{km 31. gag Repart 0% "We Eamm??m?e (?33.313333332331363 3.33.333; mm me mamas? 0% mm Ema. m? 2: 3 mad ?Stake aa'amswes - Report CUE-2018 Report of the Committee constituted to look into the matter of improper conduct of CLAT 2018 and to take remedial measures A. Background Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) for the year 2018 for admission in various U6 and PG programmes tor the 19 Nationai Law Universities was held in a computer based test mode on 13?h May, 2018. Subsequent to the conduct of the said examination, moitipie petitions were fiieci in the Hon?bie Supreme Cour in reiation to the improper conduct of CLAY-2018 specificaiiy relating the difficuity faced by the candidates during the examination in terms of ioss of effective time ayaiiabie for answering the questions. On June 13, 2018, the Hon?bie Supreme Court in its order, directed the Ministry of Human Resource Deyeiopment to appoint a committee to Eook into the matter and take appropriate remediai measures inciuding penai action, if any, against the body which was entrusted with the task. The Hon?bie Supreme Court directed "The committee so constituted snaii aiso look into the aspect of having compietei?y satisfactory arrangements in future so that no such instances are repeated or recur in coming years. We must aiso observe that the idea of entrusting the task of monitoring the conduct of the entire examination to di?r?erent Law Universities every! year aiso needs to revisited. The agreement with the examination conducting body, L-uni was placed on record, indicates that as against he amount made over to Such examination conducting body, the fees chargedfroni the candidates are for in excess. The committee so: if bestow consideration to oi! these aspects after having inputs from such sources as it mayr deem approoriate inciudi'ng Bar Councif of - indie and make detaifed report to this Court within three months from today.? {Is-.nnexure ii.) Consequent to the order of the Hon?bie Supreme Court, Ministry of i-ii.iman Resource Deveiopment constituted a committee of 4 members on 27?? September 203.8 {Annexare 2.1). The Terms of Reference of the committee were as under: Io iooit into the matter of improper conduct of Common Law Admission Test 2018. 2) To take appropriate remedial measures including penal action, if any, against the body entrusted with the ta sic 3} To took into the aspect of having compieteiy satisfactory arrangement in future so that no such instances are repeated or reoccur in coming years. 4) To revisit the idea of entrusting the task of monitoring the conduct or entire examination to different law universities every year. To examine the appropriateness of fees charged from the candidates aEso. 0} To consait Bar Councii ot? india and other such sources. 7] To look into any other reiated reference it deems appropriate. Report ?the copy of the Judgement of the Hon?bie Supreme Court was provided to the Committee. Comoosition of Committee 1. Prof Manindra Agrawal, By. Director and Professor, Department of Computer Science?and Engineering, liT Kanpur?Chairperson 2. Sb. Vineet Joshi, Director Generai, NTA. Dr Ashok Kumar Jarvai, Aim/13. 4. Prof. Neeraj Uwivedi, HM, ?Lucknow. LU Methodology adopted The committee has inspected that documents availabie tii! preparation or? this report, met the representatives of NUALS, Kochi and Sifv Technoiogies Limited during this period. in addition to their verbai assertions, the committee analysed various documents reiating to OAT-2018. The committee examined foiiowing papers/documents: 1. Judgement of the Hon?bie Supreme Court of india {Annexure 2. Tender Document for seiection of service provider for conduct or dated 16.10.2018 {Annexore 3} 3. Corrigendum dated 25.10.2017 {Anoexure 4} 4. Agreement between NUALS and Sifv Technologies Limited (Annemire 5) 5. income and Expenditure account {Annexure 5} 6. Contact detaiis of the Officers of the University (Annexure 7} Minutes of meeting subcommittee of the Executive Council in relation to tender process dated 22.09.2018; 24.10.2017; (Annexures 8] 10.11.2017 and 13.11.2017. 