VREC TIAL - IN IAICRRE com: Sbiet Re: Big Fh sbsrpin =) rom: pit swoenskc I Received(Date): Tue, 05 Feb 2013 17:05:17 +0000 Tor "Ley Later IE Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2013 17:05:17 +0000 mp Eddy have been adamant about this, despite my protests. We have no clear guidelines around po On Feb 4, 2013, at 10:42 AM, Lucy Lathan JSS otc Hi Phillip I ——————— you please fill me in on where this stands? Per DJ the app was rejected on 12/07. Big Fish re- plier In short - I'm looking to set up a meeting with Paul Thelen, Shaan, and Matt F later this month to discuss their overarching business as well as the subscription app (which is bound to come up). | want to make sure we are in line with your current thinking. When you have a minute can you ee os Chen, Lucy 220 On Oct, 2012, at 4.05 PM, Philip Shoemaker [NNN Ye, spoke wth ul Thelen today a wl. The gambling ap was proved by ERS on Friday, so should be live by tomorrow. Regarding gambling in general, yes, we have many in the store already doing this. Subscription model is something that we will discuss when they submit the latest incarnation of it 1 told him it was a crap shoot, but they're going to submit anyway On Oct 8, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Lucy Lathan wrote: Hi Phillip - Paul and | were in Seatile on Monday and had a chance to sit down with Big Fish. They are eager to get an update on their "real money” gambling app for the UK. Understanding that tse See ee nen roe toh at that we can provide at this time? PX-0115.1 NORTE A ORE EEN ol