Vol- -A U. I. nun-un- LM OF ALIEN PASSENGERS FOR .THE UNITED WWIris! 1 me sum: 77 . In (IhunJumn 1 in nu la n- .. mud4949+ 5:014 I. I Ion J'llioc 31 ll Yin /ngllah Yaa Brita in' yttiah Soctland? Arbmath 36505 ,6 Ola-pow 15/4/30 Arbronth 0 Scotland Arbrcath II Scholar Yaa English You Britain in Scotland Arm-oath 36506 Ola-got 15/4/30 jun?; lo :0 op Ia llaond- noniniltYo uh n- Britain otti-h aiyaob-mk 38975 Olaazov 13/1/30 Scotland olydobink Rankin Agnaa 18 Iaobacd 'larv Anne 1% amutiaYaI 1! vllah Yca ?Hill" um Scotland 26696 Oiancv 17/2/10 a . Sc 1? 3 Part 2 a 4 a Port 0 tiah Scotland Olnwow 15mm 01mm 19/2/30 . Scotland Ola-cow Slatar? Agnea lcuillan Yea I: zlinh Yea Britain s?rmu 0k 1 Spain largarat Lyall 33 Britain ttiah Scotland 16501 0/01"th- ?Sootland Olydabank omen-Val vz?'liah Britainyuiah Scotland Melrcaa 29370 Ola-Row 38/1/30 Scotland lolrmc ,?Purtla Crack . 1/ U. 5. Born Scotland . 1 I 1 Stothart lftio 34 I fa You atom-n Davida 6 a7[ lo U.S.A. .4 sum: Margaret 43 Id liah Britain gum: 36m Ola-gov 35/3/30 alum Inrunt Miller 30 Britain I ttiah Scotland Dundee 36794 Ola-gov 31/3/30 Scatland mu" 8 . i a Simplon Sarah Mitchell 50 n_ Ye 11 an Britain um. Scotland Dundaa 36846 din-mu 25/3/30 Scatland nundu Marmara: N. Thom-on lulu-tar 3?7 - a inc?u ngliah Britain ccttiah Scotland Kilbirnio 359.35 10/1/30 Scotland Kilbimio Taylor Jam- Ecla 48 You f?ah Britain Scotland Abardun 36667 Ola-gov 14/3/30 Scotland Abortion 8 its Yaa Ola-gov 1? 14/2/30 Scotlam Taylor Julia 41 lich Britain Soc iah Scotland Petcrhaadi 28668 ilcr? 0 taken Jnnat Ownin 36 Yu lngli-h Britun ottiuh Scotland 39556 on spy 13/3/30 gooumd ldinbum I -.A. 1.. an t. Tuunuu' 1v!" lalker Jane 81 or Yaa liah Britain John-tone 36872 muggy 34/1/30 Scotland?umum 8 lyllia . llizabath lacy-r} . - Britain nicoartcn 31889. Ola-gnu 30/1/30 Scotland Kilnamck fgliah Brit win (Sc .t iah Scotland Aberdeen 33909 Ola .90. 10/1/30 Scotland 01am: Robinson John a 1?9 bourer'u I 'm 'nonald 3? rvant liah Britain ttiah Scotland ?Acmnalvich 13730 Olaagcw 35/??50 Soothing Rah-01'1? 1 I I Shoal- uarpnt 32 I ?in Ya- ngliah Britain cttiah Scotland Duntochor 38437 alum. 38/5/30 Soothnd Danton?: Britain ttiah Scotland 38438 Shula Ecol Ola-gov 38/3/30 a?Ml-11? Mtoohcr Winifred haughty- Lcrimar Margaret ?47 a Britain ftiah Scotland ?hrry 13683 0181ch g/qso 0 am 0 0 loll Slackvcod ?HcPharncn 21 Britain leilatcn 15069 alalgcw [ail I on tiuh I ma ?Dnllau 15017 Judy" 1/ If; 1 II/do acoonna I, . Beattic Dorothy . [meltiohmv 1-. [,1th irltun 1/ 1 Larger" l7!? . Mnifrad Aarintant Yea thlinh 'Srltuln Llf?f-Nlh Scotland 36475 Ola-30', 39/5/30 1 . II. . acrtli?iod lraaionaz- Line a Anni. Ramsay Did not 8:11. Mn. 11 Jun. Iyud me not Sail. 17/ .1 . a] )3 w?yy. In I'llhin munincnl duh mm?m Iball bum?! u! l?wdnd Md.? 0' an. yum-u. [Li-l ul mu rill In [cum] [In wk u! mi. shut. lolnty?, :.-Iaabella 43 . ?Britain fttiah Scotland Rantcn 35352 0121.80. Scotland Blln?tyn STATES IMMIGRATION OFFICER AT PORT OF ARRIVAL SECOND-CABIN PASSENGERS ONLY II MM 1930 Mammal-nth I . I ndII II. I [Who-w-unmmum haw?, m. lj Hyu? II unto-Mllm ?Mud. . all in]! or Inn *rmu?? . II i ?Jarruthen- Hulband ?u'b'ndf? I I William Railway, Ohio nor-1n "unane 33 - Ion, In I 33 Plloo. hther 1748 I. may strut. 