STATE OFMAINE OFFICE OF THESECRETARYOFSTATE Determination of the Validity of a Petition for Initiated Legislation Entitled: ?An Act To Allow Slot Machines or a Casino in York County? 1. On February 1, 2016, 28,667 petitions containing 91,294 signatures were submitted to the Secretary of State pursuant to the Constitution of Maine, Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 on behalf of the above?entitled initiated legislation.l 2. Following a review of these 28,667 petitions 1 ?nd the following signatures to be invalid for the following reasons: A. 32,526 signatures are invalid because the circulator?s signature on the circulator?s oath or the signature of the notary listed as having administered the oath did not match the signature on ?le and it could not be determined that the signature was made by that person. (OATSIG) 14,267 of the signatures in this category are also invalid for one or more of the other reasons listed below, primarily for the same reasons listed in paragraphs and below. 16,096 signatures are invalid because they were not certi?ed by the registrar as belonging to a registered voter in that municipality. (REG) . 2,238 signatures are invalid because they are duplicates of signatures already counted. (DUP) 1,090 signatures are invalid because the circulator?s status as a registered voter in the State of Maine could not be con?rmed or the circulator was not registered to vote in the municipality where the circulator claimed to be a resident. (MUNI) 1,003 signatures are invalid because the circulator collected signatures prior to becoming registered to vote in the State of Maine. (CIRC) 849 signatures are invalid because the voter?s signature was crossed out on the petition form. (WD) 607 signatures are invalid because the circulator?s oath was not complete or not administered properly. (OATH) 1 An additional 1,558 petitions that were submitted contained only signatures that were certi?ed as invalid by municipal registrars. The Secretary of State did not complete a full review of the signatures on these petition forms and these signatures are not included in the ?nal tally referenced in this Determination of Validity. 2 Our of?ce was not able to check for duplicates on all of the petitions submitted due to time constraints and the large number of signatures and petitions submitted to the Secretary of State for review within the past thirty days. The duplicate signatures deemed invalid in this Determination were identified based on review of the petitions circulated in 50 municipalities. Page 1 of 2 Q. 3 326 signatures are invalid because the voter dated his or her signature after the date of the circulator?s oath before the notary, or the voter?s signature was not dated and it could not be determined that the voter signed the petition before the circulator took the oath. (DATE) 259 signatures are invalid because the registered voter?s signature was made by another person. (ANO) 239 signatures are invalid because the petitioner failed to provide a signature. (SIG) .149 signatures are invalid because of material alterations to the petition. (ALT) 135 signatures are invalid because the certi?cation of the registrar was not completed. (CERT) . 87 signatures are invalid because the petition was not on the approved form. (FORM) 83 signatures are invalid because the petition was submitted to the municipal registrar for determination of whether the petitioners were quali?ed voters after the deadline set by the Maine Constitution, Article IV, Part Third, Section 20. (AMD) 49 signatures are invalid because the status of the circulators as residents of Maine could not be con?rmed. (RES) 22 signatures are invalid because the circulator oath?s was not completed prior to submitting the petition to the registrar for certi?cation. (PRIOR) 18 signatures are invalid because the notary was related to the circulator. (OWN) For the reasons set forth above, on the 28,667 petition forms fully reviewed by the Secretary of State, I ?nd that 55,776 signatures are invalid, leaving a maximum of 35,518 signatures that are valid (subject to further checking for duplicates). The number of signatures required to determine the petition to be valid is 61,123. Because petitioners have failed to submit a suf?cient number of valid signatures, I ?nd the petition to be invalid. Dated: March 2, 2016 Matthew Dunlap Secretary of State Page 2 of 2