1 ill *00'0000001019041001 REQUEST AND AUTHORIZATION {stream in the buxes abave are for Lender?s use only-and do not limit the?appiicability of this document to a'ny'parhcuiar lean ortitem. Any Ilemab?ove. containing has-been omitted due to "text length limitations. Borrower: Tulare Local Health care District Lender: Bank of?tthe Sierra ?69 Nerth Cherry Street Tuiare Office Tuiare. 93274 .246 Tulate Ava Tuiare, CA. 93274 LOAN TYPE. This i?sa Varl'abie'Rate Nondisclosabie Loan to a GovernmentiEnlily for $300,000.00 due-on January 20, 2020. PRIMARY PURPQSE LOAN. The primary purpose of this loan is for: [j Personal. Family, or Household PUrposes or Personal investment. Business (including Real Estate Investment). PURPOSE. The" speci?c lerpose Of this ioan'is; Bulk purchase of Phannaceuticai's'to expand inventory. DISBURSEMENT ENSTRUCTIONS. BorrOWer Understands that no loan preteeds will be disbursed until all of Lender's conditions fer making the loan have been satisfied. 'Please disburse the loan prgceeds 'of $800,000.00 ens-follows. Amount paid to others 'dn behalf: $800.0 $800,000.00 to Cardinal PharmaCeutioais. . . Note Principal: $800,000.00 CHARGES iN' CASH. Borrower has paidior will pay in cash as agreed the foilOwing' charges: Prepaid Finance charges Paid?in Cash: $10 1in $100.00 Loan Origination Fee 7 Total Charges Paid in Cash: $100.00- INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE. IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND THAT THERE HAS BEEN NO MATERIAL ADVERSE FINANCIAL CONDITION AS DISCLOSED IN MOST RECENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT T0 LENDER. THIS AUTHORIZATION iS DATED AUGUST 29, 201 6. FINANCIAL CONDITION. BY SIGNING THIS AUTHORIZATION, BORROWER REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS TO LENDER THAT THE BORROWER: HEALTH CARE DISTRICT. By: 1 Bell. ChairmaanI?e'sident of Tuiare Local Health care District melamvur. new. mints; dqrpomun'n mar. acts. Magma-sum. 4m 01242225 PR-in: