FEDERAL FOIXPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1370660?0 Total Deleted Pageis} Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page b6; b?C; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b7D; Deleted Page{e) We Duplication Fee For this Page BUREAU DFIHVESTIGATIHH . .- SECTION 1 if r. apex??k? 19715 Mr. mam?w ?Vi! - NEDID NY PLAIN TELEHEE: Mr:G?l Mr. Jags PM NEDENT 4-2D-7D EPN Mr. 'm?m .Ilg Mr. T0 DIED DE ?.me Miss EEDN NEN YORK 2P Em Mn?nawn Dumas: ,v END imp-mama . . mm, Elf};- Erie:th Transpn?atinn nfEtDJE-n hawk ?ll-Erma PM, WW 1239 DASH in BETWEEN THE HDDES SENEN PM, FOUR SIXTEEN SEVENTY AND DNE NN, FOUR SENENTEEN SEVENTY, UNSUB \3 ENTERED EPNETNENE TNENTY ONE if: EIFTY SEDDNIL 313Eij NYC, AND FLED Em APPROXIMATELY DNE HUNDRED DOLLARS JENELEY AND FEES. SUBJECT ?le! ;7 GAINED ENTRANCE TU APARTMENT BY 1 A LHGK ON ONE OF THE WOOD WERE LOCATED ON THE WHEN THE UNSUCCESSFULLY AT EMPTED TO INSERT HER J8 [7 7! 1105397 T1 VICTIM CURRENTLY A LIST AND OBTAINING PHOTOGRAPHS OF SOME OF THE I Palm Department ?n . hr (1- NO SUSPECTS DEVELOPED BY MOMS. SOURCES OF WILL BE APR 321mg AND EMPLOYEES 0F HOTEL WERE UN DUTY DURING PERTINENT m: 94' WILL BE INTERVIEWEB. NEIDN SHE NEED END PAGE ONE I (H ?5 6:.va 5 19708 MR. RENEW FUR TEE PAGE TWO FUR INFORMQTION OF THE BUREAU, VICTIM IS HELL KNOWN STAGE PERSONALITY AND IS CURRENTLY APPEARING 05! BROADWAY. IN MUSICAL BY NYE) BEING UIGDRUUSLY PURSUED. END If . in?rm AVATAR Gr INVASION IVA . Arr. I x? 1 I Oz: N354 NY PLAINTEXT 1" 4. T919. M131 II- TO DIRECTOR I Mis? Gamiyh i FROM NEW YORK 87-NEN I . UNSDD, THEFT OF SEVENIE ONE [?g??n??HQNEhHu?g?gp SIXTY i7 urn-HF lH'll - BOOPM NITEL 4-22-79! AJN DOLLARS JENELRY AND FURS, HOTEL RESIDENCE OF ETHEL NEHNAN, N19, ?Pin-'1. FOUR DASH NT. RE NEN YORK TELETYPE, FOUR TWENTY ONE SEVENTT. NIGHT MANAGER, EERNSHIRE HOTEL, NYC, ADVISED THAT A REVIEN OF THE HOTEL GUESTS DURING PERIINENT PERIOD REVEALED H, FHAT IND INDIVIDUALS SHIPPED HOTEL NIIHOOT RATING BILL ON FOUR be {Of} EIGHTEEN SEVENTV. HE STATED THEY CHECKED INTO HOTEL ELEVEN k?c THIRTY PM FOUR FIFTEEN SEVENTY, AND NERE ASSIGNED ROON ONE NINE I ZERO ONE AND ONE NINEZERO SIX. ONE REGISTERED AS . .1 mew?9y EMPLOYED BY EELLERS LIMITED, OTHER AS BUSINESS LAD AND LASSIE I KINDERGARTEN, INC. THE ABOVE INDIVIDUALS HAD AN NINETEEN Fin SEUENTYDARK BLUE PONTIAC TEMPEST, LICENSE FOUR A .: SO ZERO FOUR THREE OR FOOR I SEVEN ZERO TNO THREE. END PAGE ONE '4 ?33; APR 28 muf? awn" PAGE IND AN LHM T0 LEGAT OTTAWA REQUESTING INVESTIGATION IN MONTREAL IS BEING PREPARED BY THE NYC. NO ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFORMATION DEVELOPED TO DATE BY NYO 0H INVESTIGATION CONTINUING. END FBI WASH DC mama NI EL medium HUD DI. cum Mohr APR 244?Hr. Tav H??qz HY PLAIN FROM NEW YORK EU- IN: 1-H .J 0 SIEELIECT. UHF. EEK-mun nan: HIIHDREDW I: II F- i .iL. i A I. ?t I?llEjlilE MA I I l? 9 FOUR SEUEHTFEM SFUENTY: HT. RE NEH TURF TELETYPE, FOUR TWO SEUEMTY. INVESTIGATION TU BY AND HYO QT HOTEL HESIDEHCE NEFQTIUE. N0 SUSPECTS DEVELOPED. EUIDEECE OF VALUE DEVELOPED BY NO PHYSICAL MYO HQUE FURNISHED IDENTIFMBLE WITH THIS THEFT. IHASWUCH as cor-mummy we, DAILY TELETYPES APE mscomnw?gm/M r3 THE BUREAU WILL BE: MUISEU IF 5.1m 5' APR: IwFoa-rmTIow 1:3: amnmm. Eva a FPI I'm ?emFEIJERFIL EUREAII UF Iiivis'm?m?n Mr. Hr. Bishupm. . Gmparwm? ?4 Jr. Callahan? i 1' fr. Sayers Miss Hukx?w Miss Gaza" I i' I I. I: Mr. T013011 I 1 - I a Mr. Tolson I I Tm Mr D?Loachw - v? 1' 4 wasp? . Mr. Wa?'nrs nu h" Mr. Err-hr" I we a \t wmumcrmows SEGT or: . Mr. m?mp?? a, Mr. Gawai- IJH ("91311331. I NREEQ NY IN TELETIPE in?. . I If. 1 .151. 1. BEAM NI 11?22-795 HUD :?vnlDI, CTUR Tole. Rogm :13 1-1 4:31:13 Mixs "d "u-u-uu?u-r?H ?a .1 4. CHANGED. UNKNOEE THEFT or SEVENIY HUNDRED- fa SIXTY DQLEAEQNJEWLHY AND FURS, HOTEL RESIDENCE 0F ?Una FOUR SEVENTEEN ITSP MT. RE NEW YORK TELETYF FOUR SEUENTY. i i TITLE CHANGED TO REFLECT TRUE UHLUE 0F STOLEN PROPERTY WHICH WAS PREVIOUSLY CARRIED AS APPROXIMATELY ONE I \h HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS: INTERVIEW 0F FERTINEHT HOTEL EMPLOYEES BEING CONDUCTED WITH NEGATIVE RESULTS TO DATE. VICTIM PREPARED i WW6: 5?3? a 51?? DESCRIPTION OF STOLEN PROPERTY AND HAS OBTAINED SOME SKEICHES WHICH WILL, WHERE APPROPRIATE, BE SUBMITTED F0 INCLUSION IN THE NSFF. THURUUGH INTERVIEW 0F VICTIM UNSUCCESSFUL IN gala? DEVELOPING SUSPECTS. JEHLRY MAINTAINED IN SMALL saFE,?,h_ . IN BEDROOM CLOSET, WAS DRILLED ?1 via?.1 I OPEN AND LEFT LYING om BEDROOM FLOUR. LAB DEVELOPED 1: N0 LATENT FINGERPRINTS. EXAMINATION 0F LUCK TU want-KI- END PAGE ONE k??gf I. 11.: 3! I 281970 PAGE TWO SUITE BEING CONDUCTED BY LAB TO DETERNINE IF PICKED. SOURCES OF NYO HAVE FURNISHED NO INFORMATION TO DATE ON INSTANT NO SUSPECTS DEVELOPED BY OR NYO. INVESTIGATION CONTINUING. END gm W10 Po-as mew. $22.54Date: Transmit the following 111 aw. {Type in plaintst or codeVin AIRTEL j, a (Priority) . TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (ATT: LIAISON SECTION) nan: SAC, NEW roan (8??new) r73; SUBJECT . oi: $71 L1 lensing and Furs, Hotel .1 1 Residence of armme are .r .x w" W??g i I map-MT y; a ReNYtel to Bureau, i 5. Enclosed for the Bureau are six copies of an LEM concerning investigation desired in Montreal, Canada, through Legat, Ottawa. It is noted that due to the nature of the investigation, thepossibility exists that the persons interviewed may be subjects or witnesses in this matter and contents of any report could be used in a judical proceeding in this matter. cause Legat, Ottawa, to contact Canada, I for any information they possess relative to this matter and to determine the identity of person.uhc is registered ito 1970 Pontiac, Quebec license 4270*3, and interview their whereabouts from k/15-18/70. I.) war-Eli; a i? .3 E1 ~Liaison Section) in Apr: :38 1310 1-Legat Ottawa) gagizt dc? i_s, 1-New York, ?cat-3:(6) f??mUaaer I ed: 71} ?99 Sent For Approv I 5 13ng Charge s. oovsanusnw OFFICE uses 0 - sec-nae n1} In Reply, Please Refer to File UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Hawiork, New Kerk April 19?0 Unknown Subject: Theft of $71,160 Jewelry and Furs, Hotel Residence ofEThel Herman, NeW'York City april 17, 19?0 Between the hours of ?:15 PM, April 16, 1970, and 1:00 AM, April 19?0, the hotel suite of Ethel Herman was entered and approximately $71,160 in.jewe1ry and furs was taken. Victim resided in Suite 1H10, Berkeshire Hotel, 21 East 52nd Street, New'York City, The jewels were maintained in a small safe in.Hiss Herman?s bedroom closet, and was found drilled and ripped opened, on the bedroom floor. Investigation.br the Newiork city Police Dem partment and Federal Bureau of Investigation, reveals that two individuals registered at the hotel 11:30 PM, April 15, 19?0, and departed hotel on April 18, 19?0, without paying their bill. They had a car, described as a l9?0 dark blue Pontiac Tempet, two door, Quebec license as amil employed by Lad a Lassie Kindergarten, Incorporated. They were guests in room 1901 and 1906, respectively, and allegedly entered the hotel with four bags and departedwith six.hags. While guests, they had two male and two female guests in their hotel rooms. No additional information relative to their activities was dewdoped through inquiry at the hotel. The above individuals are described as follows, names not included, as identity was not determined by witness, and are referred to as number one and number two: . Subject; Theft of $71,160 from Residence of Ethel Herman ?umber One Race Sex Age Height Build Heir Characteristics Hum er Two Race Sex Age Height Build Heir Characteristics White Male 35 5 feet 8 to 9 inches Slim Black, nest, regular haircut, Small mustache, very well dressed, no accent, well mannered White Male 33 5 feet 6 inches Medium Medium brown, sandy cast, sideburns Mustache, neatly dressed, well mannered Unknown Subject; Theft of $71,160 from.Residenee of Ethel Herman It is requested that investigation he conducted in Montreal, Canada relative to establishi if criminal record exists land inter- view them relative ear activities in ew'York on April 15i18, 1970. It is also requested that the identity of owner of 1970 Pontiac, Quebec license h270es be obtained and he also be interviewed in accordance with.above. 12-19553 . - .. - I .. BUREAU OF INQSTIGATION REPORTING OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE PERIOD roar YORK 6/23/70 h/20/70 0 6/23/70 1-. TITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE 3., 5? Fix rherthr 671,166.00 JOSEPH s. NEALOE ma?ic ?x derail-y "and" rs Fm" i _Hotel_, ?egm??m is]? CHARACTER OF case Ethe??x?erman, - Er, Irsr #717770 REFERENCES: Erteletype to Bureau, h/20/70. Erairtel to Bureau, h/2h/70. -13.. INFUBMANTS: 13. maximum. utilization memo has been furnished to I agents of the IEYO for contact 1with their confidential informants. 2, 1 However, to date, no information regarding this burglary has been received from these sources. it 1 UJLIK ACCOMPLISHMENTS CLAIMED E. NONE HE HAS BEEN: CDNVIG AUTO.