bt?l?iu. -Em 0930: $me -g wmmamim No: rang. . . Aummxc High undecided on ballot question especially high among younger voters Ward 5 Council (All Voters) Justin cm. 12% Among decided voters has commanding lead over DiCiano Ward 5 Council (Decided Voters) Ward 5 Council (Including ?30508 Dustin mm Voters) 0m, 18% um, 18% Peter Peter Mil: 11.82% 82% (1163 Thinking of how you feel right now, if an election for Councillor of Ward 5 were held tomorrow, and if the following were the only candidates for Councillor, who would you most likely vote for? (116b_(lF UNDECIDED) Thinking of how you feel right now, is there one of these candidates that you are i- .c legning towards voting for? (n=334) - eremay?! DiCiano has higher support among Ford supper?: and Mil-czyn has higher support among Chow supporters Ward 5 Council (Including Leaning Voters) Peter 61% John To? I Peter Milayn Justin DiCiano Undecided 209640366036? 0163 Thinking of how you feel right now, if an election for Councillor of Ward 5 were held tomorrow, and if ?45 the following were the only candidates for Councillor, who would you most likely vote for? . leb (IF Thinking of how you feel right now, is there one of these candidates that you are leaning towards voting for? (n=334?rruwctVIore DiCiano supporters prefer no property tax Increases compared to supporters Milayn Supporters 25% DiCiano Supporters hm! ro-nllalor, (Al?fhf?fz?. . (In (need 1 '1 .r run-:14 . . anmp'HW'Lh-x What you! mm rr-spm to property taxes Increases in (he iry of {aroma over thy next [our years.) {n 334)