DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, 2D INFANTRY DIVISIONIROK-US COMBINED DIVISION UNIT #15041 APO, AP 96258-5041 MAY 2 2 2018 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: Command Policy #32: Readiness Recall Curfew, Pass, and Leave 1. References: 3. USFK Regulation 600?8?10, Leaves and Passes, 19 Dec 11. b. United States Army Pacific Policy, Leave Restriction within the USARPAC Area of Operations for Operational Deployments, 30 Sep 15. 0. United States Forces Korea Command Policy, General Order Regarding Off- lnstallation Curfew, 19 Dec 14. d. 8th Army Command Policy Letter #31, General Order Regarding Off-Installation Curfew, 23 Mar 18. 2. Policy. It is Army policy that Soldiers use accrued leave as frequently as possible for their health, morale, and welfare. Leave is an entitlement earned along with pay. Soldiers will use it, not lose it. Commanders and supervisors will establish a leave and pass plan to ensure Soldiers take adequate liberty with a minimal effect on unit readiness. Mission readiness, however, will not be compromised. 3. Readiness Recall Curfew. a. An off-installation curfew is in effect from 0000-0500 every day of the year for all personnel in the Republic of Korea who are assigned or attached to, or under the operational, tactical, or administrative control of Commander, 2d Infantry Division. By 0000 all personnel will be: (1) on any US. military installation; (2) inside a private residence; or (3) inside a hotel room (but NOT in any public area of a hotel such as the lounge, bar, lobby, restaurant, casino, pool, spa, or hallway). This a punitive policy and violation may result in punishment under the UCMJ. Exceptions to this policy are detailed in paragraph 5.b. of the enclosed 8th Army General Order Regarding Off- Installation Curfew. b. On weekends, holidays, and non-duty days, Brigade Commanders and the Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion Commander will report 100% accountability and compliance of all on-peninsula personnel directly to the Commanding General, Command Sergeant Major, Deputy Commanding Generals, and the Chief of Staff no later than 0030 hours that morning. SUBJECT: Command Policy #32: Readiness Recall Curfew, Pass, and Leave c. Subordinate commanders may issue orders and policies consistent with this division policy and are authorized to determine the extent to which Soldiers may be away from their assigned place of duty without an approved pass or leave. Soldiers who are assigned quarters in two Areas housing in Area and family housing in Area II) are considered as being assigned to both Areas for the purposes of this policy. 4. Readiness Standards. a. Commanders will ensure that no more than 10% of their assigned strength is outside the ROK on ordinary leave or pass. Of the personnel remaining in the ROK, at least 90% must be able to muster within four hours of an alert noti?cation. b. Commanders will ensure that their units are able to achieve this minimum readiness capability and will establish accountability procedures that are consistent with this requirement. This may include, but is not limited to, leave and pass policies that are consistent with this order, travel distance limits, and shorter muster standards based on individual unit mission readiness requirements. c. All units will have either their commander or designated second-in-command (Executive Of?cer or Deputy Commander) on-peninsula at all times. For staff sections, either the section primary or deputy must be on?peninsula at all times. Coverage of all critical positions in the command must remain uninterrupted and no underlap may exist. 5. Pass and Leave Approval Authority. a. The approval authority for passes outside the Republic of Korea and all leave is the ?rst 0-5 commander in a Soldier?s chain of command. This authority is delegable to the ?rst 0-3 commander. Soldiers will obtain the necessary travel brie?ngs and training from for prior to leave or pass approval. b. For passes within the Republic of Korea, the approval authority is the: (1) First 0-3 or higher commander in the Soldier?s chain of command; or (2) Division staff primary or deputy in the grade of 0-5. These passes will be processed through the respective company headquarters for accountability. c. Commanders of units allocated in support of force rotations in the Korean Theater of Operations are prohibited from approving ordinary leave or off-peninsula pass. Battalion commanders responsible for these rotational units may authorize emergency leave, leave under emergency conditions, and parental leave. SUBJECT: Command Policy #32: Readiness Recall Curfew, Pass, and Leave 6. All prior division leave, pass, and readiness recall curfew policies are rescinded. 7. Point of contact for this policy is the 2d Infantry Division G1 at DSN 315?732-8713. Encl D. MCKEAN as Major General, USA Commanding DISTRIBUTION: A