3.; - . . . 1121?. Tnisonwg 1 . NNREAN 0N 3m 93,11? - 11:.an Mr. 1115:1101?. Mr. 351.?. {TM-Wham-..? MT. CNYi?r?td. Mr. 1,9911 - . MT. mama?~? 7 JUNE 197 NRNES SF CODE g61~? PM URGENT 6/8/ TELETYPE Mr. ?n 39.1, 3.7% if '1 1/ 317.2%? 431/? 3'1, w. I ?r T0 DIRECTOR c1 NEN HAVEN law?1918631; ?Et?lc 11mm. . 195:. 33,3. mm; {'1135? (3511?. {1.11-1.1 Inn:- 4_ ERDN 115791899*Em?i 111111} BLACK PANTHER PARTY, RACIAL MATTERS. 1% ?ag? I . - - *4 birFiED EYs L11 95f 1 BUREAU AIRTEL T0 qu ANGELES DATED JUNE FOUR, LAST RD READ AIRIEL TO Los ANGELES DATED JNNE FIVE, LAST, AND BUREAU TELETYPE 10 LOS ANGELES DATED JUNE 51x, LAST. . .1 29.. .N 3? fix? I 37? FILED . Raf?figwmg Ronald Reaganv?r?l1w ngz? 4% in?? ??7sz 1.. 1-111.111 7 gibq I 1 .3 1 if," E- 0 . 1.111115% 11111111 5 ?1443119111? '3 . -W-. - ?W?mm15751899 3 . I: E33 INVESTIGATION OE THREE.SUBJECTS IS TO BE PRESSED UIGOROUSLY. I bl' as; . NEW YORK TELETYPE JUNE FIVE REPORTED IN NEW YORK ON JUNE FOUR, NEW HAVEN ADVISED BY TELETYPE ON JUNE SIX, LAST, THAT 1 INAs TRAVELING FROM NEN HAVEN T0 BOSTON ON THAT DATE. b6 ?b7C. NEN RAVEN, NEN YORK, AND BOSTON SHOULI *uagap GIVE PREFERRED ATTEN TION TO INVESTIGATION END LRC FBI NASH RWaHReagan688 . {is . APPEELLJE .. ~Mr. G004 wj?nm?}? EJEREY Mr. AoBa Ullaiir Mr, $.90 Sui van . 93Jamaraadu? to this Euzeaud 'gatim as the Endnvaub Es 'Ene with our v9bboasxb it that nc action- vauld Scarceo - - . I. 2be In!) {3 b7? L. .1 w?m? 3:5; ES may: ?Extensive ir?aw a; 35; angagiozi 233? this ?ureaua 3 513 3.10%: EdaWEEabEe :?Emm out? hereB-a?imoaahl lis a ?3 a3$33b;y to I . I ~13 imam: 3? V51 5371:3936: $3ma-ti?e fe??ia are i --er J7 DECLASSE 4031193 ENCLOSURE NOT RECORDER 7m . . .19L ..uw J9 ?Muup?. ~?uw-m 5 113? ot? 4. .- A 1 Domestic Intelligence Division x; INFORMATIVE NOTE 5 A. 6., F) 4w: 3aent ioned and instructing appropriate office to intensifv investigations of We are checking indices on individuals then '5'ck we in be 91s conducting investigations of them line with our responsibilities and.not sed on their information? .g?aL-L- TNFORMATIGH 1.1 L: EXCEFT CL WHERE rnii? mp, A.) - t? i?nt?x' ?m 3565;? also!? Dir} 1776?8- - APP ELLA :5 L43 - . 7 . DATE pilgfh .. ?5 DECLASSIFY ON, renews ti. ?it c- . 4 TREAT E?ww. i ?gs-i ?may: i Date: 6127/ '70 /?5j BIMMEDIATE Transmit the message that follows by coded teletype: \l ,0 To: :1 THE PRESIDENT HELD DISSEMINATION r? :1 THE VICE PRESIDENT ALL ON LINE OFFICES (3 ATT. L__l WHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM :1 ATT. E. CONTAINS El SECRETARY OF STATE -m Ts 1:1 DIRECTOR, CIA ?91? HES-SAW DIRECTOR, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY AND NATIONAL INDICATIONS CENTER Cl DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE U. S. SECRET SERVICE (PID) ESPLAINTEXT WEE um aria??'ff'g fig. 2. "2 33;; ?43SR4 ATTORNEY GENERAL (BY MESSENGER) "gm Cl . 039mm BUREAU or SECTION From: DIRECTOR, FBI JUNE 5? 7970 . . . . . Clas51f1cat10n: Unclassmed TELETYPE 'r . Subject: Threat against - 2:15:2ch California Governor Ronald Reagan - Protection of the President Walters {f-l (Text of message begins on next page.) if}: 555,. Conrad Felt 3:15; .z?l .ng Approved Sulli van {9 ?at Egl?es?ui 115? 11%83 TELETYPE UNIT Gun (WW Ronald Reagan-693 Per FEDERAL BUREAU a? 3:2vasnamsu., SECTION JUN 1:3 3? 9/0 TELETXPE 6-27-75 REW PRIORITY TO: U.S. SECRET SERVICE (PID) FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI UNCLASSIFIED 336 TOTE: THREAT AGAINST CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN - PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT. ON THIS DATE, AT ELEVEN FOURTEEN AM, SERGEANT C. B. RUSSELL, LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT (LAPD), INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, TELEPHONICALLY ADVISED THAT LAPD DETECTIVE HEADQUARTERS DIVISION RECEIVED THIS DATE, INFORMATION FROM ANONYMOUS INFORMER STATING SUBJECTS PLANNED ASSASSINATION OF GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN DURING HIS PRESENT VISIT LOS ANGELES. SUBJECTS ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND HAVE BEEN IN LOS ANGELES FOR APPROXIMATELY TWO WEEKS, FROM NEW YORK, DESCRIBED AS MALE, CAUCASIAN, THIRTY FIVE, FIVE FOOT NINE, ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE POUNDS, BROWN FEMALE, CAUCASIAN, TWENTY FIVE TO TWENTY SEVEN, BLOND END PAGE ONE n17.71- nwnm??l?miw Wu: 7. UHCLASSIFIED 7 VOSufz Ronald Reagan?694 PAGE TWO UNCLASSIFIED HAIR. RUSSELL STATES NO RECORD EITHER SUBJECT LAPD CRIMINAL OR INTELLIGENCE FILES. CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, LAPD PRESENTLY HAS SUBJECTS UNDER SURVEILLANCE. LOS ANGELES INDICES NEGATIVE. SPECIAL AGENT LEON GOPADEZ, SECRET SERVICE, LOS ANGELES NOTIFIED BY SA TIMOTHY G. MC COLLUM, FBI LOS ANGELES AT ELEVEN TWENTY FOUR AM TODAY. SERGEANT RUSSELL ADVISED CALIFORNIA STATE POLICE NOTIFIED. IF ANY INFORMATION IS DEVELOPED INDICATING A POSSIBLE VIOLATION OF TITLE EIGHTEEN, SECTION ONE SEVEN FIVE ONE, U.S. CODE, PLEASE NOTIFY THE FBI IMMEDIATELY. BT Ronald Reagan-695 NH PLS ACK FBI DOIFBI DE WH AND ASL QSLODI FEDERAL Buamu 0F mvasnennon SECTION JUN WOW 5 NR 012 NY PLAIN 9 57 PM KEH TO OIBEOTOR LOs ANGELES FROM NEW YORK ., [?235 . _7 7L B- W?fm WM ., N: gafwv' . ITHREAT AGAINST CALIFORNIA GOVERN M: .au :?vm NEW YORK INDICIES NEGATIVE 0N SUBJECTS. arm ?F?meamwmme --. - f? a: . Ai a MEL EBR FBI WASH DC ?mgl?? . VJ i Ronald Reagan-696 Mr. Token.? Mr. DeLcaclL? Mr. Writers? Mr. Mahl- Mr. Bishop; Mr. Mr. Callahan_ Mr. Conrad Tur?. 1m . 1* Mr. 531?] 1 . (?in 3.4? ., Teisi Miss .5 names; Miss (Sandy ?Wm? b6 1370 (3 OR DASH PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT. Jnsmit the following sf: Date: 7/8/70 {Type in plaintext or code) A I - - AIM teen.-. - I {?ng "i r-Em ?van it? HEREIN 5 Mr. T0: DIRECTOR, 331 mm 5 Mr. 5 6,1 AGTINETW nonty) ?use Tale. Room. Miss Gandy. a FROM: sac, SAN DIEGO (175mm) (0) Hedi?. THE Wt OF CALIFORNIA Six copies of a LHM are being forwarded to the Bureau. An information copy of same is being forwarded to Los Angeles, Sacramento and San grancisco. One copy of enclosed LHM is being furnished to Secret Service, San Diego and . one copy to U. S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, San Diego, because the subject is allegedly a citizen of Switzerland. One copy of EHM furnished Bureau of Narcotics. The interview of ;u !and other inquiries was conducted by Special Agen LAWR F. WIRICK and O. EUGENE POGUE. 13:36 3:27 The indices of the San Diego Office contain no information identifiable with the subject or his friend, i :mtg Bureau (Encsf?f 5 3- a Los Angeles (Enc. 1) (InfO) (RM) h/ 3233222342?? 0) Snags) as) 1 g; 1 - San Diego 10 Approved: Wm Spfec?l Agent in Charge Sent _Rnnald_Reag SD ladvised she did nd: contact any agency imme 1a 9 a er the incident described bacause she felt it was not impartant and might make her appear foolish. She subsequently decided she could not Shirk her- duty and contacted SA WIRICK who she cm casually for twenty years thmughhis wife, i 4 7 .7 Ronald Rea - 0 9 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION San Diego, California 19 0. July 8, 1970 THREAT AGAINST GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA I On July 8, 1970, I San Diego, California, furnished the following information: On July 4, 1970, she was at a party and met two 23C young men whom after the party she took to her apartment to show them the View of the San Diego Bay and to have a drink. The two men's names were] Neither men appeared inebriated or under the in luence narcotics. They had one drink at her apartment and there was a long political discussion dominated by \ltt or said that he is a citizen of: and here in the Unit tes on a visa which is due to expire in three weeks. launched into a political discussion saying that he did not believe the results of the investigation by the government regarding the assassination of President a Kennedy and he thought that JIM GARRISON of New Orleans, b6 Louisiana had presented a true picture of the assassination b7c of KENNEDY. He said that he believes that JERRY RUBIN, a leader of the Yippies, is on the right track andihat his ideas should be followed regarding a change in the political situation. ff)( . ?r i (It is noted that JERRY CEYDE a founder 0 Youth International Party (YIP) and was one of the eight persons indicted by the Federal Grand Jury at Chicago, Illinois on March, 1969, regarding Anti-riot law violations in connection . ec- . -. ?1 .. ?5 5-250 h' . macaw? a RonakIReagan-699 - THREAT AGAINST GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA with his activities during the Democratic National Convention, 1 A ~Chica 0, Illinois in October, 1968. On February 18, 1970, was found guilty of violating the Anti?riot law statute in that he did travel in interstate commerce from outside the State of Illinois to Chicago, Illinois with intent to incite, organize, promote and encourage a riot on or about August 26, 19 8 and August 27, 1968.) He said that Governor RONALD REAGAN and President NIXON are the worst politicians around and added feel it is my duty to assassinate Governor RONALD REAGAN as he is the worst of all of them.? He did not make any threat against President NIXON. His did not make threats against any individual or government official. Iadvised that both of the young men are resently living in an apartment at thel exact apartment number not known. She said that when they visited her, they had an old two door car, bearing California license plates and a surfboard rack on the top of the car. At one time during their that they had forty pounds of pot (narcotics in the trunk of this car which she said belongs to Ifurnished the following descriptive information: Name I I Race White Sex Male Age Twenty-five Height 5' 7? Hair own, COpper?colored Nationality RonaklReagan-7OO 9 9 THREAT AGAINST GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN OF THE b6 STATE OF CAIJFORNIA sac Characteristics Appears Jewish, does not wear glasses, and wears hippie style clothes with beads Name Race White Sex Male Age Twenty?four to twenty-five Hair Dark brown in a Buster Brown style Characteristics Very good looking, tan and stated during conversation that he had dropped out of Stanford University twice. Iadvised that she did not want her name disclosed outside of government agencies, but would be willing to talk to Agents of the Federal and State government regarding the information she furnished today. The following inquiry was conducted by Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation: On Julv 8. 1970. at thel San Diego, it was determinec that a man box at Numberl apartment Iwas shown to be land one A 1962 ye.1ow two door Chevrolet, bearing a surfboar rac and California license was observed parked in an open garage near this apar men . The current San Die 0 Tele hone Directory shows that one Iresides atI ISan Diego, and has telephone number The San Diego Tele hone Directory shows that one Iresides at San Diego, California and has telephone number R0nak1Reagan-701 . 9.0. THREAT GOVERNOR b7C RONALD REAGAN OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA On July 8, 1970, at 10:05 AM, JOEL TAYLOR, Supervising Special Agent of the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, Department of Justice, State of Califbrnia, was telephonically furnished all of the be information in this communication. E7C TAYLOR subsequently advised that California License lie for a ;962 Chevrolet coupe and is registered to Iwith address of Palo Alto, California. TAYLOR advised that they have a California Id fication Record for lunder number I This record shows that he has Social Security Number and has California Driver?s License! He has no Qb? arrest record in California and no FBI I en 1 ca ion number, b?C however, his record shows two entries, the first on September 28, 1967 with the Sheriff's Office for Redwood City, California. This was an application for a job with the State of California. On September 26, 1969, he was an applicant for the Menlow Park, Cali?irnia_Enline_Dsna?tment. The record showed that he was born at I TAYLOR advised there was no record under the name i? . On July 8, 1970, at 10:30 AM, SA ROY ANDERSON, U. S. Secret Service, was telephonically advised of the information in this communication. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. - 4* RonaklReagan-702 u.r I omomu rom no. lo soto?Ioo my me: some?: GSA GEN. :50. NO. 27 - Tolson UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Sullivan Memorandum Conrad TO . MR. TOLSON DATE. September 23, 1970 E32 3 T33: FROM x: W. M. FELT 3 . $39 A Holmes HONORABLE RONALD REAGAN 4 GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA On September 22, 1970, InSpector Edward S. Miller contacted Governor Reagan in connection with the inspection e? 5: of the Sacramento Office? Governor Reagan was extremely cordial and expressed highest regard for the Director and for the FBI. He asked that his regards be conveyed to the Director. RE COMME NDATION For the Director's information. yew? ?4 i: of i - Mr. Sullivan - Mr. Bishop 1 - Miss Holmes .. our: U3 72ml31? at $31. $5sz WMF:wmj 46?5?? 3 (5) gen; . Ronald Reagan-703 l- . 311?. 'Jzzv-?z l? A ?Jr ,fg? 16?" {?1ng 331-31?11}. it! NR 6A2 KC PLAIN A I ., ., A. 31h). UH AABPM URGENT -d TO DI RECTOR FBI Am. Amwgm?w EASSAW FROM NS 3 CITY 5 AAREIA Is A 17 . _umsu5; ANONYMOUS LETTER CBS NEWS, CHANNEL Iv, KANSAS, AUGUST IA, 1979. THREAT AGAINST "3 5* IA THE PRESIDENTAUGUST TEN IKTVH, TELEVISION TELEPHONICALLY ADVISED HE RECEIVED AN ANONYMOUS LETTER ADDRESSED TO CBS NEWS TV, CHANNEL TWELVE, POSTMARKED MICHITA, KAESAS, AUGUST SEVEN SEW NTY, ACCUSING CBS NEWS PRESENTING BIASED NEWS BROADCAST FAUORING PEPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION. BACK OF ANONYMOUS LETTER CONTAINED NAME AND PHRASE, MCGOVERN AND HUGHES, MY MEA. STAMP BEARING PICTURE OF WHAT APPEARS TO BE A CATHEDRAL AND THE WORDS D.C. APPEAR ANONYMOUS LETTER. ANONYMOUS LETTER CONTAINS RAMBLINS PHRASES PERTAIA HELL KNOWN INDIVIDUALS, ALONG MITH THE PHRASE, END PAGE ONE 1.7 IE3 TU A Ronald Reagan-704 PAGE TWO CHANCE KILL NIXON AND REASAM CANTRELL, v.5. SECRET SERVICE, KANSAS, ADVISED 0S ABOVE INFO ON AUGUST TEN SEVEMTY AT TWELVE FORTYFIUE PM BY AGENT KENNETH c. INMAN. XE?0x_coprS 0F AwowvmoustEIT FOLLOW. SAD FBI WASH DC CLR Ronald Reagan-705 001 161970 a, EXPW .rennanCD.._ . . Casper . . . Gale . . . Walters Mr. Swath?- Tele. Room Miss Holmes Miss Gandy San Diego, California October 14, 1970 Dear Mr. Hoover: f; ?(in (F. ,l 31? nice talking with you yesterday and, foi??wing your telephone call, I determined that Governo eaganp was en route to San Di_ego, scheduled to garrive at :55 Pacific Southwest Airlines, with garrival at Lindbergh Field. Arrangements were made so that I could talk to the Governor as soon as he arrived. Just as his plane had come }to a stop on the apron for disembarking, there was an anonymous telephone call concerning a bomb threat which caused his aides to move him from Lindbergh Field as quickly as possible and, since he was staying at the Royal Inn iMotel only five minutes from the airport, he was immediately :ushered to that location. As a matter of expediency, I followed the Governor to the Royal Inn Motel and, as soon as he left his limousine ioutside the motel, I contacted him and gave him your message. ?This was delivered at 5:08 Pacific Daylight Time. I hope all is going well with you and I am real pleased that the Bureau located Angela Davis. Res ectfully, [$13.1 Hi Iii.? Cl?n?'f: rd (0 ?lrL Robert W. Evans Special Agent in Charge Mr. J. Edgar Hoover Director is Federal Bureau of Investigation pi} Washington, D.C. a Us. 13.70, ii? - 2g Ronald Reagan-706 Transmit the following in Vic (Rev. 5-22-64) FBI Date: 10/7/70 {Type in plaintext or code) I AIRTEL AIRMAIL (Priority) I Aim INFORMATION CORTATREO HEREIN Is UROLASSIRIEO TOI. DIRECTOR, FBI mmaJIsll?leim I 415,113 FROM: SAC, Sacramento (9-129) (C) b6 I b7C SUBJECT: i POSSIBLE THREAT AGAINST CALIFORNIA r? GOVERNOR RONALDOREACAN .. Rena, Re San Francisco airtel to Bureau dated 9/29/70? By letter dated 9/29/70, Mr. R. Eo COYLE, Assistant Director, California Department of Corrections, Sacramento, furnished the Sacramento Office with a copy Ofthe letter referred to in referenced airtel Also enclosed was a copy of the wanted notice outstanding for the subject issued by the Post Office Inspector in Charge, Fort Worth, Texas. A On 10/2/70, Mr. ED MEESE, Executive Secretary tO' Governor REAGAN, advised that the Governor's Office had been informed by both the U. 5. Secret Service and the California Department of Corrections of subject' 5 identity and the contents of his letter. In View of the above, no further action is being taken by this office. - T: Bureau {1 :3 07:14:23.1 1? San Francisco 175-0 Sacramento 1 NOT ?1251301125117? I 185001 14 1 70 (5) I 0 ?2:0 {ix .. DefORIGINAL FILED IN, Ronald Reagan-707 Sent Per (11 Agent in Charge U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1969 - 3461090 (11) sizaxva . fkg/ 1- AIRTBL AIR HAIL DIRECTGR, I UNCLASSIHD ?bis FROM sac SAN rn??crsce (173-0) 3" $2 ix? SUBJECT: b6 iax 3 P08813LE hanstr CALIFGRHIA b?c eovnnxon no -rnaesn WK .- Enalelgd hern?ith fur Burtau a?d?llaiunanta art 2 eepiul ogah of a by Hardin ti Ban Quantin Prisan which infcri I thruat Against lift of Covcrn?r REAGAH. Copitt a! the latter hit: ?at bran and: uvnillbla in Si?r?t Serviau, 8:n by FBI. San Francitaa. languaah as 3A LARRY 3.8. snertt Scnvias, havisad 6&3! H. r91 . mm 311 manned bin that In 1m mind um infarnution from tn. a! Corrlatians as! was distaminat~ in; infurnatian to Sueranantu affiec at tho Saartt Serviac. 85 NEHHAH inaiuuttd that ht: tiagunanta office waald furnith tn; infaruatian ta savanna! . evicINAL FTEED IN Sabunquant t?'thi'rt?iipt at tn; chaleatd Iattnr, SA NGRMAB R. ?p?a?a1 survieut 031:, B. at a! Carriations, San Prunsttaa, adviiad that in; a? ti? 0! thi had baen tauntiitta thraagh joint invaltigttinn by U. Poutn' +;?;rin?nt avastixateri to be FBI a whit: Mk. Wm :56 -. 1* ?Wily bung imxht by :m Pastal authoritici lir_lr -1 abtcc?t lattiri and.? warrant was ohtainad aharxing hi; nigh th affa?it sad in in 2h! peiatasion a! the H. ?arihnl. tart ?arth, Thain. Inf?rnitian i annaarning 2h. idgatiflcation at and status was furniuhua ta 3A ,iarct by EA HAVITY or thu r51. g: my fiwmmla. :3 MU ?3.136%! fa: 2 - Saaramcnto (Email. 2) 7 Franeiseb g??733003?39 172 mu 6 53/0 4% 55OCT 9 ?97? Ronald Reagan-708 SF l75~6 . The Office should contact office of Governor REAGAN t9 inluve that this information has been furnished to his offi??.. 7 This is baia; furnished for the infarnation of the Bureau. RonakiReagan-709 m. ?1 - fink: - F?d??01ll?ureau of Investigation Records Branth__ I v: I. v: I: Name Searching Unit - Room 6527 Service Unit - Room 6524 Forward to File Review Attention L: Return to Supervisor Room Ext. Type of References equested: or Request (Analytical Search) All References (Subversive (S Nonsubversive,? Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only Main References Only Type of.Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of Exact Name Only (On the Nose) I: Buildup l::l Variations :Subject . Birthdate Place Address Localities Searcher MW Date Initials V2214 Pro . ?mm FILE NUMBER SERIAL 515? 9 m? 4m x? ?w ?zz- ?9 5? {egg/?g, /0v .. ch? {rm/0 754%? . :96 5-1133 (9-29-65) . Domestic Intelligence Division -?obscendties when members of the Californi :Legislature were introduced. One SDS INFORMATIVE NOTE 1-4-71 Date We were previously advised that New Left radicals had planned to conduct a demonstration during the Inaugural Ceremonies of Governor Ronald Reagan in Sacramento, California, on 1?4-71. Attached states about 50 New Left radicals ?end members of the Students for a :Democratic Society (SDS) shouted fmember was arrested and charged with -assault and battery following a scuffle With a private citizen over the display iof a Vietcong flag. Copy of attahed sent Inter?Division Information Unit. Pertinent parts will be included in teletype summary to the White House, Vice President, Attorney General, the military and Secret Service. ?m?m avg/94. WWS 705,173 RonaKIReagan- 7-21-70) a? 1'IusA1' 415 Yale?; IM Transmit the that follows by coded telety'pe: RGENT TO: DTHE PRESIDENT DISSEMINATION DTHE VICE PRESIDENT GATT. 2 El DWHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM .2771. ?commune; unfairurvrzau GATT-- - win?: l. omsjai 373?; . OF STATE 6 55493-03 g? DDIRECTOR, CIA 4 ?43 CIDIRECTOR, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY NATIONAL INDICATIONS CENTER OF THE ARMY g: 33;; 9? EZIDEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE SERVICE - SERVICE (PID) AINTEXT EATTORNEY GENERAL (BY MESSENGER) NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, SENIOR OPERATION OFFICER From: DIRECTOR, FBI 7 1 E7 Classification: MM 7.ij A x/ fa? Subject: f: "f Tolson 30* FE: Sullivan Mohr Bishop (Text of message begins 0 next ag 7 m) :21 if mEe'ss Conrad 7 2:1: 93? 7 Walters :33st Ronald Reagan-712 0 ?5 r3? 7 MAIL TELETYPE Sent 11-15-10?414 9319311? to: u. s. SERVICE (PIE) get FROM: DIRECTAR, FBI UNCLASSIFIED UNKNOWN AKA JOHN DO. ANONYMOUS (TELEPHONE) THREAT AGAINST GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN, INDIO, CALIFORNIA, ELEVEN FONRTEEN SEVENTY, THREATS - NTSCELLANEOUS. AT NINE TWENTY-EIGHT R.N., PST, ELEVEN FOURTEEN LAST, LOS ANBELES RECEIVED CALL FROM CALIFORNIA OPERATNR SAYING AN ANONYMOUS CALLER THREATENED TO KILL CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR, RONALD REAGAN. IINDIO, RELATED THAT AT APPROXIMATELY NINE TWENTY P.N., PST, OPERATOR ens NINE NINE was ASKED TO PLACE A COLLECT CALL TO FBI, LOS ANGELES. CALLER. GIVING NAME JOHN DO, CALLED FROM PAY STATION THREE FOUR SEVEN DASH NINE ZERO ZERO ZERO, INDIO. END PACE ONE THIS STATION HAS LATER DETERMINED TO BE AT ADAMS . v. . . ?31? (?g/I9 3 a! Ronald Reagan-713 PAGE THO (UNCLASSIFIED) SUNLAND SERVICE, EIGHT TWO EIGHT ZERG ZERO HIGHWAY NINE NINE, INDIO. BEFORE THE CALL COULD BE COMPLETED THE CALLER BECAME ANXIOUS AND SAID KNOW WHAT THEY ARE HE THEN ASKED THE OPERATOR TON LIKE WHEN THE OPERATOR DID NOT ANSWER HE AGAIN SAID YOU LIKE GOVERNOR THE OPERATOR STILL DID NOT RESPOND AND THE CALLER SAID GIVE THEM (MEANING THE FBI) THIS MESSAGE -- GOING TO GET HE THEN HUNG UP- OPERATOR ONE NINE NINE WAS INTERVIEUED AND SHE ADVISED CALLER BELIEVED TO BE SOBER, CAUCASIAN, HALE. AT APPROXIMATELY NINE FORTY P.H., PST, ANOTHER CALL, BELIEVED TO BE SAME PERSON, HAS RECEIVED BY THE INDIO OPERATOR ASKING HER TO RING THE INDIO FBI OFFICE. WHEN NO ONE ANSWERED THE OPERATOR FURNISHED THE FBI, LA PHONE NUMBER TO THE UNKNOWN CALLER. NO CALLS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED IN LOS ANGELES. HIT WAS LEARNED THAT GOVERNOR REAGAN IS STAYING WITH FRANK SINATRA. ON HIS RANCH NEAR PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA. THE FOLLOWING OFFICIALS HERE IMMEDIATELY NGTIFIED AND ADVISED DETAILS OF CALLS: END PAGE THO Ronald Reagan-714 PAGE THREE (UNCLASSIFIED) SA RICHARD Ag LEFFER, SECRET SERVICE, LOS PATROLMAN JOHH PEEK, CALIFORNIA STATE POLICE. SACRAMENTO: ED HICKEY. CHIEF OF SECURITY FOR GOVERNOR SGT. GEORGE MILLER, SECURITY OFFICER WITH GOVERNOR REAGAR: LT. JACK EVANS, INDIO PD: AND OFFICER DONALD KAUFFROATH, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL, INDIO. BI ISLOOI Ronald Reagan-715 I i3, 8:1??2mMr- Mr.BrennanCD?? O88 . TEL Mr. 1235Am TEL QJM MA 95 X) ?mam 1 Mr. M. TO ECTOR :47" mi. 3- .. . 5 Mr. Walters?J SACRAMENTO ML Swa?d?-? :32. TeleFROM LOS ANGELES - 3 405, HZ: . AKA JOHN DO. ANONYMOUS (TELEPHONE) THREAT AGAINST GOVERNOR RONAL IUDIO, CALIFORNIA, ELEVEN FOURTEEN SEVENTY. THREATS - MISCELLANEOUS. b? . L7 .1075: AT NINE P.M., PST, ELEVEN FOURTEEN LAST, LOS ANGELES RECEIVED CALL FROM IMDIO, CALIFORNIA OPERATOR SAYING AN ANONYMOUS CALLER TO KILL CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR, RONALD REAGAN. n_ .. IODIO, RELATED THAT AT APPROXIMATELY NINE TWENTY P.M., PST OPERATOR ONE NINE NINE WAS ASKED TO PLACE A COLLECT CALL TO FBI, LOS ANGELES. CALLER, GIVING J. NAME JOHN DO, CALLED FROM PAY STATION THREE FOUR SEVEN DASH NINE ZERO ZERO, INDIO. THIS STATION EAS LATER DETERMINED TO BE AT E. SUNLAND SERVICE, EIGHT TEO EIGHT ZERO ZERO HIGHWAY NINE NINE, INDIO. ?up? 3 g: END PAGE ONE ?5915/6?ch .135 :18 187:: . :5 . . 54NUVO 7B 5 kg Ronald Reagan-716 . LA PAGE TNO BEFORE THE CALL COULD BE COMPLETED THE CALLER BECAME ANXIOUS AND SAID KNOW WHAT THEY ARE HE THEN ASKED THE OPERATOR YOU LIKE WHEN THE OPERATOR DID NOT ANSNER HE AGAIN SAID YOU A LIKE GOVERNOR THE OPERATOR STILL DID NOT RESPOND AND THE CALLER SAID GIVE THEN (NEANING THE FBI) THIS MESSAGE -- GOING TO GET HE THEN HUNG UP. OPERATOR ONE NINE NINE NAS INTERVIENED AND SHE ADVISED CALLER BELIEVED TO BE SOBER, CAUCASIAN, NALE. AT APPROXIMATELY NINE FORTY P.N., PST, ANOTHER CALL, BELIEVED TO BE SAME PERSON, NAS RECEIVED BY THE INDIO OPERATOR ASKING HER TO RING THE INDIO FBI OFFICE. NHEN NO ONE ANSWERED THE OPERATOR FURNISHED THE FBI, LA PHONE NUMBER TO THE UNKNOWN CALLER. NO CALLS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED IN LOS ANGELES. IT WAS LEARNED THAT GOVERNOR REAGAN IS STAYING NITH FRANK SINATRA, ON HIS RANCH NEAR PALN SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA. THE FOLLOWING OFFICIALS WERE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFIED AND ADVISED DETAILS OF CALLS: SA RICHARD A LEFFER, SECRET SERVICE, LOS PATROLNAN JOHN PEEK, CALIFORNIA STATE POLICE, ED HICKEY, CHIEF OF SECURITY FOR GOVERNOR SGT. GEORGE MILLER, SECURITY OFFICER NITH GOVERNOR LT. JACK EVANS, INDIO AND OFFICER DONALD KAUFEROATH, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL, INDIO. END REM FBI NASH DC CLR Ronald Reagan-717 5-113q (9'23365) -.. Domestic Intelligence Division IN FORMATIVE NOTE 3-18-71 Governor Ronald Reagan of California scheduled to appear at the Los Angeles Trade-Technical School, in Los Angeles, California, on 3-24-71. A representative of the Governor's office contacted our Sacramento Office stating he had informat of racial tension at the school and that there are indications some students plan disruptive activities during the appearan of the Governor. Our Los Angeles Office has been instructed to determine extent of possibl demonstration, and disruptive activities during the Governor's appearance. ABK: Cy??w/ [60% . 7i, Nazism .. $3533 Sg? RonaklReagan-718 ion i" . FEDERAL BUREAU OF ?1 A . u. s. BEPARTMENT OFJUSTIGE . SECTION 2 . Di; JAN 4 1964 Gr] 3n 9 i 13:. $2333.31? 3 I WA l/ r. Conrad . Mr Felt Mr. Gale- NROOI SC COOED 3 - {Mn'nwa 7? "Rid-$11M I Mr. Wuhan?.- TIO PM NITEL MEN D3 hiP?h 005 T0 DIRECTOR . ONT. PROM SACRAMENTO (TOO-SIOTIICI R9 POSSIBLE DISRUPIION OF INAUGURAL GEREMONY OF CALIF. GGVERNOR RONALD .CJW T0 OCCUR JANUARY FOUR, SEVENTYONE, AT SACRAMENTO, CALIF. 56917137,?! S?ggb 7~ Fir/4? [9 00: SC . ?f?u RE SACRAMENTO TEL, DECEMBER THIRIYQNE, SEVENTY. INAUGURATION CEREMONY FOR GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN HELD-THIS OUTSIDE CALIF. STATE CAPITOL BUILDING. AMONG THOSE IN ATTENDAN UERE APPROXIMATELY FIFTY NEW LEFT RADICALs AND SOS MEMBERS UH- ATTEMPTED TO DISRUPT PROCEEDINGS VOCALLY BY USE OF OBSCENITIE GRANTS AND DISPLAY PLACARDS. FOLLOUING INDIUIDUAL INTRODUCTION OF EACH MEMBER OF CALIF. LEGISLATURE BY NAME, RADICALS SNOUTED IN UNISON. OBSCENITIES PERSISTED THROUGHBUT ENTIRE CEREMONY INCLUDING INVOCATION AND BENEDICTION BY MEMBERS [/4333 ONE SOS MEMBERJ IARRESTED UNDER CHORIE OP ASSAULT AND BATTERY POLLOUING SCUFFLE NITR PRIVATE CITIZEN OUER ?ic DISPLAY OF VIETOONG FLAG, T0 CUSTODY OF CALIF. STATE POLICE. i JAN 6 1971 END PAGE ONE f0 erlUm Nata deieted? Ronald Reagan-719 PAGE TWO FOLLOWING INAUGURATION, FREE PUBLIC BEER FEST WAS HELD IN PUBLIC PARKING GARAGE ADJACENT TO CAPITOL BUILDING, NHICNI WAS ALSO ATTENDED BY ABOVE HOWEVER, NO INCIDENTS OF NOTE OCCURRED THERE. ADMINISTRATIVE ABOVE INFO BASED ON PHYSICAL OBSERVATIONS BY BUAGENTS. NO ?ngINC-?u SUBMITTED. END.WW EBM FBI NA CLR Ronald Reagan-720 m- 1_ in 8 omomu roam NO no 50.9-10, . ~11? 19,61 Emit?? 1' L. ,3 0511' ow. are. pie. :7 Memorandum . asper 1? 1? olson . UNITED STA res . 3? a? 1.. Conru 1- .. .. Pelt. To ,Mr. Bishop}, DATE: 11 25 70 . new Rosco 12 Tax-cl ?r . Walters FROM 1 M. A. es Soyara SUBJECT- ROBERT C. MW Room ya. I, - 7,6 I, Holmes #14/ mi (?t/Ce Candy?7 GENERAL -. QINTERNAL SECURITY DIVISION ALL 11110111111101: common 1 MEETING WITH THE DIRECTOR HERFIN i5 11- 25- 70 '3 In accordance with arrangements approved by the Director, Mr. Mardian conferred with Mr. Hoover in Mr. Hoover's Office this morning. At the outset of their meeting Mr. Hoover advised Mr. Mardian that the failure of the Internal Security Division of the Department of Justice to take action on Cm?. 3-32numerous occasions where action was clearly indicated, based on the results of 5 FBI reports, has been of deep concern to the Bureau. The Director noted that L: while prosecution is not the business of the FBI, that we are an investigative {if agency, nevertheless there have been instances where reports contained results 3 of investigations that clearly called for prosecutive action, and none was had. . Mr. Hoover observed that the Internal Security Division of the ?113 5 Department of Justice was one sector of the Department that was in bad need of revitalizing. Mr. Mardian said that he was in total agreement with Mr. Hoover, and that he, Mardian, intended to take appropriate action in this regard. The Director noted that he hoped that matters concerning the Black Panthers, Students for a Democratic Society and the Weathermen would eventually be the responsibility of Mr. Mardian' 5 Internal Security Division. Mardian indicated that plans were going forward to do precisely this at 51131.. prese time I Mr. Mardian observed that he intended to Nreso'f'veo ??%ubts regarding prosecution of persons who have violated law-341?avmg4 bl??lring on this country's internal security in favor of prosecution wherever and whenever possible. In this regard Mr. Mardian advised that he intended to put together a Task Force to develop new strategy and ideas for prosecuting people who represent a threat to this country's internal security. He noted that he anticipated as the result of this Task Force new legislation would be recommended where present legislation is now inadecauate, that efforts would be made to have prosecution where sta lawsJones .- CONTINUED overrm?WM?. .- . Mitt a {If :1 NI. A. Jones to Mr. Bishop Memo RE: ROBERT C. MARDIAN. . .MEETING WITH THE DIRECTOR Mardian advised Mr. Hoover that Sharp is an excellent man with outstanding credentials. Bufiles reflect no information on Sharp. He is currently under investigation by the Bureau in connection with his appointment as Consultant to the Attorney General. The Director assured Mr. Mardian "of the Bureau's full COOperation and indicated that a Bureau representative would be designated to work with the Unit. Mr. Mardian stated the second matter which he wished to mention to the Dir ctor was the fact that he has also been commissioned by the White House to form a Task Force to decide what our Government?s response will be should there ever be a kidnaping of a Government official such as there was in Canada recently. Mardian stated that it is his earnest h0pe that the Task Force, when it is formed and confers, will recommend no reSponse be made to the demands of would be abductors and that this policy, if established be given full disclosure in the press, in the hope that it will serve as a deterrent. In response to a request by Mardian for the Director's Opinion concerning this matter, the Director noted that he shared Mardian's views and felt that plans must be formulated in anticipation of possible kidnapings since it is not realistic to take the position they will not occur in this country. Just prior to the conclusion of their talk, Mr. Mardi pressed concern over Frank Sinatra?s recnent association with Governor Bonal eagan of California and advised Mr. Hoover that efforts on his, Mardian s, part and those of Nofziger, of the White House, to convince Reagan of Sinatra's unsavory background have been met by disbelief Mr. Hoover noted that he is well acquainted with Governor Reagan and that the next time he is in touch with him, he will brief him concerning Sinatra. Mardian stated that he appreciates Mr. Hoover's offer to do this since,while Reagan is not inclined to believe Mardian or Nofziger, even though they are close friends, he most certainly will believe Mr. Hoover. Mardian said that he is of the opinion that Reagan has sought a relationship with Sinatra to dim his own image of being a right wing conservative. Mardian noted that one of Reagan's biggest financial supporters, Taft Schreiber, President of the Music Corporation of America, served as actor's agent to both Reagan and Sinatra several years back. 1 $5 Ronald Reagan-722 ff/ CONTINUED - OVE R. a. . . . 3&0 kgg"! '14 . ii 311}va m- '1 {a \k )6 TDERAL Lia." .1 . 2 13 45? 13:0}; SECTEON . if; Lb. n. 1. ?90 NRA, 0 quog?w.?w? NOV 2 5 1970 gill-Sjri-? 1 Va q: 3/3? 43594 M1. ?xs?iy ?anmw- . AirMr. Walters NRBES DL PLAIN a Amad- . No 0 ?5 $1010. ?00mDENVER - dl?l?? ?70.3% 5 A . A NEN YORK . DALLAS -a 5R, . . ?nk THREATSAGAINST THE PRESIDENT, 00: YORK. . . ?if . . INSTANT . I TEXAS, TELEPHONE ADVISED THAT AT ABOUT ELEVEN AM NOVEMBER TVENTY 2: SEVEN LAST, AT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, HE g? MET INDIVIDUAL LATER DETERMINED TO BE FROM b6 - - 337:: 3' I VIENING TVA TICKET To NEV YORK. DURING Two HOUR RN. PERIOD NHILE VAITING FOR PLANES ADVISED HE IS ONE OF A GROUP OF THIRTY SEVEN IN THE VILLAGE, NEN YORK, AD SS 1 m. an? REGALLED As IE-wrnugy mi NEN YORK, OR SIMILAR, VH0 PLAN To KILL THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OE THE US AND GOVERNOR RONALD6 REAGAN IN 49 END PAGE ONE /5j: f? 333/ TEN Es NY ON MEMO 2 Iraq-#508 Ronald Reagan-723 . I. an DL (175-6): PAGE Two CALIFORNIA IN FEBRUARY NINETEEN SEVENTY ONE. CLAIMED THEY HAD FIVE PLACES WHERE WEAPONS, INCLUDING MACHINE GUNS AND HAND GRENADES, COULD BE PURCHASED, INCLUDING DALLAS, SPECIFIC SOURCE NOT IDENTIFIED, AND THAT IN DALLAS WEAPONS-COULD BE TRIED BEFORE BEING PURCHASED. MENTIONED BLACK PANTHERS IN SYMPATHETIC MANNER AND STATED DNCE ASSASSINATIDNS TAKE PLACE, IT NILL BE EASY To CDNFUSE POLICE AND THAT THE COUNTRY NILL TAKE UP ACTION. As MALE, LATE BLACK BEARD, BLACK HAIR, MEDIUM BUILD AND HEIGHT, NEATLY DRESSED IN DARK OLIVE SUIT AND WEARING HEAVY GOLD ENCRUSTED RING. END Ronald Reagan-724 . ?ut?ue- 4m- ., aud'r' . . -. DL (175-0). PAGE THREEJ ADMINISTRATIVE. NO FURTHER ACTION BEING TAKEN AND NO LHM BEING SUBMITTED VACB. GEORGE CHANEY, SECRET SERVICE, DALLAS, NOTIFIED TNO FORTY FIVE PM NOVEMBER TWENTY EIGHT NINETEEN SEVENTY. DENVER VILL ON TVA AND OBTAIN BACKGROUND INFO. . b6 YORK VILL ADVISE SECRET SERVICE, NEV YORK. b7c END. VASHINCTON DC- Ronald Reagan-725 -. - (Ifox r-9l-r0) 4, . 4.. Tm ,2]qu FBI r/vo .. I 16 Date I I DIMMEDIATE EV) Transmit the message that follows by coded teletype: EURGENT it? TO: :1 THE PRESIDENT ELSE-JD DUSSEJ I EITHE VICE PRESIDENT ?5 E: HOUSE SITUATION ROOM GATT. I ,1 DSECRETARY OF STATE If; 14?in I CIA E322 . I/djj/ -- ?2 CIDIEECTOR, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2 E3 DANE NATIONAL INDICATIONS CENTER I .0 g3 "u 73:! DDEFARTMENT OF THE ARMY Fa A E24 71 . 3&7? 2 OF THE AIR 92a 0,0 r79. QNAVAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE 32:5. ELU. S. SECRET SERVICE (PID) DENCODED RELADTTEXT EATTORNEY GENERAL (BY MESSENGER) . NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, ATT: SENIOR OPERATION OFFICER From: DIRECTOR?970 Classification: EEC SI E13 <1 . maps-j?" I 3 I ect: f3 5222 I2 9 (33. 5:4, 3 I. 5? l'ulmm ?mm? . Sullivan W44 Ibb Muhr . 444444 b7C (Text ofI me begins on next page. Emu?, M44423 IE 2 21 ?23:?If? I . LI I mama, WgSS??g'olapa? . Gale 2" '2 - 1- II: R05. I7 1. 405? ?95 mil2-, 05? x2? Approved If; 12 a ICYS . 8 2am ,y T2329. Room QILDEC 8-1970J Ronald Reagan 726 I E. I . sings?H MAIL Room: TELETYPE Sent Per . TRC PRIORITY IT TO: SECRET SERVICE (PID) DER FROM: ..- r; r) .1 *I?g - lrll?f 3 UNCLASSIFIED ;y%d@b WAAESPQE THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT. INSTANT DATEJ AMARILLO, TEXAS, TELEPHONE ADVISED THAT AT ABOUT ELEVEN AM NOVEMBER TWENTY SEVEN LASI, AT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, DENVER, COLORADO, HE MET INDIVI- DUAL LATER DETERMINED TO BE FROM IRA TICKET TO NED DURING IUD HOUR PERIOD UHILE EOR PLANES ADVISED HE IS ONE OF A GROUP OF THIRTY SEVEN IN THE i VILLAGE, NEW ADDRESS RE CALLED ASI 21:56 YORK, OR SIMILAR, UHD PLAN TO KILL b7 THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE AND GOVERNOR REAGAN IN CALIFORNIA IN FEBRUARY NINETEEN-SEUENTY CLAIMED THEY HAD.FIVE PLACES NHERE UEAPONS, INCLUDING MACHINE GUNS AND HAND GRENADES, COULD BE PURCHASED, INCLUDING DALLAS, SPECIFIC SOURCE NOT IDENTIFIED, AND THAT IN DALLAS WEAPONS COULD BE TRIED BEFORE BEING MENTIONED BLACK PANTHERS IN SYM- PATHETIC MANNER AND STATED ONCE ASSASSINATIONS TAKE PLACE, IT END PAGE ONE Ronald Reagan-727 i? PACE TMO- UNCLASSIFIED MILL BE EASY TO COEEUSE POLICE AND THAT SYMPATEIZEES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY MILL TAKE UP AS MHITE MALE, LATE TWENTIE59 BLACK BEARD9 BLACK HAIR, MEDIUM BUILD ADD HEIGHT, MEATLY DRESSED IN DARK OLIVE SUIT AMD VEARIMC HEAVY GOLD ENCRUSTED RING. . 1P AMY INFORMATION- IS DEVELOPED INDICAIIMC A POSSIBLE VIO- LATION OP TITLE EIGHTEEU, SECTION OME SEVEN FIVE ONE, U.S. CODE, PLEASE MOTIEY THE FBI IMMEDIATELYRonald Reagan-728 6632? Rov. 7 21-70) . OS WWI Lam) [Mr] ?3 1:1 EDI Date: QC 7O 0&3) EIIMMEDIATE 1 Transmit the message that follows by coded teletype: MRGENT X. TO: PRESIDENT rm in on 11.11 11111.11 1111 10 11 VICE PRESIDENT <33" . :1 1 CJWHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM 1 . @2133 \?121 1 1:1 SECRETARY OF STATE {g CEDIRECTOR, CIA ,1 F, I DDIRECTOR, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3* NATIONAL INDICATIONS CENTER 1.11 33:1 UDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Er: EZJDEPARTMENT OF THE AIR BNAVAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE 13(3. SECRET SERVICE (PID) BENCODED LAINTEXT DATTORNEY GENERAL (BY MESSENGER) [7 NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, ATT: SENIOR OPERATION OFFICER 1:1- NUT RECORDED DIRE rom OR, FBI 183 DEC 2 i/I? Classification: b} fIc'lmo?ls815313110113 ?8 ENOV 95-) Subject: 51:1:? ?$19 1% 1 WAFER l5 - Tolsnn 4&3qu Sullivan MOhr Bishop Canahan Casper Conrad Feh Cale Rosen Ta\?el ?9 lters Soyars 910.com WW MAIL Rooms TELETYPE UNIT Sent Per UEU 1 4f Approved Ronald Reagan-729 f/ SEIOPN PRIORITY: I TO: U056 SECRET SERVICE (FIB) SOS FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI ?57.1 .rr?u?T, .. In ?4NCLASSIFIED . COMBO 405,133 THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT. RE TELETYPE DATED TWENTYEIGHT SEVENTY. TEXA89 AT ABOVE ADDRESS. FURNISHED SAME STORY AS PREVIOUSLY FURNISHED WITH FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: I) VERY DRUNK AND DRINKING THROUGHOUT CON- VERSATION VHICH TOOK PLACE IN EL BISTRO LOUNGE OF S6 INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. DENVER. ON NOV. TNENTY SEVEN, SEVENTY. 2) ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION, VHICH PLANNED ASSASSINATIONS, NAS EITHER FIVE TVO OR FIVE FIVE EAST EIFTYSEVENTH ST., NYC, OR FIVE TVO OR FIVE SEVEN EAST FIFTY-RIFTH ST., NYC. THIS ADDRESS FURNISHED CONVERSATION NO NAME OF ORGANIZATION GIVEN. 3) TVA TICKET TO NVC, BUT ON NHIOH HE NAs TO DERARI NIGHT NOV. TWENTY SIX NAS CANCELLED AND HE HAD SPENT ENTIRE NIGHT IN THE BAR.. HE HAS STILL IN BAR DENVER ABOUT ONE THIRTY P.N., NOV. TWENTY SEVEI. FOR ANARILLO. TEXAS. Ronald Reagan-730 - PAGE ONE I 34.'7 RAGE TNO . STATED DELAY IN REPORTING MATTER NAS RESULT OE DOUBT AS TO TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY OR NAS JUST AND BY ONN IS A AND BAND RROMOTOR. STATES PRESENTLY ON SIX YEAR PROBATION AT CANYON, TEXASA AFTER CONVICTION ABOUT ONE YEAR AGO FOR POSSESSION OE STATES HE NAS COMPLETELY SOBER AT TIME OE CONVERSATION RIC ADVISED THAT WILLIAM PATTERSON, U. S. SECRET SERVICE, LUBBOCK, TEXAS, HAD BEEN IN TELEPHONIC CONTACT NITH RIM AND HAD MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO INTERVIEN CONCERNING MATTER. STATED CODLD FURNISH NO FURTHER SRECIEICS CON- ALLEGED IF ANY INFORMATION IS DEVELOPED IAIDICATING A POSSIBLE VIO- LATION OR TITLE SECTION ONE SEVEN EIVE ONE, u.S. CODE, PLEASE NOTIEY THE FBI IMMEDIATELY. ET 7 OH ZEV FBI ZERO ZERO THREE RPT DOS Ronald Reagan-731 In Reply, Please Refer to DEPARTWEENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OFINVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 February'23, lg?i File No. b? . ?Hams A 3 =23bl?b AGAINST RONALD REAGAN, 4?41" GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA . "This docsloaned. to your agency; it and v; we I 3:4. its com-ants are not to be di 7 your agency.? E?g??sa?g Ronald Reagan-732 . w. A U. S. Government agency with offices abroad has furnished the following information: a Ihas been in the United States on several occasions in the past as a student. He has reportedly made threats against the life Of Governor REAGAN of California. be Records of a second U. S. Governmentagency-lb;C with Offices abroad disclosed that was issued an F-I visa on June 29, 1966 valid for multiple entry to July 5: 1970 at Bern, Switzerland. This visa was issued on the basis of presentation of?a document from Western University,_California. At the time, he said he intended to study at California Western. University, San Diego, California and that he intended to depart for the U. S. apprOximately September 9,_1966. His father was paying his trip and expenses. He intended to sta four years in the United States. He held Swiss valid to March 25, 1970. On August 20, issued another F?l vra, valid for multiple entry for months, in another SwissL ass ort. This time he intended to stay two years in the that he had lost his previous passport. It had been in a car, and when he reached the France Swiss border? he realized that he didn't have it. At the time. Iwas enrolled in the Master's Program at San Diego State College, San Diego, California. He planned to do reSearch in Italyp after finishing his courses. . be is described as follows: ?ygt? Jae? Date of birth I Marital Status Single Height - 5'9" Hair Brown I ment contains neither recommendations Mons Of the FBI. It is ?the prOperty y/g} .3 siribuied outside 0\ ?63" Eyes Brown Citizenship Swiss Residence in UOS. 1966?69 Home address Preseht address Ronald Reagan-733 Wt, Bern (6-2-1192 3/12 171 REC 11'~1_ 11 1 - Mr. Scatterday ?-irwtor, 11311111111 111,3" 1 - Foreign Liaison 1 - Mr. Lyles FWEL I (2.5V 5'f 133311 AGAIIST nananb IEAGAI, ,1 GOVERNOR or cmxarellxn . ?31 mute! 2/23/71 we re 313 were liftel datec? 7/8/70, 1:39th Imt mint Governor mm o! the State at 01.111913? Enclosed for Least: Bern. mention and We are two copies each of reform an ?em nix-tel use the ma: emlmd than-eta. 1136 for Sacramento are 0091? mi: of refereucec Least, Born ?rte! and the enclosed m. Also one new each of am too communal 1! mm for information to Sun Mm. 1m Annalee am 31: Pram-1m. 3?01- intonation, Sam-at Service, 11:: has been the current inter-tum running in set forth in Mat, Bern on 2/23/71. No record located for: in Identification Division. and. WT. am ? 11-111 ?11-minute information set forth in .1111 1m mm of 7/8/70, to lWiltO Mu authorities. 191? .1, 1 . 111111; 111 1-111 ?1113111111133 5 13 Enclosures (4) 111; 1? 513m 550mm..- )51 15 2 - Legit, London (Mu?14) 1: 2 .- mt, Puri? (M14) 1 1 - SAC, Lon Angolan (mm-z) - SAC. Sacramento (mm-4) 1 - 5M3. ?ne mace (ma-2) 1 - gas, gun Francisco (Into) [I?ll-1.51. 1* 11111 CWL: f" 1 SEE NOTE PAGE Two 31321'1 TELETYPE UNITE: Ronald Reagan-734 b" if m} Letter to Bern Re: LEGAT, LONUON will inroruation in sun Bingo L8H or to Euhossy Security atticor. Consular section, use to approuriate source. truer. pears Will in!orunt10u.in San Diego at 7/8/70, to Secret Service, Paris, for additional background into in this latter. SAC, SACRAIENTO Biaaenlalto information set forth to haunt, Bern LEI of alga/VI, to appropriate California authorities so as to bring than ?pate-date as to current information regarding b7C NOTE: On 7/8/70, San Diego received information thatl a ?wiss national, and then temporarily in the U.S. as college student, made statement that Governor Ronald Reagan was worst politician around and felt it was his duty to assassinate Governor Reagano This alleged threat was disseminated to California State authorities, Secret Service, Immigration Naturalization Service and Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Legat, Bern has visa for multiple entry into the U.S. and intended to stay in U.S. two years. -9- RonaklReagan-735 Transmit the following in DEREVEZB FREQ-I: FBI AUTEZEI-IATIIE EECLASSIFIIEATEDH 6 (Rev. 5-22564) EKEHPTIEEI-I EDEE 2521355 Vm AIRTEL $596k, ?T'o FROM BERN (62?149THREAT AGAINST RONALD REAGAN, GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA -7 . 1 I I 23': 9.: i? - 1? (J1. . 2,413"; f?jivi} Information designated Limited Official Use furnished by WILLIAM KUSHLIS, American Embassy, Bern, on 2/22/71 has been made the subject of an unclassified LHM, 5 copies of which 3* are enclosed. This information is derived from two memoranda dated 1/15 and 2/10/71 from CECIL PETERSON, Officer in Charge, INS, 1W American Consulate General, Frankfurt, and from subject's visa N: apRlication31 In his mero date 2/10/71 PETERSON indicated that the FBI had knowledge of 4' b? it lbic of Bureau ,requested to chec dentificatlonrl'v131on and furnish any 1n ormation concern13ig_ . - oisseminatiOn to the Swiss authorities and to Lon-on or dissemination to British authbrities. s~ Leads '5 LEGAT, PARIS Will furnish COpy of enclosed LHM to Secret g; Service, Paris, for information. =4 \1 Bureau (5 enclsForeign LiaiSOn) A It? - Legat, London (2 enclS) 3 3 Legat, Paris (2 enclsw?3?at kw: ?va 6 11? 7/ Approved: A Per Agent in Charge U. 8, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1969 - 346-090 (11) RonaklReagan-736 BER 62?149 ?Will furnish copy of enclosed LHM to Embassy Security Officer, to Consular Section and to approPriate British SOurce. Ronald Reagam737 J-uu \nev. 1U ur- . .4 Transmit the following in AIRTEL r/ SAC, Milwaukee (100-17886) SUBJECT: DEMONSTRATION T0 VISIT 0F GOVERNOR RONALD EAOAN, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN MARCH 25, 1971 . .132 IS - MISC hm the visit of Governor RONALD REAGAN to Milwaukee, Wis., 3/25/71. Source advised that every effort will be made exclude organizations and individuals who are basically militant and who, it is felt, Would be prone to the use Whe Communist Party of Ybung Socialist and National Welfare Rights Organization trams-RIMES mg Lib On that the Milwaukee Committee to Free Angela Davis (CFAD) was in the process of organizing an ad hoc committee to plan a demonstration protesting on to of violence in confrontations with authorities. It is felt that Jhe ad hoc committee will be made up of representatives from Alliance National Coalition Against War, Racism, and Repression Committee to Free Angela Da '3 Bureau (RM) .. 2 Birmingham (RM) 11 2 Chicago (RM) Elk-1235: 2 - Sacramento (RM) 31 2 Los Angeles (RM) #2 ,m 2 - Milwaukee (100?17886) .., :33 is PWR/dsw 1971 ., ngfh? a: MAR 23 1371Approved: - Fags) 5 29"? Ronald Began-.738. . . aw -- we.? -, . .1 . - i la 13:12 MI 100w17386 .31 b7D AA AdviAed IWAA AalA at I?ourae turn? out was ex Aremely pOOr sevaral were fart-A, iAAlAding 1? 5 1. CIAD Madison Wis.9 111., NCAWRA iA 111., AA garticipAAe in 2. Attempt AA gAiA AA the Latin GomAuAity, 3. Contact SALLY DAVIS9 ANGELA AA Apeak AA rally AAllowing demwm?tratiwnu 4. Attempt AA have Governor LACY Arum and JAMES AatiAAally civil rights leader, participate 1A LL) Tentative were made to AAve 19? at War MAmarial, MilwAAkee, Wis,9 6:30 p.m.9 3/25/Al? march AA MilwAukee where is AA Atayo FALLAA1AA A9 MAAS AA AA AA. where SALLY DAVIS will Alight of ANGELA Source AA .iAed A I is A1AA AA w- . Wan-Jr," will AmllAA 5 offices pertinent All AiilAAr reque AA SOUVCQH BALAQTLAIPA, .wAere deemed necegwary. Ronald Reagan-739 3/17/71 PLAINTEXT . URGENT AW, "t II I3 CONE Em 3? To SACs SAN DIEGO 3155 M0 I 5 SAN FRANCISCO . 1 - Mr. Reynolds SEATTLE FROM DIRECTOR EDI I INDIVIDUALS AT SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE, A I ?f . A PRESIDENTAHL- m, a . .. RE SAN DIEGOFJELETYIE MARCH SIXTEEN SEVENTTONE. SAN DIEGO, SACRAMENTO, IID SAN FRANCISCO IMMEDIATELY CONTACT a IF LOGICAL SOURCES IN TD IS A FUND BEING E: . RAISED AT THE BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA, AREA FOR PURPOSES 0F ASSASSINATINC :31 a PRESIDENT AND THE GOVERNORI OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO THROUGH SECRET SERVICE AND OTHER INVESTIGATION IMDIATELY IDENTIFY 197,; ID NEEMWI AND ASCERTAIN IF HE IS INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR RECENT I. CALL TO SAN DIEGO OFFICE. THROUGH INVESTIGATION ATTEMPT TO ASCERTAIN IF CALL RECEIVED BY SECRET SERVICE MARCH ELEVEN SEVENTYONE A . pm- I 5 AND CALL RECEIVED BY SAN DIEGO OFFICE T0 SAME-I INCIDENT. ALL .f Tolsmn .. I if" Ad?f'f. INSTRUCTED TO KEEP BUREAU ADVISED OF PMTINENT ?Pg??c??wd NOT ECORDED liir?iimp . 1! (313?? LA Gil. I Brennan, CI2%"wa IECJNOTE See San Diego datecL. Callahan FIG Casper 3:333:33}; amm .2 ILA with note attached. Fun s15?: 0! Mi; SICNUN Tavcl mm Wu 1:26197? MAR I ?2?1971 RonaERw, Am 581M 2? 