LAWS of MINNESOTA for Ch. 352 Sec. 11. 2336 1987 Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 626.557, subdivision 9, is amended to read: Subd. 9. MANDATORY REPORTING TO A MEDICAL EXAMINER OR CORONER. A person required to report under the provisions of subdivi- sion 3 who has reasonable cause to believe that a vulnerable adult has died as a direct or indirect result of abuse or neglect shall report that information to the appropriate medical examiner or coroner in addition to the local welfare agency, police department, or county sheriffor appropriate licensing agency or agencies. The medical examiner or coroner shall complete an investigation as soon as feasible and report the findings to the police department or county sherifl‘, the person o_r local welfare agency, and, if applicable, each licensing agency. subdivision concerning a vulnerable receives _a report under agency mental illness, mental retardaw_% receiving residential treatment flu_lt tion, chemical dependency, 9; emotional disturbance from _a mental health mental retardation agency o_r facility §._S defined in section ;, shall all report tl1_e ’th_e ombudsman f9_I_' mental health mental retarinformation and findings dation. EQ E Q A g Q Sec. 12. £1 INITIAL APPOINTMENTS. Notwithstanding section §, _o_f ’th_e ombudsman committee (_1_) Q) 1 _fi_y_e_ ‘ E _a_s governor shall appoint t_l1<=._ initial. members follows: members tg one-year tet‘_ms; members t_o two-year _t_e_r__n_1§; gig Q) £13 members t_o three-year Sec. 13. APPROPRIATIONS. tal § appropriated from $39,000 health and mental retardation. Approved June 2, th_e general fund t_o the ombudsman for men- 1987 CHAPTER 353——S.F.N-0. 90 An act relating to public safety; pipelines and underground facilities; requiring a routing permit to construct a new pipeline; creating the ofiice of pipeline safety and providing for its powers and duties; authorizing rulemaking for purposes of.delegation of federal authority; creating the pipeline safety advisory commission; regulating the operation of certain pipelines; requiring the adoption. of pipeline setback ordinances; providing for notification of excavation in the area of underground facilities; providing fiar a pipeline inspection fee; providing penalties; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 1161.02, subdivisions _2 and 3; 117.48; 117.49; 216B.I6, by adding a subdivision; 299F.56, by adding Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by st~r-i-leeex-1%. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS of MINNESOTA for 2337 a Ch. 353 1987 subdivision; 29917.5 7; 29917.58; 29917.60; 299F.61; 299F.62; 299F.63,- and 299F.64; proposnew law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 1161; proposing coding for new law as ing coding for Minnesota BE IT Statutes, chapters 216C and 2991. ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: PIPELINE Section 1. [1l6I.015] ROUTING ROUTING OF CERTAIN PIPELINES. purposes o_f fl1_i§ section Subdivision 1. DEFINITION. standing section 116I.01, subdivision §, “pipeline” means: _lf‘_<_)_r g1_c_1_ notwith- g more th_at i_s designed t_o (ll p_i_p_§ yvfl a_ nominal diameter o_f §i_x inches include transport hazardous liguids, _b_ip pipe designed t_g transport g pp; hazardous liguid _by gravity, a_n_(_1_ pipe designed t_o transport 9_r store _a hazardous liguid within p refining, storage, _o_r_ manufacturing facility; _o_r Es Q) pipe designed t_g pp operated sguare inch gig t_g carry gfip a_t e_1 pressure pf more than 2_7§ pounds pg A Subd. _2_; PROHIBITION. person mgy pp; construct p pipeline without p pipeline routing permit issued l_)y pile environmental quality board unless thp pipeline jg exempted from _th_e_ board’s routing authority under Q1_i§ section 9; pipeline requiring _a permit rfiy pryly pg rules adopted under this section. constructed pp p gpptg designated py ‘rh_e board. /_5r_ Subd. §; RULES. fig) I_lLe_ environmental quality board shall adopt rules governing t_h_e_ routing pf pipelines. _T_l_1§_ rules apply only 39 gig route p_f pipelines g1_(_1_ may $1 $1 safety standards 1132 construction o_f pipelines. (13) The Q rules must: Q) require that p person proposing construction o_f a pipeline submit t_o t_h_e board one preferred route fir th_e pipeline and evidence o_f consideration o_f alternatives‘ Q) Q) t9_ Q notice pf proposed pipeline routes t_o local units o_f governroutes being considered; owners and lessees pf property along provide ment and _t_l_1_e_ provide {gr public hearing gr; proposed pipeline routes; provide criteria ma_t ’th_e board ygfll pg i_n determining pipeline routes, which must include th_e existence o_f populated areas, consideration pf local government lppgl Lafl including ordinances adopted under section gg a_rg_l impact o_f th_e proposed pipeline 9;; t11_e natural environment; (-_4_) fl £i'_l_B_ E Q) provide procedure phat flip board will follow _i_p issuing pipeline routing months after tl1_e issue the permits within permits a_n_d require tl1_e board permit application i_s received py th_e board, unless th_e board extends pl_1_i§ dead_a_ _l_ip_e_ f_o§ cause; Q Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by str-ileeeut. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. 353 Ch‘. (Q) provide lines cover jtp E LAWS of MINNESOTA for 1987 Qt; payment pf fees th_e costs o_f @ 2338 py persons proposing ’_tp construct pipe- fie board i_p implementing this section; fig g £1 board t_o provide exemptions a_l1 o_f _t_h_e pipeline Q) allow Q‘ tpe board determines routing permit application process i_n emergencies 113; gig proposed pipeline w_ill_ n_o1: pg;/_e_: p significant impact ffl humans o_r Q g environment- §_8) require exemption determinations application; and (2) reguire possible, restore pig _t_l§ existed immediately ration i_s_ compatible person w_itl; pp made within E E days after a_n Q Es E constructed _a pipeline, t_o _th_e extent pipeline t_o php natural conditions restoconstruction 9_f_t_h__§ pipeline, provided inspection o_ft1'i_e operation, maintenance, th_e w_l1o gg affected py before _a _tp E pipeline. tli_e £1 (£)EFU_1eS@£>1_2P_Xa 112.._IJ_£xtem Ora m0_f§f211t_6f9_r2..IP__._u oseswg geological data, pp repair pr o_f p pipeline, t_o securing survey existing pipeline within _t_l_1p existing right—of-way, t_o minor _o_f relocation o_f lisp gap three-guarters o_f g ru_les: o_f pp existing pipeline. which pipeline pipeline _ip right-of-way p_o_t_ apply 19 construction o_f gag been constructed before th_e effective d_a§ pf subdivision g a right-ofhpg pepp approved py tl1_e board gig" fig effective (lite o_f subdivision significant chance pf there i_s _2_, except when t_l§ board determines environment adverse effect tl1_at there h_a_s been _a significant change ip mp‘ right-of-way _s_i_rg ’th_e gag largl u_se 9; population density i_n g‘ since approved gig struction pf pipeline jcfi right-of-way, Qp board installation pg replacement Q @ E @ Q g g Q gQ _a_1 fie _t_h_:_1_t Q right-of—way. Subd. 'g1_. g E‘ Q Q E Q 2_t pl_1_z_1t ;lr_i_e Q / PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY AND REGULATION OF ROUTE fl DESIGNATION. Ihp issuance o_f p pipeline routing permit under fl1_i_§ section approval locations _i§ 1;_h_6 o_r1ly subseguent purchase a_r1d_ u_s<_3 pj'1:l1_e constructing gig pipeline. Lire obtained pg th_e person owning reguired 19 pipeline routing permit supersedes all preempts a_l_l zoning building, 9; 13$ u_se rules, regulations, pg ordinances promulgated _b_y regional, county, local, and special purpose governments. _ar_l_d Q g Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 1161.02, subdivision 2, is to read: amended Q which Subd. 2. Any person proposing to construct or operate a pipeline pipeline routing permit pp; required under section 1, shall so notify’ the environmental quality board and the county board of each county through which the pipeline will be constructed. The notice shall include a description of the route on which the pipeline is proposed to be located, the size and type of pipeline to be constructed, the types of commodities to be carried and the construction and operational characteristics of the pipeline. The proposed route shall be described in suflicient detail so that the owners or lessees of property on a _i_s_ Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by st-r=i-leeeut. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LAWS of MINNESOTA for 2339 Ch. 353 1987 which the route is located can be identified. Notice to the environmental quality board shall be accompanied by a fee of $25,000 for preparation of an information book as provided in section 1161.03 and for expenses incurred by state agencies to participate in public meetings as provided in section 1161.04. All fees received are appropriated to the environmental quality board for its own use and for distribution to state agencies for these purposes. The environmental quality board shall refund any amount that exceeds the actual cost to the board of preparing the information book, including necessary revisions, and to state agencies for participating in the public meetings. ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ changed to the extent that, in lessees of property on which or owners of the more or percent 20 any county, the new route is located were not owners or lessees of property on which the other route was located, the person proposing to construct and operate the pipeline shall notify the environmental quality.board and the county board of that county of the change in the proposed route. No additional fee shall be required for a notice of change of a proposed route. If the pipeline route described in the notice is Sec. 3. ~~ to read: ~~ 9_f_‘ Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 1161.02, subdivision 3, is amended Q E ~~ construction 3. Ne Q) a pipeline routing permit i_s_ p_qt required pipeline under section 1, a person shall rgy _11_ot negotiate or acquire an easement or right-of-way agreement for the purpose of constructing and operating a pipeline until 30 days after: ~~~ (e) (1) a public meeting has been held as provided in section 1161.04 in the county in which the right-of-way in question is located; and ~~~~ (19) (_2_) that person has provided to the owner or lessee from whom the easement or agreement is acquired a copy of the information book prepared pursuant to section 1161.03. ~~~ (1)) If the original information book is revised pursuant to section 1161.03, each owner or lessee of property which the original route did not affect shall be provided with a copy of the revised book. Subd. a_ See. 4. ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ 117.48 Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 117.48, is amended to read: CRUDE OIL PIPELINE COMPANIES, EMINENT DOMAIN. The business of transporting crude petroleum, g oil, their related products derivatives including liquefied hydrocarbons, _o__r natural by pipeline as a common carrier, is declared to be in the public interest and necessary to the public welfare, and the taking of private property therefor is declared to be for a public use and purpose. Any corporation or association qualified to do business in the state of Minnesota engaged in or preparing to engage in the business of transporting crude petroleum, oil, their related products and derivatives includnatural gas by pipeline as a common carrier, is ing liquefied hydrocarbons, and _o_1_‘ Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ LAWS of ‘MINNESOTA Ch. 353 2340 for 1987 authorized to acquire, for the purpose of such business, easements or rights of way, over, through, under or across any lands, not owned by the state or devoted to a public purpose for the construction, erection, laying, maintaining, operating, altering, repairing, renewing and removing in whole or in part, a pipeline for the transportation of crude petroleum, oil, their related products and derivatives natural gas. To such end it shall have and including liquefied hydrocarbons, enjoy the right of eminent domain to be exercised in accordance with this chapter, and acts amendatory thereof, all of which provisions shall govern insofar as they may be applicable hereto. Nothing herein shall be construed as authorizing the taking of any property owned by the state, or any municipal subdivision thereof, or the acquisition of any rights in public waters except after permit, lease, license or authorization issued pursuant to law. g - Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 117.49, is amended to read: 117.49 APPROVAL OF PROCEEDINGS BY COMMISSIONER OF NATURAL RESOURCES. In the event that the right to exercise the power of eminent domain in accordance with this chapter, is granted by law to any person, corporation or association qualified to do business in the state of Minnesota engaged in or preparing to engage in the business of transporting crude petroleum, oil, their natural ga_s related products and derivatives including liquefied hydrocarbons, by pipeline as a common carrier, the right shall not be exercised by such person, corporation, or association until the plans of the project for which the exercise of the power of eminent domain is proposed shall have first been submitted to and approved by the commissioner of natural resources. The plans shall be submitted in sufficient detail so that the commissioner can make a determination as to the impact that the proposed project will have on the environment. The commissioner of natural resources shall make a comprehensive review of such plans and make detailed comments on the effect that such project, if pursued, would have on the environment, including recommendations for changes or alterations, if any, that would be required before such project would be approved by the commissioner. Failure of the commissioner to approve or disapprove the plans so submitted within 90 days after submission shall be deemed approval of the plans and the power of eminent domain may thereupon be exercised for such project. 11;: section does not apgy t_o u_se o_f eminent which Q routing permit § required by section domain i_n regard _t_g _a pipeline g Q 1. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 216B.16, subdivision to read: Q Q @ is amended by adding a PIPELINE SAFETY PROGRAMS. All §g§t_s o_f g public utility Subd. state pipeline safety programs under sections necessary to comply sections 2_2 t_o 299F.56 sections 299F.64, t_o Est be recognized 1 to 1_3_, Q1; determination o_f ju_st and reasonable _a£l included by file commission g‘ tl1_e Lts we_re_: directly incurred by t_l_i_§ utility i_n furnishing utility ma_t Q Q _O__I: 3 service. ~ Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by st-r-i-leeeut. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS of MINNESOTA for 1987 ONE CALL EXCAVATION NOTICE SYSTEM Sec. 7. [216D.01] Subdivision sections 1 APPLICABILITY. lhp definitions i_n pip section apply t_o_ t_o_ _1_§_. Subd. Q) 1. DEFINITIONS. 2. DAMAGE. “Damage” substantial 1:h_e weakening pf means: structural o_r lateral support o_f a_n under- sr9_utx<_1 ~ (_2_) penetration, impairment, 9_r destruction o_f coating, housing, _o_r_ other protective device; g underground protective :_1_ny Q underground with 9;’ tl1_e partial pr complete severance o_f extent gig; thg facility operator determines phat repairs gr; required. Q) impact facility tg t_h_e _S_1_1_bd; §_, EMERGENCY. “Emergency” means §' condition gng immediate danger 19 gig Subd. g health, pr 2_1 significant $ EMERGENCY RESPONDER. l_<_)_s_s_ 9_f E poses _a clear property. “Emergency responder” means g department pr company) g Iggy enforcement oflicial 9; office, pr) ambulance Q‘ other emergpnpy rescue service, 95 pig division 9_f emergency services created _ij_rp_ l_)y section 12.04, subdivision ; _l_. EXCAVATION. “Excavation” means yr; activity tl_1_a_t moves, at _a dpbgh 9_i_" l_8 inches 9_r_ greater py 3% machine-powered pf _a motor, engine, hydraulic _o_r pneumatically-powered eguipment o_f kind, pr lpy explosives. Excavation does _n_gt include: removes, 9; otherwise disturbs @, g tl_1_e_ s_o_i_l fly Q) ‘th_e repair o_r installation pf agricultural drainage til_e been given as provided py section 1161.07, subdivision g; E which notice E Q) tl1_e extraction pf minerals; Q) ply; opening _o_f p grave Q a cemetery; L41) change normal maintenance o_f roads and streets Q‘ mg maintenance does pit grade and does pp; involve _t_lye road ditch; p1_' th_e original Q) plowing, cultivating, planting, harvesting, and similar operations connection with growing crops, landscaping, o_r gardening unless o_f these activiLi2§<1i_st1mt11_esLflt_0a%9_fLf§i29£=§gr_n_o_:9 Subd. _ip t_l_1p_ §_. EXCAVATOR. “Excavator” means 2_1 person fly _l_I_‘l_ who conducts excavation state. Subd. 1 LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL UNIT. “Local governmental unit” g statutory home pg charter city. means g county, town, p_r_ Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by stri-leeeat. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. I LAWS Ch. 353 of MINNESOTA for 1987 Subd. ; NOTIFICATION CENTER. Subd. 2 OPERATOR. that receives notice from excavators notice t_g participating operators. Q underground 9_r commodities @ Q facility. E facilities that property. PERSON. Subd. g “Operator” means p person 113 owns operates operator solely because person i_s n_ot considered tenant o_f 311 property where underground facilities owner person i_s ape located i_f _t_l_1p underground Q “Notification center” means Q center pf planned excavation apg transmits tgis A g 2342 gp £1 exclusively tp furnish services “Person” means t_h_e statg _a public agency, a_n individg 9; public entity g ual, corporation, partnership, association, o_r other business Q‘ personal representative trustee, receiver, assignee, Q Subd. _l_l_._ underground UNDERGROUND 9_f any pf them. FACILITY. “Underground facility” £1 means appurtenances t_o produce, §t_o_r_e, convey, transmit, 9_r distribute communicationp, data, electricity, power, l_1p2_1_t, gasp pi; petroleum products, water including storm water, steam, sewage, £1 o_t_l_1_eg grip, facility, system, _ap<_1 it_s similar substances. Sec. 8. [216D.02]. NOTICE TO EXCAVATORS AND UNDERGROUND FACILITY OPERATORS. Q L £1 AND ‘DISPLAY DISTRIBUTION. Local governmental y_r_1_it_s Subdivision permits f_9_§ pp activity involving excavation must continuously display operator’s notice at gpe location where permits fie applied a_n excavator’s operator’s notice excavator f_o_1_‘ apd obtained. g copy o_f sections _9_ person obtaining a permit fol; excavation. l_3 mtg pp furnished 19 i_s_sy1_1_t_: Q Q £1 £1 ; FORM. The notification center shall prescribe pp excavator and Subd. operator’s notice. The notice must inform excavators and operators o_f their The center shall furnish t_o local obligations pp comply with sections 2 1_3_. Q governmental units: (_1_) g copy pf _t_lg notice gpd sections 2 tocopying; and Q) copy pf _a t_l_1§ display gpg Q 1_3 i_n 2_1 form distribution requirements Q) fig telephone number gpg mailing address o_t'tl1_e Sec. 9. [216D.03] NOTIFICATION CENTER. suitable {o_r pho- under subdivision 1; notification center. @ Q operator shall participate ip Subdivision 1. PARTICIPATION. share i_n th_e costs o_f one statewide notification center operated py a vendor selected under subdivision A Subd. _2_. ESTABLISHMENT OF NOTIFICATION CENTER. notification center services must l_)_e_: (3) @ provided py p nonprofit corporation approved Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by etrileeeu-t. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. of MINNESOTA for 1987 LAWS 2343 m g g Ch. 353 intends nonprofit corporation writing l_)y tli_e commissioner. A group approval under llg paragraph §l_i_a_ll notify th_e commissioner py Septemtp location ggg figt meeting. glsplpp; g_; l, 1987, 9_ftl1_e date, time, pg ggl provide advance notice pf tl1_e_ li_gs_t organizational meeting by publication i_n gualified legal newspapers Q_n_c_l i_n_ appropriate trade journals, gpl py written notice tp Qll appropriate trade associations. i_n £1 lg lg nonprofit corporation must g governed py Q board pf directors g p_f pp lg members, pf whom tl1_e director _o_f t_h_e_ oflice 9_f pipeline safety. elected _by operators, excavators, other board members must represent gig _tp _2_Q g _i__s_ Q other persons eligible _tp participate mg center. _l§y November l, 1987, pg board shall, wigh input from Qll interested parties, determine mg operating procedures Qngl technology needed £9; Q single statewide notification center Q1_1p establish Q notification process gig competitive bidding procedure t_o glpc_t Q Vendor 19 provide lg, notification service. I_n deciding ‘t_o approve Q nonprofit corporation, lg commissioner shall consider whether i_t meets gel requirements pl‘ whether it demonstrates i_t l_1Q§ ’ch_e ability tp contract lllls paragraph Qppi implement tl1_e notification center service. Qpp g gl Q pg approved Q nonprofit corporation under (lg) l_f jlip commissioner paragraph (Q) py January l, 1988, lg commissioner shall follow 1:h_e procedure i_n fl1_i§ paragraph. illp commissioner shall prepare Q preliminary draft o_f opertechnology needed fpr Q statewide notification center Qgd ating procedures o_f ’_tg service among operators. After holding ll1__e_ method lg assessing public hearing o_n Q9 preliminary draft following notice given _ip lg lpa_s1 manner required py paragraph (Q), tli_e commissioner shall adopt pp; operating preliminary draft, public procedures, technology, Qgi assessment methods. chapter adoption subject hearings, t_o _l}y gig l_, 1988, pg gQl Qg _r_1pt commissioner g1Qll select Q vendor lp provide ‘rh_e notification center service. provided l_rl section l6B.07, subdiadvertise commissioner _bp_cl§ vision _3_, Qp_cl l)_Q§p _1;l_1p selection pf Q vendor a_n identification lg‘ lg lowest provided i_n section l6B.O9, subdivision responsible bidder Lhe commisvendor t_o provide t_h_e_ notification sioner shall select Qrgi contract center service, a_ll c_oQt§ o_f t11_e center pips}; p_a_i_c_1 py flip operators. fig advise pp pg renewal o_f commissioner gay pi__n_1p appoint Q l1__a_s_ g E gg g Q1 _'l"_l‘le M 1fly contract o_r g f_9_l'_ E g 1l_1p lg E g gy g Q gg g L t_l_1_e_ gy other ‘matter involving g _t_o_ center’s operations. g notification center must generation py October l, 1988. (pl submit Q selected gp contract tp provide t_h_e_ notification operator Q_rlgl_ commissioner slgll annually center service under paragraph (Q) {pg review tl1_e services provided py t;h_e nonprofit corporation approved under paragraph (Q) _o_r _tg vendor selected under paragraph {pp _lg_i_y county, participants 9_i_‘ gig operators _t_h_e notification center, gQ county L110 gpg th_e telephone number agd mailing address pf gig notification center. i g Q Sec. 10. [216D.04] Q EXCAVATION. L Subdivision NOTICE OF EXCAVATION REQUIRED; CONTENTS. Except emergency, g1_i_ excavator shall contact tli_e notification center excavaexcavation notice a_t lit 4_8 hours before beginning g_n_d_ provide tion, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Q91 holidays. _1_3Q excavation begins, Q“ excavation occurs i_n_ gp a_rgg gigt _\E_S_ purposes o_f@ reguireinent, excavation notice. n_o‘t previously identified _t_>y th_e excavator QQ Q (g) fly E E EQ Q ma be oral or written and must contain the ___._._t_.____jj_ll__.__.?i.___j_ b The excavation notice following in ormation: (_1_) gig name _o_f LIQ individual providing tli_e excavation notice; gm proposed area o_f excavation; L3) t_lQ name, address, and telephone number tfi excavator Q‘ excavator’s (_2_) gig precise location o_f _o_f company; (5) 13 excavator’s (_5_) gig type and tgg extent (Q) whether Q) Q field telephone number, o_'r n_o’t tli_e discharge gt; Q available; proposed excavation o_f worg explosives jg anticipated; when excavation date and time Subd. 2; _o_f tl1_e g‘ Q t_o_ and commence. DUTIES OF NOTIFICATION CENTER. L116 notification center inquiry identification number t_o gaglg excavation notice a_imd_ retain g record o_f a_ll_ excavation notices received Lhe 1_e§_s1 §i_x years. center shall immediately transmit t_hg information contained gp excavation notice t_o evegy operator th_e o_f th_e a_n underground facility proposed excavation. shall assign _a_n_ @E QQ E Q UNDERGROUND 1 Q Q operator FACILITIES. (g) LOCATING Subd. within gg hours after receiving a_n excavation notice from gig center, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, unless otherwise agreed t_o between ‘ih_e excavator aQl operator, locate gpg mark 9; otherwise provide gig approximate horizontal location o_f th_e underground facilities o_f th_e operator, without precise location pf th_e excavator shall determine gig excavator. underground facility, without damage, before excavating within ‘tw_o o_f 1:h_e marked location 91' gig underground facility. shall _<_:__o§_t_ Q 1 £1 E E Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by strileeeut. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS 2345 Q) fig _tl1_e purpose pf fie underground facilities underground facilities. Markers used (Q) facilities Public must follow Works (9) If t_o t_l_1p Association. of MINNESOTA for 1987 @ Ch. 353 EQ section, th_e approximate horizontal location 9_f either side 91‘ pig is Q strip o_f land tvyo E designate t_h_e approximate location o_f underground American current color code standard used py operator cannot complete marking o_f th_e_ excavation ye excavation commencement pirn_e stated Q thp excavation notice, tl1_e_ EQ promptly contact shall th_e excavator. _Iftl1_e excavator postpones th_e stated ip th_e excavation notice py more hours, excavation, th_e excavator §_ha1_l notify _t_h_e_ notification center. commencement ‘rig cancels mg Sec. before operator excavation §._l‘@ th_e_ 11. [2l6D.05] Ap excavator (_l_) plan underground @ Q PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID DAMAGE. shall: _t_q avoid damage 19 and minimize and near tire construction area; excavation facilities i_n interference with Q underground facility gig fig cutting maintain clearance between point o_f mechanized equipment, considering tfi known limit _o_f control _o_f thp cutting edge 9_r_ point pg avoid damage jcp ’th_e facility; Q) edge 2_1 fly 9_r Q) provide support £95 underground area, including during backfill operations, (31) conduct t1_1_e_ excavation i_n _a facilities t_o careful Q @ near construction £1 _t_l_1_e_ protect th_e facilities; aii prudent manner. DAMAGE TO FACILITIES. NOTICE; REPAIRS. (Q fly damage occurs Sec. 12. [2l6D.06] Subdivision _If _l__. EQ t_o Q under- ground facility _o_§ fl_s protective covering, t_h_e excavator shall notify th_e operator operator receives at damage notice, the reasonably possible. When E_i§ soon operator shall promptly dispatch personnel t9_ the damage investigate. _I_f Q _t_l_1_§ damage endangers fifg, health, gr property, work shall ta_kp immediate action t_o protect QQ Eg excavator responsible ‘ch_e property agl J5 public operator’s personnel minimize th_e_ hazard pr_1:t_i_l arrival o_f until emergency responders have arrived a_n_d_ taken charge pf t_h_e damaged area. th_e @ (jg) Ap excavator ghall delay backfilling aged underground t_lpe_ i_n th_e immediate damagg hfi been fl o_t‘tl1_e gig investigated py _t_lye operalg-,_ to_r, unless j;_l_1p operator authorizes otherwise. Lire repair o_f damage performed th_e operator 9; py qualified personnel authorized py th_e operator. facilities until Q ’th_e {Q A_n_ excavator who knowingly damages Q Q a_r_1 underground operator soon reasonably possible violation o_f paragraph gp), i_s guilty pf _a_ misdemeanor. does n_ot notify jglye facility, o_r Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by who and who backfills i_n st-r-i-leeoué. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS of MINNESOTA for Ch. 353 2346 1987 Subd. _2_. COST underground facility, REIMBURSEMENT. Q it @Q @E Q (Q2 I_f Q1} excavator damages excavator shall‘ reimburse t_l_i§ operator th_e _c_<)_s‘t necessagy repairs, being Q pipeline th_e pf the product Qa_t carried i_n tlg pipeline and _vga_s lo_st as a direct result o_f damage. (Q) Reimbursement is pp; required p°,tl1_e damagp 1/Q caused py Q thg sole negligence comply with section subdivision o_f t:h_e E Q@ operator 9; _<_)_f A underground _tl1_e facility operator failed t_o §_. ; PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF NEGLIGENCE. p p prima IE Subd. evidence o_f excavator’s negligence _a L111 court action _i_f damage t_c_j gig operator resulted from excavation, _a_r_1g tl1_e excavaexcavation notice under section l_O o_r provide support t(_)_[ failed tp giv_e reguired py section ’ch_e underground Q; facilities o_f Sec. 13. [2l6D.07] Q EFFECT Q l_I_l_ Q ON LOCAL ORDINANCES. n_ot affect 9_r_ impair local ordinances, charters, (Q) Sections 1 t_o 1_3 other provisions pf l;a_g_v requiring permits 39 obtained before excavating. A Q Q o_r person with _a permit f_og excavation from th_e state 9; _a public agency (Q) subject sections 1 19 The state public agency that issued g permit fpr liable fg gig actions pf excavation excavator who fails _tp comply with sections 1 t9 lg, i_s Q § pg g Q ‘ INTRASTATE GAS PIPELINE SAFETY Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 299F.56, Sec. 14. is a subdivision to read: amended by adding Subd. 1, “Commissioner” means th_e commissioner pf public through £l;e_ director _g_f pipeline safety. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 299F.57, Sec. 15. 299F.57 is safety, acting amended to read: MINIMUM SAFETY STANDARDS. 1. The state fire marshal commissioner shall, by order, estabsafety standards for the transportation of gas and pipeline facilities. Such standards may apply to the design, installation, inspection, testing, construction, extension, operation, replacement and maintenance of pipeline facilities. Standards affecting the design, installation, construction, initial inspection and initial testing shall not be applicable to pipeline facilities in existence on the date such standards are adopted. Such safety standards shall be practicable and designed to meet_ the need for pipeline safety. In prescribing such standards, the state fire mar-shal commissioner shall consider: Subdivision lish minimum (a) relevant available pipeline safety data; (b) whether such standards are appropriate for the particular type line transportation; of pipe- Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by stékeeut. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS 2347 (c) and of MINNESOTA for 1987 Ch. 353 the reasonableness of any proposed standards; (d) the extent to which any such standards will contribute to public safety; (e) the existing standards established by the Secretary of Transportation of the United States pursuant to the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 of the United States. Provided, however, that the state fire marshal commissioner shall not be to adopt any such standards as to the transportation of gas or to pipeline facilities which are subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Power Commission under the Natural Gas Act of the United States, except gg provided empowered in sections 22 to 38. Subd. 2. Any standards prescribed under this section, and amendments thereto, shall become effective 30 days after the date of issuance of such standards unless the state lire marshal commissioner, for good cause recited, determines an earlier or later effective date is required as the result of the period reasonably necessary for compliance. Subd. 3. The rulemaking, contested case and judicial review provisions of chapter 14, shall apply to all orders establishing, amending, revoking, or waiving compliance with, any standard established under sections 299F.56 to 299F.64 or any penalty imposed under sections 299F.56 to 299F.64. The state fire marshal commissioner shall afford interested persons an opportunity to participate fully in the establishment of such safety standards through submission of written data, views or arguments, with opportunity to present oral testimony and argu- ment. The marshal commissioner, on finding a particular or property, shall be empowered to require the person operating such facility to take such steps necessary to remove such Subd. facility to 4. state fire be hazardous to life hazards. Subd. 5. Upon application by any person engaged in the transportation of gas or the operation of pipeline facilities, the state fire marshal commissioner may, after notice and opportunity for hearing and under such terms and conditions and to such extent as the state fire marshal commissioner deems appropriate, waive in whole or in part compliance with any standards established under sections 299F.56 to 299F.64, on determining that a waiver of compliance with such standard is not inconsistent with gas pipeline safety. The state lire marshal commissioner shall state the reasons for any such waiver. Sec. 16. 299F.58 Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 299F.58, is amended to read: CERTIFICATIONS AND REPORTS. The state fire marshal commissioner is authorized to make such certifications and reports to the United States Secretary of Transportation as may be Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by st-rileeeet. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS Ch. 353 of MINNESOTA for 1987 required from time to time under the Natural the United States. See. 17. Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 of Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 299F.60, 299F.6O ‘CIVIL 2348 is amended to read: PENALTIES. 1. Any person who violates any provision of sections 299F.56 any rule issued thereunder, shall be subject to a civil penalty to be imposed by the state fire marshal commissioner not to exceed $-1—,999 $10,000 for each such violation for each day that such violation persists, except that the maximum civil penalty shall not exceed $200,000 for any related series of Subdivision to 299F.64, or violations. Subd. 2. The state fire marshal commissioner may negotiate a compromise settlement of a civil penalty. In determining the amount of such penalty, or the amount of the compromise settlement, the state fire marshal commissioner shall consider the appropriateness of such penalty to the size of the business of the person charged, the gravity of the violation, and the good faith of the person charged in attempting to achieve compliance, after notification of a violation. The contested case and judicial review provisions of chapter 14 shall apply to all orders of the state fire marshal commissioner imposing any penalty under sections 2.99F.56 to .299F.64 or under any rule promulgated thereunder. The amount of such penalty, when finally determined, may be deducted from any sums owing by the state of Minnesota to the person charged. Subd. 3. No person shall be subjected to civil penalties under both sections 299F.56 to 299F.64 and under Public Law Number 90-481, Statutes at Large, volume 82, page 720, 90th Congress, S. 1166, approved August 12, 1968, for conduct which may give rise to a violation of both acts. Subd. 4. All penalties collected under sections 299F.56 to 299F.64 shall be paid over to the state treasurer for deposit in the state treasury to the credit of the general Sec. fimé pipeline safety account. 18. 299F.6l Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 299F.61, is amended to read: INJUNCTIVE RELIEF. Subdivision 1. The district courts of the state of Minnesota shall have jurisdiction, subject to the provisions of the statutes and the rules of practice and procedure of the state of Minnesota relative to civil actions in the district courts, to restrain violations of sections 299F.56 to 299F.64, including the restraint of transportation of gas or the operation of a pipeline facility, or to enforce standards established hereunder upon petition by the attorney general on behalf of the state of Minnesota. Whenever practicable, the state fire marshal commissioner shall give notice to any person against whom an action for injunctive relief is contemplated and afford the person an opportunity to present views, and, except in the case of a knowing and willful violation, shall afford the person Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by stri-leeeut. