IN THE NATIONAL COMPANY LAW TRIBUNAL NEW DELHI PRINCIPAL BENCH - . . CP No 1101110112013 INTHE MATTER OF: - 1 . Vikra m. Bakis?hi 1' .. Bakshl Holdings Private Limi1ed a Company incorporated under the -. pr?ViSions Of the Compames A61, 1956 1113111119 :it?sz registered of?ce at, Mahan- 0311- Building Floor, 13 Tolstoy Marg, "New Delhl 110 001 - PetitiOnerSI- . Versus 31.; Connaught Plaza L1m11ed a Campany' incarporated under the? 1956' and 1131-11119 its registered of?ce "at. Mohan D511 Budding. 15th F1601, 13,. Tolstoy Marg, New Delhz 110 001 .1 And - 85619016160669.3312 1 10:003. McDonald?s India Private L1m1ted - a? Company Incorporated under the .of the Compames Ac1,1956 and havmg its 011168.81. 202- 206 Tolstoy House Tolstoy Marg New Delh: 11.0. 00.1 Also at E7420, Hauz Khas Main Market, New 016 3 Mr; Robert Dale Larsm Nommee Darector of Respondent No; 2 havmg its office at 202-206. Tolstoy House 15-, Tolstoy Marg. NewDe 001 Ms AyeSel Melbye Nominee Director of Respondent No.2 having its office at House, .15, Tolstoy Marg, New De_1hi- 1.10001 McDonald-1S: corporatiohi one McDonald?s Plaza Oak. Brook, Thiamis 60152-1, Also. at? 202?206, House 15 Tolstoy Marg, New! Ielhi-1 1.10 _001 .. Mr. Tony? Lerocm . Vlce~PreSIdent McDonald 3 Asia Paci?c, Middle East 6 Africa Group 1 Kim Sang Promenade #06 61, Great World City East Tower Singapore Also 61- 202?206,. Tolstoy House Mexg, New Delhi-1 10 06.1 Peter Rodweli DIVISION Presadent Paozflc Middle East 6 South Africa; 111K121: Seng Pr?menade #1616. TGreat WOrld. City East Tower Singapore Also; at 262-266 Tolstoy Haus'e,15,. Toistoy Merg, New1De1lhiu116 661 Devmder Jain, General Manager Legal 6 Company Secretary, _Cennaught Plaza Restaurants Limited -1Bak_s'hi Holdings Pavate Limited 1 134A, Jor 83911 Market, New .1116. 0613. Mr .Manieh- Yedav 1-V1ce-Presmient 6 General Counsel McDonald 3 Asia Pecifi'c, Middle East 6 Africa '1 Kim 8969 Promenade #06161,- iGrlt?at World City East Tower? Singapore 202?206, 15-, Talsfoy M'arg, New Delhi-110001 I 10. Mrs. Madhurima :B-ak-shi, . Whole Time Director, Con-naught Plaza'Resta-urants Limited- .Jor 8th Market?, New Delhi-110 003, Respend?nts Judgment-delivered .?on 13.672017 .Coram: CHIEF-JUSTICE H6113bl? President ?Sh. Member (T) - shrneja's Kana 'Shri?Pritpal Singh Milan. 'Shri'Manaven-dra Mis?hraa- 'sSh?rii- Karat: Meihra, Advacates 2,3814 {Shri Sudipto Sa'rkari. Sr. Advogate: - .Sh'ri' Iqbal-NI. Chagla, SEA-Wheate- ?Shri Ra'jiv Mayan 381'; ?dvocafe?.. I . Shri :Am'it- Shri Rahuii iNarayan; .Shri ?Sumit'GhOpra; 13hr: Rabat: Ms; Naira Jejee'bhoy; A'dVoc'aites' For-Respondent; Shimmy: Kampala-5.75% Advocate- . Shri Satyaji't Sarn?a?, Sh'r'i: Moh?it? .Neigii; Advocates- - CHIEF JUSTICE (IR-ETD.) MM PRESIDENT JUDGMENT I.. INTRODUCTION grams; The instantpetition has been preferred bx one. Mr, Vikram Baks'h'iwh0h35 fall's-'0- been referred as. ?partner .(Petition'Er' No.31) and: .a gcorporat? entity-namely Bakshi Ltd, (Petitioner no. 2). 397; .399, 402, 403 and 1956? .(fOr brevlty ?the_. Act) ThEy shall be referred. as: Vikram; .Bak'shi" ahd; ?iB-akshi; .Hdding?. respectively; The; impleaded-te? Re??pon'de'nts (and? Sit-would be mamas-aw to'give- br?i?f" introducti?nf'cmf each. one-of the-{petitiOner- and the _.respondehts" to facilitate understahd-ingl of?the. Gauge;- M11- Vikram Bakshi? iand ?Bakshi lelld'i'ng.? are in. Respondent No.3. 1.4.C?mpany- namely Com-naught: Plaza 'R'eistaurah'ts - Pvt; ?brevity- ?aCom-aught Plaza); hold- 11,545,600 (Oi-Me. Lat;- "Forty Five thousand af?d Hundred) equity shares-which; represent.- 50%; =de the. Iisshed and Paid up'sh'are capitalifof? the Company. .Peti'tiaher has been. {he Managing Director" of?the- since its incaptionz. in. is, .?duly a'utiherized- Signatorypn.behalf-bf Petitioner N02 Vida its; The ShareCe?ifith?S-Mhaveibeen annexed (P-Q Golly). The latest amual.? returns the Plaza. (a'nnexme . also bee-{3' "?led. 33:: was: 12-: Liv-1': a9. ere-:2 I The ?C'on'naug'ht No. was inCOfporated-bn its 'reg-istered of?ce at-Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi (annexuire which was preceedw by a -.J.0int. Venture Agreement-dated 31.03.1995. It was promoted by Petitioner No. 1, Mr. vikram Baksm and McDonald?s. Ind-ia' Pvt. Ltd?? Respondent No.2 (fer-brevity Donald?s They have 50-50 partnership as. per Joint Venture Agreement dated 31.3.1399-57601 brav'ity Agreement?). JV Agreement wasienteredi into. between- Petitioner 0,1, McDonaIdf-s Indiaahd MCDOnaildis" Corpjetation?Respendent No.5 (for b'reVity Mc Donald-?3' Corporation. USA) of the JV Agreement-has been placed on record '(annexufe 2) A;Supplementalagreement dated 1 11.121139198- was also entered [intoj between Mr.. Vikram 'BakShi, Mc Donald?s COTPQi??tion USA and Bakshi'.Holdingsf 1th been. placed. "on "record: .(anhexurie P43), It haisxa'lso come on record that-JV Agreement. has been subjected to. amendments-from 'time- to" time. inserted, then Agreement which; is "seco?d amendment; to 11.311501}; 51 1.2012 I effected, All the. amendments- have-alSogbiee'n 'On- remrd' :a SgannexUIQS' P55 and 9?6. respectively"..- IM?D?nail-d?s India Pvt. Ltd, (Respondent; N0.. "is a .Conn'aught .shaye'which represems 50%riof ihe. iise'uedlahd 'paid up .seha're :eap'ital of ?the Germany- ?Respondent N33. 3 and 41- nafmely- Mr. -.Re_ben{ Dale- Laramiand Mel-bye respectively are-.1115 nominee Directors. __of MeDenald-?s "India: on the, Beard; of ?Directors- ?C-ennaught Piazza". (Respondent: No; 5) is. a eerporati'on 101921111253 land exi'Stirtg _'unde-ri- lavas: ?of the. State. Of Delaware; United States .?of America and is, .ednfifming. {party Eto?. JV. Agreement. Mr Ton-y Lawma- - R?spondent is foi??r 0f- who was :d?putedto' contact the Mr. Vikra'm Ba?ks?hi for the purpOses of attracting his shareholding in? ?Connaught Plazai. Mr. Peter- 'RodWeIl-Respondent'NoJ is also an Officer of McDonald?s Carporation Respondent No.8 Mt. 'Devinder Jain is the Secretary Plazaf Who is alleged to have filed fOrm N1053'2-a'tthe behegt. of .hgh?'ih?e?e? dif??i?r of iMCDo?n?3Id?s lindiia?, 'REspOndent-NG, .9. Mrs. ManiSthada?S One. of-the. India? and .islgalsa the. I General 'Corpohati?nz?s Asia He-h?s his - I arid has been attendi?g of the Board} M'eet'in'gs zo'f I?COnnaLIg'ht Plazai Mrs. Mi?adhu?m'a- Baksh?i is} a namine? 'Direijt'O?rl- cf Bakshl gH-didings of?1?Cpnnaug ht Plaza? and is Stated to be ?performa- She is holder of a Master degree from the Semi. Scho'oif .O?prCoanicsand is; a Co-?signatow to. thee. JV Agreement. She". was-- Director marketing; of-?GOnnaugiht Plaza? tilt-the" -i'yi'ear 2000 In September 201 she has taken 1-49- reiquhsjibiliiy .613- a. _-Se_riib_r* Director '(_H11man Plaza" ?and is Claimd h?irieid .?some- of. the} ?bastjta'lefjflin the. cruCial?departments-alike bu?iness development, real-estate, facility management, equipment, construction and-operations. Shelials-o: heads the [aromations tandiithe .im?gtig ati?n: the Company: The .Pgeti?onters have and] 7? the. Company 5-3533!61295442321 '?U?nd-re?d -'{Si5x- Cruz-es My Two- LaCS-?a?d Twenty One-Thousand only). divided ,200-(quLa-cs Ninety Due; thousand W0 share 501? (83. 0:16 themsand ion-1?) each? and (Seventeen lacs "sweaty athree 'ihousand. .and. Meat?" $3035") cumulative 195991118518preference ?sharesof each-whim have.- I lbe?n held .by'MCD?onaid?s?ilh?diiajand Vik?ram Bakshiptus? in "the? following manner:? Shairehc?der Np. .of' Equity" E'qUi'ty' I I No. I I of' ?Preference ?shares 0f .sharehblding preference- share. holding 'shaf?s of "each . each -M?D?onald?3i_ 1,4455%: 50% i 17,73,021. '1-00-9/0 "Vikram-fB-akshi?h 50% Holdings - .0 I 0% 1+ To m?naQQ; develop, license,- franchise Operate, 6.- The main objects of the :?COnin'ausght- Piazza? provided in the Memorandum. of- r-Asfsociatim are .as- under; maintai?n??nd. to: .tja'r'ry orixthe business?oftrunninfg? howls-,I. restaurants, fast .fdo?d Outlets, 'refreShmehi ._expiorters' impair-tars and __ma'n'Ufact'Urelris of- ?aerated, mineral? and" ?p?rveyors, caterers -:f_or public "to- enter into. contracts; i'agfe'ement. "and/or -.arrangements for materials-,Lraw materials. and 'the?lfike: inCIuding- gscurc-ging, pfsbakery: pro-d Lists, milk; prod acts, vegetables}, fruits andpoultry to 'and'imet'hodsfor. running-.-mainafging the restaurants- eating:_ houses. under ?-s'trith Lia" .1in 'aSSUrancesand' rd To Carry on {he :bL'z'Sin'e'ssj- .01" :Cbr?iiS-ultafnts ,to the. hotels, restaurar?s', e?tcg, in exisie jor gto: be?sta??ttad. fana- train ch efs? Cooks; bearers ?a nd other *S't-a'fflfoir- .. T9 5te purchase of O'th?miseacqvita: pla?t, machinery,gq?uibment and" re?tted:- for. the Manufacture; of :cheg-airjd; Joe Creams manage construct hire; re?t, ice cream pairlcxurs f0};r Sale 'in Lite Creams: and :ot'he-r-frielaferd' facilities gamera'ily associat?d; :therieWith- ahjd [or are capable being-combined profitably IthieijrjeWithh .. To;- carry onjthe business::as-kbepers Q'f-d-ray and chambers? ii'nbe-Qpiants, Warehouses;- refrigerate-Ea freezing muses and room. "coolers for 3?:inth sea 'Ifoibdis; matinee meat eggs, p-oil-?iry products, protein foods; mud, cream, butter, cheese, bacon sausage-5,. fruits, herbs,- Vegetables or other subs'Ia-hce made-from -al? or any of them and. _canned_,_ timed and processed "foods- .of every deScrip?on and to act as transporters- of aforesaid foods, substance and products,? A -.copy Of-t'he Memor?hdum and Adidas-.01? Association have been placed '01? .reCOfd' (Annexme- isa?d- W33 at allm-ateri-ai times engaged in-?the business .of managing -'quick'jsen'ii'cea-rezsta u-rantS; The. P??titioners haveapproached this mama: With :vari'dus- allegations.- ofacts of oppressmn' and mismanagemeht; has {thus made Injunction irespc??de?t: N03. .2510 '9 fr?om with the management-and. -affaf_irsbf the camp-fang - I Iii} I?junCtion R?Spohde'nt. to 9 from prayenting the No. 1 from ,ac'ftingjz'as h?J?d-i?g But Dr representing- himS'e-If be the. Man-aging] Director. of the: comma gig;- {2'10 91' and each. one of't'her?n. - from .3 my; ?ff?ci 30:17 fu Ether effec'f; 16- the .pi?l?fDOl?d-N :pasSed at - ?ma-"meeting . of: the "Shard- ofiD'irzerGrS- held DH 6 so far as ?it remit-3830 'pf- "the: 'Petitioder No? ?as "Man-aging. Director Of the :Comp??Y: iv. Injunction re'stzai?n'ing ?the. -Res_pnndeiri1t' 216 9 and: sash: brie-of them ?fr'om' .gi'sii?ng any ej??bt'br fill-the: effect; it) Farm 32 ?l?d Withjregard.? tQ-?th?- session-? the managing;Directo_rship bf'th?iPetition?r- No. V, direction that a -'schtem;e~ .be-Iframed "for: the-management andgajfflairs- :of't'he - vi. that: the Articles of" of. {the 'Ccm'pajny. be aysui?ta-biy amended 'Iito provide. .fOr the" exclusive- imanaigement and centroivof the; .. by the: Petitioner's andfor their nominees {in such terms and - cbnditibnsj as this may deem. "fit' and proper; restraining the Respondent Nos. and 4 from acting. as 'or' holdihgih?emstelvaa put-as _?dire'ctors of'the- Company; mu; Injunction restraining, Nos; 2 to .9 and 'ea-Ch one of them. from: giving?any'effector further 'effeCtio the 16 Au_gust' "2013 and the 5291 3 if} whatsoeven- that a. at the. of {he company'held (in August 2013: :?ih so. "far as it relates to-xth'e ai'ppO?i'nimentfte?electim off the: "Pexitioner NO. 1 as Managing.- DireCtOr bf comp-any andxithje-iF-Orm 32-fiil'edi' (regard. 555155555 Qf' Petitioner '1 as Managing.? Director the. Company be cancelled-and adjudged void; xix: lnij-u'nctim res-55515359555 'Z-Respondent Nos. 2'10 9-3f?r5m altarinig .th'e. Shareholdingricomposjtion of the Campany- if} any manner whatsoever;- Xi, Injunction (res-training? the; Respondent Nos. 2 try-9 from dealing with, ..disipOSing and properties-of {he Company-in. any manner Whats-05mg injunction. restraining the Respo'n'dent ?2 to; the. - icompoisitien 0f ?ihe Bbaridlof' Directors. car-management of- the: Companth any manner- whaisoever; Nos. 215 *9 "from issuing any __circq_I-aricommfuiniicatiion which. are: similar or? toyth'e 555515515: gcomniunica?oas ixiv; Appropriate. issued S'tjo' the .resp'dnd??t' Nos. .32 to 5 to- reimburse. ?the Company- Jfbr; all Jesse's; ceased; to; i'th-e-i Gcimpany upon; Iisu'ch enquiry-being made may deem mend proper; rest-raining Respondent; N05. 2 to {to preventing?fhes'wmpa ny' from} using 'i?e ma _rk/fbrand- "McDonald-?3" 'in any "ma ?ner .. entri- er?i. Directions given for "the" "management and; adminiStra?on of the. Company I .as subsisting On 16July 2013 andlor 36 August 2013 to be centrinued on. such; terms as this Hon?ble Board may-deem fitfaind proper; xvii. Pass such. order. or further ofrdeds) as_'this Hon'b?le Beard. may .deiem?fit and proper in the facts and "circumstances? Before dealing the: it Would be make a; brief" Sur?ey Of'facts Whiph led to-the .ch jQir-?tt- ventufe and? Plaza": As? has already been revealed the Corporation US .ba?ed- Company and. the practice; adopted. by 'it'lijits. it) .Str?cture .its- business by'forming {either-- a ?Wholly .GWhed orjajomt Venture era develbpme'nt licensee!" ;a_n._.i_ndivjidualifranchise; the Indian Diaspora, McDonald Carperatibn. realized {that 'chr development 'of- itsbu?stness- in this country it: 'by' initiating; ragjicin?t. ventUre Hand aSSociatihg a: partner has extengive. .Qf' market condition. Accerdiingly; :thre?ugh an :aduertisement - 'M'cDonald -Corpti'rat.'iorj. indiVidual McDonald?s in New-Delhi and withistheg:objiect cfsetting-zup. find -_'r_Un_h_i_ngg a; Chain of 'fb'od pints/quick service res'ta?uirant; -A key requirement er swell venture was-to identify One 301?.? the. .Q'rt'lcial' 'elig?bility c??it?ria. for a" partner laid doWn advertisements-was. to have experienge in. the ?eld of real estate and. cansttuctim. .Acchdingly, Mr; Vikr'a'm Ba?kshi' appli?d 0n tube}.- Iconsid'ere'd as -a_'jo'int VentUrepartner Mr. 'Bia'kslrii i'i'n unequivocal: terms; has; to his creditshis-business experience and 81.30; his-existing careebusiness- 'which- included "inter 31178, real estate" and Claims: to; be fang BrigaQEd in diverse. are-as.- the; pEfiijd?fTSle-S? 310- 1.0 I 1994-. He has worked in} .vi'ario'us'secers fin-eluding The" fee} Estate s?cfor-??parf from working in'. several ..-cQuntries.. lt- 1i's-claimed that, he was in. a undersf'and and-fellow International business "Standard- at the time Of association- with MC- Donald?s. and Mc Donatd?s Corporation. It; has further been? Claimed "he: returned to. India ?to start new business- in the ?real:estateg-sector; jHef Was i?-Ssociated- and developed. Tamera! commercial; and ?residential ?projects ~2fbr. 'm?ltihgtiOanj p'rbjec?its, for Multinational 'borporafians- and has-'- b?egen "slowly with AT S?siefe Gar-aerate; Bank-Li'nias Qantas Claiborne; Queue- "to. hemejuistafew par-Warm: was SChedule'd - beme?? the representative of .?inid Mr. ?Mam .BakShi. After ihafmeietingi Mr: :reQuested- to undergo "a On :j'ob evaluation" Restaurant. Thereafteirrh?rwas requested "to meet, the"CEQiF?msideni gen-alde- Corporation. USA in, Mumba'i?mr; 'Cia?rjit'allurjo; who busi?ass mode-1701? Corporation. BakShI him has bee-?foilloming the pattern markeieer". That- .biuS'iness mums.- 'a?etihitia}periocifOf15years rather than bringing; prci?tsat the; A?coiding "1'0 the. zbiISSErieS-s. "med?! .it-?t?f prom e33. its?. :pr?odgxict ifs- the market :in; which. Ithas p-Ians tOvEXPa?d its? business: It'wa's; :iin" ..thafi background vtha't "Mr, iV'i'kr-am B'akshif was expected 10- sig?- a ?25 "years agreementrfor-t?he aforesaid. venture-In- India; According-to. the augments made- the petitibners ware not is?; expect-any pref-ii prior tq15-yeag-sg-of Qperationi :of' 11 11 like Australia and UK. It was thereafter" that. MC Donald?s Indie .8. MC Den-31d .Corperation, Respondent No. 5. CO?dUCted a 'thoroLIgh due diligence eXercise 'to Check on the credentials of Mr. Vikram being Satisfied about his ._suitebility to be a partner of MC Donald?s ?CorporatiOn for its business "in. 'l?hdia? a draft of an agreement was preposed. The agreement was ?eVentUally- :si'gn?ed'on 321.03.19.95. It was however made clear. that the affairs of the 7061143119111 Plaza" were to be governed by its memorandum lands-articles of association. It, is: also: pertinent to notiCe that after satisfying; themselves with" its. entrepreneur?s- skills and competence efWMr. ?B'aikshi' ?it decided to launch and: establish. 'M?eonald branch. Accordingly, McDonald India: entered into: agreement with the petitioeers. on 31.03.1995 laying; the. foundation. of 'DOnaId?fs India entered into three Operating License a I period 01?520 years-leach. permit_- ?Connaught Plaza? to. market-products. iu?deri? the mend name-"MCDonald? ihi respect (of; restaurant" Situated at Vasgaet' Lok. Green-Park- 8 GK 1131. jiNew Delhi. .LikeWise, similar agreement-s from time to- time - We're 'e'xeCL-jteds between - 1997 :to 20113.. .in . r'eSpefct of Other irest-agurarjts": At the time-of ?ling the ofthe afOrelslai'd ihfe.e has. survive-d; Set-'Vaea'nt: Link. A speeimen- copy of the Operatihg has been." placed on record Accordle'g to the Mc Donald India earneden initial fee; of ?royelty on grees (sales {3f each resta?ra?t Which" jnduded Similar- other" restaurant. A: COPY Off each. - ?Sui?beefing operating. license agreement has been placed. or? race rd Pl 1 4). 12 13. The Petitioners have set outthe .JVI'agre'emer?'dated para- 7.12 of the petition. However, We feel? that only reflevanf cia'u'ses- need to he noticed.- Accordingly extracts of- JVA are-set out bebwe _0.wn'.ersh'ig. The JV Parties." the following" p-ereentages "of-shares in Company: Partner 50% 50% Such shares up in full: when issued. The JV Parties.- undertakes rota-use th_e'i'r'- Shares: 1'0- be vo?ted at cahy ?rms: so as It}: com pig with ?the. p'rdvi'sions of this Agreement; 64 rd. The-.' Board. of of. Company- -?sh\alil? hiayei- -.four' (4) mem berg. two (2..) Of-"Whic? shalt-be. nominated by Partner- and m; of which 3 hall be. Parties agree to - . Vote-?for- the: efeCtiQh or The Directors (so. .no'm-iina-tedrby- -.P;artnjeryand; Each member of'the- Beard of Directors? shall; have we vote, 'lf'a Director" shall. dialer: if _a 332-303 ncy _s?haili o'themise :?occurgir': a nomiria'ted by gnaw-v Party, a new: be ?eminated "by Said. JV Part-V W'iihi? :fhi'?y Such death "amine?: was-339V.- "On orum .Jand- Meetings of the: . Beard of :be- duty -i'co.nvened when at least-one of. the; '[Di'rectiors Ir'I-Omin-ateidyby Fatherland one of the Bireetors nominated by :McDo-nel'dfs- sh-?aH be personally present; All rre?stzlu'iions' passed 13 :at a Board of Directors meeting-Shall require the. affirmative vote of a majority of the Directors. of JV Company whether personally present or not. All resolutions passed by circular resolution shall require the af?rmative-vow of all Directors. The Chairman of the "Board, if any, shall not/have any "right- to. ?cast a deciding vote. ?Minutes of Bea-rd of?sDi'rjectors. - Mahaginq Di'rec.tor.- The JV Parties- shall cause the :nomi'netiim and election 'of; Partner as the sole- Managing Director of JV- Campany. Acceg' tame;- it) accept-the office of Managing DirSC-tor; to imai?tair} his :r?sSide?ce "in the National. Caoital Region "of Delhi, -d_'evote- his- full bUSiness time and best ..-effo.rts to the. mommies?" and 'deVel'?pment' of the: 'MCDOnald?s Resta-urants-operatedoyjt-hedv Company; Partner ?must satisfactorily complete a training-- progfa'm' in the- a'ndlor. such other places as McDonaldisnmay reasonably-- require" for .a period of? 