. Clix R01720ROO1200030053-4 Approved For Release Zg?i?ohti 25X1 8 July 1911 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: The ?Pentagon Papers? I. Background 1. The set of documents that has become informally termed the "Pentagon Papers" is in fact a study entitled ?United States-Vietnam Relations 1945?1967? produced by a group labelled ?Vietnam Task Force? in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The study consists of 46 volumes of text plus a four-page ?47th volume? that includes the two- page transmittal memorandum by which Leslie H. Gelb (Chairman of the Task Force) formally forwarded the whole study to the Secretary of Defense plus a two-page ?outline? e. table of contents). A copy of this ?volume is appended to this memorandum. c. 2. As a quick examination of the outline will illustrate, the study is an amalgam of narrative text by members of the Task Force that wrote it plus compendia of official documents grouped by period or subject or both. In virtually every volume, the narrative text quotes extensively (and usually quite selectively) from a variety of official documents. Not all of these are reproduced separately in the documentary annexes, but in many cases the quotations are collectively so extensive that most of the document in question is reproduced at some point or other in the study. In addition, every volume (and, usually, every section) of narrative text has a fairly elaborate set of footnotes which cite by full title, identifying number g. SNIE 10?4-54) and issue date virtually every document discussed, alluded to or quoted from in the text itself. The documents cited, quoted from or discussed Span the entire classification gamut from overt published material g. books and articles) to Top Secret documents carrying a variety of additional restrictive indicators. ?esh 1' - ,5 i ~?7Z?37f? /ci 6/573? Ll SECRET) 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/11/27 CIA-RDP80R01720ROO1200030053-4 523.8 m9. 03-0050.? 02300003080083-.. . . In Me: .13.. . -3.-. .$0.0 3.00.0..00 LEE. . .-. . .3. .Il-rC(..- 31. ?3302.33-3- $.30 3.3-. 3 033300 335-0 0,090.00. 0% 5.5. 730.403.033.03. 33. . .J 0.0L .. 30.30 0.05.330 00.3..-- -..-35.3 0L. LL30 03.8000 0.3L LL30 34.330.5- LL50 ?0.00 30. 0.00.503 .3. 05.0 03. NULL-00333330 Lru-h 0.04.0. AW. 30..- wow 33L $030033.- 050 4.35 m0330 .000 00.5 -- 0mmw00ww L003 LL-0 00333000. UOL03300 00005350331035.5033 0333.0003N0 .0 me0w?Lw33w UWSEM 0. 03. 0 L050 00--00.-.9-..L0 0.3L W035. .25.- 00HL003.0..LL033 -- .0 330.40 03. .-.-30 0.- P. . 0 U00 .0 .30 00.300 L5. ..L0 ?w-mmLokm?. 03q 033.003.3500 L330 033% (baa-3?; 00.00 03.- ELL-5. WH00LL33L 4 Lw 3.30.033 Loom 00000.5. .305. 3.5.0 ..0531L0 0 0.L33.._n\ 308$ HQ. 3.532033 00.5.3303. U0 L0 2.5-0 ..L.-.-0. .330. 53330.30 30.0 03003.? 03.x LL.L0-.0 -3 0 0.- 0.5.3 30 55-3305. 53303.0 0. 003000-35. 0m 3330030.. 0.. 0.L 3330.0. 30033.39 0. . 3.4.. .2 )5 .LwneL. milk Lwom .0 . --.--00 0.03.0L0L0L 30% LL30 03. mm. 5303330Hw333r-33 L0. 05 $0.0 30.. 030 303033.35. 00005.03 .0 . L-m amp-300.3% L000 .- $00050 -.. $0.0 0% 00.53.00. 33 go?mmpx No 0.00 33.0.0 55. LL0.00..L0L30L 3.3-2.3 .080 ?mm-<0 003.050 .. 0L. L33 330 00303300 U00WH0330333. @0050 H0w00mm0n 3.0..0 03.05 .000 .8 .LL30 0.0033030?. 3L0 OWL-003.0 7003330 63L 5.0.333 0.5L 3L0 WWL0M0L 4.0005 .20 05-0 .L.D0 50.33.0340 wow-LL03 .330 0.8.3? .0.me LL30 330.03.03.00 L0 ?333 0.3.5me0330 .Lo 35033003330 0.5L 0033300 333.030.0300. 0% .. 0 ELL-3.30333 0. .2330 3.03300 0. 0.0000.\ L000333053 0. 0 . 0.3L 0.8.330 @3053 GEM. MW OOH LL30 UUH 0.33. 0.3.0090:- mwo?wmv. L3m05333m3L L33 005.30 00000 33.03330. -0333 3.3.0333 L30 3.233.. 30005.3 00 .LL30 H0 0.000003% 3.5.0 0.0.3333? L030 L33 LL30 00.00 3.3 LL30 Lac-050 0333.30.03 0. m. . LL30 m0<30 "0.04 050333053. 30 30.0w 0.3.. 0053.00 .70 .L. ?228 m9. 003$ 88: 53 05-0058023808088800-. N02 .. . . e. .. .l Approved For Release - CIA-Roper) 01720ROO1200030053- 4 25x1: vu- I recognized that all of the material in the Pentagon stq'dy' is now at least three years old and some of it is over twenty years old. Nonetheless, we are concerned about the following areas of actual or potential damage: 25X1 Q. 25x1 25x1 25x1 Approved For Release 2006/11/27 Next 1 Page{s) Ea Decmmem Senied Approved For Release 2006/11/27 CIA-RDP80R01720R001200030053-4 9 I 1- CL 1 9 .1311 i a. Luau. 1 .J .. kn ave hour CL910. ES ?5 WW (551 1 .- ?-Cl 1: 3 ?of-c :1?16 J. CLO 3103 1Wu-ln 16 A study and is over C, 1 1a a. eve Governmem Lnau fou ?7 woe 1 1R l- . 13171. 0 Lb U. a. L) whor1zea Agape: er :13. a commete sely affect 811 know. \If ?Ha13?. i u;.L - 0 "#111061 con"; te v? A1 0L-