OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 24 January 1979 Revolutionary Com ?nalist-?Yeah Brigade- ?Hie-?bers By Moore A CIA recruiting. officer was splattered with red paint by an unidentified member of the Revolutio- nary Communist Youth Brigade Tuesday morning in ?ii" The recruiter was not injured. ?Some fellow came in supported by a mob readlng irrational statements,? said Tarver Hagan, director - of engineering placement. I?Then some young lady" stepped t'o'rward and threw red paint at her (the re? cruiting officer). The recruiting officer,- who requested anonymity, turned her back when the paint was thrown. The paint covered her back and. splashed on the walls, ?,ajg. ?oors, papers, desks and several bystanders. - ,1 - She was escorted to her car by OSUI Police and left .- campus, avoiding After the incident the brigade members marched Approved For Release 2004l11I01 I riga 'memher I splatters CI recruiter With paint the engineering placement of?ce, Hitchcock Hall. Lantern Photo by Martin B. Frledman against the CIA on campus and supporting its removal from Iranoutside to the front ofthe building and began demon?r strating. They yelled you better run! People of the world are picking up the gun!? and agents out of Iran! U. S. imperialism!" George Preston spokesman for the brigade and a graduate student, said the demonstration was to ?ex- pose them (CIA) for what they are. Preston said the red paint "symbolizes the blood of people around the world. At the height of the demonstration, 1m Petrosky,a senior from Wadsworth, knocked lea?ets out of one of the demonstrator 3 hands. Several demonstrators 7 grabbed Petrosky,?while a faculty member from the College of Engineering and students stopped the scuffle. 1 -f -- 111 just amazed" Petrosky said was in the placement office to ?le my papers when these hip- 4, pies left over from the ?605 pushed- their way in and _;th1:ew the paint. CIA-RDP88-01315R000400100009-1