MIKE CRAPO, IDAHO, CHAIRMAN RICHARD c, SHELBY, ALABAMA SHERROD BROWN, OHIO BOB CORKER, TENNESSEE JACK REED, RHODE ISLAND PATRICK J. TOOMEY, ROBERT MENENDEZ, NEW JERSEY DEAN HELLER, NEVADA JON TESTER, MONTANA TIM SCOTT, SOUTH CAROLINA MARK WARNER, VIRGINIA BEN SASSE, NEBRASKA ELIZABETH WARREN, MASSACHUSETTS TOM COTTON, ARKANSAS HEIDI HEITKAMP, NORTH DAKOTA a [5 MIKE ROUNDS, SOUTH DAKOTA JOE DONNELLY, INDIANA DAVID PERDUE, GEORGIA BRIAN SCHATZ, HAWAII THOM TILLIS, NORTH CAROLINA CHRIS VAN COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND JOHN KENNEDY, LOUISIANA CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO, NEVADA JERRY MORAN, KANSAS DOUG JONES, ALABAMA RBAN AFFAIRS WASHINGTON, DC 20510?6075 GREGG RICHARD, STAFF DIRECTOR MARK E. POWDEN, DEMOCRATIC STAFF DIRECTOR June 1 8, 20 1 8 Kathy Kranmger Program Associate Director Of?ce of Management and Budget 725 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20503 Dear Ms. Kraninger, We write seeking documents and other information about your role in the development and implementation of the Trump Administration?s ?Zero?Tolerance Policy,? which has led the Administration to separate thousands of young children from their parents. Since March 2017, you have served as the Program Associate Director for General Government Programs at the Of?ce of Management and Budget.1 In that role, you oversee seven Executive Branch agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice That oversight role involves not only preparing the President?s annual budget request for those agencies, but also providing ?ongoing policy and management guidance,? ?oversee[ing] implementation of policy options,? and working with agencies throughout the year as they shift money to implement new legislation or Administration policy.3 On April 6, 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a ?Zero-Tolerance Policy for Criminal Illegal Entry.? That Zero-Tolerance Policy directed all US. Attorneys who serve in districts along the U.S.-Mexico border to criminally prosecute all cases of attempted illegal entry or illegal entry that are referred by DHS.4 This policy has resulted in DHS tearing away more than 2000 children from their parents because children are not permitted in adult criminal detention facilities.5 The children are instead put into the custody of the federal Of?ce of 1 The White House, ?President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration Posts,? 1/ 2 Id. 3 Congressional Research Service, ?Introduction to the Federal Budget Process,? December 2012, 4 US. Department of Justice, ?Attorney General Announces Zero-Tolerance Policy from Criminal Illegal Entry,? 5 Washington Post, ?Facing outcry over family separations, DHS chief says, ?We will not apologize,?? Nick Miroff, June 18, 2018, 8/06/1 8/d1e85466-7305-1 1e8-9780- dd6a09b549 term=.198a07686abd Refugee Resettlementr? In contrast, when iamiliesare detained in immigration. proceedings, they are typically held together? You have served as a. top White House budget Official with oversight- of D01 and DHS as "those two agencies developed. and implemented the ZerouToleranc'e Policy. that role, you may-"have. been involved in providing "?poliby- and management guidance? 'on the Zet?o-Tolerance' Policy, helped implement the Zero-Tolerance Policy, and worked with [31-18 on budgetary and funding issues adjusted to- the -.Zero-Toleranee Policy; I Therefore, We ask that you provide: 1) 21 .3) .4) 5) .A-eomoiete. description. of any role you may have played-in OMB bud getary or POHCY decisions, analyses, or recommendations'.re1ated'to DOl?s Zero?Tolerance Policy, implementation of the changes stemming from this pol-icy, and the separation of children from their parents, who were detained under soch policy. Please include a list of all meetings. you attended (in person or by telephone or other electronic means) related to these budgetary orpoli'cy decisions, analyses, or recommendations, the".topics discussed in these meetings, and a list of all. other attendees of these meetings. All emails and other documents related to your communications with of?cials related to the development and implementation ot?DO?J?s zero-Tolerance Policy and the separation of children from their parents who were detained under-such policy. All emaits and other documentsrelatedi'to your communicatiohs with. DHS of?cials regarding the DHS role in from their parents who were detained under the ECU Zero-Tolerance policy. Allemails-and other documents reiat?ed to your communications with White House of?cials, including Senior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller, related to the development of Policy, implementation of changes stemming from the Zero-Tolerance Policy, or'the separatiOn of children from theirparents who were detained under- the ZerowTolerance policy.. Any ?nal or draft OMB analyses, budgetary or policy-decisions in which. you. Were involved related. to the Zero-Tolerance Policy, or related to DHS 'role-in-this _policy,.including role in the separation of children from their parents who were detained under the DOJ Zero-Tolerance Policy, and any emails, or other communications. related to these ?nal. or draft recommendations, or budgetary- or policy decisions. '5 USA Today, ?Does the Trump administration have a policy ofseparating. families at the border;? June 18, 2018, turns: 1n usatoday com story Imitatiolitzies?tt Im8?061l3rdoes trumn- -adini11islrat than have poticy- -.sena1ati11o- tnmilies.? toast Built)?" 6) All emails and other documents relating to your involvement with the Zero-Tolerance Policy, including the approval of new or reprogrammed funds for: the construction or acquisition of new detention facilities; salaries; travel and overtime for DHS personnel; resources for additional criminal or immigration enforcement; or travel costs for repatriation. The American people deserve to know what role you have played in developing and implementing this appalling process. Sincerely, Eliz eth Warren Sherrod Brown US. Senator US. Senator