FORMLNO ?6 ..5o 3. - A.- foreigh? n. 3 IKIT lassifiedril? v4, Hug.? . 4: 343 - I 2:92 wee; 2:35;: 1271-. . 017106 UNITED H.135 GOVERNMENT . .?To 2 'I,f1 1 2/2/60 Los '1 ARTHUR OSENEELDJ- IS 7 . Reference is made to. meMoranduM from the Legat' ~in LondOn to the- Bureau da ted 12/3/59 captioned as above. TWO copies of this memorandum were forwarded to Los An- -geles by the. Bureau for appropriate act1on by routing slip12/24/59 Mrs. FRANCES HUMPHRIES, Secretary 7* to the Dean. Of the Faculty of the Califorh1a Institute - . - of Technology, 1201 East California Street, advised their - records ref1ect no 1nformation identifiable WithI ROSENFELD. ?aj??fI on 1/22/6ol I . I ?1 b6 . Ian establiShed source, advised that b7C ARTHUR H. ROSENFELD is presently connected in some capa- b7D Icity with the Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California.; Th1s matter is being referred to: the San Fran-I I cisco Office for appropriate handling.. Enclosed herewith for the San Franci sco Off1ce . 15 one copy of referenced memorandum.I I Bureau ?1 - San Franc1sco (Encls.. 1) . Los Angeles II - REG 57I GCR/kls - '1 1' (5) gem . 62555121950 Tolson Belmont Mohr Casper Callahan Conrad DeLoach Evans Gale Rosen Sullivan Tuvel Trotter Tele 'oom mm 2.9.1, Subject-7831:, San Francisco (105.7960)- 7 792.3964 - . REG-.120 . I . -- If: WSW, m1. ?it/:b7E 3935319: 6.36.64. Enclosed are the following communications from the atomic?EnergywAc? investigation of subject: Richmondnreport-s-zsuss' Bartolk:9eport 9929553 St. 90999? reyort 9?7955; 9h1cago report 9.79553 New York report 9.7-553- Boston report 9.92-553 repor9 9913-553 Chicaga report 9-90-553 "Bosto?o?garopert Sea-239633 chioago report 1099-633 3am Bingo report 1_ . - . 9991910113. there is enclosed a. copy of a report 139391993 from Army intelligence pertaining to a world affairs oonferenee at which subject spoke. B?f?il?es contain no additional information concerning Egclosures~9911 3 . I b3 1. - Emfepdb (5) NOTE: The oomunioat ions. furnished Francisco are of 116.420274 and.seria1 123 of. 1009348196.. MAILED 22 JUL 2-3 195x? COMM-FBI . [9 2 1. 34-? TELETYPE UNIT NMENT Memorandum I: ITBI 5/30/51 ziRRo'? 3 EERAN . sUHjEcTiiH IIng93--.. .. . New York letter 12/10/65, in case entitled [pertained to b7}, 'as heng Connected with the RadiatioHI ILaboratory of the ,IUniver81ty of Californ1a, Berkeley, Calif. - . The 1963 6% Directory for the University of Cali-' fornia at BeIrkeleyI does not list an H.- ROSIENFELD. ARTHUR is liSted as a Prof?sSor 1n .the Department of Phy31cs and as aH employee of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL) .1, .. OH 5/28/61 the Security 1?31. for ARTHUR I RQSENFELD at the SecuIrity_ DivisioH, SanI Franci'SCO_ Operations Office, ABC, disclosed that he reCeived IQ clearance on l/-27/5B as a Phy51c1st at LRL and that. this IclearaHCe is IaCtive. Review of the file disclosed tHat ROSEVFELD haId I cr1t1c1zed vari0us activities Of the HGIUA, that he had made j":comments favorable to the USSR aHd that he -had expres.sed a . strong support for unilateral disarmament., UpoH therview -- ABC representatives, ROSENFELD aIdvisedI that -he had_ formeIrly L521 hel-d to pacifist views but that he had been in favor of U. S. I action in. Korea and I.s_aid that he .considered the Communist Party . be a daHIgerous organizatioH. He advised that in the past . he had given talks and had eritten- lett-ers tIo neWSpapers in the Chicago, Ill. area Concerning hk is views on peace and that his ideas had unavoidIably c01nc1deq with those of thIe communists to_ Ione degreeI or anIotherI. 107-1?? 