- FINEE SAVINGS EECOVERIES TALS PENDING OVER ONE YEAR PENDING PROSECUTION OVER SIX MONTHS Dries Em: rppnovEsz 00 N01 WRITE IN SPACES COFIEE I . (?f-33 eau. l. a, (r -Legat, Ottawa) (INFO) "Em?ma. ?at: 2?Los Jingeles 2~1viiami Jun 5 39m 23hr York (87?60152) - I. Dissemlnn?on Record of Attached REPOH Notations Agency Request Reed. irate Fwd. How Fwd. A GPO 193! CI - 299-385 i .0L 1 as?; cavsn PAGE QT L03 ARGELEs, will contact confidential informants for sny information they may possess relative to this burglary, in view of the feet that the victim is such a well-known Show business personality. MIAMI AT FLORIDs. '?ill conduct same inquiry es set out for Los ingeles. est-J rem; er rem: sir aroma. 1.) will maintain Contact with Detectirel l7th.Deteotive Equed, for any informs ion may eve relative to this theft. 2.) Will report the results of investigation requested of Legst, Otters, by referenced HY sirtel. -Bsi COVER PAGE 31:12 04 3-3-59} Cup? to: Report of: Dale: Field Office File Title: Character: Synopsis: and $71 Suite 1 166.00 in.jewelry and furs taken. 10, Berkeshire Hotel, NYC, and jewelry maintained in a i UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION JOSEPH 8. NEALON om?. New York, New York 6/23/70 Bureau File UNKNOWN Theft of $1,166.00 Jewelry and Furs, Hotel Residence of Ethel Herman, New York, New York, b6 April 17, 1970 TRANSPORTATION OF STOLEN PROPERTY Between the hours of ?:15 PM, and 1:00 HM, h/17/70, the hotel residence of the victim was entered, Victim resides in small safe in victim's bedroom.c1oset, which safe was found drilled and ripped open. Investigation revealed two individuals, giving their residence as Montreal, Canada, checked into hotel, /l5/70, and departed without paying their bill. No additional suspects develOped. taken is set out herein. DETAILS: telephone call from.Detective Squad, New York City Police Department, KNIUYDJ, who advised on April 20, 19?0, that Miss hotel residence was entered between 7:15 PM, April 16, 1970, and 1:00 AM, April 17, 1970, while she was appearing in Broadway play, "Hello Dolly?. This document contains neither recommendations not conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its. mutants are not to be distributed outside your agency. Description of jewelry and furs -9- Investigation in this_mattex_is_nzedigated upon a 17th Detective n. .E. Ev. 3.17.59] .- Duh- Detectivel 17th.Detect1ve Squad, New York City Police Department advised that his precinct received a call regarding this burglary at approximately 1:00 AM, April 19, 19?0. He stated at that time it was not known of the extent of the loss. He stated that the NYCED Laboratory had removed the lock in victim's apartment and are processing it to determine if the look was picked. He also advised that no latent fingerprints were developed and that as of this time he had no suspects as a result of his investigation. that he obtained a list of employees who were on duty during the pertinent period and who had access to victim's apartment which names he is.reviewing with the records contained in the Bureau of Criminal Identification of the NYUED. 0. 14/21/70 .1. New York, New York: mp NY 87-60152 ens ram 3. annexes: a 4/23/70 This document contains neither rocommondo?ons not conclusions of 11m FBI. It is the oroporh: of the FBI and E: loaned to your agency: ii and its confetti: are not to ho distribuicd cumido your agency. i} I (P . FEDERAL BUREAU OF IHVESTIGATIUN 3.. 14/29/70 Dut- Miss ETHEL HERMAN, Suite 1&10, Hotel Berkshire, 21 East 52nd Street, New York City, New York, advised that between the hours of 7:15 sh, April 16, 1970, and 1:00 EM, April 17, 1970, her suite was entered and Jewelry and furs amounting to $71,160 was taken. She stated that this occurred while she was performing in the musical "Hello Dolly?. Miss MERHAN stated that when she returned to her residence she attempted to insert her her into the door but was unsuccessful in her attempt and summoned assistance from the hotel manager. She stated when she entered the suite she proceeded to her bedroom and there observed a safe in which she maintained the_Jewelry, broken open and lying on the bedroom floor. She stated that this safe is maintained in her bedroom closet and was sure that it was locked prior to her departing for the evening. Miss HERMAN stated that she could recall nothing unusual occurring_in the recent past that would cause her to suspect anyone or to think that she was being ?set up" for a burglary. at this time Miss HERMAN made available a detailed description of the items taken along with sketches of some of the pieces of jewelry which were taken. Following is a description of?propertp taken in this theft: cold and diamond locket and chain - $500 Star sapphire and diamond.ring $3,500 Star sapphire-and.pin $4,000 Ruby and diamond pin $3,000 Pearl and diamond ring with one South Sea center pearl, 14 mm. and 9.