from Strike! Act II Scene I Read It Here Project Bookmark Canada places stories and poems in the exact Canadian locations where literary scenes are set. A Canadian innovation, it is the only national, site-specific literary exhibit in the world. This Bookmark was unveiled on the Canadian Literary Trail on Labour Day 2019. It is funded by the Government of Canada, the City of Winnipeg, and individual donors. Project Bookmark Canada is a nationally registered charitable organization. CRA #82725 7569 RR0001 Victoria Park. A crowd of thousands surrounds a make-shift wooden stage. CROWD Hear us out! Hear us out! A.J. ANDREWS, former mayor and leader of the Citizens' Committee of One Thousand, addresses the crowd. ANDREWS I will not be provoked. The motive behind this strike is clearly the overthrow of constitutional government. HELEN ARMSTRONG, Winnipeg's staunch activist for working class and women's rights, ascends the stage. HELEN ARMSTRONG (singing) He won’t meet us He won’t speak t’us He’ll just improvise invective Posturing with yammering ‘Bout quelling rebellious Activity ANDREWS (singing) I don’t bargain I won’t pardon I won’t recognize collective Bargaining as anything But tampering with governing Authority ALL & ANDREWS Ultimatum My [His] words verbatim Debate them Mistake them? Best ye [we] not by Danny Schur and Rick Chafe Ultimatum Your [Our] jobs: vacate them Negate them Erase them, pensions gone Ultimatum Your [Our] hopes, I’ll [he’ll] break them Deflate them Replacements take your [our] jobs The crowd screams insults at ANDREWS. ANDREWS Disperse yourselves immediately. I will not bargain with a mob. The government of Canada will not give in to the threat of a general strike. (singing) You must yield first Sign this deal first This takes force immediately by Severing your unioning, Eliminating striking but You’ll have jobs HELEN ARMSTRONG (singing) There’s no parting From our starving But he wounds our dignity with Patronizing, taxing lies Impeding us and feeding us straight To the dogs ALL & ANDREWS Ultimatum My [His] words verbatim Debate them Mistake them? Best ye [we] not Ultimatum Your [Our] jobs: vacate them Negate them Erase them, pensions gone Ultimatum Your [Our] hopes, I’ll [he’ll] break them Deflate them Replacements take your [our jobs] ANDREWS exits. The strikers’ solidarity is at a fever pitch and the whole group is in no mood for compromise. HELEN ARMSTRONG (shouting) They demand we go back to work at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow! What do we say to that? STRIKERS (shouting with defiant fists in the air) NO!! HELEN ARMSTRONG And they demand we end our union affiliation— STRIKERS NO!! HELEN ARMSTRONG And they demand we never take part in a General Strike again— STRIKERS NO!! NO!! NO!! ALL (singing) Ultimatum Our hopes – can’t take ‘em Or break ‘em Forsake them we will not! On May 15, 1919, 35,000 men, women and children walked off the job in a six-week long confrontation that brought life in Winnipeg to a standstill. Fought by working class families for the right to union recognition, shorter hours of work, and a living wage, the strike drew the attention of much of the industrialized world to Winnipeg. The strike ended in bloodshed when government authorities used military force to establish their control over the city. Two workers died and many were injured in the events of “Bloody Saturday.” (Sharon Reilly and Nolan Reilly, 2007). Danny Schur is a Juno Award-winning composer and music producer and Winnipeg's most successful composer, writer, and producer of new musicals. Rick Chafe is a Governor General's Award for Drama finalist whose plays have been produced across the country. Strike! won the Kobzar Literary Award and the Grant MacEwan College Kostash Award, and was adapted to the major motion picture Stand! STRIKE!, a musical by Danny Schur and Rick Chafe was published by Playwrights Canada Press (The Canadian Drama Publisher) in 2007. This excerpt is used with the kind permission of the publisher. Read your way across Canada’s literary trail! @BookmarkCanada