3 - Bureau (RM) 1 116- 420271 (ROSENFELD) ?Ra?29 Rfng?. ,4 1? COPY 1N b6 b7C SF 10517980 KGT: maT This fiTe discTosed th'at' from to lT/7/59, att ende a scientific conference at Geneva, I SWitzerTand and during this absence was supposed to visit fthe Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics ofI -?the USSR Academy Iof Sciences in Moscow. On 1/11/60 ROSBNPELD was 1nterv1ewed 1 I On th1s odca81on he adv1sed that he did not go.I . ?~to the USSR in 1959 because by the time he had received a -;[fODmaT invitation and had received ABC approval for the visit _~he did not haVe anyI time remaining to make the trip.' He did Isay that he had met Soviet scientists at Various scientific b3" b7E conferences in Western Europe and that he anticipated that I"he would meet Other Soviet sC1entist in the future., He -advised that he would be alertl II land indicated an lunderstanding for the Bureau' 3 interest and responsibiTity Iin this fierI. . . . 1. - TheI follow1ng information is Ibeing set out in response to the re nest of New Yoka aIs ?3?%ected by relet; 3111,3557} If'_Birmingham, Alabama 8'5 '160 Southampton, Berkeley, California' 'iDate of Birth Place of Birth Reeldence_f NaritaT Status.? I I f?Married . I q; DiviSion FileINor- ?3105 7960,116? -.'5Bufile wait I *115- 120271 - Employment '11, and Dept. of Physics, "fUniver sity of Ca.lifornia, a I. .BerkeTey . ?Specific occupation or Assignment {Wh=fCategory ,-.-.ProfesIsor Physics and Phys1c1st I 3I ?~l958 Piat;CaTiforniaj1icense? 15% 106? 7960 I gaIIf ,vI.rg1r, 'San Francisco will Submit recommendation -. . . . . PhySical ??y-Lf ?i}?661t?j?6 10"; 166'podpds' Description . .- . ,?hazel eyes, dark broWn gr ,7 .1._hair a Photograph Available -1iers' LRL BIadge Offi_ce REQUEST QF ITHE The_ Bureau 16 requested t6 furnish any information Iin its filesI in? ?saddition toII that not presently in posse651on of this Office..; Follow1ng receipt .6f; results review of Bufiles..~ 'b7E 4 ORTIONAL FORM N0. IO 501? ti 1 I UNITED STATES a 1 Memorandum TO DIRECTOR, FBI (105- 83052) 8/12/64 FROM 3% AC SAN FRANCISCO (105- 7960) 0 - b3 .- It) ggTiiUE ENFELD, JR., aka.b3 ?b7E My? 7 1:72 00: SAN FRANCISCO Remylet 6/30/64 and Bulet with enclosures, 7/23/64. Re San Francisco letter b3 land a vised that he was interviews: b7E on 4/11/60 beca.use of indicated plans to visit the USSR which .did not materialize. He advised on this occasion he had met Soviet scientists at various scientific meetings and w6uld be alert for any espionage approachb7E Burs-.11 (105 8:305sz @(RM) I i - WE AUG 171954 4IAUG 26 ":54 A SF 105-7960 KGT/efb b3 b7E . This case is being closed at this time and will be reopened in April 1965 for the purpose of checking FELD's residence,.employment and automobile registrationg?? a h. 1 I Of?ce Memordndumw: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to Director, IMJE:December 3: 1959? mom beget, London (195-639)- ,1 ARTHUR H. ROS LID IS - On December 1, 1959: 1071') bointed out that this information is rather nebulous but in view of the highly sensitive nature of source that it isseminated outside the Bureau without rs checking with The above is submitted for the Bureau's information. RUG 5 - Bureau 1- London CWBmung" ?rauuzn?r W1 11 1 111959. 91 FRANCISCO Z?TjggigA I H. 105-7960, 116651138. KGT: lg OFFICE: -. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To; 350% 105?Wi7960) DALE: April 19, 1961; _k PROM: JR. SUBJECT: ARTHUR aka IS - UNDER NO CIRCUMSTAIW ES SHOULD INFORMATION TH7IS MEMORANDUM, OR INFORMATION ERO7N BASED ON IT, BE DISSENINATED OR INCLUDED IN ANY MUNICATION SUITABLE FOR DISSEMINATION NO OF CAPTIONED INDIVIDUAL OR OTHER PERSONS SHOULD BE CONDUCTED ON THE BASIS OF INFORMATION DEVELOPED IN MATTER BEFORE REVIEW or FILE b3 va By letter dated 12/10/63 the New Y7ork Office advised that I Captioned person should be fully identified_ through_ established sources only._ Backpround.1nformat10n should inciud7e: name; date and piace of birt_h; residence; marital_ status; wife? 3 name; Division file number; Bufi_1e nUmber; emblo ment- oecific occupation_ or assign- ment; category (seel automobile; physical b3 description; photograph_ available. b7E Pol_1owing review of office and Bureau i_ndices, ?recommendation is to _be submitted to Bureau concerning interview of canti ned person in accordance with instruc- tionSNin b3 Biographic information concerning cautioned b7E i_ndividua1 other than_ his name if such informa.tion is available, aopears in 7The hanaling of in_fOrmation oon_cern_ing th_is sub eot.should. be coordinated with SA Kng?r TEETER. I names as nneoted with the b3 1e on La?BIatony of the University of Cal' ornia. ApogerE?idebwzuith APR21194 FBI $7977.50 e7/D 1,1 ath- 1h END-GM UNITED GO NMENT Memorandum .3. 1; To SAC, NE . aware?" FROM 3 Supervisor R. G. FLETCHERfacilitate the preparation of the Index, it is requested that the?followiug data be recorded On_this memo b6 and retUrned to b7C Name ARTHUR an; 5 Residence Addressg?and 'Te?lgphone, Professional Affiliation EL, [553% (Chemist, commercial a gist, rc_itect, etce) Employment?WW Office Telephone Hf 3, 7 YO Alternate AgEnt referenced Borea etter, it was instructed that the individual be recontacted on_a quarterly'basis after the case is placed in a pending any changes in his status regarding the above items should be routed to Miss PUCCI fer appropriate recording. (1) SA b6 i 1 lg/bm, me i RGF/cmp (2002 Mes/?7/?5- 9'27 3 . . 4 DIRECTOR, FBI 3/ 3/60 b7E sac, SAN FRANCISCO ALERTING GF KEY SCIENTISTS T0 OF ESPIONAGE IS Wimp?? 303mm, Jr. ?n Moo-mm is a Erofess??"of?Phynico at the university of California Berkeley, California, and in a physicist at the UC Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL), Berkeley. Ho has been investigated on an ABA-A, Bureau file 116-420274, ond.hao held AEC clearance cincc January 27, 1956, in connection with his dutieo at tho LEL. Hc works directly under Dr. LUIS who heads a physics! group at the Laboratory. His specialty is high energy physics, a field in which has been considerable exchange of informa- tion between the united States and the USSR.during the past several years. There have also been several international conferences and scientific meetings in thin field, which have boon?attended by scientists from the USSR, as well no fron.thio 601.1111 born June 22, 1926, at Birmingham, Alabama, of native-born.porcnta. Ho resided in Egypt from 1934 to 1942, and attended?Vinginia Polytechnic Institute from 1942 to 1944. He received his Eh.D.chrce from the university'of Chicago in 1954, after attending that university since 1946. Ho served in the united States Navy.fran 1944 to 1946, and was employed in research at the university of Ghicago from 1954 to 195$, Just prior to oncoming his prcnant position. In hin AEG Parsonncl Security Questionnaire, listed affiliation with an unutunlly long list of organizations, among which.nore American_Fricndo Service Committee; United Fodcralists; Southside (Chicago) Community-Conference on Paths to Peace; Peace, Inc.3 Atomic Scionticto of Chicago; Consumers union and Concum?rs Research; and the American Civil liberties union. in addition he listed nonbcrohip inother academic, welfare, and service organizations, the entire list totaling 23 organizationo. 1371?. 