#0 round diamonds $2,500 broach'e $1 000 earrings $500 Gold and bracelet - $500 Diamond charms attached to bracelet $l,500 mama a. New York, New York NY File]! see same: a, a JOSEPH s. season/memes This document contains neither recommendations not conclusions Of ?1'2 FBI- is ?'13 Pmpar?' the FBI and is launed to Your agent? it and ils contents are not to he distrihuled outside yaur age??- 3 10Diamond and platinum bracelet with four diamond hearts and one diamond pill hos attached - $5,000 Three strand cultured pearl necklace, one ruby and nine diamonds ball clasp $1500 Three strand cultured pearl necklace with aquamarine clasp $1,750 11 carat gold ball rin with 69 diamonds $500 a white gold dom turquoise and diamond ring - $2,000 in Aquamarine ring - $1,500 a cut sapphire and diamond rin. - $1,000 A turquoise pin with diamonds egg shaped) $3,000 One pair gold and diamond earrings - $3,500 g?eoggld and diamond pin (van Cliff and Arpels) 3 Platinum, diamond and persian turquoise drop earrings, containing: a $0,000 1. 64 round.diamonds 2. two oval shaped persian turquoise 3. two pear shaped persian nur noise Piaget and gold and diamond match 2,000 a) Gold bracelet made up of United States $50 gold pieces b) Gold bracelet with dangling United States old pieces, various denominations of $1.00 $2.50 Eigh gold'bracelets with large gold charms $3:200 Four gold and Jade round bracelets - $2,800 gold pearl and dads drop earrings - $500 gold Jade and pearl ring - $500 gold bracelet - Jack charms - $500 One pair pearl and gold earrings - $575 One emerald and diamond large round pin with coral center a $575 One coral, diamond and Russian pin - $1,700 One coral cut sapphire and diamond pin - $1,000 Two cigarette lighters with matches - $60 One strand pearl necklace a $500 various cufflinas and gold earrings approximately 1 2 0 3n; gound gold watch with?EM? in script one gold bracelet with gold.hall charm (diamonds) One Russian capri and gold charm which.opens up as a book Fo-goi' 34.7-69} FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 11/29/70 Dore IBerkehire H?tel, 21 East 52nd Street, New York city, advised that a review of the bellboy and delivery recordeiailed to reveal anyone in the immediate vicinity of the victim's apartment during the pertinent period except for a maid, whose duty is to turn down the bed. He stated that the hotel records rerlect ehe entered Mine euite at approximately 8:10 PM, the evening of the burglary, and.per- formed her required duties. aLeo advised that he recalled hearing from the] !that two individuale believed on Montre 'ana a ipped a bill either a day or the after thin burglary, and he was having the records reviewed in order to obtain the details surrounding this event. I:Ietated that he had no enepeete in this matter nor has any additional information come to his attention that he-ooneidered pertinent to this investigation. ll/El/TO New York, New York Fm NY 37?60152 ans FRANK n. a JOSEPH a. um dictated 11/23/70 n! oonloins neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. II is the property of the FBI one] is loaned to your agency: tents are not to he outside your agency. 5 be] Ila-7C5 3-1169FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION an. 4/29/70 Credit Hptel ration cards ch of which reflected there registering at the a ova at exactly 11:37 PM on April 15, 1970. New York, new York HM. NY 87?60152 by S. ?3 Date dictated This document contains neither recommendations nur conclusiuns of the FBI. {1 Is the propel-1r of FBI and is loaned to fun: agancy: it and its contents are not to be distributed outside! your agency. i) FEDERAL OF 29/7 0 Don- Berkehire Hetel, b;c was contacted ralative 21 East to two Canadian individuals allegedly skipping the hoEeE:Till [::f::EIent to the burglary of Miss wh?hhnis Jewelry. stated that in that regard that at approximate the evening of April 15, 1970, he assisted in registering .they re intered asi and was employed by Eellers Limited. ie'was assigned Room 1. The other individual registered as and was employed I I 