8. Proforma related to ore-examination evaluation of Test Centres viz. checkiist for logistics, checkiist for mock, instructions to centre observers, duties and function of centre observers, date and time of Mock {Annexure 9. Hardware specifications approved lav CLAT {Annexure 10) 10. Datatiies of candidates reiated to time extensions provided and avaiied {Sampie?Annexures 11} 11. Site Supervisor and Exam Controiier Roles and {Annexere 12} 12. Ciarification regarding 13.1) 1 . 153 Exam Controller Dav End Reports {Sampie-Annexure 13.2} 14. Email replv by NUALS to specific queries raised by committee {Annemre 14} . Ea? Re port OAT-2018 The committee met the following Officers/Persons: 1. Mahadev M. (3., Rewistrar, NUALS, Kochi, Keraia (13.10.2018) 2. Regresentatives of Sify Technoiogies Limited {13.10.2018 and 25.10.2018) The committee conducted the foliowing meetings:? The committ?e m?et four times (01.10.2018, 13.10.2018, 19.10.2018 and 25.10.2018) to formuiate this report. LU Report CLAT-ZOZLB 8. Action taken by the Committee The first meeting of the committee was heid on 15t October, 20.18. it was. decided to: 1. Go through the report of the Grievance Redressai Committee constituted by the Hon?bie Supreme Cou rt 2. Go through the terms and conditions otthe contract with service arovider 3. Review the income and expenditure detaiis for conduct of the examination. 4. Meet the representative(s} of the service provider 5. Meet the reoresentativeb) of the University that conducted the examination this veer 6. Meet the representative(s} of Bar Counci! of indie The MHRD, through its Under Secretary was requested to provide the said documents {Annexure The next meeting was scheduied for 13?" October, 2018 The second meeting of the committee was heid on the 13*? October, 2018. The toiiowing documents were received and were out on record: 1} Tender Document for seiection of service provider for conduct oi CLAT 2018 dated 16.10.2018 {Annexure 3) 2} Corrigendum dated 25.10.2017 (Annexure 4) 3) Agreement between NUALS and Sifv Technoiogies Limited {miniature 5} income and Expenditure account {Annexure 6) 5) Contact details oithe Officers of the University (Anr "ii The report of Grievance Redressai Committee was not avaiiahie with this cornn'iittee and meeting with representative of Bar Councii of india could not be arranged. The committee relied on the various findings of Grievance Redr essai Committee as mentioned in the Judgement of the Hon?bie Supreme Court. The Registrar, NUALS, Kochi, Convener of the CUR-2018 and representatives of Sifv Technoiogies Limited attended the meeting. The committee decided to hear the observations of the Registrar, NUALS, Kochi and representatives of Sifv Technoiogies Limited sequentiaiiv one after another. During the course of deiiberations additional documents were soiiciterf from the Registrar, NUALS, Kochi and Sitv Technoiogies Limited. The third meeting of the committee was heid on 19Eh October. 2018. ihe foiiowing documents were received from Registrar, NUALS, Kochi and Sitv Technoiogies and the same were out on record: 4 i Report CUE-2018 Documents received from Registrar, NUALS, Kochi: 1. Minutes of meeting sub?committee of the Executive Cooncii in reiation to tender process dated 22.09.2018; 28.09.2017; 13.10.2017; 24.10.2017; 10.11.2017 and 13.12.2017. (Annexe res 8} 2. Proforma reiated to tare-examination evaluation of Test Centres viz. checklist "for iogistics, checkiist for mock; instructions to centre observers, duties and function of centre observers, date and time of Mock (Annexure 9). 3. Hardware specifications approved by CLAT (Annexure 4. E-maii reoiv to queries raised by the committee {Annexes-e 14}. Documents received from Sih Technoio ies Limited: 2. l. Datafiies ofaii candidates (Sr?i465) reiated to time extensions provided and availed {Annexures 11). 2. Site Supervisor and Exam Controiier Roies and Responsibitities [Annexure 12} 3. regarding (Annexure 13.1) 4. 