2 Bureau (Reg.) San Francisco :2 Kg? or?l?b XQJX b7C b3 SF b7E Investigation of ROSENFEIB as an revealed that the "Chicago Daily New" for September 5, 1952; listed him as one of a group of Univeraity of Chicago aoientiato who lahaled the apoearanoo of Dr. E. U. GONDGN before the HGUA as a ?vz-xitoh hunt. It was aetomined that on September 12, 1952, ROSENFELD allegedly wrote a note on the hack: of a table mat . in the Cornell Lounge, Chioago, his view concerning a state- moat on the face of the mat in praise of tho capitalistic {system and criticising the system. In his comments, ROSENFEIJ) stated he was disturbed by this statement, and queotionoa omethor it did any good to imply that we are perfect and that tho Russians are completely evil. He the: hope that this country could coexist with Russia, and abated that the coment on the mat was the sort of thingo that starts wars . A confioontial tour-co advised that 30833me was one of several apeakora at a omposium hold on December 18 1952, sponsored by the American Peace Crusade on the "Vioma Peace. congress. In a indicated support 3? the Vienna Peace and was oritioal of the United ta ea. The investigation revealed that ROSENFELD and his - family were widely lookoa upon as sincere and active humanitariana, and that his motivation for making Speeches and associating; himself with various organizations appeared to be his great oonoern over the dangers of an atomic way. No specific interest for Communism on the part of ROSENFEIB woo developed in the: investigation. a to ROSENFEID was interviewed. by AEG ropresontativoo on January 5, 3.956.. he advised that ho had resided in Egypt booause his father, a sugar cane technologist: had been callaai to that to in aolving problem affecting; tho augaz? cane production. Ho stated that ha and hia family had. boon evacuated from Egypt by the United Stataa Air Foroo, when the German Army had threatened to occupy that country. ROSENFEIB advioed that although his Job at the was in the field of experimental physios, he would havo no objection to working on atomic weapons, and believed that their #7 9? . k: .1- 45 ?7 a: a was necessary for this country to keep up with the He expressed the belief that Russia wants to bring; as muohof the world under its influence as is possible, and probably wishes to do this without starting a war. He believed it was evident that was is really no longer a reasonable instnuuent of foreign policy, in View or atomic-arms! development . He thought that the United States should stay strong enough to have sufficient deterrent power to assure that Russia does not grab more territory. He felt, however, that this. country should try to live peacefully with the Russians, while remaining strong enough to deter further agrefssion. I He expressed the hope that war was no longer a way to solve problems, and that tension between the United States and the USSR could be held at a low pitch so that in a period of years some sort of arms' limitation agreement could be reached. ROSENFELD said he agreed with the action of the United States in Korea, and that in the event of another Korea, we would have to stand firm and resist by force. He hoped that continued coexistence, however, would demonstrate to the nations of the world the possibility of their getting along with each other; that they would get in the habit of doing this, and that this would create a mutual desire to continue the practice. Lair 4 He also believed that while coexisting with the USSR, 1 1 we must win the of free nations that the Soviets are also trying to win over. ROSENFEIB expressed the belief that the Communist Party is dangerous, because of its potential for committing espionage and sabotage, a danger which could not be ignored. He believed that the goverment is security program against Communists is necessary, and that Comunists and persons, who could be influenced by them, should not be in