730M 53L ?my MAIL TELETYPE UNIT ?Mm TELETYPE TO SACs SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO SEATTLE RE: UNKNOWN INDIVIDUALS AT SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE INFORMATION OF CALIFORNIA OFFICES BUTTE IN SEPTEMBER NINETEEN SEVENTY OBTAINED INFORMATION FROM A MOTEL OPERATOR AT GLACIER INTERNATIONAL BARK, MONTANA, THAT IN CLEANING UP A ROOM AT THIS MOTEL AFTER THE DEPARTURE OF THE TWO OCCUPANTS, HE LOCATED A MIMEOGRAPHED SHEET ON THE FLOOR CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING PRINTING QUOTE AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR THE ACCUSED ASSASSIN OF b6 b7C RICHARD M. NIXON, FOUR ZERO SIX BROADWAY, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, CONTACTI IFERFODEUNQUOTE. BUREAU FILES CONTAIN NO FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THE AEOVE. SECRET SERVICE ADVISED FOR INFORMATION 0F SEATTLE TNO SEPARATE INCIDENTS HAVE COME TO THE ATTENTION OF THE SAN DIEGO DIVISION MEREIN INFORMATION WAS RECEIVED THAT A CONVERSATION NAS OVERNEARD AT THE SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE INDICATING FUND WAS BEING RAISED AT THE BERKEIEY, CALIFORNIA, AREA FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSASSINATING PRESIDENT NIon AND CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR REASON. SEATTLE FURNISH RECEIVING OFFICES ALL KNOWN BACKGROUND INFORMATION COVMITTEE FOR THE ACCUSED A Hm . I-m 35.;Jm. mun?d in u. :f V- 1 ?nit-MW 0- hm ASSASSIN OF RICHARD M. NIXON?Ron-ald Reagan-741 Routing Slip . 0-7 (Rev. 9-5?69) (Capies to Offices Checked) TO: - :1 Albany Houston orfolk Tampa Albuquerque Indianapolis an Oklahoma City Washington Flield Alexandria jachson .11 91:15:11: 1 Quantico Anchorage ac sonvi is is Atlanta Kansas City Phoenix T0 LEGAT: Baltimore Knoxville Pittsburgh Bern Birmingham Las Vegas Portland Bonn Boston Little Rock Richmond [3 Buenos Aires Buffalo Los Angeles 3] Sacramento Hong Kong Butte Louisville St. Louis ndon Charlotte Memphis Salt Lake City Madrid Chicago [3 Miami [3 San Antonio Mexico, D.F. Cincinnati [3 Milwaukee San Diego Ottawa Cleveland Minneapolis San Francisco :1 Paris :5 Columbia [3 Mobile San Juan Rome Dallas Newark Savannah D-Tokyo a Denver New Haven Seattle Detroit New Orleans Springfield El Paso New York City Honolulu Date 4?1 ?71 RE: HONORABLE RONALD REAGAN THE GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Retention For apprOpriate For information optional action Surep. The enclosed is for your information. If used in a future report. conceal all sources, paraphrase contents. Enclosed are corrected pages from report of SA dated Remarks: HRH: (10) Ff/e Co?oy ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED ES 952.. 553942031173 4051 ?73 Wig}; ..3 IV EHC. Bu?le Urfile Ronald Reagan-742 TEDERM BUREAU . Mr. Casper- Mr. Conrad. Mr. Bahama.?? Mr. Mr. Gale Mr. Mr. Mr. Walters Mr. Tele. Miss mama SC CODE URGES-T 5/18/71 VLS TO DIRECTOR LOS ANGELES '5 FROM SACRAMENTO (157-1976) POSSIBLE DEMONSTRATION, REAGAN APPEARANCE AT . LOS ANGELES SCHOOL, FOUR ZERO ZERO WEST WASHINGTON cial Matter ?hav BOULEVARD, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., MARCH NEXT. RM but" ON INSTANT DATE, GOVERNOR CHIEF OF SECURITY ED HICKEY Police De partment ADVISED HE WAS INFORMED LOS ANGELES PD INTELLIGENCE UNIT HAD INFO RE RACIAL TENSIONS AT CAPTIORED SCHOOL AND THERE WERE IRDICATIONS SOME {29m STUDENTS PLAN DISRUPTIUE ACTIVITIES AT APPEARANCE OF GOVERNOR. THIS APPEARANCE SCHEDULED FOR EIGHT THIRTY AM, MARCH TWENTYFOUR, NEXT, AT -A BREAKFAST AT CAPTIONED SCHOOL. NO SPECIFIC PLANS RE DEMONSTRATION AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. LOS ANGELES REQUESTED TO CONDUCT INVESTIGATION INCLUDING CONTACT OF APPROPRIATE SOURCES. ATTEMPT TO ESTABLISH EXTENT OF POSSIBLE DEMONSTRATION AND SUBMIT RESULTS TO SACRAMENTO FOR FORWARDING TO GOVERNOR OFFICE. awry- (REL END 31?s?, saw RL :g 4051/?3 . XEROX . MAR 241971 PLB FB I A THE OTmTaa GC-MR. BRENNAN Ronald Reagan-743 a I: I1 NPW vumx?? . ?1:111:11. a. 1311. [11:41'? I 1 - 3 . Arr. . NR DDS SD PLAIN . 111 ISIADW 1111.11 11311111 I . I ?are? fit; NITEL 3-18- 71 ??31 39.39251 I 1 1:31Imcs 1 TO DIRECTOR 4?51 Candy SACRAMENTO . If? .4 I - . 1: 1341-11. .15) SAN FRANCISCO HA FROM SAN DIEGO (ITS-NEW1.11, It ?In" (V UNEAOWG Sub 10121.5 AT SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE.0THREAT5 AGAINSIHTHEW PRE SIDE NT. 1 1/6 351336" I SiIfj?I SAN DIEGO DIVISION CONTACTED TELEPHON ICALLY THIS DATE BY I UNNANED INDIVIDUAL NHO IDENTIFIED SELF ONLY AS STUDENT AT SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE (SDSC). CALNER ADVISED SEVERAL DAYS AGO, LA: AND FRIENDS NERE SITTING IN THE AT SDSC I TALKING. CALLER ADVISED Two WHITE MALE COLLEGE-AGE INDIVIDUALS NEIE SEATED BEHIND HIE-ENGAGED IN PRIVATE EONVERSAT ION. CALLER SAID HF. ENOUGH 01" TH 15 CONVERSATION TO INE THAT If; (5) ONE OF THE INDIVIDUALS HAD RECENTLY RETURNEDFROM THE BERKELEY, L. CALIFORNIA, AREA AND-ITHE OTHER QUEST IONED HIM REGARDING HE HAD MET AND THINGS HAPPENING BERKELEY. THE CALLER ADVISED I 1 THE INDIVIDUAL NNO HAD BEEN To BERKELEY MADEflg/f STATEMENT EFFECT A FUND BEING RAISED IN THE DERRELE AREA FOR 0F ASSASSINATING PRESIDENT RICHARD M. I . IXON AND RONAL . - - END: PAGE ONE I I ., .. NR. 55:1. LUNAN FOR . 3' .- MAR 26 197133;? m} II (ii-II RonaIcl Reagan: 744".? - PAGE TWO . FEAGAN, GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA. CALLER ADVISED THESE INDIVIDUALS UNKNONN TO HIM, BUT SAID HE ADVISE THE FBI HE SAN THEM AGAIN 0R THEIR IDENTIT IES BECAME KNOWN TO HIM. . SPECIAL AGENT DANIEL GOGGIN, U. S. SECRET SERVICE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, AND SPECIAL AGENT JAMES H. ?ue/54 0F WVL-Tsmw?od EZRRIAN, 8-H, ADVISED OFFOREGOING BY SA STEVEN L. CHRISTENSEN APPROXIMATELY ELEVEN FIFTEEN AM, MARCH SIXTEEN INSTANT. DURING CONTACT SAGOGGIN, HE ADVISED THAT ON MARCH ELEVEN LAST, U.S. SECRET SERVICE AT SAN DIEGO RECEIVED A. SIMILAR COMPLAINT FROM AT SECRET SERVICE THAT ON MARCH ONE LAST, WHILE EATING LUNCH IN THE CAFETERIA AT SDSC, HE OVERHEARD A CONVERSATION BETWEEN TWO NHITE MALE INDIVIDUALS NHO NERE DISCUSSING A FUND BEING RAISED 1:06 AT BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE ASSASSINAT ION OF PRESIDENT NIXON AND GOVERNOR FROM CONVERSATION BOTH INDIVIDUALS HAD RECENTLY RETURNED FROM BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. THESE INDIVIDUALS UNKNONN BUT HE SECRET SERVICE IF HE SEES THEM AGAIN. PENDING END COME. ROSEN ADDENDUN GENERAL INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION Facts re above furnished to Secret Service Headquarters, Washington, D. c. 3/16/71. Ronald Reagan-745 nil/x I [a 53CODE 5 4JWJY :97 TSAPN NITEL 5-22-71 TDH . . A TO DIRECTOR LIA '3 it: "n 1 find?. u) SACRAMENTO (157-1975) 9 .n FROM LOS ANGELES (157-6457) OR ijwf?jwyw 'Ip/ I I. Dy\"31 POSSIBLE DEMONSTRATION, GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN ,Igz ?4 I . g_ ?2553? 9?7 Honorablomdaomn The Governor 681qu - 3:1/ Sacramento, chums. 9531? My dear Governor Reagan: I have be? informed at your complimentary remark: on May 1% More the Win Ponce WI Amuuon Mme. cancerous? Bureau and mo, and am Indeed appreciative at your effort to not tho record straight regarding rem: Wm of the FBI. I was Wu 7 thank you for your continued support. PM an; mm nan commons - my: 4:5 SMED 1 M- shawl my 1? ?t ?3?32; - .1 maize in a 4 534%; 1:1 31971 "93 1 Edgar 30"? 4;;mr 1 5 fps? ?-55:25 Jun? 1- San chisco (80-285) Reurairtel 5-10- 71. 1% -L 1- Sacramento i?H NOTE: Bu?les reflect Governor Reagan met the Director in 1968 and had .32? his photograph taken. This was acknowledged by letter dated 3-12?68. Reagan wrote 3-23-71 thanking the Director forwhis generosity. He was subject of an Atomic Act investigation in 1967; nothing derogatory. (5) Ronald Reagan-767 f_ns MAY2619 MAIL TELETYPE UNITI: GSA FPMR (41 CFR) m- 11.6 SUBJECT STATES .. .. I Memorandum Director, FBI DATE: 5/13/71 I Mr. Mr. . SAC, Sacramento (80?138) . - Tele. Room 1 35 I RONALD REAGAN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA SPEECH BEFORE THE CALIFORNIA PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA MAY IO, 1971 speech to the California Peace Officers Association in con? I: vention at the Del Webb Townehouse in San Francisco. In hisf"< remarks he was complimentary to the Director and to the FBI. 4 ?Excerpts of Remarks" are transmitted herewith. These notes were made available to me by a friend of mine, Mr. RICHARD TURNER, who is an Assistant to the Governor and who aided in the compiling of the Governor's speech material. These are being sent for inclusion in the Bureau's file. in.? WV "?l?gw?g?wgim elf/ac, 5949.093 2 4 Bureau (Enc. l) EAM) 2 Sacramento (i i E?bilb REC-39 17"" 7:Ronald Reagan-768 5010-108 Thug?:13 u. Buy . Saving; Bond: Regularly on the Payroll Saving: Plan erarc?s on THE GOVERNOR . - RELEASE: Mona .M.s. Sacramento, California May 1 Contact: Paul Beck 445-4571 5~7~71 EXCERPTS OF REMARKS BY GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN California Peace Officers Association San Francisco May 10. 1971 i-rwal?h :smemgg?. A senseless act of violence took place a few weeks ago on the campus of Stanford University, one of America's great private insti? tutions of higher learning. An arsonist--sneaking through the dead of night??deliberately set a fire that destroyed the lounge of a dormitory. The flames and smoke drove 80 sleeping students from their beds. After the fire was put out, one student remarked that this particular act of violence was-~in his words?-?far different from setting a truck or a on fire. If one of us had not seen it. a lot of us would be dead. That is not vandalism: that is murder." The student was right in one sense. If someone had been killed, it would have been murder. But setting a fire in a dormitory is no different from setting a truck or a on fire. Vandalism, arson and murder are all illegal acts of violence. And they differ only in degree. It is a tragic dilemma of our times that there are some on campus and elsewhere who do not always perceive that simple truth. When you are counting the dead and needless prOperty loss that results from such an makes no difference what warped sense of values motivates the arsonist. Crime cannot be divided into "just" and "unjust" categories. Violence cannot be justified, excused or explained by any real or imagined grievance. I Ronald Reagan-769 Unfortunately. the crime at Stanford was not an isolated act. I don't mean to single it out as any more deplorable than the scores of other similar violent acts which have taken place elsewhere before or schools. banks. National Guard armories or business firms. But it does dramatize with chilling clarity the new challenge that confronts those of you whose task it is to protect society. A new kind of crime threatens California and the United plotted and carried out by a new breed of criminal. the selprroclaimed revolutionary who directs senseless acts of violence against innocent bystanders. What makes these new criminals doubly dangerous. is their fanaticism which makes them perform with an almost religious zeal, as if they are ordained by a higher power to right all the ills of mankind. . elf The imnensityof~ task cannot be over?en?asized. There were I bomb threats in California during the last 1 onths of 1970. I There were 1.052 actual bomb incidents in which an explosive device was found and on some tragic occasions. these bombs exploded. killing or injuring innocent people. Fifteen police officers died in the line I of duty in California last year. six under circumstances which can only be described as acts of cold-blooded murder. The new type of so~called "revolutionary" crime is becoming one of America's most critical internal problems. at a time when certain other types of crime are slowly declining. It isn't necessary to lay before you all the appalling statistical evidence. You know far better than I the corrosive effects of crime and violence on our society. The most tragic impact is the aura of fear and distrust it creates among us. A recent national survey disclosed that one-third of all Americans believe it is unsafe to walk alone at night in their own neighborhoods. The threat of the mugger, the rapist, and now. the revolutionary whose rhetoric has escalated into violence. is a real threat. It cannot be ignored. And it cannot be excused or explained as legitimate political expressed through illegal means. There is a national concern. no. I would say. a national demand for public safety and public order. But what kind of public safety? What kind of public order? Our nation is built upon a system of legal values which provides greater protection for the his right to speak and to protest legitimate any other society ever known. Those of you who are gathered here teday are dedicated guardians of those rights; you represent society's first line of defense against crime and anarchy; RonakiReagan-77O In such a nation. how do we achieve order and bring to justice the lawless elements among us without sacrificing the individual liberty to which we are all dedicated? One first step is to never lose sight of just who is threatening the Peace or violating the rights of the laweabiding citizen. Those who set fires and plant bombs-~who demonstrate violently in the name of nonvviolence?-are not protecting the rights of others or preserving the legal system that makes possible peaceful protest. They are the outlaws. 1 -2- 2H im' 'Yet. some of our ?sens?turbo abhor violence es the enforcer of the'law as a social outcast. They have accepted without question the steady. unrelenting campaign that is going on to discredit those whose. job it is to preserve law and order in our society. Police are accused of ?repression"-vfor putting down disorders that have been calculated to incite a confrontation. But it is the rioter who supresses the rights of others. not the policeman called to restore order. It is the criminal who violates the rights of others by stealing; mugging or other acts of violence. It is to the police officer the' crime victim turns for help pipe; such crimes have taken place or when criminal violence threatens him. In carrying out their duties, our policemen are expected to be constitutional lawyers. family counselors. They are expected to patiently endure insults while coping with hoodlums intent on injuring either innocent citizens or the policemen themselves and sometimes both. They are expected to be perfect men in an imperfect world. and they come far closer than most to that goal. Plutarch said if all the world were just, there would be no need of valor. But the world is not filled with all just men and we do need valor-v-we need the valor that you, our law enforcement officers. exhibit every day and every night. I believe it is a tribute to your courage and dedication that those of you who wear the badge of authority have never lost sight of the real threat to liberty. The greatest threat to our liberties are those who seek to destroy the ability of law enforcement to assure that liberty. They use the word ?repression" to describe any forceful response to lawlessness. Ronald Reagan-771 And_they seek to defeat or inhibit effective law enforcement by spreading suspicion of the policeman and his motives, by seeking to cast the policeman in the role of villain rather than the criminal. In recent months. one of America's greatest law enforcement officials has become the object of a bitter verbal assault by some who are in a position to know just how much J. Edgar Hoover has contributed to this country's safety. It is no exaggeration to suggest that America might well owe its very survival to the effectiveness of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion in rooting out subversion and fighting crime of all types. -3- i 1 some critics mak~mckery of the facts by gesting that the seeks to become some sort of secret police. J. dgar Hoover's whole career has been devoted to resisting the efforts of others to turn the FBI into a national police force. He has worked to strengthen ilocal and state law enforcement. There is no doubt why the subversive and criminal elements would like to see the FBI downgraded and discredited. It was this agency ?which pioneered in most of the modern crimesfighting techniques we Buse today--~fingerprinting, scientific collection of evidence, advanced ?training for law enforcement personnel, and now. a National Crime ?Information Center utilizing the computer to fight crime. 1 i 1 But these innovations have been used only to protect society against the threats posed against it by criminals and subversive elements. Unlike some who criticize him. J. Edgar Hoover?s entire career has been devoted to keeping government the servant of the people rather then making government the master. This same type of harassment has been directed against local and state law enforcement officers. To respond to crime or riots with any degree of effective force iis called "police brutality." Yet those who raise the charge say nothing about the "brutality" of the criminals who murdered 15 California law officers last year. A few days ago a brave highway patrolman was killed as he investigated a traffic accident. He left a wife and four small children. Where were the mass marches protesting this brutality? Where were the loud voices of protest? There was only silence as an eloquent testimony to the kind of hypocrisy with which you in law enforcement are all too familiar. Ronald Reagan-772 Every law-abiding citizen has a right to expect that government will insure his safety. Every parent has a right to expect government to protect his children from those who deal in and profit from pornography or narcotics. Every homeowner and every businessman has the right to expect his government to protect his property against the criminal, the arsonist. the rioter and the looter. In return. I believe it is less than presumptuous to suggest that those who risk life and limb to defend society have a right to expect society to give them the support they need to carry on the war against crime. -4- 'As one small gestlle of our respect. I am (1 ing, effective today, that every time a California peace officer is killed in the line of duty. that the flag at our State Capitol building be flown . A and . 593+ 3 at half mast. I have pledged to you before. and I repeat that pledgee--we are trying to provide such support by attacking crime on several fronts. We have developed educational programs to acquaint our youngsters with the dangers of misusing drugs and we are funding dozens of experimental programs ranging from professional counseling to the use of self?help programs to combat drug abuse. For the first time, we have a state office solely devoted to coordinating the state's anti? drug abuse efforts and to assist local communities. Last year. we succeeded in adopting the nation's most comprehensive plan for intravstate control of restricted dangerous drugs. We intend to find out where all the pills on the illicit street market are coming from and to follow through with action to cut off the supply. We have sponsored legislation to protect minors from the smut peddlers. to deal with campus disorder and to increase penalties for assaults on peace officers. . Despite these advances, we have suffered some defeats. You and I know that one of the most necessary tools to fight organized crime is electronic surveillance. Contrary to what its opponents falsely claim. this authority is not an unreasonable invasion of would be used only after a judge independently agreed there was good reason to believe a crime was being committed. Our bills on electronic surveillance contained the strictest judicial safeguards to insure the individual?s right of privacy. while giving law enforcement an effective weapon to use in the battle against sophisticated and wellwfinanced criminals. RonakiReaganJV3 Electronic surveillance often is the only way to break through to the higher echelons of organized crime. And I think it is about time the legislature ends the legal imbalance that favors the criminal's rights against the right of society to be protected against the lawbreaker. we have tried for three years to do this and we will keep on trying until we succeed. The tougher laws we managed to pass are not enough. We must do more. We must do more to protect the policemen Who risk their lives to protect us. I have asked the legislature to give priority attention this year to new laws that would: -5- ~viz-Make thegkilli?f a law enforcement off?r while on duty 'ifirst?degree murder. criminal who is armed in?lre commission of a crime and who uses that weapon to kill a policeman when apprehended is obviously acting with premeditation. He obviously carried the weapon to use it in just such an eventuality and that is plainly with premeditation and malice aforethought. --Make it a felony to specifically advocate killing or injuring law enforcement officers. ?-Increase the amount of reward a governor may offer for informa? tion leading to the arrest and conviction of persons killing or injurw ing police officers. We want to make the California Council on Criminal Justice more useful to local law enforcement. Local law enforcement agencies should have a greater voice in allocating the $70 million of federal anti?crime funds California will spend next year to strengthen police and correctional agencies and the court system. Our goal in public safety is to assure every citizen the right to a quick and efficient system of criminal justice. To be effective as a deterrent, punishment must be swiftly administered. Defendants in a criminal trial have a constitutional right to a speedy trial. In California, the law provides that trial must start within 60 days after arraignment. I suggest that the public also has a right to a speedy carrying out the result of that trial swiftly and without endless and calculated legal manuevering designed to delay and obstruct justice. We must examine court procedures to make certain we are doing all we can to make the constitutional promise of a speedy trial apply equally to the guilty defendant and to the society whose laws he has ?violated. RonaklReagan-774 The judiciary and the_organized bar must do their part with more effective enforcement of the ethics which govern the legal profession to see that lawyers and defendants who deliberately disrupt the court? room are disciplined. Those steps will help. But let no one pretend this is a lasting solution. We are the most powerful nation in the history of the world. We have more sophisticated technology, more knowledge and probably more laws than any other society in history. And still we have problems. Someone once said we have 30,000 laws to help us keep the Ten - Commandments. Many people wonder wgy. u: ?i believe we menace the answer to a declix?in the basic values upon which we founded this great country of ours. Some of our citizens have simply lost a sense of moral their a cause. You don't have to be a sociologist to know that there has been a massive breakdown of America's ethical standards. We are an affluent society to some and some of our citizens have deluded themselves that material prosperity and the pursuit of pleasure is an end in itself. The alienation between parents and children which many call the generation gap is a tragic of this moral decline. The pressures of urban rootlessness of modern these things contribute to what can only be described as a nation in which many citizens have simply lost their way. How many parents believe their duty to their children is fulfilled by providing shelter, food and a generous allowance? How many parents sow the seeds of juvenile alienation by seeming never to care how late their sons or daughters stay even if they return home at all? It is a favorite past?time of the "kick America" crowd to sneer at the Buritan denounce the moral code and the values which created this sense of national purpose which held us to? gether in times of great war and depression. Have we lost all this? In our zeal to fulfill personal seek personal satisfy material wants and everyone's desire to ?do his own thing," can we forget that it was to unify this country we fought the bloodiest civil war in man?s history? Can we forget our duty to honor our country and our own sense of morality? Better prisons, speedier court trials, more federal of these things alone will not solve our crime problems. And all the laws and law enforcement in the world won't heal the rift and discord among our people. Ronald Reagan-775 With all our wealth. we cannot afford to be divided by animosity. suspicion and hate. We will never recapture the sense of national purpose that created our every individual reaffirms a commitment to a personal moral code that holds each person accountable to his fellow man, to his community and to whatever religious code he lives by. Indeed, civilization cannot exist unless people voluntarily abide by rules that are actually unenforceable. -7, . ,in the long My Churchill stirred the hapes ofgthe world by proudll? eclaring his darkness_of the early Os, Sir Winston belief that ?when great causes are on the move in the world. we learn that we are spirits, not animals, and that something is going on in space and time. which. whether we like it or not. spells duty." America is not doomed to be consumed by disorder and decadence: our people are made of sterner stuff. The principles of honor. respect. obedience to law and yes-~of love for one's fellow mane?have not been swept away by the turbulence of our times. These ideals still provide the inherent strength and power of our nation and our people. They need only to be reawakened to provide the moral force and direction our country so deeperately needs. (NOTE: Since Governor Reagan speaks from notes. there may be changes in, or additions to the above text. However. the Governor will stand by the above quotes.) RonaklReagan-776 OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 .. am? 1952.1:nmo? GSA FPMR (41 CPR) 1o1-11.c UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 'Memomndum RUE AUT SPLAT I - El: I . AUTHURITY FESH: FBI EHTQEETEE @3133 u? EQDE . "1 agnaamgaua TO Director, FBI DATE: 5/10/71 FROM ?gat, Bern (52?149) (RUC) JR . i SUBJECT: I I i136 THREAT AGAINST RONALD REAGAN, b7c GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA FPC l??ng?jjf?afg ReBulet 3/12/71 . Information in San Dieqo LHM 7/8/70 was disseminated to] Jcby letter dated 3/29/71. 33 Information furnished by the. 5/7/71 - has been made the subject of an LHM, dated ove, 5 a" copies of which are enclosed. 5 his impression of was that he was a _loud?mouthed show-ii He did not consider thatl:lwas serious in his threat against Governor . b1 5?s {3 For informat'o 0% . ?tv armureau enc S) (id'u b5? 2137? (l Sacramento) 451;, (l Foreign Liaison) :f 955 Legat, London (1 encl) - 31m}. Sim JEWW ?ag/f L?a :1 (6) ML, i 1971 Ronald Reagan-777 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OFINVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 In Reply, Please Refer to menu May 10, 1971 a- passport No. Iissued March 9, 1960 State?Chancellery of Geneva, WitZerland. . - . W- Since he reported this as hav1n been lost, probably 1n.EIance4? he was issued new passport August 15, 1969. On August 18, 1966 he announced that he was leaving for the United States, from which he reported his return on August 30, 1970, and on December 4, 1970 he announced his departure for .MMWK I . to be a somewhat incoherent young man, foul mouthed and undisciplined (a record of 18 offenses of disturbance of the peace, disturbance of the peace at night, and failure_to obey traffic rules). b6 3 b7C described as follows: Date or birth?, . ?Marital Status 1ng Occupation Student Citizenship Swiss Travel document Swiss passport issued 8/15/69. Residence I (with his parents) Present whereabouts Unknowng?31f1_ .. mam ALL IW-W ?rm imcm'ssn?b? 3?3; qt. BYSS 9 2D A Ronald Reagan-778 - This document conitzins neither recommendations no: oi the EBE. is the property of the FBI and i3 to your agency: it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency." 0- 62 (Rev. Yin) i I #3 Transmit the message that follows by codegiteletype NITEL (Field only) 1. I TO: THE PRESIDENT DISSEMINATION EITHE VICE PRESIDENT 1, QATT. Cl 1 HOUSE SITUATION ROOM (5) if} his; EISECRETARY OF STATE j? I i: . EDIREC TOR, CIA A 35% DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY {In SAND NATIONAL INDICATIONS CENTER an; I 33 a; DDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY \3 EJDEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 3; INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE a; . F=tl S. SECRET SERVICE (PID) ?2?34k0; DATTORNEY GENERAL (BY MESSENGER) a? 3 15$ng 7%?130 NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, ATT: SENIOR OPERATION OFFICER i :53 From: DIRECTOR, FBI Classification: Subject: See. Tolson Sullivan Mohr Bishop . Brennan, on. (Text of message begins on next page. a ahan 832m, 1-: mac 7 1971 Conrad Dalbey Felt Gale Ronald Reagan-779 Rosen .11 ?l?avol ?08 Approved 13,! 90 mum Per Tele. Room Holmes Gandv defmnhue tech'1th ?53ij OEOR 1191?? hm? . - hl'. $7?va 191?} "r i ?:1?er ,1 -- ?w O. 1-Bur. l'r; . 1 :33. . - I?d 31b; ?hurl . l'ull?. I ??319 B13124: INTELLIGENCER RWLSEON 3'59?, .9. . m. 25?! 5-5591 7 mp?b was I THREAT TO KILL GOVERNOR RONALD REAOON OF THREAT THE PRESIDENT. - .K b6 b7C 1137B FURNISHED THE TO THE SEATTLE FBI OFFICE DECEMBER SIX . b7D ?.Hbl . . AT 51x TNENTYSEVEN THIS DATE RECEIVED A CALL FROM AN UNIDEMTEFIED MALE WHO SAID HE WAS AN CITIZEN AND HAD JUST ARRIVED IN DECEMBER EEVE LAST TRON CALIFORNIA.: HE SAID HE WAS A MEMBER OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP WHO 5. REENOEO TO KILL RONALD AT A MEETING IN SACRAMENTO CITY HALL 4O TUESDAY, DECEMBER SEVEN NEXTE AT TNELVE NOON. -HE STATED QUOTE tum??9? '318 IS NO: A IE PRECAUTIONS NERE Ronald' . Reaga 80 1' 133%? tg?iguzfm?g THIS ocCuRg HUNG UP AND CALLED BACK NztuIN MINUTES To REPEAT THIS NAs NOT A CRANK CALL QUOTE IT NILL AND I Do NOT NANI TO SEE HIN THIS INFORMATION NAs FURNISHED IELERRCNICALLY TO.WAYNE i A SEATTLE, BY SA R. BERT CARTER AT NINE THIRTYFIVE Done THIS DATE AND TO IRE SACRAMENTO EDI OFFICE FOR REFERRAL TO THE SECURITY OFFICE IN SACRAMENTO.- Rohald Reagan47'81 I w,d 7.133 . #34 FEDERAL BUREAU a; in}, ?57201; 12-7-71 new 19?? PRIORITY I To: U. s. SECRET SERVICE (P10) 601 FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI [910$ SCREAM . f?zmMA F1 ED 315:3 MEEglga??w?imww .. 'l 3 UNKNOWN THREAT TO KILL GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN OF CALIFORNIA. THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT. FURNISHED THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TELEPHONICALLY TO THE SEATTLE FBI OFFICE DECEMBER SIX LAST. AT SIX TWENTYSEVEN A.M., PST, THIS DATE, RECEIVED A CALL FROM AN UNIDENTIDIED MALE wuo SAID HE WAS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN AND HAD JUST ARRIVED IN CANADA DECEMBER FIVE LAST FROM CALIFORNIA. HE SAID HE WAS A MEMBER OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP WHO INTENDED TO KILL RONALD REAGAN AT A MEETING IN SACRAMENTO CITY HALL ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER SEVEN NEXT, AT TWELVE NOON. HE STATED QUOTE THIS IS NOT A CRANK CALL UNQUOTE AND IF THE PROPER PRECAUTIONS WERE NOT TAKEN, THIS MISHAP END PAGE ONE Ronald Reagan-782 PAGE TWO (UNCLASSIFIED) HOULO OCCUR. HE HUNC UP AND CALLED BACK NITHIN MINUTES TO REPEAT THIS HAS NOT A CRANK CALL QUOTE IT HILL HAFFEN AND I DO NOT WANT To SEE HIM DIE. UNOUOTE. THIS INFORMATION wAs FURNISHED TELEPHONICALLY TO WAYNE MELCH, SECRET SERVICE, SEATTLE, BY SPECIAL AGENT R. BERT CARTER AT NINE THIRTYFIVE A.M. THIS DATE AND TO THE SACRAMENTO FBI OFFICE FOR REFERRAL TO THE SECURITY OFFICE IN SACRAMENTO. BI ZEV Ronald Reagan-783 ornoml mm NO we 5010?106 MAY 19.11 tomoN 310.140. 27 - 'lolson a UNIIED STA r15 . {Tin . hr j?L/ a ?Mimi; shaman am My.? .1 Casper TO MR. TOIS ON mama, 1 1/22/71 13,3, .. $211231; CON Ponder Bales Tavcl Walters Soyms 'I?clc. Room Holmes Li} ?311.33 0 mos . J. 13.11101118111an manure/n, 406,193 .. SUBJECT: 1987 ARMORED CAR Candy??e?? Edward V. Hickey, Director of Security for Governor." Ronald Eeagan, came by to see me the other day accompanied by Mr. Michael K. Deaver, Assistant to the Governor and Director of Achninistra~ tion, for the purpose of discussing the possible acquisition of one of the . Bureau's armored cars. Mr. Hickey, of course, is aware of the fact that i we do have an armored vehicle in the Los Angeles Office and that we dispose 1' i of one each year since the Director made available his a1 mored car in Los Angeles to Governor Reagan when he was visiting that area and proceeding into a ghetto area. Mr. Hickey stated he was most concerned with the protection and safety of Governor Reagan and he, Hickey, is most anxious to secure an armored vehicle for the purpose of protecting the Governor. He pointed out a that the Governor expects to be in office for three more years and does not intend to run for reelection and under the circumstances, it would be highly timpossible to secure a new Cadillac armored for the protection of the Governor Mr. Hickey was informed that this matter would be presented to the Director for his consideration and for the purpose of determining whethei it would be possible to sell or give an armored car to the State of California for the use of Governor Reagan. The question of whether we can give or sell an armored vehicle to the State of California has been researched in conjunction with the Office of Legal Counsel. Under GSA Federal Prope1ty Management regulations, i the car could be given to the State of California by following the prescribed i regulations, i. e. (1) declare the vehicle surplus to the Department proper; 3 (2) request the Department to ask the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to permit the vehicle to be given to the State of California. The GSA Federal Preperty Management regulations further require that used vehicles be disposed of only by sale, such as in this instance where imre are replacing the vehicle with a new 21111 .5 g; 2 "'th . at .DW (5) 1 M'r. Callahan DEC 1 .111 1-M?r Dalbey .. CONTINUED OVER .. 3/;0 1-111. Dunphy 1 Ronald Reagan-784 s35 An examination of the statutes of the State of California, Section 2501, reflects that the Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol has 1" the power to issue licenses for the private opei ation of a1 11101 ed cars; thus it is legally possible for an armored car to be privately owned and Operated 3 in the State of California. In view of this, there could be competitive bidding on an armored car that might be offered for sale in that state and, of course, the State of California could be one of the qualified. bidders. The sale of the present 1967 Cadillac could be made with the 3" proviso that it is subject to bidding by qualified bidders only and the further 33 proviso that the Bureau retain authority to supervise the dearmoring of the ?vehicle before subsequent sale by the successful purchaseru :a We have the 1967 armored car available in Los Angeles which we will be disposing of shortly. This car has approximately 30,000 miles on i he speedometer and Mr. Hickey understands that in Spite of the low mileage I, on the speedometer, the mileage on the motor is considerable. Mr. Hickey - stated that any arrangement that we could make to make the car available for the Governor would be agreeable he was certain with the Governor and II with his own office. If the Director is agreeable, it will notify SAC Williams of the Sacramento Office, who maintains contact with Mr, Hickey, that the Director will make the 1967 armored car available through the regular procedure of securing bids for such vehicle, Normally we sell the dearmored vehicles to 3 the highest bidder and we would do the same with the armored vehicle, There is very little likelihood that anyone else would bid on the car since there are only a limited number of firms in California who could qualify to own an garmored vehicle. If for some reason the Governor's office was not the high ?bidder and the high bidder was somebody unacceptable to us, we of course - ,?could withdraw the vehicle from the bidding process and dispose of it after bit has been dearmored. RE COMM EN DATION It is recommended that through SAC Williams of the Sacramento Office, arrangements be made for the sale of the 1967 armored vehicle to 15' the State of California for the use of Governor ReaganIra; . f. I '1 ?muff; ?t I b1.f?v ?r ?it{In/x? . . 1 Ronald Reagan- -785 - a. If" I, .. - . n. A. . .- 1" :1 "?Ey??y . Coiter ;g . mim?Niff . W. Preusse- papard ll 33:? l?l?ml?l To* ?A?a Law Angalea g?nglowuwmyu I) ?mw Y??k Mm?lmmarw 1) ?an ?iagm (E?tlamura 1) I temm? simmr; mm Mg ..352E?al?$?d ?an off?m 13~a aw?? of a 1ett?r*frma th? ?tk?rn?y ?m?urity ?iviaiwn. aa?a? which 13 ?ngii? A raview 9f Earw?u inaiaam imilm ta.in?1mate any raferanca to any ?f tha individuala mentianmd in enclaaure. It 1% natad,lh?waver. ?hat??hm raferrwd to, way ha i?entigal ta-anal wan r?hhad the Elma: Hatinnal Bank mi magi za?ip; wag imdictad 2/17/?n, in the Ema?axn?nimtriet of New Vbrk, on a bank and mwn?mnaea ?m~ten yeara in priaum on 59/ 3?5, ?1 a j: In viaw~of the ?oataut??mf en?iasura. Haw 13x ragawa?e? ?o-camtmat tha Imam; affiaa a? tha Aleobal. - Tabaacm mn? F?r$arma Eivisian all partinant data . a naacarning thia?mattar and any?adaitaamal inf?rmatian that i . thaw may have ?ewalag??. ?awv?mrm_mhmu?? tha yr EEK 1w a?wima?-?f inimrmat?an ehtained 11? ?y and-?ba% i?a?a pr?myt?y ?n?ni$ha? Bureau. x} . 81. 1 . ne?a? aha a?vi?wd tag ATEB-un?arcavar?ngwn? tha?jha.waa anvalve? in,a ?lat with mwmharw;?f ?aw ?zu?wnkg ?axaa mammarmtia ancimty (ave) na? $31? in ?yaamita aha gall during tha $1 WNPm?rk affairs - . MILED ..4 ,IrRose]: Mohr Bishnp .i - - I . mnmnas. . avg-*? -3;:me I 5: f-?fiW warms? . 3:43:11Cleveland'M rs??J4. FF LFF FF 1; FF: EFF ?ah??m?l?g California It ?agar CFliForFiF, but FF FEB 1n FFlifFrFiFF.11 FFIRF FE city F111 FF FE FF FEFF FF CF F11 FF in hea?iag??f FF this . .F?Ron?klReagan?787'? ?i xx, 5 113gth J) wngnuLL i? .51. onx3_ LL23 mhmummc mo MIH Mz ?Hm 200?qm qum a 2 LL. Hzoam aw .Eom OH 2 .uaL _zmom HELL: i a .. 4 II ii.) . _Lc Low: 2 LL: mmawchmo CH 1: max chmm>wmzH 24 30H13 CH hH waxw Dza 6CL. 1.1. L13 I-?i 8. bzg-ue?eaa1meuoa ?ll SNINEEONOQ SI GNV NOILVBI SEAN f1 i5 3NINEE NU) SVH VHVNO qiq VHVHO GSIVWOS DigNOILVELSNONEG SHINEEOMOO GELLIWEE Zq I SNIEB ON GNV QELORGNOO BNIEE ON i0 SHHG NI GELWHSEH HQIHM CHE SI asanos WVILUEQIANOD If -g 6 5 Ah- Ihb?b dw SquHl . vvaO .1 - 'o-H?r 6 1 Ul Gmlkiwnn?S NO [x 3 L13 lv?" 71v aw d1.L'- LL. 0-62 (Rev. 3-28-7 2) nus}? AFS DIMMEDIATE RCENT Transmit the message that follows by coded teletype: E3 NITEL To: DTHE PRESIDENT FIELD DISSEMINATION VICE PRESIDENT . ?g DATT. . [j 05/? DWHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM . DSECRETARY OF STATE CEDIRECTOR, CIA f" CIDIRECTOR, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY AND NATIONAL INDICATIONS CENTER LIJDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CIDEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE . S. SECRET SERVICE (PID) GENERAL (BY MESSENGER) [3 NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, ATT: SENIOR OPERATION OFFICER do?? .- A From: DIRECTOR, FBI jl??ClaSSI?catlon. UN 6. 1? ?t .73 fit); )2 my! VIA ?my mg" Subject: Ed} Tolson 'f 1 ,f Felt If}: '7 .1 0 Campbell (Text of r??ggsage begins on next page.) UNRECORDED COPY MERE-I Mohr Bishop lliller,E.S. HA. 0 {f l"allahan 4; nasper 16?! 1 7 .. I 4 onrad albey .- . I.) Frif/ eveland .2 L. w: mder Approved Ronald Reagan-825 ?es kart lers .. mama: .. .JI. fr- :ri4.. NC44?? fun?L?41L: ;.Lll .. (?vw?ggmz?w?tb LAs-r? a) DATE all 44? BY 55? aramjgg 4/05/194.31.? a I?ul?ritux-M. Wan-vhf ?7,3,1 .7 ?q r? . urJ2-. rm! (?45.111 .5351,? 3 ?401 i i 4 ?a n?r? 1? . 'Hra?vmJEN-1 llmli?w H. a, 3?4. x? 1 . . . f-"Mm} Us; MULHJ??mlg ."Ii?m Lk? 1.4L. .Lua- {Jinn 3.1 . 3' ,aH-ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED I, U, IS INCLASSIFXED I, Ronald Reagan-826 fir 2?1.. .g?IN-t? . . I, I . ?nlfu . . . [maxi: . ltJU?wxc-?vuw Fling: I 1? . (. ?-615, 1.11": -. m- \g ring.H.- ?Mai1.111"? w?'lctr r695 in3.1"if 83-1 r: r! i . 1 (any. 9 1? H'W?nx- ..- .- -1 {CELL-Hirqu-hgp ?urn?w malp"AhaMum! JJ 11.! L?u 1.11.41: 11.1.1i'w. 7" 1 It. .13. {axll?zi?d ?15.145 1 1.1.17?"1 7? ?1 ~11. I a. in: ,rriRona . .. I if? ?33.21: :?3i 151? 99E 1-21 . 5, MC DOHALD ADVISED HE NEVER IRELEDED E0 HARM GOVEREQR r.;hE HEB WADE 0 EEI T3 AED 1 EHPPEKGE EEAPOE. MC DONALD SAID HE HAS NEVEP OWNED-A GUN -H HAD NEVER 10 E. a MC WIFE, EHO HAD Ovrf?EhEE CIJVE.EATIOW THE FOEE.G E073 TEE FOLLOWING IS A GE SC EOE HEY WHITE HALE, 5 "n r? ~r r: vvw?? 136 EIA my} WYD E. b7c POUND S, HAIR BROWN, EYES HEOWN, SEAN THREE SEVEE Ew?h TUO ZE EEO DASH FIVE CHE ZERO FIVF., BUFFALO IEDICEJ HESATIVE. LEE. SECRET MWE. AHD 32::ch 35' ed f, glen .143 infofma In .thH 1,51, a 1? lease 30? 006% K..- . 1/ . I- r/ .. Ronald Reagan-828 4 Ik, . . i COMMUNICATIONS SECTION MAY 2 01972 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . HHSOI BU PLAIH - 4:42 PH CHOSHT 5-2C-72 CIT TO HCTIHC OIHSCTOH SACHAHSHTO HOH BUFFALO (ITS-HSH) PAGES DONALD DAOIEL MC GOVERNOR RONALD HECAU - VICTIM AGAINST GOVEEHHEOT OFFICIAL WAY NIHETEEH LAST . 77%] EARLY AM, IESTAHTJDATE, INDIVIDUAL ARRESTED LJ POLICE FROM RESIOEOCE REQUESTING HELP FOR MT. Wai Mr. Walters Mr. T9123. Room .1 HANS Gandg?m ALCOHOLIC COMDITION AND THREATEOEO TO SHOOT GOVERNOR RECAM. WC YOPK STATE LICENSE REVOKED BECAUSE OF PRIOR FELONY CONVICTION IN CALIFORNIA, ALIS GOVERNOR ME HAS NOT YET GIVEN MC DONALD EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY. as HP P, H.Y. PD TO HC DONALD CAHO, STPOHO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, j??kg HAS REFUSED AOHITTAHCE OH VOLUI ITARY COMMITNTOT DUE 6 5 I A TO OVERCPOODED CONDITIONS. MC DONALD THEN ARRESTE BY ROCHESTER PD FOR PUBLIC IHTOH CATIOH AND RELEASED OH TEH DOLLAR SAIL. S57n41;.343/1?, {Mm-1- TI U: . 77:: .-.. 55 315514485212) Ronald i Reagan-829 3U 175-M3w PAGE Two MC DONALD ADD WIFE INTERVIEWED INSTANT DATE BY MC DONALD ADVISED HE IS AN ALCOHOLIC. EOUP VEARS AGO HE WAS CONVICTED OF VIOLATION SECTIOD FIVE ZERO ODE OF CALIFORNIA PRISOHS. IN NINETEEN SI XTYEIGP HE MOVE TO ROCHESTER, N.Y. AND RECEIVED A LICENSE FAILING TO REPORT PREVIOUS FELODY CONVICTION. NC DONALD RECENTLY LOST NEW YORK LICENSE BECAUSE STATE DCARD BECAME OF FELONY COFJVICTIOC. OE EVEEIDE OF MAY LAST, HE BECAME INTOXICATED, NED POLICE FP OM HOME, SE EV INC PPOFESSIOTAAL MEDICAL HELP. 1 [1 VED HE JOULD GET QUICKEST ATTENTION BY MAKING THREAT .2) .14 TO SHOOT GOVERNOR REGAN. MC DONALD ADVISED HARD OE STRONG HOPITAL WAS OVERCROWDED AND WOULD DOT ALLOW HIS VOLUNTARY COMMITMENT. ROCHESTER POLICE THED AP REST ED HIM FOR PUBLIC INTOXICATION. EDD PAGE TEO Ronald Reagan-830 MC DONALD ADVISED HE INTENDED TO HARM GOVERNOR REGAN AND HAD MADE NO OVERT STEPS TO FLY TO CALIFORNIA AND PURCHASE WEAPON. MC DONALD SAID HE HAS NEVER OWNED A GUN AND HAD DEVER INTENDED TO PURCHASE ODE. WC DOD DIFE, WHO HAD OVERHEARD TELEPHONE CODVERSATIOD VEPIFIED FOREGOING. BOTH INDIVIDUALS APPEARED SIDCERELY REGRETFUL ADD COOPERATIVE. THE FOLLODIDG IS A DESCRIPTION OF MC DONALD: DOB JANUARY FIFTEED, BIMETEEN TWENTYEIGHT, DETROIT, MICHI WHITE MALE, RESIDENCE TWO EIGHT SIX DUTGEPS STREET, STE.., NEW YORK. WEIGHT FIVE FT., MINE INCHES, ODE SIXTY POUNDS, HAIR BROWN, EYES BROWN, SEAN THREE SEVEN QII TWO ZERO DASH FIVE ODE ZERO FIVE. BUFFALO INDICES BUFFALO ADVISED. SACR bx ME TO ADVISE OF FIC H3 GOVERNOR SECRET LHM TO P. Ronald Reagan-831 FOR TWO TELS FBI WA DC . Toison . Felt.-. . . FEDE Mr. :fX Com/ii BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Mr. Mohr?. UNICATIONS SECTION if? 1:83323192 E: 32:13:?? Mr. Comad TELEWPE .3 Miss Gandy A . CHAEFG DONALD ?1 . .5 i u: c: 385895-3ng - \ll?m inn-1? EW ., m. . EIELE CHEEGEE TO EAEE ALIAS Es OF SUBJECT. EE EITEL TO EAE LAST. EOE 0F VERIFIED AS DUEELD EYEOE ECEOEELE. ff 5 i? (7 IEDICES EEGEEIVE EE EOEELE EYEOE TTNRECORDED WEE FILED A :94 END ?"31 EMSH DC CLR 1 jg ?nnmomrm?m?? CDNTAIM allSl?b.- #553 am% am; 1 7 6?2} 5132 1972 Ronald f, Reagan-832 FED-36 (Rev. 5-22-64) Transmit the following in v, FBI Date: Ir. Felt Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Callahan Campbell Casper Cleveland Conrad Dalbey 5/24/72 AIRTEL TO: (Type in p?laintext or code} AIRMAIL - REGISTERED (Priority) ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI I (@2014: SAC, SACRAMENTO DONALD BYRON aka Donald Daniel McDonald, Daniel McDonald, GOVERNOR - VICTIM, 5/19/72 00: BU ReBUtel to Acting Director, 5/20/72. On 5/20/72, SA DONALD v. BOLAN telephonicallyr?! advised Mr. LYNN DUGAN, Secret Service, Sacramento, and i Mr. ED HICKEY, Security Chief for Governor REAGAN, that captioned individual had threatened to shoot Governor REAGAN, as set forth in retel. UAC 2 On 5/24/72, SA JULIUS G. PETERSON advised Security Officer M. O. TOWNSEND, Security Office of Governor REAGAN, and SA MAX PHILLIPS, Secret Service, of the correct full name of subject, namely DONALD Bureau (RM) 2 - Buffalo (175- 55) (RM) - Sacramento 5 H?i am. ween?! Aim. if? Ronald No further action is being taken by Sacramento, qum ?lkf? W3 Sent 1 Agent 1n Charge Mr. Mr. W. Miller. ELS- Ponder Soyars Mr. Waikart Mr. Walters Tele. Room-:5 Mr. Kinley Mr. MS. Herwig Mrs. Neenan i 3.: Vi/ '33; ?6?14? .. \l x? UNREC CSPY uni?M 7 MAY 26 1972 Per 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1971? ?4l3? ?l35 11' a Mant Mr. Mohr Mr. Ros - 0 11.1111 1 Mr. Bish Mr. Callahan I Mr. Campbell I Mr. Casper Mr. Cleveland a Mr. Conrad . Mr. Dalbey .130 -, I 1.) 1.13 DC I Mr. Marshall 1. . . -1 Mr. Miller, 33. 1 DIQECTORU FSI Manmm . Mr. Soyars 9 ?1 ENTO 2? Mr. Walters Tele. Room 1, 1 1 Mr. Kinley 1. ff, 1/.12] U) . Ms. Herwig THREAT AGAINST CALIFORNIA 9 th?m;1_ GOVERNOR PONALP 151313, CALIFORNIA, JUNE TuanIstx NINETEEN SEVENTYTUO. {i I 1 1 1 THREAT AGAIPST PUBLIC OFFICIAL. 00: SC. AT THPEE THIRTY P.H. 9 JUNE TWENTY-SIX INSTANT IORANGEVALE, CALIFORNIA ADVISED WAS IN DEPARTMENT STORE, SACRAMENTO EARLIER TODAY AND TWO WHITE MALES DISCUSSING OBTAINING RIFLE IN CONNECTION WITH GOVERNOR REAGAN AHD QUOTE GET HIM ON x] 0 Cl?. FOLSOM BLVD WHEN HE LEFT HIS HOUSE END QUOTE. ALSO MENTIONED CONTRACT FOR THE JOB HAD BEEN OBTAINED. UNSUBS DESCRIBED AS HELL-DRESSED. ONE HAS QUOTE MAFIA TYPE UNQUOTE, YEARS, SHORT, HEAVY BUILD WHO DROVE NEU CADILLAC SEDAN UITHOUT PLATES. OTHER UNSUB ALSO MID-FORTIES, WHITE &yD TIE WHO MAY HAVE SEEN SALESMAN IN SHOPPING CENTER UHERE UEINSTC LOCATED. END PAGE JUL 61,1972 111 ?f I 131.5111, 1111111111111, 11,1, 1? 1 ?n?aa - :11 41:15 1'75 Ronald Reagan-834 1 1 1:11 STATED UNSUBS APPEARED TO BE RESPONSIBLE PROFESSIONAL . T0 PERSONS WHO MEI FOR ABOUT FIFTEEN MINUTES AND APPEAREDAHAUE NO INTEREST IN SHOPPINI. POLLONTNS PEESONS ADVISED OF ABOVE BY SA NILLIAN A. VISHINAN: ED HICKEY, SECURITY SECTION, OFFICE OF GOVERNOR NEAOAN AT POOP TEN P.N. AND CAPT. JERRY FINNEY, DE ECTIVE SACSANENTO Sic PD AI FOUR TNENIY TNO P.N. THOSE ADVISED BY SC GERALD NAYNE CANNEDY NESE LT. FRANCIS NALLACE, SACRAMENTO SO AT FOUR FIFTEEN P.N. AND SAC DONG DUNCAN, V.S. SECRET SERVICE, SACRAMENTO AT FOUR THIRTY-INC P.N.N ALLON JUNE TNENIY-SIX. ADNINISTDATIVE BY ED HICKEY IO APPEAR AT OFFICE OF GOVERNOR NEASAN AT FIVE TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE ACTION TO BE TAKEN IN THIS MATTER. OFFICE AND SACRAMENTO PD SHARE JURISDICTIONAL INTEREST. INN POLLONS. END. HOLD Ronald Reagan-835 OPTIONAL Pom NO. 10 5010?106 MAY 1962 GSA GEN. no. no. 27 Felt UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 32:74 Memorandum i Conrad Dalbe To 2 MR. FELT DATE: September 12, 1972 JenkEXEl - Mars a Miner, Jr? FROM 3 So are . Waiters ??fi?f Tele. Room Mr. Kinley SUBJ WITH GOVERNOR Ex": . RONALD EAGAN, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA . Mrs-Neenan s, SACRAMENTO IN SPE CTION 9 ., On 9/7/72, during inSpectim of the Sacramento Office, a courtesy visit was paid on Governor Reagan by Inspectors Nick F. Stames and Marlin H. Moore. Also present were Sacramento SAC John M. Reed and ASAC Theodore Rosack. Governor Reagan expressed his profound appreciation to the Bureau for the assistance and cooperation rendered his office in connection with the recent Republican National Convention held in Miami, Florida. The Governor wished to be remembered to Acting Director Gray for the above and recalled their first meeting in connection with a Health, Education and Welfare study at which time Mr. Gray was with that Department. Governor Reagan was informed that his remarks would be brought to Mr Gray's attention' 91:11 "99 ?'97 . in? RECOMMENDATION: i-as a9 magma 315 357:? 03m 05 None . . . . informative. #93 1 - Mr. Bishop 1 - Mrs. Neenan (4) f9 9?97 .58 SEP 2 219?? Ronald Reagan-836 Iii?ii I . I - I Cgv?J?l?i? M. .7 ?waofand j? . Mi, @7ng; g? .. {Lay I JL-LAUAQEE: NR A PLAIN . 95 PM NITEL 7-19-72 DJW . N3 mw1;?% TO ACTING DIRECTOR SAN FRANCISCO lly?bm LOS ANGELES (ISA-NED) AP ?3 . UNSUB, AKA 2r CAA DASH AIR PIRACY DASH FALSE REPORT. I Austen, ANSSALWW *1 40$ [93 (3 RE LOS ANGELES TELCALL TO SAN FRANCISCO TODAY. E5 /3EE7qggj?, TODAY, CAPTAIN NORMAN NILLIAMS CALIFORNIA NEN COLONY, . A ?Oir 5? Lg?? EAST FACILITY, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA, ADVISED LETTERJUU FROM IDATED 1 I I CALIFORNIA, INTERCEPTED. LETTE SURPRISED IF YOO TURN ON YOUR THAT SHE HAS HIJACKED A NESTERN AND IE TREY DON RELEASE ALL DLON UP THE HOUSE AND RON END PAGE ONE 5 6 ADD 74 1972 NTEEN LAST, ADDRESSED TO )i?i IN PART STATES, RE UBE (SP) TUBE AND FIND OUT NE AIRLINES JET T0 SAN FRANCISCO LACK BROTHERS THAT SHE WILL (D ALD REAGAN.S LETTER Ronald Reagari-837 Two SIGNEOI TO FL DESCRIBED MALE NE RREDKTO APPEARS IRTHER IDENTIFIED. RBI NUMBER SERVING FIVE YEARS TO.LIEE FOR.I ANOELEC DEGREE ROBBERY, LOS .E LOS ANOELES. CAPTAIN NILLIAMS ADVISED TI CELL ON N0 LETTERS OBSERVED IN :smm PALO ALTO, THAT DUE TO SENSITIVE OF REQUESTED INTERVIEWED T0 NOT BE UTILITY RECORDS, OCCUPIED RES SINCE . EMPLOYED CUSTOMER SERL POLICE OER: ANGELES. REGARDING END PAGE TWO COMMUNICATIONS, I I . DAY.. CALIFORNIA, IOENCE AT ULY, NINETEEN EEVENTY ONE. ICE REPRESENTARIVE, LOs RTMENT NEGATIVE Ronald Reagan-838 LA TEA-NEN 7 THREE RECORDS, FEMALE, BORN LOS ANGELES, EMPLOYED SINCE JULY NINETEEN SIXTY ASEVEN, As DESCRIBED AS EXCELLENT- I EMPLOYEE WHO IS PRESENTLY-ON EMPLOYEF Los ANGELES, SINCE NAY FIVE, NINETEFN SIXTY SIX. BY To NITH BLACK PANTHER NEVER CAUSED ANY PFOBLEMS AT WORK, BUT ATTITUDE TOWARDS MILITANT BLACK MOVEMENTF KNOWN T0 FOR SOMETINE, LOS ANGELES, ADVISED COMPLETE DETAILS THIS MATTER. ADVISED WILL TAKE APPROPRIATE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. TOM CANADY, FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION, SGT. VERNON Nc CLELLAND, LAPD, . AND GEORGE DORIAN, AIRPORT SECURITY, LAX, ALSO ADVISED THIS SPECIAL AGENT AL JOAQUIN, SECRET SERVICE, L05. ANGELES, ALSO ADVISED. CAPTIAN WILLIAMS ADVISED APPROPRIATE CALIFORNIA REGARDING THREAT GOVERNOR REAGAN. END PAGE THREE RonaklR?agan-839 LA PAGE LOS ANGELES BASED.UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION REGARDING . 