BRIEFING NOTE TOPIC: Corporate Citizenship SUBMITTED TO: Area Practitioner Advisory Committee, Regina DATE: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - SUBMITTED BYPURPOSE OF X7 information Decision/Approval Discussion Situation: The Saskatchewan Health Authority Is a very large organization with cross- -functional, or matrix, reporting structures. Background: Over the past few months there have been a number of instances of challenging that have not met communication standards. Examples include: - A freedom of information request has been received for Area Department meeting minutes. The particular Department meeting minutes that were requested contained information that should remain confidential (related to the personal employment or PSA file of individuals). The minutes needed to be released. - Physician leaders have communicated directly with external agencies, e. g. media, Ministry, Foundations, etc., without informing others In the SHA of their communication. This has led to discordant messaging. - Physicians have used SHA letterhead to write to government, both provincial and federal, requesting more resources for their portfolio. The SHA has formal mechanisms for prioritizing resource requests from government. Personal advocacy efforts should not use SHA position or resources. Assessment: Physician leaders within the SHA need to ensure that any communication, whether internal or external, is professional and aligned with the SHA core values of safety, accountability, respect, collaboration, and compassion centered on a philosophy of patient centered care. Physician leaders need to ensure their colleagues, in both their direct reporting line and cross-functional reporting lines, know and support any external communications. Additionally communications should follow the SHA Request: Please follow the SHA corporate identity standards and remain mindful that what is included and approved within your department meeting minutes can be subject to freedom of information requests i.e. if you do not want to see it in the newspaper, then do not include it in the meeting minutes.