14675 Lee Road Chantilly, VA 20151-1715 28 September 2017 Mr. William Pierce MuckRock DEPT MR 37622 Somerville, MA 02144-2516 REF: FOIA Case Dear Mr. Pierce: This is in response to your request dated 15 May 2017 and received in the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) on 16 May 2017. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), you are requesting a copy of ?All briefs, emails, records, and any other documents on, about, mentioning, or concerning the creation of the NROL-76 Lewis Clark Logo.? Your request has been processed in accordance with the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552, as amended. A thorough search of our files and databases located records responsive to your request. These are being released to you in part. Material redacted is denied pursuant to FOIA exemptions: as properly classified information under Executive Order 13526, Sections which is the basis for withholding information exempt from disclosure by statute. The relevant withholding statute is 10 U.S.C. 424, which provides (except as required by the President or for information provided to Congress), that no provision of law shall be construed to require the disclosure of the organization or any function of the the number of persons employed by or assigned or detailed to the or the name or official title, occupational series, grade, or salary of any such person; and which applies to information that is predecisional and deliberative in nature. Additionally, the NRO has determined that a series of unclassified items in the document(s) in the aggregate reveals associations or relationships not otherwise revealed in the unclassified items individually; thus, in the aggregate, the information meets the standard for classification under E.O. 13526 You have the right to appeal this determination to the NRC Appellate Authority, 14675 Lee Road, Chantilly, VA 20151-1715, within 90 days of the above date. You may also submit an appeal electronically by completing the form available on the public web site at AppealInput.aspx. Please include an explanation of the reason(s) for your appeal as part of your submission. The FOIA also provides that you may seek dispute resolution for any adverse determination through the NRO FOIA Public Liaison and/or through the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS). Please refer to the OGIS public web page at for additional information. If you have any questions, please call the Requester Service Center at (703) 227-9326 and reference case number Sincerely, MW Patricia B. Cameresi Public Liaison Enclosures: RE: NROL-76 logo Approved for Release: 2017/09/20 605102904 From: i Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 9:51 AM To: Subject: Kt: I me lo vote tor (big) Classification: All, The votes have been tallied and the winneijxplore - Discover - Know I believe Ricky Bobby did say this, but it was edited out in the ?nal movie cuts so we're okay there. Thanks for participating! From: VU7. 2016 11:44 Subject: Time To Vote for Uni logan for Program Patch -- 938 Classification: All, Thanks to everyone who contributed ideas forl:}logan. My apologies in advance for those who are ancient dead languages, but I?m going to veto all Latin phrases. They?re hard for people to understand and the heck does "Supra Et Ultra? mean?!? 50, that means Ricky Bobby quotes are off the table The slogans below are all relatable to our Lewis Clark theme and to thel brogram. So here are the slogans to vote for. I?d like to get 100% participation on this vote since neither Hillary nor Donald is a choice. Deadline to vote is by COB 12 July. A. The Road Less Travelled ls Much More Interesting Approved for Release: 2017/09/20 005102904 Approved for Release: 2017/09/20 C05102904 B. The Hard Road Leads to Discovery C. Take the Hard Road, Discovery Awaits! D. I:Fxplore Discover - Know - Please send your vote (NLT 12 July) by ?eplying to me. The slogan with the most votes will be added to the outside of our logo along with Classification: Approved for Release: 2017/09/20 005102904 Approved for Release: 005102860 (U (Launch Patch Design Falcon represents the aceX Falcon-9 booster that ill launch on. (U) The ri?e represents 4 strength. (U) The represents the ability to see to the horizon and to explore the unknown. i The star ?eld n-orbit mission noted by one bright star. The number of stars have no signi?cance. Images are (U) (U) Back of coin (U) Lewis 8: Clark - Adventurers and explorers. Heading into the great unknown (staring to the west) to discover and explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory and report back to the National Command Authority (President Jefferson). This mirrorsl INROL-76 program and our goal to explore new capabilities for the IC. The slogar xplore-Discover?Know? echoes this symbolism for the program. Classified BYE ,erived ate 20120213 25Xl, 20661231 Approved for Release: 005102860 I. a . ?Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 0051 0551 . WIW a - Fm: I Tnz- c: Subloct: RE: Launch Patch UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED will need .it. for the N80 Overview Brie?ng. Until it?s ready, we will use-the NRO Seal. Thanks. Swami sum RE: "Rowe Launch Pawn UNQASSIFIED ClassificatiOn. UNCLASSIFIED No It has not. I would expect 'in the next 26? months. Whydo-you ask? Subject: NROL-75 Launch Patch UNCIASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Has the launch patch been developed yet? If not, do you know when you anticipate it being created/approved? Thanks, Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 C05105511 .. .iisi-.. . . s. .. >UU3uu3<8 3a 32?me m2 Eco: 02.: 0mm: 6me Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 005105511 0 ??90 Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 005105511 )j Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 005105511 ?0 0 <2 Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 005105511 Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 C05105511 0 <2 ?of Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 005105511 . for Release: 201 7/09/1 5 C051 0551 .. Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 C0510551 1 Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 C05105511 0?0 0 "?90 Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 005105511 Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 - - Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 005105511 Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 C05105511 Approved for Release: 2017/09/15 C05105511 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 005102908 From: 7 Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 3:26 PM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Follow-up on fairing logos UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED The good news is that neither Lewis nor Clark looked menacing. We should have no problems getting that one approved. FYI igned off on it today. It?s moving to the next person for signature. Fromi I Sent: Friday. August 26, 2016 2:26 PM To: Cc- Subject: RE: Follow-up on fairing logos -- UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED This means thai mage is out. 63 w. w. . .wawmm mm. (3) Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 2:25 PM To: Cc: Su act: RE: Follow-up on fairing logos Classification: UNCLASSIFIED i love kitties and bunnies allowed. Thanks! Very Respectfully, Approved for Release: 201 7109/1 8 005102908 Approved for Release: 2017/09/1 8 C05102908 mini 7 M6) Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 2:23 PM To: Cc: Subject: Follow-up on fairing logos UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Good afternoon I askedl:jhe NRO PSO, if fairing logos require White House approval. said after the octopus logo, the White House threatened to require presidential approval if the R0 approved any more menacing logos. For the moment at least, R0 continues to retain the ultimate authority over logo designs. Re ards. TL (bx3) (W0) (W3) Passing clearances? Click here. Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 201 7/09/1 8 0051 02908 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 005102844 P?l thH: I All/mu Iu USA, 511?:? (U) The star ?eld booster the will launch on. (U) The Falcon re resents the SpaceX Falcon-9 :38; represents the Sn- orbit mission noted by the one bright star. The (U) The rifle represents strength. number of stars have no significance. \l (U) The represents the ability to see to the horizon and to explore the unknown. Images are (U) Back of coin (U) Lewis Clark - Adventurers and explorers. Heading into the great unknown (staring to the west) to discover and explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory and report back to the National Command mirrors th [program and our goal to explore new capabilities for - - (M0) the IC. The slogarl (Explore Discover Know echoes this symbolism for the program. m, Approved for Release: 2017109118 005102844 Approved for Release: 2017/09118 005102901 . From: Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 10:49 AM To: Subject: RE: URGENT: FW: 05 lage Classification: c1assi?ed 334:;ng (bxa) Derived From: INCG ate 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20671231 - Sir, Apologies, I wasn?t aware thal lim changing it right now. From: Sort: Thursday. March 23, 2017 10:42 AM 1 To Subject: URGENT: FW: 05L mm Importance: High Classification: Classified By Derived From: a 20120213 Declaesify On: 25X1, 20671231 Gentlemen: as pointed out below, the L-76 logo went through a last?minute security change. Please ONLY use the attached logo for all web pages, presentations, etc (the arrows will not copy with the logo). Thanks! Very Respectfully, (bxs) Sent: muggy. March 23. 2017 10:30 AM To Subject: 0 renews-Harmer? Approved for Release: 201 7/09/1 8 005102901 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 C05102901 Classification: Classified By: Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20671231 FYI -- The OSL website is using 7 It?s on the front page and in the Picture Gallery. Might not be a huge deal in the big scheme of things, butjust wanted to point it out in case it was! Thanks, Classification: 95W Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 C05102901 1 WW Approved for Release: 2017109118 605102818? Mu ii. NRO COORDINATION SHEET (3mm .M We, coon!? wa. (NH) 3. m- ?.'16 oes'om 2, Es 6/715 coo'an gnaw: 31- got; "55?!qu 2. Danae :2 can 25 FODNRO Aug 2016- mm: . (mm Appmai quRO Launch- 76 L039: (3) 7. imam . mm approval on ?nproposad logo for mam-743m: to launch {mm-Cap; Canaveral MS in 2917. m5 request is in accordance NRO 100426, Memomh?ia. (U) is the ?rst Space launch ef-nn NRO payload-bu Falcon 9 scheduled to lunch ftom no earlier thin 2 17". . (U) Th9 association. '96!an Space InchRO is UNCLASSIFIED. (U) The inc: rim NROLJE is manilbsted on (Sm Falcon 9 tower is UNCLASSIFIED - (3) (U) l?ogo Man-Wis apprev' ed'tj 1. mamma- 5?2 ?llb- He 2. msacumnem (3) do sscunmr Rand ubammuma I I mm. Mam-13 Fob 2012 rm 1 at 3 911mm: can (15: '25xs, madam mama sacs; MOO-0.2 APR 201? . mm. Approved for Release: 2017/09? 