Greffier du Conseil priv? et Clerk of the Privy Council and Secr?taire du Cabinet Secretary to the Cabinet Ottawa, Canada K1A 0A3 MAR 0 6 2019 Mr. Anthony Housefather, MP. Chair Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights Sixth Floor, 131 Queen Street House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Dear Mr. Housefather: I am writing to provide additional factual information in response to requests made by committee members at my appearance on February 21, 2019. The committee will note that there are certain places where the information is not disclosed because it is confidential information. This is in keeping with the approach set out in section E.4. ?Supporting Ministerial Accountability to Parliament" of Open and Accountable Government, 2015 1. Notes taken by Catrina Tapley, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations) at the September 18, 2018 meeting with officials of SNC-Lavalin Attached is a copy of the handwritten notes, which have been redacted in two places to protect commercially sensitive third party information that is not in the public domain. 2. Incoming correspondence from SNC?Lavalin dated October 15, 2018 A copy of the correspondence is attached, which has been redacted in three places: two to protect commercially sensitive third party information that is not in the public domain, and another to protect personal information. 3. Date when the Prime Minister?s Office was informed of the decision of the Director of Public Prosecutions not to invite SNC?Lavalin to negotiate a remediation agreement I?rl Canada -2- The decision is noted in the correspondence from SNC-Lavalin dated October 15, 2018. There are no other records under the control of the Privy Council Office that indicate the date that the Prime Minister?s Office was informed. 4. Chronology of the Clerk of the Privy Council?s engagement with SNC?Lavalin Attached is a copy of the chronology. Committee members will note that on October 15, 2018, I received a call from the Honourable Kevin G. Chairman of the Board of SNC-Lavalin. Mr. was expressing concerns regarding the situation of the company. I replied that the matter was before the court and that it was for the Minister of Justice and Attorney General to make decisions. Sincerely yours, 4w Michael Wernick Attachments Greffier du Conseil priv? et Clerk of the Privy Council and Secr?taire du Cabinet Secretary to the Cabinet Ottawa, Canada K1A 0A3 MAR 6 2019 Monsieur Anthony Housefather, d?put? President Comit? permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne Sixieme ?tage, 131, rue Queen Chambre des communes Ottawa (Ontario) K1 A 0A6 Monsieur, La pr?sente vise a fournir cles renseignements factuels suppl?mentaires en r?ponse a des demandes pr?sent?es par les membres du Comit? lors de ma comparution le 21 f?vrier 2019. Le Comit? notera qu?en certains endroits, l?information n?est pas divulgu?e puisqu?il s?agit de renseignements confidentiels, ce qui correspond a l?approche pr?cis?e a la section E.4., L?appui a l?obligation minist?rielle de rendre compte au Parlement du document Pour un gouvernement ouven? et responsable, 2015 1/27/ 1. Notes prises par Catrina Tapley, sous-secr?taire du Cabinet (Op?rations) lors de la rencontre du 18 septembre 2018 avec des repr?sentants de SNC-Lavalin Vous trouverez ci-joint une copie des notes manuscrites, qui ont caviard?es a deux endroits pour prot?ger des renseignements commerciaux confidentiels provenant de tierces parties qui ne sont pas du domaine public. 2. Correspondance recue de la part de SNC?Lavalin dat?e du 15 octobre 2018 Vous trouverez ci-joint une copie de la correspondance, qui a caviard?e a trois endroits a deux endroits pour prot?ger des renseignements commerciaux confidentiels provenant de tierces parties qui ne sont pas du domaine public et a un autre endroit pour prot?ger des renseignements personnels. ?1 Canada -2- 3. Date a Iaquelle le Cabinet du premier ministre a inform? de la decision de la directrice des poursuites p?nales de ne pas inviter SNC- Lavalin a n?gocier un accord de reparation La decision est mentionn?e dans la correspondance de. SNC-Lavalin du 15 octobre 2018. Le Bureau du Conseil priv? ne possede aucun autre document qui indique Ia date a Iaquelle Ie Cabinet du premier ministre a inform? de la decision. 4. Chronologie des discussions du greffier du Conseil priv? avec SNC-Lavalin Vous trouverez ci-joint une copie de la Chronologie. Les membres du Comit? remarqueront quej'ai regu un appel de l?honorable Kevin G. pr?sident du conseil d?administration de SNC-Lavalin, Ie 15 octobre 2018. M. a eXprim? des inqui?tudes par rapport a la situation de I?entreprise. Je lui ai r?pondu que la question ?tait devant les tribunaux et que les d?cisions revenaient a la ministre de la Justice et procureure g?n?rale. Je vous prie d?agr?er, Monsieur, l?expression de mes sentiments les Michael Wernick Pieces jointes i Q: I I - - Jaw?J Lu pm.- Bind? .4. an.? . .. -- darnA-jn-WF ?mr- ?mm-h 7.3 fa ?Ea-m; - g" ?5.51 Edi '5 II {(5119.34- "if ."z?ym is? - 1 5'59thwa ?151 Famine} . .. MiracFe 3. L. ?Ii -- Lb?wwuf ?ing-W: smkw?w? At: ??53 gut-9V E??i a: .53 .WMF- L?f?n?l Ipnw? . gee{if/a? ?