sensitive positions. He stated he had no objection if the security system does not clear a person, but that he did ohject to political ?interference in the security system for political seasons. He believed that such interference was present in the CONDON case. b3 va .ROSENFEIJ) stated that while he was in Chic-ago, he had frequently made talks, handled preoo releases and. had written letters to newspapers in connection with his convictions, as exyreasod above. He ?air}. that acme of these activities wow-2 conducted in connection with organizationo to which he belongea at the time. He related that he was aware in conducting campaigns for peace that his views might often coincide with thoae of the Communistsi Ho believed that this was unavoidable, and he stated that ho had always tried to avoid making speeches ?boi'oro commist?front groups, and had attempted to restrict his: talks to things before ?th oughtful groups, which were not Strictly inflaamnatory in character. He said in exception to this: was his appearance before the symposimn sponsored by the American Poaoo Crusade, He realized later that this: was not what he would describe as a reoponsiblo group, and that this incident was later source of considerable mbmaosment to him. Concerning his oomento on tho table mat in the Cornell. Lounge, ROSENFEID mid he believed in principle with the statement on the mat; to the effect that Capitalism is 1 superior to Commiom, but thought the statement was inflammatory l? and woula provoke overly antiw?ussian i?ooiingo, which mat to controlled if we are to get along peacefully with the USSR. He stated he realized this note was poorly worded and written in haste. )E-ag ROSENFELB's Security File at the local Office of Am: reflects: that he was in Europe between september 11%, 1959, and November 7, 1959,, to preoent a pope? at the Corn Conforonoo in Geneva on accelerators and instrumentation. Emile; ho was: abroad, he also visito? the Institute of mooretioal and 1 Experimental Ph 3103, USSR Aoademy of Sciences, in Moscow, upon the invitation Br. SERGE to come there and ?isouso high energy phy ico and bubble chambers. (mm In View of the responsible position held by 3033mm in the field of high energy physics at. the L333, and because of) the fact that he: has vioito? 5oviot ooiontioto moo ooientifio institutions; in. the USSR, it 12: te-lioved that he might logically be comma-red as an oopiorozogo target by the Soviets at some future ?ato. It is. beliotei that this is also true, because of his as room-d of supyorting the i?ea of i it- s13: b3 137 mammal coexistence. It is believed that in View 43:? these observation?, RGSMEE should be interviewed for tha purgmse of.? explaining, to him the Bureau?s intere?t and Jurisdiatim in the: Internal Seawiw Field, and. to alert him to {me posaibili?ty of espionage approaches in the future. Bureau pemission ta conduai; 43113.3 interview is requeated herewith. No.5. . O?ise Memorandum . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT T0 San Francisco 25: 1950 ?if Av? FROM =Director, FBI ALEBTING T0 Poss?ruz?ms 0F genomes APPROACHES 330172211? - Reurlet 3-3-60. Authorization is gcanted for an interview with Arthur Hinton Rosenfeld, line with the provisions of this program. Good judgment must be exercised in gene contact with him to assure that the Bureau ?3 position and responsibilities are explained accurately and there is no misunderstanding with regard to the purposes for which he is being contacted. Bufiles contain no pertinent information re Bosenfeld not already in your file. $123333 gig sin? 1/7 714?" 3 7/ 5/ SEARSH mg WW. i 6 MARE 6:5 19 ANCISCQ ?i b3 b7E b3 b6 b7C b7E [a . amen. 1 u/za/so 816, MEI-9.00 mm 0? 