8 005102 Approved for Release: 2017109I18 C05102818 UNCLASSIFED (U) NROL-TB Launch Patch Design The Falcon represents the The star ?eld 57me Falcon 9 booster that - . . .. . . represents the on- will launch ?mm" orbit mission noted by the one bright star. The number and The ri?e asents placement 011113 stars power. "Mr have no significance. The 59ng rapresents the ability to see to the horizon and Lewis Gian: to explore the Adventurers and Explorers Lewis Clark haading into-the great u?nknos??n (staring to the west) to discover and explore the newly purchased Lmu?siana Territory and report to the Ngtionai Command Authority (Resident Jefferson). This mirrord Whe program and (W1) our goal to explore new capabilities for the intelligence Community. The slogan "Explore? (W3) echoes this symbolism for the program. . UNCLASSIFEEU Approved for Release: 2017109118 C05102818 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 005102899 From: - 7 mm Sent: _Eriday. Auoust 26. 2016 3:38 PM To: Cc: Subject: Ion: - eques or approve propose 090 or NROL-76 TIE Tracking information and Enterprise Response NAHONAL REOONNAISSANCE Action 2016-03168 has been modi?ed Asiiggd To: 7 mm FYI: 7 mm mm Comments: 08/26/2016 15:38 -- Adding DES for DNRO ?nal approval. We addressed the OSL comments and accepted the 1 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 C05102899 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 C05102899 lbll3l recommendation ti Lwe will copy package to NRO front of?ce on Monday a. 08/25/2016 15:26 OSL, we accepted your recommendation $0 the artist is working that change and we will repost. We reviewed your comments on the and ri?e and chose to keep those items. The is looking ahead and exploring the unknown; the ri?e symbolizes a defense or abili to defend and not not pointing at an individual. Once we received the design with the 1) I lave will repost and move the package forward to the DNRO for approval. - Submitted by: I 08/24/2016 12:21 -- Gentle reminder, responses are due today. thank you so much, Submitted by: 08/12/2016 11:28 -- ?xing type?o. -- Submitted by 08/12/2016 09:49 -- It would help if I included the attachment. -- Submitted Please select the following link to view this action 2016-03168, (U) Request for approve of proposed 1020 for NROL-76 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 C05102899 Approved for_ Release; __291_ 7193/1 8_ 9953102816 When Find In COORDINATION SHEET NRO NUMBER: To ACTION mom-ruse. DATE TO summits. DATE Deputy 9 9 Director To. :a Direclor comm 1 SURNAME or ACTION omcea: I 2. sweat.- 3. PHONE 4. DATE: 5. suspense om; 22 Jul2016 M2016 a. SUBJECT . chucst for approval ol?l launch patch-design (MN) 3 3. SUMMARY: (Use 6mm page form taut. {Imam now I Tauneh patch design. all National Reconnaissance Of?ce directives. 0-26l is the approval ofthe enclosed graphic for use as the The patch and descriptive text has been revaewe urity, and we believe the patch is compliant with 1 DID SA SIGNATURE: 2. DD ACTION NUMBER: CL {ms tilled 20120213 DECL 25?. 30661231 N11-21. JAN 2016 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 C05102816 on 5L (bus) PAGE 1 OF 2 PREVIOUS IRE OBSOLETE B-RCS: 8400-03 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 005102816 (U) Launch Patch DeSIgn WTW Falcon represents The star ?eid represents the I the ex Faicon-Q booster that morbit mission noted by(b)(1) II hunch on. Sag 6 one bright star. The numbe?bxs) of have no signi?cance. IBM) (U3The ri?e represents strength. (9)7116 snygiess represents the. abil'rty to see to the horizon and to explore the unknown. Images 'are (U) Back 0f coin (U1Lewis Clark Adventurers and explorers. Heading into the great unknown (staring to the west) to discover and expiere the newty purchased Louisiana Territory and report back {a the National Coma: and Authority {Resident Jefferson]. This mirrors. .of program and our goal to explore (W1) new oapebiittie?s for the IC. The echoes this 9:38; symbo?sm for the program. Classified Flt-arm: 9:15 15' 12313533: 1 3. ?93f: 2531. 354352231 WW 60(1) Approved for Release: 2017I09I18 005102816 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 605102906 From: Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 4:16 PM To: . Subject: RE Needed! Classification: 43% LU Uba, FVEY Classified By: I Derived From: ated 20120213 Declassify On: 25x1, 20661231 ?si non primus es novissimi" Sounds like a really bad sinus infection. Sent: Thursday. June 30, 2016 8:05 AM Tb Subject: Needed! 'i Classification: Classified By: Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 005102906 Approved for Release: 2017109118 C05102906 I have the solution: "si non primus es novissimi?. It is Latin and roughly translates to ?If you ain't first, you're last" according to Google Translator. Someone can check this translation, but it should solve the copyright issue since Ricky Bobby doesn?t speak latin. It will also be more mysterious for the average, non-latin literate observer. This Latin approach has worked before and allowed one of my previous organizations to have the slogan ?Doing God?s work with other people?s money? fly right through the approval process. Thanks, From Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 8:35 A To: Go: Subject: RE1 Needed! . Classification: Classified By: I Derived From: 1 a ed 20120213 Declaesify On: 25X1, 20661231 Folks, I'm still waiting to hear from the majority of the team on slogan ideas, but I did check with legal and the Ricky Bobby quote is out due to copyright issues. Here are some additional ideas for the slogan: ?Amazing the things you find when you bother to search for them? Sacagawea "Everything I do is for my people? Sacagawea ?Ocean in view! 0! The view!? - William Clark ?You will endeavor to inform yourself by inquiry of the character of the country" Pres Thomas Jefferson ambitious for the attainment of all that a man can be" William Clark "Corps of Discovery" Please let me know if you like any of these or if you have other ideas. Latest version of logo attached. Thanks. Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 005102906 Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 C05102906 From: ?l Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 8:29 AM T0 7 Subjeetl Needed! -- Were-amn- Importance: igh Classification: Classified By: I Derived From: INCG ated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 - ream, 1) We now have a decent artist rendering of thi: atch with a Lewis 8: Clark thenne and I?m looking for suggestions on the bottom slogan. While the current phrase was provided by our ow I?m not sure if it will ?y through the(b)(3) approval process. Ricky Bobby quote from Talladega Nights is not exactly an aca emy award winning moment. Please submit your ideas for the slogan on the patchL _lsatellite and mission. Have fun with it and thanks! And for those who are wondering the bird on the patch is a falcon (in reference to our SpaceX launch provider and the Falcon-9 booster). - Please assess logo from a security perspective too. Thanks. Classification: Approved for Release: 2017/09/18 C05102906 Approved for Release: 2017/09112 005102941 PM I 7 Sent: To: Subject: URGENT: rum Attachments: . NROL-76 Logo Cha Ina .pp Importance: High Classification: 3W Classified By: I Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25Xl, 20671231 Gentlemen: as pointed out below, the L-76 logo went through a last-minute security change. Please ONLY use the attached logo for all web pages, presentations, etc (the arrows will not copy with the logo). Thanks! Very Respectfully, mm: Sent: March 23 2017 10:30 AM Subject: 05 1) Classification: Classified By: Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20671231 FYI -- The OSL NROL-76 website is using the old logo witli:bn the bottom. It?s on the front page and in the Picture Gallery. Might not be a huge deal in the big scheme of things, but just wanted to point it out in case it was! Approved for Release: 2017/09l12 005102941 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102941 Appmved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102941 Approved for Release: 2017/09112 C05102941 UNCLASSIFIED (U) NROL-76 Launch Patch Design The Falcon represents the SpaceX Falcon-9 booster that will launch NROL-76. Li? 45? The star ?eld represents the on- orbit mission noted by the one bright star. The number and placement of the stars have no signi?cance. The ri?e represents command and power. The represents the ability to see to the horizon and to explore the unknown. Lewis Clark Adventurers and Explorers Lewis Clark heading into the great unknown (staring to the west) to discover and explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territo kt i Command Authority (President Jefferson). This mirro NROL-76 program and our (W3) goal to explorg. new capabilities for the Intelligence Community The slogan ?Explore-Discover- Know? echoes this symbolism for the program. UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102941 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102942 From: Sent: Wednesday, August 24'. 2016 8:17 AM To: i Subject: RE: Logo Tracking: Recipient and Read: 8/24/2016 8:40 AM Read: 8124/2016 11:41 AM Classification: Classified By: . Derived From: NRO Launch IPG dated 20090202 Declassify On: 20411231 :1 Here is how we responded to the TIER. As long as the program is comfortable with this speculation, then OSL security has no issues OurL }esponded with: If we are OKTvi?that, then we should approve the patch. From: Sent: Leggy, Auqust 23. 2016 6 PM To{ 7 Subject: Logo Appva for Release: 2017/09/12 005102942 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102942 Classification: Classified Bun: (bx3) Derived From: NRO Launch IPG dated 20090202 Declassify On: 20411231 Any objections? Am I missing something? (U) CAUTION: THIS EMAIL MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE PERSONALIY IDENTIFIABLE (PII) PROTECTED BY THE PRIVACY ACT. DO NOT FORWARD OR OTHERWISE DISSEMINATE TO GOVERNMENT OR NON-GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL WHO DO NOT NEED TO KNOW THIS INFORMATION. NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS EMAIL IN ERROR. Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102942 - . - roved for Release: 2017/09l12 C05102801 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102801 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102885 7 From: Sent: 2016 12:20 PM To: Subject: NROL-76 Logo MW Attachments: NROL-76 Logo Chart_Final.pptx Classification: Classified By: (bx3) Derived From: 1 a ed 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 Please use the attached logo as we move forward. This is the correct version with explanation. Thanks. Classification: Siam?9W Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102885 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102885 UNCLASSIFIED (U) NROL-76 Launch Patch Design The Falcon represents the . The star ?eld SpaceX Falcon-9 booster that represents the on- will launch NROL-76. orbit mission noted by the one bright star. The number and The ri?e represents 4 placement of the stars command and power. have no Signi?cance. The represents the ability to see to the horizon and Lewis Clark to explore the unknown. . Adventurers and Explorers Lewis Clark heading into the great unknown (staring to the west) to discover and explore the newly purchased Louisiana TerritorLand report back to the National Command Authority (President Jefferson). This mirror? WROL-TG program and our goal to explore new capabilities for the Intelligence Community The slogan ?Explore-Discover- Know? echees this symbolism for the program. UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102885 Approved for Release: 2017/09l12 C05102903 From: Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 8:46 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Two