#15 .. .. II a II, ?ffi 2-3141? Eam??e Miruci .. I f??ng- 5 _Luy? a; 1. (We. . ?1 . .41 65(53wa '4 Elf-L4! Miracle Confidential Commercial Information I @?Eno?-m 5/6954? ?-575; {3?33} @111?? eg 73%; - 7%?3 Eff-?1165?? 55;; gwr?i 5515.16 Miranda 595540415. .- 1514f M. *3 ,mwdw- .. (ma??it-??34 (3., lam-m- Ind?run? .. -- ici- *1 .. mtg-M w! 4w ?ti-{ow 1134;?? of!" Ifn-?t- {Jd?yii?B??u? . - I - Ali-4.lil??z; 6; . Air-sf .. EI 444- 4. .. Djl??w, ?mtv4 W414. '15 14419454 hHLr-Iy 4: . - - j??W?fj _Yd? 9944 -ng1. Iwwg. Fri-42:. ?4/3 Confidential Commercial Information Min-J43 PM m. 14/; Bind? Miracle Eastman-?e- MfracfeBindm Bind," Miracle Eimfu Miranda i isSNC Privileged and Con?dential 06be 15. 2018 The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau. MP. Prime Minister of Canada Office of the Prime Minister Langevin Block 80 Wellington Street Ottawa. Ontario K1A 0A2 Deer Prime Minister. i am uniting to request a meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss a matter ofsome urgency. rou wilt undoubtedly have heard about. if not been briefed on, recent developments that Impacted suctsvattn. Early lastweeii. SNC~leretin was advised by the Director of the Public Prosecution Service of Canada that at this ttrne they witl not invite SNC-Lavaiin to negotiate a Remediation Agreement As a pubiichr traded company. we disclosed such material information the foiiowing do}! and experienced one of the darkest days in SNC?ieveiin's history. The Government of Canada?s decision to consider a made in Canada Deferred Prosecution Agreement or RA regime. and to embark upon in depth consultations, was important from the perspective of enhancing Canadian competitiveness and levelling the ptayinn ?uid against our key competitors. This was followed by exhaustive isgistalive activities that led to Royal Assent of the RA regime on June 20. and coming into force on September 20. 2018. ?was the will of Parliament and of your Government that this tool be made available to the Public Prosecution Service of Canada. Yet. for the present. the has used her discretion not to apply the tool in the case of Site- Laveiin. This was very disappointmg news for a number of reasons. First. SNC-Lavaiin has not been treated very well over the past several weeks. - The Company's adviser and counsel with the PPSC. a welt-respected'expert in the law whose credentials are impeccable, ionner Justice otthe Supreme Court oi Canada. was not afforded the courtesy of a meeting or even a call with the after several requests were made. to explain SNC-Levailn?s rationale to enter into RA negotiations. . SNc-Laveiin found out from the PPSC spokesperson. in the pubic domain. that somehow We ?dld not meet the criteria?. . The Crown has decided to charge and pursue the company and innocent employees. but not the ones who have been involved in the misconduct and who have all left the iimt. 9) SNC Second. SNC-Lavalin believes that it does most the requirements to enter into an RA negotiation with the PPSC and so therefore strongly disagrees with the cunent position. On this. we have been encouraged to write to the to try to captain the reticnoio tor to consideration. Whatever the outcome. we remain open and committed to negotiating such an agreement in the Interest of its employees. partners. clients. invent-inc. pensioners and other ololrehotders. alt innocent portion that have been affected during the last six years, and now face an unnecessary extended period of uncertainty. nit those who alien only engaged in the misconduct left the cgmpeny many years ago. so any negative impact on the company would only affect innocent ornp yees. - . Third. It In In the public Interest to enter into Fin nogotintionc occnuce SitC-Levniin is a much changed company. Since 2012. SNC-Laraiin has developed and hunt a world-clone ethics and compiience framework. This has been embodied to the extent that integrity has become one of tho mitigate core values. The Company has also cooperated tuiiy with regulatory and government a as. The Company has tirelessly worked towards a world class ethics and compliance culture through many actions, including the following: Leadership at the Board and Executive Management levels has turned over 100 percent with an enhanced culture of integrity. . - Establishmentot a wcridoless chains and compliance framework. An administrative agreement concerning ethicc and comptiance with Public Services and Procurement Canada to continue to bid on services work with the Goverrunent of Canada. . Recent agreements in close cooperation with the Commissioner of Canada Elections and with the Ordre des ingenioure du Quebec. 