t0l$ JAN -5 PH lr, S I No ccl& -06 I I\ F TEXAS THE \I'ALLER COT]NTY vs. COt-iRT AT LA}Y BRIAN T. ENCIi\IA WHITEA\TALE \I'ALLER COTJ\TY, TEXAS DOB:06/28/1985 Charge: PERJLIRY Section: 37.02 Degree: CLASS A MISDEIIEANOR INDICTMENT IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS; The Grand Jurl for the (founty' ol \\'aller and the State of Texas, duly selected. empaneled. swom. charged. and organized as such at the June term. A.D.2015 of the 506'h Judicial District Court of said -ounty, upon their oaths present in and to the Waller Counl,v Court at [-au' at said term that BRIAN T. ENCINIA. hereinafter styled Defendant. on or about the lO'h da1 of July'. 2015. and belore the presentment of this indictment, in Waller County. Texas. did then and there. rvith intent to deceive and with knowledge of the statements meaning, make a false statement under oath, namely that the Defundant had Sandra Bland exit the vehicle to further conduct a safe traffic investigation. such sworn statement being then and there required by taw to be made under oath. while the defendant rvas then and there under oath such false statement being false in that Defendant Brian T. Encinia removed Sandra Bland from her vehicle because he was angry she i+ould not put out her cigarette and such false sworn statement w?s made on an Affidavit and Complaint for tVarrant o[ Anest and Detention of Sandra Bland. AGAINST THE PEACE Ah,iD DIGNITY OF T}IE S *5S Cause No. CC16-001 THE STATE OF TEXAS rN VS. AT LAW rHE couNw ctfiHnil -l PH rr: l2 BRIAN T. ENCINIA PRECEPT TO SERVE TO COPY OF INDICTMENT TO THE SHERIFF OF WALLER COUNTY-GREETING YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to serve BRIAN T. ENCINIA, the defendant in Cause No. CC16001, wherein the State of Texas is Plaintiff and BRIAN T. ENCINIA is Defendant, in person, with the accompanying certified copy of the original indictment charging him/her with Perjury now on file is said Court. HEREIN FAIL NOT, but of this writ make due return as the law directs. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, THIS 7th day of January,201.6. Maria Vargas SHERIFF'S RETURN CAME TO HAND THE-TI'T\I dAY Of TA-r.rt*.t . Zotv 31 j'.213 o'clock P.M. And executed by delivering the accompanying certified copy of lndictment. No.@\to o'clock P .fVf . on the day of Q* t}. €*r.^.-r . the defendant herein, in person, at hZo -5Ap6oa,v 1 . ?otU GLENN SMITH, SHERIFF WALLER COUNTY, TEXAS BY: i<'o*8L +ept1r-Truatr^r<.rte : i-_ CAUSE NO. CC16-001 THE STATE OF TEXAS lN rHE vs. AT LAW BRIAN T. ENCINIA WALLER COUNTY- WM DOB: couNrY cgo,firJAH -7 Pt lr: I 2 06/28/1985 CAPIAS INSTANTER TO ANY PEACE OFFICER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. GREETING: to arrest BRIAN T.ENC N A and him safely keep so that you have him/her before the Honorable County Court at Law Judge, Texas, at the Courthouse of said County, in Hempstead, Texas, instanter, then and there to answer the State of Texas upon an indictment pending in said Court, charging with PER.JURY, a misdemeanor class A. YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED HEREIN FAlt NOT, but make due return hereof to this Court fortwith, showing how you have executed the same. Witness my hand and seal of office, at Hempstead, Texas, thisTth day of January, 2016. DEBBIE HOLLAN WALLER COUNry, TEXAS Maria Vargas, Deputy aona settine,$t$foo--A-! ( r I"-.{, SHERIFF'S RETURN 1fu. day of -T/\,r.rrzr . ?"r\r o'clock , at A?g T5orr-. .U., and executed Gsce..r.rr 1E ? by arresting at \Nc!a , in t^rLurr- County, Texas, and placing him/her in the Waller County Jail on the '11,1L day of CAME TO HAND THE f,_E!$fl- 2016. Gur+l }n* .sheriff L.l tr*-wc- SrlAr< County, Texas lit-ur:ar.i ay, SQ,**lj4-;o.p{rtf -it}.15 fA-qt"