Of?ce ofthe Verdict of Coroner?s Jury Chiei= Coroner Bureau du Verdict du jury du coroner coroner en chef The Coroners Act Province of Ontario Loi sur ies coroners - Province de l?Ontario Inquest into the death of: Enqu?te sur ie d?c?s de Norman Bisaiilon and Marc Meth? JURY RECOMMANDATIONS DU JURY 1. Recommendation to the Ministry of Training College and University: The Ministry of Training College and University prepare a training package for all mine employees regarding s. 43 of the Ontario Health and Safety Act (O.H.S.A) and the Internal Responsibility System 2. Recommendation to the Ministry of Labour: The Ministry of Labour shall require the employerto post a copy of s. 43 of the O.H.S.A. and a document explaining the Internal Responsibility System in a prominent place in each workplace. 8. Recommendation to the Province of Ontario speci?cally the Ministry of Labour: The Mining Legislative Review Committee (M.L.R.C.) must recommend to the Ministry of Labour that they develop legislation with respect to reentry protocol after a recorded seismic event in an underground mine. The legislation should include ensuring the appropriate micro? seismic monitoring system exist in areas where individuals are located. The results of micro? seismic monitoring system must be made visible and the reentry protocol displayed prominently. 4. Recommendation to the Province of Ontario, specifically the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines: The Closure plan must include data collected pursuant to s. 72 of the Mines and Mining Plants, R.R.O. 1990, Reg 854 5. Recommendation to the Ministry of Labour: The Jury recognizes that the M.L.R.C. is currently working towards amendments to Regulation 854 with respect to adopting a "Management of Change Process? (recommendation 2.1). It is recommended that the M.L.R.C. prioritize finalizing their recommendation to the Ministry of Labour in order to implement the proposed ?Management of Change Process?. 6. Recommendation to the Ministry of Labour: The Jury recognizes that the M.L.R.C., speci?cally the ground control sub?committee is currently working towards amendments to Regulation 854 with respect to recommendation 1.4 to create guidelines pertaining to ground control. It is recommended that the M.L.R.C. prioritize finalizing their recommendation to the Ministry of Labour to create a guideline that covers all ground control related sections in the Regulation for Mines and Mining Plants. iv $929? @387 0135 (2010MB) Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2010 i imprimew de ia Reine pour I'Ontario, 2010 7. Recommendation to the Ministry of Labour: Mining companies in Ontario be required to ensure proper communication of the existence of any potential or actual danger to the health and safety of contract workers on their property. in particular, maintain a consolidated log book of pertinent information recorded and read by all contractors as well as mine employees, that would facilitate communication of information within the workplace. Personal information contained on this form is cottected under the authority of the Coroners Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. (3.37, as amended. Questions about this coiiection shoutd be directed to the Chietc Coroner, 25 Morton Shuiman Ave, Toronto ON MBM Tet: 416 314-4000 or Toli Free: 1 877 991-9959. Les renseignements personnels contenus dans cette formule soot recueiliis en vertu de la Lor? series ooroners, L.R.O. ??990, chap. C37, telte que modifies. Si vous avez des questions sur ta collecte de ces renseignements, les adresser an coroner en chef, 25, avenue Morton Shuiman. Toronto ON MBM 031, res. 416 314-4000 ou. sans frais ?i 877 991?9959. 4W 0135 (2010MB) Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2010 2' imprirneur de la Reine pour i'Ontario, 2010