'at- least 9 Months. but which in: any 0336] shall be Suffici_ent_;' in the. judgment or magmas,- to: thoroughly familierize. Partner,- Q?QUSistent ?with "his i?divi?Ll?l - EQ?ibilift-i?l?Sr With the 'deve=l_0pme_ntien_d {Operation-of McDonald?srestema?nts', . 'includirzg-?without limitation", the MCD'ona'ldf's; masagement Development Program ?(Which itself includes the- -.B__a_src Operation-s can-use, the- sass-c ,gemsnt "Course; the intermediate- OperatiQns~ the: 14'- Applied Equipment CGu?rsz- and the Advanced Course). The training program; may also include instruction Concerning related areas" inctuding, by way of? example, management accounting?, purchasihg, construction, marketing and eqdipment. McDonaldfs. shall design and conduct the training program. JV Company shall bear eXpens'ejs- for transportation, lodging and related incidental? 32153613633 incurred by Partner during. his training program The; training program muSt be prior to the? waning of the ?rst McDOnald?S be operated. parsu'anti to this: Agreement; In th?eV?nt "that partner shall -fail to diligentlyipumue- his. training or shall fail to Sati$f8?torily complete, the: .trai?ing program the Senior Vice President: and Relationship [Partner 'Of- the Con?rming Party, having: the stile -dESCretiO'n to judge? -Wh_efher. either failure may terminate'3gthis, Agreeme?t; on wfitt'en- notice. In; the; ev?ntpf Such'itefrrziih'atilom zPa'rtners-hall remit/e a prompt refund. of all .amoums invested! by him in- JV .Ca'mpany; leSsz?fty perceriwt of expenses": related. t0 trairiing'gmeram. (As Managing Director, Partner shall. manage the-- day-wales; Gperat'i'oh- of' the JV Company, In the- exercise at hi-S- authority as Managing. Director, Partner" shall" require the prior approval of theBea-?rd ofDirectorswfor zany; pf the fallowi'ng attiens :oh-?behatf of-JV Company, . is (2) 23) mi; (5) 310 enter into any" cehtract (at-obligation? or Series ofs?sUch obligate JV Company _-or"a term in excess. of Naive months or a total 'ar?ounttin? =eXCess 'of the iihidiajn; Rupee equivalent of its) .e?ter "into-any borrowing. oriother credit arrangements; Which will' .obiigateq-JV Company- for: a period eXceeding twe'lve (.112): months; :or for a: in excess .of the Indian Rupee equivalent - .to acq in, reai. estate; to amnirei Hita'?'sfer. sell mb._rtgage, predge, encumber or :othemisedispose: Of- ?capital assets-having Ia vaiue" in Excess of the, Indian Rupee equivalent bf to: off any 10.5.:operate, establish Or awake other .bBSine'sses for JV Cgmpany car-expand into other"lines-of sz?inesse-s-other the 2222222 to initiate, compromise 0r settle legal proceedings; Lon?. behalf of. ?Camp-any ?for matter re'QUiring ?emergency act-fen:- to elstabiis?h .br amend p'enSi?n or prg'a?t sharing ?plans-{Of any kind: 161 . (9.) (10) (11). (1-2) _to make Changes in the menu "items or" menu pfices offered at any McDonald's Restaurants opera-ted by JV Company; t6 cause the ?stabiishnwe? of new' McDOnald-?s? Restaurants the c-lbsing of existing McDonaldfs- Rastaurants; :9 grant any license, service agreement, lease or any other form 9f? coin'traCt to. any thirdpaityfto operate "a ?McDonald?s Rasmumnt. or use any part of lth'e MCDonaid?s System. t6 appoint- or" promote-any offiCer of .JV-Company arm and ..remu.ne_rate any employee Who shalt eam more. than. the Indian Rupee' quivalem of. 113$ 30.0001 per year, inclusive :Of'ail.l' bentijsiesgand' bene?ts; to invest "funds; Qfliuv company if the. amount 'iMeSted'_ is in. the-aggregate; than? the i'ln'dian' Rupee-equivalent.- of 100,000,._ unlessusmh invastment 'is made. in accordance with .inWSWent guidelines:- preview-[y a?pfo?ed?'and? n'bt-subsequentl'y {repeated .b'y-t'he Board 11f." Diire?t?r; .tQ- execute, amend or terminate. any, li?en$e technical assistance -_agreemer?f 0n. behalf oflJV-Campany; .17" a) (17) (1-8) (19) (20) to. .i-hii?iate any" trahseactions 'involVing the; issuance 0f -\red_empii0n of Shares? in Comp-any, changes in ?the capital: structure of. .JV Company or an increase or decrease 'ofthe capital 0va Company-i todecl'ar? asdividend; to. enter- into any which. may _C_o__nstit?ute= a described in 7th> establish bank-.accdunts and? the signature authority with. respect." to? SUCH account-s; issue zcisf' third. party debt; including - licensee idr-sfu ppliers; "to [do-?any: other act" oir- a?cfS' required - by alaw, of the? of A??ociation' 10.? ?have Board. Of "Dire'?t0'?3. - The 808de "of. Directors may amiendj any jor all cf-The' above {equirem?n't?fs at anytime; The? Director Shall also regularly inform the B?ard off DiFBC?torsr about: the business- activities- of" JV . Re??taur?-n?ts; .ReSjt'anra'nts; 33d 118' mum-?4vwm-vrwkumumun? - the: SeleCtibn,? removal =s?cjr '..-replacement of :ou-tsid'e consultants for JV Company-including adVertising and public relations" agencies, attorneys, outgide accounting firms -and..audit0rs. Directpr, JV'Company ghall pay Pa?ner grass. annual salary Managing Directb'r- of JV Company-in an. amount. eqjija?l ta the Indian Rapee equivalent 'o'f'US$ 85,000 Spay-able in: arrears. The salary sha?ll commence as of the. feffeCtiVe. date .Qf- this Agre?merit and Shall be. revieWed annually by the; Board- The -.Man'a'ging Director :shail be ?n'titI?d toxaz :sbch other (perquisitesIn. --addi_tion, .Jv company shall reimburse TDF reasonable. 'bUs-i'n-ess expenses 'ihcu'rre?d in .wn'nec'tion' with JV Com pany's business; _3E3iret:tor._ The Managing. Director shall be elected. everytwo (2) years; agrees to vcie; :er the reel?dioa as Managing- for 50 long. as; (.1). he resides in Capital Region of ~$Pe?d8 all 'Gf- his. business time. in {the p'erf?rmahce' "of. his. 'Obligatibns?. made-r- ihis Agreement and 1-ihe Operating Licens?Agreemenfs executed'hereunder: (2) he: sand-Title: :Ihves?hg ?C'ompany (as def-ined- b'QIowL in: combination, am. at 9f zine. equity shares :13va Cc?mpiany; .19 . He discharges :the of management "of JV Company'in Competent; and faithfm manner; he ?is. not in breach termzof this. Agreement or any ether agreement; between-the JV Parties or their affiliates aorsubsidiariest 'D?t?tmin'aiian- Va-lue??- Price?" Definitions:- For ithe pumms {of this Paragraph-,- the fo'llowih'g. terms Itai-ih'em below; ?fAcqu'i?itiOn: Fraction? fractianal.somership interest i? JV Mwoaai'ws ?Book Yalu?" equals?. the book value of the" shares "of Company, as: of 'ithe we "(in which requesting a: :d?te'tminatioa Of ?Fair" Maik?t vai?e: is sent" as"; determined wath -gg?n?raily .. a?cepted 'a?cmu?ting~ pirinLCiples?; f3bpiied .C-ompany- Gash of Sixty percent: income (or loss) for the. immediateiy ?receding M?lve FIGS forty after-tax net? income (or 108$) {Waive (12) months preceding thextw?lve month perioqas?e'ci?ed in .29 provided", however-that 1va company ssh-an. have been existing for-- 1633- th-an "twenty-four JV "Company CaSh Flaw. shall. Veiqual Company?s after-tax inCome (or toss) for the actUal number of months. Company shiail have-been existing, but shall {nd?t exoe?ed ?the iota! 'after?ta'x Income? (of loss) for the 'twe'lv'e (12) immediately preceding months- an cases, JV Company?s :afteIJtaX'. net income (or be; \adjusted. by: (1) adding;deprecia?on and am'dr'tizat'ion: adding after??ax .inte?reS?t expense; (3.). subtracting aftemax- .int?rest'in?come; items (net of as determined in accord-awe with us .GAAP: (5). changes- Iin non?recurrihQ: items and titransla?on gains and. of :ex'cl'udgihg' gains {arid- I'osses On sales .of- property; 5ng (7) .excludi'ng I gains and Ids-316$- on the Sales; bf McDonald?s E?d; upon 'opitienf-efxzerc'ises: :pu'rw?'rit: EtioB-u'sin'ess- Facility Leas infaixas)?, Company -'C'aSh F?low m'UIi'ipH?d' .C-?ompa?y- Net Debi"- JV Com pz-ainy?s- total Ilia-biflii?ti?s, less. CaSh Qteas?h 'je'quivaien'ts; {pl-L535 the? test of fallf' reinvestment ?required in Order for a? of ?the. McDonald-ts Restaurants- .operaiedi by JV :C'Ompany to; meet-- 'McDo'nald'is- '??emurrient: "sitanda'rd?s arid 21' Fair market Vail-19.. The. Fair Market the greater 'Ofi Net Book'VaIue; or JV Company'Ca'sh. Flew JV'COmpany Neti'De'bt. Price. 'tf-lM?CDOD-aild?s (o'rrits or to 'e?XerCise. the o'ptiOn 'to. pu-rch as'e some. or all-bf the ?share's'of?th'e Vot'h'e-r 'i'n zac-?cordainCe with the items?: Of this. the purchase- price far ?uch? Shares: shall be: determined by multiplying: the Acquis'iticn ?Fr-actiO-ri by the-Fair: Mamet ?Vii-hie- hf" ..-J.V -"'C'o'mpfany; pro?lided, that if ("at Its ?designee): purchases in the event of within years after the: date of: the. first Restaurant Opehed under this mes-purchase pjriibeifo-r- such shares shalt not; be less than the amount of Father-{sf tbtar- "cash:investment. Bompany, plus on such amountat the rate of ten percent per aim-mum. .Qompoun'ded . annually- Audited": Financial Statements, All figur?'s 5396333 r3? if}; 5.10 {der 11:0"- ?Di?'r?fbfm ?the required. 'pu'rl'suiam' this Paragraph--sham-l; be; derived ?ow: the audited financial statements ofiJV Company prepared. as of the Notice; Date. . 32. 'Opti'gn to Purchase. McDanald?TS- any of its; wholly?owned- subsidiaries. o; affiliates-was designated zbg-yf'MC-Donaldijg . 22 Ora-191V persqn or entity designatedeby purchase- an. of [the shares- 0f) JV Company owner or Partner at a. purchase price determined: in. accordance With Paragraph-.26 above-?if any of the-fol Iowiing_aevents {sh-all - occur:- I04 main-tam. his- PTIDCIPCBII in {he- ?Naii?i?azl- 0:894:41 (RP-Slim gr Delhi 'Or fails Io Id?mta his fun- busihess- ti?mze to JV Comp-a fF?a. drier terminates -- or" suffers the te. rminzjati'o'n of his :reIa-tiqnshii r15? :33; (if JV "Qt-heir. "by. reason .I-hjs? death- In the eve-ht. of" (If {gm-ca p-ac-ity; .s hall. 'ngVemj or" expiration or 'teirminatim of: this Agreement,? .1. 4 In pursuance: of the! JVA the. *?Cdnhajught' ?F?Ija'za?- ?was incorporated or? 74..copy'..of at: the time: has - .joh' whic'hfha's time" to time-as: has alread'vafbee'n 33the;ipreic:ediirzg tiara. 15 Far-we; purposesofshowmg that the petiticner is. treatment than the: party to a-..-.simil.ar_ jein'tf-Venture agreemvant f4)? wefsjjand stauth India. region, averme'nts have-been made-In - para 715 71.63 the-3317118 mm. 162.: The Petitioners have-$130 :asserted that from ihe: JV agreement and the- -. Adi??a? ?Co?naught; Pifazaf?, the company is;- and Was at .34} 23." - . "171.. mete-rial? times ?in the nature of partnership behNeen the: Petitioner and Mc- .DIOn-atd-?s' Corporation through the agenCy of Me Donald?s India: in the guise of limited liability Company. The Petitioners and Respondents or their nominees Were expected totact in'the :best interest of ?C-onnaught PlaZe' with utmost 900d faith" tQWardsfeaCh Other. The petitioners have asserted that apart from the rights-conferred byArtiCles 'ef Associet-ien end the .JV Agreement there were folIOwi'ng elegitimate :expectatie'ns';- ?The Said Respondents Woutd act. in utmost good faith when dealing With the Petition are; 23-.- The Joint venture between the Petitioners send. the-?Respondent. Nogsithreugh the agency of the Respondent No. 2' andfor between the- 'Petitieners and the- Respondent No.2 would be in force ferret i'eeSt Meaty "title years; and c. - The Petitioner'_3 would?have-control of ram-2 affairs of thearcornpanyf? The cte'irr?i- of the - Petitioher is. sought; to be supported by the fact? that wife of Viktafm'. Bakshishe'mgely Matihurima B'eKShi has been a wheleetijme direCthof the 'aCQmpahy'frem its 598??" inceptieha Who has participat?d if} "its man'ag'em?htiend She-was d'ir'eCtor marketing of the. Company {Iii-Ll"! the year-2000 and thereafter She toekf'ov'er "the-functiens of: C_<5rpo_rate: 'Communicatiens- in- tes?pect- of ?Connaeght, Pie-23' and; continuedto be 50; till date She "t'o'ok ever edditienal -_jresp-osnsibility as a- Senior .Directhr. (Human I I .: since 'S'eptembert'zm 1' and; has ?hired the best talent 24- in the. crucial zdepartmentsC-?ke business deix?l'op'm?nt real :?Sta'te, "if-ability management. equipment. construction and operations. She is 3130' head 701?, I - promotion and :imestigation committee. 1.8. 1 9 The Petitioners have- maimed. gthat the foundatiOn' of JV'Agre-ement proceeded On "the. Mr. was .to'?be the sole managing director of' ?Comaughf PlaZa? which: has :?been -.sijnce;. 18071995 iihftef'r?ms. Article .35- of. the. A?-i?Cl?es. His- aprinMen-t "and, 'C'oirjtin'Liatifon: as? isi-ICH was paramoum- .for- preservation Of .b??t'w'eefn': the ?and? Mo Donald?s India. reference- has been invited to. dame 32 Agreement which; pro?cies' ifi'P?titiOner N01 "t?rmiha?es (1r suffers- termination 201?. ?his; status. 338 ma?agi?g d-i'rejcffor then-MC- Donald's India-was to have Option? to purchaSe [the s'ttareiS-iof'fhe' Petitioner. (Qn' 'ex'iStence .?COnnaugiht- . Plaza? - iis-_--tieid up:- With n?m?ly '"Cc?ti?uati?n. of Mr. Vikrlam Baksihi? a-s because. some-Miser they? faire- 'Iik'ety? "to; loose. everything "including" their Mr,. 'Vikr?r?. Saks-hi since its inception" 'is: a'fM-apagfing_ Director. He has-{aid firmer foundatitj?n .91: Connaught Plaza: and? has been sucCessfu'ily' carrying - out. its The pfioriapptoVal by the: Boa-rd "of Directors. Vijs. required o-my mr- .sp?tzi?ed zin- clause. 73:) of'th'e. JV Agreement. From the ?rst meeting it was res-owed? that Mr. :vikriam Bakfshi would. be, appofihted faS the Managing Director'for a of two years and he. has. remained as? such- stall materiai time's. His as . . Managing. ?DiirectGr Was 9150' 'appfOVed in an ext-nabrdi-hgary meeting of the .25 201 - Body (if-the"shareholders Therefore, he Could have been removed as of 'the__.ComDanv at a meeting of the ?Shareholders-imam of General body of the shareholders in aCcordance with?. law. It is pertinent to mention that in a meeting of the general bOdy' of'the Sha'reho'lders- Plaza? held on 16".092011Mr. Vikram- ?Baker-133 was. reappa'inted as Managing DireCtOri bf the Company fer a? farther period of two years-(P11 "The Petitioner-has enumerated: various-ante: performed by him" for the benefit-0'1" "-G0m?31ughf Plaza" Which has: earned appreciation from respondent's HOBO-rdi?gf .to- i?he averments. made Mr; fto. personal properties and the of ?those Companies Under his '10an central and; his family members" 601111017 to enable *C'onnaught Plaza? 10? carry-01113 business. The "particulars Under:- List ('1pr top?tti?'s: rov'ide'd. to; -JV 1. ?Registeredof?ce15th:?Fgleer, "Dev, Telet'oy 'M'arg', 110001 -.s Free of"iriental. 2 O?f?ee- 12 111391 Jorb'agh. Market, New Delhi:? 110.6035 sqff) I 'DiscoLm-te'd rental .3. warehouse?lApprox: 10:00.0 :s'qft), PS PF- 11v, Sector 17 Delhi Dis-Counted- rental 25 .47 "Ba-Sam L'o'k, New -De?l?hi- acquire {the property by purchasing the ,top ?two -f!oOrs of the to atl6?w the 15?Re-Staurant in- india open .at a prime- Iocation. We have provided operi- Space Of 1000 "on roof I Free of rental I P414 11-0001- as the first idowniow?i- "restauxant in. Con?EUgh?t- Place (2800 sqft) Dis-counted renfal the renfal outflow out: of? the? 5' .d ownioWn CP. re-staura n13. (11.4mm rates?) "-Se'Ct'o'r .18 Market; ?Nbida First": IresftaUrant .in. {8320 8:110, 3016 {hi? price tofth? JV: #0136th priiceiis over [1?0 times the Sold price; Savoy Suites Noida An .attaChede'rive- 'Thru - "restaurant in NCR Nbida ?With one. ?offh?- best 801 (Sta-?re- Operating - i-izraco-m'erfor' the JV, I Pure" rex?xenue? share, no .?xea'rentai'. GT Road 'K-arnal 'Drive-?Thm teSffa-L'Ir-ant with one Of the best ?so! (Stere- Operating Income) :Rjes't'ajura nt= bra-the- JV 'i-rFiXe-d? 4-: - Revenue Share ELDM: Man, "Kaushambijwm (r3675. "The first man in East Delhi "with all aseperati'?g formats of: 8- fF-full Hausa. restaurant 13. F'oOdCou'rf . 'DeSS'iertKiosk . 27 - "Pu re revenue share '10. .-Jab"li .(HimaCha?I ?the" National. Highway (3000 Sqff), a nique restaurant on a bridge ixed+RevenU? share? 21 The? P?t'itioner' ass-o Claimed. _thaffof?ce.premises- -at} Mohandev Building, 153? floor, 13 provided freed-00.5110 "Cenn'aughitl Plaza" it's: registeied of?Ce; He. has obtained 13?"te segi'n his. persona-I" Name. for Operating.- the Ti thiri'ee, quick. z-Service .i 07106153- 31939 with "ii-he operating" JECense agreement?entered:- in'to beMeen the "CQnUaUth Plaza? and Donald?s indie.- He has-therefme. taken. the entire -.burde;niyar. running the-business of-rthe. Plaza? Sin the; territory of India. The: "rates at which {he properties? were. made available PJaza' were'lower'than'fthe market" rates; to bake taken Steps to en3t?1rjetha'it the beef? tall-(1w orig-is," .Whibh tempt-ed iant-o a mafia; relating to MCanaid' prizqupt did not; sprejuidicially business.- Company in? - indie-i and that? Grimm-1.1685623 "instituted. "against: the Dire-0mm of" the. Company" 'd-ismis's'ed-x-in .relat'ibr': to- ihe? ioutlet'Qf? the {Compahy "In additioa ihe- {Fatima-er I'h'as given. detailed particulars. of an" the: afar?isaid acts- Which-"are. a "after-Signing: ?of-the Agreement, No, :set. up the Company df?te ?in zone of his? own! properties comaught Platte-and did not Chargethe'Comp'any. any rent. b. 11:15 June; 1995,.jthje Petitioner? No. in 'Indahesia :and UndejME'nt. .an: -_ihte?r1j_se. restaurant- 1218' ?fauna?1.12? .. J/Lurn -. -. -'_trairiin_g w'h'erei?? he work-ed at. a McDonald?s restaurant" for a period Of - :approximatsiy 9.. months. The Petitibner-No. 1-3130 completed three (3) courses which included; fate!? alia,? ?Basic: Operations Course Basic Management- Course and Advanced "Operations. Course which in Oak Brook 1995,1119 .th?eh ruling igoveramehtfhad declinedto: grant .IiiCBhsesftc open and operate reataurants in Delhi toI-t'he comp-?any and was granted" only due to the putjinjby .[Petitioner- of.- and the LiicenSe: was issued in the ihdi?idual name-"9f iPetit?iDnenNoz; the restaurantWas Opened-in on 153 "October -1 995-4- The?PetijtiGner NO '1 With. "the; develo?m'ent team? from the US harried. research 10? ?n'aliZe sites. for :s??tting up 'M'cDonald?s - signed ap?thrzee' (3) ';propert'ias. in; V'asaht'Vih'ar, Park and. Greater Kailash, respectively.-. Iris-staUrant 8; India?s," 1'81 McDonald?s. was opened leadership-and 1} Qn'13 'OICths; 1996 at}. 47,: Basant Lok', Vasanz: N'ew Delhi; Far sawing; that the "CQmpany opened; India's fir-3t M'C'Doriald?s- ?Resmuraat at. a 1000? requiSite- utilities-and sewlces "Bet'iti'0ns'r No, 1' personally 'inlxte'sted'in part 'of the pro?e?y" and: purchased the: tipper floors. Of Vasa'n't 'Vfiha'r 'oiuti'sf heated "at 47 -. . Bias?afritj-LOK New 'De'HnL-inahis- Companifs-?namea Jim-fax; .29. "for 'txwoqh'ird' 10f ih'e- terrace of his -purc:hased- area fer- installation of "Water tanks, generation .set, water-?ltration plant and electrical panels Without charging any rentfor the same. Copiesof various n'ew?spaper ?Clippings evidencmg ?the opening of McDonald?s ?rst restaurant are annexed herewith-and .20 . :In? May 2001, 'ihere was._ inf?nse "me'fury and. Vandalism against a ire'act'idnfto- the admittance of beef :?avoiurin-g being added to 'French. fries in, me "This 'i'r-Ifdrmatidn .o'utraged Hindus- over? the. Petitiqn'er' No; a1.? fedrjlesS'ly promoted: the brand- and stood dgaihs-t:threai$ public: .p'tct?sts and vandalism. faith, trust-23nd? interest "Corp'oratitpn in India remained ma?a-ted; .As- a matter-of fact, no one from theU :operatiian sent-any} advance: warning: ageing {impending nor- gd-id anyone. from McDonald's yiis?itedjIndia-during. :fhis?peti?dd; A copy. ijWer' pair-1t presentation detailing. the Cri-iSiS 13nd; crisis- (?ction. pian is; annexed (A Mex-u No l- per-Sonia]: il-ia bz-ilities upon- him-self *8 371d -=inlitiatedidef?ndc?d- .332e-ve-ra.i-' legal gp'rdceedings- togiproiezcii the.