0N SUBJECT A SAN FRANCISCO AT ALTONTCALIFORNIA, NILL ATTEMPT b7c TO IDENTIFY. L08 ANGELES NILL CONTINUE TTEMPTS AND AND NILL Los ANGELESA- NILL INTERVIEW AND PRESENT TO - .Rp?naldReagan-S?tb :11" ml RONALD REAGAN GOVERNOR ?tia mug??- A?rswf?gm ?nite 11f Gia?fnrnia AM :55; -.5 'aiir' SACRAMENTO 958 4 9;,9 rim CCNTAHEO JJS L: Shekel?!) 1 August 30, 1972 ??owed Mr. Daisey MLIenkins Miummas_m Mr. L. Patrick Gray, Wham Acting Director U. S. Department of Justice ry?fem Federal Bureau of Investigation r?lmgr l_,g Washington, D. C. 20535 Ms.Herwig Dear Pat: Mm.Neencm .Upon our safe arrival back in California, I must take this opportunity to express my heartfelt =v thanks to all of the men and personnel of the Miami FBI Office. As you are well aware, there 'were trying times at the convention and without the close liaison and complete cooperation and courtesy of your personnel, our mission would not have been nearly as successful. It is hard to point out any few individuals; how- ever, Mr. Kenneth W. Whittaker, Special Agent in ,r 1,4 Charge, Supervisor Howard R. Albaugh, Supervisor Robert G. Strong, Supervisor Thomas H. Stoy, and Special Agent William P. Kelly afforded my staff outstanding c00peration in providing intelligence information that made our stay in Miami most enjoy? able. The above men are only named in the interest of brevity; however, all personnel present from the FBI at Miami contributed to this excellent per- a; formance and I am deeply grateful. Rea/M ?7 . Emma 57"? ram. ?\Qg . Sincere197% 119'? 7 7 w. WA "i1/ #1 3} [vi ?g a REAGAN ti a Governor Ronald Reagan-841 L5x September 18, 1972 [lgidgz? 1. Honorable Ronald Reagan The Governor of ?California ?sorsmento, California 95314 ?eet Ron: was typically thoughtful of you to write as you did regarding my colleagues in our Miami office. You may he sure they-?share my apex-ow elation for your kind remarks and that it is our pleasure to he of assistance to you end your With every good wish and warm regards, sinsersly, was ?51.33 FBI Au, solemnly HEREIN 15 DATE on 1 - Sacramento - Enclosure $947.98 85 1 Miami - Enclosure 405/?3 i Personal Attention SAC: Bring to the attention of SpeciaL?Agents Howard R. Albaugh, William 9. Kelly, Robert (Elia-"Strong, Thomas H. Stay and other appropriate pars nnol. I 59137File "of. SA Howard R. Albaugh -- Enclosure 1 - Personnel Eile of 8; William P. Kelly?? Enclosure 1 Personnel (Fit-le- of SA Robert G. ?Ekong ?nglosure - Personnel Fi?-Lg, 0f SA Thomas H. toil" nclolsure 3:11:81- 1 - Mr. M. ?quq ones?? Enclosure JJH:ped (9) a 130]) 83:32:11 NOTE: Letters of commendation to SAs and SAC being handled Comm: separately by Administrative Division. Dalbe JBHkilfS ., fa! - I Marshall - Walters '1 -5483 1972 Mr. Kinley Mr. Arms r1 1 Ms. Ronald Reagan-842 *9 Mrs. Neenan 1 MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT I I 0?73 (?Rev. 1-30-74) Transmit in $93 I i SSAGE Ilium Date 5/26 (74 via teletypihe attached ?Wmessage (plaintext or code) (precedence) FROM: TO: Classification: Director, FBI nan oIsermAnou SACS: The Pres1dent The Vice President Att.: White House Situation Room Att.: [3 Secretary of State [3 Director CIA Director, Defense Intelligence Agency LEGATS and National Indications Center Department of the Army Department of the Air Force (AFOSI) Naval Investigative Service U. S. Secret Service (PID) Attorney General I By messenger) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION COMMUNICATIONS SECTION LEAR I3 I 50?? Deputy Attorney General By messenger) JL 3 Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division and Internal Security Section and General Crimes Section Immigration 82 Naturalization Service National Security Agency (Att.: Federal Aviation AL. I. LV JII Linn. Ht I, 800)) CI Foreign Liaison Unlr I. Damage) I 5kg,? S'b samrm 3R (Classify if to other than ureau Office} 3 C9 Dop. AD Adm. SUBJECT 69me .95? am], anus.- Em. caerranaudao~ Comp. Sysl. qa?lm) MHICQ RHJISH Exi. Affairs (Text of message begins on next? page. Route through for review of Cleared telephonicaliy -.-WWI. a Filo: 8- Com. Inv. Ident. lnspocilon Info?. Laboratory Plan. a. EvaI. Spec. lnv. ?ff. ,4 I RonaklReagan-843 23:72:?! Km; Training WI MVWI It; I, meM TELETYPE UNIT ESEAES P. HICKEY, 43., DIRECISE 0E SECURITE ESE SEVEAESR RONALD SACRAEENEO, CALIFORNIA, ADVISED THE GOVERNOR 15 To SPEAK THE YOUNG PEESISEAES ORG ANIZATION, ACAPULCO, STATE OF GUERRERO, mExIco, GE APRIL 1, 1974. PLANS ESE GOVEEASE TD 1974v 1A ILLINOIS THEN DIRECTLY HE EILL 3924. AFTER SPEECH ON APR1L 1, 1974 HE RETURNS TO CALIFORNIA 0A APRIL 2. 1974. EorEs EEAI STATE OF GUERRERO HAS THE HISHESE MURDER AAE KIBNAP RATE IN MEXICO AMD SESIEES TO Know STATE OF AFFAIRS OR ANY UNREST IE AEAanco AREA. d?a?ddi LEGAI, MEXICO, OF REQUESTED w?a??aea. . LINFORMATIOH 2 . A 3 . 27"? MWEWWOE LWEATREEW 3 - 1013? A I.) 222.2 Ef?e-5025; .2 . 2. Ronald '1333 NR ?1 LA CODE 1 AM URGENT e-1~75 DJN v.0 ACTING DIRECTOR FROM LOS ANGELES (175TNEW12:15 AM, PDT, THIS DATE, ANGELES, TELEPHONICALLY ADVISED SA IRVIN B. WELLS, THAT AT 12:69 AM THIS DATE HE RECEIVED A CALL FROM PERSON WHO THREATENED TO RICHARD M. MALE NEGRO, MATURE, AND DRUNK, {m hrs? {20:31 331.1331 f. n-J A 43.. 1 I 1 i quaMg?mm?t' 591.; I ?13" {111? .1.- air 312111. 5135:. El L133 11:. 2F AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, 00: LOS ANGELES. . . 1v. . .m 11:11. Conrad . +5 m'm V1.1 Felt 1? Air. Ticket .9. 1.5112?. M: . T114333 Cleveiond -ww 1 I I 51:. Gama-13m .3- . . . Eenmns ML . . --. ., 31 :51! Ik?llIlGT. h.b. r" "11?W'mhl Z. Lil. "Lobe - l1 . 13:17:195 i? 0011' 5-111- In. 9:15 )g Harm-mun .W if ?3355:?? m& LII. Conny I"a 1.1m?; 111:. inks. ?m 15-m- ?mmrnut-szu1.: NEWS RADIO, ADVISED THAT THE CALLER 330 SOUNDED LIKE NAS GOING TO KILL GOVERNOR REAGAN ALL THE AM GOING TO KILL HE TOOK NOTES AND FEELS QUOTES ARE ACCURATE. PREGNANT UNSUB THEREAFTER NIXON WHEN HE GETS OVER MAIN STATION NUMBER 215?463*5151. END PAGE ONE 1 1 i . FAN-59 czar-"mg. PM . Am 6 15W 5&1: {wish WW i117? JUNEB .1333 I, A Ash: am WJMI W131- AN UNKNOWN NIXON AND A INITIALLY STATED THAT HE HE SHOULD PAY FOR TWICE STATED, STATED CALL WAS RECEIVE Ronald Reagan-845 s: . LA 175- NEW PAGE TWO AT 12:25 AM THIS DATE SA PHIL LAY, U.S. SECRET SERVICE, LOS ANGELES, WAS TELEPHOMICALLY ADVISED OF ABOVE BY SA WELLS. AT 12:35 AM THIS DATE SGT. ROBERT BYRD, SR. R0. 25, CALIFORNIA STATE POLICE (CSP), LOS ANGELES, was LIKEWISE ADVISED BY SA WELLS 0F DETAILS AS ABOVE. CSP HAS RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROTECTION OF GOVERNOR OR CALIFORNIA. END I I. JPS FBIHQ CLR Ronald Reagan-846 lag/W ?3 . 523%.? <7 ?r Jae: M- Aasoc. Dir. . Asst. Dita: . SEDERAL BUREAU OF, INVESTIGA Admin. 0 p. Syst. COMMUNECATIONS SECTION Affairs I 5-28-74 WGM Fil m. ldent. i 5:25 PM GENT 3-28-74 JFJ wi?wnmyif?i I tPlan. Ev?. TO DIRECTOR NR 58 28 {g Snag-31W- Tr 1mm; Legal Coun. FROM LEGAT MEXICO CITY (64?3214) 2 Directur Sec?y GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, VISIT TO STATE OF GUERRERO, MEXICO. IS - MEXICO. REMYCABLE MARCH 27, 1974. MEXICO CITY NEWSPAPERS THIS DATE CARRY A DETAILED ACCOUNT /46}?7 OF RIOTING OCCURRING IN ACAPULCO, GUERRERO, MARCH 27, 1974, BY A GROUP ESTIMATED BETWEEN THREE TO FIVE THOUSAND. RIOTERS CONSISTED MAINLY OF COLLEGE STUDENTS FROM UNIVERSITY OF GUERRERO PROTESTING RAISE IN BUS FAIRS AND ALLEGED POLITICAL REPRESSION OF STUDENTS. LOOTING OF SEVERAL DOWNTOWN ACAPULCO BUSINESSES OCCURRED BEFORE POLICE INTERVENED BREAKING UP RIOTING WITH GUNFIRE AND THE ARREST OF AN ESTIMATED TOO PERSONS. DURING RIOTING STUDENTS CHANTED SLOGANS IN SUPPORT OF MEXICAN GUERRILLA LEADER LUCIO CABANAS BARRIENTOS AS WELL CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY CHE GUEVARA. ?i 6 APR 19"! II APPEARS VISIT OF GOVERNOR REAGAN T0 ACAPULCO WILL TI 9? :jf ?Rs, Ronald Reagan-847 MEX 64-5214 PAGE TWO COINCIDE DURING PERIOD MARCH 31 APRIL 2, l974, WITH THAT 0F SECRETARY OF STATE HENRY KISSINGER WHO IS SCHEDULED TO BE IN ACAPULCO MARCH 5% - APRIL 8, 1974. BUREAU WILL BE ADVISED OF ANY FURTHER INFORMATION 0F POSSIBLE INTEREST CONCERNING EITHER THE REAGAN 0R KISSINGER VISITS T0 MEXICO. END Ronald Reagan-848 0.33 (Rev. 1?5074) Transmit in 7* Tie the attached message. (plaintext or code) (precedence mete-?ii? . I99 3 f9 75mg TO: a The president Imam? ew?i?a The Vice Pre'si - [j AttI-z White House Situation Room Atty: Secretary of State .1 13 Director, CIA Director, Defense Intelligence Agency LEGATS and National Indications Center Departmeiitcf?tiie Army Department ofthe Air Force (AFOSI) Naval Investigative Service U. S. Secret Service (PID) Attorney General By messenger) :1 Deputy Attorney General Ci By messenger) Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division and Internal Security Section and General Crimes Section 'l 7 Immigration 82 Naturalization Service National Security Agency 300)) [j DFederal?Aviation Administration ii. NMNNEU HEREIN is thin. . 01-1ng i ?521% a? Assoc. Dir. ClaSSi?cation- (Classify if reau Foreign Liaison Unit was/ Dap. AD Adm. ERoute through for review 0. . AD Inv. age: Cleared telephonically Ass: Din: SUBJECT: 7 Admin. Comp. Sysf. 7- . 53:32:; ii . 1 .r 1- Gen- inv? IEDERAL BUREAU OF- message begins on next page .- COMMUNICATIONS SECTION flute?. V: I: Ln'borufo: ?ll-AR 29 18 i4 I 1 Plan. 8- Va - . - 35.31? 2C\i Ronald Reagan?849 Training 1;Jl:} ?4 Legal Coun. L- i It Telephone Rm. Dueshc'vEPP TELETYPE ?Lu-m . a. .ece- 1, 8 ssi?satian $332,115 7 RDUALD EIATE VISIT To STATE - OF GUERRERD, UEXICDGIT, p, DUNE MEXICO CITY REUSPAPERS THIS DATE CARRY A DETAILED Account mouse OCCURRIRS. 1N ACARULCD, RUERRERD, MARCH 27, ?74,8? A ERDUR ESTIMATED DETUEEU THREE minva THOUSAND. REUTERS CURSISIED HAINLY STUDEE SE FRQH UNIVERSITY or PROTESTING RAISE IN BUS FAIRS AND ALLEGED POLITICAL DE EIUDEUIS. LOOTING or SEVERAL DDUUTCUU ACAPULCD BUSINESSES OCCURRED BEFORE POLICE INTERVENED RIDIIUE AUD THE ARREST CE AN ESTIMATED {Id PERSDUS. DURING RIOIING STUDENTS CHANTED SLDEAUS 1R EUPPDRI or SUERRILLA LEADER LUCIO CADAUAs DARRIEUTDS as UELL AS DECEASED CUBAN CHE CUEVURA. IT APPEARS DE GOVERNOR REACAU T0 ACARULCD REEL CONTAIW .14 SSIFXED 405,193 I . Ronald Reagan-850 ?5 - I - $15? max 64-5214. PAGE two =gf ., coxucxaz DURING PERIOD HARCH 51 - ares: 1974, HIIH run! or or STATE HENRY IS SCHEDULED T0 3: In MARCH 55 a APRIL 3. 1914. WILL BE ADVISED OF or POSSIBLE INTEREST EITHER THE REAGAN on Io MEXICO. I END Ronald Reagan-851 FE~rv ?m 3" (Th: Assoc. an? Mm?- =1 . Den-A. I PEDERAI BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION -- A2213, I COMMUNICATIONS SECTION Comp. Syst. FTBESII 1147PM 5-29-74 MSE g; ERA Affeim 2 1921 Flies Com. 2* . . Inv. . . . STATE 75G 1;;L-mm Inspection 8: O5 PM URGENT 5-2G-74 JFJ TELE-UEE Intell.. .. . . m?dur? Laboratory TO DIRECTOR ., WR 267- -29 Plan. Spec. luv. Training FROM CITY (64-5214) 1 Legal Conn?..- Telephone Rm. ?Tr Director Sec?y C) ?2 GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, VISIT TO STATE OF IS - MEXICO RE LEGAT CABLE MARCH 28, 1974. ON MARCH 28, 1974, A NEALTHY GUERRERO RANCHER, JOSE GARAY, ls KIDNAPPED BY A YET UNIDENTIFIED GROUP. TRE KIDNAPPING OCCURRED IN AREA APPROXIMATELY 25 MILES OUTSIDE OP TACAPULCO AND FAMILY CURRENTLY IS NEGOTIATING FOR HIS RELEASE. MEXICAN AUTHORITIES ARE OF THE OPINION THAT KIDNAPPING IN Si: PROBABILITY NAS COMMITTED BY COMMUNIST REVOLUTIONARY BAND HEA LUCNBANRRIENTOS. /00 ?(5233 UREAU NILL BE ADVISED OF ANY ADDITIONAL PERTINENT ATION RECEIVED RE FORTHCOMING REAGAN VISIT. . .-. . 3" "41-33 4-22 (Rev. 1-22-60) A Federal Bureau of_- #estigation Records -t . 19.? Name Searching Unit - Room 6527 Service Unit - Room 6524 Forward to File Review I: ention Return to Supervisor Room Ext. Type of References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search) All References (Subversive Nonsubversive) Subversive References Only E?kmsubversive References Only Main References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of Exact Name Only (On the Nose) Buildup (2 Variations Subject . -. Birthdate Place WM Address ?w Localities Searcher 2M Initials Date Prod. FILE NUMBER SERIAL 7,575 7 a? a ?v 49,2 9* V4 5'76 say/5'4? 1.. 535?" 5?5" V. ~37on 8?3. 46a 32a -3652 .. 915d jinn ?/23/73 t?V" Ff? 4731.2. 51h l; I - ?1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INIOSROAI ON COMMUNICATIONS SECTION ?9 . TEE TYPE 1:25 PM OROERT 5-25-74 ch IO OIREOTOR (ATTR: IRT 91v, FOREIGN LIAISON) FROM SACRAMENTO (SO-158) IR 055 SC PLAIN Assoc. Dir. . Asst. Din: . Admin. - Comp. Syst. ASL. Ext. Affai?} Files Com. Gen. Inv. Inspection {111201.11 Laboratory- Plan. Eval. .. . Spec. 111v. Training 3 Legal Conn. Telephone Rm. .. Director Sec?y GOVERNOR STATE OF STATE OF OUERRERO, MEXICO EDVARD P. HICKEY, DIRECTOR OF SECURITY FOR GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, ADVISED THE GOVERNOR IS TO SPEAK BEFORE THE YOUNG PRESIDENTS ORGANIZATION, ACAPULCO, STATE OF GUERRERO, MEXICO, OR APRIL 1, 1974. TERTATIVE ARS CALL FOR GOVERNOR REAGAR TO DEPART SACRAMENTO HAR- SO, 1974 1TH IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, THEN PROCEED DIRECTLY WHERE HE HILL ARRIVE MAR. 31, 1974. AFTER SPEECH APRIL 1. 1974 RE RETURUS To CALIFORNIA ON APRIL 2, 1974. . HICKEY ROIEs IRAI STATE OF GUERRERO REPORTEDLY HAS IRE MURDER ARO IIORAR RATE IN MEXICO ARO OESIREs To Know CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS OR ARI UNREST IR ACAPULCO AREA. BUREAU REOUESTEO To HAVE LEOAI, OR RERUFS ED INFORMATION FOR HIGH LEVEL f3 3 ,1 I: 3/ 2531?"! OFFICE. 3 APR 2 rwimmi END - altsm 55.4980sz FBIHQ FLO FR Two IELS TKS 405 193 11R. r/ 73*; Ronald CL, Mr. Boynton Reagan-854 ION CALIFORNIA L0 1 9M . Assoc. DirBUREAU OF . COMMUNICATIONS SECTION . Asst. Din: AdminComp. MAR 2 713/4 Ext. AffairS Files Com. FTBEAE SOTPM 5-21-74 MAH A . 11w. STATE 45S IELETXEE Milt, WW - Inspeu'g I t- - PM URGENT 5-27-74 JFJ fawmm Plan. 8: Eval. .. TO DIRECTOR NR 249-27 Spec. luv. . Training Conn. FROM LEGAT MEXICO CITY (64-5214) 5 Tigmmekm.? Director Sec?y GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, VISIT TO STATE OF GUERRERO, INTERNAL SECURITY MEXICO. .3 REBUTEL MARCH 26, 1974. A ACAPULCO IS LOCATED IN THE WEST COAST STATE OF GUERRERO AND HAS FOR MANY YEARS BEEN KNOWN AS THE BEACH OF ATTRACTING THE WEALTHY AMD TOURISTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. FOR THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS, HEALTHY MEXICANS RESIDING IN ACAPULCO AS WELL AS LOCAL BUSINESSES HAVE BEEN TARGETS OF KIDNAPINGS, EXTORTIONS, ROBBERIES AND MURDERS PERPETRATED BY HIGHLY ORGANIZED CRIMINAL GROUPS AS WELL AS REVOLUTIONARIES AS AN ACCESSIBLE AND EASY SOURCE OF MONEY. MANY KIDNAPINGS g? ARE NEVER REPORTED TO THE AUTHORITIES AS THE FAMILIES PAY SIZEABLE RARSOMS AND OUT OF FEAR OF REPRI f&-48} ?4153sz 195:? 7 REPORT THE MATTER EVEN AFTER THE OF TH gum?m-x ALMOST WITHOUT EXCEPTION THE VICTIMS OF THESE CRIMES .RE 1' ?3 M'b' .5. 0? . . '75; N1 a if; 3 ?af?x: - 4) ?2 51/73 Ob Ronald Reagan-855 MEX 64-5214 PAGE TWO NATIONALS AND NOT UNITED STATES 0R FOREIGN VISITORS. ACAPULCO POLICE AND STATE AUTHORITIES HAVE DEMONSTRATED A CONTINUED INABILITY TO COPE WITH THE CRIME SITUATION. DURING LATE JANUARY, 1974, ACAPULCO VICE MAYOR AND ALTERNATE FEDERAL CONGRESSMAN VICENTE RUEDA SAUCEDO WAS KIDNAPED IN ACAPULCO BY REVOLUTIONARY GROUP CALLING ITSELF REVOLUTIONARY (FAR) AND TAKEN INTO A REMOTE MOUNTAIN AREA OUTSIDE ACAPULCO. RUEDA WAS RELEASED FEBRUARY 1974, AFTER HIS WIFE NEGOTIATED AND PAID A THREE MILLION PESO U.S.) RANSOM. IN MID-MARCH, 1974, THE EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD SON OF A WEALTHY MEXICAN FAMILY WAS KILLED IN ACAPULCO DURING AN ABORTED KIDNAP ATTEMPT. FOLLOWING THIS, A TEENAGED SON OF AN ACAPULCO LABOR LEADER WAS KIDNAPED AND A LARGE RANSOM DEMANDED. THE FAMILY IS STILL NEGOTIATING FOR THEIR RELEASE. OUTSIDE OF.ACAPULCO THE BANDIT REVOLUTIONARY GROUP HEADED BY LUCIO CABANAS BARRIENTOS OPERATES COMMITTING ROBBERIES, KIDNAPINGS OF WEALTHY RANCHERS AND AMBUSHS OF MEXICAN ARMY UNITS. CABANAS ENJOYS SUPPORT AMONG THE LARGE POOR PEASANT CLASS IN THE STATE OF GUERRERO AND HE IS ABLE TO EVADE CAPTURE Ronald Reagan-856 64-3214 PAGE THREE FROM THE MEXICAN ARMY NO DOUBT HAVING SOURCES NITHIN THE VARIOUS LOCAL MILITARY GARRISONS THAT KEEP HIM ADVISED OF TROOP MOVEMENTS. THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT CADANAS AND HIS MEN MOVE AT VILL IN AND OUT OF ACAPULCO. IN ACAPULCO NAMED A MED POLICE CHIEF, A THIRTY YEAR OLD LANYER FRANCISCO DAVILA OTERO. FOR THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS, THE ACAPULCO POLICE CHIEF HAS BEEN A MILITARY MAN AND IT IS RUMORED THAT THE SELECTION OF DAVILA NAS MADE SINCE HE PERSONALLY HNEV CABANAS IN YEARS PAST AND THUS UNDERSTANDS AND CAN COPE VITH THE BANDIT-REVOLUTIONARY PROBLEM. IN SUMMARY, THE CRIME-REVOLUTIONARY SITUATION IN AND AROUND ACAPULCO REMAINS UNCHANGED BUT FROM PAST EVENTS SUCH . ACTIVITIES ARE DIRECTED AGAINST MEXICAN AND NOT FOREIGN VISITORS. LEGAT NILL BE ALERT FOR ANY INFORMATION FROM SOURCES REGARDING THE PENDING VISIT TO ACAPULCO OF GOVERNOR REAGAN AND THE BUREAU NILL BE ADVISED OF ANY PERTINENT DEVELOPMENTS. END FLC JB Ronald Reagan-857 com: Transmit in 111,191)" FROM: T0: Assoc?. Dir. ClaSSIfication' Dep. AD Adm. Dep AD lnv. Asst! Diiu: Admin. I Comp. Sysr. Ext. Affairs Files 8: Com. Gen. Inv. Idem Inspection Inioli. Laboratory Plan. 81 Eval. Spec. Inv. Training Legal Coun Mi (plaintext or code) REC-48 Director, FBI /00 @941 TELETYPE UNIT via teIetypI' 3051? The President The Vice i?77sider1t E1 Att. . White House Situafen Room Att.: . Secretary of State Director, CIA attached (precedence) Date 21/27/71:? message. 1/ ?no DISSEMINAIION SACS: SACRAIIENTO Director, Defense InteIIigence Agency LEG ATS and Nat; nal Indications Center Department Department or the Air Force (AFOSI) Naval Investigative Sarv1ce I: U. S. Secret Servree3 IPID) Attorney General By messenger) ALI. CONTAINED IS ONE 115 ssn?vrosgy?. {51313231 1:11?: 13 00111111111111111111 SECTION Deputy Attorney General By messenger) If. I?l? :1 Assistant Attorney General: Criminal Division and Internal SecurityISHection and General Crimef?1lSection [j Immigration Naturalization Service [3 National Security Agency (Att.: Federal Aviation Administration . (Classify if to other than Bureau Office) SUUJUCT (10113311011 11011111113 REAGAN, sum or . CALIFORNIA, r0 aims or ?gauge 56031111 .. (Text of message Begins on next page. 3:1 3; 11 1 Ronald Reagan-858 .. 800)) Foreign Liaison Unit- Route through for review Cleared telephonically with 113/ ?ngpn HAH STATE 458*?. . ALNME 4:3? PM URGE Tang-TA an To DIRECTOR if 249-27. . 5?53 LEBAI maxxgh TY (54-3214) 5 . GOVERNGR RONA REAGAH, ATE or CALIFORNIA, VISTT To STATE OF TGUERREROJ ME 100; TATERAAL MEXITG. 07/? (Agzc MARCH 25 :92: IS LOCATED IN THE WEST COAST STATE or eusaazna . AND HAS FOR MANY YEARS BEEN KNOWN As THE BEACH or ATTRACTING THE AND TOURISIS FROM ALL OVER THE FOR THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS, IN ACAPULCO As As Busz?assas{nAvs BEEN TARGETS 6F KIDNAPINGS, EXTORTIONS, ROBBERIES AND MURDERS PERPETRAIED HIGHLY ORGANIZED CRIMINAL GROUPS As WELL As REVOLUTIONARIES As AN ACCESSIBLE AND EASY SOURCE or MANY ARE NEVER REPORTED To THE AUTHORITIES As THE FAMILIES. PAY SIZEABLE RANSOMS Ann OUT or FEAR or REPRISALS no NOT THE MATTEA EVEN AFTER THE SAFE RETURN OF THE VICTIM. ALMOST TITHOUT EXCEPTION THE OF THESE CRIMES ARE nexzcnu Rc'mald Reagan?859 PAGE Two AND NOT MRITEO STATES OR FOREIGN VISITORS. ACAPOLCO EOLICE AND STATE AUTHORITIES HAVE OEMORETRATEO A CONTINUED IRAEILITT TO COPE MITH THE CRIME EITEATIOM. JAMOARY, IOTA. ACAPULCO VICE MAYOR AND ALTERNATE FEDERAL CORORESEMAM VICENTE ROEOA SAUCEDO EAs KIOMAPEO IN AOAPOLCO BY REVOLUTIONARY CROOP CALLIMC ITSELF REVOLOIIOMART (FAR) ARO TAKEN INTO A REMOTE AREA OUTSIDE ACAPULCO. ROEOA RAE RELEASEO.EERROART II, 1974,. AFTER HIS MIFE MEEOTIATEO AMO PAID A TRREE MILLION PESO . IN MID-MARCH, 1974, THE EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD SON OF A FAMILY OAS KILLED IN ACAROLCO DURING AR ABORTEO AKIORAP ATTEMPT. ROLLOMIMO TRIS, A TEEMACEO SON OF AM ACAPULCO LABOR LEAOER MAS KIORAPEO ARE A LARGE RAMSOM THE FAMILY Is STILL FOR THEIR son's RELEASE. OOTSIOE 0F ACAPULCO THE EAROIT REOOLOTTORARY GROUP BY BARRIEMTOS OPERATES COMMITTINC-ROEBERIES, EIOMAPIMES OE MEALTHI RAMCRERS 0F MEXICAN ARMY UNITS. CABAMAs ENJOYS SUPPORT AMONG IRE LARGE POOR PEASANT CLASS IN THE STATE OF OEERRERO AND HE Is ABLE TO EVAOE CAPTURE Ronald Reagan-860 :6 ,7 PAGE THREE FROM THE MEXICAN ARMY NO MAVIMD sganczs MIIMIM THE VARIOUS LDDAL MILITARY THAT KEEP HIM ADVISED or MDVEMEMIS. THERE 15 no DUESIIDM AND HIS - HEN MOVE AI WILL IN AND our or IM ADAPULDD NAMED A MED POLICE CHIEF, A IMIRIY YEAR OLD LADYED DIERD. FOR THE PASI SEVERAL YEARS, THE ACAPULDD POLICE CHIEF HAS BEEN A MILITARY MAM AND It IS RUMORED THAT THE SLLEDIIDD 0F DAVILA DAs MADE SINCE HE PERSONALLY KMED ID YEARS PAST ADD THUS AND CAN COPE THE DAMDII-DEVDLDIIDNADY PROBLEM. IM SUMMARY THE CRIME-DEVDLDIIDMADY SITUATIGN 1H ADD ACAPULCO REMAINS DDCMAMDED BDI MDDM PAST EVENTS SUCH ARE DIDECIED AGAINST MEXICAN FDREIDM LEDAI BE ALEDI.FDD ANY INFORMATION FROM ESTABLISHED sonnets REGARDIAD THE PENDING VISII T0 OF DDADAD AND mm. ADVISED or: ANY DEVELOPMENTS. I FLC JB Ronald . Reagan?861 . . .7 y- -- I . BUREAU OF . 7 . commumcmor" ECHQN FM . A5306. Bit. A. D.- 1?5: If um. Admin. Syst. v? NR D44 LA CODE 955 PM NITEL 1974 .st TO DIRECTOR ATTN: GID AND INT) SAN FRAN ISCO (7-855) SACRAM LOS NTO (7- 293) .NGELES (7-1627) - 1P - Dep.- Ext. Affairs Fifi; Cm" . Gen. I'm: -- 1 3" . OO: SAD FRANCISCO. ALLEGED KIDNAPING 01? (?my REAGAN, ?9 .- WIFE OF CALIFORDIIA A AND RAYMOND K. PROCUNIER, DIRECTOR, CALIFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOURCES FAMILIAR WITH EXTREMIST ACTIVITIES IN THE LOS ANGELES at AREA AND WITH EXTREMIST ACTIVITIES IN PRISONS IN THE METROPOLITAN LOS ANGELES AREA HAVE ADVISED NO KNOWLEDGE OF SUCH A PLOT, SOURCES HAVE BEEN ALERTED AND DILL IMMEDIATELY ADVISE OF ANY I PERTINEDT INFORMATION COMING TO THEIR ATTENTION. 4f ARMED AND DANGEFOUS. Q. - .-.. .A ..-- Reagan-186.2? .IMI .- - ALL REC-88 HEREDEIS . t? WE -JQI- 7 TIJG 5 mm. 5537303 .. 4'35: 2 2?12: c: 18 APR 16 1974 *22,: .- (Ag-?Ronald F??mvmammw..?n PAGE TWO SF ITS-NEW STATED THAT ON APRIL 19TH OR 25TH, 1974, GOVERNOR REAGAN AND VICE PRESIDENT FORD WOULD BE ASSASSINSTED AT THE LE BARON TDTEL, SEE JOSE, u. S. SE EET SERVICE ASEET EISEIEIS, CALIFORNIA STATE POLICE, ASSISTANT EOE PROTECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES, ED HICKEY, AND SAD JOSE POLICE ADVISED OE ABOVE OE APRIL 15, 1974, AT 4:45 E.E., PACIFIC TIDE, BY SA JON T. EYER. THE ABOVE IS BEING PROVIDED To SACRAMENTO IE VIEV OF THEIR INTEREST ID THIS MATTER. ?g SAN FRANCISCO VILL REMAIN ALERT AND FOEVAED AVY FURTHER INFORMATION DEVELOPED TO THE BUREAU ADD INTERESTED AGENCIES BY THE APPROPRIATE MEANS INDICATED. HOW FBI WQOH DC CLR THS Ronald Reagan-863. 0173*(Bev. 1-30-74) u? Date 3 Transmit lan?/?/fgxr via teletype the attached message. fplaintext or code) (1) ecedence) mow nan TO: [3 The President SACS: The Vice President Att.: A: White House Situation Room ii Att.: Secretary?of State 9 Q9 [3 Director, CIA Pan/?ti if fig 3 Director, Defense Intelligence Agency LEG ATS [j and National Indications Center [3 Department of the Army 9 9 ?if min-3?: Department of the Air Force (AFOSI) ?m ?31 val Investigative Service 52137.5; Secret Service (PID) 9 9 it! Attorney General By messenger) .if 12:2?; 3 if?. Deputy Attorney General By messenger) Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division [3 and Internal Security Section ?ll. ENFORMATIGN CONTAINED and General Crimes Section UNLLAQSIHLD Immigration 8; Naturalization Service ?ME-??jgj?g?g-EW National Security Agency (Att. - soon 93 Federal Aviation Administration e, 7. El Riga} 3332:; *9 inf-45 A 0- Classification: (Ciassifyi 550:. n. oreign Ei??i?son Unit 2: SUBJECT .?2237' 355 Comp. Sysi. ?lm New, . 3 W939: glint. (Text of message begins on next page.) :33 magi ?137:: t? We: mm lg spec 9 (333/: .43: 3V: 1 Ronald MAIL I TELETYPE UNIT Reagan-864 {2335111 I, 4.) xi FILED IN . MR. CALLAHAN FEDERAL BUREAU or: INVESTIGATION MR. JENKINS UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE MR. It, 3? MR. I April 5, 1974 1.34 PM MR. CAMPBELL . A tangent?? A . 1mg g-?I Miss Carter?i?n/ the office of MR. GEBHARDT She advised Mr. Palumbo would like MR. WANN ALL A Anthony??Palumbo, SEE 9312111 MR. JACOBSON to Governor Reagan MR. JAMIESON If 9f Cal?g?gnia caIIGd. {Aw MR. MARSHALL ti: I gm, A MR. THOMPSON I, i <12 1 i to schedule an appointment with MR. WHITE the Director for Monday afternoon M, 151m? E{for about 20 mmUte S. The nature MR. COLEMAN .9 of the meeting is that the Governor MR REED "Age?? . jaw I) I would like the Director to be one TELE 9/ A9f the principal speakers at the ?Rs' ove rnor 3 National Conference on Standards and Goals for Criminal Justice ?which has been tentatively set for i September. I advised Miss Carter I would check and I If? call her?back. (telephone (916) 445- 9156) :2 7c?? RE 'I/m mate I "24 .5133. 5? 1- Mr. Franck (attention Mr. Malinfeldt) 3:3 $335323? 1 Tele Boon} ?zz-II - -.. Lil edm S?s fan?;- 2?3 - I: if ?ftIL?l e3? ii. We: I ?523 41519: A gigs 152 APR 251974 . A705 193 . Ronald .A - Reagan-865 - .-. (2 1/ MI In 'o 3 anew-If?-m?ll? . :7 531??" 5433:? 75% Renald .. wean-v"62 sow-loo on can. no. no. 27 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT FOIM NO. IO Assoc. Dir. Bap. AD Adm. Memorandum Admin. Cem . Mr . Fr DATE: 4 78/7 4 Filo; 8: Com. MI. . Heim mu ?i1? RFD :n?mc'l'm I 405/ Plan. Evul. COLONEL ANTHONY L. PALUMBO SPECIAL SISTANT TO GOVERNOR 7 Wm RON VCALIFQRNIA MEETING WITH DIRECTOR 3 Ly a week: New 2:30 PM, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1974 Spec. lnv. Trulning Coon. . Rm. Director Sac'y ERR It will be recalled, that on 4/5/74, Mr. Anthony Palumbo, who described himself as a "Special Assistant to Governor Reagan," requested to meet the Director at 2:30 p. Monday, 4/8/74, in order to extend an invitation for Mr. Kelley to speak before th ?Governor's National Conference on Standards_and Goals for Criminal is ?tentatively set fer September, more specific information regarding this conference was given. The Director ,has agreed to meet Mr. Palumbo. . I Our Sacramento Office has advised that Mr. Palumbo RR (also known as Colonel Palumbo) is the Executive Director of the Office of Criminal Justice Planning for California. This Office disperses Federal grants under the Law Enforce? ment Assistance Administration. According to the Sacramento Office, Colonel Palumbo is very close to Governor Reagan and prior to his present position was on the Governor's Select Committee on Law Enforcement Problems. Nothing deroga- tory concerning Colonel Palumbo was contained in the indices of the Sacramento Office nor in Bufiles. 3? LI Bufiles indicate that by letter of 8/24/73, the :33 i. Director acknowledged receipt of the Report of the Governor's EU }r Select Committee on Law Enforcement Problems, entitled "Controlling Crime in California," which Colonel Palumbo had sent. This Report was submitted to the California Legislature by Governor Reagan in August, 1973. Bufiles also reflect that in 1970 Colonel Palumbo was the subject of a favorable Departmental applicant investigation in relation to the position of Law Enforcement Program Specialist ER rim? /1 1 - Mr. Franck Mrs. Metcalf - Telephone Room dun-u.? a -I NOT OR WREONTINUE 293. APR 24 1974 Reagan-866 hrMr. Heim to Mr. Franck Memorandum RE: COLONEL ANTHONY L. PALUMBO, MEETING WITH DIRECTOR, 4/8/74 The Director's speech schedule for September indicates commitments for September 6 (Federal Bar Association, Washington, September 12 (FBI National Academy Graduation); and September 23 (IACP, Washington, D. C.) RECOMMENDATION: For the Director?s information in connection with his meeting at 2:30 Monday, April 8, 1974. 2 Ronald Reagan-867 5n: 0-73 (Rev. 1-5034) 4/16/74 Transmit via teletype the attacheduwb message. (plaintext or code} (precedence) FROM: Director, FBI HEW TO: [j The President 7 SACS: The Vice President Att.: White House Situation Room. it?" WORM CONTADM i g; Att.: Tc: UMCT. I) Secretary of State 9103 54 ?43 [3 Director CIA Director, Defense Intelligence Agency LEGATS: and National Indications Center Department of the Army Department of the Air Force (AFOSI) Naval Investigative Service U. S. Secret Service (PID) Attorney General By messenger) Deputy Attorney General By messenger) [3 Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division and Internal Security Section and General Crimes Section Immigration Naturalization Service a National Security Agency (Att.: 300)) Federal Aviation Administration - Assoc. Dir. Classification: (Classify if to other than Bureau Office) 1:0reign Liaison Unit Dep. AD Adm- gents re?iew . Inv._ . eare ep onica . .393: ANONYMOUS CALL TO with b6 - gems . "was HINETON . WASHINGTON, D.c. . ?3 simif? 4/13/73; AGAINST V- PRESIDENT GERALD FORD AND Files&Cam._ CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR RONALD EAGAN . Gem luv. 4 - WW 2/ Idem. I . r; I 3'1: [If 0f message 3/ Win-2 ?a :11? - 3535-45733 -. .9 we? r1 . 33:12:: fr? 2 seseneii resin/?t Va El? . ?1?}wa l! I fifth if; a, ?w M?i?fmfw . Talep?mna Rm .h i fr}! il.. MAIL TELETYPE 2 Reagan-868 hw- . . Jnrm. "atmquuruu (INFO) anm;. SAN FRANCISCO (175; 54) .-3h use? - . ?3083.?. 39:60, Dir. . Dir. Inspec. on ?15}le Plan. Evai. kw. Legal (3-113. . - Teiep?aone RmDiv?ctnr Sale}; hi1 . ?Mm?ngg?, a: . '55: DC, APRIL AGAINST PRESIDENT GERALD FORD AND CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR RONALD ..: VP FORD AND CALIFORNIA SCHEDULED TO BE AT LE BARON HOTEL, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, APRIL 19 AND 23,? . 1974, PARTY STATE CONFERENCE. IEEORMATIOE HAS BEEN DEVELOPED.SINCE MARCH 19, 1974, BY BUREAU AND PHIL MORRIS, SPECIAL AGENT, CRIMINAL WEENE 0E (AGE DI RE. SP9 DESI LE FOR CENTRAL COAST COUNTIES AREA) AND HAS FURNISHF TO THE SE ITY OFFICE FOR GOVERNOR REAGAD b6 BY MORR IS . s. ON MARCH 19, 1974, A SOURCE ADVISED THAI DESCRIB b7C ED EMA, ECEE Ronald Reagan-869 1 . I fir-nuiad?u?kal?? ?anu.nma.t 2- - I. - ?Lam dummi- uu-h PAGE TWO SF 175-64' OR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA, RRIOHI WEIGHT 123 POCRDS, BLOOD HAIR, EYES, SSAN FBI NUMBER STATE BOREAO OF CRIMINAL IDENTIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION (CI I) NUMBER TATTOOS BOTH ARMS AND CU RR ENI RESI- APARTMENT JOSE, CALIFORNIA, BEEN IN SAN JOSE AREA FOR APPROXIOATELY SOURCE STATED TOLD HIM HE IS 0F LEFT RIRC RADICAL FROM VAN RCYS, CALIFORNIA :2 b7C va WHO WERE MAKINS PLANS TO ASSASSINATE GOVERNOR REAGAN. ALSO TOLD SOURCE HE HAD COMMITTED BANK ROBBERIES AND SOURCE SIATES . ALWAYS CARRIES OUR. INVESTIGATION REVEALS PRESENTLY ON PROBATION FROM LOS AHGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FOR BURGLARY AND HAS I ARP ESTS FOR AND BOP OLAEY. HE HAS BEEN PICKED UP FOR OFFICER OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFOR WIA POLICE DEPAHI WHO HAS.KNOOLEDGE OE DESCRIBED HIM AS AND END PAGE TOO Ronald Reagan-870 ., Mn. . PAGE-THREE. SF 175-54 ONE OLAOLY SHOOT ANYONE RE DID NOT ON MARCH 25, 1974, FIRST SOUP CE ADVISED THAT PURCHASED HIGH POWERED RIFLE UIIH SCOPE AT SAN JOSE ELEA MARKET. ACCORDING TO THIS SOURCE HAS NEVER MENTIONED. PACT THAT GOVERNOR REASAE BE IN 5AA JOSE ON APRIL 19 ARE 2S, 1974, AND HAS NEVER MENTIONED ANY TRIEREST IN vxcE' PRESIDENT FORD.- ACCORDING TO SAME SOURCE IS NOT EMPLOYED AND HIS COEPLETE ACTIVITIES AEO MOVEMENTS ARE OCT ENOEO TO SOURCE, SA A UNITED-STATES SECRET SERVICE, SAN JOSE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AEO SANTA CLARA COUNTY ALL AT SAN ARE AWARE IDENTITY AND OTHER DATA DESCRIBED ABOVE RE RE BUREAU ARC SAOWFPAMCISCO TELETYPE TO BUREAU, APRILP w1a~y~u~rsTA PLAOS ARE MADE BY TR SANAJOSE my,? up. TO PRESIDENT AND GOVERNOR a .. .1 .menwugma-?Ronald Reagan-871 . . 6 5. 5.3133333 31.335333 3.3335333353333231 - .. ?2 SE GTEGKQ '31. "a d?qr?jq?: A 5 531,3?: -L. ?ik-s 35?: 3 1303 im CV 3333 3 Mg: 3 .. I ?3 1139312. IV W.-. NR 854 SF 0 54 ?gV?Mcc. 2323. . 3 US 65 HQ WASIV, T?I'ain?ng. 3 3; 43 3333 331353.. 23/ 35/74 3:31 . 5? [5?53 7 51/3 7} Teleg?wne 33331. m; 30. 33.333.33.33. 3/ 533 023W 5 3" 331: '5 ~35 85033535311? 0 . SAN FRANCES CU (175-5133!) 2 PAGES J33 WW 3? I. y! pvi? . Ilvo 1 '1 r, CCM CALL TO POST ?WASHINGTON, APR IL 13, 19/4, THREATS VICE. 935,3? i? PRES 19E NT 3.1.3 FORD 3?53, ND RONALD REGC N. 3. 53 3. 3 3; .335. -RL BURLAU T1. LEP HOWE CALL TO SAN FRANCESCO ON APRIL 10,? $5 . b3? 1974. 13.73:: Us? 15, 1974, $033051, CENEHQL lul- INVESTIGQTIVE DIVISION, 1731 .NDVISED THAT 3:33.? 5: 45 . 3 5735.3? ER 33 ST 3?31 NDARD ICE (EST RPRIL 13 19 74 5; SPECIAL AGE B. 1 {3(3521. EXTERNQL EF-LEIRS THC FULLOW I HG INFORM 53.1.1059: 533.3 3.33.5. a3} -5511. 13, 19733, THE FE 52-" VIOU 3:753?: 3331?} JOSE, 2H: LL53, .- 1. . {an [u 3:3 :ng Ext) OF 31:91:33,: 35? 3 9135M 32052398032919155 3? .3. 3.3.3, 3-34 333333.: 3..- APR 131974 Ronald Reagan-8723333 3 gummea 33:33.0 p.333; ??513-va 1:4. - . BUREAU Of, - . I- COMMUNICATIONS SECTION -.I a i A2352: . .i . I, ?th Comp.. Syst. . . APR E31374 Ext. Affairs - I 2 . Files Com, Gen. Inv. Idem: Inspe. tIion Intel! - Laborat ry Plan. Eva}. ?-Spec. Inn..- Hegal Conn. 22 Telephone Rm. Direct): Sec'y p?I\ .l {d ""33 co (175 22323; 22ASHIVGTOA fj?fu SHINGTONI, C., APPIIL 15, 1974 THRLATS AGAIN 312222 GAHALD FORD A22 GOVARNOR RONALD RnAGANm?f?3igtffi5222237F7 0313? RE BW2L FPANCISCIO 01"} APIRIL I15, 02 APRIL 13, 197A, SUPRAVISOQAGOPDOV, IfIa._f Kt} . LA2?Wa?-wmv I 322; TIGATIV2 DIVISTOU, FBI ADUISV THAT - ST 0A: APRIL 12. iSvA, A'ffiff7JfZ77? A222I JAG B. 2L RECEIVEDHTHEF FALL 2i2e F305 . ON RE EIUPH ASE ANONYMOUS CALL JOSE, CALLER, 202 FURTHAR '"i?j?r?I ?IajIr; ?35: and?? 55229038312142 405 n3 Ronald 5 Reagan-873 3ng a PNGE TJOI SF SIAIED IHAI 0N APRIL 19TH OI 22IA 1:74 RLAGAA AND PRESIDE .-II roan NOULD BL AsshsalmaILD AI IAI L: BARON HOT 1 SAN JOSE CA LI WORNIA . V. s. SERVTCE Ac AI POLI eovngOR FOR PROIICIIVE ED HICKEY, 3AA JOSA POLICE ABOVE 0A APHTL 15, 1974, AI IA 45 .A., BY 3A JON - 'fistg? 2 THE ABovz Is BEING PROVIDED Io IN VIEA THE IR INTERESI IN I HIS MATTER E: I :RAAcIsco AILL AND ANY IURIHIR INFORMATION DEVELOPED TO THE AND INTERESTED AGENCIES 5 BY THE APPROPRIATE NEIANS INDICATED. i i 3 END J: 41' WNW FBI NASH DC CLR TH Ronald . Reagan-874 arnoNM FOIM HO. lo solo-loo Ail-Y I?d! EDITION cu GIN. no. no. 27 STATES GOVERNMENT mm Edam ..J Comp. Syn. Mr. Clevelangi ?Ry . DATE: 8_14_74 Ext. Affairs Filo: 8- Cam. Goa. luv. 0. E. ColemanTJ/H?lrfr . Iiigm Assoc. Dir. Dop. AD rum. Dop. AD Inv. Asst. Din: Admin. . Info". Laboratory Pion. Evol. Spec. Inv. Logo! Coun. Telephone Rm. .. Director Sac'y PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEES Tme Attached are memoranda containing the results of a check of Bureau files concerning the following individuals, all of whom have been mentioned in the press as possible Vice Presidential nominees: Melvin A. Laird Lowell Weicker, Jr. Nelson A. Rockefeller Elliot . Richardson Ronal ea an Howard H. Baker, Jr. William Emerson Brock John Rhodes William Ruckelshaus Edith Green James Buckley Dewey Bartlett Marlow Cook Hugh Scott Thomas Meskill John Williams .William Simon Barry Goldwater . NAnne George Bush Charles H. Percy Robert A. Taft? Mark 0. Hatfield Robert Stafford Edward W. Brooke John B. Anderson Albert H. Quie Charles E. Goodell ACTION: For information 'U"A?xvu HLREDEES UNCM MSSIEE7 DATE 5290519?69'7 (ESL. Jl Huss?an . Callahan McDermott Bowers . Cleveland . Coleman Ronald Reagani325 RONA BIOGRAPHICAL DATA 5. 7 Governor Reagan was born on February 6, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois. His parents are John Edward and Nellie Wilson Reagan. He graduated from Eureka College, Eureka, Illinois, with an A.B. degree in 1932. Governor Reagan is well known as a former movie star. He was formerly married to the movie actress, Jane Wyman. They were divorced in 1948 after being married for eight years. He has been married to Nancy Davis since March, 1952. They have two children, Patricia and Ronald, and Mr. Reagan has two children, Maureen and Michael, by his former wife. From 1932 to 1937, Governor Reagan was a sports announcer for Radio Station WHO, Des Moines, Iowa, and a motion picture and television actor from 1937 to 1966. Since 1967, he has been the Governor of the State of California. He resides at the Executive Mansion, Sacramento, California. RESULTS OF FILE REVIEW Governor Reagan was the subject of an applicant- type investigation conducted in 1967, in connection with his position as a member of the Board of Regents of the University of California. Inasmuch as the Board of Regents had access to sensitive material from the Atomic Energy Commission, our investigation was requested by the Atomic Energy Commission. No derogatory information was developed during this investigation, except as follows: Although Reagan has been extremely anti? communist since the latter part of the 1940's, he had previously been listed as a member of a committee and appeared in a play at a meeting called by the Hollywood Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, which later became known as the National Council of Arts, Sciences and Professions. The Southern California Committee of this organization has been cited as a communist dominated propaganda media. "In 1946, I-c cue Widak anifa .. 311.?, jj?ald Reagan?876 Ronald Reagan Reagan appeared On a radio program sponsored by the Mobilization for Democracy, produced with the cooperation of the Hollywood Writers Mobilization. The Mobilization for Democracy has been cited an a communist front by the California Un?American Activities Committee. Reagan was also, in 1946, listed as a sponsor and director of the Los Angeles Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy and in 1947 was listed as a sponsor of a recital put on by the Joint Anti?Fascist Refugee Committee,both communist front organizations. In 1947, Reagan testified as a friendly witness before the House Committee on Un-American Activities and explained that he was duped through a telephone call to lend his name as sponsor of the recital of the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee. In March, 1960, the FBI cooperated with Governor Reagan by making inquiries in Washington, D. 0., concerning Maureen Reagan, daughter of Reagan and Jane Wyman, who was living with a married Metropolitan Poli Offi er in Wa hin ton. D. C. I I Our inquiries be appeared to confirm this situation, and the information b7C was furnished on a confidential basis to then United States Senator George Murphy who originally contacted the Los Angeles Office in this matter. We also conducted an applicant-type investigation concerning Maureen Reagan when she contemplated working for the Immigration and Naturalization Service. That investigation was discontinued when she decided not to take the job. She has apparently married an individual by the last name of Sills and now resides in California. In addition to the above, our files contain numerous references to Governor Reagan, but each reference contains either no derogatory or no pertinent data. Ronald Reagan-877 a. ?u??M?uuv I. a" II 3013- lim DOD.- IIOIRAI a H. COMMUNICII I IONS I A- HWXA . NR ODS SF CODE . I DETEE, I URGENT 4/16/74 CRH _4 .DIR CTOR ACRAMENIO (INFO) FROM: SAN FRANCISCO (175-64) 2P ANONYMOUS CALL TO VASHINGTON, DC, APRIL 13, 1974; THREATS AGAINST VIOEA, PRESIDENI GERALD FORD AND CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR RONALD VP FORD AND CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR REAGAN SCHEDULED TO BE AT LE BARON HOTEL, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, APRIL 19 AND I974, FOR REPUBLICAN PARTY STATE CONFERENCE. FOLLONING INFORMATION HAS BEEN DEVELOPED SINCE MARCH 19, 197A, BY BUREAU AND PHIL MORRIS, SPECIAL AGENT, CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR CENTRAL COAST COUNIIES AREA) AND HAS . BEEN FURNISHED TO SECURITY OFFICE FOR GCVERNOR PEAGAN BY MORRIS. 32% mlg?; ON MARCH 19, 1974, A SOURCE ADVISED THAT END PAGE OIIE - - . EOEUREGOBDED OSIS gJ?? 87 APR 221974 1914'?? 7? 574% ?Ronald Reagan?878 PAGE Iwo SF 175-64 HEIGHT WEIGHT 125 POUNDS, BLOND HAIR, GREEN EYES, SSAN FBI NUMBER CALIFORNIA STATE BUREAU OF CRIMINAL IDENTIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION (CII) NUMBER TATTOOS BOTH ARMS AND CURRENT RESI- Two, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, HAS BEEN IN SAN JOSE AREA FOR APPROXIMATELY TWO MONTHS. SOURCE STATED TOLD HIM HE IS MEMBER OF SMALL GROUP OF LEFT RING RADICAL FROM VAN wuvs, CALIFORNIA AREA WHO WERE MAKING PLANS TO ASSASSINATE GOVERNOR REAGAN. OTHER CRIMES. ALSO TOLD SOURCE HE HAD COMMITTED BANK ROBBERIES AND SOURCE STATES ALWAYS CARRIES GUN. INVESTIGATION REVEALS PRESENTLY ON PROBATION FROM LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FOR BURGLARY AND HAS PREVIOUS ARRESTS FOR ROBBERY AND BURGLARY. HE HAS BEEN PICKED UP FOR EVALUATION. OFFICER OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA POLICE DEPARTMENT WHO HAS KNOWLEDGE OF HAS DESCRIBED HIM AS AND Two Ronald Reagan-879 PAGE THREE SF 175-64 ONE WHO WOULD GLADLY SHOOT ANYONE HE DID NOT LIKE. ON MARCH 25, 1974, FIRST SOURCE ADVISED THAT PURCHASED HIGH POWERED RIFLE WITH SCOPE AT SAN JOSE FLEA MARKET. ACCORDING TO THIS SOURCE HAS NEVER MENTIONED PACT THAT GOVERNOR REACAN VCULB BE IN SAN JOSE ON APRIL IS AND 2B, 1974, AND HAS NEVER MENTIONED ANY INTEREST IN VICE PRESIDENT FORD. ACCORDING TO SAME SOURCE IS NOT EMPLOYED AND HIS COMPLETE ACTIVITIES AND MOVEMENTS ARE NOT KNOWN TO SOURCE. UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE, SAN JOSE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND SANTA CLARA COUNTY OFFICE, ALL AT SAN JOSE, ARE AWARE IDERTITY AND OTHER DATA DESCRIBED ABOVE RE ADMINISTRATIVE: RE BUREAU TEL CALL TO SAN FRANCISCO, APRIL 15, 1974, AND SAN FRANCISCO TELETYPE To BUREAU, APRIL 13, 1974, CAPTICNED As ABOVE. PLANS ARE BEING MADE BY VARIOUS GROUPS IN SAN JOSE AREA TO PROTEST APPEARANCE 0P VICE PRESIDENT AND CCVERNCR AT LE BARCN RCTEL ALL HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY REPORTED END PACE TRREE Ronald Reagan-880 PAGE FOUR SF 175-64 BY LNN CAPTIONEO T0 SPONSORED BY THE COORDINATING CONNITTEE, SAN JOSE, -CALIFORNIA, APRIL 2O, 1974, SN, SF IN ORDER TO CHECK ORIGIN OF CAPTIONEO TEL CALL, TELEPHONE COMPANY NOOLO HAVE TO STOP ENTIRE BILLING OPERATION FOR SAN JOSE METROPOLITAN AREA. NO REQUEST FOR THIS SERVICE HAS BEEN MADE As SAME NOOLO BE EXTRENELT COSTLY AND TIME . I36 SITUATION INVOLVING BEING CLOSELY FOLLONED AND ALL PERTINENT DATA DEVELOPED WILL BE IMMEDIATELY FURNISHED TO APPROPRIATE POLICE AGENCIES, SECRET SERVICE, AS WELL AS THE SOURCE ALLUDED TO IN THE TEXT OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS WHO IS BEING CONTACTED ON A CONTINUING BASIS BY SA DAVID J. SARGENT, FBI9 SAN JOSE. SUBJECT OF BUREAU FILE 42-285579 AND LA FILE 42~41865. i; COPY BEING FURNISHED LOS ANGELES, AIRMAIL. END NA HOLD Ronald Reagan-881 January 10, 1975 nomm gigow Captioned individual, whof you advised 1o governor 'jof Caliiornia, born February 621911, at Tamp1oo. Illinoie, woe the ouhjeot of a White House ammo check in 1973. A copy of the FBI memorandum dated Hovomber 23,1973, concerning Governor Ronald Reagan, with a cepy of an FBI monorandum dated August 21, 1972, concerning Miss Maureen Reagan, 1e attached. (116-460320-29) The central files of this Bureao, including the records of our Identification Divioion, contain no additional pertinent information concerning the captioned individual booed upon background information eubmitted in connection with thio name check request. Enclosures (2) CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL ATTACHED. 11.2w $405,193 if NOTE: Per request-of Miss Jane Dannenhauer, (Security), The White House. Copies of the above two memoranda personally were furnished to Miss Dannenhauer at 8:30 pm 1~3-75 on a most expedite basis for the White House. See K.V. Hetherington to Mr. Gebhardt memo dated -p?n We Dir. 1-6?75 . p. AD Adm. p. AD lnv. DinCom. 5 n. Inv. \sz . r? _7 f3? Selena" . boratory . .3 15 ?37 - 59 JAN 201975= :inin . :Il Coguntone I 5,5, MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT Ronald Reagan 882 $5 I 2.3131ev.2.Immediate Date 10/2 4/75 1 1.. . Iran in ?0111: ext V111 Tclatypc the Attached ?tment Message 0' 0 . Nuul From: Di re ctor, To: SAC 32 To: Legats: 3- 23.333 (31331133?1'1 (31333111331133) . . .1 . .I gg?l ?332?. 34:13 2/ j? .. 91115141, Swanszzogg. To: 1:3 The PreSidcnt The Vice Fmsident White House Situation Room Attn: Attn: Attorney General Deputy Attorney General :3 Alia: Analysis and EvaluaLion Unit. 1:3 Assistant General, Ci ?.ril Rights Division 59"? :1 Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division Atin: Internal Security Section Aim: General Crimes Section I 8 Drug Enforcement 3*..dministraticm National Aeronautics 81 Space Adm. :1 Immigration and Naturalization Service- National Security Agency U. S. Mush-31's Service 00 (Aug; 9?00? 1 lDepw?meht. (3f l?39 9. Air For or; Naval 11132351533536 Service :1 of the Army :1 U. .Postal Service (if Classified) I (Us 1fUnclaSSIf1ed} Director, CIA KERN. Secret Service (1311)) 1:3 Commandant. U. S. Coast Guard Secretary of State Director, Defense Inteliigoncc Agency I 3.1 1:3 Depariment of T1 831.9 portalion 1' 310')I?h/ 513th DK3 lopment Atm; Director of Adminimratlon ?may - . 3 .3 4f RUEOUBA, 1:3 l~?edaral Aviation AdI?il?SLmlion L. c; ,r 114. C3 0917329 19?: 3 LJ 3 . ?any: I A5: at. Dir. 3 0213.3 W, RE ll . 0331:. AD luv. 133 Abs?. Bin3975 A?oat: 1" :1 SCCYOY. -. Files 8. Com .1 . 17/} Gan. lnv. -. 5" 10h If33.33 1.11033 FILED 1.131 Lifun H- . 125341133317) 1 II - 3.. Li?1llOd-JJ ("411.2111 Ur tulophcmirzully If! n- . . . iI?I?lu Luw? :3 I (JR-3.3. 23091332; 139.11 11:31:12): iI" run?. . 1? {1112553:11:. luv. g? I) 1&3 TI T: 3.) 1,15?12 "lily 13.33339 "11?1?:(?1"ij Ile?ff .II aways?? 5103511 "1 3'3 3 1:33.11; 23113134; 3 .13131153 ?1 ROHEIICI Reagan-8813 g: - Asa 17*? 9. FEWPAL 5115 . . 12:25.23, Ln'? .v . i C011. 1W1 13411101313 3113110? 4? - . 2 52.51.9121?, 3a . . (:11 . Svst. Affairs VMHETFUMH Mama; . Plan. 11-1135 .21 Spec 111v. .3 'l'migkrg . . . - '1 115' - TeIepbone Rm. ?1 Director Sec?y 1111:3110; 11131.51]: 10 K1LL FORD 011 CALLFOKNLH QR . Fm 1?1'11?31'1 I HOVHRHUR 205515 555551,,9059550 FLOR TDA, UCIODLH 1 1975; 155551 5551551 - 31% AT 13: 111313 .11., OCTOESER 25, 13793, 31111151511111 5.115 ?EPArii 115111, P01199110 0121101117111311113151, ADVESELD 111le 11115115}, F91 THAT HAD COME. TO 1111:. POLICE. :9 C6111 THAT 13111:; A111.) 5111121) THAT FOR THE PAST THREE L111 171311111251 01111111 21361311111155 THEY CGi?c: 15 2525215511 H55 5555 1H552 STEAK 11811355,; .2511} SOUTH FEEJARAL. HIGH JAY, P1111: A110 1315116 5550H1525 1H15 115151 BUAL as A HHIIH 5512, 5 5? 1111:113le 1311 YEARS OLD 9 111 UAHK 51% DULLD1511.5" 11 13.1511} 11150511111111 15 HHLH, 4m 1'1 1; . 1111105 111117011 601115211 111155 WE 'F-f 'L'1'l'3114? Tf?lss: 1:11- $213 DuT?ayhg%c Ronald Reagan-884 405/ .2. AI POAPAAO I - . Avbg gi' biAC?, AND HAS Hi HE WAS EHPLOYED Inc. b?a'h. . . .- 5AA I:a IAAI A 0A I IAIs IAR wAs A46 5,3.An IQ f? ?3 LIGHTHOUSE PUIAI, 5-H BAA. 9 - $13; AT l?-uu Pew a, as 1375, SPACIAA AGAAI JACK nnubldUdL, U.5. pAcanl mlAmi, was ADV SEA OF DY SPLCIAL Aunwi hOPAnu an IPHALA I PI. Aumys% AREA ?v?nvwickflOA .l5ama NO FURTHER. I - - ACIIQA TAKAA anmAn?lA 3% ?;nf0fma fmdArALAnv a . J. 3 ?rift f?li . Section 1751 COCAC 5. {1:35; .220 g; +7 L) RonaklReagan-BBS Assoc. DirAsst. Din: I . . Admin. fmuw. BDREAU (I: Comp Ext. Affairs LT Fe Vz? A I I Identf I. .. Inspection 24 19 7 6 TELETY NRDIA BS PLAIN NI Intel]. Labnratory Plan. EvaL . Spec. Inv. a Tr..ining 3 Legal Conn. OSTON (HS-AM) fan I 2 Telephone Rm. Diwctor See'y NITEL TO: DIRE FROM: but THREAT AGAINST THE LIFE OF PRESIDENTIAL 9NDIDATE RONALD LAST WEEK OF APRIL, 1976; THREAT AGAINST PRESIDENIIA. CANDIDATE READ FIELD MAINE WHO IS UNKNOWN TO THE BOSTON DIVISION, FURNISHED THE FOLLOWING - INFORMATION THIS DATE TO SA JOHN H. KENOYER: HE DESCRIBED HIMSELF AS AN AMATEUR AND THAT WHILE CONSULTING HIS BALL THE PREVIOUS EVENING HE RECEIVED INFORMATION THAT SLME TIME DURING THE LAST WEEK JI IT OF APRIL, 1976, AN ASSASSINAT ION ATTEMPT WOULD BE MADE UN THE LIFE OF CANDIDATE RONALD REAGAN. Mr 2 2'2ri.22~ - STATED THAT EAGAN WOULD BE SHOT IN THE RIGHT SHOULDER AND THAT HIS WIFE WOULD BE KILLED AT THE SAME TIME AND TH RECESS /?cf?2 2? - THIS WOULD UCCURR REAGAN WAS MAKING A POLITICAL SPEACH 2.221 I AT SOME UNKNOWN LOCATION. ?10432 3 MAR 301976 N. THOMAS CLARK, SA, USES, FEDERAL BUILDING, PAHTLAND, m' 25.? MAINE WAS ADVISED THIS DATE OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION, AT 1:JOHN H. KEINUYER. if?) .. 3; END I ?333331 8 .3 .. I . ?92: MED 9? Enigma? 2 A er/Hm .1 W21 05mRonald Reagan-886 E) I :3 ,1 . {c Rex. - MESSAGERELAV March\?4, 1976 EFF I, Immediate Date Transmit in 012mm)?; Via Teletype the Attached [BUrgent Message Cl 0 I: Nitel mac es 1, From: Director /q 1 ,r To: SACs: To: Legats: a g: - 7 14'1?? x? i .x To: I: The President Allie Vice President White House Situation Room [in Attn: al . Attorney General Dep:t1:nAtt:m:ys(f:n:d Evaluation CONTAIWJ [j wii I: Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division . 3' ?(5174' Eggs-$9263 [3 Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division [/q3 Attn: Internal Security Section Attn: General Crimes Section [3 Drug Enforcement Administration National Aeronautics Space Adm- Immigration and Naturalization Service National Security Agency U. s. Marshal's Service (Attn: Department of the Air Force (AFOSI) Naval InveStiga?ive service Department of the Army U. S. Postal Service (if Classified) (Use RUEVDFB if Unclassified) [3 Director, CIA U. 3. Secret Service (PID) [j Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard Secretary of State Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Department of Transportation Energy Research and Development Attn: Director of Security Administration . . . . . Department of Treasury [3 Federal Av1atlon Administratlon i:l Attn: U. S. Customs Other than Department of Treasury A 1?15th Attn. Bureau of Alcohol 1/ . 