5 Id. lstated that the above individuals had a car deser' as a 970 dark blue Eontiao Tempest, Quebec license as stated that this car was ehedked in the hotel garage and was taken out at approximately 1:00 PM the afternoon of April 17, 1970, and.not seen again. He stated that the shore two individuals left the hotel shortly after noon on April 18, 1970, and did not pay their bill. He stated that the records reflect that they checked into the hotel with four bags and departed with six. However, he was not too eertain of the shore facts: described the above individuals as follows: Number One Ease: White Sex: Male Age: 35 Height: Fire feet eight inches nine inches Build: Slim Hair: Black, neat regular haircut dharaeteristios: Very well dressed, no ascent noted and well mannered, small mustache Number The Ease: White Wee/7:3 u, New York, New York: PM NY 87- 50152 by as masses 3.. masseuse Om hum; li/23/70 This document contains neither recummendu?ons no: conclusions of the FBI. It is Ihe propony of il'le FBI and i: fanned in your agency: if and ii: centenls ma nod to be distributed (Hillside your agency. Height: Gharaeterietice: Male 33 Five feet six inches Meaium Medium shade of brown with sandy cast neatly dreseed the above Sideburne, mustache, very stated that he beiievee he could identify 'i??I?I?uaIE'if Been again. .b fl Fo-aoz 3-17.5.9} -. . ?q I I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION g; 4/29/70 Darn be I advised that she~was bornl She stated she nae been employed as a maid at the Berkshire Hotel since 1965. She stated as best she could recall she entered the suite of Miss HERMAN shortly after 8:00 PM the evening of April 16, 1970, and turned down the bed as was her responsibility; She stated that she observed nothing unusual in the victim's apartment at the time, and there was definitely no safe on the floor of the victim's bedroom. She stated that she did not notice anyone outside the victim?s suite either before entering or after departing and.eould think or nothing unueual that occurred that evening that would cause her to suspect anyone of perpetrating this burglary. htated that in the event anything is recalled or her that would_be of assistance, she would immediately advise the New York Office. NY 87-60152 4/23/70 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusion: a? iho FBI. If is ?16 Properyum agam'? .i and H: center-is ore uol to In: distributed outside your agency. t. J. . I .. b5 Recontact with netective Squad, NEH York city Police Department, was ma on 4, 21 and June 14, 19?0, however, he adyised that he has-nut developed any ausyects and no information has come to his attation indicating that any of the property has been taken interstate. - 10* - W. w- ?nun?u? a . FEDERAL 0F amasnemmq COMMUNICATIONS SECTION Mr, Mom Mr. Bishep__ Mn Gama. Pair. . CD11 f' Feltr Gala MI. Mr. Dir. Suwragb #3 . T2113. Realm; OTT 62 44! IMS mm Hahne?l?zf: URGENT 7 ?Lilian Gandy;.;..i TD RECTUR FROM.LEGAT OTTAWQ (87-914) 1? THEFT OF JEWELRY AND FURS, HOTEL RESIDENCE OF ETHEEQMERMAN, NEH YORK, MEN YORK, APRIL SEVENTEEN LAST. ITSP. .?Ik L) If is" RE NEW YORK LHM APRIL THO FOUR LAST. IN VIEH 0F CIRCUNSTANCES UNDER WHICH SUSPECTS DEPARTED i NED YORK, MONTREAL PROPUSE ID CONDUCT IDTEDUIDD AND SEARCH UNDER ACT DMD, PRIOR THERETO, DDULD APPRECIATE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF JEWELRY AND FURS ALSO, IF POSSIBLE, PHOTOS OF SAME FOR USE IN POSSIBLE IDENTIFICATION. ADVISE. ERB FBI DDSH Dc w?h? :3 JUL 1 6 1979 - a 1r. 12-22-55} o'r'r . Ind- as Date: August 30, 1970 To: Directorr FBI [Bl-Ifile 1 Attention From: Legal toche, Ottawa 1 1" 7 .Tme Character 1; 1' I, UNSUB: There no ITSP J4 ?1 assigns Reference -. York, New York 4/17/70 . ?r Ottawa letter 8/7/70. Enclosed are the followi a com unicctions received from the! I 1371::- Three copies of Division report 8/12/70. Remarks: Dissemination May he mode as received May be made as indicated by stomp on enclosure May not be made without further clecronce with Following offices would be interested in receiving copies of enclosures: New York (87-60152) i k" I Do riot write in_ space below . r. Status With this office"In; r-I'si" . Pending ?5 I am . . r" Sw?ureau (Enos-9New York +07] 3.1-4 JAMrjl by 1 SEP 3 19gowns?msnw OTT-4 {Hem 12-22-55} 'l o? Date: 9-8-70 Director, {Bu?le Attention Fromm?lg?gl Attache, Ottawa Title Character wens; Theft of Jewelry and 651313, I-I?otel?lftesidence ofm afigig? Nah Yor Ottawa letter 8~30?70. Enclosed are the following communications received from th4 report dated 8?20-70. of item Three copies Note request in paragraph three of the enclosure. Dis semination May be made as received Following offices would be interested in receivinchopies of enclosures: Status with this office: e. r. I?dkk?lv' May be made as indicated by stomp on enclosur 1 :n eld? ?5 . May not he made without further clearance with I 0 '7 I'll-3 t} New York w- (87-60152) t. . Do not write 111 Space below KR Pending mu? ?3 Bureau (1 oo - New York) a (E110. 