- .int?res-f' ?0?f company- and gensute'd that bra??d :xje main 2u?'bliemishedh :On: 12 Aug-gas:- racked: the first; restaurant in: Kolkajta ?The :I'if'e of .aapedestri'ani Sacra-SS. the street; Was unfo'rtunaiEIZ-y lost and: many peep-lawma- "injured; A case; W335i ..fiil'ed] against the fan.44. Haw-var#ch Company and including the nominee d'irecitore of MC Donald" Petitiener N0, 1. not only provided the best medical care. available- to the injured people but also helped in resolving including; the criminal case against the Company am the nominate directors of MC Donald ln?dia. A copy {pointf_p-res_ent_ation detailing the 'Kolkaia ifi're incident? "is annexed (A ?an eixijre - Denald lhdliaffur'lher' caused. Mr. ?Vikram Bakshi. te .par?t?lwit'h, his. own 'prnperW-?ib the 5 Com pgain?y in S'ect'er '18] Noid a, which; houses McDo??e?ldla resell-ram, :33 a -_of..whic.h1_i_ My. "Milk-rem Ba kjs-hfi Suffemd . a age". less 0 n= 83398-l'ati-o n" of? price of p'rope W5 Petitioner No. {provided hiS- real in prime locations Jin- Central Delhi lathe? Company utilized? as off-ice space _;_bty the Company. Fof the first Mr, Vzi'k'ra Bake-hi didnot charge. any rentals for these- "Thereaften the rentals Charged were mUCh 'l'??'wef'ihan the? market}. rate; A Copy Of "the: Of?ce'- Space Cempareble-Repiort. {an-record. (Annemre P23) Mr. Vikra'm- Io? VENOUS Personjal ?be-?e?tste the" C'ompahy Including his personal .properties- at. the. cost price ?at" :?difieceu'nteti or He props-W915- premier rsmpiplng penile. et New Delhi; Till ?the I date; it; .lja-s {he lowestj' per sq. ft rental. out of all} the-{5 "properties Lin. ICC-nnaught'i Place; in: which. {restaurants operates, of? the .C-BRE 'Riepert dated-7 June 2-2009 is 243.? . 3.1 22.. ?been made: 1. Further, Mr- 'V'i'kram 'Bakshi persona-Ely- :prOvide'd With many properties at prime.- :l:ofCati0n-s so that. 1 Mc-Dbnald?s. restaurants: could be established. in India- With. the right quality- benefi?ing- the Company,- ThezPetitionersha-ve claimed thafion Vikiraz?n .Bakshi' concentration, complete. devotion, and undivided attentiohithe-Gcmpargy has reached-The. prese?f -'busin'ess Stahding and 1prc?zabilfity, It is. attentibn and" . .disbh_a'rge of i hi? {datejthe ?C?onnaugh?t Plaza"- has; :no?t authorized any" neriorzn?b?g?pfe'sfent??ve. to Carry "On its 'bUSi'neS-Sf for the ?COnnaught ?Plaza? iahd'ih? entire ?bysi'z?iess SUCCESS is ascribed to -'the?funcfi0n'ing and ?nanCial'f "Vi-k'ra'm Bakshi; Readers- Digest rated; McDO?ald?s India as.? the Traste'd "Brand'szIN "for "two-consecutive: The W313 knOWn E'Bufsiihess'4WiJrld. Magazine?. alsd :aWarded ReSpected Company Award 3533. the Services. Sector fer few years; (20013-329027); 1t :-r'3nked at 13m pos'itibn. among?St *100 Top Ret?il??ris fin-1nd ias? like: Pizza Hut .aridifKFC'wsre. at ranked f343h-apd393131.11 ranked Nof 3.11:1 the: North-and. East?11w ia- the. West reg'idnx rank 310333.111 2009 "it? 12101-1, N019 In 2010'a?d 13?1 3n "The Mt ?Vikram Bakshi has further Claimed that While. discharging. his as. Mahagi?g Ccmpany, She-has. single? handedly' man-aged ith? -_nurNerouS functions- Which-are primarily responsible for the present - Of't'he "In said. paras ofipara 7 have. 32 Z421 .. 744 M4: "Vikram Belts-hi and: ?the' other d-irectOr-Of the; Petitioners-on theboard Qf the Campany- have marzaged. the- .recruitment of :all' employees of the Company. Presently, the Company has- mare Mr; v-ikram Bakshi. has repreSented the cempany before.-. an gwemmemaf and; nbnaggvemment?l authorities "in; particular, in all contracts isjgnedm behatf'of-the company, including, .licuenseswith R?spondent'NQ; 5. The Petitioner N0 11 i?s ?theita?'I'wdii?ectot Company Who has" been . BXpendifUi'? f0? the conduct 'ofihe business of. 2145; the Ccmpany- such as gapaym'eht' hf salaries to the Cbm?pahyfs- .emp.loyeesi,- payment (if rent for 1119? premiSESi. Which have been taken {an 'r?n't .1 lease. by 'the- Company, arid-Other. eXpenditurie- 33 has been ?mt-1:11:91: Of'ithe daye'toeday business Operatiomsrof ine- Company, The Petitioner Nb; 1 negotiated all lease.- aigrieem'mts- .and'jieiher' "datuments-in {elatibn to the premises in Whicn restaurants - The. Petitioner No. 1 has. beenaibie'to. diScharge such functions and? bemuse _$ave Izand. except. the Peiifi?n?r' No 1.1m other of?cer, wreath; .Qr employee cf the: extenswe in~depth {knawledgjej cf ithe? real estate -_busines$ "in It is mteworthy that as: a. put in by the. Petitime=rsrand=in paw-cum by Mr. Vikram Beak-Sh}; the Company: baseman :able toi-secuxe. long term- '_Ie'aSe I revenue arran'gemems.. in .resmct =Of prime-1- 33' 7.46 7.47 properties out-Of Which the-"restaurants of the?. Company are Operated} The term 'of leases and} or revenue Sha're'arrangements ang?BBments: entered. into. by Mr. Vikram B-akshi,_ on behalf of'the. Companyis: in the range 01" 1'5?40iyearsi which itself is extra?ordinary in much as -_i_n'the "retail" seetOr in India, .the. Company is We}! known forha'virzg secured long terr?sr?rra'ngements On. extremely (attractive: and {be?e?cia} terms-which iS-Ipr?tic?ly impassib'le :for- other} campan-ies 'C?ndi or' entities- Th?i?- path?breaking lease held. arrangemehts in. -'_lndia Shows the. 10119". 't?erm vision of MT. "Vikra'm sustained JV Company, Mr;- Vik?ram- and his- Wife+ RGSande?t' directors off-he Company who are-residenf inilhdia .a lid atQ-the. Sanaei?me have extensive knowledgeOf-jthe MG Dana'ld The nominee direC'torC Cf MC _Dpna?ld haye; at best, '0Ver-a. '18. -jsp_ent not more-?than in. India and whatsoever" _of the business. ih?dia.. AS Sash},- they are in no pcSit'i'onafo. discharge any} fundibns or respOngibizities- 0n ibehaif- or-the ".Cbnnaug'ht PlaZa?; Mr Vikram Baks' hi? _.af_ter. by me Mc Donald India? and. MC Db?nald Carpo'ra'tibn as-i'thzeir' ?partner" in. India], "has und?gbaa- extensive'tr'a'i?ing at various locations- in whiCh' Mr:- Donald .Co'rpsorati?n carriesm business Operations- Thei'Petitio'ners in, partimlar the Mr. Bakshifhave, at all material times}, -- their CXperience and. knowedge 1ft)? .thfe iad?vah'Cementi. and. 34 .. . . 'impmVemeht {if ofthe 'Compa riy' in . - India}. 24;. The Petitioners.- hav'e further made-allega?Ons. of mala?de attempts to ?oust him from the. Company-at Ian Crucial time when the Struggle bf 15 years has sta?ed showingiitas. a pro?table venture. The 'Petiticner's, have asserted 1th at at the-time of joint venture" McDonald?s Corporatidn' USA thrOLIgh it's- Senior- mamd?m?m had shared the and .:stru?ture With Mr, 'Vikram} Baksh'i. He was 'ihiimated? =?th_at' ?thejoint. marketbu'sine'ss: miod'eli-was'io ?run .3 "less --for ?rSt 1:5: 'YQ'a'rs prams- "It Was-at; that stage? that Mt, Vik'ram Bakshfi'r?a?r. his}. {ab?ur' and investment would beg-duly fewa'rded" as had happened. fin-Australia and UK, On {tha assuranw given- by MC - ?Donald?s Corporation USA Mr \Iikram. Bakshi' relentlessly, with his full hard-work; and 'of- the Company?s; .bm?es?s?; :it-.-ihas- new 154 good quality- resitaurants. in; the - chth- and- East-India. Region-g "it is? in that. Mc Donald's" "India? and MC Dohald Corporation USA :dev?jbpj?de sulteribr. motive to get; rid of the. Petiti'oners- from? Comaught Plaza Isin?k?jei the, time. [Showg- the. signs of moving towards. I-prc?tjability, in?the" years had-started to usurp the: success and investmehtsjof the Petitioners;unfairly, ?illegally-and _cp_pressively by arm .twistitzg :to Sell "their -entire-- {sharehddfing-:ifn' ihe fc?mpany, It" was an 119.508.2008! Mr". Peter . EwaelliaRf?Spo?d?nt' No; .7 :made'atelephone-Cali. to Petitioner? No. expressway the. desire: of Me- ?Donaid?es; carpor?tim to} buy out the Petitioners entire isharehoidihg ?in thetamaught Plaza? far-a pitta?ce: The .?Peziti'cmer efejeg't'ed the same on the telephone: itseif.? In their letter dated 22.08.2008 addressee-Ho the Petition-er--thea-same Offer and the-- 35 25 P?t?itionefs Were asked to provide 'the expectations- of sale price- in lieu -of .the'ir I :i?tere'st's in-th'e Comp-any. Acopy-?of' the letter has beenplaced 0n record (P127). In his reply Slant by Mr. 'Bakshi on 06.09.2008 it was intimated that-?e was. stunned by the-offerconsildering maths: had invested close to 5 million. way back in 1996 When ?Conn?aught Plaza? cammenc?ed its operations in India" (Pf20). Thereafter on 231101-2008 McDonald? Corporation U.-S.-A. extended the. offer to- buy the entire. ihterestnf?the: Mr. Vikram B'akshii-till 30.1 1 that in. {disagree With 'fheif offer than they may provide their-expected? saie price in. respect of their'interestziih eth'e- Company (P129).0n 23.10.2008 Mr. "Vik-ramBakshi- had met Mr. 7 in Kuala-Lunjpur-an'd made .ajpmpOSQI of fair a 'thir?-Epa?y and the-individuali'i'z'aterest of may alsoibe- asCertained, Which was rejected by letter 55555 wit'ha'ut any; sabstantial 5623393. In the. same letter dated 11.11.2008 .Mc Donald?s Cgorporatim U.S.-.-A-. ihCre'as'ed the amountcf the a?er to 7. million U83. (P130). Mr. again 'expressedfhis anguished-(in his: letter; dated 30.11.2008 for not" ..a.cbepting< his. 555515: pfqposal- of valuation of the - entire Company'- and the; iindigidual .ir'lterest. He informed. Mc- Corporation that the time I frame 10 him-fer determining-his "interest in; the Company is wield-equate ail-d ihexwould be ?in a better? poSition- to provide his expectatiens by 15.02.2009- (sz31),_ "The their em (cast; Undertook a Valuati'e'n .exerciSe-bf the-"Gennaught by engaging international!- Accounting Firm 1W3 Grant "Thornton. which its Valuation report (032152000915 the report submitted by Grant 'Thom't'o'nj the agility" Vaiue arfived :ati million- and . 'w?'uldbe minim. Ailet'te'ri :to'xthis? effect? Was seh'tz'by ML. 36 Vikra'm 'BakShfi to Mr. Peter 'ROdWeII-RespondentNot Mc Donald?s Corporation USA. attended ?a presentation New Delhi on 03.07.2000 given by Grant Thorntoh explaining the methodology of the valuation. After the presentation no. further step-s were taken by MC ?and :Mc' Denald Corporation U.-S.A. either- by them's'elves or through" any of their representative. which. led "to 3 {9830001019. ?inference. that they "had no intent-0n to. [acouir??the Shares of the Petitioners in the joint jventuresatfa. The - attempts of Mc Donald India. "and Mc- Donald?s Corporation USA thereafter- comrnencejd ?to forcibly. acquire'the shareholding-00f 010 'Pinti?OnerS wh?ioh; are ma'la?de: and motivated; They haVe' partnerS ofWest --and South India. ?Region "to 'furth?f their imata?de to take .opp'r?sswje rsteps; against'the :isj- another -faCt..llnf230.1 1 the j'ointjvent'urev partner for-West South?India. ?buy out the Shares the Petitioners- and categorically? ihformjed Petitioner No.1 "that MC. [30% de - Corporation USA him: a tacit: appraisalamt-the. "claim that McDonald?s Corporation Would that-.utet; .P?titiinerS-z effectively it-they refuse. [to sell. The same, Mr..Tony_ Latraoo.,_ Vice I'Ptes'id?em; Franchismg of 'MoDonaldts repeated" wows. in a. meeting: in Delhi {in early 2012. Mr, Vikrafm that-.ihej is not. cort?em?d "about: ?the . purcha-S'er as; tong:- he? 901$ tair- market Valha. ?Therefore; MoDonald's facts qt'oppressiqns- have been towards one. Sole object of forcing out -_Havi_ng fated in their evil designs. it, ?in it'l?giat acts like non?'- reappoiatment: of Petitioner No. 13 as. Director-of. the Company- 3.30. thati?itz may. exercise" its; option to. 'buy'iback'fshares as stated in 0130331532 (if the .37 -- 27 referred to in the preceding paras of "this judgment; The Pcti'ticner has als? - cited the conduct of Mchnald Ccrporat-ion many precious joint- vfenture across Asia. which include country like Thailandi and Pakistan. Accordingly, it has started similar tactics since 2008j0f oppres?sing' its joint venture- :partners- across the globe-and. force-them into- a Corner to My them out at piltanCe Corporatien multiple arbitrary and baseless- internal audits. on 'Connaught Plaza; harrowing" eera-rgos and has --med. Petitioners to the Company-to-irhprove its. net :woah' theare'mliln?ration "o?he' Managing? "Director, lt has raised friyoloujs- issues which are. "stale; iwcfa'ix?'edlacmies?ed to, iam?twist [the JV Partners, :to Sell their shareholding. The'C'cmipany'has-Suffered due-to (laminatingiand I -'l'n'dia and-Mt; "Donald?s Corporatibn LISA. salleQEd fthatigMcr D'Oraa'ld- lz?ldiagalnind Donald-"s "Ciosporation -.-S-.A-. have committed ?va?ous acts of.Oppression-Fahd" mismanagement; The. petitioners have, Tare-asunder: :COnceminjg appointment: of. Mr. Vikram. BakShi :as :?Managing Director 16f ?Com?aughi Plazaf?. Mala?des in ?cessatian ,of MI: 'Vikram Baksm {as Sale-Managing [31722th ln JV?Agtce'mcnt. there .iS'a: 'p?d??itiv'e; obligaticnzon Mc. Donald .chi-a. to Ire-elect? Mr. *Viktam: the Man-aging. Director of. the "Compainyfmaf? 848', Company- P??tfon,? - 36). 28.: "His 133?: appointment :as Managing Director Of the Company-was .0516 'Saptember3201'1 at the Company?s Annual- General Meeting fora pe?od of MO years (Company Petition, Annexure p.296). This ?clearly SHOWS that the Respondents had no grievance with regard to the} management Ofthe. .COmpa-ny by Mr. Vik'ram Bakshi ?ll that date. Pursuant "to' "above. mentioned Mama-1 General 'Me'eiing; an. agreement betWee?- 3Mr. 'Vi?k-ram-Bakshi jar-id Agreemenf?) was-executed on 11 October 2011.- 81903. their; the. Res?pondents- have. not} made. 'a single against Mr?- Vikra'm Biaksh'ii' concern'ihg his duties Director cf the Company. ?lti is "also pertin'enf to note that the efforts of Mr. :Viik'ram Bakshil ath?ereaffei" "ha-ye --been_ reWarded Dbnald India and MC Donald?s CQrporjaltion and grOWth. 90f Com his stewardship. 16*? September, .2011 {here are? numerws iastances. quc?ed. "which that the R?'spondents'. were '53fi3?9d with of Mr. Vikrarn' B-ak?s?hi and it would [show that the. - Respondents: e?visagwi "that he woma? mntin?ue. :to be at. ?the helm" .gf . - affairs .F?eti?OnErs' .have. further painted out MD.- Agre'e'rn'ent dated 11 October- 3120-1 1 catego?c'a?y; [provided that the 'C'Omp'any "enviSaged a "sole" managing Kat-all. points- of time. and. i-uni?ssvtemii?nated the. game was to be renewed; (Sh??rReipily of R'esbondehmg, 2 12013, - 39?. 697). The MD: Agreement contemplated Mi". Viktam Bakshi- to be? the MD, . "which. is evident. from perusal of? Article 35' of the ArtiCles- 13f 'pfOVideS-as fellows; "The Board {Sf-:Directors may?from time to. time subject t0$ection 197Aof= the-Companies- Ad, 1956-3 appoint one of their numbers: (members?) ibeManaging?gDirectOr, number of thIG?timerdirector (S) for such .periajd arid upcn Such the provisions :of the Act andioaraqraph Joint I__Venturet Agreement thefManaaim Directorsha'il be entrusted with :subsmn?al Emma." 01? management-subject 1'0 the S'up'etint?ndence, Central and direction-Of the Boa rd of: Diregtb'rs. . Etc-day. operi?aiion of: the Companyf (CGmbahy 'Pe?tion, Annexme Paragraph 2* of the. MU Reply- on behalf 5f to. Clause :35 of the Midas-3 which: iprwides a meeting.- of the Board or DiteC?tO?rs'" "of .th? 'Campan?hergina?er {eferred 10' as the. held- onixseptember 15 20:11 Mr. Bakshi. zwas tame approval of wide: the . rer'sorutian passed by ?the (0931983)?" at: 155- meeting". 5f, the Com?any hfelfd-{0n- -SePtember 16 es the M'??aging DirfeCtorl-Of the; -..Ctimpahy.?With effect. frb?m '1'81h'JuIy-i201'1 for a period'of'two fthe terms and conditions: as hereinafter-35953555 pursuantto?rtible: 35 Articles; 'of Association. company and the. Aqreefm?nt :and? Mr. {Bakstii- -has:. acce ted {his tea-a ointment as such. terms. and: Clause of 29 L30. the MD allows Mr. Bakshi- Ito sUb?deiegate any of his powers, .?exCept the matters-enumerated. iherein; Clause Statesithat'if I the Agreement. is not terminated, it ghg? be renewed; In such circumstames; MC Donald India was. bound to exercise. its voting rights". ?through its naminees .at the Board Meeting. and by itself at General Meefihg Ofthe Company to ensure of Mr.- 'Vaikra-m' 'B-akshzi 9391-3 MID mime-Company. stated facts give _ri.s'er to a _juf3ti?able and legitimate expectation that'fzthe; M11. Vlkram i-Bakshi, managed the" COmpahy-rfor 18f years-"Nauru remain the M_anaging__ Director for the-entire .?term 9f the .N period, and thereffb?re be re-eleCted .by? Me Dcn'ald .Zlndia' and its nominee diiecftors 12.9. the Respbh'deni Nos. '2 to 4. The Pet_itiOn_ers have relied upon- judicial 9299999919219- submit-"that denial "of -_su6h' expectation "is; in itself.- a grave and 'oppresSiVe The ?g?ma fo?r'Board 7921999999299 6 August 2013 mandat?diihe tea-election of- Vikrm BakShi :as Managing Director. This Agenda Was. prepared by Mr.- thfzi'sCompany SacretaW-R?smhdent' no.8, and-in": Item 6. .of. the Agenda fit" is *?ft'bi: recommend re9appointm'ent of. Man; Vikram' Baks'lhi. as the I'Man?aging. - (Cbmpany. :P?titicm; .?Ahnexare P-33- p; 501?531, The- Ag??da and. papers- had the-apprt'3val'0f the R'es?pondeht- No. 245 gsh'OWS' that .th?fy were . {satis?ed- With the 'pe'rfOImance' 'of7 Mr; Vikram' :Ba'ksihi as will evident-fromvarious facts. namely: 02:; 22 July .1201;3,_ R29pondent N0 9.12 CompanyLSecretary sent an email Respondent: No, .9 91 (Mr; Manigh? Yadav) With- :a dr?? "notice 'alori'gj With the agenda far the I-Bbar-d. - Meeting- to be held in the above email,- the Respondent No.8 proposed to .releyant?agendas, for approval from Respondent No. 9, as Under-(Additional Documents Volume p.1) ii To reappbint Mr;- B'akshi as Managing. Dire?ctbr of the. I .6) Ii annualx-revisiorifin the remuneratim' ref. aMfad'hurim'a: Bakshi, -?Wh_oie Time 1Apri1' 2013(ltemN06) diggjgufSS: .j'anjd: the. .remanera'iiOn of - V'ikram .- Ba ks'hi, irf? 'iight. ofthe mark-et- review ?conducted by AON. Hawk on the :remme__rafion; of CEOS and M03, for the multinatio?al "Companies in (Item: No.: '10) 2b; Additi??'ally; .Withrih? {aboiIez mentioned? email. dated 22 'thje ERe?sandent No.- ?8 also 'ciircu'lated draft :Of? the. Agreement fer re?? .Iappoihtm?nt. 0"er Vikiam [Bakshi sis-Managing Director as An'nexuife: _c The m??tibned --agenda for .reappaintment} of Mr IB??kshi? a?g- -'Mia'_n'aging- Director of. the: Company were. my approved-by: .Re'sijondent?No; 9 (representative of Respondent No.35) and .Rje'spOndent .59. :31. :32. 33:. - d. Th?reafter; On 25 July 20-13, after Obtaining approval ?from Respondent- No. che- abbve menti?ned agenda, draft-MD Agreement was circulat?d -'al;o'ng notice'of'Board Meeting to: be held 0:126 August201'3 tr} all _-th_e directors. "of the Company (Company Petition, An?nexu?re- P-33, pp. 501-5311; Cenvenience File Vol. Ill. '-The--pet'itioher$ have. firm the abbve mentioned- agenda. it. is clear. ?than-as: late as 2-5 July 2013,. .it was contemipl?ted'ihat {be Vik-ram akis h?i' Would-centime be. the} Connaught I-Plaza, the agenda-was approved by the Respondems- without any; 'objecti?'n: as is evident Mm the above. Amerdingito'the ochmha?ld false when it asserts. of. Mr. ?Wk-ram BakSh'i' Steed" laminated ion- 17? July this "is; with _th?x of Res-pendants after 17*? July-12013 (whet? the-Managing Dire?torz?gre?ment allegedly expired). Itisstated {hatafter emails lathe- Mr: MIR-ram .iBJakshi; in~his capacu?y as the. Campany, which .:arei- enlisted Email issued; by represehtativei of Mo D'o??alcl Cripofat?iorl dated- July 2013 address-ed to all "Managi?g Directors Qf. APMEA Regicfm: 'ofl'Respof-ldent 5- (Reminder to Short Reply ?led be-IRe'spOn'de'nt "Na. 3, ?nnexurespez (Golly). p.26); (5) Email issaed' by rep_reSenta?Ve of Mt; Donald. Corpor?tion dated. =adder'1essejdttosall af- APMEA Rte-'giora .o'f-Respondeat No. "'(CQ'lly) to R?jqi?der is Short '35; I Reply?led by Respondent No. p313); (cj 9) Email *i'sSued by representativ? of- - Mc. Donald Corporation dated 19 July-22913.? addressed to all Managing Directors R'egiOn of Respondent, No. 5 (Anaexure- P42 (Golly) to Rejoinder ito ShortReply ?led by (d)"Email issued :by- repreSentatiVe 'of- MC. Donald USA dated 22 July? 2013 addressed, to Managing (Ahh?xure. P42. - (Golly) to Rejoinderrto ShorteReply filed by? Respondent No.1 at: p.36); issued by representatiVe. 0f Md?onald .cprpoiration 'all "Managing Raglan, of Respondent: Nil '25. '(A?nexure to R?joi?dEr it) iShOrtI-Ref?ly ?led by Resm?den?t p251): 'Emailrissmd: by rep-regentalive dated. 130- July 2913 addressed- 'to- all Managing. Dire-Clots of APMEA Region: 5f Respondent No. .5. ;'(Annexure (calls?) '10 Rejoin?de?r to: Short; Reply-?led-by Email; ?repreSentative of Mcbonald- :cbrporation dated 1 August .2013 addressed arm-rigging Direcit?rs' "of APMEA Region OfRespmdem 5 (meme IP92 (Golly) to; Shari "Reply/?led by ReSp'ondent No. p.39); This: Clearly shawls. that the Mr. Mikram TBa'ks'hi': had de?fand ?ghtinued as eVe? after- 17: Ju'1y201535- 2553 {he 51? 5this! ?Company; by conduct; "on 5 August 20313;. Respondent No; 31 and-4 (nominee director's. 5f Mc. Donald 'lndi'a 5n ?the. Board: of the C'Qmatighti Plazaglgq had drinks. and dinner with . Vikram No. 110', and ihere "133} was: n5 imitation thattranspired an 6.1559531 2013(06m'pany Petiticn, An?exme P459, p.816). .It-Ing-aSSerted'ithaf atfh?rEioatd Meeting of Me .DOnald August'2013, Mo. idaci'siotas hadi .aifeady] been taken" by-?the nemexecutive. nominee directors; that is not-tof-re-eleci?t Mr; Vi'krarn' 5B?k?h?i5_ as. ?the MD of C?pmp?ny; to; exercise: :.option- "with respect 15 the Petitioners' shares in - the Company, A resolutiGn-dated?t" side-Donald- - lndla Shams thatz-the'r? we're-and :iiher'efcould' be ne'ieasms Tarsuch-decisions.- In: {55; i?efBoardx R?soiu?on of. Mo. Dgnaid {I'ndi? ;d?ated 5 Myst-251,3? Was may-yon :29 January 201-4 pursuant to the order. of the Company Law 28.555 to I?le'fth?. same Th? 35:5 Board ReS?Olutidh' ?hVis'ag'?s a: cp'otehtial 'diSthte Wit'hMrl 'Vikram' 'Bak-?shi, "as. it authorizes Rasp'ondent Nos,- 3 Dale); grid 4 Melbye): initiate "16:93! gaproceeding?s? - for-for Viki-am Bakshi; "male; ?d?fana in bad-faith [59933 55 *iambush; cp?ratim" Which; Was aadi executea by .noine?xewtiye'nominee :dire'ctar? of Mc Donald. India With the sale-purposeof grabb?i?gt?he. Sharehcldinfgoi the petitianers. for a pittance, Thi?'aiso Clearlyashowsthat the .Re'sp??dent M53 Donald 1:16:52 a?dits nomi?ees; we'r5'5W3r5 ft?a?f-their not to 'v.oi'e_ in? favour {of of Mr. Vikram Baks?hi- was and-w?uld lead-to litigation. 39; .46.. At the. Board Meeting of the ?Con?naught Plaza? held Zen 6' Aug?st 2013 Respondent .4 handed over a note dated August 201.3 containing some purported grounds fer non-reelection of Mr. Vikram Bakshi as the Managing DireCtor. It is pertinent to mention that-the Respondent's for thef?fs'st time raised allegations against hifn by way of the Note after his .reappOintment as Managing DiIeCtor' 30f the Company'fin 2611'. No. opportunity was aff??ded- id- 'Mr, Vikram" Bakshito reSpond to. any 0f the allegations raised at tine? Board Meeting'h?id on G'August 20.15;? [In ?the ndte Mo principal-aliegations- were made viz (1) Faiiure to :de'veldp. {and maintain adeqtiate "internal controls; allegedly 'ariSin'g cut of McDOna'lds? iinterrial. 'auditeGen'eral- Controls Review and. statutdry audits: (2) Mr. "Baki'sh?id engaged in ?nandal mismanagement in- relation: td- the. funds 50f the ?Con'n'aUth' Plaza? by drawing. asum of. Rs. '70 million: from is the to his -__gro.up> company, thaws, Vikram Bak'shi 8; comp-any Pvt, Ltd;- the Dre-ted-Of'an urgency in {efati'ento a new reStaurant Opening Mthdu?t fdbta?ihing {of Beard of Directors '01" the. Compa?yi or any {What dc?cumema?m (f0r brevity TranSaction?). the Ealiega?ens has been rentered. Inere's'pect} inf-i '-allegati0n: Petitimer has stated that the. candusimaarrived at'in the: GCR Report's. and-[Statutory Auditors? Reports ?is, false: "and "concocted; The baseless. allegatio?s' have "been raised an. the bias-is Jof. seitfgservi?nig {audits by Mc Donald Corporation USA in a bid to army-twist the? Petitioners shares-.. The audits had commenced. after the- ?C'Qma'ught' Plaza? became 4?2. '43? pro?table in the year "-2007 and no Such audit was The false-and baseless for various. reasons:? In reSpect_ ofrallegagim it, has hem: stated: that it. Was a. stale. loan _-tran$acti0n which hadtaken place in't'heyeaim?m'and? was p?rogured-as a ground. to SUSItain- th?ir .ciaim Manse-3mg Mr Vik?rami?akshi as Managing Dire-cm Th?rea?er he. has been: re?eele?ted: gas: Director several The 'triansactioh'was W351 duly- rati?ed. gin; 2433.31383de .gMeeft-ing cf ftjhe Company held on :17 April 2008, The P?titi?n?r has ithej; belie the allegations; -- of the Re$ponde=nt$mth regard-to W?'at'istknownlas: *"Re'gal. There is further allegation Vikram :Bakshi' ?that" he is engaged. "in Emir-mess: in- competi?tm with 4473 biasinessi "Connaugh't: Plaza" and therefore; has-snot: been-able: his einiira'e; business ?me to the of?ce-of th? ma?agihg- Difector-Of-the GOMpany. - It? has, alsq been he is pramOfing his :own: business {by putting :adVertisement in iMthi??al??jsI. Re?sii?ur?nts Mutant.- autn'grization, ?Even this .all?gation has been? refuted-391m 3"Cfon?a?ghf "Piaza? had ranked" as one :of- the tap performers 'ihv'the Greater. Asi?r Region rahd. has Iconsist?n'tly been perforniing - be?er'than thie- WeSt (Para 418': :of'Reply dated. 3 .september 201,3": :Cdmpa'ny Petition, The- Petitioner has further explain?d that; biomewc E"and eleqtroni? records at attendange: Would 3th that Petitioner 4.7 No. 1?s businesstime has been invested in-the development and?gro'wth' of the - Company which is re?ected in the. performance of the Company (Para 50: of the letter dated 03.092013; company Petition, Annexure 53-39 at .562). He has been consistently ?ling; Form every year since the -incepti0n of Company sand thus, discilosinq all'his interests .te the Beard .of Directers of; Respondent no .stade; has. been -_raised-_-to__j_a-ny .ef the disclosures. made if: Farm 24M where Mr. Bakshiis. interest in ether busirte'sses.? . were fatty dis-clotted, (Para:.12- 0f :Rejoinder? to Company dated. 1' 3; Anaemia t6 the-Reminder). The Petitioner is not engaged? in .com?pi'etiriig .buiSiness- with McDonald?s Restaurant in any manner-whatsoever whi?h .he-?leri?ed' sums. replyitol-the-fnote No such al?le'ga'tiOni has beans-rather: against the ersmhite joint venture partner ?of the West. and 'SOuthQ Regien. Mr, Amit Ja'tia, that: he is a director? 'of. .123 Companies, including. Fame :lndia ln'ox Leisure Limited, sterling Halide-y ebb-a] Tteindz Ltdi, Westlife; eeyetepment Ltdi eta These ?are all listed Companies building formal beard meetings. Mr; ?Jet-ta" F's?also. Exehutiire .Chairtmansnf "various- tcompanies the West 84- -._So..uthz india have never-generated ahyi pro?tst-Desmte the-fact, Jati'a- is running basinesis: in: -direct:Yeompetitidn. with: McDonald's; Which was Converted into; a deVelopmeh?t?. license: by. writing off the equity and . preference shares of MeDeh'a'ids, git-thee been painted taint that discriminatory and pick and Choose "metho'd'ha's been gprefetreci ItO-xfawttr tine. entity-which Show/Us. bias: against; the} :Petitionets-' _-with the. ebiiquei motive. of: purchaSin-g his eh'areheiding. (in that-regatth deta'iied facts. have been .given- in para] 84 tot-99' {if the centenieme; -_'ve'lu me) 1 . 43;. 45. 46:. 477.. 49 There are further allegatiOns..of expesing; the ?:Mchnalds senior Exaggitfivief?1nd professional advisers to criminal litigation which. has been-stoutl-y d?jnied?: in the; response which is evident from theperu'sal of the paras 100-10 196 of the Conveniencie minim. Anotherja'll?gation against-the Petititmer'is that they createdja pledge 0:313 51 ",360. equity shares hei'd .by'them. in the. Company W?ich has- 1211395666151 replied?- in - .detail'ed' _?(para 10719 117 ofthesconvenience mam), The Petitioner- -_has 5211130 asserted that Respondents 1916.- 210.5 113% 'Waiv?d. their "rights ?to raise- any. 01 th? allegatian. mentioned in the note 91111965616611.1633: off ihee applications 6f principles;off-Waiveras theaaliegatiori;pertaihsiofthe year-21367 and "that MI: Vikram Bakshi has fbe?h- appoint??d Managing Diremr? Mice. thereafter,- More'?ver, he; has. made .311 nerces'js'ary 6.3331056651211111 interest in another including the .?nature; of 51181118395 trajri?act?idi by ithose-companiES; The on reCOrd' (summed up i11- .._p3riasi 1-18- - to 1 27 of the-.cdnvegnience 2111616616) 'P?tifioner' has '_ag?ir_f1} reiterat?d his allegation-z with? regard it) {illegal ?and option- hyiiMc-Dohald' India "on 1638-2013 Inithis regard dew-s 539.13 furnished ai'n-f paras: 12810] 138- the 6691161119669: volume..- There are'further under paragraph 26 ?of the? Agreernebt is. contrary- '10- Indian 13w. mama. being void it is unenforbea-ble - .in?rmities' haveLbeen painted-out 3:9 submit that the same?bannot be . 49' :50; .abted up?n. l't-has -:also been-submitted that para .26 of'the- JV Agreement is . Centrary regulations- an'd directions issUed .unde?he Fore-ign- Management 1999.. 'The'Petitianer has requested this Forum notto permit such grossabuse of the-process-andxkeep the norms intact investors. The ?etitiomrs have. further alleged- that 'IMc?on'ald?s has .thWarte?d; growth to . manipulatejthe valuation of the 26-.of the .JV Agreemehi- in order-?to reduice'the price Of the Germany", _McDOnald?.31have manipulated the valuation meChanism to furtherstheir 'needa. All this has. been done 'to' 30-3310 purchase. Shares "at a pittance; The .Peiiticner has. repeated the-'inStaln'CeS; the year .2008 onwards (paras .1542; 143, The: Petitiene'r has ifudhe'r. alleged-that there was: designed efforts to cast Mr; Vikram' jBaKshi-as MD .-:ofrthe Company." :AccOrdingly, Respondents No. 3. 84? 4- in; Resmnd?nt .8-Catssed' be?led Farm-132mb the Registrar-Cf? to Show .cesS'aiicn [of Mtf?Vikram Baks'hif as Managing; Dire?Ctor of "*CO?naught. PlaZa?.- There were" no signed? 'Eminujtes'loi' Board-of Directors-whiCh was, arid: Continues to ofForm 32; In para . {-1.47 the. sequence, of eye?t, has. ?been "rare?ed. to highlight ?the- maia?des- of MC .Db?ald; india, fits?gm??'nee- directors:- of MC D?hald. Corporatian USA. in {connivanceg with RESpo?'dent No. '8 ins?ling Form 32 Mr. Vikria'm 'Bakshi sent email to iRespendent'N'o; 8 condemning. his-act. {if?"?ling. Form 32 as: illegal which: ?was Clear (and: :intent'iona} violation; of the. 49351 Venture Agreement (para-8.54 air-p. .50, Annexure- 798). Hawaiian No. 8 did. andiinsitead Robert Dale Sentra'n' ?ma?il to Mr. Vikram 'Bak'shi Qn' 30.08.2013 justifying the acts of Respondent Ne. - 18-. It. also iSsued a ?pubiic. notice in leading daily newspapers stating that-"Mr. Vikr?am Bakshi was no lenger: the Managing DirectOr-of the-?ConnaUgh?t :FI?I'aza'. 'O'nihesame day, a- representative of Respondent No. 5 sent an email to the. supplier's as well .as Other parties; but no intimatim was sent to the? Petitioner. The . ad of sending email Was-with a oblique motive to. undemine [the authority of?ihe- 'Vikram Bakshi. and. to create. .circumStances to east him from the setting the stage. for MC. to :a?sjquire' the - Shares-hem by the atga pittanceThe. act of public. notice and act-10f Sending effenfzail was .- - defamatory-end[againSt the interest pfthe Company, The? Petitioner has 5150. highlighted the; events subsequent to the ?ling cf the C'Ompany .?Pe?tion bystati'n'g that "the oppressive acts of'McD'onald lndia and: "its nominee have. been continuing; Alliwch acre-can fbe-taken hie-account 9f the-Hon'bie' supreme .rejiiance has: Beer; placed an ithe judgment-1' rendered ?in Pasupwa? v?nkateswa?a v. Mater General: Traders; {19.75) 2-1 .isec' Needle lhduS'trieS' (India) Ltd. Needle; Industries Newey . (India) Hofding' Ltd. (1981).- 3. See 333-. The also made allegatitms- concerning. non alletment- of $hates?. tewards . i-S-hiaFE--applicati?n money {already -CO?tfibUted.. by xthezm and the refasa-Iito grant. ?zapptoval- to; Lek has: further-been: highlighted that-Mg pep-nata- India ?led: an application, under; 45- :of the Arbitration am S'Comilia'tien Act, 1996 :refer'the 'ci'aim of" the Connaughtf 'Pia'za' .alb'ng; With themaim of Mc Donald India it) arbitratio?. HbWeVer, the af??resaid' after- compieizon; of pb'adinge Was- permitted to be 'withdreWnby'the: -. 51 53 - 'Campany' Law" BOard on 30.012014 (AnneXure?G). In other-words, 'M'c - Donald India-has submitted to of this TribUn'a] far the 33133333333 of all disputes raised in the Cempaay Proceedings initiated .by the P33303333 Anotherzapplication CA No?. 7912016. under Section 45-3335. again ??led' Wh'ich'was dismissed "on-17.9.2016. Even the appeal has "been dismissed (Di-28.11.2013 MC Donald India-purported rto' z-te'rrhinate- the. dVAby? 'i$s?uin?g a - (iflamination-sought-to call idpti?n. Such step .cculd. mt- taken gin .the backdrop of Status..Quo. 3333:" passed by the: Company Law Board. In.? the. order dated "1659932013: the Company Law. Board? 33133-333 dyer share holding, Board pattern- and 3130 over the: right -of .3311 Optign; The aforesaid: interim order has ?on'tinu'ed 'tiil further 'dr'den That there-3's wen-3p of the grounds raised "Donald i__n_d_ia to purfp-o'rt itermiha?cn- of JVAsand ihoise 3113313335 in the ?note. dated' It was pursuance- :of 'zth3 30133333 . 333 that'- Res'po'ndent'Nogz? 10-41533 .333 rte?elect Mr, Mikram' Bakshi; .33 Managing D3333: Of-th'ei Company, Accordingto Mr.5Vikram-' B'akshifihea?ll?gatimS contained-in the note-53 03.33.2013 53323333333 .compete'nCe this. F335512-353-3355333333 which 03: .03122013, Mr' Rebate-9'33 thenbm-ih'eeigiigector' 3:33.333. the: entire-33333.33- Mwmalds Delhi that: Ms 'Dpnald gmdia has? temg?ated- the JV Agreement and until .313- 1393! ".fomalities are completed;- Comm-9? .P'azai' was it: canti?ue. to- be- (managed by Board? of; Dire?tbra, The: hiOtiCe 0f eat-id the: -sub$eq-ujent jihe _.part .51? ReSpon'dents 'isz .52 :54. 55 .. to 55555555555 TribUrzajI-and Cause reStraint in" 'the-adj?d-icationiof CP 110MB of - 20133.; Thetem'zihatioh notice is part often ugly design and scheme lndia in ,collus'io-n .and conSpiracy With-Respondent Nos. 3 to 8 t0 usurp the centre! 555505515555 The-second call .opti'on th'erefOre has been challenged" on Sim-55591555555 which have-been takento Chailenge- the ?rst Call-option. The PetitionerAh'ajs-also raised minor-55555555: defamatary and .intemperate__ language: 5555th the. empltay?es; the . Company to. sign blank; "vendor- registrationform. 55555551 50 forth. Some iilegal attempt to iatecfeir? with functioningof the =C5mpi'any. "by Resmndent Now-.859. (Retdg) Chadha' :?haver-aISO- - The} 'Ip?ti'tibnjers have 1'8150 -li5ted under ?the captian' ?Ot'hie'r oppressive. acts?; Reference-{hasfbeen invited {to CA No.3177l20_125. and CA. "No; 14812015 ?led by 555.515.9555. -1 501321015 .5155 by the PetitiOners. Stand t?kehzby theiResbondenS N0 250' 4 flied by MC Donald-jlndia-an'd its gamma-dimmers. it; has: been: urged that. in View Of the; 37.09.2016" passed-bythis T555551 No. 7912016; 55 clari?ed by the 5555555555 made. by the 'fNationai? Company-THAN? 5555:1555. Tribunal in CA N5 13120155555 Vikram 2351555255559155 :Petitim-ff?r?ihi5 reinstatemehit 55 Managihgl- Di'rectOr (is-51155555 henbe- {not ?required-10 address arguments; with: regard: ?to: 1115- 285555-? which are .p_5_rely .contractual. Ia-rbitrabI5 and; pending. consideration;- before- the .Arbitral Tribunal 5.5. London. Court-5f;15555555555! Arbitra?cn-iwhich has:*555535555555 555 {955155 555-. (5) '53} 'ih'e validity of the {summation o?f'the joint venture agreement dated' between, amongst-"others, "the. Petitioners, RespondentNos. 2 the valua?en, and PWChaSie. of the Petitioners? shares in ReSpondentt No. company. by Respondent- No. .2. In View-Ofthe af?fesaid have '?'ubn'iitted that'ft'hei Principal issue Which falls: for Consideration . 6f- ?ihis ?Tribunal would be whether" ?there . is. any obiigatitan cast on". MC, Danald india; and its nominee 'direCtorS; to Mr. Vik'rfam' Bak?hfiias' the Managing. Director of: the. Company zap-the. ..meeting-- 61" 31:73? {Ricard bf Dife?fOr?S- held an 06082013 as pet-me proxiisions- ;5f-Ar?de .35 'of- Articles- oflAsngC?ia??n and .Con'neCted ?gravis'ionS." The Respondent's" have . to axed htiri'actuail right: in {proceedings Under :6f the. ?Companies. AOL 1956; --and. 'th'e Agreemenfin ithiatr'egardibecause as. par- the ZPBtitiGngerSK. provisions. of the JV Agreement- have not been :in'ccrporated; in jibe?eAftic'les- inf the 'I'r'nftha't' --re_gard :eferen-cejehas beet: "made- to para. 8.65.61? th? Company" Petition (Vol: p. 53). If 'is: 3'30" the. Stand :Qf' ?1?tR?spjohdents that the! agreement dated 11.10.2011 .erh'pbying Mt; Mara-?aging--D?ire?t0r or . Cornpaw 'hady-iexpif?d by efflux of time: on" (pg, 804-, Company. Petition :glause. pg. 2'8051-i'a'nd' Clause pg "8093 "The" agreement that-the Same Was =to_?be gene-wafer term of two: .yearsain' .accord'ahice ofih'e JV Agreement as amended from time- . - ?its time: Arnarneeting Board herd on; 069812.013, he was matte-appointed :54. :60. - - Which reswted ?in ?lingof instant-company "Petition before the. Company - Law Beard. 09.09.2013 It? has- furth'er been Submitted that series of act's since 2007 have. been: pleaded-and even the was media September, 2013 admitted by {he Petitioner (para 7,49. pg. 30, Company Petition (Vol.1i, The. call option 'exerCised by Mia Donald India on pursuant to para .3210f alga Tsuibje'Ct matter of challenge. in the. Company? Petition Whit-:h' cense?quential. "tO' and dependent .uponfthe-termiriation as Mat-339mg" Dirg?tbr of the Company; :reiieffof reStoration can. be granted-935211:existed-on "-16.072013, .3635; prior to of as?: Directojtuof ihe ?Co?nnaughf Plaza" enable. him ta .ccmtin'ue as the-Managing .DireCto?r- of {he Company. :of- fact Mr; 'Vik'ram B?ks?h?i. for. ail? intents arid .pUrp'Qses is seekingspegi?c- of ihe JVAgree'me'nt a nd; ?is prayingto this Tribunal. - to Creat?ta by {evsz?iing _it-for the-parties, Awarding. ?to ?the Respondents: {he r?li?f?fi?f?ispeci?c 'perfomgncei of a. par-semi ?cc?ttact' . {cannot 1216, 9'73 hted'byany ?Court.- The 'ReSp_Gn_d?nts- have-placed felia?nte :Q'f?the. JV Agreement, whim provides 'that} .ier; Vik'ram- iB?aks?h?i was 10' terminate. pr safferierminatiori of?hi's- 'relatidnship; as: managing- Director-{Qf-JV Cdmpanythan Moi _Danald- India; (Reqund?nt N0. 'unld hm Ethe-fomibn 110'? pu'mhasessh?ares .pf?th?e Petitioners,? .If is pleaded. that Contrary torrthe .P?itit'imer's' claim mt. he has". rightio bi'e- tithe - Ofith'e: company by Virtue of the lP'etiti?ffiers? Shareholding iri the: COmp_any;__ it was: Mr. 