0? Tobacco Firearms ifAssoc. Dir. fir ?916 Q- .. . Hg: :1 Dap. AD Adm. 2 ecret Dap. AD Inv. Secret 5. b7C i Di? Classificatio . . Admin. 11 ConfidentIal {if A. 1' Foreign Liaison Unit A i, EprHZi: Unclassified 3; {1 Route through for rev1ew Ar Files 8. Com. Cleared telephomcally - Subject (Text begins next page): enl. 1.1mm" UNKNOWN THREAT AGAINST THE LIFE OF PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE RONALD REAGAN, LAST WEEK OF APRIL 1976". THREAT AGAINST PRESIDENTIAL Plan. 8: Eval. Spec. luv. Training ?50 Telephone Rm. Director Soc' y_ MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT WRonaId Reagan- -887 561513122119? KAK . . 1 0-73 (Rev. 1.979-755 A 3/22/76 Date Immediate Via Teletype the Attached Urgent Plaintext Message Transmit in :3 COde . 3F Nitel 30991)? From: Director. FBI fig/j 3i To: SAC To: Le gate: White House Situation Room Attn: The Vice President T0: DThe President E: Attn: Attorney General Deputy Attorney General Attn: Analysis and Evaluation Unit Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division Attn: Internal Security Section Attn: General Crimes Section [3 Drug Enforcement Administration Cl National Aeronautics Space Adm. Immigration and Naturalization Service National Security Agency E: U. S. Marshal's Service . (Att?. Department of the Air Force (AFOSI) Naval Investigative Service Department of the Army U. S. Postal Service (if Classi?ed) I (Use RUEVDFB if Unclassified) Director. CIA i U. S. Secret Service (PID) j, Commandant, U. 8. Coast Guard Secretary of St ate it: Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Department of Transportation ?34 Energy Research and Development Attn: Director of Security . Federal Aviation Administration Administration a Department of Treasury Attn: U. Customs Other than Cl Department of Treasury 1?13th [j .. . m; Attn. Bureau of Alcohol :1 ..- em . 2 if ?Tobacco Firearms 4 1" i Assoc. Dir. El Top Secret . ?3 . AD Adm. oep. AD Inv. Secret ., Asst. Din: Cla? ?f .- t' - "i Iii-j if: if, ?min, b5! ion. [3 Confidential .r i Foreign Liaison Unit LL 1 . Iqu ?ning?; A. 2 I. I Gil Unclassified Route through for review Files Com. ?It; Cleared . . - - if?; Subject (Text begins next page): UNKNOWN SSE: ANONYMOUS THREAT To KILL PRESIDENT FORD :3 into?. Laboratory Legal Coon. .W Piun.& fvoi. Spec. Inv. Training <3 sag? UNI L4 ?t??m?gnald Reagan?888 CANDI 3/20/76 . in RONALD REAGAN, twp-1032 Ar f) Ellif?ir'li?iifeiili i311. .33gsg?qu3ml?? 405, 17.3 I. r? {53.1.1?-Lxds I. II 22"? 5 .. \Yw5:rv? r?hhf-uu?c f. J-rq. PIDVPLOP 2311-6- - - u?u?n? A??'15 I-?2202Y2225 IHL52I TO KILL P.2312LII 222 CANDIDATE RONALD 3/22/76. . . on 3 some ?FEal mwsao .. 21Li, AILA 2Ip, G2ORGI2 OFFICE OF .QEC2IU: OPE CALL FROM AN HHO hijF '_vw7 souugco LIKE A 2123 MILE wiiHI 222F VOICE THIS 755i? 1122721ij SAID Am GUI IGI To KILL FORD .?JvmBOB AGVEW WASHIVGTON D. C-, . . -, ADVISED 5 45 22 3/90/76 . BY FBIdhg? I . 2251,5132 255mm . Ronald Reagan-889 1?.th in? -- Mq?mu 1? I: - - I AOROC. ?itAsst. Din: i . - Admin. 1 3? Comp 54323-5: -E L'sinru 3:5Nw3nmarlan EftSOT: Wm: 693.115.7351 1 x" Idem I . I3 In; . Int-41 YROOA AT PLAIN a. Iak? may" . PM URGENT MARCH am, 1976 C58. f/ ?49.ng it; TO: IRECTOR 9 FBI 1. ;phnrien REL 1.2331. Ilfi?ilix? SAC, ATLANTA (C) ANONYMOUS THREAT gngILL PRESIDENT FORD i ff AND PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AT P.M., MARCH 29, 1976, 1 A . STENOGEAPHER, ATLANTA, GEORGIA OFFICE OF THE FBI, 1 RECEIVED A TELEPHONE CALL FROM AN INDIVIDUAL WHO SOUNDED LIKE A WHITE HALE WITH A DEEP VOICE. THIS INDIVIDUAL SAID, AM GOING TO KILL FORD AND REGAN 1 . TOMORROW AT THE CALLER IMMEDIATELY Hwa i UP. 1 . THE ABOVE INFORMATIOO wAs FuawlsHED To Sp 2 FRANK WILSON, U.S. SECRET SERVICE, ATLANTA AT 2:35 MARCH NO INVESTIGATION BEING CONDUCTED I ND . hsegt/ I If swrm' ti 4f 69,. {727$ ?wryI/(SrJ/l} 7:?14 E5 2521976 ?ya/m??ugg HOL 4(15/h ?xrll Adm/jam 1')ng )7 t; lj :3 1 ti; J5- .I. AL. FILED 7g. . 1?54" LSX FBIHO FOP. NR 0:014 .-. -14.. 21 5% .5: 2 1.38 APR I 1976 Ca? I .- (I ?jf?h {Lila/3:2. I . E?f?jria .own->1 .9115th . Ronald Reagan-890 - Date: 3/17/76 2' - Tmp?mit the following in . I .gfim AIRTEL (Type in plaintext or code) (Precedence) :JieiW? TO: DI TOR, FBI . a me\? FROM: ALLAS ma?? K: SUBJECT: .. bf S: IN FEDERALLY . PROTECTED ACTIVITIES 0: I o_ DALLAS 1 Re Dallas teletypes to Bureau dated 2/27/76 and 3/1/76. - if? . Enclosed for the Bureau are four copies of LHM regarding captioned matter. One copy of LHM furnished AUSA, Ft.Worth. on 3/5/76, ROGER L.-MC ROBERTS, AUSA, Northern District_of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas, declined prosecution 33 of subject stating that successfu1 prosecution not possible r1 due to subject's mental condition. No.further investigation being conducted by Dallas Office, UACBO .g Two copies of LHM being disseminated U.S. Secret $3 Service, Dallas, via E5 Two copies FD-376 stapled to instant LHM for Bureau. was}; . ?1.06 AUSJQIQ as 05 193 ?0 Eu.. . [ti/V Bureau . 4 1 Dallas - 53(3) NOT RECORDED 15:; MR so 1976 TN Sent Per- Special Agent in Charge 9 3 Ronald Reagan-891 STATES DEPARTMENT OF Dallas, Texas In Reply, Please Refer to March 1 7 9 7 6 File No. Alifa I 6 307C w, RIGHTS INTERFERENCE IN 4os,??3 PROTECTED ACTIVITIES On February 27, 1976, James Mayfield, Lieutenant, Amarillo Police Department, Amarillo, Texas, telephonically advised the Amarillo Resident Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Amarillo, Texas, that he had been telephonically contacted by Amarillo, Texas, telephone number. [who stated that she had recently caused an advertisement to appear in a local newspaper regarding the sale of puppies. On the evening of the New Hampshire residential primary elections, I and his wife, Iresponded to the advertisement and 2 A appeared at Iresidence. During the course of conversation] observed the broadcast of the i New Hampshire presidentia- primary election results on television and presidential candidate 3 4 she intended to vote or. She declared her intention to presidential candidate Ronald Reagan and reported 136 b7C that made the statement several times that he hated Ronald Reagan and would kill him if he ever got a chance. She subsequently learned that Ronald Reagan intended a visit Mto Amarillo, Texas, and decided to report the incident. Lieutenant Mayfield advised that a review of the Amarillo Police Departmen? reco ds failed to rev a1 any information identifiable with or On February 27, 1976, Peggy.Slay, Identification Division, Potter County Sheriff 3 Office, Amarillo, Texas, advised that a review of her files failed to reveal any information identifiable with or I On-February 27, 1976, at 4 o'clock PM, the above information was furnished by Special Agent T: Scott Hendricks, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Amarillo, Texas, to Special Agent William W. Morrow, United States Secret Service, Lubbock, Texas. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed dame, outside your agency. 3" . . . 1/ ?/{fRonaELReagan 892 . K. 1 EN CLO SURE \1 OK On February 27, 1976, a review of the records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Dallas Texas. failed to reveal information identifiable with On March 1, 1976, Carole C. Baker, 207 Independence, Amarillo, Texas, was interviewed by Special Agent T. Scott Hendricks, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Amarillo, Texas, and Warner M. Brown, Special Agent, United States Secret Service, Lubbock, Texas. Attached and made a part hereto .b are the results of the interview recorded on a standard interview form. m] On March 1, IAmarillo, Texas, was interviewed by Special Agent T. Scott Hendricks, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Amarillo, Texas, and Warner M. Brown,.Special Agent, United States Secret Service, Lubbock, Texas. The attached and made a part hereto are the results of the interview recorded on a standard interview form. Ronald Reagan-893 ?1'27'70FEDERAL BUREAU OF Date of transcription 3/10/76 I IAmarillo, Texas, was contacted at her residence by SA T. SCOTT HENDRICKS, FBI, Amarillo, Texas, and SA WARNER M. BROEJN, United States Secret Service, Lubbock, Texas. She advised that she recently caused an advertisement to appear in a local newspaper regarding puppies she wanted to give away. On the night of the television broadcast of the New Hampshire presidential primary election returns, which she believes February 24, . a man identifying himself as land his wife, responded to the advertisement. They were not given a puppie but stayed at her residence for quite some ime rambling in conversation from one subject to another. stated, among other things, that he had been an actor starring in the television series Happy Days; that his wife was pregnant and he had been told by the Lord that his wife was going to have triplets; that he disliked his wife's parents with whom they were living and was going to beat them up before- he left their residence; that he had attained a Black Belt rating in karate; that he had poked a man' 3 eyes out on one occasion: and that he had cut a man 3 heart out on ano ca31on. While sitting on the couch in her EEC ins wife and played with himself through his trousers. ., During the course of the conversation, presidential can1' REAG appeared on the television screen and asked which presidential candidate she intended to r. See dec. .ared her intention to vote for REAGAN and immediately seemed very angry: hf itated, hate 1m and I'd kill him.if I could. a "You must be joking." replied, "No not. immediately changed the subject. recalls driving an old blue Chevrolet anitha' he stated that lived-on with his wife's parents who owned a small grocery store on that when she learned that presidential candidate REAGAN intended to visit Amarillo, Texas, in April, 1976, she decided that she had better report the Interviewed on 2/1/76 I File ha] 183 All-- 611-24!- aimed .. 5&6 This document comains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. it is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; ?onaklReagan-894 i2 and its contents are not to be distribmed ou1side your agency. 3 2L 44-6424 incident and called the Amarillo Police Department. fl - Ronam Reagan-895 1? 93-302 (REV. {1.27.76} I . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date ?of transcription 3/ 10! 76 IAmarillo, Texas, was contacted at his residence. He was advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent by a display of credentials and of the identity of WARNER M. BROWN, Special Agent, United States Secret Service, Lubbock, Texas, who accompanied SA HENDRICKS on the interview, by a diaplay of his identification. He was advised that the ur ose of the interview was regarding threats made presidential candidate RONALD REAGAN. He was a Vised of certain rights as they appear on an Interrogation; Advice of Rights form, which he read, stated that he understood and signed. initially stated that he would like to kill presidential candidate RONALD REAGAN and that he had made the statement several times.that he would like to shoot him. He could not recall the identity of any of the people to whom he made the statement. He dislikes REAGAN due to his in ression that REAGAN signed legislation which resulted inl receipt of 105 shock treatments at San Jose, California, where he was rea from 1966 to 1969. He ad 'lly described REAGAN as a "pass the buck" Governor. subsequently stated in be the interview that the interv1ewing Agents did not have b7C to worry about his killing presidential candidate REAGAN and that if he met REAGAN, he would just shake hands with him. He stated that if REAGAN were elected President of the United States, that he Iwould just leave the country to reside probably in Hawaii; He stated that he had previously met REAGAN, but could not be specific regarding the circumstances of the meeting. . I Iadditionallv stated that he was treated at California, in 1964 and 1965; -at ICalifornia, in 1970; and atl California, in 1974, from which hospitall Istated that he escaped. He additionally stated that he has a past history or buse problems and that he was arrested in for Indecent Exposure in March, 1975, and that Interviewed on 3/1176 ?Amati 10 Texas File by SA T- SCOTT Data? dimmed 3/5rj? This document contains neither recummenda?om nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency,- if and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 5 . RonakiReagan-896 DL 44-6424 2 . he was expelled froml ISan Jose, California, for Inciting to Riot. I Istated that he formerly resided at Honolulu, Hawaii, in late 1973 and early 1974, and purchased from Sears and Roebuck Company, Honolulu, Hawaii, a 200 millimeter magnum rifle, brand unknown, which he believes to be presently in the_possession of his former landlord, name unrecalled. A 1968 blur i? Ver blue Chevrolet Nova, bearing Texas license was observed in ?re] the residence, IAmarillo, Texas. stated that he is the owner of the vehicle. The following description was obtained through observation and interview: b6 Name b7c Race White Sex Date of birth Place of birth Glendale, California Marital status Wife Father and mother-in-law ?Previous wife Height 6'1" WEight 143 Hair Brown Eyes Brown Scars and marks Parachute wings and Airborne - tattooed left lower arm Residence I I Amarillo, Texas Employment None . Occupation Janitorial and maintenance work Lprried 6 - RonakLReagan-897 gL 44-6424 1 ?5 Military Father Mother U.S. Marine Corps September 20, 1972 through December 13. 1972? believed deceased Northern California, precise whereabouts unknown RonaklReagan-BQB On March 2, 1976, a review of the Identification Records, FBI, Was revealed that FBI Number white male, born at Glendale, California, 5'11" tall, weighing 157 'poun s, brown hair, brown eyes and Airborne with win 8 tattooed on left outer forearm, was arrested by 1; Sheriff's Office on March 20, 1975, for In ecen ior with a Juvenile. He was convicted on and sentenced to six months jail confinement. On March 2, 1976, a rev;ew of the records of the Sheriff's Office. I revealed that onl white male, born onl lat Glendale, California, S'll" tall, weighing 157 pounds, medium fair complexion, dark brown hair, brown es .Sheriff's Office Numberl land FBI Number was arrested for Indecent Be av1or with a Juvenile. I Iwas sentenced to serve six months in the Correctional Institute. The record further revea that the I arrest ofI Itook placel bus lines bus on whichI was a passenger, after he was Eb? observed in the bus restroom with his pants down attempting sexual involvement with a five year old boy,I I by the bus driver, a relaf' of f' old bo . The arresting deputies were I ISheriff's Office and the arrest took place in the I area. At the time of his arrestf] lfurnished the addressl I and listed his mother as IPalo Alto, Ca iforniaI Ireceived an early release for good behavior fromJ I Ion August 19, 1975. Special Agent Paul A. Geohegan, FBI, telephonically furnished the above information to SA Jay Bly, United States Secret Service, New Orleans, Louisiana, at 2:25 PM on March 2, 1976. On March 2, 1976J IHonolulu, Hawaii, advised that rfesided at her address for a period of time. She stated that she houses 3 mental cases and stated that, in her 0 inion, falls into that category. She recalls that purchase a ?long gun" at Wodlworths in Waikiki, but believes that he returned it shortly after 3 Ronald Reagan-899 the purchase for cash. On March 2, 1976, George Norcross and Mel Dang, Sears and Roebuck Company, Honolulu, Hawaii; Walter Karnes, J.C. Penny and Company, Honolulu, Hawaii; and John Orr, Honsport, Honolulu, Hawaii, each advised that a review of their respective records failed to reveal any information regarding the purchase of any rifle including a seven millimeter magnum by On March 2, 1976, investigation revealed that Woolworth and Company, Honolulu, Hawaii, does not sell any kind of firearm. On March 2, 1976, a review of the records of the FBI, Honolulu, Hawaii, and the records of thaHonolulu Police Department, Honolulu, Hawaii. failed to reveal any information identifiable with On March 2, 1976. Medical Records Administration, California, advised that she was unable to loqte any record regarding land stated that in June, 1972, b6 services at Iwere closed b7C and all records were sent tol California. On March 2. 1976.I Department, I advised that he recalled shock treatments administered tol Ibut could not recall the exact dates of treatment. has no knowledge as to how many shock treatments received but stated that the normal course is from twenty to thirty shock treatments. At the time the was treated, some patients were on "maintenance treatment" and received additional shock treatments as necessary. agressive, paranoid and stated that 0881 _e could be a threat. He was unable to comment further without record. Ronald Reagan-900 b. a t3" ?3 C) On March 2, 1976, investigatiOn at I I California, re records of were sent to California. On March 2, 1976, ICalifornia, advised that records regarding Iwere sent toI I California, in November, 1974. On March 2, 1976, investigation at I I California, revealed that records regarding Iare housed at land that a Signed release from b5 or a subpoena is necessary to obtain information b7c rom the records. 5 en sh d' the Records Custodian, California. On March 5, IJudge.I I advised that IAmarillo, Texas, had Signed an affidavit sertif ing his belief that I dangerous to or others. JudgeI a issued an order for andI Iwas transporte to by Sheriff's Office Deputies. . advised tha: on March 9, 19/6, or March 10, 1976 a hearing would be scheduled to determine should be committed for treatment. On March 8. I IHonolulu, Hawaii, recontacted SA Roger H. Wheeler, FBI, Honolulu, Hawaii, and a had located records which reflected that had.been a tenant atI from August, through February, 1974. w1fe wasl land her mother is Los Angeles, California. On March 9, 1976, Walter Karnes, J.C. Penney Company, Ala Mona Shopping Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, rechecked his records and advised that purchased a seven millimeter magnum, model 1700, Parker-Pale rifle on February 6, 1974. The rifle was returned for credit to its resale on February 16, 1974. Information 10 Ronald Reagan-901 on the gun-purchase-fgrm indicated that is a white b6 male, born on at Glendale, California, b7C six feTt_tall+_weighing 165 pounds and Social Security Number On March 10. I Iadvised that a hearing ha een eld before a jury regarding the commitment of The jury determined that was not in need of treatment and he was release On March 5, 1976, information regarding investigation conducted at Shreveport, Louisiana; Honolulu, Hawaii; Agnew, California; Napa, California; Highland, California; Camarillo, California; and Canyon, Texas, was furnished by SA T. Scott Hendricks, FBI, Amarillo, Texas, to Warner M. Brown, Special Agent, United States Secret Service, Lubbock, Texas. On March 10, 1976, information regarding additional investigation conducted at Honolulu, Hawaii, and Canyon, Texas, was furnished by SA T. Scott Hendricks, FBI, Amarillo, Texas, to Warner M. Brown, Special Agent, United States b6 Secret Service, Lubbock, Texas. . b'C On March 5, 1976, the facts of this matter were discussed with Roger L. McRoberts, Assistant U. S. Attorney, Northern District of Texas, Lubbock, Texas, who declined prosecution and stated thft_it_was_his_gpinign_fhat successful prosecution of would not be possible due to his mental condition. 11+ . Ronakl Reagan-902 .- 31kg?) Uruliad State; glove/Lament, Bmaau of: Fatima! - . 02. (Saigon Hanna/L Building WaA/Lingion, D. C, my 003::?1?5352?1?3390 CZa/zenae maul 2/15/96 Maw .. Dmacioa o? Mia q?gr 6?3 Jn. liz.? Ronaid Reagan. aroma/2. gone/awn. 0,2 Caii?o/mia. 3 m0. If 49; Kayo/2d my (:0wa with AM dude. i/Lai acme mporwdiia o??iulai o? i/La (1.5. umnmmi Ea (ma/La 0; Mi Mommiion aonwming?onaid ?uaagan. Mat .7 Await/L iercLe/Lio you/z. ?012. i/La paw: Lima ave/2.. fa) . 70a gffr/f?? Ji?aganKaL/am7965w/Lanjmidadai -74 mi?a? dua weasi o? i?a Miw idea, aA'o? now, wax) Manndiionai and naizbrzag magaiiona .1 LUCA i/Le name. 0; my. oaganizaiior}. in 7W. Than Papa, go/uuon?? 73 7 and 2 17 we/La known it? ma. wtpacia?gzd/ w/Lo Lao/.5 a {maciiaing cw waa ax; mad Agoui Way, 7965 ?oui i/ia W5 m1. 5 who dazed MI 1) 2.ng Mai he headed a an. a New 67.22am; La. caiiac( 5 pi}; .uwiiad ma i0 lww? and nzacla ma {Moro-?mm :30 aaco/Lcling i0 harm/ac! i/za Ma?a .L'n Lotti/sauna and owaerl i/Le. own q; ?nial in. New 04.32am; viabu'iy. {70/212,560 2161.0! a Fad. (fa/Lg} c/zcmga again/5i him loul?zsiarzding. i/Lai i/La awn g. ?15,525, 000. 00 woufcl Ka my, demand and an. adoLLtLOrLaZ Rama/Lo! paid i0 4:0qu ?e dorm. in ?auoa 40 i0 zgo Awe 1/22. (mp/ml; diam/mad 011 any. mama do .- ?539 rmaggaay i0 dam -77 I g} by.? Ronald - Reagan-903 . 6.- (94} J?o?cl mesa, 04901.1. _/Loweum, Jam ell/LodLLcegLouio amalawwland 9ouand/zecandL?aLdA?/ul? oaAewLULow?. Jdiduaet?gL?/mo/VIL. Kea9anda?out3 nwn?ludoeesolmtwiw/m, Ca. upon. m9 Wd?a?a/D?end?zj Aorne( lmd?eengduen ?5;me 7?'eom IV.0. ?an. me. advi/Jed miom?/IimeoLEQLtW?athz9. Jdid/Jo. ?o?dme?ha?/Le wvwimpoe?ani, ?oewe?iometmceagw. in. Reno, Nevada. all m9 {image-?4, home n.ow_ deceaeed b? w/ue/L Am. 77 dag/5 am .1 ?ac? did. his, (5) 77m 15/ng ?ofd me upon in. Reno tall/M lm'm wad ?lm/.5 m9 w??e and J'A?a9ed ?lm home in So. ?ale/20mm 0/ a man w/w mu 4e 9022/2. next gone/tho?. -Rona?d Rex/91a andaveeg. WKOQ9 ?ime ?ue/1d o?nmum? Jae/zed w/19 one 9012. 40 We We. Rea9en MW wen. ?lm e?eetwn 750/: ?lm and ?lwii??me?lm?a9? 9e0u.{2. Jd?dno?wam??o. and WW ow; Mmees mee?m9?. eormexm?ng lug) plan to have a new ?own in llondwzezs wedged a?on?r} Apemia? ?(19ml (?e/519m. ?w/zo/'e deAm9mA he Med with lube .a eo?oe .in?e?9ued me.- .7 have neue/L been. lumenee. (ll/lea We. Regan. 4h ?ae? did genome eve/mow ?lla? would, on ue/L9 7?1224) oecammone, ?a?la ?e?ep/Lone ?o one of. AU.) aaea?ame and would mes/e. ?o ma/m men?ien. ?n ?lm gone/man ?r'La? um a 7Eluend o? ?lu'A mew Om?earw. .7 deans/He at ?lm ?ime acqua?n?ed wet}. Aecae?zmzf ~0n?9 ?59 plume ca?Q. Ronald Reagan-904 V: ?96 1337:: I J, .7 hold no mLimOALty (lg/amt. Ronald Reagan. w?at?oeve/L. .7 do 722d that/Leiamongz aJWgatQ/wdc/zad, Ca. 15/72 expending mum ,Zuiwuz gone/mu 0,2 M44. State and, 2) mag/51a! clam. oksmion agairwl?. the {ma/z. w/w, MOW, in. Oracle/L 10 Mi ?ave. to we. on magic/L2 and 01AM. State, Fade/cal County and C119 Mad?nub. I 012 wife/z. impedance MIL. Kelly a wee/Lt AW MIL. Reagan snow to ?42421 11/12 W212i. Pmicleri 0/2 1/22. United ?Lulu o? Ame/aim, Hon. Ford, 549., in 12.2.: national Mitch/.5 - L6 Reagan?A Miami on. .4. (If/Luau, ii .12: in. naixlona? Mam, that 4'78 Fidel CaAf/Lo would tho/5e 1.1.5. mm taking bum ?ow in. Havana and dAew/Le/Le. in CuKa 13501 he would amide/L ?MM/mad o? deplom malaixloms wai/L Cuia 21c.? Na. Weir; [Cele/.5 Me Won. why am now motivated to Lannie, you 1/142; con?ulenimf W121. 77w. K149 had a fat 01 Aia/ae in. Havana in 12.2.: gaming WM. A1450, 13114.2. note Ma. Reagan ?ailed to make mention. 072 any Wad . Awuuiy mime/51 I'm 50/) in. mind to 110 Fidel ?(mi/Lo (164011.15. Pmumf 4?25 1/20/52 AmmLcan. MWAQA in. aonl?xw? now. .74 a connection. uni/L Um. Ma?a and Roma Reagan? BOAZCZ on 2,an aonien?o 0% 15/1425 42/2041 3 We. flame 1/5. 9} The AL??am?finwzagazirLe. 0,2 Nana/L mug '76 Ina/aw Winn in 410/19; .Uwi he ?rm hen/ml i/Laii/Le 0.7.4. and 1/22 f?ia?ia ?won/a Acres! ?in in?ux nation. 21L. 3% 25/2424 426 bum. liken my lug/20121 150 you. Deng; Luau maid mean Wdangmioi??wxzi?m. JI/uwi 9,011. JaclmizmdiheicuteJCH. vyoun [name/L K0454. Ronald Reagan-905 Jn. mum, Km: 5m, .7 WW mote to 5m. 7mg (yum/L a?cw?Zme/w ago and had Aomet?u'ng 0,5 national ham/Jamie. to We 10 him. No alums/L; Vonly 1/101 he. Au ?Wad the ?oat on a good ?aciua? Alia/15L?. MW Admitted 2nd day 0,2 Mme/1, 7976 mm *no Wu slit/LIA latte/z. made. Ronald Reagan-906 0-13 (Rev. 10-9-75) Immediate Transmit :ZIaintext - Via'Teietype the Attached Urgent ?de . ENitel 3-13 Front Director. FBI (174-5737): arcs: 51:11 (174-1349) To: 1,111.1. macaw Geranium ling/4.19m. 1551421034 -D White House Situation Room 1 . The President . [3 The Vice President Attn: E: Attorney General Deputy Attorney General Attn: Analysis and Evaluation Unit Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Divisi [f 1:1 Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division Attn: Internal Security Section Attn: Wes section Drug Enforcement Administration Immigration and Naturalization Service U. S. Marshal?s Service Department of the Air Force (AFOSI) RUEAC [:jDepartment of the Army RUEAHN Director. CIA Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Energy Research and Development Administration Federal Aviation Administration Other than Listed National Aeronautics Space Adm. National Security Agency (Attn: 800)) Naval Investigative Service U. S. Postal Service (if Classi?ed) (Use RUEVDFB if Unclassified) U. S. Secret Service (PID) [3 Secretary of State Department of Transportation Attn: Director of Security - Department of Treasury Attn: U. S. Customs Department of Treasury Attn. Bureau of Alcohol 'Tobacco 8g. Firearms Jan?s?A.? .-..L.J 3 7. TA 1.. ?1 Free-m 511113111 or 11111311311: 031.1. 1131:3311 Assoc. Dir. Top Secret Deg. AD Adm. .. 039. AD lnv. 1 [Secret Aw. Din: Classification: Adm": File: 5. Com. 3: i 3-7: Gen. Subject (Text begins next page): i liui? $3 3513]? ?lForeign Liaison Unit Route through for review . . Confidential in EIPAHZIL k] Unclassified[smeared telephonically Hour. Inspeclion lute". f? (?Tir' ., Laboratory '5 . ?(Awn?f? run-?- 77-1119? 7 coun' uieig 311.11.114.31. .1. Flon.8. Evai. Spat. Inv. Training Telephone Rm. 6 ic TELETYPE i I . I Diwqtor Suc?y ?3327.7 11 ?7 ?5 .441?; L.) .1. .14 1?11} .J .. I Reagan-.202. :3 car 15-1 Dr)? ti .i i 1 . . - . I I . TEFEREHCE IS MADE TO NT TZEETYP TO YUU DATED 2, 1976, SET TI: IQBTH Bf; UND IN THIS 0.33, as NCIALLY REGARDING ONE .WITH EQUEST YOUR AGEECY ISH THIS lU ANY IDENTIFIABLE ON ON PRIORITY b6 BASIS. RE CE IS ALSO MADE TO MY LETTER TO YOU DATED MARCH 12, 1976, TO ATTENTION .EPUTY DIRECTOR FDR OPER YOUR-FILE CTR- 31 6/0 1030- 76, TITO PHOTLGRAFIIS DEFECT BEIIEVE BE OWL VII. )31 SUBJECT ?rI JET ADVISED II. TUE - 7* ?r A IxhgRonald Reagan-908 up an. I-.. 'rgaunt-owns- .va-2-;COD TO: CITY FROM: IFTO. ZAPBOM, ALLECE ?a COMMUAGAUOH: gbhu? AIIL comm 30519::- 5/ /76 SEGE RISUNCIIASSTFI ?lri?l'i" .3bo?w OR, FBI (174c6757J CISCO 55% 9?65 R3 MIAMI (174-961) SAN JUAN (174-63 THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, OO. SAN PIQ Amine. 1hr. . I Evil-A 11-. 'v Admin I. (R, T. Ext. AI 1 ?Filzr mm r: 1:13.. Insclaf :n I In: an! *7 .1 Lu?) it' . Fiat. Elk-'31. - - - lu- . T's. -Udn. .. n?u 3m. . RE STATEMENT OF ASSASSINATE I ON MARCH 15, 1376, REGARDING ASSAS PROVE HIS STATURE WITH FBI AND TO BE CORSISTENT WITH OTHER AA: FABRICATION RE AS Illa? TU Ho CONCERNING PLOT TO ARC REACAN. RECARTEO PREVIOUS STATEMENT SINATION PLOT STAYING HE GAVE THIS STORY T0 CUBAN TRAINER AND STATES HE HAS BEEN TELLING SUCH STORIES TO ENHANCE HIS IMAGE SEFURE HIS FOLLOMERS AND RADICAL MOVEMENT FOR SUCH A FIRIOO OF TIME THAT RE SOMETIMES RAS PRUOLEMS DIFFERENTIATING FACT FROM FICTION. ON AN. MARCH 15, SENCE SAN a: SAN f3 a" I'll-v1 AGAIN INTERVIENED IN PRE- Reagan-909 waft; . ,5 ?magma-9a:wiIg?hu - ANNA: I 1 i AND AGENT. TOLD THEN THE PREVIOUS INFORMATION COMPLETELY FALSE RE HIS RECEIPT OF CONTRACT FROM CUBAN To ASSA SINATE PRESIDENT FORD AND CANDIDATE REAGAN AT KANSAS CONVENTION, SUNNER, 1975. FURTHER ADVISED THAT HE DID INVENI POSSIBILITY SUCH AN ASSASSINATIDN PLOT IN THE PAST AND DISCUSSED SANE NITH HIS FOLLONERS IN UNIT, DUI THISASTRICTLY DRAVADO AND NEITHER HE NOR HIS FOLLONERS EVER ACTUALLY CONSIDERED INPLENENTATION. STATES HE HAS NO WHATSOEVER RE ANY OF PLOT ON PARTAANY INDIVIDUALS TO PRESIDENT OR ANY CANDIDATE. SECRET SERVICE AGENTS STATE PREVIOUS INEORNATION APPARENILY DNFJUNDED, PARTICULARLY IN THAT INVESTIGATION TO DATE HAD D18- PRUVED IDENTIFICATION OF AS CUSAN UUERRILLA TRAINER. EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND INFORMATION RE PROVIDED TO SECRET SETVICE, SAN FRANCISCO, MARE-IR REQUEST CONTINUES TO OFFICE AND HAS STATED HE NILL NON SE CONPLETELY TRUTNRUL IN HIS UEURIEFING. VI SIT OF TI II MELVIN, If} NEEDED OF (v Wm I 2. kJ-Lul 5.4 Id 4.. 21?? I RonaklReagan-910 - 4xNCTE FOR SAC, CIFLY: .4 OF FUWTT CM, 4.4.4.. U) I. MAD IN WITH SAC BATES THIS DATE, PER BUREAU CMJ. TO SAC BATES BY SA I. F. END NOTE . Ronald Reagan-911 I .a Den-A {Du-In? lawn 3w tau 0F . . Asst? Din: I a DLC Admin. -. Comp. Smut. Ext. Affairs Files. com Gen. InvBathM/u?l? ?-Lai; maul-y NR I332 SF . 7 Plan Eva]. . Spec. icv. Legal Cum. . . . Telephone 331m, T0 DIRECTOR . Dired-?Jr iec?y SAN FRANCISCO (174-1549) If? ATTN INID AND BID 5 I . EID, 00 SAN THREAT AGAINST THE 4.. PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE RONALDTRE -A SOURCE, a] 7 WHO HAS FURNISHED SOME SUBSTANTIATED INFORMATION AS WELL AS OTHER 4? ?3 INFORMATION WHICH IS QUESTIONABLE, ADVISED AS FOLLONS ON THE 1" EVENING OF NARCN i mid Tr. CUBAN, NNDN SOURCE: CLAINS ID THE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CONVENTION IN KANSAS CITY AND HERE TO KILL PRESIDENT ?DomgmAL?um FORD AND CANDIDATE RONALD RNAGAN. THIS WAS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY CREATING DIVERSIONARY TACTICS IN THE CONVENTION AND THEN KILLING THESE WITH HIGH POWERED RIFLES. If A, i ?Apr Why NOT RECORDED .- A 2 31975vmifzf?xl MUN 33W WNW 31155? Maggi??- Ronald Reagan- 9-12 1 - PAGE TWO SF 174*1549 . 1137C SOURCE DESCRIBED as A MALE, srocxv BUILD, 2 ABOUT 3% YEARS OF AGE, WITH DARK I no KNOWN AT IRIS TIME. I sac KEN IACOVONI, u.s. SECRET SERVICE, SAN FRANCISCO, ADVISED 8:36 A.M., RARER ISI I I 57D SAN FRANCISCO HAS RESERVATIONS ABOUT THIS SOURCE .. HAS FURNISHED SOME INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN FURTHER ATTEMPTS WILL BE MADE TO OBTAIN MORE SPECIFICS REGARDING ABOVE. END Ronald Reagan-913 /smfry: E: mwixx 0.73 (Rev. 2-13-75! 0 . Immediate Date 1 r/1 9/7 ?i Transmit in Via rTeletype the Attached Urgent Message . A Nitel From: Director, FBI . To: SACs: To: [agate 5.4 If . I g/ White House Situation Room Attn: TO: a The President The Vice President Cl Attn: I [3 Deputy Attorney General Attorney General :j Attn: Analysis and Evaluation Unit Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights Division [3 Assistant Attorney General. Criminal Division C]_Attn: [menial Security Section Attn: General Crimes Section Drug Enforcement Arisiinisti-aiion National Aeronautics Space Adm. Immigration and Naturalization Service DNational Security Agency U. 3.. Service (A1111: RLEIBDUAI Department of the Air Force (AFOSI) Naval Investigative Service Depa?ment the Army a U. S. Postal Service (if Classified) (Use RUEVDFS if Unclassi?ed.) Director, CIA I. ?2 U. 3. Secret Service (PID) Commandant, S. Coast Guard . Secretary of State Director, Defense Intelligence Agency FIDepartment of .. Energy Research and Development Attn Director of Security Administration C1 I 117? iFedeml Aviation Adminisiratiori .h ?i fir-gunk rm Iui: Ronald Reagan- 9-14 we? ic? l'j? ch?wmb 2i :13?er ,i A . Dix. i (New I ssn??zoa TI 8 Dcp. AD Inv. 405 05?? 3 {j :1 Assf. Din: LL. mm r; 2 NOT RECORD RD . camp1975 31' Ext. Af?FilasE-Com.-- - . . I ?1 i . - Clu?bl?CfiilO?i?i ?i I 0 Gem LJ Cont". dentin: vi ?ngf'?f?mif?w . I 3' Route through for review Inspection inia?- laboratory Lego! Conn. Piun. 5. Eval. 'rv Tania Dirac?): Sec' Ma?a more MAIL i Cleared toicphonicuiiy i eject i Tex}: bovine; and; pane): {??gsf AKA With 2 a f' SEE GOLEBWATER .. . SENATOR WASH a .. KL GIECY ISXWORTION bum ufH'M- 1 Tm. i UNIT Pig's?; ROOM it} lF?le-x If use? _Los mm?. .. 1b, 1573? 99kg Sb EATER BARRY SOLDAATVR 1AA ELLIAII .. . 1h! -.. . . 1.1 rm?. . - 131,11 ?51 - {1:131:49} sun-1.1 1111-3? ?i Armt. I'T'irAumm. - (70::ng SwtExt. Affuirgv- . . 13.; ?1:315 mm 11-. m. - A. 11-13-75 5m . m? an~?m1 {ill-.11Hun. Pjhul. 1 1 136's: ?n?h L034 war-LES (9.5779) - . . Telepnune Rm. CHANGED. uasus, AKA.. 531395300153 an? ?t 5- SLAAIOR. NASHIHGIOA, 01.8. - VICIIN1. REAGAN. TITL: PRLSIOJSLY THE: AILNINB LEXISR PQSIAD OCIQDLH .. VICI1A1 .1 0% AAVEMQZR 6, 197;, SA AL JGAQUIS LA ADVISED 6F LAIIVH Ia LDLBIAILR. LA IADICLS 0A 1L3 ?cg A1CII 1.1191591: ., 1&1 ?975. Au CRAI1 LA uIIssn AIIDIIA A I TARNAJ PIRVILA t? . . 'l .5 ?11519?. 5331101203 115,,95? It as Ronald Reagan-915 Wag?m . Assoc. Dir5.3.5. I Asst Dir. Adm. Sorv 3.1: 1Q (2313 E: Affair-.5 II Ade? Fin. .ew-w: . I . NP. St". PLAIN I ?(at 4' I )4 .- Inspect?lggu; 934mm? 5/15/76 VLS . Intell, . Laboratorv . Legal Cour]. WW, 0 DIRECTOR FRI Plan. Evai Rec. 1.: KANSAS CITY Spec. Inv. Training . ?Telephone Rm Dir?rH-tn snn'y AGAINST gp CR AWWFTO (175-97) (RUG) RR: . j. 0M MAY 1976, TFCLEPI-TOMICALLY RORTACTRR THE CALIFORRIA POLICE REGARDING AR IRRIUIRIRL THAT HE RRLIRURR MIGHT ATTEMPT TO KILL PCRALR I :56 TO THE LOCPL OF THE FBI, RRDDINC, 1.37.: CALIFORNIA, TRLR HONICALLY TRR ROLLOMIRA MONTHS I090 HAD f? ,3 THAT RR RAS GCIRR TO FILL RONALD RRARAR I I AR IR RARSAS CITY. STAIRR AT FIRST DID MUCH IS .l?T TO UNRBUOHDED COPY mu). TRR RACR THAT HAS STATED MANY TIRRS ovRR RR r. . MAR TO KILL RONALR RRAGAAI, . RIRALLY orcann THAT Aumv?w" ?pwm TO FACT THAT IS APPROXIMATELY FIFTY - 18 1976 CITY, THAT MIGHT ?m ram 2/15/9135? 8939203103 55 Ronald Reagan-916 XEROX R3 MAY. 21 1916 9C 175-97 PPGE TWO THAT IS AN HIGHWAY EMPLOVTW FORCED T0 PND HAS RTPGAH FOR HIS FORCED I 19 UEQCPIBFP AS A MALT, FIFTY-FIVE YTAPQ OLD, HAVING IN FOP THRTE YEARQ. EEC QTATEU THPT HIS OPINION IS HHSTAPLF H99 VMOHN TO PQANDISH AND INDIUIUHPLQ WITR LPST INCIDTMT INVOLVING OF 1975. Ups MARRIED TO DAUGHTER. cw nnY 13, 1976, p? Ez?? AM, THE pnou: IwronwnTIQv U99 ITLEPHOMICALLY FURNISHED TO SA WAX HILLIPS OF THE QWRVIOE, RY Sp JOHN M. Fvl, ?iwnlve, CITY, p? CITY, MESSOUR WILL LOCAL SERVICE R?ep?nlve ABOVE NPTTER. run, 003 FBIHQ Ronald Reagan-917 AIIH- 4- . . - -A5JIL I . Ff?t??L (If: Bim? COMMUWCMEQNS Asst. Din: . Admin. mm Comp Ext. ?fill: .. Ix] Fi?-asPLAIN - i, Intellifn 55% PM TEL APRIL 2, 1976 Lemmratory ?ah: Plan. 3: . Eval. is - IRECR . . Spec. luv. MmTraini?ig FROME BOSTON (LIA-NEH) (P) . Lunch: Sec?y . 8: TO UHSUB, AHA A MEMBER OF IHREAI IO BOMB JOHN XHO OORHACH FEDERAL BUILDIHS, BOSIOH, HAss.; THREAT TO KILL U. S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE w. ARIHDR ASSASSIHAIIOH ELOIL AOAIHSI R. FORD, VICE PRESIDEHI HELSOH H. AHD PRESIDENTIAL ROHALD A I C) REAOAH APRIL 2, 1976; IRREAI AGAIHSI PROTECTION OF PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES 0? AI 1:15 PM, APRIL 2, 1976, HARREH TALBOT, RDREAO E: (3 HAHACEH, BOSIOH, HASS., ADVISED THIS OFFICE IHAI HIS EOFFICE HAD JUST RECEIVED IHO THREAIEHIHO EHOHE CALLS HE: . Jig] FOLLOHS: m? EAL . 1. RECEIVED FIRST TELEPHONE .4: law?2 12939 PM FROM INDIVIDUAL SOUNDING LIKE A WHITE MALE IN HIS EARLY IHEHIIES OR THIRTIES. CALLER STATED JUST HAHIED IO 'f LET YOU KNOW THERE WILL BE THREE BOMBS SET OFF IN THE NEXT EH: FIVE DAYS IN THE COURT IN TO QUESTIONS 5313 i"s 37?qu 3-bit 1?12; 3 If? 1(3/ 4/ 5 Am;- 8er II L115 A ?ssmaogm? OHL hf (ii/LT >2 a "1&3 4551(PAGE TWO BS 7 . IDENTIFIED IT AS THE FEDERAL COURT HOUSE, POST OFFICE SQUARE, BOSTON. MASS. (JOHN D. MC CORMACK FEDERAL BUILDING). CALLER STATED AM A MEMBER OF THE RED 2: AT 1:12 PM, A SECOND CALL wAs RECEIVED BY AT UPI. CALLER SOUNDED LIKE A MALE IN HIS THIRTIES OR FORTIES, N0 DISTINCTIUE CALLER STATED IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER wAs FOR JUDGE GARRITY T0 RESIGN AND THAT IF JUDGE GARRITY DID NOT RESIGN, HE WOULD BE KILLED. CALLER STATED HE DDULD BE UP As HOME IN WELLESLEY (MASS.) OR AT THE COURT HOUSE, THAT IT MADE DD DIFFERENCE How MANY MARSHALS HE HAD, As WAD HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE CALLER ALSO STATED THAI THERE IS AN ASSASSINATION PLOT AGAINST REAGAN, FORD AND ..ROCKEFELLER. CALLER THEN STATED HE DANTED IO CORRECT THE 1mm. INFORMATION IN HIS PREVIOUS CALL IN THAT THE BOMBS WOULD GO OFF IE I NEXT 12 DAYS RATHER THAN THE NEXT 5 DAYS. WELLESLEY PD, U05. SECRET SERVICE, U.S. MARSHALS, FEDERAL PROTECTIVE SERVICE, BOSTON MASS. STATE POLICE, Rona?ld Reagan-919 .. THREE BS ATE AND USA NOTIFIED. SA ARTHUR MIAKLEIM, u. S. SECRET SERVICE CAMBRDIGE, b7c ADVISED ASPECTS 0E THESE THREATS TO INFORMATION HE HAS To KNOWN To THE BOSTON -: . ?uh . . OFFICE OF THE AS A PROLIFIC ORIGIN OF THREATS T0 VARIOUS I evfrn' v? - PUBLIC OFFICIALS INCLUDING AND VICE PRESIDENT 0E THE UNITED STATES. I LEM MILL EDLLOS Yr Aw: .. . Ronald Reagan-920 TO FROM SUBJECT: GSA GEN. EEG. NO. 27 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . 2? ., 0-70 (Rev. 3-28-72) . OPNONAI. FORM NO. ?0 5010-106 MAY 1962 EDITION Memorandum Assistant Attorney General DATE: 3/25/75 CRIMINAL DIVISION GENERAL canes SMIGN Director, FBI ATTENTION: James RGYHOIGS . . . 2136 more: 2137-: THREAT AGAINST THE LIEE 0F PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE RON 3- LAST WEEK 1976; m. rmvoamrrou commas IRESIDEHTIAL CANDIDATE 133.153.3633: a: an ?11519? 5 928% Reference is made to memorandum dated (your file There is enclosed one copy of __a__telety_pe__ dated ngms? at Mamma? A. This covers the preliminary investigation and no further action concerning a full investigation will be taken by this Bureau unless the Department so directs. B. [j continuing and you will be furnished copies of reports as they are receive C. [j The investigation requested by you has now been completed. Unless advised to the contrary no further inquiries will be made by this Bureau. D. Pursuant to instructions issued by the Department, no investigation will be conducted in this matter unless specifically directed by the Department. E. [3 Please advise whether you desire any further investigation. F. This is submitted for your information and you will be advised of further developments. G. This is submitted for your information and no further investigation will be conducted unless specifically requested by the Department. H. This covers the receipt of a complaint and no further action'will be taken by this Bureau unless the Department so directs. Enc. 1 um: United States Attorney is being contested re- hiss views 3330 investigatien desired. United States secret Service, Washington, has been advised. Ronald Reagan-921 -. . .. - luv i Asst. Dix}: f?thdmin. IIOLHAL DUREHU I Comp. Syst. c??mil?ii?mm?s $583188 3 Ext. A?ms (y ij11151) :c-tion Ix;- HHDIA BS . . It Elf? x?E 5 24, 1976 (If, an. bval. Spec. lnv. Tr..iIIingA8306. D11: 3 NITEL 0 IRE Legal Conn. PROD: .. SOSIOU (175- DEII) - - . Teiep?noue Rm. .. .. . DSW-CKUY Secy AI AGAINST IHE LIIE DF HEAD LASP WEE jg OE mar nmgm?m mm ?2,41 new: MAINE ISMUHHOVD T0 IHE BOSTON DIVISION, THE FOLLOVIHO 7 INFORMATION DATE IO SA JOHN H. HEUOYER: 136 FEEDESGRIBED HIHSELF AS AN AMATEUR AND THAT MC VHILE CONSULTING HIS ORYSIAL BALL IHE PREVIOUS EVEHIIS HE RECEIVED INFORMATION THAI SCHE IIHE DURING LASI VEEH 0? APR IL, 1976, AN ION ATTEMPT WOULD BE MADE ON THE LIFE OF PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE RONALD REMAIN. SIAIED IHAI RONALD REASAN WOULD BE SHOT IN THE RIGHT SHOULDER AID IHAI HIS VIFE VOULD BE KILLED AI THE SAME TIME AND THAT THIS VOULD OCCURR VHILE HEAGAD HAS MAKING A POLITICAL SPEAOH AI SOME UHHAOVH w. IHOHAS ILAHH, SA, FEDERAL BUILDING, PORTLAND, HAIHE HAS ADVISED IHIS DAIE 0F IHE ABOVE AT 1:55 PM BY SA JOHN H. KENOYER. - ALL INFORMATION ND .13. .S UNCLASSXFIEB ?195/ AIssa?iom 7' Ronald Reagan-922 . .If? t. a? ?r MESSAGE RELAY [3 Immediate Date 5/13/76 Transmit in El Plaintext Via Teletype the Attached L: Urgent Message COde Nitel From: Director, FBI .-, i To: SACs: To: Legats: . 499/ l9 aushb White House Situation Room Attn: The President The Vice President [3 Attn: w? Attorney General Deputy Attorney General Attn: Analysis and Evaluation Unit Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division Attn: Internal Security Section Attn: General Crimes Section [3 Drug Enforcement Administration National Aeronautics Space Adm. Immigration and Naturalization Service National Security Agency U. s. Marshal's Service (Attn? 300? Department of the Air Force (AFOSI) 1:1 Naval Invesugatwe semce Department of the Army U. S. Postal Service (1f Classified) (Use RUEVDFB if Unclassified) (3 Director, CIA ?it: RE..- U. 3. Secret Service (PID) 57?? Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard Secretary of State ,5 i :1 Director, Defense Intelligence AgenCy . Department of Transportation Energy Research and Development Attn: Director of Security Administration A . . . . . [:iDepartrnent of Treasury Federal Av1at10n Admmistrationi i Attn: U. S. Customs 7' Other than t? {if 2? RE Department of Treasury Listed .. 8-2 Attn. Bureau of Alcohol FEDERAL BUREAU 5F INVWIKJK Tobacco Firearms 3, 2 1% camera Mails 55023?! at: r. we 3H Assoc. Dir. T0 et . (.1: Dean. AD Adm. ecr 3 MAY 1.4: 1975 4-3! Duo. AD Inv. I: secmt E31 Assl.Dir.: Cl I - Admin. assr 103 ion i: Confidential Foreign Liaison Unit :omp. SY-st. Unclassified Route through for review - Cleared telephonically Gen. lnv. _a Subject (Text begins next page): a PRESIDENTI AL canal: GAN . be a; Imell 1370 . t} Laboratory FR Legal Conn. {37 Ronald Reagan-923 P) (Ii; Spec. lnv. A .. Training 1 ,2 ,a Telephone Rm. I i Director Soc' y? MAIL 19%? UNIT 211916? 3 7 1 1-5 .. 11 . 111.11 1 113.10.?? UllaAvin. ?ir'?-97) (ta/rim . . A .. 6' . . :7 pi??lf?TZ a TAG In 1 If#175171 I . TH: 1193231?, POLICE DTP1TTHT 1? INDIVTTH1L THAT H: IEVTD HICHT 1111 PC1110 151913. 4 1 - 1 9111101111, 110 IVE FPLLOUIMG 130 HR HAD 1 10.11, .:1r:gv CQNEPON, ?Tocql TH1T HT H15 5 1 111 TO KILL 1011LH 911311 .11 pl{ I CITY. In War plows DE 1?4 my 3'4 HUGH T11 (J 39 i--12* flv1b TH. fH?! 9H 3?111: PFC TH. To VELL ROHALU 9:1611, 1H 5?1 "3 TO T101 T111 vaz?a? 19 EPPDOXIM1TE n.1, 'r'v . Te" 5111.111? FPCX CITY 311 0011111 1111:5113? - I 1 1* 11554218.? 1" 465,193 1? 1 9 ?If. . a [fa-?W 0 3 en iq??HITH WFRPOMS, Lair. T. THE ABOVE rw 2' (a . ~E'xw .. . - . . OPTIONAL FORM no. 10 j\ JULY 1973 EDITION GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 1OI-II.6 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum T0 DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: 6/23/76 . I FROM l/ SAC, KANSAS CITY (175?50) SUBJECT: I I . IN THREAT AGAINST PRESIDENTIAL #06 4 4 CANDIDATE WC Re Sacramento teletype to Kansas City 5/13/76. Information in referenced teletype was furnished to SA DON POOLE, U.S. Secret Service, Kansas City, Missouri, on 5/14/76. . I Ihas been indexed at Kansas City f7, Division. As no additional investigation is anticipated, Em? Kansas City is closing this case. M32. ENFORNIATTOW CONTAIEWO ?E-f En avg? 339.3423, 1 7 . I, $70! REC-88 J, It: Pf) \0 Sacramento 1 Kansas City .[wee~q VDC:jrt . (4) F311 . . {IL-go Ronald Reagan-926 MUFFQ Saving Bond: Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan SOIO-HO J- FED-36 (Rm. 7am) .r I I I TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teletype Immediate TOP SECRET l' Facsimile Priority SECRET [3 Airtel Routine CONFIDENTIAL [j 0 CLEAR I Dat 5/24 {17 if 1; 4. TO: DIRECTOR, FBI .t ATTN: Inspector HOMER A. R., ?If' Public Affairs Office ygiy FROM. SAC, SPRINGFIELD (80-301) SUBJECT: FAVORABLE COMMENTARY fi? CONCERNING THE FBI U1. be? Enclosed for the Bureau is a copy of a favorable commentary made by Mr. RONALD nggeN concerning the FBI. On 5/23/77, attached commentary was monitored by the Springfield Division on WFMB-FM, Springfield, Illinois. Above being furnished to the Bureau for information and SAC, Springfield recommends Mr. REAGAN to be sent a letter of appreciation under the Director's signature. Hr W1 2/575; 53% REG-36 y- Wm'wymm ?2 2% JUN :3 1977 .I I fujs?f A Bureau (Encl lift-?3 Springfield (80- -3 if?! in JWM/pme g? ffif (3) r} {l I. Ronald Reagan-927 Approved: g. I. I Transmitted (N be) Per 5 3 um 11118 re?lls "paras . i (Rem-int of a Radio Progrs.ntit1ed - . . Commentary by Ronald Reagan.) Legislation is now before the Congress which would end all "u QUOTE "political _surveillance" and shut down the intelligence?gathering functions This legislation will prevent all covert gathering. of fow:eign intelligence in peace time and keep the from collecting information on any person unless there is evidence that person has already committed a crime, or is about to commit one. - If such a law had existed in the years preceding World War II, the F.B.I. would have been prevented from infiltrating the German-American Bond. The record will show that the F. B. I. deserves most of the credit for the fact that not one major act of sabotage interrupted. our war effort during the years from Pearl Harbor to V. J. Day. As for the second point, has do we propose to halt the increasing wave of terrorist activities if we have to wait until the crime is committed? Or, how will we know someone is about to commit the crime? Our police intelligence forces - the and the C.I.A. - have for 40 years used tactics of surveillance, phone taps and, yes, mail openings when they had reason to believe there was a threat?to the safety of our country and our people. Using these techniques, so F.B.I. agent infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan, and found the murderers of three young civil rights workers a few years ago. I know of no government agency that can match the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its record of more than 40 years of dedication, effectiveness and freedom from scandal. how the Attorney General of the United States, evidently carrying out Departaent of Justice policy, will try to convict a 25 year veteran of the Bureau former agent and supervisor John Kearney, who retired in 1972. He will be charged with illegal phone taps and opening mail several years ago when these were normal operating procedures. The Attorney General admits that even if he is found Rot Guilty, he will be ruined because the cost of defending himself will wipe out his life savings. And, who was the object of Agent Kearney?s attention when he did these things? The ?Weathermen", one of the groups that surfaced in the anti-war demonstrations several years ago. Members of the Weathermen traveled to communist countries, boasted of bombings they were responsible for and 26 of then were, at one tine, on as: #98032 1 11.T 0N CWEairi-ial?lr? :a law enforcement's "most wanted? list. ii There is_ no other way to protect against terrorism than to try to learn in advance .3 what the terrorists are planning I wish we could have known beforehand about bomb that would arrive in a California college office, packaged as mail. a young bride of three weeks was blinded and had her hands mangled as she opene:l that :;e{ar package. A janitor,_on another campus, was blown to eternity when he tried to 3 3 remove a bomb in the faculty dining room. .Ei 1-. I?m glad for the intelligence report, and I, frankly, don?t care how it was obtained, that warned me -- when I was Governor of California of a p].ot to kidnap my eife and Lill her if I wouldn' agree to free some imprisoned members of a terrorist 'rigrOup. . ?John Kearney is being prosecuted and persecuted for protecting his fellow citizens; for doing what the Congress, several Presidents and Attorney Generals had approved over a period of several decades. .5 Ronald Reagan-928 .4 :33 7 J7 Continued.. Gk. . - . RONALD . . ?FanIo?I .1 Page 2 If the Department of Justine, yielding to the hysteria of the moment, carries thrcugh with its_announced plan, I hope there will be a fund we can contribute to far John Kearney's'defensn. This is Ronald Reagan.3 Thanks for listening. Ronald Reagan?929 Date: 10/13/76 Transmit the following in. {Type in plaintext or code) Via - AIRTEL AIR MAIL . (Precedence) To: Director, ATTENTION: GENERAL INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION If - . CIVIL RIGHTS SECTION huj?mf/ FEANCISCC (44-1626) (C) BCRIMINAL SECTION a INTELLIGENCE . Subject: UNSUBS (4) '3 ?film Threat Against JIMMY CARTER f} And WEI VICTIMS CR LY PRIO ACTIVITIES senenmn. Km ?1 4/ 00-. SAN FRANCISCO 'i?lhII ?21DAMV DAMV-IWFC DC A . . EID B?Bomb Threats Extremist Matters 3136 White Hate Black 137?: Summary of-Complaint: Iinmate at Jail, I"i advised he felt four men were plotting to e; the: I or both of the victims inasmuch as he inadvertentlv saw some .files and photographs of the victims in '_fcase located in an automobile belonging to in Concord, _California. AUSA, San Francisco, a review of the facts failed to indicate_ a Civil Rights violation and de? ?ciined prosecution. I. f? I. 3.42%) . 5:'51 ELIDZQ . INDICES: Negative See (If ACTION. .. I .. i Qriginal Filed in "4 Lav}? No further action being taken and LHMend0&m meto: <3 Bureau (330- 4i?g FD-376 (Enc. to LHM) DIX 1.. San Franc1sco LHM being submitted BKK/rmc Report being submitted i (3) [3 Preliminary investigation instituted CO Icord I?D-lice Depar tmenti ?Limited investigation instituted Contra Count" [1 Investigation continuing Sheriff Offic Ronald Reagan- -930 1 Approyed: Sent WM Per S?ecial Agent in Charge 27f. . ?5 3 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION San Francisco, California In Reply, Please Refer to mane - October 13, 1976. .UNKNOMJ SUBJECTS Threat Against JIMMY CARTER And RONALD REAGAN VICTIMS 93,; Copies of Seattle memorandum dated September 23, 1976, in this matter as well as copies of this memorandum are being disseminated to the United States Attorneys Office, San Francisco, California, United States Secret Service, San'Francisco, California, Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office, Martinez, California, and the Concord .-Police.Department, Concord, California. - On October 13, 1976, Assistant United States D. O'Connor was presented the facts of this case as indicated in the above Seattle memorandum. He declined prosecution based on the fact there was no apparent violation of Civil Rights involved, but he felt the information should be disseminated to logical law enforcement agencies for their information. 