80 1'0 ?881311111133 mm: 13- Witt 3/3/60 a mist 3/25/60. ARTHUR mow mm, Pmramr of Main, Mar-it: or California. lety, calitomia and alumni-t bananas In?ation . interviewed on April ll, 1960 by at 3083mm atria? or the Bureau}: . iataraata and raspaaibilitiaa in tha fiald. no In 1mm that in tha ?aat aaviat Intelligence Sax-vie? had contacted hat-ital aoiantiata for ?mum mun and that n: atatua an a aoicntiat having acut- to oluairiad intonation and Ma matted visit to the ma malt? tha poaaibility that ha nightbatha tarsatoranaa?onaso approachat some timiuthatutura. Bauuahiudthathaahanld not ma]. that tha mum pol-cans intonation iadioatina ha I111 ha an a up tax-sat nor would ha anal that team of intawiaa ha alumna hats-tot or othaniu altar his normal and activitiaa. no manly to be alart for any indication of an mach in tha com or hit noml activitiaa and to rapt-t an magician that?h ia an anion-5a target. mm adviaad that he had not at ?oatatad tatthia tila ha hall attended ma uiantirie canto a in ulna-a ha not a Mar 01' Soviet so tilts. gone 2 - Bur-In (ma POST PE ING Oo-l receivSearched - Serialized 4; Indexed .- b3 b7E b6 b7c' b3 b6 b7C b?7E riled Bupervisor initia SF Near the conclusiqn the activitiem Dr. 33363 NIKITAN invite-:41 hm ?2:0 come to Ho 3cm: to ?iscua? high energy mugging. ROSENBEIB mid he received almast immediate approval of the visi? from the: AEC but the Soviets failed to extend him a ?ax-ma]. invitation within the: remaining two week period; he could atay in Bump?? F03: this reason he was forced ta return home withoui: making: we trip 116 Russia. He 3316;, however; he haped ta mama; acmn?oific laboratories in Russia at some time in the future and was certain that he mum meet When Soviet scientistgt future conferemgs in other parts of the worlg, Re?mm adviaec?t that he understaod the Bureau's. imam-est and comem with possibilities of espionage, and, althaugh ncthing baa ever happened in his experience suggesting an espigmge approach, he will ha alert for any aypmaches amt zioulrl import them ime?iately. b3 b7E 4? 13-. 7? at "r?'w?jfh?h niggrf {7 {Rana Progre351ve" at involved %p m4.? we; "r .. .4 1 it: ,ffigfg? . .. 7. . Huaf? student 'fQ . '2?a ?Europe?and ed hg?be11e . 1192591? af?hded. was?neportedl anY?? A ?Maui-l mg 1. .4- . ?rpm'nelther recommendatloma''mor't onclusxons '1qf__ the-,eFBI .r - - -ls '3 It??da; . 7 - A .12? .- -- Its contents animot to, _be d15tr1b ted outmde your agency. ?57. ?.1533, r? . . . n? .. - I Hem yW?h?n?ij 1., wanVOLUNTEER FORM 3 WW HOME OFFICE 1 ADDRESS CITY . ZIP 1 IF ANY . 4 I ?wbu1d like to participate in the camga ign? against the in the following ways: - Pu?o?o?y? Committee I can help in the office sometimes . Finance Committee +da'ys - Speakers. Enreau 7 :ev'enings Legislative Action can help at horde Research, . *Typin's . Congressmen, Cduncilmen, supezvisors, etc . Distributing lea?ets weircuiating petitions OTHER Please list names of people, you think Would Be: interested in this campaign: Committee, to Initiate Bay Area Opposition to Anti-Bani stic Missiles . 50 Oak St. - Room 503, San Francisco ope-3-afl_-cio _Phone- . 863-7116 I an H?'q mi?? 1 ?an nit-?d?-x mante- 4-w- 5 - :4 a 1-1579, "f . l: I H-ggi?, ?3 i ?3 .3:??25 5:duty .: I :3 A In 31?? 1? i if. if "31% in I .31It?; i 2'3.11? ?4.1m 5 .3 393,13It??33sn.bwm?u-IWD BACKGROUND menswear on THE ABM, 4 On September 18: 1957, lowing the detonation of a nucgsr weapon .in China, and in response to political pressures building up around the 196 presidential campaign, and pressures from military and industrial forces, Defense Secretary McNamara announced that a decision had been reached to deploy a "thin" anti-ballistic missile system