2 I Arbrouh. Ohio Lorain 1.9.. 33 lo I 51 Lorain. Ohio. a ?-511. I 8 EEW a" o?jlgf?lgi 10 {1.0 h. :21 69?? go I mum oak?; rI?u w. I, 4 RoId,dIbanx.01II20l. Ct- Stamford "(1.391! .6 a pan Stamford ?gt rather?Inlan?lm Huclaod, 433358014525 A23 .erlne 5 5 Tong, Stornony. my, Astoria ILLBBU ?my L. mus. Io fathom-Peter Slater, "that mther: -PI is {SI-to- I. 17 Glen umpon om ow. LY. Yonkata 1 See 17 7? PM: "Mm Perm ape rI, 7 Lowod HalnI, lelrou. ll-Y. Brooklyn ?..V.891f ,Sg. 2 lothen- 'rurtla Hu'b?nd 19'? I In. JIIMI nanny. Pn- Greek 13.1.9? 83 9' 19:3 Onok( Hr- ancls stochan, '0 9 Avenue, Turtle hthor Torrance Street, . OlydIbInk, olugow. Pl- 33 Pu. Trunk-ll." Jean Thomlon. -t 75 Black u. alugow. 1m. any - name" 550 i huh. I. O4 vhhbavigqmatelr, l1 5 Graham Place, mndec- N-J. Jlrlay ouyf?. {.salf ?to" 81:0..Ieme' "0 Bremen-William Blanon, .. . sin:- guru-t yvttoheu, 12 Btrath-nartina Rd. onundooma. Pnuadupma' 'Self 144 lumen-David Thom omIaon, .5310?; nvne Ave. Ia iih?m e, m. chtongo mam 3 ohxom. Brother-~- 0 Brother-- :4 Houdry T-ylor. Inn. yd! 491192 David My hr, 35 0.2., 1130 I. 40m 5m, 15 dun. 'Ilh. Seattle You hm 5? Gentle, lam. Timon-bald Inner, mm? an (MI mun f?t Ohnlmon, HY II a? 'ItIon 111. Ravtnin 531,801! Box 471. mun?, In. Ito Pam Brothel-?Jun Iyn d, anthem?John lynd, I a It naghlkor, ?top-ll Hog-gig I 1 4 OIwboll Johnson. LY. YonkarI {-50 I as gram". y. lo I ?than-Irmoud . 91Barbuda? Rd.K11nImool.Pa. Turtle amok!" See 17 55?0" ar:- doyl 2? ?gnlon.n 18 lolnloy at. In). .f?m lo I run?)! 31th I learnv Inns?! I on}. mg a at ?wigs ?rm: no no ,3 .. 21 I?mo?toggz ?Ioo?1?hn Mich. Wyandotte #210? I one Inch. I I 81ltIt:- Hubmdw Husband:- I . I 22 In. OItherinI Hoocnrn, N-Y. Bmoklvn 23 ?lo Jamal Shea I, ?g 4a Street, nth? I I I 353 11th street, I as Duntoohex- 11- Y- Brooklyn ".1509 as I Brooklyn, my. 413? Iry I, 24 N. Y. Bronx punk? 5. 1 3-- Io :ro?iru?ar?rt Lorimer, Rigaraxvanue, :5 or": mndaa. LJ. Lindhuut 14,1301! Quinn-luau Mary BlIahood, New York I 3. 10? mu nan-mu. 1.1. any N.Y.SIM I York 1 1m. 119. :?Lth'l?I- .6: Beat ITO. I seer: - Auucrnon. I floater Van, Senava med, oGteenwLoh 21 a 8" gm a, Man. Greenwich NJ. sou rn or:- me a .m I. 28 ?Igo 32:09:, .Iewau Salt K015 .VHLII I a I I. I or who diainlinn In i- In? mniml ww-lunu- -ul n: whu ulmalu ho ulhrl pvmunlm Incqu a! In. ur [ha-u "mm-I 9.)th No" ?Pull um nI qumuon an I. u: n. Whom" . mm?. In or ulvvnuv Ihn (law-1mm lb. 1 Min] sum or .1 .n lnrma HI 1? mum Um unIIqul mam-u.? .4 ,m )K-rly nr 1.. numb" "nu-maul no. Iny "mm-mun rm: munIm dquIu-Iin ?.mmol [nvammrm . ulum ?Imam. nun-ml dulvuninn n! pmpony, u! .. 0, mm. mm, mum, .r pm luioly of lho I mum" 1 my 0mm ur mum. emu ullpod?c human-1. or UK o?mn many, ut an vaununtnl a. an?: smu- nr .4 my lo Porn 7 I No Penn 5 7 7-1 rBroImR'I-ovn Iona No Farm 5 5?h1r?laokarom lonI Dark 4 Inn-Emma? Iona lo Perm lo Pen 5 5 hlrarounauy lone No Perm 5 7ll-lrawun?rown lane 5 dru Igg?u?maluo lone Ia Pom 5 3 httaromaru 1m Io Porn 5 A Darlalukamrn lone lid 5 ?hum-mama loan 6 5 lone orrIIt Dhuio Perm I 6 Yalrarownnrown Iona ?bx lo Pen 8 5 Fungal-talus Ions Io Porn 5 5 rnIh'ararnnLuI long 5 Shralhamnslua lone [in athluI Nan. ?b M: 8:11.81? ?an"