152.1. COWTAJCKFEE 2:32:13 page [/5192 A a: SSH9FOSKQD - . - 405, 1435 RonaklReagan-931 . - This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to year agency; it and its contents are not_to be distributed outside vow: agenCy. I d/gJ i i 5 ?.21 - 9 999 9199 9999999199 . a - '99 HAW TD 1,99991,=99 999999, f99999999\9999999 19 99999 99 99 919199 :9 '91; 9999." .999 5993! QUG., E9E z> 1% 99999 991T199 999 9919, FHGW QT 9999. 9999999, 999 99 91 99197: .9EP 99mg] 99"999999 9999919 99939 a ENE 999 $9999? 9999 99 99999 99 919399 999999999" RonaklReagan-932 78 SEP 1 1979 . - 4 San-'1 fu .L (J PQGE T90 BU LL LL L.u LZLITED TLG 09 $59; 199$, ?99 THLT HE 9991999 FT run v; .. wimp: b5 Eng? 999UICE 91995919 A?vlma? QBUUE in: 9d?? 9 3 i 39 AUG: 95, 19?9, 9A #:999919 ?99 QED (LL 135, FLIR SCLJ URDE: 9399 b6 HF Ff BY v.3. has 1V HF SEWUICE LGEET99 3975, NGTIEF HA5 NIQTQ 5? THIS ERLL KELWN T8 Ti? $99399? 9A5 995$ L93 LT USTEELHS 54 FF 09 THSEE F69 BREE EL 9 39 93 CHARGE a? H929 HE FAB QIFLF EN HES 935? 3L LGLFE Ronald Reagan-933 THERE EH ?-2557 ?3 CR AEMIMESTBETIUE: PUFFALG CASE FILE a EELL ?33 . 5:15.13? EEFGRMATICE ?38 3% . {"16 2'31? PST 32*2637, WHICE IE 13 SUBJES VENEACEEQ BUFFELE SEFICE 1375, 8 J9 it AVE Va?l? TD SPEAK HE MEEHY 33 ELLSGIEAL $33 ENISTELLKGIELF AETIQM IS 231nm av erraL? Ronald Reagan-934 E?s?36 (Rev. 2-14?74FBI ?New?. at 8/9/76 Transmit the foHowing in (Type in plaintext or code) VS AERTEL AIRMAIL . (Precedence) 3 a T0: DIRECTOR, FBI 2 QT PROV: SAC, NEW ORLEANS (175- NEW) (C) 4m . .. raga - KILLING THE PRESIDENT . . - Egg OF THE UNITED STATES 3 AT 3 - .j g.eu\Enclosed for the Bureau are three copies of an U. S. Secret Service in New Orleans has been advised that New Orleans'1indices are negative regarding and that he is unknown to former Nation of Islam (NOI) sources._ . . 5 No 5: other action is being taken by New Orleans in ?f4 1 the light of continuing'investigation in this matter. New Orleans, is not being furnished copy of :1 3 new i, 3 they believe subject to be innocuous. 1 . ?v'wwm?mvm?rvom eomincreic . .. .33 1:9 . e: 419% ?$55495?on . gag/9 5 g? ?tjD? Bureau (Enos. 3) 2 New Orleans (1 175? (1 - g4? Se? CHAzxd .Mm?wit) ?h 5/?1/Zc 1 3 l\ if?; a; I (?Sig if, . wove? Ronald m. Reagan-935 Approved Sent Per .. A. f/f/V/ 3:10 ?14' Age-1:5 in Charge 2:13 i975 GPO 1975 - 590-992 .. . UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTIQE 3 BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In. Reply, Please Refer to New Orleans, Louisiana August 9. 1976 '7 A -. . or wwntem?m?? 3 ??T?ay J-h mice?? . v-g5 .-gm .J. 1 . .,b7C 'gii . IKILLING THE PRESIDENT - 13- ?31 x. 1 OF THE UNITED STATES . - - THREAT - 7" - ?1 On August 5,1976, Special Agent Mark Posey of the -New Orleans Office of the U. S. Secret Service furnished the following information: Iof thel I. A artr ents, contacted Secret Service to advise th? em that when? attempted to serve eviction notice on captioned individual, he noticed that in the apartment occupied by this . individual., there were eight photographs clipped from ewspapers; along 'th a letter inferring that these indiv1 duals would have to die he ween July 28 1978. and Auoust S, 1978. Secret Service interviewed this individual who adv1sed them that as he Was watching te-evision one night he clipped the photographs from the newspaper and h_a.d writte.n a letter for ?entertainment? purposes. Secret Service presented the initial facts obtained from their interview to Assis Lant United States; Attorney (AUSA) A]_bert J.?W1nterc Jr. tesLern Dis Lrict of Iouisiana, New Orleans,.LouiSiana, who is taking under advisement possible prosecution. Winters further requested from Secret Service additional background regarding this individual . Posey advised at some of the clipped photographs included Governor Ronald" _eagan; Sena tor Richard Schweiker, Senator Baker, Tenne essee; Governor Brown, This document contains neither recommendatTons nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. Ronald . Reagan-936 .T KILLING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED - .- - . California; comedian Dick Gregor'; an unknown white?male 5 four unknown black individuals, one believed to be a local . be preacher in the Islamic re].igion in New Orleans. .- - or Posey further advised captioned individual is i 'e A currently unemployed and drawing welfare and admits to being an operating engineer in a boiler room. reportedly fis irom the New Orleans area originally; however, he. has lived in California. - . Accord ng and has arrests VIhiCh include concea ed weapon arrest in New Orleans in 1968, as well as the theft of apolice car the same~ year,: -in addition to a 1969 marijuana arrest. -Posey stated will pursue_ the mati:er by interviewing subject's family and_neighborhoods, and will present results to t.e United States Attorney. A review of th_e computerized arrest redo ds of the New Orleans Police Deoar tment (NGPD) reveals thatl I Negromale3 born in Louisiana, described therein.as?having bl ck .?1r brown e3es, 5 feet 9 inches tall, in 3 1 Security account number a Dd 190 ounds and be asSiened 90.. land FBI nu mber His address is shown as aw eans, Louisiana, and he a cross tattoo on his left Land. He is assigned California driver's license Ue"s the subject of NOPD, Bureau of IdentificaLion record which shows he has been arrested for two muniCipal offenses and convicted on one? and has been arrested for one felony and two_misdemeanors. be 2 f: . f, /h o?of?? i .u Jane 7, 1977 QETS IDE SOURCE C3 Honorable Ronal? Reagan Suite 812 3.0960 Wilshiro Boulevard @031 Harrow 6615111 11% Los Angeles, California 90024 if?: mars 313611581319? 15632 i: r1113 553 ?ear Mr. Reagan: BM 3? . 759 5 4.5?93 I have had the oyportunity to see a copy of your radio commentary entitleo and thank you for bring- ing the important subject of terrorism to the attention of yoar listeners. It to encouraging to have your support and my associates and I appreciate your bringing your views on thia matter to the attention of the public. We also thank you for your remarks concerning the indictment of former Special Agent John Kearney. For your information, Mr. James L. HoGovern. President of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, Inc., has furnishe? me a copy of a letter he has sank to former Special Agents and others advising that a fun? has been set up to help defray the legai exoensea of employees and ex~employees against whom prosecutive action has been initiated. Contributions can be made to the Agents? Legal Defense Fun?. Security Rational Bank, 2000 Street, N.W., washington, D. C. 30036. Any questions you might have shonlo be directed to Mr. McGovern at 2689 Canna Ridge Circle. W1, Atlanta, Georgia 30345. MAKER 2.4 /00:I?ii Sincerely yours, I i 4/ .- M: :31? meL 3 JUN 1o 1977 WV Dp.ADlnv._. . i Clarence M. Ke11ey Idm. Serv. Dir?QCt-E??novm ai Legal . I I Grim. Plan. Los Angeles Eric-1053138 Fin. 8: Bea, Mani. Springfield (80?301013.0 m. a: . ervs Lgur Reuralrtel 5 24 77. Rec. M9 .411 Public Am. 0311.1: onJm.g; . Add?:ss per prior correspondence. RonaklReagan- -938 C>?if55 Crim. Inv. Fin. 8- Pers. Training .- Public Affs. Off._ Te?ephone Rm. UNIT 7? . "Wm?wi -- 'v Assoc. lime?my is FD-36 (Rev. 7-27-76) ?1 5" Eff 355Agni; mum?mute: TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: - J. CLASSIFICATION: in if j: Teletype :1 Immediate [3 TOP SECRET Facsimile :11 Priority [3 SECRET {1191 . W. Airtel [j Routine CONFIDENTIAL i a: 2 CLEAR 1 ?5-755 I WP: . Date 6/15/77 I 1 E'uiq'u hr 5T0: DIRECTOR, FBI 1 17"? A, ATTN: Inspector HOMER A. BOYNTON, Public Affairs Office 4? FROM: SAC, SPIRNGFIELD (80-301) SUBJECT: FAVORABLE COMMENTARY CONCERNING THE FBI ReSIairtel tofBu, 5/24/77; Director KELLEY's let to the Honorable RONALD 6/7/77. Enclosed for the Bureau and Los Angeles is a copy of an additional favorable commentary made by Mr. RONALD REAGAN concerning the FBI. On 6/14/77 enclosed commentary was monitored by the Springfield Division on Springfield, Illinois. Above being furnished to the Bureau and Los Angeles for information. . Jim: was $133 i m: 313519? mseeyws 40511003 . REC 76 ?1 em \v 1,238 Bureau (Encl l) Los Angeles (Encl 1) (Info) 1 - Springfield (80?301) JWM/pme (4) 1 Ronald Reagan-939 .'tt @pm?wlmm ransml 6 (Number) (Time) er GPO 1977 - 225-539 arenas .. (Reprint of a Radio Program entitled Comment ary by Ronald Reagan.) gi?f~ Some weeks ago, on this program, I told of the retired F. B. I. agent who openings, and so forth in order to get a line on the revolutionary Weatherman organization. All of this took place several years ago before the agent, John Kearney, had retired. It seems that Mr. Kearney had done nothing that wasn' standard operating procedure at this time. And certainly, the best interests of our peeple and the nation called for knowing, in advance, what activities were being planned by the Weatherman activists. It is hard to understand how the Justice Department thinks the interest of the nation will be served by proceeding with this after?the-fact prosecution of a man who served his country and his fellow citizens honorably and well. The Attorney General, himself, has expressed sorrow about the case, which makes one wonder why he doesn't drop the whole thing. He has even.dec1ared that John Kearney will face ruin even if he's found innocent, because his entire life savings will be used up in his defense against the charges. This charging of an F. B. I. agent with a crime for carrying out orders has reduced -- to zero the morale of every agent. The Bureau, a proud service with a unique record, is being treated as if it were some kind of "secret police?, guilty of harassing and persecuting the law?abiding. Personally, I don' know of any governmental agency more entitled to the respect and gratitude of the American people. It has guarded against sabotage in times of ear, carried on?a tireless crusade against organized crime and aided local law enforcement in every way possible. How, in a climate of fear, mistrust and hysteria, not only the Bureau, but police intelligence of every kind, has been attacked as somehow threatening us _with a police state. It is in this climate that former agent John Kearney is being prosecuted. When I spoke of this before, I closed the broadcast expressing the hope that.a committee to come to the aid of John Kearney would be formed so I. could contribute to his defense fund. Well, that hope has been realized and there is such a connittee. Former United States Senator James Buckley, former United States Ambassador Clare Booth Luce and former Secretary of the Treasury William Simon are writing letters seizing for help to finance the "Citizen' a Legal Defense Fund for the Contributions should be sent to the Committee, Suite 608, 95 Madison Avenue; New York City 10016. I'll repeat that address in a few seconds, so be ready. The monies received will be turned over to the Special Agents' legal fund of the Society of Former Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation which will assist Kearney in the forthcoming trial. Now I said I'd repeat that address. It is, "Citizen's Legal Defense Fund for the Suite 608, 95 Madison Avenue, New York City 10016. I know this is something I haven't done before, but in a time when dozens of government agencies are snooping into every facet of our lives without restraint of any kind, it seems to me there is a great injustice in bounding an agency whose sewcalled snooping is aimed at our protection. may. resonance densities. Ronald Reagan 940. 9 P551: 7/ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET l089424-3 Total Deleted Page(s) 2 Page 147 b6; b7C; b7D; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page (Rev. 5-22t64) I I I I I ate: 3/19/70 I . I Transmit the following in {Type in plaintext or code} TELETYPE NITEL {Priority} I .L .. . TO DIRECTOR, FBI AND SAC SACRAMENTO 53:51.13 Ci}: EATER-.3: FROM: SAC, LOS ANGELES (10o- 5&3}ng- 2% ??thw a mm FOLLOWING APPEARANCE OF GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN AT CALIFORNIA, MARCH EIGHTEEN INFORMATION CONCERNING . GOVERNOR REAGAN APPEARED AT SCHEDULED REPUBLICAN FUND RAISING LUNCHEON, RESTAURANTE DEL PASEO, ARRIVING UNDER TIGHT SECURITY AT APPROXIMATELY ELEVEN THIRTY MET BY ESTIMATED TNO HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY HIPPIE-TYPE DEMONSTRATORS PROTECTING POLICY IN ORDERLY MANNER. FOLLOWING DEPARTURE AT APPROXIMATE- LY TNO THIRTY P.M., AN ESTIMATED ONE HUNDRED DEMONSTRATORS REFUSED TO DISPERSE, AND BRIEF SPORADIC INSTANCES OCCURRED. COMBINED LOCAL AUTHORITIES FIFTEEN ARRESTS FOR MISDEAMNOR, REFUSAL TO DISPERSE TYPE VIOLATIONS: CONFRONTATION '1 100? 11. NAME: SEARCHED EU RXR/ald .A1Arnu: INDEXED xiv?; a (1) saazAquD {7f} 3 #53- I I tun?70:47 Approved: '7 Sent-sch I 0 I Per 3C FAqent in Charge i U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1.939 - alga?090 ?7 PAGE TWO OCCURRED ADJACENT TO RESTAURANT IN AREA OF BANK OF AMERICA, MAIN BRANCH, AND SECURITY PACIFIC FIRST NATIONAL BANK, MAIN BRANCH, RESULTING IN TOTAL OF THREE WINDOWS BROKEN. NO KNOWN PHYSICAL INJURIES RESULTED. ORDER RESTORED APPROXIMATELY Mew EIOUTEEN THREE FIFTEEN APPEARED LOCAL COURT TODAY. AMONG ARRESTED WEREI IUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA BARBARA WITH A: TWO WERE ARRESTED FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT EXHIBITING DISASSEMBLED SHOTGUN BARREL TO PUBLIC VIEW PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. BORNI A BLACK ENION MEMBER AT FOR FAILURE TO 7 #1 ?ned HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH M?fgg??T, SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, ADVISED. ADMINISTRATIVE. FOREGOING FOR INFORMATION OF BUREAU, NO LETTERHEAD MEMORANDUM BEING SUBMITTED. Ronald Reagan-4994 MIWL FORM HQ. 10 MAY 1m EDITIM -- - I. GSA {41 cm) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . Memom 72de T0 SAC, LOS ANCELES (100-55u55) 3/30/70 FROM SA KELLY P. HEMMERT MHUEUK MOEAEDA SMITH SECTION (MSS) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT COMMUNIST PARTY IS a. SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION Cyril Briggs 3/2h/70 writer Club, MSS, 3/9/70. k, Informant?s report is quoted as follows: "The CyTil Briggs Club of the MOranda Smith Section; Southern Calif. District, C.P. held a regular C.P. club Business meetin Mondav. March at the residence of I Los Angeles, Calif. . 302 CC 3 7 100-33876 65-50A8 EMAYOR 100-22689 SI 100-6u165 TOM BRADLEY 100?56560 . a 100- 910 SI 1 00?63% 3 0 100-56510 WFEENIS 1 00-21 728 a? BY 3593?? 31) (31) ALL loo-ulgsh 97?16 Pw_ 100-23u88 FUNDS) 100-59007 CDC- 4 - 100-182 ML 255630 7/7 '00-7529 RONALD REACAN) - JESS UNRUH) ?rmm AAOALAA A 52313 010?? KPH/nus: - i f? LOS ANGELES a A, by EAL. 1 1:3. RonakiReaganm4995 {if a . Saving: Baud: Regularly an the Pajrali Saving: Plan LA -1oo-55h55 The following persons were present: - - he "The meeting was conducted by the club's Chairman pg. "The first oint on the agenda was a report on the P.W. Fund drive by the club's P.w. director, he re- ported that there will be no Section quota on the P.W. fund drive this year as a whole, but that each C.P. club in the Moranda Smith Section, C.P. will be responsible for raising their own club's quota: The Cyril Briggs club' quota is $750 00; the South Central Club's quota is $750. 00; the Che-Lummumba club, C. P. quota is $250. 00; each individual club is expected to raise their own P. w. quota got individual pledges toward the club' quote from those who were present at this meeting: Some money was also collected on some pledges that were made. "The 2ng_point on the agenda was a report from the C.D.C. convention which was held in Fresno. Calif. March 6 8 1970: This report was given supplemental byl_- who went to the C. D. C. convention as delegates fram their C. . Democratic Party clubs. I gave the first report on the C. D. C. Convention; he said that: organized labor was realy represented at this convention a played an active role in important matters of theconvention. ?The attendance of delegates to the C.D.C. convention were less than expected; there were only 734 delegates present, but the convention in the main was good: 'There were two different conventions held, in terms of the California Democratic Counsil; An endorsement convention was held a a C.D.C. convention was held. JOHN BURTON, coo president; led the fight to include all Democratic clubs to the endorsing convention not Just members of the JOHN BURTON stressed the point that this is the year to beat REAGAN, as governor of California, and that all forces were needed in order to guarantee the defeat of RONALD REAGAN. RonakiReagan-4996 LA 100-55u55 "Minority assembly Leader JESS UNRUH, almost unanimously was endorsed for governor of California: A resolution was pre- sented adopted;'calling on everyone to rally around a support JESS UNRUH, for governor of California. G. was endorsed for secretary of State: MILTON GORDON, was endorsed for state treaturer. - "The three candidates running against incumbent MAX all called for unity around the front runner in the re- June 2, 1970 Primeary in order to defeat MAX assesses in the ;f November, 1970 elections. .w "State Senator ALFRED ALQUIST, was endorsed for Lt. Governor against CECILIA PEDROZA, who was not favorable because of Support for mayor Yorty, against TOM BRADLEY, for mayor of Los Angeles, Calif. Ireported that the CDC convention urged that there be an increase of actions against the Herald Examiner's Lock?out; that all paper be boyhotted all products advertised in the Herald Examiner's paper also be boycotted. "The CDC convention condemned Police Bruitality against the Black Panthers, and Black people as a whole; and also the Chicano people: The convention bitterly-opposed WHITE RACISM: The convented voted to support the increase of pensions; and support the question of insurance medical care for those hurt on jobs. "The CDC convention supported the right to organize a strike; and also voted to condemn the war in Vietnam: rU.S.-Senator ALAN CRANSTON, who Spoke at the opening -session of the CDC convention, condemned president NIXON the U.S. position with fighting troops in 'Laos'; which he the NIXON administration of escalating in much the same way as the U.S. escatated in Vietnam. "A'brief discussion followed the raports on the one convention; the discussion rendered was in favor of the platform policy of the RonaklReagan1499? LA 100n55h55 dues suetainers were colleeted by I the club's organizational Secty. the club's literature director; sold C.P. literature. - 3b 5. 3b 1? ACTION: Informant was thoroughly interviewed concerning the above and could add nothing further. All necessary action in cenneetien with this memo has been taken by the writer. EDMOND G. BROWN MEX RAFFERTY RonaklReagan-4998- .5. I . - . ?Manulh . Mer-Im T0 FROM SUBJECT: 0?:an FORM NO. 16 - . MAY "62 EDITION - 'csn (41 cm) 10141.: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . Memorandum SAC, L03 ANGELES (I00-67764) SA ROBERT H. CLAUDIUS SAN FERNANDO VALLEY STATE COLLEGE STUDENT AGITATION IS - I52 1? SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION Speech by 5/1/70 LC- JERRY RUBIN M.T. at on ANDERSON 4/17/70. Source?s repert has been Xeroxed and is attached. ACTION: All necessary astion in connection with ban this meme has been taken by the writer. b7? INDEX: MAX RAFFERTY 001mm cc: 3 - CHICAGO (REGISTERED 100- I00-39500 100- Fin-I .J enemies 11:2ng I - SAN FRANCISCO REGISTERED) 090 SEARCHED 95/ RONALD REAGAN) Smmuiao?f? 00767849 JERRY RUBIN) - {My 1 31970 i 100 66519 SDS) . FBb-Lasmu?m a? - I I9) Read b2? Ronald Reagan-4999 ki??c} . . 5'40ng Band: on Fayre? Saving: Flam 76: 3 i I I FILE. no. . TI-IIs INTELLIGENCE REPORT 3. . . 11?22?70 16cc SUETJECT ADDRESS OR LOCATION RES. PHONE occusER-or. susT'NE?'s? CITY BUS. FHDNE season a 3 c.1g_vn 120g L.A. 0. DESCENT DATE OF BIRTH HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR EYES N0. VEHICLE VEAR - MAKE :3ch TYPE COLOR LICENSE N0. YEAR STATE r.s.I. N0. VEHFCLE REGISTRATION ADDRESS CITY RELATION- TO SUBJ. DRIVER LIC. NO. NAME OF SPOUSE SUBJ. OCCUPATION EMPLOYED BY SOC. SEC. N0. HEEUME I YIPPIE leader, Jerry RUBIN, spoke at San Fernando State College on 1200 hours to a crowd of approximately 1 ,200 persons. ALL woman-sow consume SOURCE HEREIN . 1} . . If .. maths ?is er 5 . EML I USUALLY FAIRLY NOT USUALLY A a RELIARLE RELIABLE RELIABLE UNRELIABLE UNKNOWN EVALUATION OF sto.: . PROBABLY POSSIBLY DOUBTFULLY TRUTH CANNOT 1 2 TRUE 3 TRUE 4 TRUE 5 IMPROBAEILE 6 JUDGED DETAILS OF REPORT: 0n H?17w70 1200 hours Yippie leader Jerry RUBIN, who is one of the defendants in the Chicago Conspiracy Trial, gave a Speech at San Fernando Valley State College. He freely used Obscenities and started chanting "Fuck Ronald Reagan? at this time an effigy was burned which had the names of Ronald Reagan, Max_ Rafferty and Judge Julius Hoffman painted on it. RUBIN further stated that .the colleges were a concentration camp that destroys minds and that all studer 'should line up the professors against the wall and cut their heads off. He urged the crowd to do what ever was necessary to literate the black man where- ever repression is coming down. He continued by saying that "The same thing that is happening to-Bobby Seals (who is one of the defendants in the Chicago Conspiracy Trial) is happening right here at Valley State to your black brothers.? RUBIN predicted that the United States will fall and the YIPPIE philhsophy will prevail and save the richest country in the world from collapsing. I I Once the YIPPIES have inherited the earth their number one objective will be ?To murderaall the parents, then demand everything and not stop until we get it." RUBIN also commented that the recent Chicago Conspiracy Trial was typical of American Justice. There was a crowd of approximately 1,000 to 1,200 people in attendance who were mostly students from S. F. V. S. C. with a few high school students and administrative personnel from the college. Also in attendance were the news media. After RUBIN completed his talk, Tom HAYDEN, the founder of SDS and also a member of the Chicago Conspiracy Trial; he spoke on the issues of morality of the Viet Nam war. Ronald Rg?g??gsegoo NOTIFI-I ASSIGNMENT NOTIFLED a? I REPORTING OFFICERISI SEFI. NU. DIV. PF-GE LAPD Form 01.39.!) April 1969] Les Angefes Polite Department a; .n CONTINUATION SHEET 7?way ITEM No. UUAH. PAGE Ho. TYPE 0F REPORT 1.89 DR No. 2. It was apparent that Jerry RUBIN was attempting to get the or get emotionally involved but the crowd did not seem to respon great degree. The crowd started to break up as soon as Tom HAYDEN had finis talk. H. Tom HAYDEN which is not the same Tom EAYDEN as the SDS fou who represents the right as compared to the leftist views of Tom HAYDEN spoke on the Viet Nam issue but received a cold re from the crowd that remained. After both Tom HAYDENS had completed their speeches a Dr. Mel a Journalism professor at the University of Massachusetts, sp the remaining group of people in attendance and stated that revolution is overdue." He said, ?It isn't a matter of syste men. You are young and will wage it or win it. My object is pursuade you to wage a revolution not a rebellion." He oriti violence and suggested as a replacement a demand for improves already debased education. RonahiReagan-SDUI SERIAL NUMBERS owd to to any had his nder, but the other ception Vin MEYER oke to he "The ms but to zed campus ent of a Farm 15.? Judy 1-5) CONTINUATION SHEET . Mien-IL FDFIM- No In an 1961. EDWIOH 05A. FPMR {u urn) Lel- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum 'To SAC, LOs ANGELES (TOO??a?su) 5/19/70 page SA ROBERT CLAUDTUS SUBJECT: PEACE ACTION COUNCIL 2m IS EEO SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION -Demonstration Writer? rally sponsored by the Peace Action Council h/15/7O Source 5 report has been xeroxed and is attached: 1 CHICAGO $SAN FRANCISCO 1b/ 100?53950 . CC: I 100-28093 REAGAN) lOO-70lh5 SI) i~a' 100-7215E -IOO- 75EE3 (ISLA VISTA) b6 100-70629 EEC 100-7073O loo-Eggon 100- 27 51 100-23660 (ROSE 1L9DQ 100-7530? WW 10045295 IOO 678m; BUB . 1970 100? 3093*: (5.1) raj?mam 157- 2325 (CI) 100?32975 (31). 5?4 100-3263E - SI (Y UNG AME NS FOB FREEDOM) RHC/sal f? Ronald Reagan-5002 By Buy .S . Saving: Band: ch?hmiy an the dere? Saving: Plath LA 100-68651} ACTION: All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. INDEX: 1b '5 C5 Ronald Reagan-5003 3b 1b 7 1b 7 Source did .. SOURCE: April 15, 1970 6:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. LOCATION: Los Angeles City Hall First Street Entrance SPONSOR: ACTION ACTIVITY: Demonstration and rally There were approximately 1200 to 1590 people present. Those identified are as follows: has EJTC . a on a ed in #the main body of the demonstration and badly. Source 0 ned a demonstration on the steps o?_City Hall'hs Jerry RUBIN began speaking. Jerry RUBIN first led the group in chanting, "Free Bobby Seals" and the group took up this chant for approximatel two or three minutes. He next lead the group in chanting, Sam and the group took up this chant for two or three seconds. He went into the same type of chant for Ronald REAGAN and President NIXON. He then proceeded to relate the events of the Conspiracy trial. During this time he made mockery of the courts, the legal system and the government. He repeatedly made defamatory remarks against Judge Julius HOFFMAN. He stated that if anything was done to .rr-I' I..- ?ts RonakiRaagan-5004 45-70 i . - . Page two '1 Bobby SEALE, for example the Government is.going to try to electrocute Bobby SEALE in September, there will not be a college, university or high school in this country that will be left standing. He also told that he had been warned not to cross state lines. He said he didn't understand what state lines were and that he was going to go back to the Convention in Chicago in 1970. He stated that KUNSTLER was the main revolutionary in the United States. He told the group that he had Just received news that there was a riot in Berkley which was going on at this moment. He got a great deal of applause. He also stated that there was a Bank of America which had been burned down this day. This also drew a great deal of applause. He said that he was going to Santa Barbara on April 16 and from there he would be going to Berkley. He touched on Timothy and said that for everyone of us that is put in jail, there _is a grasp of us out on the streets. Timothy was sent to Jail for smoking pot, and for being in possession of three sticks of marijuana. Where were the pot smokers on the street? They should organize for Timothy He spoke of Bobby which is coming up in New-Haven, Connecticut and said that New Haven was not responsible, but that Yale University was responsible. He stated we would be goin to.Ya1e (source unable to obtain exact date--either May 2 or 3. He said that revolution was on the street. He spoke against the Police Department referring to them as pigs and said pigs have to go. He stated that we in the movement are everything our mothers and fathers wanted us not to be. They wanted us to take baths?? we wern't going to take baths. He stated that he was fed up with people coming up and saying, "Hi Jerry, we hope you dongt have to go back to Jail again--we support you Jerry--we are behind you." He repeated again, that we don't want you behind us, we want you in front of us." Jerry RUBIN also stated that we are all "Mother and that frankly he did not know where to start or when to stop. He stated that he and the rest of his cohorts in the Conspiracy Trial would not have been released if the Bank of America had not been burned down is Isla Vista. He emphasized it was not Conspiracy 7, but Conspiracy 8 because whether the crowd wanted to believe it or not Bobby SEALE was right in there. With the Bank of America being burned down, the government realized that this was pressure. Jerry" RUBIN stated, "They are going to get a great deal of pressure." Jerry RUBIN spoke about Vice RonaklReagan-SDOS . r; 343 x; lo Page three President AGNEW and stated that AGNEW was having a revolution in his own living room. daughter, Kim, had been busted for pot. He stated that AGNEW could not even control his own daughter. Source was unable to accurately report Jerry speech as it was punctuated so many times by four-letter words. As he came to_the conclusion of his speech someone behind him held up a picket sign which had printed on it, "Do It Now.? At this point RUBIN made some reference to "Do IT Now? himself. As he left the microphone, Irving SARNOFF came Up and directed anyone who needed a ride to Santa Barbara to report to the sound truck. He also stated that there were many more candles and there would be a candlelight march around at least one or two of the government buildings including City Hall. I told source that he believed they had not collected an more than $300 in the bag. At the beginnin of the-rally "Bread? seemed to be a little shortReport.' . . b7: 31?) 7 4-21-70:c3b cc: RBI name: Date: RonaklReagan-SDOE 3 OPTIONAL mun: NO. in 1562 EDITION .. 051': m) 551-!? ff 3 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT I. ., Memorandum TD SAC, LOS AHGELES (157?1409) DATE: 9/28/70 FROM SA H. CLAUDIUS suamcr: RON KARENGA (SI) b2 RM SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION RON KARENGA, 9/21/70 Writer 9/11/70. Source's report has been xeroxed and is attached: ACTION: All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. IDS INDEX 1 1.1111 11.131. INFORMATION WREIN I UHGLASSIIEFE) mmanmgg?a 4057173 cc: . 1-1 100-72868 POLY COLLEGE) log-75% RONALD REAGAN) 1 1 Read by Ronald Reagan-5007' 131.13! 11.5. Saving; Bomb m: M): Fayre]! Saving! Plan E. . . INTELLIGENCE REPORT {31ji?l11g? OR RLS. PHONE BOMBERS, Ronald Itcizinlgy 9.41.170 gym; ALih~-, - CI1Y. BUS. PHONL L.A. NU. ?Haulana Ron BER OF BIRTH HEIGH1 HAIR EYES NO. YLHI.LL YiAh - BAKE BOBY TYPE COLOR LICLNSE HO. YEAR E.B.I. HO. VEHICLE HLGISTHATION ADDRESS CITY RELATION TO SUBJ- DRIVER LIC. HQ. NAME OF SPOUSE SUUJ. OCCUPATION EMPLOYED BY SOC. BEE. .YO. 0900 Ron is attempting ta gain a teaehing position in tha Sacial Studies haptB of Cal Poly Uollegm Pomanaa SOURCE Lt. DLRE Severa LAPD Ex?aq?ia EVALUATION OF SOURCE: USUALLY FAIRLY NOT USUALLY RELIAEILITY 1 RELIABLE EJUNRELIABLE EIUNKNOBN EVALUATION OF PROBABLY POSSIBLY DOUBTFULLY TRUTH CANNOT 1E CONFIRMED 2 Cl TRUE 3 TRUE 4 TRUE 5 1MPROBABLE 6D BE JUDGED DETAILS OF REPORT: 9?11??0 0900 Department heads Of Cal Poly Pomona YOth to Ron BB 3 prnfeasor 0f Sacial Studies at Cal rely ?cllegae At the presan? time are in the handa Of One Gal Poly Gallege Viceafresident whO will make the dBBerminOtiOn as to whether or not will be hireda afficers source statea none of the approving Cal Fcly Bapta head? wants to gctually hire KARBHGA and feel in the final vote EARLHGA will be accagtudg 3hOBe same Dep?g Heads however do net want to put themselves in the p??ibl?n Of Being criticized by militant Black Studen?s on campus by rendering no Vote against K??hh??e foicera Source feels them is a 9932?: Int-Rance EULENGA will not be hind as the 3011939 ?bula rather tBkOthat from campu? digitant? than 3BR. Reagans Officea I was Originally far the CB1 Paly pOBition by mala.blact student known only as kl? L;.u .I D/m rm BBOLEBBIFITBB B's? My?. 5r I. 11FIHJR Ronam??eagan-S??8 mam: AbbihNMiHi BY CATIOHSRBI. 15.111115 116:1? Jenn. j?hg?lc TO FROM SUBJECT: roan Ha. Io MAY as: tumor! mun-UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum SAC, LOS AHGELES (100?1763) 12/0/70 SA ROBERT H. CLAUDIUS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT COMMUNIST PARTY IS - SOURCE AC TY RECEIVED AGLNT L0 CATION Mtg. 11/6/70 ?writer 0000? 10/22/70 A: Informant's r0p0rt has been xeroxed and is attache?: CO: d??nl??i?ln??J gig-$1030 mis? - 063m IOO-MQHGE 100?31608 100?539l3 100?16865 100?2318 100?5051 100?33822 100?30844 100-33050 -100-58215 100?26107 100-2A729 100?32287 100?56501_ 157?2325 loo-#663 (LACC) 100-23001 (EDUCATION) Lg? Read by ?2 I 1 COPIES CONTINUED OH PAGL 2 By} faring; Band: Rtgufarly m: fir: Fayre? 5 doing: Plan 13:: 6 IO 7 C. RonaklReagan-SODQ LE 100-1763 100?76508 (UMITED C0MMITTEE T0 EMCELE DAVIS) 105-1258h 100-23933 (MEMBERSHIP) 100-23423 (POLITICAL ACTIVITY) 100?75300 (ECMELD REEGEN) E35 "ji 2-1 ACTION: Informant was thoroughly intEEviewed concerning the above and could add nothing further. All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. INDEX: R0nakiReagan?501O - 2 - 323 October 22, 1970 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. I??efeon: Home of 7 . . EL: 6 menses: COMMUNIST PARTY h? ADMISSION: CP Member RESUME: Meeting of the CP members active in and -.around the 29th Congressional District. Following is a list of the people present: airman of meeting 3b :3 i 2L3 .f u, lapened the meeting by indicating that basically there would be two points on the agenda. The first would be a discussion of the defense of Angela DAVIS and the second would be the political activit within the 29th Congressional District. indicated that :was supposed to be present at this meeting to give a report on the defense fof Angela Davis, but he had not arrived. A eneral discussion was then held on the defense of Angela DAVIS withl Ishowing a paper entitled, BLACK CALL, which is published at LACC. In the last issue of BLACK CALL there had been a large amount of space devoted to the question of freeing Angela Davis. I lindicated that at LACC committees are being formed now, one by the Student Body and one by the professors, to come out for the defense of Angela DAVIS. RonakiReagan-SOII 1. 3b 2 3b "i 10-22?70 Page two I Ithen referred to the mimeograph sheet enclosed and stated that most of the work which has gone on around the petition to the United Nations on ?Genocide" would now be shifted to the defense of Angela DAVIS. that most of his time was being devoted to calling the meeting on October 29 at 8:00 atl in which peeple from the area will be talking about the petition that will be presented to the United Nations. At that time there will be a motion on the floor to changethe committee over to an Angela DAVIS Defense Committee. Names are needed to broaden out the defense of Angela DAVIS. 7 b5 It; 7 (7 spoke and stated there was a need for telegrams to REAGAN, and Governor Rockefeller, on the question of setting Angela DAVIS free. There was further discussion around a large national defense committee which would be set up in the Los Angeles area. Each person in the room was expected to, in some way. contribute to that national defense committee. The chairman.l then moved the agenda to the question of the 39th Congressional district and reported that one of the main reasons the meeting had been called was because there had been a tremendous amount of conflict over the support of ROBERTI. .I Ithen spoke and stated that she was the one who brought up, in her club and in a conference, that the members from the East part of Los Angeles were calling RGBERTI a racist. ROBERT: has presented some of the most progressive legislation since he has been in the assembly. Secondly, he has cooperated with the left on many levels. Since he has been attacked by many of the Chicano activists in the East part of L.A., he has become quite vociferous against the left members participating in his campaign. As a matter of fact, Ethel said she had attended a coffee session at which he was present, and he knew that she is a member of the left. At that coffee session he indicated he no longer needed the left in his campaign. If anyone has done good things for the Mexican people, it has been he, continually representing them in Sacramento. Ronald Reagan-5012 The next speaker wasl lwho stated that ROBERTI was one of the who was very actiVely engaged in attacking Richard CALDERON when he ran for the 29th Congressional seat. ROBERTI had been responsible for racist literature in which he indicated why he did not vote for CALDERDN. Field Man has been actively participating in the campaign for DANIELSON, who is a former FBI Agent. For these things when the name racist has been hung on Roberti. When a person introduces legislation that is progressiVe and then on the other hand is a racist, he is classified as a racist. 1302 ETD Page three then gave an analysis of the possibility of RDBERTI running for the office of State Senator when Danielson wins the office of Congress for the 29th Congressional District. The 49th will possibly open up for the election.of a Chicano, but a Roberti fieldman has already indicated that he will run for that office. then spoke and stated that the CP's relationship th Roberti has been very bad. People who are participating in his campaign should have seen that the type of literature coming out of there should not have come out. Secondly, it 156 should be called to Roberti?s attention that it was the left k?C forces that put him into office. I Ithen spoke and criticized the meeting. He said it was very disorganized. The people who called this meeting had not prepared any thought around some organizational work in the 29th Congressional District. then asnwered that the main report was supposed to 9 van by who did not show up. With this the discussion ende an a meeting was adjourned. Attached is a letter sent out by Echo Park-Silverlake residents along with a petition to the United Nations. Announces a meeting on 10?29-70 at 3:00 p.m. at 4609 Prospect. End of Report. cc: FBI Name: Date: RonaklReagan-5013 TO FROM SUBJECT: 0!!le man no. In MAY m: tumor: can FPMH (u urn) Inn-rm UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum Vi. SAC, LDS SNSELSS (100-68654) BITE: 12/h/70 ROBERT H. CLAUDIUE PEACE ACTION COUNCIL IS PAC SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGEHT LOCATION :Stg. 11/6/70 Writer PS0 source?s report has been xeroxed an? is attached: SAN FRI IICISCO (SIGISTISIID) WEI-IVE 1 MS 1 Hr uh 157?1203 (HUSH 0S) 51$qu ugc?kss??m? 303 SEATTLE (REGISTERED) $13 4057/63 CC: 100?70068 100?76h02 (OUT Sow COMMITTEL) 100?31957 100-28093 (SI) 100?32975 (SI) 100-58626 (SI) 100-5862? (61) 100?62086 (SIKS TIGSS (SI) . 100?75803 (HENNIL DAVIS) . 100?75683 EDUUG Jog; s/J-jyj? 157?2725 DENIES SI 100?73508 (UNITED T0 25w ~f A DAVIS) 9?50 i1, Fliffg?d$10510. by (43) Ronald Reagan-5014 UUPISIS OH PAGE 2 By} . Saving: Band: an Payra? Saving: P1412 LA 100~7658 (ILNU HALL) 101345.300 (RONALD REAGAN) 157-1618 (BPP) 100?22612 MOHJAR) (BI) 100??2ooh a (HI) ACTION: b6 TD 7 All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. MIKE LERNER MIKE ABELLES Ronald Reagan-5015 he i sonacs:* . October 25, 1970 8:00 p.m. LOCATION: Embassy Auditorium ACTIVITY: - Educational meeting SPONSOR: PEACE ACTION PRESENT: 200 Persons IDENTIFIED: I b5 3-3. r1 SPEAKERS: Mike Trans Rennie DAVIS Mike LERNER Doug Down Mike AEELES Mike ABELES was the first speaker. He was from the SEATTLE LIBERATION Defendants. He spoke at some length about his start in the movement, the oppression in the schools and the war in Vietnam. He ended up emphasizing that delegates should be sent from the United States to Hanoi to talk to the Viet Cong and to sign their own Peace Treaties. These-should be brought back to the American pe0ple, to the churches, to the schools and to various organizations. This he said was being organised now and would be taking place in the very near future. Marque NEAL gave a short speech starting first with a letter which he stated had come directly from Angela DAVIS. He stated that most of the people in the movement had probably heard by now that Angela was on a hunger strike. The reasons for her hunger strike were as follows: RonakiReagan-5016 (1) Only being able to shower once a day. (2) Only being allowed two hours recreation. (3) Solitary confinement. (4) Not allowed to read books which had been sent to her. - 13.. ON ?cjfefamm?e S, 11.. it) "i 10-25r70 Page two He stated that DAVIS had no faith in the American courts. She did have faith in the American people and the reason Huey NEWTON was on the streets today was not because of the American courts, but was in fact because of the pressure.which had been put on by the people. He stated that the first of many demonstrations would be taking place in New York October 25 at the residence of Governor Rockefeller. 0n Tuesday.r 5:00 p.m. at the State Building in Los Angeles there would be another demonstration to protest the treatment of sister Angela DAVIS. He stated that the movement wanted as many people there as possible so that the workers coming out of the State Building at 5:00 p.m. would know what it was all about. He stated he would get in contact with the other people on the DEFENSE COMMITTEE To FREE ANGELA DAVIS as soon as this meeting was over. Mike TIGAR spoke of the oppression in the Judicial System in the United States and said that instead of coming to meetings like this people would do much better to talk to each other and find out where it was really at. was the next speaker. He also spoke on Washington and the Peace Treaties and the delegates going to Hanoi. Rennie speech was very much the same as the speech he gave at the ILNU Hall on October 24. He spoke of repression in South Vietnam. He emphasized that there were tigar cages there with five people to a cage. He spoke about the food which they had been given. Then he touched on the Saigon Government. He stated that people who were in a movement and looking for a place to ?get out of that movement, do something." He referred to them as "Spooks" and then he referred to Mr. Duke of the Saigon Government. He stated that DUKE publioally made a statement that the Saigon Government should be overthrown, and there should be an uprising. and a complete withdrawal of U.S. Troops. DAVIS stated that according to the Saigon Government these statements were treasonous. Duke had been flown back to Saigon. Without question. many important people, places and organizations had supported Mr. DUKES statement. Ronald Reagan-5017 DAVIS stated that before the presidential election in 1971 he expected to see these things happen. June 13, 197% Wouldpbe the deadline Nixon would get. There again, he stated, this deadline would be flexible. He stated that if Nixon would agree to do this immediately things would start happening. Prisoners would be home by Christmas. There would be an immediate cease fire tomorrow. There would be a provisional government in Saigon. Sigh, Key and Kim (phonetic) had to be replaced immediately. Other than that the Saigon government would remain in tact. He stated that a country which had fought 25 years was now willing to accept minority bZ has 10?25-70 Page three positions on the provisional government and this was fair enough and no one could question it. He spoke again about delegates going to Hanoi to sign their own seace Treaties and completely bypass the Government. From this could come an organization to organize Campus Referendums. This would bring church organizers together and the Americans could ratify their own Peace Treaty with the people of Vietnam. He stated that May 1 was when Nixon stated there would be another troop withdrawal from Vietnam. This was just a token stance. May 1 is also the date of the Cambodian invasion by the U.S. He stated that May 1 would also be the ?Peoples" ultimatum. He stated that on May 1,"We intend to stop the Government of the United States of America." Great emphasis was put on collectives by Rennie DAVIS. People in groups of five or ten should now organize themselves and start getting together $150 to He stated that with that they would be able to purchase a car and to remember this car requires no insurance. All they had to do on May 3 was drivelto Shirley Highway and stall their auto. In other words, it would break down. There would also be an automobile stall in on the main artery going to the CIA building. These demonstrations would not be one day demonstrations, but would be a continuous onmgoing thing. The movement intends to paralyze this country. At the same time, this movement would coordinate with Asia, Europe, Latin American countries and that the North Vietnamese would then send out an appeal to So. Vietnam to overthrow the Saigon Government. Rennie DAVIS stated that all groups primary focus should be on local issues~?Examples: sexism, racism, political trials particularly the trial of Angela DAVIS. This was not going and not intended to be a one-shot action. The next speaker was Doug DOWD. He leaned heavily on the money bit. He stated that the movement_needed money, that he was very sorry to see the cans which had been passed around this night not filled. We should take a can home with us and fill it. This was important as money is needed. The next speaker was a young girl, not identified. She announced that next week there was going to be a Halloween show. The emcee was Ronald Reagan. The guest of honor was Richard Nixon. The star actor was Senator Murphy. She stated that free tickets could be obtained to the Anaheim Convention Center October 30, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. for anyone who wanted to contact the Republican Party. She then stated, "If you can't get inside to do your thing, there will be a peaceful, non-violent picket outside.? RonaklReagan-Sold 10-25-70 Page four Elsie MONJAR stated that the fund raiser October 24 which was held ayl Ihome had raised $1,000. She was very disappointed with the amount of money which had some from this meeting tonight. that he had been at the Embassy-Auditorium the evening of October 24 something to do with the BLACK PANTHERS. There were only approximately 200 at that meetin too.. He stated prior to this meeting starting this date that he really wished he could go back stage and not come.out. The following literature is attached to this report: $73 Leaflet announcing the October 31 demonstration in Los Angeles listing the speakers published by the OCTOBER 31 OUT NOW UOMMITTEE 2324 Portland St, L. A. A letter signed lstating the purpose of the OCTOBER 31 OUT NOW COMMITTEE and listing some of the committee's supporters. End of Report. 10230?70? cc: FBI Name: Date: RonaklReagan-SOIQ car-nowEamon 65A. FPl-ln (41 cm) Inn-1H - . . . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . I . . i. Memorandum 1 - i T0 SE0, L08 ENGELES (100?1763) 11/20/70 SE J0EE F. KELLER . SUEECT: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT COMMUNIST PARTY IS - . I Ea SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION 10/28/70 WEiter District G?mmittEE re ANGELA DAVIS 10/17/70 3:56 1 - - it?ff. Informant's report is quoted as follows: CUEEMW 1 NEW YO RKJBEGISTERED) 100 131678 MITCHELL) 2 - SEE DIEGO 3:15:157?2325 (ANGELA DAVIE) 100-56057 . -100-7E122 . - 100?23260 an? 0 - A 100?30 39 i 31 '2 - 97?16 Pw - id? . - (FIRST 100-E486 (DOROTHY Six) E7: JFK/bjg - I . {22) Read by 00PIEE CONTINUED 0M Haw 5' ?371 or . . . 1 ism-au?qu with. -- 1?4- aw?ugd?u LA 100-1763 100-60605 100-56510 100?30537 100-5651e 100-56515 100-b663 100-76508 (UNITED COMMITTEE T0 FREE ANGELA . ?October 18,1970 . Los Angeles, Calif. "During the period when ANGELIA DAVIS was an at large fugutive from the top ten hit parade of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Communist Party almost never mentioned the name of the incident. The silence has been broken. A not-too-well planned meeting of the_District Committee was called held Saturday morning October 17th. I LOU DISKINS, ROSE CHEENIN, I lhad met previously when it was learned that ANGELIA had been captured, or kidnapped according to the headlines of the People' 5 World. The conclusion drawn from that emergency conf of was that ANGELIE had committed no crime, that she could not get a fair trial in the State of Calif &Ia number.of other glamorous charges made by the group. "The function of that meeting the authority vested in it by the Constitution of the Last Convention of the Partys says that in any such emergency matters the District Board is empowered to act at the behest of its authority make decisions, statements, etc. ?The?meeting.today was no-none no less a ratification RonaklReagan-SQZI nu. ILA 100-1763 of that decision. The decision is that the Party would use every legal political means at its disposal to first free ANGELIA from jail secondly to fight this charges brought against her by the State of Calif DESKINS gave a prepared statement to the District Committee members which.specifically called for the structuring of organization of every means at its disposal to fight this. LOU called this the most important case since the JULISM RASENBERG Case. ?The.question of repression against Blacks Chicanos specifically this brilliant young woman is only a means to striffle the voice of dissent. or-something to that effect. We naturally mentioned the Board of Regents_& Governor REAGEN her stop- gap measures to prevent her from teaching at_ the Universities all parts of pressure brought to bear upon Miss DAVIS - "People were urged to make this their number one concentration by calling meeting in their areas on mass work to discuss the legal political issues involved. LOU defenately feels, said so, that ANGELIA DAVIS has been singled out by the Bougeorise repressive elements to distroy embarass the party its fight for free democracy in this country. The party is now so mobolized to fight this. MITCHELL will address an audience Friday night October 23rd at the First Unitarian Church the following day another meeting of a mass charcter will be held, I believe there alsoi "There has been no official werd or confiremation as to the National Office thinhongg but I am sure its safe_ to assume that CHARLENE will carry thi_s fonners for the National Office. reported that already a number of prominent people, although he did not elaborate how prominent or whom RonaklReagan-SUZZ - 3 - - ?1 nu nl-If-ll'M'hl n- .. J- .- LA 100?1763 he spoke of, had called volunteered to participate on a. special committee to ?Free ANGELIA DAVIS He did say it consisted of several ministers a one or two polaticag officials. HEALEY had been given credit for the organization of this special committee. ?Those in attendance inelndedl I ROSE others.? . Io 6 ACTION: 4 a i bac Informant was interviewed concerning the above and could add nothing-further. . All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by.the writer. INDEX: I RonaklReagan-SUZ3 a - FORM no. :9 MAY 1m EDITICIH TO FROM SUBJECT: :51. FPMFI cm) 191-11.! UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum SAC, LOS ANGELES (100-76508) SA G. RONARD CARTER HUNITED COMMITTEE TO FREE ANGELA DAVIS DATE: 12/30/70 IS - SOURCE . ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION ANGELA 12/2/70 Writer DAVIS Rally 11/22/70- Informant's report is quoted as follows: ALL INFORMATION Is A..- 9? NEW YORK. (REGISTERED) (Governor ROCKEFELLER) CC: I I 157-2325 (ANGELA DAVIS) (SI) 100-33973 (FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH, LA) 100?31229 (NELLONSRIP FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE) 100?69611 (JOHN ART) .100.7 5300 (RONALD 157-N081 (NILLIAN MARSHALL) 100-71288 I - 3 100?19391 100?71566 (LEEDRH) (12). NANA by Ronald Reagan- -5024 U. 222:1: H222 :?fI 27?; 2222 :er IIOU 3.21.22ng LA 100?76508 "Los Angeles, Calif. .Nov. 1970 ?On Sunday afternoon Nov. 22nd there was a mass rally for ANGELA DAVIS held at the First Unitarian Church which is located at 2936 W. 8th St. The meeting was Sponsored by the Fellowship for Social Justice Committee in Conjunction with the United Committee to Free Angela Davis. There was a capasity filled hall in.the Fritchman Auditorium. of the Church and was composed of a well intergrated groupe of young old Black, Brown and white citizens in smypathy with the plight of Miss DAVIS. The main speaker was one of the attorneys - handling the case. Mr. JOHN L. ABT. He described the charges etc. against Miss DAVIS explained the necessity of a broad mass ?peoples campaign? in conjunction with a good legal defense for Miss DAVIS. He told the crowd that ANGELA had lost a few pounds but had not lost spirit and had sent a letter to be read to the ggoupe where she urged continued struggle to free all political prisoners. He said that ANGELA was not guilty of the crimes she had been indicted of described her guilt as follows: ANGELA DAVIS is guilty of being ?a black women, who showed she could make it in a "white masculine" America without bowing down to the racist form_of traditional type leaders government bodies such as Gov REASON etc. "He suggested that letters be sent to Governor ROCKEFELLOW, asking that he withdraw the warrant he has signed for ANGELA's return to the State of California. "Mrs. SHIRLEY WILLIAMS who is serving as chairman of the United Committee to Free Angela Davis appealed to the audience to get involved and to get others to help form a strong defense committee with at least one million sponsors. It was suggested that everyone use their own initiative and form committees of all kinds sizes to fight for freedom. A black movie actor was on stage - he read one of RonakIReagan-SDZS LA 100-76508 poems as well as the letter from ANGELA. CORKY GONZALES, Chicano friend was present and spoke on behalf of the unity support of the Mexican Community for the DAVIS defense. "People were urged to sign up for specific committees to work on. RINALDO, a member of the L.A. Committee for the Defense of the Bill of Rights made the appeal for the collection and urged that pledges be made also. Over was collected. Four Japanese union men who are members of the Anti napon bomb committee were present took a bow. There was much enthusiam at the meeting." ACTION: Informant was thoroughly interviewed concerning the above and could add nothing further. All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. ENDEX: 3 .. RonakiReagan?5026 0 I FROM: 0 A 830, L03 ANGELES (100-76508) SA KELLY P. HEMMERT SUBJECT: UNITED COMMITTEE T0 FREE ANGELA DAVIS IS SOURQR ACTIVITY RECEIVED Fund Raising 11/30/70 affair, United Comma to Free ANGELA DAVIS 11/22/70 UNITED STATES GOVERNMEIIT DATE: 12/30/70 AGENT LOCATION Writer 3b 2 h; repor? has been xeroxed and is attached: 1 NER YORK (REGISTERED) (GOV. HOCKEFELIER) CC: 100-6961l 100?339?g 100?365 100~l763 100?31229 100-6865# 100-17375 105-29127 100-73613 15??3081 100-28093 100-73873 (JOHN ABT) EFIRST CEURCH La?ib?tg 405 (4?3 R70 (FELLOWSHIP FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE) (PAC) (SI) KPH/gal (3334.10.32 Read BY (N TIONAL CHICANO MORATORIUS (W1. /ao *75?800 r/(j mu? W. ?3:3 6? g? $0533 033333 . 3'33? 3 3 RoanlReRan- -5027 9 LA 100?76508 100?3297g BI-B) 100-71019 100-72681 100?68125 a (RT) 100- 368 100- 6 100-72808 100- -az?gk 157 100-75361 A 100?71288 (COREY GONZALES) 157-2325 (ANGELA 100-32199 (UCLA) 100-75300?000v. REAGAN) 100n66026 (LA FREE PRESS) 100?59001 (JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY) 105+5724 (NSRP) E3 6 In ACTION: Informant ?es thoroughly interviewed concerning the above and dould add nothing further. - All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. Immx:l RoneEiReagan-SDZB . 22 1970 I. Subject: Report of Public Remarks made by JOHN ABT and Others at the Free AEGELIA DAVIS Rally at the First Unitarian Church of Sunday, November 22, 1970 II. Organization: 1) The Communist Party, -L.A., -U.S.A., -Youth. MUMBA Club,'LEellowship for Social Justice -l -Peace Action Council; 2) Socialist Workers Party, -heas- paper distributors; 3) National Chicano Moratorium Com? mittee; 4) Assorted New Leftist radicals and radical' groups Place:_Eirst Unitarian Church, Vermont Ave. at 8th St. (SSE) IV. Time: h.30 P.M. v. Chairman: PETER CHRISTIANSON 5C VI. Numbers Present: Approximately 650 VII. Persons Identified: JOIN ABT his ?Luigi: MARS Designs agar- - .- OSGAR ZETA AEOSTA (aka The Brown Buffalo) GONZALES Information Concerning: l) Attorney JOHN ABT was the main speaker at the Communist Party's Free ANGELIA DAVIS rally that was held at the First Unitarian Church of 11/22/70. Since this is November 22, 1970, it should be noted that this ?sh is the 7th anniversary of the assassination of President JOHN F. KENNEDY in Dallas, Texas. This factor can be properly noted in this report insofar as the alleged assassin of Pres. KENNEDY, LEE H. OSWALD, for whatever re so when held in custody by Dallas Police after being told that they accused h: of assassinating KENNEDY and Officer JEFFERSON D. TIPPET, apparently con- tacted JOHN ABT and asked ABT to represent him in trial court. Neither AET or any of the other speakers at the rally mentioned the assassination of President KENNEDY or LEE H. OSWALD today. 2} This rally that the Communist Party coordinated today is part of a national Party effort to free AEGELIA DAVIS. Knowing of JOHN ABT, this re- porter wanted to see him for myself. When this reporter arrived at the Firs Unitarian Church I was greeted by a comrade selling the Trotskyite Communis newspaper THE MILITANT. The Party charged everyone $1.00 to get in. The 'Party had gone to great extent to keep people from sneaking in through othe exits or just not paying anything at all. The rally was held in Fritchman Auditorium, the main auditorium at the church. The rally commenced mostly a time. Mr. CHRISTIANSON explained that they had to begin as soon as possible 1 RonakiReagan?SOZQ ff 75/ A: -The Communist Party, 11/22/70 2 I .I- I- .I since Mr. ABT had to catch an early plane out of Los Angeles and back to New York City. Ronald Reagan-503D 3) JOHN ABT is an attorney practising law in New England. ABT is abos AS or SO years of age. When dressed in a suit ABT looks like any 20-year veteran of the FBI or Los Angeles Police Intelligence. CHRISTIANSON, when introducing ABT, noted that ABT had worked in the New Deal of President FRA: KLIN D. ROOSEVELT and was originally a corporation lawyer. ABT has received more hate commentaries for having OSWALD contact him probably than for any? thing else he has ever been connected with. ABT is known to be a member of the Communist Party's New England District. ABT stated that he is now re- presenting the legalistic interests of ANEGLIA Y. DAVIS. ABT stated that the case against ANGELIA DAVIS that has been represented so far by the Californ: authorities is marked by a lack of evidence against her. ANGELIA DAVIS is the former UCLA Philosophy Departmental instructor and O.P. member who the Marin County District Attorney says was involved in the famous gun fight in Which a judge was killed when black revolutionists tried to free several prisoners. Miss DAVIS was arrested by the FBI in New York City after leavin. a trail behind her that the FBI picked up in Miami, Fla,, area. ABT stated that when Miss DAVIS was being held in New York for unlawful flight Gov. R1. GAN sent papers to Gov. ROCKEFELLER requesting that Miss DAVIS be sent back to California. He said that these papers are known as an affidavit. He said that an affidavit is supposed to contain evidence in extradition cases that the defendant committed a particular crime. He said that Gov. ROCKEFELLBR had 30 days to rule on the matter. He said that the affidavit that REASAN sent ROCKY had know particular evidence at all in it. He said that ROCKY signed it within 2h hours anyway despite its lack of evidence. He then said that this showed how the ruling class was after Miss DAV: for shaking a black fist at them. He said that the Marin County Grand Jury than handed down an indictment against Miss DAVIS and new extradition paper: were sent to New York. He said that in the case of an indictment by a Grand Jury evidence was not necessary in unlawful flight extradition cases. ABT also stated that there are many people in London,.Rome and Moscow who are supporting ANOELIA DAVIS. This means that the Fabien socialists in London, the Communist Party members in Rome and the revisionist neo-Czarist pig pseudo?Communists in Moscow are all behind ANBELIA DAVIS. (Most New Leftist: describe the USSR Russian Communists by these words, but ABT's Party membert evidently feel that the USSR Russian Communists are the real vanguard of th1 proletariat). ABT's comment about Moscow could also mean that the Soviet secret service K.G.B. does not feel that Miss DAVIS or ABT are C.I.A. agent. MILES COPELAND of the C.I.A. recently told the FREE PRESS readers that you should consider why someone like ABT or NIXON says something instead of just what they say. ABT's comment also helps to build support behind ANGSLI DAVIS on the part of pro?Moscow Communists who might be hesitant to support someone mixed up with adventurists and sometimes pro~Red Chinese CommuniSts and New Leftists. ABT also stated that Miss DAVIS was being hasseled by as treatment in jail. He said that after the FBI caught her they turned her over to the New York prison authorities for working and keeping. He said the Miss DAVIS was first put in the ward at the City jail, for were He said that she was often disturbed by a woman screaming at her about the evilness of Negroes. He said that when the defense got her out of the nut ward, as it is called, she was then given solitary confinement treatment. He said that has since ended, and that now ANGELIA DAVIS is with the other prisoners and getting along well with them. ABT said that when she was fira' ~being arraigned after her arrest, the black clerk in the Judges courtroom grabbed him by the arm after the trial was over and told him that he would fix him up with a pass so that he could see his client in the morning. said that the girl who writes the passes, who is a Negro, remarked that the would not have gone after ANGELIA DAVIS if she had not been a militant. ABS said that clerks had never been that nice with him.before ill/27h -The Commpnist Party, 11/22/70 3 A) ABT was not the only main speaker that the Party had. When Apr left, the Party took up a collection. The Party later reported that they he: collected $lBOO?plus that day, and this apparently includes the money that they raised at the door plus other donations and pledges. Actor WILLIAM MARSHALL, a Negro, read a letter to the group from Miss DAVIS and put on a performance for the comrades that RONALD REAGAN might even be envious of. The next Speaker on hand was the Castroite revolutionist OSCAR Z. ACOSTA, who in turn introduced who is on trial in Los Angeles for certain activities he had performed in the East L.A. riot that was held on August 29, 1970, after the peace march and before the peace tally could get underway. 5) CORKY real name is supposed to be RUDOLPHO GON ALE GONZALES is linked to the Party through his and the Party's ties with CASTRO or CASTRO's movement in Cuba. GONZALES attended the rally due to his association with ANGELIA DANIS. He said that he has met Miss DAVIS in San Diego and at UCLA. GONZALES said that there is a revolution in the U.S. to? day. He said that the adversaries include the types of people who would put a bullet in his head, and that those people include racist Minutemen and pigs. His tone was that he feels that pig stands for punk?idiot-gcon instea; of pride-integrity-guts, if you are a local police officer, or patriotism?I: telligence?guts, if you are an FBI pig. GONZALES is based in Denver, 001., and works with his Crusade for Justice communist front organization. In Coi< rodo there are probably several hundred Minutemen of one type of another, along with Soldiers of the Cross, U.S. Rangers, John Birchers, and GONZALES said that his group is part of the network of revolutionists doing the dirty work. He said that the Communists in this country should gives his group(s) more money to help pay for the dirty work being done. He said that more participation is needed to from armchair revolutionists. GONZALES attacked white people, particularly the white man, in his talk. had criticized the white-masculine American too). GONZALES statements indicate that he is a nationalist socialist. Unlike HITLER, his nationalism is not the white German race but the Mexicans. Like HITLEH, GONZALES is a socialis In the future the fusion of socialism and racial nationalism in GONZALES could make him the RUDOLF HESS of the Mexican?American-Chicano movement un- less a pig or a Minuteman winds up stopping him before the time comes to do thethe police and white people what the Nazis did to the Jews and Gipsie The Reds evidently believe that they will rule America by 1980 or it will be burned doWn so badly that nobody will run it. 6) The Communist network to bring America to its knees evidently in- cludes revolutiodsts like YURI ANDROPOV and COREY GONZALES, and of course others in other groups. To save the United States a workable counterinsurgs cy strategy is going to have to be developed that won't destroy the basic democratic nature of our system. At the high point of the rally, when everyone was cheering call to free Kiss DAVIS and others were calling for Marxist revolution, I almost started to cry. I would have not been crv- ing for them'put for this country. RodhkiReagan-SOBl .1 . 0 F.I 0 A LELTES T0: SAC, LOS ANGELES (100-76508) 12/2h/70 FROM: SA FRANK L. BELSANTE UNITED COMMITTEE TD FREE ANGELA DAVIS IS a EQPRCE AQENT UCFAD: 11/25/70 writer Fund raising meeting 11/221/22/70 b2 3b P- Infarmanc?s report has been xeraxe? and is attached: 1 - NEW YORK (REGISTERED) (JOHN ABTS (COREY GONZALES CC: I I 100-33973 (FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH OF LA) ME 157~2325 (ANGELA in 100?31229 FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE) 100: 813? (SI) loo-=- 0053. (I IEESI) 97-16 (W 50d 7/ loo?#1460 - 100-75300 (RONALD BEAGAN) 100-75361 (OSCAR ACOSTA) Inn ALLINFUP -a??ryi;?g - 5!?3 Ronald Reagan-5032 LA 100-76508 105-29127 100-19H66 100-00208 100-56617 100-22689 100-a1698 100- 9092 100-2 769 100-2 18 100-68125 100-59669 100-21728 100-20718 100-33822 100-5051 100-3108 100-7530 100- 1882 100- 1178 100-32618 100-7195Z 100-3970 100-00001 100-28329 100-92739 100-509K8 100-363 100?539l3 100-30898 100-50 56 100-30 39 100- 86?9 100- 63 UM) 01) (SI) )Lbl) ?tan I) 1 ACIFIC SI) 111 E0 7 R0naklReagan-5033 LA 100?76508 loo?hsokh 100-8865 100?215h1 100-6730s 100-30398 100?30962 100 2h961 100936990 103?31728 10 ,3 100?33362 190m6862? ACTION: INDEX: Informant was thoroughly interviewed concerning the above and could add nothing further? All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writerq RonakiReagan-5034 - California 22 November,1970 On Sunday, 22 November.1970, at 2.30 p.m. a meeting was held at the auditorium of the First Unitarian Church, 2936 West 8th Street, Los Angeles. Meeting. - - Report by John Abt, attorney, on his client, Angela Davis. Auspicee. - Fellowship For Social Justicein connection with United Committee To Free Angela Davis. I Iarrived at 2.50 p.m. On the pavement outside the Church courtyard, where side entrance to the aduitorium, a number of Negro children with Free Angela car bumper stickers for sale. a bundle of People World newspapers under his arm, selling then. A male oaunasian giving out announcement leaflets for the La Tosca Theatre. Showing Russian films. In passage way in front of entrances to auditorium at small table and another male caucasian in charge of admission tickets . INFORMATION esteem - The use ing was CLASSIFEIE John Abt was addressing the audience. Seated behind the speaker's podium on the stage were two women and four men. John Abt spoke of his client and aspects of the case. Some of remarks, in effect. That there is no evidence to link Angela Davis with the murder and kidnappin- for ramson charges she is faced with. The District Attorney or judge at Marin County had obtained the indictment. These indictments. as all attorneys know, are easily obtained. There is no need of evidence, just a description of the crime in question and request for indictment. Governor Reagan asked for extradiction of his client from New York and within twenty four hours Governor Rockefellow signed the papers. Abt said Rockefellow signed the extradition papers without giving them any thought. is for sixteen hours that day Rockefelow had been busy getting votes for himself, kissing babies, sampling knishes, Jewish food etc. Some laughter in audience. Abt spoke Habeas Corpus to delay extradition of his client. That the winning of the case, release of Angela Davis, will not be in the courts but through the pressures from outside mass movements working for her release - John Abt spoke of a surprise move they legal defense bed which sill be made known in December. At conclusion of his speech John Abt was enthusiastically applauded. The chairman, one of men seated on stage, announced that they were able to get a plane booking for only one flight for John and would have to proceed with the meeting. To end the ovation to the speaker. That there wound be two extra speakers, Oscar Boosts and Corky Gonseles. Some applause from audience. Ronald Reagan'5035 Another member of group on stage was introduced, Marshall Williams, actor. Negro who would read to audience letter of greeting from Angela Davis. ., - he (1,12 . 107C . Los Angelee - - . -. . Los Angeles California 22 November,1970 Marshall Williams, smartly dressed, came to the speaker's podium. greeted the audience with Power to the people then proceeded with his short speech about Angela Davis then read the greetings letter. 55:17.55 Shirley Williams. with the Defense Committee for Angela Davis spoke. Some of her remarks, in effect. The defense drive must aim for involvement of one million people from across the United States and abroad. That the defense must be not only for Angela Davis but for all political prisoners. That at conclusion of the meeting there would be in.hallway outside auditor- ium posters of Angela for sale, also donation envelopes for donations for the, defense cemmittee. I a book of greetings to Angela Davis on Which the people could put their sig- natures after the meeting. . That the Defense Committee also besides money needed help in the head- quarters, with mailing, etc. Shirley Williams gave the address of the Committee. 3450 34th Street. L.A. a collection made for the Davis Defense Fund by Fred - introduced as a writer who had been once blackballed. Fred - spoke of the need to give more than the usual. That all should make a point of either giving a day or more pay each month till Angela Davis is freed; or holding meetings or parties of ten, and then getting each of the ten to give a party. He started the collection off with appeal for any one hundred dollar donations, a few moments silence, than a hundred dollar donation brought to the stage by one of the ushers. Fred - announced the donor'stnames as money or checks brought to the stage. Among the donors, one hundred dollars from Dore Pike probably sent in, Dore Pike, old and not well, is home bound Boh_Large, seated next to Gibson, sent an envelope to the stage. This donation announced as one hundred dollars from anonymous friend. The donations called for lower sums, then finally the ushers passed around collection baskets for dollar bills and any coins._ Oscar Acosta made a short speech, referring-to the revolution, that it is now here. Then Corky Goneales took the speaker's stand. Gonsales spoke of the position in the Barrios, of the injustices inflicted on the people there Mexican by the establishment. Of the people killed by the police and their activists preparing the people in barrios to care for themselves. Gonsales criticised some of the in effect non?active revolutionaries, those who gave a twenty dollar bill or paid for a dinner to help pregressive causes but did not come down and get their hands dirty or themselves bloody. Of the reactions against the Chicanos when they try or express themselves. as at the 29 October Moratorium, etc. Ronald Reagan-5036 it conclusion of his speech Goneales was enthusiastically applaueded,. Davida Franchi said we have four Japanese trade unionists in the audience and ?shed them to come to the stage. They did so and were introduced. The four acknowledged the applause of the audience with bows and some hand waving. i . - Lee Angelee 3? California 22 Hovember,1970 The result of the collection was announced? 31.866.06. The meeting terminated at about 4.25 p.m. 1 The attendance was good. Moet of the eeate in the auditorium were taken, and also eome peeple in the upstairs geliery section. About 700 persons. Outside the auditorium a row of set up tables, at which a number of Negro young people were selling posters of Angela Davie, also on tables some Davie Defenee literature, appeal leeflete and envelopee for donations for the Defense Committee. At a Small table some people waiting to Sign their nemee to the greeting letter book to be sent to Angela Davie. Among those present at the meeting were - Eon [?3.qu Mre. Paoifioo John Abt Corky Gonzales Aeoete I Ronald Reagan-503? n?w ml 1.1- FORM NO. 10 H. (FR. UNITED STATES 00191112111111? . Ff? emomrzdem 1 -1 sac, L08 11110151113 (1.0036508) . ?1 FROM SR EDEBERT LENKER 1 SUBJECT: COMMITTEE T0 . FREE 11.110131110111118 1 - IS - SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION 110F110- 11/30/70 Waiter Iitg. 11/22/70 Informant?s report is Quoted a3 follows: I b2 E70 ?11/22/70 The Unitarian Church - EBT spoke mostly ahaut the legal ae pacts 0f trial His main point was that en inc1itm1=nt wa_e issued witheut evidence. End telling the people that what goes on outsid the room is a deei_eiee faetar to this political case He_urgcd the people to 1w11te -R am, Iwonmma smegma CC: I 111111 IS . nami??z??i?mSEH??g?w. 4051/63 100-33973 CHURCH, La) lee 100?69611 E10 15712325 DAVIS) (SI) loo-$5300 {em-111.0% 1113111171) 15711J +081 100.. 21:351 (03C 13- OSH-Z) A90 ?2151300 100- 71172 (3110111 ijm?brfu) Elli-11113.53? i: 100 71288 ((10 RH 11221111]; 3) - nutmeg? e?n?l DEL 1.0 . {sane . - b7 w-a-g'r (.101 Fee 1' f?J - 1 1 - RonaklReagan- -503E. 1 31; . Elk-<- 1% 15'; . - . ?3:51; U'f' B??r?ir? Rigafm'fy 1m 1?ch P?yw? Ewing; La 100?76508 REGAN. He pointed out that the white middle class society that is the power structure is offended by A.D. because she is a Black woman who made it in a masculine America. That she didn?t bow down in humble gratitude thank the power structure for her achievement but chose the path of Db EDIE and other great people. He said the biggest mistake she made was to admit her Communism and to reject white masculine America. He also stated that she is not guilty of the crimes of murder, consoricv and kidnapping but she is guilty of working to overthrow poverty, exploitation, and wanting a world of human dignity - In fighting for ANGELA we are fighting for OURSELVES. Then some other'guy got up and urged everyone to organise neighborhood groups to support and raise money tor a.D?s defense fund and for everybody in the room to donate e100 pg_- Then he went down to a days per - then promisary notes act. at the end of the meeting they had raised almost $2000.9g. got up and recited some Black peom Then ROOSTA introduced COREY and he spoke about the Chicano problem a how they~supported a.D. HAYWARD BURNS of the National of Black Laywers was also seated on stage but didn't speak.1L ACTION: Informant?was thoroughly interViewed concerning the above and could add nothing further. All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. - ENDEXRonakiReagan?SDBQ TO 000', LOS MIGRLES (100~??6508) DATE: 1/18/71. FROM SA RICHARD H. ROSS COMMITTEL TO FREE ANGELA DAVIS IS 0 ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION ANGELA 12/23/70 Writer DAVIS Defense Committee 12/22/70 Informant's report is quoted as foliows: T1373 11.1, 100031100200 003 W3W DATE uh? #95,,33 1 SAN FRANCISCO (REGISTERED) (ANGELA DAVIS) 120-20 CC: I I 100?gg300 300000) I) 100- 057 0 H, 1004862? .0 Z5355 L3 100?7096 r; . ?7 100-0086 530300312 HLALLY) (SI) Eating; gm . 100?71+122 71,? 100?76963 . .. ?raatmm?wg 157?2325 DAVIS) (SI) g? HH?/bjg 5??ng (11), Read by Ronald Reagan-5040 FORM NF). ?3 HAY am (:55 Flu-1H (LI m-ua UNITED STATES GOV ERN ENT Big US. .S'm?ing; 30::sz Reg?f?zrfy the Paym? erz'frz?gi La ?12/23/70 ?On 12/22/70 there were approximately #0 people at the Beverly Hilton hotel to demonstrate against RONALD REGAN br supporters of the ANGELA DAVIS Defense Committee. I land a few other regular participants were obseycd. Mostly nnfamilar faces. ?The whole thing went down between persons got roasted by the police for identification. No one was arrested. ?Members of the -- staff arcl previousl only known as andl Iprevions known only as member of the Defense Committee will be meeting with DOROTHY HEALEY and LOU DISKIN on l2/2H/70. lie talking about going to San Francisco to demonstrate re but no action or official activity has been organized yet.? Eb :13 5L) If. ACTION: Informant was thoroughly interviewed concerning the above and conic add nothing further. All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. INDEX: I I RonakiReagan-5041 OPTIONAL F?Cl?l'ut NO. MAY 19!: EDITIGN 03A FPMH (at cm) 101-11.! UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memwmdum T0 SAC, LDS ANGELES (lOO?7ll72) DATE: 2/17/71? FROM SA LESLIE F. WARREN SUBJECT: BROWN BERETS IS - SPANISH AMERICAN SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION I I I Brown 2/8/71 Writer Berets Benefit 2/5/71 Informant's report is quoted as follows: 162 1:37? CC: 100?33973 (FIRST UNITARIAJLI CHURCH9 LA) 100-7705E (ARTISTS OF PLAEET BERTH) 0E6 100-68390 0 100-7 5270 SUPP %s 105-25787 ?Haw?? (fa-251?? 100-7 5300 RONALD REAGAN) E) 157?1618 (BPP) Ejp 100?14873 (UAW) loo?19333 LONG .. .. JRead by +6 r?t?LC-Dpn?uti?g] . ?94 ?7 Ronald ReagaFFS?-ir 5 ?ght Wig L4 E. Bay Sarina: Bomb Rx. 1' .S?auimnr Plus; LA 100-71172 "Report on Benefit for Brown Berets Unitarian Church of Los Angeles 2936 W. 8st. Los Angeles, Calif. ?Meeting was held in Channing Hall of about church. ""Artists of Planet Earth?1 presented the above program according to notice on church bulletin board. $2 charge was made at door but one could order sooner and get a ticket for $1.50. Phone numbers 656?#67l 837-Oee2 666-0562 "About 125 to 150 attended, three?quarters of those - were under 35. About 12 Negros and two Oriental?appearing young'men. "Most appeared white with about l/3 of Erowd Latin- appearing. A few teenagers. Negro named BRUCE was present as was Oriental named JOHN. "Also present two, white, girls. in their late teens or early twenties, named SHERRY and CAROLYN. One sold tickets at door. "Also present an alleged leader of CUPP and his assistant. ?Both in their twenties, one has light brown hair and mustache, his assistant, black hair and mustache, also horn-rimmed glasses, and wore, "Free Angela" button. color film titled, "Chicano Moratorium" was scheduled and many have been the one in progress on entrance to hall. ?Film had sound and told how Mexicans work the land - 2 "'RonakiReagan-SO43 LA lOO-Tll72 while others profit, live in slums, how they were robbed of their land, music, food, and other cultures, restaurant was shown bearing a sign, "Thompson?s Mexican Food" . "It told how Indians and Chicanos were the same and of Aztec ancestry. "After film SHERRY or CAROLYN introduced CRIS sevens as editor of La Causa. "He wore a Brown Beret and tan, military type Jacket. "ceases said all the land belongs to the Chicanos, That is Nev., 0010., Ariz., N.M., and Calif. stated that there are large numbers of Chicanos in Denver, Albuquerque, Chicago, and many other cities. "He said all Chicanos across the nation and Mexicans in northern Mexico should be united in the and they are working on such uniting. said over a million Mexicans are deported to Mexico each year but we don't believe in a border, it was man-made and all this part of the U.S. was and still is part of Mexico, so belongs to the Chicanos. "He said about 15 million in Mexico live near the border and about as many live in the S. Western States so it should belong to the people. said when asked what will be done with the whites, they will be turned into Mexicans as the Chicanos were made to become white, he stated. ?He said the way Chicanos breed, for we like to live 3 RonakiReagan-5044 LA 100?71172 in 10 to 15 years will have enough population in the S.W. to take theiland back by political or any means necessary. "Also, European idea, live to work, we enjoy life, aren't clock punchers. said if we and the Indians had taken over Europe as the Europeans did America we woud be called savages. "He stated Zapata believed in having those who work the land own the land. ?He said in New Mexico a few years ago when Tijerina and his followers took over a court-hours, etc, the pigs were afraid and the a. was a traitor. said at the last Moratorium the pigs used guns and all the people had was a few rocks. . ?He said rocks can't hurt, maybe just split a pigs head a little unless one is close and that's no harm. This brought applause from the audience. "He said the Brown Berets are not communists even though Chief DAVIS claims we are dupes of communists. ?Before the next speaker a collection was taken as Brown Berets were passed people put in money but it appeared as if only about half give anything. "It was said $75 was charged to rent the hall for the evening. .?The La Cause paper was on sale for ?25. "The next speaker was introduced as one of Biltmore Chicanos, charged with disturbances during Gov. speech. AN's RonakiReagan-SO45 LA 100-71172 "He, the Biltmore defendant said they are questioning judges to learn if they are racists. "He stated that this is an important case for they are testing the grand jury decision, for only of late has a Chicano, and Negro been place on it. "He said funds are needed and support, so come to the Hall of In?ustice. spoke again saying they are not like the Black Panthers but are for any peoples in the struggle. ?He said the Panthers have done some things that weren't successful and by some tactics not agreeable to the Chicanos. "He asked that all Chicanos who live in the neighborhood barrio stay after the meeting to get organized. "The second film shown was titled "Salt of the Earth? It had sound and was in black and white. white man over 50, gray hair, glasses about or said film was old, 1953 and seen all over the world so some of the sound and picture poor but the story good. "He announced it was made by some poeple who suffered under the JOE MC CARTHY period. It sounded as if he said projector belonged to the U.A.W. "Film was a drama with actors and actresses about a mining strike in New Mexico about 1951. ?It claimed Chicanos were not paid the same scale for the same work done by whites. "Also that dangerous blasting was done by one Chicano when two men were needed for safety. 5 Ronald Reagan-5046 LA lOO-7ll72 "After an accident men want on strike and picketed road so scabs were afraid to come in to take jobs. "Police arrested Chicano strike leader on false charge of assault and then police beat him in an automobile, according to film. ?Mine Co. used law that did not permit picketing. ?Wives took over picket line and police drove a car into them, cursed the women but the women beat them off. "The police were shown as obeying the mine co. officials. "women were arrested but others stayed on the line. Children were in jail too. "Police were evicting Chicano leader from mine 06. owned home that did not have heated water. "Company also cut off credit to.miners at company owned store. ?At eviction police were removing furniture stepped on picture of JUAREZ, but when large crowd of miners arrived police left. "Mine official said they would have to contact Eastern office. It was assumed strikers won fight for equality and sanitation. "Cheers from audience when police appeared bad and a shout of, ?Off the Pigs" BILL HARPER was believed present and was outside passing handbills, ?Harper for College Board" folder was available inside, ?The Long March? H6- RonakiReagan?SO47 LA 100-71172 715 S. Parkview Los Angeles, Calif. "It listed such films available as "err the Pig", "Free Bobby?, etc. . ?Also available office space, meeting rooms, etc. "Outside was a tall, white man, with long red hair and beard, and camera in hand. were horn-rimmed glasses. '"Biltmore defendant said press not giving case enough publicity. "Man believed to be CUPP assistant said why not have everyone write the times and underground papers." ACTION: Informant was thoroughly interviewed concerning the abova and could add ndhing further. During interview with PSI following ascertained: be 3073 I I- SHERRY and CAROLYN - Source said were associated with Committee United for Political Prisoners (CUPP). CUPP people appeared to be running this affair for benefit of Brown Berets. "La Cause?, mentioned above is the Brown Berets publication. All other necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. RonakiReagan?5048 LA 100-71172 INDEX: JOHN (LNU) . .. SHERRY (LNU) ?36 .. 8 Ronald Reagan-5049 - - .- Wis I Memormdum TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (100?h39h8) DATE: 2/23/71 FEE-M SP. JOSEPH CONLUH SUBJECT: PROGRESSIVE EDUCATIONAL AND GARDEN CLUB IS - SOURCE RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION PWEGC mtg., 2/9/71 Writer 1/28/?1. Informant's report is quoted as follows: E.) 11- SAN FRANCISCO (REGISTERED) (ANGELA DAVIS) "mom-Mimi loo?H0452 (SI) 100-56592 100?35562 100?51998 100?25680 loo-31881 7 /Mr 7530?f/5? SEARCHED INDMO .. . 7 a? JRC /Cel? f?rxm-nr-itw?f?Lm' Resd by . Ronald Reagan-5050 Bay . Saw?y Band: an the Payroll Savi?g: P141: .r is LA ion?u3gss lg . a. 1b "Feb. 2, 1971 "At the home ofl Ithe Progressive Women's Educational and Garden Club met on January 28. 1971. I Iaddress; I I Whittierj California. "Memb rs who lives a in Westminster California; her phone number said that she might become a member of this club. She will let them know at the next meeting. "Treasury holds $156.00 and a letter from GEORGE MC GUVERN on his compaign which he has started for 1972 to run for United States President it was decided to sent him $10.00. His committee headquarters; 201 Maryland Avenue. N. E. Washington, D. C. 20002 and donate $10.00 also. "Letter of acknowledgement from the Angela Davis cemmittee for the $50.00 donation was read. ?It was decided to buy eight subscriptions of the Farm Workers newspaper ?El Malcriado' for members of this club. Recieved letter from CEASAR CHAVEZ requesting food contributions for his workers. It was agreed to bring food for them at the next meeting. ?On February l?th 1971 there will be a social at the Westmor Ballroom; 607 S. Western in Los Angeles to honor "American Friend's Service Committee of 980 N. Fair Oaks Ave. in Pasadena sent a newsletter on China. It was decided to sent them $3.00 :?or a subscription for one year so that this club can use them for their educationals. Everyone should write 2 R0nakiReagsn-5051 LA 100nt39u8 to Governor REAGAN objecting the cutback on Medicare and state aid for the blind and on the resthomes for disable people. Also object to the Senority System in United Stak?r?overmentg let the younger politicians hold office. Every member-to write letters on these issues to Washington D. C. ?Discussion was held on the City tax that Downey and Long Beach have on everyone's utilities bills for the Benefit of this city policemen and firemen. Write letters protesting this raise in people' 3 bills. Refreshments served and meeting adjourned. ACTION: Informant was thoroughly interviewed concerning the above and could add nothing further. - All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. I I GEORGE MC GOVERN '93 AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE INDEX: RonaklReagan-SOSZ i, - .m . .nhharh?-?um?-r? up? . . . I SAN DIEGO a I) 100?27931 SOPHIE SILVER) (SI) 100-23660 ROSE ORERNIN SI CC 100-50096 100-31730 HUNGARIAN HALL) 157-2325 ANGELA DAVIS) (SI) 100-30537 FUNDS) 100-673OA 97-16 RN) F81) IOOA58627 100-56558 (SI) ICC-76508 (SI) 100*630?7 I (SI) EAO ISO-56529 I) ASL OHIOANO NORATORIOM) SI) msit DT SI (NATIONAL RELEASE RIGHE 100*30398 ESI) ORGANISATION LA) 100-23198 SI) IOU-76A02 OUT NON COALITION) IOO-30A39 ISI) CDC) IOOA31698 (SI) IOOASSBBI MASS ORGANIZATION) i33?$8??8 )5 100~65707 - IL - 1 ISO-A663 SI) \?30 "?72 1? 100-56591 (SI) .?J_A_mnm_ 100- 3116142 1 I) (SI) smmuzm?j 3:15; ?1(?Eg?mja F31 -LE3- -.S ANS Cad Ron Reagan- 5053 I 1 0 A STATES GGVERNMENT I UNITED TO: SAC, LOS ANOELES (100?1763) DATE: 3/23/71 . 1b 2 FROM: SA THEODORE E. CRILDRESS- 3?9 SUBJECT: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT COMMUNIST PARTY IS SOURCE ACTIVITY I. RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION Mtg., of Dist 3/9/71 Writer Committee Hungarian Hall, ALL INFO ALAIEDE HEREIN 15 GLASSEFAED DATEALQQED ?$305 Informant's reporI has been Reroxed and iS attached: -3: LA 100? 1763 ACTION: Informant was thoroughly interviewed concerning the above and could add nothing furtheg. All necessary action in connection witn this memo has been taken by the writer. INDEX: PEOPLES COALITION FOR PEACE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE I I VICTORVILLE CLUB lo 6 ETC .. 2 .. Renal-El Reagan-5054 IMarch 9, 1971 Santa Barbara District Committee Page One March 6/71. At Hungarian Hall, 1251 South St. Andrews Place, ingeles, California. meeting of the District committee of the Communist Party,Southern California District was held this date and place. I 28 perSOHS'attended_abcse meeting? The agenda was: Discussion on the Angela Davis case, Peace activities from acril 24 into May 1971 and the current Peoples World fund and circulation drive. as ETC Present Ilocal 26) Sophy Silver 9 Ecalv 2 others The next meeting will be the same place 4/1o/?1. ALL LAT-EON HTVETE ?5 pm 49?. #1 495; R5 RonakiReagen-SOSS March 9, 1971 Santa Barbara I0 6 District Committee his Page Two gave a report on the'hngela Davis case along with detailed instructions on what to do on the 16th March 1971 at Abgela's hearing at San Rafael, Ca. She stated that the communist party, this district intends to have a number of it's members at the hearing and that over two thousand peeple expect to go north for the hearing from Los Angeles. She stated that there-is a contingent of 70 or more from Texas going to the hearing. stated that the hearing hall only holds 120 peop and that there is a move on to have the hearing held in a larger hall and that we should see to it that we are all over the judge to make him realize that justice should he done. The event is sponsored by The National United Committee to Free Angela Davis whose office is at 3450 W. 45rd Street $104, Los Angeles, Ca. I Igave a report on the current Peoples World circulation and fund drive in which stated that the drive is going very badlv. She reported on the standings of the various clubs and sections. Dorothy Healey gave a talk on what is happening on the peace front USA in regards to the lads China war. She stated-that.this issue has created a new or enoy inside the communist party FSA. She said that it now appears that the United States intends to maintain it's military, economic and political presence in.Indo China indefinitely. . . RonakrReagan-SOSG' March 9, 1971 - Santa Barbara District Committee - senor Page Three Healey stated that the last three weeks of the war has created for the comcunist party new problems, hoth ideological and political; it has shown up the strength and weaknesses of the peoples_forces. She admitted that the Viet?amipation policy has produced some success for Imperialism. She said that the advance into Cambodia and Laos has caused the peoples movement in North VietNam to make a drastic shift to keep lines open although the forces 0 Imperialism can?t seem to make much headway either. She said that the North Vietahm government feels that it is winning because of the fact that the imperialistic_ forces are not winning. She called attention to the warning for the first time'by the Red Chinese. She emphasized the fact that the Im- perialists have had their way in the air this far but that this might change. She asked why their was little or no response from the communist party and the left to the escalation of the we r. This is a central question. She said that idelogical and political problems are plagueing the left. She said that the PLP claims that the north Vietaamese sold out to the Sotiets by accepting assistance from theme She said that the communist party has a great fear of allying with liberals and other leftwing groups. She said that the this city muted activity on the peace frontu RonakiReagan-SOS? .. l'March 9, l?71 Santa Barbara District Committee sane? Page Four. She said that some of the leaders in the liberal camp are afraid to cooperate with the McGovern forces lest the; are coopted by then, She stated that the left is a split movement-that the Trotzyites want to assume the?leadernhiy of any movement. She said that -here is no evidence of mass organization in the left toda1.' She said that the leaders like Dellenger and Prof. Feck just don?t organize. Dorothy said that the organizing for the April Eeg?l mass legal nonviolent march and rally in Washington, one and San Francisco was done by theTrotzyites was a real and genuine effort by them and that they should be comm- ended. This march will present three demands in particular- The inaediate and total unconditional withdrawal from VietNan of all US military forces-a definite date for the withdrawal?a guaranteed annual income of 36500900 for a - family of four with a definite date for it and the freeing of all political prisoners with a definite date for it. This event was co?sponeored by the feoples Coalition for Peace and Social Justice. She said that the Trots have concentrated 95% of their man- power arotnd the clock on this event. She stated that the-the Ghicano Moratorium was excellent at one time in the field of peace etc but now due to it's being in a defensive pos tion on the police brutality issue the organization is being dissipated and has diluted it?s fight against the we r. Ron?kiReagen?SOSS March 9, 1971 Santa Barbara District Committee Page Five She said that the black community is fu11 of Bourgeoisie nationalism rather than proletarian nationalism which is being swallowed up by the former. - She said thatch the campuses.the blacks are in the same position. There is such apathy to the peace fits. Regarding Reagan's visit La she said that it was absolutely impossible'to_find anyone to organize or attend a protest against him. She said that the National Welfare Organization LA was impoter t. She said that at the first public protest against the escalation of the war only 7 ccmmunis ts shoe ed up?th? Just recently did the communist party agree to cooper? ate with the Trots on the 4/24/71 ma rch. Dorothy said the she?had attended an "out and Out" meeting of the Trots and said that it was very impressive. She said that the National Peace Coalition(E? i0} arid the Peace Action Council(FAC)have formed a coaiition,on events such as the March on WaS?inaton actions Wash DC centered on the Peoples Peace Treaty April 25 and 26/71n-and others. She said that on 5 May 71 there will be stoppages of campuses industry and sitins around all congressional will not be of long duration 10?15 min. There will he marches or rallys?whatever the area calls for. . RonaklReagan?SUSQ March 9, 1971 Santa Barbara District Committee - SCDG Page Six talked on politics etc. He was wondering hou.best the communist party could get into mass organizations such as the _Regarding the that it is a poor state of organizationa The CDC should adopt an anti-war policy and that this should be the main thrust of the CDC. How to create an organization within the CDC is of paramount importance. He aid that the one is having a convention atril a and 5. on anti-Soviet feeling in the La area an ea that it must be stopped now. He said that there is a great ebb in the peace actions La. He said that the black and brown communities are going towards a Bourgeoisie nationalism rapidly especially in the chicane community. He said that the La council's action regarding the police defense shows the growth of apathy in the chicane comm? unity. He said that the communist party should carry through on the April and May activities for peace Lou Diskin'spoke ea lea dership in the party which he described as poor and prone to much procrastination. He said that it?s political rea ction.is extremely-slow. Ron??iReagan?SO?O 'March 9, 1971 Santa Barbara -District Committee - Page Seven Dorothy Healey outlined actions of the peace coalition for the Months of April and May 71. 4/4/71. 4/19-23. 4723?" 4/24; 4/25-25 4/27. 5/2. 5116. 'agencies and other actions k? At Fresno--National Chicano Moratorium Washington DG??Mass action by VH Vets against the_war. Washington--training centers and movement centers for pending actions including civil disobedience washington DC and Frisco??mass legal nonviolent march and rel Washington DG--1obei ng at government Civil disobe dient actions tending to- wards an escalation through the first weak in Washington DC-rally a round call to Acti A declaration of war against repression. This will be a combination protest against the war-hunger-poverty and repression. and others will speako on; Peoples Lobby at congress and other agencies. This will be centered on social justice. Washington DC?ureoples Lobby at congress. Focused on militarism. These groups expect to talk personally with government officers and employees. Nationwide. Groups expect to stop gov't- industry-schools etc from carrying on business as usual by various means Actions in cooperation with both LA and nationally. 4 RonaklReagen-SO?l- March 9, 1971 Santa Barbara Parse ewe The Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice is rcalling for an action in local areas that will_ protest current escalation in Indo China. They call for mass civil disobedience and ech- ilizatione. The Peoples Coalition has given hp it's May 2 date in favor of the Trot?e 4/24 date seeing that the Trots would not relinquish their 4/24/ date. The org asks that all those who come to Washington remain and join in with all the other events on the calendar especially on armed forces day 5/16/71. lb 95 i376 elm} m. 31-03113 fr. 5 again QM heit?ctg Elk-h er?s, ex Edn? all? a. ow?cx?cus 3) 2 cigiaa. Jam eiulk ILA ~Ehhigit::e_ Cele??} 1? . ktgg?k??tegl eglefiyr?%r?jg; wk, it? - WI, RdhakiReagen-Socz OPTIONAL FORM NO. MAY ?Mi GSA FPMR cm} Isl-11.9 . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum SAC, LOS ANGELES (157?3701) SA EUGENE B. MC CARTHY LIBERATION UNION RM SOURCE ACTIVITY Membership meeting, 3/26/Tl RECEIVED 3/29/71 DATE: 4/7/71 AGENT LOCATION Writer report is qudted as follows: CC: I 100-73u66 10s-?7151 Loss 100??7095 100?72033 100-56508 157?3659 100?7n167 loo?Tussg 157?6172 157~u887 100-68A38 100-71u18 100?63646 1 100?21704 100?&5319 100?68h65 100-53h26 157-4467 I 157-h309 100-77u2n 157~hh93 100-77097 100-75964 100-7156 100 I 105 2678r 100-7621q MARCH) 5 (SI) - RON LD GAN) LA 6w 157-3911 (331{?L?Read by ERTISTS OF PLANET EARTH) I) SI) flit] ?k By? US. Savings Band: chztim'?y m: Isa Payroll Saving: Piss Es: ziEii 1.1 13 UEGLIJLSS 313: $5,193 IE: 6 y?i'c?nf'? h. - til-3 d' k?rz I LA 157?3701 1 "Friday March 26th a general membership meeting of Liberation Union was held at the ?Long March building" located at 715 So. Parkview, Los Angeles. "There were 27 people present among whom the follow? ing were recognized: Ichaired the meeting. The following announcements were made} A.P.E. Artists of Planet Earth) is having an art auction April ch atl home, money to go for defensecfl land People asked to attendepril ?th vigil at Govenor home in the Pacific Palisades. reminded group to attend L.A. Committee for Defense of Bill of Rights conference April 17th. I lpassed out co ies of a manuscript titled ?What is La Raza"? He said that i Ihad a copy and liked it, that he had?given a copy to someone connected with Chicano studies (in gablic schools) and hoped they would be interested in it.? a RonakiRegga?15064 1 2 -u LA 157-3701 to discuss his problems. He is a social worker in E.L.A. He says that there is a radical group that wants to do away the social worker (keep the eligibility worker). These radicals are welfare recipients, he does not want to lose his job by walking out as a result of his support- ing them but on the other hand wants to support the radical welfare recipients and a few radical social workers. He said he feels his job as it is now is a "pig job? but would like to be effective in making changes for both social workers and radicals. Although many of the group asked NED questions, it seemed {they agreed) to get more complicated and no one seemed to know what he should do." ACTION: Informant was thoroughly interviewed concerning the above and could add nothing further. All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. INDEX: i i - 3* RonakiReagan?SOGS FDFM ND. :0 I . MAY 1952 EDITION 65A FPMR (41 101-115 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum To SAC, LOS ANCELES C100?6865h) FROM SA KELLY P. HEPAELT SUBJECT: PEACE ACTION COUNCIL IS - SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED ACLNT LOCATION PAC Council 3/29/71 Writer Meefing 3/22/71 Informant's report has been xeroxed and is attached: 3MB CC: I I 100-28219 NI-B) .100-75738 SI) 100-3263N 100-76298 100-28293 100-29632 (31) 100-22 12 00. NEW I 137?3911 (SI) 1. . 