3) 9 101970 "tel-'4' .HJ ;Er sf? ENCLOSURE no)" - $654 [j Ir 0mm FORM no. - EDITION 1. FFMR (I: am} 101* a . GOVERNMENT Memorandum plasma, FBI (ATTENTIBH: 4L1AISOH sac, NEW mm: (87-66152) um: 9/29/79 EhEML$J?aplso Jewem l7 Motel?Residencemgf r- - Re Legat, attawa letter to Bureau, 9/3/70. Enclosed for the Bureau are 31:: aopiea of a. letterhead 31 d- concerning inveatigation in mm requesteJinn?I . BEIE-agi?isgn :itm?agr? 8 7 ?9 @73? Legat, @ttawa air-91H) -1 - New York (if .g?liuper 4 Wm 5 - 5 'n #3377" Gm f5? 559m 12 197944 Bag: US. Saying: (?end: Reg?ldriy an the Pmym? Saving: Plan In Reply, Please Refer {a File No. . UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREJIU OF INVESTIGATION New Yerk, New Yerk Septe?ber 29, 1970 ?nkneun Subject; Theft of $71,160 Jewelry and Furs, Hbtel Residence of Ethel Herman, Hen City, 39.1311 17: 197? Interstate Tranepertatien of Stolen Property - ?nder Theft Intermetien Services previded by the New Yerk Telephone Company revealed that there is no record of an Ialantie Travel Agency in Hanhettan, Haw Yerk. d! - Forearm-v. 12-19-67} i - or .. EFEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIO A. A REPDRTING OFFICE NEW YORK OFFICE. OF ORIGIN NEW YORK DATE 513*; a 01373 IN VESTIGATIVE PERIOD 6/23/70 - 11/17/70 TITLE OF CASE ensue; mentor $.71 116-61 REPORT MADE BY S. NEALON TYPED BY Rid Jewelry and Furs, tel CHARACTER OF CASE Residenee of Ethel erman New York, 7 0.2L REFERENCE Report of SA JOSEPH S. NEALON at New York, 6/23/70. It is noted that the period of this report is in excess of 11- days which occurred as a result of the desire to incorporate an investigation in New York as a result of leads obtained from 5? inquiry conducted through Legat, Gttawa. 3?s, -P- ADMINISTRATIVE i' I .a The confidential source abroad referred to in the report is the Legat in Gttawa.3. ACCOMPLISHMENTS CLAIMED seem-r- CASE HAS BEEN: CDNVIC. AUTO. FUG. FIN ES SAVINGS RecovsRIEs TALE PENDING PHOSEGU TICIN OVER SIX MONTHS i. . a psuomo OVER ONEYEAR Ejves' dim-P SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE DD WRITE IN SPACES BELOW AL I COR-IE5 maoe? wean - Legat, ?ttawa) 2 New York (57-60152) [Inez $5 are Disseminu'rion Record of A?oohed Report Notations If Agency Request Recd. pate Fwd. 11/35/70 How Fwd299?365 53- GOVEB PAGE it" NY 87-60152 By communication dated 8/11/70, from Lee Angelee, and 8/18/70, from Miami, it was noted that sources of the above offices have furnished no information relative to this burglary. To date no information of value regarding this matter has been obtained through oontaota with.eouroea of the N20. LEADS NEHFYOEK W111 maintain contact with b6 Detective 1?th Detective Squad, NEGPD. 2. W111 report results of investigation requested of Legat, Gttawa. -Ba- GQVEH PAGE inn?'1. .1. 4 FED-201 (Ra; 3.3.59} 13. a" Copy to: Report oi: Dale: .Field Of?ce File Title: Character: Synopsis: her ein. DETAILS UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU oF INVESTIGATION JOSEPH S. NOV 35 15:70 37-50152 seems; Theft of $71,166, Jewelry and Furs, Hotel Residence of Ethel Herman New'lork, New York, April 17, 19?0 INTERSTATE TRANSPORTAT 13111 31" STOLEN MJOR THEFT office, New York, New York Bureau File Results of investigation to date regarding two possible suspects in Montreal and Toronto, Canada, set forth No information of 1Value developed leac- EV communication dated June 19, 1970, the confidential source abroad advised that Quebec license er '701-1-3 is registered 1. to a Lad and Lassie Nursery and Kindergarten, Ineorporated, 1357 Van Borne Street, Montreal, Canada, for a 1970 Pontiac hardtop. Communication continued that this oomgagkis managed by The source advised that as a new, [meal-Mam was developed on and who is father-ih-law of fr . L?f sides atl teleph%d !Montrea1. he has driwing 'aermit when aoted to be I esides at 1 op one numbe a - was with Zellers Limited, - a 5 Island, Montreal, telephone amber 161-6181 ,i?rom December; 26, until