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. ~ ~ LAWS 2349 of MINNESOTA for 1987 Ch. 353 reasonable opportunity to achieve compliance. However, the failure to give such notice and afford such opportunity shall not preclude the granting of appropriate relief. ~~~ ~~ Actions under sections 299F.56 to 299F.64 shall be brought in the of Minnesota wherein the defendant’s principal place of business is located, and process in such cases may be served in any other district in the state of Minnesota where the defendant may be found or of which the defendant is an inhabitant or transacts business. Subd. 2. district in the state ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ Sec. 19. 299F.62 Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 299F.62, is amended to read: PLAN FOR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE. Each person who engages in the transportation of gas or who owns or operates pipeline facilities subject to sections 299F.56 to 299F.64 shall file with the state fire marshal commissioner a plan for inspection and maintenance of each such pipeline facility owned or operated by such person, and any changes in such plan, in accordance with the rules prescribed by the state fire marshal commissioner. On finding that such plan is inadequate to achieve safe operation, the state fire marshal commissioner shall, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, require such plan to be revised. The plan required by the state fire marshal commissioner shall be practicable and designed to meet the need for pipeline safety. In determining the adequacy of any such plan, the state fire marshal commissioner shall consider the following: (a) relevant available pipeline safety data; (b) whether the plan is appropriate for the particular type of pipeline trans~ portation; (c) the reasonableness of the plan; and (d) the extent to Sec. 20. 299F.63 which such plan will contribute to public safety. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 299F.63, is amended to read: RECORDS AND REPORTS; INSPECTIONS; TRADE SECRETS. Each person who engages in the transportation of gas or who pipeline facilities shall establish and maintain such records, make such reports, and provide such information as the state «fire marshal missioner may reasonably require to determine whether such person has acted or is acting in compliance with sections 299F.56 to 299F.64 and the standards established under sections 299F.56 to 299F.64. Each such person shall, upon request of an officer, employee, or agent authorized by the state {ire marshal commissioner, permit such officer, employee, or agent to inspect books, papers, records and documents relevant to determining whether such person has acted or is acting in compliance with sections 299F.56 to 299F.64 and the standards established pursuant to sections 299F.56 to 299F.64. For purposes of Subdivision 1. owns or operates E; Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by str-ileee-at. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. Ch. 353 LAWS - of MINNESOTA for 1987 2350 enforcement of sections 299F.56 to 299F.64, oflicers, employees, or agents authorized by the state fire-marshal commissioner, upon presenting appropriate credentials to the individual in charge, are authorized to enter upon, at reasonable times, pipeline facilities, and to inspect, at reasonable times and within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, such facilities. Each such inspection shall be commenced and completed with reasonable promptness. Subd. 2. In the course of the exercise of duties and responsibilities under sections 299F.56 to 299F.64, the state fire marshal commissioner shall wherever practicable employ a practice of spot checking and issuance of certificates of compliance, with respect to persons subject to sections 299F.56 to 299F.64, to limit costs of enforcement of the safety standards established pursuant to sections 299F.56 to 299F.6.4. Subd. 3. All information reported to or otherwise obtained by the state fire marshal commissioner or a representative, which contains or relates to a trade secret, as referred to in section 1905 of title 18 of the United States Code, or otherwise constitutes a trade secret under law, shall be considered confidential for the purpose of such laws, exeept that sueh i_s private nonpublic gag gs defined i_n section 13.02. &is 93% may be disclosed to other officers or employees concerned with carrying out sections 299F.56 to 299F.64 or when relevant in any proceeding under sections 299F.56 to 299F.64. g £1 Subd. 4. COST OF INSPECTION AND REVIEW. The state fire marshal commissioner shall establish, by rule under section 16A.128, a fee to recover the state share of all costs related to field inspections, investigations of pipeline facilities, plan review, and other duties as provided by sections 299F.56 to 299F.63. Fees collected under this subdivision shall be credited to the general fund pipeline safety account. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 299F.64, Sec. 21. 299F.64 is amended to read: FEDERAL MONEYS. The state fire ma-rslial commissioner may accept any and all moneys provided for or made available to this state by the United States of America or any department or agency thereof with respect to prescribing, setting, and enforcing rules and safety standards for the transportation of natural and other gas by pipelines in accordance with the provisions of federal law and any rules or regulations promulgated thereunder and the state fire marshal commissioner is further authorized to do any and all things, not contrary to the laws of this state, required of this state by such federal law and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder in order to obtain such federal moneys. OFFICE OF PIPELINE SAFETY Sec. 22. [299J .01] AUTHORITY OF OFFICE OF PIPELINE SAFETY. E The commissioner o_f public safety shall t_o t_h_e extent authorized pg agreeagent fpr pip ment with United States Secretary o_f Transportation, a_ct United States Secretary pf Transportation Changes or additions- are indicated Q Q implement gig federal Hazardous by underline, deletions by strileeeu-t. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS 2351 - of MINNESOTA for 1987 Ch. 353 Liquid Pipeline Safety 59;, United States Code, tifi 4_9_, sections 2001 t_o 2014, United States Code, t_i_t_lp :13, Natural _C_}_a_s Pipeline Safety amp 1671 tp 1686, g1_r_ifi_ federal pipeline safety regulations y_i;l_1 respect t_o interstate pipelines located within t_h_is state, a_s necessary t_o obtain annual feder_a_l certification. [hp commissioner shall, t_o fie extent authorized py federal la._w, authorized l_)y sections regulate pipelines i_n the state t_o_ _3_§, 9&1 sections 299F.56 tp 299F.64. E, th_e federal gg Q Q Sec. 23. [299J.02] Subdivision sections 2 1p Subd. 2. public safety. mip Subd. safety. 1. DEFINITIONS. APPLICABILITY. definitions _”l‘l1_e i_n gis. section apply t_Q _3§, COMMISSIONER. ; DIRECTOR. “Commissioner” means the commissioner of Q “Director” means director o_f jam ofiice 9_i_' pipe- poses Q clear Subd. 5 EMERGENCY. “Emergency” means condition threatens Q significant Ii gfi immediate danger l_i@ pg health a. t_o pi; property. may _1_9§§ 9_i_‘ @ property. Subd. §_, EMERGENCY RESPONDER. “Emergency responder” means p ambulance office, department pr company, _a l_ayv_ enforcement oflicial created division services emergency other emergency rescue service, o_f tfi §r_e py o_f Subd. _5_. EMERGENCY RELEASE. “Emergency release” means a release poses _a clear gig immediate danger tp o_r health 9_r Qa_t threatens Q significant 91; t_l_1§t _t_l_1_§t section 12.04, subdivision Subd. tions, Subd. liquid” t_i:t_l_e_ GAS. “Gas” Lips fii Q, section 192.3. fl_9_, ]_. §_. L HAZARDOUS fl’_l_§_ g g meaning given it i_n Q Code 91‘ Federal Regula- LIQUID. “Hazardous liquid” means “hazardous Q defined i_n Code o_f Federal Regulations, “highly volatile liquid” section 195.2. apd GOVERNMENTAL Subd. 9. LOCAL _a county, town, 9; statutory 9; means PERSON. UNIT. “Local governmental home rule charter city. “Person” means pg other business entity personal representative 9_f_‘ any p_f_‘ them. Subd. _l9_, ship, association, Subd. ll, PIPELINE. Q) p_ip_e w_ith _a nominal Q unit” individual, corporation, partnerreceiver, assignee, g g a trustee, “Pipeline” means: diameter o_f si_x inches pg more, located i_n the state, used t_o transport hazardous liquids, pp‘; @;c_s pp; include pi_p_§ 3&4 12 transport Q hazardous liguid l_)y gravity, g1_d_ pig stie 3 t_o transport hazardous liquid within _a refining storag_e_, 9; manufacturing facility; 9; th:at i_s $1 Q Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by ctr-ileeeat. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS Ch. 353 Q g pressure pipe operated Q) that carries Subd. gfi Q of MINNESOTA for 1987 o_f more than PIPELINE OPERATOR. who‘ownsV9; operates g pipeline. E 2352 pounds pgr sguare inch means “Pipeline operator” person _a . l_3. RELEASE. “Release” means a_ spilling leaking pumping, pouremitting, emptying, discharging, iniecting, leaching dumping, disposing, mg, flowing, g a_n_y other uncontrolled escape pf a hazardous liquid 9_r ga_s pipeline. Subd. fig g Sec. 24. [299J .03] OFFICE OF PIPELINE SAFETY. ESTABLISHMENT. :l"_l_1§ office o_f pipeline safety i§ under serving commissioner director appointed py tl_1§ commissioner’s pleasure ir_1 t_h§ unclassified service. :I‘_l_1_e_ commissioner inspectors afil other professional employ t_h_§_ office o_f pipeline safety clerical staifwho mp/e t_l§ classified service. Subdivision fl_'l_6_ control E 1. g o_f gt Q sfl pg Q Subd.); edgeable QUALIFICATIONS. gg) "IE director 91‘ jglg office must pg knowl- Q tfi operation ayg safety aspects (Q) Inspectors must have o_f pipelines. g experience that technical training. scientific o_f pipeline engineering technology and pipe- demonstrates in-depth knowledge _o_1_* li_ne safety. Q tg transportation safety institute gg) Inspectors shall complete courses l_)y ‘th_e institute gs soon _a§ possible following appointment. and l_3§_ certified Sec. 25. [299J .04] DUTIES OF THE OFFICE OF PIPELINE SAFETY. L GENERAL DUTIES. [lg commissioner shall: fig pf 9L emergency telephone system Q pp appropriQ) promote Subdivision a_te method E tl1_e f_og release‘, Q notify _t_l1§ public emergency responders o_f Q emergency Q) provide training pp a regular basis t_o a_ll potentially alfected local governmental units _ip pipeline incident contingency planning and emergency response local cooperation with pipeline operators, other state oflices, py itself pg Q governmental g units‘, (3) require local governmental units vide a program tion and o_f t_o work with continuing public education safety,‘ monitor and gather information Q Q fl1_e_ pipeline owners _t_g prosubject o_f pipeline opera- development o_f reliable pipeline locating pipeline releases, provided development pf rules ’th_e information gathered i_n provided manner legislature years every report and th_e i_n section, t_o tic tl_1§ fllifi by section 3.195 pp t_h_e activities pf Llye office under tl1_i_s_ clause; (3) technologies capable pg o_f detecting E _tl1_e and geographically Changes or additions are indicated by underline, Q Q deletions by st-rikeeu-t. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS 2353 of MINNESOTA for 1987 Ch. 353 Q) maintain g data base pf _al_l pipeline releases, which must lg based annual reports from gfl pipeline operators; (_6_) sections Qgig 123 releases, th_e pf pipelines‘, a_ng fly record, map, 9; written procedure required py $9 lg kept py Q pipeline operator concerning t_l_ip reporting pf maintenance design, construction, testing, 9; operation inspect, gs necessary, t_o_ o_n (1) adopt rules t_o E implement sections 22 19 8. The rules adopted under clause (1) must treat separately gig distinguish between hazardous liquid _an_d gg pipelines. Subd. _2_. DELEGATED DUTIES. _';l_ip commissioner £111 E Q a_n_d accept oflice’s pipeline inspectors a_s federal agents flip purposes 9_f enforcement pf th_e federal Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety 3:}, United States Code, ;i_tl_g sections 2001 t_o 2014, the federal Natural _gas_ Pipeline Safety ted States Code, ti_tl5 52, sections 1671 t_o 1686, federal rules adopted 39 mplement those apt; if th_e United States secretagy pf transportation delegates inspection authority tp tli_e provided i_n _a_§ th_e following t_o_ piggy o_ut t_hp 11$ subdivision, ’th_e commissioner shall gated federal authority: federal designation o_f tlip Q, Un _l5_xC_lZ,_ flq Q Q Q) inspect pipelines periodically a_t times determined l_)y com- rules o_f th_e rnissioner; Q) collect Q) under fees‘, fly} order an_d oversee Qt; testing t_h_i_s Subd. (Q) inspection section. §_. _o_f pipelines _21§ rules adopted RULEMAKING CONTINGENT ON FEDERAL AUTHORITY. E federal @ Q shall consider adoption 9_f rules pr; subiects t_h_i_s subdiauthorizes mp state regulation. rules must treat sepa- rately giygl distinguish gp) i_n * [hp commissioner vision provided between hazardous liquid fiepipelines. fig gfi The commissioner operating pressures tive areas. Q shall consider higher safety margin requirements fig pipelines located populated _o_r environmentally sensii_i_i_ E (Q) Llua_ commissioner _spg1_l_l consider having pipeline operators periodically submit comprehensive reports 19 t_h_§ office gm condition pf their pipelines, requiring appropriate pipeline testing based pp concerns identified these reports. Llie testing requirements must apply more strictly t_o pipelines populated environmentally sensitive areas. Ed Q g (c_1) The commissioner shall consider methods pipeline operators Lg improve £9, rapidly locate and isolate releases. The methods must include: _f9_i; their ability (_l_) Q between remote control shutoffvalves 93 gig _t_hp valves dependent o_n LIE _’typ_e_: ~ presence 9_f environmentally sensitive areas, gig engineering standards‘, @ pipelines, tl1_e distance density _o_f development, th_e th_e application 9_f appropriate _rle_w _ar_ic_1 Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by e-tr-i-leeeut. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS Ch. 353 of MINNESOTA for 1987 Q) remotely monitored pressure gauges and flow pump station and remote valve location; Q) shutting QQ specific emergency response procedures down pumps; and (4) _1Q o_f reliable technology Q Le) Q used commissioner Q QQ shutting appropriate valves technology - a each training requirements Q shall consider standards QQ manufacture Q1 pipeline operation. p_f Rim: §_e§t available p_iQ manufacture, pipeline construction, apg pipeline reconstrucdeveloped i_n consultation _w_i_t_h th_e commissioner o_f Q i_n Q1 required must labor aQd industgy. 3 Subd. meters installed geographically locating releases, detecting rapidly as possible. pipelines, pipeline construction, i_n and 2354 RELATION TO OTHER LAW. Q 2 sections t2 3_8 must extent thg 1:h_e rules Q Rules adopted t_o implement t_o 299F.64 Q; with sections 299F.56 Qwithconsistent those pipelines governed py sections. Q PIPELINE SETBACK ORDINANCE. Sec. 26. [299J.05] commissioner shall adopt a model ordinance under chapter 14 Q) other developareas where residential requiring Q setback from pipelines develop ment ment is allowed. [lye model ordinance must apply Qlly t_o which development permits occurred, o_r aQd t_o development effective been issued, before o_f t_l;§ ordinance. Q QQ Q Qt §_‘t_>_) fiy August _l__, 1982 Q Q Q statutory QQ Q Q home _r_uQ charter c_ity, town, Q pg; planning Q1‘ zoning authority under sections 366.10 t_o 366.19, 394.21 t_o 394.37, pg 462.351 _tp 462.365, i_n which g pipeline i_s located, meets exceeds th_e minimum gllgll adopt a pipeline setback ordinance standards 9_f model ordinance Q approved py _t_h_e commissioner. model ordinance applies 3 iurisdiction where ‘th_e local governmental y_n_i_t _(_19_e§ n_ot adopt Q setback ordinance thQat i_s approved _l_)y th_e commissioner py county t_h_a_t Q tl1__e_ Au ust _l_, Q1 Q Q Q _(_)_r 1989. Sec. 27. [299J .06] Subdivision l_. QQ PIPELINE SAFETY ADVISORY COUNCIL. MEMBERSHIP. Q QQ Q pipeline safety advisory council QQ member must pf p_iQ members appointed py tl1_e commissioner. from hazardous liquid pipeline industry, chosen from gQ pipeline from personnel wQl1o design pr construct pipelines. Three industgy, §_n_d members must pg state local government employees Q1 three members must local government 9_1; t_h_e pipeline state pg state residents unafliliated members serve utility industries. 3 part-time basis. §_i_st_s IQ Q Q QQ Q Q Q _o_r_ Q POWERS AND DUTIES. IQ council _s_l_1a_ll advise 1:h_e commislocal government agenother appropriate federal, state, matters relating gap pipeline safety _aQ operation. oflicial_§ _gie_s implementation council shall advise ghg environmental quality board QQ Q Q1 Q1 commissioner Q Q; implementation 1 299F.56 Q 299F.64, Q1 Qall review Q 2 comment Q proposed Qles Q}; Q Q operation Q pf Subd. 2; sioner, director sections sections t_o 3, _tp _l_3, tl1_e director o_f 2_2_ tp o_f _3_8_._ g_r_1_<1 office pipeline safety. Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by strikeeué. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS 2355 Subd. ggd administrative assistance necessary council’s duties. Subd. tion, Ch. 353 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE. E: commissioner _3_. v’ e offices of MINNESOTA for 1987 E _t_h_e_ shall p_r9_- performance pf _t_h_e TERMS; COMPENSATION; REMOVAL. 115 terms, compensa- g4_. ang removal o_f members age governed _by section 15.0575. Sec. 28. [299J.07] PENALTIES FOR FAILING TO REPORT EMERGENCY RELEASE. Subdivision DUTY TO REPORT. A pipeline operator shall immediately _1_: report ‘py telephone t_o Lhg emergency response center established bl ’th_e commissioner pf public safety a_p emergency release from ‘th_e operator’s pipeline. Subd. 2: _V_V_h_(_)_ hi (1) exists; CRIMINAL LIABILITY. La) responsibility @_ (2) gig t_h_e_ employee does (lg) o_r po_t ];_l_1_e_ @ i_n _A_r_i employee pf a_ pipeline operator report under subdivision _l_ i_s guilty o_f a reason t_o know that gap emergency release immediately report tpg release ‘Q commis- t_h__e a_r_1_c1 emergency release causes harm as defined onment make employee knows sioner pf public safety; Q) t_o fig death pf ap individual 9; great bodily section 609.02, subdivision Q A person convicted under this subdivision may 13 sentenced t_o imprisgg more than seven years g payment pf a pf _r£t more than $14,000, @ o_r _f1_p_e both. Sec. 29. [299J .08] COMMISSIONER TO REPORT RELEASE; ADVICE AND COORDINATION. E Upon g jg receiving notice pf pp emergency release, commissioner a immediately report emergency release 3; _t_l;e_ emergency respondg‘ er 9_f tl1_e appropriate local government unit, t_o th_e pollution control agency release i_s required py section 115.061, th_e notice pf tp apy other person procedures o_i‘tl1_e oflice o_f pipeline safety. 