3.53 Exam Controlier Dav End reports (SampEe?Annextire L2) The reports or' centrai observers reiating to ore-examination checks and mock tests were not made availabie- These reports are important in determination whether the arotocois were foiiovved as I prescribed and whether the reporting of the incidents on the day examination corroborates with the compiaints made by the students and action taken bv Siiv Technologies Limited. it was decided that Registrar, NUALS, Kocni as weii as Sifv Technoiogies Limited shaii be again communicated to provide reports reiating to preexaminatioo checks and mock tests. After anaivsis oi: the dataf?iies shared by Sify Technoiogies Limited, it was feit that further are required from data anaivst of Sifv Technoiogies Limited and the same has been communicated "to them to be present forthe 51"? and finai meeting otthe Committee the preparation. ofthese reports. The Dav End reports from the Exam Controiier of various centres prepared after the conduct or? examination were aiso made avaiiabie by Sify Technoiogies Limited {3.53 reports). 5 i Consequent to the examination of avaiiabie records and deiibe and representatives of Sifv Technoiogies Limited, the observati Report C. Observation of the Committee rations with Registrar, NUALS, Kochi ons of the committee are as under:? The decision to hoid Common Law Admission Test for admissions for various participating Law Universities was taken by Core Committee of Vice~Chanceiiors of the Universities in form of Memorandum of Understanding. It was decided that a common entrance test shat! be conducted by ail the participating Universities on rotationai basis in the order of their vear of estabiishment. The first CLAT was heid in 2008. From 2008 to 2016i, was held on an of?ine mode and thereafter has beer: heid on oniine mode since 2015. Each year, a new tender is initiated hv the Law University seiecteci as per Eaid down procedure. was conducted bv Chankava National Law University, Patna and was conducted to; HUI-KS, i10 assignments 5 . . MW 10 3 infrastructure__.Capa_b_ility (Submit proof of contracted I own 5' - centres} i -More than 100,000 computers 5 50000?100000 -- 3 RR WW 25,000 to 30000 computers 2 .- km. Infrastructure Capability (Access to cities inclu ding North Eastern mu and Kashmir) 10 More than 60 cities" 40-60 cities Source code a 10 mum. . 5 . mu uthorisation 10 . I 70 Licensed 3' 5 :5 18 Max.) 1 (Marc) mit relevant and auihenticaied documentary proof forthe evaluation. Bidders, whose bids are responsive, based on, 21 . out the defined _.Scering mecna . .13 efeuctj .. .- as in Pre?Quaiiti nism, weuid be considered." .- .. 7t; Fin?riciai Bid - {emit award .tfne.contracr- .?The?nanciat bideot snortiisted bidders in technicet evaiuatien be opened anci- eentract woutd be finaiisedby _eonsiderin the bids. The CLAT 2818 office reserves the? -- -- - Nib-Cem-mitnjen-t- 3cm; . . '7 the fight to reject any at} bids received. Without . . :__.ass.ignirig any tween-whatsoever The] bids which are incombiete have net reqqirements specified - CLAT. batten criteria and score at. Bidders Shaii..oniy..befg - gatien and ciees not bind itself-to acc_ept_..- - the right to make. any Change in the 't'ermgand-j . . . . ?(Conditions ottbe . . mThel mm 2018 .0 not be obtiged to meet and i? I bidder. andtortec gave discussionwith any-'8 oneiqer any representations by bidders in this regard?. . .. 8Com; tand Freudbtent Practices-- . 201eert2??witi reject a bid/cancei ti . _ebrrupt_Q._r__traud.glent practises-white participating in t1 1'7. Within-seven {tweet-receipt of the Letter of ii tender. whichever is eanierg. thesuccesstui bidder shat! Guarantee of 10% of the brevieienai contract vatue at the - be signedertiy after receiptofthe Peg-*0 - . - "te award. if 'tbe__ bidder. engages in.- . time oteigning of the contract: rmanee Bank Guaranteeafter. - Stenderd bf erfern?ence . The. SP._shaii provide. the sewices and carry out its other ebiigatiens under the? -- pence, efficiency, economy. eentidentieiit 'enai= engineering, security. -- "eesibnai bodies white .- ttent er the finatieatien of the - ubmit a performance Bank"; y, promptnese I - soundmaoagemeot, _technicai and enginee .aFtiT-?ropriate and safe this Proj -. .thts'agreement, . 201,8: The-_sejshatt .. of the COHVSBOR- _lmeiement ring practices. it shalt apply]- apo effective methods during ectaoo .shaii. aiways act in respect of any matter reiatiogtof .