questions about NROL-76 Classification Classified By: NRO Derived From: NCG 6.0 dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 (U I Sure does. Plqunfirmed no objections to release. We?ll have to make sure we use the final version. Thanks much. v/r l:l Fro-l Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 8:43 AM Subject: RE: Two questions about NROL-76 -W Classification Classified By:l:] Derived From: NCG 6.0 ated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 (U) Got it the logo was approved there was never a discussion about not releasing that it was too late to put it on the rocket. So, as far as I know, there are no obstacles real or implied to release. Hope this closes the issue. Very Respectfully, Approved for Release: 201 7/09/12 C05102903 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102903 From: Subject: RE: Two questions about NROL-76 Classification Classified By: NRO Derived From: NCG 6.0 dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 Hello I saw your feedback regarding release of the launch logo and understand what you wrote. What OPA does not know is whether at any time in the review processC:pNRO were lead to believe the logo would not be released? If this was never an expectation or agreed upon it would be treated like all other launch logos and released. - (W1) Thanks Prowl Subject: RE: TWO questions about NROL-76 Classification Classified By: Derived From: NCG 6.0 dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 (U) for question 2, I answered it last Friday in another email (attached) so I won?t repeat it here. Basically, it?s up to senior leaders whether to distribute more widely. The SPO has no objections to wider release but nothing further to add. (U) The answer to question 1 will take longer so I?ll get back to you. Very Respectfully, Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102903 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102903 From: Subject: RE: Two queslions about NROL-76 Classification Classified By:: Derived From: NICG 6 . 0 ated 20050521 Declassify On: 25Xl, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 Forwarding request to you, ir1: absence. Please see below reply all. Thanks! From: I - Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 3:56 PM Subject: Two questions about NROL-76 Importance: High LU use, Classified By: Derived From: NCG 6.0 dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 Hi, land I have a couple of questions about 1) At what time after liftoff can Spacex (and then NRO public affairs) declare a ?successful launch? of This will be the time when we issue press releases. The standard practice for ULA launches has been to choose a time that 3 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102903 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102903 appears random or arbitrary, but is after payload separation. The OSL mission director usually approves the proposed time. (This is because OSL does not consider launch a success unless the payload reaches its orbit.) However, NROL-76 is different, being a commercial launch, with delivery on orbit, so I don?t know that OSL would determine or approve the time. 2) DNRO approved the NROL-76 logo (the design showing Lewis Clark). Is there an understanding that the logo/patch design would NOT be used in public and media communications? I know it was determined that it would not be used on the payload fairing. I also know that coins, patches, shirts, etc., have been made and are available to the workforce to buy and use. I want to make sure the PA team knows whether we can include the patch design on social media or in our press release, which we have done in the recent past for other launches. If the answer is to not release the logo, we foresee that the media will ask and speculate about the reasons. We can also expect a FOIA request for it. Jhanksandreeards Classification: WW Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102903 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102841 From: I Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 3:16 PM To: Cc: Subject: FW: Verify the Classi?cation of the NROL-76 Logo Attachments: Classification: Classified Eng; Derived From: . ated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620104, RRG dated July 2005 (U) The attached logo is UNCLASSIFIED. Regards, Passmg clearances? Click gag. From: 59:11:: Friday, February 03, 2017 3:10 PM To Subject: Verify the Classi?cation of the NROL-76 Logo Classification: Classified Bung; Derived From: . dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25x1, 20620104, RRG dated July 2005 Security, (bx1) Can you please recon?rm the logo for NROL-76 is unclassi?ed? Respca?rlly, Approved for Release: 201 7109/1 2 0051 02841 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102841 Classification: Approved for Release: 2017l09/12 C05102841 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102911 I (bX3) From: Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2016 10:29 AM To: Cc: Subject: ogo pprove Attachments: _76_approved.pdf Classificationz-SECREWTW Classified By: Derived From: NCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 (U) Good news, your log has been approved! J/umk you, Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102911 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102907 I From: Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 8:29 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE) Needed! Classification: Classified By:) 1 Derived From: I ate 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 Good mornin4 (U) Per our Iscussion, the revised logo with the additional stars looks good to me. Sent: We?cln' ?ay, June 22, 2016 12:30 PM . To: . Cc: Subject: RE1 Needed! -- . . . Clas51f1cation: Classified By: Derived From: NCG date 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 (U) Good questions. I?ve attached an updated logo that has been touched up by the artist and here are the background explanations: 1. (U) Lewis Clark Adventurers and explorers. Heading into the great unknown (staring to the west) to discover and explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory and report back to President Jefferson. This 2. 