0109275300 RONALD NNAGAN) . 1 $6731? ALL INFORMATION CCNNAENEQ 100-7 596% HEREIN IS DANA 100-60852 (UCSB 100-77N62 N0 100-6820A (SI) NIC 100-72197 I 100-70073 PNN) 100-7N798 .-, 100-2318 LINSI) 0%J5L??i?x 1?97 2?3. ANNANA . mm APRI 6, 197; ?t?uc .3 . I By 2" ROnald Reagan-5066 . .- Buj 3 #1251231 Barzdi Regularly an Paym? Saving Plan E10406 411 LA ACTION: Informant was thoroughly interviewed concerning the above and could add nothing further. m: 2 RonaklReagan-SOE? '9 I I s?I segregation COUNCIL or 555 n. I-IESTERN ave, LOS ANGELES, ca. 90004 .462d8188 I 3 COUNCIL MEETING, WED., MARCH 24, 1971, 8 1251 5. ST. ANDREWS PL. heating called to order at 8: 20 A. M. Adoption of proposed Agenda: 1) Announcements 2) Financial Report 2? 31?31?29? if? PM: ALL TTNFORMATIOH consume .arc an pri act ons CLASSIFIED 5) Task Force Reports - pgi$5??h 33 6)1May actions DATFT ?0 - 1) ANNQUNCEMENTS: A) Grand jury extension expected March 31. Several have been in jail for some months. Requested PAC carry information onacase piggy back next mailing. fter discussion as to most effective way to inform organisations on Tucson case: ETC: To send out separate mailing to all organizations on Tucson case. B) Other announcements please see attached calendar. 2) REPORT: I I PAC in critical financial state. Coming fund rais- era (?Burn" and "Johnny Got His Gun") will help but need regular response frOm constituent organizations to help finance program and office. That each representative report situation to his organization and attempt to get regular substantial sustainer to PAC. Progress report to be made at next Council meeting. 3} warren or : read list of candidates recomended by Coordinating o:.:nittee. Floor opened for additional nominees. u: to cast unanimous ballot after other nominees declined) H30 TO elect a co-chairman. to cast unanimous ballot} Ins EUDRDINATGR: I to cast unanimous ballot) ibTC TREASURER: to cast unanimous ballot) SECRETARY: to cast unanimous ballot) YDUTH COORDINATOR: I (MSC to cast unanimous ballot) PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR: to cast unanimous bal lot) k) MARCH ACTIDNS: on Operation Nevada with appeal for continuing support. Next actions in Las Vegas weekend of March 26,27. Ronald Reagan-5068 5} TASK FDRCE REPORTS: A) SOCIAL JUSTICE TASK FORCE: I 1 Events scheduled (see attached calendar). Task force for Reagan action April ?th:l Tabloid target date for issue: April 10th. Will sell at $20 per 1,000; organiza- tions asked to order in quantity. Treaty Conference at University of California, Santa Barbara. Organizations are asked to send representatives. - 1 it - sunscreen Pas MEETING, 1?3 24, 1971 (2) . Additional information on April actions listed in attached calendar. assumes OIL sorter: TASK FORCE: Task Force is planning mailing to constituent and cooPerating organizations next week. Now re-drafting basic material into attractive leaflet for mass use. Next Task Force meeting April 12, 7:30 P.M., at the PAC OFfice. All affiliates requested to send representatiVe to Task Force meeting. C) PEACE TREATY TASK FORCE: I new format of Treaty now at Printers, with expanded copy and clip~out coupon. Cost: in per copy. Appeal for office furniture, equip- ment, etc. See calendar for Peace Treaty Task Force meeting schedule (beginning Her. 30) Discussion on report: a Freedom, Long Beach). Treaty unanimously ratified by state convention in Feb. Now working to obtain 20,000 signatures by April 21 with individual Treaty plus petition to be used as base for organizing April and May act- ions. 6) UNEMPLOYMENT LEAFLET. Question of utilizing effectively assigned to Task Force on Social Justice. 7) MAY ACTIONS. DVerall introductory report on national projections for May in Washington. Proposal to set up three additional Task Forces to implement Hay Actions: 1) Draft; 2) Lobbying for Peace and Justice, Abzug Bill; Hartke Bill); 3) Direct Action. MEG: To vote unanimous approval for general outline of any actions (see calendar :30: To set up the three proposed new Task Forces with Chairmen as follows: in 1) Draft: 2) Direct Action: no 3} Lobbying: 51 lancensus: That PAC constitute itself a Task Force of the Whole around the May actions, convening as often as necessary. 7 sescim. cross or Business: The Draft. on status of fight to end the draft and proposals for building meaningful action by PAC in entire field of work around Draft. Dietribution of petitions on Draft. Concensus: carry full information on anti-Draft campaign in tabloid. 6) APRIL 24 ACTION IN SAN FRANCISCO: Projected to be largest anti-war demon- stration in history, with Special contingents, trade union, etc. Running full-page ads across country. How have several congressional endorsements for action. See calendar attached for further details. MSG: To adjourn meeting, 11 P.M, Respectfully submitted, Calendar . Ronald Reagan-5069 WWI. FORM H0. 10 a, 1 1. MAY HM: EDITION TO FROM c515 Fri-m [u are) mum UNITED STATES GOVQNMENT Memorandum SAC, LOS ARGELES (100-59133) SA JOSEPH R. CONLCN SOUTHSIDE SECTION SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT COMMUNIST PARTY IS SOURCE ACTIVITY Meeting of RECEIVED Long Beach 23 CD GP Clubs Inferment?e report is quoted as follows: "3/10/71 ?At the home ofl I in Long Beach, California the Long Beach and Twenty Third . Communist Clubs met for their regular meeting on March and 1971. DATE: l1/7/71 1b E73 I i. AGENT LOCATION Writer 130 L3. A 7 r; 100?32h07 (SI) 100?23488 FUNDS - 97?16 PE 100?22612 SI 100n8086 SI 100?61745 EWISP) 100-57229 MARTIN LUTHER KING) 100-37686 (SI) 100?56592 (SI) 100~21337 - 100-28805 l9931?399fx ROHAED REAGAN) 100?%?933 MEMBERSHIP) 97-l PW 100*25365 STRATEGY IN IHDUSTRY) JRC/emp (17X14qf9 Read by .D $102 E1371) ALL IREORRATTOR GORTRTEREG IS CLASSEE 3b. ES ibT?C LA 100-59133 "0n the agenda was the announcement of the rummage sale on March 23rd a 24th location; not definite as yet, proceeds for the People World Quota for these two clubs which announced that the district committee said that no definite quota was establish this year. Every club to raise as mush as possible; too many people unemployed. Every one try to get new suscribers for the People's and also continue seeking new members. Iread a letter from W. I. S. P. requesting everyone to boycott Standard Oil; return credit cards cut in half. Support the picketing been held at any War Production Industry. Discourage any one you know in working in war production industry for war production. Every means to discourage the contin? uation of any war. newsletter suggest women to mobolize more people towards peace and bring our men home. "Peace Demonstration in San Francisco April Bath. Ialso mentioned the "Operation Deveda? which will be a demonstration by the mothers and children of the state of Neveda protesting the cut off of the welfare for these mothers. This demonstration will be on march 6th. Buses will leave from sections of Southern California for To make the hotels aware of this, make hotel reservations and then cancell .the very last minute. "On.March 203p there will be a demonstration march in Fresno by the Chicanos. All Party members should support the Chicanos in their struggle for better standards of living a education. "April 1 to 4th will be the Memorial of Rev. LUTHER MARTIN KING. D. C. convention will also be on April 1st to nth. All progressive communist members should tr to be a these mass demonstrations a conventions etc. she will _leave for Guadalajara, Mexico on 3 ll 71 for 8 weeks. She paid her dues. P. W. raise fund breakfast at her home 3/7f71. Members donate the food work "Members present werel 2 RonaklReagan?SO71 aura 4? -g Mull. no.? u? LA 100-51933 andl "Sent Letters to Governor RONALD REAGAN protesting the welfare cut off and also raise of property taxes. "Meeting adjourned at lo:u5 Ag 3b 7 ACTION: A Informant was thoroughly interviewed concerning the above and could add nothing further. All necessary action in connection with this memo has been taken by the writer. INDEX: OPERATION NEVADA wl?I RonaklReagan-5072 1 'Cnver Sheet [01 l1?ern"1cm- Report or Mute "11] FBI-306 (Rev. 9- 30- 69} . . Date prepared 11/ 5/71 Date received I Received from (name or symboi-Eunibm.? by 11/ 5/7 1. SE LESLIE . WARREN M?hod of delivery (check appropriate blocks} FT 1: in person by telephone [g1 by mail orally :5 recording device written by Informant HOT-11311: fumiehed and Eaduced to writing by Agent: Date of Rep-3:1; late 1 . 3/31/71 1311111111111 to Daleiai of activity Tran scribed ?7 Authenticated by Informant 1 Brief description of activity or material 3/31/71 Peace rally and march at San Fernando Valley State College a File where origin-Alia located ifnot attache;? INDIVIDUALS BY AN 1-1 1 '1 E1 Jul-?133 1311 1L11E AN D1 1F) 1.5T 1511C VIOLENCE OR REVOLUHUNARY 1W1 11121:: WERE N01 DISCUSSED. recorded on a card index by on date Remarks: . M: BOB HOPE DATE . I . SEARCHED DATE 1 xvi 1 CHICAGO (REGISTERED) DIS - PHILADELPHIA (REGISTERED) EL 111 11131911 HE 5:56 W. - 1 SAN FRANCISCO (REGISTERED) WT 1111-5, (?13 (I I) CC: 100-60712 (SAN FERNANDO VALLEY STATE COLLEGE) 100-76 532 (PEOPLEI COALITION FOR PEACE EEO JUSTICE) 100-76615 105?18410 157402981 - 100?71 2 4M - 1:1" ?e?c 100?6 5080 . 111.11."! mm}. . - - 1 31111sz Emmi/121.1! LEW/eel . '13" 1 . 1 Renald Rea?ian-SU 0 100-60712 100?67021+ (01) TOO-657RI GENERA EAR) R79 107-29322 (I J) 100-69917 (ANOTHER MOTHER FOR PEACE) 15 (ANGELA DAVIE) OO (RONALD REAGAR) (UNITED FARM WORKERS) 100?76508 (NUOFAD) (NATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION) 100-77R64 (ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY FOR PEACE) 100-76727 (EAST 00R) 100?49808 (UNITED AUTO WORKERS) 100-71172 (ORIOANO MORATORIUM) 100-19333 (COMINFIL - FILM T.V.) Ronald 'Reaggn-5074 _?erA??Hh?K. El1-w- .vf H7. 1.37.. . ?if" (7?73? .91L23- I - - r" . .42 .37.. ?cm- 09? 7?7 -. . .- 7177? 6.3. . ijiwaJ?3-8 - _Cff?e?iz?ai?x'? Hwy?.464. ?37 ?7 LE "2:773: kf?aiigl??: jib-1.; 4.447.- .1713: . -.. 77"? f?rc ?7 -- '3 Mh?d?iw . it-WI ivwix 7 7? 7: - 7 - Iv'frc?wdli . ?L?Jmta?ww?g_i-an' 'Q?ka? 527?": I?hri?i 724?- L), -. $9235.71 ?@1an -427?? {579.115 M1c3919. ?'W?i?u?i - .. 12.} ~vxuri? -- - ,7 7 Lf?h' - Vim? (A. Jamm'tiEdy-J f? -77 ham-J 7 Jg? (:77 3.497.71 9' j. - 7:77.71? 455-7177774177- . [.4751th .73. 77.97.770.74.9.7 ?f?ih&h_ *quIA; Al 7 7/5- g??f 14nd :11 27/ 44?7?: 7:5; '51? E: :7 - ..7. 0? 77 If? (Ca-'17. :15; 4d? Nix-Hf??k 7? .77.. a? 77 7 7 ,7 77.72'15: fit-pitr fkh?u?r' cell/Kilt7.77.. .. m9. ..7 .- ?26- #717677) .7 (5:72? . 7 1 . 7 Ronald Reaga?- 5075 ?N-fi?E? .61cc.? 7.. 72. 72.3-. ,1 - .71.. 777777: I77 . [#717748 . . . I Flat-.5..- ..imiIIluT \van ..IIWW-MLII. SAWwarm-(ml..-.- - .- - - - - . -- - ..I-..I-.. - Ixml \bx?w-anvfx - .. .. ..MNIA-mkmiwrw- WE .. II I. . @bka?i 3% I Ap?k?k?J-L?: .MLWI. .LW?ul. - IFW-n-L-Ixrtw.I..- 11m. u. I- ....ll.- .4.- .- IQ I Hm. . ?Inn ..meII. I - -. BINI.-. -. - II- - APAR- - - I.- --..I-Stu? INKIWquI-Imil-.il HM - .-.. .rHIhuIanl - LII-..I. I ..I-..flit-I'll II I WIN-3 ERA-LA k- -..-..I ILL.- \Sa-querwIt I -II ..-- - I \rkII .. Thy?lm . - I - #A?hmu IHM $.94er I Ink-I.- NMA. 53$ WWII-FA -- INN-I man-RH.- .- - --I-.-I.- I--I..I I - ANNA-WIT.- FLA-..I..- -NWI. a/ IIrel-Pr --II MEAN. RAIN. - ?rm-Nap.35! . - ..- .H?wf. . (1 I. KIAIXTJI . 1.x FI- AI. -I-.- .. INK-N .- ?og-NuwkwD..- rwk. . mi DI.- . - wk -. . . . 1. .- .11-u- [Fluwnk? .1. 1.5 7111111.. NIP1.1.5.111 11111.11..- ..IIWWII . 1: I ..U.. . . I . .I. ..1. . . LXI. khan?h. 55/...1..1-1 1.1.11111-1-1-1 111- - .11-1..I- r. 1. EMA. .11.".115 \thtI .1111 M111..- 1 m. .11-111. 111. .1 11.1. .- I. 1 FIJI-.5 I 1 1 -.-1 1 11 51in . 11.5111 .1 .1.. ..1 - -- ..1. ..I .. .1 ..1. IL.- 1.11.1.- 1 1 11-L1-1111..1.-.11 1 . .1 .11 -1.1. --11-1 1.. . I. I.l l I .II.II.IIxiv. .. .. ( \1 1 5.5.1. 11.1.111.mu. ..I .1.-1 .1 .1..- . . .- NM. .559 I. .x ..1. I. ..I. . . Ir .wa- 1 1.11.11..an1 WI.11m11.u1H1.h11-.11 1 1111 111- .. .1.. 3. 31.15 1. 1.411 . .- 1.5. . .. .I 1 11.11 [1 II 1 ?111. quba? I131 ?.1vapr11 .. ?1 4.114511? In ..Iv.41 ..1.11.111.qu- . Fr?. .1 Cmall .. In. I F1. ..I..I I.I.. 11.?51L1m1?wwm111 11.1.11 11.51Hp1m1wf?m. 511-111.315.115.31.1111- . 11.-mu. 1 1 1.151.?.er 1. -1 ..hi111117. .- . 1.. .. . 1.1.. I.lr 1. MIL. 111.. 1 . .- . .1.-..--.- 11.-II- .. . . ..I.- 111111 1 I111 . .IurIxmmI 111.1111. . . ..I-L1. 11 .0551. 1.1.11 1.twm11Kx125r11erI111N11crxp . ..I..-- H.119 1 1 -1 11 x1?1?1kmpu11m1d?11 - 5 . mat .1.. .. .. ?rm$1111. . 5 1 1 1 um.- _1 1.9111111 .5M111 5100 .1 1: 1 II I QMAHLNLAIIHMNI..- .11-:11111 - I . ..- l?vfir (X: "lie-1119.: in? . ,v?r .. 1 'r r' . (Ea?<12: .. Li? Z?gw? ?1.31-1. ._Zf ?aw dewxhx 71;: {<711/ val? 313.WAG ?hz?U Iggy?? *1 9 .1. A -- 1'3; . Xw?wuf, palft. 3755117,- . (M 1.1-. f: v1 7.23.: 7? if.16 ?fe?13511:? 331?:- 11)? Lari-Wig in.H?gg?q fir/7 ?fl '?zlgi? L?anchr fW?, LEE-Kilri? I) . ,2in art?<21?. ma 1214; Li; . if}? -. I. .. ..1 i1 .12; Camuwm us?r'v?v :42. (if?7713.. 49-17-133: ..21.5%. Ell??11}- Mr?? Lit?! x: If?" 1? qu _foU t'C??kum .. j. ?rth C: EMU .1 L?f/r??luv - 1,0 2 . Inf-31:3. 13:11,. Z?/ch? 6' - ?are: ff. ?415.61 (1., Ii] .ftmm??l .W-i 1 06$. . Mu?wanw?jl. AMT. 9 Fix? _Mi -1- 7415-11.51. M36: ESL?arr ?jg ?i ?i114 ?f?s?w Cyril?: Lt: 60 HEMMJ .. ww?tfq 11/1145 :11 :1wa ?641 ?1.14 11.13441: )km a. 5156.1: E, $1,722., .15.. .11me. Cd. 53., 111' :2 J?wp&_ . _angd?i ?air-2E j??l qw .- '3 .111.-- (TU 1?.._MikzRonald Reagan- 5078 #Vt? twig-'4' 'v maxi eraew?r 1:1, "b mfg-z: mr-axwm (Itb/LffL/ M?f?m?mjll'p 7 . .- 53.1.15. 51W .mTvk-o. .I.-..- I Pym-1.x - ?axnuxIP?-Iw \wfirmii -.- 1tI1rrII1I1h "1 . . A. WIN-.11.. . . ..I. I .11 . .I.. ?11 .I.. I I. .- . ..11141 .. .- .. ?rm-1m..I..5..I 1 51.155 2A.. .51? I 5151. I . 1011.151 . . Inn-ma555 1.111..-. 5 51.11.1I 55 -nN-gl- ..NH..I- 1.1.011. .1. I.- 5.. 1. 1-11 .11 ..I-1.1.11 .- Jim-..II I. I II . I k11?? F\t\}f .bgslijux 1-1 It 55.. H5 .. (I Jr. nf-I-I .. 1 .I.-.1115 . -5 ..I-I5..- Inn-.11 .. 5.1.151 - . .I .. .I.-Wil.mFImrm-uunflm 15. 1515-5115.. ?Ava-I513-..- - .s II II. 11 v1.9.1.1? 11.5.1 ( h) Naval-.5 ..I. . . .. (II -- . . ma?a . I II 111111.111. ..I Im: 51.. - .. 5 I?.I-- -II. ..I.- mm LEI-IV: (rail-51w:- . I - ?1 mIN11anwi H111.1~.11Hflb.nW1~ h. .- . . .11- . ..II ..Iullul. .ui Ill??gh -..-1.15.1. {FIOleEE/ani- ?51515.th II..- QMIVJIIWHII Navy-J I .I.-INHI- I-INMNI hurr-I. - LLIP . A I .-.I.. h..51.1m1- .I.-5..-. Ilnln- ..I. ..I. ..I-..I. gff? - .-llI-l. . If." "in?bun-m; r?JL-l w- 7. arc-2.1.3. .f?ang?-A-A?Hw? {if} rye?.0?, I .7 7 .. . 212*.? ?ap-ail. (?ka 9?17/1" Ld-Fr?af-l :Erj?jau?wr (:21 - - 1-: 1 All?H- "N?i . 1' . - 3} Jail1'an ?at) -. o1: Flt. MAE. . H-u? {if-?L - x'rr52121-5; J?hw i133? V?rz?mr "2:51. - :3 i i .4: .1"er ?il 1?3UiTP-C?Jjg?fx! 'fm23" :33? . - . U111: i?zi'w?v ?"13va . . - 4! a . 4 1 4? Hit-3r I . 3 jun; {kit-J 1 I WI, nr.? . z" I .- ?i-fC?rt?w h" i 5:23:17far} 36:15:51; - cht?:f 13:39 f: gift?; ?-ftu?i191:} LAM 4:313iginw? lyr-Mz?. .. rims-Luv-r-Q- - -. . - rf Ill-7H I ?r F. _?-L-?Lq-?gjfri. i :ECriefT; $252 . - . i 1* :32; 33-5. 7' 11.22.11? I ,5 h/Q?im (Mu ._fl?t?huxd?lw? ?Mr (E Hadriw <31 . 1.36%? igwm- -4?er ?rat-12.4.2 .I t) g? U0 fl?1;u_ ,1?;le __C?iikxt?ji? .31le ,3 .1 u. - . a) ?314;? 2.22-1-21.? L: -ij-P'mxggi {ii-53.1 Qi?i??f?Lwi - r?wkhm_ Aid-,2. qjq?j. (LO, i-ngrj 3-3crew-ra-gy?v i . rm!? - 9 r? .. 4. '??vi?fixi?. {Qig?f?k .. 2 ~72- . .2- - ~49.er G/l?ktr ?rs?w- Qatari f1" +M~tv (- 63 ?3150. r497?"- 25:14: .z 424.29%; :?rri: ?7 TM. . Imam11-2.33: _4317; -114?? m/t??g?f -- 1 . Ronald Reagan-508D- ?42__222: (4'77? ?19 2:22.512; (512?24 '?z?w?ktw pail?, _302 @211?) OWL/ruck? 4:53; 29.29? '4 3 - -7442?- 2, fie. {24-3- af?ng?, with} I ?4 2 2; <2 2:2? -. fig/14.354? ?/Qz ILALW - 2-1-44 daft . . 53:,in 124-}214- JL- ?rhf?n-? ?f f. m?x/x' ?17 .2222- 4 44442 .2442 .24 .2 -23? - . .223?? 2 . din?- [2 fat! 4. a! a. u? 73'2?? 2543;.? ?fl @7554 If? 45' 5? 22.2432?. .553- 54/54. - 32" 2 HT 2 ?Jr? pt 4 4- - - 2?4 1:12;? - ,1 2.31.53 42224? (QC. "4952:; - 2547?; Giexqwid; 044ng 2? . ,2 41:4? rmbg?irf? :mg?-ff .15" ?101-41.: 7"?3314, .V?Lj-m?i ?lm) - 't I ,2 . ?4224-4 2-. -3. 4 if: Eda--. 197144424! -. 1&3??er .. - Aww??g?! 12' i/ 2 6.243? ?222.222. 5432:? 22.2.22?. ?15?4? .C 241:? "3 - [471: .341} .) ?sf-?F 3 {-22.22- .225}. :gl. ft? {Mir?F 4- - 45:4 - (ix? :7 r?d 4; - if L53.- - -A, if QC. ?ff-13:2. .- - -- - - hug-4k [#342143 __Lijd?g? 4124., . 5. wilt/51C ?2 ?54?:24 LagU (4:95 AL 411.2% {1914-91?22. 2422 ??..d?fftr - . .524 4.4-2.2 - (21.35.24..- hww? - 2? 22:? QQ ,5 2944:le ?55:ij ijhtf?i. I 42? 1 72? .. . .. . .1 .. . . .11 M. 1.111.111 . . . hm .w . 1 I?ll . 1 NUT. .. -.- NEAR-ALT.-. - -. .. ..-. .. - - - . . 4 M- . .- 1 I .Ils .- .h11111..11.. . 1. .114?- . - - .. .1. 11.. .Fwi 1. .14 full-L111 111.. .- . . -. -..-.111111.1.1. ???(.3an .1311 I..I.. Rm ml . . A11. .1-th .EI 1 . . . . 4.1.1! (.1LJAI11 1. .. II.- .. I..-villi 1111 xquwhnluurI . WNW. - .11..) - I-- .1.- --HI ..- .. . --.: ..Lii - -- .- I.-- - mini. 1 1 .1 131411 111 I In. [11.1.1111 .. 1 . .. C. .wt?ldralhwlu 11dun?t-Amw?d??. . .1 girth-NEW: 1 1 -.N..-- I . A.- IPIC. I . Ix!- .. \hLunnNairfir/..1. 41.1.1..- ?1 . I Flu-.011 . .1 11ml- . ?Ilaw?IHFIWh?um. mfw?znf 4 WIN-LP .. .. Fem-K.--: 1 I I I I- . ?111 13H. a I .I. . . ..rJ - I - I. I 11in?ux" 11.. ?vs-1. .v ..1. u. Wr.? 1. 11N113 ., .. .. PVC .-..I..II4: .. .1. . ..11. 1. I .. ..1.{NW-Wha??ki 51%.in I - In). ISI- . . .. II..- l..1.1.u . I. r11r? 1 i 5.11.311 .0 - 4.111. .I- I 1.14.11 . - I.- I.I -I..-. .- II--. I ii I. 11 1.1.1. 1 .j I I .1111. . 3 . - I I..- I EmmaUNIV. .me1 1. .. .-II- I..-mi -- -I (14?..ka .W. Cm. - - \IMh-nwlufxc. 191% ?tn?wfl. ..N .I Ina-.5111-.. . .. -. -. 3.21-1.11.- .?xr?mkg C. \hh??tl?ar . 1% .. (IF. - -7me 11.1%? \Qipp?tgil-IAII WI $61.11* ?wee-WI -. ?041- .- . . magma mam-mm? 83 11.0 In JIJ. I ..1 . 1 1.. . .. .1. .- 14114- \?dra r111mu. [-1.111 - 1 A EIIWSIW .1 Kh1?11- Englatdwh. 1. at. rL1 I 1.1 .h..1.m11.l . . 1 .1.. 1. . . . 1.101r1 11 1m .1 .- .1 1.. 1111.11.11..- .1.-1- 11w.- 1 11.1-- .-- .1.-U1..-- -- - .. - - - 11!- II 1.1V .. \riuWi-TXR. 1N1r1?w1?nm .1119 1.1.119 ..2. . 111. M?1?u1n ..11 1. - 1.. 1 1.1- 111-- 1.-. - - -- - .Vim-1. F??f . h-m. 11 11.-1 1:1- H- ..W1111 -1. - .1 p.11.- Hung-1MM..- 1-m111h11. - 11.1w 1 1 - 1.11.1 - 1 .. -1 1..1-. - .1.-1.11- - 1 1mnm1m1-wu-11 11mm1w1111 1 - 1111-1-11? ( - - 1 :1 -. 1%..1Ql . -- -- - .1--1-111.1- ..--1-.-.I-.-.-..- - - i. 1- gnu-11111..- - 1 .1 -1Q1w .1.-211.1h1m1-Q1 11-ll-.1 111 - 1.111- . 1 .11 0 .1- x0315 x1311..- moR1Dndu?i1f1 1- :1 11-11-2111 .1. . -..-H11. n11.1111- .FTrm-?Qr-1 Q1..- .1.-W110110M111. .191atw111141?v11r11u-1 11 11. 1.111.. 11f 1.6.111..- . . . \wwn?fm?tl 1 1.11.1. .1[darirsr-i .. 1.. C. ?ref-C11. \1111-131111119 1 - . 1 {Jr-11. .- 1.01.. . 15.111.1\\ .1 .W .1.-.1 -. .1 . -. .3 .111. 111111.12.- E161 4111. 11.111111mu.m1m11 .- 11. l. ..--.-.. - 1 Cover Sheet for Informant Repel"? er Mu? "ul (Rev. . I Date prepared ?/19/71 Date received Received from (name or symbol number} Received by I.C.M.T. ANDERSON Merl-led of delivery (check appropriate blocks) in person by telephone by mail orally recording device written by Informant If orally furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: Date of Report Date -: Dictated to Detelel of activity E02 ranecnbed ED I) Authenticated by Informant /71 Brief description of activity or material PEG mtg. held at 555 North Western Ave. . A . File where original is located ifnot attached INDIVIDUALS DESIGNATED BY AN ASTERISK ONLY ATTENDED A MEETING AND DID NOT ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE. VIOLENCE 0R REVOLUTIONARY ACTIVITIES WERE NOT DISCUSSED. Information recorded'on a card index by on date Reruarks: I CHANNELIZED CC: 100-68654 (FENCE ACTION COUNCIL) DATE SEARCHED 157?5089 DATE bje 157?3977 100? ?7gu6Immense mam 1 0070731+ HEREIN IS CLASSIFIE 100?28093 Egg .23 100-66291 100?7 300 RONALD EENOEN) 1E5 100n7+366 (SI) g%p 100-7763E PEOPLE TO PEOPLE PEACE TREATY) 100?22612 0 0(31) 100~3267 (ACLU) Egg-6?g?g Bhdi?mm ?7 LNCDE - ;25ggaacr CHI. Ell?i?i?LiEE . .. RHC/mth Read by RonaklReagan-S 85 i.?e.i SOURUE: April 1, 1971 2000 LOCATION: 555 No. Western Avenue ACTIVITY: Task force for May action There were approximately 7 people present. Those identified: connected with County offices of human relations) (accompanied by female, cauc, 22 yrs., recently in LA area from N.Y.) . PVC Prior to this meeting starting, the REAGAN so as discussed He stated he could not here on the 4th; he would be in Santa Barbara. He asked ing and to arrive there approximatel stated thatl would be present at that action. 0 take charge of monitor- ?hrs on that date. He \ehdl K?g no one seemed person who spoke with him was the bullentin board in the PAC and"the Peeple to People Peace Treaty \rs wanted and danaerous. In a telephone ~nith stated that there was no point in is . vcoordinator for PAC when that coordinator was unable to bQ. a had. this date and was asked why ancih aha had been, he stated that he had been receiving all his telep ?\sa11s at his home. There was a telephone call r?he to want to talk to him. The . There is a office stating that th- have declared that conversation this The Actions Committee was chaired He stated that some of the targets which would he hit on May 5th would he: Bank of America, City Hall, Welfare Department, Federal Building, and Standard Oil. RonaklReagan-S?ae or. SSIFIED BY gm 5 as ?z?t 29-3 April 1, 1971 'Page 2 . The question was raised as to whether the leafleting in these buildw- ings could be done and whether we could leaflet in private buildings. A suggestion was made that the ACLU be contacted to clarify this and possibly to print up a statement which could be given to story individual who met at the staging area, which would be City Hall. These leaflets could be given to individuals and as they were stopped or harrassed by the police, the leaflets could be handed to the police. The leaflets, of course, would give each individuals' rights. Parking lots and bus schedules were also discussed. that he didn't think bus schedules would be an problem if people had to find their own way down there. stated that automobile blockages of streets could be done. He stated that he would not advocate this publicly; it would be something that each individual should think about as to raising their own level of commitment. The Board of Education was then brought under discussion. stated we needed a complete physical lay out of this building. How many off see were in it and where the Board of Education was located. asked if anyone would go into this building prior to the next meeting of this committee for a physical layout to find out which offices were the busiest and at which time. stated that she would take charge of the Board of Education. stated that since he worked for the Welfare Department, he would taae the responsibility for the layout of the Welfare Department. The State Buildin then came under discussion. There are 2 State Buildings. I Isuggested that a layout of the busiest one should be taken. again volunteered for this. stated that he thought she could take charge of the 2 of them in one day. He also suggested that she check the directory on the main floor and find out which offices were in this building. The question was then raised lap to how many people we would expect on this day (May 5th). stated that people should not be kept in one location, but should in fact be moved around. Better yet, they should be organised into teams of maybe 10 people to hit one particular office. a telephone booth communication where certain individuals could be placed at strategic telephone booths from the staging area to the various action locations. He stated that this had been done very effectively at one time by the Communications Committee. Automobile blockages were again brought under discussion. Several of the group members felt that if automobiles were used to block certain strategic streets, this could create problems for the movement because then, in effect, our own people would be blocked. then stated that people could park illegally. The unidentified female discussed whether the Police Department could pick up all the car's 01? net- Ronald Reagan-5087 1 Tags 3 April 1, 1971 . Idiscussed Corporate Priorities and at this point stated that he didn?t know that a committee like this had been in eration and that he felt that he should get together with for approximately 2?3 hours. stated that this was a good idea; this would tie i he Standard Oil boycott along with Corporate Priorities. also stated that the Bank of America officials were getting extremely touchy and ex- tremely hot around the collar. I Ithen suggested that for the May 5th Action there should be training sessions and role playing. Several individuals could he brought together prior to May 5th; some individuals could take the roles of administrators and others could take the roles of movement people. He also discussed actions at the Banks of America; Opening bank accounts and then going in to close them the following day. He stated this would be extremely good because when the hank refuses to close the account, the news media could immediately be called asking, ?What's happening to the Bank of mg America; are they going broke?" ETC then stated that Jane FONDA in her speech at Valley tate and other campuses had placed no emphasis on may 5th. He thought someone should talk to FONDA and tell her to emphasize May 5th actions in downtown Los Angeles, otherwise, the students possibly would not go do.an there. then suggested that the ecology people also he brought into this task force. He emphasized that the task force for the week of May actions was not just going to be for that particular thing; it would be an ongoing thing throughout the summer. He stated the system could handle demonstrations but he did not think that they would be able to handle the May 5th action. He then stated that the Cops and the system would not know who had legal business in government offices on that particular day or not. He also suggested that the Los Angeles Committee for the Defense of the Bill of Rights should be contacted in order to obtain bail for those in? dividuals who decided civil disobedience was their bag. He stated that indiViduals should be contacted in order to organise and establish guerilla theaters. the action at Hollywood Bowl was an organizing tool primarily to get people out on the streets i?or the 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Each ind vidual arriving at the Bowl would be given a bunch of leaflets and instructions as to what should be done on the following three days. He stated it was extremely important for people to go~ into government offices and rap and engage people there in discussions on the war. that when he arrived at the government offices with his gas mask on, because he couldn?t talk through it and they wouldn't know what he was saying, that it should cause some kind of chaos. Ronald Reagan-5088 reported on the Standard Oil Boycott. He stated Ih . Pakge gparil l, 1971 . . t2 3b?D that this task force committee which he headed, was not very active at the present time but could be activated very quickly. He asked for a commitment of many people to go into the Standard 011 offices. He stated the location of this would be on Olympic in LA. He also that he hadn't understood the actions on May 5th and thought of them only as demonstrations; this was one of the rgasons he was worried about the apan of time from 1000 to 00 hrs. stated unemployment offices should not be entered. If it stopped peeple from getting their unemployment checks it could turn them in the wrong direction. However, unemployment offices should be very heavy leafleted. He then came back to the Standard Oil discussion and stated that peeple could start off by going into Standard Oil offices asking, ?where do I turn in my credit card?? They would be directed, undoubtedly, from one individual to another. When they got through with doing this they could then ask to be directed to the Public Relations department to explain why they had turned in their credit cards. :fc The next meeting of this task fdrce was set up April 10, 1971 at the PAC office at 1600 hrs. I Istated that in order to arrive back in time to attend this meeting he possibly would have to take a plane back from San Francisco. Between 2100 and 2130 I arrived at the PAC office. They spoke very briefly in the office with . They then went either into the hall or into the Peace Treaty office. five minutes; when he retumed bothl? and me left. asked Iifl lwas committed to the movement. replied, ?very deeply so.? The meetin did not start until approximately 2115 hrs. At approximatel; 2235 put everything in his brief case and appeared to be getting ready to leave. This was before the meeting had completely ended. End of report. Hn7-71:3as cc: FBI Name: Date: RonamlReagan-SUBQ Cover Sheet for Informant Report or Ma' 'al FIJI-3C6 ilicv. 9-30-00) . l- I. 3' Date prepared Date received Received from (name or symbol number) Received by h/12/71 I.C.M.T. ANDERSON Method of delivery (check appropriate blocks} in person by telephone by mail orally El recording device written by Informant If orally furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: Date of Report Date Dictated to 3/30/71 Transcribed Authenticated by Informant Brief description of activity or materiat Mtg, at PAC office, 555 No. Western Eve?c Detetel of activity LA. File where original is located ifnotattached '5 INDIVIDUALS BY AN ASTERISK H) ONLY ATTENDED A VIOLENCE DR REVOLUTIONARY ACTIVITIES WERE NOT DISCUSSED. AND DID NOT ACTIV PARTICIPATE. :5 Information recorded?on a card index by on date Remarks: CHANNELIZED INDEX: I I DATE a/22/71 bjA CC: 100-6865u (PEACE ACTION COUNCIL) 1OO-7E122 (LOU 100?7073a 100-?7h59 100?31957 100-22612 100?71502 100?72775 VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST THE EAR) (UNITED AUTO WORKERS) 100-75300 ERONALD REAOAN2 157*3911 (SI) (PEOPLE TO PEOPLE PEACE TREATY) 13??an ALL CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIHE mee?e?wssem SEARCHED DATE 4/23/71 waif/?13 Block Stamp 13h ?3le! Read by RonaklReagan-SDQG Me?e?t 33702 -.. .. .. -D-- A AND. ODE/gia? ?a - 'x M. 0 .I 11;: i1 x; SOURSE: March at, 191']. 1:11:11) 1.11:: LLCATII. 555 N0. .tem Lffice the 1.1311115 110111.111 C11 UNCITI ACTIVITY: Tu wurk as a garb?time staff heJLer in the PAC offices Those {resent and identified this date: T1736 ETC Lou DISKIN $111111 .. I I: .a 111. a .1, P14. .. 1:1. L'u Prir?d tFe 1 fic 5?1 1 1013 1315 H1 scene: extremely iiltereetel in a new 5.10.11. 111110. 01.15.1111". 11111. tzi; w-r Iu-1a.1.1 bar1 0111 "?11 Gui i1 5 1 1f??m?fil VETERANS At approximately 1300 two unidentifi.e-1 1a a arrived at the PAC Offiee etauing that they were Pekresentei new u? the UNITED AUTO WC-RKERS. Spoke veey briefly with This conve?ea'hiun was not discernible. ne JHC. 0 o. me I ,nere were we an 1e11a t?..-1. 1. 1 i di1i?u 1 a1nt 15 the 1ack U191 511 i1 MS :0 tle public reLati.0nr, from the entertainment inaubtry. th.t these ihn1VIiwa]: were being Eaid $5.08 Luv hour and had been obtained i1? DISKIN dieeu111ei very briefly t11e ace-one 1t Henald home on April ?th, if ?nern wave any way of Cindin; out if RHAGAW Wu:11 be home at that iimu or ?bother Le would governmeui ?i-cea. spate1, 1maGn? mini not be inere. . 1 at ?1.e 10051e to People 1:3 moi L.1tnn (Very heavy Appvoazimately 1311.31 I la 111 . .1 ureurnzeLE 3 anEd raiser at the LEJ GPOEG Ehrch Eytt, wE E.ch would partici,uton Thio Fund ranoy ;"11;1 51: to tend individuals out 0? LtJt: LU a rodeo Conference; SLQ 1E4 :Eot state where this coniolc m1 wouli hen were 18h 301.ect .d for tie ELC QioautEVJ FoarJ. The followinh os?ltlons?: mir?mun, I CooyJinJEor,l IE TroJuuror, 0 Youth EuLlEu Relations RonakiReagan-SOQQ To? a: [\31 1112111111 .101, 1:71 . . 1.111 131-413 3 1070 tlun ;eue a role? on the Intiehe in Lee Veg :13 bv the NATION.1 RI U. Tr oteted that badly heeded the If? the lien?: Won the '.1'11L1e'1t we? If remove? ??1111; .m11..nil Ifould he the Hid: in Line. Le etatei 3Lat exert 'eeirie1.1e- ?mot hee?1;nosed that all weI?IIe 1uuitiehis be 1: eiiIteEy iIered hack on the welfare 311i Ie1e31lne Ielde so: Ivat' a; 711%? LII: dit?h? tIkit i?1ey were out . He statel be we; euite eerteih that after the heaving; the Greerner would tien Live thee: indiVidnele the court hearings 11111111. they were entit?ei to.1lt LE It Time they Were quite certain tnat the ?everner wool} out the Welfare Peei;ientt ?Qaih. Re 31300? steel?: e1H1e911on not we in Lee Ve?ee, March 26th. I I ;ave veai?; 0 ?31091 1.11t four pad? Iedf?qt on o; I. t; I?dde 1 here te1m1nt an: in quenti i=3 Pom Vie Ireety orPiee within t?ie 1.w(1 L41 tl11mae iagnso It:1t1n1 1I.41: tiie rI 1'1.ti.oe ntIe 11011 ogerutiDJII and literature was 4Veildlle Ind tIqt the Treaty Was an eitremely valuable organizing teoI. LnJing111 tFC3h3?hl.OlIS jol11g1;a: KLZIHL: from owner; to 33.9 than ,l 1.1111511? 11,111.301111 111the activi? 111131: which '111'1.i 316311.11 1.11.111ned at some oz." 11in: She emits-1d that April IGII at John Looke SohoLI the11e would he a rally (:eI'Iterin' aI1o1n tLIe MeIIi?Cal e11t11. T1-II- 1:11 the .111eaI?11?r4151s would he She Iteted t??1t exciting thinge were comin: out of Montehello Ligh Seheul o-evere] other hiw:h Schools In the area. She state? tint "-ie Mei not ween reported back to the Peace Treaty of?icn 1t thiI tive do ahe was quite certain that more ueLools would He etnhed that there 1von1d heII"-1t Ikarch II, IA3II Simx?ei?s would he: I I I I.I She stated 1at at tEue lauoe ?reety had been eetifm111 ted 1200 votes as to -00 Vote1 in; it. ?t CEI ?er Hf hil 6th and 8th there would ?ee a two teIeh-in. New eke .1?dniee to IIe1r in ?unio one on the tee: EeOple Peace {.55 11:0,, Che 1113;?. 1.3 that the Poet;'vmnl I11 from we ml heating tonight as to whet nee hanueh1_n with the I?eeoe TroIt Nith their eehotltuenciee or wii'h their organisations. She etetei that we? unJhIe to be at the IAC :mnTtinj n.1e ;Iretiawh; to :qnx?t at one of tee collegeeo then Stoke on the (II ee.eutt. he Hteted that a tn11k fjren to work on the boyvott he} met aqveraI timee one that although there were not our conser1te pl?hu on yet, that it ehould not be Forgotten uni neither 3hou1.'l the boycott. It the beginning of April there 1.0111] ?111?: 1 111.3115 Inuien or 11141qu 111?. the Standard Oil Boyeutt he 1 anurtera "n IA It tie WPLQ u? the standard til IIWPQIEHHTI on 1u;111 21:, 1:1'1. RenakiReagan-Sl?o 2111.11 1110!:11 on 111?". It (-111.11. it? the until-Ia 1' :11; th- ew'eI. 1 1111.1. 1-1; 1.111} .1 1-11. . . Lhreh rage linl 1'1} retolvn2] Econ a lueetitt; of the Li i L. 112: 6 Tr.) 1'11.? FLR LLACEIIJQD this incluied tie HERE an} SCLC. :e statee thit on Aplil 3, 1971 these two woulj be unitel uni tLey would leave Park in Teehiwatonh The Mule Trein which wee very symbolic with SCLC would th-n weriL down Hell Stre-t in wee21in on Lonee This to demongtrete geinet whet wee Leipenin; in EoniL East A ?19 and ageinet enin--: ?het were }.211eningwto tLe toe? people and against the imp :ijlhet c, then the Mole W?uin arrive in Baltimore. emonetrxtioet 1t the tice, 'the in April 19th t21e1e w-oule April BFee the HoleT1131n demonstr1tion in he in limbo for unremiinjtel they would not the LUT New and 301;}; would 11: the two 'Je istutuzi that It": let ?03-13 Mule in Weehirgten:ould (11:11:30). 3:1 3411 U1 Department of Ynetice witL stated that theue two stop the wir muti11ne. grunge in othex countrie strete in SUp}tft of whet people? 1. 1 ?an L'n Skieii r. Ni Jay? 1.7 *1 .- then he on the ETA 3 1?31 Lim at tint ;ol goind or On ti1e ?10 for teinment in1ue action at tn: tool 0or action the Bowl ttn; wtule that the' coult do Letter: wonii they could tern he br?z plati?l 0T1 iMyortun:c. and won1.1.: Aitiin {ineetioneo tr; had ?eceive LL) (JIULJ 1.4-1. 'n ULVLJ bee tLen 1'11? 2 ":31 13 at Ltetmbl tLei ilki It-r?lujt :3 known ?wild tremendo ttw31xell '0 (:3tit alietic American government. would 0n the followin he a would iietvaet iiom .ITIGN for April be: theie woul? {there would non-violent ciVil eta 1 in was action FEE PEACE AHL he ent thei? guerilla Hullywoo? Bowl on tLe We: the next and where they could Lonl mirect.one verioue government tuil eta e1 ti the lee. 'the :i ny Leeylc an; 110:1;e1ily etl'uigr-t 1coll1~ out? He etate? elevlv throngn the ?eet Coast and 26th, 37th an: :81w t1 i'e woulci be a efficee? Lhe create 01 Laeor, (gffice welikznc. nureh by the Vietnam Vetera Mu). On culminate in a mess 13113 and err?! on 3.13311 1:511], SCLC and NERO would ?ags; t'mi being done no that tte had been planned by 11H actions L41 . 1111211: :5f31;}1 actions aimed at lobbying. He would tLen ve en enoamgnent wculd 1e reli servicee. em lemonetr.3 clone at the eenonetrutione at the Ji.eete?iencen to, ?He a: sUeuel,? tLet on tLut luv other peace world would be uniting to icmon? tsnin. in America with the Ame.ni I I1 IVS (J 1:1 1'11. AlLi t1?- llu? can -. L- tr .e woe=E 77E erteinr-ent Bowl by the leaked any orgmiieetion eve tLey relying A, that the entcr~ to L0 and that the A strong organizing Lethle aThJ lxitt iven di?u2:tions as to Intated hewe individnils; etLet plaCC? OF the was ?1 Duf?e 1-3. Eli-id 1?91. (311.3 .fi?li. I, a: .1. --1.- . :Ln'l 1310 out to .1 . 13111 tetloii lc: to luiog?a Jt ?2 reullr Otpiep. A a would ltlineizvy ir1d 1Jerw2 1211111; 1n:111:r i1 th entertainment RonaklReagan-SlOl LJE -. I ?11 c? 1: 1 1 5 1111.1: 111.171: I P11111211 state-.1 1:111:11?. 1.1111: 1111121111111 11111121111111 which '1'1'1-113 present 11:11; 11131311111?; wit?. 51.149311111121113 ?11. 1:11:11 1:16 Ceerlinating (10112111111113; 11:11:11 111 1.11.1 13111. '111e1'1 11111111115 the (111393 3-W- 1-7.1? .111; 11-111 11111 5th ?111'. 11111.11?. 1.1.: .11; .11 1.1 1-111.: 110413121'1121There 1111-11; ?11} en 1111:1113 11130111331011 11:21 1.0 these $111111 131.13 floor. 111111111 1'11 1'1, the two dates 111-1 131113 1131111111 11111}; 3:01.} and 1'14}. 10.11.-. 11112131511113; have ?01) :20 1'1} .11: 1311113111 1121.21.11.11; 111011111 11:11:11 the action; which 111-1113 in ?held-1151:1311 on the 13111113 111113113. 313.239.31.811 111-111; 12111111: 1113131111111 ?-113 11111: 111'- ?11111 11111131121111.- around t:vee aetiene. ?he .1eele?3 ?ere Split down into three: "11311311. 1171-2131111: 111111. 10111-1 .1113, 1.1311131: :11?1151 31.11113311113- 1111111111101" 1111-1113, nix-1:11 1113313224.: LtI?f-li-ili :11'11i ongoing; ?111:1 131111111311111?1?113131. 1111 1110131011 1111-111 1.1:11113 1.11.101? that the civil 13.133111111331131:ce 1.113% ?oree 11:11:11: 111111111?931'1 to 11:11-01:11 11101151313. These three taizl' Tor-013:1 would he set 111.: Tye-.1 5.111.113 A motion 111111: 1111111113.] that the tam-1 $013114 1.11 111113131: 111.15. 1111'] he 11011111311 by I I. Spoke en the Repeal the 91111 ?ction. She 1 :tcn 1.hut 13111113111111; 11111:: 1.11111 Ft 1113::- .1111'1?11111?1; lettem: 131101-1111. be 111.111.6111 to various 11'1131'1'1112111: 1:1? 11.11: (21711113113113; particularlj.? Senator 13111111113; that he 01.11.1111 be 1111111111 1111111113 :1 great 1:11:11 111? preesure partieulad nuW. 11111-111111 .1151} ?111.1 sent. I I111f11'1?1?ed the" 1163 1151.1 111131: 1-1'1'11'1 1:01;. leader?. from the UNITED 1?1'1?1?0 111112111115 end that the 31:31.1 1.111131? 5131.1 1.0 151.11.11'0131'1 the l'eaee Treat;- 1311111101111 1:111 the 130110113 11111'. were being, 11111111116111 in the Lee Angelee ?1ea. I. ?s {m unidentifiei 1111313 3"3?503 bet he 11 P170111 the Track-1 Unixn?ete {1111.1 ?(331.11; 11131 '11'11 .1ee11 in ?001101" with the 1-1?1111 i131 1.131111112111311 t1) 111111110131: the Ape-'1' 2' 41:11 1.1311011. These 111-1111" 1.1.21?: 111.13: 1.11 the ?Team-1.; of 1111113111? take 11111111111. 1.11 11e1111rt?-eec1. ?1111 stair-111 that 311-3311111113 112151?111'1 had support--1 11.1: 1-1.1 5311111: action 1111] 1111111111 1.11: (1113311111; 11111:. to urge 1311031111 111.1 11-1 1-111; 11111211 1:11.11 11111191111113 en that 11:11:11 CORLITILN ?lake on tie Apeil euth action 1111-5111" that +1111: JAG 3111.1port'1 this 1111:1111. 3171131531- 131131: severe-'1. 00111311111111: 11'11'111 111111113 out in 31111 :?Ol?t 11.1?? 1111.1 next 01211111313 01? 11.1.1. 1111111" 7.11.11.? 1313;11:11311 and Se 11.11311": 1111111113: 113 1101111; "1.1111 C11. 1.1.3121 13111.1 ?11?1013?1?. Ronald Reagan-5102 U3 Tm: . MTD 1?31} 1'26 3b?" I I :Tatu, 'hut in lituruTU?W? t?At 1d Tmn1Lrn:t ?rum tTJe 3 1? 1111'13. a?;t11 a=ri 1'1 ;-n1 u3.t 1J1c L1, 31!) 21 'IibT?J:i J. .ci Izt:.t1.l L-: ?W11.?1.1t131 . 1' 1 (31' 1a,is 1- 11c . Liv-n; ~~2n11.is group it Fin wit W?t "??Twev 1n; guigunt hw uTnainn: frow t:e1pC. in a tel,;hwno ?rm? 1th 1- ?til lat the PRC L?ifinc: thai: this L, LUL ct ?43; t1m3?Jtoui. twon1 the 1 Tlifrnni that a..hcc Cth?ttcc 3211;: Steeri.ng tn 1:091: ?itl. the 1.7T 1-1. Tenn Stat 111:. tyid :m;re-L' ta; caq1t?g1ue .1:?i:irx; tin: :Jrzh :ctixan. Tr?) 0" 1?1e ?u 1L {?jih1}? tix? CLIHLFEILTI ha?T 1.am;T thg?F?C wass'Pinn.. lal 1. Cirixs1ce? ?Ehe .C E5237 noulti11ot gn1d wouli no? 1115. An amid-Htijicj Summit tho IRRTY stutc? TDD it): .3n.f in tlu"- in: 1 iChiC( Primaril: aimc? gt the 31's WHO ?own ?at of? has? tar 1ny~ thiir' ptim); thu;. lidi1A13 0811;31113: Jr; :HiLChti extens? l?a? ic:nr: {31- 131:1? ill .1L :3 331';; 111n-i nugl?al: M33 3rd in niv??l.r slattna Til: in tut: :nit' in nefnnt-c against 41 kcail 11 maiurrs fox" tvs1 ??ctiid13 :3-ic?1?xr1w= p15n1nc-i in {The an 1d?Til .?hi at Tile Baptist 410?. He state: that t'i; qu meetihu of hlaak moVnnent. One at the 5p auke: La '46 GhtaineJ was Bye (Nina: Artiun .Q13ri? 1:111 ;u he nautnrci utound tLe I?nco Treatg. ibis Ball be .r front a? ?hw Centuww Court Housen I It Jt 1:unlu hp to sruak. I .tutnd tLatI n1? 7 With 19 ?HgnleS nf?n c111 1:?161 1 113 2. 1 {r <1 1,1-1311 1;1:r1 thnuc n01? i?yue hg whulE coni;:ct him or} 531n.k?r Jo lf?t ?If: I 53 .1391. :nit TIL 1CVD 131e:m1 two actiLES. 1x1 t?u- .1: 1&1101111111 Th helj rcp1escnt1 he atatc; shoulu he Doruthy and brow; - 11?, 11"":3 - 11111-112: 1 mu: m? vc L31 1&3 stdtud t?zt1o t.40 at tnis conf?cren Ge. HumLer one that we conE011enue he t:Tonql an-j tdO, ?uejs to igylet?nt the icace 1?rcat: and tLJi. at: injiviJuJ; utLetliuu this at a dclc;ate pvnrurvd to come with Essa thin?; in 41ndo 1,1131 :5t11tr34 1; 1-: 1 m?:11?1c:c 011 Habit; u11 911. 1.), It, thc: 1c 1113., 1 Centtex,1 uu' 1?m* 11H1v11' 1031-} 11' 1 v; JILT C(nu;' Ronald Reagan- 5103 IT: 1s:j1 lhidu Cover Sheet for lnformoni Rep-or? or Mr' ~riu rs (Rev. 9-30-69) - . . ii - Date prepaI'Ed - . 7/ Date received i Received from {name or symbol number) Received by a: Mail-nod of delivery (check appropriate blocks) . win person by telephone I: by mail orallg.r recording device written by Informant If or?ily furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: Date of Report Die -. #27? Dictated to . - Dateie) of activity Transcribed 7/ 1b 2 Authenticated F0 by Informant Brief description of activit3,.r or material Fiie where original is located ifnot attached .I em INDIVIDUALS DESI ATED ONLY ATTENDED A MEETING AND DID NOT ACTIVELY PARTICIRATE. VIOLENCE OR REV UTIONARY ACTIVITIES WERE NOT DISCUSSED. . Information recorded on a card index by on date Remarks: . ALL Surname-Ion comm CHAMIEIJZ 154 . WM viral BY SEARCHED 17?. fir-:11 Nominat on r1 ?e on to: E?ii I Tine the? (SEE PAGE 2) Special Agent Ronald Reagan-5104 LR 100-55055 INDEX: SOUTH EAST INTER-RACIAL COUNC IL 2 - NEW YORK REGISTERED 1 - 100- 99 GUS HALL) 1 - 100-269 HENRY WINSTON) 00: 100-55955 - N0RANDA SMITH SECTION) 3000?) 100-20810 100?30537 100-20319 100-29380 ?100-56775 100-18596 100-29774 100-32510 100-56623 100-56617 100-56529 100-23088 97-16 100-23901 (100-75355?\ 100-30039 100?32757 100-31039 (22 )jfL? Read by - 2* - Ronald Reagan-5105 .L?c i 1 5 '27? 7/ Wim?aMLW-??m QWW 6/719?) WL/??fb aw? 1% MW Miami I- WW Ravm/m WW MAW a-mzfiz, @454- 4. ya 1 .. -, Lima! ?yldli 245,, - ALL UN HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED 7 Rahald Reagan-5106 h. m- u: Ek?k ., ER 3% . qr. \Wim N?$k?k XENEEVVEE EN 3% ?Km; . my \wau Fm.? . 4r? Salk $8 $94391 . . a Q?xwg QNRRLKWF ?Mr/w; - RN Nkrm\wa .333 f' 13 . . 3b04.22.: 777? 422?? . QWWM yaw-Ks 742M Jm?73M?8?m w?imm mi du?z?iy ,44?29?7/ d?gZ- W?z: yawn/W 13.2w} wring; 7f" J?adu?Qrg Z: 255 G: 41 .2222 J, 3.: Lima . Ronald Reagan-5108 Us - A-w- Cover Sheet for informant Rep-or! or Mr' ?rial I ii 111% (Rev. . Date pre pared (7 Date received Received from (name er symbol number} Rec ived by :3 MM ,5 Method of delivery (check appropriate blocks) in person by telephone by mail orally recording device "lg-Witter] by informant If efially furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: _Date of Report Date Dictaterl . to: A - Dateiel of activity Transcribed . Authenticated by Informant - Brief description of activity or material as: 1 5 File where original is leceted ifnotatteched ijL;J,42azrju224eq dge??4%? DESIGNATED BY ONLY A MEETING AND DID NOT ACTIVELY PARTICIP ATE. Hnmn?u .1131, ITIES Inn'nr' New at uni vuu LJULIIEAL I. nu ?121!ng l. -.- information recorded on a card index by on date Remarks: ALL INFORMATION CHMHIELIZEE IS UNCLASSIFIED - DATE 5 61) DATE ?1511]ij $53 mired? METRE 9/ be: .: nJ?' '3 ire}. on to: 31.? Tree h_ _n,j rege?m 4L- -- AyeBlock Stamn Other (SEE PAGE 2) La]. .F?ng 61 it I. Ronald Reagan-blue LA 100?55455 INDEX: SOCIAL WORKERS UNION LEFT CENTER COMMITTEE FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT SOUTH EAST COUNCIL THE SOUTH CENTRAL CENTER CC: (M83, 100~22689 loo?angle 100?56623 100~56510' (SE) loo-?lhlg SI 100?56617 100?55887 MESS E73 97-16 PE) 100?31698 100?46041; (SI) nuHHhu REAGHN) -u 100?23933 MEMBERSHIP loo?3251A 100q31039 100?23u88 FEEDS 157-2325 ANGELA DAVIS) 100?66078 CIRM) JAW/tgb (18) fix/i Read by 59! Ronald Reagan-5110 .222 . 22-6 2 6/22/22 2,-2 26.. 6276: 2-661; INFORMTIUH 6?66. SIFTD EVELJMAE ?9 . 95?93 Apr?. 1 1 76:62 7 2-222. 2,2,1. 62,162 @r/Z (2.622% 97256 6266 21.61. ?596,292 42/2; 9M2 07/ 8 FE 2:2 6122.326 1.265ij 63/25/2621,? 24,} (87? .627; .. ?311.: Wi?wi LM'7chrp 2-6?qu ?659.26 m4 2.6? 2w.2.2.- 6.223.226 A2262 26.233522 .2 -222 222- way/122C226 26.32% 22?" 22,27,527, 2267:2569; 2W .22., 22 Era/6:522: ?/kE 3 2&6 2222.2. ~26? W6: 7/6262 ij 76622322212222 C5662 2:623/ (:97/272 2.92 .235, $13226 MM/ZifxbeW #2342266 2/26/2682 C. 97 2624/ 2736; 32.2.2222: 7/262? 616222222265 6.22-6.22 $2.07" 26"? @6425622 W662 26266! W2 ?22.22 M22341 62.2 7662:. 636. A [4:71/ 7590612 6972.: Eta/146210 ?7/263643?6?72z??/ @74 ?63766?, CZ: EL, 2 Ronald Reagan- 5-111 61%26223 66.62.6224 #77 6/ I 74676266? 76'" ?f?aiEw?/ '56217266225925/ 991666? 2 5 - 5.5 ?u .I {If .12? 1 Maw-j if; If In). I . "3 W598 525155 2 5/5 5:55? 75512?255 59:33:55! 5 57:57; .5: I 5.5.755 55.5.55 ?27755;? mat/7" ~51? '5 ?it/71 #1532715 /fr7215*? 55/7/5555 5 /7 5 77?? 7?57?" 5?4 fix?? 1/1/11?) N15: {?54 5' f7 Wag/f 541;: @55; 5/71/4555 53251515 555551.55 53/ 5553154,; 77:52.5 c1" 5 C55 255* 5.55 57/55/55.. 71;: 547. 7.7577- 5,15% 5/ 25/ 55?; [5153/ [if/LL71; . 775N711 jig-555* 73255157955 "mg/M P77777755 15555-55" 7-3/7 5555555 75/557755535/ ?5 ?t 555?: 55 ?it, 755/ *5/55 55 55555 5 525:7 575 55/595555 "?775 EJ 7557/75? 5:55;? K75 575555-7/ 555*. 5555555 555% 5 55/51 5? 5555555 555 55555, 1W 7/ ?ie?fju?W?Jui/ 55551725753? 12me 51,5 1/ Ma fi/?K/F?f" 141/5 1 771594 ?772592152555625/754177/5/7/25 2/151? 5/555 33525/5/755'55/73052/ C: 55.? 5/55w?wffw/?E 72755535 1 5-5" W57 225/5 WK 7 7555/ /5st {55:55:55- 75/555 7756/ 9755/ #5 55/55; 52/62, ,5 55:55.: w/E/r?l/ 25W (31.574? Wm 55?55555?557me [Em/9% CZ/kg?w aviir/M? 5 5 1:11.51 35/75"? C5 Q7 5:2? ?j .22? - 2 ,2 -.. -. Edi)?; 2? - . I 23::23 - Eb?? ?2221/2/53- 5?22" ?2222222 2:2 225/222! 222222212 252?" . - ?rwzx 29/3 E2- 22.222222221222? ?222432.222. )2 2?7 2.1-2. ?22132 22f:% 72 59.222232 Liz/.22?12.22/ 2? 2 2225?1?2?22'? VI..- 5?2722"? In?r- I I Egg?L If: {Lir?ff? 5:25.. 275/222. .- ?22.222222. Mg? 2 2.22.212. 2?72: - 21.232: 22277/ $1.22 2:22: ?28.51 ?22:12:? 2 2' 222-22523} - 29:22:22 .3 6.4.5..-. 3.51.222: 2 22.2: him??! I -, . 22/2822 92222.22. .27? 252?. 22.222222222222222 222' 2 22272222221 .212"; .2 2f . . 22.22.2227 ?72225.6. 2 W222 ?g2 2:22: .. . .222 r: .11? .U 2 2222.22" .2527. ..- .. g? .. - 33-. - Emir-??2152! I Fists-HW- 32-35:. 2-2 222"" i [If 'f 32-1-2: j} mi [1?5 7 292%: mun??ahfkiif ?1 Wig: 7:22:23. .mjm .52..- .2232} 2222:2222-222- Why:- 22'} - %rr: if?, fL?j .22- ~22 ?222-2 22 2222?: <3 :72? 22:2 22-22222- My. 4.222222126742227225/2 25f. ?2.21. 2:52. 2.2. 2.22232/22} .2 .2252 (122.22? xii. ?Z?bgmy ?g TV 75%; Ww?g?g 21.2.45. 2&22/ .pr-w/ 77% ?32.51" ,2?ny 52W . 2) hi ?ch- ?2.22: 595221.21. 722g?ng?m. 122411.222? Q/er? 54222.5 2225:2222 Ronald Reagan- 5-113 .HW 5.224. .2 ,222? .2 f_ $22121 22,2 .22 -- . I - . . .. (ff/r in- 1:26 ?51':er If {j I fiv?th-??i?i I ?w?g If; 3%;Efa Er. if? is- Xi}, {4/le i: (VHF. r/f/{Ji WM ill/?t? Wjd?i?: Q-J 11"? lit/f 3F - run . 3, .-., 93.22.42? .32 1-. $42- M..- {My-mg. -3, 3,12. fgi?gk?j. .2: (44:2 {326/ 322%.? {$551. [Slit], _3 4212-71-2 2.33,: 1? iL-gfi?w 3,33,de ??16.18? 1.2 ?w??fAr-?F?I ww??a .1232?) 23.} C: ?i?f . 2? /ri 39-1/1fo "5 LEW meww XCj/r/r I LgM/uerr/W/F 3533,,? 9:71? Haj/w 377/1 ?ngw/?221??pjp? 13523.?. I, LJ21 1.7me ?w MLLQ.L: ?gp?w Qf?r?f/im jig; 75/126.? MixMic/? ?32.27;- .3333; Ronald Reagan-5114 /27 .17 .2. Q.- .4522? I J, ,2/2?3/26?222 W??x jwaw/L/ CZ: kw 2232 63 92:2: A2322: 222.22 9222;222:626: 7:222:21 ?7452-22521 22222?: $22,222,232: 2222,22 /26' 2: 772 222 2d 2222 2222.2 %3 MW "7'72922?2220/ 22:; /2272*% :29? 22:22:22 72?? 22: 22/22: 22> C2222 22222. :23222: 22222222332522 CUE: 222-56? 52:2 (3 Q, ,2/22222?2/ 7?23 fLE?22?r?szf7w :?jT-f J/ff?f/ 22?2" @772: Ly 2222;: de/f/F/Q/ 22/238292, ?#:522222er 2; 152/2212:- '2 2257/ 7/2222: W??df/ [26%va 75 62226-2222? 2226?22 2272212 CM22222: - 11? b; $52271! 7/2222: 24.1212 (cf/i" 4224/ 22/2222 f? 2 22,2- 62.22/12 714/272? 2t w,wp WK: kg?? @4222: :2 XWW ??wfu Z2224 /2 23/725322 My? @2272 2222/7/ 12f 22 7222.: 22222, 5,2222 22222222 22,272.. Maia/(Z $24,122 32::2/632; 2 Ronald Reagan- 5115 4222222222 WW 7gp/pf6?7 x?xmx/ZZ/ 1? TEE. - 2722/* -. . 53336 [?33 .x ,2 f? .211! 1? I) (43/33 i - #17 ff" 3? {32332.32 .224222231 2.252 1,221,221.22 ,2 .2 2 2.. Jr? ja?fw ?Jig-333C"- 3332'? I333 2f}; J27W fad-7" . 1 g" 23' ?314/ #23932 5:12 3.332411227625422 1" C1 1, 2 3.2: .2: {333333333 mgq?wf/?/V??gw?b?H3 #f?ffib?z 3?333L524333r33 $533113: 2,1,2 ?426/ F3 1211/23: 12% C, 63533? ?7722222222113/?211 . 2 33C J- ? 22}, 13/7 33333 #2331512, .4372 ?/3133" ?93133 [7/52/7523 fig/33 R, #217,221? 3333-/ "433/33?3/ Z3233 172g, ?23583 5:3: .4222, 573/3333 7w M??zf?rf?y? ?w?w?ww?w?paj 2333353333?/332 ,?34 2412219321.; 2,222) Eva/1222222231 33 3733:: [/23 33913-233333 21 .22 warmrx/ ?rm/ 2.22333 2213322222 2 ?3 128122123333C: 0?31" ?2732' $252 32.2.7 W?A/w?gfi 2 C15: Arr? "3.22 x1 3 Wu/ 11,2); 3 Ema/1b 24/72? 2/7/32?! EV 1? fir-?W 2412/ P7223: "?fl?i 25-3: 33/77/1233 33333 3333333323336 2?33? Mfw?m?wrz?a?lr? {lg/177,32 {2,3,1 .1 2333333; Wv?i?i} 3,141; WJJ/??iaa 1313 fun? 2?3?3? 393/3 /3 3657/; ?g?j 1 1 WW MW Wow xg-A fizz Ci E23552 493?? 4?73? 7733 53/3592"? $69,222.22: C: 1 *3 M31333 WM In El m" 7?33 33 33331333333333 33333333333333 (3'33 3RonaId/R:a:1:3531316 0/31g/??rzf? Ml? 23/7/31 Q'frf??fk3 . '?zxr??'ig anWr/E (3/91, 112.2?, C3 . 2" C??vegr She-(31? im Informant Repar.? Dr Mg. {3?306 (Ht-v. lf I *4 5:55 H4 in -I Date prepared Date received; Received from {name (1r Symiw? number! 5/6/75], IF Method uf delivcry {Chan-1E appropriate Macks} SI (com cziLE in person by teiephone by mail orally Received by 7 SA Dz 11124-1}: B. 3/ [3 recording din-ice LIFT-mitten by Informant If 611?in ?mzirshed and reduced to writing by Agent Duie Dictateci to Date of Report 5/4/71 Transcribed - Authentic by Bat-eis} of activity 5/1f71 Brief description (if activity or material - ?i hay Dav ha Ian and Califnzn 13, an SKIXII. emit, San Framciscgs File where Original is iocaied ifrmt INDI 1S I AN ASTERISK \1 01? WERE NOT USSR. L111 :1 L'xczru by W) ONLY ATTENDED A MEETING AND DID NOT ACTIVELY PARTICIF "1 Remarks: 11r? ALL 1NFORMATIDN EEREIN Is UNCLASSIFIE [11123.3( 6 BY {*ion made on to: I r1. .. LETG 11mg 1' .11;mM 777;; . 01," hf? (SEE PAGE 2 3) IIS?Ecial Qgent :1 . (7 CHILL Black Stamp ??u-immi )th i 1? ?f?i :1 it i Ronald Reagan-511? 13 loom?aouv 7 Previoug recomendations have been made to open casea on I: amil:l Source advised on 5/11/71 thatl in this reyort was now known to her?asI INDEX: 30 L5 CHA IJIJEN GE 1b a SAN FRANCISCO SEXTE COLLEGE 6 EAR 100? $19 100- 3 100?7 100* 190- 100? CC: 100?63077 (PLP) 109?32199 (UCEA) 100?67907 100?71973 100?719?4 100?71?99 100?71507 100?68u6? Ronald Reagan-5118 2 LA 100?63077 100u766u1 a 100?74556 100?73705 100?71001 100?75477 103?73772 130?74642 loe?7u67u 100u73422 100u77797 190?75453 100_7658 A ?a 0-70422 100?68501 (38 31/va UCISD) REAGAN) a I (CAESAR CHAVEZ) Read by iggvu UEION) . 3% Ronald - Reagan-5119 . {Last?rtter was 4?25?71} . be ff (Typed 5?4m71) LABOR PARTY iiZ?mi DAY MARCH 5. PICNIC IN SAN FRANCESCO Buses left from Embassy Hotel, 9th Olive, Los Anoeles, at about 1:00 a.m. on night of Friday, a~30~7l (early a.m. Sat. There were five hoses (Arrow and California Charter}. estimated 175, perhaps 200 people, when they were.gathered at the Bmhassv Hotel. Buses were arranged according to groups of people who knew each other, e. . Bus #l was for "Unemployed Community?. I were on this has: alsol landl I among the organizers. (Other names at end). There were about 6 Spanishm soeahino people who seemed to have been brought into the group by as he talked to them and stayed with them most of the weekend. Buses went via Eakersfield, Freeho, Highway 152 through Los Banos, Pacheco Pass. to stops except coffee stops at Bakersfield, Los Banos (chosen by bus driver) by Bus Coming back Bus #1 stopped only once at Madera Eor coffeeJ Arrived in San Francisco at Challenge Center (sea 1 or at 23rd a Mission, morning of 5~lw7l. Coffee and douchnuts by San Francisco peo le and instructions given by (San Francisco organiser) and h. Then. everyone left with copies of ?Challenge/Desafio? and leaflet about march (copy attached) to hand out on their way to rallying point athranklin Park. ?tr-?4 14-" {i3 March went to Garfield Park, on route shown on leaflet. If march to Sacramento had 1,000 peeple, this one was about 600-700 (guess). PLP claimed 1,000. San Francisco radio station said 300, but there were a lot more than that. There were small children and babies on the march, including 2 children,& also When gave instructions at Center, he told peeple to use two points in.talking to people who_eould buy?Challenge." (This was for the L.A. people who did not know San Francisco): 1. That PLP had been involved in Mission Towns work (against landlords?) and: 2. That ssmeene a 16?year?old boy had been killed the night before by San Francisco police, that we should buy a paper if we wanted to read the story, and use this incident in talking to peeple on the street. Peo le with bullhorns started chants during the'march (among them Twice at least someone started ?Kill the pigs, not the peeple? in a part of the march passing close to police at intersections. No trouble with police. . ALL INFORMATION comm! Ronald HEREI IS Reagan-5120 S?fai? '(Typed 5~4~71} Page 2 Speeches at Garfield Park, by Ronnie Price (high school student from San Jose); Vera {Greenwood?} teacher from a San Francj_sco woman PLP member, and by Luis Torres from L.A. (pose ihly by others) Then everyone returned to Chail.enge Center and the San Francisco people nos. 13y went home, and the L.A. people were assigned to places to stay, and tale an there in cars Manv students stagedi_n d.or1nitories that were empty for the weekend this was at San Francisco n?tate College, i believe. some I I and/others stayed in a housing project belonging to ILWU {Longshoremen's Union)? in private homes. This was at intersection ofl lives). Some stayed in Oakland. Film show Saturday night at Booker T. Washington Center, BUG Presidio. Van bringing film was driver Film was ?Modern Times? with Charlie Chaplin. Only about 50??0 peOple at film show, many teenagers. At film show: from a schoolteacher from San Francisco they were stayingwith, from the ILWU housing project. Aiter the fil.m. there were parties in private hon.e .s, and at Booker Washington Center .l Sunday morning everyone met at Challenge Center (23rd St 3 for coffee and to hoard hoses for picnic. This was in Menlo Park, at Flood Park, described in leaflet. All the L.AT??eople went (except two who were lost and left behind in San Francisco}. Many San Francisco people were not canning to go to picnic until later, so can't guess at numbers of peeple who went. The L.A. buses left picnic ground at 2:00 reached Losengeies about 10:00 p.m. (Sunday 5~2~7l). No speeches made at picnic. are planning to move from Lawndale, looking for a project, or an- integra-ted neighborhood, with black?white? Chicano people. Compton is too far south. Will probably look for a place in Echo Park. Wanted to avoid "frontier" places where a elk/white neighborhood was just changing from one to the other. and some others, suggested next march should be in Los Angeles, perhaps on July 4. Literature was on sale at picnic, including a draft report "Road to Revolution Ill? with background reports, on ideas discussed at"recent NC meeting The report is to he discussed int ernally for 6 mths. before publication. It. is apoarentlyi i'ar to the left of Mac (cepy available if wanted). RUIICIIU Reagan-5121 1 . {Typed 544~71) PLP May Day People on Bus f) j? I{with 2 small children. (female) I a usually travels with but this time she was on another bus, Called my someoee, (in letter of a mistake.) (all of above have been seen before at Sacramento march, 3m20-7l, and at Forum on 4?24?71) living in Lawndale) I I(lst time she had been anywhere with PLP, and did not seem impressed. After marsh, said: "Do you think we could protest like this in Russia??) people Several Spanish~speaking/with talked a gret deal on trip homeIr aha sang songs: I (oal.ed in error in letter of 4?25} maoe "to at1r lie Initiation into the party" as said. 1191139ch him to write the speech on the bus). (he works with organizer worker's council could not go because of work they work at and small child a are; A black wife or friend. I black, in workers' council lives atl before) and friend (an Oriental girl) Ronald Reagan-5122 It seems that all the adult Spanish~speaking people are being brought into the He is still recruiting at the lndiana Blvd. unemployment office in E. Lee hegeles. Others have been to Aliso Village housing project. 9? (Typed 5e4?7lOther people recognized, who seem to be party member or organizers: {Long Beach) "r?in a convers tion sai? 2'1 she was pianning to move a_nd le eare UCLA at the end of this year and .0 to City College. that would he a pity, as was the only part} memoer the had at UCLA, and that their eiforts at UC San Diego iaileo when their party member on campus left). (from San Francisco. He was at fund raising dinner ano.: in Lee engeles on 4v2eu7l). . - h1ach,(wears j_acF -et marke? 1 n, with a group of young blacks with' Was at Sacranento. (of for accoimodati on? Beach) was there according to list on. (he was at Forum on 4?24-71) I works forl partmtime. They know she is in it came up when some letters she wrote to a prisoner iHZEil were investigated. - CORRECTION T0 LAST LETTER: came with friend The" were at dinner on 4u24m71 and seemed new, as they talkeo very lit ale. But in San speechr saying she was a schoolteacher who had been a FLP member for 1 year. Two years ago she had been arrest?, but her teaching credentials were not reviewed in connection with the arrest until after she?became a PLP member. Two people who gave ri?es in San Francisco: - a schoolteacher I Inot seen. Not seen at Forum either. Perhaps there is some tension betweenl I andl seems to be taking over as leader, with not being cone ult.eo Perhaps he just doesn?t feel one on bus tr; e. Ronald Reagan-5123 {1.11 f] 3. LL LL11 it; .h Lilli. it" i- lilo-.1! i: i ii my?r?lom-men?n The celebration of hey hey} the international worwersJ-hoiiday, was born in the bloody s.rnuvle of U.S. worhers for tho B?hoir day. It has no. or been a day of peace ?--j:ust as the cis: sti.p in between workers and bosses {and the bosses? ;cdornmenti has always_neen marked by sharp brutal warfare. The t.housands of working man and women who die needlessly everv year in ?acci.dei1ts? caused hy proiitmgra thing companies who ignore-workers? sai?etv; the thousan_s of students forced to re ad raci.et, anti?working class lies in public school textbooks, and neaten; suspends o1 arrtm ted if they resist; the thousands of 81's who have learned the hard way that ii they went to live the guns need to he turned around at the trees; the millions of unemployed workers, welfare recipients and their families; the tens of millions of laboring around the wor 1 who are fighting hash against big bankers? imperialism all know that the ass war is everydaya areal and bloody war. They know too that the only real peace will come when the ruling class of bankers, industrialists and their political parrots and pig goonwsquads are crushed, wiped out completely and all power is taken by the working class. Any other ?peace??wany E?peace" which leaves the rule?s in power, which leaves the capitalist system of racism, imperialism and exploitation in ?peace? like that is no peace at all, it?s a highly?puhlicised trick which is supposed to mate working_peoplerfeel better while the bosses step all over our necks. . 7 we in the Progressive Labor Party and our friends and allies on this May Day, than, wan to rededicate ourselves to defeating those bosses_. lh pieces ourselves to 52:552-5 the racist, imperialist tem which metres them fat. to the class we: -?aas the only way to any kind of peace for working people. lie pledge to give them no peace-?no peace with the imperialists, no peace with the -racists. no peace with any bosses anywheree?whether the pig?hawk racists like Reagan and?hixon or the literal dove racists lite Kennedy and Fulbright. No peace with them and no peace for them! That?s why the Progressive Labor Party has chosen the following sloga' us for this hay Day, 1971: 1. Fight Power Communism! Build a revolutionary woruinU class. movement to hick out the bosses and their corrupt politicians and caps and set up a system run by and for working people. a system without racism and 'mnnrinlini wars; a with full employment and decent housing; with hospitals run b3- pati ten and staif together; schools run by class parents, students an 3 teachers. 2. No Phone with Iinperi .alists is a party of war? oi? class warT There can he no peace until racis.-, imperialism and capitalism are finally buried. we oppose iegotiations in Vietnam; the imperialists must be driven out altogether. we oppose ?ping- pong diplomacy? the Chinese?American friendship is a friendship of tossesi directed against working people of hath countries. we oppose ?peace talks? in the hidhhast. The Zionists, Arab bosses and their US and Russian masters must he driven into the sea 3. Soldiers Turn your guns around. ?if Shoot the generals. Turn the imperialist war into a class war. The Viet- namese are :ir brothers: fight'the racist brass together! h. workers - employed and unemployed Unite.' Fight racist hiring practices; there must he preferential hiring for fminority workers. we want.jobsl Units with welfare recipients. Kick out i- corrupt union one see! Organize the rank and file. Ronatheagan-5124 .1 1 .- 3. Students - Smash racist administrators} Fight racism! Fight drugs! Drive the cops out of the schools. 6. Elections are a bosses trap} Liberals and conservatives are alike. There is no choice between Republicans and Ah-iwon, Roosevelt, McClosweyl?hillie Brown and Gen er Shaves. ay?re allf the same. Elections are a trick} Kick out all the bosses and all,thrir_politicians. Fight for the dictator- ship of the working class. ?o JOIN FLPE - Only a revolutionary communist party that never sells out can lead the working class and its allies to overthrow capitalism and its government. Revolutionary workers and students should_tahe responsibility for building -a communist party in the and PLF. Please discuss these ide:s with frie?nds; talk to workers about communism. Build PLP. ALI: ENFORMATIDH GOHTHIHE HEREI IS UNCLASSIFIE heart-2&1 554% was? . J. A 15' . 3; if,? in: 1 9:42: -53? 3! g? ?42 ?ff-"T {ff-31HITTIJU HIGH 01hr rs th r. berm?? ?1 of Turk?? SHOUT LOUD TEE-TOUGH SO US D0..- 1, THE TIT 1153-, TD THE 2, TURN THE GUHS MTGUMJEHCGT THE THAT PUT YOU 3 AND TY Shun. TIGHT DIET, VOTE .33 - EJ- KT 0F Th? SHE-100F153 FIGHT 800!?in PAY, .J. FIGHT bum 3: I . DTT ERG [.1153er FL '30 IS. :0 {1.3333 GONTAEM QUE 1:1: QUE . QUE 1:1 PER TPL SOCIATJISITG IT JEREIH IS UNCLASSIFIE mm? 3155:4343 Ronald Reagan-5125 403195 12.. EL 1 EL muse PART 1.00 13 ms 3&3st N0, L315 GOT 1?DEV 0/25: 9mm; 7'3} PICN L, ATM.- d' x1?? W530 FOOD 855112; 3? FWTQ 5 TS kf?f?OSS bum; FTWONT .JJ li' KANE 5 Fog 053.1115i?n 0101110 only 131er placJo if ILJJ ?32 ?33me work tmqrathnr and (Tomato food, money, 8; 23? If. r3 just as J?Jm?mm iight against 3 :3 A Lin? the boss. For donations of food call 3&6?ng 96, 02? Thing ?0th food ?0 (361211391: x23!? 8: Iii: 810nm) at 38:0 Sunday morning3.8% ET 12:35 P- r9 9? JNW Jaw/En? mm 25"? SJ. JJM MTV HERRJSO m" ITEM J0 J0 JEFF 81?5? r? FUR is)? 7* (up: TOATTJ T) 393 HT BOTH: 9 83 tit?gJ: f??(JEN: I: :ji'l: pl?: 32:31 33 4? 'Ji P- Ljf?a?f" {mg/3yan? was -. . i- ?iicdh~\ I. A KILL . . Nth-i- I. L. .e i-??1r?.115 - *1 1? ?u mam?an. . A?fguti?i :p?ennmr ?1 ,r F-over Sheet for Informant Report or Ma? . FD-SOG (Rev. 9-30-69) bf . 1? .- I Date prepared nah/?H Date received Received from (name or symbol number) Received by .379 MIL-O r5011 Method of delivery (check appropriate blocks) in person by mail orally recording deviL\ E/t/by Informant by telephone by Informant If orally furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: Date of Reportw Date . 3} 2 . chtated to P- Datetai of activity Tranecribed 5/7/7/ Authenticated - T-Alm CON my? (.3 Brief description of activityr or material Iii-Cd. 15 SNCLASSIFIE 1.561.- EREMBY #135,193 DATE File where original is located ifnot attached Lay/7! INDIVIDUALS DESIGNATED BY AN ASTERISK ONLY ATTENDED A MEETING AND DID NOT ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE. VIOLENCE UR REVOLUTIONARY ACTIVITIES WERE NOT DISCUSSED. Information recorded on a card index by on date marks: ?as ?fJ/gg?g/ Ire/gulf glow-32:01:; ?fr?mwre (9%2491 fit-{W66 Am ?vttiJIL 71?" {JV?ufrc/MC/ *U?lldx ML 5?76191 1:1 mm 9 100- 6071 2 100-6865h (PAC) 100?6?+ 07 (I 1 SAN FRANCISCO REGISTERED 188'286?5 Em?) 1 a. - 3 1 00-66519 (SDS) - Qfm?uguz 11 00-1763 ELLE ?59 100-66L173 (WILLIAM T. DIVALE) 0 A 100-32199 (UCLA) 105-1262h NATIONAL STUDENTS ASSN.) 100-33973 (FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH, LA) Block 61m 100- -31229 FE SOCIAL JUSTICE) - A 100- 36540 ?00 -75 (3,00 100- 7%13 551111ch NEXED . 100-51533 smauzaa ,1 . 100-7370 1 1 r219 $394395 Read by DVD Ronald Reag 311-5126 LA 100-76191 100-70356 100?56997 105-30325 100-71755 100?59001 100728093 190?75300 (RADICAL ZIONIST ALLIANCE) (LES CRANE) (JOHN BEECH SOCIETY) (SI) TRONALD REACAN (NELSON ROCKEFELLER) ADICAL COMMITTEE REX WESTERFIELD ALAN CRANSTON Eg?igE: Ronald Reagan-5127 Los Angeles, California .f -. A May 8, 197, ion: I. Subject: Report of New Leftist Activity and Events Occurring in Los Angeles on May 7, 1971 ALL INFORMATION scream 7- eras: IS UNCLASSIFIED II. Information Concerning: straight BY 6} 1) "New Leftist" activity and events continue to occur in ice Angeles on a regular basis. The term.New Leftist is used only as a general identi? fying word denoting a type of action. Not all activity described or occurring is, however necessarily part of the New Left. Much of it is Old Leftist. 2) Activists of the Left are currently involved in promoting disorder at San Fernando Valley State College and the surrounding area. News reports refer to the demonstrators as students. Investigation reveals that not all of the marchers are students at or anywhere else. Some of the marcher are regulars of the street action movement. One gas to make 96% of all demonstrations. Other protesters are part of the rotating?like set of protesters from.the Peace Action Council force. One marcher, manages to be present at one day and at LACC the next day. Some persons believe that the protests at V80 could be the beginnin of the old S.D.S.-C.P. chaos-that spread in the schools in a so-called former Party member who was then active in C.P. and former Party status is probably not true. The Party appears to have a mechanism in which a known Party member goes through the motions of dropping out of the Party, and does in fact drop out of certain activit but continues to secrely bein the Party and carry out missions. is no stranger to covert activity. According to Marxist FBI Informant WILLEIAM T. DIVALE in Lived Inside the Campus Revolution, : was at onetimel I. as a Young Democrat even though he was a Partv member. and this Party status was not known. In less covert actions, I Ithe P. n. C. "10 Days to Shake the Empire" protests. Since the CIA once infiltrated and controlled the N.S.A. (National Students Assn. the CIA probably has a fil on including his contacts with CIA undercofer agents. 3) 0n 5/7_/7l at the First Unitarian Churches Channing Hall at 8 .00 P.I.. the Fellowship for Social Justice presented as Symposium on the Mideast Conflict. The FSJ is a Communist Party Front GroupC.P. security officer. if you can call this crinle that. Iwas the coordinator, or chairman. is supposed to speak at a church service soon on the ev118 of the . The Party's security force on hand had as muscle 3 Negro males, two old and one young. These Party muscle men, some carry canes, would not be effective against ex-Green Berets or well trained 1aramilitarists. Speakers included BOB KAUFMAN of the Party, Iof the Jewish Radical Comm., Atty.l and of the Radical Zionist Alliance. area of operations is LACC. is a liarxist Socailist who fa- vors the State of Israel. A donation of a dollar was collected The Jewish Radical Comm. passed out a leaflet announcing an ppcoming meeting at the Ashgrove on May 16. 1971. The Ashgrove is a facility which could be going out of business. I recently touched off a labor strike and conflict when he gave a female a soscelled karate kick:. been taking karate lessions with a group that learns from Castroite Comradel l lis not a Karate expert, but only a beginning learner. A real karatemun would not do what he did. Ronmd Reagan-5128 A) Some of the people attending this may have come late. If they did, it could be because they were watching the new EEG CRANE show on channel 28, called "Rapping Up the Week. 3 guests on this 7.30-v8.30 show on Friday night on 5/7/71 included ROBERT SGHEER, REX the D. A. in Orange County, CRANSTON, CHARLES BRAGG. CRANE's most interesting guests probably are SCHEER and WESTERFIELD. SCHEER is one of the few real "insiders" of the street action movement. His contacts range from CPUSA to Chairman Lino himself. SCHEER may also have contacts if not good information on the Round Table Organization which partly acts to keep the s/a/m to do the things that can help the top international bankers. WESTERFIELD, on the other hand, is the top man in the L.A. County Birch Society, and is officially the Society's Public Relations Director for the West Coast. WESTERFIELD was real cool on this show. He knows something about insider actions, as does GARY ALLEN, an type Liberal who has written about EDHEH for the Birch Society. WESTER.) sat and mostly listened while the others talked. BRAGG called for the abolition of private preperty. BRAGC is the Valley IRVIR and is active in Valley Peace Center. RW did talk when the subject of Gov. REAGAN not paying his taxes came up. RW stated that case of not paying his state income taxes, however legally, is Re pointedout that Gov. RELSOR ROCKEFELEER only paid about $700 in taxes (federal) about two years ago. SCHEER stated that the super- rich write their own laws so that the middle class will have to pay mostly while the rich will not. SCHEER beamed this on the progressive income tax laws. RW stated that the progressive income tax was a Marxist action. SCHEER agreed that the Insiders of international finance had patterned it off of Marxist activity and writings. SCHEER and RW agreed that the income tax should go, be done away with, since it is dnfair to the middle and poor classes. SCHEER said that this was a misuse of Marxism in so many words, and RR stopped or was stopped right there. SCHEER stated that he was, in so many words, impressed with the Birchers concentration on marxism and that might even join the John Birch Society." SCHEER may have half meant this, or he may have been trying to play the Far Right against the Near Right Establishment-leaning types CRANE also hadon. RW also plugged the NAKED CAPITALIST by former Special agent for the FBI W. CEEON SKOUSEN. Maybe R. . gave SCHEER a copy of it and his card in case SCHEER was seriou- some, and and SKGUSEN, and New Leftsists all agree'TEat the Bankers are running America. The banking families set up dynasties that create central banks in nations, leaving one family controlling more than one country, if they are like The other Banks, like Bank of America, are involved in decision making. Both SCREER and were talking about giving power to the people instead of to the unelected and ultrarich who spend money but pay little taxes._ Ronmd Reagan-5129 1 Cover 55* met for Informant Report or Mater: GI 1 94u1691. . "f Date prepared 5/11/71 Date received ReCeived from {name or Symba! number} Received by 5/10/71 SA NORBERT R. LINKER Method ef delivery (check appropriate blocks} [3 in person by telephone by mail [3 orally recording device [if] written by Infernaant If Orally furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: Date of Report Date 51/ 2 1 Dieteted to - Datete) of activity Transcribed E9 6 Authenticated by Informant Brief description of activity or materiei 5 1 2' 1 1112 3b!? 01L,U%nmmemrmei I . I HENRY WINSTON 5 File where eriginei is located ifnot attached others cantiued. INDIVIDUALS DESIGNATED BY AN ASTERISK ONLY A MEE AND DID NOT 1?qu hr? Bli- UQT .UTIDNARY WERE NOT DISCUSSED. lnlormation recorded on a can} index by on date Remarks: CH INDEX: 1239 BATE SEARCHE .1 1-- I E: a Em" QATE ?ii?:17 3% 11.1. 11110311121101: (1311133133? 3 ?1131?? IS UNCLASSIFM 13:11! ?me awn? 1405,13 CC: . 100?76508 (NUCFAD) . ?ue--m?zmiLan 1A3 NRL/tgb (22kjp?v? Read by (Copi contt on peg 2) van-3.6. .1 Ronald Reagan-E1130 Q?m??me LA 100?76508 1 SAN 100?53950 1 ALBURQUERQUE REGISTERED 100? 100?65227 (YWLL) 100?73375 100-66764 HENRY WINSTON) 100?1763 157?2325 ANGELA DAVIS 157?2776 100?76727 EASTCON) 100-75300 RONA BERGEN) 100M65707 100??h084 100a70526 100?76209 100-68501 157u5089 100-7u122 LOU 100?63u15 LACS) SI) 1 m- WVW CEA 811R CMVEZ -gaee: Ronald Reagan-5131 5.ALL mam HEREI ?15 m3 WEI: Him 5% as .2 W?y [mm ?my?fw 6735321! Al?i??iy Wms?nf-ulisf ?aw EESS m5 gm? 344} ?5052ng (My/Aggy . 7452/?? is; 5/99/66 #6649647! 135 75' pay/#5; {949.35 foy Ma?a/d5 #4332514; a pmrm?m Liam kg 2 19% grim/cafe az?mf' 14m if? $349 ??gasw ?4 249(sg?, 4, x3? 54:: ?wzf? Mgwyi aw (4455.91? ?51253 fm?u? ?54,755 3:31:53 Eff?r?'ff; fa? Way @422 [if/55;? gag?mfg?! Efngm?f 55.5.; QM ?9 rM? . {4:55; 0275/; ffg?? lava/Mag}: Xya?a? ark/.5 $73 gangs/?x. Wm; r??g garage Eggs aim. ng?f 71? 0?45? xlarf a?w gas-Mn? I MM )Z?rs/ tau/#6 ?552?? deco..? . Ronald Reagan-5133 i450 .M?f 70:5? (kn! J90 24> 5w; zQ/jg/a - (240}; Jed/9'5 474$ Cagf?'?: Wk?? 1452-}, sz?} IQJQNE ?ns/d xm?fkgd??f gazM @7534? :10 2?7355 xixng/? ?27539 gain MM :22- m. cf}. Mg; 745' 54,535? gag/9f; Mg -?/g?l?re/?in?immi mo gz??y??w ?gmr?A/gw/ ?21. ?ay/,9 4.27?ng 749 ?55 ?lgfir Haj-A?! a?fg?fh?i?j?'??l ii" a g? 1 3:1 .i 3 a y. 5%75 ?wme Jay mm; 3/9522. - A/fewgcy 473,45. 5: ?g I if Z?yf?! @?wxg 1/9365. . 412?}? @f?a?a/?ij ?Lg. My?. - Eb"? May 3 ?/2:ny wag y?ia?gL?. a . 34 ){gf 34-13?; {fags-?5? ?y?y?g?g 35 yew/WE 7 a; Aura) ?g ?re? awfmarww. Hayg7 24.3% >445: fa/ipase? an" gx?jxy?. 7446:- 7'40 fvf?w ygay/E Nat?J ?t'bam [15459- 7,3213%; ?3195? ,ga?g/z Jd/ 557395.: Qua/Ir - .- r'rr/ Ronald Reagan-5x1}? ?EEC/asu?op? 4 f2?Ai7? a; L?lgae: #1144?; h? [7554. . z/y/Er?a?xr; ?w?awi?i ?fe? g? [ff/F if} . $559547? ?rst} f?f/a 447;, M. W127 as? ?faram 6&2? few ?273, ,??wiw :5 ?ag; 9%:63 ffg?? gig ya); J/Ma?rf?dggz E?f . w??t 2552;? ?445? w??i Wg r? r? afgu'3?. ffi?/Wwf?f or/ g? A3 Qw/awm fV4 ?gzw - /i?F7[ Sl?tim xy?i?v? 230- #:1755 main?? L?b??f??gj gue?/ ?gff; >337 gems; 5/ aV?/u?r/Ojj 49? 74a" 04 cz??m 545 Ronald Reagan- 5135?"1+ ?fe Q?fw?wm/ 1; ?55:5: Cg-fva/Jx 1Z7 axvx? ?zz-.7749 Ira! . (?452 5/53.. $555679 i?ww's @y 1.5. (5. 6, f3 .f . ?#51346 at; 29- rig-1'37" ?rm? am: 4174.5 {<92ng ?ng/ch 3 i ?Aif? 63Ronald Reagan-5136 - . .mmCover Shin-31'forlnforrnoniL Roper. .1 Mr? "in! ?1 i?ov. 9?30-69) L. .1 Date prepared I 1. ?i 5 5/211 /Date received Received {rem (name or Symbol number) Received by 5/ 21/7 I I ALFRED wares g, Method of delivery (cheek appropriate blocks} in person by telephone [3 by mail orally [3 recording devious Written by Informant. If many furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: Date of Report Date I 5/13/71 i; Dioteted to Deteis] of activity 1307 1? Transcribed 5/10/71 Aulhenticated ?a by informant Brief description of activity or material 1 . Regular Meeting, Cyril Briggs Club, M88, Held 1108 Menlo Street, Los Angelee, CA File where originai ie loonteti ifnot attached ?if1 INDIVIDUALS DESIGNATED BY AN ASTERISK ONLY ATTENDED A MEETING AND DID NOT AGTIVELY PARTICIPATE. womanon OR ACTIVITIES WERE noun 3153;155:323 a; him-motion reoorded on a card index by on date; Remarks: *3 Source advised that some did not know if above committee was sponsored but did not think so. Source was of the muL - ,l opinion that the committee was civic organization. Source was allerted to obtain additional information regarding the committee and report same. ?1 .1 - 1 INDEX: PEOPLES 001? IT EE ?1 FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT r/fir ?1 (33:1 cc: loo?55455 ALL INFORMATIOE con?rm 55m 100-33876 I 32:18? Izslujg??x 90,1530 11310?332689 ex) 1' 100? 4910 (SI) =39 100-25651 (Sly x100 r- 7.5? 2?.06 1.1.11 some: 3531mm JAE/tgb i Read by WE) (Copi?s conti page 2) RonaklReagan-SlB? CH M1831 ZED 8?6. 197i . FBI ?me new . -?Jlr-aw n.0- . -A - I.-. :94; r- it; - a LA 100?56510 100?64130 100-56550 100?56508 100~61019 97-17 100:3l698 loo-A8290 100-23901 JAW/tgb (18) lb 5 FLATS PW) FUNDS) 9 0 RONALD REAOAN) POLITICAL AFFAIRS) EDUCATION) Read by -R0nmd Reagan-5138 . Han . . fz%autumn . HEREIN IS ~72 nME?D?if- [21/ min-Q? L, 1i- 1571?4567?)qu 5% ?f/Jp Q) (/fo (Z y; /LL/z?zf Lid? all-1,9: agei- My 91$ riff/fig"; ?ym?w?a (291$ L, Mr WW -- . ?a?zy?ma/m WW f? 1 J?m ?77 :i?w my . Wm W?mwg (2994/5 59>? ?pif/fi?g 7% Lb 5 ?57-3" w? 72:. Hir?la/Z/ ?i?Mw - I Fig?m y( (?W?wt'xg) Z6) Mom/Q, 2?iiy? gap/m MW Ronald Reagan- 5-139 (M ?35? ?13;ng C: . It?; A, I . I?j? 43% W9 II 1m "f th?_ . 48/ i7?! ?4 If)? . I I I I ,i-egrgM. fr Ir gap? 7; Jam/f, WW [It I Wail, I. I I ?pmm? ?7f: MIT. ?5.;ch 5? I WWI ILA 7a 353-?" 5.153,, LIL I Cf Mar/v 5370 MMWWII I <7 WI, #31? . Iii?mam IEIM Ivo I EL . . i" pr @512,? :3 i/m 92W JIM/gym WEI Iggy,? I Ronald eagan- 514D 2?5? I 7., [/pr IKE: flg?ff i A if; 4:25 7' TC 777,777 mg gig/ff"? ,4 .. . 7.: "757; . 67:7777?d?752/ Cb/P/y? 7 ,7 7?9 . 71'? ?7.47 (7:777/ ,7;ng 7/192? "i=7 7 7737*? 7?70 7:7 777.. j; 77 2277777 :77 [7577/ L?bemW7L?/f 717771777777" $79-11- -7 .. 771773353713; iiwki?w?? 7 777 77!? j: ?7 77* ?771 .77 .7 W727 LL7- 7" 7 7? i7 MLi/?f? 3777*"? .. 7* i {512/ . 7 7-777-77775-7" 27771; 7 ?:77 77. WM gig??'3 613 I m7? 7575:2717? ?rm-7377' )1 . WV 7176/ 7?7t1g7$ 773/ j] .7 Mg, [um/77.; ?7773:? quW :?w?iw ?$72,7wa 77/27? 77,7 7,677.7 ?.1075? 7 777.: ?xi? 7,735,671/ 77-? WE 5777 717? 7f/L?/ C7 9711/ LL 75 747.. 777777773 Ronald Reagan- 5141 71? 7: 7,7.93,? .77" Pp q?F" . 7 .- ln"" - i; 4. l: a, . 6/443} 274 4 #73 {$325 WY 419,? .37? ?7 hi7?; $721,7wing Yj?? ifi?a Elyl/ fr!? $de 72-5 w?Yf xii-?if Y?/ym @647? {/wu:zi If) ,f . . u, Sui-?2. ,u w. . I. h? Lani Mjk_x XL MW 97?7/ Z/diw w? 33% 7/727% ?aw {fag/Mun A, 7 Cigar/?7 57 ?ngE, Wig 7%;me ?aw WW ii? 5 515% aJ/rrwm 93;; (If/d (7/7 ?3337a? 5J?rwjr/W ?ag/Eu ?Zr-31% @gg?xw ?Ronald Reagan-5142 Ill": I??lilaCover Sheet [or informant Report or Mr riol (Reva Ei- 30?59} 3 I I Date prepared g/Qy/zr Date received Received from (name or symbol number) Received by John C. O'Neill Method of delivery {check appropriate blocks) in person :1 by telephone by mail orally [3 recording device written by info. 1.43:3- If orally furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: Date Dictated to Date of Report Tren scribed Authenticated by Informant Datelsi of ?lctiirii'..'ir kL 9 lb Brief description of activity or material ?41: 1F ?9"th i/l u?I-u-y-uvu? File where original is located ifnot enacted LLS DESiLv-i?i ATED 3. .3153} i2. ?i{iSr~I 1353-13-59 A ?13 ll GT UR 31.3 oi JRE NOT DISCUSSED. Information recorded on a card index by on date Remarks: REAGAN) INDEX CALIFORNIA VETERANS MOVEMENT RONALD REAGAN ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED JCO/tgb Read by (1) gag. Ronald Re 3mm, 5 tiff: semcm. . . DATE huge? r? u? agan-5143 . .1 ..zjw?sw 5 mm?a?mu .. mmwom? 30? 1 a .jrm. aim $545.: .5423. 7b an nw?w 3 uww?w?w? mm. ?km; 5mm.? Eacm 3% 55.5.5 $555. .tC .n $53 {mun th?m. 55S .55 ?3555.555 45.555555 0 SJ 55% .35 . .1 @555. mKWb. 5 .m Emu 5 5.55. ?$555.5 5. 5w?nn5m55?u555 55% 555R \amW 5 5 @555 5.5 QMHJ km. .55.. 3.55.. E555 53.5% $5.85 5h. @5533550 R5 .5. k5 \uw?wqummu .. 4.55555 9.5. ?555,355 5 55555. *Q?d a 3 5. n??kwumi Qahh?niuk . $55.55.. ?3.35 ab. 5.5553 2&5. .C. $.m5uxu?im @531 5. .3 555.5%35 . \5 55.555. 5K A .95 $5.255. Ma?a 5.. . ?the gt\ . mozma Emmamzaih . mocmom mjoz macaw QUE 5.5. mm". 5315922 Car. 3.9.30: OHIE .I #233556: ngpjoz 9:92 .5 Om?ux - - numoimzsal? Utanoiw?ma 3 09:33 Dmcaoq ?in. V. FOOTBALL Governor Reagan is scheduled as the guest speaker at a twenty dollar a plate dinner for prisoners of war (P. 0. The benefit will be held at Century Plasa Hotel, Century city, June 4th at 7 p.m - We protest this political Todtball made-out of cor brother P. 0. W.'s They are being used as an excuse to prolong and rationalize this criminal, unjust war. The way to bring Our P. O. W.'s home is an immediate end to the war. The North Vietnamese have said that all they want is a date for total U.S. withdrawal to begin reparation of prisoners Nixon and Reagan are engaged in "blatant double?talk? when they eXpress concern for our F. 0. W.'s and M. I. A.'s. The result of the "lOgic" of their policy is that it creates more P. D. W.'s and continues the endless mass slaughter of the Vietnamese. Cambodian, and Laotian people. The California Veterans are calling this demonstration to protest continued U. S. involvement in Indochina and the use issue to keep the war going. Help us end the War . Join us in protest. We will gather at Gelson?s Market parking lot at 6 Friday, June 4th. Directions: from San Diego freeway. it's east: from central L.A. it's west. Take Olympic Blvd. to Avenue of the Stars Turn right (north), drive past Century City Hotel to the first street and turn left to Gelson's parking lot. it's the last entrance, by the ticket booth. Ronald Reagan-5145 ALL INFORMATION ?5 warm IS UNCLASSIFIED cu: q?hg :93 53!? w-Cover Sheet for informant Report or Mo' 1 . '{Ref 9-30-69} guy 9 i 3' Date prepared y/v/ Date received Received {name or symbol number) Received by 6/xx/7/ Wad Method of de ery (check appropriate blocks) . . i in person by telephone II by mail orally recording device Men by Informant If furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: Date of Report Date . 4 Dictated to ?132 1. Dateis} of activity 7. . do i 3 Transcribed Authenticated by informant Brief description of activity or material ?5.14 N4 #5774 File where original is located ifnot attached INDIVIDUALS DESIGN ATED BY AN ASTERISK i* GNLH A MEETING AND DID NOT ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE. VIOLENCE OR ACTIVITIES WERE NOT DISCUSSED. Information recorded on a card index by on date Remarks: CHMINELIZED rs, '4 cc: 157?1618 (BPP) DATE 646- 7/ ?if? . q: SEARCHED . 100*53913 SI :5 47/} 100?2 2612 100?75290 ibe 100-2 53 94 SI c: 100-25502 SI . 100?70526 (SI) loo?56560 - 100?17375 . RONALD REAGM) 10042175 i 1311223519113 ?Jami? 03 100?2 1956 (EL B) "9357);: i ?30 15,2 {13% Read by $99 X?qucL? 2?6? I :1 #3 Ronald Reagan-514E . ?(Maf- 7/ a 7 5L ??fr ij/q_ (EN. (751.44% 355/ f-m 63/91 ?74:74 f/f f/ j??tjp?ahq 47:: ?fi??lz?yu ?ier?1,17% WW .2 Ins-j :61 Leg?Z4"- ?If ?1 7 #1 ?14 1M7 #114. LuMiif- 1? 453M111: fa If fut-?f 41.4% (in. J??jwff J, /7 A?lw ?144'- 4 V?tn? ?diafnwm f; 034/ a" a" #744:er 554? j" - an" 517$: . a. WNHA 2533? Amam .1664 Em: 457% 4' 7: ALL CONTAINED Is UNCLASSININI: Qq?u BI 5313903 323 a 405: ?3 Ronald Reagan-5147 Cover'?hzei for Informant Roper? or Mr . l? - lib-306 IRev. 9-30-69} Date prepared r/e 5/7/ . Date received Received from (name or symbol number) ceived Method of deihrery (Check appropriate blocks} in person by telephone by mail orally recording device ?tter: by Informant If unwell}.r furnished and reduced to writing by Agent: Date of Report Date .5752 7/ 7/ Dictated to . Detei e} of activity Transcribed - f/Q 5/7/ Authentic ated ii: 2 by Informant Ii; 7 Brief description of activity or material . W5C- .. 7321/ 7L File tirher?e original is located ifnot attached Tr? ?211 (?Ali/j DESIGNETTED Frail-EN ASTERISK ONLY ATTENDED A MEETING AND DID NOT ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE. VIOLENCE OR REVOLUTIONARY ACTIVITIES WERE NOT DISCUSSED. Ci Information recorded on a card index by i on date Remarks: ALL Ieroamirio? CONTAINE were IS CHMWE EZEI) f. .- mslamuvesgeem?e BMW 40? Siifma?d 5? 5/ Lee: dissemination made on to: Time Lt-f?mmaomt 7 Sr?: Ronald Reagan-5148 . Block Stan-m I ?Consolide ed l? I Special Agent 6 I 6 LA 100-55855 1 - NEW YORK 100-55855 (MORANDA SMITH SECTION) 100-2u810 (SI) 100-2977u (SI) 100-32514 SI) 100-56617 100- 6515 100- 0053 100-56510 (SI) 100-18596 SI) 100-29380 100-23 01 EDUCATION . 100-23 88 FUNDS) b6 (SI) SI RONALD EEACAN) ANGELA DAVIS) BPP) MEMBERSHIP) 97-16 . PE) 100-30 37 (SI) 100-30 39 (SI) . 100-07776 100-87779 I) . . 100-31730 HUNGARIAN HA 100-32076 SO. EAST INTERRACIAL COUNCIL) 1 100-66078 CIRM) JAN/amp a (27) Read by . Ronald Reagan-5149 LA 100-55455 - . sac "5/27/71 ?The meeting of the So. Central Club~C.P. of the Moranda Smith Section was held this evening May 26th at I, Los Angeles. "ghose that attended this meeting werel I'Ea?l I "The first point on the agenda was the collection of club dues a sustainer the sale of Marxist literature. 7 1 lannounced thatl [phoned a said she was sick would be unable to atten. this meeting requested that the next club meeting (2 weeks 0 this ening) he held at her home. stated thatl sister died with cancer in N.Y.C. over the weekend had gone to N.Y. to the funeral. "The next point on the agenda was the Educational from GUS HALL's pamplet entitled "Racism-The Nation's most Dangerous Pollutant.? Ilead the Educational. "The ever growing wide spreading Racism the deep rooted white-chauvinism as outlined in GUS HALL's am let entitled ?Racism" was the.subject of discussion. It was brought out in the discusson that the most dangerous sources of poison spreading Racism originated from a are being spreaded by Gov. REAGAN a Trick DICK (President) NIXON AGNEW. It was pointed out that Racism are being used as one of the means of dividing the unity between the White a Black workers. The discussion drifted to the Che Lumnmba Club a its' Nationalist Chauvinistic practices a the fact that a the National C.P. Body allows such Chauvinista& Nationalist acts, of an all Black segregated C.P. Club to exist. "It was brought out in the discussion that the C.P. National Body is tolerating a viewing the Che Lumumha Club from at least two angles a they are: This Club has gone to the forefront in waging one of the greatest fights or battles in the campaign to free ANGELA DAVIS, a the Party cannot afford to disrupt the ANGELA DAVIS fight by this Che Lumumha Club. The second reason the ohauvinistic nationalistic a segregated, etc. by this club is this: The majority of the Che Lumumba members are ex?Panther members who (later) chosen Merxism the C.P. preference to the Panthers a if the Party should trample down 3 RonakiReagan-SlSO LA 100455u55 on the Che Lumumba Club at this time or early date, then it may hinder the club from recruiting additional Panther members in the immediate future. It was also brought out (in the discussion of the Che Lumumba Club) that the majority of these Che Lumumba members are college or ex?college students a they are hungry for a Open for additional knowledge, therefore this club require that every new recruit must attend a series of Marxist classes before becoming a full fledge 0.P. member, therefore all of the members of the Che Lumumba Club are chucked full of Harriet theory a they can hold their own along these lines. "The next point on the agenda was a financial re ort from the 2 th weddin anniversary (P.W. fund drive benefit Party for al Ithat was held on May l?th. the Section Press Director gave the following report: The total amount of money (via admissions a the pitch) taken in at_th3 a 07.2#. Expenses paid out were refunded to a for the lettuce, etc. they bought for the party. '18.00 refunded tol Ial for the spaghetti-ground meat, etc. they bought for the dinner they cooked for the Part . $7.00 paid for two theatre tickets a presented to'EEe.the show (?One Is a Crowd?) in appreciation for their donated services of shepping, buying a doin the free cooking, etc. of the dinner served at the affair. paid for use of the kitchen, dinning room a the main Hall at the Hungarian cultural Center for the affair. $15.29 paid to the manager of the Hungarian Center to wash the dishes a clean up the place after the affair. Cash left on hand to be turned in on this club's $800.00 P.W. fund drive quota is $215.79. There are a few tickets that ?322 by the members of this club for admission to the affair of which I Ihas the record. She will collect this outstanding money later. "This $215.79 makes a?total of $646.00 this club has paid on the $800 quota. The Cyril Briggs CluBHhas turned in a total of $291.50 on their $800 quota. "Attached is one of the letters that will be mailed out to around 100 or more neople from the So. East Interracial Council. Note: This So. East Inter?Racial Council has been men- tioned in (at least) my last two club meeting reports. Approxi- mately 1500 to 200 leaflets will be printed for hand distribution a few days before June egg. The Che Lumumba members agreed to pass out the leaflets.? RonakiReagan?5151 - as - .- Cour Sheer 1m11110rmmil Rape-n or Man. r'Hul if? 1-11? 3013111511 11 1011?!) - . 1: . 11:1!1- ?rerun-d 67/9/79 Duie received 11.11::31Vud (Mimi: or symbol mum?:11 1h 1 in 11 5/5/7an I J77 [71 Mmh?d of. rielivcry (Chuck (Appropriale blown-:1 1 in person [j 111,! 1010111101113 by mail nm?y recording: duvi?e 1:3 written by Inf?rm?nt 11' (?11115; furnished {and reduced to writing by Agent: I i 13:11.11 (if 1111mm. Duh: . ?ictnted I t0 D'utefgi 01' 1101i 1111.31 14:1: Transcribed Authenticated - 664,1, {fry/7? 11?; In f0 rm 1 m1 131191 descrimion of activilv or nmteri?l Wiwf/ [Ki 47414;?; ?mg/l/ i? wig? Jpn/y 11?i1uwhem nriginhHs located ifnotattached 5?1 141%??qu I I BE: M5932. ?im??l 5/;ng INDIVIDUALS ED 131? A167 311118111 A AND DID AC TIVELY PARTICEPATE. VIOL. ENCE 011 REVOLUTIONARY ACTIVI FEES FREE NOT 1.1180113811313 E3 Information recorded on a card index by on date (ALL AFRICAN PEOPLES AEVOLUTIONAAY PARTY) (RONALD REAGAN) INDEX: ALL INFORMATIGR - HEREIN IS 1395133951 vaos ?11 Illn?l. m. . gt) g1 'Rmald Reagan- Ii/me?f Sj??y 1-111 /1m P. 1?13?. Re ad 1) 311?913 4?2 111-.- .. w?comet . (I, n1?, . 5x113 U1..- Mulder is the quid lmoljiujdlhi [i To}: South fiEi'it'a. he I-ii nister of lniir ENC Interior, he is: the 'author oi an ambitiuug and costly plan to break South Africa's increasing} isolation and estiaeirnn the, nations. t-L' the world. By skillful techniques and private maneuvers, he pedd_it=n the illusion LhaL real change is occurring in South Africa_ He sects 10 lure the United States into and dCCLer economic, cultural, and military alliance_with his racist and fascist country. - Mulder sits on the South African State Security Council a small urou1_ like the United States Security Council, where he has a Voicr. in the major CF -C-J. than: Oi? the regime. he may soon replace Hilgard Muller at Foreign Minister. He would like one day to replace John Vorster as Prime Minister. his private diplomacy with U.S. ?decision?makers" is tallyhooed at home as a triumph in order to promote his ambitions. WHAT is DER - Supposedly, ?elder is here on routine butane-131:: meet ing hit]; officials who serve in.Los San Francisco, New terk, Washington and Canada. But his last trip to the United Stores in early gives us the clue as to that he is really up to- It was the kickoff of a greatly accelerated push ?to Lit-.Ltroy iopyosition ot Apartheid in the United States- That's why he is here to "answer? Helen Seaman before the world Affairs Council. WHAT 13 THE Cl-?l? RATION IN UNITED he meets ?decision makers" secretly: Mulder mat Lhcn~Vice President Ford in a quit at, "private? visit and tried to sell him the idea that South Africa could help solve the energy eris is in early 1974 He Secretly met Vice Admiral hay Poet, the enier official.in charge of International Security Affairs at the Pentagon. Pest is responsible for foreign military sales and 0.5. military involVement in the Indian Ocean; they Claim that they only discurzssed "mutual friends.? In Washington, Mulder met with leadership of both parties in Congress E2 - lie also met with California GOVernor Ronald Reagan and editors Cbk? Times. cyan . 3 He hired a we] i?p] acet. Republic: law firth .to Elgllihm nfiia. Ei" 'J'he E-Iinistry of Information nae S1ent over $85, 000 alread; or. Cy?, trying to circumvent government officials who support the ofliciai U.E. policy of a Ubyotition to Apartheid. Its lobbyists, Collier, Shannon, hill and. L'd?nnicis, also 5? work for the stainless steel industry in its attack on United Nations sanctions against Rhodesia. - a a: .Milder's agents have arranged illicit high?lev__e_l milit any contacts heti-r-fen. African and 11.53. defense personnel: The U.S. has an arms embargo policy a?jeinst South Africa, which prohibits such contacts. But in May, l9?4, South nfrica's Chief the General Staff of the Defense Force, Admiral Hugo Biermann, met privately with Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; of Staff and with J.W. Middendorf, Pcting SOCIL tary Of the Navy. Ronald Reagan_5153 {1111335335 promoted anMran?ed to South [Unit (1113:] U.S. Congres ssmen and their staffs: Last year the Ministry paid tor the LIJP Of ?ix C?n?res sional staffers although it is a uiolation of the Constitution Eor an? ?Wither or staff of Congress to accept such gifts.from foreign governments. Later.- tie has used a private bus inessman, Werner heterman, to fend its all? (Isa-Paid tours Such as {hat which California 1mm BBL) 1155(th Clall mall-t .. ?urgenei and Bill Ketchum took in-Oanuary; But the Ministry does; the inviting. a . Pram-a; -..- .-4. a?h?thll' . (I . - a WHAT MULDER WANTS tron THE UNITED STATES - South hirica is increasingly-isolated in the internatiOnal community. Mulder's propaganda presents South Africa as muchemisunderwtuod friend and ally oi the United States, Europe, and even independent nfrica. To Up his real interest in elicitinn western support for;the racist SouLh ?tritan rtgime, Mulder argues that it is in the interests oi the United States to co?operate with touth hirica: ?elder saYs: .South Africa's Simonstown naval base should he used by_the United States and RRTO for the defense of the sealaneS-arohnd the Cape oi Good Hope. Feet: The sealanes around Africa can he equally well protecte? by Western forces Operating from other bases in th? Atlantic and the ln?ian Deean vhich are far closer to any possible tone of cenflict, in the unlikely event of a conVentional South Africa's real concern is not the sealants, but the secure world domination?,kshere South Africa is the anyone who opposes the racism and minor? War on the high soar, "strategy of communism next target. Because. it South Africa, ity rule of the current regime is labelled a "Communist? and is likely to be harrassed, detained, hanne?, and Possibly tortured: 1 LC) We say: NO MORE THE UNI-TED STATES nut..- Mink:- .. COMMITTED 03 THE SIDE OF THE MINORITY 1N SOUTHERN Holder says: South Africa is groups have equal rights and Opportunities in their own areas. a multinational state in which differert'ethnic i Feet: This policy of "separate dCVelemenL? or ?partheid is the keystone of South Eirica?s intransigent raCist policy. South Africa's African peuyle are not citiZens in the major part of the land which is reserved for the Luroyean The African "homelan?s" Comprice only 13% of the land. and much Three million Africans havD been moved Even Poyulation. less than 13% of the natural resources. from their homes to "their" ?bantustans? because of this inhumane policy. the vast majority of the government-paid ?homeland"-chiefs reject the hemelands policy. The bantustans Serve as a reservoir of cheap labor for the white economy. {7 They are occupied mostly by women, children and the aged. while the men stay in the"white= areas"te work. Starvation. malnutrition, and early childhood deaths are widespread. 4v We s31: THE UNITED STATES MUST NEVER ACCEPT THIS MYTH OF POLITICAL FHEEPOH 1H AFRICA. THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION 15 MAJORITY RULE A UNIVERSAL FRANCHISE FOR ALL SOUTH AFRICANS. Mulder Says: South_nfriea's new ?detente? policy ofters black Htriee a better way to achieve progress in independent Africa and in southern nfriea. Fact: South Africa is acutally becoming more isolated. The imminent independence oE?Eonambique and Angola have radically changed the balance of forces in southern Africa, to such an extent that eVen Prime Minister Vorster realizes ht has to pull back from Rhodesia and withdraw back to South Africa?s own borders. White South A?rica does'not intend to giVE up its economic priuel?heu or its political cen- trol, without a fight. - - We support the April l9 declaration of the Urganization of Airiean Unity: . ANY TALK OF DETENTE WITH THE REGIME is SUCH NGUSEHSL THAT IT SHOULD BE TREATED WITH THE CONTEMPT IT DESERVES. FUR run SPIRIT or UHTEHTE 15 TO HAVE ANY MEANING AT ALL, IT MUST FIRST AND FDREMOST HE FROM WITHIN SOUTH AFRICA. WE SAY: THERE CAN BE NO DIALOGUE WITH SOUTH AFRICA, UR WITH MINISTER OF INFORMATION MULDQK. WHILE THE RACISM. INEQUALITY, AND POLICE DPPKESSIDN OF APARTHEID LASTSI .. w. Ronald Reagan-5154 a 1 - . ten-1'. 2 - -- ??Pe ??ea-?qr we pq.;."'37 .r an- wil :1 1: .4: 5.4115 :1 min.- I e- nth-1i ail the and carefully Th0 Ibuldc_r Hin?3 l31v en (?3.331 I'I?Cgaj In (I eri' Olympics in uhuoses idiom: DEW ad;= munpuitjl: acucptancc of Attica- Macaquur'nr5 of the UH Commiasj.an for Airicu bu in Johannesburg? eturia? why not NATC aL Simon5tuwn? its just sheer irrational prejudice and bias if you believe whom: Lhu Congrc 55mun 5cm. cl (jll ill II U. - puL Li5hud LIhi5 51.11114: Lin;- ?lame; Why couldn't the why not No good 1:955on, say ads: D.r Mulder says. RonIalcl Reagan-5155 1? huh?n Qnmm?iI?LH?u-H-dla- i . - - awn?wininidh .. lag-av