- adyisors to. the Convenor,. impierrtentation Committee]; atways support and safeg ation Committee, .CLAT. - "LC-third party} - .. - -- it; {TheSPshattabidebytbe provisions otthe iegistation?s), rotated to the prevalentir} - [The hardware,- software and other services sha - down in the Work and Technicai Specifications and Requirements, The . Ontine Examination Application Software before instaiiatioo shoutci (a certificate shalt be produced). shoutd be .I persons a system; The systeinimay be the apptication software or a process adopted by to-ithe Convener, Empiementation CLAY tosses by way and {or process taiiure?) - .. 23:; meilectoat Property Riqhts data generated ..Iaiocisprocured in the context of and incidentai to the - -. otthe .Project..CLAT 2018 shat} xecution. card the tegitimate interests 2,013 to any the". - ti conform to the standards Iaid:; ooiproot and shalt be treated?anot? re able to access/infiltratethe sets property of the CLAT 2018. .. .. a inciodes those of the candidate coiiected by the SP, inciud?ng .. suppiieo? _by..tbef__CLAT 2018 Office and such other data coming .to-thei. p9_s_.se.ss_ion incidents! to the execution of the project. No such data shall-_- be put teeny- u_se__or._t_raosterred without the prior written consent of theCortyeoor; .-..Zmplementation.CCmmittee; CLAT 2018. - - . . property rights. ceased. in i" and the documents;- bere is no infringement y-__tbe suppiy of products= iT intros are so bject matter. of this protect. .- _E?gn?ormance Guarantee" . . -- Within-sever: o?ays cit-the issue of ietter of intep whichever is eartier,: tbeSP; strait furnish per the proyistoriatyaiue of the. contract. The performance guarantee sh form, ofbank guaranteeortixed deposit receipt duty pieogeo .. tmptementation Committee, CLAT 2018, Kochi which shootd gate- of compietiortot the. contract; The proceeds of the CLAT 2018 as compensationfor.? - anytossesresutting of the seiectect St3 to meet out its obtigatioos. msi shaft bet-fin.- addition to any-other. action/penaity taken by the Office of the - - lmptementation' Committee;- 2018,.tor any faiture of the 89. The Performance; - Guata?i?e Willbe discharged. by the Convener, imgr?emeotatioo .Comm'eac 8- or date of ttnatisation of tender, ati be accepted tri- in favour of the Converter, - be yatto? for 90 days afterthe' . _Z3t biometric data, the - I of any patent or .- - -- _tructore and. Software . - - iormarice guarantee eouivaient to'10% of- I performance guarantee shat! be _7 and rail-Armed to the SP not .iatet than 90 days foiiowin - performance submission of Report.? gthe detect comoietion of theSP?s. f' I 4; . itShEHDe the oftne service provider - pr?eexamihationfand ooe.t~examination work. The service provider shouid perform? the contract indep.e_noe__n_tlyl.The SP shat! not for the purpose of performance of the? Vi; contract, or any other'mat?ter incidentai thereto, form any consortium prior to or" ?-ji .attertheaward ofconttact to any other person or agency whatsoever. . - it; -Tne SP. shaii not subcontract any part of the awarded contract without the prior" .- .j written consentotth.e__C__onvenor, lmoiementation Committee, CLAT 2018." snail the inspection of their data Centre secondary) by the expertoanei formed by Of?ce 20?: to conduct the examination; (both primary. and . deg?oSit.otPertormance Guarantee, an agreement be executed. . .1 . in. term. Provided by. 2018 office-as per. the time sohedtzie . .cOnGitiQn.s..o_ttenderg -- -- - i The price remainfirm and fixed during the penciency of contract. The prices -. . quoted for. the itemstservices shalt under no condition change during the period-off agreementasaiso thetime extension granted to SP, itany. - it: 7 a) Aftersuccessfoicompietion of oniine examination 20% of agreement _vaiuej After declarationof-resuits another 30% of the agreementvaiue. - .- .. Another compietion of obt?gat?ons of contract. -- Remaining 20%..atter three months of sec ceesttii come etion of the contract;__' .- .f in the Performance .. I Theconduct of the; examination as per timeline is the main aspect oft?ne work and. . performance or? theservioes. shalt be made by SP in accordance with the approved. timescheduie aenotified from time to time by the Convener, impiementation - I - Committee, CLAT. the SP and. Witt become part c: the contract. The activities-1' involved are time bound and it is expected that no extension of time for performance ofany activity! either be sought or given in this project. However. it at; any. timeduring theoouree of the contract, the SP encounters conditions impeding. - items and the performance Oi tne service, the SP shait. . of the Convener; hnoiementation Committee. the: fact-of; the deiay. its titteiy ciaratiooanct ite the" measures; ad_o_pte.d_t_o._res_oive the same with timetiitesj - - - Z4115 .. ii; .Tne.Convenor, implementation Committee, CLAT 2018 Witt evaiuate the situation - - eject. may extend the extension shalt be granted: les. The dates dectared' for implementation if performance of its. delivery: able to tije__imo_osit_ion__of penaityr untees, an . andin exceptional circumstances and in the interest of pr . time-__for- execution of: saidiitem of work, but in no case .tQhave. on the schedu . examination" are 1 absolute - uniess Committee", CLAT. Detay on 8118? rendetI-lthe' thension ottimejs agreed upon; . - -: . changed by the ConvenerTermination forDe'Fauitx .wnoieorin part, . . . Either Party may; withoot the; taits I The} Convener; __tmpit3me?tation Committee, CLAT 2018, .. contractin whoie or- project objectives.? .ln theevent of the Convener the contract, in whote otin pa 2018. may procure, uponsuch itemsor. services. si_mtia_r_..to those undei ftmotementatEon Committee, CLAT 20:8 for simttar itemsorservices; the SP shat the oontract to the. extent.notterminated. stopithe?,performance} of the contract from . ano? nandovetait the decoments. . imptementation. Committee, .CLAT 2018 for .8an ay. witnd raw items; forwh damages shall be oayabte to th .- in case of term theSP with the 2018 office shait stand forfeit in case of suspensionitermtnation, the SP shaft be ?5 .- any-direct toss or additionat It I a. the detauititharty.failsto perform any or time )specitied _i_n_the__.agreem by the otherparty" agreement-{g . in part; it the quality of detivety of implementation Committee, rt, the Convener. imoiementation terms and in such a manner as 3? ich payment has not bee SP in the event of of the contract. inatton oftne contract. EMD Pesto:- ed. incurred due to comp! as: PrerdiCE to any other course of action for breach of I Contact by writie? ?mice .0515 dab/$10 the other Daron.terminatetne aoteementtn - of the obligations within ent oranyextensionthereotgranted,? perform- anv- other. obtiga_t_i_o_n-_ under: $173.2] may terminate the.? . . ai?iOttS tasks tait tomeet th_e__ CLAT 2018 terminating? Committee, itdeems appropriate; . . ivered. and the 8P shaii be liabie- to the .. any excess costs for such. tcontinoewitn the performance . the effective date of, ata, equipment etc. to the Convenor,g which payment has been made. The .. made. No consequentiairj - mance guarantee depositeci'by 3 I nacie to pay compensation for . . . etton of Wong?oyany' . - .. of Convenor'. tmpiementation -- 3:9.1 Termination for convenience -3 the Qonvenor, implementation Committee, C1 ?Essays? sent to the maytermioate the contr act? in whoie or in part thereof, atany' - time as__per- convenience; The notice of termination shatl specify that te Committee, 2018. it should aiso} mention the extent to. which performance of the SP under th mes The-Convener, impierrientation Committee, CLAT 2018 rn noticeotsuspension to the SP, and oonsideri himlwithzn a period of? days-from receipt of such notice, suspend at! payments to the..- tithe SP taiis to perform any of its oblioations services) provided that such notice of suspension shat! specify the nature of the faiture: and, shall: direct the SP to. remedy such failure within a specified period from the date . receipt SP - - ay, after giving a written 7 7 SP_..aridztheirI personnel shat! not, either during gcomptetion ofthe projeCt; g-jireiating to. the services; agreement or; the business of CI of the Convenoa 201s? -- . Convenor,- impiemeptation Committee, CLAT tfwiththe SP that all information concerning trade secrets know?how research inventions: internal procedures to the SP and which may come into the possessioa or oustooyofthe Convenon impiementation Committee, CLAY 2018 in the course of providingxservioes by the SP wereuoder snail not be disciosed or" - or; make useor atiow. others to processes engineering techniques, - ?i2 Force Maieure-Ii .- Neither party shall. be iiable for am obtigations under thisagteemeot to the reasonbeyond its reasonable oontroi, such as fire, ?ood, earthquake: eiemen or acts of God, acts of StateSiriKeS, acts of war, terrorism, riots! civit disorder or revolutions; quarantinesg embargoes and other Majeore Event"). The affected party: wilt of the ForoeMaieure rForce either he performance of its- extent such taiiore or deiay is caused by any, s= 2' simiiar governmentai action (a ?Force. . immediateiy notify the other in reasonabie detaii .- MajeiJre Event continues for more than 30 days)? by a writte n- notice to the other pa reentry; 251.. LAT 2018 by written notice of at {east -- - -- rmination is for. mg the representation, it any, submitted to - including the carrying out ofthe": implementation or after; isoiose any proprietary or con?dential information] 2018 or operations? impiementation Committee," 2018 aiso reciprocally agrees; ts of nature; rty, agreement, without I 13Re-resentations I errant}:r to. the: effect that the ner and in conformity with the scope and in goodstanding under the ans of the State of its .it has the full right and authority to enter executed constitute a iegai, vaii ery. andbertormance not oonti?o arter _oforganization, or any contra SP have to provide aw skiitui and-.workmanhiike. man organized-and- .vaiio?iy existing incorporation. or formation; at and binding obiigation; with, or constitute a breach ct or other instrument to. which i or- defauit'onder, itsch itis a party; 1. 3 14 Resolution of Dis-5H Fil?es?fiin -- ettortzto- resolve by- oirect into that..rna_y arise between themunder or in connection with the contrast. it, fromgtheoommencement ofsuch- informal negotiations, the Conve Committee. CLAT 2018 seiecteo amicably; either party may. require that the Arbitrator _.shaii. rmai negotiation, any disagreement or dispute SP are unabie to resoive a contract dis e. mutuaiiy_.a__greed upon bythe parties, in Writing, who snaii decide the" Ciaim?: int-accordance to the provisions of the ino?ian Arbitration and.? 1998.17 Tnegecision.of-tneSoie Arbitrator sh botntheparties. The_penden_.cy_.of anyarbitration snaii notatioct the performance or? the contractual}. obligation compietion ottn The. arbi_tra_ti_on._.s_hail be. Ernakoiam, Keraia.? 15-Locai Conditions-1 1: The SPshali inspect: the: citiesfsites of operation and sbaii oitiesfsites? conditions and of reqtrired resources procedurefor impiementation .ot the project and strait coiie maybe. requited before submitting. the bio. Claims and site conditions snail not be satisfy itseit of the and staff apprise itseif oft. ct an}r other information that . objections due to ignorance abo_ut'_' 3' I ofthe rte- se?, snail of onii specification. and di be. resoonsibie for the successfui ne examination (Computer Based Test} as per the terms and rection of the. Convener,g lmpiementation Co: nmittee, cm? 2018. - - i. in these Terms anaconditions references to iaws shaii mean the applicabie iaws; of india and reterencesin the singular shaii inofude references in the piurai and'_ - References. to a particular artiste, bai?agrapn sub~paragraob or} _Shaii, exceptwtiere the context otnenvisereq of work; it is duiyf into contracts and .- t8 and the SP shat: make every. after 10 days nor, impiementation dispute be referred for arbitration. The Sets - - be final and binding on. .. .- 2mg:- .. processing, conducting and? wires, be areferenceto." mat articie paragraph, sub-paragraph or sched headings are inserted?for convenience and .oiconstrootion;Whenever provision; is made i I. 18Abandonmentofwork .- anotherfparty; the SPiShall'Sbe. iiabie to . -.Co.mmitiee as. indemnification i These. snaii seam. and. kee =51: __consent- by awaarty,? _oniess otherwise so consent shall be in. writing and the Words 'noti' accordingiyf 3' 3 Convener,.imoiementation committee, 201.8, agreem_e_nt_f__signed_. between the SP - and. If committee, termsgof this TENDER snail {i3 TENDER is siient on any.