9; office, g_s_ provided py fly; gu_he§ pipeline operator’s report 9_f emergency release ‘Q commissioner satisfies t_h_e notification requirements 91‘ section 115.061. Ipe commissioner shall advise coorflip emergency responder concerning appropriate emergency procedures dinate flip procedures. designee _t_l_1_q Q A Sec. 30. [299J.09] E g fig £1 PIPELINE OPERATORS TO FILE INFORMATION AND GIVE NOTICE. Subdivision L MAP REQUIRED. operation shall E a_1 detailed pipeline (gt) ’_I‘_lp=._ map Q fig operator 53‘ evegy pipeline ip scale reguired py Qe rules: Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Q) with the director ere th_e commissioner location ehe approximate depth o_f"tl1_e pipelines that Operator within state; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ £1 transportation, showing Qe El appurtenances operated hy Q recorder and with the director 9_f emergency services ;he_ hy ehe pipeline, showing _the location and approximate depth ef ghe pipelines and appurtenances operated hy that operator within fie county. Q) with th_e E E E operator o_f (h) lhe maps required under paragraph ge) must hy newly constructed pipeline before h g operational erg hy ’th_e operator o_f e pipeline 113 which he route _hh_1_§ been changed after ’th_e original o_f e hiep under paragraph flee he hlgi e_t l(:_21et_ section. maps required hy Qye before e hazardous liguid 5 fi_rs_t pumped _i_rhc_> the pipeline. @ E _a_ Q E gg fig Q Q3 Subd. g, EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN. gg) he Lee: before e hazardous liguid pipeline, fig pipeline operator shall i_s pumped director o_f emergenthe director eh emergency response phg ey services ghe sheriffof every county traversed hy hie pipeline. L116 emergenmust describe th_e operator’s procedures fer responding ey response @ 9_1_' g @ @ £1 i_r_1_t_o_ 2_1 EE Q identification (_I_) discovegy pf e release; Q.) _tll_6_ o_f specific actions that ’th_e operator’s means release. plan he taken hy hie operator E 0_f with E responders; and preventing ignition ef vapors resulting from e Q Qie same manner Q the original response plan within Q days (h) operator must _/5i_n eifective date Subd. Q operator’s liaison procedure with emergency responders; Q) file operator’s means pf communication (Q yv_i_l_l Q Q ad containing-releases, including: ~ ~~ ~~ E o_f 2356 1987 sheriffof every county traversed ~ ~ ~ LAWS of MINNESOTA for Ch. 353 significant changes made _te eh emergency response pf LIE change. ; PROCEDURAL MANUAL. ii _A_t l_<:a1_st §_0 _cl_ay_s 91" me @@ before e hazardous liguid pg e. pipeline, tl1_e pipeline operator must Qe ie pumped required under Code pf Federal Regulations, director he procedural manual gfi § t'_it_1§:12.p_aI_1_122.__n_subartsI:miM.fl1mt12§.__Lsubart1i.:1§mxm reguired hy 5 o_f tl1_e commissioner. AND TEST RESULTS. (e) 5; leg ge NOTICE OF TESTING Subd. whether pg he; the jc_§_t_ _ie reguired hy hours before conducting e hydrostatic sections 2_2_ t_o _3§ ghe gig o_f tl1_e commissioner, e pipeline operator s_l1ah gi_\§ notice ef L15 t_e§t Le t_h_e director ehei th_e local governmental units traversed hy tested. Advance notice ie n_ot required i_f the the portion 9_f_‘ pipeline t_o operator determines ghg eh emergency exists requiring immediate testing o_f the pipeline. lhe @, g notice Q must include: Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by str-ikeeu-t. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS 2357 Q) ;h_e name, Q) Q) t_l1§ date 9_f_ me pipeline map o_f 33 route 91‘ suitable a_ eguipment; fl method 19 pg used; (51) t_h_e medium and telephone numbers specific location _t_l_1p including address, of MINNESOTA for l987 time t11_e which _l_)_y gppt th_e _i_s_ pipeline operator; pipeline section t_o a_r_1_Q. ’_chp location pipeline, _t_1’_1§ 3 o_f Q@ tested, Q lg conducted; tpg _an_d _o_r o_f phi; Ch. 353 yfl pg accomplished a_n_d thp typ_e o_f @ Q) thg name apt; telephone number o_fgiy independent testing firm 9; other Q person responsible certification pf results. Q3) Authorized representatives mental unit may observe fig test. o_f tl1_e director g_1_1g gpy affected local govern- g Q Lg) Lhp results pf p hydrostatic tppt conducted l_)y thp operator py independent testing company r_n_u§_t pg t_o th_e director p_n_d t_o _e_ygy lppal governmental _u_ifl traversed l_)y gap tested portion ;o_t_"tl1_e pipeline within tip gy_s include: results 9_i_' completion pf jug ‘w_st_. '_l"l_1§ lllmzfleffllsfllt Q) t_l_1_e_ p suitable E; specific location pf th_e_ pipeline route pf php pipeline; map o_f _t_l_1_q Q2 QL _r_eSu1tS 2:‘ £12 M; % @ pg Q 9;; pipeline section tested, including (3) other information reguired ‘py rule. §._ NOTICE OF PRODUCT. (Q) Within t_ep days after 1113 effective within tpp gys 9_f beginning operation pf th_e pipeline, pf ph_i_s_ section whichever i_s later, 3 pipeline operator shall information 313 director pn_d fie sheriffof every county traversed py a_ pipeline pf ’cl1_e types pf products tf1_atm1£Qmi_n£1s.v>_i_x&1_irxsei _T_1;<_>.<2mmr§_h.==flliLc%i_nit_s@st_o sheriffs a_ material safety sheet Q‘ egg product _tli_a’g ghp operator expects t_o_ Subd. g E Q carry 1l_1p pipeline. Elle sheriffshall transmit copies o_ftl1p material safety sheets 19 th_e appropriate emergency responders. i_1_1_ 1 (i_n) E jg information -required py paragraph (31); pipeline operinformation i_n 1h__e_ same manner pf-apy additional types o_f subw_ill _b_e carried ip t_lpe_ pipeline gt least three days before ;he_ change. After filing shall flip stances 1:l1_a‘c_ Sec. 31. [299J .10] PLAN. (3) prepare LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE A lpc_al governmental grit having’ p pipeline within it pig g_nu_st g_a_t_p @ pipeline release emergency response nlan. consult th_e pipeline owner 9; operator Preparation pf t_l_1_§ Changes p1_a_p b_e coordinated py glle it_s ll; when iurisdiction shall l_o__c_2_1l governmental preparing th_e pli. county traversed py Q9 or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by serikeeut. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. @ ~~ @ _c_)_f Q _t_h_e_:_ Q A local governmental git shall review reflect changes ~~ i_n th_e Sec. 32. [299J .11] ~~~ RULES. ffi @ it E Q @IE Q fiy ADOPTION OF FEDERAL PIPELINE INSPECTION E :9 enable php state t_o qualify fo_r annual federal certification tg enforce _tl1_e Hazardous Liguid Pipefederal pipeline inspection program authorized py sections 2001 t_o 2014, tl1_e federal United States Code, Safety United States Code, _t_it_l§ 59, sections Pipeline Safety Natural pp implementing those gptg, pl; federal pipeline inspection 1686, _a_n_gl_ _t_l_1_g rules safety standards gr; adopted. E EE, 5% ~~ ~ ~~ E, £1 ~ Sec. 33. [299J .12] ~~ % Q, E PIPELINE INSPECTION FEE. Q‘ AND each ypag DEPOSIT OF FEE. Subdivision 1. ASSESSMENT following fey delegation t_o jg state pf jag inspection authority described collect from every pipeline operacommissioner shall assess section Q, amount calculated under subdivision Q, I_f at; i_n pp inspection pg‘; pgy glle gap within after tli_e_ assessment w_as mailed, operator impose _a delinquency o_f tip percent o_f th_e annual _t_h;c_ commissioner interest inspection f_e<_: gig _o_f _l_5 percent 13; Leg th_e portion Q EE Q ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ th_e_ £1 annual must ~~ fe_e n_ot 3 deposited E Q fly Q gm E }@ fig i_n Q Q @ Q commissioner under collected py gig pipeline safety account. EE gis Q g section pipelines governed py section CALCULATION OF FEE. Subd. adopted established a_s provided _i_p th_e 299F.63, subdivision 3 must inspecother pipelines, section. under fl1_a1t ggp calendar total number _o_f assessed, flip commissioner shall calculate pipp fg i_s t_o inspected, tfi tgal E‘. o_f inspection, _a_rg jcfi percentage miles 9_f pipeline t_o 91‘ ’ch_e tojtm miles t_o _L inspected a_re pg yfll pg operated py pipeline operator. Each pipeline operator must pp assessed Q portion _o_f t_1;_e_ t_9_t__al inspection fit; egual _tp gig percentage o_f jg t9_t_a_l miles o_f pipeline pg Q‘ ’th_e tpt_al fgp r_n_gy pp; exceed operated py th_e pipeline operator, mile pf pl_1_e_ operator’s pipeline. E ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q _.’