dctober 7, 1966This document coninins neither recommendations nor concIu-sions of the FBI. It I: the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; in and its ennui-11:3 are not to be distributed outside your agency. NY 87-60132 and with western.Auto Parts 5872 Sherbrooke Street, west, Montreal from October 21, {966, until May 6, 1969. From May 6, 1%69 until date unknown, he was employed by Dinsdale Sales Promo ion.Limite *_5117 De Maisonneure Boulevard west Montreal telephone er sea?7578. His present employment is with_?eepuser Institi?oof Canada, 2015 Drummond Street, Montreal, telephone number see?e 6 as an educational counsellor. His Social Security number is bif- criminal record was located in Montreal on: or By communication.dated July 23 1970, a confidential sonrg?_ahfoad that investigation at the residences of and resulted in obtaining no information of value pert The communication continued that as contacted and admitted being in New'York at the Berkeshire from April 15, 1970 until April 18, 1970, and that he left wit mg the e111. He stated that he was in the company of and they did not [haze?the money to pay the bill With regar this burglary, denied that he in any was involved in this matter, advised that their trip had been one of pleasure and for the purpose-of btaining his fiancee?s personal 5, which he intended to bring from New York to Canada. stated that he was born.in.Hew'York City, is still an crican citizen, and gave his former New'York address as eve referred to communication also noted thatl is engaged in thefbuying rom and that she was selling between ?300 and $1,000 worth of this jewelry per month. Some of this jewelry was observed during the above investigation -but none was found to be identical with any of the articles taken in this theft. ed that listed another address, By communication source abroad informed that be of bretnl was contacted atl I regarding his trip to New York April 1e to 15, 1970. He stated that he was in New'York on a -2. NE c7-60152 pleasure trip and for the purpose antreal bi surplus luggage which.his fiancee 2f Germany, ETC had left with relatives Upon arri ng rom. ermany. He denied being involved in this burglary, and regarding his leavin _the hotel withoTt Engine the bill, he stated he ran out of at the time. stated that during his stay in,New ork he had made reservations at Islantio Travel Agency, Manhattan, exact address unknown, for his fiancee's return trip to Germany. -He did not recall the exact address of the travel agency nor was he able to furnish the location from which he obtained.nis fiancee?e luggage stating that it had been.on a piece of paper which he had thrown away. Inquiries by an NEALOH through the information services provided or the New York Telephone Company revealed that there is no record of an Islantic Travel Agency in.?ew York City. By communication dated August 11, 1970, the Los Angeles office furnished the following information: I:Ertween July 1970, and 3113115? 11- 1970- all: made contacts with Lieutenant org ary auto Deta.?. Central Divi ion. Los Angeles Police Department, Lieutenant De active Detail,'west ~es - Los Angeles Pol ce Department Lieutenant Los Angeles County Sheriffs rice; Lieutenan Division,I Los Ange es olice Departmentj Gaptain Detective Division Beverly Hills Police Department. However, no pertinent information was developed. Contact with Detective 17th Detective Squad1 New York City Police Department, has been.naintained by the New York office on a periodic basis. However, to date no additional suspects have been developed either by the ?ew'lork City Felice Department or the New'fork office. .. if FBI-31H EV. F4591 i i nose?. BUREAU or INVESTIGATION 10/ 23/ T0 Def: I an: I advised he has done business with I Isince February 6, 1970. He stated his records reflect that since that time he has had ten separate transactions with her involving sale of cos tune eweiry to her in amounts of 166, $536, $43, 675, $940, 51,192, 36118 and 1 1. tated in each case he delivered Jewelry to ei er at a hotel in New York City or at his own residence when she stayed there on her buying trips from Canada. stated he had no other dealinga?m?mhfr of any type. He added that he has no knowledge of or her husband, ever handling snag, but stated they are high livers an spend large sums of money on clothes, entertainment and travel and currently are paying $330 per room per month at her hotel in Canada where she is currently doing ?business as Jonethan Marks, Incorpo - Benvennto Street, Toronto, Canada. He stated that, has in the past been successful in getting by Canadian Customs officials without paying duty on her purchases. material thatl:lis a computer course ea esman is originally from he Bronx and allegedly l?l went to Canada to atom . stated he is a con man and married _as her parents have money and that is his onlyr interest in her. He added, however, that her parents do not like him and, therefore, they do not give her any money. pulling no spec Hith re ard to the possibility of ?stated although he has a large snore, information, he s- the opinion that he could be capable of being Evolved in pulling a score. He stated his son who has been in Canada and has seen lthere, may have additional information of re as vestigation . On 101?21/70 Long Beach, New York 87?60152 35. /1ao 10/23/70 by Date diclolcd This d?cumdn' neiihor rncammandul'iuns nor conclusions 0! 111a FBI. is the properly of Ihe FBI and Is loaned to 3mm- agency,- il and 115 cuntonis are not to be distributed oulslda Iyour agency. 4 I. 1m 37-6915: Who appaarmi 111031; cooperatiim, 137.;- atatad that he hag no ad?i?hional ini'arma?ti?? ragarding this matter, but that if in the future} he became-.3 aware m? mything; he Houl? immn?intuly can-Bach than Fed?eral Bureau of Investigation. Fae-u: (REV. 3-1 ma} FEDERAL BHREAU OF INVESTIGATION . -N r, I 10/30/70 I'Je'lm - I I was contacted reiative to the ETHEL HERMAN bur lary an amnion he may have relative em and He adviser: substantially the a father adding that he had no specific infernatian indicating they were iavelv .d in this theft. He epined, however, that he believed would :10 almost anything for a duller. He stated that if in the event he learns anything pertinent to thin investigation, he would a?viee the Federal Bureau of Investigation. SA /1ae 10/30/70 b? Data dictated This t?nluim ne?her racommandulinns nor conclusions OI FBI. If is the proparlr of the FBI and I: loaned to your agency.- II and Its content: are not In be outside your agency. .. I QUREAU OF INVEQTIGATION OFFICEOFQHIGIN INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD NEW YORK NEW 1:031: 1/29/71 11/20/70 - 1/26/71 f?j?lTLE OF - REPORT MADE BY TYPED BY JOSEPH 3. 110111011 lee Theft of $71,356 WCASE Jewelry - Furs, Hotel Reeidence 0f I 3 NY: ITSP -- MT REFERENCE M) Report of SA JOSEPH s. NEALON, 11/20/70, 1: lIii?he confidential source abreedreferred to in this report is the Leget, 1 ACCOMPLISHMENTS CLAIMED NONE CASE HA5 BEEN: CONVIC. AUTO. Fue. ewes SAVING-S RECOVERIES TALE PENDING OVER ONE YEAR Elves ?ne I PENDING Pnosch'neN oven SIX MONTHS EYES ?mama Mil 39.553135? 00 NOT wane IN SPACES 551101: COPIESMA Bureau mm- 1 New York (87?60152) FEB 2 1971 17 Dissemination Record of Attached Report Netu?on Read. SEGEE Date Fwd. 0.1 av How Fwd. .Bv_ 1gEB?mm? 58 em 2 195: - 299-005 GOVEH PHGE I FD-2 04 (Rev. 34-59} STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Copy to: Report of: JOSEPH . NEHLON Office: New York, New York Dole: Field foice File t: NY 87-60152 Bureau File Title: Cherucler: Synapsis: UNKNOWN Theft of $7l,l66 Jewelry and Furs, Hotel Residence of ETHEL HERMAN, New York, New York, April 17, 1970 INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION 0F STOLEN PROPERTY 9 MAJOR THEFT All logical investigation complete. No suspects developed. No evidence ITSP violation. "1.3 - Details: By communication dated Janna 2 confidential source abroad advised that I was contacted in Montredh Canada, and a a ine used by his fiancee in April, 1970, was Islantic Airlines, and one of his purposes in being in New York City'was to make reservations for her on that airline to go to Germany. The telephone directory in New York City reveals no Islantic Airlines, but does reveal Icelandic Airlines. Icelandic A rlines, HeW?York City, advise a eir recor reflect the on Flight 400 an on April 26, 1970, an individual named! travelled erminated. from New York City to Lugemburg where She stated another airline could be used to continue a trip to Germany, but they would have no record of it. Inasmuch as all logical investigation has been conducted and since no evidence was developed to indicate a supect or an Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property (ITSP) violation, this matter is being closed. 1e This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to 1ill-our age ney; it end its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. I 1'