Of?ce Counsel A 282 University Hall 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy. STATE $333217 (5327:59435-0001 UNI VERSI TY July 10, 2018 Ms. Theresa Gasper info@easperforconeress.com RE: Announcement for Higher Education Fundraiser for Theresa Gasper Dear Ms. Gaspar: It has been brought to my attention that your campaign has circulated an invitation to the higher education community that references Wright State University in association with a ?Host Committee? and a list of names of Wright State University faculty. You must immediately remove Wright State University?s name from any association with a ?Host Committee? in any solicitation for political fundraising on your behalf as it constitutes a violation of state and federal laws governing a prohibition on political activity by a State university and activity inconsistent with the University?s IRS government non-pro?t status classi?cation. You are further apprised that you may not use the University?s name without express University permission and approval as the University?s name is a registered and protected trademark. Please acknowledge your receipt of this cease and desist letter and further verify in a return email that you have taken immediate action to remove any use or reference to Wright State University in your campaign materials as a participant in a ?Host Committee" for your election, or in any connection with any political fundraising efforts on your behalf. Thank you for your immediate compliance with this letter. Very truly yours, a la cha/ 1 ?me Harry Y.Cl'i Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel Wright State University cc Amy Golian, Chief Education Section Ohio Attorney General Cheryl B. Schrader, President Wright State University