4. (U) The falcon represents our launch booster, a Spacex Falcon-9 rocket. 1 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102907 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102907 (U) We?ll work the logo issues whether we use Ricky Bobby?s quote or not. Thanks. Froml I .--sea?nmwuom? (hm) Subject Rl Patch/Logo Slogan Needed' Classification: Classified By: Derived From: INCG ate 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 Good morning, your situational awareness, I?ve attached the current ND that addresses the logo approval process. The slide below that gives the reason we now have the ND. Whe ready to submit the logo for approval, we?ll need an explanation of each raphic on the logo. I?ve attached th xplanation as an example of what people will be looking for as th ogo goes through the approval process. Here are my initial . What is the unclassified meaning/significance for Lewis Clark? 0 What is the unclassi?ed meaning of the slogan as it relates to the program? (U/[Fetfm Also, if you settle on a slogan which references potentially well-known statements movie lines), consider reaching out for a read ahead on whether the slogan infringes upon copyrighted materialEan forwar ogan to the NRO patent attorney for a read ahead so it doesn?t slow the logo approval process. Regards, Passing clearances? Click here. Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102907 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102907 (U) What We Don?t Want Cuckto add notes Froml Sent: y, AM T04 Subj Needed! mm Importance: Igh Classification: Classified By: Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify 0n: 25X1, 20661231 3 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102907 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102907 earn, CIT We now have a decent artist rendering of thDatch with a Lewis Clark theme and I?m looking for suggestions on the bottom slogan. While the current phrase was provided by our ow?jl?m not sure if it will ?y through the(b)(3) approval process. Ricky Bobby quote from Talladega Nights is not exactly an academy award winning moment. Please submit your ideas for the slogan on the patchJ katellite mission. Have fun with it and thanks! And for those who are wondering the bird on the patch is a falcon (in reference to our Spacex launch provider and the Falcon-9 booster). - Please assess logo from a security perspective too. Thanks. Classification: Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102907 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102910 From: Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 8:16 AM To: Subject: RE: NROL-76 Logo Attachments: explorer_082616.jpg Classification: Sure thing! Please see attached. From To: Subject: NROL-76 Logo mum-meow Classification: tb)(1\ I Can you update the logo to just read ?Explore - Discover- Know" on the outer ring? Thanks. Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102910 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102842 hon? if Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 10:48 AM To: Cc Subject: rvi Logo SEW Attachments: NROL-76 Logo Chart.pptx Classification: Classified 311:: Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 (U) One step fron review are in the attached. Egg; Jhankgou, nL. . 52m Friday, August 12, 2016 9:51 AM To Cc: Subject: Logo mama?"Few 1) Classification: Classified By: (bX3) Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 E:jsigned off on this late last night. The TIER is 2016-03168. The logo and description is posted. Rance-Mic 1 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102842 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 605102842 From: Sent: Monday. Auqust 08. 2016 9:28 AM To a: ecq Subj ogo Classification Classified Byzl::l Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 (U) D35 approved the attached logo/ patch Please route eview and approval to release via TIER for NRO-coord. (flan/?Jon, Classification: Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102842 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102861 From: I Sent: Tuesday. July 19. 2016 7:38 AM To: Cc: Subject: Need this routed for approval Launch Coin/Logo Attachments: 3090 Patch Description_Final.pptx Classification: Classified By: Derived From: dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 (U) Can you please pull together the proper routing sheet to get our launch coin/logo approved? See attached. (U) Thanks. Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102861 - I Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102840 From: I Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2016 10:51 AM To: NRO-USN USA MIL Subject: Update:lLaunch Logo Attachments: NROL_76_approved.pdf Classification Classified By: Derived From: CG 6.0 dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620104, RRG dated July 2005 Good news. We have approval on our launch logo. From:? Sent: ay, 10:20 AM To Cc Su act: RE: Updatel Launch Logo Classification: Classified By: Derived From: NCG 6 . 0 dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620104, RRG dated July 2005 DNRO approved the logo. update TIER with the coord sheet and PDF of the logo. Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 12:41 PM To: Cc: Subject: Update Launch L090 -- UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102840 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102840 Here?s the updated versiori 7 Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks. Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102840 Approved for Release: 201309112 00510281 - v? .unr- n? A hum" n. .u II I wan-Hum. name-NW Approved for Release: 201 ""0911 2 C0510281 2.-uu-u.-v .uunn Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102909 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102909 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102900 From: Sent: To: Subject: RE Classified By: (bX3) Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25x1, 20661231 Thank you. I ?xed it and reposted but did not send an e-mail. Respecd'izlly, A st 12 2016 11 22 AM l'l V. UCILI . Tbi Subject: RE Classification: Classified By: Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 (U) Small typo, please change ?with? to ?will in the top left box regarding the Falcon. a??ank?yng From:[ (me) Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 9:51 AM Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102900 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102900 To: Cc: Su ect: Classification: Classified By: :1 Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25Xl, 20661231 signed off on this late last night. The TIER is 2016-03168. The logo and description is posted. 5:1: (W3) To Cc Subjec Classification: WW Classified - Derived From: ateol 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 (U) and approval to release via TIER for NRO-coord. J/umltgou. Classification Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102900 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102900 Classification: Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 005102900 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C05102805 Approved for Reiease: 2017/0911 2 005102805 Approved for ReIease: 2017/09/12 005102811 Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C0510281 1 Approved for Release: 2017/09/13 005102902 From: I Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 8:46 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Two questions about NROL-76 Classification: Classified By: Derived From: I . ated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 For question 1 the short answer is that SpaceX can declare a successful launch after we have veri?ed the vehicle is in its proper orbit. I believe this should come as a joint discussion between the program office and I'm hesitant to give SpaceX an exact time, but we could coordinate with you two on day of launch and let you know that we?re in a nominal flight path and have achieved first contact with the SV. How does that sound? From: Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 5:05 PM To: Cc: WOLJG -W Classification: Classified By: Derived From: NCG 6.0 dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 Thank you [i know you and team are very busy.) Approved for Release: 2017/09/13 005102902 Approved for Release: 2017/09/13 005102902 From Sent: Mo?ay, Eril 23, 2017 2ESE PM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Two questions about NICE-76 ClassificationW Classified By: Derived From: NCG 6.0 dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 (U) As for question 2, I answered it last Friday in another email (attached) so I won't repeat it here. Basically, it?s up to senior leaders whether to distribute more widely. The SPO has no objections to wider release but nothing further to add. (U) The answer to question 1 will take longer so I?ll get back to you. Very Respectfully, From: I Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 3:58 PM To: RE: Two questions abo - .. Classification Classified By: Derived From: NCG 6.0 dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 Forwarding request to you, il :l absence. Please see below reply all. Approved for Release: 2017/0911 3 005102902 Approved for Release: 201 7109/1 3 C05102902 Thanks! Sent: Monday. April 24. 2017 3:Importance: High Classificationz-SECREW Classified By: Derived From: 6.0 dated 20050521 Declassify On: 25X1, 20620131, RRG dated July 2005 Hi )and have a couple of questions about 1) At what time after liftoff can SpaceX (and then NRO public affairs) declare a ?successful launch" of This will be the time when we issue press releases. The standard practice for ULA launches has been to choose a time that appears random or arbitrary, but is after payload separation. The OSL mission director usually approves the proposed time. (This is because OSL does not consider launch a success unless the payload reaches its orbit.) However, is different, being a commercial launch, with delivery on orbit, so I don't know that OSL would determine or approve the time. 2) DNRO approved the NRO's NROL-76 logo (the design showing Lewis Clark). Is there an understanding that the logo/patch design would NOT be used in public and media communications? I know it was determined that it would not be used on the payload fairing. I also know that coins, patches, shirts, etc., have been made and are available to the workforce to buy and use. I want to make sure the PA team knows whether we can include the patch design on social media or in our press release, which we have done in the recent past for other launches. If the answer is to not release the logo, we foresee that the media will ask and speculate about the reasons. We can also expect a FOIA request for it. Thanks and regards, Approved for Release: 2017/09/1 3 005102902 Approved for Release: 2017/09/13 C05102902 Classification: Approved for Release: 2017/09/13 C05102902 Approved for