0 A fair and final settlement With Quebec's voluntary reimbursement program. . Renewal of certification to bid on went in Quebec via Autorlte dos marches ?nanciers (AMP). Settlement of class actions in Quebec and Ontario ?ied in 2012 on behalf of security holders. Fourth. SNE-tavalln has experienced highly material impacts on alt of its stakeholders} all of whom are innocent bystanders over the peel six years. Last week, they had to experience the negative impacts again. for a second time. For exampie, in addition tothe horn pensions plans - Goicco do Depots or do Pincements do Quebec and the Canadian Pension Plan .. attaast other top institutions in Geriatric hotd SHE-invent phones for pension and mutual funds as well on for lndividuei accounts. Given that percent of ENC- Lavalin's shareholders are Canadian. the erosion in clock price of loci Wedneodey impacted man? innocent Canadians who are scrim for the future. in the past quarter. which inctnoco the statue of relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. SNO-Louciin?s marl-tat has declined by - about Surely this is note fair or Just outcome for Canadian covers, on it is not for the approximate 9.000 employees in Canada across 200 offices from coast to coast who have stock savings plans, as well as the 43,000 employees who work outside of the country. *Con?dential Commercial Information an 0) one To conclude. Prime Minister. I have to ask if it is in the public interest to prosecute SHE-Layette. and to try to achieve a guilty Verdict. Con?dential Commercial Information The answer to this question. may i respectfully and humbly suggest. was given by you some three years ago When you were Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. In a meeting with my predecessor, Robert Card. you obeenred that SNC:-Levalin was a "flemon of Quebec and of Canada.? Prime Minister, I could not agree more. As a crown jewel. SNC~Levailn remains an important part of the tebrio of Canadleneociety. of that of Quebec. in the heart of Montreal. The executive and senior management team. and the Board. have helped engineer remarkable transition and rebirth of the company. Personal Information It would be great to have the opportunity to rebuild the Canadian operations from the toes of almost 10,000 mostly high- paylng. high value added jobs in the past six years. This, so that it can continue to develop and deliver great projects to clients and contribute to Canadian society both nationally and globally. Justin Canada today, is the lead or co- iead on several mater projects that provide clean. safe and innovative energy and transportation solutions to Canadians - Bruce Power and Ontario Power Generation nuclear reforblehmonts, Chalk River nuclear site development project. Egitngton LHT. Ottawa LRT. Express Metropolitetn design. construction. opera?ons and maintenance the new Champlain Bridge construction. Operations and maintenance. and the Husky White Rose offshore oil project in Newfoundland. On behalf of all of SNG-tavelin's employees. both inside and outside of Canada. and all of our stakeholders. i hope that we will be able to meet as soon as possible on this matter. My colleagues Will contact your office to may be possible in the very near term. - Clerk contact-with SNC May ,11. 17I 2017 Request from Paule Gingras, Executive Assistant to the President of SNC-Lavalin for a meeting with Mr. Wernick. Request denied and Suggested ?Catrina Tapley, Deputy Secretary, Operations but SNC-Lavalin preferred waiting. Aug ust;10 11, 2017- Request from Sam Boutziouvis, VP, Government Relations, SNC- Lavalin, for a meeting. Again, Mr. Wernick not available and suggested Catrina Tapley. September 2018 Meeting-with SNC-Lavalin - Neil Brute, CEO, Erik Ryan, Executive VP and Sam Boutziouvis. Attended by Catrina Tapley. (Registered ?on Lobbyist Registry) October 3I 2018 NAC Gala October 6. 2018 Request from Sam Boutziouvis for a call but referred to Catrina Tapley on October 9th. October 15, 2018 Call from Kevin at 11:00 am. December 3.22018 E:Mai from Sam Boutziouvis attaching Globe and Mail article. December 13I 2018. E-Mail from, Sam Bdutziouvis- outlining a Frederic Tomes'co, Bloomberg article. Contacts entre Ieigref?er et SNC 11' et 17 mai 2017 Demande de Mme Paule Gingras, adjoint'e de' direction du pr??sident de SNC?Lavalin, pour organiser une renContre avec M. Wernick. La demande est requ?e at on ,sugg?re a Mme Gingras de parler a Mme Catrina Tapley, sous-secr?taire, Op?rati'ons, m_ais la repr?sentante de SNC-Lavalin pr?f?re attendre. 10 et 11 ao?t 2017 Demande de Sam Boutziouvis, vice-president, Relations g?o'uv'ernementales, SNC-Lavalin, pour une rencontre. Une fois de plus, M. Wernick n?est pas diSpOnible; on sugg?re a M. Boutziouvis de parler a Catrina Tapley. 18 septembre2018 Rencontre avec des repr?sentants de SNC-Lavalin (Neil Bruce, pr?sident et chef de la direction, Erik Ryan, vi?ce-pr?siden?t directeur at Sam Boutziouvis); Catrina Tapley assiste a la rencontre. (Inscrite? au registre des lobbyistes) 3 octobre 2018 Gala du 6 Octobre 2018 Demand-e d?entretien t?l?phonique de Sam BOUtZiouyis, mai?s transf?r? ?a Catrina Tapley Ie 9 octobre. 15 octobre 2018 Appel de Kevin a 11 h. 3 d?cembre 2018 Courriel de Sam Boutziouvis avec l?article du Globe and Mail en piece jointe. 13 d?Cembre 2018 Courriel de ?Sam Boutziouvis au Sujet d'un article de Frederic Tomesco (Bloomberg).