Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 November 13, 2015 The Honorable Angus King, Jr. United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator King: Thank you for your September 28 letter to Secretary Moniz. Your letter was forwarded to me at the Energy Department?s Of?ce of Energy Ef?ciency and Renewable Energy for response. First, I want to thank you for your continued leadership and critical support in making the United States a leader in the global clean energy economy and speci?cally in the area of advanced offshore wind technologies. Speci?cally, I want to thank you for your leadership in supporting the Department?s ongoing Offshore Wind Advanced Technology Demonstration Program (Program). We know this Program would not be where it is today without your support. With roughly 80 percent of national electricity demand originating from coastal states, offshore wind has the potential to become a crucial renewable energy resource for the United States. Through targeted investment in research, development, and demonstration, the Department is working to promote the responsible development of a world~c1ass offshore wind industry in the United States. The goals of the Program will help springboard our nascent offshore wind industry in the United States from a promise into a concrete reality. These early engineering, design, and demonstration projects will help pave the way for future cost reductions and catalyze signi?cant private sector investment. The Department has completed a full review of the three primary Demonstration Projects? progress with respect to their current budget period?s ?Go/No-Go? milestones, which I have overseen personally and directly. After extensive due diligence and deep consideration, we have determined that these three projects will receive short No-Cost?Time Extensions (N through May 31, 2016, with deliverables demonstrating attainment of ?rm, drop-dead milestones due to the Department by May 1. In addition, the Department and I are very pleased and impressed with the progress to date on the University of Maine Aqua Ventus 1 Alternate Project. For this reason, I am committing to provide $3.7 million in additional funding (subject to appropriations) for this important project at the end of its current $3 million, 1-year engineering and design project, which we expect will reach completion by December 31, 2015. The new award will likely focus on overcoming the remaining barriers to the project?s successful development, such as the completion of permitting; development of installation, operation and maintenance plans; and ?nalizing grid interconnection. The exact scope of work will be dependent on the results of 3rd party engineering evaluation of the University of Maine?s engineering and design project, which we expect to receive by the end of January 2016. This path forward has been deeply considered. I believe it maximizes the probability of a successful Program, while providing important discipline to ensure that those projects with the highest probability for success will move forward as part of the Program after the May 31, 2016 deadline. This additional time allows both alternates with the opportunity to complete their engineering and design work, which is necessary to demonstrate that they have addressed technical de?ciencies. It also allows the selected projects to show progress towards critical milestones and demonstrate project viability. This pathway forward will allow DOE to make a fully informed assessment and decision based upon each proj ect?s performance and available funding. Thank you again for your letter and support for wind power and renewable energy. If you need additional information, please contact me or Ms. Martha Oliver, Of?ce of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, at (202) 586-5450. Sincerely, 7a) GAL Dr. David Danielson Assistant Secretary Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy