North South Streets 1st Avenue 2nd Avenue 3rcl Avenue 4"1 Avenue Spadina Cres Cycling Network (Linkages 8. Coverage) 0 Bridge Connor?tions 679?, Cf: vibu'lgl': 01 I'Jt'Jwr?liL'Jwr?l HIirigr?r (inattentinnx FEW. Coverage. ul Dawrllowrl I Bridge (Instr-unfit? fh'aw'hir'nwr?l I Bridge Conneclion F'O?ia Coverage ol Downlown I Bridge Carlrleulian 56% Cave-rage at Downtown Motor Vehicles (level of Service a Travel time) a lioad Con?guration no 4 lanes with left turn bays Road Con?guration with 2 lanes with left turn bays Road Con?guration no 2 lanes with left turn bays 2 lanes with left turn bays Road Con?guration with Road Con?guration no 4 lanes with left turn bays Road Con?guration with 2 lanes with left turn bays Road Con?guration no 4 lanes with no turn bays Road Con?guration 2 lanes with left turn bays Road Con?guration no 2 lanes with no turn bays Road Con?guration with 2 lanes with no turn bays Business (Parking) [Iy[1 {-4Hl 3?22 (14m [lily] 115?] {ti-1 I Tra (Future BRT) No am No um Nc- BRT Cer11re Running BRT 25" 51 it:- SI 19*? Street East West Streets 20'h Street 22"":l Street Street 24"1 Street Cycling Network (Linkages Coverage) 55% ?2 Bridge Conneclirms 34% Coverage oi Downtown 0 Budge Connect-ans 49"; Coverage of Downlow anlge Connection of?? Coverage oi Downtown Partial Bridge Connection 3' FE. Coverage 0! Dawntown Purtiul Bridge ConneLIiun 5-HT: Coverage of [inwr?nwn Motor Vehicles (Level of Service Travel time) a Rood Con?guration no 4 lanes with left turn bays Rood Con?guration with 4 lanes with left turn bays Road Con?guration no 4 lanes with left turn bays Rood Con?guration with 2 lanes with left turn bays Rood Con?guration no 4 lanes with left turn bavs Road Con?guration with 4 lanes with no turn bavs Road Configuration no 4 lanes with no turn bays Road Configuration with 2 lanes left turn bavs Road Configuration no 4 lanes with no turn bays Road Con?guration with 2 lanes with left turn bays Business (Parking) lot l1 181 [961 (63: lloal :90? l241le6l l-sal Tra sit (Future BRT) Curt) running BRT 3'3 Ave to It" Ave Nu Hki t'turh R?unnir-Ig RRT 1rd Aw tr: l'tr No BRT No 'jkl [no stations]