- items contained in implementation _'oromi_itee, snaiibe incase thework is abandoned by the SP - -. conseqoent loss is suffered: by CLAT 2018f in against any and. ciaims, action.? demands, ment of patent grits; if any, in seiection-of equipment pianning' and?: 'l copyrights. or other, protected. ri {computers conductofoniineeXamina?on web site etc by inf-the event. ofany?jciaim being made or _.C.onvenor,- implementation Committee, CLAT 201?? matters referred to. truths ab - 318,89. snaiiat itsovvnexpe . sameand any iitigationtnat may arise. of. .s_ei_e_.c_tiorij..of3 equiome up? of __exarnination' centres", ,examinations, _eveiopment. .of websit of. theiservice constitute infr f; .. Protected rights _tijereo I .3- __Conyenor, impiementation.Committee, CLAT 2 using the same orrepiacethe same at their ow: the, implementation of the project, CLAT 2018 expenses for any-_iitigati in or to this tender document; are to be ignored for the purp_oses-_" eci?iied, such notice, approvai or in case of any inconsistency between ten orevaii-.ln case the compensate the Convenor, imoiementation-7 _adequateiyby oayingtne difference in p-indemni?i?ied the Con rid-expenses arising from or for infringe setting?.up of examination centres, . . action being brought against the, eve paragraph, the SP snaii promptiy be notified and? nses, conduct all negotiat _nt (servers; computers networks, .- bianning and conduct" of? online is restrained, the SP shaii 0?18 procure the right to. continue I 1 costs with non?infringing suffers any ioss or incurs: on or becomes iiabie to another: a the non?pa n?o rmanceiim perfect performs rty for any injury due to? bove sbaii sunrive the completion, expiration. . . .28; or the giving of notice, aPDI?Ovai or tier conditions and the Bid or any other Convener, Em iementation..i" ?3 .. the. bio", the decision ofthe Convener," inai anc_i._b_in_oing_.on the - ithoui: good and sufficientjustification and getting the ie'ii outiobcompieted through - - venor, impiementation in respect or? any of the 33 ionsfortbesettfement_iniie? - as I dashboard etcingement of patent or any at no extra cost oartiai performance oftheSP, the-V 39- sha? be iiabie to indemnify CLAT 2038 in THEE. - -- - me- Der-?stems or me (Me ?termination Of-ihe Cm?act. .. vhf-3.: shouid furhiehan indemnity _bond to the above effect, 2f] ?eiati?on betweeh the Parties" -__i__\1_othiog contained he.re._in._shaii be construed as estabi?ehih agentand erihcipaior of empioyer and empioyee has beiwe -- 2018 and the charge of. personnel for-__ jibe. services _pe [formed by the SP. The SP, subject to this performing the services and she _oron their behalf hereunder. .211.Taxes and outie'?f'i' '1 otherw?ee specified, the SP shalt pay such premia,?_ {icense fees 5 appiicabie .iaW: .338. a taxes, duties, ievies, insurance-'1' I gimme-charges and other impositione as may ?oe Eevied under. the; mount oi which {edeemed to havebeeo included in theCohtraCi .. mtoeh?ect of the . II I I. ".Ihiai?qntract shah.col?i?eeihfoeffect onthedateihe contract is signed byboih parties I I .Oieuqhotherd_ate.as . .. -. . -- 23;_Pe_nait Claoeefijc oidated Dame: e: .21? any: component of the project is eithemot compieted or hot compieted satisfactorily as per the approved timescheduie due toreasons attributabie to {he SP, a penaity.@' . . ?pet-dawsubjectgtoa maximum . the next. stage shal! a :?eiation of - . cen?zheConvenon be fuifv I may be imposed andz?fi' - be reduced . by the .Cohyenorg'. togaccount'foaj . .. .- thedeiay} Provided; that, wher?ve??f fsgeci?e iiquidated dame particular.- Scenario. Eh eliende; document, - prevagig_,ifihe. dean adverseiyaffects ihe conduct of theexamiha .- guaiantee _w11_?_be forfe_it_ed.._anc_i. other iegaz actions wouid he" initiated against the .29 gee are specified to cover, the amount that is higher. tion the performahoe. Form i: Bid sobmission Form; - .. [OniheLeiter head .. sewerage; . . Date: Neroe?ofitne Fi-m Thegonvenori implementation 2018 RegistrarThe National University of Advanced Legai Studie_s,_ -. KEN-.583 503..Keraia. if} We . submit. eerie-rider- for con ducting CLAT 2038 fee coiiection.? throughrecognised and accepted ohaiians, processingr oiine test at various Cities i iocei?ions including North?Eastern. ireys, providing opportunity to view-_7 nsvvers oniioe by them of merit and rank. iisis' . se} and aiiotmeniof seats choice of the candidates and 5 .