Display Ad 38 -- 0 Title The Washington Post (1974-Currentfile); Feb 3, 1982; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Washington Post (1877-1994) pg. C8 Advertisement Edison Electric Institute The association of electric companies Washington, D. C. 20036 Acid rain implies danger. It?s become an issue clouded by confusion, misguided blame and misplaced hope. Undoubtedly, that?s because most people have been inundated with one-sided stories that acid rain is strictly a man-made problem which threatens our environment. Right now, on the basis of incomplete and often frightening reports, people are proposing that legislation be enacted and drastic steps be taken to stOp what they believe to be the cause of acid rain. What is causing acd ran? While it?s easy to draw conclusions from the circumstantial evidence, new facts and new interpretations are shaping a better understanding of acid rain and acidity in the environment. We believe it is virtually impossible to enact sensible legislation until these, and all the facts, are considered. lnformation,free discusson, Mime legislation. We want you to know all the facts, scienti?c, environmental and economic, as well as what can be done and what is being done about this highly complex and controversial issue. So we?ve put together a booklet entitled ?An Updated Perspective on Acid Rain? Call 800-526-7443, Ext. 333 for a free updated fact book. For your free copy, call toll free 800-526-7443, Ext. 333. (In 800-522-4503, Ext. 333.) Or return the coupon below. Do it now. Because acid rain is too important an issue to make a decision about without having all the facts. r. I I want the facts. Please send me ?An Updated Perspective I on Acid Rain? Name I Address I City State Zip I Send to: Acid Rain Facts, BO. Box 5004-, I Clifton, New Jersey 0-7015. _l I wavy