The LIFE Wednesday 1993 Page # KOPPERS INDUSTRIES AN OPEN LETTER TO OUR NEIGHBORS, THE CITIZENS OF STICKNEY, CICERO, AND BERWYN Koppers Industries Inc. has applied to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for a permit to construct and operate an alternate fuels boiler in our plant at 3900 S. Laramie Avenue, Stickney, Illinois This boiler will produce steam from chemical by-products and useful waste fuel materials generated at the plant. The steam produced will be combined with other existing steam capacity to power an electrical cogeneration facility already under construction This alternate fuels boiler project is part of a $30 million-capital improvement program that has been underway since 1984 Koppers has committed the plant to operate in an environmentally responsible manner and is continuing to pursue all waste reduction opportunities This project is environmentally sound and is consistent with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for waste minimization and resource conservation The Illinois EPA has found that the project does not constitute a major source of air contaminants The proposed boiler makes constructive use of plant by-produce as fuels and will greatly reduce the hauling of wastes in the local community Only by-products of this plant's operations will be used as fuels, all of which excellent fuel value. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has reviewed our permit application and has scheduled a public hearing on the proposed permit for Wednesday, October 25. 1989. 7:00 p.m. at Morton East High School auditorium Koppers, a long-standing member of the community requests that you attend the hearing. listen to our proposal for the project and requests for your support for this project which is vital to our effective operation and management of the plant. Koppers contributes to the community in the following ways: - The plant has been in existence at its present location since 1920 and produces materials essential to the aluminum industry and reinforced plastics industry as examples - Employment at the plant is 185 people with an annual payroll of approximately $6 million - Local property and school taxes paid in 1988 were $268,000 wage taxes paid were $29,000 in the same period. School taxes alone to Stickney were $124,000 while Morton College received $20,000. - Purchase of material and labor in 1988 exceeded $4 million with 34 regional vendors each providing over $10,000 in materials and 22 northern Illinois businesses each providing over $10,000 in labor - Payments to local utilities such as Northern Illinois Gas, Commonwealth Edison, and the Greater Chicago Water Reclamation District totalled in excess of $4 million - Employees contribute time and support for local organizations and Koppers has monetarily supported this employee involvement with donations Koppers Industries Inc. is the third largest corporate donator to United Way in this area Koppers wishes to remain a vital part of our local community. That means we must continue to improve and modernize our facility in order to remain competitive in the marketplace and to comply with existing and anticipated governmental regulations which have been mandated by the public. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE PROJECT, PLEASE CALL US AT 656-5900, EXT. 245 OR ASK FOR THE PLANT MANAGER.