'Wk?ram 'B?kghi?5. duty it} serves- in such a =_ma_nner' Which- dauawmemta sharehoiders in f?jezicbmpany, 55 +631. 61; Respondents have also. (ii) (ix) and of the prayer - . Conceming'frelief the claimedand- 113116 Submitted that the reii?frh'as' been soughtfor virtUally continuation as the ManagingDire?c?cor of the Company. It has further been highlighted. that as per the; iP?titiQners? may have claimed prihcipal relief for reinstatement of Mn Vikram gB'ak'shi 33.: Managing Director-of theifConnaHth Plaza". regard reference. has; been made to the: reply ?led tethe- No; 941201.37wh'ich by MC Dgn'ald; ind?i? under Sectim 4510f the Arbitration and ConciliatimAct,? . The Respondents have also adVer-sely- commented'Iumhithez?tlier? Claimed? like. ?ling of Form} No. "'32 and the": :call qptib?exercis?d-V?orz 1?6..0842013 Mc Donald India. in 9111731181106: (if-clause. 32 (Sf the, JV._Ag_reem_ent.. inst-hat regard rampant-8.113353% made. and (xii) of'the relief Clause of the Therefore, it? has: been urged-that no 'ireliefwah regard r10 vasuation'cr .ppticn in 'res?pQCE-ef the PEtitioners"shares. byMc. Donaid' India-swid eiiher- bar-claimed; nor it" can be =9 ranted-by- this Tribuna'L The. Petifimer 1133' Cited:- pr. 1-0. judgment case: of Conan-carporation of'lhdia Limited Uhitejd ram-13mg: Bank Limited and Ora. (.1983) 4 SCC 625 (Para for the -_pr._opos_fition that. "interim relief-wean only be if} aid 01.31311131112111ng ?nal felief in a. suit or The Plasma-dents have also: pieadfed: that the; claims ?under- cemmem'ial .con'traCtSip'riVate arrangements.- are. .jou?t'side the. scope: of proceedings; under section. 397 {01; the-Companies; 1956 'l-n..tha.t regardreliancah-as- been placed an paras. 1434442101" a judgment oszc'n?ble- the: Sumeme' Court in {that case. of Chatteaee P?tmchem' (India) Private Limited v. H?ldia Petr?chemicals; 56- Limited-and ms.- (20-1-1) 10 sec 4'66; Likewise, reliance has . - On the? judgment .of' Hon-?ble the Supreme.- Court in; the case of .lhcable Net (Andhra) Limited and Ors, Ak'sh Broadband Limited and 0:29; (2010) 6 80.0 .The*Petiti0ner then made a, referenCe' to Adidas--'of-Association- and have deeded that Articles. do not give {any right: to Mr. ?Vikrajm Baksh'i to be, or .33: Managing Director-of" ?Connaughtf Plazai According to the is -_pleadings whiCh d?iib?erate' om?i?sio? :01? this :?as ithie; oint venture: Agreement signed 0:131 .103. 1-99 5- it-Iwas made: clear-in Brigaquimeall team that as far asthma-affairs 'of the company are concerned, fit be: gavemed by? Memorandum Articles". .of' "The" Res-mania have .pi-aced reliance gm? para-856; of-the. company-Petition? (Vol-1) where: it: that: mae- - (5f the. 'f'ai?ied- in? the present- in any way Jre'latable to"- in? 33 much as the" proviSioins: pfrilnelw Agreement have: not been 'incarporated'ijnto' ?the articles-of ?the? Camaany; nth-as reiterate-d in para 3981le the Pita-taggers. rejbinzjer - (Voi11)ln theWntten .jsu'bmissi'ons;the: P?titionierg; have-iak'en {he-lsta'nd marine: of Respondent NO. 1;;4Company has -'v_arious mansions e?f'ihe dV-Agreement whichiahasib?en (amended-froth: time toytime. The and. am." in terms . oftheJV Agreement; there t9 electiMr; Vikrat?' Bakshir as the; managing; Dimmer .Of- the Respondent "No. According .Etoith'ei Respondents despite amendment: of Artici'e's (incorporatin'g :cejrtain the w- Agreement, The _obligation' On. Respmdent No". 2; to '.fe?elect? M31 Vikrahj?a iB'akshi as the Ma?agi?gZ-??irector of -.the- Company emerges- - -- only {tam JV hes-2a"beaming-amperage: in theArti'cle?. . =57 TherefOre,? "the issue carved out by the Respohdents- is whether there is? any I requirement in'the Articles that .obiiged Mc Donald India and its nominee directors to reelect Mr; Vikram Bakshi as the Managing In that regard reliance pieced by the ?Petitioner on Articles 35 0f the Articles of' Association has been controverted as wholly-miscenceived and 'errjoneous. The. Respondents have pleaded fer M0 separate . and? distinct part3; "The ?rst parts provide for the-power .o'f'the Board? Managing Director ahd a wholeetime directOr. The serioh?d para applies after" Managing. fDire'ctOr is. apPOinted_j.and pogwef' he is; entitled to ?exerCi'SS; "The. expression: ?mjay? use-in: Amide 35- implies "that. ahiYone can? beeppointedtas the Managing Direcfmearad there is at)? Obligation CaSt-on'2McDenald India? tore-elect. Mn Vikram? Baks?hi- elem. The reference _hasith'en3beer1-m'ade to? Article. .30 with regard to the. removal i_of.t_he: Managing Director even-before .the expiry-Of the --period ofhi's of?ce-and Midi?247 Board'tp. deiegatea'nyeof its; .to- Ipersp?ns other main managing Direc?tor. which .__clea__r!y that in we: absence. of the :M?tgagin'ggxbirec?ior? the: Board can functi?n. by: .deiega'ting- the -p'0wer,. been urged that-no. "part of the JV Agreement by deeming. ?dtion. be-idef?med-rto have "been incorporated in the Articles-of Associatitm. The .questioh ofiepugrje?w wet-116?- not .ariSe- beca?U'Se- such jai- rule-"applies only destroysme. earlierclauSe, as; has; bee?- heida'ih "the case- at Central. -_Bahk- indie. v; Hartford Fire Insurance .09. Ltd; AIR 191653 '30? 1288; The R?Sp?nden?ts have also pointed out that there [is no question. of: removal 9f Mr. Vik-ramBakshiias Menagir?jtg Direetar of. the. Company, bUt-theJiSSee 38"Qf'nom ia'?'er h-iS term. Expired. He. has?; ?no rightto -cpni?nu*e as: Managing :58- - 65.- 6.6. 'Directer far "all times'to came and he has only and - subject t9 the provisions of'the' JV Agreement.- There is. no possibil?ity'of grahting the] .reiief of speci?c perfOrmance 9f. by the Petitioners. It has also bate-n submitted. that the? petition. has been ?led purpose and the: same- is liable to: be? dismissed at :thgj-?threshold. It. is founded on; "even 0n is-Llia'ble-tp b?'d'ismisised. In] any case the JV Agreement has been. terminatedyyhighcambt. be chailenged' :19 image preceeding ?therefore, the} name, 29f in .the? 'C'Qmp'any' Petition longer ?sum-Vest. Thiusi "the 'CompaWP?ti??n' iS-rrendeted - ir'wffucfuo?s. and the: matter must-?End "there; The "ReSpOnd?nts have reiterated made in? the notelike; unauthorized Withdrawal by Mr. vikram- I?kshi amounting :0 ?Rs. crores .er Regal Loan faiigres?gf?Mr. Vikram BaRShi substantially-alt Of. his business the in the; perf?rmja nee bf'his}Obligatims under; JV AgreeMent?a rid Operating Agreemem}. "failure-"itappUt-I inniplace adequate Ti'ntema?I Controts,._ breach: 0f. non-Cofnp?te Clause, ?eligi?mbtan'c?? Created on?: their Shares. in the Company and-so on and so forth. Tin-aegis 'categforicalf denial to the" Augusttzall- opticn gr: "16.03.2013; The grounds- an" oppression have: also been .c?ntraverted on account b33591? faith :in' the. fPeiitiOners} for unauthorized: Withdrawal and-me! Mc. Donaldj-Jndia 9:1nd Dom'ld USA have. "attempted tOJ-ac'hieve aria amicable; parting qfiways bah/ween Mc- Denald India and. Mr. :Vikram Bakshi .hy'.0ffering an amount. .-signi?ca 'the price which. ih? Petitioners to. Mr. vikram?akshi P?tti??ipa?ted?in- arm-exchange cf commuhicafions and .undectook. . a; valuation. exercise a highly- - he was exit-me These attempts. . 59 67: 687,. "to-arrive 'at :an? =amECable exit of the Petitioners from. the Company cannot be - regarded as an act ef'Oppreseion. The Respondents have. also-controverted that imposing a freeze on bormwings?, a moretOriu'mj on new re'etaurant-de'velopmeht and regulating nege'tiye'net werth' :of the: Company are. not acts of Qppres'sion and haVe elaborated the same- in varimssparas. 0f the Short reply. Likewise?, non. ?deCIaratiorTr of. idivtdendis, payment of Mr. 'Vikram Bakelite. "and. payment of royalties . cart else: not be regarded eete of: oppression; The- avermente made .in the p?etitie'n are misleading, i?accureteend aed would notgmn'stitutetoppression: The: "Reepoedents have. also entered apply to the. altegatiene concerning. Me Deneld Set-11h ?and Wet-it. Aeia. taming- of Form 32' and iszuance. eff pub?lie notice are also-contravenedvby asserting that these ere-not {acts- of oppres?sion, The essettien of the. ?Petitiener' .tha't the-"iesue. Comte-thing .2007 seed thereafter have been 'waivedlaequie'sced by- been stintrme'fted; Itiis reptied by Statieg'thats'lthez?e?is no. question ?of Waiver and! in that" regard a. reiiance has also been._ placed on paragraph 40 JV.Agreemertt.. With" regard to; the; events. :e'fter?ling of the Company. Petition the. Respondents. 'hja've-ceettovected an .theeallegatiens, 'lt'hae beenrstated that; the non a'lletment at shares-?ageing: the Share-application money lying with the .Cbmpa my '53. net-enact of- .opp?ressien "iff- the; same in the circumstances. The?lleg?tien with regard of net selling. preperty have, else been xeontrovette'd?being noti:_oppress_ive at- an. The ReSpondentsj {also - . denied that the 't?n?iha??n inth?e JV at): 69 lhe "Respondents havealse highlighted the: condubt 'VikremiiBakehi and - Mrs, eakshi No, 1.0) which .disentitled them for bbtaining any equitable relief. The. examples. have been quoted where. their- acti'Ons. have "caused detriment to'th'e interest- ?of the Company. Theyfhave gone?. t0 the. extent 01" alleging that winding up notice. was. issued the Comatggh?t Plaza-lat? the. instance of Mr. Vik'ram _-B?akshi and his. wife? ReSpondents. have-also- denied the (allegation *that?the, JV Agreement between ?the parties" -was=- in: =the-i'lttatqre :off a: partnership, "Various paragraphs- of the joint. '-ventere. Agreement have been ?6166166116 highlight? the "afOFeS?id' issue- and they have: urged-for [the-dismissel- of; the :petitionf-by .st-ating thatPetitioner's A. On behalf ef the.Petitionersthe'fellewing arguments havefbe'enadxiancedi ?Th6-66666666 66611 'vikriam I of 61665.66- i?fe?i?m "Of- Mc' Donald-166176 it? Pit-3661163631116 tassel-out his Shareholdihgi-at "a 1th price, _Lea'medgccijnsel ?has elaborated ithe-afgresaid by highlighting the emails, .eerrespOnjdenee- and by- invalying; revert" . outsider making} proposal to purehasea- The of?cers of. . Mc- ?Denald have: made- offers and then Mr; Bekshi' W661 fervaluetipnibva 3661661616 ?rm 101? .It is submitted $51.?me '32 was ?lled] with the Registrar of signed boatd;minutes-which is mandatory requiem-eat. in .-thet regard, reliance 'hfasf bemplatied 6n: varioquaCte Whittle: have-beer: noticed. in precedingpar66>- 61 (2) Ariicle .35 ref-the A?igi?s at AsSocia?On read; with _.para- 7 of the" joint venture (.4): agreement. and variaus of the. Agreement .conceming' appointment of; Mr. Vikram Bakshi as Managing Dinactor. envisaged Mr. 'Bakshiz to. be a Sole Managing Director at-alI-pointsrof His tam was to be Lr'e'riieWed. 'In that regard submission made? in the pleadings and noted in the preceding para??have - .Mr.'BakShi Thad legitimate expectation .ftoacontingg as the: Mariagir?ig Difecto; in ?view- of-V'a'ri'cms facts, clauses-fin the MD and Artidef the Articles of' Association; Awarding to- the learned Counselideniawf $1:ch legitimate .?xpectation' 'isgyi'ri graVe "and" Oppressiize:act.:as.:has ?been held by va'ricus Courtsir} the. a. Gunnit' Singhv-. 1233 C?mjpcaS-486- J-agjit ..Si.n'gh'Ah'uj'a (2004) 1119 CompCas ac. wish-max? 'KishreKundanlaiSippy (2904) .1 ZOC?mpCas (80m) made in the mate;- {33166060312013 are aft?rthOthL maia?de and motivated, MoSt-of the:aneg-ations:pertains to? ine- period- @2007 :tc-g-201j1'1and' Mr, VikramBakshihas-aiready Director and the principles of . waiver-maid apply; Leat??d: ccurisei? has pil??ed {diaries an. var?ic'atis- .aale'gatibns: which have already beennoited 1.333:- thetpriecedi'ng. .Ah?othier argument- :ad?aaced by .th'e' .lear?a? Counsel isfillega?l and? .m'alaj?de 'exerciSe of call op?oh? by me 'Do?aid. {indie 16.08.52013. and .th?ie, cali- up?an exercisedsMeqn?n?m (16). . ?It has further been -.afgped that McDOnald Corpbratibn ?has fhWarted: growih- of 'Connaught Plaza tomanipulate the valuation of the Shares; 5M0 Dohafd India and McDonald Corporation, USA has resorted to unlawf?l pUDlicatlion of- publibn?otice harming the repu'tatiori of and-further sending? of emails to suppliers. There are a number-(1f: events subSeqUent'fo the ?liag of th? Company Petitibn whim-further elaborate the allegations of Impression and. ruhfa'i'r' 'freatmeht-' unwashed km the that regard reliance has been mated: on the judgment 0f ?the Honfble' .Supre'me Co?u rt in 'the .case (3f (India) and. Pasupufati VehkateSWadU(supra) The: Q'Peti?mers have been oppressed On account *refus'a'l to grant for s?aieof 83:31am- Lok. 'DTOpert'y; The; termination .0f'jca?intvehture- is {of when status-gun order" has beer: operatihgg Learned. wunsel has: then- made: brief-taference- i0? other acts. of oppression like R?smnae?t? N693: biased- aCts 'irt 'cohjuncticn With: ch- .Dbnatd.. India'- and No.8: 3 ?0 "iliegal. attempt id-inierfere. with the fumtions. of the by Ms. .Aysel- Melby- (Respande?t 4) During-the marge: of argpmergt- on'b?haiflof placed on various. judgments- vazq (.4) N??edl?: Industries (India). Ltd.- Ne?d'l?- mamas .N'ewey- (India) Haldi?g (.3) 800 333 (paras 171173) Sangramsinh: :Gaemvadr v. . Shant?devi 3Gaekwa'd: :11 sec 314 1281,4199}; .Radharamanan ChandrasekaaRam?242008) 6 SCC 750. Kristian :Lamhuja; iv :Suresh (e Chander .KrishanLeqma 'Pannatall Girdhari. La: (9) 7'L'td? (1984}. 55.5 Comp. 53-- and C'aparo India Ltd. v. 'SCapa'ro' Maruti Ltd. 4 (2007). 1403'Co'mp' Cas- 44:81 (paras 3740)- On behalf 'of Respondents No. were advanced I It has ?rst. been submitted thaton account of by: this Tribunal; in 'wh'ile dismissing the applicati'gn ?unfde'r Section; 45' of .the' Arbitratian Aritgandain che-iight of'the'order "passed'by the Appellate-Tribunal on". the; relief whiCh is ?required to: be. considered must be 'co'm?ned' to the" prayers madef if: ithe-Ij "Camparjtya Emma; "TherefOre, 'ihe- re'spbn'd?'nts were not required 16 'addr?s's arguments With; regard? is the. validity of ih?es?t'emination bf?the JVAg'regment and valu?a?tiorizpurchase- ?fvpetitioneirs? shares in the Company by AcCotdi?g to the?Submi-SISiO?S. made by-thefl?arned COUnse'l ihe . a'fOre'Sfai'd- issues- are contractual arid ".arbitiable, "The arbitration- proceedings I04.- issues already been" :co'ndmenmd by India. before the - Londanj-Cpurtj tn" lnt?ma?ational Arb?t'ratic'in. Which me- (2) have purportedly-facusged' their attention; the alleged} acts .Of' oppression, and miSmanagem?nt._ 0f not rte-electing Mr. Vik?ram- Bakshi {337 the Managing-Director'O'ftthe Company Ins-that regard .referenCe has been made {0 --p.ara; 866 Of the Gamma-g- ?etitien' Wherein? the petitioners" have} inef?s'el'Ve?s that theprwis?iotiS ofith'e: J'V'Agreemen't'have- mat; b?en' in. the. Males; {if-asism'iatitm. The Other mum-em raised ESE-that the grievance ?inch. Na. 31. gas man-aging director is not mainta-ihablej because it- is tamed 3999.21. :a'gmeme'm' date-d talks: Mfr- Vikram Baksh'i' cf"ComajughtP1323! and. safnei having ofstime 0n tight womd survive in the petitioner to claim reaelect'ion :ir?a? theXfa'ce 0f the provisions'mad-e in the agreement itself that the. agreement? Was to be renewed for further term of Mo years in accerdance with thefterms ofthedV Agreement as amended from time to time. Mr. Vi'kram Bakshi havi?fg mt bean rte-appointed as the- managing. director .Of the Gamma-y- ?led the; - :inSt?nt petition. .With- Bakshi Handings Priv?aze Limited" ?on principal grievance-33mm Mr. Bakshi' was nbi-Te-velected as managing, director- of. {the 'COmpaW-a?? the: series of altegatims pertains- to the "year commencing 'rm'm. 2007 'bmwards; The call option exercised by McDonald India- on ?160820153: purSu'ant "to para'f32 of the JV Agreement; has also-?been challenged by-?thg petitign'er- but the-same; is. consequential to and. dependent umn Mr.- Baks'h'i-suffering-1% as Managing director of'the: campany; The ?petitioner has-lsough?t restoration of status quo on. 16.022013. "to-enabl'iethim to: .continue- -'director of the-company. The Argument :Se?ms it): it: psocur?: {an order? speci?c-- -.-perf0rmanee. of. JV Agreement to Continue {as the Salary- based post and it weal-11d amount to aSk'Ting ta "create a. fresh employment agreement. which is thily impen??i?ib'le' in law; In; "that. .?EQai?d - refere?ce- has been made: to Pram? XVI. iwmr?by directions: have. been . soughter the management and .adminisjtratim of? the: :?cbmpany?as 'Snbsistihg of} and '19 cohtinueiag; such-as praises: The petitioner has nut-chimed or buyout -of. the petitioners" ushareginsthe ruesmndent Campany? by Mr: new; India: as '?otiice'd in the murder dated. 1109,2056. been; Sought. by incommting the .gjre?ef Cumming valuation- the bf the; company" petition has: t0" be" determined on the- ib-a'sis Prayer-made iri?the" Original Company petiticnj' Therefore, any prayer during-the ccurse; 0f argument from the- petitioner for validation and itheCompany by McDonald. indie wo'uld- be and withi. the-?nal "reliefs prayed for in the -.C-ompany pet-Rim; According_'to the {learned swunselfthe int?erimirelieffcanonly be in aid act-and. a?cillary to 'a If?nal- reliefcan?not be- .grantad then intarirn I-Inrithat regard, relianCa- has. been placed on ?the dbser?vatibn made:- in para 10 of the. jUdeent of the. Hon?ble Supreme. 'Cfourt :zrender?d :ifh? the geese-1:31? Cotton Corporation 10f India Limited (supra) Leam'ed: then that ?lai?ms- under .cemme'rcial -_ar_ran'gergnenfs are. DutSide: {he Same; ?at-proceedings under Section 397 of the Cbr?panies Ajct -r?liafj?? hai?be?h-pi?e?d made it; .efijth'e the Hon?bie- Supreme ngnurt; rendered Haldi?- 3Pefi'ochemical?i Limited arid? ?10 sec 246-5 and Radharam'anan Rafa-(2003) 2630,50 750.,Ontthe basis- aforesaid the submissiqn made is that once? "the. breach. of thie- was between-Moimembers-cf the. Company then. no _-rel_ief can be- :C'Ieiimed' under- ISectim. 397 ?or 402 Of; "the 1956,; Act Company; It: is: :veheir?e'ntfy zargued'_ that the sought- "to mask: ?a :cOritfaCtugl claim: .fOrfre?elec?on: as managing .directorwhichis- deaitwith, in (if: thew Agreement? by? maskirezg' itas a mseofoppIQSSi?I-i and by: inveking Articles-35: fof the Articles Tl'ti?iis falsely-claimed. "that paragraph Virtue: iAssOcia?cam; such. .an- argument;- iS-bcjugd; to. fail .65. .i?ni ithe face of the Clear __p.age- :53 ef-the- 'Cbmpany' patitiCr-z which speci?cally says that he" 'the JV Agreement have not been incorporated .into..-the amides. ofth'e Company. Even the? proper interpretation of Article. 35 would-not oblige-the BQatd of' DirectOrs to appoint Mr. :BakShi as the - managing direCtor becausei2-itr mai'n'tairis' in the ?rst paragraph of Article 35 the 'pdwer' to appoint One "of managing director; Thegaoard may exercise its. powers- but it.? is not? Obliged ?Ito- eXerCisefthe?. ppwer' of Mr.- The Paragraph deals- with the post-appointment stage "and: hiisizipower as {he managingudireptgr. According toj "the. learned Co'u_in'se_l' if the iimterpt'etatipn advanced: on ibehaif 'Ofiithepetitio'ners is .acpethd than it WONG . tender the; second paragraph idestiwctive Ho'f "the. ?rst TherefOr?, such a -situat'ion. and?. interment-inn approved by tide. Supreme case-of Hamoi-drire l?S?urance- co, Ltd. (supra), rifT-Wbuld '?b-ecome: Wholly destruistifve; -.Of ?the: ?rs: pa?ria'gnaph 38nd. the must. Mayan? aviar- the. s?cond. lit been: 'siibimiited- that-{the .pe?ftioner? has": notfbeen r?m'eved dir?ctorbut :?is relation ship. as" 28 . managing. director came} f0. amend upon the expiry- ?of his term: of two years ,on- 1110720153; If is. Well- settled ith'at whehev'er the; patties infen?d?d :to 'in-corpO'fat? a particular-Eclause {he JV Agreement 'in' of ASSOCiation; they- have: proVided' afar..thjisff Sy-?jreproduci?g? {such ptWESinnjs reg-and, '?f?c'lalis?? of JV Agreemem: --incosjp'dirated in: has'; been: placed-m record: 'The-Arti'cies 'were- amerjded "in the amendment- Lin. JV Agreement: in 20.03, 2005,. and 2012., according: ?to {earned caunsel?the. principl? Would-apply as. has been ad :09th the Hartford ma imsuram Co. (Supra). The view taken by} Hon-Ewe. .meg' 367' .?S?preme 'COur-t is that if in adeed?ta? earlier-Clause 'is?fellcjawede :3 "later? clause. .-.Which altogether the bbl?iga?on'breaied by'the earlier clause, then the. later ciause is to be rejected as repugnant and the earlier clause prevails. It is-ImisconCeption oh the part of the. petitioner that he Was removed .as- managing director. The fact of the matter?is- that his/tam expired-and. he was not re?ected. It is Maintained that. petitioner has no .ab'sottz'te: right .to- Continue; as: His right is. and has 58le35?3- been '10- ?the provisions of JV Ag'rEementg-Which is ih'th'el that regard, reliance hast bean-placed of: para: :0f the JV Agre'ejme?r? w'hiChL-provides for nor-1 'of-apartner as'Ma-naging-Direcmr; It has 6130 been submitted: that paragraph. the i?Ma'naging: Director" of the. 'T?C'onnau'ght. Plaza": and. Mr S?kShi; the: eIatter being. referred {wherein as ?Partner: Paragraph- 7(a) ?rs: providesith'?t the? - elected-every two years; prbvidefthjat be"- .ele_Cted as ?Managing-- Director? every- Mo yeajrs,. "To accept s'u?hi can: ihterpietation would raider the remaining prqvisicns icf meah'itheSS. and "redundant, one rates of interpretation 0f game-eta Wig-Mi? re=el??tionaqf ?Mariam Directof: :?ffdr so 1ch as?? he Samplies- With: the presciibed therein. Accordingly; sum Obligation. to- :?Slote' for therreaeleaion of Mg Bakshii-as- the managing: director-of? P?Iaza? "is. neither absolute nor Thus-,2 ?Paragraph; ?itself contemplates: that Mr; Bambi - may not bathe: Managing direct?r' Of Tihe. Gamma?- atall times; bur-ml}! as? he compiies- with the conditions.prescribed ?th?reih; The respondents placed "reliance; on the: .-aVerments: made. in .721 alleging that the-appointment: of Mr; :Bakshi and his coz'ztinuatiOn as: the managing director of the Company Was. paramount as it. is interlinked with the :Lcon'tinuation of the: joint-venture. between the p??titioners'and McDOnald?s- India. According to the. learned-counsellall these faCthSiare contractual in mania ?and? not in the. realm Qf SeCfti'on 397' read With Sectian 402 ofE-th?eICOmpani?s; Mt 1956 It has; that the .res'nlutign' dat9d 05092013 169,-: Company Petition puri?e- basis: 0f whigh Ethegcompany Pe?ticjin. has been ?led on -..beha_lf Qf' Pastime-?r Patfitioner No", .2: - theadcz?fnt. Venture..Agrejemienrtdaied March 7995384381- Subsethentamendment?t . Iris; next; canitende'd that "the 'P?titiohers-' make no ;_reference- tor-the .M'D..Agreement in'th??bgdyaf The "Company P?titim. A Copy-'of'the-MD Agreement; wass?lecirasfaa Form32 annexed ias- the Compfany- 991%:th (Pg; gig; Ith'e W?ittehfSubmissions, the Petitiohers- :m?wf-daim (Fare; :56; Pg; :W?tten Submi'S'sions [Vol5- Agreement '?catego?cally provided? :that ?Mess. staminated the -_same- would be": .r?n'ewed?i. it is also. alleged.- (Para, Pg Petitioners? [1/5151]; in: relation The Agreement? _i that. ?Chase; firm-agreement is ?ame renewed: The Petitioners: have- d?l?iberatety: .m'iSreprefSent?dL Ciaus?e- of the. MD Agreement; (Pg. 809, Company iPetition'Ill/OLE335: which ihterxaflia- provided that ?Unless. terminated in: sea-romance with?{he ten-as hart-mi wise-Agreement sha?? be renewed. fer further {WM-Offlivo With the..ftems of The JV .Aqreemen't?as- amended 69 . f?em time to sunplie'd'). Thus,- the renewal. dfthe MD Agreement mas dependent on Mr. Bakshi's complia?e?e- with the .proviSions of the JV Agreement, -.and- in particular, Paragraph. He) thereof. Learned 'munsel then argued that Mr. Bakshi' committed varieus acts of emissions- violating the conditions prescribed-"in paragraph He) (at-the JV Agreement and therefore,- he was not entitled t0 continue. as. managing directer ef .C'ennaught'Piaza, As a; _consequence, the petitionerswere not entitled- Any dispute regarding the non rerelectientofgpetitioner'Ne. 1; as managing director ofthe Company eh 06108120133 or the. .e?erCEse of?call option on 16:0820'13' at? the" in?s?ta?ce '-oszeDeh'atd. India Would .be- regarded. assa bf??Ch of" JV Agreement-and its ?enforcement cannot be sought by the precess of Sectieh :397 read with Section; 402 emompanies' Act, 1956; A reference has been-made to- reply?lted by MCDor-?Iald- India-0n22.09.2013 (page's -'Other- arguments raised by" the: respondents No. 2 .to- 4- is that -a's_suming Without. edhiitting?thesame-that it Tribunal te eenSider-a- elem-tor. speci?c perforrh'eh'ce efla cemmerciati:eentraWprivate arrangement, ih law narrate]? can"; be; -g_rain_ted_-. since spiecmc- permanence of" JV Agreement as setht by the: petitioners-is" notzgposeibie; Inthatregard', reliance 'on-ISjeetion '14 and. 4.1 Of the Specific Relief-Act. Learned 'ceuhsel also placed" reliance; on paragraph- 12 cf :the'judgment? 'ef?t'h'ei Hoe-"bie' Supreme Court rendered thine-Case v. Am?tSar Gas-Service. and. 01's., {13991)}1800 .5333. andithejudgment rendered in the case otRajasthan Breweries Theatre!) - .2000" Reselutibn Jeurrzai 568; and paragraphs rendered? inrt'heea?Se of?ClassicMo?tere Ltd. v. .Maruti' . Rasmu?m Joamamsz'and 7.0 JV Agreement involves the? perfOn-nance'of a. abritiniuous my ?(high "this Tribunal 33 :nOt equipped to -sUpe.rvise. In that regard, .0U'r'atfe'ntion has been invited: to the observation made in _-_p_ara 58.0ff-the judgmem.ofxtheiHo?fble. Supre?me Court "rendered in the case-- Her- ?Highness.? Manama; Shantfdevi" P. Gafkwad .-sanibhai Haribhai Patel, (2001) 5 SCC 1'01; Mbreover, the performance of JV dependenton the 'volitio'rt iofithie parties, as has been; obseNedrin' paragraph 38 Of th?. jtidgme'nt O'f'th'?sfH'dns?ble. :Supr?me 'C?urt'iendered: case- Rajasihan Vt 331 makandBaima .4 86012993. Ahothe?r-reszon. inybked against passing-any order with pe-rfOrm-ance .?is less: of- :?triast- and .con?dence There- are '_iif_r??oncilable 'differeftGES; which._ exist 'as-to mmpel tepult atong together.- Lgamed counsel has submitted. that: by. filing Application? No.- 138812015 the; petitioners: have themselves- stated that the; fair mark?t value may decided. petitions: Learhed :rsomset ha$ ?veherrte?ntty- Argued that?th? Company A?titi'drzi has: been ?led for-ta 'cpllaterall'purpof's? and. theis??m'e 'iS?li?bl?-?gto- be dismis?'?id. Without heari?g. 'if'jon' merit. Awarding. "to?th'e: teamed tounsei the; in. his pleading .bef?re the 'Hon?b'l'e High) G'O'u?rt: pf: 'D?lhi? ind?'btt?dn?ssa aggregating tp' approximatey- RS: 1.876 A itha rt setting but? the indebted n?sis. tant as. -.ava_ilabie- on "the website: ofthe Ministryof'Co'rpOr?te?Affatrs been recgtd "as (Annexure. BY ?ling ..P61iti0n he 'istryin'g "to" avaid his Obligation under para '26 and under Article 171. of the. Article-3.. His :efftfirtsi -'_a_rex'only to extract. the; maximum amount.- in "lieu his Shareholdi?g from 'M?-Dbnald India- 30 as to, meet-the staggering. indebtedness: 7ihcurredyby' him in relation-to} his-rather basiness. Ventures, Learned tcourriSeIiah'as-; 71. pointed out that 'the. 'p'etitioners? investment in ihe Company is only Rs. - 14.56 crates, Whareas his investme?tin other business ventures is signi?cantly higher Ithan the aforesaid amount. For a. petition. ?led with the oblique and collateral purpose reliance has been placed on 'ajudgment ofthe English 00m in the pass: ?of. Re Bellador Silk Ltd, (1965) 667 which has been follow?d by the Divisicn' Bench of-Hon?ble' K'er'cela High." Court- infthe case "of Palghat Exports Private Limited? v. 11v. Chandran acrsq (1993) 3 JLR 706-. According .to- the." _learne_d7couns_el? on that is liable in. be dismissed, (11) Learnedqcotinselii then the petition is bungled 0n suppression a - materializfacts' and false caseihasbeen-made ?out. Therefore, liable to be? at sth'e As] a? matte-r of fact; ?inepetitibners have deliberately s'uppreSSed the fad that on 13362013 .at a meeting in- Bangkok, Thailand; 'Mr-{Vikram' Baikshil Voluntafily' offere'ds-tdexit th??Connaught 'Pl?Za bylselling his "entir?shareholding. Thegdffer-h'as ?been. recorded.- in-the' email dated 16981201 - 'S-e'rit by ?MGD?nald- India the Petitionen In that "regard; our attehtidn 2-h'a's beet? page.- 794.. of the; she'll repl?ll ?led byihe; McDonald India;- On. Ibis gromd alone-ine- Company :Peti'ti?jn is; liable ?to. be dismisSed; -.According. to: the learned? .COUnsel. "the Stuart examine .-the' .c'o'nduct of .a party "If if has. fOr-equitabl? relief; Reliance on paragraph "196497 of --'the judgment: ofthe Honbe-e supreme: cam ireade'red??in the case of (Sangramsinh: P. Gaekwadv; ishantadev; Gaekwag. (2005) '11; sec 3.14;. ltwas. th??'??bmit'ted'th?t no cause of action as ih?- JV'Agrjeemeht. admittedly has been te'rmi'hated; The-termmation; "of the .Jv Agreementehas not been Challenged and in: Manor- be challengE-?d; The -.cause- afrajc?on: in the: '72- Company Petition] ino l'Onger survives and the same has been rendered. I infru'ctuous? Learned counsel have also argued that at the meeting: of the. Board "of Directors held on 06.08.2013 Mr Bakshi could not be. elected-or reappointed. 23$. managing director for the reasons. recorded note -table'd-_ by nominee-directors of MCDOnald India. "The"- summary Of. the note. is. Wident from 1% follolruirig ?ve allegations which Clearly violates the preded??tpo'StUIEith - :in clause?e) "of the. same read as under:? "PetitEOner'No; _1 did ofthe JV Agree'mentaia's he. I'w'ithdrew Rs, 7 Crane? from. the-Company-(an. amount. almost-Ema {to his: ..cap_ital .contribution._ to {he camper-1y rat the time)? for- th'e bene?t {if of .his? Companies, without-the 'priof'iapprov'al .Or kn'OWIedge' ochDonaldilndia RespO'nden?c No.5,. This was Critical as. ales?s ef'fa'ith'and truer in Mr. 'Baksh'i, which continued even- in 2011-3, .sa'js asknowedgediby him Seetionbill 10252 ofthe detailed submi?sio?S]? b: Mr, Bafkshifdid.;not comply-With he failed ?5 in plane 3adequ8t?i internal Controls (a's eVidSHGed: in internal audit :es-e-en'tial to. proteot Gen-naught- Plaza-,3 bra?d andIhQ'MCDOnald?S'System. The rtof AMI-2303131 recorded 1'3 high items. Which could {result ?in. pfejudige- ih?: {See- 'Sectian at: Page .53 "to :55 of the datail?d. swbmissionsl ac; Petition-er icii?d- not Comply: with. Paragraph -=fh'e JV: _.Ag"reetpent ee he: failed. 1e): "devote substantially ell his b'ueinefssa. time ?1:73 - towards the. performance- _of his duti?s: in the Company", a-Irequirement'in the: JV Agreementand- his employment contract, His-?growing .-investments in his other hashes-"sea 'and involvement in their troubles forced him to divert his time- and- attention from the Connaught Plaza [6626 Section av at. Page 55 to 58 of'the detailed submissions] "Mr. Bakshi, .did not comply with Paragraph {Of the JV Agreement as ?Petitioner had breached his. .nona-COmpetition bbligatims (including under Paragraph .24. JV Agreement and "Clause- 1: .Of his; ?empl'pyment: as he] "(directly or through his. . companies} was? --en_9893d in .r'?staUra?t' businesses. other than There?: is a seriQUS. Emilie-t. {if interest, ?in the managing director of company-- operating McDonald?s. restaurants. Although from being. a, landlord: {ox-other" restaurants, :ba-cominues to be. a landlord. to. Domino-is :and- .Dmkin?s? (Quick Service Layer} todayt.. In' 2013; it was. rdiscqv?red. that falsely stated .tha?t'jhe; was oh]? alt-landlord. to: a -_r'estaurant; he --was actually. operating. threugh; one Seetian- at Page: '53?10- 'B?-bftbexdera?ed ?masons!? . Reading td'fgh?- learned (master N9. 3 acted, in the best-ihtere'sjt 6f.- the "Company-by refusing?. 10 Vetezainj f?mur of ptopb$ed radiation-and. therefbr?e; Bak'shi 38-2391 am. and Witter Epersan "to- bie the ?managing. director of the Companyli Was in the :aferesaid circumstances. that Mc-Dcmald l'n'dia? exercised. the option ta; Database all the- shares. held petitionerslin the: Campany-a .(ibntractualfemedy aVaiilable: with it under paragraph-.32- of the JV. Agreement- 74 Therefore, invoking the contractual right cannot be labeled as an. Op'pressive? act, especially when Mr. Bakshi had himself expressed his desire to exit. the "Company. (1.4). Learned counsel has then entered his response to other allegations labeled by the petitiohergby making following submissions;? ?53},Cemmunications exchanged betWeen "the. patties. to. seek an amicable. "parting bf'ways cannot be termed oppr?eSsiVe, espeClallyi when Petitioeer 1: Was Willing to: exit. but :at a'h'i'ghly exaggerate-d __p_r'ice [See Section E47 -at-Page'66 of the, detailed-submission] Restrictions .on borrowmgs; ?restaurant:development and attEmptS ?70 Cure. . ?tte'h'eg'at'ive net Worth of theCompaw cannot be teamed "espeeially- "when even measures resulted. in achieving Pre?tabgility in the {Company for-the ?rst time [See Section EJI at Page 66 to 68 of the detailedsubmissions] dividends; "and; payment: towards. royalty. .eanjnot. be. termed. Oppreseive, .rier?z?edejelejration' of. ?dividends- affected- eiigrli?cantly larger "ehereholder like Mcaonald indie ? it :is- .fab?Serd to "label oppressive, payments. idWards: rOyalty- for. Use of. the conveniently - Bake-:- the Petitioner's.- .iw?stme?tln' the Empaw [398 S?c?on' EJII \at' Page 63 to -751 'Oif'fhe'? zdetailed?s'ubmissiMSI . Differential --treatm_ent by. a. private party McDe'nald lndia; be?ween; Me- in relation to. whom-the. Jewels- ef'trust; Lead faith are 75 different}. canmt be: ter?ned under- -.S?ction' "397 - . do} not fall Within the ambit "Of writ 'CamOt $98k rights (inclining. Amide. 1-4 Of the Con??tU?-O?) at-Page - Fili?giof Form 1322 by the. company- fSBC{etary Of the camp-any, if} "with: Companies be- termed oppressive, ?specially is no diSpute--rega_rdin_g wettest-that: Mr.- Bakshi?s states- as. mar-139mg direct-tar of'the [See Sectibrjz EV at Page-72 to 73: afithe. detailed?submissms]_ - Therejhas: bear? no waive-riafspast breaches by Mr, Bakshii a3. incorrewy .ppntend'ed by the Pieiitioners-I-[See Page 24- gfithe I against Share implication. Would. status. quanti?er of the OLE, am begtiemed aic?tbf I [Sega Section"- :at Pag? 2175' to. <76 of the detailed -. ?ef?rmfent: offsa'te-ad? tp'rc'perty awed: 'by'thef Company). at. an in: "theiface- interest .?camot be tamed to: he. oppressiveJS?ei :S?w?n 7-62-11 -.Page 176 :51" the. detailed"! submismm] The vaiidity- of. the: {termination of JV Agreement, which. is a. purely ?writra?tual dispate' ptmsideged. by? Afbitral. Tribunal. :in' the; b?Meen the pa?i?s, .cah-not pea-subject: mart-emf- 36' - proCeedings under Section "397-0?? the Act.- Without prejudice to the aforesaid, the termination - of the. JV Agreement, which was compelled by the acts of the Petitioners (including material defaults! the express rejectien of-funda'mental terms cf the JV Agreement, and the entire JV'Agreement itsel? raj-'n'd'the likelihQOd "of?fu'rther encumbrances on 'share'S) Cannot be termed ?Impressive- [See section am at; page :77 to 779 --of the} detailed submissiQhS} I .ng; .B'akehitand his "wife's No. _10) ?(tended before and - dering the. pfendenjcy- pr the present preceedings. {unilateral termination of. employees, and issuance *of e" Winding?up notice upon: the; camper-1y); would: dieenti?e- the :Pet'itioners from obtaining any equitable, srelief?in a petition under. 'aSejc'tion .atPa'gej 80 to 86' of Thejoint ven?t?ure-behme?eth. Bakshi- and: India was 'not'in the 'rjiatur'e-ef ?a =partnerfs?hlp. jih?e Agreement {slates-1'0: the. contrary ?The true: nature,- cempes'ition and '(iharaciter of the chm-pan); would reveal 'ihe "urieq'u?za'l nature the. relatimsh-ip between par??s. (iddU?d-ing-the of investmeht); and Zlndie and Respondent No?. '52ex'ericised. s-.upervisicn and co ntrolf Wei-?the powers 0er Bak?h'i and. the fu ri'tfitio'nine of; the .Cemp'any {see "seetic? 587" 13? 91 of. the detailed fsublniSsiorisT?? behalf 10f.- Res pendent Nit};? 8 PEhalfiijFeepo'nidenthei.8 .77- lt'is to ment'iclih' ;at- 1the 'o'utse?t "that respondent No; 8 is; 3a: Company Secretary who; has. beengcharged' With the-allegation- that he" has unleaded Form No. 32 on the website of: the, Registrar of Companies- whiCh .proxiides for" discontinuation of petitiO?eTaS managing ..direC.t'oi7 (of-the Company. 'It has been sabmitted thatjresporide'ht N35833: an. impartialentity and 'isnot'interestea. in the . -Present33hareholdefs either of .he-?is salaried employee, I?arnedf (toxinsel respondent {has Carried.- ?ou't and tumm- in phrS'uance. of the to him Vide?Board restitution. dated 0536:2009; .A??ordihg to the: aforesaid.reSOlutiQ.n he is- 'empbwered "to Secretary ?and: Genera! oi ?Lea'tned coiur?iseih-as: :ef'provis'iohs ofSe'ctEOh 303 (-2): of 'the- Companies- Act, under tag-at Obligation {0-Sehd the. pr?s?ifibed .fcirm within. 30 days by "interalia; am?hgsits director; nsel I the taken place; oh .reqU-itedi tojflbe' ?led-Oh} OrIbe'ere 16082013 meeting of the: Board was to be. held on 16082013 'reS'POndent' 08 prefer- it for the Board; meeting to take mace-and eventually: uploaded; Form32 on the .sdel-ay- 'in-?lirig the; to rm . has been Vis'iteid- 1,-0001? Whiter] has been. 1d paid, After" theorder'was reserv?d respondent No. 3 ?ied GA, N9: and has brought on record an: Order dated 08.04201? 'p'aSs'ed" by the"- DiSCipili'niary- .;Bo:ard :of?The' .ms?tute- jot-Company i-S?ecretaries of India .exonerating him from-any eajl'l'eQ-atioh ?cf prefessienal?misconduct "alleged. {hemp-1amN3. 93124-52014- ?led by Mn :Vikrame'akshithere. It. hasthusbeen argued?th?ati-ne allegation I-againsiti?the; '78. (-1) -'resp0nde_nt No. 58', would .?sutviVe? and he has. .lb'een. 'Uh?ebesSarily made a . scapegoat in the leO barring-grows. lSu bmi?ssibns made on {behalf of iRes-pondentho. 10 Orl'hejr? "behalf learned-Counselsabmi'tted- th'at-lsh? has been Working as a Senior Director, j-Hujman *R?sdumes Plazal, She focused her time and: hlirin-gx'echaCUtiVes at. :all' levels. in? 'Cl?t?JClal departments-- of The. Company such as business development real estate; facility management;- .eqL-Jipme"ht, marketfi'hjgj and dper'ations in preparations. 0f? the" ?rapid growth. of: Chm-naught. Plaza; 10? is wife._of- Mr. Vikra?m BakShi; [has-game ihigh'lighTQ'd' her in. :Conna'u'ghtf Plaza in her-3. a. whole; lime-direc?tbr since. 1.995. - She- was head :of Marketing lDepja Tlment and was for- "the: ?rst TV :cgommerdal for moon-ands. 'iln. 'rl'ndia} she was fo?rilau?nch of n?ew'restauirants'in the ?priess r?ilea'ses?anid pub-licjrelatfidns. She state?f that-we never" Claimed{Eahy?Slalany ?rst?'5. {bur year's;- 'l-She {bang-.tmk- We: {as} aCorporate Cominju_nfcalia?s .Diepartmeni? Which-Ts-he'lhas- been 'h?adirlg,_ 'ln hie; ?paciity .as- a 'l'n?hagge; =of- Corporate. CQ'T?muni'cations Department-559, $peafrlheadedthei Corporate 'S'otiia'lfResp'onSibility programme of]; . Care-for Care:- a hid? aliQ'ne?TMCDonald'zi'sia?s partjof? and Shroffs cm HospitaL Like-Wise, she. has - high?lighted- many .Te'gardihg. the celebraft'iMOT'. '51? and 1015 waivers-arm cisr. Ltd:- ?She has-label?d serious: allegations {against respondent'- who; was Cofmpa my .