_Z_._ Q Q‘ Sec. 34. OF DATA. Q ~~~ _ [299J.13] E@ Q @ ~~ ~ 2358 i_t§ gap annually _a£l amend i_t local governmental unit, ip t_h_§ operation operation pf director pipeline safety. a_t o_f th_e pipeline, 9; other matters relating ‘rig response required section. examine reasonable py 3 plap ppy (13) ~ ~ ~ of MINNESOTA for 1987 commiscounty. pipeline fpr tl1_e other local governmental units within sioner _s_l_1a_ll prescribe Lles fpr gig content plai plfl completed _a_tpc_l adopted _t_)_y local governmental units within gig months after ’th_e rules prescribing _t_l§ contents o_f th_e plan. effective o_f ~ ~ ~~ LAWS Ch. 353 Q g_r_1_ gm g M Q ACCESS TO INFORMATION; CLASSIFICATION person yvlip ’ch_e Subdivision _l_. DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. reason t_o believe i_s responsible fpr pp emergency release shall when reguested py t_hp office a_t; authorized agent pf th_e ofiice, furnish t_o director gpy information tli_e1’_t ;l_1_e_ person may reasonably obtain flat _i_s relevant tp _t_l§ emergency release. director @ Changes A _Q_I_‘ or additions are indicated fly g by underline, deletions by Q st-sileeeat. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS 2359 of MINNESOTA for 1987 Ch. 353 ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND PROPERTY. llya director Subd. authorized agent, upon presentation pf credentials, may: ar_1_ _2__. 9_r (_l_) ar_iy examine and copy apy books, papers, records, memoranda, pi; data pf _ha_s a duty t_o provide information under subdivision 1; and person who @ gig purpose pf taking any Q) enter upon giy property, public pg private, action authorized by sections _2_2 pp §_§, including obtaining information from a_ny person _v_v_hp gag a glaty t_o provide thp information under subdivision _l_ ar1_d investigations. conducting surveys g flip Subd. _3p m Q CLASSIFICATION OF DATA. subdivision, obtained from a_n_y otherwise provided i_n Except person under subdivision _1_ Q jg g section 13.02. Upon certification py th_e subject o_f tl1_e methods pf production tl1_e gig relates t_o sales figures, processes data information phat would QIE t_o affect adversely tpp unigue t_o mat person, private competitive position 91" that person, flip director shall classify thp gi_a_ta nonpublic daga a_s defined i_n section 13.02. Notwithstanding apy other t_o subdivision may _1:h_e_ contrapy, _da_t_a classified ag private p_1; nonpublic under proceeding under sections t_o §_§, 13 disclosed w_lye_n_ relevant other public agencies concerned yv_i_t_l; aha implementation o_f sections ;p ;§, public _(_la_ta tg a§ defined g ir_1 g g i_r_1_ Q @ Q Qg Q fly E E Subd. 5, RECOVERY OF EXPENSES. Reasonable ar;c_1 necessary expenses incurred py th_e director under gig section, including administrative 5&1 expenses, may pp recovered _frp_n_1_ a person w_h(> bit; found liablp under section _2_$_, ag, _o_r_ §_Z, relating ac; operation Q” a pipeline, i_1; ptlaag action a separate action brought py thp attorney general 9_r _ip connection under section §_7_. _'I_h__e_ director’s' certification o_f expenses i_s prima facie evidence reasonable necessary. tpat 1_h_q expenses g fly Q Sec. 35. [299J.14] HIBITED; PENALTY. lg jr_c_> E @Q @ LINE MARKERS REQUIRED; VANDALISM PRO- E MARKERS A REQUIRED. pipeline operator shall Subdivision 1. LINE markers over each pipeline aa required py Code _o_f place ap_(_1 maintain Federal Regulations, _t_it_l_e 32, parts 192.707 arg 195.410. Subd. 2._. VANDALISM PROHIBITED; PENALTY. A person gn_ay pp; deface, may, damage, remove, injure, displace, destroy, _o_r tamper yyiyl; a_1_1y s_igp pr_ l_i__r_§ marker marking pig location pf a pipeline. _A_ person violating t_hi_s subdivision i_s guilty pf a misdemeanor. Sec. 36. [299J .15] ENFORCEMENT. DISPOSAL OF PIPELINE PROHIBITED; PENALTY; Q fly E Subdivision _l_. DISPOSAL PROHIBITED. (a) After emergency release dispose o_f, agent, pig occurred, a pipeline operator, it_s employee involved destroy, 9_1j altar_ plgp gflt pf a pipeline mat th_e emergency release granted by pig commissioner. I_l_1_a authority pf t_h_g commisuntil approval sioner _t_p g_rar_1_t approval Iii! p_o_t pp delegated. Q gs g Q i_s; Changes or additions are indicated by underline, deletions by ctr-ileeeut. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS Ch. 353 of MINNESOTA for 1987 2360 ground prevent the repair g pipeline pg subdivision doescommissioner, excavation removal from (Q) without th_e approval n_ot o_f o_f th_e _o_r_ £1 pile i_n_ ply; the ground o_f a pipeline 9; pgt o_f g pipeline without tl1_e approval gf gig commissioner. However, t_h_e_ pipeline n_ot pg altered yv_im th_e intent t_o prevent gr; hinder a determination o_f tl1_e cause 91' jt_l;e_ emergency release. fly Subd. CRIMINAL PENALTY. A person L110 knowingly _2_. violates subdidirector tl1_e director’s designee access 19 ’th_e inspection, is guilty pf _a_ felony g L 9; Llm denies jg Q vision pipeline tenced t_o tl1_e imprisonment more than $10,000, n_ot Q pugposes Sec. 37. [299J .16] o_f 9_r p_9_t_ both. fig ye_a_r_s _o_r_ jtp EE pg gy Q payment o_f Q 91‘ CIVIL PENALTY; INJUNCTIVE RELIEF. Subdivision .1. CIVIL PENALTY. (3) A pipeline operator L110 violates 3; subdivision 1: 3_Oz o_r §_6_zp;_ flip rules o_i‘t‘,l1_e commissioner implementamount those sections, shall forfeit Igy t_o 115 state a civil penalty i_n follows: determined py fig court fl section Qg _tp more thi Q Q Q Q) _f9_{ violation o_f section 2:2, 212 violation; _E_l_ operator remains Q.) fgr e_1 Q £1 violation o_f section each violation. @Q _2_§, t_o $10,000 subdivision 1, @E f_o_1_' gy each Q th_e g & pp 19 $100,000 Q Q recovered py subdivision _rp_2_1y (pl Lire penalty provided under name o_f fl1_e_ §_t_a_1t§ connection action brought py tl1_e attorney general _ip action t_o recover expenses pf tl1_e director under section £1 subdivision tl1_e district court pf Ramsey county 91; i_n _t_l3§ county 3, 9_r l_>y a separate action o_f tl_1_e defendant’s residence. Q E Q _a_r_1_ §_u_bg ; ACIION T0 COMPEL PERFORMANCE; INJUNCTIVE RELIEF. section Q, gt; 95 gg, gp‘ Qg t_o perform a_n a_ct required A person gm rules o_f _S_O_ l_)y l_)y‘ 13 commissioner implementing those sections, gy pg compelled t_o glp 51 action i_p district court Sec. 38. [299J.17].'OTHER Q brought l_)y _t_hp attorney general _ip plg o_f ' the state. g REMEDIES PRESERVED. abolish Q“ diminish flip right o_f Q person t_o bring available under gpy other provision o_f state 91; personal iniury, disease, recover federal lay/4 including common lam arising g1_t o_f g release. economic lfi, Sections Q 3; gga_1 action o_r g _3_8_ gg 2_1 Sec. 39. [299J .18] The its Q Q PIPELINE SAFETY ACCOUNT. §Q account i_n tlip state treapipeline safety account i_s established shall pg deposited fees gig penalties collected under sections _2_2 t_o th_e state treasugy an_d credited tp tpp pipeline safety account. su1_'y. _ip _r_1_<_)t remedy A_1l Changes or additions are indicated by underline, Q deletions by strikeeu-t. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. LAWS of MINNESOTA for 2361 Ch. 354 1987 g Money received py flip oflice _ip 11_1_e_ form o_f gifts, grants, reimbursement; appropriations from apy source shall pg credited _t_p tfi pipeline safety account. Sec. 40. TRAINING FOR PIPELINE INSPECTORS. @ Q JanuPersons holding positions a_§ inspectors yv£l_i_ th_e s_ta_t_e_ fi_re_ marshal positions t_h_e appointed gig transferred g_s_ inspectors 1987, 39 flay pg agy _l_, pig training reguirements o_f office o_f pipeline safety without complying section Q1, subdivision 24 paragraph (1)); @ Sec. 41. Q $418,300 fl1_i§ section June (gt) §_Q APPROPRIATION. ~ Q appropriated from tl_1§ general fund t_o pig agencies indicated i_p plyg fiscal year ending flip purposes o_f t_11i_§ pct; ftp bye available i_s ip 113 years indicated. _A_r;y unencumbered balance remainmg i_n Q tfi 1989 1988 State planning director § 73,000 -0- $184,400 $160,900 :11<2£1r§m‘«_=;\_r.d_<)e§11.<2t___cancel21_n_di_s available second Leg Commissioner public safety approved complement o_ft_l1_e_ department 91‘ public safety i_s increased py pipe; positions. 9;) _o_f_' I_l_1_e_: Sec. 42. EFFECTIVE DATE. Sections _l_, subdivisions 1 a_n_d_ 3; 1; 1; 2, subdivision 2; png Q1 _a_r§ effective gig day following f1pa_l enactment. Sections L, subdivisions g pry 51; _2_; gpg § gr; l_l; _1_2_; 1?; gig 1988. Sections §_; _9J subdivisions 1 a_ng §_; effective effective October 1, 1988, gpgl section 1_2_1 subdivision _1_, paragraph (9) applies t_o crimes committed pp 9; after tlLt_ date. Sections 2_8, §_5_, a_nd §_§ gr}; effective after that date. apply t_o crimes committed 9p August _1_, 1987, fly L 1_(_)_; g pg Approved June gfl 2, 1987 CHAPTER 354—S.F.N0. 377 An act relating to state government; regulating the state council for the handicapped; extending the time for appeals by the council from state building code decisions aflecting the interests of handicapped persons; changing the name of the council; amending the duties and responsibilities of the council; authorizing the council to initiate or intervene in proceedings aflecting handicapped persons; providing reimbursement for certain child care expenses incurred in connection with service on state boards, councils, committees, and task forces; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 15.0575, subdivision 3; 15.059. subdivisions 3 and 6; I6B.67,- Changes or 214.09, subdivision 3; additions‘ are indicated and 256.482. by underline, deletions by str-i-keeut. Copyright © 1987 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.