Release: 2017/09/13 005102810 Approved for Release: 201 7/09/13 005102810 Approved for Release: 2017109113 00510281 Approved for Release: 201 70091 3 C0510281 Approved for Release: 005102905 From: I Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 9:08 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE 2017-00428 Articles fo MWPW Classification: SEW Classified Byzl: Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25x1, 20671231 Perfect. I'll extract from this for the VIP brief. From 1 Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 10:48 AM To Cc Subject: FW 2017-00428 MSC Arb?des fo Punch -- Classification: Classified BYE Derived From: ate 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20671231 See below for the article for Saunch. From: I Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 9:06 AM T04 Approved for Release: 005102905 Approved for Release: 2017/09/13 005102905 Wows WW MSC Classification: SECRET-WW Classified By: Derived From: INCG dated 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20671231 (U) Final version: Wother '?rst? is the use of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket for launch of an R0 space vehicle. After processing in the EFF, the integrated satellite and rocket fairing will be transported to SpaceX?s launch pad at Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A). LC-39A, originally named LC-39C, was initially built for launch of the Saturn rocket for the Apollo manned space program, but has seen duty more recently as a launch pad for numerous Space Shuttle missions before being leased to SpaceX after the Shuttle?s retirement. NRO L-76 will be the ?fth mission launched from the newly refurbished LC-39A, and will be the 35th mission for a Falcon 9 rocket. The launch window is set for between 7:00 am. and 9:00 am. local time to avoid mid-day lightning and thermal concerns which can arise during certain portions of the year at the Cape, provide good daylight illumination for ?ight operations, and maximize launch availability via a long-duration window. The Falcon 9 rocket and a half minutes after launch. After the Falcon 9?s ?rst stage burns out and separates from the second stage, the ?rst stage of the rocket will autonomously return to the SpaceX Landing Zone at CCAFS (referred to as a ?controlled descent?). Designated by SpaceX as this landing zone was previously known as Space Launch Complex 13 used in the 1960's for test ?ights of the Atlas missile. The mission patch for shows Lewis Clark heading into the great unknown (staring to the west) to discover and explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory and report back to the National Command Authority (President Jefferson). This mirrorl bf ROL-76 program and our goal to explore new capabilities for the Intelligence Community. The slogan "Explore-Discover-Know" echoes this symbolism for the program. The Falcon represents the SpaceX Falcon-9 booster that will launch NROL-76, the ri?e represents command and power, the represents the ability to see to the horizon and to explore the unknown, and the star ?eld represents the on-orbit mission noted by the one bright star. The number and placement of the stars have no signi?cance. (U) Go Approved for Release: 2017/09/13 C05102905 Approved for Release: 2017/09/13 C05102905 Wg wig/Hm A Classification: Approved for Release: 2017/09/13 605102905 Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 C05102884 From: I I Sent: Th A ril PM To: Subject: NROL-76 Launch Patch 81 Coin Attachments: Revolutionjpg; imagespng; Patch.pptx Classification: Classified Derived From: a ed 20120213 Declassify On: 25X1, 20661231 -- Below are some ideas I?ve collected forl:lNROL-76 launch patch. There are no right answers at this point and I?m open to other ideas. We can get together to discuss to knock together additional info about the mission. In addition here is some security guidance: (U) The following is provided as classi?cation guidance as it pertains to NROL-76. (U) Fact that NROL-76 is manifested on a Falcon 9 launch vehicle for a March 2017 launch UNCLASSIFIED (mm (U) Fact that the payload associated with NROL-76 will process through the Eastern Processing Facility (EPF) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL. - UNCLASSIFIED (U) Thanks. Theme 1: 1776 tied to L-76 launch - Spirit of ?76) - Celebrating 241 years of freedom! 0 Revolutionary War theme - see attachments 0 Also attached is the ?Bennington Flag" which has ?76? for the year America declared independence from GB. I think the Font and 7 pointed stars are would be cool to incorporate somewhere in the logo. Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 005102884 Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 005102884 Theme 2: Voyagers/Discoverers . b. SpaceX booster Falcon 9 (include falcon in logo?) 0 First explorers who charted undiscovered territory in the US. 3. Fur Trappers and Mountain Men - Maybe picture of a strong man carrying supplies/canoe through woods or mountains. b. Lewis and Clark Voyage of Discovery Theme 3: See Power Point ?le (Patch.pptx) Classification: WW Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 605102884 Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 005102884 WW (bx1 -The two figures are Lewis Clark acknowledging the path?nding nature of the program -Slogan of ??rst or last? has two fold meaning: I ?Reference to Tallade 3 nights sincd roves NASCAR and 3 like Ricky Bobby wanted to so fast? with the acquisition -The black background signi?es "exploring the unknown rorn space ?the ?black? nature of the program -The Space booster signi?es the ?rst NRO space launch. Text is - u?re last Graphic is UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2017/09/22 005102884