-'S'ecr'etary and. General Man'age?r (legal). '79. m. CONCLUSION I 1. We? have beetOwed our thoughtful consideration. on i{he Sub'mESSipris made by the learned counSels for the parties; We 'a large-number bf volumes of paperbacks and "COnVenEence voiumes?. The whECh arises-for determination in the .ie i?ri' "favour of; Mr. Vikram Bakshi his fManagin'QsDire'Ct?Or at the instance ioffnomineadireotiors of McDonald indie would. amoant 10" an 3m: of. --oppression and. is. liabietb; be corrected bytexercisingjpower under" section 39?? . read With 4023' of7the' 1956Act The cognate iSsue' by. maia??es- emanating; frem extraneate ceas'iderationg. Thas gues?tien: is} signi?es ?t for two reasons; as per Ecie Use: 32 Of- JVAQreefrj?atiber day" M111 Vikram' 'Bakahi' is. voted Out as a .Managi?g DifectOt; Ith? indie-1' No. 2) to, exerciee "an "optiori rte 'pUrChase-ihiel- purshasecaf shares_ihas.- tobe': ?at the rates to: be. determined- in accordance with clauseZS 0* thew Agreement. In. ether Words, "-Cennaaght- Plaza! is} ?31. the; mercy 'of'?'shafe?dlde; Mstnaid India (Respondent'- no.2) 2 {In 'srder examine- vari'ou's previs-i'ons'bf theArtie?l? Of As$.dCiatien; Article 20-). (9) de?nes: the Joint, Venture Agreement and: the same: reads as ;unden~ . . 530. "?5?Jsirit- Agree-mat?" means Ems Jsiat Venture -.. datedjs1'si?Massn 199-5; entered. gists was ?McDonald?s, Bakfshi I and McDonald?s Carport-atim with Of?ce Sat- .MEDO?n'afld?S- Plaza; ?Oak- Btdok; ilIllih'?iS; 60523; USA .C?rmrati?n") a. con?rming With the {Suppiesmentalg Agreement- dated 1111? December- beMe?n- iatar. lB?kshi, "McDonaldfs Corporatiom I (as con?rm-hig- psi-1V3} :th?e Company and Bfakshi H's'ldings- Private Limited and all? . other ?Wrijfteni modi?catitans the Jaint Venture: Agree-meat: - 995 frOm Marts-11m the Jam- a ventursAms-ndmsat.Agree-meat: sated batman McDGaald?s, 83mm, McDonald's Corporatisn (as. :8 - Con?rming Part3!) and i?ei (2) the Jaiht- "Vant?rej dated. 27*? iintci biereein- ass-the. Company said the mad. Ame'ndmeaf "to the Joint. I vantursz..Agreemeg.rit dated Navemb'er 20.12 .rse'ntere'd: into between McDosaids Bakshi, (as a con?rrsing - - - party) P?vataftimit?tf??n'd the Company 8'1 (Amended by Special" Resolution] passed. at" the: Extraordinary General Meeting held December .2012)? I A perusal of the aforesaid Glease Would Show that joint venture agreement has been de?ned in" the Articles of Aesoiciation to mean the -jeint. venture agreement .-dated 31.03.1995 entered betWeen McDonaid-?s India "Pvt. Not 2 Vikram 'Bak-shiepetitioner- No, 1' 'and._.McDonaldts- Cor?po?ratien of USA. water's. includes S?pplementary agreement dated. 11.121998 entered between 'afe'riesaid - "three?parties and;additionally:between Bakshi Haldihg Pvt. f2" and 1e]! other written :modi?cat'i'ons maderto- the Joint Venture Agreementidated '31.033.'l'1'995 'I-from. time. to time-including the JOint'Venture Amendment Agreement: 'dated- 05:41 12012.: 14.422012- 'i'svevident that Wham-W? supplementary- ?agreement-was made; or amendment was. effected in; the . Agreement itwas' iz?chrporated ih-the: Articles ?of ASSecia'tienf "Wha?t?isi . the effect or=?mearzin?g of such incorporation is tobe- scene in t'hegs'ume'eding pares. Referencejo- the: jei?t vet-1m? agreement has: been made-fin yari?us' Attitiles jet Refsociatien .35 3'6. Mathis.janctureit Would be: appropriate. to notice the: movie." . :7 Articles- 6-, .35 f8; 33. WH'ieh' read-iais-uutadert? ?1?365916' 6: The shares- shall the-centrel'. and of the Board) I Who may, SubjeCtito the: proviSidns 'of the .Jjoi'nt'Ve-eture Agreement, jail-lost- gr- oth?eMise of the-eame to su?h persons and; on sun'h terms as the Board may thinkf?tr-?and Wrgive any" persons fan-y shares Whether-at par eri'at pr?m?i?m ?a'ndifor seahmnsideretion as the-Beard may think-?t; Baksh-i endior his. nominee. _-Sha_ll bald-"59% of the 3%qu "an-d Subscribed equity. capital: 0f; the. .cort?pany 53nd 32 McDonald-"s .an'dfo'r its? nominee-Shall the Said equity: cap?it-ai. provided however, such nomineegs) f'ui?l the i'n paraqranhzg. ofithe . Joint Venture Agreement. (Article amended 3by-Speeia'l ReSalutiQn passed-0n Smadiune, 2003-) .35, '36; MANAGING BIRECTOR AND WHOLETIIME (S) The Boardof Direcmrs may. from time. Section 197-9; of the companies- Act; 1956 appoint one of "their numbers (member?) .to. beta: Manzagirig .Dirthari, Sand? exuc'h' numbercs) I'of? Maia-time. ".Dif?ector for- "such iperiodgand. .gponssuch termsfasparagraph- 7201? the Joint-Venture - Agreement ?the Managing; Director? shail be.- with: subStarlltial powers; .cf' ma?ageme'nt Isabject to? control and directioh'of ?the :Bdard- cf} He- shall "Manage;- the jday?twday' - op'eratien; Subject. to the pravisidns of the Act ga?d?? paragraph- 7 (id) the. Joint "Venture Agreement._ Managing Dita?idiot- m" .Lbe. paid sash as may be. detem'i?ed :by?th? company in :gen??ral' meeting__ "fromtjime-to time-3? A peruse] :35 would showas-Ito how a Managing Whelg~ .time "be'appdinted. It-_-then= praceefds ?to: Iayi-down-thjat theBoardraf' Erectors time "to-time appoint ?one-of their-membe?s a Managing; Director, and such- numbers amiable-15mg?Dire-et?rs "for such peridd 6:16 149% snob mans, as ?t1hink8; ?t However, it. has been made. subject it): the pmViSions ofthe- Companies: Act 313956 fish-d. Farag?apt-I-?Ti Agreem?nt.? 8.3 4, - 'Aceerdingj to the joint Venture"- agreement the Managing "Director has" to be entruSted- With-substantial powers of management s-Ubje'ct to the supe'rintendence, centre! and directions of the Board of Bit-?esters. He is also to manage day?today management of the respondent N6. :1 Company.- The remuneration according to Articte 36- read With new '7 the Jeint'Ven'ture Agreement is to 'bepaid as determined by the Company in genera]: meeting mm time to time. signi?cant te netice that --para_graph 7' OfE-the NA. has been expressly referred to. and. fit to be. .incorperated ?in-the-Artieles if .provisiojns- of Articues 2(9) and GI-ar'e- keptjiifn view. Article changes, amendments .and "SUpple'mentary agreements wnce__rhingjc_>jint vanture agreements. in the de?nition 'Qf .JOintTVentu're ?andAt?tiGle. makes-5a raf?re?tzetb 163m ventu re ?agreement. now. be .eecessaryhto- pertis?je: the -p_ro'visions ofjpara 7' of the, joint venture agreemeht Which read-s a-sun'der - 7 Menagieq_it3trecter. The. shalt- cause thesnominetien ?nd election-"of :P'artnerlasthe-sole Managing Director {hf-JV company- a- Acceg tame.- [Parihergagr'ees'te .aeCept?the af?ne-of 'M?anagirtg Directer to maintain. his resideflCe in devotehis} full Business. time-rand" 1-best effohe; to _-the 'pirerhetion' and" develdpment (if the? McDenaId?is 'Resta?u rams? 'operafted: by JV- Company. We. Pa?n?fjmiiSt s?tefacte?ly complete (a trai?ihg program in the united States places-.33: McDonaldfs may reasonably- require. for a: period (Of least. 9. months-.g but which-"in any Case shall be suf?cient iri- the-- udgment of. McDonalds to thoroughly famllianze Partner, consistent with his: . .34. individual abilities, With the development and operatiOn of Mela-meters Restaurants, including, without limitation, the McDonald?s Management Devebpment pregram (which itsetf includes the Basic Operations Course,- the Basic Management Course, the Interrnediate Operations Course, the Applied Eq?iprnent Course and: the Advanced Operations Course); The training pngram may also include? inStructiOns concerning, related areas inCluding, .by my bf .eXa_mpie,- management accounting, purchasing; m?rke?ag "and equipment. Shall and conduct. the training- JV Company ?shall bear. reascnable expenses i?fct transportation, lodging incidental expenses- incurred by Partner-during hi3- trairii?'g program. The i-t'rai'rltin-gi program must be sampleted pri?r. to the waning ?f the McDonaldts- Restaurant. to hue-Operated pursuant to this. Agreement. that Partner shat! fast to diligently pursue his traitting; or "3113!! mmpiete the training "program, "the. sewer-Vice President: 'a nd Partner- bf'the'jcon?rming Party; having-the :sole discretion toxiudgerwri'eth-er either 'f?ilur?. may teammate. this-~Agreementt5n- Written notigie; id the-event- of. such::term'i'n'aiiGnJ Partner Shall teoaiye prompt? refund digit-amounts. 'i?ve?sted' - by him: in JV Company, lessf?ft'yjpetcent. offexpenses related. to: his. ibditziduaIJ-ttaiining program," I c; 'Scbpe- 9f AS Man-aging 'Di'r?ctor', ?Partner Shall. manag?. t'the. day?today ap?ti?iatiogts: {3f JV demPa?Y: lathe exerciSle'fhina?thdrity as Managi?g Partner'shalil' requirethe prim approizaiofthe-Bcard of for "any. of: the JV. Company: to ehter'into. any Contractor obligation or Series of Swift Contreras: or Obi-igatigns- that wduidj-obligate for-afterm "in: excess [Of 3.5 mam-s.- cr .3 :t?ot'al ash-cunt in of "the: Indian Rupee equivalent 0f? (2) to enter into-any borrowing or other credit arrangements which-will obligate JV. Company for period exceeding. twelve (12) months or for 'a total amount in excess of the Indian Rupee eqUivalent .of (3-) ctr": acquire or tian'sferfany real estate; ?to acquire, transfer.- 'seih assign. pl?dg?', encumber or of .a'S'Sets .having'a 'va'i'Ue of the in of'the. Indian - Rupee equivalent- 0f (-5.) -t0 {w rchase; Satin ri?es-of any "other comp'anY; to operate; establish acquire-father businesses-far .JV-Company :or expend; into rath?r; mes-eff businesses. the .o'peratibn of 'Re's'taMajnts'; (7) ?ip: initiate, ewmpromiSe; legal proceedings, on: behalf of "Cempany except for matters -emer'genpy- a?c?m: =10 establish or amendibension orpro?t sharing {>18n8=30f73nykinfdi- ate-51makgej changes if}? the; menu, items- ;or menu pri?esi: .affereq. ?at: any I Mica-man?s R?'staarantsioper?ted ?2va 10 cause :the- e?tabljishmm :of- new Mwonaldis 'R?StaU?ht?or the bf- ?xisting Restatira'nts; .86 (1131) "to grant any linemen, Service agreement, lease or any other farm of? comma to any third party to aperate aMcDonald?s Restaurant-or use. any part .. . =?0f the-McDonald?s System, (12) to appoint or" promote any bf?cer of JV Company or to appoint and .r?m?nefate any employee who shall earn __m0re than? the Indian. Rupee {equivalent-of per year, "inelasive of an bonuses and bene?ts; to of Compa?y'if {is more} in :the, aggregate. than-the Rupee- equivalgant such-2 . ?investment is; made in With investment guidelines prayiousjy. and not-subsequently. ith? Board Of . (14) [to Jammie, amend agreemehton behalf (155) 1C) it'ransacftiahs} :imfgiving rthe issuance a: teaempfion 0f -.Sih?r?s7 in C?impany, Changes-1h the .caipit-al. SifU'ctu'r? om Company or an. i?h?reafsg tar decrease; 9f the-capita ofiJV On? pat-my; to" de?ate six-dividend;- (17) 'to enter? fir-110" any'tra n's'actibniwhich son stitufte- reSt - {asdescjribedvinParagraph .25beigom; ("113) to ambush bank and-the.- Signature auth?OritY'With' SreSpect-Ltcr such accounts; (1-9) .to' 1.33116. guarantees of third. party- :d?ebt, inclining ?licensee 'Siibpiieff?i- '87 (20) to 'o'r'aCt's required bylaw, statute-or the ArtiCIe's. of . .ASSGCifati.on. to 15828308151 ofDir-?ectors approval-.- ?TheBoard of Directors may amend any 0: all Of the aboVe. requirements 31 any The Managing Director" shall -ais_o fre'gulariyizi?fom; the Board 'ongirejctors about Cam-paw! including theihpe'rfation of existing 'R'esta wants-g; (2) development and opening "bf?new' Restaurahts; and removal re'pllacemenfrof' 01113363; consultants for .c-empa?y-includihgadve?ising andapubuc relations agar-Meg; attOmEys, ?firms- and auditors, salary: :of Director, JV 3. 3911938. annuai Sal-aw as. Managing .Ditectcr of?Jv Cbm'pany ?in an gamtaunt. equal to the- - Indian Rugge-equiVal'ent ofUS$ in arrears The salary $11311: commenceas of the: effective date (if-thisAgreemeht?and Shall be r?yiew'ed. annually by Tthe- Board -of Dimmers; The; Mahaging :D'iregtor shall be entitled [to a- bbniti?: and EStic?i-other 'pejtqui'Sites as-may he bysilthe: Board (if .Dir?CtOrS. If? I additim. JV C?f?pahy' shall -'reim'b't'1r$e- Partner fer ireasonabl? bus?ness expenses I =in?urr?edin Conla?ctic? with - ea, Managin'?: leeCtOI?The Managing shall" {be elected. every two McDonald?s agrees: in vote-for the reelec?on-- of) . Farther-'33. Managing. Dirac-tar far sO?l'o'ng. as: he; free-sides in the-National Capital Region of Delhi and. spews-j time in the. P-erf?mance- of his ,obligatibns .88 Under- this Agre?ment' and the Operating License Agreements exeCuted' hereunder; (2) he (as; de?ned below), in Combination, own at least 50%of theequitygharesof'dv Campany; I he'disch'arges-the- 'reSponSibilities. of management of JV company inta competent and faithful-manner;- (4) hot-in- .br?'aCh' 'Qf-any- term of? this Agreement. Oraany other agreementbetween the JV- Parties or'th?iraf?liates or subsidiaries.? It: would. alsabe; to. kr?ow Ethiat .theg- word, 'pagtnef has; been associated with; "Mt. Vikragz B'aksni- whjichsisjeyideht from the. opening-para; ofJV AgreBh?'ent: AGREEMENT (the ?TAgrg-geme of this. 315*- d-afy or ?March. .1995, b?tween Ihdias Private-Limited, an Indian I =com=panyTWith an" affine; Sat .House_,_ 15., Tolstoy" M219 S'Ne'w. 'DE'lh11113011 India; Vi?kram Bakshi; .._re_sidirig at 15.7 fGolf-Linka. New Diem; "1510003, and" ..McDona.Id*s. 'CQrporation, 5a D?iaware-corporation ;anz-1foice at. one McDonald?s. Piazza, 'Oak 'ZB'rQek', USA .Mcacn?idts.- and. {Partner are: referrad zo- herein as "fthe- Jv Parties? and imaividuauy- as; vaarty Partner and the Con?rming- Party .air? referred iodnec?vely- as?. and. ;n-dm many as . 7-. A --pe;rusa1. of the opening- of? spa-ga- 7 under the? sub. heading-- Diireiz'fzto'r? clearly- Shows that JV Parties. Were to 89 'th'e nzo'minatio'n and eiiection' (sf-Partner'as- thes?ole Managing Director ?.Jo'inf venture company; It. happens in practice. the Same fashicn. A reference has" then been made. to the act. .of aCCeptance by Mr. Vikram .iBak'shi who has been referred he had agreedio maintain- h-is- residence: in the Regieni of Danni. .He' further agreed to elevate- his full best-Efforts tome. promotion and cef?ci?nt --ma_nagement cf the MpDonald'Ls. ERe'stagxrarits. Qperfated by .JV Campany. He. was. it)" satisfactorily complete training. program [in the United States; He: completed His scope of'raut'horityuaS; Man-aging. Directoir was t6 the; 'dathoieday Operations --JV Company. Ir": respect inipara-d-to 20' he was required .to' seek prior approval of-the. Board (if The. was {also required t0 infarm' the-- Board of. about the business -'aCtiVit_ies of ?C?nnaught. Plaza? .thQ' .dpere?z?bn of e'XJStihg Restaurants; ._0p.enirig It; 3150 included the. 's?lecticn, removal: gr- bf Coi?t'S?itants fur Plaza. including. a.dV?.rti.sing relatiarjs jagen-?iies; attorneys, outside} acboun?hg ?rmS'and'auditor's. The saiarybf Was alab- ?xed: With Ciause? 7 JV Agreement. -'Salary' has 813;). been. ?xed as: pier" clause- 7(d)ofthe JV Agreement. 'leaus??. (emf the: JV Agreement also: 3917031863.. that. he was to. continue as a Managing Director if" he was. 861' "in breach: o'frany 'Co'ndition; (>va agreement or any other -t_h_e_JV1_. p'arties,. Whataall 't?isthOWs? 8 However, -'the- .mOSt' igon'troVers'f?l is. According "clause -._MbDonald '-Ind_ia has in" essenc?- agre'e?ci id. vote, for the of :90 Mr- Vikram Director. .-3u'bjeCt to the. four- 'Cthition's f?amely: - Petitioner NO. 1 --reside's in the Naticnal Capital-Region.ofDeIhi and spends Substantially .all of his buSinjess :time in the performance of. his obligations "Under- this Agreement. and Qp'eraii'ng License Agreement ex'ewtedr-hereunder; I (2). He gar-71d emanation What-least 5.0% {if the equity sharesgqf "r?sp'ondentho, . 1' Com pany; (3) The further condition-was; that, he discharggs- tne re'spdh'sib'ilitiES 9'1 managemenmf' mmpeient and?faithful-Mariner; Arid: is' not Eh br?a?h .Of?any rterm vagir'eementb?tween- thaw Parties or their The 1v Agreement "was? signed on. 31.33.1995- :arild- a Gummy?- 'Cb'n?aughtz Plaza was? einco-ppg.iated. unde; the prcix?i'sicns 201' the Companies 10101,. 1956 From the; diate'gdf its ihcepticn Mt. Vikram .Bia'k'sfhi "has. been. .the- Managing. .?Directdr. There-?is .afn Objective c-rit?ria 151:1de .comprigsing four: =?CO?dition?sg'f?r? Mr 'Vik'ram? Bak?h?i- {To mast fulfil maritime as- a Managi?g-fDitfe?tes?. It? is" --ex-petf:ted- from {a brand, of?l?'ternatiomai {Eput'e- {tog i 3131; fairly. by Bibi-Raw, unfair .c'onduCt. waever; - macemingecon-naught- Plaza held. on: 06.98.20131he' MS. Ay?s?l Meibyfe r?f?ed .10- vbtejiz?} favour of Vikram B??kShi-bn? the: 9153313." pf" a. written- placed {311' record. Of the meeting: 'whi'cth centering-1 clause 7' of 1th it figs- alleged in terms of dag-se- 7 that Mr. Viksam Bait-$111 fa'iied: t0 dame: 9.:1 'Whole of his. busiheS's -:time to ?Cbnn'aught 'It is; thus ev?ideht' {that parties h'aVe under-steed. the Articles-of Association in theseterma, 9.1? The note issetoutbelow verbatim:- "?Dear' Beard Members, We. falter the agenda item for. considering 'of- Mr, Vikr'am Bakshi as the Cannaugh} Plaza _R?st_ggragtg . Private Limited (?Company?); for affurther'term of-"Mc-years; Mr; Ba'kshiis- :1errn- as the: Campahy has cbmasgt'c) 10'11 17th -,1I'uly 2.01. 3A3 'Iyoufar? {he 'isn'cdrporafi-on. McDonald?s India. Private-- Limited. :(?chDonaId?s :India??) has been 'repxeSente-d on the. .._2B.oa_rd of? the Company by non-executive directors, Therefore, lndia?s- relationship with Mr. Vikram B'akshi; as joint v?httife' pertain-erg; .h'ad' I to be mew-complete over the- last-few years this severely-?aw bacauw. gef'ithe- manner in Which the the Company has,?beenimariaged - by Mr;. .Bakshi, his? inability to give his-fun"focus-and; 'i??t'fejnt'ion. to the :Chr?pa?y. him having sham noidesire to: remedyih? failate ca'n'd "ShOrt?coming repeatedly broughitlvto his a?ehtim as. gcia n. be-see? from the illustrative list of issue'sfhighlighted sh'ereinb?elbwi' The Company has, under Vikram Bambi, .Cons'iSten?y failed it: dimeiap and maintain ade?qaa?te 'i?hternal. Tim; is. based on" reviews ?IDf-"the Company conductedby .MCDenaldz's .l?te'mai'l '92 _.Audit'ieam'isinbe the yea} 2007.- ?The: lateSt' .reviewalzst" January 201 3- di'seIOSeid as many .c'ontrol'isSues Which could havesignj?cant operatimal- and regujlat?ry repercussion's; Moreover, 'the inadequacies jdenti??d. in January 2013 have remainedxuna- remedia'te'di in. particular. the-failure to. conduct due 'diligehce on third parties, failure to ' comparable data" on :lease. transactions and. {cond?c?ggdiue "diligence en title --_and failure. :tthave: applicable -?eru'ptidn, "anti?brib?ry' and .c?hflict offinteriest language in contracts- 3nd,;mostamportantly failure-to: Ih'aVQ-yalid .Wi'th'third: parties: . pmdsag semces arid-{produhts ital-?the Comp-?any, th?er?by,_ creating -=m?ateri?al} risk c?xposure "for the Company and. legislatiOn.. lire: the :Efoesaid-5MODQ?aId?s. .anfet?ali Autjits SinCe-ithe year ?2,0073. j'the Company has ba?n; c?o?n?ist?ntly receiving?: ?unsatisfacfory? s'ra?ngs; irii: its? ih?te'rh?l can'tmis: and. .management-?ystema 'T-he?e. have been detailed .m?e'tings; and presentatigns where: McDonald?s: representatiye? have advise-d. the- -'of?icer3', ameni?ve?sf a?d management. 