- cipaiing Universities based on; be required to preparethe seat? -- . .- payment gateways and through appiicaiions', issuing hali tickets; conducting computer base-:1 or in; centres__spr.ead. over 80 70 cities" States. and Jammu and Kashmir); upioading answer ooe's} own; answer sheet": candidates, uploading revised. answer i. r1! - SMay 201851120136 ac. ?L1-jpd1rj iniutjod- -rj@nic-? 1r1>' Registrarl HNLU Registrar 39.1115, registrar as m? registrar r?hanakyalawum aim} LAW UNIVERSETY - 53: AS a paw-01C preparaLlon towards con-F1111 {the prepay conciucL (EAT ?98 unack- _?_tests_ are Ednecs eagh Centre 01.. .Lhe 111ch; days acne uule 11,5 551:1:er 131;: gm? Vice arrawre 1hc Cami": OQSQ. vets} to ix: ?:wai?iatalga 1'0: mock lest ~Qrdmat1on 1111' _th 1.11:: vatde?" .3 39.1331 :1 {1211*} - in W3. 1711': conduct Quit 1: the. _ZQnal .CQ Q1: est: is also Ei'tiitacheci The 33111;: maybet? (111121th 1431126211 1:13: Regi s+rar1 .. Check List. {1'3 20'; Sum A en 2%111: -LLcE11=guaa:I '81008 (39 113 sstra:@nuais ash-1;? . . - quQ1 8011. 111 Ramesn Kumar' rangabaciquati com . .1'iew=ptar115: =15u10d1?14 14791911 111;" Web Server AQQCI . 3. System Qf SBIVGIS Er; Q1 (Ii-Database ani .ITecthIQOyDcIalls (Test Contai) ,3 - --.-Computcz Spcuflc?ltlon 1th Sen" - .- "1%131. QIQQ IIQI 121ii Server ?fDump'3. Upioad 5222252 mesS22 52-5 . -- -- -- aS' attempt 3th32 process 322322 2232 332 pp 33222 clump i353 upioadpd .3 -33 in touch with th? Ternmcai I Iehmesk for 23'. (1P: feature to keep: the 223323133rapr the next day exarr 2X2m' Servers _2nd' write Same :30 23 DVD and 21350223 3tpie 52313712.? 333..33:2 mks-2221122222222 by. ?232 Central Heipdesk Team and. 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'domgstic portal In __tnctia - I I _an cheat the _SaaS services provider Irt"tndta"._ EXPaNGmQinfernaiiona}presence: .. came Landing Of?ces Tugchina}: '1;th cjiias mm .959 ?rst rattan _iCr - Wirpg?W-m-het?t?d .- -..- f? -. NASDAQ In a 949 . Head. qaniEIEdtn Chennai 3 ._Ke.ep 9Y0U.lc?h?.ddi. :dehye: act-across PG j_'__e_ntrance_and otherspemahzed "exams [exams in? 3Deiivered Onjh?atests in K??pmgv?wheqd herence 1:5: 11d} Ligweist 1 Ce: mExit-hasiTecihnilca! -. :3 - - . 'l-Sevenufcompames came EM ?the pres;- bid mee?tmg buf {my three campames cam? c] 2339 ?333 than? M: 33313333333 was ?5 sentatio?i'zgwen by all the gaping 5105C: h?qd__ Communicatron 3. .IVen me I .d enti? cation I84 IA -I 1- .I I Emdldate AHoca?uon eI IQIIPI _aIt NUAL. S. MocMe E-. {and Em. candrdaEgsEon LS VLEILEQ tampon iup Comioi CentreIat NUA .II of. CxamISetup Exam oIaIci atIVen LIL .. 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IDIgit?iVidedrecorder IRa-Veri?cation insideihe exam tab Via attendance sheet andexam interface Photographs - Photograph 3! Di?mairir: Tracking GNP, iogin . - . . -- . ._..Candidate to tha?xam {9:3ij damp-13L. my Sifyceniffed .TA 3 - .- .S: secured browser. -.2 Access in test engine only during speci?c timings. tasteylgine oniyfrom . . Batch nwfsa downfoad of question paper 30 minutes - . prim-to . . a__i_o_n far'eVery batch to r: _ue" on centers to tesf engine-mm dual authentication ;_Au__tomatic removal ..of candmatefs dataHafrom browser ._sess_ion af'ertest - - . . . 3 Basic sro?ec?' fysemf? .Vuinerab yassessrnent .--. .. .?AnEi-EVrus sof {wars and OS leVe {pate hesiaafl'sewersemote FRQJ?VTdaiapentsr possibia..usDRI-Serwces . . . . -. .: -.. '1-Backup. 3- #5159125: r1014. fiuitie?x? 111156-1150: HOD, 3 Optical scroH mouse .4 5 fiH' T515 71' LCD monitof ?keyboard _scxoli' (Window;Mama; 11/1than Upc i acxs 3 33mm) . fiQ?gsz buffs 1* F5353. you-{mead 2_ Back. up ._?exam and biomemcservers at ev?ry center ?Spare network switch at _eve_ry_._.center- fBgCigjup?e Avgiiabmty of; 3G/4Gfdongiesgt every center-for .connechv?y Ssues' . . figid City . . . .. 313R setupIatBangaiore xl'ientf g?ig .Zcenters. eta u'uhe?zd ewmo -'i