0f ?the: 'Qcmpany that the-5 'i?temal sys'tms: of? the. saw-any" havei failed: to: - meet mama-jars systems Standards var-ad. f?lemphasizedi on the necessity of immediate. remediatian.-.. .H'oweven 35 can be; 'nzoiedf .Lfmm the :35th ?9f the; .Companyis internal contra: assessment} in "the? [mint-years:under the leadership of Mir; "Vikram __Ba:kshi "tabulated belcaw. the ?reQU'isjiw - J'i'mprOVemen-tsihave 93: . ".2008 Sahara! Control Review (limited Unsatisfactory 120101 Genera-I Control 'SNeeds; 7201-3,- leer-zeta:comm-Review (limited Y?ar' - ReviieW'Type ?Results- 20'07" "General Contror Remain: (full Unsatisfactory- Nscope) scope) 2009 I. Fall?w-up reVi?w from-20085..- No overail' eValuat?iOn seeps) . .'improvement 20311 General Contra: Revi?w. (limited Needs scape) improvement scope)- "From. -a "McDanaId?s' system this: represents. an. unacceptable. level of risk gio- the company?s-- Op'eratiws a catitinuing' basis; There- "have: been; various. instances where, the Istaitutary auditors- of the company- have aim highlighted. glaring inadequacies with: reggae-ct" to; me internal Controls as-disregard to: applicable law; There; a?lsa has-been .an? instance in: the pasmhere Mr, Vikram Sakshi has Engaged i-ngfirianciali 94 .Io'f drawmg ga (Rupees seventy Million) from the "Company?s" and: transferring Private Limited underihe pretext Of an urgej?t necessity in relation to. a ?new restaurant waning, without ithe approx/a} of the. Board pf? directors ,of the; Company- .015- .Eany- fcsimaji Although the. funds 'ih?xfolved were; frecaifl'l?d I and repaid to ?the Cpmp?any, it created a certain: Sextet -of- mistrust in. Mr. management: of? the Company {am his re?e- as a tr?St?e of the" COmpany?s; p'ereriy sand; required to. put in: place =lihiits on his-ability to. bankiacc?unts .of'the- Company- which has: led? Ito certain. iOPI'e'ra?onal 'i'n?ath'e- system that -cqu'ld Well have: been. aveidfed, but .Qa nnot- Wha? trust "in Mr; Bakshifs managerial and finahciai credibility has. been - (it) Mr, Baksh?i has; during his-tenure as Managing :Qve?r the last. ff?w years, been i??rea's'i'ngly- his; in. developing; his- ath?r {angina-saga. ?i??mding- businesses. '3Cb'nnected' directly. or; i'ndireCt-I'y with {he food restaurant: .?and '3ho'spiial'ity seems. Whicfh460mpete Company; Further, he. <51" indirectly Involved in; several? companies- awning properties: from which g?ther restaurants "(?aming sform'a? ragtaurants} are fope'ratihgi HiSr- in. ?ber: ?ba?inesses'chasgrown t6 sag-2h art-extent that; af"'the- very least, "v (Galina. be: ?said [that he. as aerating-his entire "business time "or 3?95 substantial; panic-n of ms business time to the of?ce of the managing - director of the Company; Additionally, he has 3misu?ed- his position as the Managing Director of.? the Company 161* promoting his: other business "interests outside Of the Company by such interests in the. 'Mcb?nal'd?fs restaurants- 0f the .Compa?y without any autheiriiza'ti'on. For the past" few years, (the. Company; McDonalds- and weir isehi?fie'xeciutivw and pwfessionai advisers. ha'Ve haen' the; risk-_ of trimiaa'lf?litigaticm on (of funds Of the Campany being us?d?'by and Resorts "Limited (acornpany :directiy?ndfrectly :cOnt'm?ed by Mr; Bambi) injits. dealings with certain ila?dgow'nersxahd ether associat?s- of Mr. Bakshi, again Withcut'the rtaPPf-Wai 40'1"" the: -..B?ard - fat. directors of the CmePQBr-iys, In} this regard; .:th'ere have .b-eienL-aillegatians Qf' Mr. forged certain :sharg- 'transfar' ?rms and minutes- {if annual" general? meeting of. company (Montreayxl Limited)~ih? Which"; he had .iinvested.. it has; recently/"coma eta-our'noticei'th'a'tto secure ..loian. fa'cnity - of (Rupees Two Hundred 'Millidn) for the. 91417905831 :0"f deveiwm??t of Savoy Outleti.MalfIE-cum :S-etvi'cjes Apartments inM?nesari-in' .t'efmgof 3153135317 I'Fa'Cilijty..Agreement dated Ostober 20:11 entered Ascot E'?ateS (ManeSar) Private Limited (a -- :?direc?y?ndirec?y by Mr; 'Baksm) and Housm- .96" Development FinanCe- Combination timited? apparently Ma, Bakshi' and Bakshi .HOIding's "Private. Limited fHoldCo?) created a placige on 51,300 equity "shares held by them in the Company, despite th?eCompa?ny- being private limited company and there beinga prohibition on its shares held by Mia. Bakshi-and Bak-shi H'oldCo, inter alia, being Without then-prim Written consent Sin-Ge the it?CO-?Wa?on the Cmpahy- i?n. the: year 1995. and: its business. ;in 1996, McDOn-ald?s has. ihv?s-tedi R's. Billion, Nine.- Hu_ndred EighteenMinion, f0 (??it-ed State-8.530118% Thirty in the share"; capital; :of'the: company Without feta Whiler'on. the Me hand abSeI-?iC? of any {return on its: inxr'esitmeintxis?. proving in. be. onerous- ?a?nd difficult .to-gexplja'i'n? tel-the Shareholders.achMi?abnalds; Corporafic'n, (a pUblicly?hel? -.cOrpo:rfatiOh .in-lthe; United State-Sf of America, "018 the Company" -is at .a'junct'u're where it Shauldibepoised-for Q'f?wth rwbit?S-h' Will necessitate further Westments ihe ?lm- this scenat?imt. is? .es?eniial: that 153 Company; be led by. 3a? managi?g gdi'rfectoir whai-is? able. to.devote?hisgfull ..attfention= to? the Company, i'Moi-reoverf. the managing 'dirieCtor ofia-gcom party-must the. implicit-faith and audits shareholder's. Fts?hecr, My? iB-akshi holds directorship. inf aboutiz'ssother {is partner in 13:? '_3pati?8?fship ?rms;- This .. sitmifies. that! [de'sgit?e .. being 197 responsible the managem'eintiofthe' Campanv iDiteCtor, Mn Bakshi has voluntarilv asSume'd'the-additional. _'burden offatte'ndinq beard meetings each yeah -.effectivelv \re?du?ing'the time-andiatte?tion he can devote to the COmDanv. In most of such .Comvsahiesfa'hd?rms, he also has ownership 'interests;fThis.- by. itself indicates that Bakshiis devote Thistfult business. time of ever} Substantial: parting ?Of his. basiness time towards. dithargirig- his responsibilities as-theiimanaging Director "of the. Company. At this stage the Camp?ny requires a managing directdr'who Mu be: able: to facing all his serjefqyji-n the; .p?rombticn and? development- so?" McDonaldfs --t??taarants magi-ed 'bvsifthe: Campanyand who ddmmand's} the-"trust and I. Weion?dienge- (if _-its_ Board-- of diremrs and to? the. Com party: the. ful?llment Gian. it's- Valge. 'E'Very . made by all thege: [years to wark with I - Mr; - Bza'ksh'i, but. recent events. Izhiaxze? their forbearance has: not-- restated- the relatiehship; ?Oh the ?ontr'ary?the- highlighted aboye; (which?are manifest that, Mr, B'akshi ?spending SUbSta?tiauy ofiihi?' buSine?ss? time in - the: performance ofhas Io'bitigatibns. He has: faitedrtodEscharge- hisf ofimaha'ging. her-Ci?mpany-sin competent. and; faithful m-amerand; .atsc: been in breach of? certain- material'termS-Of his contra-dualagreemehts With MbDohald's India (his; jointayenture-partner) and its af?liate; 'CQ?seiqu?n'tly, ?McDonald-?3: has lost: "all its trust; faith- My. 'Vikra'm- It :58: therefore 0f ?the-sn'ominee Mgpma?jidfs :n'ot t0" vote in favour- :Of. me resoiution? proposed in the Agenda "to re?elect Vikram Bakshi asfthe managing dime-tar of'the Company for :3 hi rtheir term. the nohrzinee Directors. of "M'CDonaId's ilndia Private Limited AYs'eIHM?liby? I Reb??rt Lafgon? 9.2.313 may be .rsBC?lled that Mr, Vikr'am :Baks'hi was to "be re~elected as :3 managing ?Director? .if: canditionsnameiy-U) he resides N.3tio?nal icapit'a'li?egion gof and Spends of hisbusiness- time in the ?perform?in?evef his: :0bligatiens :aSSumed. under the JV Agreement a?d'ihe .alp'ngwith-his jointly .ownzat least of thee-quit}! Shares 0f r?eSpOnd??t NO. C'Qmpany; he ?discharge his :re'Sponsibi_iiti_es' 33:3 Plaza? in "competent and'hi?faithfui manner. Lai?tl'y he ?is not :in? breachef any term :cjiher agreement? 'betwe-ten-15the. .N- 93 rti?s or theim?ili?ates- ore-subsidiaries.- - A pfejru's-at tif the 3033- Shows "that there allegatioas ?leveled against 1'1. Vikra'm-Bakshi He has replied each allegation ?it! his :eplyiletfer The: reply Wag-sent :10 Mr; '.R-Obert Dale. and Ms. Avesel Mme. who are the" it :runsi'into 30 pages: 7thejref?rfei.- whqu 3extcabt' only few paras "in this 'JUdeenf whi?Ch are rele'Vant and also directly ral'ate-s- to in CIa-use- (3) read Wifh' Article 35 ofthe Articles There-J13 3.3 have maintained. 50% shareh?l'ding= .31 ?the Connaught it has: riot been 333333: that?.th Vik'raam 9.9 I 'BakShi has --a ways. ;r'e3'ided 'Regicn' of "Delhi. He a?lbragwith his Wife have been managing- theaffairs?of'IConnaughf P-Ia?zfa since 1995 is-also a fact which has-remained undisputed- The: a?eg'ations. pitched .agaihst. Mr}. Vikram Bakshi- pertains to spending- $ubstar?tialiy {his-business time' in performancte 'Of- his ablig'a??ns. under- the-JV sag-reeme?i; discharge. of his duties Iajs Managing 'D'irec'tor'ahd thereby violating gon'ditjonsi in the agreement. A bare perusal-bf- the'.reply'sent by- Mr. Viktam'B'akshi wculd $1h0wth-at he baa built up Cdn'naught Plaza and has .e?tablii?shed- 3"MCDonald?. br?'?d'in?ithe assigned territory Of'..lndiar -?$ingle handedlY. His 1331': appointment. as. Managing;- gDi?rze-ctgr was made on. a . peficd of'iw?'yegts Gene'f?alaMeeting. No-gfi?VanCe bf any sari ?was, raised her. --af?inglfe- :cczm'plaint- has-ever" been fledged; On the "contrary 'fOIbW'i'ng. instances. {if appreciatioh of have bEe'nl {cited 'Wh'i?h ."r?ad thus (I) Email dated. 2201.2; from. "G'ariahd rot 'Mchan'ald?S'v Vikram that "we 3?15'3'1?3'3X051?9d? aboutthe growth Opportunity 'forfhie. -J and-mom Sb that we are" in'Sed to cathre the: app-{mm with strong unit economi?ssand a? restaurant deveiepmenf -Pi??ifm that" 1?0wa Here. 'Ithe camp'any 'is . being fdei?bribedl 8'3 Whibh ask-early- shows; {that it remained-a Mr; Vikra?m .Bfaks'h'ifa-nd the" Me: Donald. 'Wia- (company Petiticn, Annextzre; 9:33 71:3); i'Er?ng?'ili dated '102Janxzary 201232 from Mr - Carperation Maj. Vikaram Bakshi (Company Petition; Mnexure. 100- - (iv) . p.717), 'is- eVide?nt mm this "email that as recently-as _-Janu.ary 2013s, the-Respondents- were looking forward- to stand With Mr. Vikram' Bakshi fro realiZe the dream of India'; This Showed. full faith in the. Mr. Vikram. B'aksh'i and their 'peirtnership: Email dated 2.8 January-21013 from Mr. Dave Hoffman o-f-?Mc Dona-1&3- "Cimporation- USA to. Mr, Vim-am Baks?hsi .s'ia?tes?tha'i ?as. :a-I?waysi. appreciate. y?ur" candor and what better; Working on meeting at your HQ in: the-near fat-mire,? {e P37 (Cally) 1 J: Emaaldated- 1:8? Mam 201-33. from Mr; Andrew Hipsleiy of Mc: 1er,; Vikram .Baks?h'ij (Germany p319) Wherem he congratulated.Petitioner-No.- 1' :0 the: ass-fumes iof - National Bree k?fa st? . Email dated-{22' March- 2.013 from ?3 to; Mr Vikram _Baks_h..i (Campany- PTej'fitibps, Anniemre . Wherein {he 'R??ppn?dent: Nth). 33?"Our' entiregroup: found 'our- visiitito- he very .?i?t??e?tihg and :eMeryone rs-hOWS ithat' with hi anidh_g__3row?th_- of the: i-bf'the; Comp-a nyvlas ,a faint. mature; Email dated- 26 June 2013'me Mr. 031? Mc Donald- meme? fP-401 (Golly); i?whereiin: he .con.9-.f-a-tiuiated him. on one ?fth '?firLSt Asian, grammes to. launch theWOS 191. Email dated. July'- 210213 frbm? Res-pand'ent- No: 3; director of MC l'ndia'?) ~19-M'rg. V'ikram Bak-shii are available dwing the .week' or August '5th and could plan the meeting- between the; 51-.7th- ofAugust. I know-the ?nanQEaIS- wOuldn't be" ready-'- for Board approval by? this deterb'uf we could do "that in comedian Phase II. aside from that were are; 89mm} ?ber subjects; iHcINdihg - ffh?ndng forgroiwi?h that wilt-?be in'e 3314(3) plan that wie- - should dismss {Hf-the- Bb??rd 1Me??an-?Th is that; the Vik-r-ama' Saks-hi and the. non-tinned. to- iggether .striVed towards of the. 'Cbmpany (Company Pefftim (Golly); 13.7242}. Em'ai-i-l dated .29 July N0 3 _.(n.ommee. .-dire.c.tor of Dona-lid ,1 "India to Vikr?am Baks-hi stating .5336; you? Locking forward. visit next I purpose-- 3f- 'm'??itin'g: maul-d1 be id?iswss- --thz? estr??tegi? ?diF'EE-Cfif? n5: how.- any approx";- capex required: far In 91w.? stores- and retirWeist-?i?nt?, camp; etc?. The above; emaii Mr Vikiram' i-Bakzshi and fo- cumin-net to} be. together in the; vein-We and .fth?a-t' thew hi Wad-ldt?liay '3 key role in gstrarfeigjc? .deGiS?i'ons: . to- {be taken "in" re'laticn' to the; Chm-Paw 1:943 p.723); Mr. V-i-kra-m Salish-ifs..- peer-rmahce' as iM-a'nagjng DirectO'r was rated as by.? Donald itsgigf; ahd ?he. Lori-g Term; 'i?t?eh?ii-V?s' in: February 1'13 522012 and (Company Petition, Annexa?re . (calm, have-r101: ?beeh d?ispuitad either in the. pleading-3m during- ;ih?e course. cf arguments. that [has been argued by respondents is. that JV Agreement- has; not been 'in'corpcragted in the A-rti?i?-s of -,As:soqiatim. We to ?d ea}. with the; objectibn The agenda! and the. sup'pgfting papers for-the meeting of 63332013 had-the McDonald'- India-audits Zto 4.), Even respendent: Na; 5 had. approxked the" fwowmg agenda "issued. ?for the meeting-cf 682013 On 22- 3 Res?cndent N0 8the Comp'any'SeCretary- IReSpond?nt-NQ. 9' (Mr. 'Manisthadax-() with 3.3" draft? hotice with the-agenda for; {the Shard. Meeting] to. be ?eld can'- :61Augu'st 20-153,. in the i.abeve._ Email,? tit-he. Resporigdenti- No 8 ,pmmsed; to send -'fhe= rel'eTVant- i-agge'ndias; ?fair approval- fram- -Respond'eirdj2Noe;9mg inocuments?wlme Hi,- 36-31), To -_reiaippioint ML: Vikram :BakShi .asj Managing-Dire?tof 01? The 'I'C?mpa?y No- 6.) ?To. and approve: the annual reVi'sibnfin .th'je iremu?herationzz?f is. fM'adhurir-Ba: Wei; .. '11. Ap?ilQQOfifl 3 ?(Item Not?); To discusseeand 10f Mr. Vikra?mBakshi, marketi- review-Com acted. HeW?i?t on the remuneration-.ofi CEO-s. and M03: fora'thg :multin??ticnal: (.1th Na, .10) 103- b. Additionally, emaitdatedeZ Ju?lyii2O1?3-3, Respondent N0: 8 also circiJlated- draft? .of the Agreement: for appointment of Mr. Vikram Bakshi- as Managing" Director as An ne-xure: 01? the above email. - .. The-.iabove mentioned agenda and draft agreement for reappointment 'Qf' Mr; "Vi-mam" as Managing: DireCtor'of'thEi'C-amp'ariy Were"- :dfwy' appFOved by .Re'Spondent Na. 9 (representative.- of No.5) and ReSpendan't'N0-. 5 - .. Thereafter; 05-25;: July 2013, after-obtaihihg No. -9 the abeve .mehtioned agenda:,_ draft MD Ag?zteemergt was. circulated along With _?the- amide" of: Board :Meetihjg 10' be- 0:196 A?gust 20-133 ?ta? all ?the directors (at .the Petition; pp;- :50 1- 9531:; ConVehie?nce File VOL Ill; pp. 914. _.It :is-aiso; evident {heat at the Baa-2rd Meeting-of. McDonaid Na 2 held. a day abefare on ifwas decided?. Inbt to: Mt; Wkram. 'B-ak-shi; as.) Managing Director and surprisingly it was-- also decided. to exercise- calls-option with r'eSpect. to petitioners? ghare by invoking clause 32.. of WI TMtDo'nfaldi 'l'n'di'a. by virtue "of arder'__paSsed by the then. "COmp?-nyi-L?w 310311;! shows that 'f-here'were .nb alilegatiO??z-made? and there Not be any reas'en fortsuch- a. decision. The note appears ?beia Supplemeht. act of 'two - nomih?e It. is mt -'t1nderstood how-the- note-against. Mr. Baks'hji was} presented in the._meeitin_ggof Board of D'i'reptars of 'C'dnnaught Plaza pr} 06.08.201313?51?itwas, by McDonald India. Woutd 104 .. 15'. I Th?' allegations based on au'dif grepbrt also. not imp-ire .confi'denCe if we stake".- in_to- .accoum various. fads; 2(a) Naithe'r the. GCR - report nor the statutory reports. make any allegation ?against Mr Vikram Baksh?i; Not Once have the?: GCR Reports been t-abie'd in, the. Board M?eting the No; company (6) In fact, the reports" years ending 31 March 2009', 31' march .2010, '31 March-2011 .and' 33 march 201-2 that. "the Company has an internal: audit system commenszirate -'with the} size and. nature-"of its bLis'in?Ss?- 571 5:87, 604 and 623); The Reports ?of StatUtory Ai?ditars set-the Company fer the ?nanCiai years ending '31 March 200:9, :31 March March adequate in place .54 thecmpany (Para - 231:3;being' re?Spons-e of M: vikrjam. B'akshi-ito- -'the. Note; Company-Petition, Anne'xure P439 at N0. abjectiOn has-'ever'been raised - bythe The GCR: 133m 31-20111 hag. itselfisiaied :that. the Cempany has control environment:- and tem?dyingi id?ri??ed-iih :p'reszigus: .audit -. (para 4:1 _0f' the] denied. 3 Cempany Petition; Amexure Pi- 1-39,. ?35558): (9) the Year ?-200? .toa2'0'1?1 .dq Carry any I in? jrel'atign: or breach ?of 3f: 'ihtere?t prOViSchzirf' (Para 43 :ofii-Lthea tetter dated .31- Company Petition; 9.559): In) of .staiUIbry' 'auditbrs; nor the. 'mi'nutejsi ?the meetings: of the Board- of "the (cmnaught. Plaza: .ref?r gar-1y such allegation, -_Ev.ien ?after the IaSt- GER Repert- (there: 'was: anti-'Cemplaji'nt on the leadership of Mt; Vikram' Bakshi 44 of the. I :3 Sepia-44532013 Cdmpeinypeiitidn, p550); 3105. 16. :O'nty issue regarding ?-dieregard. toapplieebte ia?ws ?nds mention in the audit ?report . of '31 March'20-1'2'bec'a'use of Responde?t No; 4?s. nonedisclosure to the Company- of. her appointment as a director of Vista Pr?oCessed Feeds Pvt. Ltd. (Para 45 Of'the Letter dated 3 September 2013, company Petition Aenexure p.560) for which Mr. .Vikram Bake-hi and his wife~Respondent No. 10 had to approach this and pay. ?nes from their oweboeket compound-the. offencei-offResmhdent No, 4. It to submit herein that the Refspondeht Neg-5- Ches?e'te remain qui?t "and did not. ta'kejnbte car any-actio? against_' each-93' regulatary- __b'rea'ch. painted out by the Stat?tory AuditOr by its: employee- despite treating it :as agave-enough: Vikrem-.Bakshi. deuble "standards! and inacrion en part 0f M'c? 'Dcea'ld Corporation are "else - the. Petitieners, In respect. "of: Joan transaction te'tyled as ?Regal. Loan. Transaction? ihveltking ?seven millje?n .=dellars no Material benefitmuldbendeI'ived by banking- 11190:"? the a'Ileg'atiOns.. FirSt the transaction: ?is stale. and? hastost?: it's- signi?can?ee as: zit-happened in 2007-. Then-fit --was duly ratified: in. the meeting. at .Ith'? iBoard~ofoir?ctO?of. 'Connatighf Plaza" held en "171.04.12008; The. petitioners have placed areliance in a. tabulated form? drawn- date wise which 'ieafs- .-unden~ DATE . I - 'eemlleULARs; 14-N?Vembep2097- -. Mr sent a write: up to; Ms .Ayeset Melbye the nominee. director far the: reasons; and; the needtof-the' imposed lean am'qgntiof million. ?The. mail. Speci?cally stated' that MS. A'ye?sel' Melbye 106' _:app_roval was required? same. could be placed-- "before" the Board ofDi'rectors of the. campanyt .(AdditiOna_l__ Documents Vol C): 19 Novemberizom 'Deejpak- Shanna: sat-o- a 'gpmposali -_to}_her. . relating.teaptOpOSed - MGDonalds site- at: Regal C?nn'atight. Plaza along Mzith: an article.- from Economic-- Times describing; igrOwing the? Wa?dv (Addittanat Documents, Mott, 19 Nbv?fmber 2007f Ms" Aye-3M i-LM?ibveRespond-4M Mo 4 cot-M4444 the receipt of" the: .?bd?tiie- emails arid -'Sta'ted that She: would . -__pr_0t:ess the aprapbsaf'l tight-away: (Additional Documents .202November120d7? Nara-from department of. "Connazught. Ha?z? sent 'Tthe entire of se'c?nd .1?MMritejtra'cM Mfi Regal {Banding to ?Ms; Ayes'el ,Melbyeiy Respondent: - (Addiffon'aI 1:29) 21 November2007 '-Sanj?y' Sat-44:1; cit-tent att era-at to Ms. Melbye" ?inter. :alia; 'a'bOMt' McDo r18 Id?st response.- . the Regal matter after Respondent- No. 4' Mass scheduled to have a - dis?ussictri with Dave-- 1-4 99:10,. 12B) 'i-2-1Move'mber-2'oct7 7vitt